#tribal dancing wall art
givethemsmut · 1 month
The Pack | Chapter Two
Characters: Dylan O’Brien, fem!reader
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien, Dylan x You
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After Brody left I texted Alex, my best friend, filling her in on what happened. I can’t believe he was still pushing me for more.
Waiting for her text back I logged onto Instagram and saw a message from Tyler Posey himself. I was shocked and startled he found me from just my first name. We didn’t have any mutual friends that I knew of other than my dad.
I read the message: Hey, I met you on set today, I’m having a house party. Come through. Text me for the address.
I texted Alex the screenshot of his message and got nothing but an explosion of emojis. She was semi obsessed with Tyler Posey and Teen Wolf. I told her I’d get dressed and to pick me up in 20 minuets. A party sounded like the perfect way to forget Brody and probably the end of our friendship.
He was my best friend and we had crossed a line we couldn’t come back from.
I threw on some converse, jeans and a crop top with a cute bra peaking through. I pulled my hair out of the loose bun and made sure my mascara was perfect. I looked at myself in the mirror wondering if I was some kind of freak for not having sex yet before grabbing my clutch before heading outside.
Texting my dad so he wouldn’t worry I made sure to leave my location out. He wasn’t going to willingly let me party with a cast of actors my age.
Alex was beyond excited, “Is Tyler into you? Are you into him? Is he free game?”
I laughed knowing her obsession, “Alex, have him. He’s not my type. All serious, brooding, adventures. All yours.”
Alex laughed, “He isn’t the kind of guy to wait for sex either. He seems like a ladies man!”
We pulled up Tyler’s Hollywood house which was more modest than I thought. We rang the doorbell waiting outside when the oversized door flung open with Tyler holding a cold beer. “Come on in! Hey! Glad you could make it. Who’s your friend? I’m Tyler.”
Alex was a blonde bombshell so I wasn’t surprised he was checking her out. I introduced them to each other as we came inside and Tyler immediately showed us around.
“This is my place. Dyl and myself live here when we aren’t filming. Upstairs is off limits. Drinks are in the kitchen. The rest of the cast is here too.” He turned to Alex, “Can I make you a drink?”
He offered out his hand and she gladly followed, turning her head back at me in excitement. I followed along as the third wheel knowing beer was close by and I much needed one.
As I walked by the living room I noticed a giant fake Christmas tree and it was July. Close by the guy I bumped into was dancing with a beer in his hand. I figured he must have been part of the cast, he just looked MTV, yet I couldn’t help but smile at his happiness.
Tyler made both of our drinks with vodka, sliding it over to me and I slammed it back like I was a pro when really I wasn’t at all. I was a light weight on a mission to feel a buzz ASAP.
I let them flirt as I wondered around with another drink in my hand. I made my way past the people laughing and drinking down a hallway. They had art on the walls representing street art, tattoos and tribal work. I was surprised and inspired by the raw art.
Stumbling into a room that had the door cracked and wasn’t upstairs so that must of meant it wasn’t off limits. It was filled with awards, plaques and mile markers of their careers and lives. I saw a photo hanging of Tyler and the kid I ran into. He must be the room mate, Dylan.
I turned around and he was standing in the door way just watching me smiling. “Hey, you’re the girl I ran into. So what were you doing on set? Stalking Posey?”
My non-existent amusement was obvious, “So you live here too?”
He came inside the room and leaned against the desk, “I’m Dylan. You know Posey is talking to some blonde, right? You might wanna actually try flirting if you want his attention.”
I laughed knowing far too well he wasn’t my type, “Not interested in him. I have – had – it’s complicated and not really your business.”
He smirked, “You a fan of Teen Wolf?”
I walked out of the room down the hallway more, “Never seen it. Can you get me a refill? Thirsty.” He was trying very hard to gain any kind of information he could but it wasn’t working. He almost laughed, looked down and took my cup anyways.
He turned around reaching out, “Stay here. I’ll be back.” I was between another door way leaning against the frame as I nodded. “Use a heavier hand than your roommate.” I added as he walked away.
I was feeling buzzed and the drink he was getting me would be my 3rd. The room was empty, blank. I slide down the wall to sit on the floor when he came back with my empty cup and a bottle of Jack Daniels. “How’s this? I don’t know about you but I need a personal bartender tonight.”
I held up my cup silently as he poured and sat down too. I gave him a bone, “So Dylan, where’s your girlfriend or you a ladies man like your bestie?”
He signed and downed his drink, “Well we were in the middle of fucking and her phone went off-“ he paused unsure if he should say anymore. “It was whoever she’s been fucking behind my back.”
I felt awful for asking. “That’s never fun. Sorry dude.”
He leaned in pouring us more, “What’s complicated about your shit?”
Drinking my whole cup before going into it, “My best friend wanted to have sex and I didn’t. It’s complicated. We treated each other like a romantic relationship but it wasn’t.”
Dylan laughed, “So he was your friend with benefits?”
“Not exactly.” I stood up bored with the blank white walls, “You gonna give me the upstairs tour?” I was tipsy. I felt like I couldn’t stand straight up and he wasn’t any better as he got up.
“Hell yeah! Let’s go!” I followed him holding the bottle of whiskey as we snuck past the living room filled with the cast and their close friends. I didn’t see Alex in the crowd but the kitchen was out of view so I wasn’t worried. We went through a dark hallway past a bedroom with the door not closed all the way as Dylan peeked in and closed the door. He turned laughing, “Sorry. Ignore that.”
I only got a glimpse of the R-rated version of their own private party with a slender female riding someone I could only guess was Posey since the upstairs was off limits. Alex was the only blonde at the party I saw so I now knew where she went.
Dylan pushed open the door at the end of the hallway, “Welcome to my room.” I went inside immediately sitting on his bed taking my shoes off and as I took the room in I noticed the panties on the bed next to me. Looking down not moving I said, “Can you get rid of these? Kind of a bad juju.”
He noticed my vibe and lunged for the panties, “Shit! Sorry! Fuck.” He threw them away in his bathroom and sat down next to me offering me the bottle in which we beginning drinking out of now. His room was white, navy blue bedding, clean, some albums and what looked to be items from movie sets.
“You weren’t kidding about the almost sex…” I tried to fill the silence and that was the only thing I was thinking.
“Yeah, sorry. You want a pair of sweat pants? Get comfy.” I let my body lay back in some failed effort to feel less dizzy, “boxers sound better.”
He walked over to his draws and pulled out a black pair of boxer briefs and tossed them over to me. I stood up slowly as I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down my legs. Dylan didn’t take his eyes off me and I forgot how comfortable I was.
He coughed when my panties were revealed, “Um… I should leave the room… privacy.”
He didn’t attempted to move, stuttered and I simply laughed, “Why? It’s just panties… We’re adults, aren’t we?”
