#trans Underground Railroad
thebookewyrme · 10 months
Season greetings to you my friend, I’m Izzy a 23y/o TransWoman who’s living under fear and terror from my Parents and hiding my socials from my Aunt who runs a big blog on this app. I’ve been threatened with a 14 year jail term by my dad and correctional home by Mom. My aunt caught some my interactions on this app and promised to tell my parents so they can act quick on me. I’m looking to flee to a more safer and transphobic free country to start afresh before my religious parents make their moves on me. Calling on all LGBTQ+ family to come to my aid— you can see my detailed story coupled with the link to help me by blog(last reblog). Thanks for taking your time to read. A boost on the post will also mean the world to me. God bless you my friend.
Hi! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope you can get out soon! What your family is doing is not ok, and I hope you can get somewhere safe so you can expose your aunt for being a viper preying on our community. Just a couple tips. Mostly, if you cold question folks who do not have it somewhere in their blog that they boost posts, you’re not going to get much reaction. We usually view these as spam. I’m choosing to take you on faith because your blog looks legit, but lots of people will just delete. However! There are a couple ways to raise money!
One, send an ask to @vaspider on here. He has a big following and he publishes all asks and reblogs fundraising posts for everybody. You’ll get a lot more eyes, mostly of the lgbtq community, on your posts. Secondly, contact @copperbadge for their Radio Free Monday posts, they do a lot of fundraising boosts for people on that day specifically and will boost your fundraiser.
Thirdly, if you haven’t already, make a Mastodon account on one of the many lgbtq servers like lgbtqia.space or lgbt.io or for any particular interest you have. Do NOT sign up on the main mastodon.social server. The smaller mastodon servers have large lgbtq presences and many allies around the world. Once you’re on there, you can join a group called @[email protected] and tag them in a crowdfunding post. This will get you out of the same circles as your aunt, and I have had much better responses to crowdfunding there than here.
There are also international organizations that are meant to help people in your situation. The one that comes to mind is Rainbow Railroad www.rainbowrailroad.org. If you go to their website from somewhere safe and click their request help button, they may be able to help you with everything you need, because you’ll need more than just money if your fleeing your country.
Finally, don’t be ashamed to hit up any friends you have, even if they’re not strictly allies. You don’t have to tell them WHY you need to move out of your parents, just tell them it’s not safe for you there and you need help. You never know, they might be willing to help!
Good luck, and I wish I could send some money your way but I am unfortunately between paychecks and have no money right now.
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coolcat101s · 1 year
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vampirebeverage · 2 years
lmao I got blocked by someone for pointing out that immigration law is complex and that it’s unlikely at this time that americans will be granted asylum by the canadian government. they made a post saying that canada would absolutely 100% grant asylum to trans americans WHICH IS FALSE.
I just want people to stop spreading misinformation. is that so much to ask? anyway if you see a post like that, disregard it. I have no idea why someone would lie about that (they accused me of spreading propaganda when I corrected them? like, to what end??).
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spoonful116 · 9 months
Let's learn about the Quaker Oats brand:
The Quaker Oats company is not a Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) company nor founded by them; a thread:
With the current renaming and changing the logo of the Aunt Jemima  line, owned by the Quaker Oats company, I'm going to take the time to address one of the most common associations with Quakers.
Quakers were considered good to do business with as they are honest and value integrity. The company adopted the name, "Quaker", in order to attract more business. The founders weren't Quakers themselves.
The logo for the company, now easily recognized, was drawn as a man in what was called "typical Quaker garb" - but resembles the dress of the Puritans in the 1800s. Many Quakers in the 1800s wore "plain dress" and would dress more simply.
In the mid 1900s, the company carried out experiments on mentally disabled children (without the parents informed consent) with a couple of universities. The experiments were supposed to study how minerals in cereals were metabolized.
The children were unknowingly fed food with radioactive calcium and iron! The parents of the children later sued and the lawsuit was settled in 1997.
In 2010, a class action lawsuit was filed against the company for dishonest advertisements. The company marketed their products as healthy, but had food that contained trans fats. They didn't ban/remove trans fats until 2014.
There's a lot more to the story, but this is just a sample of how the company is not Quaker and doesn't follow Quaker values. While Quakers participated in the Underground Railroad, the Quaker Oats co. is only now rebranding a racist brand.
