travellqh · 2 months
Grim Warning for Aussies as Big Tourist 'Issue' Could Soon Hit Bali: ‘A Great Shame’
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It's a "distinct possibility" that residents in global travel hotspots might soon voice their frustrations with rising tourism rates and attempt to expel tourists, warns a leading Australian travel expert.
Quentin Long, Managing Director at Australian Traveller Media, drew attention to the thousands who protested against mass tourism in Barcelona, claiming it has pushed locals out of the housing market. He suggests that similar protests could occur in other popular destinations, including Bali, which is a favorite among Australians.
Recently, Indonesia's Minister for Tourism and Creative Economies, Sandiaga Uno, commented on the likelihood of Balinese locals protesting against tourism, similar to the protests in Spain. “Things like that should not happen in Bali," he reportedly told the media. "Because if people feel uncomfortable with the presence of tourists, bad excesses emerge. In fact, tourism is one of the economic drivers in Bali."
Disrespectful Behavior from Tourists
However, Long believes that just because locals have been encouraged not to protest, doesn't mean they won't. Bali has a history of dealing with badly behaved tourists, and authorities have introduced various measures over the years to address the problem.
"There's been a lot of disrespectful behavior in Bali," Long told Yahoo News Australia. "You see people not dressed appropriately in temples, taking inappropriate selfies, drinking excessively, and treating locals disrespectfully. Driving while intoxicated on mopeds, you name it, it happens in Bali."
Yahoo News has previously reported on tourists behaving badly and disrespecting local customs, as authorities desperately try to manage unruly visitors. Instances include tourists climbing sacred trees, wearing inappropriate clothing, and generally making locals uncomfortable in a country known for its modesty. There have also been reports of drunken and disorderly behavior, including fights and an increase in waste.
"I think there's a distinct possibility that locals could start to express their frustrations with tourists directly and start to indicate that they would prefer tourists to do different things or go somewhere else," Long said. "And I don't think it's just targeting Australians. I hope it doesn't happen, but it is definitely possible."
Global Actions Against Over-Tourism
Long noted that some countries have already begun implementing measures to reduce high tourism rates. In Venice, Italy, day visitors were recently required to pay an $8 entry fee during peak hours to help preserve the city from overcrowding. In Bali, travelers must pay a $14 tourist tax on arrival. Amsterdam has also stopped cruise ships from entering local waters. Even in Australia, there have been discussions about introducing a tourist tax, although nothing concrete has been implemented.
"It's a global issue, not just Bali and Barcelona," Long said. "There are all sorts of different ways that countries have been trying to combat mass tourism, but it's going to have to be government-led. If they don't act, their citizens will."
Long theorized two possible scenarios for the future:
"In my opinion, the logical conclusion is that we have two possible routes here: One is that travel becomes dictated by finances, making destinations only affordable to the elite, which would be a great shame. The second way is to implement a lottery system where only certain people are given permission to visit. But neither of these situations are ideal."
On an individual level, "we all need to make choices about what we do, where we go, and how we spend our money," Long said. "Just be educated about what you're doing when you're going."
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travellhq · 2 months
Grim Warning for Aussies as Big Tourist 'Issue' Could Soon Hit Bali: ‘A Great Shame’
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It's a "distinct possibility" that residents in global travel hotspots might soon voice their frustrations with rising tourism rates and attempt to expel tourists, warns a leading Australian travel expert.
Quentin Long, Managing Director at Australian Traveller Media, drew attention to the thousands who protested against mass tourism in Barcelona, claiming it has pushed locals out of the housing market. He suggests that similar protests could occur in other popular destinations, including Bali, which is a favorite among Australians.
Recently, Indonesia's Minister for Tourism and Creative Economies, Sandiaga Uno, commented on the likelihood of Balinese locals protesting against tourism, similar to the protests in Spain. “Things like that should not happen in Bali," he reportedly told the media. "Because if people feel uncomfortable with the presence of tourists, bad excesses emerge. In fact, tourism is one of the economic drivers in Bali."
Disrespectful Behavior from Tourists
However, Long believes that just because locals have been encouraged not to protest, doesn't mean they won't. Bali has a history of dealing with badly behaved tourists, and authorities have introduced various measures over the years to address the problem.
