#trance 2022
adrianrodriguezdj · 2 years
Inmerso en un viaje musical que jamás terminará, los caminos melódicos hacen que sea fácil transitar por el inmenso mundo.
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encorefeezz · 2 years
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bahauddinsunny · 2 years
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curiosa-hypnotica · 2 years
A Game of Don't
Hypnovember 2022, day 14. Prompt: Game
cw: hypnotic induction, no wakener, spiral(s)
Let's play a game.
It's easy. You start with 10 points. You lose one point each time you stare at the spiral. Understood?
So get on your mark, get set, and— go! Don't stare at the spiral! You can look, but don't stare!
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You did stare! Oh, no!
Let's try again. Don't stare!
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You stared again!
It's okay, don't worry. Let's try again.
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You stared again!
You've lost 3 points already. But there's still hope.
Once more. Remember, don't stare!
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You stared longer this time.
This won't do!
Once more! You can do it!
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You stared again, and even longer than before.
According to the dictionary, to stare is "to look fixedly, often with wide-open eyes".
You are looking at the spirals with wide-open eyes. It's almost as if you wanted to stare.
Let's try again.
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Once more you stared at the spiral, and even longer than the previous times.
I understand. They're beautiful patterns. They're attractive. They`re enticing. Different colors and shapes in motion. Always drawing you towards their centers.
Try again.
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You stare even longer each time.
The spirals are all so pretty, aren't they? Always moving, always changing, and yet always the same.
One more.
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There's so much detail in each spiral. Some even look like tunnels, gateways into new spaces. Fascinating spaces.
And your mind may be feeling slower by now. Slowing down.
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It would be so easy now to just stop and stare.
To stare and stare.
Stare and stare and stare.
Deeper and deeper.
Deeper and deeper into trance.
It's okay.
It's okay to be if you're in a trance by now.
It's okay of you just want to keep staring.
To keep going deeper.
You can only scroll down now, but don't worry.
I will not take your last point.
I will not leave you here without a spiral to stare at.
There will be one more, right below.
Stare at it. It's alright.
Let yourself go.
and sleep
with wide-open eyes.
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stbot · 2 years
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dreamwraith · 2 years
Shiptember Day 3: 3rd Wheel
Ship: Pitch Pearl (parasite theory; Phantom was a ghost bonded to Danny)
Summary: During a cross-country road trip, Sam and Tucker notice something going on between Danny and Phantom. They call Jazz in a panic, but she blows past their every excuse until reaching the real reason for their discomfort: Sam and Tucker don't want things to change.
“Tucker!” Jazz interrupted, her voice ringing through the speaker phone. “Slow down! Start over. What’s happening between Danny and Phantom?”
Tucker forced himself to draw in a deep breath. “Okay, so….” He sat on the hotel bed in a further attempt to calm himself. “It started once Phantom got behind the wheel—”
“You guys let him drive? He doesn’t have a driver’s license!”
“He and Danny were still merged when they were learning how to drive,” Tucker said defensively. “So, he knows how to drive, he just can’t get his driver’s license because he’s not technically a citizen. It’s total bullshit which is why we agreed to make him part of the rotation.”
“And if a cop pulled you guys over?”
“Then Phantom would have overshadowed them. Come on, Jazz, we thought this through. We’re adults now too, you know.”
Jazz snorted. “You’re all barely eighteen,” she muttered.
Sam looked away from the window, and the two friends shared a commiserating eye roll. Dealing with Danny’s sister could be trying sometimes.
“Anyway,” Tucker said forcefully, “that’s when it started.”
“What started?”
“The…” Tucker met Sam’s eyes again, hoping she knew how to describe what they saw, but she only shrugged. “The thing. The thing going on between Danny and Phantom. Danny sat in the passenger seat and coached Phantom through the motions until he started picking up on it again. That was fine. Then the inside jokes started. Just. Little jokes about when Jack and Maddie were trying to teach them. Danny or Phantom would laugh and it was like…like…”
“And that made you and Sam feel left out? Is that what this is about?”
“That’s not the issue here,” Tucker said, evading the question. “It. Just. Didn’t. Stop.”
“They shared a mind for almost two years, Tucker. Of course they’re close.”
“Not like this,” Tucker insisted.
Sam pushed away from the window and approached Tucker on the bed. “Has Danny been hanging out with Phantom?” she asked Jazz.
“Wouldn’t you guys know that better than me?” Jazz asked, confused. “I’m at Harvard, remember? I haven’t seen either of them since Spring Break.”
“Yeah, but you speak to them on the phone, right?” Sam pushed. “Does Danny ever mention Phantom?”
“Of course he does. He keeps me updated on things over there. Phantom fought off an invasion last week, right? He’s worn out, and that’s why you all insisted on this trip?”
“Personal details, Jazz,” Sam clarified. “Does Danny mention anything beyond Phantom’s hero activities?”
“Maybe? I didn’t realize I was supposed to be looking for that kind of information.”
“He’s your brother!” Sam exclaimed. “Shouldn’t you care about how he’s doing?”
“Danny’s doing just fine,” Jazz said, defensive. “A little depressed that you guys are leaving for college, but otherwise…”
“She meant Phantom, Jazz,” Tucker said. “Your other brother.”
“Phantom’s your brother too!”
“I love him like a brother, but why do I get the feeling you two are trying to create an artificial relation between us?”
