#trans willie my beloved
innytoes · 2 years
AU headcanon thingy: Reggie, the king of playground weddings for Reggie/Everyone
-His first playground wedding wasn't even on a playground, but on the docks of the lake at Camp Palmyrawolf, a co-ed summer camp his parents send him to. The pretty girl has sparkling eyes and a loud laugh and he thinks she's the coolest thing since Star Wars. He gives her a ring-pop and she gives him a ring made out of braided dandelions.
-By the time he gets back from camp his parents are divorced and his mom tells him she's taking him to LA. All his stuff is already packed.
-Luckily, he's not the only new kid to start school that year. He and Luke become fast friends, and they get married by the slide. Their other best friend, Alex, is the priest, since he's the only one who's ever been to a real wedding before.
-Only Luke's already married to Bobby and Alex says you're not allowed to be married to two people and his parents say divorce is a sin. And Luke sees the way that makes Reggie's lip wobble so he says that Alex' parents are stupid and he kind of pauses and thinks about it and says: Yeah probably.
-Luke and Bobby get a playground divorce by the big tree. It's much nicer than Reggie's parents' divorce, and they have a divorce party instead. Except now Bobby is a little sad, so Reggie says he'll marry him and not divorce Luke. It's okay, he's seen it on TV. It's called sister wives.
-Alex points out that none of them are wives and Luke says he can be a wife if he wants to be and Bobby falls over giggling and chokes out BROTHERHUSBANDS and they all laugh so hard they have to wait until next recess to marry Bobby and Reggie, since Alex keeps choking up laughing before he can pronounce them brotherhusbands.
-Reggie marries Alex two weeks later. He had to wait until he could make an appropriate ring, because Alex thinks doing things Properly is important. It's made out of paper and it took forever to make gold with the old gel pen he found.
-They meet Julie in music class a few years later. Julie is like the best person ever ("for a girl" Bobby says and Luke punches his arm). They're all allowed over to her house for a play date, which turns into a music date, because Julie's mom has a big piano and all sorts of instruments. She teaches Luke some chords on the guitar while he and Julie play a duet on the piano, and Alex and Bobby waltz.
-That year, Luke gets a guitar for his birthday, and Alex gets a drum set for Christmas , and Reggie gives all his saved up pocket money and birthday money and Christmas money from MeeMaw and Pops to his Mom and asks if that's enough for the shiny red bass guitar he's seen at the thrift store. (It's not, but she gives him an advance on his allowance and haggles with the guy behind the counter until he can buy it anyway.)
-They hang out at the Molina house a lot after that, pretending to be a band, and then deciding they are a band, because they say so. Reggie gets to stay over for dinner when his mom works late, and it's just the best thing ever.
-One day he sighs and says he wishes he could be a Molina too. He loves his mom and all, but she's almost never around and when she is, she's tired and often cranky.
-Bobby is the one who rolls his eyes and is like: why don't you just marry her then? Bobby's always been the jealous one.
-They're too old for playground wedding at twelve, really, but the way Bobby says it, he turns up his nose and says: "Okay, I will". And he grabs an empty doritos bag and cuts and folds until he has a shiny ring, and dramatically proposes to Julie, who laughs and says yes just to annoy Bobby.
-Carlos is their priest of course.
-"Finally," Luke sighs. "We have a sister wife."
Julie is very confused and then very amused when they explain. She presses a kiss to Reggie's cheek and says she's okay with sharing him, as long as he does his spousal duties.
-He's not sure what spousal duties are, so he asks Alex, whispering a little too loud.
"I think she means taking out the trash," Alex whispers back. "That's what my dad does."
"And do the dishes," Julie said curtly. "My papi always does the dishes. And you have to say 'Honey I'm home!' when you get home."
"I can do that," Reggie agrees.
-Things are great, and their band gets better the better they actually get at playing music, and playing together. They still don't have a name, but there's no rush. Julie and her mom write a song for them, and Luke is so fascinated by it he asks if he can try. They kind of lose Luke and Julie for like two weeks that summer because they're so busy writing together, until Reggie tearfully reminds them that spousal duties also means sharing, and he misses them.
-Nobody is really surprised when he and Luke and Julie start dating for real. Nobody who matters has a problem with it, except Bobby, but that is quickly rectified when Reggie kisses Bobby on the lips and says a Brotherhusband is a brotherhusband.
-Three weeks later Alex shyly asks if that includes him too, and that's how he comes out. It's a little messy after that, because Alex does not want to date Julie, and Julie decides that's okay, and Luke and Alex try but they really really hate it, and Bobby's only ever been interested in dating Reggie even though he and Luke practice making out a LOT for two people who refuse to admit they're dating.
Everything gets really complicated until Julie's best friend Flynn makes a little chart with colour-coded lines. Reggie kind of wants to kiss her. So he asks. And she adds her name to the chart and draws a line between them in the colour for Dating.
-Flynn is like: I don't get playgroundmarried until at least the seventh date.
-Their seventh date is very romantic and then after dinner they take a walk and SURPRISE THERE'S ALL THEIR FRIENDS AT A LOCAL PLAYGROUND and Reggie gets down on one knee with a sour gummy worm ring like WILL YOU PLAYGROUND MARRY ME and they do.
-They're all happy together, and then Flynn brings over her new friend from the GSA club. And Willie is really cool but something about him is so familiar.
-And then one day Bobby says something dry and sarcastic and he laughs so loud and something in Reggie's head goes ping.
-He's smooth about it though and waits until he can talk to Willie one-on-one. And carefully asks him if he ever went to Camp Palmyrawolf.
-And Willie goes very still and it looks very wrong for someone who is usually so wriggly and Reggie is like: it's cool, I just... I think I gave you a ringpop once?
-And Willie asks him to please not tell anyone, and Reggie asks all hurt: "About our marriage?"
-And Willie just stares at him for a good long while until Reggie goes "OOOOOH wait no I won't tell anyone about that, you come out on your own time, but... it's you right? You taught me how to do a cartwheel and draw that weird S thing."
-And Willie nods and smiles and Reggie grabs his hand and pulls him back to the group and proudly announces he found his first, long-lost husband.
-And Willie is a little confused when everyone starts chanting 'brotherhusband' but also it's like really gender-confirming so he'll go with it.
-Reggie also whispers to Flynn that the way Alex and Willie keep looking at each other, she's gonna have to update the chart soon.
-Alex and Willie's playground wedding is at the same time as his and Willie's playground vow renewal (and promise to try this dating thing) and he couldn't be happier.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Well, I wrote a little holiday gift for @michelangelinden, who brought it to my attention the other day that I never actually posted it, I just sent them the doc. So... here it is I suppose?
This is a part of the Willie Dance Teacher AU(I say as if I've talked about it enough for that to actually mean anything to anyone). The only other posted fic in this au can be read here, but it's not really connected to the events of this one.
