#trainer class: rich boy
pokemon-npcs · 5 months
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fiftyten-oc · 2 years
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charts for perry & team
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ladykailitha · 24 days
Of Butterflies and Backstrokes Part 2
Woohoo!!! I'm back with the next chapter of this lovely fic.
Steve and Eddie start circling each other, but they aren't there yet.
Since it's been awhile (three weeks eekk!) I'd go back and read part one again. ;)
Part 1
Eddie got home that night, tired and aching from a long day of grunt work. He found he didn’t hate Murray, but he if he had a choice of passing him in a dark alley or turning tail and running the other direction, he would chose the latter every time.
Murray would spend the first week watching over him and helping him when he made mistakes then next week he’d have to do it all on his own.
Eddie worked from eight to four and the pool opened at 9am and closed to the public at 6pm. Then it was given the rich toffs with their personal coaches until eight or nine. But from when they left and until ten, staff was allowed to use the pool for personal time.
The rec center itself opened at 6am for all the people who wanted to work out before before they had to work. The pool used to open then too, but they had to stop doing that. It was without lifeguards and during that time there were huge ass signs that declared no lifeguard on duty. But because some idiot woman left her kids to play in the kiddie pool while she did yoga or some shit and the little shit goblins got into the big pool and one of them almost drowned. If there hadn’t been one of the trainers arriving early to set up for his class, the shit goblin would have died.
So because of one asshole, the public wasn’t allowed to swim in the mornings before the lifeguards were on duty, that left staff able to use it during that time. And oh boy did Eddie abuse the hell out of that on Saturdays. He, of course, double and triple checked with Joyce and Murray that he was considered staff before he did it the first time. But for three hours one day a week, the pool was mostly his.
Sure, every once in awhile he’d see a lifeguard or a trainer come take advantage of the quiet time, but mostly he was alone. He loved it.
In fact he got to know the lifeguards and trainers. Well all but one of them. Robin, Jonathan, and Nancy were all trainers. Vickie, Carol, Nicole, and Tommy were all lifeguards. All but Steve.
Steve didn’t use either of the two Olympic sized pools, but rather stayed in the endless pool, which was in a separate room. Eddie had been tempted to try it, but he’d have to ask someone how to use it and he just didn’t have the guts to.
He decided that lifeguards were snotty know-it-alls, with the exception of Vickie, and all the trainers were the cool kids.
Nancy trained the advanced students, Jonathan trained intermediate, and Robin with Steve trained the beginners. Which apparent had four different classes. Adults, teenagers, eight to twelve year olds, and the baby and toddler class.
During the day, Eddie would watch the swimming classes and he started noticing a strange pattern. Steve never went into the large pools. He would crouch on the sidelines with his little whistle and blow it when he wanted his class to stop. Then Robin would get into the water with them if she wasn’t there already and correct them.
Or they stayed in the kiddie pool if they were young enough.
Murray caught him staring the second week. “See something you like?”
Eddie wrinkled his nose in distaste.
“I don’t know what you mean,” he huffed going back to restocking the towels. They had gone through them faster today than usual. Or what counted as usual to Eddie in his two short weeks.
“Sure you don’t,” Murray said with a sneer. “I’ve seen you watching the pretty lifeguards and trainers.”
“Well, I’m not going to stare at the coaches,” Eddie said, rolling his eyes and moving on to the laundry baskets. “Considering I’m out of here before they even deign to show up.”
Murray barked out a short laugh. “There’s a reason for that.”
Eddie paused what he was doing and straightened up. He turned to look at his supervisor. “Why’s that?”
Murray just shrugged. “Let’s just say coaches and trainers don’t mix well. Like oil and water.”
Well, Eddie thought, that was cryptic as fuck and annoying as hell. But instead of pressing him, he just got back to work. After all they weren’t paying him for this shit and he just needed to get it done.
“What’s Harrington’s deal, anyway?” he murmured as he pushed the laundry cart past Murray.
“Not my story to tell.”
Eddie sighed. Apparently his supervisor was going to dangle a carrot only to yank it way. Story of his life, honestly.
Which was to say it fucking sucked.
Steve came out of the men’s dressing room a couple of weeks later to find the new maintenance guy watching them again.
The guy turned away when he got caught and bent over to put something away.
Steve turned to Robin. “Does that guy give you creepy vibes?”
They started walking to the kiddie pool for their first class of the day. Teenagers. God, he hated teenagers. They were only there because their parents made them, they never listened, and one or two of them would end getting into trouble, every god damned time.
“Who, Eddie?” Robin asked, looking over at the guy who had began mopping the endless puddle by the towel dispensary.
“Oh is that his name?” Steve asked, curious.
Robin nodded. “Yeah, he’s actually here doing community service. Got caught dealing and was sentenced to working here for about three months.”
Steve chewed his bottom lip. “Still not beating the creep vibes there, Robs.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she said and threw her head back, laughing. “But no, he’s really nice guy and you’d like him if you actually joined us on Saturdays.” She poked his side for emphasis.
He wiggled and squirmed away fro her. “You know why I can’t.”
She sighed and cocked her head to the side knowingly as she sized him up.
Robin and Steve had actually had the same swim coach growing up, her parents applying to some disadvantaged kids program.
Steve excelled at it while Robin merely enjoyed it. After she graduated from high school she went into linguistics and then learned there aren’t that many jobs for a polyglot. So she became his interpreter at international events like the World Championships and the Olympics.
Especially the Olympics as the primary language is French.
After his accident she got them the job of teaching kids how to swim. Joyce was fine with their little arrangement as she called it and most parents were understanding once they found out why a swim instructor didn’t like deep pools.
There were always those that complained, but Joyce would refund their money and tell them to go elsewhere. First complaint and bam! They were gone. She trusted Steve and that’s all that mattered to her.
“I know, dingus,” she said linking their arms together. “You’ll figure it out eventually.”
They got to the pool and found five spotty teenagers waiting for them. Four boys and a girl. One of them, who had gangly limbs and freckles on his arms and face sneered at him.
