#trenas maladi
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theyre silly
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understandableparadox · 10 months
The homestuck oc tournament poll! Round 1 winners!
the time is up, the results have been tallied, we now look through our list of round one winners. if you did not know, then please know that you are still appreciated and loved, all of the charecters that you have shared for this round are astound, amazing and fantastical and we thank you for particpating. now, without further ado...
Block one winner:
Auiwyn Trasyl
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The silliest, most self deprecating emo you’ll ever have the displeasure of meeting. His favorite movies would be the troll twilight saga, and they would make fanfiction of his rainbow drinker oc and Troll Edward. They have such a large obsession with rainbow drinkers that it’s consumed almost everything in his life. They would geek out if they ever met Kanaya, it would be so bad they’d probably faint. Would bite people to taste the blood and then gag when it tastes bad.
Block 2 winner:
Nahlee Rovian
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He is just silly.
He is just a guy who would eat a slice of cheese off of the floor, cheese of unknown origin. 
He is a sweet and funny guy and is way too easily trusting. 
If this guy was a playlist it would be "weird al" and "ninja sex party".
He smells funny.
No rizz.
Tamidn K'sazze
Block 3:
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Rhanek is the husband of Viiveh YEARS in the future. He's a very large blueblood that was once a bookish nerd, but got forcibly drafted into the Alternian military. They erased his old self and molded him into a perfect soldier, so once he finally got away from the military he couldn't remember his old life anymore, all he had was his military experience. So he became a bodyguard, putting his skills to good use. He eventually crosses paths with Viiveh who is trying to run from the Condesce and offers to protect him, and they eventually hit it off <3
Block 4:
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Atroxx lives in a swamp full of boiling tar, lurking in the dark and serving as something of a dark legend to the locals. They fear her and often leave her sacrifices, believing her to be a monster or some sort of demon. She just likes getting free things out of it and sometimes toys with the minds those who wander a little too far out of the torchlight, taunting them from within the darkness. If you survive an encounter with her, she's not very eloquent, and is quite stubborn and impatient, unpredictable and almost wild in behavior. She is also, however, incredibly resourceful and clever.
Block 5 winner:
Lollie Gravez
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Your name is LOLLIE GRAVEZ and you use ne/nem/nir, sh3/h3r/h3rz and h3/h1m/h1z. You are a SCENE KID first and foremost, and a troll second.
You love COMICS, CARTOONS, and SHIPPING, and listen to way too much ALTERNATIVE MUSIC. You send a lot of your spare time SEWING CLOTHES, both for yourself and your PLETHORA OF PLUSH FRIENDS. You spend way too much money on VIDEO GAMES, that you never get around to playing. When you aren’t hiding in your room away from the world, you love watching shows with your friends, then making self inserts for all your friends. Your squad loves the troll anime SUGIO QUEST FOR KOKORO, despite it being outlawed for rebel imagery.
Block 6 winner:
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
Block 7 winner:
Garlik Femara
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A 9ft tall purple blood
She isn't the brightest (bimbo energy) and is all around friendly
She was "brainwashed" by the clurch because they saw her as a useful asset but she did not want to be a subjugulator and was showing signs of rebellion.
She is a killing machine but the circumstances are very specific, he trigger is a list. Most specifically a list of names but if given any list something in her brain is triggered to bring forward the highblood rage.
Block 8 winner:
Anomal Conspi
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One of the most brilliant, anxiety ridden queens on her whole planet. She’s so paranoid that she has a backup plan for just about anything. She predicted the world was going to end via meteors and had a ship fully ready to go for several years, and had a mental breakdown when she ended up being right. Overthinking is her strongest skill, making plans for her plans just in case something she didn’t think of happened. Her ship, despite being made of old and ruined tech, is so heavily equipped with safety features that she should probably be in charge of OSHA because ain’t no one getting hurt on that thing. Would go outside in a hamster bubble.
Block 9 winner:
Aauron Tarven
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He's a former mafia member on the run, and now he lives out on the edge of the sea. He heckin loves birds, and spends most of his time studying and drawing them (mostly sea birds now because that's mostly what's around him) and he's also head over heels in love with his best friend who is also in love with him but they're both idiots and keep dancing around one another lol.
