This is almost painful to watch.
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good Morning! Sol is still asleep and Galois is pestering me about telling what happened on our trip to Eterna City.
<< My apologies Miss Laura, i did not intend to be annoying.>>
haha, don't worry sweetie, it's all good.
Anyways, we delayed our trip because of the events at the Valley Windworks, i think we posted about this? Anyways, we went along Route 205 until we reached Eterna Forest for the day before yesterday. We were a bit lazy and only got moving in the afternoon, so we didn't get quite that far. But we met another very cute little guy! I have caught a Shellos who's really a bit of a rascal. When we were walking along, he almost tackled Sol into a bunch of berry bushes. I don't think it was malicious though, he's just a bit hot headed. Oh, he's called Sauce by the way.
We then spent the night at the outskirts of the forest. The sinnohan night sky is very beautiful, really.
More interestingly, in the morning, we met another traveller, a very nice young lady who goes by the name of Cheryl! She said she heard rumors about a criminal group called Team Galactic who's apparently roaming the area. I really didn't think they would be so much trouble. So Cheryl and us went together to cross Eterna Forest. We didn't meet any more Galactics though. Instead, there were a ton of regular trainers who wanted to battle! So mucht that both Lemonade and Schnitzel evolved! We now have a Prinplup and a Luxio in our party, isn't that exciting???
Well, now we'll spend a little while in Eterna City i think. I want to challenge the gym, i also want to go back to the forest and see what kinds of Pokémon live there. I don't know why, maybe because there were so many trainers around, but we didn't even see a single Pokémon!
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What's red issue
He’s just embarrassed he figured something out when Hound posted about it. Not that it’s exactly a big secret anymore. Just not entirely my place to comment on it. He’ll be fine, Yellow brought some of his uncle’s catch, so he can’t die yet. Blue’s snickering in my ear about it too.
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Already an interesting start.
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The fact I can tell his sister’s influence.
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
<< This post was brought to you by Poryphone™ Speech-To-Text technology. Thank you for using Poryphone™>>
Galois Galois! Are you doing this thing? Can I just speak now? And you tell the people what i say to you? Good. Okay.
Hello people in the world! I usually let Sol do this, but she's currently soaking in the bathtub and i have to get this out there! I'm so excited!
I've just gotten off the phone with a certain Professor Rowan who just told me that I have been approved to become a Pokémon Trainer in the Sinnoh Region! Galois isn't that wonderful!?
So apparently there is a boy who also wants to become a trainer, so we will be meeting the Professor in Twinleaf town, and we can both recieve our very own first Pokémon there! I hope that boy isn't put off by sharing his Pokémon journey with an old lady like me, hihihi.
Oh and apparently the Professor even went to such great length and prepared a private jet to fly Sol and Me to Sinnoh! Galois, of course you will be coming with us! And Hugo too, we need you! But don't worry, you don't have to battle anyone if you don't want to.
Oh i'm so excited, i cannot wait! And thank you so much Galois for helping me. I don't know how these application things work. That's why i usually let Sol handle this. You're such a good help Galois!
<<Thank you miss Laura.>>
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
I think Sol forgot to tell you about this and she is already asleep. Galois reminded me though!
I've caught another Pokémon in the Mines this afternoon. It's a little Geogal, whom i've called Jelly Bean. I'm sure she'll appear sooner or later.
Also, to anyone who hasn't done a Gym Challenge: Do it! It's really really fun, and you meet so many people and Pokémon are such amazing companions!
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drampas-trainers · 1 year
Good morning to all you people out there in the world!
//current game, ruleset and overview here!
We are Laura and Solaria (you can call me Sol, i don't mind), and we are a retired couple from the sunny region of Alola! We both know we are old, you don't have to tell us! But in case you're wondering, we are both women and use she/her pronouns.
Now, let me tell you what is going on and why some old hags have infiltrated the youthful internet:
Laura has recently made the decision that she wants to become a trainer! She never had the opportunity during her childhood, and we don't get any younger, so we decided to just go and visit other regions and get to learn more about the world!
We do however already have two Pokémon:
Hugo, our very dear Drampa. He is sort of a Service Pokémon that we can ride when our legs don't want to carry us anymore, but he's not officially registered and more of a pet.
Galois, a very cute little Porygon that has been included with this Poryphone i bought. It has already been very helpful with explaining this device.
Oh by the way, this blog will be run by me, Sol. Laura has some troubles with these electronic devices.
//Sol is purple, tagging with #wifeposting, Laura is Green, tagging with #trainerposting, Galois is Yellow or Orange because idk desktop/mobile is weird, tagging with #poryposting, ooc is pink (tagging with #ooc)
(ooc info under the cut)
// Hi, hello. I run this blog as a side blog, so I'll like and follow from my main @kamataros. I also run @koffing-time, you probably know me from there, honestly. If you need to adress me (the player/mun), I'm okay with any pronouns, and if you need a name you can call me Kama, Nox or Cheese. (And please exuse me if i sound harsh sometimes, or ask stupid questions)
First, this is obviously a Pokemon irl rp blog. As I and the people I'll mostly interact with will pretend that Pokémon are real, this is a blanket #unreality warning. I'll usually tag with at least one of the following three tags: #pokemon irl, #pkmn irl or #pokeblogging. I will NOT tag everything with #unreality.
Second: I wil use this blog to talk about my experiences with the Pokémon games! That means, i will just play the games and talk about what happens and how it's going and stuff, but in character of Sol and Laura. Because of this, none of the events of the games have taken place in this universe yet.
Feel free to interact with them though, i really welcome it. Give them tips on battling, what pokémon can be found and whatever! I won't initiate much on my own though. Probably.
Third: i won't go too much into detail on my tags and interactions and stuff here. I will basically use the same format as on @koffing-time, read the pinned post there and you're good to go :)
Just one thing about tags that are exclusive (and important) to this blog: #lauras [region] adventure is for every post regarding the respective game/region. #lauras gym challenge: [region] is only for posts that detail important battles such as gym leaders (duh) but also rival battles or against evil team admins.
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