“What are we doing at the kiddie pool?” he whined the second he saw them. “It’s for like kids.”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “I could toss you in the deep end the main pool and see how well you fair, if you’d like?”
The other kids stared at him in shock, clearly not expecting Steve to bitch back.
“You wouldn’t!” the snotty teen huffed. “You’re not allowed to do that!”
Robin and Steve shared a glance and then Steve just shrugged.
“It’s what we do with the babies and toddlers,” he said, nonchalant, batting his eyelashes innocently. “I mean if it’s good enough for babies, it should be good enough for you, right?”
The kid’s mouth opened and shut without a single word coming out.
“You know,” Robin said dryly, “moving your mouth like a fish doesn’t mean you are one, so I’d close it if I were you.”
He snapped his mouth shut with an audible click and gulped loudly.
Once Steve was satisfied he wasn’t going to say anything else, he started the class.
Then when they in the pool learning how to float, Steve looked up to see Eddie grinning at up him. He blushed and looked away. He didn’t know why his insides suddenly felt like liquid metal had been poured down his esophagus but he knew he liked the feeling.
Okay, so maybe Eddie liked how pretty Steve was and how he would take down the Chads and Karens when they threw fits and how Joyce backed him up every time. But he really did try to keep the staring down to a minimum.
Which he absolutely failed at if Joyce’s teasing and Murray’s snide remarks were to go by. Like the only people who hadn’t teased him about it was Hopper and his Wayne. And he figured it was only because they never saw how flustered he got when Steve came around.
The trainers teased him, the lifeguards teased him. His friends teased him. God he wanted to murder Jeff in his sleep sometimes.
“Look, man,” Jeff said, “you’ve got to at least talk to him. Robin even said that he thinks your staring is creepy.”
Eddie let out a pained sigh. “We don’t have breaks at the same time and he never comes into the main pool area if he can help it.”
Jeff scratched his chin. “Maybe he’s afraid of water.”
“Like a swim instructor could be scared of going into the pool,” he scoffed. “He teaches in the kiddie pool and the endless pool, so it can’t be all water.”
Jeff just shrugged.
But the comment wouldn’t let go his brain. It created an itch at the back of his mind every time he saw Steve.
The closest he ever got to the pool was just out of arm’s reach. One time he even caught one of the teen-aged beginners try for him and missed.
Steve got up and walked away and the kid was forced to do pedaling exercises until the class ended. And even then Steve still hadn’t come back from class.
He needed to mop the men’s changing room, so he called out. “Maintenance! Hey anyone in here?”
When Eddie didn’t get a response, he walked right in with mop and bucket. The rec center liked to keep the area as dry as they could even though there were signs everywhere: CAUTION WET FLOOR.
He started by the showers and slowly made his way to the changing rooms, when he got to the last stall he actually found it locked.
He hoped he didn’t have to crawl under the gap in the door to reach around and unlock it because little kids were shits. More than once Eddie had seen them lock the door and crawl out, leaving it locked and any appeals to their parents fell on deaf ears.
But as he crouched down to look he could hear the sounds of someone crying softly. He then spotted the soft shoes that a lot of the swim staff wore again, color coded like everything else in this place. White for trainer.
Eddie’s heart sank.
“Hey, Harrington, that you?” he called out gently. All their last names were on the backs of their polos.
There was a sniffle or two before the weak, “Yeah, yeah. Sorry, just give me a minute and I’ll be out of your way.”
The door opened and a very disheveled Steve came out of the stall, head down and shoulders rounded.
“You sick or something?” Eddie asked, tilting his head to get a better look at the man.
Steve let out a bitter laugh. “Yeah you can say that.” He went to the sinks and splashed water on his face couple of times before drying it on a paper towel and throwing it away.
Eddie watched as the trainer exited the changing rooms leaving him with more questions then he had answers.
Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @chameleonhair @sadisticaltarts @dreamercec @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @mac-attack19
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Bryan sometimes wondered if he should have told his daughter Sarah about his plan to help her with her bullying problem - but by now it was far too late.
It wasn't like there was much of Bryan left anyway. Beckie had seen to that.
It had all started a few weeks ago when Sarah had come home in tears again. She told her Dad that she was being emotionally manipulated and abused by a brat in her class, Beckie.
Beckie wasn't like the other girls. She was... better. She had bigger tits, blonder hair, more expensive clothes and makeup. In short she was a total bully - and like all bullies she enjoyed having a victim to humiliate.
That victim was Sarah. Beckie had correctly identified that the pink haired goth girl would be an easy target. She undermined Sarah at every chance and mocked her for being different.
At first the other girls around them seemed uncomfortable, but none of them said or did anything. Some of them had been friends with Sarah for a long time - but their silence was deafening.
That didn't last long. Beckie had a strange influence on others. Gradually at first, but increasingly rapidly they began to change. They began to dress like Beckie, talk like Beckie - even starting to join in her bullying.
It was like some evil hive mind had taken control of the girls and made them think and act just like Beckie.
They began to get boob jobs and wear tight skirts and tiny tops. They dumped their boyfriends and began to fuck black guys only. High heels and boots replaced comfortable trainers and shoes. Attitudes became troublesome, arrogance grew and bit by bit they became empty souless brats who loved to tease and lead on all the boys
All except Sarah who was left isolated and tormented. Beckie and her goons were now everywhere and Sarah didn't even want to go to college anymore.
That's why Bryan decided to have it out with Beckie. This couldn't go on.
He didn't tell Sarah his plan - not that it was much of a plan. Just go and confront Beckie, get her to leave his daughter alone.
He drove over to the luxurious condo where Beckie and her rich divorced Mom (four husbands) lived. There was a pink Landrover parked on the drive and a giant swimming pool at the back.
Banging on the door Bryan was relieved when Beckie opened it. She was wearing a tiny LA Boutine bikini set and her long blonde hair fell wantonly over her shoulders. It was hard to read her expression thanks to the mirror shades she wore.
