#trans sam headcanon is something that can be so near to me
hotel-casifornia · 2 years
something just irks me about hearing people call sam samantha because like guys :( dont you get it thats his deadname dont call him that its samuel now
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cae-ruleam · 3 years
some trans!danny headcanons just because
or more like lgbt because this dude's definitely bi you cannot sway my mind. i need to dump these hcs somewhere people.
kind of a long blog i'm sorry.
i think danny realized his stance on gender quite early. probably early years of elementary school or smth. what i'm trying to get to with this is that his classmates could literally not care less and most probably didn't even realize the change. danny just became the standard instead of dani very soon.
jazz helped him most with his transition when he was a tween and helped him come out to their parents some years prior.
i like an idea i read just recently how jack goes "oh, danny-boy sounds great, son!" i love jack. he would definitely be like this.
jazz is definitely also the one who did the research on transitioning. danny knew she would help him with those things and he can't be bothered with them if she's already up for it anyway so he never told her to stop lol.
he probably eventually does some research on his own, though. both because some things are hard to ask/explain and because jazz didn't want to invade his privacy too much, especially as they got older.
the first time they go out to buy "boys' clothes" danny was so excited he probably throws all applicable aisles upside down ngl. they get told off for it by some store clerks later but they humor the kids all the way anyway. it's just what they have to say according to the rules.
when dash finds out, he will threatens to "stuff you into a locker just like i do fenton if you misgender him". it works really well and dash stays the only one to stuff him into lockers and hang him to flagpoles, just because "he's a loser".
very little changes between their dynamic which danny is honestly grateful for. although he could've gone without the bullying, but it's just whatever. however, down the line danny does notice that dash will be more careful with him and rarely has his hands near his chest.
literally every ghost understands him. even the most violent and evil of ghosts will beat up people who dare misgender him.
danny insists to both dash and ghosts that he can definitely handle himself though. but both threats already keep people enough at bay so he really doesn't have to anyway.
that, and amity park's small. there's very few people who had to be intimidated at all.
after years of being a half ghost and getting more used to and knowledgeable on ghost culture and practices, he'd probably reconsider his gender identity. this because i firmly believe most ghosts don't have a perception of gender. no one judges based on physical appearance considering there's so many ways people can die resulting in vastly different ghostly appearances.
that, and c'mon. they're dead. gender is the least of their afterlife concerns.
he'll still feel more masculine than anything, but the way no other ghosts ever judge him based on, well, literally anything a human would he starts feeling a bit of detachment from the concept of gender in general.
sooo what im trying to say is, demiboy danny? yes, demiboy danny all the way.
he might vibe with he/they because of this realization hmm.
looking back on when dash threatens people for danny's sake, he realizes that's probably when he found out he has a thing for other dudes too. something about him being so caring struck his heartstrings, much to his dismay. not like he'll ever admit this to anyone willingly.
i think jazz is definitely also sapphic. all girls are sapphic, they definitely give that vibe. anyway, the fenton siblings will often talk about their (celebrity) crushes together during their puberty years when hormones run amock.
while jazz is the one who does the research, sam probably helps him with all binder related stuff. she teaches him how to bind safely and reminds him at school to not wear it for too long after school or else it'll be dangerous.
idk why but i feel like sam would have some experience or at least knowledge on binders.
i think he's very confident in his identity and with himself. he may care about what people think of him sometimes, but his gender identity is not one of the things he cares about what others' opinions are.
he probably goes on T when he start's high school? he becomes more of a beanpole than he already was.
"you think you have it hard? im trans, gay and most of all DEAD. the universe didn't even let me pick a struggle." (/s) - is probably something he would say.
edit: i forgot this but i think danielle will decide to go by elle instead of dani to avoid verbal confusion but also because she knows that's what danny went by in the past. she respects this part of him a lot and decided against going by dani partially because of that.
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Ooooh, for the character ask how about carter kane, pollux from pjo and uhhhh sam winchester? <3
Omg what great character choices!!!! 
