#trapper remus
fuzzy-wuzzy-emo · 2 years
Logan hadn't realised just how strong Remus was.
Logan squeals, running away from Remus. "No! No go away!" Remus chases after. He wore a feathery outfit, giggling like mad. "I'm gonna getcha~" Logan trips turning the corner to his bedroom, and Remus pounces, pinning his hands above his head. Logan gasps. Remus was strong. Really strong. Stronger than Roman, even. He struggles, but he barely moves an inch. Remus starts running the feather up and down his side. Remus re-adjusts for every little movement Logan makes. It was intimidating. Then, Logan's body seemed to finally realise he was being tickled. "Snrk- nohoho~" Remus smiles wide, manic and happy. "Aaaa dukadukadukaduka" he giggles watching Logan's brow pinch in confusion. "Waihaihaihait... duka?" Remus giggles. "It's called babbling, almighty god of knowledge. Ever heard of it?" Logan flushes red. "I know, Ihihi nehehever heard sohohome one say duka duka behehefore" Remus raises an eyebrow. "Seriously? Oh!" He puts the feather away. "Have you heard about..." he scribbles up and down his ribs. "Kikikiki!!" Logan laughs, and it sounds almost the same as Remus's teasing. "Rikiki! Hehehehe~" He shifts back and forth. "Ohohone thing I nohohoticed is thahat you're very str- snrk- strong. I nehehever n- noticed before." Remus nods. "Yeah. I used to get most of my aggression out through phiscal activity. I still exercise regularly, it's a lot more satisfying than it looks. The no pain no gain attitude is bullshit, by the way." Logan smiles. "Ohohoh... g- good to know. If I mahahay ask, can I join you?" Remus stops tickling, letting him finish. "I've been meaning to work out, but it seems to be a mental block." Remus smiles. "Okay! Do you want to keep going, or..." Logan blushes beet red. "Erm... y- yes please." Remus smiles down at him, pulling the feather back out.
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silamander · 1 month
Exposing my "literally me" characters/characters who match my energy
- Stephanie Lauter (Hatchetfield)
- Rocket Raccoon (Marvel)
- Dick Grayson (DC)
- Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice)
- Fizzarolli (Helluva Boss)
- Chai (Hi Fi Rush)
- Janis Sarkisian (Mean Girls)
- Billy Butcher (The Boys)
- Bender (Futurama)
- Blitzo (Helluva Boss)
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides)
- Roman Sanders (Sanders Sides)
- Quicksilver (Marvel)
- Frenchie (The Boys)
- Deadpool (Marvel)
- Hobie Brown (Spider-Verse)
- Megamind (Megamind)
- Putrice Ashmore (Cinderella's Castle)
- Ethan Green (Hatchetfield)
- Trapper (Godzilla X Kong)
- Hades (Disney's Hercules)
- Yelena Belova (Marvel)
- Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
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a-m-w-worlds · 2 months
The Hidden Meaning of Names in Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
Okay, so I like names. I like researching them, discovering their meanings and histories, and finding the perfect one for my characters, locations, etc. This means it makes my nerdy little heart happy anytime I discover that someone else put as much thought into their character names as I usually do, and let me tell you, Nancy Drew: The White Wolf of Icicle Creek, is a goldmine!
The first name on this list I've known about for a long time, Guadalupe Comillo. Through other sources (mostly Heroes of Olympus if I'm being honest) I knew Lupa was the name of the She-Wolf in Roman mythology who cared for Romulus and Remus, so I already assumed Guadalupe's nickname, Lupe, was a reference to this. But I later learned the actual meaning of the name Guadalupe is "valley of wolves". This was a really fun discovery, but I kind of assumed she was the only character to have a name like this, until…
Lou Talbot.
I happened to fall down a rabbit hole one night regarding the classic Universal Monsters (falling down weird rabbit holes is a favorite pass time of mine!) and I discovered that the titular Wolf Man from the 1941 film happens to be named Larry Talbot. Since Lou was the only other Talbot I knew I made the connection instantly and had a good laugh over it, until it occurred to me that if Lou and Guadalupe both have wolf-themed names, other characters might as well!
The Hunt was on!