"What the fuck do you want?" she yawned boredly examining a long bejewelled manicured nail.
"I want you to leave my daughter Sarah alone!" grunted Bryan in what he hoped was an intimidated way.
Beckie's whole demeanour changed as she realised who he was. Her lips twitched into a naughty smile and her blue eyes twinkled excitedly as she tore off her shades. It wasn't the reaction he had expected.
"Nooooo fucking way! This is so cool. Get in here."
Giggling excitedly, Beckie yanked Bryan into the house. Sliding her small sexy hand into his she lead him inside and he dazedly followed.
A pink fog seemed to instantly descend around Bryan. Rational decisions and thoughts became sluggish and hard. A dreamlike quality now surrounded the day and Bryan found himself going along with his daughters bully.
"What did you say your name was? Bailey?"
"No, Bryan," he croaked weakly.
"I prefer Bailey. Beckie and Bailey sounds a lot hotter right Bailey?"
Bailey blinked. He didn't know why but it made a lot of sense. Yes, Bailey was a much better name.
"So Bailey, does Sarah know you're here?"
"No, I didn't tell anyone."
"Fuck yeah, this is perfect. None of those bitches have quite got what it takes to be my bestie. I was wondering which of them to fully transform, but now you just walked out of the blue and gave me the perfect answer. If no one knows you came here, they'll never find you once we're done."
Bailey blinked. He didn't know what the fuck Beckie was talking about.
"What the hell are you talking a..."
"First rule Bailey. You NEVER interrupt me when I'm talking and you never question me. Whatever I say you go along with, right? That's what besties like you are for! I'm the hot one and you're my sexy little shadow. You don't have any opinions of your own, you just copy mine."
Bailey blinked and his mouth clamped shut. Besties? What the fuck was this demented bitch talking about? Still he should probably do as she said. She probably knew best. In fact Beckie seemed really cool and hot. He bet her opinions were much better than his.
"Second rule is we always dress to impress. I need to get out of this bikini and we need to get you in some decent clothes. Come upstairs with me now."
Bailey followed Beckie up to her bedroom. The pink fog was stronger now. It was like the longer he was in her presence, the easier it was to go along with what she wanted.
"You're obviously not as strong minded as your daughter anyway. The influence doesn't seem to work very well on her. Not that I care so long as it affects everyone else. I'm the best right?"
Bailey just nodded stupidly and said, "Yes Beckie."
"Well you seem very susceptible which is pretty hot. Seeing as you're going to be my bestie I'll tell you about it. I don't know how or why but I was born with a power. I call it the influence. It let's me change reality and people around me. I always get the things that I want eventually. People just change to match my expectations. Those losers at college are all well on the way to being popular girls like me, but it can take time. When I really want something though the influence gets more powerful."
Bailey nodded along, "Wow, that sounds hot Beckie."
"It is hot. It's so fucking hot. It makes me feel like a God. Right now Bailey I've never wanted anything so much as to turn you from that losers nice kind Daddy into my evil, bitchy bestie. Just look at how fast the influence is working. Look down."
Bailey looked down. Whilst he had been talking to Beckie he hadn't noticed how tingly his body had been. He gasped. His male clothes now hung loose and baggy over his body which had shrunk to nearly half the size. He was an inch shorter than Beckie now and his arms and legs seemed stick thin. His tummy was as flat as a washboard and all his body hair was gone.
"Take off those stupid fucking clothes - you look dumb. We need to get you into a new outfit right now.
Bailey didn't object as Beckie helped him out of his clothes. He noticed his skin looked younger. His hands were now more delicate and his feet were tiny. His whole body felt like a dolls. He looked down and gawped at his crotch. His dick was... it was gone!
"What are you staring at Bailey? Haven't you ever seen a pussy before. Kind of weird seeing as you're a girl."
Bailey frowned and she shook her head - but it was hopeless to fight the influence. Of course she was a girl. She had always been a girl.
Grabbing Bailey's hand Beckie pulled her into her bathroom and shoved her in front of the mirror. Bailey gasped at the vision in front of her.
A beautiful girl with small but perfect tits, a perky ass and long dark hair was looking back at her.
"Look how pretty you are Bailey. You're worthy to be my bestie. Now let's get you into a bodystocking and fix that makeup."
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Bailey loved feeling Beckie's skillful fingers fix her lipstick, mascara and foundation. "Of course you know how to do all this right?" smirked Beckie. "Show me... you try."
Bailey took the brush from her besties hands and skillfully continued to apply her makeup as if she had done it all her life.
It felt like she was replacing her old personality and thoughts as she applied more makeup. Being feminine felt so good.
"Good girl, you look so hot! Now the third rule is that being a bitch always feels good. From now on you are going to be a bully. Being my bestie means you have to be just as mean and as cruel as I am."
"Yes Beckie, that sounds hot," giggled Bailey as she felt her morals melt away.
"Then say it," gloated Beckie.
"Being a bitch always feels good. I'm cruel and mean and I like it."
As she said the words Bailey felt her nipples get hard and her pussy getting wet.
"And who's the biggest loser we know?" hissed Beckie with evil glee. "Who deserves to get bullied every day?"
"S... Sarah?" guessed Bailey, feeling a flash of guilt that then faded to never return.
"That's right. Doesn't it feel good to know you're better than her? What does she mean to you?"
"N...nothing... she means nothing. I fucking hate her. I want to bully and humiliate her for being such a skank."
Bailey giggled as the words oozed out of her mouth. Yessss this is what she wanted. Wasn't it?
Beckie lifted Bailey back off the bed and walked her to the mirror.
"Very good. Now tell me... who are you?"
"Me? I'm Bailey your bestie and I love being a fucking brat. I hate Sarah and I share all your opinions."
Part of Bailey suddenly rebelled... a bit of her that was shrinking fast. She groaned and gripped her head. "Noooo you can't stop me, this is my body now. I'm Bailey and I love it."