1) Starting with Sam Winchester
Sexuality Headcanon: So obviously this man likes girls quite a lot, but I just get the vibes that he experimented with guys in college and is so chill with it he barely even thinks about it anymore, so either bi or bicurious
Gender Headcanon: I have the tendency to assume he’s cis but I could see Sam as a trans guy too
A ship I have with said character: I never moved on from shipping season 5 samifer, the whole made for each other thing, the whole two sides of the same coin, the whole I’m the only one who’ll ever truly understand you, that’s what still draws me to that ship (soulmates but make it angsty and painful)
A BROTP I have with said character: I mean would it even be supernatural if I didn’t mention his relationship with Dean? But that seems like a cop out cause they’re actual brothers so I’m gonna say Castiel or Rowena. Castiel because they’re both people who want faith in their lives, and who have a lot of respect for the people they love. And watching them overcome the initial tensions that came from Sam being the boy with the demon blood was really sweet. The sort of friendship and bond that comes from being close to the same person. Rowena because in later seasons Sam doesn’t get too much development and I think their friendship is one of the better things that happened to his character
A NOTP I have with said character: I doubt its controversial to say I don’t ship wincest? That would probably be my only true notp, but also since I wanna be spicy, I don’t really see him with Gabriel? They’re sweet in aus but I don’t see Sam going for Gabriel’s flirtations, he seems a lot more intense and serious in romances (with jess and ruby for example)
A random headcanon: This one is tricky cause I read so much fic I don’t know what’s canon and what’s headcanon anymore. I think in the age of spotify he listens to it a lot to make up for the years when Dean would only play classic rock before he softened up
General Opinion over said character: Sam is someone I have a lot of strong feelings for, he fits into that niche of characters that I both relate to in terms of struggles as well as look up to for how he deals with them. I like the struggle against darkness within him, and his worth, and whether he’s a monster or not due to what happened to him, I do feel like his character was wasted a bit towards the end of the show though
2) Pollux our favorite lil Dionysus kid 
Sexuality Headcanon: I feel like Dionysus kids are often pan and I headcanon Pollux as poly too
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Ooooh I've never though of this let me dig up canon characters roughly his age. I can see him crushing on Michael Yew and Katie Gardner, quick witted and bossy but good people.
A BROTP I have with said character: Charles Beckendorf. I think Pollux would respect Beckendorf’s hard working attitude and kind heart, and I think Pollux would find his awkwardness around people endearing since he’s a bit awkward himself and they’d probably be those friends that can like work on their hobbies around each other.
A NOTP I have with said character: Never in a million years with Clarisse, the poor boy would get trampled on and I think she’d be mean (I’m sorry Clarisse I love you I promise)
A random headcanon: He’s awkward and shy, and a little sheltered but he’s very sweet. After his brother died he had a hard time opening up to people, and became very private, but he’s a good teacher and is very dedicated to helping his dad with the strawberry fields.
General Opinion over said character: He’s such a cool character, I really love him in the original pjo series because he’s very very much a background character but he makes the world richer. I love that through him Mr D. gets to show a softer and more caring side and one that is fiercely loyal and protective, and I think that was an important part of the message of pjo, how the gods are shitty parents but most of them do care in their own way even though they never show it, and I’m glad Pollux was able to do that. I think he deserved better (aka for his twin brother not to die kay thanks) and I would have loved to see more of him in the rest of the series.
3) Finally our lovely Carter Kane
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight, demi-romantic and utterly clueless
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: Zarter! If it isn’t broke don’t fix it. This boy is head over heals for a strong confident and sassy woman who could kill him and really, who wouldn’t be? I love the thought of them bonding over their unconventional childhoods and their longing to discover things they think are “normal” but that they missed out on. I also think they would fall into the kind of relationship where they’re best friends, they have full and utter trust in each other, and they also discover how to navigate romance together
A BROTP I have with said character: Once again picking Sadie feels like a cop out. I really like his relationship with Amos too, but he’s Carter’s uncle so not sure it fits. I like to think of his relationship with Walt as being very close and like, the kind of brotherly trust that would make them close friends and have each other’s backs all the time
A NOTP I have with said character: Not sure I have one since any ship involving him makes me happy just because it has him in it and he deserves love. However I have seen a lot of fics with him and Horus, and I actually don’t think I like it all that much? Maybe cause Horus is often a bit immature with his emotions I don’t know how well their chemistry would work. This is out of character for me cause usually I really love the concept of host/supernatural entity ships, but maybe it’s also cause Carter is so young in the first book and Horus seems way too old for him? Maybe when Carter is in his 30s?
A random headcanon: I think he would come into his responsibilities very quickly. I think while he would accept Amos as being mostly in charge for a while he would try to be involved with changing how the House of Life is run as Pharaoh, because he’d see it as his responsibility and he’d do everything in his power to do it right, and prove to those that doubt him that he has what it takes.
General Opinion over said character: He’s my favorite character in the Kane Chronicles and probably in the whole Riordan verse. He means a lot to me because I also had to fly around a lot when I was a kid and I moved around a lot too, so when I read these books I could relate a lot to the idea of feeling like the airport is your home. I also grew up with a single parent of the same gender as me wishing I had known members of my very near family better than I did. Also I knew what it felt like to want to go out and play with kids my age but to not be able to because I couldn’t speak the language, and I felt really close to Carter because I see my own childhood represented in him. He’s also very rule abiding and I loved that his dad told him not to do something and he actually followed that, because same haha. I can only hope to one day become as strong and confident as him.
