#tres 2-b
music4thebasshead · 4 months
Sango is back
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syndrossi · 1 month
He estado leyendo los comentarios del capítulo pasado y me he dado cuenta que muchos quieren ver a Caraxes y Syrax juntos para criar a los gemelos, pero para mí no creo que esto funcionaría y para la mejor pareja para criar a los gemelos sería Meleys y Caraxes, por tres simples razones. 🤔
1- Meleys posiblemente será el primer dragón que verán y es lo suficientemente similar a Caraxes (color, tamaño y forma) para que sientan curiosidad y se acerquen a ella. 🧐
2- En este momento Syrax ya tiene su propia y preciada cría de Arrax y aunque se la presentarán, no creo que se sienta cómoda, con dos crías anormalmente grandes y una camada desconocida de un dragón que nunca ha conocido, no cree que vaya a salir bien parada (en el mejor de los casos simplemente se alejará y en el peor posiblemente le rugirá a los gemelos para que los alejen, lo que desencadenaría la respuesta de Caraxes, ni siquiera mucho después de estar fuera del campo de guerra (lo cual Syrax no saldrá bien parada de esa pelea). 😓
3- Meleys es lo suficientemente grande y experimentado como para hacer retroceder a Caraxes si se vuelve demasiado rudo con las crías, defender las de otros dragones o humanos, además de ser lo suficientemente paciente e inteligente como para enseñar a los gemelos cosas o trucos que quizá ni el propio Caraxes conoce. 👍🤔
Y eso sin mencionar que los vínculos y sentimientos que puedan tener los jinetes pueden influir en el comportamiento de los dragones. Puede ser que la curiosidad y admiración que siente y siente Rhaegar por Rhaenys pueda influir en que la descendencia se encariñe con Meleys. Lo mismo puede ocurrir con Meleys si siente que Rhaenys se ha encariñado lo suficiente con los niños como para permitir que las crías la cuiden. 🤔🤔
Ah, yes, the intricacies of hatchling rearing! We know...basically nothing about it, really! And the interesting thing is that the rearing for the past few decades has largely been done by the Dragonkeepers rather than any of the adult dragons. Whether this plays any factor in how well hatchlings grow and develop, who can say?
I think we can assume that hatchlings in the wild must be cared for by at least one parent, since they're quite helpless at birth. They can't fly, and they can't use dragonflame. My dragon growth charts have them pretty dependent on being fed for at least the first year, and probably into year two. (They're big enough to hunt on their own in their second year, and can fly/breathe flame, but they're still small enough that large enough prey can kill them.)
So that raises the question of how dragons are raised a) in the wild and/or b) in old Valyria. I see several possibilities:
All rearing/raising is done by the she-dragon who laid the clutch. She generally stays near them until they are old enough to fly, leaving them in a warm, safe lair for short periods to hunt for them/her. It's a bit dangerous, since they can be harmed while she's gone, but dragons do seem to lay clutches, which tends to mean there's some infant mortality expected.
The above, but the papa contributes. He handles a share of the hunting, and babysits while mama goes to hunt for her own food. This is similar to how a lot of birds raise their young, so given the analogues between them, it certainly seems plausible.
A communal rearing happens, aka dragons tend to form units and those units care communally for children. I'm not sure how likely this one is. It sort of depends on how dragons behave in the wild, and whether they're particularly territorial / claim swathes of land for their own. Given that their breeding/living preferences are confined to very specific places, usually ones of great magic or volcanic activity, they probably don't get to carve out large territories of their own, but who can say! I do wonder how well the natural supply of prey worked out for them on Valyria. The first dragonlords were shepherds, basically, aka a provider of a domesticated food source. How large a dragon population did the sheep/etc support, before the dragonlords started bonding to dragons?
Of course, all of these things go out the window once the dragonlords come into play! We don't know how much they interfered in the hatching and rearing process, or even how pampered their dragons were, in terms of having food basically brought to them. Were they given free reign to hunt their own? Were hatchlings kept in a particular place? Were there "rearing" caverns provided for hatchlings?
Who can say?
But back to your musings! I tend to think dragons fall more into #2, where there are co-parents, but since they bond to a human, and humans provide access to food, I do wonder if Daemon is seen by Caraxes as a co-parent! I mean, he helps out with Jon and Rhaegar in turn, ensuring that they're protected, so it may be that he thinks they're raising their babies together.
It gets a little more complicated when we bring Syrax into the picture, since, although she and Caraxes are themselves bonded, these are not of her line. She has Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes, though only Tyraxes truly needs a mother's assistance by this point. How thrilled is she with strange hatchlings? We'll have to see. Caraxes definitely has the Daemon bond, and Daemon's subsequent bond with his sons, and their own bond with the hatchlings, a bond of a bond of a bond tying them all together, which may partly be why he was less interested in them at first, but grew more so over time.
(The hatchlings also are unusually friendly with Daemon at the very least, particularly Qelebrys, so perhaps there's some fuel for "Daemon is their co-parent". 😅)
Anyway, this has been my Resonant dragon lore musing/dump for the day, hope it was at least somewhat informative! Love getting asks about the dragon babies!
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small-world-au · 5 months
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Sora Aguilar
Full name: Sora Miguel Angelo Aguilar Yuuki
Age: Same as the main trio
Personality type: ISFP
Ethnicity: Asian (Japanese) & Hispanic (Mexican) <- updated
Hair color/type: Dark purple (tho it looks like dark brown.) straight-curly
Eye color: light blue (beta) brown (officially/currently)
Skin color: super light tan/dark pink
Gender: Male
Family: Natalia Aguilar (maternal grandmother)
Gabriela Aguilar (Mother +)
Shino Yuuki (Father +)
Dante (Stepfather)
Noelia Aguilar (Maternal aunt)
Unknown (Maternal uncle)
Rowan Pagonis (Older half sibling)
Kip (therapy dog/furry baby)
Stone (childhood sweetheart/fiancé),
Friends: Bailey, Jasper, Finn, Skipp, Zaria, Vinnie, pebble, maggot, Bailey’s kittens, Finn’s rat babies, old man Howard, Maroon, Olive, Ray, Rui, Maple, Chris, Zaria, Charlie, and Allay
Neutral: Tre, Rigel & cen, karma, Doña Mari, and Ivan Franzwick
Enemies: Fritz (the butler), ditch, Nadia (personal reasons), arrogant lootbags, street gangs, and AVRILLE!!!!
Cute animals (Kip and Fern)
Spending time with friends/family
Rude/whiny scraps & loot-bag
Leaving kip behind
Being treated as a 🏆
Art/writing block
Not being good enough
Disappointing his family
Leaving Stone and friends
Obsessive creeps
His dad and avrille
His beloved ones getting hurt
Being unable to help/being useless
Street fights
Being cooped inside for too long
Sora Aguilar is one of the main character of my au. A sweet, gentle, and kindhearted young boy filled with curiosity, who would do anything for the sake of his friends and family, even if it means sacrificing his own needs and wants.
He is Rowan’s younger half-brother, Gabriela’s and Shino’s only son, Natalia’s grandson, and Noelia’s nephew.
He’s a close friend to the scraps and a mom-friend who cherishes his own group dearly. He is also Stone’s childhood best friend/sweetheart.
He and his puppy (Kip) lived happily (???) in their mansion, until they wake up one night inside a big bag that was left on the streets of ramshackle.
Update 2: Sora’s now half Mexican!
Why? Cuz am Mexican.
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Update 3: references and other ocs from “small world” au!
More facts below!!!!
