#transfemme sunny
forlorn-crows · 10 months
Crow. Crow.
Sunny, way too frantic in her rut, way too eager to fuck Rain's pretty cunt, she doesn't even push his underwear to the side.
Starts off with her just rubbing him through the fabric, then her sucking and licking at his tdick with them in the way still, maybe even tries to get her cock in him without taking off his panties. Of course Rain tries to be sensible and get them out of the way but she's too caught up in it to care.
They would be soooo soft and wet against her, maybe she manages to push the head into his snug little hole - of course the God damn fabric doesn't let her push too far in but maybe she doesn't need much, maybe she's close enough she can cum like that. Would ruin his pretty silky underwear but she can apologize later, Rain will be sure she's sorry about it (they were his favorite pair too, what an animal 🙄🙄🙄).
Thanks for ur time.
- Void
void what the ffffjcuskd okhAYY
the sucking at him through the fabric. his little dick making the smallest bump in the front of his panties. such a big wet spot from him and sunny.
if she's so worked up to jump him and not even take his panties off, she's so cumming before she even gets to stick it in his cool wet cunt. she rubs the sensitive head of her dick too well against the silky fabric and shes gone, getting her spend all over him. but she's more than happy to continue to suck at him after, licking up her own cum before coming to her senses and pushing it out of the way so she can get her dick wet.
course, not before rains flipping her over and riding her until shes begging (for ruining his favorite pair of panties. you understand)
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milfs-and-monsters · 4 days
Transfemee charlie t!tt!es and implied chardee doodle below👇⬇🔞
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Charlie (they/he sometimes she) on estrogen, they were suppose to be showing their t!ts off to Dee but I couldn't get her right.
Dee(she/they) was also suppose to be showing off her t-d!ck (she microdoses testosterone) 👉👈
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 2 years
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Something for ace week :]
(Also Clay is transfemme and Sunny is transmasc cause I said so 👍)
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stationdefenceteam · 24 days
is anyone going to talk about how sunny @transfemmes doxxed kouma/brolylook's most famous victim? as in this kouma, the one who put a vibrator on his dog and drew an irl kid he groomed giving him a blowjob?
kouma/anniston/lucas: someone who has at least ten videos calling him out?
the same kouma that she and @hollysight / @tornwing knew about since people sent anons to both of them explaining that the phone number sunny gave out and still has up was never stations?
when koumas most famous underage victim used an app to text someone because they aren't from the us, sunny did her favorite thing where she does next to nothing about actual pedophiles and zoophiles and blamed station, when it was one of the few people actually helping victims of his.
@transfemmes before you get off on harassing station, the guy who's been leaving you alone, remember this isn't your first time doing this shit.
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bloodhaven · 6 months
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This is in fact transphobic, if you're talking abt your victim who you're actively stalking and using said victims deadname & misgendering, you are transphobic, it is not your victims responsibility to TELL YOU, a STALKER, what pronouns and name to use! Sunny has her pronouns openly available on her carrd, which as far as I know, you can't IP block people from carrds, her username is literally transfemmes, use fucking context clues.
Your victims do not ever hold the responsibility of informing you the correct name and pronouns to use EVER. it is a COURTESY if your victim tells you what names and pronouns to use, and it is YOUR responsibility to make sure you're not being actively transphobic when stalking! But you're all stalkers,so whats a little transphobia to you, right??
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dragongirldeity · 7 months
there's currently a very rare thunderstorm in San Francisco. i am sitting on my couch and generally enjoying this moment in life, because the past several years have been full of trials and tribulations. life is exhausting as a transfem, since my existence is first and foremost Political, and Up For Debate, while i largely just want to exist with my friends and loved ones and not be bothered.
of course, civilization being what it is right now, i am largely not afforded the luxury of getting to simply not be bothered about my existence. i can tune out some amount of it, for sure, but there's just such a volume of transmisogyny across society that it's always a status debuff i have to work against or put out of mind.