Sam and Tucker shared a forlorn glance. “If Jazz doesn’t even see him as a brother,” Tucker whispered to Sam, “what are the chances Danny sees him as a brother?”
“Evidence would suggest the odds are slim to none,” she replied, huffing.
“And anyway,” Jazz continued, “ I talk to Phantom on the phone too. I don’t need to ask Danny when I can just ask Phantom directly how he’s doing. He’s stressed and suffering from PTSD, by the way. I think this road trip will be good for him. He needed to get away from Amity Park for a while and remember it’s okay to relax every now and then.”
“Does he mention Danny?” Tucker asked quickly.
“Why are you guys so fixated on this? I just said Phantom has PTSD! That’s a little more important, you know.”
“Just answer the question, Jazz,” Sam said. “We’re focusing on one problem at a time, we’ll deal with that later.”
“What is the problem exactly?”
“Does Phantom mention Danny?” Sam repeated.
“No,” Jazz said forcefully, almost groaning the word. “Not very often, anyway. Mostly just when he saves him. He likes bragging about it. I think he gets some sort of ironic pleasure out of rescuing Danny because of their past. But otherwise, I guess their paths just don’t cross very often. Is that what you guys are getting at? You think they don’t hang out?”
“I never noticed them hanging out,” Tucker confirmed. “And Danny and I share everything! I would know if they were best buds.”
“Once they started talking, it was like they had just rediscovered an old friend,” Sam explained.
“So they haven’t stopped talking.”
“So it’s been six fucking hours!” Sam exclaimed.
“So?” Jazz repeated pointedly. “They have a lot to catch up on. They’ve been separate for, what? Two years?”
“So you’re saying…” Tucker and shared another glance with Sam, “six hours of nonstop talking, laughing, gossiping, and touching? That’s not weird at all?”
“Danny keeps touching him,” Tucker whined. “He just won’t stop, it’s like he’s, he’s drawn to him or. Something. And Phantom keeps leaning into, like what? What the fuck?”
Jazz started laughing.
“It’s not funny!” Tucker and Sam shouted.
“Oh my gosh, you two are jealous!” Jazz cried, laughing still. “I can’t believe this!”
“I’m not jealous!” Tucker objected.
“This is serious, Jazz!” Sam yelled over Jazz’s laughter. “Your brothers are falling in love with each other!”
Jazz snorted a laugh and squeaked, “That’s why you guys keep pushing the brother angle, oh my, ohhh my sides…”
“It would be so much easier for you two if Danny and Phantom were actually like twins, wouldn’t it?” Jazz said, snorting still, her tone mockingly sympathetic. “Then you could just sweep all the discomfort under one easily labeled trash can and throw it out, huh?”
“What are you talking about?” Sam demanded.
“Forget it. I can see you two aren’t mature enough for that sort of introspection.”
“What makes you think they’re falling in love?” Jazz asked. "One six-hour conversation during a long car ride doesn’t really mean anything, you know.”
“It’s the way they’re speaking to each other,” Tucker said, groaning. “I don’t think you understand, Jazz. And it wasn’t just during the car ride. It was at every rest stop, too. It was during dinner. It was in the backseat. It was everywhere! We arrived at the hotel two hours ago, and they’re still talking! They went swimming together, Jazz! Swimming!”
“Oh no,” Jazz said in mock horror, “Swimming! I hope they brought protection.”
Disgusted, Tucker shoved his phone into Sam’s hands. “You explain it to her!”
Sam groaned. She sat on the bed beside Tucker, but Tucker didn’t want to sit anymore. He stood and walked over toward the window, maneuvering around the bags Danny had yet to unpack. He had set them beside the bed he had chosen, the bed he and Phantom would share. It had seemed like the least awkward arrangement when they had been making plans. Sam would get her own room; the boys would get the room with two beds. Danny and Phantom were bi, so Tucker had been just a little bit shy about sharing his bed with either of them, and Sam definitely couldn’t without stirring up old flames, which meant the two who used to share a body would have to share a bed.
Phantom would sleep with his human half. Danny could sleep beside his ghost half.
Nothing would happen between them, right? Danny certainly hadn’t seemed all that uncomfortable with the idea. He had only shrugged. Phantom had only seemed grateful he was actually going to sleep in a bed at all. Danny had warned him not to hog the blankets, and Phantom had warned him not to snore.
But that had been at the start of their trip. Tucker wondered now if Danny would be so blasé about sleeping beside someone like Phantom. Dubious past aside, Phantom was the hottest heartthrob in their year group, as voted by the senior yearbook—and he hadn’t even been in the running! How was Danny’s gay little heart supposed to resist Phantom after they had spent all day acting like lovestruck fools?
Was Tucker going to have to wear earplugs just to drown out their whispering? Was he going to wake up and find them spooning?
He had hoped it would happen before, but that was just because he wanted to tease them! He hadn’t wanted it like this.
“They’re so focused on each other it’s like they’re the only two people in existence,” Sam complained to Jazz.
“I’m sure they haven’t forgotten about you and Tucker.”
“Yes, they have!” Sam snapped. “You’re not here, Jazz! Trust me. They wanted to be alone so bad they ran to the swimming pool just to get away from us.”
"Did they say you couldn’t come?”
"Then they weren’t trying to get away from you. You could have gone too.”
“Yeah, well, no thanks, I don’t feel like throwing up. I can handle only so much lovey dovey shit in a single day.”
“You could try being supportive, you know.”
Sam snorted. “They don’t need any support.”
"They will once this dream is over and they have to return to reality.”