Block 10 winner:
Baxtin Nyswud
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Baxtin used to be part of a semi-popular lowblood boyband called Sequence, though they fell out of popularity and while they aren't officially broken up... It's been a couple sweeps since they toured or even met up. Instead Baxtin spends his nights farming melons and gourds from seeds he kinda just found and decided to cultivate. Luckily his lusus, Timber, loves them. Timber is a huge south alternian longhorn bull and has cartoon physics for no known reason. He is actively a problem for the resident of Baxtin's town. This is upsetting for Baxtin cause he's incredibly socially anxious and scared of... well everything. He tends to be very spacey and doesn't listen to retain things very well outside of his music, but he's got major artistic blockage atm. His neighbor and best friend Vivsy keeps him grounded, though they don't see eye to eye very often (mostly on Vivisy's side- and not cause he's shorter!!)
Block 11 winner:
Rudy Webster
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Rudy is a 21 y/o guy(?) who lives in the small town of Junebug. he lives with his 2 moms and service dog and is dating his childhood best friend. he works at the local library and is all around seen as a nice, albeit introverted, boy. but... his true passion lies on the Internet, where he boasts a kinda-small but kinda-big youtube subscriber count. his main claim 2 fame are his MLP:FIM reviews, which are as opinionated as you'd expect but a bit more positive than most bronies at the time. the other half of his content consists of delving into lost media. (which happens to be his second important special interest. the first is mlp g4) Other interests include internet archival, html coding, piracy, and DOOM. 
online/in videos rudy presents himself as sarcastic, quick to yell at inconsistencies, and Very emotional at times. in reality he definitely is all of those things but dialed down a ton. he's sensitive to rejection and very hard on himself because of that. he hates when people complain about the things he likes and takes lots of shit that doesnt have anything to do with him personally (thats the anxiety talking) he's been hit with the ol' depression + GAD + autism combo so his life can be a living hell sometimes, but his girlfriend and dog help calm him down when he's stressed. there's  also some toxic masculinity + gender crisis going on in that brain of his but  he'd rather die than admit any of that. even though he has all these negative traits, he's helpful in his community (online and irl) and affectionate towards the closer people in his life. most people just dont see that side of him.
Block 12 winner:
Atorva Yaoshi 
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A very progressive highblood that is too anxious for his own good. He tries his best to overcome his anxiety and talk to other people, but to no avail; either he gets shunned for being too progressive by other highbloods or his anxiety is too offputting for lowbloods. Loves to cook and bake.
(also unrelated u don't have to include this part it's just some fun trivia: i made a tumblr sexyman as a troll but i think atorva is more tumblr sexyman than him)
Block 13 winner:
Viiveh Telore
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Viiveh is a fuchsia blood in an abusive relationship trying to forge his own destiny. He tries to stay positive and is unlearning some classist traits. He goes to the surface and hides his blood color by dressing like a robot. He really loves tech and the mechanics of it, since the seadwellers can mainly only use bug-based tech underwater. He takes the name Vexxin during his hiding. Don't get him started on troll Daft Punk.
Block 14 winner:
Persep “Perse” Rhiali
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She streams, she draws, she always has a knife on her, with a small size and big personality Perse WILL either be your friend or A Problem (TM)
Block 15 winner:
Contra Aurela
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Sweetheart Violet, and Alternia’s Beloved Final Girl (an actress!)
Block 16 winner:
Zapika Zapity
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Zapika is a self-proclaimed inventor and infamous local mad scientist. Her voice quirk is that she speaks like early season BlackButler Mei Rin. She is a Prospit dreamer, Mind-bound, iceskateKind, and psiioniic! Her design started as a joke when I randomized troll doll maker in 2020. Been my fave HS OC since! 
"Best darn inventor on this side of the space-rock, aint no-one gonna tell ya otherwise, they aint!"
Block 17 winner:
Turpen Cansoi
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Turpen Cansoi is an indigo blood that owes money to higher bloods, and because of this he’s been DEMOTED TO LOWER CASTE STATUS. Now he lives his life as a low caste blood and tries to make a Quick buck for a living. Turpen is either a maid/Page of breath And a derse dreamer.