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urutina · 2 months
Spoiler Y Datos Slenderman & Slenderwoman (Mi Universo)
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Spoiler Y Datos De Mi Historia De Wattpad
Hoy Les Traigo Sobre Slenderman & Slenderwoman
1: El Slender De Mi Universo Es Un Experimento Fallido Mejor Dicho Es El Slenderman De La Creepypasta El Experimento 84-B
2: Woman Es La Enfermera Annelie Grünewald Que Cuidó A Adeline En El Asilo de la Selva Negra, Si No La Recuerdan Vayan A Leer La Historia De Slender doll El Renacimiento
3: Slender A Lo Primero No Sentía Nada Por Annelie Solo Estaba Con Ella Como Un Compañero Y Mayormente Estaba Con Ella Por Ally, Pero Al Pasar El Tiempo Slender Comenzó Agarrar Afecto Y Cariño A Annelie 
4: Annelie Casi Es Asesinada Por The Rake, Slender La Encontró Al Borde De La Muerte Y En Su Desesperación De No Querer Que Ella Muera La Transformó En Lo Que Es Ahora
5: Como He Dicho Slender Le Agarró Afecto Y Cariño A Annelie, Pero Nunca Se Le Insinuo O Le Dio Una Referencia A Lo Que Sentía El Por Ella, Ya Que El Hacer Un Experimento Fallido Y Estar Con Una Humana Estaría Mal Visto Y También El Vive Más Años Que Los Humanos Y Ella Estaba En Sus 52
6: Annelie Nunca Se Enteró De Los Sentimientos De Slender Y Aunque Se Hubiese Enterado Ella No Le Hubiese Correspondido Porque No Veía A Slender Con Esos Ojos Aunque Si Le Tenía Afecto Y Cariño Pero Porque El Cuidaba Ally Y Trataba Bien A Sus Proxys Y A Los Demás Que Estaban A Su Alrededor, Le Tenía Respeto Pero Nunca Lo Vio Como Una Relación Amorosa
7: Mi Slender Es Una Mezcla, ¿A Qué Me Refiero Cuando digo Que Es Una Mezcla? O Sea Que El Operador de Marble Hornets Y Slenderman De Los Creepypastas Son La Misma Persona En Mi Universo, Canónicamente Ellos No Tienen Nada Que Ver Con El Uno Y El Otro No Son La Misma Persona O Ser, Pero En Mi Universo Sí, Slenderman es el Experimento 84-B Pero No Se Ve Como Una Persona Que Le Hayan Realizado Un Experimento O Sea Que Ni Siquiera Se Le Nota Que Haya Tenido Un Rostro Humano Antes Pero Al Operador Si Se Le Nota Una Mínima Cara Mas O Menos Y Se Ve Como Un Poquito Más Humano Como Que Sí Le Hicieron Un Experimento, Junté A Estos Dos No Solamente En Sus Características Sino También En Su Forma Física Aunque Sí Le He Quitado Algunos Poderes Porque Sino El Personaje Estaría Rotísimo (Espero Que Me Haya Explicado Bien En Esto) Aunque Canónicamente No Se Sabe El Origen Del Operador Si Es Un Experimento Fallido O Si Es Algo Inexplicable O Algo Macabro Y Demoníaco Como El Slenderman De Slender The Arrival (Y Sí Sé Que Metí A Slenderman Pero Es Por Dar Un Ejemplo De Qué Es El Operador Cómo Apareció Cual Es Su Origen Porque Según Lo Que Leía En Wikipedia Los Creadores No Confirmaron Lo Que Es El Operador, Y Esto Quiere Decir Que Yo No Vi La Serie Porque No Se inglés Y No La Puedo Conseguir En Mi Idioma, Si Alguien Me Quiere Explicar La Serie Se Lo Agradecería Mucho)
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8: El Origen Que Tenía Planeado Para Woman, Antes Que Yo Decidiera Hacer A Woman Y A La Enfermera Annalie La Misma Persona Yo Tenía Otro Origen Para Woman En Esta Slenderwoman Tenia Casi Su Verdadero Origen Pero Más Trágico Y Triste, Pero Como Annalie Me Cayó Bien Decidí Fusionarlas A Las Dos (Sí Así Como Hice Con Slenderman Y El Operador XD) Aunque Ahora Estoy Por Pensar Si Fusionar El Origen De Las Dos Y Creo Que Se Montaría Una Gran Historia
9: ¿Porque Slender No Permite Relaciones Entre Proxys?, Digamos Que Slender Ve A Sus Proxys Como Sus Hijos O Algo Así, Es Por Esa Razón Que No Permite Y Además Hay Mas Razones Por Las Que No Permite Una Relación, Uno Digamos Que La Pareja Un Día Rompe Y No Se Quieren Ni Ver Eso Para Slender Es Una Desventaja Ya Que Necesita Que Los Proxys Estén Unidos En Las Misiones, Dos Que Uno De Los Dos Muera En Una Misión Y Que El Otro No Lo Supere Eso También Sería Una Desventaja, Tres Sorpresa Vamos A Tener Un Hijo Eso Sí Es Una Desventaja En Serio Ya Que Tendrían Que Dedicarle Todo El Tiempo Al Bebé, Pero Ahora Sí Hay Proxys Que Tienen Relaciones Secretas Como La De The Basher Y Rouge The Proxy Ticci toby Y Clockwork Hoodie Y The Chaser, Son Relaciones Que Slender Ni Sabe Que Existen
10: ¿Slenderwoman Tiene Proxys?, Como no Encontré Proxys De Ella Le Puse Algunos Proxys De Slenderman Black Rose Graffiti Y Algunos No Son De Slenderman Son Creepypastas Normales, por Ejemplo Sam William X Locura The Nurse Ann Dr. Pain Skroll Vailly Evans Clockwork Y Algunos Ni Son Creepypastas Salieron Del Juego De Slender The Arrival Si Es CR Adivinado XD
11: Slenderman Odia Aborrece No Puede Ni Ver Y Quiere Matar A Zalgo Y A Offenderman, Son Los Dos Seres Más Odiables Detestables Y Repugnantes Para Slender Su Odio Hacia Ellos Dos No Tiene Límite, Al Fin Y Al Cabo El Considera Que Son Lo Peor De La Existencia Y No Sólo De La De El
12: Woman Es Mentalmente Inestable Y Su Mente Fue Alterada Cuando Slenderman La Revivió Pero No Por Los Poderes de Slender, Ella No Recuerda Muy Bien Lo Que Vivió Realmente Y Sus Recuerdos Fueron Manipulados, Ejemplo Ella Cree Que fue Slenderman el que Asesinó A Ally Cuando No Fue Así, También Cree Que Slender Es Aliado De Zalgo Y Offender Lo Que Es Ilógico Sabiendo El Odio Inmenso Que Tiene Slender Hacia Ellos, No Recuerda Lo Que Vivió Realmente Con Slender Ella Lo Recuerda Más Como Un Monstruo Desalmado Sin Corazón Lo Mismo Con Los Proxys De El Los Recuerda Completamente Diferente En Especial Ah Alex Cat Hunter Rouge The Proxy Y The Basher,
14: ¿En Cuales Proxys Confía Más Slender?, Cat Hunter. Rouge The Proxy Y The Basher (Ambos Son Líderes Principales Y Siempre Dieron Lo Mejor De Ellos Dos Incluso Si Ellos No Estaban En Sus Mejores Momentos También Siempre Estuvieron Criterio Propio Lo Que Es Algo Que A Slender Le Gusta Ya Que A Pesar De Que Ellos Son Fieles A El Ellos Toman También Otras Medidas Que Son Más Convenientes Para Los Proxies Y Más Eficaces), Tim/Masky Y The Chaser (No Son Líderes Principales Pero Tienen Mucho Potencial Y También Son Los Más Digamos Maduros Y Responsables), Hoodie Y Skully (Tienen Mucho Potencial Y También Son Responsables, Pero Tienen Defectos Brian A Veces Es Muy Impulsivo Y También Suele Enojarse Si El Dia Anterior No Le Fue Bien Y También Es Muy Pervertido Con Kate Cosa que a Slender no le gusta Ya Que Uno Kate No Es Una Chica Asi. Y No Le Gusta Esos Tema O Broma, Dos Slender No Le Gusta Que Los Proxy Sean Así Con Sus Compañeros, Y Con Jay Es Casi Como Toby Pero Un Poco Más Maduro Pero También Es Confiaron), Adeline/Slender Doll Y Ticci Toby (Al Estar Mucho Tiempo Al Lado De Slenderman Adeline Es Como Slender Casi Igual A El, Pero Es Una Niña Y Al Ser Una Niña También Es Impulsiva Y Algo Inocente Y Suele Equivocarse Y Traer Problemas, Pero Sin Embargo Toby Es Alguien Mas Maduro Pero Tiene Un Niño Adentro Alguien Que Es Como Un Amigo Que Te Cuidaría Y Te Animaria Como Un Hermano Mayor Con Su Hermana Pequeña Ellos Dos Se Complementarían Muy Bien En Una Misión)
15: Slenderman & Slenderwoman ¿Pueden Tener Hijos?, Bueno Sacando Adeline Sam Sally Y Hablando Sobre Hijos Biológicos Si Pueden, Antes Tal Vez No Cuando Slenderwoman Era Annelie, Pero Ahora Que Es Igual Que Slender Yo Creo Que Woman No Sufriría Ningún Daño, Slender Es Un Experimento Fallido Y Probablemente Su Cuerpo Sea Tóxico Si Tiene Contacto Intimo Con Una Humana Yo Creo Que La Mataría Si Es Que Deja Algo En Ella (Maldito Comics De Spiderman Donde Muere Mary Jane) Aunque En Mi Universo es Posible Que Slender Tenga Hijos Con Una Humana Solamente Es Que El Embarazo Tendría Moribunda A La Madre Y El Parto Quizás La Mataría O Le Dejaría Con Un Pequeño Porcentaje De Sobrevivir, Y Hablando Sobre El Bebé Para Mí El Bebé Saldría Humano A Lo Que Sus Padres Antes Eran Pero También Podría Transformarse Con La Apariencia De Slenderman Y Slenderwoman
