#tribal style wall hanging
mrs-fatu · 4 months
Blossom in Summer
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Chapter 1: Why me?
Paring: jey uso x Jasmine (fem!reader)
Warnings: Language, anger, confusion
WC: 2,824
Summary: Jasmine wakes up in an unfamiliar bedroom with no memory of last night. Who is this man? And why did he pick her?
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As I slowly opened my eyes, the morning sun cast a warm glow across the lavish bedroom, bathing me in a soft, golden light. The silk curtains, adorned with intricate patterns, seemed to dance in the gentle breeze, and the sweet scent of dior Sauvage wafted through the air, filling my senses. But as I sat up, my head began to pound, and I was hit with a wave of confusion. Where was I? This wasn't my bedroom. The silk sheets tangled around my bare legs felt luxurious, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a stranger in this unfamiliar surrounding.
I forced my eyes open again, taking in the room around me with a sense of disorientation. The walls were a deep, rich blue, accentuated by traditional lavalavas hanging in beautifully crafted frames. To my left stood an antique black armoire, its intricate carvings telling a story of elegance and sophistication. The plush blue rug beneath the massive four-poster bed seemed to have been imported from a far-off land, and I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud.
As I sat up, holding my throbbing head in my hands, memories of the previous night began to trickle back. The fancy cocktail bar with my friends, doing shot after shot of tequila until the night blurred into a haze. Stumbling into a swanky hotel suite afterward, though I couldn't remember exactly how I'd gotten there. Who did this room belong to? And where had they gone? The questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool, pulling me under.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up on shaky feet, clutching the bedpost for support. My head felt like it was going to split open, and I needed to figure out what happened and get out of here. As I looked down at myself, I saw that I was still wearing the silky black dress from last night, now wrinkled and creased. It was then that I noticed something heavy on my left wrist - a tennis bracelet so bright it almost blinded me. What was it doing there?
Just as I was trying to make sense of the strange circumstances, the door on the side of the room swung open, and a tall figure emerged. He stood at 6'2", his chiseled physique on full display as he walked towards me. His ebony shorts clung to his toned thighs and waist, accentuating his inked legs and tribal tattoos that glistened against his damp skin.
His hair was styled in a seductive mullet, and his lips sported a perfect shade of color, revealing his dazzling grillz as he parted them. It was like he had stepped out of a steamy romance novel, and I felt like I was staring at a character come to life.
"Morning," he spoke, his deep voice low and husky.
I stood there in shock, unable to form words. He walked around me, opening a drawer from his dresser to pull out his clothes. My eyes followed him, mesmerized by the way his muscles flexed as he moved.
"I'm sorry, who...?" I stuttered before I could finish.
But before I could even get the words out, my stomach began to churn and I felt like I was going to vomit. I stumbled backward, but it was too late. The morning sickness washed over me, and I threw up right on the floor.
He darted towards me, concern etched on his face. "Shit, you good?" he asked as he brushed away a dangling curl from my face.
"I'm sorry...I'm..." I spoke, feeling tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.
But before I could finish speaking, he ushered me towards his bed and sat me down on the edge. "Sit down," he said softly.
As he left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and emotions, I felt like my world was spinning out of control.
I just wanted to go home, to crawl back into my own bed and forget the reckless night I had just endured. But instead, I found myself in a luxurious bedroom, surrounded by the opulent trappings of a life that was not my own. A diamond tennis bracelet glinted on my wrist, a constant reminder of my foolishness. How could I have been so irresponsible, drinking so much that I ended up in this strange and unfamiliar place?
As I sat on the bed, trying to gather my thoughts, my phone began to ring. I picked it up from the nightstand, hoping for some semblance of normalcy in this chaotic situation. "Hello?" I spoke, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Girl, where the hell are you?" asked my best friend Natasha, her voice laced with concern.
"I...I don't even know," I replied, trying to gather my thoughts. "I'm with a man, and...and I threw up on his carpet, so..."
Natasha's laughter came through the phone, followed by a gasp. "Wait, is he sexy?" she asked, her tone playful.
"Um, well...he looks like he's from some kind of Pacific Island or something," I replied. "He has all these tribal tattoos and lavalavas on his wall."
Natasha's squeal of excitement was music to my ears. "Don't stop there, bitch! Tell me more! How does he look?"
I took a deep breath before launching into a detailed description of the mans handsome features. "Well, he has a short-cut mullet, and he's kinda muscular. His thighs are thick...and he has bottom grillz...and his voice is low and smooth."
Natasha's reaction was immediate. "Oh my god, Jas! You're in trouble!"
I glanced up to see him standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable. "Shit, I gotta go," I said hastily. "he's back."
"Okay, girl, let me know if you need me to pick you up," Natasha said, her voice dripping with concern. "I love you, be safe Jaz."
The line went dead as Natasha hung up, leaving me alone with him once more. I felt a sense of trepidation wash over me as he walked towards me, his eyes fixed on mine with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat.
As I stood up from the bed, I felt a sense of unease wash over me. He had just finished cleaning up the spot where I had vomited, and now his eyes were locked onto mine with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. I felt a flush rise to my cheeks as I met his gaze, my mind still foggy from the previous night's excesses.
"I'm really sorry...I need to leave," I said, trying to sound apologetic as I began to step into my shoes.
His eyes darted as he stood up, his expression unreadable. "You just gonna forget about last night?" he asked, his tone laced with accusation.
I hesitated, searching for the right words to say. The truth was, I didn't remember what happened last night. It was all a blur of music, laughter, and tequila shots. But I knew that I couldn't keep it up forever, not when I had no idea what had happened or who this man was.
"I don't..." I paused, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over me.
The man let out a huff, his expression turning annoyed. "Damn, you don't even remember," he said, his voice dripping with disappointment.
"I am very sorry," I said, trying to apologize once again. "And...the bracelet. You can have it back, I'm sorry."
I started to unhook the bracelet, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I handed it back to him. But instead of taking it from me, he spoke up again.