"There's been a lot of disrespectful behavior in Bali," Long told Yahoo News Australia. "You see people not dressed appropriately in temples, taking inappropriate selfies, drinking excessively, and treating locals disrespectfully. Driving while intoxicated on mopeds, you name it, it happens in Bali."
Yahoo News has previously reported on tourists behaving badly and disrespecting local customs, as authorities desperately try to manage unruly visitors. Instances include tourists climbing sacred trees, wearing inappropriate clothing, and generally making locals uncomfortable in a country known for its modesty. There have also been reports of drunken and disorderly behavior, including fights and an increase in waste.
"I think there's a distinct possibility that locals could start to express their frustrations with tourists directly and start to indicate that they would prefer tourists to do different things or go somewhere else," Long said. "And I don't think it's just targeting Australians. I hope it doesn't happen, but it is definitely possible."
Global Actions Against Over-Tourism
Long noted that some countries have already begun implementing measures to reduce high tourism rates. In Venice, Italy, day visitors were recently required to pay an $8 entry fee during peak hours to help preserve the city from overcrowding. In Bali, travelers must pay a $14 tourist tax on arrival. Amsterdam has also stopped cruise ships from entering local waters. Even in Australia, there have been discussions about introducing a tourist tax, although nothing concrete has been implemented.
"It's a global issue, not just Bali and Barcelona," Long said. "There are all sorts of different ways that countries have been trying to combat mass tourism, but it's going to have to be government-led. If they don't act, their citizens will."
Long theorized two possible scenarios for the future:
"In my opinion, the logical conclusion is that we have two possible routes here: One is that travel becomes dictated by finances, making destinations only affordable to the elite, which would be a great shame. The second way is to implement a lottery system where only certain people are given permission to visit. But neither of these situations are ideal."
On an individual level, "we all need to make choices about what we do, where we go, and how we spend our money," Long said. "Just be educated about what you're doing when you're going."
0 notes
talonabraxas · 1 year
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Khonsu 🌕 Talon Abraxas Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at.
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plungermusic · 8 months
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12.1 “No man or woman can serve two masters.”
12.2 “For either they will hate the one and love the other, or they will cleave to the one and abandon the other.”
12.3 “Therefore, ye cannot serve both blues and americana”
12.4 At which Peter uttereth, “Lord, this cannot be so, for countless are they who walk both the blues path and the path of americana. Are they to be condemned merely for their versatility?”
12.5 Unto which He respondeth, “He (or yea, she, for this is not unknown) who traveleth both paths may indeed journey far, and journey well, but cannot truly scale the peaks of either.”
12.6 “For the ways of one are not the ways of the other, and mastery cometh only to those who dedicate themselves.”
12.7 “Much as it paineth me to disagree,” saith Peter, “yet verily there are those who have indeed ascended to the very heights of both those peaks.”
12.8 “Nay not only these but also scaled the summits of the rocky pinnacles.”
12.9 “Which have been deemed classic.”
12.10 “Sayeth who?” interupteth He.
12.11 “Sayeth them who bestow the accolades upon the righteous at the turn of every year.” 
12.12 (“Yea, and when I say every year it doth seem to be EVERY year despite the numberless multitudes from which they might select their exalted champions.”
12.13 “But then what knoweth I?”)
12.14 At which He waxed exceeding wrathful and turned over the tables of the merch sellers, saying:
12.15 “Look thou not on the baubles and gewgaws that shower from the hands of the ignorant, for they are bought with the gold of the ungodly.”
12.16 “Nor put your trust in the exalted praise of the world, for it is but the empty clanging adulation of brazen vessels that lack substance, and yea any semblance of musical savvy.”
12.17 And Peter looketh at Him and saith “Hath anyone ever told thee, thou canst verily be a total downer on occasion?”
12.18 “Ofttimes I swear I knoweth thee not…”
0 notes
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All set up and ready to chat with educators about #experientialeducation And #travel at the Association of Veterinary Technicians Educators conference. . . . . . #avte #conference #vettech #nola #jazzedup #neworleans #travelethically #beherewithus #gapyear #studenttravel #animalmissions (at New Orleans, Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0YuLZvAFil/?igshid=1bbu8el1xm9c6
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(vía Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown / Season 5, Episode 5: Madagascar 1)
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matsucathar · 5 years
The King Of The North
(A story I've been working on. Chapter 5)
Forlorn doth the King of the North
Traveleth to his own skirmish
Lest it be to protect that which he
Holds dear in his heart
Doth his limbs freeze upon his
Perilous journey?