He changed the subject quickly, “You hungry? I’ve got the munchies. I’m gonna get us food. My laptop is there is you wanna put on something to watch.” I laughed as I pulled up his boxer briefs that felt like bike shorts but comfy.
He left the door open some as I decided to stand on his bed, I had a sudden urge to jump so I did. The alcohol was setting in and I wasn’t sober enough to watch a movie. I undid my bra under my shirt and tossed it to the floor with my jeans. I kept jumping til he returned with pizza bites, hot pockets and chips. He wasn’t kidding when he had the munchies.
He laughed and jumped up on the bed after setting the food down. I stopped suddenly and laid down, “Too much jumping. I have class early tomorrow. Save me, I don’t wanna go.”
He laid down too, “Well, you’ll be too hung over for classes.”
I had never felt this comfortable, not even with Brody. With the help of alcohol I sat up and removed my shirt, “Do you wanna kiss me?” His mouth opened without any words. He leaned in kissing me gently with his hands on the side of my face. He felt warm, soft.
The rest was a blur. I lost some memories but I still couldn’t find the will to regret it.
I felt more myself with Dylan than I had with Brody, my own father, my friends and Dylan got the one part of me I had been toting around like a prize.
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nicolewoo · 2 years
Cub Part 13
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Pairing: Roman Reigns X Reader
Synopsis: Roman, Seth and Dean are a pack of werewolfs. Protecting their city from the scumbags of the world ends up with a surprise when a victim left for dead imprints on Roman Reigns.
Part 13
I was exhausted after the flight and the ensuing boat ride, but as I stood on the stern of the boat, watching as we glided to the shore, I saw the crowd waiting for us. Probably 100 people had gathered to greet us. Drums pounded out a rhythm, and teenagers danced in welcome. I took in every sound, every smell, every piece of tropical beauty as we neared the shore, and I was energized again.
A small group had gathered on the dock to greet us. “Cub, welcome to Samoa,” an older woman said as she put a lei on my neck. The other members of the welcoming group placed leis on the necks of the rest of our group. “I am Filemu, Tribal Chief for our tribe. It is an honor and a joy to meet you. Thank you for your sacrifice.”
Sacrifice? I questioned Roman through our mental link. “They mean thank you for adding a new blood line to strengthen our tribe. We’re not gonna throw you in a volcano or anything” He answered back as he kissed my temple. I stifled my desire to laugh.
I didn’t know how to answer, so I just nodded. “Let’s get you seated. Do you need anything? Anything at all?” Filemu asked as our party started moving toward a building.
A particularly bad muscle spasm in my leg started and I felt myself start to collapse, but Roman was quick to pick me up and carry me bridal style into the building.
Inside the small, squat, concrete building, I was surprised to find a state of the art interior. Three tables ran along one wall. That must be where the tribal counsel presided. At the center of the table, the Tribal Chief sat in an elaborate chair, and motioned Roman to set me in the chair next to her. “Let’s get our guests some food and drink”, Filemu commanded, and as the rest of our party filed into the hall, a young woman came to see what I wanted. I settled on some pineapple juice; figuring it should be amazingly fresh, and I was happy to find it was better than I expected.
As the tribe filed in, I started to see the disapproving looks from some of the tribe; the men in particular. Roman wasn’t acknowledging the looks or the murmurs, but I could feel the guilt inside him. Some of these men had helped raise Roman. They had helped shape his morality and ethics, and knowing he broke the most sacred tribal rule, he knew he’d let these men down.
“Hey,” I thought. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” I squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“I should be comforting you.” He answered.
My answer was cut off when Filemu’s attention focused on me again. “Ok, Little wolf. Tonight, we celebrate you joining our Tribe. We’re throwing you a huge party.”
A cough caught our attention. Roman’s father, the imposing figure, stood before us. “My Tribal Chief, I’m very excited to announce that Y/N went into heat on the plane.” Really? Did he have to say it so loud? I had just a second to cringe before I realized that nobody in the room seemed phased.
“Oh! Well! We’ll have to move the party back a few days.” Filemu said, and I heard some panic about all the food that was already cooked.
“No. No. Please! You’ve all gone to so much trouble! Let’s have the party. Maby we can sneak off somewhere if the need arises.” I said.
Filemu smiled wide. “It would be our honor to host your mating room.”
I was beginning to protest. “Oh please don’t go to any troub….” I could feel Roman stop me.
“It really is an honor” he said to me, and I let it drop.
“I truly appreciate everything, and I hope I have a chance to thank everyone.”
Filemu put her hand on mine and tapped it gently. Looking up, she commanded the tribe to settle without a word. “Who would like to prepare a mating room?”
Immediately, a hoard of teenagers raised their hands, hoping for the chance to impress their Tribal Chief. Filemu picked a few teens who rushed into action as soon as they were chosen.
Filemu focused on me again, “Now that’s settled. Would you like to go to the hotel and rest now?” Even though it was a question, her tone of voice indicated it was an order.
“With all due respect my Tribal Chief,” Filemu focused her attention on me. “I’m anxious to settle this matter of the imprinting immediately. That’s why we flew here.”
“Little wolf, aren’t you tired?” Filemu asked.
“I am, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to relax until my mate is out of hot water.” I answered as reverently as I could.
Filemu stared at me, assessing my mood, and finding me serious. She inhaled deeply “I understand. I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to assemble the entire counsel today, but I will try.” She looked me directly in the eye, and I knew she was telling the truth. “Would you like to rest while I get everything prepared?”
I smiled warmly, “I would. Thank you.”
@mindofasagitarius   @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart @spookys-girl @pitlissa22
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Pizza Tower: A Rant
Let me preface this with a warning. I am not good at Pizza Tower. I can only get A-Ranks, can’t keep a combo for the life of me, and I accidentally unlocked the Bad Bones outfit in Pizzascape. In boss fights, I usually end with 1 health, getting a D-Rank almost always. My highest rank is a B in The Noise fight, and that’s only because I kept trying to P-Rank him via Parry spam. That being said, this rant will also contain spoilers for the Final Boss, Boss 4, and the ending in general. Viewers beware, you’re in for a scare!
TL;DR, Pizza Tower is a love letter to the 90s and the Wario Land franchise, with an artstyle fitting of a 90s gross-out Platformer the likes of which are forgotten to time. It’s an amazing game, with heart and soul poured into each crevasse of its scuffed form. It’s easy to learn, but to master it takes skill. Little story, good music, and infinite potential.
Now, I won’t go into detail on every individual level, only some highlights, and the bosses. If I did the whole game, we’d be here forever. Also, each lobby, of course.
Layer 1 of the tower is the Tower Lobby, which boasts some slightly menacing music. This is the first leg of the journey, and already, it readies you for what’s to come.