After making the Talbot connection I started checking other films and turned up two more connections. Bill Kessler shares his surname with David Kessler, the werewolf in the 1981 film An American Werewolf in London and Julius McQuade shares his name with the protagonist of the 1983 film Lone Wolf McQuade.
A basic search for the name Randall, Ollie and Freddie's surname, reveals that (at least according to this Wikipedia article) it's an anglicized form of a Scandinavian name meaning "shield wolf". (Ironic considering how badly Ollie wanted the wolf dead!)
And a search for Yanni Volkstaia's surname turned up this Reddit post by lemonapplecherry that fit into my hunt beautifully. In this post they explain that Volk is the Russian word for wolf, (easily verified by Google Translate) and Staya is a Russian word denoting a group of animals or a pack if you will!
And according to this article (and several others I forgot to save the links for, oopsy) Sheriff Mahihkan's surname is the Cree word for Wolf!
So, the simple version:
Guadalupe Comillo's first name means "valley of wolves" and (bonus fun fact) her surname means "acolyte". Pretty fitting since she one of the only characters who cares about the wolf's safety!
Lou Talbot shares his surname with Larry Talbot, the werewolf from Universal's The Wolf Man.
Bill Kessler shares his surname with David Kessler, the werewolf from An American Werewolf in London.
Julius McQuade shares his surname with the protagonist of the film Lone Wolf McQuade.
Ollie and Freddie Randall's surname means "shield wolf".
Yanni Volkstaia's surname is a fusion of the Russian words for wolf and pack.
Sherriff Mahihkan's surname is the Cree word for wolf.
These are all of the characters from The White Wolf of Icicle Creek I've been able to draw concrete connections between their names and wolves for, but I'm not convinced they're the only ones! There are still three characters I really expected to find connections for: Chantal Moique, Elsa Sibbelhoth, and Daniel "Trapper Dan" Weisnitz. Based purely on how atypical their surnames are, I was CONVINCED they must also have wolf connections, but I've been completely unable to find any. I've run every wolf-related word I could think of through every language on Google Translate and found nothing. I've searched for literary names connected to wolves with no luck. I've run their names through search engines to no avail. (Google reeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyy thinks I mean Monique when I search for Moique!) And I've done some (admittedly shallow) glancing into different types of wolves and people who have researched wolves, and still haven't found anything.
So, any and all members of the Clue Crew hanging out on Tumblr, I want to know, do you know any wolf connections that I missed? If you let me know of any I'd love to add your findings and credits to this list!/gen
Thanks for reading and happy sleuthing!
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kaleanakg · 3 months
Ok... my first time 😉
July 1st - Western - 964 words @wolfstarmicrofic
It was supposed to be a regular day at the hospital. Nothing gave a worning his life was about to be changed forever.
Sirius was drinking his coffee when he heard commotion in the hallway. Near Remus’ room. 
This patient was an unusual sort. He came with a high fever and a horrible bite wound on his lower leg. After a week of being here it looked more and more likely Sirius would have to take the leg off. The idea made him almost sick to his stomach, he became a doctor to help, not to maim. There had to be another way. Especially when the patient was a trapper and his whole living depended on being physically fit. But maybe he would be ok, he was sort of different to what you would expect an average trapper to be. First thing he did after getting admited was to ask about a library and he spent almost every minute devouring books like a person starved.
So when Sirius heard the nurse screaming, not raised voice, not shouting but honest to god screaming from the direction of his patients room he was out of his office in a second. The scene he saw made his blood freeze. 
The nurse was standing in the doorway to his patients room and in front of him there were standing three man. Three native man. 
“I'll not let your filth into a hospital room!” Of course it had to be nurse Snape. 
“Please, we only want to visit our dear friend, we have some important news for him.” The one looking like a leader said in impecable English. Snape started to inhale when Sirius interrupted.
“What is happening Severus? Why are you dosturbing our patients? They need quiet in a hospital and you should know better. If the gentleman want to visit their friend they are perfectly within their right to do it.” 
“But doctor Black…” 
“But nothing! Go back to your duties and stop making a comotion!” He will not have this happening in his ward. Snape was fuming with anger, turned on his hills and no doubt went to complain to the director of the hospital. Fortunately Dumbledore liked Sirius better. After the man went into the room Sirius lingered in the corridor for a moment before going to finish his coffee, he was curious but didn’t want to intrude.
