#trailer park pretty but you're never gonna be jolene
maybebabyplease · 1 year
lol I love these questions — 32!!
molly!!!! ask and you shall receive :)
32. What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
the waffle house in amarillo, texas. i grew up in the south and started eating waffle house basically at birth (and probably before -- i'm sure my mom was eating waho while she was pregnant with me) and i literally. did not know that waffle house could taste bad. like i thought that wasn't possible. it's fucking WAFFLE HOUSE, for chrissakes. but the food there was nasty, the waffle house ladies were mean, and we had to cut off a piece of my car in the parking lot (which is not really the waffle house's fault but i do blame the rest of amarillo, texas for their shit roads). if i never go back to amarillo it'll be too soon!
let's get personal
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clickbaitcowboy · 9 months
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trailer park pretty but you're never gonna be jolene 😚 kisses without the $500 prada star glasses cassidy bought him:
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ourpickwickclub · 5 months
They are totally convinced that ‘Carousel’ a song from 2022 is about Blake. They call Blake her ‘Harlan’ – a character from the song. They are literally obsessed with that song.
They also call Gwen ‘Geraldene’ because of this song:
“I could see you coming all the way from Amarillo
Truck stop red lips pullin' on some nicotine
Shining like the spoke on a brand new El Dorado
You're trailer park pretty, but you're never gonna be Jolene”
You can see how ridiculous that is from these lyrics.
They connect every single one song she has put out since the divorce to Blake (and/or Gwen).
Seems like she is talking about herself when she tried to wrangle Evan and failed miserably. I think ML is Geraldine. She’s the secret smoker wearing truck stop red lipstick.
- B
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starsandscars13 · 2 years
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Tammy Rivers
You're trailer park pretty,
but you're never gonna be Jolene
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