(Y Eso Fue Todos Chicas Y Chicos, Espero Que Les Haya Gustado Esta Pequeña Información De Mi Universo De Creepypastas, Si Quieren Una Parte 2 Dígame Y Si Tienen Pequeñas Teorías Sobre Mi Historia De Wattpad De Creepypastas Pueden Comentarlas, Desde Chiquita Vivía Viendo Teorías De Five Nights at Freddy's Felicidades Por Los 10 Años, Bueno Terminando Con Esto, Besitos Besitos Chau Chao Espero Que Estén Bien Y Les Vaya Bien En Todo Chicas Y Chicos Gracias Por Apoyarme En Todo)
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bicheco · 10 months
La marcia su Rama
Siccome ogni giorno ha la sua comica, anzi due o tre, noi siamo irresistibilmente attratti dallo storico accordo Italia-Albania per la deportazione di una quota infinitesimale dei migranti che il governo anti-migranti è riuscito a raddoppiare: la famosa marcia su Rama. I tecnici ministeriali stimavano un costo di 100 milioni l’anno. Ma in pochi giorni il preventivo è già raddoppiato a 200 milioni l’anno per 5 anni (semprechè qualche essere senziente non chiuda il rubinetto). Se si pensa che i 10 nuovi Cpr previsti in Italia costeranno 19 milioni l’anno, viene da scompisciarsi. Anche perché, su 153 mila migranti sbarcati nel 2023, i due costosissimi Cpr albanesi potranno ospitarne 720 per volta. E non si sa quanto i graditi ospiti vi verranno trattenuti: se resteranno un mese, come sostiene metà del governo (opzione A), la capienza sarà di 9 mila all’anno; ma se resteranno fino a 18 mesi, come sostiene l’altra metà del governo (opzione B), l’Albania ne prenderà 720 ogni anno e mezzo. Cioè: i Salvini&Meloni che tuonavano contro i 35 euro al giorno spesi dalla sinistra per ogni migrante, ne spenderanno 761 al giorno e 277.777 l’anno nell’opzione A; e 63,4 al giorno e 23.148 l’anno nell’opzione B.. In ogni caso, tanto varrebbe affittare a ciascuno una villetta o pagargli una suite al grand hotel. Un capolavoro. E i preventivi sono ancora provvisori, visto che non basterà deportare in Albania i famosi 720 migranti: siccome paga tutto Roma e niente Tirana, bisognerà assumere e spedire in loco 45 funzionari civili e altri 10 dell’amministrazione penitenziaria, più altri 18 amministrativi e 30 assistenti in collegamento con 10 magistrati della Procura di Roma, oltre a 5 medici, 4 infermieri, 2 funzionari amministrativi sanitari e poi agenti di polizia à gogo con imbarcazioni e voli charter per trasbordare i migranti dall’Albania all’Italia, senza contare il sovraccarico burocratico di ricorsi e controricorsi per la “soluzione” extraterritoriale (ed extraeuropea). Una farsa così imbarazzante che nessun ministro ha voluto metterci la faccia. E quando diciamo nessuno intendiamo Tajani che, non riuscendo a giustificare i 200 milioni buttati, ha detto che comunque “sono molti meno di quelli sequestrati per la malagestione del Superbonus” (che il suo partito vuole prorogare). Se è per questo, sono molti meno anche dei 368 milioni di dollari frodati al fisco dal suo leader B. nel solo caso dei diritti Mediaset. Perciò temiamo che la diffida legale di Sangiuliano a Un giorno da pecora a non prenderlo più in giro, ove mai fosse presa sul serio da Geppi Cucciari e Giorgio Lauro, non sortisca l’effetto sperato. Per il governo-vaudeville non c’è più bisogno di satira, parodie e battute: si prendono in giro da soli.
Marco Travaglio
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
ROUND 2-B: Taako, Magnus and Merle VS Tiny Tina
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About Taako, Magnus, and Merle: A trio of adventurers, who's in-universe group name is Tres Horny Boys. Their antics come in both group ways; such as when they jumped down a well when none of them can levitate, and individual ways; such as when Taako brought and item that can be traded for someone's most valuable item and then sold it back to the same person for a Flaming Raging Poisoning Sword of Doom which he use as an accessory. When Magnus and Merle stole from a Bank while stopping an actual Bank Robbery, Taako threaten to rat them out to the officer outside. Merle chased someone into a quarry; which Magnus had just told him to not enter, to persuade them into following Pan via the Extreme Teen Bible, which he introduced with a song. When they group was blocked by a mass of vines, Merle flirted with the plant which caused it to be infatuated and grossed Magnus and Taako. Taako threaten his student for if he ever became more powerful then Taako, and he then brushed it off as him practicing for a play.
About Tiny Tina: A 13-year old demolitionist who the game's caption calls "Pandora's Deadliest 13-Year Old", and when she returned after a 7 year time-skip as a 19-year old her caption was changed to say "All Grown Up, Still Insane". She has her own set of bunkers, and once granted refuge in exchange for a session of Bunkers & Badasses; which is essentially Borderlands’ version of DND, where she was the DM. She turned "Pop goes the Weasel" and "I'm a little Tea Pot" into murder ballads, she blew off the door of her own camper van just to make an entrance, she gives the player-character a variety of nick-names, she calls onions "crying apples" and potatoes "googly tuber" and will threaten to kill anyone who corrects her on them. She tried to scam her exes by announcing her fake wedding for gifts/money, and then got legally married to mop and blew the entire wedding up when they actually came to it. Almost her entire diet is just crumpets, to the point where she has to be forced to eat other stuff, she can and will murder anyone who implies she takes bad care of her pets, and she went ballistic after realizing that a vending machine she thought sold chocolate chip actually sold oatmeal raisin, and ordered the player to destroy every vending machine there.
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metalcultbrigade · 2 months
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Pink Floyd - 1967: The First 3 Singles. 04/08/1997
1967: The First Three Singles es una recopilación de edición limitada de Pink Floyd que fue publicada en 1997 para conmemorar el 30 aniversario de la banda. Incluye los primeros tres sencillos junto con sus respectivos lados-B, que fueron en su mayoría escritos por el entonces líder de la banda, Syd Barrett. Arnold Layne alcanzó el número 20 en las listas, mientras que See Emily Play llegó al número 6, su sencillo de mayor éxito hasta lo que sería Another Brick in the Wall (Parte 2) en 1979. Apples and Oranges fue ampliamente pasado por alto, con Roger Waters culpando sus bajas ventas debido a la mala producción. Paint Box también había sido lanzado junto con Arnold Layne y See Emily Play en el álbum de recopilación Relics. The Scarecrow también fue incluido en el álbum debut de la banda, The Piper at the Gates of Dawn. La portada del álbum incluye el arte original que fue publicado en cada uno de los sencillos. Arnold Layne y See Emily Play fueron después incorporados al que sería el siguiente álbum de recopilación; Echoes (2001).
