#transfemme lit
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"Not all my concerns, however, were earth shattering. For one thing, I was curious about the appearance of my vagina. I'd never seen one- and now I had my own. In fact, I had a brand-new one! I'd bought the darn thing sight unseen. I wanted to see exactly what it looked like.
The day after surgery, I asked for a hand mirror and tenderly positioned myself for my first peek at a vagina.
"Good God!" I shrieked, "what have they done to me? This looks like something you'd hang in your smokehouse... after a hog killing."
I'd never seen anything so gross. It was swollen, red, and wrinkled. The wrinkles looked at though they'd been left behind... deliberately. This thing needed to be ironed. Over eleven hours of surgery, pure agony as an aftermath, and I had to be left with a wrinkled vagina? Swelling was expected. I might even accepted that it would look a bit beat-up and trampled-on - but not like this! This was a disaster! This was no little pink rosebud! This was no delicate scalloped shell from the seashore. This was a red, wrinkled Venus fly-trap! I started to cry, which only made matters worse.
Mother rang for the nurse. "You're perfectly normal," they both assured me. "That's how you're supposed to look." Who did they think they were fooling? I was having none of it. "Like this?" I keened. I'd seen my share of nude female statutory. I hadn't been totally lacking in pubescent curiosity. I even had a fair idea of a vagina's function. This wrinkled thing wasn't going to make it on any countenance. I wanted a neat little split. Something that would translate well in Italian marble, or perhaps, alabaster. I wanted something aesthetically pleasing. This thing had folds! I was suddenly reminded of that unattractive rear view as I herded home the cows.
I was truly upset. "We'll show you," my mother volunteered.
My mother and Westlake Clinic's charge nurse both lifted their skirts, presenting me a view of not one but two naturally born vaginas. By golly, they did have folds. There were four outer labial folds on each vagina. Satisfied that I was normal, I drifted off to sleep."
“The Woman I Was Not Born To Be” by Aleshia Brevard (2001)
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yourreality-mp3 · 6 months
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Natsuki stands for the flag🩷🧁
Happy trans day of visibility!🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
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can-of-w0rmz · 1 year
I was looking through some A-Level English literature resources since I’m going into sixth form next year and determined to convince my teachers to let us read Frankenstein, and I just came across the take that Victor is sexist because he wants to “cut women out from the creation process” 💀 just say the man is gay and move on
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gatheringbones · 2 years
queer forms of magic from queer lit:
queer psychopompery. the queer people who performed the role of death doula for people with AIDS and/or other terminal diseases throughout our history.
queer transformative magic— the magic of seeming and appearing and subverting. too many examples to list.
queer escape magic. the stonewall butch who escaped the cop car while handcuffed and sent the watching crowd berserk with protective fury. sylvia rivera throwing herself out of a moving car to escape a bad trick. the butch who stole a nurse’s uniform and escaped the asylum in upstate new york before they could start her electroshock treatments. the butch from the persistent desire who beat all her charges for what she did to that new orleans cop.
queer samizdat magic. the transfer and cultivation of forbidden materials and histories from one oppressive period to another. the lesbians who walled themselves up in living archives. the transfemme historians uncovering long forgotten riots and uprisings. the gay utopians hand writing notebook after notebook of revolutionary poetry. diaries and scraps from the beloved dead being collected and pored over in temperature controlled rooms with gloved hands.
queer proxy magic through objects— leather, boots, high heels, dildos, packers, ties, etc. Leathermen inheriting and caring for the armor and skins of their fallen brothers. House mothers passing down dresses and accessories to their found children. the gay man who crumbled and dropped the eucharist to the ground during the catholic church action.
queer riot magic. kettles broken through in the knick of time. cop provocateurs being identified and ignored and expelled. ashes and teeth and bone chips of the beloved dead sailing through the white house fence and landing on the pristine lawn. groups of queer protesters sitting down en masse as the police horses are kicked into charging.
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coochiequeens · 7 months
Babies are not props to be used to validate gender feelz. And unfortunately this is just the start of a long list of why this guy should not be around kids
By Genevieve Gluck February 26, 2024
A trans-identified male residing in Canada who claims to be HIV positive and inserts progesterone rectally has been allegedly “breastfeeding” his child with the support of established medical clinics. Former men’s rights activist Murray Pearson, 52, who uses the name Margaret (Margie) Fancypants on social media, has been criticized after he shared an image of himself at a lactation clinic holding a young infant.
The photo was first posted three months ago on Reddit community titled r/TransLater, a board dedicated to males who transition later in life. In a post titled, “Milk, baby, milk! MTF 52,” wherein Pearson appears ecstatic that one “benefit of being transfemme” includes “that you can be pregnant and get drunk” with no undue problems.