About an hour later tgere was a quiet knock on his door. Sirius looked up from the article he was reading and saw one of the man.
“Doctor, can you come for a moment, Wolf would like to ask you about something.” 
Wolf, of course, what else someone named Remus Lupin would be called by natives. 
Sirius smiled kindly and followed.
“Doctor, please be honest, are you planning to take my leg away?” Remus looked calm but his hand was grabbing blanket so tight knuckles were white.
“I wish I had a different answer for you, but yes. I'm afraid there is no other way to save your life.” Sirius started when one of the guests in the room asked 
“When are you planning on operating doctor?” 
“The moment Remus will be strong enough to survive, I wanted to wait another three, maybe four days…”
“I will not grant my promission. You will not be doing this” the calm voice stopped him “not when there is a way to heal my leg. My friend here, Fawn Deer is a Shaman and he can save my leg, we just need a place for me to heal. I would be doing it at their village but I was to weak to make it there. If you would be so kind to grant us promission to do this here…”
Sirius was shaking his head
“It's impossible to save your leg by this point. Whatever you are being told it’s  false hope.”
“With all due respect doctor, I studied your medicine and I know its limitations, I know I can save both the leg and life.” The man called Fawn Deer said.
Sirius looked at them all. The thought from earlier came back, there must be something else, something more to be done. He was quiet for a long moment. Finally he looked up.
“You can stay for those four days I would need to prepare your operation, if nothing changes I would recommend taking the leg. I can’t control your guests and what you do in this room.” Sirius said looking straight into those deep green eyes. Remus smiled.
“Thank you, doctor.”
Next few days were hard, Sirius had to fight with the nurses and director to allow native guests to visit Remus but it was all worth the trouble when after four days the wound started to heal impossibly fast. The smile in those eyes compansated Sirius everything. 
“How can you consider them lesser than us if they are able to do what we can’t” Sirius was shouting at the director two weeks after Remus left the hospital perfectly healthy, with both legs. “We should learn from them not…”
“Stop” Dumbledore raised his hand “We have to answer to our benefactors and they made it clear, either you change your attitude or you have to leave. I wish it was different,”
“Save it, I can’t work any longer in a place where some assholes prejudices are more important than patients health!”
He will have to open private practice, he'll miss the reaserch part of hospital work but who knows, maybe it'll be for the best.
Right now he had more important thing to do. He had to get himself everything from the list Remus send over with invitation for Sirius to join him on the preirie. Remus'll be in the city next month and Sirius will be ready. 
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somethingvinyl · 1 year
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Yes indeed, here we are… at Frank Zappa’s most popular album! Apostrophe was originally intended as kindof an odds-and-ends album, a bunch of leftover recordings from his current lineup going back to the 1970 sessions for a Hot Rats sequel. But Don’t Eat the Yellow Snow became an unexpected hit (though a “novelty” hit, which rankled) and drove this album to sell briskly. Side 1 is dominated by a song suite about yellow snow, an eskimo named Nanook and his baby seal, a blinded fur trapper, and a pancake breakfast from which he must steal the margarine. There’s actually a Rosetta Stone to understanding this song cycle: the 40th anniversary compilation The Crux of the Biscuit features an early live rendition with a spoken introduction in which FZ spells out not just the storyline, but also the inside jokes that led to the whole absurd piece. It definitely increased my enjoyment. Then there’s Cosmik Debris and Stinkfoot, two songs that were already live staples for the new band making their studio debuts. But I think one of the most startlingly good songs here is Uncle Remus. There are plenty of examples on other Zappa records of FZ making racial jokes he had no business making—even if not definitely racist himself, he sure as heck didn’t provide a lot of evidence to the contrary. But this song is a thoughtful exploration of the dehumanizing experience of being Black in America. Again, maybe he wasn’t the right vessel for it, but it’s a really good song. And then there’s the title track, a jam session that Jack Bruce claimed doesn’t feature his bass playing, even though it’s extremely obvious that it does.
