i saw the "I want to see trenterra" ask and that just intrigued me so here's my immediate thoughts on how that cld even work.
Obviously they'd know each other before TDWT because Drama Brothers.
Because Trent's so into what the fans want (to the point where he's chill after they tie him to a bus), I can see him still being genuinely friendly to her even after she does some over-the-top stuff like breaking into their tourbus.
And I don't think Sierra's really had that many fulfilling relationships, she grew up in a house where her mother obsessed over Chris Mcclean, and that's very obviously had a large effect on her. It's mentioned at least once that she didn't really make friends in her childhood. I feel like she followed her mother's actions and turned to the parasocial in its place, forming a deep disconnect that spiralled out of control.
So yeah, having those first few strings of genuine could be good for Sierra in helping her recognise how unhealthy her behaviour is, and what she can do to be better. And Trent's a fairly good person for that, he's sincere, patient (especially in responding to really.. idk how to say it.. intense stuff? i.e. bus again), but still able to put his foot down. He'd be more readily able to sympathise with Sierra because he screwed up in Action in ways that are along similar lines.
And Sierra would be very open to his issues too, I can't see her immediately jumping to harsh judgement when his OCD causes him to act in ways she can't immediately understand, and I can see her as very happy to listen, which I think is something Trent needs a lot.
So yea they gradually develop to allow themselves to be fully open to each other, in a way they haven't really done with anyone else and then eventually they start dating boom trenterra
...okay the dating would actually probably take a fair bit of build-up, I think beforehand these two would be quite eager to jump into relationships due to idealism, but with their relationship shaking them up so much I think they'd kinda be hesitant. I can see Trent worrying he'll make the same mistakes with Gwen. I can see Sierra worrying if Trent truly likes her, or whether she's fallen back into bad habits and is fictionalising his emotions.
It'd be a kinda bizzare romantic relationship (definitely not fitting previous Trent's idealizations of what a romantic relationship should look like), of course they'd play into some of those romantic concepts, I think they're both very into that thing, big gestures, sappy romances, but ultimately the relationship is stable due to that openness and communication, the hidden part of the iceberg.
It probably ends after a few years after they develop enough in their external lives to realise that they no longer need the romantic relationship, and can just go back to friends.
ok after writing this whole thing i went from curious trenterra neutraller to mild trenterra liker. Heck, now i'd want to see Trenterra too.
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I want to see trenterra
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