#tri koumi
izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure (+02, tri, 2020) (x GhostGame Cameo) ~ Edit Pre-view [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - “TOMODACHI” {“Friends”} + Duo/Ship/O.T.P: Koushiro{u} Izumi x Taichi Yagami {KouTai} + Friendships: Koushiro & Tentomon line; Koushiro & Izumis; Koushiro & Chosen (briefly)
“That’s WHY I HAVE TO DO IT!!”
“…YOU and {Hiro}/[Koushiro] are F R I E N D S!!!” - Gammamon to {Espimon}; [GhostGame 54]
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - {Espimon} (voice line provided via GhostGame Ep54 by 2020!Koushiro’s V.A.; Yumiko Kobayashi)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
My Commentary:
Some DigiAdvs Fan @ Me: “EXPLAIN Canon!Koushiro Izumi (from any of) {Adventure} / {02} / {tri.} / {Kizuna} / {Adventure:} (2020 reboot) to me!!!”
M E: “OK” *drops vid edits using a significant audio clip from GhostGame Ep 54 because Koushiros various Seiyuu Are Wonderful*
(GhostGame inclusion can be A.U. spin-offs or even canon-compliant A.U. spin-offs, you decide!)
* Currently un-sub’d, I’ll see what I can do in the future to add them in!! (For now, please refer to the link + text & etc. here!)
There are small but significant Koushiro-spoilers from: DigiAdv 2020 Ep 36 (Taichi & Koushiro moments; & Ep 43 (2020!Koushiro & Mimi moment) + (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship) Tri: Kokuhaku (Koushiro & Tentomon friendship; +1 Kou+Mi moment) Bokura no Mirai (Koushiro & Tentomon relevancy; Agumon is briefly seen along with Chosen too, it’s a kind of significant moment if context-free.)
(Along with some moments from Adventure + 02!)
BONUS gif’s with context (+some Spoilers for Tri; Kizuna; 2020) under the ‘read more’!
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SHIPs/PERSONAL PREFERENCE. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting please tag with the ship name[s] and DO NOT tag as only “brotp” or the like only*, thank you!} (*It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along WITH the ship!!) {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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geneenart · 1 year
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mishiroweek · 1 year
Me with the tiniest amount of Koumi fanservice we got in Digimon Tri
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hikaritakaishi · 1 year
Hello guys! And what about... fanfictions?!
Hello guys and Digimon community in general!
I had a Digimon related Tumblr for years until I lost my password last year and I had to create another one now. I also have been writing fanfiction on the same topic for a long time now, but I never really posted on Tumblr about it. Now I see that there is a lot of them here and I was thinking about posting some of my own writing here! What you think about it!
See yaaa later!
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seventeenlovesthree · 6 months
Digi Dynamic Shipping Game
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
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Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji | Meiko Mochizuki
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Whether canon provides input on them or not.
If you're a fan of Digimon Adventure in any capacity or at least familiar with the series - regardless of what kind of media we're talking about -, you will stumble across these two. One could say that they're the face of the franchise, the bread and butter of various chunks of the plot, the center of merchandise - and they have been a juggernaut in the fandom since the very beginning, probably only rivaled (or complemented) by the likes of Takari and Koumi (and maybe Daiken, depending on what corners you look at). Whether you're "oldschool" like me and call them "Taito" (or "Yamachi") or part of the more modern fandom, you may prefer to call them Taiyama/Yamatai - you know them. And why wouldn't you with that HUGE focus on their framing?!