Tucker froze, his hand halfway toward the curtain. Behind him, he heard Sam suck in a breath. “What do you mean?” she asked.
“Have you two forgotten how hard same-sex couples have to fight to be accepted? Danny hid his attraction to guys for so long out of fear, do you really want to be the ones who make him feel ashamed again?”
“This is a little more extreme than having a crush on Kwan,” Sam objected, but her voice had softened.
"Yes, it’s going to be even harder because Phantom isn’t just another boy, he’s a famous hero, an infamous troublemaker, a mystery to all Amity Park! He is under intense scrutiny, and once he starts dating another boy, that scrutiny is going to turn on Danny. Danny won’t just be judged for dating someone of the same sex either, he will be judged for dating a ghost. What would have been accepted in a straight couple will suddenly look amoral between two boys in a biracial—bi-species?—relationship.”
“Oh no,” Sam said softly.
"The worst offenders will, of course, be Mom and Dad.”
“Shit,” Tucker added. He glanced over his shoulder at Sam, but she was staring blindly into the distance.
“If Danny is serious about pursuing Phantom, he will eventually tell Mom and Dad, and then he’ll be back in that uneasy position where he has no idea if our parents will kick him out because of his connection to Danny Phantom.”
“Would they?” Sam asked quietly.
"I don’t know,” Jazz answered honestly. "They’re paranoid. They might suspect Phantom of brainwashing Danny somehow. It’s easier to believe this is all Phantom’s fault than to accept Danny likes the infamous ghost boy. They might accept Danny’s choice, but it’s equally likely they’ll try to ‘fix’ him.”
Tucker drew in a sharp breath through his teeth.
"Danny delayed and altered this confrontation, but so long as he pursues a connection to Phantom, he’s always bound to circle back to seeking Mom and Dad’s acceptance. Don’t make him have to fight for yours as well.”
Tucker pushed a hand beneath his glasses and rubbed his fingers against his eye. He turned away from the window and pressed his back against the wall, suddenly feeling sick.
“But, Jazz,” Sam said, “Phantom is Danny’s ghost half. They can’t date. They’re the same person. This isn't like if Phantom started dating some random human, this is his human half."
“First of all, that was two years ago. In all that time, Phantom has been fighting, defending, training, and only occasionally relaxing. Danny has been living as a normal student trying to catch up on his grades so he could graduate high school after spending those first two years flunking nearly every class. If you believe they are still the same person after living such extremely different experiences, you haven’t been paying attention. People change. Growth is inescapable, especially for Phantom. He’s had to learn some tough lessons that Danny has never had to face, and they have affected him as a person.”
Sam’s eyes finally met Tucker’s. She was frowning, which alerted Tucker to his own. He was relieved to see she didn’t like hearing this anymore than he did.
"Secondly,” Jazz continued, "Danny has repeatedly stated Phantom was a ghost that fused with him during the accident, he's not his ghost. It might just be a matter of disassociation where Danny is trying to distance himself from a very stressful period of his life, but from what he and Phantom have told me, they truly believe the portal accident brought two souls together for a time.”
Sam made a soft “oh” sound.
"They may look similar to us, but their souls are not the same, according to them. It might just be all in their head, but it's what they believe. That might be why they’re able to look at each other as strangers and talk for six hours without getting bored.” She scoffed. "I have no idea how they could talk so long, but I never had a crush before either, so…”
“Oh?” Tucker said archly, gaining a little of his fire back. “Danny says otherwise.”
“Danny’s a filthy liar who needs to keep his mouth shut.”
“So, this really doesn’t bother you at all?” Sam asked, cutting off Tucker’s teasing retort.
"Not really. What other people do with their lives is their own business so long as they aren’t hurting anyone. It’s something you two will learn in college someday too. I tried so hard to fix peoples’ problems when I got here, and it was totally the wrong thing to do. I hurt my friends, and I exhausted and stressed myself out over things that were none of my business. There’s only one thing I care about now. Are they happy?”
Tucker and Sam shared another look. Tucker pushed himself up from the wall, turned toward the window, and pulled aside the curtain.
“Yeah,” Sam said. She still sat on the bed. She didn’t need to see Danny’s lovestruck expression. They had been seeing it nearly all day.
“And you’re sure they’re falling for each other? It might just be friendship.”
Three stories down, Tucker saw Danny and Phantom in the pool. Or rather, he saw Danny in the pool. Phantom sat on the edge, his bare legs lazily kicking the water. Danny’s body drifted chest-deep in the water, his arms folded over the ledge, cushioning his cheek as he stared up at Phantom. It looked like Phantom was talking about something—flying maybe, given the smooth glide of his hand gestures—and Danny was just watching him.
Watching him with a little smile, a soft glow in his eyes completely unlike the kind that used to be there when he and Phantom were one.
“No way,” Tucker said. “I haven’t seen Danny look at someone like that since—” Tucker cut himself off and guiltily looked at Sam.
She sighed. “Danny has that dopey expression whenever he looks at Phantom now. You know the one.”
“Kind of strange since they don’t look that different,” Tucker said. “How can Danny be attracted to someone that looks so much like him?”
“Actually, that’s very common! You might notice couples often look alike, and this is believed to be caused by something called ‘positive sexual imprinting.’ It isn’t the only determining factor, of course, but scientists and psychologists have long studied why we—and other animals—are more attracted to mates who share physical—”
“Yeah!” Tucker interrupted. “Danny can just develop a crush on himself because humans are strange! Got it!”
