syvellsworld · 6 months
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five good things, really quickly
before I head off to work, because I have a small handful of them right now...
Big one first: I am GOING TO FINLAND IN OCTOBER DAMMIT! Going for eleven days because...
I am going to be in Helsinki between 18 and 28 October :D :D :D Been planning stuff to do (I have an Excel spreadsheet with all the museums and stuff and their entrance costs filterable by location oh god, spent yesterday evening doing that, now all I have to do is put opening days/times in cos I was too frazzled to do it last night) and if I buy a Museum Card which is currently reduced by €11 I can get into everywhere freeeeeee! Thus saving, if I actually go to everywhere on the list (it's a long list) several hundred euros. XD
Also one of the other bands I used to go and see at Trashfest lo these many years ago are finally playing this end of the country (they're from the east midlands and never play down this way) at the beginning of October SUPPORTING A BAND I LOVED IN THE 90S WHO I DIDN'T REALISE WERE BACK!!!
And and AND our local cinema is showing all three EXTENDED EDITIONS OF LOTR this coming weekend and I AM GOING. I cannot WAIT I am going to be sitting on my own in the cinema being an absolute ball of squee it's been OVER TWENTY YEARS since I saw those darlings on the big screen!
AND, just for the hell of it, the 20th anniversary event I'm hosting on here for King Arthur (2004) at the beginning of July is all kicking off! Prompt post and everything else at @ka20th for my beloved little fandom that could (and if anyone wants to prompt me for any of the themes do let me know!)
And my TRSB fic is coming on very nicely indeed. Can't talk about it but it's giving me the opportunity to develop someone I don't usually write as a main character AND throw in a lot of my favourite other characters to write, and the lovely @erathene's art is GLORIOUS. :D :D :D
Right then. Better go to work. Spending the day in the strongroom sorting out some minute books today, which is in fact a further Good Thing. XD
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tagedeszorns · 11 months
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Death Korps of Krieg Aerial Squad
I have this tradition of movie nights with my mate - and only the finest garbage will do for us. This time it was "Sky Sharks". A movie he impulse bought when ordering "Cannibal women in the Avocado Jungle of Death". The avocados will have to wait until next time. This time it was zombies and sharks and everything.
That movie was fun beyond our wildest dreams! The finest trash imaginable! Absolutely stunning. No inner logic, no real story, no nothing - but .. flying sharks! Way better than all the Sharknados (and we've seen them all!). Trashfest de luxe.
And it inspired me to this picture.
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I was pretty bored yesterday and in a bitter mood and so I ended up spam-reblogging a shitload of anti-Madoka Magica posts(and no I’m not sorry, because no matter fucking what I will never stop hating on that trashfest of an anime), and obviously there’s nothing much really that I can say about it that hasn’t already been said by both me and other people in the past but lemme just say how FUCKED up it is…that grown men can look at a genre full of light and hope and female solidarity and empowerment for girls that teaches them that they can be whatever they want to be and that they should never stop believing in themselves and striving for greatness and go “nope, fuck that, instead of all of that happy fun girl power shit let’s write an edgy grimdark dystopia where being a girl with dreams and a desire to strive for greatness is a bad thing that can only end in suffering and punishment, where the survival of the universe and progress of humanity literally hinges on girls being tortured and killed en masse for wishing for something that would make them happy, where girls are universally portrayed as overemotional and impressionable and susceptible and weak and must slay each other in order to survive because they’ll go berserk and monstrous once their power inevitably gets the better of them, and where the only way to escape this ending is by dying and being erased from existence, because that’s the best girls can hope for, and as the icing on the sour cake, let’s aim it at an adult male audience so that they can watch girls suffer and perish and be psychologically broken for their own entertainment, all because they wanted something for themselves and had the gall and the selfishness to go after it.”
And instead of people seeing it for the sexist torture porn that it is it gets glowing reviews on every platform, people eat this shit up and say that this sleazy adult male-aimed show about barely adolescent girls suffering because they wanted something more for themselves is feminist actually, that actually all of the turmoil that the girls go through is a totally girl power metaphor for how girls suffer at the hands of patriarchy in the real world, and how the torture porn got subverted at the end when really all the end did was show the girls continuing to suffer because of their wishes but hey at least they’ll get the sweet release of death in the end, and how the all-male writing staff definitely meant for this to be the next feminist coming of Jesus despite the fact that they say they weren’t inspired by any Magical Girl works that came before them and were instead inspired by porn games…Madoka is the most progressive and revolutionary anime ever really, even more so than those insightful shows about Magical Girls that are actually aimed at girls and actually feature female empowerment and angst done well and not just for the sole purpose of letting men watch female characters suffer, those other shows are just stupid and shallow and bland and don’t know what they’re talking about, Madoka is where it’s at. Take it from me, a 35-year-old man who has never seen a single Magical Girl anime in my life except for Madoka Magica. If you don’t agree with me or if you dare to critique my soulless male gaze moebait, then you’re obviously just dumb and ignorant and don’t understand the deep philosophical nuances of this shoddy anime, I mean just look at Madoka’s mom! She’s the breadwinner of her family! Sure she’s not important to the plot on a whole and it’s not like Heartcatch Precure has done this character archetype better or anything but she’s proof that the writers are feminist icons who set out to empower women! Now watch as me and the rest of my Madoka-loving friends proceed to bully and harass the shit out of you for not sharing our vapid opinions until you either delete your account, change your tune and say you like Madoka now and were so wrong and stupid before, or stop talking about how much you hate Madoka entirely. And anyway teenage girls really ARE irrational, hysterical, and constantly on their cycles. Of course they’ll get taken advantage of for it! That’s not misogynistic to point out, that’s just the biotruth!