I actually hated this album for years. As I’ve mentioned, I got into FZ through Hot Rats when I was in high school, and quickly absorbed much of the original Mothers of Invention catalog. Then a friend gave me a burned copy of Apostrophe, which I already knew from reading online was his most popular album. And it completely alienated me. The silly non-story storytelling turned me off completely. Because this was THE ‘70s Zappa album as far as I knew, I decided that I only liked his ‘60s work and didn’t explore any further. I later found my way into later Zappa by means of the Helsinki Concert from You Can’t Do That On Stage Anymore, but even as I loved Over-Nite Sensation and One Size Fits All and such, I skipped this one. Couldn’t get the bad taste out of my mouth. Finally, years later, I found a vinyl copy and decided to give it a fresh listen, and heard what everyone else loves about it. So I am no longer an Apostrophe hater. But I also never recommend it as a starting point, because I remember my own first experience of it!
I’ve actually got a quadraphonic pressing of this too… one of those things I couldn’t help but pick up when it showed up cheap. I keep it in storage. I can’t imagine a scenario where I’m actually able to listen to it…
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sorry my brain is going airplane emoji harry potter MASH!AU
sirius as hawkeye, james as trapper, remus as BJ very easily with almost no changes to canon dynamics... (in this world sirius and james are NOT hooking up, james is fully straight and doesn’t realize that sirius has a bit of an infatuation but it’s okay)
so now with some basic changes to canon: lily as margaret and snape as frank. they aren’t hooking up either but snape wants to obv. 
i guesssss peter as charles? idk maybe peter can just not be there <3 or he could be a slightly whinier radar character? okay wait I think a combo radar/klinger character where he’s a mousy little guy who just wants to go home and will do anything to get out of the war? or he can just not be there <3
moody as flagg but he’s less of an antagonist- still bonkers paranoia.
maybe dumbledore as henry. mcgonagall as potter because it’s an AU and women can have authority
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impishtubist · 3 years
I haven't had any anon hate in a while and I'm bored so uh have some controversial statements from various fandoms:
- Sirius is taller and broader than Remus FIGHT ME
- Sirius would never take Remus's last name
- Hawkeye/BJ is infinitely better than Hawkeye/Trapper
- Leonard McCoy would go by "Len" not "Leo"
- All first person POV fics should be yeeted into the sun
- Is TJLC still a thing? Anyway that was super dumb
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accio-spideypool · 3 years
the marauders+lily as genshin quotes:
Sirius: "Aristocratic etiquette is all just for show... Just smile and nod along! I was forced to learn all of the rules by heart, but even I don't take them that seriously." -Eula
Remus: "I cannot be near crowds of people. Carefree, happy crowds of people... I simply cannot." -Xiao
James: "Lets go jumping in puddles and see who can make the biggest splash!" -Venti
Peter: "Eh, its not as bad as you've heard! Everyone falls into a trapper's pit or gets hit on the head by a falling tree now and then, right?" -Bennett
Lily: "Diluc, of Monstadt. Not interesting in idle chit-chat. If you have things you want to get done, let me know" -Diluc
Lily2: "You have my complete and full support. Of course, if your path ever devoates from justice, I will not hesitate to point it out" -Jean
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missfiggy · 2 years
I think as you all know, I’ve gone on a M*A*S*H
binge recently. It was filmed and aired at the exact same time that our dear MWPP would have been on school. Now I can’t help transpose the character:
Hawkeye Pierce :: James Potter
Trapper John:: Sirius Black
BJ Hunnixcut :: Remus Lupin
Radar O’Reilly :: Peter Pettigrew
Severus Snape :: Frank burns
Please submit any and all suggestions for parallels to Hot Lips Houlihan and Colonel Blake!
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goodboylupin · 4 years
The Weather Outside is Frightful
For Day 13 of @remus-john-lupin‘s Holiday Prompt List: Blizzard. Beta’ed by @kattlupin. Part of A String of Christmas Lights.
Harry Potter knelt on the window seat of their living room, staring out the window to where the snow blew sideways, so heavily he couldn’t even see the gate at the front of their yard. “What if they don’t come?”
Remus Lupin sat with his back pressed to the cool glass. Idly, he played with the tassel hanging off the earflap of Harry’s trapper hat. He’d wanted to get Harry out of the snowsuit he’d donned early in anticipation of the coming playdate to protect the lad from overheating, but now it seemed like exactly the wrong thing to say, like it would crush his already fragile spirits.