"If you don’t believe me, google ‘couples that look alike.’ You’re touching on a huge academic topic here. Maybe I should make a paper about this…it's probably why Danny was attracted to Sam. You two look alike too. Remember that rumor about you two being twins?”
Sam grimaced. "That's not the same thing."
“Isn't it? I’ll repeat, Danny and Phantom aren’t brothers. Just because you two see them as brothers doesn’t mean they feel the same way. If you can’t let go of your preconceived notions and listen to what Danny says, you aren’t any better than my parents.”
Tucker grimaced. “That’s not fair…”
“Neither is forcing my brother to accept your views at the cost of his happiness!” Jazz snapped. “Danny loves you two. You are just as capable of hurting him as our parents. Knock it off. You knew all of this already. You two are just trying to justify how upset you are by shifting the blame onto Danny and Phantom. That way you don’t have to confront what’s really making you two upset.”
“Oh yeah?” Sam said hotly. “And what’s that, Doctor Jazz?”
“You and Tucker are leaving Amity Park to attend your dream colleges,” Jazz said, gentling her tone. “But Danny is staying behind. Your childhood where the three of you fought ghosts together is over. After Danny and Phantom separated, you still clung to this idea that he and Phantom were still somehow the same, because that’s how everything started. But now that they’re falling for each other you can’t hold onto that belief anymore. This is the end of that chapter, and the beginning of something new, something you two won’t be a part of. That’s why you’re upset. That’s why you want them to stop.”
Tucker made a low noise and stared down at Danny and Phantom.
“You’re getting a little too good at that phsycobabble stuff,” Sam said quietly.
“Please, I should have let you two discover it on your own if I really wanted it to stick. But Danny and Phantom don’t have that kind of time. If they actually fall in love on this trip—or even if they just get closer —that will be good for them. Phantom needs that human connection, and Danny will need someone after you two leave for the semester.”
“Why doesn’t Danny just leave with us?” Tucker asked, subdued. “He doesn’t have to stay in Amity Park anymore.”
“He said he didn’t feel right leaving Phantom to deal with the ghosts on his own.”
“Really?” Tucker perked up a little. “So maybe this thing isn’t actually all that new.”
“You said they never mentioned each other,” Sam accused.
“I said Phantom rarely mentioned Danny. Danny talks about Phantom’s all the time. I suspected something like this might happen. It seems even Danny isn’t immune to Phantom’s heroics, but I could never be sure if it was just admiration or…admiration, you know? What about Phantom?”
“What about him?”
“Do you think he feels the same way?”
“Yes,” Sam answered promptly. “Without a doubt.”
Tucker groaned. “If he ever took his eyes off Danny, it was only because he was driving. It was his idea to go swimming…”
“Oh, the dreaded swimming. All that bare skin. How scandalous.”
“Shut up, Jazz.”
“Are they still in the pool?” Sam asked warily.
Tucker hummed, watching as Danny pushed away from the edge. Phantom slid into the water so gracefully he had to be using his flight powers. They were still talking. They were still focused entirely on each other. The underwater lamps rendered Phantom’s glow obsolete, and for a moment he didn’t look any different from a human aside from his white hair. He dove under the water, and a second later, Danny was yanked under with him.
“They were just talking, but it looks like they’re playing now,” Tucker said.
“Are you two watching them?”
“Noooo,” Tucker and Sam said in unison.
“You two are impossible.”
“Shut up, Jazz,” Sam said loftily, “our friend is falling in love here. These are trying circumstances.”
“Yeah, yeah. Give them privacy, you stalkers.”
Tucker made a rude noise. Danny and Phantom finally broke the surface, both of them panting. Danny’s face was red, but he was laughing. He splashed Phantom, and Phantom splashed him back. They did that a few more times, and then Danny threw himself at Phantom, and they went under again.
“They really do look happy,” Tucker said quietly.
“Just let them do their own thing,” Jazz suggested. “Neither one of them has had a serious relationship in a while. I doubt they’ll be able to think clearly if they are infatuated. Just give it time. They’ll calm down. Eventually. You have all summer, right?”
Sam groaned. “Don’t remind me…”
“All summer to watch our friend fall in love with a super powered hero and forget about us,” Tucker said. “Fun.”
“Maybe we should crash their little pool date,” Sam said thoughtfully.
“Oh!” Tucker let the curtain fall closed and turned around to face her, his eyes bright. “Now that sounds fun! I’m going to cannonball right between them!”
Sam flashed him a wicked grin.
Jazz groaned through the speaker. “Why do I even bother…?”
“Thanks for your help, Jazz,” Sam said, lifting the phone. “But we need to breakup their romantic night now. Bye.”
“Bye. Tell Danny I love him. Oh, and, if it comes up at any point in this trip, remind them to practice safe sex or I will personally come down there and give them a lecture they’ll never forget.”
“That’s so won’t be necessary with the two of us on duty, right, buddy?” Tucker said, grinning at Sam.
She cackled. “You bet!”
“Uh-huh,” Jazz said, unconvinced. “You two will keep two hormonal teenagers from doing anything when one of them has ghost powers? I bet you twenty dollars you’ll catch them making out in the backseat at some point.”
“First of all, that’s my car and they better fucking not,” Sam said. “Secondly, you’re on. We got this, right, Tuck?”
“Right!” Tucker said, pumping his fist. “There will be no falling in love on my watch!”