There’s Not that much about Turpen other than that. Except the casino theme and being The Session starter, thus Why his trollian Tag is “wheezingCoupier”
Block 18 winner:
Chylia Merian
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Handle: achromaticAdversary
Classpect: Sylph of Doom (Derse)
Pronouns: she/they
Chylia is a hemoanonymous limeblood troll (dancestor ghost) who is great with survival and fighting thanks to the sabertooth lusus that miraculously saved her from culling. She's very competent and was the only member of her Sgrub team to reach god tier. But they also take themself too seriously in such a way that they wind back to being silly! Like half of the things they do are for the aesthetic, to be honest. They wear a dramatic black mask and cape, and they use a giant machine gun to feel powerful and edgy. They used to dye their hair fully black, but now they partially dye it so the white roots can be partially seen. Chylia is a total edgelord and I love her and I hope you do too after reading this!
Full information and backstory here, as well as more art: https://toyhou.se/23778562.chylia-merian
Block 19 winner:
zalium azoran
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Zalium is a rogue fuchsiablood who was raised by an axolotl lusus away from the prying eyes of the alternian empire. eventually he was able to find community in the lower bloodcastes of alternia and here he learned about alternian history from a true perspective.
he gathered an aliance, heavily inspired by the sufferer's rebellion, and rises up against the empire. being a highblood he held a greater chance against the empress and gl'bgolyb, and after a strenuous battle he manages to take down the horrorterror and the empress in turn
i don't even care if he's bad i love him so dearly
Block 20 winner:
Shafan Nishal
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Shafan has been around since 2015, making friends in the tumblr ftc! They're a Brer Rabbit pastiche, a laid back traveling musician, trickster and occasional smuggler, and they love nothing better than sharing a smoke, swapping a story, and stealing from rich folks. A more or less homeless vagrant they wander from place to place, breaking hearts and singing songs. They make friends wherever they go, but they have a powerful fear of commitment that keeps them from getting too close to anyone. As soon as someone starts looking too attached, they skip town, and boy can they run! Shafan is faster on foot across open ground than just about any troll alive, at least according to them, and they're always happy to prove it with a race. So if you've got a story to tell, a song to share, or you just need someone to deal you weed for a (mostly) fair price, look for the white haired rusty playing banjo on the corner and come say hello!
Block 21 winner:
Kris Blackwood
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After an incident during take your child to work day where he ended up fused with a husky puppy, Kris was taken into custody by his father's employer, Skaianet Labratories. He doesn't remember much of his time before then, and spends most of his time trapped in a room watching movies on his laptop or reading ebooks about grand adventures. Kris always keeps an eye out for the timer on his wall, as he hopes that once it hits 0 it'll mean he can finally leave his room and see what life is like outside the walls of the laboratory. Unknown by him, he's been cast to play a role in an experimental sburb session.
Block 22 winner:
Soyuka Detoxa
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Soyuka was a former escort in a corrupted church, with the help of Taluco (First Character Entry), she was able to turn the once brothel into a proper place of worship. She managed to be quaded with a Death God and a Rebel Leader...so...bonus bragging points for her. She speaks Alternian Spanish.
Block 23 winner:
Luciol Lanten
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Limeblood, mutant, based off a firefly. The stripes on her body can glow. She/it, nonbinary. Enjoys stargazing. Matesprits with Vichtr Unikke
Block 24 winner:
Wessun Ghunne
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Oliveblood living out in the desert since birth, Maid of Void, you know those background applications that you never see pop up but are vital to the computer running? that's him
Block 25 winner:
Alemap Occurd
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Alemap is 6.5 sweeps old and just your average purple blood! She loves bright colors, silly jokes, and taxidermy! She's an exlaughassassin, murder for hire, but left that life behind when she met the love of her life: Punkin Pyrper, a nerdy lime with a heart of gold. Sure, she was *supposed* to kill him, but he's so sweet and cute and interesting!!! She's autistic and love learning about biology and poisons specifically and she's bisexual, though technically she's not interested in anyone but Punkin. He's her world! Her lusus, Sweetbaby, is a semi-aquatic possum with three tails that she uses to propel herself through water.