The first level the average player does is John Gutter. The music is calm, the sounds of tinkling crystal and rushing wind only accentuated by the familiar beat of Pizza Time. As it goes on, the music becomes… well, music. But, unlike its main leitmotif, it’s… calm. The level is dotted with dead pillars, similar to Pillar John. You can break them without triggering Pizza Time, and even get an achievement for breaking them all. The background looks like an old vaporwave wallpaper, pillars with John’s face on them poking diagonally out of the background. Palm Trees on raised platforms dot the landscape.
Beyond this level, everything is somewhat forgettable, so we’ll move to the first boss. Pepperman. For a first boss, he’s still really good. His music has amazing rhythm, and the background tells all you need to know about our red friend. The walls are lined with works of himself, from a king to a knight. Everything he has is themed to himself. The only artwork not of him is promptly destroyed, being art of Peppino. Statues fall from above to crush you, poor drawings of Pepperman come from off-camera to knock you around, and knights who look like the great Pepper slide along the ground in Phase 2. The only thing he likes more than himself is art. His last two hits need you to make a statue, which he will begin critiquing. This is your chance to smack him.
After the lobby, put on your cowboy hat and saddle up, because it’s the Western District. Based on cowboys and indians. The first level I’ll talk about is Oregano Desert. You enter it, and you can already tell what it’s about. The music has the famous whistle instrument of western music, and the background is full of pizzas. Tribal piles of sentient cheese dance around totems for rain dances, and caricatures of Colonel Sanders in massive Cowboy hats dot the landscape. However, the desert isn’t real. One of the backgrounds shows a spotlight, shining down. None of the levels are outside, sans the final boss’ fight. All of them are in the tower, all simulated environments. However, even in environments can be environments. A UFO lies in the middle of the sands, crashed. Pillar John resides within.
Fun Farm is the other important level. It’s the calmest level, the music being more atmospheric than anything. A lush, green field awaits you. Cows stand, stacked atop one another. A UFO kidnaps a cow in the background. While walking through, a face from time long since passed will greet you in this level. Jumping from a well, Mort the Chicken from his own Playstation game, Mort the Chicken, will land upon your head. Mort is a… helpful(?) addition to the level, as he lets you move through easier. Oddly enough, this is one of the few places with a lore reason. Fun Farm was run by John E. Cheese, the grandfather of the boss of the Western District. Now, that boss owns this place. However, Peppino accidentally burns it down on his way out.
The boss of Layer 2 is The Vigilante. A cheese slime wearing a cowboy hat and wielding a revolver. He is an honorable duelist, though, and gives you a free gun. If you avoid it, he looks at the camera, as he has no time for shenanigans. His fight is chaotic. Vigilante will fire cheese bullets at you, throw dynamite, and even use an Uzi to rattle you to bits. But, hold through, you will see the most beautiful second phase ever. The world will be wreathed in shadow, the background your only way to see. The battle ends in a quick draw duel, ending in a glorious fashion, and moving into Layer 3. Vacation Resort.
The only level of note is GOLF. That’s right, GOLF. There’s a golfing minigame in this game. GOLF is a bizarre level concept. You’re thrown into a restaurant, and from there, you smack a ball of cheese through hoops in an attempt to get the lowest possible score. Known as a Primo Burg. Your enemies will be fellow golfers, demons, and pitchers. The music has the right amount of kick for a golfing mini-game. Fun fact, this level was a spoof for DOOM, the golf demon being clearly a Pinky demon from DOOM.
So, with not much on the GOLF, or Vacation Resort in general, let’s go to the boss. The Noise. The boss is a chaotic mess, taking the chaos of the Noid from old Domino’s commercials with the zaniness of the 90s, topped off with an MTV spin-off in the NTV cameras following him. Noise drops bombs, rides a pogo stick, and rides a skateboard. Furthermore, a Hot Air Balloon waits in the background, suddenly blowing towards you in Phase 2. The battle ends with Noise taking out a Minigun before being dragged off-screen by his girlfriend, Noisette.
Floor 4 is Slum, an industrial utopia. EVERY LEVEL IS UNIQUE. I cannot talk about them in their own lines, so I’ll do all here. The Pig City has the best music, and gives off the grimy vibe of a city. Corrupt pig cops cuff you around every corner, gangster pizzas slide around, and shrimp will try to shank you. Oh Shit! is the sewer level, and it’s gross-out to the nth degree. Blocks of feces help progression, and the whole level IS a sewer. Peppibot Factory pulls off its theme well, with the vibe of Kirby 64 in each note. The last level, Refrigerator-Refrigerador-Freezerator, is the most interesting in that it combines everything above. Music gives off major icy vibes, the landscape is a cold wasteland, and the last pick-up you get is even spicy to counterbalance it!
So, for the best world, there needs to be a good boss. Well, Boss 4 is the best. Fake. Peppino. Every good late 90s-early 2000s game had a faker. Sonic has Shadow, Link has Dark Link, Mario has Wario. Peppino’s worst foe is a clone of himself, whose music is even a warped form of the Pizza Time music. Fake Peppino can do everything normal Peppino can, but weirder, and with clones to boot. The background begins as Peppino’s Pizza 2, a clone of the original, supposedly better than the original. “Nothing Compares!” cries the cut-out on the wall. However, in Phase 2, hell breaks loose. Limbs break from the walls, the cut-out turns to gibberish, and the sign denoting it Peppino’s Pizza 2 begins recurring the name. Peppino. If this wasn’t enough, the final act of the fight has Fake Peppino morphed into a monstrosity, chasing you down through the darkened pipeways of the condemned building.
World 5 has the same issue as World 4, but to a lesser extent. Only 3 real levels, one of which I’ll skip over, but still the other 80% is talked about. But, I’ll split it up. This is Staff Only.
Don’t Make A Sound is a unique level. It’s a spoof of Five Nights at Freddy’s, with the REAL enemy being five animatronics based on the Toppins you’ve rescued all this time. There’s only four until the end, however, where a teleporting fifth one enters the fray. This mirrors FNAF, where there’s only four, with the fifth one being a teleporting menace. All four have unique attributes, too. Well, not Mushroom and Sausage, they follow the same thing. Cheese will jump onto the ceiling, and Tomato just plain floats at you. However, it’s still a dangerous level, full of panic due to being chased by the monsters. The music gets intense as they chase after Peppino, a voice laughing in the background. Until you get the Shotgun. That’s right, you get to go on a tear with a gun.
After DMAS is WAR! The only level with a time limit without a Pillar John to initiate Pizza Time. You get a Shotgun again, and have to run to the end gate while keeping the time from going too low. The level is chaotic, the music going from a Platformer to a Hotline Miami-esque murder spree soundtrack. It culminates with the seconds ticking down one by one, until you just barely miss the last one through the exit door.