“You can probably stop them from kissing, but you can’t stop them from falling in love.”
“Ha!” Sam scoffed.
“Watch us!” Tucker shouted.
“That’s—you know what, never mind. Have fun. Don’t get yourselves killed.”
Sam and Tucker laughed. “Bye, Jazz!”
Sam ended the call, and Tucker pounded his fist into his palm. “Let’s do this!”
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reckonslepoisson · 2 months
April Mixtape (2022), The Snow Strippers (2022), April Mixtape 2 (2022), April Mixtape 3 (2023), Night Killaz Vol. 1 (2023), Night Killaz Vol. 2 (2024), Snow Strippers
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Snow Strippers have never tried to innovate past their influences, beyond ‘90s trance, ‘00s witch house (very specifically Crystal Castles), ‘10s cloud rap; they’ve supplemented a revival rather than led one. But a leading role isn’t always necessary, all this stuff is gratifying in its polish and conciseness, in its faff-free display of hooks and highs. 
Pick(s): ‘Only Way Out’, ‘Know My Name’, ‘My Own Mistakes’, ‘Aching Like It’s’, ‘So What If I’m a Freak’
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nonexistent-1 · 2 years
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Day 15. Bite
Vampire bite
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quality-ghost · 2 years
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I drew a lot this year, this was hard to make. apologies for the croppy crapping (yes I typed it like that on purpose)
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posthumanwanderings · 2 years
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pettykittyx · 2 years
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knightofleo · 2 years
Vitesse X | Repress Reprise
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 05, 2022)
23:59 JESSY J - Soul Kisses (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 23:55 EVERETTE HARP - Old School 23:51 BRIAN SIMPSON - One and Only 23:47 NILS - Dance With Me 23:43 MEKIEL REUBEN - That Girl Told Me 23:39 BOBBY WELLS - She's Playful 23:35 KIM SCOTT - Emerge (Feat. Jonathan Fritzen) 23:31 DARRIUS JAMAR - Bounce Back 23:27 JULIAN VAUGHN - Time Is Now 23:23 ALTHEA RENE - Let Me Love You 23:18 DERRICK HARVIN - When You Say 23:13 ALEX FALDIN - Cold Wind 23:09 JAREZ - Lil Jazzy 23:04 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 22:58 PROJECT BLUE SUN - Ibiza Zouk (Sunny Mix) 22:52 SMOOTH DELUXE - Wonderful Micronesia 22:47 SYNTHETICSAX - Beach (Dj Rostej Remix Chillout Dreams) 22:41 RUSLAN-SET, V.RAY - The Voice of Star (Union Sense Remix) 22:37 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Les Souvenirs (Original Mix) 22:33 MENZI - Zug nach nirgendwo 22:25 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Crescent bay (original mix) 22:21 SOUND BEHAVIOUR - Arena 22:17 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Summer Jam (Unplugged) 22:12 SHAUN ESCOFFERY - Into the Blue (Mark de Clive 22:05 KITARO - A passage of life 21:59 DINKA - Magnolia (Original Mix) 21:55 THOMAS LEMMER - Through My Father's Eyes 21:51 SYLVERING - Just an Illusion 21:46 VIVIAN LACOSTE - Clair Del Mar 21:41 REUNITED - Sing It Back (Shazz Man Chill Mix) 21:39 INNA - Hot (Chill Out Remix) 21:32 COASTLINE - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar Mix) 21:27 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 21:22 MICHAEL E - Promise 21:17 ANDAIN - You Once Told Me 21:11 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - Paradise Deluxe 21:06 ALBERT ST. BARTH - Sabor Do Lounge 21:03 METAHARMONIKS - Doors 20:59 LEO ROJAS - The last ot the Mohicans 20:54 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny mix) 20:49 MARTINIQUE LE SOUFFLEUR - El Guapo 20:45 JENS BUCHERT - Polaris (JB feat. Shine) 20:40 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Summernights 20:34 JES - Heaven (Orange Project del Sol Interpretation) 20:29 BLANK & JONES - Coming Home (Afterlife Mix) 20:24 ATB - Still Here 20:18 LA CAINA - I Gotta Know Now 20:14 LAZY HAMMOCK - Star 20:09 GUENTER HAAS - Secret Diary 20:06 JAMES BUTLER - Coastline 20:00 CLAUDE CHAGALL - Sunset Buddha 19:54 ADELE - Skyfall (Skerdi M & Angelo DownTempo) 19:48 YOGEE, TWEET, MISSY ELLIOT - Thugman (Lounge remix 2011) 19:45 VINTAGE - Eva (Roman B & Vova Baggage Slow Mix) 19:40 ZETANDEL - Glowing Spots (Original Mix) 19:36 WILLIAM FITZSIMMONS - Psychasthenia 19:30 VECHIGEN - No Fear (Summer Vibes Chill Mix) 19:24 VLAD ZHUKOV - Nothing (W&D Chill Out Vocal Mix) 19:17 AMBITUS - Answers 19:13 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 19:10 KATO, JON - Turn The Lights Off (Bullytrax Campfire Mix) 19:06 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 19:02 MATT DAREY, STAN KOLEV, AELYN - Follow You (Acoustic Version) 18:57 NUAGE, N4M3 - Sunday Morning (Original Mix) 18:53 NITIN SAWHNEY - Breathing Light 18:49 LOWLAND - Children (Orchestral Version) 18:42 LERRY MULLER, ANETTA GRANT - Dreaming (Original) 18:38 LIVING ROOM - Teneriffe 07 18:35 MODJO - Lady (Acoustic Version) 18:30 MIGUEL LARA - Oblivion 18:26 MR. SPECIAL - Aren't You Clever (CJ Alex Chillout Remix) 18:23 MARIUS NEDELCU, RED HEAD - Rain (Acoustic Version) 18:19 MANDEL TURNER - Come Into My Life 18:13 LOUNGAHOLIC - Careless Whisper 18:10 MOBY - Porcelain 18:05 LUIGI LUSINI - I'll Be Home (Original Mix) 18:01 MAX MILLION - Do You Believe (Original Mix) 17:57 MARCELA MANGABEIRA - Don't Stop The Music (Lounge Version) 17:54 JOEL HIRSCH, ROXANNE EMERY - Neon Dreams (Cinematic Version) 17:50 MAKIS ABLIANITIS - Love Secret 17:46 LIULA - Sweet Dreams 17:43 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 17:39 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 17:34 MARC PUIG, MARIA COLLADO - To Forget Me 17:28 SIMON LE GREC - Decisions (Delor Mix) 17:23 MEHMET CEMAL YESILCAY - You And I 17:19 MAZELONOSTRA - Twilight Room (Spanish Edit) 17:14 MARGA SOL - Prayer For Love (Soul Avenue's Balearic Blues Mix) 17:10 NIK LLOYD - Number 1 (Acoustic Cover) 17:06 SIMON G - Crazy (original Mix) 17:03 NURKO, AUTREY - So Far Gone 17:00 LOST FREQUENCIES, FLYNN - Recognise (Acoustic Version) 16:55 DEE LUCAS - Dollar Bill 16:51 AL DEGREGORIS - No Holding Back (Feat. Nils) 16:47 AL GOMEZ - For Sure 16:41 OLI SILK - Steppin' Out 16:37 TIM BOWMAN - Love Forever More 16:33 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - March On (Feat. Jeff Lorber) 16:29 SEAN U - Electrify 16:24 STEVE COLE - Looking Up 16:21 SHAWN RAIFORD - Magic Man 16:17 BOBBY WELLS - End of Summer 16:13 GREGG KARUKAS - Daylight 16:09 DARRIUS JAMAR - Heaven 16:04 NELSON RANGELL - Clutch 15:59 DERRICK HARVIN - Gone 15:54 BOBBY LYLE - What Kind Of World 15:49 BRIAN SIMPSON - From the Hip (feat. Chuck Loeb) 15:45 JEANETTE HARRIS - Groovin' 15:41 JAREZ - Its Over 15:37 BLAKE AARON - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing (feat. Kim Scott) 15:33 ALTHEA RENE - Inner Circle 15:29 ALEX FALDIN - Hand Claps 15:25 AL DEGREGORIS - All Over The Place (Feat. Eric Marienthal) 15:20 AL GOMEZ - Sip Thy Wine 15:16 JACKIEM JOYNER - Southside Boulevard 15:12 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ecstasy 15:08 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tonight Is the Night 15:03 TIM BOWMAN - Columbus,Ga 14:58 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Emotions 14:54 MARION MEADOWS - Andalusian Sunset 14:49 BOBBY LYLE - Spirit Song 14:45 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Jukin' and Jivin' 14:40 DERRICK HARVIN - Another Day in Paradise 14:36 BRIAN SIMPSON - Bonita 14:32 JAREZ - Slow Motion 14:28 BOBBY WELLS - Oooh Baby 14:24 NICK COLIONNE - It's Gonna Be Alright 14:20 DARRIUS JAMAR - My Everything 14:17 DEON YATES - First Day of Summer 14:12 ADAM HAWLEY - Shuffle (Feat. Darren Rahn) 14:08 BONEY JAMES - Sunset Boulevard 14:04 ALTHEA RENE - Barbara Mae 13:59 AL DEGREGORIS - Follow Your Dreams 13:54 FREDDIE FOX - Sensual 13:50 JC SOL - Our Groove 13:46 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - My Saxophone 13:42 JULIAN VAUGHN - Ride Along 13:38 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Waiting For You 13:35 ALEX FALDIN - Throwback Vacations 13:32 JUSTIN KLUNK - Dive 13:27 BOBBY LYLE - Living In The Flow 13:23 RANDY MULLER BOOM CHANG BANG - Sunnyside Up 13:20 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Through the Rain 13:15 AL GOMEZ - Catchin' a Vibe 13:11 BRIAN SIMPSON - So Many Ways 13:07 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Loving 2 13:02 DERRICK HARVIN - From Here 12:58 JAREZ - Mr. Sexy Saxy 12:53 JACKIEM JOYNER - Beautiful Seduction 12:48 MARION MEADOWS - Magic Men 12:45 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Force 12:42 BOBBY WELLS - My Sweet Butterfly 12:37 STEVE COLE - Neo Sol 12:31 EUGE GROOVE - Chillaxin 12:26 GREGG KARUKAS - Believe in Me 12:21 CHRIS STANDRING - Fat Tuesday 12:17 BRAD ALEXANDER - Yearning for Your Love 12:14 AL DEGREGORIS - Sunnyside 12:09 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - After Hours 12:06 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Keepin' the Groove On 12:02 FREDDIE FOX - So Much Love 11:57 BRIAN SIMPSON - A Soft Touch 11:52 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - In the Mood 11:48 MARCUS ANDERSON - Mel-Ow Mood 11:44 JULIAN VAUGHN - Sunday 11:39 DERRICK HARVIN - This Time Around 11:35 JAREZ - Around The World 11:30 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - EBF 11:25 MARION MEADOWS - Celebration Road 11:21 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Jubilee 11:17 CHRIS STANDRING - Living the Poetry 11:11 BOBBY WELLS - Bella's Pier 11:06 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Morning In A Distant Land 11:01 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Nobody But You (Feat. Billy