“I have a baby almost 9 months old… I cannot wait to connect through feeding. And yes, I will stop drinking before it negatively affects anything they drink!” said Pearson
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“This is a wish I have had for decades. My egg cracked a year ago on December 12 and I realized I could nurse my baby already on the way. That lit a fire under me, and I have gone from having lean pectoral muscle in March to full B-cups now and growing fast,” he added.
Pearson continues on to claim to have the assistance of “medical expertise,” including “five physicians in three clinics in two world class hospitals,” with one of the clinics named as the Goldfarb Clinic in Montreal.
“Two endocrinologists, Newman and Goldfarb, created a protocol to induce lactation in adoptive mothers,” Pearson explained in the comments. “It works for trans women as well, it works best when breast growth is mature but I am taking domperidone while my primary breast growth is underway. By an astonishing coincidence, I live right next to their breastfeeding institute!”
According to statements Pearson has made on social media, he began identifying as transgender in December 2022, and the following year, began taking progesterone. Approximately eight months ago, Pearson announced that he had found his “true self” as a result of performing in a drag show for a friend’s birthday celebration.
Earlier this month, Pearson described the first moment he believed he was a woman after trying on used women’s clothing at a thrift store. “I realized that the beautiful curvy woman in the mirror was the real me and I could be her every day… after more than two decades of stealth resistance. 87 days later I started spiro, 14 days after that estradiol, and now I am looooooving my boobs. Having curves without fakery is AMAZING.”
In a post made to the TransLater community last week, Pearson described how to insert the female hormone progesterone rectally, as a suppository, rather than swallowing it as a tablet.
“My breasts get a wonderful plumpness and pleasing jiggliness when I have had progesterone the night before…. You’ll need some lubricant (personal lube such as K-Y jelly or similar, or silicone personal lube which may be overkill, or some sort of non-irritating oil; I use my own mixture of cocoa butter and shea butter) to allow free clearance for the capsule… Some people simply pop the capsule in their mouth to use saliva, but I like a more effective lube,” he commented.
Pearson has also shared images of himself in a blue and pink wig attempting to eat ice cream containing the hormone in a seductive manner.
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Disturbingly, Pearson has also revealed that he is HIV positive and is aware that the deadly virus can be transmitted through breastfeeding.
“I am HIV+, continuously controlled for 18.5 years now,” said Pearson in a Reddit post six months ago. “The viral suppression into undetectability [sic] makes sexual transmission impossible. But transmission through milk IS possible if viral load becomes detectable so I will test viral load monthly (opposed to semiannually) to keep a VERY close eye on that.”
In a shocking display of further disregard for the child’s health, Pearson speculated as to whether his experiment would qualify him as a candidate for the participation in academic research.
“Fortunately, Dr Lenore Goldfarb, creator of the protocol, has her clinic at the same hospital we birthed our baby in. I may even end up in the medical literature.” While again discussing his HIV status in relation to ‘breastfeeding’ a child, Pearson alleges that his case is being documented by infectious diseases researcher Dr. Marina Klein, who is affiliated with McGill University.
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Pearson in a “before” picture posted to Reddit tracking his transitioning progress.
Reduxx reached out to Dr. Klein to request information on her involvement in Pearson’s experimental lactation, and she confirmed that she had been monitoring Pearson for his HIV infection at the Chronic Viral Illness Service of the McGill University Health Centre. However, she stated she had not been involved in his transition nor had she been consulted on his induction of lactation.
“It’s important to emphasize that we do not recommend breast feeding for people with HIV as this is the only way to be certain that no HIV transmission will occur after a baby is born,” Dr. Klein said in her response. “However, guidelines have evolved over time with the recognition that the risk of transmission is very low when HIV infection is undetectable with effective therapy … If, after informed discussion, a person expresses a wish to breastfeed they may chose to do so provided they are willing to follow a close protocol of viral monitoring and have their baby followed closely with pediatric specialists who would generally recommend that they receive preventive medication.”
Dr. Klein further states that Pearson had expressed a desire to breastfeed and then had been referred to an endocrinologist.
Prior to identifying as transgender, Pearson was involved in politically advocating for the US-based, anti-feminist men’s rights non-profit A Voice for Men (AVFM).
The organization was founded in 2009 by Paul Elam, who has said that there would no longer be “any place to hide on the internet” for “lying bitches,” and members associated with the group have previously published personal information about women who opposed their activities.
Pearson has linked to the organization’s website on his YouTube channel biography, where he has uploaded videos of himself advocating positions held by AVFM, such as accusing women of lying about sexual violence.
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In one video shared in July 2013, titled “Rape, Posters, Traffic Lights and Consent,” Pearson claims that he was previously drugged and raped by a woman on the University of Alberta campus.
He also encourages discussion of posters produced by Men’s Rights Edmonton which featured the headline, ‘Don’t Be That Girl’, created with the intention of parodying an anti-rape campaign designed by a women’s rape crisis shelter, Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton (SAVE), which used the slogan, ‘Don’t Be That Guy.’