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nekoannie-chan · 10 months
Hazlo por mí
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Título: Haz eso por mí.
Fandom: Marvel, Capitán América.
Pareja: (Pasado)Steve Rogers X Lectora agente de S.H.I.E.L.D
Clasificación: B.
Palabras: 309 palabras.
Advertencias: Ruptura, viaje en el tiempo.
Sinopsis: Steve viajó al pasado para arreglar unas cosas.
N/A:  Esta es mi entrada para Multifandom Flash Round 2, Annie-3002, cuadro 3:
“Nunca hiciste eso por mí”.
También puedes leerlo en Wattpad y Ao3.
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Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @azulatodoryuga
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La sensación de que te ibas a desmayar no te dejaba, pero tampoco dejabas de ver la plataforma, realmente Steve se iba a ir, no obstante, antes de que la máquina empezara a funcionar, te fuiste no ibas a continuar viendo eso.
Ibas a… no, más bien ya no querías saber absolutamente nada de Steve, querías borrar su existencia de tu vida y tu cabeza, él había decidido cambiarte, así que tú ibas a continuar con tu vida, sin importarte si era en forma solitaria, ya te habías acostumbrado porque la mayor parte de tu vida había sido así, simplemente cambió un poco por Steve.
A veces pensabas que tal vez debiste de hacerle caso a esa voz interior que un sinfín de ocasiones te indicó que no deberías de haber tenido sentimientos por él.
Tres o cuatro meses después, aunque no podrías decir si fue casualidad o si él lo había planeado, pero te encontraste con Steve. Estabas paseando en el parque al que siempre solías ir, y él se paró frente a ti.
—Rogers —dijiste, ibas a seguir con tu camino; Steve te detuvo.
—No estabas cuando regresé —él reclamó.
—¿Por qué iba a esperarte si te fuiste con alguien más? —contestaste.
—Sólo fue un baile.
—Nunca hiciste eso por mí.
Él se quedó perplejo, nunca había querido bailar contigo, te soltaste de su agarre y continuaste con tu camino, ya habías tomado una decisión.
—Hice algo mejor por ti, fui a cambiar tu destino aunque fuera en otra línea, que no quedaras huérfana…
Pero ya no escuchaste eso, ya te habías ido.
La puerta de tu departamento sonó, con pereza te levantaste del sillón para abrirla.
—Barnes, ¿qué haces aquí? —estabas sorprendida, eran contadas las veces que habías intercambiado palabras con él.
—Deberías de escuchar a Steve…
Le cerraste la puerta, no querías saber más.
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diceriadelluntore · 2 years
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Storia Di Musica #264 - Fabrizio De André - Non Al Denaro Non All’Amore Nè Al Cielo, 1971
La piccola scelta di dischi ispirati a grandi romanzi non poteva che finire con questo disco. Senza dubbio è forse il primo che viene a mente riguardo al tema di un disco italiano che ha la caratteristica appena citata, e rimane uno degli episodi più significati della carriera, straordinaria, del suo autore. Fabrizio De André aveva appena pubblicato un disco che, in teoria, poteva benissimo rientrare nel tema principale di Febbraio: La Buona Novella (1970) infatti era un concept, tipologia molto cara all’autore genovese, che si ispirava ai Vangeli Apocrifi. Il Gesù di De André è profondamente umano, in una Palestina antica che in molti passaggi rimanda ai riflessi dell’Italia degli anni ‘70, in una sorta di porta incantata di quotidianità. Allora lo aiutarono Roberto Danè, produttore, paroliere, arrangiatore che proprio in quegli anni fondava la Produttori Associati (che pubblica il disco) e gli arrangiamenti di Giampiero Reverberi. Album toccante, ha una delle mie canzoni preferite di De André, il Testamento Di Tito. Proprio questa canzone fu registrata dal cantante Michele, nome d’arte di Gianfranco Michele Maisano, come lato b di Susan Dei Marinai, scritta dallo stesso De André nei cui titoli non appare, sostituito dal grande Sergio Bardotti. Il progetto iniziale di un disco ispirato ad uno dei libri più amati da De André doveva essere infatti un progetto curato dallo stesso trio De André, Darè e Reverberi per il cantante Michele, ma dissidi interni ruppero l’accordo, e Reverberi se ne va. A questo punto, De André riprende l’Antologia di Spoon River di Edgar Lee Masters, il libro in questione, e ne inizia a ragionare con la sua amica Fernanda Pivano, colei che, su suggerimento di Cesare Pavese, per prima portò in Italia e tradusse questo viaggio sentimentale e particolare che Lee Masters fa dell’America di provincia, ancora più ricca di contraddizioni e storie marginali. Per chi non lo ricordasse, l’Antologia è una raccolta di poesie-epitaffio della vita dei residenti dell'immaginario paesino di Spoon River sepolti nel cimitero locale, pubblicato tra 1914 e il 1915 sul Reedy's Mirror di Saint Louis, che la Pivano tradusse e che Einaudi pubblicò  nel 1943 (prima edizione parziale) e nel 1945 (tutti i 212 epitaffi dei personaggi). De André collabora con un suo amico paroliere, Giuseppe Bentivoglio, con cui scrisse Ballata Degli Impiccati da Tutti Morimmo A Stento del 1968, per i testi e sceglie agli arrangiamenti un fresco diplomato del conservatorio, Nicola Piovani, al suo primo impiego importante di una carriera che lo porterà fino all’Oscar. Ad aiutarli una squadra di musicisti grandiosa:  il violista Dino Asciolla, Edda Dell'Orso, soprano, i chitarristi Silvano Chimenti e Bruno Battisti D'Amario, questi tre ultimi storici collaborato di Ennio Morricone, il bassista Maurizio Majorana, membro dei Marc 4, il violoncellista classico d'origine russa Massimo Amfiteatrof, il batterista Enzo Restuccia, il maestro beneventano Italo Cammarota e il polistrumentista Vittorio De Scalzi, membro fondatore dei New Trolls. De André compone 9 brani, partendo come Lee Masters da La Collina, il luogo dove sorge il cimitero dove riposano i defunti di Spoon Rivers. 7 brani sono divisi in due grandi categorie: uomini morti d’invidia, ovvero Un Matto, Un Giudice, Un Blasfemo, Un Malato Di Cuore e uomini di scienza, con le sue contraddizioni etiche, ovvero Un Medico, Un Chimico, Un Ottico. Rimane poi Il Suonatore Jones, l’unico che rimane con lo stesso titolo del libro, che chiude il disco, con De André che però gli “toglie” il violino e lo fa suonatore di flauto. Straordinario è il lavoro di rifacimento e di ricreazioni nei testi: per esempio ne Un Giudice, ispirato a Selah Lively, deriso per la sua statura, in Masters è 5 piedi e 2 pollici (=157 cm circa) e nel testo di De André diviene così: Cosa vuol dire avere\Un metro e mezzo di statura\Ve lo rivelan gli occhi\E le battute della gente. I personaggi dell’invidia sono il giudice che ha trovato nella vendetta la sua alternativa alla derisione di essere basso, il matto che è stato spinto dall'invidia a “imparare la Treccani a memoria” (anche qui splendido gioco di trasposizione, in Lee Masters è l'Enciclopedia Britannica), il malato di cuore che riesce a vincere l'invidia attraverso l'amore, nonostante muoia appena porge le sue labbra su quelle della ragazza di cui è innamorato, Un Blasfemo invece è la canzone più politica, essendo uno strale contro chi “non Dio, ma qualcuno che per noi l'ha inventato / ci costringe a sognare in un giardino incantato”. Degli uomini di scienza, un medico è costretto dalla sua benevolenza, cioè curare i malati gratis, a vendere pozioni “miracolose” essendo caduto in miseria, un chimico è invece una storia di disillusione sull’amore, di un uomo che non capisce le unioni imperfette degli uomini rispetto a quelle perfette delle sostanze chimiche, un ottico invece, che vorrebbe regalare ai clienti un paio di occhiali magici per vedere davvero la realtà, è l’unico che probabilmente non è morto, dato che parla al presente (unicità che è presente anche in Lee Masters). Chiude il disco Il Suonatore Jones, inno alla libertà, di chi non ha voluto chiudere la sua libertà lavorando nei campi ma “Finii con i campi alle ortiche\Finii con un flauto spezzato\E un ridere rauco\E ricordi tanti\E nemmeno un rimpianto”. Oltre la qualità immensa del lavoro testuale è la musica che stupisce: gli arrangiamenti orchestrali, gli sviluppi tematici (come nel caso del motivo principale dell’iniziale La Collina, in continua trasformazione), la sovrapposizione di parti in forma di suite (un Ottico, con evidenti echi progressive ad un certo punto), l’uso di strumenti classici come clavicembali e violini. Sulla copertina della prima edizione, quella che ho pubblicato anche io, c’è un evidente errore grafico, con l’errata accentazione di "né". L’errore fu aggiustato nelle edizioni successive, e nel disco era presenta una lunghissima e delicata intervista di Fernanda Pivano a De André sulla genesi di questo disco e sul libro di Edgar Lee Masters, e alcuni racconti dello scrittore americano erano inseriti all’interno della confezione. Disco memorabile, da riscoprire e che formerà con il successivo, l’amatissimo e criticatissimo Storia Di un Impiegato uscito appena un anno più tardi (ad inizio del 1973) una trilogia lucidissima e potentissima sull’Italia di inizio anni ‘70.