"Just keep the bracelet, Jaz. I don't want it back. If you want to leave then go, the door is over there," he said, his tone hostile.
I was taken aback by his words. "I'm sure you spent hella on it," I said, trying to reason with him. "I don't want to..."
But he cut me off again. "Bruh, keep it, Jaz. I gave it to you for a reason."
His words were laced with aggression, and I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized that he was genuinely upset with me. But why? What had happened last night?
As I stood there, feeling a sense of unease wash over me once again, he spoke up again.
"And I bet you don't even remember my name huh?" he asked, his tone dripping with disdain.
I lightly shook my head, feeling a sense of shame wash over me. How could I have forgotten someone's name?
He sucked his teeth in disgust before speaking up again. "It's Joshua, Jey Uso," he said agitatedly. The name sounded slightly familiar but not quite.
With that, I grabbed my purse and made my way towards the door. As I left the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I had no idea what had happened last night or who Jey was or why he was so upset with me. All I knew was that I needed to get out of there before things got any worse.
I stood on the sidewalk of the penthouse, my head still throbbing with a dull ache. The morning sunlight was harsh, and I winced as I squinted up at the towering skyscrapers. I pulled out my phone and dialed the familiar number, hoping that my friend Tiffany would be able to come and rescue me from this situation.
As I waited for her to answer, I took a deep breath and tried to clear the fog from my mind. What had happened last night? Who was Jey Uso, and why did he seem so angry with me? And why, for that matter, had he let me keep the diamond tennis bracelet? It didn't make any sense.
The phone rang again, and Tiffany's cheerful voice answered. "Hey, what's up?"
I took a deep breath before speaking. "Hey, can you come get me? I'll send you the address."
Tiffany's voice turned serious. "Yeah, I'll see you soon. Be careful."
The line went dead, and I was left standing alone on the sidewalk, feeling like I was in a fog. Who was Jey Uso, and why had I ended up in his penthouse apartment? What had happened last night, and why did I have such a pounding headache?
As I stood there, trying to make sense of it all, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car approaching approaching. It was Tiffany, looking stylish and put-together as always in her benz.
"Hey, girl, get in" she said, concern etched on her face. i stepped into her car and took a deep breath, "What happened?"
I shook my head, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I handed her the keys. "I don't know," I said. "I don't remember anything from last night."
Tiffany's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?"
I shrugged. "I don't know who Jey Uso is or what happened. But I need some coffee and some crackers. Like, right now."
i rubbed my temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing headache, my friend Tiffany's eyes lit up like a bright light bulb. "JEY USO?" she yelled in question, her voice piercing the morning air.
I winced, feeling a wave of pain wash over me. "Goddamn girl, my head," I groaned, trying to hold onto my sanity.
Tiffany's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm sorry, but you said his name is Jey Uso, right?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
I nodded my head, feeling a sense of resignation wash over me. "Yeah, why? Then he let me keep this bracelet," I said, holding up my wrist to show her the diamond tennis bracelet.
Tiffany's reaction was immediate. She squealed like a little child, her eyes wide with excitement. "YOU STAYED WITH JEY USO AND HE GAVE YOU A TENNIS BRACELET?" she repeated, her voice rising to a near-shriek.
I palmed my face, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over me. "My head. Please stop screaming," I begged.
Tiffany's laughter died down, and she looked at me with a mixture of amusement and concern. "Oh, girl, I'm sorry. Jey Uso is the WWE wrestler, and he's fine as hell!" she exclaimed.
I gave her a skeptical look, feeling a sense of unease. "What? Come on, you can't tell me he's not sexy. He's main event Jey Uso. And God, the way he flicks his tongue... We have to go to the supershow tonight, you gotta see him in the ring," she said.
I raised an eyebrow, feeling a sense of trepidation. "I mean, he's okay, but he was kinda rude. If going to the show will make you happy then sure. But I really need some fucking coffee," I said.
Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Fine, we'll get you coffee and then get ready for the show," she said before driving off into the morning traffic.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. Who was Jey Uso, and why did he seem so angry with me? And what had happened last night? The questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool, refusing to be silenced.
But for now, all I could think about was getting home and getting some coffee into my system. Maybe then things would start to make sense again.
I knew that having a hangover wasn't the best, but coffee always seemed to come in handy.
I reached for my trusty brush and gel, and began to work my hair into a sleek, curly ponytail. The hard bristles of the brush glided effortlessly through my locks, leaving them smooth and tamed. I then moved on to my eyebrows, using a precision brow pencil to reshape them into a thin, arching shape that I preferred. The gentle strokes of the pencil seemed to calm my frazzled nerves, and I felt a sense of clarity wash over me.
With my brows in order, I turned my attention to my makeup. I carefully applied a light foundation to even out my complexion, followed by a subtle blush to give my cheeks a healthy glow. A swipe of mascara added depth and drama to my lashes, and a swipe of lip balm left my lips feeling soft and hydrated.
As I finished up my makeup routine, I stood up and surveyed my reflection. I was pleased with the results - my hair looked luscious and bouncy, and my makeup was understated yet effective. I then gathered my clothes, selecting a nice outfit that would see me through the day.
As I dressed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures in life - a hot shower, a good cup of coffee, and a fresh start. The night moonlight streaming through the window seemed to hold promise, and I felt a sense of renewed energy coursing through my veins.
I took one last look at myself in the mirror, smoothing out any wrinkles or creases in my outfit. Satisfied with the result, I headed out into the night, ready to face whatever happens.
As I emerged from the hotel, I was greeted by the warm night and the sound of Tiffany's horn blaring in the distance. I rushed towards the car, my mind still foggy from the lingering effects of the night before. As I slipped into the passenger seat, Tiffany flashed me a bright smile. "You look good, girl!" she exclaimed.
I smiled back, feeling a sense of gratitude for her kind words. "Thanks, you look good too," I replied, taking in her stylish outfit.