Giggling Beckie slid a long glass dildo into her besties hands. "Don't worry babe, it's just the last part of your old pysche trying to fight back. Make yourself cum and he'll give in forever. My influence is too strong!"
Lying on the bed, Bailey unpopped her lingerie and exposing her tight pussy slowly slid the dildo inside.
"I'm a... unnnnff bitch, I'm a bully I ooooohhh hate Sarah."
Pump. Pump. Pump.
Wet squelches filled the air and the sounds of panting moans as Bailey pleasured her new body and the final barriers to her mind began to break down to Beckie's obscene influence.
"That's it. You're just like me now Bailey. You're a rich, mean, popular slut. You will never escape my influence."
"Yesssss I'm a rich slut and I'm a oooooh fucking bitch. I'm a BIIIIITTTTTCHHHH!"
Bailey screamed and yanked the dildo out as her pussy throbbed and she began to squirt. Her brain went white hot as her new personality and thoughts locked forever.
She was such a bitch and she loved it.
Beckie stroked her hair and giggled. "Don't worry, my influence will give you a new identity. Everyone will falsely remember you've always been my bestie. Well everyone except Sarah. We're going to have so much fun together babe..."
Sarah cried as her Mom tried to comfort her. Bryan had been missing for weeks now and the police couldn't provide any answers. She'd barely slept, barely eaten. No one could find even a trace of him.
Her Mom had taken her out for coffee and they were sat outside in the sunshine when she saw her bullies approaching.
Beckie and Bailey laughed and giggled to each other as they passed, saying something mean. Bailey dropped a note as she passed and despite herself Sarah picked it up.
It was a scrumpled missing note - one of the ones she'd put up everywhere. It showed Bryan and offered a reward for information about his disappearance.
Someone had written in lipstick on the note.
"Your Daddy hates you so he left home. You're a fucking loser."
Sarah felt more tears come as she saw the mean girls laughing at her reaction. In their centre a gloating Beckie smiled approvingly at her protegee Bailey.
She really was a great influence on the bitch...
The End
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azsazz · 5 months
Hiii 👋 just wanted to say I adore your writing ☺️ I always get so happy when I see you’ve written something new 😁
I was curious to ask, what are some of your favourite modern AU jobs/roles for the bat boys (whether you’ve written about them or not)? Or just any ACOTAR characters?
CEO Rhys has been done a lot, but for good reason, it’s so perfect. He almost has to be effortlessly rich and/or in some position of power, like a prince, or a mafia boss.💰 I also kinda like to imagine him as a nepo baby set to take over his father’s company, but he breaks away or gets cut off, so with his very little actual job experience (as he was all set to inherit), he gets a barista job at a lil coffee shop. ☕️
Cass would definitely suit something physical, like an ice hockey player, or a firefighter, or a personal trainer. I could so see him being a gym teacher as well, imagine him coaching a kids ice hockey team. 💪🏽 He would SO volunteer to be a nude model in life drawing classes in his free time 😆 Though I hadn’t considered it before I read your stuff, I think he really fits a small town rancher too. I can so picture him in jeans, boots, and a flannel shirt, driving around in an old rusty faded red truck 👨‍🌾
Az could easily be in the FBI or something, but choosing something further away from his canon role, I seriously think he’d be an awkward computer programmer / software engineer nerd, or a twitch gamer, 👨🏻‍💻 with a secret anonymous OnlyFans or erotic audio patreon on the side. 😏 And I reckon he’d ride a motorcycle and tinker with it in his spare time, so might also enjoy working at a garage. 🏍️ I really love him in Midnight Muse, and think he suits a shy amateur artist / tattoo artist as well.
I also love the bat boy band idea I’ve seen a lot recently, where Rhys is the charismatic lead singer and guitarist, Az is the quiet songwriting bassist, and Cass is the energetic drummer. 🎶
Sorry it’s so long, I just love thinking about this stuff 😄
Hiiii!! Thank you so so much! I saw this message this morning but wanted to wait until I could give it my full attention and have my computer around, so thank you for your patience! 💙
Okay, some of my favorite AUs for the batboys? This is a wonderful question!
Rhys: Normally, I just think of Rhys as always having some sort of money/job inherited. So CEO, mafia, anything that puts him in a position of power, really, but i think it's mostly because those just reflect the books.
I do, however, love love love art school rhys. painter rhys. working at the local art supply degenerate rhys who still has wealthy parents but is trying to stick it to the man rhys. steals erasers and petty things from the art supply rhys. love him so much.
There's also something to be said about young adult rhys who's messing around with his little sister's best friend rhys. he gets me going too.
also captain of the hockey team rhys is a solid choice for him as well.
Cass: LOVE ME SOME RANCHER/COWBOY/SMALL TOWN CASSIAN. but, these are all very different. small town cass doesn't trust women, heart broken at a young age with the girl he thought was his forever. doesn't want to leave town, likes the ranch because its safe and its what he knows. cowboy cass or bull rider cassian, famous for breaking horses and backs. grumpy, gruff rancher cassian always gets me going tbh he's fucking hot as shit
i also always see him in a blue collar role like a mechanic or welder are the two i mostly attribute to him.
def something physical as well, we love hockey cass, rugby cass, wrestler (wwe lol) cass, dang i had another on my mind for sports cass but i forgot. sad. OH surfer cassian. jock type tho i can see him as. love the firefighter vibe for him too, he'd fill out the tight fire department t-shirt WELL LADIES and also volunteers for wet t-shirt contests. omg gym teach cass would be adorable as hell! oof another thought, contractor cassian ffs that would be so yummy
Az: Az i agree fits the FBI (stalker) vibes. i also like to think of him in finance or computer science too. omfg the erotic audio that's iconic and i'd def subscribe to that. hmmm what else could i see azzy doing...maybe something with music or writing...i could see him being a ghost writer of some sort and then one day his song plays on the radio and he's like hey i wrote that and literally no one believes him. something behind the scenes or where he can go unnoticed is mostly where i place him, tbh. honestly maybe even something military because he takes comfort in having a set schedule and people telling him what to do at every minute of the day. he'd fare well i think. perfect. operative because if the mission goes south and he gets captured he's not telling a soul anything.