For the Weasleys, who had so many gregarious children, who lived in a wizard-heavy enclave like Ottery St. Catchpole, this was probably just another playdate. For Harry, this wasn’t just sledding on the big hill out back and a nice cup of hot apple cider. For Harry, this was going to be his first playdate with someone like him. A friend from whom he wouldn’t have to keep half his life a secret, from whom he wouldn’t have to hide any toys or stories, who could visit their home without hours notice.
Privately, Remus could admit that it would be nice for him and Sirius too. It would be nice not to stash away the photos where he and Sirius kissed as they went about freezing the ones where James and Lily did. It would be nice to answer truthfully about the nature of their relationship to one another, instead of some cockamamie about a made-up family tree. And it would be especially nice to befriend another set of parents who understood the unique challenges of raising a magical child, who they could hopefully have over for dinner and freely discuss Sirius’s day at the Ministry, or Remus’s lesson plans for History of Magic.
Harry wasn’t the only one who felt a peculiar loneliness that his friendship with little Abigail Friedman or the Prices couldn’t quite keep at bay.
The roar of the Floo drew Remus’s attention, and he heaved himself off the bench, a joint in his hip popping, and over to the fireplace, where the disembodied head of Molly Weasley awaited him.
“Hullo, Mrs. Weasley,” he greeted as he dropped down to his haunches.
“Hello, Remus. Call me Molly, please,” she insisted. “Is it coming down as hard for you as it is for us?”
“It is quite the blizzard,” Remus answered carefully, ignoring the lurch in his stomach.
Molly bit her lip. “I worried as much. Now, I know it broke my Ron’s heart to say no, but I can’t let him go over for a snow day in these conditions.”
Remus heard a quiet whimper of disappointment escape Harry’s lips. He exhaled heavily through his nose. “I understand, Molly.”
“I hope it’s not a problem to host him for an inside day?”
“Oh!” Harry whispered; Remus could hear his excited little smile.
“We’d love to!” Remus exclaimed.
“You sure it won’t be too much trouble to change your plans?”
“Not at all,” Remus assured. “We can build a pillowfort, and make s’mores in the fire, maybe Ron would like to watch a movie?”
“Moo.. vee?” Molly asked. She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. “Never mind that. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it. I’m letting him through now, give me a flare when he’s safely landed?”
“Of course.” Remus moved away from the hearth. The fire briefly returned to a quiet orange before turning green once more, and out tumbling came Ron Weasley.
“Ron!” Harry cried happily, waddling forward in his snowsuit to envelop his new friend in a tight hug.
“Hi, Harry!” Ron greeted, squeezing him back. “You’re all sweaty!”
“Yeah,” Harry agreed. He hit the snaps of his snowsuit overalls and let them fall to his ankles. Ron helped him yank them off the rest of the way. “Moomy told me I should wait until you get here to put this on but I was too excited!”
“Here, love.” Remus hit him with a cooling charm. “Why don’t you take Ron upstairs and change into a fresh outfit and play with your toys?”
“Okay!” Harry took Ron’s hand and the two went skipping up the steps. “Do you like Martin Miggs?”
“Like him?” Remus heard Ron answer as they reached the top landing. “I love him!”
Remus grabbed a pinch of Floo powder and flung it into the fire. “The Burrow!” He called, dipping his head just barely into the fire, so the cool green flames licked at his chin. “Ron landed safely. Please feel free to join us for a cuppa when you pick him up,” Remus rushed out, ducking back before the Floo fire faded.
“I’d love to,” he heard Molly respond.
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wolfstarwarehouse · 4 years
#gemfest - day 21
Author: Chromat1cs Rating: Mature Word Count: 16,293 Type: Non-magic!AU, Historical!AU
Summary: Taos, New Mexico, 1915. A trapper, a painter, and the earth beneath their feet just as red as their hearts.
Comments: Just gorgeous. You can really feel when an author has a deep love and understanding of a place to be able to paint it so vividly and fill it with such rich detail. And the pining, the emotion, ugh it was too good.