Block 26 winner:
?????? Achlys
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19 yo Mage of Void hemoanon, Achlys is a air-headed party girl who likes to take it easy, life is definitely too short to be worried about every little thing. She's quite friendly for a troll and always knows what to say to please people. She changes quadrants pretty often.
However when SGRUB begins she seems to know just where to look to learn all the rules and easily makes herself the leader before anyone notices. Not to mention her fake lusus and dreamself that seems to be puppeted by horrorterrors…
Block 27 winner:
Popahv Arlech
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Popahv came from an amazing homestuck ttrpg campaign called Binary System, which we even tried turning into a fanventure for a little bit there! Popahv is just a sweet little guy with some serious attachment issues. He loves his friends more than anything and thinks it's his responsibility to take care of them, whether they want him to or not. Add this to an exploit in the game giving him some extremely overpowered mind control powers, and Popahv becomes just a little problematic! He means well, honestly. He just wants everyone to be happy and peaceful and never ever leave him. Meet the original Friendship Yandere, Popahv!
Block 28 winner:
Fendir Sanqui
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fendir's a bronzeblood adventurer who idolizes troll indiana jones! hes got a pretty large collection of artifacts and loves learning about history. he also really likes myths and legends!! hes a very emotional guy who wears his heart on his sleeve, though he often (unintentionally) ignores the emotions of others. he's very very silly.
Block 29 winner:
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Shes a battlebrarian! She actually follows a religious doctrine worshiping the concept that the events of the world can be predicted through literary devices, and religiously records everything that happens in her life as a historian. Shes a mage of light! She never actually got accepted into the convent because shes a pirokenetic and they didnt want her around the books.
Block 30 winner:
Emegon Gehana
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Emo goth *and* catholic! Saying Emegon is weird is an understatement. Her interests goes against what her cloister believes in and she's seen as somewhat of an outcast because of that. She likes anything creepy and horror-related, and is very interested in early creepypasta stories and videos.
part two in reblog
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height chart!
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OMG its a crossover episode?! gaemir jurami (first image, left, from surgeburb) belongs to @thehomestucker-surgeburbofficial (this is a thanks for the fanart!). other characters belong to me, find them here and here
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sorry for the long caption 😭😭😭😭
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do u like beanbags.. water chairs.. what are your favorite tyes of chaires plaese
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TRENAS: I'm not fond of bean bags or water chairs... I find them too squishy. I am more fond of desk chairs. (And if I sit in a bean bag I find myself falling asleep immediately...) FENDIR: WELL, BUDDY! I FRANKLY HAVE GOTTA SAY I DO! ESPECIALLY AFTER A LONG NIGHT OF ADVENTURING! OR CURLING UP WITH THE MATESPRIT! (THOUGH IM NOT SURE ON WATER CHAIRS.... hehe! they sound silly).. ANYWAYS,, I GUESS MY FAVOURITE CHAIR IS JUST THE FLOOR! TORNES: Yeah, i like them. VerY comfortable. i haVe one in mY block, but mY lusus keeps hogging it and getting it coVered in fur (it gets all oVer mY clothes and makes me sneeze and its annoYing.) um. i dont haVe a faVourite chair. CANDEX: >-Wait. How does the water chair work. Can I sit in it. If not it's a no. Because why would I if I can't sit inside of it. Thats just silly. I like stools-< SOLISE: I LIKE CAMPING CHAIRS. EASY TO CARRY, SLOTS FOR ITEMS. GOOD CHAIRS. NOT FOUND OF BEAN BAGS OR WATER CHAIRS. WIGGLE TOO MUCH. over ???: Arr, I like me chairs hard! Wooden, yeah? Or the floor... I don't like cushions either. (I don't sit much anyways. Always gotta be ready..)
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it continues
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btw if u send asks to the characters ill answer them!!! they wont be considered canon but u can learn more abt them!
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i keep making these edits and i thought id share some!!
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when the quest is pestered ⁉⁉⁉⁉ ft sum fellas
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understandableparadox · 10 months
Novasu Kirazi
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- not pictured: her limeblood matesprit who she would kill for
- would overthrow the government and destroy the hemospectrum if they could
- WILL defeat you with the power of friendship and a gun she found
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
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understandableparadox · 10 months
The Grand homestuck oc tournament poll! Round 2 winners!
the votes are in, time to see who our winners are! attached to this will be our post round interviews, thus if your charecter has something to say about what went down, please send it in to my dms!