Eris: idk why this thought came to my head but i was thinking about architecture but i think eris would be a fantastic interior designer lol. like i could see it. maybe i was just thinking about him furnishing az's new place and having a lil sparky. i could also see him as a lawyer too or something like that, something where he can be the know-it-all, smirking at them and looking down his nose at them...
Lucien: Architecture for sure. or professor. I could see him doing either of these. maybe even lawyer tbh, he would be good at that too, though i know he's immaculate at twisting stories and words so you gotta be careful of that.
Tamlin: poet? lol. professional gaslighter? jk i love tammy. maybe he installs security systems? haha just kidding just kidding. he's a tough one tho. idk why i added him but i guess also a musician but low-key soothing music, instrumental for sure...prob has a podcast where he just bullshits all day
hopefully i didn't rant for too long about this 🤭💙 this was so much fun though thank you for asking!
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
Playing Pokémon Omega Ruby and plz tell me why THIS trainer class is giving off the same exact vibes as Genesis Rhapsodos???? 😂
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Doesn’t help that they’re called “Rich Boys” either shshshhsh.
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medichamcham · 13 days
wait im cackling. rose as the Rich Boy trainer class?
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easybrainrot34 · 1 year
Hot takes Haikyuu characters would have
These r silly ones that arnt too deep. I just think these r some "hot takes" these boys would have that would turn into hour long convos.
"If people diet shame you, like if u eat meat or r a vegetarian, r the biggest assholes. If I see one of u in the wild I'm going to throw baby carrots at you!!Let people eat what they wanna fuck wad!"
- Bokuto, Karoo, Daichi (this man will go into the "what do u want for people to do have an eating issuer??!!" part of it) Yamaguchi, Tendou, Tanaka (hello gym owner, personal trainer, man would go HARD)
"Y does anyone care about body count? Like y would it matter how many people someone has slept with before you?? It gets concerning only if it's like 15 20+ in a month bc.. like r u ok? Or like STD reasons but like ur an adult chances r uve has sex with more then one person. ALSO if ur keeping count of the number of people u've slept with and it's more then 10 y r u keeping count....that is such a frat boy hoe move"
- Ushijima, Akaashi, Tsukishima, Tanaka, Kuroo, Kiyoko, Saeko, kageyama, Meian, Atsumu (haikyuus resident fanon slut) Suna
“Why can't woman have hobbies without getting shit for it? Like if she likes sports she's a pick me, if she likes kpop she's weird, if she likes gaming she's just doing it for guys but if it's sims or animal crossing she's a fake gamer, matter of fact y can't they like certain artist without men quizzing them like they gotta know every fuckin detail about them?! Y do we as men think we gotta only have stuff and anyone else who likes it is fake??"
- Kenma, Suna, Tanaka (hes for the girls 💅🏻) Henita (protective older brother mode) Akaashi, Kiyoko, Yachi, Saeko (this will turn into a 45 min rant)
“Rich out of touch people need to stay in their own lane. Don’t try to act like ur “just a regular average Joe.” Their is nothing wrong with being famous or rich but it isn’t a relatable for an average middle class person and it just comes off as fake or patronizing.” 
- Kenma (I feel like bc he is an influencer he has this opinion strongly) Kuroo, Meian, Atsumu, Osamu, Tanaka (again bc I feel like he gets his fair share of athletes) Iwaizumi, Kageyama, Hinata (i feel like he doesn’t take any of the success he has for granted) 
“A man recognizing that another man is handsome shouldn’t be automatically considered them to possibly be gay. Why is it that if a man is comfortable in their sexuality it is seen as something praisable? Like if a woman do it it’s normal but if a man does it everyone is assuming they r gay. Like no we can be comfortable enough in our sexuality to be able to show this. Like it’s seen as not masculine and that is just silly. I can’t show emotion beside happiness or rage without being considered “feminine” ?? How dumb.”
- Atsumu, Bokuto, Kuroo, (i feel like both get passionate about this, because people questioned their sexuality/relationship in high school)  yamaguchi, Hinata, Nishinoya, Asahi, Kenma
Let me know if I should do a part 2 bc I could keep going but I literally almost ran out of hashtag room lol 
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payday-purrfect · 7 months
An introduction.
I'm Garfield Mistoffelees, Alola born, currently living in Hoenn with mother and father. I'm of the Rich Boy trainer class, so know your place.
I am Selina, although occasionally you might have to deal with Mia instead. I currently live in Paldea, having run away from my parents. I'm not interested in battling, but consider me a Lass regardless.
My parents are the current owners of Purrfect Play Rough, the world's most successful cat pokemon supplies distributor and manufacturers since 1957. I've promised to live up to their standards as heir to the company and family fortune.
... So a lot has happened. It doesn't matter. Hmph.
... I have an emotional support pokemon, Peggy the furret, as well as a service pokemon, Labrys the tinkaton.
There's also Calico the mew, Grape the espeon, and Kyle the solgaleo.
//There's magic at play here, don't be fooled.
//Mod is an adult but muse is a minor, so keep it clean.
//Pelipper Mail is on.