Pearson has also been active in a Facebook group for “trans lesbians,” a term which labels men who call themselves transgender as same-sex attracted women.
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Criticism of Pearson’s claims to be “lactating” and “breastfeeding” have focused on concerns that he is “motivated… to experience sexual arousal from lactation,” as one X user, Lulu Solomon, said.
“Because it is not motivated by what is best for the baby it’s automatically risky because the baby becomes a prop in the fantasy,” she stated, alongside a photo of Pearson at the Goldfarb clinic.
This is not the first controversy that has involved trans-identified males breastfeeding babies, with a number of recent examples triggering concern over the past year.
Last year, a lactation professional in Australia along with a women’s rights campaigner were warned that they had broken the law after criticizing a trans-identified male who had boasted of breastfeeding his infant. Shortly after, a trans-identified male in the UK dismissed critics of the practice as “transphobes” after he posted images of himself with a baby latched to his nipple.
UPDATE 02/26/24: The article has been updated to include comment received from Dr. Klein.
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vulcan-moon · 2 years
lit cant sleep bc in thinking of transfemme terumob
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findroleplay · 1 year
haven't seen a lot of love for my female characters lately, so I'd love the chance to write some of them!
I'm 21+ and transmasc, looking for 18+ partners to write FxF plots with! (I can potentially be persuaded to do FxM, but I'm mostly looking for FxF right now.) transfemme characters allowed and encouraged, as I have a couple of my own!
I've got a number of different characters who I might like to use for this, anywhere from a vampire to a wine mom, a cunning thief to a mob boss's daughter, a sorceress to a content creator. I write across a number of genres, so I may be interested in whatever you'd like to throw my way! however, I'm not interested in a strict dom/sub relationship, and will only write characters that switch as far as smut is concerned. I'm not looking for anything dead dove, but I'd love to write something with fantasy, domestic/slice of life, enemies/friends to lovers, opposites attract, raising a child together, buddy spies/assassins, high school or college settings, etc.
I write on discord only, literate to novella length, but I consider myself mirror lit. I only use animated/drawn FCs, so I'm not interested in RL FCs. if this interests you, drop a like! 💜
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gabrielisdead · 2 years
my tiny list of headcanons from gothic lit:
Frankenstein: transfemme nb, into beautiful men, chronically ill, neurodivergent
Clerval: bisexual, neurodivergent
Jekyll: gay man, ADHD, chronic depression
Utterson: autistic, a strange case of bromance with Jekyll
Griffin: basically everything that comes with albinism (mostly vision problems), impulsivity issues
Kemp: is a bitch.
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"Legally, at that time, one was required to wear at least three-gender appropriate articles of clothing. Otherwise you were subject to arrest. Few heterosexuals were aware of the law. The archaic ruling was of major consequence only for the queens of the queer community. For my late-night forays, I generally wore two socks and a silky, if male, tank top under my very feminine slacks and top.
My outer garments had for years been very non-gender specific: velvet tops over stovepipe-cut slacks; oversized shirts over tight, tight jeans. I did not, however, hit the streets in cute little skirts and cashmere sweaters. I was conscious of the dress code and the fact that I was known to every cop on our block.
The city's finest were often found kibitzing with the owners at the club. In the years leading up to San Francisco's "gay-ola" scandal of the early 1960s, it was common practice for the owners of gay clubs to "grease" the legal system. Financial consideration in the right blue pockets allowed talented "fairies" to work and play without constant police harassment. The cops on Broadway knew who I was, and I knew them for what they were. Like everyone familiar with gay life, I carried a healthy fear of our law-enforcement officials. I played by the rules and only slightly bent the dictate that you arrive and exit the club... male.
"I know you think you're real, Girl," Stormy would fret, "But you're still almost six feet tall and bear a striking resemblance to that popular drag queen Lee Shaw. Don't think you're invisible to the police."
My friend was concerned for my safety, but her primary fear was not of the men with whom I danced at the Street of Paris. She knew how badly I would be treated if picked up by the police. I would be unceremoniously tossed into jail, if not worse."
“The Woman I Was Not Born To Be” by Aleshia Brevard (2001)
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clangenhell · 1 year
Meet SpellClan!
Opalstar had been walking with her Clan for days, just trying to seek out a safe home. Their old Clan had succumbed to the corruption, and she barely managed to escape with as many as she could. Hazelfeather - the most experienced of them all - quickly took charge as her right hand cat. Rainblossom had been the daughter of a medicine cat (though not many had known that) and took her place as the medicine cat. Pineflare barely managed to grab her apprentice, Graypaw, before as many kits as possible; Butterflykit, Rainkit, Heatherkit, Volekit, and Foggykit were the only ones to make it through.
The grass soon turned into harsh rocks, cutting into already sore paws. Opalstar felt her tail twitch as she spied a cave, sighing and turning to Hazelfeather, "We need to rest for the night."