Word count - 2.1k Rating - G Warnings - a bit of implied past transphobia, but it's like one sentence.
Alex takes a deep breath and climbs out of his car, swinging his backpack onto his shoulder. The building itself doesn’t look scary. Just a large, off-white building with the logo above the glass front doors. The inside probably looks the same as it did online: large, open rooms with wooden floors and mirrors lining one wall. It’s definitely not terrifying enough to warrant his racing heartbeat. 
His phone buzzes in his pocket and he pulls it out. The Gay Agenda group chat he has with his friends is lighting up.
Julie Bean - Good luck Alex!!!!!! 
Candy Queen - Get in there, Mercer!
Reginald Molina - Have fun Lexi!
Guitar Boy - You got this man!
Alex chuckles at his friends’ enthusiasm. You’d think it was them heading for their first dance class in over a decade, not him. He sends back a heart emoji, then heads for the front door. He can do this. It’s not a big deal. This isn’t going to be like when he was a kid.
He’s hit with the usual wave of artificially cooled air as he enters the lobby. The mid-September breeze outside isn’t as hot as it is in the summer, but it’s still a relief to get out of it. He glances around for a door marked Studio 4, which is where the intro email he received the week before said his class would be. But the only studio door he sees is marked Center Studio, and the halls go off in both directions.
“Know where you’re going?” a voice asks.
Alex turns to see a cheerful, dark-haired woman behind the receptionist's desk. He shrugs sheepishly. “Umm, I’m looking for Studio 4?” he offers.
“Oh, you’re in Willie’s adults class,” she says, nodding in understanding. “You’re gonna take a left here, then go most of the way down. It’ll be on your right.”
“Okay, thanks,” Alex responds, giving her a grateful smile.
“No problem, you’ll love Willie, he’s great,” she says.
Alex certainly hopes so. His last dance teacher was… not great. He turns down the hall the woman indicated and quickly reaches his studio. He takes another deep breath. Reminds himself that he wants to be here. That he likes dancing. That he can get the heck out of here and never come back if this goes poorly. It’s going to be fine. Hopefully even fun.
When he enters the room, he finds about what he’d expected. Honey-colored wooden flooring, light gray walls, one covered in mirrors, and a rough circle of folding chairs set up in the middle. Alex is early, but there’s a few people already in the room. A pair of older women are seated in the circle, along with a man in his early 30’s who keeps checking his phone. The only other person in the room is a guy with long, dark hair pulled back in a bun standing in the corner and fiddling with a large speaker.
Everyone else seems to have kept their stuff with them, so he sets his backpack on the floor. Alex hesitantly takes a seat and pulls out his phone. A few more messages have come in from his friends since he checked it outside.
Bobistro - Just breathe dude. You’re gonna do great.
Flynnagain - and we’ll burn the place down if they do anything stupid
Candy Queen - What the girlfriend said.
Bobistro - … Go have fun Alex. You love dancing. It’s gonna be fine.
Alex chuckles and flips over to his solitaire app to kill time while he waits for class to start. More people trickle in around him, filling most of the chairs. Once the large clock on the wall hits 4 o'clock, the guy who’d been working on the speaker joined the circle.
“Hey everybody, I’m Willie, and welcome to the studio,” he says, giving them a wide grin. “Since most of you are new to taking classes here, I figured we’d start with some introductions.” 
Alex resists the urge to groan, icebreakers are hard. He never knows what to say.
“I know, I know,” Willie continues, raising his hands in surrender, “fancy intros are overrated and everything. But I’d like to at least know people’s names and pronouns. And if you have any pets, I would also like to know about them.”
Okay, that doesn’t seem too bad. Alex could talk about his cat for hours.
“I’ll start,” Willie adds, dropping down to sit cross-legged on the floor. “Hi, I’m Willie, my pronouns are he and they, and I have a very dramatic grey kitten named Glisandra.”
Alex feels a bit of the tension leave his shoulders as the next person starts talking. Willie is trans too. They’re open about it with their students. Alex isn’t really planning on mentioning that he wasn’t born a boy to anyone here, but it’s a relief to know that he won’t be totally alone if it does come up. And none of the other students seem weirded out by Willie using multiple sets of pronouns, so… 
He pushes down the memories of the last time he was in dance class, back in middle school. No need to remind himself of that.
“I’m Carol,” one of the older women who beat Alex here starts, pulling him back to the present. “My pronouns are… she/her?” She glances over at Willie who nods encouragingly. “Okay, good, I’m new to introducing myself that way,” she continues with a chuckle. “Oh, and I have a very old black lab named Finch.”
The woman beside Carol is Ruth, who uses she/her pronouns as well and doesn’t have any pets, though Carol protests that she might as well be a co-parent to Finch. Everyone laughs at that. Then there’s Sharon and Chris, a newly married couple who have two parakeets named Chico and Blue. After them is the middle-aged man Alex saw when he got here, Jason. He doesn’t have any pets, but does mention a 7-year-old daughter. Then is a guy in probably his mid-60s named Greg, who seems to have a whole collection of animals living on his property.
And then it’s Alex’s turn. “Hey, I’m Alex, I use he/him pronouns, and I have a grey and white cat named Cucumber.”
“Hey, another cat person!” Willie cheers, reaching over to offer Alex a fist bump. 
Alex is startled by the enthusiasm but returns the gesture. The woman on his other side(Mandy, she/her, no pets) starts talking but Alex remains focused on Willie. He’d been a bit busy freaking out before to really notice, but Willie is… really pretty. He’s still sitting on the floor, one leg pulled up to his chest as they listen to their students. They aren’t really doing anything, but the light in his eyes and the easiness of his smile and the way a few strands of hair have escaped his bun to frame their face…
“I guess that makes me last,” chuckles the tiny woman beside Willie. “I’m Sandy, she/her, and I have a turtle named Dierdra.”
“Nice!” Willie exclaims, climbing easily to his feet. “Lovely to meet you all. Now let’s get to why we’re actually here.”
They go over some basic dance classroom etiquette and language, most of which Alex recognizes from his old ballet classes. The dress code isn’t nearly as strict though. He wonders if that’s just because it’s an adult class, or if that’s a policy the studio uses for all their classes. Or maybe it’s just a Willie thing. Either way, Alex is glad that the only requirements are not to wear anything too tight or that you could trip over.
“Last thing, this class is for you guys,” Willie says. “So if there’s something you really want to learn, let me know and I’ll try to make it work. Alternatively, if you have any injuries or medical issues or anything that makes certain movements hard, come tell me. We can modify stuff as needed so that everyone can do things safely. Sound good?”
It takes a second for everyone to realize he asked a question, but they all nod. Willie’s face splits into that wide grin again. They have a really pretty smile.
“Sweet, let’s warm up then,” Willie declares. “I’m sure you’re all sick of sitting here listening to me.”