Favorite Quote: 
It’s an apprehension of sorts, a catching of the breath, and as Sirius lets his gaze flick back and forth between the wolf pups and their flawlessly efficient little renderings leaping to life beneath Remus’ pencil, he feels it acutely between his lungs. It tightens in his chest, prickles his vision at its edges as though suffocating on it, and Sirius loves it, loves it, loves it —wants to chase it through the warrens of his blood like a runaway rabbit, bound down through his depths to the blood-rich core of his longing, hold it in his hands and swallow it whole in messy slurps until he’s drunk on it, rich with the feeling, seeing gold through eyes brimmed up with the courage of newness. Desire crashes through him like a storm, the blood, the sweat, the rain of it; Sirius holds his breath and tries to imagine all the ways those nimble fingers pulling pictures out of thin air would feel dancing across his skin.
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andiandyandee · 4 years
We Are Going to Be Friends Pt. 1
Woo! A prequel! Kind of.  (Title is a White Stripes Song. All the titles are gonna be Punk songs. Deal with it) This takes place while Logan, Roman, and Remus are in high school! It’s the story of how they met up until they get together. I’m not sure how long it’s going to be yet.  Words:  1133 
Tag List: @princemesscharming @datfearlessfangirl @cas-is-a-hunter (i haven’t tagged you in the last few but you did ask to be tagged in the original. Let me know if you want to stay on the tag list, I don’t mind either way.) @illogicalthinking  Let me know if you want tagged!
The Series on Ao3  | Last Words Pt. 1 & Pt. 2  |  Run From What’s Comfortable  | The Kids Will be Alright, Eventually. 
Okay here’s the Fic.
    Logan was 14 when Roman and Remus Sanders appeared in his life. He was a freshman in high school, unnaturally tall and trying his best to be intimidating in his brother’s hand-me-down leather jacket and worn-out boots.
    “This is ridiculous, Larry.” Logan was pouting a bit, trying to keep his hair from his face. It hadn’t been cut since the middle of the last school year and was hanging messily around his chin. His brother laughed at him, tossing an arm across his brother’s shoulders.
    “First of all, You can call me L, Lo. Literally the only ones who actually call me Larry are Mom and Dad. And Dot, but she’s cute, so it’s okay.” L winked at Logan, shoving the younger teenager a bit towards the freshman hallway. “You’re going to be fine, kid. You know where your homeroom is?” Logan nodded. “Perfect! I’ll see you at lunch, okay?” Logan didn’t get a chance to agree before his brother disappeared into the crowd, lifting up who Logan assumed was Dot. He sighed and turned into the hallway, trying to find his locker. He was sure it was supposed to be here, he had found it during orientation, but there was a small crowd of sophomores laughing and pushing each other in front of where he thought it was. He steeled his nerves and cleared his throat.
    “Excuse me, I believe you’re blocking my locker.” The crowd, who Logan realized consisted of not only sophomores but juniors and seniors too based on the letterman jackets they were wearing, looked at him, all of them with a bit of amusement in their eyes. Now that they had turned, Logan could see his locker, directly behind two of them who were either twins or brothers who looked incredibly similar. Logan pointed at them. “You two, the locker behind you is mine. I need into it.”
    “Is that so?” The one with the green t-shirt on asked with a smirk. “Ro, I think we’re blocking tall, dark, and angry’s locker!” The one in red, Ro, pretended to look surprised.
    “Oh, my goodness, Re! We wouldn’t want to block Specs here from dropping off his trapper keeper!” Ro put a hand to his chest dramatically. “How would he ever survive!” Re laughed a little. Logan rolled his eyes and took a step into the crowd. These were obviously a combination of Jocks and theater kids, some with both patches on their jackets. Logan figured it was probably a dumb idea to piss them off this early into the school year, but he really couldn’t care less about it. He came into the school with a reputation as a trouble maker from middle school, and had been warned by the disciplinary officer that his attitude would not be tolerated here. With his shaggy hair and new growth spurt putting him at just over six feet tall, he didn’t expect this year to go much better. He was strong, actively working out four days a week with his brother, but his growth spurt left him looking lanky and thin. He placed one hand on each of the brother’s shoulders, easily pushing them away from his locker. They looked surprised. “Damn, pocket protector. You’re stronger than you look.” Ro said, sounding slightly impressed. Logan ignored them, opening the locker and tossing his notebooks and folders into the top shelf, hanging his jacket up on the hook, leaving him in just his Eddie & The Hotrods hoodie and plain white t-shirt. He slammed the door and stepped through the crowd that was staring at him with identical looks of confusion. He stomped past them and into his homeroom without giving them another thought.