Hazelfeather hummed, "You're right." It was all that was said, and they pushed forward. Volekit and Foggykit, the youngest of the kits, whined and had to be carried for the rest of the way. The darkness of the cave gave way to a dull glow and Opalstar called the cats to a halt. She motioned Hazelfeather and Pineflare to follow her, flanking both sides. Deeper into the cave, their eyes widened and lit up with the faint glow of blue crystals.
"This is..." Pineflare muttered, only able to look around.
"This is where StarClan was leading us," Hazelfeather determined. Opalstar's tail twitched. Magic pulsated in the air, hair standing up as if before a thunderstorm.
"Regardless, this will be our new home," Opalstar decreed.
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Opalstar (she/her), the leader of the newly established SpellClan. She is a dark brown and white she-cat with heather blue eyes. She has geokinesis, the ability to manipulate the earth around her. She a charismatic smooth-talker who can silver tongue her way out of any situation, but also bolster her fellow cats. She is a great fighter from her time in her old Clan... though she doesn't like to think or talk about it like the others do.
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Hazelfeather (she/her), the deputy of the newly established SpellClan. She is a dark gray tabby and white she-cat with bronze eyes. She uses the power of illusions, able to make you see what she wants you to see. She is sneaky, able to creep around without being seen or heard; though her illusions help as well. She has a strong connection to StarClan that aids her leader and Clan.
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Rainblossom (she/they), the medicine cat of the newly established SpellClan. They are a pale gray smoke and white transfemme cat with emerald eyes. She has telekinesis, able to move objects with her mind. They are slightly childish, more likely to be seen playing with the apprentices and kits than gathering herbs but they still do their job regardless. She is an excellent fighter, taught by her mother... she was taught medicine by her father, her old Clan's medicine cat, though nobody knew he was her father.
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Pineflare (she/her), a warrior of the newly established SpellClan. She is a long-furred light brown tabby and white she-cat with emerald eyes. She has pyrokinesis. Her apprentice is Graypaw, of which he was before their old Clan became corrupted. She tends to get lost in her own thoughts, exploring rabbitholes or philosophical conundrums rather than focusing on the present. She is particularly skilled at hunting, though she must be careful not to let her fire get out of control when she uses it.
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Graypaw (he/him), an apprentice of the newly established SpellClan. He is a pale gray tabby and white point tom with green-yellow eyes. He has cryokinesis. His mentor is Pineflare, of which she was before their old Clan became corrupted. The destruction of his old Clan, his family, made his heart turn as cold as his powers, simply wanting vengeance for his old Clan.
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Butterflykit (they/them), a kit of the newly established SpellClan. They are a gray and white intersex cat with silver eyes. They are very quiet, and are now nearly mute after the destruction of their Clan.
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Rainkit (she/her), a kit of the newly established SpellClan. She is an unusually dappled brown she-cat with grey eyes. She's quite the nervous little thing, and can almost always be seen shivering.
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Heatherkit (she/her), a kit of the newly established SpellClan. She is a cream ticked and white she-cat with grey eyes. Her head is in the clouds, often daydreaming.
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Volekit (he/him), a kit of the newly established SpellClan. He is a brown tabby tom with amber eyes. He is always hounding the older cats for answers to endless questions.
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Foggykit (he/him), a kit of the newly established SpellClan. He is a white and balck tabby tom with copper eyes. He always has a smile or flick of the tail that makes anyone gush over him.
So, each cat has a special kinetic power. They don't learn what their power is until they are apprenticed. I'll be posting the first couple moons soon!
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malcolmschmitz · 2 years
Hey, people of Tumblr! It's Pride month and my birthday month, and you know what that means- time for me to tell you I've got Queer Fiction for sale. This is the point where I'd normally tell you I've got things ON SALE, but here's the problem:
all of my short stories are Pay What You Want on Smashwords. All of them. I can't put them on sale, because you can pay whatever you want for them- and if that's $0, that's okay. Just leave a nice review, please?
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CHRYSALIS is a love story to the internet and the ways it helps queer people survive.
On the internet, no one knows you're a bug… unless you tell them. But when Gregor undergoes a painful transformation, he needs his friends' help to keep his sanity. Can he deal with his new form without tearing his family apart?
buy: amazon || smashwords
THE CAPTAIN'S SPHERE is a literary fantasy story about a transfemme scientist who hunts angels in a steampunk skyship.
Lady Ava Loftus is an unusual woman, even by the standards of sky-sailors. As she pursues her passion- the study and dissection of mysterious creatures called angels- she must move between different social spheres and contend with others' ideas of who and what she should be. Can she adhere to the expectations set for a lady of quality without betraying her true self?
buy: amazon || smashwords
THE UNICORN'S BEARD is a fantasy veterinary mystery. An NB plague doctor must cure an evil queen's sick unicorn- or it's off with their head!