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pokemon-npcs · 8 months
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gojosusedthong · 1 year
♱ Au/Character/Relationship Trope suggestions but they get more specific ♱ :
「 ✰ Red is my personal fav :- 」
Cocky Boxer x mature trainer
Tired sheriff x criminal who loves the chase
flower shop x tattoo shop
Dumb x dumber
Chubby (insecure about it) x finds it sexy
Hates touch x extreme ocd
Farmer x curious city boy
Too sober x too drunk
Reincarnated dude x lover from past life
Hot electrician x stay at home husband
Tall shy x small big daddy energy
Sylvia Plath girl x Albert Camus guy
Art school student x cocky engineering student
Rich modern artist x renaissance dick rider who hates them
Overly explains the history of ancient artifacts x "I know"
Sir you're not allowed to dress in a chicken mascot here x doesn't stop
Makes literature/book references x the only one who understands them
Avoids paying for meals in restaurants in creative ways x doesn't fall for any of their tricks
Emo artist x bubbly scientist
Baker x single dad with 2 daughters
Arrogant celebrity x fan who pretends to not care about them (they're losing their mind)
Talkative coffee shop barista x grumpy insomniac who only drinks black coffee
Obnoxious x tolerant
Museum lover x hates museum
Poor asf x has money to burn
Electric guitarist x amateur guitarist
Bulky patient plumber x clumsy himbo
People only like them for their looks x blind
stalker x worse stalker who stalks the stalker
Apologist x why are you apologizing?
Angry villain asking 'who did this?' x hero who's severely injured by another villain
Bad first impression x doesn't let them forget about it
Rude asf x apologizes for them
Depressed x depressed but intellectually dramatic about it (reads Kafka)
Flirty x wants nothing to do with them but falls twice as hard at the end
Author who hangs out at graveyards x a really concerned passerby
lost man x letting lost man sleep in his house
Immortal x a really confused Grim Reaper
Prince who can't sleep x musician who can make them sleepy
Receptionist x highly annoying store repeater
Loves pottery x asks them to help with pottery
Underrated singer x is their Top listener
Librarian x guy who can't read but stays in the library anyway
Overworked student x student who always sleep but scores higher
Friendly gardener x cold businessman but has a soft spot for them
Visits abandoned buildings x coward (they're build like a tank)
"Wait...so you're not a girl?" x "I get that a lot"
Elementary school teacher x accountant who dislikes children (says they're annoying)
Demon who always visits earth x angel who has to drag them back to hell
world renown chef x harsh food critic who dislikes everything the chef cooks (the chef is determined to change this)
Hopeless romantic deity x the most stinky lazy bum to ever exist (the deity adores them)
Overly worried about what others think x fuck it we only live once + do it for the plot
'so there's this book I've been reading...' x 'tell me all about it'
Attention seeker x obsessed with fictional characters (attention seeker is jealous of this)
Loud neighbor hosting parties every week x annoyed neighbor crashing their parties in the most weird ways possible
Spoiled emperor who manipulates everyone with his power to intimidate them x too dense to understand threats
Lazy bum like a koala x nags a lot but finds them endearing
I can't shut up x the only one who can make them willingly shut up with just a glare
"At least I'm being brave about it" x "whatever you say"
Fakes headaches and always sleeps in the school infirmary x class monitor who won't let this slide
Fakes being perfect (really insecure) x knows the secret that they try to hide (they make a deal)
Popular as the Mr. Nice guy (actually two-faced and gets mad easily) x discovers their secret side and confronts them about it (Mr. Nice guy begs them to keep it a secret)
Beyond beautiful model x nerdy photographer
Scary on the outside (actually really soft) x nice on the outside (the one you should actually be scared about)
Soft spoken yoga instructor x easily flustered gym bro
Desperate Journalist x celebrity who loves pranks and disguises
Doctor in a small town x the same patient who keeps getting into trouble
"This particular detail symbolizes the emptiness residing within the frail human mind and the bleak nature of their demise. What do you think?" x "That's a triangle"
Small Streamer x CEO who watches their live streams and donates a lot
Ex-professional wrestler x idiot who challenges anyone to a fist fight at waffle house
Always arguing for some reason x tries to be nice but snaps and argues twice as much (they make out to make up)
Loves sweets x hates them but has a collection of sweets in case they want it
Childhood friend who remembers everything x pretends to not know them but has a deep crush
Dimension traveller who tries to change their lovers fate x their lover that is destined to die during Christmas Eve in every alternate universe
Rock collector x son of a billionaire who would shamelessly pick up rocks from random places to give it to them and gets articles written about his weird behavior
Coworker with no vehicle x coworker with a cool bike and is willing to give them a ride
Goes to the cinema every night, every day to watch horror movies x watches the same movie as they do every night and thinks they're a stalker (the other thinks they're a stalker too but they get along and discuss the movies they watch)
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Do what you will with these ideas
🂱 If you write a fic inspired by them pls tell me the title on Ao3 or Wattpad so I could read it 🂱
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allwaswell16 · 1 year
Hi! What ongoing fics are you currently following??
oof, I've been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance to really follow any but here are some I know about! And if anyone else has more, please reply with some others!
you are my destiny (you are the reason that i still believe) by @alwaysxlarrie
Being a new employee at a company means that you have to learn to brush off the shitty bosses, shitty coworkers, and not getting the credit you actually deserve for things. At least, that's been Harry Styles' experience. Coworkers who steal his ideas in pursuit of getting praise and a raise, and a boss who's indifferent at best and condescending at worst. Harry has learned to expect this reality for the foreseeable future. He's accepted it.
What he hadn't expected was for Louis Tomlinson to waltz into their company, and his life, and change around everything he thought he knew about fate.
A Cinderella AU.
Of Hangovers and Hell by @unreadablehandle
Harry is not exactly a loves-social-gatherings guy. So when Niall talks him into going to a party, one during which Harry somehow ends up in a room of no other than the pretentious athlete Louis Tomlinson... shit goes down.
(very loosely) inspired by that one selfie, you know which one
The Habit I Can't Break by @cyantific
While searching for a healthy alternative to fill the void that one habit left, Louis gets hooked on something and someone totally different. This new experience pushes him way out of his comfort zone, making Louis realize he’s capable of so much more than he could’ve ever imagined.
Or… The one where Louis quits smoking and tries to get healthy, and Harry is the fitness instructor who helps him achieve those goals while making him sweat in and out of the gym. In which Harry and Louis still meet at bootcamp, just not the one you’re thinking of.