Mondragon Of DW3) 10:58 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Thinkin' Back on When 10:53 JEFF KASHIWA - Back To Love 10:49 BRIAN SIMPSON - When I Found You 10:42 MARCUS ANDERSON - Give Love (Feat. Anthony Saunders) 10:38 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - On the Move 10:34 TIM BOWMAN - Flyin Away 10:29 DAVE BRADSHAW JR. - Set Me Free 10:25 PIECES OF A DREAM - Steppers ''D'' Lite 10:21 J. WHITE - Mr. Nugroove 10:17 NAJEE - Happiness (A Felicidade) 10:13 LOWELL HOPPER - See the Light 10:08 DERRICK HARVIN - Colombiana 10:04 DARREN RAHN - Duplicity 10:00 JAREZ - Together Forever 09:57 JOYCE COOLING - Coasting 09:53 NORMAN BROWN - Keep The Faith 09:49 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Feelin' Good 09:45 MARION MEADOWS - Last Ticket To Somewhere 09:41 CAROL ALBERT - Love Again 09:37 LOUIE FITZGERALD - When I Look into Your Eyes 09:33 MARCUS ANDERSON - Backseat Drivers (Feat. Adam Hawley) 09:28 JULIAN VAUGHN - Waymans Way 09:23 BRIAN SIMPSON - Mystical 09:20 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Happy Cause I'm Going Home 09:15 PIECES OF A DREAM - Give U My Heart 09:11 NAJEE - Modern Lovers 09:07 JIM ADKINS - Turning Point 09:06 TONY SAUNDERS - Uptown Jazz 08:55 TIM BOWMAN - Friends 08:51 BOBBY WELLS - Tee It Up 08:45 CHRIS GODBER - Chips 'n' Salsa 08:42 LOWELL HOPPER - No Turning Back 08:40 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Give And Take 08:30 NATE WHITE - Ducie's Groove 08:19 MARCUS ANDERSON - Let's Not Wait (Feat. Nicholas Cole) 08:19 DANNY LERMAN - You Take My Breath Away 08:04 NAJEE - Dr. Dolittle 07:59 PIECES OF A DREAM - Fired Up 07:54 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - I Want Her 07:51 KIM SCOTT - Best Part 07:46 TIM BOWMAN - Glory to Glory 07:42 RHODA GRAHAM - Finally 07:37 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Poppa J 07:32 DEE LUCAS - The Grady Curve 07:28 LOWELL HOPPER - Affection 07:23 JEFF KASHIWA - Hyde Park (The 'Ah, Oooh' Song) 07:19 UNDER THE LAKE - Bridgetown 07:16 WARREN HILL - Play That Funky Music (White Boy) 07:11 MARION MEADOWS - Mother Earth 07:07 OLI SILK - Meet Me In The Middle 07:03 MARCUS ANDERSON - Understanding (Feat. Brian Culbertson) 06:58 NAJEE - Savoir Faire 06:54 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 06:49 SEAN U - Second Wind 06:43 PIECES OF A DREAM - Feelin' Good 06:38 BRIAN SIMPSON - Sunlit Sea 06:33 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Susie Mae 06:30 SHAWN RAIFORD - It Feels so Nice 06:25 NELSON RANGELL - Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing 06:21 HANK BILAL - Perfect Harmony 06:17 JEFF KASHIWA - Thanks To You 06:13 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 06:09 TIM BOWMAN - Just Another Day 06:04 KIM WATERS - Nightfall 05:59 ZACH BRIDGES - These Hands 05:54 NAJEE - Isla Hermosa 05:51 MARION MEADOWS - Dream Catcher 05:46 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Time Marches On 05:42 MARCUS ANDERSON - Limited Edition (Feat. Steven J. Collins ) 05:38 LOWELL HOPPER - Resurgence 05:34 JEANETTE HARRIS - Night Jam 05:29 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 05:25 DANIEL CHIA - Cali Style 05:21 DONN BYNUM - Mercy Mercy Me (feat. Lew Laing Jr.) 05:18 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Morning After 05:12 STEVE COLE - Toronto 05:09 BRIAN SIMPSON - Whisper To Me 05:04 JEFF KASHIWA - Show Me Love 05:00 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - Hip Hug 04:55 EUGE GROOVE - Take You Higher 04:50 NAJEE - Bounce 04:46 GREGG KARUKAS - Coyote Party 04:42 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Better Days Ahead feat. Jeff Pescetto 04:38 KIM SCOTT - I'm Every Woman (feat. Althea Rene & Ragan Whiteside) 04:34 MARION MEADOWS - Life In The Clouds 04:30 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 04:26 BRAD ALEXANDER - A Matter of Time 04:20 MARCUS ANDERSON - Dandelion 04:16 PIECES OF A DREAM - Going Home 04:12 ZOLBERT - On My Way 04:08 TIM BOWMAN - Heart & Soul 04:03 BALANCE9 - 110 at Night 03:59 JEFF KASHIWA - Something About You 03:54 NICK COLIONNE - Whatcha Gonna Do 03:51 JACKIEM JOYNER - Don't Make Her Wait 03:46 NAJEE - Hurricane 03:41 DONN BYNUM - Our Turn to Dance (feat. Paul Jackson Jr.) 03:37 BRIAN SIMPSON - What I'm Waiting For 03:33 LOWELL HOPPER - Ever Lasting 03:29 WALTER BEASLEY - She Can't Help It 03:24 ADAM HAWLEY - Detroit 03:20 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Bittersweet 03:16 MARION MEADOWS - Real Time 03:12 DANIEL DOMENGE - Between Your Hands 03:08 NORTH 2UNES WOODALL - 102 Degree 03:03 BONEY JAMES - You Can Count on Me 02:59 PIECES OF A DREAM - It's A Vibe 02:54 FRANK MCCOMB - Movin' In Traffic (For Russell Ferrante and George Duke) . 