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firespirited · 1 year
I think Dolly Parton is a brilliant singer songwriter and performer. She made her way in a music scene and a society that didn't respect women. But I don't like the way Dolly Parton runs Dollywood and her lack of political action (unless we find out she donates to actual leftists or runs an abortion underground railroad or something) . And I really can't stand "Dolly Parton" the persona, the huge hearted giver of folksy poverty advice that appears on TV. I love her work but totally cringe when she's called to play a magical whimsical godmother to all. I don't wish to harsh anyone's mellow about her, she's played delightful characters, she's a hard-working career woman who doesn't use her public.
I know It's not fair to hold her to higher standards to any other artists and yet. Dolly playing everyone's best friend and ally "Dolly" gets on my nerves. It usually involves some anecdotes about how she grew up dirt poor and that makes people have to be creative and resilient. Yeah and some don't make it and you could make sure your employees never have to feel the cold and rrrrrgh. Irrational annoyance not even at the woman herself but the weird pedestal society put her on.
So seeing her as a revered icon in a sci fi about the future was jarring. On one hand, she's tacitly taking a political position for trans and gender identity rights IRL by appearing in this episode which is huge. Dollywood probably won't have pro trans policies but as a quiet declaration, it's still not nothing.
On the other hand, in the story, her advice was as about as good as a fortune cookie saying "trust your heart" or "take one step then think about the next" and not very respectful of the fact she was dealing with a woman fighting for her people's lives against a violent state facing a complex ethical dilemma: one life for many. I really don't think that's the time to talk about your momma's can-do attitude. It's time to say "that sucks, that's an awful position to be in. would you like someone to bounce your options and potential moves off until you can see more clearly?" or even "that's rough honey, can I give you a song and a hug?"
IDK it was a complicated episode. Lots of issues to unpack: we fought for this teen's agency to get surgery for herself but now the teen's agency to join an activist group for her people against her repressive nation is in question? The father who lost sight of the mission and potentially endangered his daughter due to a need for vengeance. The diplomatic channels that were presented as the 'right thing' when they've been comfortable with human rights abuses before, it was just setting up these women to be failed by state apparatus. And they would have been if it wasn't for the last minute miracle evidence beyond evidence even though there was already plenty of evidence.
It's a good episode if I'm still thinking about it later, very good if I'm poking holes in the story writing.
The Orville new horizons has become quite the excellent sci-fi. I really hope McFarlane has enough dirt on studio execs to get another season made. Committing to the android staying aromantic was bold. Tackling the trans hot topic via intersex issues was bold. They even pulled a "Tuvix" ethical right that sure felt wrong with the time travel episode.
Now if Dolly could set the terms for the conglomerate that runs Dollywood and demand the right to unionize, living wages, healthcare and full anti discrimination policies regardless of what Tennessee laws may be passed, I'll open a shrine to Dolly Parton. Tacit just isn’t enough when your former poverty and status as gay icon is going to be part of your identity and selling points. I do hope she made bank on that vaccine though, excellent investment.
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Republicans know exactly what they believe is the greatest threat to American students: books.
In Florida, the possibility of a student choosing a book to read was deemed so threatening that teachers were ordered to lock up all the books until they could be — slowly, painfully — combed over by censors. Now, as the censors make their way through the books at a snail's pace, word of what has been officially banned from shelves thus far is starting to trickle out. Unsurprisingly, in a state controlled by a retentive fascist like Gov. Ron DeSantis, the books deemed too dangerous to read mostly involve ideas like "gay couples exist" and "there was once a civil rights movement." As Tom Fontaine of Trib Live reports:
"PEN America, a New York-based nonprofit that works to defend free expression, reported the district had removed at least 176 titles from classrooms. They include works such as ‘My Two Dads and Me,’ ‘My Two Moms and Me,’ ‘Celebrating Different Beliefs,’ ‘The Gift of Ramadan,’ ‘The Berenstain Bears and the Big Question’ and books about Rosa Parks, the Underground Railroad and Japanese internment camps during World War II.
Also removed was ‘Roberto Clemente: The Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates,’ a 2005 book by Dormont's Jonah Winter.
The 32-page book references racism Clemente sometimes endured."