Sawbones, a wandering veterinarian, must use their knowledge of goat diseases to cure the queen's sick unicorn- or it's off with their head. Can they save the Queen's pet from Her Majesty? The Unicorn's Beard is a humourous fantasy mystery featuring an autistic, nonbinary protagonist who is not getting paid enough for this nonsense.
buy: amazon || smashwords
Like I said, it's my birthday month, and normally I'd offer a sale- but because you get to choose the price, I can't actually put things FOR SALE. There's no special offer here, no gimmicks, nothing time-limited- just some good old-fashioned queer lit with a wry sense of humour.
if you really want to help me out, you could also check out my Patreon- it's rarely updated, but you can get all my ebooks for free with a month's subscription, and access to a huge backlog of subscriber posts.
Thanks for reading, and happy Pride!
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just-patchy · 3 years
UNPOPULAR OPINION: Comparing Vil Schoenheit to Trans Characters in Anime, Manga and Games — Forceful pushing of headcanons and why Vil is a better character in canon as a cisgender (gay) male
DISCLAIMER: this essay is aimed at those who find it entirely acceptable to shove their headcanons down others’ throats with the threat of crying wolf (i.e., “if you dislike this hc you’re transphobic”, etc.) should they not comply. For those who simply headcanon Vil as trans and acknowledge that canon and other headcanons can exist with (and without) their approval, this essay is not aimed at you and you are perfectly valid.
Notes: Title may be slightly misleading as there’s really only one comparison, and being a cis character does not necessarily make one “better”. However, given Vil’s character, the mun views that Vil has a far bigger impact in terms of plot, hence the title.
Many of us like to suggest headcanons for our favourite characters, some to make the character even more interesting, others simply to relate to the character further. While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with fun headcanons here and there, the forceful insistence of fans in recent years that their headcanons are absolute to maximise their own comfort has become a glaring issue across many fandoms. In particular, the subject of LGBT+ headcanons has been especially touchy, as minorities use the discrimination against them to their own benefit and, ironically, suppress the opinions of others. One such headcanon is that Vil Schoenheit of Twisted Wonderland is transfemme, or even a trans woman, as he uses the pronoun “atashi” (typically used by women and girls), and is perceived to be traditionally feminine. However, such a headcanon not only fundamentally ignores the very basis of Vil’s character — breaking gender stereotypes as a cisgender white male — but can even be taken as sexist. To prove this controversial statement, a comparison with other notable transgender characters, either confirmed by canon or heavily speculated on by fans, in other anime, games and manga is needed.
First and foremost, the idea that Vil is transfemme or even a trans woman is shallow and unfounded. While Vil indeed uses the pronoun “atashi” in referring to himself, a pronoun typically used by women and girls in Japan, “watashi”, the pronoun that “atashi” is (presumably) deprived from, is a gender-neutral pronoun used by both genders, though for men, both “watashi” and “atashi” are usually used in a casual context by stereotypical feminine gay men or drag queens. Throughout the story, there was absolutely no indication that Vil has issues with his own gender. In fact, it seems to be the very opposite, he is incredibly comfortable and confident in his own masculinity, which is why he has no problem doing things that are traditionally seen as feminine:
“Next, lotion. As guys (lit. with us being high school boys, アタシたち男子高校生), our skin tends to be oilier so applying too much only makes things worse.” (Main Story Chapter 5, translated by j-mee on Twitter)
“There’s no such thing as “men only” or “women only”, whether it’s clothes or dance.” (服にもダンスにも「男専用」「女専用」なんかない。) (Main Story Chapter 5, rough translation by patchy)
Epel provides as a foil character in this case, having stated his dislike for his cute and “girly” appearance multiple times, as well as wanting to be in Savanaclaw due to the athletic nature of the dorm rather than Pomefiore:
“I really... I really wanted to get into the wild and brave Savanaclaw instead!!” (Ceremonial Robes story, chapter 1, translated by twstarchives)
Epel clearly thinks that Pomefiore is too feminine for him, and only puts emphasis on his unwanted cuteness. While Vil being transfemme or a trans woman would certainly be progressive for Japan considering its conservative nature, Vil being a fellow cisgender boy is certainly far more powerful in delivering this response to Epel. They’re both white and cisgender, yet while Epel only sees his adorable baby face as a weakness, Vil sees his own beauty as his strength and capitalises on it. It is precisely why he is so careful to maintain his appearance through dieting and impeccable makeup:
“I've not once neglected my health. And no one on my Magicamera account, which mind you has over five million followers, has said anything about it.” (Vil’s Lab Coat SR, Part 1, translated by kibadreams)
Having grown up in the entertainment industry and showing no sign that he wishes to retire from it, Vil’s “otherwordly” beauty is one of his greatest assets, and as such, he complies with the industry and all its standards, and is unashamed to do something like dancing if it can potentially further his career. Vil is no Azul, but he is still a businessman in the sense that he knows how to advertise, promote and market himself to the masses. To insist that Vil is transfemme or a trans woman erases the meaning to his actions, and instead reduces him to a shallow figurehead based on how traditionally feminine he acts (use of pronouns, way of speaking, behaviour typically seen as “feminine”, etc.) instead of focusing on his relationship with gender presentation and his rejection of traditional gendered labels as a whole.