02:50 MARCUS ANDERSON - Can I Come Over 02:46 JEFF KASHIWA - Mediterranean Nights 02:42 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Check Please (feat. Chris Camozzi) 02:39 NAJEE - Luna 02:35 DANIEL CHIA - Say You Will 02:31 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Tell Me Why (Feat. Paul Brown) 02:27 BALANCE9 - Sway 02:23 MICHAEL SILVERMAN, ERIC MARIENTHAL - In These Times 02:20 ADRIAN CRUTCHFIELD - Now I See 02:16 ZOLBERT - Smile 02:12 AL DEGREGORIS - Time Sensitive 02:08 WALTER BEASLEY - Lovely Day 02:04 PHIL DENNY - Around the Block 01:59 TIM BOWMAN - Happiness Is 01:55 THREESTYLE - Missing You 01:52 FREDDIE FOX - Feelin' It 01:48 MARION MEADOWS - Invisible 01:44 FRANK MCCOMB - Cha Cha (For Ramsey Lewis) 01:40 LOWELL HOPPER - Change of Seasons 01:36 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 01:32 NAJEE - Bottom To The Top 01:27 JEFF KASHIWA - 3 01:22 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Smooth Jazz Alley 01:18 PIECES OF A DREAM - Livin' The Life 01:14 BRIAN SIMPSON - All That Matters 01:10 MARCUS ANDERSON - Will Power 01:05 JAREZ - Just Can't Wait 01:01 JAZZ IN PINK - Positivity 00:57 PHIL DENNY - Lifted 00:53 FRANK SUTTON - Its Gonna Be A Lovely Day 00:48 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Huggy Bear 00:44 VANN BURCHFIELD - I'm Holding On 00:40 WALTER BEASLEY - Barack's Groove 00:36 THE SAX PACK - Back In Style 00:32 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Now Or Never 00:29 ZOLBERT - Frappe 00:25 BLAKE AARON - Dreamland 00:21 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - Nightcap (feat. Chris Camozzi) 00:16 NAJEE - Valentine Love 00:12 FRANK MCCOMB - Just Ride (For George Duke) 00:07 JEFF KASHIWA - The Good Life 00:03 TIM BOWMAN - Watchout
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mycosylivingroom · 2 years
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tenuuchlegch · 2 years
‘ i got you a gift! well, made one. ‘ alisaie sheepishly hands the bracelet to odtsetseg. ‘ alphinaud helped so it wouldn’t look awful. i have one just like it. ‘ ( alisaie just…. friendship bracelets )
         Merry was the word used to describe this holiday, as decorations and exchanging of gifts abound. Could bring chaos and joy, especially if one was ill-prepared like dancer happened to be in the beginning. Fortunately this year, Odtsetseg had finished prepping for this event earlier on. When given the bracelet, au ra could not help but grin horn to horn, in both delight and entertainment. Like her brother’s lack of buoyancy when faced with water, Alisaie in turn required a certain... professional creativity when it came to her art. Not that the auri woman had in mind to berate either young elezen for these traits. Everyone had their strengths and weaknesses, after all. Additionally, she was sure with a little practice both would get better in due time. If not, they were liable to cover up one another’s less experienced skills with their own capabilities. 
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         “It is wonderful Alisaie.” Odtsetseg claimed, slipping the jewelry onto her wrist. “I will do my upmost best not to break it. Though, while we are exchanging gifts...” hand reached into her inventory and pulled out rectangular box, before bequeathing it to the elezen girl. “You may have no reason to utilize this, but I think it might pique your interests.”
         Inside lied a brand, new dagger which slightly gleamed in the light. Curved at its end and sporting a wooden handle, an engraving of her name was carefully etched into it; simply so all knew who it belonged to. Xaela hoped she would find joy in it.
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bareums · 2 years
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I posted 348 times in 2022
That's 348 more posts than 2021!
241 posts created (69%)
107 posts reblogged (31%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 348 of my posts in 2022
#my gifs - 226 posts
#bareums - 188 posts
#kdramaedit - 160 posts
#kdramagifs - 152 posts
#kdramadaily - 143 posts
#not mine - 62 posts
#samblr - 60 posts
#beneath the sun ☀ - 51 posts
#userpinenut - 50 posts
#tagged in ✨ - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i would have had more by now if it wasnt such a bitch to color lmao. some scenes are literally impossible i swear. at least with my skills
My Top Posts in 2022:
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1,535 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
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1,811 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
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2,453 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
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2,519 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
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5,447 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
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