Republicans are also deeply worried that a child might enjoy a drag queen story hour, in which drag performers use their skills at entertaining a crowd to get kids excited about reading. The threat that a funny person in a flashy costume might make a child happy is such that Republicans in state legislatures are considering bans so draconian that they could criminalize merely being a trans person in public or wearing makeup on a stage.
Of course, considering the Republican hostility to children reading, the "story hour" may be as offensive to them as the "drag" part.
The nation woke on Tuesday to familiar news that doesn't get any less disturbing, despite being painfully common. There was another mass shooting, this time at Michigan State. A gunman left three dead and five more critically injured. This is in a year where there has been an average of more than one mass shooting a day. At least one of the survivors of this latest shooting also survived a mass shooting 14 months ago at Oxford High School.
At this point, the Republican callousness to the carnage is so baked in that it barely feels worth remarking upon. Nor is this just a matter, as so many claim, of Republicans being too "afraid" of the NRA to stand up for meaningful gun safety laws. As I've written about before, there's plenty of reason to believe that the reason Republicans block most efforts to prevent mass shootings is that they benefit politically from both the feelings of helplessness and social decay that such shootings sow in the public.
"Please don't tell me you care about the safety of children if you are not willing to have a conversaion about keeping them safe in a place that should be a sanctuary," Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who represents the Michigan district the shooting happened in, said during an emotionally raw press conference Tuesday morning. She didn't need to elaborate on who claims to "care" about children but certainly does not.
We've been subject to a yearslong effort to ban books and gut the rights of LGBTQ people, all justified by GOP claims to be "protecting" children. The College Board, under pressure from DeSantis and the larger Republican establishment, has even gone so far as to remove books by renowned writers and poets like bell hooks, June Jordan, and Ta-Nehisi Coates from an African-American studies course. The excuse is that the fragile self-esteem of white students cannot withstand learning about the realities of racism.
But while Republicans fret and moan over the supposed damage done to students' minds by learning that racism happens or LGBTQ people exist, the much more real danger that comes from a bullet tearing through a body is not considered a priority. In the Republican imagination, a high school or college student is too delicate to read about the Holocaust or slavery, but should also be tough enough to stand up to an armed madman mowing down kids with a semiautomatic weapon. And if such kids do survive the kind of graphic violence that Republicans believe they're too sensitive to read about, then such kids are also expected to be tough enough to endure members of Congress like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., denying the violence ever happened and harassing those who survived it.
After last year's shooting in Uvalde, Texas — which left 19 kids and two teachers dead — a handful of Republicans decided it was becoming politically untenable to maintain the "thoughts and prayers, but nothing can be done" position that has characterized the party for so long. So 15 Republican Senators crossed the aisle to vote for a gun safety bill last June. The Beltway media, longing for a narrative of bipartisan comity, swooned rapturously over this supposed evolution away from sociopathic disregard towards gun violence towards something more humane.
But, at the cost of sounding overly cynical, the whole thing was probably more of a ploy to get people off their backs than anything else.
For one thing, for every Senate Republican who did vote for the bill, there were more than two who refused. Second, while there were some good items in the law that President Joe Biden signed last summer — especially closing the "boyfriend" loophole that let domestic abusers buy guns — the legislation stops well short of what's needed to keep guns out of the hands of unhinged people who want to shoot up nightclubs, schools, and shopping malls.
To make it worse, what little Republicans are willing to do in Congress is in real danger of being dismantled by Republicans in the federal courts.
The same week Congress passed their watered-down gun safety bill, the six Republican Supreme Court justices overturned a New York state law that is over 100 years old, which restricted who can carry guns in public. As Slate's legal expert Mark Joseph Stern wrote at the time, the decision rests on "a maximalist opinion by Justice Clarence Thomas that renders most of the nation's gun control laws presumptively unconstitutional."
Sure enough, other Republican-controlled federal courts took note. Earlier this month, the Fifth Circuit used Thomas's decision as a pretext to rule against a law barring domestic abusers from owning guns. This law not only protects the lives of women who are being stalked by former partners, but it's useful in preventing mass shootings. Over half of mass shooters had a known history of domestic violence. Sadly, many of them were able to commit their crimes by taking advantage of the pro-gun, anti-woman views of local Republican politicians, who won't enforce existing gun laws. That appears, for instance, to be the case in the Club Q shooting in Colorado Springs in December. The suspect had been previously arrested after a reported domestic violence incident involving his mother, but the right-wing sheriff who had bragged about being a gun rights absolutist did not enforce a law allowing the government to take the shooter's guns from him.