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kitcat992 · 1 year
The recent Marvel content I've consumed — Guardians of the Galaxy Video Game from 2021, and the absolutely MIND-BLOWING, award worthy, beautiful, too-good-to-be-true Across the Spiderverse — have been a firm reminder for me that Marvel spans far beyond the MCU, and as a long time Marvel fan, we DESERVE content like this and not whatever shit poop Kevin Fegie dumps into a toilet bowl.
I've been so conflicted with my love for Marvel ever since Endgame. It's almost embarrassing to associate with the very thing I've loved since childhood, especially as the MCU takes their low bar and keeps setting it lower than before. I literally cringe when I see whatever latest Power Rangers quality content they give their fans. It's humiliating.
But last night I got to see Across the Spiderverse, after replaying the GotG game for the second time. And I've never been more rejuvenated as a Marvel fan from these two entities alone.
The LOVE for the characters, the Grade A writing, the care taken into the content given to us — I feel *loved* as a fan from just these two things. Respected as a fan.
Meanwhile, the MCU keeps shoving down everyone's throat whatever CGI trashfest they can throw together in a blender as fast as possible — with writing that would make chatGPT embarrassed.
Nonono, I'd like to thank Across the Spiderverse and the GotG Game for reminding me the MCU isn't the only representation of Marvel, and Marvel is so much better than the MCU.
I'd love to end this with "do better, MCU" but I gave up on them right after Endgame, disowned them after No Way Home, and have no plans to return to the abuse. But godDAMN I've never felt better being a Marvel fan.
Go see Across the Spiderverse. I sobbed. Like a baby. So fucking gorgeous
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televisionenjoyer · 11 months
If I ever make it in the music industry I'm going to start putting supernatural references in my songs and shit, secret codes, naming an album OMITTED, that kind of stuff. And then watch as my fandom falls to pieces because the fans who went out of their way to do their research (watch the cw's 15-season trashfest that is supernatural) will call the fans who sincerely could care less (about the cw's 15-season trashfest that is supernatural) fake fans. For not watching supernatural
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lizardsfromspace · 1 year
Oprah and Jerry Springer experienced each other's careers in reverse order. Oprah's show started as a sleazy trashfest and ended up serious to a stultifying level & with her playing political kingmaker by being the media's most prominent pro-Obama voice (she endorsed him for President in 2006!). Jerry Springer was a political advisor to RFK, helped reduce the voting age to 18, got 45% of the vote for a seat in Congress, and was Mayor of Cincinnati, then created a serious political talk show that ended up the sleazy trashfest par excellence
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kuruttameanscrazed · 4 months
kurutta claims oh, mental illness or trauma can wipe your mind so go easy on anybody who can't remember things. her dog could have died, so anything she ever said or did to anybody before then or even after isn't valid to be upset over. do you not care about her dog? do you want him to suffer, if you don't trust her?
well, k only acknowledges or uses it as a reason for herself why she doesn't remember or doesn't believe she ever hurt others; other people are just clearly too sensitive. those who have impacted memory or functioning are free to be ridiculed by her though, they must be trying to bait her to feel sorry for them. no miss k, nobody needs your false charity thank you.
sometimes, she'll also make excuses for why her enabler j was even caught trash-talking other people and will claim that enabler must have forgotten who they were or gee, that j never thought the people she was talking about would catch her talking behind their backs. of course, her greatest bestie will be justified in some way or another for gossip and mockery while kurutta would even admit she'd "feel SO bad" if she found out a friend like j was participating in a trashfest on her and if that specific bestie had indeed targeted her instead of one of these other people. why does kurutta speak for her enabler so much anyway and like to invoke her so? guess that's part of the symbiosis they have.
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kafkasmjjw · 1 year
I want to start a SFH discord server because the existent one is a trashfest (I kno2 you said you don’t want to talk about it but I’m very sorry about the things you read on there). Would you want me to send a link?
i actually only downloaded discord when i participated in the first sfh zine. i dont do well in group chats or anything in that vein so even if i join, id be a silent observer lmao. it would be really nice to not have hypocritical moderators preaching respect then having mentally unstable members say they want to kill the entire fandom over fiction though!
hope it goes well 💕
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kmp78 · 1 year
Wonder if the new pic is from today? It would mean we're back on the trashfest boat and it's time for the 2nd batch of modelitas to make an appearance. 🤔 I also asked myself this question because his PA posted again today from the sea...🙈😂😂😂
Nana is no stranger to posting old pics without mentioning they are old tho... 🤷🏼‍♀️
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syvellsworld · 9 months
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Blood for Blood - Trashfest VI 2013
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salamanshe · 6 years
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tumblr refuses to flag any of my atrocities, i need to try harder but for now   receive      trash!
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goranimperator · 6 years
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TBT 2013 - post 300 vodka drinks performing Blitzkrieg Bop w New Generation Superstars at Trash Fest in Hell 🖤 #tbt #goranimperator #trashfest #guitarist #blitzkriegbop #partytimeexcellent #hellyeah #drunk https://www.instagram.com/p/BozSAPnBg4n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pm0a4p481lge
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mariekavanagh · 2 years
Europe preparing to endure the voting:
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lovecanbesostrange · 3 years
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24/31 Days of Halloween: Sharks!!
Deep Blue Sea || Ghost Shark || Jaws || The Meg || Open Water || The Reef || The Shallows || Sharknado || Sharktopus
“This was no boat accident.“ - Jaws
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