    That was, until fifth period, where Re and Ro were sitting in two desks at the front of the room, loudly arguing about something that Logan didn’t care enough to listen to. He sat down in one of the two remaining chairs in the front row, right next to the far wall. He pulled out a notebook and tapped his pen against the desk, waiting for the teacher to come in. The two jocks didn’t seem to notice him, engrossed in their argument. When the teacher came in she glanced at the class and hummed.
    “Remus? Would you mind moving to the other side of your brother? I assured Simon they could have the seat closest to the door.” She asked, smiling at the green twin who nodded and stood up, turning towards the other open seat. The seat just next to Logan.
    “Oh! Specs! Aren’t you a freshman? Why are you in this class?” Remus sat down, his grin almost unsettlingly wide.
    “Oh, I uh-” The teacher answered for him.
    “Logan is one of the six freshmen who started taking high school classes in their last year of middle school. Part of the Highest Honors Diploma Program.” Logan nodded in agreement, glad to not have to talk more than absolutely necessary.
    “Nice! Maybe you’ll be able to help me figure out what the hell anything in this class means then.” The teacher raised her eyebrows at that.
    “First of all, watch your language. Second of all, you passed last year’s class with no problems, why would you expect this class to be a problem?”
    “I stole a copy of the syllabus,” Remus admitted. “I hate Shakespeare, and we have almost an entire semester about the old nutcase.” Ro squawked indignantly at that.
    “Shakespeare was a genius! You’re literally an ACTOR, how can you not like him?”
    “Wait, how did you get a copy of the syllabus I JUST printed them-”
    “Sorry, bro, Shakespeare is an overrated plagiarist who was too lazy to learn real words so he made a bunch up to make himself sound cooler.” Remus shrugged. “Anyway, Logan, was it? You look like you’re a competent tutor, so what do you say? Will you teach me about the King of the Shadows?” Logan glanced over at the teacher, who still looked completely flabbergasted.
    “I… suppose so, if it becomes necessary, yes.” Logan agreed, albeit hesitantly. “It does seem that your.. brother is quite knowledgeable in the subject, however. Would you not prefer to have him help you?” Roman nodded earnestly.
    “I am very knowledgeable!” Remus snorted.
    “Roman gets distracted by passing dust motes. He would make a horrendous teacher.” Roman made a vague noise of offense but did not argue with his brother’s statement.
    “Speaking of teachers,” The English teacher said with fond exasperation, “Can this one actually start the class, or are we all going to have to listen to you three for the rest of the hour?” All three of them blushed and turned to the front of the classroom. The teacher, who’s name was apparently Mrs. White, began explaining the syllabus to them.
Pls reblog, like and reply. I crave human interaction.
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make-me-imagine · 4 years
Hello 👋 I was just wondering if I could get a ship for MASH, Marvel, and the marauders please? I’m a 5”1 girl who’s bisexual (but I’d prefer a male ship) I’m an INFP, I’m in tune with my emotions but I’m really bad at expressing them, I’d much rather just crack a joke instead. I like to read, do art, listen to classic rock or a murder podcast. I have dirty blond short curly hair that is a mess 90% of the time and I always dress casual. I really like physical touch but I’m also touch starved 1/2
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I am the same with my emotions lol, it’s frustrating some times isn’t it? I hope you like them!~
I ship you with John Trapper. 
I think you two are pretty similar. He expresses his emotions with jokes as well, so I think you two would develop your own ‘love language’, and I think it would be really cute, and that you would mash really well (Get it? Mash?? haha, I’m so punny).
There is definitely a height difference here, but I think he would LOVE how short you are compared to him, and would often joke about it. 
You two often love to watch old classic movies together, while lounging around, cuddled close together. 
Even though you both tend to express your emotions silently; there are moments when he does truly tell you how much he cares and love you.
You both help each other to become more comfortable expressing your feelings verbally; though you both know each other so well that is is not necessary. 
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I ship you with Steve Rogers. 