When faced with the carnage that their gun fanaticism inflicts on our nation, Republicans will often pretend that their hands are tied by the constitution. The GOP cowards who rule against the ban on wife beaters owning guns used this excuse. The court claimed there is no "historical tradition of firearm regulation" regarding domestic violence and that therefore they are forced — forced I tell you! — to believe the Second Amendment's language about a "well-regulated militia" somehow covers unregulated, non-militia wife beaters.
This feigned constitutional absolutism is ridiculous on its face. It's even more obviously a lie in the context of GOP enthusiasm for book banning. Unlike the Second Amendment, which puts strong limits ("well-regulated militia") on the right to bear arms, the First Amendment grants Americans expansive rights to free speech. It very clearly states that there should be "no law...abridging the freedom of speech." That's without caveat, unlike the Second Amendment. And there are certainly no exceptions for "unless it offends the bigoted sentiments of Ron DeSantis."
Most of all, of course, this exposes how Republicans are only interested in controlling students, not protecting them. The threat of the targeted books is not to students, who will only benefit from learning more about the world around them. The threat is to the fragile egos of the right-wing bigots who make up the Republican base. This focus on control also explains the GOP's disinterest in doing anything to save students from mad gunmen. They may be saddened by a dead child, but they aren't threatened by them. A murdered child, after all, is unlikely to think for themselves, much less grow up to vote against Republicans. And ultimately, that's all the GOP is really worried about when they talk about "the children."
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You know, since women's crisis centers are being taken down/infiltrated by trans identified men, I've just come up with an interesting idea so that women can still have safe places to heal: we need to create a Women's Underground Railroad of sorts. A collective of celibate OSA women or WLW willing to open their homes to other biological women in need, and other women willing to support them via donations, carpooling, and other support services. Like, oh, a woman from another state needs an abortion, and you have a particularly comfortable couch she can sleep on? Great. Offer it up to her. Hey, that woman over there is trying to escape prostitution/an abusive ex, and your house has a spare bedroom in it? A spare bedroom is even better. Thank you for your service. Some of you may even come from more wealthy backgrounds, and have whole empty guest houses at your disposal; I'm sure that woman who is fleeing her abusive husband with her children in tow would be glad to stay there.
Don't have that kind of space, or there are men in the house with you? Donate instead! Maybe you have too much surplus veggies from your garden, or eggs from home chickens. Perhaps you have a bunch of old clothes that are in good shape, but that you never wear or that no longer fit you. Perhaps you have quite a few bus tokens; they're just coming out of your ears rn... and then you got a car. Now you know what to do with them. Hell, you could even offer rides, yourself, to the Women's Railroad with your new car.
And maybe you don't have any of these things, but you can offer services to these women. Perhaps you know how to cut hair. Maybe you work in a law office, and are willing to offer/can convince others to offer free legal services for a few hours each month, or to take on a few clients each month. Or perhaps you are already part of a women's drum circle, and you want to invite some of these struggling women along because you find it therapeutic. Maybe you know a little something something about education, and you want to offer tutoring services to disadvantaged children. Hey, do it. That sounds great!
We will, of course, need people to allocate those resources and get them to the proper places. That could be another volunteer activity.
The challenge, of course, will be figuring out how to network in such a way as to enable women to easily find one another, but simultaneously keep their abusers from finding them. That's the part that I'm still trying to figure out. But even so, it's still an excellent idea for biological women who want to heal away from males, am I right?
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possumcollege · 2 years
Explain to me the sides
Today a person on twitter explained to me that in their country- they didn't specify which but, it'll be clear why it doesn't matter in a sec- the concern around gender affirming care is that young girls are being "gaslit into into thinking they're transgender because they don't fit into the preconceived notion of femininity."
They then stated that the biggest spike in those seeking GAC were teenage girls , "the same demographic most susceptible to self-harming social contagions." They admitted that persistent gender dysphoria does exist, but then stated, "the problem is the lack of interest in weeding them out by a medical industry that receive lifelong patients from [GAC]"
"It's a difficult subject," they said, "with many on the Left advocating for the increased access to reduce harm to the potentially transgender children. Whilst many people on the Right and in the Center advocating for reduced access to reduce harm to false positives."