The last boss is Pizza Face. You reach the apex of the tower, the skies a crimson red. Peppino’s Pizza looms in the background, reminding you of why you did this as the fight begins. As Pizza spits out enemies, you throw them up at him for a stun, punching him until you hit Phase 2. The music gives off the urgency of this, as he plans to destroy your way of life. Like hell you’re letting that happen. One by one, his Hit Points go away, until eventually, he opens up, to reveal a familiar face from cut-outs. Pizzahead comes from the machine, the music becoming way more chaotic in a zany way. Televisions of Pizzahead begin floating by in the background, swirls of purple in the sky. However, still Peppino’s Pizza remains. So, you fight on, knowing your goal. Each hit is satisfying, watching his smug grin be turned inside out. Eventually, you will reduce him to zero. He’ll fall over, before getting back up. Pizzahead reaches back down, pulling up the old bosses. Peppino, however, is DONE. It begins raining as he lets out an enraged scream, rushing Pepperman and unleashing a combo of devastating proportions on him. The music in this area is littered with almost every level’s leitmotifs, and with each boss down, Peppino’s anger mounts. The cinematics of this fight get to you, and you can FEEL each satisfying crunch of bone as Peppino lets his full rage loose. Each enemy stomped, each throw, each grab, each wall destroyed, all led to this. As you grind through Pepperman, Vigilante, Noise, and your own shadow, you reach Pizzahead. He doesn’t truly fight, taking this as a game, letting you get free hits. You finish the boss by taking him into the heavens, on a beatdown delivered hot and ready by the greatest pizza maker there ever was. The last blow is a piledriver, sending his head INTO the tower.
The tower shakes under Pizzahead’s defeat. Peppino’s shatters the last Pillar John, and the tower begins falling apart. So, you begin the TRUE last stage. Level 25, The Crumbling Tower of Pizza. You begin rushing to get out, grabbing every foe and friend along the way. Everything comes back, every foe trying to stop your descent. Everything follows you, the Pizza Time leitmotif coming back one more time to help your motivation on the way down. One by one, blocks crack, enemies fall, and eventually, you make it to the end, friends intact. The last level over, you celebrate your victory. Everything you’ve done up to that point was worth it.
Or was it? There’s two endings. If you’ve been paying attention in levels, you’d find Tower Secret Treasures. These help you obtain the secret ending. By finding Gerome, a Janitor of the tower, and having him unlock doors for you, grabbing all 19 treasures from the former levels, you unlock the secret ending. Peppino will lose the treasures, reviving John in a new state, living once more as a real man instead of a cracked pillar. Pillar John will send Pizzahead blasting off into the stratosphere with a hearty uppercut.
Finally, the game over, you can relax. Or can you? There’s so much to do. Achievements, P-Ranks, and so much more. Can you find the Mort Cube? Or Grandpa? Or even Noisette’s Cafe, deep in the tower? Really, the game never truly ends, instead, you can go on forever. Collect all the clothes, beat every mission, don’t kill Snotty upon first entering Slum! That secret ending is hard, too, so why not try to get it in general? Indeed, there’s a lot to do. Plus, Pizza Tower doesn’t end with the Tower. There’s also fangames, too. Like, say, Sugary Spire.
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penkraft123 · 2 years
Warli Paintings: Exotic form of simple art
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A Picture is a ballad without words. The Warli Art shape is the pictorial dialect used to speak to the tribal people craft of the early tribes of Thane area, Maharashtra.
It portrays the dancing, chasing and development of land with the tribal hovels made in a dark, mustard yellow or the white foundation. Keeping in mind the end goal to educate these structures to the understudies, we embrace a particular showing strategy, so that even non-craftsmen can paint the lovely warli. All these and more can be investigated about the antiquated India.
The word “Warli” originates from “warla” which implies a real estate parcel or a field despite being in such closeness of the biggest city in India, Warli tribesmen are as yet not urban. Warli Art was first found in the mid-seventies. While there are no records of the correct beginnings of this workmanship, its underlying foundations might be followed to as right on time as the tenth century AD. Warli is the distinctive articulation of day by day and get-togethers of the Warli tribe of Maharashtra, utilized by them to enhance the dividers of town houses. This was the main method for transmitting fables to other people who are not familiar with the composed word.
These works of art don’t portray fanciful characters or pictures of divinities, however delineate social life. Pictures of individuals and creatures, alongside scenes from everyday life are made in a free cadenced example. Painted white on mud dividers, they are entirely near pre-notable buckle artistic creations in execution and as a rule delineate scenes of human figures occupied with exercises like chasing, dancing, sowing ,collecting, going out, drawing water from well, drying clothes.
It fundamentally comprises of geometrical examples
1. Circle: speaking to the sun and the moon
2. Triangle: triangle got from mountains and pointed trees
3.Square: showing a consecrated walled area or a land parcel. So the focal rationale in every custom painting is the square
These geometric figures are consolidated to shape lovely examples .Like two summits of triangles are combined to frame a human figure.
Warli canvases on paper have turned out to be exceptionally prevalent and are presently sold all over India. Today, little compositions are done on fabric and paper however they look best on the w alls or as colossal wall paintings that draw out the tremendous and otherworldly universe of the Warlis. For the Warlis, convention is still clung to however in the meantime new thoughts have been permitted to leak in which encourages them to confront new difficulties from the market.
Learn this simple art, find designs & explore the world of warlis at Penkraft through our workshop.
Penkraft conducts classes, course, online courses, live courses, workshops, teachers’ training & online teachers’ training in Handwriting Improvement, Calligraphy, Abacus Maths, Vedic Maths, Phonics and various Craft & Artforms — Madhubani, Mandala, Warli, Gond, Lippan Art, Kalighat, Kalamkari, Pichwai, Cheriyal, Kerala Mural, Pattachitra, Tanjore Painting, One Stroke Painting, Decoupage, Image Transfer, Resin Art, Fluid Art, Alcohol Ink Art, Pop Art, Knife Painting, Scandinavian Art, Water Colors, Coffee Painting, Pencil Shading, Resin Art Advanced etc. at pan-India locations. With our mission to inspire, educate, empower & uplift people through our endeavours, we have trained & operationally supported (and continue to support) 1500+ home-makers to become Penkraft Certified Teachers? in various disciplines.
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longlistshort · 1 year
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Currently at Marc Straus is Marie Watt’s impressive exhibition, Singing Everything.
From the press release-
A member of the Seneca Nation, Watt also has German-Scott ancestry. Her layered and complex influences include Indigenous knowledge and Iroquois proto-feminism, the matriarchal structures of certain Native American nations, the rise of social activism throughout the 20th century, and the anti-war and anti-hate content of the 1960s and 1970s music scene.