Block 1 winner:
Nahlee Rovian
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He is just silly.
He is just a guy who would eat a slice of cheese off of the floor, cheese of unknown origin. 
He is a sweet and funny guy and is way too easily trusting. 
If this guy was a playlist it would be "weird al" and "ninja sex party".
He smells funny.
No rizz.
Tamidn K'sazze
Block 2 winner:
Persep “Perse” Rhiali
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She streams, she draws, she always has a knife on her, with a small size and big personality Perse WILL either be your friend or A Problem (TM)
Block 3 winner:
Anomal Conspi
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One of the most brilliant, anxiety ridden queens on her whole planet. She’s so paranoid that she has a backup plan for just about anything. She predicted the world was going to end via meteors and had a ship fully ready to go for several years, and had a mental breakdown when she ended up being right. Overthinking is her strongest skill, making plans for her plans just in case something she didn’t think of happened. Her ship, despite being made of old and ruined tech, is so heavily equipped with safety features that she should probably be in charge of OSHA because ain’t no one getting hurt on that thing. Would go outside in a hamster bubble.
Block 4 winner:
Viiveh Telore
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Viiveh is a fuchsia blood in an abusive relationship trying to forge his own destiny. He tries to stay positive and is unlearning some classist traits. He goes to the surface and hides his blood color by dressing like a robot. He really loves tech and the mechanics of it, since the seadwellers can mainly only use bug-based tech underwater. He takes the name Vexxin during his hiding. Don't get him started on troll Daft Punk.
Block 5 winner:
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Atroxx lives in a swamp full of boiling tar, lurking in the dark and serving as something of a dark legend to the locals. They fear her and often leave her sacrifices, believing her to be a monster or some sort of demon. She just likes getting free things out of it and sometimes toys with the minds those who wander a little too far out of the torchlight, taunting them from within the darkness. If you survive an encounter with her, she's not very eloquent, and is quite stubborn and impatient, unpredictable and almost wild in behavior. She is also, however, incredibly resourceful and clever.
Block 6 winner:
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
Block 7 winner:
Lollie Gravez
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Your name is LOLLIE GRAVEZ and you use ne/nem/nir, sh3/h3r/h3rz and h3/h1m/h1z. You are a SCENE KID first and foremost, and a troll second.
You love COMICS, CARTOONS, and SHIPPING, and listen to way too much ALTERNATIVE MUSIC. You send a lot of your spare time SEWING CLOTHES, both for yourself and your PLETHORA OF PLUSH FRIENDS. You spend way too much money on VIDEO GAMES, that you never get around to playing. When you aren’t hiding in your room away from the world, you love watching shows with your friends, then making self inserts for all your friends. Your squad loves the troll anime SUGIO QUEST FOR KOKORO, despite it being outlawed for rebel imagery.
Block 8 winner:
Orfeus Etimio
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Orfeus is soft spoken, docile and as weak as a troll gets, but people tend to fear them because of the horde of ghosts following them everywhere, even for those that can't see spirits the presence is overwhelming.
They constantly give more than they can for the ghosts and have ended up emotionally drained, not properly reacting to most situations and appearing emotionless. İf you grabbed them and took them home they'd only say "ok" and let it happen.
They like playing minecraft with their moirail also
Block 9 winner:
Zapika Zapity
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Zapika is a self-proclaimed inventor and infamous local mad scientist. Her voice quirk is that she speaks like early season BlackButler Mei Rin. She is a Prospit dreamer, Mind-bound, iceskateKind, and psiioniic! Her design started as a joke when I randomized troll doll maker in 2020. Been my fave HS OC since! 
"Best darn inventor on this side of the space-rock, aint no-one gonna tell ya otherwise, they aint!"