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typingtess · 5 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Glory of the Sea”
The basics:  The team hunts (see what I did there) for an Admiral abducted from his home.
Written by:  Faythallegra Claude wrote season 13’s “Perception”.
Directed by:  Terence Nightingall directed "Expiration Date", "Old Tricks", "Warrior of Peace", "The Sound of Silence", “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” (which he co-wrote) and “Divided We Fall”.
Guest stars of note: Duncan Campbell returns from “Of Value” as NCIS Special Agent Castor, John O'Hurley as Navy Rear Admiral Ted Gordon, Bryan Lillis as Jessie Fiore, Audrey Wasilewski as Meredith Huxley, Charles Kohut as Jim Bones, Brent McGregor as Long John and Tre Hall as Marcus Moore.
Our heroes:  Go on a treasure hunt.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Not so sure about the treasure. Sam:  Totally doesn’t believe in the treasure. Kensi:  Working well with Rountree today. Deeks:  Looking at places where Bertie can live. Fatima:  Solving puzzles with the Admiral. Rountree: Figures out the lock number by thinking like Gordon. Kilbride:  See Kensi.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:   No bachelor party. Sam:  Fire at the Hanna household was contained with more embarrassment than damage. Kensi:  Thinking she’s not the fun parent. Deeks:  Possibly the fun parents because of the blonde surfer look and skydiving. Fatima:   Helping Kensi achieve fun parent status. Rountree:  Thinks life is about the journey, not the treasure at the end. Kilbride:  Enjoyed Michael Mann’s “Heat 2” novel.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Earns a mention about Callen’s wedding gear.
Who's down with OTP:  One half was apartment shopping with his mother.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Great Callen and Sam episode – lots of banter, wedding talk, bachelor parties and treasure.
Fashion review:  Callen has on a long-sleeve dark blue tee-shirt.  Sam is in a charcoal grey long-sleeve tee-shirt.  Kensi is wearing a dark purple cap sleeve top.  A white turtleneck with chocolate brown pants for Fatima.  A black short-sleeve tee for Rountree.  The Admiral wears a darker blue suit than usual, white shirt, blue tie.
Music:  John O’Hurley sings “Weigh, Hey and Up She Rises” to open the episode.  “Sloop John B” by The Merrymen ends the episode.
Any notable cut scene:   Yes.  Kensi and Rountree talk in the boatshed before Marcus Moore arrives.  She has a question for him – how did he bring up his sister alone?  Rountree said he didn’t really have much of a choice.  Kensi just doesn’t understand - Rountree was a kid.  Kensi and Deeks are adults.  That gets a laugh from Rountree.  Kensi agrees, “Rosa’s easy.  Deeks is like having a baby chimp.”  She asks him seriously how did he get through it all.  There were lots of tears, lots of mornings where he was scared.  But he had to go on for Jordyn’s sake.   And they had each other which made it easier.
Kensi thinks Rountree did an amazing job.  Jordyn is so accomplished.  Rountree said all he did was keep her clothed and fed, Jordyn did all the amazing stuff.  Kensi doesn’t believe that.  Rountree tells her he really wouldn’t want to do that again.  Kensi is confused – raising Jordyn or rasing a child of his own.  Either one is Rountree’s answer.  He isn’t sure about bringing another kid into the world.  He’s also not sure about wanting to do it again.  Kensi tells him that when he meets the person he’s supposed to be with, “and you fall madly in love”, things change.  Rountree thinks it might.
What a terrible scene to cut.  Find this one a home in another episode because it was a great look at Rountree.
Quote:  Sam:  “You know what treasure is to me?” Callen:  “A 50-pound kettlebell and some baby oil?” Sam (laughing):  “Family and friends, a good day's work.”
Anything else:  In a small Los Angeles home, a gentleman is making himself a smoothie for breakfast where the main ingredient is alcohol.  Singing “Whey, Hey and Up She Rises” as the man works on his smoothie, the power goes out in the house.  There are kids outside causing trouble outside – “oh, those damn kids!”  The man grabs a spear (as one does when the neighborhood kids are full of mischief) and goes to his door.  When the man opens the door, he met by a group of men wearing ski-masks, looking for a fight.  The man puts up a decent defense of himself but is subdued.  A hood is thrown over his head as he’s taken from his home.
While Deeks is using a personal day to help Bertie find a new place to live, Kensi is working on a list of fun places to take Rosa.  Fatima is interested until she hears Kensi’s suggestions – a production at the Geffen, visiting museums like the Getty, LACMA and MOLAA.  The MOLAA, Kensi notes, is the only museum in the entire country dedicated to Latin American art. 
Fatima thinks a play and four museums aren’t exactly young girl fun stuff.  She thinks shopping at the Grove, being part of an audience when a TV show is filmed, celebrity house tour around LA or visiting an escape room could be fun.  Kensi is all about art and theater.  Fatima is all about Kensi “ushering Deeks into the role of fun parent.”  Kensi talks about not being the fun parent and Fatima gets it – surfer Deeks is the default fun parent unless Kensi really wants it.
In the driveway, Sam gets a phone call – the fire department was by the house.  Alone in the house, Raymond forgot he was making steak and eggs.  Small fire, no real damage according to the fire captain.  Callen is sympathetic – how does a man like Raymond go from commanding a battalion to suddenly need a caretaker?  “Kicking and screaming,” according to Sam.
Changing the subject, Sam wants to know if Callen has been fitted for his wedding suit.  He hasn’t.  In fact, he’s been thinking about grabbing a suit from wardrobe – they’re all really good.  Sam is horrified.  The suits have gunpowder and blood in them.  Besides, Hetty would kill him if he took the suit for an unauthorized event.  Callen laments that Hetty would have to come out hiding to do that.  Sam pushes his tailor again, even promises to pay for the suit.  Callen and Sam are called to Ops.  Kensi and Fatima are already there.
The man kidnapped from his home is Rear Admiral Ted Gordon.  Neighbors heard the struggle and a security camera picks up Gordon and his abductors leaving the house.  The security video is from behind – no clear faces, no visible license plate.  Gordon has no family – no wife, no siblings, no kids.  He has been on leave from the Navy in advance of his pending retirement.  His prior assignment was working with a civilian tech contractor Nautical Robotics.  They specialize in robotics – mostly underwater gliders than can travel unmanned through the ocean.