As we hit the road, Tiffany began to drive, her eyes fixed on the windshield. "Okay, so remember, we're going to see Jey tonight. I got us front row tickets, so at least cheer when he comes out, because I definitely will," she said, her voice filled with excitement.
I raised an eyebrow, feeling a sense of confusion wash over me. What was up with this man? Why did women like Tiffany drool over him so much? I mean, I got it - he was hot as hell - but I didn't understand all the hype. The traffic lights seemed to be flashing in sync with the diamond bracelet on my wrist, and all I could think about was why me? What had happened? Would it all come back to me?
As we navigated through the crowded streets of Las Vegas, my mind began to wander back to the night before. The anger in Jey's eyes as I told him I didn't remember anything was still etched in my memory. It was enough to keep me away from him, to make me realize that I didn't need another angry man in my life. Not again.
After dealing with Aaron, I had promised myself that I wouldn't dare let another angry man into my life again. And now, as I sat in the car with Tiffany, I knew that I had to keep my distance from Jey Uso. Maybe after the show, I could find him and give him the bracelet back - never look back. It would be for my own good.
As we pulled up to the venue, I took a deep breath and let my thoughts settle. I had five days left in Vegas, and I was determined to make the most of it. No more worrying about waking up in a random man's bed. No more drama or stress. Just me, myself, and a fresh start.
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sacredsurreal · 1 day
Embrace the Boho Vibe: How to Style Your Bedroom with Boho Bedding Sets
Creating a serene and stylish bedroom is easy with the right decor, and boho bedding sets are the perfect way to achieve a laid-back, bohemian look. Embracing the boho vibe can transform your bedroom into a cozy retreat filled with personality and charm. Here’s how to style your space using boho bedding sets to achieve that effortlessly chic aesthetic.
1. Mix and Match Patterns
One of the hallmarks of bohemian style is the eclectic mix of patterns. Boho bedding sets often feature vibrant prints, including mandalas, paisleys, and tribal designs. To capture this look, choose bedding with bold, eye-catching patterns and pair it with complementary throw pillows and rugs. Don’t be afraid to combine different textures and prints—layering is key to achieving the boho look.
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2. Opt for Earthy Tones and Natural Fabrics
Bohemian decor is inspired by nature, so incorporating earthy tones into your boho bedding sets can enhance the overall vibe. Look for bedding in shades of terracotta, deep greens, and soft browns. Natural fabrics like cotton, linen, and hemp are perfect for boho bedding, as they add a relaxed and organic feel to your bedroom.
3. Add Layered Textures
Texture is crucial in bohemian design. Use boho bedding sets that include textured elements like fringe, embroidery, or tassels. Combine these with other textured items such as knitted throws, woven baskets, and plush rugs. Layering different textures not only adds visual interest but also makes your bed feel more inviting and cozy.
4. Incorporate Boho Accessories
Accessories can make or break the boho aesthetic. Consider adding decorative elements like dreamcatchers, macramé wall hangings, and ethnic-inspired artwork. Boho bedding sets can be complemented with these accessories to enhance the overall theme. Incorporate plants, both hanging and potted, to bring a touch of nature indoors and create a calming, bohemian atmosphere.
5. Emphasize Comfort and Relaxation
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At its core, boho design is all about comfort. Ensure that your boho bedding sets not only look beautiful but also offer comfort and coziness. Choose bedding that feels soft and inviting, and arrange your pillows and throws in a way that makes your bed a perfect spot for lounging and relaxation.
Embrace the boho vibe and transform your bedroom into a stylish sanctuary with boho bedding sets. For a wide selection of beautiful and eclectic bohemian bedding options, check out Sacred Surreal’s Boho Bedding Collection today!
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heritage111 · 9 days
How to Select and Style Banjara Handicrafts: A Guide for the Modern Home
Banjara handicrafts are one of the most understated works of art in the home decor industry. Made by the Banjara community, a historically nomadic group found in Rajasthan, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, this artwork is known for featuring handcrafted products such as textiles, jewellery and decor items that reflect their cultural heritage. 
Banjara handicrafts are known for their unique characteristics such as: 
Vibrant colours: Bold reds, blues, yellows and greens. 
Intricate embroidery: Banjara textiles often have detailed mirror work, beadwork and handstitched embroidery. 
Natural Materials: These items are often crafted from cotton, jute or leather, which give an earthy and rustic feel. 
Symbols and Motifs: Traditional patterns include geometric shapes, tribal motifs and nature-inspired designs. 
Are you seeking to buy these handcrafted products for your home decor, but don’t know how to start selecting the right pieces to elevate your home? Then read on for a detailed guide! 
Selecting Banjara Handicrafts for different spaces: Consider the different spaces in your home before choosing pieces, so that you can complement the overall aesthetic: 
Living Room: You can choose Banjara cushions and throws to add a pop of colour and texture to your sofas or armchairs. Also, consider wall hangings or tapestries to serve as a striking focal point. A banjara handcrafted rug can add warmth and a bohemian touch to your living room. 
Bedroom: Handcrafted products such as Banjara bedspreads and quilts, decorative pillows and Tribal Jewellery displays can elevate your bedroom. The mirror work and vibrant colours will add a personal and artistic element to the room. 
Entryway: Banjara handicrafts such as bags and pouches as well as mirror frames make for a unique and functional decor display, and will be a style statement in your hallway or foyer. 
Balancing modern and traditional: When styling Banjara handicrafts, you must balance their vibrant and traditional vibe with modern elements so that you don’t overwhelm the space. 
Minimalist Backdrop: Try pairing these handcrafted products with neutral or minimalist backgrounds to allow their vibrant colours and intricate patterns to shine. 
Mix Textures: Since these handicrafts are rich in texture, complement it with smooth metals, natural wood or sleek glass in your space. 
Layering: Layering is a key factor in achieving a cohesive look. Layer Banjara cushions and throws on a neutral sofa, or drape a Banjara wall hanging above a contemporary console table. 
Focus on Functionality: Banjara Handicrafts are also functional, so you could also use these products in the following ways: 
Storage baskets: Use them for organising magazines, blankets or toys to keep your home clutter-free and stylish. 