That gets a chuckle out of Alex and some of his new classmates as they get up and move their chairs and bags to the edge of the room. Willie has them line up and turns on the music for a warm-up. The movements aren’t too complex or fast, so Alex finds himself able to follow along just fine. Willie is probably going simple on purpose since they don’t know anyone’s skill levels. It feels great though, waking up some of the muscles that Alex hasn’t used in years.
After the warm-up, Willie guides them all over to one wall to go across the floor. It’s more fun than Alex is expecting, the upbeat music providing a steady rhythm to skip and jump to. Willie calls encouragement and corrections as they go across. He’s so positive and full of life, and it’s infectious. Alex can’t fully remember why he was so worried about this.
They move into learning a simple combination and Alex takes the opportunity to watch his classmates a bit. A few of them clearly used to dance, and Sandy is definitely pretty active, but most of the class doesn’t seem to have any previous experience, or at least nothing recent. Alex wonders where he would fit in that lineup to someone else. People would probably guess he knows nothing. He wasn’t the worst dancer when he was a kid, but that was years ago. And he hadn’t been taking classes as a boy then.
He shifts his focus to Willie as they break into groups and take turns running the combination. The guy can’t be more than 25, which seems a bit young for a teacher, but Willie is clearly in his element. In between groups, they’ll point out little things to focus on and highlight what the group did a good job on. They’re always the first to applaud when a group finishes, even if no one did that well.
Carol questions them about it after she mixes up some of the steps. “Why the clapping if we sucked?” she asks, chuckling as she reaches for her water.
“Cause you tried,” Willie responds immediately. “We all suck at stuff, that’s just life. That’s how we learn. But you got up there and tried, and that’s worthy of applause.”
It’s a practiced answer. Clearly it’s something Willie has put a lot of thought into. Alex thinks back to his old teachers, who would glare down at them for a single misstep and only granted ‘Good job’s after recitals. Willie’s way seems a lot better. Maybe Willie had teachers like his when they were younger and wanted to be different. Or maybe Willie has always had amazing and supportive instructors.
Alex realizes he wants to know which it is. He wants to know things about Willie, about their history and what he likes and dislikes and what makes them laugh. He wants to know where they think of as home and what their favorite movie is and what he likes to do outside of dancing. Huh.
(He also really wants to meet their kitten, Glisandra, but that’s no surprise. Alex loves meeting other people’s cats.)
Willie leads them through some light yoga and stretching at the end of class as a cool-down. Alex takes a deep breath as he leans into his lunge. His ribs don’t feel as tense as they usually do. His heart rate is higher than usual, but that’s because of the exercise, not his anxiety. His limbs don’t feel so heavy. He feels… good. Relaxed. 
Huh, that’s not a common one.
“Alright, great job,” Willie says, straightening and giving them all another wide grin. “I will see you all next week, and I’m free for a bit if anyone has questions or concerns. Thank you dancers.”
Alex returns their smile, then heads over to where he left his backpack. He takes a long drink of water and heads for the door.
“Great work today, Alex,” Willie calls as he passes.
“Thanks, you’re a great teacher,” Alex responds, turning and smiling at the instructor.
Willie bows dramatically. “I live to serve,” he says.
Alex laughs. “See you next week, Willie.”
“See ya!”
Alex heads out to his car, waving goodbye to the receptionist on his way out. Once he’s in his car, he checks his phone. There’s a whole bunch of messages from his friends asking about how his class was.
Alex - Class was great! Teacher is cool! Headed home. <3
He pulls out of the parking lot and heads back toward the apartment he shares with Luke and Reggie. He’s really looking forward to class next week.
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
OKAY ONE MORE RAREPAIR FROM ME but I feel like I had to send you Gus+Elliott / Gulliott /CookBook :>
I would write an entire longfic for these two if I had the time. I have such messy ideas. CW mention of eating disorder, religious trauma, trans issues (Elliott has had a hard life ok thats why we're giving him happiness)
Elliott Backstory (aka all of my insane Elliott headcanons)
Elliott is trans FTM, originally named 'Emma' in a religious family so past is MESSY and traumatic ✨
Begged to go to bible college and was given money for it and just disappeared, using the money to make it to the city (and maybe also top surgery, either way he's had top surgery by the time he makes it to Pelican Town)
Slowly established a new life in the city doing whatever work he could and living as a man now
Always hated the city though and wanted something more rustic to chase his dreams of being a writer
Finally took the plunge when he turned 30 and had a bit of a crisis about it, basically like yeah it's great to be myself now but am I really, when I am crushed by the monotony of the city?
Like he was working so much to try to afford his shitty apartment and testosterone he didn't even have any friends
Also he's anorexic did I mention that lol he does not have a healthy relationship with food. Hates having to stop working to eat, hates cooking, has body dysmorphia for multiple reasons alright
Gus Backstory Using the same backstory from the Gus/Willy rarepair post, he grew up in the city. Part of the down-low queer scene, he had a few boyfriends. A couple of them felt like they could have been true love until reality hit, and there was nothing true about it. He found love in his passions instead, in cooking and found family in a place where life moved slower. Let's make him older like 40s (teehee age gap my beloved STOP I know I'm making it messier deal with it they're both fully adults whatever! I actually headcanon him being in his early 50s so this is already a compromise)
It takes some time for them to properly meet, because Elliott's ID still has his deadname. (He hasn't had the money to do all the legal work to change it and/or he just legally can't change it without a full sex change. But either way his ID still shows him as being a woman.) He could hope that the saloon owner is cool and won't require ID, it is a small town after all. The anxiety over it is enough to keep him away from the saloon for several months after moving there though. He keeps to himself until he can't, because he's started making friends and they wonder why he won't join them for a drink at the saloon.
He makes an excuse that he doesn't really like to drink even though he most definitely does, but Willy argues that he can always just come for the food. Gus is a great cook after all. The thought of food not from the gas station, that he doesn't have to cook himself, is appealing.
In a realization of his worst nightmare, Gus does need to see his ID. Elliott tries to make an excuse but it starts to get awkward. He swallows his fear and gives it to him with a slight tremor in his hand. There's a clear moment of hesitation on Gus' part where he stares at it, but then it's as if nothing happened, the smile back on his face and he hands the ID back to him facedown.
Elliott wants to cry. From relief, from terror, he doesn't know. All of it. The last thing he wants is to be outed in this place that had started to feel like home for once. He gets super wasted to try to deal with it, and stays in his cabin for days waiting for the fallout. The gossip. The world to come crashing down on him. But it doesn't.
Actually the only thing that comes is a knock at the door a few days later. To Elliott's embarrassment, it's Gus. He brushes his hair in a hurry and plasters a smile on his face to answer the door.
Gus seems a little shy, which isn't like him. Gus is bubbly and talkative, usually. But maybe he's just hot from the walk. And the takeout bag in his hands.
"Hello Gus."
"Hi Elliott, um, I hope this isn't a bad time..."