Nay, for the King of the North
Hath already set upon his grave
And smiled upon it before taking
Up his demise.
But the result is vague
His travels are still to be written
And must not end on this upheaval
For if not slain this malicious force,
Then all that is the King of the North
Is turned into ashes and memories
He draws near, his icy cold breath,
His still beating heart, his eyes filled
Grandeur with the intent of restoring
That which was his
To fight for control was nigh
His cold hands grips the handle
Of his sword and unsheathed
It from its holster....
What now? It is uncertain.
Only that the thing that the King of the North
Has journeyed to kill
Was now standing infront of him
With such deep red eyes...
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Waiteth! mine own self just hath taken news, queen mary is Cancell'd, we might not but traveleth with haste and findeth someone new to stan!
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dadpreneur · 6 years
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Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat. Genesis 9:3-4 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and he pondereth all his goings. Proverbs 5:21 Election day says a lot about people, and it shows you clearly where they truly stand. I see many people posting pics in solidarity to acknowledge their vote, which is a good thing because voting is important. I just wish people would stand in solidarity and acknowledge their daily prayers. I challenge you to stand up and say you pray, and that you love God just as much as you praise your vote in this election. Show God the loyalty you show this system of government. Y'all are down like four flat tires to vote in the small election; but won't vote for the big election. Cast your vote on God, and proclaim your trust in Him, as you do for Trump, and Clinton, and Cruz, and that cool brother Beto. This is the way I see it: God created man, then man created government. If government is not doing what lines up with the word of God, Man, has a problem with government. You don't serve your creation; you serve your Creator. Y'all need to wake up 🕵️🗿 And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Genesis 11:6 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:3 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep? Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that traveleth, and thy want as an armed man. Proverbs 6:6-11 #hueman #indigenous #discipleofchange #knowledgeismytrade #iusemybraindaily #heretobuildgenerationalwealth #Proverbs13:22 #noexcuses☝️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp235EuF7Xf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8fqs55de1ok2
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ezilebaybusuainn · 6 years
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#Ghana - Kids playing and #surf trying on #Busua beach. Busua still have a good balance. Between village life and tourism. Fishermen and surfer. Foreigners and inhabitants... Et caetera.... We all have to be very careful to keep that fragile balance. • • #busua #busuainn #ghanaian #surf #respect #kidsonthebeach #travelethically #ghana #ghanatravel #tourisminghana #seeghana #discoverafrica #visitezlafrique #guesthouse #balance #travel #villagelife https://ift.tt/2Nz5gsc
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Khonsu 🌕 Talon Abraxas Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: A Hymn to Khonsu Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Mut-Bast is thy mother And Amen-Ra-Temu-Kephra is thy father, Thou makest women fruitful, And makest the human germ to grow in thy mothers womb. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at. Thou art great and mighty oh Moon God, Khonsu, messenger of the Great Gods, Traveler of the night sky in the form of the Moon. Thou art a child in the morning, an old man in the evening, a youth in the beginning of the year who cometh as a child after he becometh infirm, who reneweth his births like the disk. Thou art the Great God, the Lord of Heaven, Lord of Gods, Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep-Tehuti, Lord of Annu, Lord of rest, Chief Mabi, Peace, peace, O Gracious One, Who art peace, and who love peace. Thou art the Great God, Khonsu, the Mighty, who cometh forth from Nut. Thou art the sun at sunrise and the moon. Thou art Khonsu the chronographer, who holdest the stylus in thy right hand. Thou art Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep who hast absolute power over all evil spirits which infest the earth, air, sea, and sky. Protect us from pain, sickness, and disease. Protect us from decay, madness, and death. We invoke thee. Show us thy Wisdom. Thou makest the plants to grow and the fruit to ripen, and animals to conceive. Thou whom the Gods adore. Thou art the God of love whom men and women adore. Thou art Healer and Powerful in Magic! Protect us! Accept our offerings, O Great Moon -God Khonsu, who lives forever.