Handcrafted Poufs: These colourful and embroidered poufs serve as seating as well as decor, making them perfect for living rooms and bedrooms. 
Decorative Boxes: Use Banjara handcrafted products like decorative boxes, to store trinkets and jewellery while adding a decorative element to your dressers or shelves. 
How to source authentic Banjara Handicrafts: If you have been wondering where to find the best handcrafted products, then consider sourcing from the following places: 
Local Craft Fairs: Many fairs and exhibitions showcase regional handicrafts, including Banjara work. 
Online Marketplaces: Etsy, or Indian Artisan platforms such as Heritage Haat often feature handmade banjara decor, allowing you to support local artisans. 
Cultural Tourism: Visit regions where Banjara artisans live, such as Rajasthan or Telangana. You will get direct access to unique pieces. 
If you are seeking authentic and affordable Banjara handicrafts, then don’t waste time, just head to Heritage Haat today and explore the wide range of handcrafted products. This is your chance to support local artists, and decorate your home with authentic Indian artwork! 
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Creating a Boho Chic living room is all about blending different textures, patterns, and colors to create a warm, eclectic, and inviting space. Here are some tips to help you achieve this style, incorporating pieces from ARV Furniture:
1. Layer Textures Furniture: Opt for ARV Furniture pieces with natural materials like rattan, wood, or upholstered furniture with a cozy texture. Mix and match these with soft throws, woven rugs, and plush cushions. Decor: Add a variety of textiles, such as macramé wall hangings, crochet blankets, and fringed pillows. 2. Embrace Earthy Tones Color Palette: Use warm and earthy tones like terracotta, mustard, olive green, and rust. Pair these with neutrals like beige, cream, and white to balance the space. Accent Pieces: Consider adding ARV Furniture accent chairs or side tables in these colors to complement the overall theme. 3. Mix Patterns Rugs & Pillows: Incorporate rugs and pillows with bold, geometric, or tribal patterns. ARV Furniture’s area rugs or decorative cushions can be a great way to introduce these elements. Wall Art: Add vibrant artwork with abstract or bohemian designs to make a statement. 4. Bring in Greenery Plants: Incorporate various indoor plants to bring life and color into the room. Large potted plants or hanging planters can enhance the boho vibe. Planters: Choose ARV Furniture’s decorative planters or stands to display your greenery stylishly. 5. Use Eclectic Decor Accessories: Add unique and eclectic decor pieces, such as vintage mirrors, handmade pottery, or global-inspired artifacts. Lighting: Use ambient lighting like lanterns, string lights, or lamps with woven shades to create a cozy atmosphere. 6. Incorporate Vintage and Handcrafted Items Furniture: Consider adding a vintage or antique piece from ARV Furniture’s collection to create a focal point in the room. Decor: Handcrafted items like woven baskets, tapestries, or artisanal ceramics add a personal and unique touch. 7. Create a Relaxing Atmosphere Seating: Incorporate comfortable seating options like poufs, floor cushions, or a soft ARV Furniture sofa where you can lounge and relax. Ambiance: Use candles, incense, or essential oil diffusers to create a calming ambiance in the room. By combining these elements with the right pieces from ARV Furniture, you can create a beautiful, relaxed, and inviting Boho Chic living room.
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sandimexicola · 2 months
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Elephant festival
Black and white photography of the interior wall texture of an Indian Dolder, covered with thousands of small lights intricately woven patterns. A large wooden abstract tribal mask hanging from above, a big tree trunk is in front of it, surrounded by traditional Indian decorations and hundreds of blurred human figures dancing around it. Intricate details, cinematic lighting, high contrast, hyper realistic, highly detailed photography in the style of an Indian Dolder interior, with a large tribal mask hanging above a tree trunk surrounded by decorations and blurred dancing figures, showing intricate patterns, details, lighting and realism. --ar 8:5 --chaos 37 --weird 37 --s 50 --v 5.2 --style raw
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mogulinterior · 3 months
Create a CozyHome with Antique Sideboards Vintage Carved Accents at Mogul Interior
In the pursuit of a home that radiates warmth, character, and a deep sense of conscious living, Mogul Interior in Orlando offers a diverse selection of antique sideboards and vintage carved accents furniture. Infused with a hint of tribal charm, our collection is designed to transform your living spaces into a sanctuary of style and sustainability. Whether you are drawn to the rich history and intricate craftsmanship of antique sideboards or the timeless beauty of vintage carved accents, our range of furniture pieces provides a unique opportunity to curate a living environment that reflects your individuality and appreciation for quality craftsmanship. Explore the artistry and cultural significance behind each piece as you discover how these exquisite furnishings can help you craft a home that is both inviting and mindful, embracing tradition while embracing the values of sustainability and conscious living.
Follow us on instagram @erachandok, Follow us on facebook @mogulinteriorr
Antique Sideboards: Timeless Elegance and Practicality
Antique sideboards are more than just functional storage solutions; they are timeless pieces that add elegance and sophistication to any room. Our collection features a variety of styles, each telling its own unique story through intricate carvings, weathered finishes, and rich textures. These carved storage sideboards are perfect for adding a touch of history and character to your dining room, living room, or hallway. They offer ample storage space while serving as striking focal points that enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. Shop Carved Furniture At Etsy Mogulgallery
Vintage Carved Accents: A Touch of Artistic Flair
Our vintage carved accents furniture pieces are meticulously crafted to bring an artistic flair to your interiors. From intricately carved tables and chairs to detailed wall hangings and decorative wall panels, each piece is a testament to the skilled craftsmanship and rich cultural heritage from which it originates. These accents seamlessly blend traditional artistry with modern functionality, making them ideal for creating a warm, eclectic atmosphere in your home.