Arashi Narukami from Ensemble Stars, while not officially confirmed to be trans, provides a good comparison, though many often compare them on a surface level to try and force Arashi’s character onto Vil’s or vice versa. Aside from their shared use of pronouns, professionalism and both having careers in the entertainment industry, the two characters cannot be any more different. Unlike Vil, Arashi has stated her views on her relationship to gender identity multiple times, albeit they are rather inconsistent due to the different writers of Ensemble Stars having varied interpretations of her character. She repeatedly calls herself a “maiden”, a “girl” and a “big sister”, and insists on others using the “-chan” suffix for her rather than “-kun” (the only exception seeming to be fellow unitmate Izumi). She has also stated her internal conflict with her gender, which one can interpret as Arashi wanting to transition but unable to do so due to her career in the modelling and idol industry, as well as the unwelcoming attitude held by Japan in regards to the LGBT+ community:
“I’m honestly envious… No matter how much I want it, and no matter how hard I try… I could never become the beautiful woman I dream to be.” (Gacha story “Beasts — Centre of the World” part 7, translated by euni2319 on Dreamwidth)
Due to the ambiguous nature of the “okama” label, a derogatory one used for both drag queens/crossdressers and trans women alike, it is not clear whether Arashi truly is a trans woman unless canon states otherwise. However, there is certainly enough evidence in the story to argue such a case, especially with the English localisation of Ensemble Stars using she/her pronouns for Arashi. In contrast, Vil’s behaviour is more in-line with an “onee” type character, or a stereotypical feminine gay man, which is surprising considering that the Twisted Wonderland fandom, in all their hope for LGBT+ characters, fails to pick up on. As stated above, “atashi” is a pronoun often used by drag queens/crossdressers and stereotypical femme gay men, the latter of which Vil seems to fall into the category of due to the homoromantic subtext of his relationship/friendship with Rook Hunt. Many of their interactions can be perceived as romantic, even more so due to the stance that both Disney and Japan have on homosexuality, mainly either with unvoiced distaste or being acceptable as a fetish/strange interest due to the forbidden nature of homosexuality in Japan:
“Nevertheless, Rook's eyes are more accurate than any scale. Even more than a mirror, perhaps.” (Vil’s Lab Coat SR, Part 2, translated by kibadreams)
While Vil and Rook’s relationship does have homosexual undertones, on Rook’s part more so than Vil’s, Vil at the very least relies on Rook and trusts him greatly. The above quote is just the tip of the iceberg.
Vil’s character can be seen as a twist on the stereotypical “onee”, one that is written and taken seriously as a direct comparison to how the character type has been commonly used for comic relief or otherwise unimportant side characters in past works (Garfiel from FMA, Magne from MHA, though a trans example of the stereotype, and Otokosuki from DBZ). The implication that Vil is gay by partially conforming to behaviour expected of feminine gay men yet being a serious and hard-working perfectionist (i.e., having a personality not centred around comic relief) is arguably a big step in Japanese anime, games and manga.
Sexism and even ageism in the Twisted Wonderland fandom is unfortunately nothing new, towards all genders. Non-female creators and yumes struggle to garner an audience without yumejoshis, particularly unusually possessive ones, feeling threatened by their very presence. Adult fans are criticised simply for playing the game despite that their in-game payments are what make the game profitable enough for younger fans, most of which do not earn income and thus cannot fund in-game transactions, to continue enjoying Twisted Wonderland. Yana herself has become the scapegoat for Disney Japan, being blamed for any issues regarding the game’s storyline despite that not only are the Disney Japan executives the ones giving the final approval, Yana has been working while ill due to the gruelling and even abusive nature of the anime, game and manga industry in Japan, where artists, animators and other staff members are overworked to produce the smallest bits of content. Fans, especially those often discriminated against in their own countries, have developed an unfortunate habit of using their statuses as minorities to avoid criticism and responsibility for their own actions, going as far as to deflect criticism of their irresponsible behaviour onto the critics and paint them as the aggressors. Anyone who does not view Twisted Wonderland in the same view of unrealistic progressiveness more commonly expected of Western cartoons is shunned and their actions deemed discriminatory. The fandom has evolved into a space where the prey become the predators, the hunted become the hunters, and the oppressed become the oppressors, all in the name of establishing equality and equity.