the past few years have been difficult, between graduating shortly before covid-19 (most of my 20s have been a weird haze of quarantining), amicably parting with my partner of 7 years (we have grown and simply have different wants now). i've never actually had many long-term support vectors in my life: i was sent to a religious high school, and wasn't allowed or able to keep in contact with any of my friends from growing up. i am estranged from my parents since they e-stalked me and have generally never respected my boundaries or autonomy as a person, and that's without getting into the mess of them Not Liking Me Being Queer. a lot of my friends have been moving away from the bay area, because building queer-trans community is Fucking Difficult when basically everyone in the bay area is only here transiently (and when a lot of queer stuff in the bay is cis-queer and not trans-queer, too). and that's why i myself am moving away later this year: much of my social graph has moved, and my attempts to regrow things here for the past year-and-change..... haven't been unsuccessful, but i think have helped me realize that even if i have a Fulfilling Social Graph here again, i would still be happier elsewhere, away from all the tech companies and nimbys and generally-constant sunny days (i am a vampire who enjoys the rain).
suffice it to say that life is generally difficult for a lot of trans people right now. life is difficult for your average people in general right now with the general socioeconomic situation we're in. life is more difficult for trans people, since we face nearly constant discrimination and harassment and hate and legislation. and then life can be even more difficult in typical life ways on top of that.
i still have things better than a lot of my peers: my computer autism means i have a reasonably stable job & career path. my best friend, whom i dearly love and cherish, was just in town visiting me last week. a few of my long-time internet friends live a few blocks away, and my two cats unconditionally love me. i do have people in my life who love me and care about my well-being. i am, blessedly, not alone in all this. and on top of all that i am fortunate enough to have found a pretty good therapist who can help me navigate and compartmentalize and process all of the struggles i face, since it's frankly a lot for a disabled autistic transfemme to navigate on my own.
the main thing that has been so hugely positive here is The Internet. the community i have would not really exist if not for The Internet. the social hubs that i cultivate and operate for my friends are, of course, on the internet. i meet friends-of-friends on discord and tumblr and telegram and whatnot, and it's truly great being able to be and feel so connected because of it.
and yet......... even on the internet, we are not free of anything. if anything, we're more vulnerable on the internet; our online identities and presences are intertwined, connected, and visible; it's easy for hateful motherfuckers to find the most vulnerable people online and go after them. if one part of your presence is found, it's a thread a stranger can try and unravel to expose you, to wield against you. at least in person, you can always put up a façade, walling off strangers and giving them nothing else to go off of; online, we just project an entity to be perceived, and often times aren't really aware of everything.
there's. a point here i wanted to make, somewhere. i wanted to say something with all this. i think it's that for a lot of us, we are just tired of all the fucking transmisogyny around every corner. it's already so much struggling to exist as a person In General at this moment in time. It's even harder having to face hate and struggle to exist even online just because you're a transfemme who wants to drop the façade around those like you. we're not allowed to have our own digital communities without outsiders wanting to look in and police us there, too.
for a lot of us, we are simply too tired and overwhelmed from everything else to also deal with this a lot of the time. and yet, deal with it we must, because we will be harassed. we will have headass CEOs saying headass CEO stuff. we will have politicians trying to legislate our right to exist away.
this is a lot to say that i don't regret anything about transitioning or whatever. i love being trans. it's a beautiful experience and i am much better for it, and am wholeheartedly glad to be trans, glad to know the trans people i know, and glad to love as i love. it is, truly, the neverending transmisogyny that is the problem, and it is truly exhausting having to deal with the transphobia and transmisogyny. nowhere is free from it except for the small insular exclusive spaces we carve out for ourselves.
take care of each other. love the transfemmes and transmascs in your life unabashedly, because there's functionally infinite amounts of hate we have to deal with at every corner, and aside from absolutely bodying the hate out of existence, the next best thing you can do to help is to support and love the trans people you know and treat them with compassion.
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wrathofrats · 7 months
One of my personal favorite Ghoulette headcanons is that Mist is transfemme, and while she didn't have "Ghoulette" masks or heels like Cirrus and Cumulus, she did her best to show her femininity with little things like painting her nails for when she played Rituals.
