sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Death threats//
The more we see anti endos the more we realize how fucking awful and hateful they are. Like dude what the actual fuck is wrong with you. Cool you don't think endos are valid but the death threats the harassment. One of their tags is "endos die" do you not see the fucking problem??? We mod a pro Endo server and anti Endos will try and join all the time and will try and spam and raid. We've been called the fucking r slur because we supported Endogenic systems. How do they not see that this isn't okay. We won't deny the pro Endo community has it's problems too but at what fucking point do you need to step back and realize that telling a group of people to fucking die won't help your cause. They claim to "care about tramua survivors" but half the time they're the ones causing others stress and even trauma. We have never met an anti-endo who was just nice. They always resort to petty insults, harassment, and death threats. If you're anti Endo and you see this consider our words. In what world is sending death threats petty insults and telling others to hurt themselves going to help ANYONE. They want to sit here and claim they aren't a hate group? Then they need to fucking act like it.
And this is all coming from a tramuagenic system.
This! I assume whatever posts were made in the "#endos die" tag recently must have been deleted, but there's been a horrifying uptick in actual calls for and "jokes" about harming and killing endogenic systems lately.
And these aren't obscure posts either. They're getting hundreds of notes from anti-endos backing these sorts of messages.
How much more evidence do anti-endos need to see that they've been indoctrinated into a hate group?
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exclamaquest · 3 years
Reminder that terms like "tramuagenic" were made by people looking to exterminate us and that excluding endos to make yourself feel better does nothing!
"Traumagenic" was literally coined by the Amerierican Psychiatric Association to describe disorders arising from trauma, like (C)PTSD and OSDD/DID. Nobody is trying to "exterminate" systems (this link leads to information about the coining of DID in the DSM-V, which debunks widely spread misinformation).
While psychiatry is obviously rife with problems, there is study after study showing that being a system can only come from trauma (links to studies are at the bottom of the pages). I am wary of psychiatry as an industry, but when there are so many peer-reviewed independent studies pointing towards the same conclusion, you would have to be either very, very stupid or very, very bad at critical thinking not to listen to them.
There is exactly zero scientific evidence that "endogenic" systems exist. If there is, I'd genuinely love to to see it! I love learning new things.
However, as the current scientific and medical literature states, systems specifically arise from intense, repeated trauma as a very young child before your identity is fully integrated. That is the only way to be a system.
I don't think that endogenic systems are lying necessarily. However, since systems cannot exist without trauma, people who believe themselves to be endogenic systems either do not remember their trauma (which is perfectly valid! this is in fact a way that DID/OSDD is supposed to work.) or are misidentifying symptoms that are actually indicative of another disorder.
Also, I have an important question that I'd like you to consider: Accepting that endos exist for just one second, why do you want to lump endos and DID/OSDD systems together? If what you say is to be believed, our experiences of systemhood are leagues apart. You don't experience dissociation, or amnesia, or flashbacks, or have any of those pesky trauma-related symptoms. If endogenic systems did exist, you would have no place in our community, and we would have no place in yours.
All that said, as it stands, endogenic systems are incredibly appropriative of the experiences of people suffering from a serious traumagenic disorder.
Think about it this way: Just like you cannot have a broken leg without first breaking your leg, you cannot be a system without trauma. You may not remember it, but if you a truly a system, it is there.
Here's some more I've written on this topic.
Now get out of here with your unscientific, guilt-tripping bullshit. If you've got reputable, peer-reviewed studies, I'll read them, and I'll answer further questions, but this is where I stand.
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the-lmanburg · 3 years
I figured I would introduce us and list our boundaries.
DNI! - Non-tramuagenic “systems”, DDLG, NSFW, Pedos/MAPs, Roleplay, Anti-LGBTQ/MOGAI, Anti-Neopronoun, and anything of that sort.
-The Blade
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pride flags for things like did are so valid because get so much crap for it both from the media and people, so if you like the flag and want to embrace the fact that you have it to use go for it, dont let people give you shit for being proud
YEAH!!! and i just don't understand why people are so. weird with it like "huuu it's tramuagenic it's like being proud of ur depression and flaunting it" like NO this is something that im gonna live with for the rest of my life probably that i Have To Work With please leave me alone
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cr1ngez · 3 years
Not saying I’m endo (definitely tramuagenic here lol) or I support them I’m just kinda along for the ride and I could careless what everyone else is saying about the topic
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sophieinwonderland · 5 months
Tw death and harassment//
I always hate how anti Endos will justify their harassment of Endogenic systems by saying that an Endogenic system hurt them.
It's so stupid like we have been called the r slur and have had servers we mod in raided because we supported endos (we are tramuagenic) but yet we don't take our sweet time to go actively called for the death of anti Endos and make full on art pieces for it.
Like imagine saying that about literally anything else.
Every community has bad people in it every single one ever. But that doesn't mean that because of those bad peoples actions that everyone in that group is suddenly Invaild.
Anti Endos need to get better justification for their harassment cus so far it's just
"I've been hurt so I can hurt others"
All of this!
What do you call a bigot who is bigoted because of trauma?
You call them a bigot.
Full stop.
"A trans person said mean things to me so now I decided to hate all trans people" would never be valid. Nor would this be acceptable for any race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
Not to mention that in a lot of these cases... I just don't believe them anymore. I mean, I would hope they wouldn't go so far as to completely fabricate these stories. But I do think the anti-endos are often the aggressors in many of the case, or the systems who sent them hate weren't even endogenic in the first place. Because anti-endos do have a habit of just labeling every pro-endo as an endo by default. (Which is fakeclaiming trauma.)
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