"No, how can I help you?" Elliott leans against the doorway in what he hopes is a casual, unaffected manner. Gus steals furtive glances at Elliott's neck, his hands.
He definitely glanced. Why would he glance?
Gus is gay. Oh my Yoba Gus is gay.
"I was hoping to catch you in the saloon but I haven't seen you since the other night and uh.. I just want to let you know you're safe with me -- here, I mean, you're safe, here. You have friends here."
Elliott is overcome with a myriad of emotions and for once, most of them good. But he is incredibly torn on whether to pull at this thread that has Gus stuttering. It has been a long time since he's had someone so cute in his clutches. But he packs that away for now, letting the relief through instead.
"Thank you. That means a lot, actually... would you like to come in?"
AND THEN they fall in love and its a little messy because they both have their own hangups to overcome but they are so good together because Elliott has a facade up with the rest of the world and wants everyone to like him but goes about it the wrong way, and Gus wears his heart on his sleeve and everyone does love him but he also struggles with setting boundaries and self-love. And they'd have some fights about food but Gus would come to understand his limits and work with him and show him cooking can be fun and everything, GUYS IM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM IM SO NORMAL (not hyperventilating at all, very casual)
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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ghoultrifle · 9 months
Oh no. New idea.
Ya know how there are “clone a willy” kits? Well trans it.
Before the band leaves for tour, Dew clones his pussy. He gets a pump around his fat lil tdick and and gets himself even bigger before he starts. Lord its pretty.
He goes through the whole process and is left with a copy of his cunt in all of its glory, his cock jutting out of his folds. The final result is basically a grinder.
Now, Im sure you’re asking “What’s the point? Who is this for?”
Aether. Its for Aether. Dew packaged it up, cute bow on the box and fancy ribbon too. “For when you miss me that much,” was on the note that he left.
Aether uses it that same night, rocking his own slick soaked pussy over Dew’s. He imagines the dozens of times their nights have actually gone like this, legs entwined so they can rock against each other— Dew’s cock dipping into his empty hole every now and then.
He focuses on how he glides across the stiff ridges of silicone. He meticulously angles his hips so that his clit is pressed against Dew’s cock with every grind. He plays with his tits as he rocks along the toy, gripping greedily just like Dew would- pinching and scratching the tender flesh in precise moves. He’s committed to memory each and every way Dew has worshipped his tits, so its easy to recreate.
Maybe before he got to frenzied, he propped up his phone to take a video. Maybe said video was sent to an unsuspecting Dew. Maybe Dew had to toy with his cock in his cramped bunk as he listened to the filthy wet noises of Aether’s pussy. Lots of maybes.
vee i think it's time, after nearly 2 months, to share this with the world. i will miss it greatly :(( t4t ghouls my beloved <3
i think about this daily. just how engorged dew's tdick gets when he pumps it. the flame orange colour of the grinder, just like dew when he hasn't shaved in a few days. the fucking. filthy. noises. hngngnnhhh. and oh how needy aether gets. he can barely wait til night, wants to try it the second the tour bus leaves the abbey.
and oh lord does it feel good. aeth sent dew on tour with a gift too, a remote control vibe with the instruction to put it in his boxers each night. well the second aeth sees dew has opened the video, he cranks the vibe on max and awaits a video response.
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wr0temyway0ut · 11 months
Hey dude hey, okay so I want to know about so so many of this but pretty please tell me about king boy alex who’s having lots of emotions 🙏🏻
Thank you for the ask Kyleigh!!
This au my beloved <3 It's my unhinged poly arranged marriage royalty au (I actually have 2 of those but this one is my favorite).
So basically how it goes is Prince Alexander's parents decide he needs to be married so they arrange a marriage between him and Princess Lucinda (aka Luke), who is trans but not out to his parents. And their whole honeymoon is Alex being like "oh no I can't get to close bc she actually likes me but I'm gay" and Luke being like "oh no I really like him but he must be pushing me away bc he knows I'm not a woman" and then they both accidentally confess to each other and actually fall in love now that they know they're both men interested in men.
But then Alex's parents find out that Luke is a man (and is intent on living as one) and since royals can't get divorced, they decide to tell the kingdom that "Princess Lucinda" has died tragically in her sleep, which allows Luke to transition (Alex's parents are against this part but Luke's parents ended up being supportive so they were kinda forced to go along with it).
But Alex is once again wifeless. So they decide, okay, you blew it with the "princess," so the next best thing is marrying Duke Covington's daughter, Lady Wilhelmina (aka Willie). Alex is planning on telling Willie that he's gay in an attempt to get him to call the marriage off, but he realizes almost immediately how abusive Caleb is and tells Willie "look I will marry you to get you out of there but I need you to know I'm gay and this is my husband who used to be my wife." And Willie is like "thank god bc I'm a man too" and Alex and Luke are like "a man you say 👀 did we happen to mention how handsome you are" and they bring Willie into their relationship. When Willie is ready, they tell Alex's parents that Alex's wife is once again his husband now and they tell the kingdom that Princess Wilhelmina has tragically died in a fire (he was a known arson enthusiast).
Aaand once again Alex needs a new wife bc there are still no heirs (and any made with Luke and Willie would be illegitimate). Alex's parents are running out of eligible women, but they meet Duchess Regina Peters (who runs the estate with her twin brother Reggie, or at least that's what Reggie, who is genderfluid and is also Regina, wants the world to think). And they're like you seem female and eligible will you marry our son. And Reggie's like yeah sure why not, except when he finds out Alex is gay he shows up to the wedding in Man Mode and it starts a riot but Alex finds a way to make the marriage go through anyway (maybe that they put Regina on the marriage certificate idk). And then two weeks later "Duchess Regina" is tragically trampled by sheep.
Alex's parents are exhausted. They're furious. They're 99% convinced Alex has hired a witch to turn all his fiances into men. And they're like fuck it. This time you pick a woman (bc maybe he's turning them all into men bc he doesn't like that his parents picked them.) And Alex sees an opportunity here. Bc back when Luke first came out, Alex's sister had a lady in waiting named Robin. And Robin had confided in Luke and Alex that he was trans as well. And so when Alex's parents say "you pick" he immediately points at Bobby and says "That one." (important to note that he did not consult with Bobby on this beforehand, Bobby nearly chokes on his food). And after they get married, Bobby comes out and suddenly Lady Robin has tragically drowned.
So now Alex has four husbands who are also in love with each other and still no wives, and it's at this point that Lady Julie (Luke's lady-in-waiting who just kinda stuck around after Luke's legal death) is like "You know I'd marry you to get your parents off your back right?"
And so Julie and Alex get married, and after she stays a woman for a year Alex's parents finally relax. And then Julie gets pregnant! And they're so happy that they finally step down and let Alex take the throne. Except... how is Julie pregnant? And when she gives birth, why does the baby look nothing like Alex??