I also headcanon that she and Sunny have a very special relationship, and Mist really helped Sunny with her gender expression and showed her how to paint her nails (I also headcanon her as transfemme). Neither of them are high femme, but they're happy in their own skin and find ways to express what feels best for *them*. They like to have little gossip sessions at least once a week and paint one another's nails.
I’m tagging some of my fav mist art ever because (I don’t know the artists intentions, and don’t want to speak over them) I really enjoy the concept of the ghouls choosing their genders.
Her nails are fucking adorable, and imo a big part of her expression since the uniforms are highly masculine. Sunshine is a doll, just the best to her and immediately forces her to join in on the girly activities, as mist previously felt a bit left out, and wasn’t super comfortable coming completely out of her shell. She just feels so safe with sunshine.
I just ??? I love mist. Especially intersex mist that I’ve seen float around. Idk i just enjoy playing with her gender and sexuality and preferences, because often cumulus and cirrus get very straightforward headcanons (that I love and will continue to push) so mist is one I enjoy giving things like stone top and intersex, since they aren’t headcanons I see often and deserve rep!
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ccbeeduo · 7 months
think im gonna change my 50k transfemme lmanbur post on main to something else. not even necessarily because of the Situation (since c! does not equal cc! obviously) i just think it would be fun to switch things up
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
All this talk of soft ghouls got me thinking some unwise thoughts...
Can we, the clamoring public, see some Sunny softness? One of her ghouls (gn) showing her how loved she is once everyone gets back from tour? Taking some time to spoil her and just feel some pleasure with her? Please can we see that from your skilled and talented brain?
hi mallll you know i love my sunny girl
whats better than one multi ghoul? two multi ghouls. swiss spending time with his multi girl to get you all warm and fuzzy wink wink
a little bit of slice of life, a little bit of porn. mostly banter, some makin' out and some frotting action.
transfemme sunshine, with cock/dick/balls to refer to her anatomy.
“There she is, little miss Sunshine,” Swiss beams, pulling her into a strong, warm hug. “Missed you, multi girl.”
Sunny giggles, bouncing on her heels and squeezing him tight. “Missed you so much, Swissy.”
He gives her a chaste kiss on the side of her face, pulling back and holding her at arm’s length. Just to look at her. Breathe in that bright clementine smell of hers that they’ve all gone without. 
He sighs, giving her a lopsided grin. “I’m sure Cir and Lus will wanna steal you away first,” he rumbles, smoothing his thumbs over her freckled upper arms. “But maybe we can catch up later. Just us. How’s that sound, bunny?”
Sunny grins right back at him, clapping her hands together softly. “Yes! I’d love that.”
“Perfect,” he says, leaning in to kiss her on the nose. He eyes the other air ghoulettes who are quickly approaching them. “Uh oh. Gotta dash before Cir bites a chunk outta me for stealing her girl,” he teases, mock-whispering against her temple. 
“You better,” Cirrus lilts, flicking the forked end of her tongue out at him with a playful hiss. 
Swiss raises his hands in mock surrender, taking two steps back. “All yours, ladies,” he assures with a wink. 
“Thank you,” Cumulus says, turning her nose up proudly and crossing her arms. It’s all show though, her face splitting into a grin a second later, dimples on full display. The two of them take Sunny arm-in-arm, predictably whisking her away from the rest of the group—but not before Cirrus lands a smack on Swiss’ ass with her tail on the way out. 
“Bye,” he chuckles, offering Sunny a little wave. 
“Hey!” Aurora calls out from across the courtyard where she’s been flinging the few remaining suitcases into manageable stacks. She’s hunched over a random equipment case, ushering the multi-ghoul over. “I need your muscles. Big boy ran off with the other lovebirds already, and Lucifer knows where Rain and Aeon are.” 
Swiss rolls his eyes. “Slackers. The lot of ‘em,” he jests. “I gotcha, sweetheart.”
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Swiss muses hours later, pulling on a lock of Sunshine’s hair to watch it spring back out of his grasp.
