#trepe legacy gen2
mrslandgraab · 2 years
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My offer had been made  to you on your sixteenth birthday - and I waited paitently. You studied, learned and lost - but you did not forget. You reached out to me and asked. And I was so happy to grant your request.
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You were the one who interested me. Your father’s face. No magic, but nevertheless, charming. Smart for a child. It was good of you to join us and our household.
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So please, don’t take this as something harmful and mean. What I am doing is supposed to be a gift.
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Sometimes, all we need is a change of clothing. A change of form.
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Don’t worry, darling. This way nobody will take you away from me.
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mrslandgraab · 2 years
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Trepe Gen 2 Adult Stage
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mrslandgraab · 2 years
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In theory a small update like this one does not need it’s whole wordpress post. I will admit that it has been almost exactly half a year since I played the Trepes do to taking a job, finishing my bachelor’s and also starting my master’s. As such this summary, while done with love, is a bit smaller and quicker and less “wittier” than my usual style. Most of all, you are to be up to date when it comes to us making our journey back to the Trepe’s.
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Like any good update, this one starts with death. I reloaded the lot and found out that Erik Swain had died about one day before college would have ended. It seems like he did not want to participate in this legacy any longer.
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I did do my best to at least get him back but as you can see neither the Grim Reaper nor any of the roomies were very much into saving him. Poor Erik. May your spirit rest in this dorm.
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Honey: I cannot believe how Ginger will feel about this. I always felt there was this light connection between them :(
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Ginger: Well, Jimmy, I know you are feeding off an audience but I feel you are the only one for me. Nobody else will understand that my one true love is science.
Jimmy Phoenix: Well, my one true love is Ty Bubbler...and err...you I guess
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Ginger: You know, I’m pretty okay with this.
Nevermind then. Ginger did not cry a single tear for her supposed one true love and went right back to the guy who only used her as an occaisional third. Seems like Knowledge Sims really are a bit more open minded.
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Jane Stacks: Oh, what a coincidence - us two family sims meeting here after a tragical death that might play with your emotional judgement.
Basil: I’m so glad you are here, Jane. And may I say this white dress looks amazing on you?
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Jane: I just so happenned to hear the news and simply had to check on you by myself. Are you feeling okay, Basil? Do you want some company?
Basil: Well if you are asking so kindly...
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Basil: I’d honestly not know what to do without you.
It was a little bit odd how Jane had been the last person Erik hung out with before his tragical accident - but that meant she and Basil could share each other’s pain even better - the loss of a Sim one did not really care about.
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For Honey and Tolliver things became a little shaken during the night. She always loved his charming endavours but lately, as adorable as he was, she felt like he was just a little too depedent on her.
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Maybe it was good that they were graduating soon. She’d have to move back with her parents anyway and she needed all of her wits to survive there.
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And well, spending time with behind the greenhouse somewhat always ended the same wonderful way. She still had so much time - Erik hadn’t seized the moment, so there was a lot more reason for her to keep doing so.
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Erik: Surprise! Did you really T H I N K that was it? Just because I might be challenged when it comes to takign the trash out that doesn’t mean I am that easily to be removed from the narrative. Oh H E L L no. And I should know. I’ve been there.
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Erik: You’ve lost the heirpol, Ginger. And so did your brother. You think that means escaping your household? You poor dumb thing.
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Erik: Mark my words, Ginger Trepe. Post-graduation means you twop stop being relevant for your family’s line. And I should know what that means...let’s see if you do.
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Things were quiet at college. Erik’s warning felt like a hollow song. They all graduated one way or another and decided to move their seperate ways.
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Jane and Basil would move in together. The two of them were entirely inseperable since Erik had passed away.
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Though it sometimes seemed like Basil was still figuring some things out.
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Honey seemed a bit distracted and to Ginger’s surprise did not bring anyone home. She saw herself responsible for moving back in with Mom and Dad - and quietly called it “revenge” here and there for the time she spent on the sidelines during her childhood.
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Still, she seemed ready to take charge - like a true wolf would.
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For Ginger the warning was soon only a distant memory. She most of all wanted to become a doctor and there was no residency for her in the tiny town of Sesame Beach.
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Lucky for her, Ginger had a fairy godmother.
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mrslandgraab · 3 years
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Trepe Legacy Gen 2 Leader : Honey Trepe
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mrslandgraab · 3 years
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