Taichi and Yamato are being paralleled and contrasted against each other throughout the course of the entire series: They're the protagonist and his (temporary) rival, different yet similar in various aspects, which causes them to continuously clash with each other. Starting off as the stereotypes of "brash and hotheaded" vs. "reasonably cool", there is an ongoing theme of miscommunication between them throughout the years - and even though their Digimon are usually the first to evolve to every single next stage, it's their conflicts with each other (and reconciliations) that challenge each other's Crest meanings the most. Yamato starts off perceiving Taichi as "too reckless and inconsiderate", challenging his sense of courage and responsibility, whereas Taichi tries to calm Yamato's aggressiveness down, making him question his sense of friendship towards him and the group... They take their time to realize that they have much more in common than they initially thought - and that there are actually a lot of things they admire about the other, things they themselves lack. For example, they're both big brothers of younger siblings, both overprotective for very different reasons - but Yamato feeling incapable of being a good brother to Takeru like Taichi acts towards him at first is one of the reasons why Cherrymon is able to corrupt him temporarily, making him perceive Taichi as someone he needs to challenge and overcome.
But in the end, it's their bond to each other, their trust in the other that usually leads to victory; whether they let their siblings shoot arrows of love at them while they're holding hands to achieve the highest evolution level; whether they wait for the other to join a painful fight, because they know they can rely on each other; whether they get sucked through a computer to reach their partners simultaneously in the net to create the most iconic fusion in the entirety of Digimon; whether they gleefully bicker about how silly some of their fights were in the past, punching each other out of love and nostalgia; whether they start to question their own belief systems as they grow older, partly unable to communicate how much they believe in each other, so there is a lot of brooding and unspoken expectations, frustration and fondness between them; whether they mope about adulthood while being out for dinner and beer... It's the fact that, whenever they come together, putting their arguments aside to fight side by side, they're usually the reason why darkness won't succeed.
Long story short; they may have a contrasting/complementary theme going on most of the time - orange vs. blue, fire vs. ice -, but they do have a lot in common and develop a very close bond that lasts beyond adulthood. There may also be miscommunication between them here and there, but they trust and rely on each other greatly, they want to push each other to be better, a sense of "roughness yet softness" that shall never be underestimated.
Whether I think why and how they’d work.
As much as I can see the potential in everything I have pointed out above, I - personally - have always had a very hard time perceiving them through a romantic lense. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely see and understand the appeal, the trope this kind of ship is based on, the "constantly clashing off of each other, while being also completely ride or die for the other when the situation requires it". And whenever they are on good terms with each other, they are unstoppable - like I said, there is a sense of fondness and softness between them that is very intriguing. My biggest problem with that is that they keep falling back into old habits of miscommunication and that doesn't feel sustainable to me. Whenever you feel like they FINALLY got it, finally got over their differences and accept the other for who they are - there is another conflict (usually, but not exclusively, initiated by Yamato). Again, they're both not very good at using words towards each other (unless the situation is REALLY drastic), so either the harmonica has to do, or their fists...
For example, I like to point out how 02 already felt like some kind of logical honeymoon phase for them to me - and Kizuna kind of tried to pick that up again by showing that they were perfectly compatible going out for dinner without any serious disagreement between them. (Heck, even the Taiorato situation had NEVER been a "conflict" BETWEEN them, they had always been nothing but supportive of each other.)
But Tri was so heavy on making these two fail to communicate (for the sake of having a plot in the first place), that I am just asking myself how they would ever really be able to help each other grow OUTSIDE of world-saving contexts. They both suffer when they're at odds with each other, they don't enjoy it - Taichi always looks like a wounded puppy when Yamato gives him the cold shoulder and Yamato is so stuck in his Tsundere state, while being so unsure of himself, that he tends to be more verbally hurtful than he initially intended. He knows he "expects too much" of Taichi, he knows exactly why Taichi hesitates and has so many doubts - I'm pretty sure Yamato used to have the same doubts previously, I mean, he has punched them out of him before -, but he doesn't have the means to tell him.