Maybe bc after wedding #3 Reggie mentioned to Alex that he has a friend from school who is a trans woman named Flynn. And maybe Alex decided to hire her as his new royal advisor to give her an opportunity to transition. And maybe just maybe she and Julie fell in love.
And THAT is the tale of King Alexander, his four undead husbands, his wife, his wife's wife, and the royal-ish baby they're all raising together
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chucklepea-hotpot · 10 months
thank you @khalaris the tag!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I remember doing this tag game before and since my wips havent chmaged that much, i'll tag those i have already answered:
dfk: prompt 32
weihnachten mit den menzingers (another group project by @carlomenzinger and me)
babylon berlin fanfic i guess???
valentines day but gay and bavarian
the bookshop™️ au
Willi goes 2 sea
tm: lesbians
Kalli baby
lesbian chicken
Martin T, my beloved
erich kästner essay (i know it's already published but the last part isnt so)
I think it should be normalized to randomly talk about your wips, so anyone who wants to do this: do this bit i'll also tag @all-chickens-are-trans @all-my-worlds-a-stage @eolewyn1010 @str4wanzerin
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devoutjunk · 10 months
Novel Syllabus 2024
This coming year I think I'm going to be on here more often than I am on twitter or elsewhere, and as part of that, I'm going to start documenting the process of writing my novel more actively. I want to return to/resurrect the momentum and energy I had while writing the first draft and be more intentional about setting aside time to work, even when it's difficult. Below are my writing goals for the coming year as well as my reading list of texts for inspiration, genre/background research, comps, etc. Would welcome any suggestions of texts (any genre/discipline) pertaining to Antigone, death & resurrection, Welsh and Cornish myth and folklore, ecology & environmental crisis, and the Gothic.
Writing Goals
Reach 50k words in draft 2 overall
Finish a draft of Anna's timeline
Finish a draft of Jo's timeline
Polish & submit an excerpt for the Center for Fiction Prize
* = reread
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, & The Apocalyptic
The Memory Theater (Karin Tidbeck)
Who Fears Death (Nnedi Okorafor)
Urth of The New Sun (Gene Wolfe)
Slow River (Nicola Griffith)
Dream Snake (Vonda McIntyre)
Black Leopard, Red Wolf (Marlon James)
Notes from the Burning Age (Claire North)
Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino)*
Frankenstein (Mary Shelley)*
The Last Man (Mary Shelley)
The Drowned World (J.G. Ballard)
Strange Beasts of China (Yan Ge, trans. by Jeremy Tiang)
City of Saints and Madmen (Jeff VanderMeer)
Freshwater (Akweke Emezi)
The Glass Hotel (Emily St. John Mandel)
Pattern Master (Octavia Butler)
Sleep Donation (Karen Russell)
How High We Go in the Dark (Sequoia Nagamatsu)
The Magician's Nephew (C.S. Lewis)*
The Golden Compass (Phillip Pullman)*
The Green Witch (Susan Cooper)
The Tombs of Atuan (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Black Sun (Rebecca Roanhorse)
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)
Lives of the Monster Dogs (Kirsten Bakis)
Brian Evenson
Sofia Samatar
Connie Willis
Samuel Delaney
Jo Walton
Tanith Lee
A Wild Swan (Michael Cunningham)
Til We Have Faces (C.S. Lewis)
Gingerbread (Helen Oyeyemi)
Circe (Madeline Miller)
The Owl Service (Alan Garner)
Literary Myth-Making, Mystery, and the Gothic
Nights at the Circus (Angela Carter)
Frenchman's Creek (Daphne Du Maurier)
Possession (A.S. Byatt)*
The Game (A.S. Byatt)*
The Essex Serpent (Sarah Perry)
Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë)
The Secret History (Donna Tartt)*
The Wild Hunt (Emma Seckel)
King Nyx (Kirsten Bakis)
The Name of the Rose (Umberto Eco)
The Lottery and Other Stories (Shirley Jackson)
Beloved (Toni Morrison)
The Night Land (William Hope Hodgson)
Interview with a Vampire (Anne Rice)*
Sexing the Cherry (Jeanette Winterson)*
Night Side of the River (Jeanette Winterson)
Bad Heroines (Emily Danforth)
All the Murmuring Bones (A.G. Slatter)
The Path of Thorns (A.G. Slatter)
Gormenghast (Mervyn Peake)
Prose Work, Perspective, and Stream of Consciousness
The Chandelier (Clarice Lispector)
The Waves (Virginia Woolf)*
The Years (Virginia Woolf)
The Intimate Historical Epic / Court Intrigues
Wolf Hall (Hilary Mantel)*
Menewood (Nicola Griffith)
Dark Earth (Rebecca Stott)
A Place of Greater Safety (Hilary Mantel)
The Mabinogion (trans. Sioned Davies)
Le Morte D'Arthur (Thomas Malory)
The Collected Brothers Grimm (Phillip Pullman)
Angela Carter's Collected Fairytales
Mythology (Edith Hamilton)
Underland (Robert Macfarlane)
The Wild Places (Robert Macfarlane)
Wildwood (Roger Deakin)
Vanishing Cornwall (Daphne Du Maurier)
Lonely Planet: Guide to Devon & Cornwall
A Traveler's Guide to the End of the World (David Gessner)
The Lost Boys of Montauk (Amanda M. Fairbanks)
A Cyborg Manifesto (Donna J. Harraway)
A Treasury of British Folklore (Dee Dee Chainey)*
The First Last Man: Mary Shelley and the Postapocalyptic Imagination (Eileen M. Hunt)
Antigone's Claim (Judith Butler)
Theories of Desire: Antigone Again (Judith Butler)
Ecology of Fear (Mike Davis)
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weakformemo · 2 years
15 questions
Thank you for the tag @kaschuss! ❤
Are you named after anyone? sort of. I'm trans and I picked my first name because I always liked it, my second name was the name of one of my OCs, and the third name I chose so I could have similar initials to Tolkien. I am a giant nerd. 🤓
When was the last time you cried? In January
Do you have kids? Nope.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Not much, I think.
What's the first thing you notice about people? Their general vibe.
What's your eye color? Brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I don't enjoy scary movies.
Any special talents? Being silly!
Where were you born? Argentina 🇦🇷
What are your hobbies? I have a lot of hobbies, writing, drawing, lettering, embroidery, gaming, etc
Do you have any pets? Yes, Willis The Black Cat! My beloved ball of fur.
What sports do you play/have you played? I played volleyball when I was a teenager. I hate playing sports with all my heart.
How tall are you? I'm a short king: 156 cm.
Favorite subject in school? Literature.
Dream job? I have no dream job, I do not dream of labour. The serious answer: I'd love to have a stable income as a writer.
This was fun!!