Tribal Charm: Embrace Cultural Richness
Incorporating elements of tribal charm into your home decor adds a layer of depth and cultural richness that is both captivating and inspiring. Our antique door and furniture pieces feature designs and motifs inspired by various tribal traditions, celebrating the beauty and diversity of indigenous art forms. Whether it’s a sideboard adorned with tribal patterns or a carved accent piece with symbolic imagery, these elements bring a sense of authenticity and global perspective to your living spaces
Visit Mogul Interior in Orlando or explore our collection online to discover the perfect pieces for your home. Our antique sideboards, vintage carved accents, and tribal-inspired furniture offer a unique blend of style, history, and sustainability that is unmatched. With free shipping available, enhancing your home with our exquisite furniture has never been more convenient.
Mogul InteriorFollow On
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mahatribes · 3 months
The Best Online Stores for Unique Tribal Home Decor Pieces
In recent years, the demand for tribal home decor pieces has surged as people seek to infuse their living spaces with a sense of cultural richness and uniqueness. Tribal home decor pieces add a touch of exoticism to your home but also tell a story of ancient traditions and craftsmanship. If you're looking to adorn your living space with these distinctive pieces, here are some of the best online stores where you can find a wide variety of tribal home decor items.
Tribes India - Tribes India is a government initiative that aims to promote tribal handicrafts and handlooms. Their online store offers a plethora of tribal home decor items, including wall hangings, masks, tribal paintings, and intricately designed tribal artifacts. Each piece reflects the rich cultural heritage of India's tribal communities.
Mahatribes - Tribes India is an initiative by the Maharastra Government that aims to promote tribal handicrafts and handlooms that are exclusive to the region. Their online store offers a plethora a wide variety of fabrics, home decor items like embroidery toran, and furniture pieces. The rich cultural heritage of Maharashtra’s tribes and  communities is evident in these tribal home decor pieces.
CraftsBazaar - CraftsBazaar is an online marketplace that showcases a diverse range of tribal art and craft products. Tribal wall decor, bamboo art frames, sculptures, tribal masks and tribal jewelry are available here CraftsBazaar offers a wide array of options to choose from. Their collection features pieces from various tribal communities across India, each with its unique style and symbolism.
The India Craft House - The India Craft House is a platform that promotes traditional Indian crafts, including tribal home decor. Their collection includes tribal wall art, tribal masks, tribal jewelry,bamboo art frames and other tribal home decor items. Each piece is handcrafted by skilled artisans, ensuring authenticity and quality.
Tribal Art Forms - Tribal Art Forms is an online store dedicated to promoting tribal art and culture. Their collection includes a wide range of tribal home decor items, such as tribal wall hangings, tribal masks, tribal sculptures, and tribal paintings. Each piece is sourced directly from tribal artisans, ensuring fair trade practices.
The Craft Shop - The Craft Shop offers a curated selection of tribal home decor items sourced from various tribal communities across India. Their collection includes tribal wall decor, tribal masks, tribal sculptures, and tribal artifacts. Each piece is handcrafted using traditional techniques, making it a unique addition to any home.
Tribal Artisan - Tribal Artisan is an online store that directly connects consumers with tribal artisans. Their collection includes a variety of tribal home decor items, including tribal wall art, tribal masks, tribal sculptures, and tribal jewelry. Each piece is handcrafted using sustainable materials, reflecting the tribal ethos of living in harmony with nature.
Gaatha - Gaatha is an online platform that promotes traditional Indian crafts, including tribal art and decor. Their collection includes a variety of tribal home decor items, such as tribal wall hangings, tribal masks, tribal sculptures, and tribal paintings. Each piece is handpicked for its unique design and craftsmanship.
For more details,Visit: https://www.mahatribes.com
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tamlovesfashion · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Mexican Woven Blanket Throw Rug Tribal Southwestern Wool Blend.
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belladonnavintageco · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Native American Woven Feather Conifer Wood Wall Folk Art Tribal Deco 15".
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milamirostore · 6 months
Explore Boho Decor: A Stunning Collection for Your Home
Boho decor, short for Bohemian, is a style that embodies a carefree and eclectic aesthetic. It's a trend that has gained popularity in recent years for its relaxed vibe and unique character. Boho decor draws inspiration from various cultures and eras, blending elements like vibrant colors, rich textures, and intricate patterns to create a warm and inviting space. If you're looking to infuse your home with personality and charm, exploring the world of boho decor could be the perfect choice.
Elements of Boho Decor
Boho decor is characterized by its bold and expressive use of colors, often featuring warm earth tones like terracotta, mustard yellow, and deep greens. These colors create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere, perfect for creating a relaxed and comfortable space. Additionally, boho decor incorporates a variety of textures, such as rattan, jute, and wool, to add depth and visual interest to a room. These textures create a tactile experience that invites you to touch and feel the space around you.
Patterns play a crucial role in boho decorations, with geometric designs, tribal prints, and floral motifs being common choices. These patterns add a sense of whimsy and playfulness to a room, creating a lively and dynamic atmosphere. Finally, no boho-inspired space is complete without an abundance of plants. Plants not only add a touch of nature to your home but also help purify the air and create a sense of tranquility.
Incorporating Boho Decor in Different Rooms
Boho decor is versatile and can be incorporated into any room in your home. In the living room, consider adding a mix of throw pillows in bold colors and patterns, along with a cozy rug and a variety of plants to create a cozy and inviting space. In the bedroom, opt for a mix of textiles like a colorful duvet cover, a fringed throw, and a variety of cushions to create a boho-inspired oasis. In the dining room, consider adding a statement chandelier, a mix of eclectic chairs, and a bold rug to create a vibrant and welcoming space. Finally, outdoor spaces can benefit from boho decor with the addition of colorful cushions, rattan furniture, and plenty of greenery to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.
Shopping for Boho Decor
When shopping for boho decor, there are plenty of options available to suit every budget. Thrift stores and flea markets are great places to find unique and affordable boho decor items, such as vintage rugs, wicker furniture, and eclectic artwork. Online retailers also offer a wide range of boho decor items, from tapestries and cushions to lighting and wall art. If you're on a budget, consider shopping at discount stores or looking for DIY projects to create your own boho-inspired decor.