Featuring Lottie as the supportive sister who drags her brother to bootcamp class, Louis as the grumpy (and very recent) ex-smoker, and Harry as the instructor with exhausting amounts of enthusiasm and one obnoxious pair of yellow trainers.
real love (ain't that something rare?) by roguesue / @theroguesue
Louis Tomlinson has been taught to appreciate life for the little things, to never take anything for granted and to always enjoy the things you have, no matter how little or insignificant they may appear to be. But when his mum marries a rich man, he’s suddenly thrust into a life he’s always hated.
He is determined to keep hating the life he's loathed since he was little, but everything changes when he meets a rich spoiled brat named Harry Styles, who as it turns out, has the power to more than change his mindset.
You, Me, (and everyone we know) by Imogenlee / @imogenleefic
Rockstar Harry Styles has been making headlines since he was barely legal. After a string of bad decisions, PR nightmares, and an obvious inability to take anything seriously, management and his other band members insist he needs a full-time, live-in personal assistant. After hiring and firing half of the executive PA's in the city, the boys stumble across one that might be able to put up with Harry's shit.
Applicant: Name: Louis Tomlinson. Qualifications: None. Experience: Two weeks. Why did you leave your last job: Boss was a wanker. Past Employer Referee: Absolutely not. What made you apply: I didn't. Why the fuck are you idiots making me fill this form out after you forced me to take the job?
Save Me (from myself) by Imogenlee / @imogenleefic
The problem with being friends with Liam Payne was that he had a lot of friends... and forced them to be around each other. When they finished high school, both Louis and Harry were equally relieved that they wouldn't have to tolerate each other constantly or whatever it was that they did.
For five years, it worked out perfectly. They'd only had to see each other a handful of times.
Unfortunately, Liam had to go and get engaged, ask them to both be groomsmen, and then go full groomzilla on their arses. With just twelve weeks to plan the 'perfect' destination wedding and throw every ridiculous pre-wedding celebration Liam and his fiancée stumble across, it was safe to say they were firmly back in each other's lives.
And no one could have predicted that was exactly what they needed.
Give Me Your Forever by twinflamelarry / @twinflamebreeze
Being born without any superpowers is about as normal as life gets, that is unless you are growing up in an academy full of kids with supernatural powers. That's Louis' life, being the ordinary one. These kids and this stringent academy are all he has known in the name of family and home. Eighteen bittersweet years, some friendships and a tragedy later, the academy falls apart, leaving everyone with the only option of moving on. And Louis does so, all in the hopes of leaving the past and that particular curly haired boy behind.
What happens when all of them return under the same old roof after seven years? The answer is, definitely not a happy family reunion. Louis could prepare for all of it; bitter family members, traumas of the past, old love and whatever life-altering secrets that will unravel during this visit, but how does one prepare for... possibly the end of the fucking world as we know it?
Or an Umbrella Academy AU with a good portion of gay romance.
it's you by harryanthus_annuus / @harryanthus-annuus
A threat clouds the success of Marcel Cox’s 2022 World Tour. In the final hour of desperation, his team sets out in search for a double. Only too happy to have someone else take the figurative bullet for him, Marcel makes sure this ‘Harry Styles’ bloke finds his list of assignments ample — including wining and dining his much-loathed PR boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson.
Calm after the Storm by Darling28 / @darling-28
Louis and Harry have been best friends since childhood and lovers since they were 15. They can't imagine their lives without each other and yet that's exactly what they both have to cope with when Harry is allowed to do a year's internship abroad. Both initially believe they can manage it but everything suddenly crumbles and neither of them knows how to hold on to the other.
While Harry suddenly has a rising career ahead of him, Louis slips into an abusive relationship after their break up without realising it.
But what happens when Harry comes back and stands in front of Louis again after years of separation? And how do you deal with it when you still love the other person as much as you did from the beginning?
I've Got Demons, You've Got Scars by @mission2feelike
Harry’s life has been ruined twice. Once, the first time his alpha raised his fist four years ago, and then again today when his job discovered that he is an omega in a world where omegas, especially bonded omegas, have no rights. Now, he’s stuck trying to figure out how he’s going to take care of his four-year-old daughter, Mia. Just when it’s looking completely hopeless, a possible job arises. Someone is looking for an omega to help an alpha in need. The only problem is that the alpha has been diagnosed with Alpha Rage, a crippling disease that causes an alpha to become feral, making them succumb to their most instinctual, primal versions of themselves.
A story of an omega that’s been broken, an alpha that can’t trust himself, and their unlikely relationship.
Lovingly known as 'The Feral Louis Fic'.
Unrequited by babyhoneyhslt / @babyhoneyheslt
Omega Prince Harry of England has been engaged to Prince Louis of France ever since he was a young boy. Having met him at four and forming a bond, Harry is upset to find that Louis no longer treats him like a friend, instead treating him coldly.
However, Louis has his own dark secrets and Harry doesn’t know just how many dangers linger in French Court.
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freakurodani · 1 year
hi adri my love may i please humbly request bokuto’s sisters for your doodle requests. pretty please ❤️
isa my beloved i would do anything for u ❤️
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so, these are my headcanons for bokuto's sisters, Makiko and Hana!!
Makiko is the oldest, by, a lot,, Mama and Mom Bokuto had her when they were really young, and she is 12 years older than Koutarou. She took her role as big sister very seriously when Hana and Koutarou were born. She had wanted younger siblings for so long, and was pretty upset her parents took so long to get her some! She was hyper protective and wasnt afraid of threatening 3 year olds at her siblings daycare for making them cry.
Makiko is very athletic, in highschool she got into wrestling and was really good at it!! she got really confident and took a lot of pride in her strength, even if people thought she wasn't very ladylike! She didn't care bc she's way stronger and if you dont like her you could *try* to do something about it, but chances were you couldn't! After highschool she became a personal trainer and teaches women's self defense classes! she also is a small time social media influencer, posting tips and tricks on fun exercises and encourages people to do the things they're scared to do!