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c0smiccom3t · 1 year
Ryonna (Ree-oh-nuh) Tag Team Racing quotes because yes. their dynamic with cortex is so good. (part 1)
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"A little bit too much of a brute and a pretty loyal lackey to Cortex, They are always ready for a challenge... Even though if the bad prize is having to calm Cortex down from his temper tantrums when he loses and preventing him from embarrassing himself" Voice actor: Tabitha St. Germain (Rarity from MLP: Friendship is magic) (Trans-Atlantic accent) Cutscenes: - "HAHAHAHAHAHA! keep shooting N. Gin, keep shooting!" - "Heheheh..." - [When Cortex gets hit by a chicken thrown by Crash] "HEY!" - [after Cortex asks Von Clutch if he knows who he's dealing with] "Yeah, are you?" - "ugh..." - [after Cortex tells Von Clutch he has an appointment with world domination] "Yeah, we got no time for this, booger-man!" - [when Von Clutch opens his chest while saying his beloved black gem is gone] "Ew." - [responding to N. Gin] *gasp* "REALLY??" - [replying to Cortex's comment] "SIR, YOU'RE A GENIUS!" - "Uh-huh??" - [When Willie Wumpa Cheeks makes his first appearance] "BY MY RINGTAIL!" [jumps infront of N. Gin and Cortex and cracks their knuckles] "GET AWAY FROM MASTER!" - [after Willie Wumpa Cheeks is introduced] *facepalm* "...Seriously?" - [running to get to the elevator] "Wait for me, doc!" - [Answering to Cortex's comment on the situation] "Yeah. And you better believe it!" - "OUT OF THE WAY!" - [petting Cortex's head after he yells about a sinister force upstaging his evil plan] "There there master, We'll figure it out." - "ITS YOU!" - "well well well, looks like we're a little late to the party! mwuhuhehehe.." - [replying to Cortex saying that the bandicoots foiled his plan] "Yeah!" - [when N Gin giggles madily and they roll their eyes, annoyed] "Ugh.." - "Yes, master!" - [When Cortex's shot fails] *gasp!* - [When Crash throws a chicken into his ship's engine] "Uh-oh."
Missions [Costume] - "Could you get one for me too? If i wanna show off im a master of stealth business, i want to look like i am that, too!" - "Yeah i'm sure it won't be too big when you put in on, sir." - "AGAIN, BRAT-ICOOT?!" - "This is getting us nowhere. Sir, perhaps would it be better if i went to fetched those things myself?" - "Oh-kay..." - "JUST GET ON WITH IT, OR YOU'RE GONNA SAY HI TO STARGAZER, TOO!" - "Finally." - "Yeah, keep it for yourself, you deserved it." [Mission 1] - "Yeah, could you? That'd really pay off and your sister would be impressed, if you ask me." - "Good luck! ...and make it quick." - "Master, calm down!! Maybe he just needed some clues to where that set is! ...Please hurry before he has another tantrum, he skipped his beauty sleep today." [nervous laugh] - "Yeah, you don't want to be known as 'the worst big brother in the world' now, do you?" - "We told you, brat-icoot, just BRING THAT GEAR!" - "Congrats, you played yourself. Hope you enjoy your demise! See you on the race track! Heheheheh, sucker." [Mission 2] - "Dont you mean 'weapon of mass de-- OW!" - "Okay, okay, you're right, sir!" - "That'd be so helpful, indeed! ...No pun intended, by the way. Now get moving!" - "Yeah, come back to us once you did get those crystals, bucko!" - "Yeah. Things take time. But honestly, you got to hurry. so get a move on!" - "These gamers are such a predictable bother nowadays, it's exhausting really." - "See you there, Brat-icoot. C'mon m'lord, let's show him!" end of part 1 lmao
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babygirlreggie · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 about 🏳️‍⚧️
demiromantic nonbinary bi ace
my ships: juke, willex, boggie, flarrie, julynn, honestly love all jatp ships, but these are my most beloved
trans headcanons, my beloved
no straight or cis characters to be seen on jatp
tracking #usercloud
main: @eloisephillip
jatp sexuality/gender headcanons under the cut
julie: bi ace demigirl. she/they pronouns
luke: pan ace trans man. he/him pronouns
reggie: nonbinary demiromantic bi. they/he pronouns
alex: gay demiboy. he/him pronouns
flynn: nonbinary lesbian. they/them pronouns
carrie: lesbian trans woman. she/fae pronouns
willie: genderqueer & queer. they/them pronouns
bobby: genderfluid demiromantic pan ace. they/he/she pronouns
nick: agender aroace. all pronouns
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been thinking about nonbinary reggie who in the 90s only ever really wore smudged eyeliner with messy painted nails but always wanting to try being more gnc and then getting to the present realizing they aren’t limited to express themselves like before and excitedly bounce around stage wearing long lose skirts with ragged ends and trying out lipstick like they always wanted and bonding with willie over branching into more gnc styles and julie giving them free range to her makeup (if they promise to not make a mess) and luke and alex letting reggie practice their makeup skills on them and they paint each other nails and willie joins and. nonbinary reggie is just a great headcanon ngl
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ja ich hab die letzte hälfte des kapitels gerade schon in einem rutsch durchlesen müssen und hab jetzt tränen in den augen danke der nachfrage (’:
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hi so a while ago I was going through your Die wilden Hühner tag and trans boy Torte means so much to me actually?? I love that I'd love to hear more about it if you feel like it
aaaaaahhhhh trans boy Torte my beloved!!! Es ergibt einfach so viel Sinn für mich?! Wie eifrig er versucht, so ein richtiger Kerl zu sein like bby it's okay you don't have to!! 🥺💕
Und deshalb ist Torte so eine perfekte Projektionsfläche - weil er einerseits all diese gesellschaftlichen Normen so fest in seinem Kopf hat und verkörpert, aber gleichzeitig auch ein Umfeld, das ihm die ganze Zeit sagt, ey, du musst echt nicht so sein. Lass das mal, ist echt nicht geil. Dieser ganze Macker-Scheiß? Du bist ein echter Kerl ganz ohne das.
Ist halt irgendwie ein nicer Gedanke: Torte, der schon von kleinauf weiß, dass er ein Junge ist, der deshalb immer das Gefühl hat, dass er sich beweisen muss, um dazu zu gehören, und Fred, Willi und Steve, die ihm immer wieder sagen und zeigen: Musst du nicht.
Und gleichzeitig für die Pygmäen mal eine Chance, in den Spiegel zu gucken und sich selbst zu reflektieren - weil: Torte betet sie offensichtlich an. Wie kommt es, dass er sich immer nur die schlechtesten Teile von allen rauspickt? Fred will eigentlich gar nicht so abwertend über Mädchen reden, und das fällt ihm immer auf, wenn Torte seine Sprüche klopft. Willi kann es nicht ausstehen, wenn er selbst aggressiv und wütend und rachsüchtig wird - deshalb hasst er es, wenn Torte ihm darin nacheifert, aber vielleicht muss er selbst damit aufhören, damit Torte damit aufhört. Und Steve, hm. Steve denkt wegen Torte ständig daran, wie viele verschiedene Arten von Junge man eigentlich sein kann, bis sie zum Schluss zur Erkenntnis kommt, dass sie gar keine davon ist.