My personal impression of Tri!Yamato is that he is so deep in the closet, that his love for Taichi (platonic, romantic, you name it!!!) could just burst out of him any minute now, but he absolutely doesn't know how to deal with that. So part of him rejects it - sometimes it bursts out of him violently, sometimes softly. He even offers Taichi that they can stop using Omegamon, because that would be "easier" for him - which sounds like the biggest "I know I can never have you and you probably don't want me anyway, and that's okay with me, I promise..." in the history of everything ever. And Taichi probably is subconsciously aware of that (somehow, even if he may not be able to fully process it), but isn't really able to act towards that either. (Heck, again, even Sora is aware of Yamato's feelings, but they all don't have the means to say it out loud! Hikari, Koushirou and Jyou hint at it at various points in Tri and the stageplay too, but it is never explicitly said...)
So in a sense, they feel like they're star-crossed lovers who aren't meant to be due to how they never find a way to actually cross the line. Like I said, Kizuna tries to show them being compatible - and it is true, they are close, but you get a feeling that there is always THAT ONE thing they cannot say. Taichi tries - but gets interrupted by SOMETHING or simply shies back. Yamato wants to - but gets unintentionally loud again and then the moment is over. They're both depressed to some degree by the time of Kizuna and both use the "Digimon duty" as escapism, as well as the moping-meet-ups to at least get out some steam. However, they are not able to pull each other out of that slump, they can't save each other unless they have to save the world as "Omegamon's enablers", because they're in too deep already...
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Maybe in a Post-Beginning scenario where things are not at stake anymore, where they're reunited with their partners and back on track with their life paths, they could get another chance. Going on adventurous trips, playfully bickering again while everyone else shakes their heads at them like "Look at that old married couple again...", having fun, enjoying life. But if they just stay by themselves like that, kinda disconnected from the group and their true selves, it would feel more like "dysfunctional wound-licking" to me, with way too much pent-up frustration. And that is sad when you see all that love and ALL THAT potential...
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship.
I feel like I could have gone on about how they may play out, but in the end, while I can see all the potential outlined, I do prefer them to be platonic. It does feel like a tragic love story - and even if it kinda sounded like it, it isn't one-sided on Yamato's behalf either, there are mutual feelings involved, they just really have a tough time getting over their barriers and that's why I personally can't see them solving problems if they were in a long-term relationship. As mutually supportive friends who tend to have small arguments but reconcile eventually, always having each other's backs? HECK YEAH! I love the Yamataishirou friend group as well the, unfortunately, never fully explored Yamataikoura friend group and I love scenarios in which they tease each other about their crushes to others, but tl;dr: I prefer them to be platonic!
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snow-warning-imminent · 4 months
[Joltik mail: the Team Apostasy uniform (//I still need to figure out what it looks like)]
Welcome to the team I guess?
Uh ok, thanks …do I need a uniform for Koumi since she’ll be with me most of the time-
Also maybe send something bigger than a Joltik next time you send mail, Shiro tried to eat it. It was quite the fight to stop her, she’s a well sized mon…
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The Afterparty: Ulysses
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Omg you guys this episode was intense 😭 I have so many thoughts I’ll just mention the confirmed “Not ___” clue in a later post because I just need to get these thoughts down.
I think that the clue this week was in morse code when Ulysses said “Step, bump, step” and then “Step, bump, bump, step” when trying to get Vivian not to quit dancing with him. I’m not skilled enough in Morse code so if any of you can figure it out please reblog and tag it because I’m super curious as to whether or not that’s the case. I have three major takeaways from this episode but I’m unsure how they will play out in the final stretch.
Ulysses and Vivian’s Affair
I knew those two had an affair! From the first episode and that hushed conversation about ruining the family, I had a strong feeling that those two had an affair at some point and suspected he was the bio father of one or both girls but we now know it’s Grace. At least I think so. This back and forth over the paternity gave me whiplash. On one hand you’ve got some pretty strong clues: Grace is a great dancer, her birth happened around the time Vivian and Ulysses ended their affair, and the aggressive behavior Feng showed when Vivian claimed that she took a paternity test. I was inclined to believe she was telling the truth but Feng’s behavior leads me to believe otherwise. My question is: are we ever going to find out the truth or are they going to leave it as an open-ended mystery even after the killer is revealed?