This took waaay longer than expected and I wrote way too much, but it was so fun, thank you @bluecookiesforrick once again for these! <3 love you!!!
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orime-stories · 4 years
1, 7, 11, and 17 please!^^
Thank you! :) Asks here. More answers here and here.
1. What’s your favourite character(s) to write for?
I’ve already chatted about Seluna and Laura, and this time I think I’ll talk a little about my nonbinary Dad Sam from Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator. I don’t have much about them up online yet (though I hope to have that rectified soon), but I did share a WIP of their story in another of your asks here. The game they hail from is hilarious, and I have a lot of fun trying to match the in-game tone of the PC’s inner thoughts and banter with other characters. They also might be my only OC that exists in a ‘normal’ modern world? So it’s a breath of fresh air not having to dive into a research hole every time I want to give them a new hobby or past memory or something. And I adore how much the game and my writings on it have allowed me to explore and play with the concept of gender. It was my first time playing a game that let you canonically be non-binary, and I also ended up romancing the trans character, which I was completely oblivious about until near the end of the game. Using they/them pronouns in their stories is a fun challenge too. It can often take an extra bit of tweaking to make sure I’m expressing everything clearly with who’s doing what to whom.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
I talked about Seluna’s Story last time. This time I’m going to talk a bit more generally about how I write relationships. I’m proud that I’ve written a couple of polyamorous characters despite the usual (irrational) worries of excessive over-indulgence and being judged. And I’m proud of writing my characters as having unapologetic libidos, even though it’s something I see a lot of shame and handwringing about throughout various fandoms as though it’s something that needs to be justified. I totally understand that smut is not everyone’s cup of tea and that it’s something that comes with extremely subjective opinions, but as long as we properly tag what we’re doing and don’t judge people for skimming over what they’re not into, I think we should be able to present it without apology. (But even with these strongly held beliefs, I still feel myself swallowing down the apology and justifications every time. Internalised social norms are a bitch.)
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
Already talked a bit about my process and how it is almost entirely character-driven. I also touched on how I think my writing style is quite simple and down to earth with few fancy words or complex sentences. And I’d also want to add that I think my stories are all very introspective. Characters thinking about who they are and how they feel and what they want.
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for?
All the angst. All the emotional pain. Then usually a cheeky wee bit of hurt/comfort to take the edge off. I find dwelling in this space extremely cathartic and soothing, so I always gravitate towards it. I put my poor characters through a lot.
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liveshaunted-moved · 4 years
Headcanon Dump ; Danny
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danny suffers from depression and has for a long while, it has at times gone under the radar. but, jazz has picked up on it a few times, and tired to talk to him but he brushes it off.
there are canon scenes where this happens to when he’s hitting rock bottom phantom planet, identity crisis. most times when it’s hitting him hard, it is usually paired with his huge sense of body dysphoria.
danny has always been a insecure person with very low self esteem.
i know most of the fanom apparently doesn’t take phantom planet into canon, but i will. except for danny exposing himself as the ghost kid to the WHOLE world. that is limited to his parents & anyone who knows danny and figures it out ( so basically kids in school may figure it out ). i’ll keep most of it, it’s just everyone character arc doesn’t finish there because a lot of character arc’s weren’t complete, and dark!danny barely got his arc which is why i’m making it a verse.
also, this means that, danny fully hates vlad from then. because vlad shamed him, embarrassed him in something that had made him feel so comfortable, to the point where he was risking his life by going into the ghost portal once again, where it could have instead of removing the ghost part, KILLED HIM. vlad made danny feel like he couldn’t be a ghost anymore, that he wasn’t worthy of being a ghost. this didn’t help him and in all honestly worsened his state of dysphoria.
being a ghost was a part of danny, it made him feel good about himself  - even when the city hated him, he still protected it, but vlad took that away from him.
danny did not reveal himself to the world, instead his parents didn’t confront him about it until everyone got home. simply because he can’t stand the full spotlight on him. a little part, he is okay with, but his wholeself, he couldn’t. i’m okay with some dp muses figuring it out, they just never saw him reveal himself in front of the world.
his ghost form, whether he does it consciously or subconsciously, becomes the image that he wants to portray, as do 90% of the other ghost. skulker chooses to use an armoured suit, and a lot of ghost have been shown to be able to shapeshift / change their appearance, danny is no different. he just doesn’t realise it.
this is also part of why he wasn’t easily found out to be the phantom. his ghost self was a bit taller then his human form, he had a bit more muscle. a lot wasn’t much change, but enough to make him look different to the way his human self was being seen.
his parents didn’t care what he wore, so him going to the boy section when he was younger and picking out the clothes from there, didn’t matter to them. because they themselves aren’t always gender confirming, nor are other family members, so they didn’t care what hair cut danny wanted, or what he wanted to wear so long as he was happy with himself.