She pouts and wrinkles her nose. Furrowing her brow, she blows a stream of air perfectly upwards to put the curl back in its place. “Yes. But you’ve interrupted me to say so.”
“It was really important, bunny.”
She rolls her eyes, even with the grin tugging at the corners of her lips. “You don’t wanna hear the rest of the story?”
Swiss pulls her closer by the waist, melding their bodies together for the first time in a long while. “I do, sweetheart. But I’ve heard my fair share of griping and groaning about human taxes from Aether himself. Can’t blame a guy for getting distracted by other things.” 
Sunny snorts. She walks her fingers up his forearm, over the swell of his bicep, and over his shoulder to poke him in the cheek. “And what are you thinking about instead, hm?”
He snaps his teeth at her finger, smiling when she yelps and pulls her finger away with a giggle. Then he leans in close, holding her gaze. He runs the tip of his nose along her browline, sighing when that sweet scent of her flares at his proximity. 
“You, sweet thing. My beautiful bunny whom I’ve missed so dearly.” He nuzzles further into her with a raspy purr, squeezing into the space between her and the pillow and tucking his nose right into the crook of her neck. 
“Swissy,” she half laughs, half whines. 
“Come onnn,” he groans teasingly. “Lemme be sweet to you. Show you how much I’ve missed you.”
“You just wanna get in my pants, you fucker,” Sunshine says bluntly, all while lifting her chin to give him better access. 
“Now, who said that?” he says at length. Swiss presses a kiss to her skin, smoothing his hand up and down her back. He inhales her scent again, ripe citrus and warm honey. “Fuck, baby, it’s been too long,”
She hums, coaxing him out from the crook of her neck. She holds the side of his face, smiling sweetly. “So dramatic,” she whispers before closing the distance to kiss him.
Swiss rumbles happily, tasting her slowly, softly. Though the sun is dipping below the horizon just beyond the hills outside, neither of them are in a rush. He cups her face in return, his fingers curving along her jaw. Not pulling or gripping. Just holding, caressing. 
Their lips meet and part, then meet again, over and over in chaste little touches that are paired with sighs and pleased chirps. An easy pace full of affection and mutual appreciation. 
“Missed havin’ you in my arms, bunny,” he mutters against her lips after what feels like ages. He gives her a tight squeeze, migrating back to her jawline.
“What, Rora didn’t keep you busy?” Sunny snorts without malice. 
Swiss huffs a laugh. “‘Course she did, that insatiable little thing.” He slips his hands down to her ass, kneading softly and pulling her as close as she can get. “But she’s not you, is she?”
Sunny hums. Rolls her hips against his very obvious bulge. “No, but I bet she looked real nice from the floor,” she grins.
He lets out a real laugh this time, pulling back to look at her. “Oh, you would know, wouldn’t you?” 
Sunny gets right back up in his face, nipping him on his kiss-swollen bottom lip. “What’s it to ya, Swissy?” she challenges.
He scoffs, eyebrows raising at her. “Oh, she wants to play games, does she?” he asks with a playful growl, bullying her onto her back. “Guess it’s time to bring out the big guns.”
Sunshine catches the glint in his eyes and the way his fingers twitch at his side as he straddles her. She narrows her eyes, realizing too late that she’s now trapped beneath him.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Swiss gives her his signature frightening smile, all teeth.  “Oh, wouldn’t I?”
It’s all the warning she gets before he descends on her, fingers fluttering along all her ticklish spots—the middle of her ribs, the crease of her hips, her armpits, the divots of her collarbone. She swats at him helplessly, caught between shrieking and laughing uncontrollably. He’s always too fast, dodging and dislodging her hands to go from one spot to the other, pinning her down with strong legs despite how hard she tries to buck him off. 
“Swis-suhhh,” she whines, gasping for breath. “Lucif—hah-have mercy.”
Swiss smirks, ceasing his torment. He puts his hands on his hips, grinning smugly at the ghoulette still pinned beneath him. “Mercy granted.”