Feng Seems Guilty AF but is the Bao Bing a Red Herring?
Over the past week, two redditors shared similar theories that Feng may be the killer. One straightforward theory is that Feng poisoned the bao bing and served it to Edgar. Another more evolved theory is that Feng tried to kill Ulysses but accidentally killed Edgar instead. In Ulysses’ telling of the evening, he asked Feng if he could taste some of the bao bing but was told that it was only for Edgar so I don’t think Feng planned to kill Ulysses at that particular moment. But let’s say Feng did poison the bao bing: It might be a two birds one stone situation because maybe he planned to kill Edgar and pin it on Ulysses and therefore still keep the family secret and get the two “threats to the family” out of the way. I’m sorry but I’m not sold just yet on this being the method of poisoning Edgar. It all just seems very convenient and we have yet to hear Feng, Isabel, and Vivian’s stories to confirm or deny that he’s guilty. I feel so bad for him though because he was at home taking care of Zoë, maintaining the house and working only to be treated like a fool. Also how wild is it that both Grace and her mom are cheaters? 😭
The Koumis Was Simply Just Koumis
I stand corrected and Ulysses is who he says he is. I really like him after this episode and I hope he can find the peace he needs. Also I hope he can get over Vivian because life is too short to be caught up on someone who will never be able to give their 100% to you. If Grace is in fact his daughter, I hope they can make up for lost time. One thing did stand out to me though: Ulysses added koumis to the Dutch babies instead of buttermilk. There are at least three theories circulating that the camel’s milk may actually be an antidote or that there may have been several poison/antidote situations going on throughout the reception and Afterparty. If Ulysses did in fact use it as an antidote that could point to him being guilty but I just don’t think he had anything to gain from killing Edgar. Plus he didn’t get a chance to poison the bao bing himself because Feng carried it over to Edgar. I feel like if he knew that Edgar was poisoned he would have intervened because he’s more helpful alive than dead and could have funded any extra paternity tests needed.
Now that we’re nearing the end, motives are becoming clear and tensions are high meaning people will slip up. I’m not sure how to elaborate on it but here’s my list of people most to least likely to need Edgar dead:
Feng: Edgar would have revealed Vivian and Ulysses’s affair and ruined Grace’s life
Vivian: Same as Feng; Despite the affair, she clearly loves her husband and doesn’t want her family to be ruined
Grace: No prenup means she and Hannah can run away with his money
Hannah: Getting Edgar out of the way not only frees up money but removed him as a rival for Grace’s love
Ulysses: Killing Edgar would protect Grace but I don’t think he even thought of Edgar as a threat
Sebastian: Edgar is worth more alive than dead because now the crypto stock will crash and he’s liable for the scam they were running
Isabel: She’s already rich; Even if Edgar was drugging her, the amount of time spent lucid may not have been enough for her to formulate a plan to kill him and then remember the whole thing when the time for action came
Travis: Killing Edgar would not benefit him because he needed Edgar alive to catch him in the act of fleeing the country or whatever scam he was trying to pull off
Zoë: She doesn’t know about Vivian and Ulysses’s affair so there’s no secret to protect; All we know is that she didn’t approve of her sister marrying Edgar. She must suspect someone though and I wonder if they’ll save that suspicion for the season finale.
And that is my lengthy thought process after tonight’s episode. What do you guys think is going on? My head is spinning and I cannot wait for Feng’s episode next week and all the found footage Kyler compiled over the weekend. Depending on when the clue is solved, I might update later tonight or tomorrow. See you sleuths next week!