DIY Boho Decor Projects
If you're feeling creative, there are plenty of DIY boho decor projects that you can try. Macramé wall hangings are a popular choice and can add a touch of boho charm to any room. Driftwood shelves are another great DIY project that can add a natural and rustic element to your decor. Fringed throws are easy to make and can add a cozy and inviting touch to your space. Finally, plant hangers made from rope or macramé can add a touch of greenery to your home and create a boho-inspired oasis.
Boho decorations is a style that celebrates individuality and creativity, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their home. By incorporating elements like vibrant colors, rich textures, and eclectic patterns, you can create a space that is uniquely yours. Whether you're shopping for boho decor or trying your hand at DIY projects, exploring the world of boho decor is sure to inspire you to create a space that reflects your personality and style.
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dran-e · 7 months
I don’t think my grandmother was even that keen of cats.
A review of Somerset House's 'Cute' exhibition.
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The Cute exhibition at Somerset House begins in a small pink room, and hanging on the wall we see what is also the start, but in this case of a global culture; the first cat memes captured by photographer Harry Pointer, dating back to 1872. Next to it, following the feline theme, there is a vast collection of 300 china cats inside a vitrine. It is Andy Holden’s ‘Cat-tharsis’ (2016). Playing on the headphones hanging underneath the glass cube, Andy talks about what this collection that his grandmother left to him after her passing, meant to his grandmother; how these cats gave her a sense of control, how she used them as a catalyst for the love within her. He also talks about what cats mean to our culture, to our history. He speaks on the UK economy, and how charity shops - the place where her grandmother collected a great number of these figures- might represent the avid mass-consumption of the British public caused by capitalism. An incredibly interesting and unexpected piece on culture and grief, which a quote from, names the title of this text.
If there is a country knows how to do cute, it is Japan. With a whole room dedicated to Japanese vintage illustrations and art, we can see how these drawings were used as a form of escapism from the after-war times during the 90s, and how Japan influenced the western world with the introduction of the kawaii. Jun’ichi Nakahara’s beautiful book cover illustrations (1913-1983) of women represent a beginning for manga and anime style. Weirdly enough, upon entering the room they called my attention as they resembled ‘Girl with a Kitten’ by Lucien Freud, which coincidentally does match the theme of this particular exhibition.
The Hello Kitty room is probably one of the most talked about parts of the exhibition. With two walls full of Hello Kitty branded objects ranging from notebooks, to rice cookers, to coin purses... A shrine to miss Kitty, and an ode to this epitome of capitalism for having influenced a whole generation, not only of children, but of adults as well. It is interesting to see for yourself how the symbol and brand spread their wings through essentially every demographic, and benefited from the over-consumption boom of the 90s and early 2000s. Sadly, apart from this display of products, the room has the icky feeling of an instagram-like photobooth space without adding any artistic value to the exhibition. But, did you know Hello White (her actual name, I’ve learned) " [...] lives in a London suburb, and dreams of becoming a pianist and poet? [That] her birthday is on the 11th of November, her height is measured as five apples, and she weighs the same as three?" Maybe we’re all just like Hello Kitty, but just measured with a lot more apples.
The exhibition follows with great artworks, like Mike Kelley’s iconic ‘Aah… Youth!’ (1990), a critique of “childhood fetishisation”, and Wang Ping’s ‘An Emo Nose’ (2015), a bright and colourful animation depicting- in a surprisingly charming and accurate way- adult loneliness. The middle of the room is overflowing with objects, which the previous section helped contextualise: A Yung Lean poster, a SADBOYS bucket hat, a bright pink ski mask, a bag of smiley face stamped drugs, a Sylvanian Families toy set, a tamagotchi, a duolingo meme, a Charli XCX vinyl, an Animal Crossing gameplay... I found that, seeing what to me are such quotidian objects in an exhibition space made me laugh. They do however, encapsulate my childhood and teenage years, and quite frankly, are a big explanation of who I am. As someone that grew up with unrestrained access to the internet since the age of 11, I can say that these objects essentially raised me. It made me feel tribal, like I was in a global inside joke. These objects also showcase how cuteness can be used as an advantage politically and how effective it is for conveying a message, making the reality of an ugly theme (oppression, systematic injustice, etc) look easier to digest and divulge.
The last section I visited was an interactive space. To tell you the truth, I did not enjoy these rooms as much as I would've liked, and the reason why has nothing to do with the exhibition itself. The room was full of animalistic and screaming under-12 year old kids, and families with prams blocking stairways and hallways, and parents using the space as a playpen for their kids to run around. I stopped at the arcade, where you could play games that followed the theme of the exhibition. As I was giggling away playing the “linear visual novel about a Froggy chilling a pot”, children began running around impatiently, in the hopes that someone would free up one of the arcade looking screens. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t have the patience.
With a combination of humour, social commentary and critique, the exhibition encapsulates the story of a culture and phenomenon we are still living through. It showcases how we’ve created a subculture for the use of evading the terrifying thought of the internet times and the digitalisation taking over our worlds. It displays a wide arrange of topics all within the main theme, that is kept consistent through out. How cuteness “contains, domesticates and translates our desires”, and how it lives in a great part of who we all are. The exhibition, and now this text, concludes with a question: Does cute’s shiny new confidence represent its apotheosis in our late capitalist world? Or rather, does this sheen allow cute to undermine the very foundations of the neoliberal regime which spawned it with an ability to not only challenge the norm, but to transform it?
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homeimprovement31311 · 7 months
Boho Bedroom Decorating Ideas
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boho bedroom decorating ideas
Welcome to our boho bedroom decorating ideas blog post, where we will explore the world of vibrant colors, natural materials, and cozy vibes. If you’re someone who loves free-spirited style and an eclectic mix of patterns and textures.
For more: Boho Bedroom Decorating Ideas
Then the bohemian aesthetic might be just what your bedroom needs. Whether you want to create a serene oasis or a lively retreat filled with personality, we have plenty of tips and inspiration to help you transform your space into a boho haven. So grab your favorite throw pillows and let’s dive into the wonderful world of boho bedroom decor.