She sucks in a deep lungful of air, groaning on the exhale and scrubbing her face with her hands. She tries to twist out from underneath his thighs, groaning louder when her pelvis grinds against his. Her face quickly blooms with a rosy hue as she peeks at him through her fingers. 
“Uh oh,” Swiss lilts. He rocks his hips against hers, chuckling when she lets out a breathy moan. “What’s this, bunny?”
She swallows, attempting to catch her breath. “You know what.”
“Every time,” he laughs to himself. He drops down onto his hands, tail whipping behind him as he boxes her in with a hungry gaze. Licking over his fangs as he admires the way her freckles stand out against her blush. 
“What will I do with you, sweetheart?”
Sunshine reaches up to grip the hem of his t-shirt, twisting it between her fingers and tugging slightly. She bites her lip. Looks up at him with her big, amber eyes. “Kiss me?” Her eyes drop down to his chest, exposed a little now with her pulling on his shirt. “Make me feel good. Please?”
Swiss trills and melts himself against her. Guiding her hands to wrap around his waist as he tucks his forearms under her head. He presses a kiss to her forehead and ruts against her, sighing into her curls and sinking further into her infernal warmth. 
“Don’t have to tell me twice,” Swiss promises, dipping down to kiss her deeply. 
Where it was lazy before—chaste pecks and delicate touches—the pace is heated now: tongues exchanged, hands roaming, and hips rolled unabashedly against each other. Taking one another in like stifled flames no longer deprived of oxygen, drinking each other down like parched earth after a drought. Greedy, but relishing in it at the same time.
Sunshine claws at the back of his shirt, wriggling beneath him until she can wrap her legs around his hips. She groans when he slots between her legs, Swiss’ dick hot and hard against her own even through the layers of fabric between them. 
“Fuck,” she gasps against his lips. 
“Yeah,” he groans back. “So hard for me. Wanna get my hands around you.” 
Sunny nods, quick little movements of her head that rub her nose against his cheek. “Together,” she begs breathlessly. “Your dick against mine.”
Swiss groans louder, already pulling away from her to strip his clothes. “Fuck, that’s hot, bunny.”
The ghoulette all but yanks off her pants and underwear in one fell swoop, kicking them off and wrenching her crop top over her head simultaneously in an awkward flailing of limbs. She exhales triumphantly when she’s bare to the world, grinning up at Swiss with that crimson blush still on her cheeks and a cute leaking stiffy between her thighs. 
“Multi girl, you are something else,” Swiss says affectionately. With another shimmy of his hips he’s bare too, slinking back to lie side by side as before. He twines their legs together and pulls her right back into a hungry kiss, all tongue and fang. 
“Touch me,” she moans against his mouth. Pawing at his bicep until his hand moves from the curve of her back. 
Swiss wraps his hand around them both without further preamble, huffing a grunt as her length snuggles up to the underside of his. Likewise, she can’t contain her keening sigh as she bucks into his fist. Writhing atop the sheets and begging him sweetly in nonsensical syllables. 
“Just like that, baby,” he rumbles. He latches onto her neck, sucking a bruise into her heated skin. Warm tongue matching the pace of his hand. “Gonna make you feel so good.”
“Shit, Swiss,” Sunny whimpers. “So good—fuck—I love you so much.” 
“Love you so much, sweetheart,” he purrs into her skin. He tilts his head up, dipping his hand further down to brush against her tight little balls as he presses his lips against her ear. He smiles when she whines and gives her a squeeze. 
“Lemme show you how much I do.”
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grand-romantic · 18 hours
I'm sorry you're going through this but know sunny transfemmes has a helpful doc with solid proof that stationdefenceteam is run by station if that helps?? she was facing a lot of harassment from it for a few tears now too
Thank you. I have seen it.
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axilarycobra · 1 year
[Wings of Fire] Trans Headcanons
Hello! Something different today. I missed trans day of visibility yesterday due to being away at a conference but I wanted to still make a post with some trans headcanons for Wings of Fire characters since I have lots of them.
These are just my own headcanons and some are different than other people's so please don't get super defensive over these, they're just fun for me to make and everyone can believe what they want to believe.