Central to the exhibition are three Sewing Circle pieces that were initiated at communal gatherings at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 2022. Watt’s sewing circles are cross generational, multicultural gatherings that she has been organizing for over a decade. Inspired by poet laurate Joy Harjo’s (Mvskoke/Creek) poem Singing Everything, Watt collects words from the participants of her sewing circles with the prompt, “what do you want to sing a song for in this moment?” The submitted words are then embroidered or sewn onto patches of fabric during the sewing circle. For the Whitney Sewing Circle, with over 300 participants, Watt, for the first time, used all the submitted words. Each panel is patterned in a way that stays true to the original hand. She thinks of ones handwriting as an extension of the cadence of one’s voice and in this project, it becomes part of a larger chorus. By composing large-scale wall works from these pieces of fabric, Watt creates collaborative artworks that interweave many individual handwritings, touches, and the stories that were exchanged in a shared space.
When entering the gallery, the visitor is greeted by a sweeping, 24-foot-long neon sign spelling out the words “deer, skywalker, heron, bass, great lake, woodland, beaver, turtle, wolf, lowly, muskrat, rat” in various hues that evoke the sky on the horizon during sunset and sunrise. While the piece represents a new direction in Watt’s work, she views neon as an extension of beadwork. The glass itself is at once thread and bead, and both neon and beads have a relationship to trade. They both envelop light, color, and sound, embodying sunrises and sunsets on the horizon.
Two blanket towers, her signature sculptural works, appear in the show but now with tin bells or jingles added to the reclaimed wool blankets. This choice of added material felt like a natural extension to Watt. She writes: “Blankets are danced and so are jingles, there is something healing about them both. They are objects of comfort” – by way of touch or sound. “Jingles acknowledge the Jingle Dress Dance which began as a healing ritual in the Ojibwe tribe in the 1910s during the influenza pandemic. The Jingle Dress Dance was also a radical act. In 1883, the United States banned Indigenous ceremonial gatherings. Though the ban was repealed in 1978 with the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, during its century-long prohibition the Jingle Dress Dance was shared with other tribal communities. Today it is a pow-wow dance and continues to be associated with healing. The relevance of this dance extends beyond pandemics.” By including jingles Watt brings the potential of sound into her work, adding to their visual and tactile aspects.
While drawing from long craft traditions such as textile or glass work, Watt is expanding her work by including contemporary stories and both individual and collective experiences. Her primary interest is to think about art as more experiential, rather than only visual, a direction she plans to explore further.
This exhibition closes 5/20/23.
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hanacorners · 2 years
African Etnicos Tribal Art Paintings Black Women Dancing Poster Canvas Print Painting Abstract Art Picture for Home Wall Decor
African Etnicos Tribal Art Paintings Black Women Dancing Poster Canvas Print Painting Abstract Art Picture for Home Wall Decor
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highpriestessrising · 2 years
Long ago, in a time long forgotten, the Earth was wild and free. Nature was the supreme energy and the newly birthed humans connected with Her. She was the Goddess. The Divine Feminine, the Great Mother. She could both give life and take it, and all was connected. Humanity learned about the cycles of nature and flowed with Her seasons. They studied the stars above and the plants below and noticed that as was above, so was below. As certain stars and planets were in position, the same was reflected below, and they learned that the same could be said about US.
They sensed Her all around them and recognised the Divine within themselves, As Above, So Below. From this first spark of wisdom, tribal groups began to form and the humans felt inspired to portray the Great Mother through Art, Music, Stories, Rituals. They carved stone sculptures of Her, drew Her on Cave Walls, sang songs to Her. They channelled Her wild Spirit and danced to Her rhythms around the camp fire. They flowed with Her seasons and were inspired and guided by Her to create rituals to honour Her cycles. She was the Supreme Deity. Gaia, Hecate, Aphrodite, Inanna, Isis, Tia Mat, Lakshmi, Kali, Yemaya, Ix Chel, Diana, Hera, Sophia, Frigg, Freya... She goes by many names. From Her came all beings and all are connected to the one Source.
The time has come for us to reconnect with Her. With our wild Feminine, with our connection to source, to Mother Earth.
Happy Full Moon
And as always
Happy Witching
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mogulinterior · 20 days
Boho chic decor with authentic Indian furniture
Embrace the enchanting fusion of boho chic decor and authentic Indian furniture, seamlessly integrated into modern home aesthetics. Step into a realm of vibrant hues, intricate tribal motifs, and luxurious textures that radiate warmth and charisma. Elevate your living space with an array of eclectic vintage armoires, brass-studded credenzas, and nature-carved barn doors that infuse every corner with vitality and character.
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Indulge your senses in a symphony of colors, from earthy tones to vibrant pops, creating a visual feast that invigorates the soul. Let the intricate tribal patterns woven into fabrics and embellished on furniture ignite your imagination and transport you to distant lands filled with mystery and allure.
Find us on Chairish at mogulinterior
57.5ʺW × 31.5ʺD × 19.5ʺH
1920s Rustic Farmhouse Chai Antique Takht Coffee Table, Spanish, 57.5x31.5
$1,320$2,200Product ID: 8518996
64ʺW × 17ʺD × 42ʺH
1920s Green Iron Jali Carved Tv Media Console Table, 64x42
$1,610Product ID: 15635426
38ʺW × 18ʺD × 36ʺH
1920s Antique Solid Wood Floral Carved Storage Cabinet, 38x36
$1,250Product ID: 15523247
38ʺW × 18ʺD × 36ʺH
1920s Rustic Storage Floral Carved Doors Cabinet, 38x36
$1,250Product ID: 15523255
36ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 72ʺH
Vintage Wood Dancing Shiva Wall Art, India Carved Barn Door, 72x35
$1,560Product ID: 15491773
35ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 72ʺH
Vintage Krishna Indian Carved Yoga Wall Art Barn Door, 72x35
$1,560Product ID: 15476208
35ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 72ʺH
Vintage Whitewash Krishna Wall Art, Hand-Carved Barndoor, 72x35
$1,600Product ID: 15389637
35ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 72ʺH
Vintage Krishna Wall Art Hand-Carved Fluting Krishna With Cow Wall Panel, 72x35
$1,620Product ID: 15457152
36ʺW × 1.5ʺD × 72ʺH
Vintage Dancing Krishna Wall Art Hand-Carved Wall Panel Barn Door, 72x35
$1,650Product ID: 15456958
48ʺW × 48ʺD × 28ʺH
1920s Inlaid Black Marble Round Table, Pietra Dura Inlay Handwork, Carved Kitchen Table, 48
$5,892Product ID: 17479336
32ʺW × 14ʺD × 55ʺH
1920s Antique Storage Cabinet From India in Teak Wood, 55
$1,544Product ID: 17479334
52ʺW × 25ʺD × 28ʺH
1920s Vintage Carved Indian Pitara Trunk Chest in Distressed Blue on Wheels, 52x28
$1,345Product ID: 17481061
Incorporate vintage armoires with their timeless charm and functional elegance, providing storage solutions while adding a touch of history to your home. Accentuate your space with brass-studded credenzas that exude opulence and sophistication, serving as focal points that capture attention and admiration.