Hach ja. Trans boy Torte <3 Literally genau der gleiche Charakter, nur mit noch mehr Projektionsfläche für mich persönlich 🥰
edit: wichtige addition von @mondfahrt in den Replies weil jaa 😭😭 Torte, der immer schon weiß, dass er trans ist, aber bis in seine mittleren Zwanziger braucht, um zu checken und zu akzeptieren, dass er auf Männer steht (und dass das nicht nur gender envy ist, sondern definitiv auch Anziehung, was er da empfindet)!! sooo wahr bestie*.....
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There is a TLDR at the end!
Hey there all my other trans boys and transmasc non-binary people
The past few days??? It has been brought to my awareness????? That so very little content exists for us?????????????? And it’s like I know that obviously, I mean, I can’t find it either homies, but like it’s been brought to my attention that because of that????
My piece that I made like. Means something??? To multiple people??????? Huh??? Who??? How??? What’s happening????
Despite my bewilderment, I did want to talk a little about that and the future of my works:
I feel like if I write x transmasc content, nobody will read it &/or nobody will like it. I also sometimes feel I don’t have “the right” to even though I’m a whole trans guy, and that’s because I’m a demi guy and my presentation is currently forcibly feminine, but even by my own accord I’d be a soft pastel uwu boy. I feel like I shouldn’t be allowed to write it cuz I’ll only write soft boiz and don’t want people to get mad at me for doing the stereotype thing. Sorry. I am the stereotype.
I wish writing my characters the way I do now was clear, and yet it’s not. No matter how many times I put gender neutral in the tags, in the forewords, in responses to asks, etc., the amount of things in my inbox talking even about ongoing characters referred to as she/her is *so* frustrating. I know, I don’t use pronouns, but I do that on purpose.
I don’t use pronouns (instead favoring petnames or descriptors) because I don’t want to lock that in and lock others out. As a trans guy, I for one have gotten pretty good at just getting through by mentally changing pronouns/terms and such, but it sucks. I don’t want anyone else to have to do that. I don’t want to write x she/her because it Gives Me Dysphoria unless I *want* reader to be a girl, I don’t want to use x he/him because then the girls in the fandom will [insert “pretend I do not see it” here], but I don’t want to use they/them either. They is a pronoun just like he or she, and it shouldn’t just be shoved in there willy-nilly.
Let me explain that last bit a little. Although I now use both he/him and they/them, for a long time I was adamant about only using he/him. Of course, people would use they/them, because “what, I’m not calling you a girl!” but you’re still saying that my gender is invalid and null and not to be respected, that I’m not a boy, and since you don’t use they/them for actual people who use it, you actually kinda are calling me a girl. So like. It is still possible to be misgendering someone with they/them. I don’t want people, transmasc or otherwise gnc, to be coming to my fics and getting *that* slap to the face, either.
All this to say I avoid all pronouns like the plague. I’ve gone so far as to learn several words and nicknames in other languages to avoid gendered terms (please forgive me my beloved WIPs folder). But I do want to start using he/him more, because I’m realizing that it matters when I do. I turned to writing x readers years ago for myself because I couldn’t find any x transmasc reader fics, and I guess I’ve forgotten that not everybody’s spark gravitates to writing as mine does.
- I’m scared to post transmasc content because of both backlash/loss of followers/etc. and I’m a very uwu softboi and don’t want to get backlash about playing into that stereotype.
- no matter how many times I’ve said that reader is gender neutral, my inbox is constantly flooded with stuff with she/her for reader. This is annoying as fuck.
- I avoid all pronouns as much as I can because misgendering people by using they/them is a real thing and it feels really shitty, so I don’t want anyone to feel that way reading my stuff.
- I forgot not everybody’s solution to not seeing themselves represented in writing is to write it themselves ergo my stuff means something?
- So I’ll be posting more of it :)
- even if it’s scary :’)
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.14
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Things are turning out better for the Bucket family, but Rose is still heartbroken. So, she makes a decision.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​
Within the week, life had improved greatly for the Buckets. They had fixed the hole in the roof. Grandpa Joe was up and about, helping with chores. Mr Bucket had also started his new job at toothpaste factory, fixing the machine that replaced him. The pay was a lot better, and now the Buckets could afford more food, other than cabbage soup.
Rose had also gone back to work at Mrs Mason's Magical Pies. She worked alongside the older woman, baking pies in the kitchen. Rose had also made other friends with the newly hired employees. There was Priscilla and Eleanor, the two new waitresses, Danny who worked the front counter, and Felix who was the new dishwasher.
Mrs Mason's shop has been much busier, meaning she was making more money, which meant Rose was getting a better pay check.
However, not everything in Rose's life was positive. She was supposed to get married the day after the visit to the chocolate factory, but she had feigned sickness in hopes of avoiding the wedding. She was pretending that she had a flu, that way the wedding would be delayed for a week or two. At least she worked in the kitchen full time now, that way Harry couldn't see her if he came snooping around.
"My dear, that boy is eventually going to find out that you're not really sick" Mrs Mason told Rose. Rose was rolling out dough with a rolling pin, while Mrs Mason moulded the dough and put in the fillings. "Just tell him you don't need to marry him anymore"
"I... I think..." Rose hesitated to answer Mrs Mason. She knew that the older woman wasn't going to like the answer that was going to come out of her mouth. "Maybe I would be better off marrying Harry"
Mrs Mason sighed, putting her hand on her hip and leaning against the counter. "Why on Earth would you think that?"
"Because, I'm never going to love anyone the way that I loved..." Rose paused, not wanting to say his name. It broke her heart to even think of Willy Wonka. Rose swallowed a lump in her throat as she continued. "The way that I loved him ever again. I might as well save myself a life of loneliness and marry that monster"
"But that's no excuse to marry someone you don't love. Hell, I don't even think that boy really loves you. He just wants power over you, dear. And if you marry Harry, you're giving that to him" Mrs Mason's tone was harsh, but it needed to be if she wanted to get through to Rose. "At least with Mr Wonka, from everything you told me about him, he seemed to truly care for you. Even if you two did only know each other for a day"
"If he really did love me, then he would have let us all move into the factory" Rose spat out, aggressively rolling the dough for the pie crust. "He would have let Charlie bring us with him"
"Dear, I know you're angry but don't take it out on the dough" Mrs Mason said. Rose suddenly stopped rolling the dough. A tear then slipped from her eye and it splattered on the flattened dough. "Why don't you take a couple days off? Clear your head?"