And yes, it is a lot of characters. A while ago I decided that I would headcanon every WoF character to be LGBTQ+ in some compacity and recently I went back and gave many more of them trans headcanons. I'll save the romantic/sexual orientation for another day, these will just be transgender headcanons.
Also, quick note, all of these are subject to change because I love amping up my headcanons every once in a while.
Clay: transmasc (he/him)
Tsunami: genderfluid (she/her/they/them)
Glory: demigirl (she/they)
Starflight: transmasc (he/him)
Sunny: nonbinary (they/he/sun)
Moonwatcher: trans demigirl (she/they)
Peril: transfemme (she/her)
Turtle: trans demiboy (they/he)
Blue: transmasc (he/him)
Cricket: genderfluid (she/he)
Luna: transfemme (she/her)
Burn: trans demigirl (she/they)
Blister: nonbinary (they/them)
Anemone: trans demigirl (she/they)
Scarlet: transfemme (she/her)
Kinkajou: genderfluid (she/her/they/them)
Fatespeaker: nonbinary (she/they/ae)
Squid: transmasc (he/him)
Flame: transmasc (he/him)
Glacier: genderqueer (she/they/ae)
Carnelian: transfemme (she/her)
Clearsight: genderfluid (she/he)
Cobra Lily: demigirl (she/they)
Fathom: demiboy (he/they)
Icicle: transfemme (she/her)
Listener: transfemme (she/her)
Onyx: nonbinary (they/them)
Sky: trans demiboy (he/they)
Armadillo: nonbinary (they/she)
Danaid: transfemme (she/her)
Exquisite: transfemme (she/her)
Magnificent: genderfluid (she/he)
Grandeur: transfemme (she/her)
Kestrel: transfemme (she/her)
Liana: nonbinary (they/them)
Moray: transfemme (she/her)
Ruby: demigirl (she/they)
Sandfly: demigirl (she/they)
Snowfox: nonbinary (they/she)
Snowflake: nonbinary (they/them)
The Librarian: bigender (she/her/he/him)
Wasp: genderfluid (she/they/he)
Cinnabar: transfemme (she/her)
Coconut: demiboy (he/they)
Hailstorm: nonbinary (they/them)
Mayfly: transfemme (she/her)
Splendor: transfemme (she/her)
Soar: genderfluid (he/she)
Clorinde: agender (they/them)
Freedom: agender (they/she)
Odollam: nonbinary (they/them)
Crane: demigirl (she/they)
Crocodile: transfemme (she/her)
Saguaro: genderqueer (she/her/they/them)
Viper: demigirl (she/they)
Riptide: nonbinary (they/them)
Tau: genderfluid (she/he)
Whiteout: nonbinary (they/she)
Tempest: demigirl (they/she)
Oasis: transfemme (she/her)
Gharial: transmasc (he/him)
Pheasant: demigirl (she/they)
Sepia: genderfluid (she/he/they)
Barracuda: transmasc (he/him)
Piranha: transmasc (he/him)
Mango: demigirl (she/they)
Bigtail: agender (he/him)
Ostrich: demigirl (she/they)
Alba: demigirl (she/they)
Changbai: agender (they/them)
Current: demiboy (he/they)
Flounder: transmasc (he/him)
Kelp: demigirl (she/they)
Lagoon: transfemme (she/her)
Nautilus: transmasc (he/him)
Octopus: demiboy (he/they)
Ripple: transmasc (he/him)
Scallop: genderfluid (he/she)
Snail: nonbinary (they/she)
Typhoon: demiboy (he/they)
Bright: demigirl (she/they)
Firefly: nonbinary (they/she)
Heliconia: demigirl (she/they)
Loris: transmasc (he/him)
Tualang: genderfluid (he/she/they)
Battlewinner: nonbinary (they/she)
Darkstalker: agender (he/it)
Discretion: transmasc (he/him)
Jewel-Eyes: nonbinary (they/them)
Mastermind: agender (they/them)
Morrowseer: transmasc (he/him)
Morrowwatcher: demiboy (he/they)
Thoughtful: transmasc (he/him)
Wisdom: demiboy (he/they)
Agave: demigirl (she/they)
Capybara: demiboy (he/they)
Jerboa: transfemme (she/her)
Jerboa II: nonbinary (they/them)
Rattlesnake: transfemme (she/her)
Penguin: nonbinary (they/them)
Harrier: transfemme (she/her)
Osprey: transmasc (he/him)
Admiral: demiboy (he/they)
Atala: genderfluid (she/he/they)
Dusky: demiboy (he/they)
Tussock: transmasc (he/him)
Xenica: nonbinary (xe/xem)
Bumblebee: genderfluid (she/they)
Cochineal: demigirl (they/she)
Dragonfly: transfemme (she/her)
Earthworm: nonbinary (they/them)
Glowworm: transfemme (she/her)
Hornet: genderqueer (they/she)