‘you’re not you anymore’ one of the reasons why danny starts to think that sam loves phantom more then fenton. because now he’s back to himself, how he was the accident, so, does that mean she would have never dated him if he never had the accident?
danny as a little kid had a spaceship shaped bed.
danny HATES the word halfa, it doesn’t sit right with him, he prefers ghost boy over it, anything other then halfa
danny wasn’t always getting d’s, he had an average of C’s & B’s but the ghost hunting and his mental health did start taking his toll on him, which effected his school work
danny had been shown to have once been very close to his sister and mother, but somewhere as he grew older, they lost it somewhere. and i think it started to happen more around when he was questioning his gender identity. he put the distance subconsciously there. because his mother and sister are happy with themselves being female and he wasn’t, and on a level, he didn’t want to hurt them with it.
he didn’t mean to lose how close he was with them, it just, happened - and as he get’s older and they now know of his being a ghost, because that also set a bit of the distance in them too, he’s working on being as close as they once were, and getting closer to his father too.
ghost portals can not be activated by humans, no matter what. this is why vlad got blasted with ectoacne, and the fact that jack had used diet soda instead. it wasn’t natural.
so, when danny walked into the semi malfunctioning ghost portal that his parents made he died. simple. he died, the ghost portal was activated upon his death, but it had happened all so quickly and sam and tucker had pulled him out, thinking he was dead until his body started changing. he was dead, but his ghost - it hadn’t formed completely as his friends started to try and revive him. reviving danny near the ghost portal from death is what had happened as they had stopped until they saw shallow breathing.
Danny can speak fluent Korean, and most of everyone else doesn’t really know this, or just tends to forget he can if they do.
Korean is a language spoken in his house
danny is the founder and president of ‘dani protection squad’, along side the ‘fuck vlad masters/plamuis club’
as well as gender dysphoria, danny suffers from body dysphoria. it was very bad when he was going from ghost form to ‘human’ form when he first became phantom. because his phantom form what he ideal form, one he was trying to achieve while he is human, but not quite reaching it.
danny still has a streak of white in his hair, it never actually truly goes away - and it is acutally an indication of his life force, if it get’s bigger - he’s getting closer to the final blow.  - and, it reverses when in ‘ghost’ form.
cujo the ghost dog? yeah, that’s danny’s pet. i don’t make the rules, hell. he doesn’t either. cujo just shows up, wailing his tail with a ball and drops it right at danny’s feet, in both ghost and human form. he makes for a great guard dog
danny runs an ‘i hate vlad masters’ blog, with his stories of everything vlad has done as both human and ghost, but leaving out the ghost part. some people think it’s a troll account because some people won’t believe that that vlad tried to kill a fourteen year old, or hire a fourteen year old to kill someone
knowing danny is trans is something he only tells certain people once he got to high school, those who knew him from middle school and go to the same high school as him may know because that is when he came out. his family, sam and tucker know.
his ghost enemies DO NOT KNOW! the ONLY ghost enemy that will EVER know is his evil self, that’s it. no, he will never tell vlad, vlad has no right to know.
danny can, and at times gets pain that will randomly dart up his arm and most of the time he’ll hide it away but it’s there - and at other times, it feels like he can’t even move it, or that it’s there and he has no movement in it, not even something to cause pain
danny has a few white binders and a black space binder. though he loves the black space binder, most of his shirts are light / white, so he doesn’t wear it often, but he does on days he wants to give himself a special only he knows pick me up, he often pairs it with a dark shirt, or in the winter is when he wears it the most
danny after his ‘accident’ spent a lot of time on bed rest to rest his lungs and heart, to make sure they’re at a healthy level for him to start wearing his binder again.
the accident had happened in the school holiday’s, so it had given him a bit of safety knowing he didn’t have to go out without his binder on. but still, that didn’t stop his dysphoria.
these stresses plus the new found powers, are part of why he found it hard to get control over his powers as they were acting up because his mind and body were stressing.
danny starts to skate in his spare time, it’s something to plant himself and make him feel human. it is also the one thing he does completely human, and refuses to use his powers to learn it
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