Ultimately, we are all fans of Twisted Wonderland trying to enjoy the game in our own ways. Our comforts are unique and distinctly different from one another, and no one’s comforts should be prioritised above that of others simply because one is in the minority. While the fact that people have become more and more comfortable taking pride in their own identities is certainly something to be celebrated, we should not be taking this as an opportunity to alienate those we so much as remotely dislike just because they belong to a certain race, gender or age group, particularly twisting oppression against vulnerable minorities to do so. Frankly speaking, none of us have the right to force our own interpretations of canon onto others, minority or not, and doing this simply reinforces one’s narrow mind and self-absorption.
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 3 years
do you think there is any significance that alex's colour scheme is green and pink? or do you think rr went "u know what this character needs? to look like a watermelon"
((Prefacing this by saying that I'm giving RR way too much credit here, but you shouldn't take anything an author does for granted— even a serial author who often makes blunders and mistakes.))
A while ago I saw a (pretty unfair) assumption that RR made it green and pink because blue and pink would be too obvious, but that his intention was obviously to reinforce the gender binary by using two distinctly gendered colors for a character with two distinct genders. Of course, they did not phrase it so delicately. No offense to whoever made that post, but I disagree.
Although that may have had to do with it, there's other things to consider. One of them is color symbolism. And oh. OH. I ADORE symbolism— especially flower/plant symbolism (Language of the Flowers and all that jazz), seasonal symbolism (there's a reason that evermore is my second favorite Taylor Swift album), and color symbolism.
Let's talk about green first. Green can symbolize a lot of different things, and there are a few that can be applied to Alex's character. The most obvious thing that green often represents is jealousy— hence the expression "green with envy." But envy is not really one of Alex's character traits. Feel free to argue with me if you think that Alex is significantly envious. Just because I couldn't think of substantial textual evidence for it does not mean that there isn't any.
One of the traits that Alex does have is wealth. Green is the color of American currency, and since both RR and Alex are American, it's safe to take an American lens while looking at this color. Alex's socioeconomic background effects her in a big way. I mentioned in a previous post that I think that Alex's fatal flaw is her sense of entitlement. That kind of entitlement is a quality not exclusive to but common among the upper class. However, her distance from her wealthy background enhances the sense of irony in the story, which is a VERY big thing that we NEVER talk about within the fandom.
This is kind of a little thing, but it's worth noting that when it comes to Valhalla and everything, Alex is "green"— as in new and inexperienced.
The color green also emphasizes Alex's connection with nature. This is one of the parts of Alex's character that the fandom consistently underplays, which is an absolute shame. I don't think I have to explain why the color green is associated with all things natural. Alex's association with nature provides a few key things to her character:
It makes her a more well-rounded character. Another criticism of Alex I believe is totally unfounded is that "being genderfluid is her only personality trait because it influences her philosophy on pottery, which is her only hobby." I'm probably going to make another post in, like, a few minutes about why I find that argument a little silly, but the primary problem is that pottery is not Alex's only hobby. She also loves camping, hiking, and ice wall climbing (I bet y'all forgot about that last one!)
It gives her a connection with Magnus. I mentioned in a previous post that Magnus and Alex are foils, but I neglected to bring up why that also makes for very good chemistry between them. Of course, yes, they have different goals and philosophy, which is what makes them foils in the first place. But foil relationships function best when the characters also share some traits. As it turns out, Alex and Magnus share several hobbies, and one of them is a mutual love for nature. This is a very unexplored thing in fics. Start doing it more plz.
Finally, and this one's kind of minor, but the Alex's green gives her a connection to Natalie. I know, whenever Alex and Natalie are compared, either in canon or in fandom, everybody kind goes "eww. Oedipus complex." Which is very fair and true. But they really do have a lot of similarites. The green of Alex's hair and clothes connects her to the green of Natalie's eyes. It's worth saying, too, that Alex has one amber eye— and amber is pretty close to dirty blonde, like Natalie's hair.
If I had more faith in RR, I might bring up the concept of intextuality and how Alex wearing green is an allusion to The Great Gatsby and how Alex is elusive to Magnus, just like Daisy is to Gatsby. But I don't.
To give credit to the person who wrote the post I mentioned at the beginning of this spiel, I do believe that part of the reason pink was used was to support femininity. Please keep in mind that Alex dresses in an androgynous way— not that there is an actually "gendered" way to dress, since gender as we perceive it is mostly made up. But Alex's existence as a transfemme person (which I will maintain until my dying day) means that pink has a certain significance to her. A lot of AMAB people embrace traditionally feminine things because if they don't, they will not be accepted as genuine women or genuine nonbinary folks, since masculine dress is unisex and kind of the default. So Alex wearing pink probably had something to do with her gender, yes. But that's not necessarily a bad thing, and it's certainly not an unrealistic thing.
Speaking of Alex's gender in relation to the color pink, let's talk about pink's use as a queer rights symbol. Alex was RR's first character to be introduced as a queer character from the start. This was not an insignificant thing, especially in the year of our Lord 2016 (which, despite popular belief, seriously had an entirely different landscape of queer rep. Though it's commonplace now to include genderqueer characters, it was exceptional at the time— especially by such an accomplished and mainstream children's author.).