Katydid: demigirl (she/they)
Malachite: demiboy (he/they)
Mantis: nonbinary (they/them)
Pinacate: genderfluid (she/her/they/them)
Treehopper: transmasc (he/him)
Tsetse: transmasc (he/him)
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soulreaper · 6 months
This is uncomfortable information for me to give, but my friend is intersex, whenever the mods of the blog ask transfemmes their preferred name and pronouns, we get blocked.
There is quite a literally a carrd in Sunny's bio that has had that information openly available for years. Maybe leave her the fuck alone and you won't have to worry about it, yeah?
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icecreamsodaaaaa · 2 years
Did I just get blocked by a bnha blogger for makingg transfemme and transmasc sunny and clay art 😭😭😭 I’m sorry but really?
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convicted-girlboss · 1 year
Lookin' For a Real Posse? (LFRP)
(A.K.A I'm redoing my pinned post because I optimized my carrd.)
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From Left to Right: Rizzy, Sunny, Jamiri, and Grimara.
Read about em' here: moros.ju.mp
looks best on PC though I am working on optimizing mobile.
All of their basic info is contained in short, easy to read, pages that are each dedicated to one of my ocs. If you want MORE to read, there's a more button on each OC's page.
If you're looking to roleplay (firstly, read the rules on my muse carrd. Then, and only then:) you can DM me here, add me on discord and message me there, or, if you see me in the wild, shoot me a tell! You can find my contact info, my personal carrd, and more below the read more. Finally: this blog's content is sorta all over the place, writing, gposes, memes, etc. The blog is NOT spoiler free.
Hi there, my name's Dizzy! I'm a 23 yrs. old black nonbinary transfemme writer and roleplayer. I appreciate you checking out my blog! My hobbies include fighting games, FFXIV, modding games, music, and writing.
Discord: @dizzy.doe
Personal Carrd: dizzy.uwu.ai
main blog: @deercryptidgirlthing (minors, again, dni.)
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writeranon69 · 2 years
Ok here me out
In relation to the Sunny x Transfemme!Basil thing, Basil dyes "her" hair (green /j) and reintroduces "herself" to Sunny as like Parsley or something, and they start dating.
However, eventually Sunny finds out about what Basil did, and he comforts him, saying that even though he's hetero, Basil is like an exception and he loves him for who he is... only for Basil to say that he actually like his new identity and actually comes out as a genuine trans girl
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this concept, but...ya kinda made yourself sound kinda transphobic with this one, Anon.
But...remember next time. Okay?
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stationdefenceteam · 24 days
people keep sending @calloutrebuttal and this blog anons asking why we won't release our mains when sunny has a VAULT allegedly of screenshots including photos station at its job and its friends faces uncensored.
@transfemmes never told anyone how she got stations legal name or address for "safety reasons", or why she felt it was necessary to post a police report that was never about her, and was about her butt buddy posting its old address and full phone number online.
we don't want sunny, jack or russell outing and doxxing us since jack does it for fun and sunny is martha baby reindeer for sacramento and finds it funny that someone is so scared of her that it just wants a cease and desist so it can live its fucking life.
sunny already posted artys deadname and she knows damn well arty is entirely separate from station with several people backing it up but she needs her three lies to recycle
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