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ashxketchum · 1 year
hey me again, no thanks i'll stay anon since mimato shippers are super aggressive and bitter. Guess i don't have the right to argue since i am anon, so i'll just say koumi, jyoumi, and michi are all good ships with great quality and not-usually pervy fanart, and yeah the mishirou account's doing too much but hey at least they've yet to start begging+spamming on twitter saying "fuck you toei", while tagging every digimon tag possible in both english and japanese for the whole fandom to see right?
You're literally coming into my inbox and insulting me and then telling me that Mimato shippers are bitter and aggressive?? We've been the most bullied side of the fandom for so long, of course, we don't tiptoe on eggshells anymore, if you come for us we will fight back!!
Do you even know what Taiora fandom pulled during Mimato Week last week? Do you know how many times we have to go into the Mimato tag and see people bashing the ship, how many fanarts/fanfics have been deleted from every fandom site because of hate comments and reviews? We've been backed into a corner for years, and now that we have created a fun space for ourselves you lot have to come in and invade whenever you see us doing events and such. We are not bitter and aggressive, we are tired of the bullshit way the fandom has treated us for so long, anyone would lose the patience to be nice after what we've endured.
And pervy fanart, lmao are you 10 years old???
Please, the correct term is NSFW and the site called Pixiv that you claimed is a win for Koumi post tonnes of NSFW art of Mimi with every character so I don't know how Mimato shippers doing the same makes us evil - oh wait! Your next statement explains it, Koumi event mod is in the wrong BUT we are further in the wrong by your standards! So no other shipping fandom stirring up shit has to answer to anything but Mimato shippers must control themselves lol! What happened to letting anyone ship whatever they want? And as far as the tagging Toei is concerned, EVERY single Non-So/ra/to shipper has done that at some point, brave of you to assume that it's only Mimato fandom doing that. And since you did bring up the Reboot yesterday, there was a aggressive S/ora/to/Ta/ka/ri account on twitter that sent death threats to the Digimon anime's official account in replies and qrt's almost every week while the series was airing. And fyi, tags are meant to be used the exact way you just mentioned 🤣 Everyone posts whatever they dislike about the series in the main tags, for example, the Tri slander has always been off the charts in the Tri tags. But again, I get it, this behaviour is wrong only when Mimato shippers do it right?
Now I understand why you're refusing to come off anon, because you're probably one of those preachy blogs in the fandom that says stuff like "i support all ships uwu no hate to anyone uwu" but doesn't actually support all ships. Because you will hold the ship you hate accountable for any tiny mistake they may make while let the behaviour of other shipping fandoms slip under the radar.
You have a lot of audacity to continue to stay anon and disrupt my day and demand justifications from me over your own perceptions and opinions. Very easy for you to get on with your reputation in the fandom despite being a full bitch, while I am viewed as the "bitter and aggressive" person because I don't take shit sitting down.
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lighthouseas · 3 years
I’m a on a Digimon kick rn and...
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I love this stupid kid and his computer obsession
He’s so relatable
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Also these two.  These two are my comfort ship.  His crush on Mimi is so fucking adorable I can’t take it
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geneenart · 10 months
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ddeokbxkki · 2 years
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koumi custom/modified nendoroids! follow me on http://instagram.com/petitedays for other photos!!
still waiting for hikari’s hair so i can post a takari one.
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patamon · 3 years
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Gif request meme: sent by @stoppingtosmelltheflowers: 
#14 with Mimi and Koushiro from the Revenge of Diaboromon/Diabormon Strikes Back 02 movie? I don't have a specific scene in mind because all of their interactions in it are pure hilarity. 
Please send me yours :3 || All prompts here
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seventeenlovesthree · 4 months
Do you think Koushirou x Mimi would be more plausible in an alternate timeline where they didn’t have much contact after 1999 until they’d both graduated from college and had time to mature?
I came up with a bunch of AUs where various posthumous characters are still alive, one of which involves Koushirou’s biological parents. Since Koushirou’s life would have taken a different direction from the very beginning, he probably would not end up marrying the same person as his counterpart, but I didn’t want to come up with yet another OC so I just used Mimi.