Let's go back in time to Nazi Germany. Some of you might know this, but for those of you don't this transition must seem jarring. I swear there's a point. In addition to Jews, Romani individuals, people with disabilities, and Poles (among others), gay men were victimized by the Nazis. If you're wondering why lesbians weren't persecuted, it's because the Nazis didn't see them as a serious political threat, or as a threat to the perpetuation of the Aryan race since they assumed gay women could be forcefully impregnated if need be. Yeah, ew. Anyway, much like the Star of David being used to mark Jewish people, gay men were forced into concentration camps and forced to wear a pink triangle. Years later, after the gay population somewhat recovered, the pink triangle was reclaimed and used as a symbol for gay men. Some people who were not gay men used it, too, but that's somewhat controversial since it wasn't their symbol to reclaim. When the first pride flag was created, it had a pink stripe at the top to signify sex (this was later dropped so flags could be more easily produced). The pink triangle (inverted) was used during the AIDs epidemic with the caption "Silence=Death."
My point is that this is a very important color to queer folks. Having one of the first genderfluid characters in kid's lit wear pink...... I mean, it makes sense.
The last and final thing that pink represents, in this context and in general, is innocence. Granted, this kind of connects to feminitity since women (especially white women) are often infantalized and seen as innocent— which is another issue. In any case, the use of pink to represent innocence in Alex's dress is ironic. Alex has been robbed of her childhood innocence, first by her abusive parents, then by her life on the streets, and then by her eventual death at age sixteen. But then she actually regains her innocence. At the beginning of the—
Hold on. I just had a revelation. I'll make a post about it soon.
At the beginning of SotD, Alex is acting a little childish. The most obvious example is him jumping on Randolph's bed to "make noise." Alex's life is stable and relatively healthy for the first time in the years, and she experiences something that a lot of queer folks experience: a re-emergence of childhood at a late stage.
I imagine you didn't expect a post this long. I either make essay responses to asks or I add on one sentence and post it. Oops. Anyway, I believe the mcga fandom can be more creative than calling Alex a watermelon. Here are some other (kinda romantic) pink-and-green alternatives:
Cherry blossom trees
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"My mother had made a long, uphill journey to be standing there, displaying her private parts. The trip couldn't have been easy for her. In Mozelle's world, anything smacking of deviant behavior had always been swept under the rug. To digress from the sexually permissible was to be queer. She, like most of the nation, held homosexuals in very low esteem. They were perverts and child molesters. Mother didn't know any homosexuals, but she knew they were repulsive. I'd seen her in action.
At age eleven, I joined Mother on a bus for a shopping spree in Nashville. As we waited for our return bus trip home, we sat on a wooden bench people pass thrhough the Greyhound bus terminal. People watching was a favored pastime, and we generally conducted a running dialogue as the world paraded past. One person, a flamboyant black queen, noticeably stood out from this crowd. Flamboyant didn't cover it. This queen didn't pass through a space; he flounced through, making a grotesque statement about his life in transit. "Would you look at that?" my mother clucked. "He's so sissy, I bet he squats to pee."
I was mortified. I felt as though my protective cover had been ripped to shreds. I couldn't think of anything to say and sat in silence embarassment, hating that black queen. I reacted at eleven as so many adult closeted homosexuals have since reacted to the transgendered. "Don't put that spotlight on me!" I screamed inside my head.
I didn't want to believe I was like that outrageous, disgusting person prancing around the bus station. Yet I knew there was somehow a link between that "sissy" and me. it felt like a shameful link. That terrible person was in some way distantly related to me, and I knew it. I'd been called a sissy all my life, and now I knew what one looked like. Surely, everyone in the bus station was aware of our relationship. I couldn't believe that my mother, who knew me so well, could not see the sissy in me. If she ever allowed herself really to look at me, could she still love me?
How could anyone love me? There was the basis for the fear. Because I was not like other boys, I felt I must be despicable. Daddy recognized it. I was sure he saw. my difference. In response, I consciously tried to create a boy child who might be worthy of love. Painstakingly, I tried to mimic the acceptable traits of other males around me. I knew, and so did my daddy, that the mimicry was a sham. The child of my creation, the boy child, was not real.
All children fear abandonment by their parents. That is one of our fundamental fears. One of the differences for transsexual children is feeling we have already been abandoned. The person we are is not good enough. To be loved, we must create another person, an acceptable substitute. We do not grow up and change into women. We grow up and change back into what we originally started out to be.
People had never heard of a transsexual until the media created a furor over Christine Jorgensen's gender reassignment. Prior to those shocking headlines, everyone differently was labeled queer. Queer meant you were a degenerate. Queer meant you were so sissy you squatted to pee.
Mother had indeed come a long way from rural Tennessee."
“The Woman I Was Not Born To Be” by Aleisha Brevard (2001)
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