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Invite nature indoors with barn doors intricately carved with floral motifs or geometric designs, infusing your space with organic beauty and a sense of tranquility. Each piece tells a story, carrying with it the heritage and craftsmanship of generations past, while seamlessly blending with modern aesthetics.
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Embrace the bohemian spirit of freedom and creativity, allowing your home to become a reflection of your adventurous soul and eclectic tastes. With a blend of boho style decor and authentic Indian furniture, your space will exude an irresistible charm that captivates and inspires all who enter.
Phone : 239-603-7777
Warehouse Hours : Mon-Sat (By Appintment) (11:00AM - 6:00 PM)
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mahatribes · 5 months
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Warli art is an ancient tribal art form originating from the Warli tribe in Maharashtra, India. Executed on mud walls, it employs basic geometric shapes like circles, triangles, and squares to depict everyday life, rituals, and nature. The paintings, typically monochromatic with white pigment on a brown background, showcase a unique rhythmic pattern. Figures are stick-like, emphasizing communal harmony. Human and animal forms coexist in a simplistic yet expressive manner, reflecting the tribe's deep connection with nature. Warli art symbolizes the cyclical rhythm of life, with depictions of dancing, hunting, and farming rituals. These timeless paintings not only preserve cultural traditions but also serve as a visual narrative, conveying the tribe's collective identity and age-old wisdom.
For more details,Visit: https://www.mahatribes.com/paintings
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mydesignangek · 5 months
Elevate Your Summer Feasts with Tiki-inspired Lighting
As the temperature rises and the days grow longer, it's time to embrace the spirit of summer and indulge in outdoor feasts with friends and family. And what better way to enhance the ambiance of your gatherings than with tiki-inspired lighting? With its exotic flair and tropical charm, tiki lighting sets the stage for unforgettable summer soirées filled with good food, laughter, and memories that last a lifetime.
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1. Tiki Torches:
No tiki-inspired gathering is complete without the iconic tiki torches. These tall, bamboo torches evoke the ambiance of a Polynesian paradise, casting a warm, flickering glow that dances in the night breeze. Place them around the perimeter of your outdoor space to create a magical boundary of light. For an extra touch of authenticity, fill the torch canisters with citronella oil to keep pesky insects at bay while adding a subtle tropical scent to the air.
2. Bamboo Pendant Lights:
For a more subtle take on tiki lighting, consider incorporating bamboo pendant lights into your outdoor decor. These natural, earthy fixtures add a touch of rustic elegance to your space while still channeling the laid-back vibe of a tiki bar. Hang them above your dining table or seating area to create a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Look for designs with woven bamboo shades or intricate patterns inspired by traditional Polynesian art for an extra dose of exotic flair.
3. LED Tiki Candles:
If you prefer the convenience of modern technology without sacrificing the charm of tiki lighting, LED tiki candles are the perfect solution. These flameless candles mimic the warm, flickering glow of real flames without the risk of fire or wax drips. Place them in decorative lanterns or hurricane lamps to create a soft, ambient light that enhances the tropical atmosphere of your outdoor feast. With their long-lasting battery life, LED tiki candles are an eco-friendly and cost-effective lighting option for summer gatherings.
4. Tiki String Lights:
String lights are a versatile and playful way to infuse your outdoor space with tiki flair. Opt for string lights adorned with miniature tiki masks, hibiscus flowers, or palm trees to evoke the spirit of the South Pacific. Hang them above your patio, deck, or pergola to create a whimsical canopy of light that transports your guests to an island paradise. For an extra touch of authenticity, pair the lights with colorful tiki decorations such as grass skirts, leis, or bamboo accents.
5. Tiki Wall Sconces:
Add a touch of drama and sophistication to your outdoor feast with tiki-inspired wall sconces. These stylish fixtures feature intricate designs reminiscent of tribal art and are perfect for illuminating pathways, entryways, or outdoor seating areas. Choose sconces crafted from natural materials such as bamboo, rattan, or coconut shells to enhance the tropical ambiance of your space. Install them in clusters or rows to create a striking visual impact that captures the essence of a tiki lounge.
6. Solar-powered Tiki Lamps:
For an eco-friendly and energy-efficient lighting option, consider solar-powered tiki lamps. These innovative fixtures harness the power of the sun during the day and automatically illuminate your outdoor space at night. Place them along walkways, garden beds, or around the perimeter of your patio to provide soft, ambient lighting that enhances the tropical vibe of your summer feast. With their durable construction and weather-resistant design, solar-powered tiki lamps are a practical and stylish addition to any outdoor gathering.
Tiki-inspired lighting adds a touch of exotic charm and festive flair to your summer feasts, transforming your outdoor space into a tropical oasis where every moment feels like a celebration. Whether you opt for traditional tiki torches, bamboo pendant lights, or playful string lights adorned with tiki masks, incorporating these vibrant fixtures into your decor sets the stage for unforgettable gatherings filled with warmth, laughter, and the magic of summer nights. So raise a glass, light the torches, and let the spirit of aloha guide you as you embark on a culinary journey to paradise beneath the glow of tiki-inspired lighting. Visit our online store to explore our wide selection of dining table lights, and dining table lamps and find the perfect fit for your space.
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homedecor-shop-online · 5 months
Celebrating Diversity: Regional Variations in Indian Traditional Paintings
India is a country with diversity in cultures, languages, and customs; each area adds its own distinct character to the nation's extensive historical fabric. The unique traditional art forms that have developed throughout the nation are one of the most compelling examples of this diversity. Indian traditional paintings are unique among them, providing a visual feast of colours, subjects, and techniques that are specific to each location.
In this blog, we will look at different Indian states and their special contributions to art. From the vivid colours of Rajasthan to the tranquil surroundings of Kerala, every area has its own unique aesthetic that reflects its ethos, history, and culture.
Indian States and Their Popular Painting Styles
Indian paintings are very popular globally for their depiction of culture and mythology. Indian paintings remind us of the love we have for our diverse culture, beliefs, and traditions. All 28 states offer some unique form of art. Let's have a look at some of the Indian states and their popular forms of art.
Rajasthan: The Land of Royalty and Colours
Rajasthan is a state known for its beautiful palaces, long stretches of desert, and rich forms of art like singing, dancing, and painting. The state is well known for its miniature paintings. This style of Indian traditional paintings have gained a lot of popularity globally for its intricate detailing and rich cultural themes.
These paintings usually feature royal portraits, historical events, and mythological scenes.  From the vibrant markets of Jaipur to the imposing forts of Jodhpur, each brushstroke depicts a tale of bravery, passion, and extravagance. You can pair these intense paintings with a simple abstract wall art to create an unorthodox focal point in your room.