For context this arose because I found a political cartoon by someone terrified that "tomboys" were being preyed upon by the Homo-sexual Underground (not the artist's term) and railroaded into becoming trans instead of simply being a "cute girl."
This is why both-sides-ing an issue like GAC is goddamn near impossible right now. People who want to reduce access to care argue publicly that their concern is protecting children from irreversible harm foisted upon them by woke parents and an insidious LGBTQ agenda to inflate their numbers (and profits) by convincing impressionable kids that being trans is just the coolest goddamn thing. Some claim to support the need for people with gender dysphoria to receive treatment after they've been screened, and that's all they want to do, "weed out" the real cases from the patients looking for GAC like it's an ankle tattoo on vacation. They are concerned that people will regret it and the Trans agenda just wants their money.
The stated positions are fucking fictional coming and going, and just as binary as the gender identities conservatives largely support.
That interpretation is horseshit. For one, it's massively disingenuous, because a significant portion of the people who want to restrict access- Poster said reduce, but when you have to prove you deserve something, it's fucking restriction- want to keep people from receiving GAC because they think it's an affront to god, a sin, an abomination, or a plot dreamt up by Jews to dilute the power of Western Society. A significant portion of that "side" wants to hunt down and kill transgender people. That is a significant wedge of the pie to completely omit while pointing out the difference in people who support or oppose Gender Affirming Care.
Secondly, the stated intent for many on the Left is to funnel patients into the lifelong cash extraction scheme that is transgenderism. Why is this so strictly a Left vs. Right thing for these people? Because they're fucking lazy, but sorry, not the point. My point is, No. That is absolutely not even in the top 69 reasons people who support access to GAC claim. Anyone who believes in respecting the gender identity of others knows that it's harmful to force any gender standard, not just the ones we don't like. We don't just want more trans people.
For clarity, I don't ID as trans, but I do believe gender to be spectrum of possible states that a person can exist in, not determined by their reproductive anatomy. I believe trans men are men and trans women are women and everyone else is what they know themselves to be, even if that changes throughout their lives. When I say "We" please understand me to mean people who broadly view trans people as real people, deserving of self determination, happiness, and access to healthcare, unburdened by bigorty. Thanks.
We understand that a person's right to live their life in the identity that expresses their humanity, their personhood should go unfucked-with by people who want to enforce a false binary or defend the impressionable girlchildren of the world from their wanton fancies.
Saying "you don't look girl shaped so you have to be trans now", is just as evil as saying, "Of course you can receive care, but convince us first." The first is just not happening in clinics providing GAC and sacrilege to anyone believing in bodily autonomy. The second is happening now and it's killing people.
I say what country Poster is from is irrelevant because they were parroting the same lines that bigots use when they don't want to look like bigots, wheresoe'er they be. They ignore the contingent of anti-access proponents who want trans people killed or forced to live a fake life for the convenience of people who don't believe they are real. They completely made up a bizarre reason why pro-GAC folk support it. And I need to point out, they cited a concern that has historically been used to justify the torture, subjugation, mutilation, and dehumanization of women.
Referring to Gender Affirming Care as a "self-harming social contagion" is the kind of language doctors used in the late 19th, early 20th century to justify subjecting boys to painful devices and process to discourage masturbation, chemical castration of children and the "mental defectives," and literally lobotomizing girls who were deemed too wild and unruly. Look up Rose Kennedy if that sounds insane. It is. And they did it. This is the language of honor killings.
Couching opposition to GAC in an innocent desire to protect young girls from self-harm reinforces the notion that they are not capable of properly managing their own mental or emotional lives. Poster states that statistically, these young people are at the highest risk for suicide and self harm, while ignoring the crushing burden that being forced to present an identity that is not you places on a person. Young people are at heightened risk because they are under nigh inescapable pressure to live a life that is acceptable to others while subjugating their own needs and identity. It is paternalistic trash and it can fuck right off.