(He still goes to the Digital World in 1999 in this AU, he just doesn’t live anywhere near Odaiba and therefore isn’t as close to the rest of the team as his counterpart.)
Mh. The problem with Koushirou and Mimi in the original timeline - for me personally - is that they are so inconsistently portrayed. Tri, for whatever reason, decided to make "the crush" a comic relief sub-side-thing, but played it "safely" by not making their relationship and their quarrels significant to either of their character arcs and that was a mistake. It was shallow and unfulfilling. I still maintain that stageplay!Koumi and To Sora!Koumi have very high chances of being compatible...
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However, thinking about "what if" scenarios can be interesting too.
The question is in what ways Koushirou would have been different if he had grown up with his biological parents. We don't know much about them, aside from Masami Izumi telling us that his father was a mathematician and professor at a university. Not only was he brilliant, but also into computers - and Masami puts emphasis on how similar Koushirou is to him.
I won't go too much into detail about how to characterize Koushirou, because I have done that a million times already. Nevertheless, the three main questions here are the following: 1.) Would he have turned out as kind as he is in the OG timeline? 2.) Would he still have self-esteem issues? 3.) Would he be more observant even in times when he's got his hyper-focus goggles on?
To 1.) Koushirou in general has several sides to himself, one of them being that he likes to solve problems and is quite a hands-on person when it comes to helping others. While I can see how Kae's and Masami's upbringing had a (positive) influence on his behaviour, we also know that he tried to be "perfect" for them once he learned he wasn't their real son. So part of his helpful nature may or may not be as elaborated on if he didn't have to nurture that personality trait that intensely until it became a natural part of himself.
To 2.) His self-esteem issues in the OG timeline weren't as visible most of the time, but according to the novels, he thought of himself as "a worthless human being", who simply was just "good with computers", thinking of himself as human extension of his laptop who didn't know where he came from and why. While he was always still mostly confident in what he was doing, this is still an important part of himself. Because if he didn't have to doubt his whereabouts, If he didn't have to question whether he "had been thrown away", he may have grown up to be more confident. Or not - because he probably would have been EVEN MORE invested in computers, if his biological father had enabled him even further. And we know how early 2000s kids felt about computer nerds, so he may still have had issues interacting with others. Just for different, less identity-related reasons.
To 3.) To refer back to 2, it's hard to tell whether or not it really would have turned out differently. We learned from Masami that it was only natural that Koushirou got into computers - and him having a tendency to hyperfocus probably would not have changed that much. Because that's just who he is, he just wouldn't have done it to procrastinate and prevent his brain from overthinking, but because he simply had fun with it.
Since we don't know about his biological parents' personalities, their style of upbringing, etc. all we can guess is that if Koushirou never had to doubt his whereabouts, his self-esteem issues may not have been the same. Considering how highly Masami spoke of them, we can assume that his biological parents were still good and kind people, so for the sake of this analysis, let's assume he would still have been raised well. Whether he would have been confident or still feel isolated from other people because he could "connect with them better online than in the flesh" is up to debate.
Long story short - as I had pointed out in my headcanon post, I feel like Koumi could work out well as online friends who'd slowly but steadily fall in love over shared interests. In terms of romance, I see Mimi as someone who needs validation and attention, who needs her affections reciprocated. And Koushirou might be way better at dealing with that in his own pace in written form. Texting doesn't demand his attention all the time and I think their compatibility could develop a lot better if he's got time to actually respond to her. Because even if he might still be a kind person, even if he's still ready to jump to be helpful, he still gets lost in his interests and Mimi needs to grow familiar with that attitude of his first before she can even try to adapt to it. Because under pressure, they're both NOT good at adapting. Especially not to each other.
So - give them the opportunity to get in touch online/through texting and they may be capable of getting to know each other better first, slowly but steadily, before a romance could bloom "irl".