West Bengal: The Meeting Point of Nature and Emotions
From the north western state of Rajasthan, we now move towards the eastern state of West Bengal. Patachitra and Kalighat art are two renowned forms of art in West Bengal. Kalighat paintings originated in the Kalighat Kali temple around the 19th century and are known for their bold lines and visually striking composition.
In Patachitra paintings, ‘pata’ means fabric or cloth, and ‘chitra’ means drawing or painting. Originally, this style of painting was crafted on pieces of fabric, but later it was drawn on canvas. Patachitra paintings primarily feature depictions of Indian Gods and Goddesses.  Bengali paintings arouse feelings of spirituality and appreciation for nature, influenced by the lush landscapes of the Sundarbans and the ethereal aura of the Ganga.
Kerala: The Mythical and Divine Land
From the east now, we move to the Southern part of India, Kerala. Aside from a 100% literacy rate, Kerala is also known for its unique style of painting. This God owned land's love for art is evidently visible in its intricate temple architecture. Its traditional mural paintings represent themes from local folklore and Hindu mythology on the walls of old temples and palaces.
The elaborate details, vivid colours, and expansive compositions of these paintings define them. Kerala murals provide an insight into the rich cultural legacy of the state, showcasing everything from the celestial beings of the Ramayana to the fantastical creatures of Kathakali dance.
Gujarat: A Fusion of Innovation and Tradition
Gujarat, a state in western India, has a distinctive style of traditional painting that combines creativity and tradition. Among the most well-known forms are Pithora paintings and Kalamkari art, which are renowned for their elaborate designs and brilliant colours.
Pithora paintings originated in the Pithoragarh region of Gujarat, where members of the Bhil and Rathwa tribes depicted their tribal culture and beliefs in paintings. Kalamkari paintings are known for their intricate details and delicate curves. They usually depict animals, plants, and God portraits. Gujarati paintings honour the spirit of creativity and workmanship, drawing inspiration from the folk customs and tribal heritage of the area.
As our tour of the many regional variations in Indian traditional paintings draws to an end, we are reminded of the incredible art of creativity and culture that make up our country. Every region has a different take on art and aesthetics, from the tranquil backwaters of Kerala to the royal courts of Rajasthan. These are some of the best wall paintings for the living room if you have a traditional Indian decor.
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If you are looking to buy Indian traditional paintings for your living room, you can check out Satguru’s. They have an amazing collection of affordable paintings that can serve as amazing focal points in your space. Along with Indian traditional paintings, they also have an amazing collection of Modern art, Spiritual and Landscape paintings. Visit Satguru’s to find a painting that connects with you and your taste.
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purplerayart · 9 months
Wall Art - The Warli Dance | Purple Ray Art & Design
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Celebrate life's rhythms with Wall Art - The Warli Dance. Hand-painted canvas inspired by ancient tribal art, showcasing nature's symbolism & vibrant rituals.
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Suspended Ceramics? (Post crit talk)
As feedback at the crits i was advised of bringing textiles as way of assemblage to my individual pieces in order to think of a final which could be a hung ceramic work. Additionally to this, i was encouraged to look at the prehistoric/primitive era as there is possibility Automatism originated from cave drawings. The link emerged from Abstract Expressionism when Pollock famously described his creative process as a "ritual" with him dancing around the canvas acting as a Shaman.
Primitive Research
For beginning context of the pre-historic times, 50 Art Ideas (Hodge, 2013) was good to start.
Art was the first to exist before writing - was the only way of communication, the earliest art was from the Stone Age (15-10,000 BC)
Cave walls were scratched and painted on with what came to hand in that time, twigs, hands and fingers, fur scraps from animal hunting, rocks and stones, etc. Popular images that emerged were handprints, patterns, animals and scenes of hunting and tribal activity. This art was created mostly for rituals
The primitive peoples made paints and pigments from powder substances - Charcoal and chalks were mixed with animal fats to create paint. This was considered as the first ever oil paint.
The first considered form of pre-historic sculpture was carved rocks and stones, ivory and carved clay. Stones held a high significance of that period as they were thought to be solid vessels holding spirits, memories and healing quality.
Hodge, S. (2013). 50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know. Quercus.
Lagana's paper Dadaism, Surrealism and the Unconscious (2014) offers connection with primitive era as it may have emerged hidden in sight within Dadaism.
Due to Dadaist practice of acting on instinct and making "anti-art" with what they had around them connects to the efficiency to the pre-historic people. Jean Arp is used as an example with his elementary use and assemblages of cloth, wood and paper.
It is also worth to note that the primitive era was entirely different to todays time - specifically mannerisms and how we conduct ourselves. Back then, there was no repressions of thoughts or feelings with a high freedom to act (uncivilised as it may also be called. As the world evolved, so did rules about social behaviour. This also welcomes in Freuds id, ego and super-ego theory. We are all born with the primitive gene to want to act and do as we please but social conventions has placed preventions on what would be considered as anti-social behaviour"
Surrealism - Joan Miro was fascinated by art made by children as he believed they were made from "innocent freedom" - the connects to the impulses inherited by our primitive ancestors, and also we lose that childhood innocence as we reach adolescence and then adult hood where we know we are expected to behave according to social conventions.
Lagana, L. (2014). Dadaism, Surrealism and the Unconscious. Symposia Melitensia No. 9, University of Malta, ISBN: 1812-7509. [online] Available at: https://www.academia.edu/6926606/Dadaism_Surrealism_and_the_Unconscious [Accessed 12 Dec. 2023].
Louise Bourgeois
The title of the book being called Suspension is what piqued my starting point to look into ways of suspending my ceramic pieces. As a bonus, Bourgeois is a relevant artist to psychoanalysis and the unconscious. and her works are informed by Surrealism.
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Lair, 1962, Bronze Painted White
looks very similar to my resin glazed porcelain. except, it looks as if a rod of clay would rise and twist to make a sculptural and formed automatic drawing
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Fée Couturière, 1963, Bronze Painted White
More relatable to my porcelain forms. Although i feel this is more freely formed for the recesses to evolve where and when they please. This opens up suggestion or opportunity for something to emerge?
Bourgeois, L. and Pincus-Witten, R. (2014). Louise Bourgeois - Suspension. Milano: Skira.
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odishadetails · 11 months
🎨 Odisha Handicrafts are renowned for their exquisite craftsmanship and artistic traditions. Odisha, a state in eastern India, has a rich cultural heritage that reflects in its diverse range of handicrafts.
🪶 Pattachitra: Pattachitra is a traditional art form of Odisha, known for its intricate paintings on cloth or palm leaves. These paintings depict mythological themes, religious stories, and local folklore with vibrant colors and intricate detailing.
🚶‍♂️ Dhokra Craft: Dhokra craft is a method of metal casting practiced by tribal communities in Odisha. It involves using the lost wax technique to create beautiful brass or bell metal sculptures depicting tribal life, animals, and deities.