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Khonsu TA/MJ Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at.
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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Khonsu 🌕 Talon Abraxas Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night. On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu: A Hymn to Khonsu Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods! Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky, Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth. Mut-Bast is thy mother And Amen-Ra-Temu-Kephra is thy father, Thou makest women fruitful, And makest the human germ to grow in thy mothers womb. Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer, The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at. Thou art great and mighty oh Moon God, Khonsu, messenger of the Great Gods, Traveler of the night sky in the form of the Moon. Thou art a child in the morning, an old man in the evening, a youth in the beginning of the year who cometh as a child after he becometh infirm, who reneweth his births like the disk. Thou art the Great God, the Lord of Heaven, Lord of Gods, Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep-Tehuti, Lord of Annu, Lord of rest, Chief Mabi, Peace, peace, O Gracious One, Who art peace, and who love peace. Thou art the Great God, Khonsu, the Mighty, who cometh forth from Nut. Thou art the sun at sunrise and the moon. Thou art Khonsu the chronographer, who holdest the stylus in thy right hand. Thou art Khonsu-Nefer-Hetep who hast absolute power over all evil spirits which infest the earth, air, sea, and sky. Protect us from pain, sickness, and disease. Protect us from decay, madness, and death. We invoke thee. Show us thy Wisdom. Thou makest the plants to grow and the fruit to ripen, and animals to conceive. Thou whom the Gods adore. Thou art the God of love whom men and women adore. Thou art Healer and Powerful in Magic! Protect us! Accept our offerings, O Great Moon -God Khonsu, who lives forever.
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talonabraxas · 2 years
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Khonsu the Light of the Moon Khonsu is one of the most ancient Egyptian Gods of the Moon. His name means traveler reflecting the fact that the Moon travels across the night sky. Khonsu is also known as the Embracer, Pathfinder, and Defender, as he would watch over those who travel at night.On the night of the full moon, pray to Khonsu:Hail unto thee, O Messenger of the Gods!Khonsu, the traveler of the night sky,Who traveleth through the heaven like Thoth.Thou art the Moon, the light -bearer,The moon by night, and the lord of Ma’at. https://iseumsanctuary.com/2020/11/30/homage-to-khonsu-the-light-of-the-moon/?fbclid=IwAR1fzeFHpHqAncp58ebRAtwM79jbW1Pq2Ks0Avn2iuPAmMLXSZTY3FU3Ad0 The key-scale correspondences for Khonsu XVIII are of the 29th path of the Tree of Life, extending upwards from Malkuth (the Kingdom) to Netzach (Venus). Khonsu’s Egyptian hieroglyphic name is at the top of the picture. The hawk-headed god of the Moon is at the centre, going forth between two pillars. He bears the priestly was sceptre in his right hand and the Ankh of Life in his left. Khonsu was regarded as the son of Mut and Amoun, and was closely identified with both Tahuti and Horus at Thebes (Egyptian Waset).
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An important part of what we do is making sure that volunteers do not take on professional roles in the community. All our centres are lead and run by local professionals and volunteers assist them with day to day tasks. This means the community grows with the conservation and welfare programs- not away from them. Communities get stronger with tourism but they get even stronger with sustainable and ethical jobs. We provide both through our programs. We also build bridges between communities around the world. Volunteers aren't just visitors, they become family members.  This is why we are #Bestfortheworld for the community, not just our community in Barrie, all the communities we operate in, around the world. . . . . . #bcorp #bthechange #BFTW #communityleaders #volunteer #gapyear #travel #travelethically #goodtravel #kenya #conservation #animals #helpanimals #dogs #helpdogs #teambuilding #changemakers #love #friendship #rvt #rvn (at Nairobi, Kenya) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2NXfjqgrvq/?igshid=1e94kr1f8yr0i
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When you visit us at the @buygoodfeelgood expo we will make sure your first animal volunteer experience happens this spring! Plant these seeds and you'll help bees! . . . . . . #savebees #helpbees #seeds #wildflowers #volunteer #helpanimals #swag #travelethically #gardensnotlawns #canadianowned #womenowned #bcorp (at Enercare Centre) https://www.instagram.com/animalinternational/p/BwM9vFvpvkD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=112u3gz3pnxmu
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