Steve is quite a bit different than Trapper, but I think that you could mesh well with both types. Steve is very loving and though he can be awkward with his feelings he can express them pretty well in whatever way he needs, especially with you.
Again, cute ass height difference lol
Steve is very caring and has no problem being physically close (though not in public, that’s embarrassing to him lol) .
He loves to show you old shows and movies that he grew up watching as he knows you will appreciate them much more than some others. 
Steve didn’t like the idea of murder related docs/movies, etc, but once he overheard you listening/watching one and it got him hooked. 
Steve might chastise you on occasion for putting other before yourself; but you can always flip this on him, because he does the same thing lol. 
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I ship you with Remus.
Maybe you saw this coming, idk lol. But I think you two would work well together because of how emotionally in-tune you are, as well as the similarity in your interests. 
It might take a while for Remus to get used to being physically intimate (hugs, cuddles, hand holding, etc.) but once he did get used to it, it became one of his favorite ways to express how he feels. 
Surprise hugs, random hand-holding, kisses to the back of your hand or head, etc. He just likes being around you and close to you. 
He is definitely interested in murder podcasts and old movies/shows, and is not against just laying around and listening to/watching them in the evenings or on the weekends. 
Remus thinks it is very cool that you act in theater, and any time you might be in a play he will definitely be there. 
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Andrew Garfield and young Remus f.c.
xx Read post about ship requests here xx
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acceberv · 4 years
Should I start a Sanders Sides Minecraft ask blog?
I’ve been thinking about who can do what:
Moderator/admin Thomas
Farmer Patton
Blacksmith and chef Roman
Redstoner and potions master Logan
Lookout and mob trapper Virgil
Duke of the Nether Remus
Nomad and trickster Janus
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Short list because between vacations and my own writing I haven’t had much reading time this month. Some of these stories are pretty obscure and underappreciated and I think they deserve more love!
I’m also tired of seeing the same people recced over and over.
Western Homes by montparnasse: “Nowhere, USA, August 2019. On the mechanics of getting over yourself.”
Frog and Toad Aren't Friends Anymore by swordfishtrombones: “Is this really all because I wouldn’t live with you?” Remus is still feeling a little fuzzy, but he’s beginning to get chilly and fed up, and he wants to be on common ground. “Some people just aren’t good flatmates. I wasn’t trying to say I liked Adrian and Mary better than you, or whatever you’re thinking.”Sirius runs a hand through his hair and squints at the streetlight, twisting his mouth like Remus is truly hopeless.“It hurt,” says Sirius, “my feelings.”
Best Years by Penknife: “They say these are the best years of their lives. If so, Remus isn't sure why they're so complicated.”
How to Survive in the Wilderness (Without Soup) by Penknife: “Sirius is sure that he can make soup; anybody can make soup.”
How to Build a Home (Living in the Wilderness Remix) by SecondSilk: “Sirius has a flat. It lacks a certain something.”
Impressions in the Dust (Nothing Left But History Remix) by mariana_oconnor: “We are not new. We are not the brilliant pioneers of a new age of magic. Everything we can think of doing is a result of what came before.”
SHAME by wilteddaisy: “There were Isak and Even, Lucas and Eliott, Matteo and David… and now, Sirius and Remus. Or, alternatively: Sirius has some figuring-things-out to do. He’s not sure if Remus helps or makes things worse.”
Sangre, Sudor, y Lluvia by Chromat1cs: “Taos, New Mexico, 1915. A trapper, a painter, and the earth beneath their feet just as red as their hearts.”
Previous recs: May, June, July.
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Tagged by: @shealwaysreads
Top 4 ships atm:
all the ships from @provocative-envy‘s rarepair March madness
that’s all I can’t think of any more
Last song: Furr by Blitzen Trapper
Last movie: Aladdin (1992)
Reading: I have three AO3 tabs open and like five fics downloaded rn but my attention span has been four seconds long so I’m reading all of them in paragraph bursts.
Current food craving: popsicles.
Tagging: I forgot to check who Bella tagged so here goes nothing. @fantom-ftnoise @rockmarina @malenkayacherepakha @remus-john-lupin @coriesocks @fictional @mushroomness @drarry-toogoodtobetrue
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