"Mrs Mason, you don't need to—"
"Yes, I do my dear" Mrs Mason said. She took the rolling pin from Rose. "Take the time you need to clear your head. I'll still pay you for your scheduled days"
Rose sighed and nodded. "Thank you, Mrs Mason" She hugged the woman.
"Please, take care of yourself. And when you come back, and I find a ring on your finger, I'm going to be very disappointed, do you understand?"
Rose hesitated. "Yes" And with that, she left the shop, saying her goodbye to her friends as she walked past them. Priscilla came into the kitchen, with a newspaper in hand.
"Is everything alright with Ro?" Priscilla asked.
Mrs Mason sighed and continued on with making a coconut cream pie. "The poor girl is suffering terribly from a broken heart"
Priscilla frowned, feeling very worried for her friend. "She's not going to marry that ghastly Harry boy, is she?"
"Despite everything I told her, I fear she may still be considering going through with it"
"Well, it turns out that Rose isn't the only one suffering from a broken heart" Priscilla dropped the newspaper beside Mrs Mason. The older woman went wide eyed as she read the headline.
Wonka Bars dropping in sales. The once sweet and delicious chocolates, have now turned terribly bitter. Is this the end for the famed chocolatier? What has happened to make his chocolate and candy not so sweet?
"Do you think Rose had anything to do with this?" Priscilla wondered curiously.
"Maybe. I know from experience that a broken heart can affect the things you're most passionate about" Mrs Mason explained. "When my beloved husband died, my pies were absolutely terrible. It took me about a year before my pies were magical again"
Rose had cried all the way home. She was about to make a regretful decision, but she didn't see any other choice. Everything Mrs Mason has told her went right out the window.
Rose had run into Harry on her way home. Harry was angry at her for pretending to have the flu. But when Rose had said that she was ready to marry him, today to be exact, his mood had changed to a pleased one.
They were to be wed in two hours. That's why Rose went home. She needed to pick up the wedding dress.
Mr and Mrs Bucket weren't home when she got there. Rose presumed they were out at the market. Grandpa Joe was outside working in their new garden where they grew a new assortment of fresh vegetables. The other grandparents were fast asleep for theirs naps. And she didn't see Charlie anywhere. He must be out at his new job of shining shoes.
Rose opened a cupboard where the wedding dress was being kept. She grabbed the dress and was about to walk out the door when she heard Charlie's voice.
"Rosie? What are you doing?" He asked. His eyes trailed over to the wedding dress in her arm. "You're getting married today?" Charlie sounded disappointed, but at the same time, he knew that this was her decision and he would support it.
"Yes, Charlie. In two hours to be exact" Rose confessed. "Believe me, I've really thought this through, and as much as I'm going to regret it, this is the best thing I can do right now"
Charlie nodded. "Is there anything that can be done to change your mind?"
"Unless Mr Wonka magically crashes the wedding to apologize, then no" Rose pulled Charlie into a hug and kissed him on the top of his head. "I love you, Charlie. You're the best little brother any girl could ever ask for"
"I love you too, Rosie" Charlie said. "You're an amazing sister"
And with that, Rose was out the door and on her way to the church. Where in a matter of two hours, a surprising twist of fate would be taking place.
Charlie settled himself in front of another client reading the newspaper. Charlie scrubbed the brush in the polish, and then got to work on the client's shoes.
"Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell, er, Walter" the client broke the silence. Charlie thought there was something very familiar about the man's voice.
"Willy Wonka" Charlie corrected.
"That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose he's just a rotten egg who deserves it"
"Oh, really? You ever met him, the chocolate maker?"
"I did. I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice" Then Charlie added. "He also has a funny haircut"
The man lowered the paper, revealing himself to be Willy Wonka. "I do not!"
"Why are you here?" Charlie asked him.
"I don't feel so hot" Willy explained. "What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?"
Charlie answered. "My family"
"Ew" Willy cringed, leaning back in his chair.
Charlie stood up. "What do you have against my family?"
"It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of..." Willy swallowed down the word 'family' like it was a lump in his throat. He continued. "You know, they're always telling you what to do, what not to do, and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere"
"Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you" Charlie explained. Willy made a disgusted face. "If you don't believe me, you should ask"
"Ask who?" Willy scoffed. "My father?" He let out a sarcastic laugh. "No way" Willy took a moment to think the idea over. "At least, not by myself"
"You want me to go with you?" Charlie suggested.
Willy smiled for the first time in two weeks. "Hey, what a good idea! Yeah!" Willy got out of the seat.
Charlie then suddenly remembered his sister. The wedding ceremony would be happening very shortly, and it needed to be stopped before she made the biggest mistake of her life. "But we need to stop somewhere first. We need to get Rose"
Willy's stomach fluttered at the mention of her name. Oh, how he's missed her. He would give anything to see her again and apologize to her. "Where is she?"
"At the church. She's about to get married"
Willy's smile dropped, as did his heart. "She's getting...?" He trailed off, not wanting to say the word. Only because he couldn't think of Rose marrying anyone but him.
"Yes, to a man that she doesn't even love. And I'm scared that if she marries him, he won't ever let us see her again" Charlie's voice shook with fear.
Willy couldn't let that happen. He saw how close Charlie and Rose were. She would be miserable if she was to never see her family again. He can't believe he made that mistake himself.
"Well then, we have no time to lose!" Willy said, walking towards the glass elevator. "And you know what? I've got trans—" Willy yet again walked into the elevator and fell to the ground. He quickly got up and collected himself. "I have to be more careful where I park this thing"
Willy and Charlie went into the elevator. Willy pressed a button and the elevator moved. First stop, the church to save Rose.
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wr0temyway0ut · 10 months
Ooooo I would love to know about Trans Buddies Willie and Bobby!!! <3
Trans buddies my beloved!! This is set in my trans femme Bobby au, after Bobby drops out of the band to be their manager instead and they bring Julie, a friend of Bobby's cousin Carrie, in as her replacement. Of course, Julie comes as a package deal with Flynn and Willie, so they all get integrated into the friend group.
This fic in particular is Bobby finding out Willie is a trans guy, and them finding solidarity in each other. Plus Bobby helps Willie come out to Alex <3
Snippet below the cut!
“How did you and Carrie meet?” Bobby asks. 
“I auditioned for Dirty Candy.”
“Oh, so recently then?” Bobby asks, though that still doesn’t quite add up. The last Dirty Candy performance she saw was a couple months ago, but Willie interacts with the girls like he’s known them for a lot longer. 
“Nah,” Willie shrugs, not looking up from his sketchbook. “I was in it for a coupla years back when it first formed.”
Bobby frowns, confused. “I don’t remember ever seeing a boy in the group.”
“Well, I dropped out a while ago.”
“But the only person who ever dropped out was—” A girl who looked exactly like Willie. “Oh.”
Willie finally looks up, giving her a nervous grin. “There ya go. I knew you’d piece it together eventually.”
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