Sam is familiar with the Navy’s gliders – they can do scientific research, catch drug smugglers, deploy weapons.  The Russians and the Chinese have both captured these gliders in the past, claiming they are “spy boats”.   Sam doesn’t disagree with the term.  The team thinks instead of trying to recreate one based on the captured “spy boats”, a hostile actor grabbed Gordon so he could make a glider for them.  Castor picked up Jessie Fiore, Nautical Robotics chief engineer.  Kensi and Rountree will interview him in the boat shed.  Callen and Sam are off to Gordon’s home.
In the boat shed, Fiore isn’t sure why he’s been brought in.  Kensi mentions Gordon, who Fiore calls “the Navy arm of our project.”   The two were close.  Operating the glider requires two people.  Fiore is shocked to learn Gordon was kidnapped.  Kensi asks if Gordon mentioned threats.  Fiore says no but didn’t think Gordon would say anything it he was threatened.  “Ted’s not scared of anything, just like my Dad.”  Fiore invited Gordon to family barbeques until the two had a falling out after Gordon appeared on the Marcus Moore tech podcast.  With 12-million subscribers, Moore’s interview of Gordon never mentioned all the people working at Nautical Robotics.  “A tiny shoutout could have catapulted my career.”  There are questions if Gordon even had permission to appear on the podcast.
A flashback of the podcast has Gordon chatting up the gliders and their capability.  He talks about “my gliders” in a Navy authorized interview.  Fatima learns that after the interview, Moore flew to China and met with a groups of hackers.
Callen and Sam arrive at Gordon’s home talking about robots, thinking at some point RoboCop will be real.  Sam jokes about replacing Callen with RoboCop before wondering how his father would deal with an electronic home health aide.  Inside the house, Sam thinks the place looks like a maritime museum.  Antique compasses and cannon balls, the place looks like a museum to Sam (maybe Kensi can take Rosa there).  The bookshelves have been tossed, same with several drawers with papers.  Callen picks up the one of the model boats.  It reads “SOS” on the back.  Sam notices the sails all have a morse code on them.  The sails spell “Inside”.
In the boat shed, Kensi and Rountree question Marcus Moore.  The trip to China was to expand the reach of his show – he met with some tech firms with money to spend.  Kensi asks Moore about a meeting with some black-hat hackers who have caused trouble for a number of big hospitals.  Moore denies knowing the people he met were hackers.   Moore thought he was meeting with people who work in green energy.  Rountree mentions the Gordon interview which Moore thinks is irrelevant – the Navy approved the interview.  The kidnapping comes up and Moore is worried.  Gordon was a difficult interview – always interrupting the flow to make calls away from Moore in the recording booth.  Moore could see that Gordon was angry.
Callen breaks up the wood boat and finds a leather journal inside.  Gordon went to a lot of trouble to hid the journal but also went to a lot of trouble to make sure it could be found.
From the boat shed, Kensi and Rountree get a debrief from Fatima in Ops.  Gordon’s calls were to a librarian in the LA Public Library system, Meredith Huxley.  She works in the maps department.  Gordon called Huxley five times in a short time span.  Kensi and Rountree are off to interview Huxley.
Returning to the office, Callen and Sam run into Admiral.  Callen is reading Gordon’s journal.  The Admiral recommends “Heat 2” instead.  The kidnappers were looking for something – probably the journal.  The journal is about buried treasure – a Spanish galleon sunk somewhere off the California coast with the crew burying the ship’s riches nearby.  The Admiral now knows why Gordon never married.  A SEAL buddy of Sam does some deep sea treasure hunting in Florida – no luck.  The Admiral wants to why Gordon kept such a specific diary – there are drawings of the ocean throughout the book.  One drawing is missing a big section.  The team is either looking for people stealing robotic technology or they’re going on a treasure hunt.
At the library, Kensi introduces herself and Rountree to Meredith Huxley in what looks like a map room in an LA library.  Huxley is unhappy to have Navy cops sent after she returned Gordon’s antique map.  The map, Gordon believes, leads to buried treasure.  Huxley isn’t so sure.  She did, however, verify the map was legit – 17th century Spain.  But with her planned visit to her daughter in Sacramento, Huxley locked it into a secure drawer in the library. Gordon picked it up as soon as Huxley returned.  The map may not lead to treasure but it is true antique and worth a good deal of money.  In his rush to retrieve the map, Gordon left behind some notes he took.  Huxley offers them  to Kensi and Rountree.
The journal is full of information, including a manifest for the Spanish galleon, the stars in the sky the night of ship wreck – incredible details.  Gordon has a riddle for the location of map - "The Lone Sailor can't see the treasure, but he looks to the map at his parallel dove."  Sam is good at riddles – thinks the Lone Sailor Statue in Long Beach.  Callen and Sam are on their way to check things out.
Gordon’s notes were mostly about the symbols on map.  To find the treasure on-shore, Gordon first had to find the ship.  If he find the ship and deciphers the symbols on the map, he should be able to find the treasure.  About a month ago, Gordon told Huxley he found the ship using glider technology.  Kensi remembers Fiore saying the glider needed two people to operate it.  Fiore likely knows about the shipwreck and the treasure hunt.  Kensi asks Fatima to bring Fiore in again.
Callen and Sam arrive at the Lone Sailor Statue and with Fatima, start working through the riddle.  The statue of the Lone Sailor is looking at the ocean, which is south.  The statue is on Paloma Avenue – paloma means dove in Spanish.   With the latitude of the statue being 3376, Callen and Sam are off to 3376 Paloma Avenue – Antique Mariner Bookstore. 
While the bookstore is closed for business that day, the door is opened.  Callen and Sam enter the store and hear noises in the back.  Two men in ski masks are taking in the back.  Callen and Sam say “federal agents” which causes both men to run.  Sam captures the man who jumped into a storage room while Callen’s guy escaped in a white van that looked like the vehicle used to kidnap Gordon.   No license plates.  Back in the store, Sam takes off his guy’s ski mask – it is Jessie Fiore. 
Callen and Sam question Fiore, who isn’t cooperating.  He’s afraid for his life.  After being convinced that Callen and Sam want to find Gordon and keep both Gordon and Fiore safe, Fiore opens up.  Gordon was still in the van that got away.  The plan was to go to the Channel Islands and find the treasure.  Sam asks which one of the Channel Islands – there are five – but Fiore doesn’t know.  The map was drawn before the different islands had names.  Gordon wouldn’t tell anyone which island.  Sam asks Fatima to track a boat Gordon had and where it is located.  It is probably near the treasure.
Kensi and Rountree finish with Meredith Huxley.  As they are about to leave, Huxley pulls out a briefcase belonging to Gordon.  It is very heavy – makes a loud noise when she places it on a library desk.  Kensi asks to look through the bag.  It is empty but weighs a lot.  With Kensi finding a false bottom, Rountree breaks out his knife to see what’s there. 
The man with the van is Jim Bones, a name earning a chuckle from Sam.  Fiore explains that he helped Gordon find the shipwreck with the glider.  Once they found the shipwreck, Gordon wouldn’t share the location of the treasure but promised to give Fiore his share once it was discovered.  An angry Fiore didn’t trust Gordon to do that so he joined an online forum of treasure hunters.  Jim Bones and a guy name Long John promised to help Fiore.  Fiore promises he didn’t know the two would kidnap Gordon.  Calling Gordon “amazing”, Fiore says Gordon didn’t give up the map even after the was roughed up by Bones and Long John.  Only after they put a gun to Fiore’s head and promised to kill him did Gordon give up the bookstore’s location.  Fiore feels guilty – Gordon took a beating and gave up the bookstore location after Fiore betrayed him.
Kensi opens the false bottom.  There is a small key safe.  Opening the key safe using the year of the shipwreck, Kensi and Rountree find part of the missing piece of Gordon’s journal.
In the book store, one of the file cabinets is opened.  It was a locked drawer, now opened with a key.  Gordon said that is where the map was held.  Opening the other drawers to see what’s inside, Sam finds one is jammed.  Finally getting it opened after a struggle, Sam finds and cypher decoder wheel and an encrypted manuscript written in Latin.  There is another piece of paper cut from Gordon’s journal. 