🎭 Odissi Dance Costumes: Odissi is a classical dance form native to Odisha. The dance costumes, called "Baatuni" and "Khandua," are meticulous in design and craftsmanship. They feature vibrant colors, intricate embroidery, and traditional motifs.
🧶 Appliqué Work: Appliqué work, known as "Chandua," is a popular craft of Puri in Odisha. It involves cutting out motifs from colorful fabric and stitching them onto a base fabric, creating visually appealing designs on textiles and home decor items.
🧵 Sambalpuri Textiles: Sambalpuri sarees and fabrics are renowned for their tie-dye and ikat patterns. The creation of these textiles involves a labor-intensive process of tie-dyeing, resist dyeing, and weaving, resulting in unique and beautiful designs.
🏺 Terracotta Crafts: Odisha is known for its terracotta crafts, including pottery and sculptures. Skilled artisans create terracotta figurines, decorative items, and traditional pottery vessels using clay and natural dyes, reflecting the state's cultural heritage.
📿 Stone Carvings: Stone carving is another prominent craft in Odisha. Intricate sculptures of gods, goddesses, animals, and architectural elements are created using various types of stone, showcasing the mastery of artisans in this ancient art form.
🏞️ Pipli Appliqué Work: Pipli, a town near Puri, is famous for its colorful appliqué work. Artisans create decorative canopies, umbrellas, wall hangings, and other items using vibrant fabrics, mirror work, and embroidery.
🎵 Musical Instruments: Odisha also produces a variety of traditional musical instruments like the pakhawaj (a drum), mardal (a percussion instrument), and gini (a wind instrument), showcasing the cultural significance of music in the region.
🏛️ The rich heritage and skilled craftsmanship of Odisha are celebrated and preserved through these handicrafts, which not only serve as beautiful artistic expressions but also provide livelihoods to numerous artisans in the state.
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shopmyworld · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Wood Mask Hand Carved Folk Art African Latin Tribal Indonesian Wall Face.
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studio3artgallery · 1 year
Traditional Art from India: An Exquisite Tapestry of Colors and Techniques
India, a land rich in cultural heritage and artistic expression, is home to many traditional art forms that have captivated the world with their intricate designs, vibrant colors, and unique techniques. These art forms passed down through generations reflect the country's history, mythology, and spirituality. From the intricate brushstrokes of Madhubani paintings to the rhythmic footwork of Kathak dance, each art form tells a story, evokes emotions, and showcases the unparalleled creativity of Indian artisans. This article will explore some of the most renowned traditional Indian art forms, delving into their origins, techniques, and significance in today's world.
I. Madhubani Paintings: A Riot of Colors and Mythical Narratives
* The Origins: Unveiling the Ancient Roots
* Technique and Style: The Intricate Brushstrokes
* Themes and Symbolism: Mythology and Everyday Life
* Revival and Global Recognition: From Village Walls to International Galleries
Madhubani paintings, hailing from the Mithila region of Bihar, hold a special place in Indian paintings. Created by women, these vibrant Indian paintings depict mythological stories, folk tales, and scenes from daily life. The distinct feature of Madhubani art lies in its intricate brushwork, which uses natural dyes and pigments. With its rich cultural significance and growing popularity, these Indian paintings have transitioned from village walls to prestigious art galleries worldwide.
II. Kathak Dance: The Poetry of Movement
* Tracing the Origins: A Fusion of Art and Devotion
* Grace in Motion: Footwork, Expressions, and Gestures
* Mythological Tales and Contemporary Themes: The Narratives of Kathak
* Preserving Tradition and Embracing Innovation: Kathak in Modern Times
Kathak, one of India's eight classical dance forms, mesmerizes audiences with its enchanting blend of storytelling, rhythmic footwork, and expressive movements. Originating from the temples of North India, Kathak was initially performed by storytellers known as Kathakars. Today, it continues to evolve, embracing contemporary themes while maintaining its traditional elements. With its poetic expressions and intricate footwork, Kathak showcases the beauty of Indian classical dance on a global stage.
III. Pattachitra: The Ancient Art of Narratives on Canvas
* Unveiling the Origins: A Journey through Time
* Intricate Detailing and Technique: Pattachitra's Unique Style
* Epics, Myths, and Folklore: Stories on Canvas
* The Resilience of Pattachitra: Balancing Tradition and Modernity
Pattachitra, a traditional Indian art form from the eastern state of Odisha, involves intricate painting on cloth-based canvases. The art originates in ancient mural Indian paintings and manuscripts, depicting tales from Hindu epics, mythological stories, and folklore. Using natural colors, fine brushwork, and delicate detailing makes Pattachitra a visual delight. Despite the challenges of modern times, this art from India has adapted. It continues to thrive, keeping the traditions alive through its enchanting narratives.
IV. Banarasi Sarees: Weaving Elegance and Heritage
* Banaras: The City of Sarees
* The Magic of Silk: Luxurious Threads
* Intricate Weaving Techniques: From Zari to Butidar
* Banarasi Sarees in the Modern Era: Reinventing Tradition
Banarasi sarees, known for their luxury and exquisite craftsmanship, have adorned Indian women for centuries. These silk sarees woven in the ancient city of Varanas, showcase intricate designs and patterns using gold and silver threads, known as zari. The weaving process involves skilled artisans who meticulously create mesmerizing motifs and brocades. Banarasi sarees have seamlessly blended tradition with contemporary aesthetics, making them a cherished symbol of Indian heritage.
V. Warli Art: Simplicity in Expression
* The Tribal Legacy: An Ancient Art Form
* The Language of Warli: Symbols and Geometry
* Rituals, Festivals, and Daily Life: Depicting the Mundane
* Warli Art in Contemporary Culture: From Walls to Fashion Runways
Warli art, originating from the indigenous Warli tribe of Maharashtra, is a unique expression of tribal culture and community life. With its simplistic style, this form of Indian tribal painting captures the essence of rural India through its stick figures, geometric patterns, and ritualistic symbols. This artwork from India is  traditionally painted on walls with rice paste and natural pigments. Warli art has transitioned to various mediums, including canvas, paper, and textiles. Its minimalistic charm has found its way onto fashion runways and home decor, spreading the rich heritage of the Warli tribe.
In conclusion, traditional Indian art forms are a testament to the country's rich cultural tapestry. They embody the creativity, spirituality, and historical significance that have shaped India's artistic landscape. From the vibrant colors of Madhubani paintings to the graceful movements of Kathak dance, each art form carries a unique narrative, inviting viewers to delve into the rich heritage of India. By preserving these art forms and embracing their evolution, we ensure that future generations can appreciate and cherish the exquisite beauty woven into the fabric of Indian culture.
"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known." - Oscar Wilde
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