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samme-wunder · 3 years
All ships are valid. That said, Tri gave me some pretty good ships. Haven't always liked all of them, but I can definitely appreciate them♡
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Sorry for the bad quality these are highkey UNFINISHED but I wanted to share♡
Edit: if anyone would like to see finished versions, please let me know!!
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nina-a-pines · 3 years
Mimi: I'm not jumping on decisions! I just finally noticed I don't need a big acting career to be happy!
Koushiro: What do you need then?!
Mimi: You, you stupid pop-tart!
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The Afterparty: Sebastian
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This week’s episode was a lot of fun and my favorite so far of the season. A lot of ground was covered and new theories have emerged so this will be another long post. Starting off with the “Not ___” clue (shoutout to the subreddit for getting it so quickly omg). SPOILERS AHEAD
“Not By Camels Milk”
I don’t know what to make of this clue because when I looked up kumis/koumis, the results said that it’s milk from a donkey and not camel’s milk as stated by Ulysses in the first episode. I doubt the writers would make a mistake while researching it so it’s hard to say what this means. Are they trying to insinuate that Ulysses is a fraud? Isabel made an offhand comment about him always boasting about his travels. But let’s say that it is koumis: Edgar refused to drink it at the rehearsal dinner and after Aniq spit it out I assumed that there wouldn’t be much if any left. Maybe later on in the evening Edgar and Ulysses come to some sort of agreement that was sealed with Edgar taking a sip of the koumis. Ulysses is kind of going higher up on my list now because this is starting to get suspicious.
Confirmed Theories
As always Reddit was on it because four long-standing theories were confirmed:
•The wedding staff were in on the heist
•Sebastian kidnapped Roxana to open the safe
•Sebastian was the naked man
•SEC4 meant Edgar, Sebastian, Connect 4 and was a record of their scores
A lot of people suspected Sebastian was secretly Australian instead of British so the reveal he’s actually American is so funny to me 😂 And omg at Yasper’s brief appearance! That was a perfect little tie in to last season. Also I knew Travis wasn’t lying about being knocked out! It just didn’t seem like something he’d lie about. After watching the episode twice these are my thoughts:
Theory 1
I 100% think that Edgar calling everyone devils in that rant was because he knew their secrets and now I see that he himself is a devil as well it will be interesting to see how this will all tie in at the end. When Isabel told Sebastian to tell Edgar she remembered everything it gave me a feeling that Edgar might have actually been the one to poison his father. And as I write this I’m starting to wonder if maybe Edgar tried to poison someone that evening and then accidentally poisoned himself instead. If he’s killed someone before he probably got too cocky this time and accidentally offed himself instead. There’s a theory that Edgar has been drugging Isabel and tbh I’m starting to believe it because if he did kill his father, that would be a good way of keeping his mother in line and preventing her from telling the truth. He and Hannah were really close up to a point so I can’t help but wonder if they did it together since it’s Hannah’s garden that has all the poisonous plants. It’s just a vibe I’m getting but we’ll see.
Theory 2
Speaking of Hannah, I still think Grace killed Edgar and Hannah is covering for her. Like I’ve said before Grace is putting on this damsel in distress act and I wouldn’t be surprised if she were manipulating Hannah because she knows she’s in love with her. If neither are the murderer I think they planned to run away together after the wedding night with Edgar’s money since there was no prenup signed.
My current three suspects:
Grace because of all the lying and her playing Zoë like a fiddle the whole time ; Whether or not she’s also taking advantage of Hannah is unknown
Ulysses because I’m starting to think he’s a liar and after Edgar’s encounter with Vivian, she may have told him. That’s a pretty big motive because of how big a family secret it is (unconfirmed theory that he’s the father of Zoë and/or Grace)
Edgar as an accidental death caused by himself since he’s been shown to have that dark side and he already got bested by Sebastian with the card so he’s clearly not as intelligent as he thinks he is
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