Hana, the middle child, 3 years older than Koutarou, wasn't into sports. She is really into art! she wanted to become a professional mural artist, but despite the encouragement from her family, she got discouraged by her counselor and went into graphic design instead. She's very close with Koutarou and they tend to be each other's confidants. Koutarou would often pull her from her hyperfixation state whenever she really got into an artwork and would forget to eat for hours and hours, and she was the first person Koutarou told about being bi and his crush on Akaashi, though she was already in college at the time.
It starts off as a joke, about how much she hates her office job, but she started saying that shes gonna marry rich so she can just paint all day instead, and when Koutarou makes it pro, she jokes about him setting her up with a successful volleyball player, and boy howdy, does Koutarou try. He tries, so hard. Atm she's still single, but one day, her dreams will come true :)
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radroller · 5 months
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Look at all the trainer classes used in this crowd shot! There’s a Pokemaniac, Collector, Beauty, Rich Boy, Fisherman, and a bunch more! Satoshi Yamamoto’s such a fun artist.
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ialpiriel · 9 months
😄&🥰 for the gladiator, 🌳, 🔨, 🙂&😱 for both cursor and eques
The Gladiator:
😄: How can you tell when they're really happy? What sorts of things make them happy? How often do they smile?
I think she’s pretty normal to tell if she’s happy or not! She likes security, and likes, like…silly little gestures of affection. Nothing better than your girlfriend bringing you dinner in your house with a door that locks from the inside. Sometimes your life has been varying degrees of Bad for two decades and maybe you should get some higher standards. But also she's so conveniently easy to please.
🥰: Who do they currently consider to be their best friend and why? Has their best friend changed over time?
It’s Marta by the end of UWTS, for sure, but Conway has also had his turn during the gladiator years, and before the dead year/being sold it was DEFINITELY Paul. They’re less than a year apart in age. Partners in crime. Inseparable until it turns out Boys And Girls Are Different And So You Will Have Different Chores And Responsibilities And Also It’s Weird That You’re Best Friends.
Cursor & Eques:
🌳: What physical traits did they inherit from their biological parents? Do they look more like one parent than the other?
Oh I have a piece of art about this! I needed something to do in class a couple months ago. Pardon these pictures, i don't have a scanner and I'm too lazy to do tone corrections.
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For Eques: she has the same head shape, including double chin, as her mom, same eyes and ears, and the dimples. She has her dad's eyebrows and nose.
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For Cursor: her head, hairline, eyelids, and nose are the same as her dad (fucking spitting image-ass kid). She has the same eye shape, chin, and ears as her mom tho. Also does her hair the same way, but that's, like, coincidental.
🔨: Do they have any practical skills they wouldn't consider a hobby? What sorts of skills and how/why did they learn them?
They’re both horse trainers by trade, coming from a very rural agricultural community in the middle of the country where most people have gone back to animal power unless you’re rich enough to either import or manufacture the amounts of fuel it takes to run industrial equipment all season (not most of them). Other than that, they’ve both done some gardening and a lot of Poor Hick DIY, being poor hicks who grew up in trailer homes. Cursor can also play the guitar a little bit, but she’s not that good, and Eques can cook, though she’s not exceptional at it.
🙂: What are three of their personality traits that others would generally consider positive?
Cursor: picks a course of action and sticks to it, calculating, selfless (though bitchy about it)
Eques: affectionate, plans for the future, maybe more patient than she should be with basically anybody’s horseshit
😱: Do they have any irrational fears/phobias? How do they cope with them? Has a phobia ever impacted the game you play them in?
Eques has a reasonable fear of Cursor getting brain damaged/physically injured, but Cursor has an intense phobia of deep water, which is a plot point (also probably reasonable, tbh; she almost drowned when she was eight and Eques saved her ass, and she can't swim). Eques handles her anxiety by planning about it, and Cursor handles hers by Not Going In The Water.
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eddieheart · 2 years
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Fandom: The Avengers
Pairings: NONE
Words: 452
Description: Ivana grew up here, this is her life, why would she expect any different.
Her day started off as it normally did, wake up call at 5:00, breakfast at 5:45, stretches, ballet at 6:00, training from 8 until 12:00, lunch followed by a 15 minute shower break, assorted classes from 1:00 until 6:00, dinner, chores and bed promptly at 9:00. It was hard to keep up with, even for the best of them, though it's not like they had a choice.
Etiquette training is what they called it, but it was far from that. Instead of how to be polite, they got taught how to seduce, instead of which forks were which, they got how to garotte a man twice their size with a necklace chain.
The training was rigorous and never ending, the only saving grace was the mandatory ballet classes, their only outlet. But even those had their downsides. Being made to dance on broken feet, getting whipped with a stick if you preformed incorrectly, the men in black always quick with their fists if you got 'too rowdy'.
Everything was hard, her feet ached in their silk shoes, her stomach begged for something other than porridge, borst and soda bread. It didn't matter though, she didn't matter, all that mattered was her progress, and Ivana, she excelled.
Her trainers praised her as the next widow, a better widow, her classmates both envied and feared her, men lusted after her.
So to say her day started off as normal wasn't unusual, the same day had been repeated over and over for the entirety of her stay at the facility. 15 years of the same day over and over, since she was five years old.
Today was like any other day, except for the fact that she was finally being sent on another mission. Her graduation surgery needed time to heal, a whole 8 weeks, followed by another 10 weeks of usual training to make sure she was still up to par.
Finally she was ready, Amansi, the spider, ready for battle. She thought her mission was like ones before, seduce a man, steal something, slip away unnoticed, or the good ol' beat some people to a bloody pulp, get what you need and leave. Boy was she mistaken.
Her target wasn't some old rich man, who couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground, no her target was a woman and her two children who lived in the middle of nowhere. A hostage situation to extort some big wig.
Ivana was just happy to finally be off base, stretch her legs in an open space, breath in the fresh air and walk barefoot in the grass, the other stuff was just icing on the cake.
Part 2:
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