These talking points speak to a deeply flawed understanding of what gender affirming care even is. They sound like teens are fed into the Transgender Mill where their bodies are surgically mutilated into a humiliating parody of reality. Most of the time, people leave their first session with pamphlets. Maybe some referrals. Hormone Replacement Therapy, counseling, puberty blockers can be GAC. They can also help people suffering from conditions unrelated to gender identity. A very vocal segment of anti-access advocates seem to believe GAC just means genital reconstructive surgery. That's great for those who choose it, but it's not the only way a person can become trans. Transition is not a single destructive act that obliterates a healthy human in its execution.
I believe the poster may have conceivably been trying to present an equitable encapsulation of what they see as a complicated issue but the language they used bore the veneer constructed by people who admit they just think trans people are sick in less public settings.
So thanks, poster for explaining that both sides of the issue as you see it are entirely made up perspectives crafted by people who neither know or respect trans people, and wish to package their discomfort with the fluid potential of gender presentation as the duty of benevolent father figures to control young girls until they're old enough to become another man's problem.
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Hello All. This is the official page for the Raibow Refuge. The concept is similar to the underground railroad in which we will be attempting to get trans and LGBTQ people to safety. America is quickly becoming a dangerous country for LGBTQ people specifically our trans brethren! If anyone wants to support our cause please dm me now. You can also contact us in the Dm's if you need our help!
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maxellminidisc · 4 months
Not giving that Lauren s0uthern article any traction but its funny the way were just ignoring all the casual antiblackness ("trad wife life felt like closest thing to western slavery" "my group chat is like the underground railroad") insidious digs at trans inclusive feminism ("feminism has lost sight of sex based opression"), and acting like the left is ideologically just as bad for women (too many digs at leftism to quote) lol like yeah I feel bad she went through abuse but if you read the article it's so obvious the author is absolutely using this situation as some self serving white feminist piece through the entire fucking thing its nuts
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sparecrew · 9 months
The 2024 Book List
Fighting for Your Marriage (Howard J. Markman, Scott M. Stanley & Susan L. Blumberg)
Soldier's Heart (Gary Paulsen)
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (James Agee & Walker Evans) - 1K List: 1/year, 139/total
A Matter of Principle (Susan Beth Pfeffer)
5 Miraculous Muslims Touched by God (Author Unknown - Presumably Some Christian Organization)
The Woman in Me (Britney Spears)
Cold-Case Christianity (J. Warner Wallace)
Romney: A Reckoning (McKay Coppins) *
Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen) ; 1K List: 2/year, 140/total
[Audiobook] The Underground Railroad (Colson Whitehead); 1K List: 3/year, 142 total
Opportunity Knocks (Tim Scott)
Why Marriages Succeed or Fail (John Gottman)
How to Know a Person (David Brooks) *
Killing Floor (Lee Child)
They Called Us "Lucky" (Ruben Gallego) *
Acquitted (Kyle Rittenhouse)
Profiles in Courage (John F. Kennedy)
The Case Against the Sexual Revolution (Louise Perry) *
The Things We Cannot Say (Kelly Rimmer) *
Who Killed These Girls? (Beverly Lowry)
Endgame (Omid Scobie)
[Textbook] AHA Heartsaver - First Aid (2021 Student Edition/Workbook)
[Textbook] AHA Heartsaver - First Aid, CPR, AED (2021 Student Edition/Workbook)
[Textbook] AHA BLS Instructor Manual
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) ; 1K List: 4/year, 143 total
Social Justice Fallacies (Thomas Sowell)
The Canceling of the American Mind (Greg Lukianoff & Rikki Schlott) *
Lost in Trans Nation (Miriam Grossman, MD)
Bad Therapy (Abigail Shrier) *
Hitler's Pawn (Stephen Koch) *
Rule Number Two (Dr. Heidi Squier Kraft) *
The Exchange (John Grisham)
[Audiobook] Zero Days (Ruth Ware)
Jesus Calling (Sarah Young)
Partners in Power (Roger Morris)
The Iliad (Homer - translated by Emily Wilson) - 1K List: 5/year, 144 total
[Audiobook] The It Girl (Ruth Ware)
In the Country of Men (Hisham Matar)
Get It Together (Jesse Watters)
Say More (Jen Psaki)
