#traitor and daydream drae/exile/nuke/rots
pronoun-asks · 2 years
Heyhey! Here's to hoping you still do these :D
I wanna test the names Traitor and Daydream! (Very different vibes, I know.)
I'm testing the pronouns Drae/Draer/Draers/Draerself; Exile/Exiles/Exileself; Nuke/Nukes/Nukeself and Rot/Rots/Rotself! (Sorry if that's too many, I don't mind if you don't do all of them.)
I really like writing, Fran Bow, Minecraft, mythology and birds!
Thank you in advance! I really appreciate it.
No problem, Daydream! I try to do all the pronouns I can. And I love your names!
Traitor likes to write. That’s super fun! I wonder if drae write a lot, or what kind of stuff drae writes. Maybe it’s inspired by mythology, since that’s another interest of draers. Daydream also likes birds! Birds are so pretty.  I see a lot of cardinals, and sometimes hummingbirds, too; I wonder what kind of birds exile likes, or what exiles favorite one is. Nuke also enjoys Fran Bow. I don't know what that is, but maybe nuke could tell me about it! Minecraft is another interest of rots. Is rot more of a builder or explorer? Both are super fun! I hope Traitor has a nice day, exile gets some time to enjoy draer interest, and nuke takes care of rotself!
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