Choosing the Right Color Palette
When it comes to choosing the right color palette for your boho bedroom. The key is to embrace a boho bedroom decorating ideas mix of warm and earthy tones. Think rich browns deep greens burnt oranges and vibrant yellows. These colors will create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. That is essential in achieving the bohemian aesthetic.
To add depth and dimension to your space, consider incorporating pops of bold accent colors such as jewel tones or vibrant blues. This will inject an element of excitement into your room while still maintaining the overall relaxed vibe.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with different shades within each color family. Mix light pastels with darker hues or opt for tonal variations within one specific shade. This will create visual interest and prevent your room from feeling flat or monotonous.
Another important aspect to consider when boho bedroom decorating ideas choosing a color palette is how different colors interact with each other. Pay attention to complementary colors. Those that are opposite on the color wheel as they can create striking combinations. That really make a statement in your boho bedroom. Incorporating Natural Materials
Incorporating natural materials into your boho bedroom decor is a great way to bring in warmth and earthy vibes. One of the best ways to do this is by using wood accents throughout the space. Consider adding a reclaimed wood headboard or a wooden nightstand for a rustic touch.
Another natural material that can add texture and interest to your boho bedroom is rattan or wicker. Look for a rattan chair or even a hanging swing chair to create a cozy reading nook in the corner of your room.
If you’re looking for something softer boho bedroom decorating ideas consider incorporating linen bedding into your boho bedroom. Linen not only adds an organic feel but also provides breathable comfort for those warm summer nights.
Don’t forget about plants! Bringing in some greenery will instantly liven up your space and add that natural element you’re seeking. Hang macrame plant hangers from the ceiling or place potted plants on shelves and dressers.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with other natural elements like jute rugs, bamboo blinds, or even seashells as decorative accents. The possibilities are endless when it comes to incorporating natural materials into your boho bedroom design!
Layering Textures and Patterns
Layering textures and patterns is a key element in creating a boho-inspired bedroom that is full of visual interest and warmth. Incorporating different textures can add depth and dimension to the space, while mixing patterns adds an eclectic touch.
Start by selecting a variety of textiles for your bedding, such as soft cotton sheets cozy wool blankets and plush velvet pillows. You can mix and match different patterns like floral prints, geometric shapes or even tribal designs to create a visually captivating look.
Another way to layer textures is through rugs and floor coverings. Consider adding a jute rug for natural texture or a colorful kilim rug for added vibrancy. Layer smaller rugs on top to further enhance the bohemian feel.
Don’t forget about the walls! Hang tapestries or macramé wall hangings to introduce more texture into the room. You can also incorporate patterned wallpaper or use stencils to create unique designs on the walls.
To tie it all together accessorize with throw pillows in various sizes and fabrics. Mix bold stripes with delicate florals or pair intricate embroidery with simple solids. Don’t be afraid to experiment!
Remember that layering textures and patterns should be done thoughtfully – aim for balance rather than overwhelming the space. With careful consideration, you can create a visually stunning boho bedroom that feels cozy and inviting.
Adding Plants and Greenery
One of the key elements in creating a boho bedroom is incorporating plants and greenery. Not only do they add a touch of nature, but they also bring life to your space. Whether you opt for small succulents or large leafy plants, there are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing the right green companions.
Plants not only provide visual interest but can also improve air quality by reducing toxins in the environment. Choose low-maintenance options like snake plants or pothos. If you’re new to plant care. For those with a greener thumb, consider adding hanging macrame planters or creating. A mini indoor jungle with shelves filled with various types of foliage.
When selecting pots and containers for your plants, think outside the box! Look for unique vintage finds. Such as ceramic pots or repurpose items like mason jars or old teacups for a quirky touch. Don’t be afraid to mix different sizes and heights to create an eclectic display.
To maintain the boho vibe, incorporate natural materials into your plant arrangements. Use woven baskets as pot covers or hang macrame hangers from wooden dowels on your walls. This combination of textures adds depth and character to your space.
Remember that proper care is essential for keeping your plants healthy and thriving. Make sure they receive adequate sunlight based on their specific needs and water them regularly. Research each plant’s requirements beforehand so you can give them the attention they deserve.
By bringing in plants and greenery, you infuse life into your boho bedroom. While enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal. The organic shapes vibrant colors, and fresh scents will make you feel connected with nature even indoors – creating an oasis of tranquility. Where you can relax after a long day.
DIY Decor Ideas
One of the best things about creating a boho bedroom is the opportunity to infuse your space with unique and personal touches. DIY decor ideas are a fantastic way to add a one-of-a-kind element to your room while also saving some money.
Start by considering what items you can repurpose or upcycle. For example, an old wooden ladder can be transformed into a stylish blanket or scarf display.
Another fun project is making your own macrame wall hanging. With just some rope and basic knotting techniques. You can create a stunning piece of art that adds texture and visual interest to any bare wall.
For those who love plants but lack floor space try creating a hanging plant holder from twine or even repurposed materials like Mason jars. It is  both functional and visually appealing.
Remember that DIY projects allow you to express your creativity. While adding personality to your boho bedroom. So don’t be afraid to think outside the box and make something truly special.
One of the key elements to achieving a boho bedroom is incorporating vintage pieces into your decor. These unique one-of-a-kind items not only add character and charm. But also give your space a sense of history and nostalgia.
When searching for vintage pieces, think outside the box. Explore flea markets thrift stores, or even family heirlooms. Look for furniture with intricate details or interesting shapes. That can serve as statement pieces in your room. Vintage dressers, nightstands or even a retro vanity can instantly transform your space.
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greytblog · 9 months
Elevate Your Home Aesthetics with Artifacts: Aesthetic Greyt Designs Pvt Ltd Unveils Exquisite
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The art of decorating one's home is an expression of individuality and personal style. Aesthetic Greyt Designs Pvt Ltd, a leading name in the world of home decor, introduces a collection of exquisite artifacts that promise to elevate your living spaces. From captivating sculptures to intricately crafted pieces, these artifacts are designed to bring a touch of sophistication and uniqueness to every corner of your home.