Block 10 winner:
zalium azoran
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Zalium is a rogue fuchsiablood who was raised by an axolotl lusus away from the prying eyes of the alternian empire. eventually he was able to find community in the lower bloodcastes of alternia and here he learned about alternian history from a true perspective.
he gathered an aliance, heavily inspired by the sufferer's rebellion, and rises up against the empire. being a highblood he held a greater chance against the empress and gl'bgolyb, and after a strenuous battle he manages to take down the horrorterror and the empress in turn
i don't even care if he's bad i love him so dearly
Block 11 winner:
Alemap Occurd
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Alemap is 6.5 sweeps old and just your average purple blood! She loves bright colors, silly jokes, and taxidermy! She's an exlaughassassin, murder for hire, but left that life behind when she met the love of her life: Punkin Pyrper, a nerdy lime with a heart of gold. Sure, she was *supposed* to kill him, but he's so sweet and cute and interesting!!! She's autistic and love learning about biology and poisons specifically and she's bisexual, though technically she's not interested in anyone but Punkin. He's her world! Her lusus, Sweetbaby, is a semi-aquatic possum with three tails that she uses to propel herself through water.
Block 12 winner:
Contra Aurela
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Sweetheart Violet, and Alternia’s Beloved Final Girl (an actress!)
Block 13 winner:
Baxtin Nyswud
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Baxtin used to be part of a semi-popular lowblood boyband called Sequence, though they fell out of popularity and while they aren't officially broken up... It's been a couple sweeps since they toured or even met up. Instead Baxtin spends his nights farming melons and gourds from seeds he kinda just found and decided to cultivate. Luckily his lusus, Timber, loves them. Timber is a huge south alternian longhorn bull and has cartoon physics for no known reason. He is actively a problem for the resident of Baxtin's town. This is upsetting for Baxtin cause he's incredibly socially anxious and scared of... well everything. He tends to be very spacey and doesn't listen to retain things very well outside of his music, but he's got major artistic blockage atm. His neighbor and best friend Vivsy keeps him grounded, though they don't see eye to eye very often (mostly on Vivisy's side- and not cause he's shorter!!)
Block 14 winner:
Auiwyn Trasyl
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The silliest, most self deprecating emo you’ll ever have the displeasure of meeting. His favorite movies would be the troll twilight saga, and they would make fanfiction of his rainbow drinker oc and Troll Edward. They have such a large obsession with rainbow drinkers that it’s consumed almost everything in his life. They would geek out if they ever met Kanaya, it would be so bad they’d probably faint. Would bite people to taste the blood and then gag when it tastes bad.
Block 15 winner:
Emegon Gehana
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Emo goth *and* catholic! Saying Emegon is weird is an understatement. Her interests goes against what her cloister believes in and she's seen as somewhat of an outcast because of that. She likes anything creepy and horror-related, and is very interested in early creepypasta stories and videos.
Block 16 winner:
?????? Achlys
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19 yo Mage of Void hemoanon, Achlys is a air-headed party girl who likes to take it easy, life is definitely too short to be worried about every little thing. She's quite friendly for a troll and always knows what to say to please people. She changes quadrants pretty often.
However when SGRUB begins she seems to know just where to look to learn all the rules and easily makes herself the leader before anyone notices. Not to mention her fake lusus and dreamself that seems to be puppeted by horrorterrors…
congratulations to our contestants moving on, and to the contestants that have lost this round, once again i thank you for your participation, your characters are fantastic and amazing!
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understandableparadox · 10 months
zalium azoran
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Zalium is a rogue fuchsiablood who was raised by an axolotl lusus away from the prying eyes of the alternian empire. eventually he was able to find community in the lower bloodcastes of alternia and here he learned about alternian history from a true perspective.
he gathered an aliance, heavily inspired by the sufferer's rebellion, and rises up against the empire. being a highblood he held a greater chance against the empress and gl'bgolyb, and after a strenuous battle he manages to take down the horrorterror and the empress in turn
i don't even care if he's bad i love him so dearly
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
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understandableparadox · 10 months
Wessun Ghunne
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Oliveblood living out in the desert since birth, Maid of Void, you know those background applications that you never see pop up but are vital to the computer running? that's him
Trenas Maladi
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trenas is a rustblood author who has the worst case of writers block ever seen. she's very tired all of the time and comes off a bit harsh, but she means well!! she's very nosy and knowing other people's business. she's very good at giving out advice to people too. she enjoys monsters and romance stories ABOUT monsters.
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