The Admiral walks into Ops and asks Fatima about narrowing down the island.  She hasn’t – Gordon visited all five with his small boat.  Callen and Sam send their missing drawing piece and Fatima is able to put them all together.  Looking at the drawing on the big screen, the Admiral notices a letter in one of the waves, a U.  They also find a Q, N, A and T.  Fatima can’t make that into a word while the Admiral isn’t going to even try to pronounce it. 
Noting the letters are in different waves coming closer to the shore, ordering the letters as they make their way to the beach, it spells Tuqan.  Tuqan is a Palestinian poet according to Fatima.  It is also the Chumash word for San Miguel Island.  The Chumash were indigenous to the area and treasure hunters would us that in their maps.  Callen and Sam are going to be sent there on a chopper but San Miguel Island is a Navy test site for missiles and other unexploded ordinance.
Arriving at San Miguel Island, Callen and Sam in their vests with the big guns find Gordon with his kidnappers.  They are being very careful.  The island is full of places where one misstep means “kaboom” according to Sam. 
The kidnappers want Gordon to dig up the treasure.  They have a metal detector and weapons pointed at Gordon.  Gordon mentions Juan Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer who died on the island.  Before his death he cursed the island – people of ill-will are cursed if the come to the island.  The unimpressed kidnappers threaten Gordon but he tells them his destiny will not be controlled by men like them. 
Callen and Sam creep up.  They yell “federal agents”.  This gives Gordon the chance to take his shovel and knock out one of the kidnappers.  The other kidnapper makes a run for it and hits some of the unexploded ordinance.  Kaboom.
The area was cleared by the Navy’s bomb squad and medics took away the kidnappers.  Gordon admits he’s stunned Callen and Sam found him.  Callen mentioned that Gordon didn’t make it easy.  Saying that he was looking for the treasure for decades, Gordon says he realized that if he was ever lost at sea, all of his work “would have been for naught.”  He set up the journal and the puzzle to leave his discoveries to a person with the same spirit he has.  It never dawned on Gordon that his passion would put him or anyone else in danger.  They mention Jessie Fiore.  “Gold and silver are worth a fortune but a human life is priceless, even a scoundrelous traitor like Jessie.”
Gordon thanks Callen and Sam who are ready to fly him back to the mainland.  Gordon isn’t going anywhere, instead he wants Callen and Sam to join him on his adventure.  Callen declines.  Gordon says the two don’t believe the treasure is there.  Callen is evasive, Sam’s a hard no.  Gordon promises to report to the SecNav about anything he finds.  He tells Callen and Sam that when ships were made of wood, men were made of steel.  Callen and Sam like that.
As they walk away, Callen thinks about a beach wedding.   Sam thinks Callen would like a beach bar wedding instead.  The two talk about sharks – Callen doesn’t like a beach with sharks.  Sam suggests the Great Lakes.  All the while, Gordon is studying his map and getting ready to dig.  Sam is down on beach weddings – weather is always an issue.  Sam’s suggestion is to let Anna plan the wedding with Callen using the magic groom words – “whatever you want, honey.”  Sam is looking more for another wedding event – the bachelor party.  Callen doesn’t want any part of the bachelor party.  Even though Deeks has booked the flights.  Cage diving with sharks in Mexico.
Fatima meets with Kensi in the bullpen.  She has an idea of turning the cultural/educational places as part of a scavenger hunt.  This way it is fun - Rosa can learn some things and get a feel for Los Angeles.  Fatima will even help.  Kensi thinks it is a great idea but thinks it is asking a lot of Fatima.  Fatima is all in – it will be fun, put some brain teasers to keep the mind sharp.  Kensi wonders if this makes her the fun parent.  It would unless Deeks takes Rosa skydiving – which he totally would do.
Rountree joins Kensi and Fatima.  He wonders if Gordon will find the treasure.  They admire how he loves the hunt – it is about the journey, not the outcome.
Callen and Sam are sharing some beers on the back deck of the boatshed.  Sam is talking about hiring the nurse from the hospital in “Dead Stick” to take care of Raymond.  Callen thinks they should have put Gordon on the chopper with them back to LA.  Sam disagrees – Gordon is right where he wants to be, looking for the treasure. 
The Admiral arrives.  He’s pro-treasure hunting, it started capitalism.  Sam isn’t – treasure is family, friends and a good day’s work.  The Admiral hands Callen and Sam a gift from Gordon before he leaves.  Sam opens the little pouch and pours the contents into Callen’s hand.  It is a little bit of the treasure.  Callen is stunned.  Sam isn’t. 
What head canon can be formed from here:  Again, I really think the cut scene was a huge loss not only for the episode but for the series.  It was a great look at Rountree.
I’m sorry they didn’t use John O’Hurley more.  The man is a great comic actor and he could have really filled out that role instead of being in the very beginning and the end.  This episode could have been the final season’s “A Bloody Brilliant Plan” – played for laughs with a good case of the week – but played it a little too straight.  A funny hour once a season is always a good thing.  A funny episode without Deeks – often the source or the butt of the humor in the show – is a fine effort. 
Callen and Deeks as an anti-bachelor party grooms.  Did not see that coming.      
Episode number:     Season 14, episode six.  It is the 308th episode overall.
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betenoiredisco · 6 months
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Work That Mixtape #2
1. The Salsoul Orchestra - Ooh I Love It (Love Break)
2. MikeQ - Love Is
3. Kevin Jz Prodigy - ICON WORK THIS P*SSY
4. Baby Weight, Karnage Kills - House Princess
5. Mija, Cakes Da Killa, Wreckno - I WANNA BE A BIG STAR
6. LADYMONIX - Moments in Paris
7. DJ Moana - Miss Honey ('98 Version)
8. Mike Dunn, Ruff N'Stuff - Strike It
9. Catz 'n Dogz - Diva (feat. Lolita Leopard)
10. Kiddy Smile - Let A B*tch Know (Honey Dijon's That B*tch Knew Extended Remix)
11. Honey Dijon - Houze (feat. Seven Davis Jr.) [Houze Rebuilt Mix]
12. Nicky Night Time, Dangerous Dan, Rhonda INTL. - A History (feat. Julian Mitchell)
13. Channel Tres - Acid In My Blood
14. Boys' Shorts - Dance Manual (Acid Take)
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bicheco · 11 months
Dalla mela alla pesca
La guerra per la Striscia di Gaza ci aveva un po’ distratti da quella, ben più decisiva per le sorti dell’umanità, per Striscia la Notizia. Ora che è chiusa con un blitzkrieg (il post della Meloni che molla Giambruno), possiamo trarne alcune provvisorie conclusioni. Non sugli aspetti privati della Guerra dei Melones. Ma su quelli pubblici, politici.
1. Chi di famiglia tradizionale ferisce di famiglia tradizionale perisce. Nessuno può dare lezioni di vita privata a nessuno. Ma qui crolla l’arrogante e ipocrita propaganda delle tre destre sulla famiglia tradizionale, dai Family Day alle intrusioni anche normative nei rapporti affettivi, dalla difesa di Vannacci e della sua “normalità” all’uso politico-elettorale dello spot della pesca. E viene smascherato il servilismo della stampa di destra (e non solo) che da 30 anni prende sul serio questi maestri di famiglia tradizionale capitanati prima dal puttaniere B. (che, va detto, faceva tutto in onda, non fuori), poi dal plurimaritato e plurifidanzato Salvini, infine dai Melones. Chissà che ora i sepolcri imbiancati non si decidano a vivere come pare a loro e a lasciarci vivere come pare a noi.