The Power of Artifacts in Home Decor: Artifacts have long been celebrated for their ability to transform a space, infusing it with character, charm, and a sense of history. Aesthetic Greyt Designs recognizes the significance of these treasures and presents a curated selection of artifacts for home decor that caters to diverse tastes and design preferences.
Sculptures as Focal Points: Sculptures have the power to capture attention and serve as striking focal points within a room. Aesthetic Greyt Designs offers a range of sculptures crafted from various materials, including metal, wood, and stone. Whether it's a contemporary abstract piece or a classical figurine, these sculptures add an artistic flair to any space.
Intricate Wall Art: The walls of a home are like a canvas waiting to be adorned. Aesthetic Greyt Designs introduces an array of intricate wall artifacts that serve as captivating art installations. From metal wall hangings to hand-carved wooden panels, these artifacts transform blank walls into dynamic expressions of style.
Functional Art: Merge form and function with Aesthetic Greyt Designs' collection of functional artifacts. From artistic bookends to sculptural table lamps, these pieces serve a purpose while doubling as conversation starters. This unique approach to functional art ensures that every element in your home is a statement piece.
Cultural and Ethnic Artifacts: Embrace the richness of cultural diversity with artifacts that reflect various traditions and influences. Aesthetic Greyt Designs offers a diverse range of cultural artifacts, from tribal masks to intricate ceramic pieces, allowing you to weave a tapestry of global aesthetics within your home.
Nature-Inspired Elegance: Nature serves as an eternal muse for artists, and Aesthetic Greyt Designs brings the beauty of the outdoors indoors with nature-inspired artifacts. From tree-root coffee tables to delicate floral sculptures, these pieces infuse your living spaces with a sense of organic elegance.
Aesthetic Greyt Designs Pvt Ltd's Commitment to Excellence:-
Craftsmanship and Quality: Aesthetic Greyt Designs takes pride in the craftsmanship and quality of its artifacts. Each piece is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring a level of excellence that meets the highest standards. The use of premium materials further adds to the longevity and allure of these artifacts.
Diverse Design Palette: Recognizing the diverse tastes of its clientele, Aesthetic Greyt Designs offers a broad design palette. Whether your home decor leans towards modern minimalism, classic elegance, or eclectic vibrancy, there are artifacts to complement and enhance every style.
Customization Options: Aesthetic Greyt Designs understands that individuality is key in home decor. The company offers customization options, allowing clients to tailor artifacts to their specific preferences. This commitment to personalization ensures that every piece seamlessly integrates into the unique narrative of each home.
Aesthetic Greyt Designs Pvt Ltd invites you to embark on a journey of home transformation through its stunning collection of artifacts. From sculptures that command attention to functional art that seamlessly integrates into your daily life, each piece is a testament to craftsmanship, quality, and a commitment to elevating home aesthetics. As you explore the world of artifacts for home decor by Aesthetic Greyt Designs, you open the door to a realm where every piece tells a story and contributes to the visual poetry of your living spaces.
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turkishruhbyoz · 11 months
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micro-expressions · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Geometric Macrame Indie Hippie Living Room/Bedroom/Dorm/Wall/Home Decor/Art.
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mogulinterior · 3 months
Create a Warm & Conscious Home with Antique Sideboards Vintage Carved Accents at Mogul Interior
In the pursuit of a home that radiates warmth, character, and a deep sense of conscious living, Mogul Interior in Orlando offers a diverse selection of antique sideboards and vintage carved accents furniture. Infused with a hint of tribal charm, our collection is designed to transform your living spaces into a sanctuary of style and sustainability. Discover how these exquisite pieces can help you craft a home that is both inviting and mindful.
find us on Chairish at mogulinterior
Antique Sideboards: Timeless Elegance and Practicality
Antique sideboards are more than just functional storage solutions; they are timeless pieces that add elegance and sophistication to any room. Our collection features a variety of styles, each telling its own unique story through intricate carvings, weathered finishes, and rich textures. These sideboards are perfect for adding a touch of history and character to your dining room, living room, or hallway. They offer ample storage space while serving as striking focal points that enhance the overall aesthetic of your home.
Rustic Door TV Credenza, Bold Blue Sideboard, Farmhouse Style Buffet , Vintage Vanity, Bedroom Dresser, Storage Cabinet
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Antique Indian door, Carved Ganesha Door with Frame, Garden Door, Vintage Krishna Door, Meditation, Yoga Studio Door,
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Antique Green Armoire, Charka Carved Artistic Carved Medallions, Vintage Indian Cabinet, Reclaimed Wood, Rustic, Country Cabinet
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Vintage Carved Accents: A Touch of Artistic Flair
Our vintage carved accents furniture pieces are meticulously crafted to bring an artistic flair to your interiors. From intricately carved tables and chairs to detailed wall hangings and decorative panels, each piece is a testament to the skilled craftsmanship and rich cultural heritage from which it originates. These accents seamlessly blend traditional artistry with modern functionality, making them ideal for creating a warm, eclectic atmosphere in your home.
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Tribal Charm: Embrace Cultural Richness
Incorporating elements of tribal charm into your home decor adds a layer of depth and cultural richness that is both captivating and inspiring. Our furniture pieces feature designs and motifs inspired by various tribal traditions, celebrating the beauty and diversity of indigenous art forms. Whether it's a sideboard adorned with tribal patterns or a carved accent piece with symbolic imagery, these elements bring a sense of authenticity and global perspective to your living spaces
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Visit Mogul Interior in Orlando or explore our collection online to discover the perfect pieces for your home. Our antique sideboards, vintage carved accents, and tribal-inspired furniture offer a unique blend of style, history, and sustainability that is unmatched. With free shipping available, enhancing your home with our exquisite furniture has never been more convenient.
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