The Bible in 52 Weeks (Kimberly D. Moore)
White Rural Rage (Tom Schaller & Paul Waldman)
Prequel (Rachel Maddow)
Mansfield Park (Jane Austen) - 1K List: 6/year, 145 total
Morning After the Revolution (Nellie Bowles)
[Textbook] How to Write Anything - Third Edition (John J. Ruszkiewicz & Jay T. Dolmage)
I Swear (Katie Porter)
[Textbook] Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured - Twelfth Edition (Andrew Pollack, series editor)
What the Dead Know (Barbara Butcher)
Unbroken (Laura Hillenbrand)
The Situation Room (George Stephanopoulos)
King (Jonathan Eig) *
The Making of a King (Robert Hardman)
Troubled (Rob Henderson) *
If You Didn't Write It Down, It Never Happened! (Paul Serino)
Emma (Jane Austen) - 1K List: 7/year, 146 total
Elon Musk (Walter Isaacson)
The Fred Factor (Mark Sanborn)
A Coffin For Dimitrios (Eric Ambler) - 1K List: 8/year, 147 total
Privacy Is Power (Carissa Veliz)
[Textbook] Foundations of Education - Third Edition (NAEMSE)
Effective Difficult Conversations (Catherine Soehner & Ann Darling)
Foundation (Isaac Asimov) - 1K List: 9/year, 148 total
Foundation and Empire (Isaac Asimov) - 1K List: 10/year, 149 total
Book Club Reboot (Sarah Ostman & Stephanie Saba)
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medeasgalpal · 1 year
obviously the idea that trans people should just leave the south is bad for a number of reasons but it's also like. no one ever talks about how you can either go somewhere where everything is literally twice as expensive or go to the frozen lands. 'just buy a good coat and some snow boots' bitch what's a snow boot? I've got work boots and an extra pair of socks. on average we get 5 inches of snow per year and that was before global warming, I've never seen more than 3. I'm working on grad school applications and my options are 59 inches of snow or 129 inches per year. if you've ever said something like 'trans people should just move to a more liberal area', please take off your underground railroad cosplay and give me all your money. between my new coat and the future plane tickets for family funerals, I'm gonna need it.
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Trans Activists Say They're Slaves, Too - Todd Starnes
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blessed-n-cursed · 2 years
🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁
Travel Bucket List
🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦 🍁🇨🇦 🍁 🇨🇦🍁
Canadian Museum of History
Parliament Hill Tour & Peace Flame
National Gallery
Belvedere Lookout in Gatineau Park
Ride the locks on the Rideau Canal
White Water Raft the Ottawa River (Beachburg)
canoe on Canoe Lake, Algonquin Park
Upper Canada Village
Thousand Island Boat Tour
Old Fort Henry
Sand Banks Provincial Park
Peterborough Lift Lock
Canadian Canoe Museum
Peterborough Petroglyphs Provincial Park
Ride up the CN Tower
Take a Toronto Islands Ferry
Royal Ontario Museum
Take the Toronto subway
St Lawrence Market
Toronto Zoo
Historic Fort York
Maid of the Mist boat ride
Walk around Niagara on the Lake
Visit a Niagara winery
Climb the Niagara Escarpment, in Hamilton
Royal Botanical Gardens Arboretum
McMichael Gallery (Group of 7 collection)
Holland Marsh
Ste Marie Among the Hurons, Midland
Wasaga Beach
Fathom Five Marine Park
MS Chi-Cheemaun Ferry
Drive around Manitoulin Island
Sudbury see the Superstack
Underground tour of a nickel mine
Cross the International Bridge into Michigan (passport required)
Ride the Agawa Railroad (in fall!) 🍁
See the midpoint of the Trans-Canada, Batchwana Bay
Cross the Nipigon River Bridge
Hike the Sleeping Giant
Ouimet Canyon
Historic Fort William
Kakabeka Falls
Boat Tour on Lake of the Woods (Kenora)
PS: If you want to join me , let me know!!
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thecapitolradar · 2 years
This is easy: Underground Railroad, financed by those who have enough money to shake off lawsuits against providing gender-sffirming care. Plus microtargeting anti-trans neighborhoods, pulling charitable dollars and business/community investments.
Easy for us, anyway. We have the tools, and we're working on cutting off these communities as I write.
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iamironman003 · 5 years
What about LGBTQ+ version of the underground railroads. Like people who are LGBTQ+ friendly can leave a small pride flag somewhere outside their house to show that they can offer shelter and food for some time. So if LGBTQ+ people need to go somewhere, they can travel and stay at these homes.
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