2. Chi di conflitto d’interessi ferisce di conflitto d’interessi perisce. Il post scriptum della Meloni contro “tutti quelli che hanno sperato di indebolirmi colpendomi in casa”, fa il paio col “non sono ricattabile” a B. durante le trattative sulla Giustizia, ed è indirizzato anche a Mediaset. Che è stata fondamentale per la crescita vertiginosa del brand Meloni e che, morto B., continua a detenere la cassa e dunque le chiavi di Forza Italia. Noi sappiamo che ciò che fa Antonio Ricci lo decide solo lui: Striscia è l’unica repubblica separata nel Regno del Biscione (a parte il fatto di non attaccare la proprietà). Ma, finché non verrà risolto quel conflitto d’interessi e spezzato quel mostruoso trust finanziario-editoriale, tutto ciò che accade fra Mediaset e il governo sarà letto in chiave politica. Così come la resistibile ascesa di Giambruno in parallelo a quella della fidanzata e la sua repentina discesa agli inferi in sincronia con la separazione da lei. Ora forse la premier capirà l’errore di aver giustificato il conflitto d’interessi del suo ex (e pure il proprio), difeso i suoi deliri e attaccato i pochi giornali critici tirando in ballo la libertà di stampa,che è l’opposto.
3. Chi di Veronica ferisce di Veronica perisce. Quando la Lario piantò B. perché andava a minorenni, la destra politico-mediatica si schierò con lui e lapidò lei come “velina ingrata”. Ora che Giorgia pianta Andrea, sono tutti con lei. E non perché ha ragione lei (come l’aveva Veronica), ma perché comanda lei. La destra italiana è passata dal Banana ai Meloni, ma resta sempre una barzelletta: prima quella vecchia della mela, ora quella nuova della pesca.
Marco Travaglio
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thiziznotrein · 7 months
Locate a Paradise: Marinduque
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A heart-shaped island that lies in the southwestern part of the Philippines, also known as “The Heart of the Philippines,” is one of the provinces in Region IV-B MIMAROPA, which is surrounded by a crystal-like ocean and centered by the magnificent mountain of Mt. Malindig. It is a good escape in the summer because of its white beaches, like Poctoy White Beach and Maniwaya Island, and by savoring the beauty of its sand bars at Pallad Bar or doing island hopping within the small islands of Tres Reyes and Elephant Island. Explore the hidden caves of Bathala, Bagumbungan, and more; feel the breeze of water in the river or even at the falls. It holds a historic and mesmerizing architecture of churches, and you can immerse yourself in the culture and traditions of Marinduqueños. But no popular destination in Marinduque can be more famous than their Mariones festival, held every holy week. Marinduque is truly wealthy in natural beauty, its culture and traditions, as well as its people. It is a perfect destination for travelers.
To reach this paradise, you need to travel by land and across the ocean, approximately 9–12 hours from Manila, including transfers and traffic. There are bus terminals at Kamias, Cubao, Buendia, and Turbina; once you get to one of these terminals, take the bus bound to Lucena Port or Talao-Talao Port in Lucena, Quezon Province; this will cost 300-500 pesos per head. Once you’ve touched down at the port, pay for a ferry ticket for only 400 pesos if you're a student, PWD, or senior, and 470 pesos for regulars, which will take you to the island province. It will take about 2–3 hours of travel on the water. Right after you get off the ferry, you’ll find jeepney and tricycle drivers, and even drivers of vans (door-to-door) that are going to the towns of Marinduque. You'll pay for the fare, which is about 70–400 pesos depending on the public vehicle you want to ride and to your destination. Fetch the one that has a sign board of the town you’ll go to, if it is Buenavista, Gasan, Boac, Mogpog, or Sta. Cruz, or Torrijos, and that is appropriate for you. There is also another way, which is by air, which will take about an hour of travel from the airport in Pasay to the island, which was only 1000 pesos the last time I checked, but this is not advisable right now because the airport at Masiga, Gasan, is unfortunately under construction. If you want to travel with your car, it is very necessary and hassle-free because ferries can accommodate vehicles. I can also suggest a door-to-door, which is a van that is very convenient now to use when going to Marinduque, for only 1,300–1,500 pesos per head. It is also hassle-free travel because this van will fetch you to your house wherever it is in Manila or other provinces near NCR and will put you down right in front of your house or accommodation booked in Marinduque.
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Locating this paradise is way easy and straight. The journey may be long, but it is all worth it once you witness the true beauty that this paradise holds. Now that you have the knowledge and are eager to witness this mesmerizing island with your own eyes, what are you waiting for? Grab your things and visit Marinduque, a truly tropical paradise that you never knew existed.
Article type: Travel mode
Target audience: First time travelers
Topic: A Go To Place: Marinduque
#travelwritingandphotography #travelmode #marinduque
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azulblue9 · 5 months
Mica Paris - If I Love U 2 Nite (1991) If I Love U 2 Nite fue el tercer y último sencillo lanzado del segundo álbum de Mica Paris, Contribution , y fue lanzado tres meses después del álbum, en el Reino Unido y Alemania. Las caras B, Stand Up y I Wish I'd Never Met You , eran temas inéditos sin participación de 💜PRINCE💜 . Se incluyeron remezclas de If I Love U 2 Nite en algunas versiones del sencillo. Una versión promocional de 12" del sencillo incluía inadvertidamente la versión de 💜PRINCE💜 de 1987 de la pista que fue enviada a París para que ella la volviera a grabar. Estas copias (probablemente de una cinta pirata) se imprimieron por error sin el consentimiento de los artistas. y el sello Island Records lanzó una campaña de retirada para recuperar estas 200 copias en disputa enviadas a los DJ, convirtiéndolas en un artículo coleccionable instantáneamente. El sencillo alcanzó el puesto 43 en la lista de sencillos Gallup del Reino Unido. PRINCE is MUSIC ✨💜⚜💜✨
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Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887 - 1959) - 12 Etudes for guitar (1928/1929)
Etude No. 1 in E Minor - Allegro non troppo 00:00 Etude No. 2 in A Major - Allegro 02:03 Etude No. 3 in D Major - Allegro moderato 03:01 Etude No. 4 in G Major - Un peu modéré 05:36 Etude No. 5 in C Major - Andantino 09:11 Etude No. 6 in E Minor - Poco allegro 12:04 Etude No. 7 in E Major - Tres animé 13:42 Etude No. 8 in C-Sharp Minor - Modéré - Lent 16:14 Etude No. 9 in F-Sharp Minor - Très peu animé 19:14 Etude No. 10 in B Minor- Très animé 22:32 Etude No. 11 in E Minor - Lent 26:13 Etude No. 12 In A Minor - Animé 30:20
Andrzej Wilkus, guitar
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im-tryingtoloveyou · 1 year
scusa, ma che cazzo c'entra lo stupro con la giustizia sportiva? finchè non c'è l'ultimo grado di giudizio, siamo tutti innocenti: quando la magistratura avrà concluso l'ultimo grado di giudizio, si saprà se ha stuprato o meno, la giustizia sportiva si adeguerà.
Stiamo parlando di uno che ha scommesso sul calcio (e non ci sono prove che non possa aver scommesso anche sul calcio italiano, anche sulla serie a o magari proprio sulla juve) e che viene PREMIATO con sette mesi di squalifica, quando la pena minima era tre anni. Per carità, in Italia continua a giocare Masiello che ha ammesso di aver truccato le partite, quindi vale tutto, ma mi pare un pena assolutamente ridicola.
Non possono sospenderlo nel frattempo? Cazzi suoi se ha deciso di fare ciò che ha fatto, si prende le conseguenze e viene sospeso. Non vedo perché debba continuare a giocare come se niente fosse. E non mi interessa se gioca in B e non in A.
Per quanto riguarda Fagioli, io capisco che per te 7 mesi siano pochi e che il messaggio che potrebbe passare è "autodenunciatevi se vi beccano scommettere sul calcio, perché tanto va a finire come per Fagioli", ma 1. Ha collaborato. 2. Non sappiamo cos'ha realmente fatto, solo chi ha in mano il fascicolo del caso è a conoscenza di ogni singolo dettaglio 3. Ha patteggiato perché con un eventuale processo la squalifica sarebbe stata superiore.
Allora si dica che in alcuni casi non ci si può appellare al patteggiamento e mandiamoli tutti a processo. Evidentemente gli è stata riconosciuta la ludopatia e in base alle prove in loro possesso si è optato per questi 7 mesi + servizi sociali. I giornali non scrivono tutto, non pubblicano le prove e gli atti, ognuno si fa l'idea che vuole.
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