#triceratops supremacy
blue-cray0n · 5 months
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everyone alwasy wants to talk about sports or work and not triceratops. no one ever asks me whoat my favorite dinosaur is these days (it's triceratops)
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gaykarstaagforever · 11 months
Yes, but the thing is, naming a bird after a guy who saw it one time was a stupid thing to do in the first place. That living animal was around and already had other names. Why did you pick the one that was just some guy who described it to other white men?
This isn't like fossils where the guy found something no one has ever seen before, so that thing needs a name, and it can be his, sure, whatever. Because no human had ever seen a triceratops before, at least not in the context of being a whole animal instead of just a piece of rock, before they dug it up and put it all together.
...And EVEN THEN, they usually gave it a goofy Greek name.
Now, this is complicated by the fact that these extinct animals don't have "common names," which is what these guy-names are for the birds, while the birds also then have goofy Greek names, that people don't use commonly. So it seems apples to oranges.
Except even with dinosaurs, people DO use what are akin to a common name for them. A sauropod. A pterosaur. An ankylosaur. Not "Marsh's tank turtle," or "Cope's knife-toothed dragonkin." Which is exactly the stupid bullshit we were doing with these bird names.
It was a stupid thing to ever have done in the first place. All the common names should be the Native names for these animals, if only because this is what humans have been calling them for thousands of years. Like...it's right there, my guy. It already has a name. We don't need yours.
Also what weird level of white supremacy are you at that it is personally important to you that birds be named after dead white men? Why is THAT your thing? Get a less bizarre thing.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 4 years
February Contest Submission #6: A Museum Date with You
words: ca. 3300 setting: mAU lemon: no cw: none
“Psst, Anna. Wake up, my dear sister.”
Anna grunts when she’s been woken up by Elsa. “Elsa, it’s Sunday and the sun hasn’t risen yet,” she grumbled at her sister.
“It’s also Valentine’s Day and you remembered what we’re planning to do today?”
“A date?” she answers sheepishly.
Anna receives a smooch from Elsa which makes her mouth twitch upward. Her drowsiness withers away as it is replaced by love and adoration with her sister. She sits up and stretches her up high until her back pops.
“Okay, I’m awake,” she says while her eyes are still half-lidded.
“Good girl,” Elsa stands beside the bed. “I’ll prepare breakfast and bring it here. Hope you’re ready once I’m back.”
Anna nod vigorously in agreement. Elsa just shakes her head at Anna’s response. Elsa saunters her way out from their bedroom with a wide sway of her hips. Anna’s half-lidded eyes are instantaneously fully open with some drool at her mouth.
Today is going to be a great day.
Valentine’s Day has arrived and so does their date to the museum. Elsa drives them there since it’s thirty minutes away from their home. It’s been a while since they went out because they have been busy for the last few months. Glad Elsa used this opportunity to go out. If not, they spend time at home and frack all day.
The idea came when they were having a lovely evening snuggling. Elsa told her sister that she wanted to have a museum date for Valentine’s Day, which rendered Anna speechless. Judging Anna’s reaction, Elsa turned her back and curled into a ball with a mock sobbed.  Anna rolled her eyes at her sister. She comforted her big sister with soothing words. Oh, and also consoled her with some massages.
While Elsa’s driving, Anna notices something peculiar. She smiles all this time, which is fine, but a trip to a museum? What’s so exciting at the museum? As far as she knows, a museum is a place where dead people and animals are showcased to the public. Okay, that’s too dark for what’s supposed to be a happy day. Then again, the origin of Valentine’s Day wasn’t happy, either. Anna shakes the thought away. What matters now is Elsa has something to show her, judging by her mood, and she can’t wait to see it.
Still, Anna can’t help but wonder what could it be. Could it be that a new exhibition opened that she isn’t aware of? Perhaps. Or a famous portrait arrived and opened for display. She isn’t a fan of portraits of someone she doesn’t know. Wouldn’t be cool if it’s a portrait of Elsa, because she’s pretty and she definitely will buy a portrait of her sister?
While she’s in her reverie, she doesn’t realize the car has stopped. It’s only after her sister pats her shoulder that she jumps out of her seat. Elsa chuckles at her reaction, “We’re here.”
Anna looks at the front window. The museum is packed with people. They’re lucky today that Elsa was able to find a parking spot right in front of the entrance despite the crowds. The parking lot is already half-full, even though they’d arrived so early today. Elsa and Anna walk to the entrance while holding each other’s hands, swinging their clasped hands back and forth. She likes to hold Elsa’s hand because of the chilling sensation when their skin touches. She feels safe to have Elsa holding her.
They swiftly enter the museum because Elsa had already purchased the tickets beforehand. Now, she’s scanning their tickets at the turnstiles to enter. After the check-in, they walk along the hall and it has an amazing light show. There’s one light circling the wall among the crowd and it’s seeking Anna’s attention. As she gets closer and almost touches the light, the light moves aside. Anna tries to follow the light, but it’s slowly increasing its speed. Without knowing it, she’s running to follow the light. She pulls her sister along for the chase, racing down the halls after the light.
They dive into the light and it blinds them momentarily as the hall is darker than the outside. As Anna’s eyes adjust to the brightness, she sees a skeleton-like creature in front of her. She struggles to remember what the creature is; it seems so familiar to her… When she recovers, her jaw drops at what she recognizes.
A… A… T-Rex!
The skeleton stands tall in the middle of the museum. Floodlights from an alcove above the skeleton shine down on it, creating a shadow that makes the creature feel more intimidating. She turns towards her sister, who’s smiling softly at her.
“Surprise!” Elsa smiles brightly, “Remember the story you told me about how much you love dinosaurs and would love to see them? Well, this is the closest thing we can ever get.”
“Oh, thank you so much. This is the best date ever!” Anna exclaims.
“You’re welcome. Now, care to tell me more about the creature that we’re looking at?” Elsa asks curiously.
“Glad you asked,” Anna says with a grin, “This is Tyrannosaurus-rex. T-rex for short. It was the largest predator in North America. The most striking feature of Tyrannosaurus is its giant skull,” she raises her hand to the air, “It’s colossal. Tyrannosaurs were built for hunting prey. Their body structure helps them chase their prey down and their huge teeth are their main weapon.” Suddenly, an idea comes to Anna’s mind with a grin. “And their favorite point of attack is the prey’s neck. Like this” She dashes towards Elsa and bites her neck, teeth digging into the soft flesh.
“ANNA!” she screams.
Anna retracts from her bite and licks her lips. She grins when she sees how beet-red Elsa is, then realizes there were people around them, giving odd looks to the sisters.
Shoot. Sisters don’t give love bites. Then again, if she says we’re lovers, it would also cause a scandal. She glances at Elsa and she is still embarrassed. She won’t help her at the moment. Guess it’s up to her now to ease the odd looks of the people around here. Here goes nothing.
“Sorry, everyone! Just wanted to show my friend how the T-Rex attacks their prey.” she smiles sheepishly.
The crowds resume their visit. She sighs in relief as her excuse works.
“Good call, Anna.”
“Thanks. Our usual excuse didn’t seem to fit at that moment. I had come up with something else.” She looks at her sister pensively, “I hope you don’t mind when I call you my friend.”
“Anna,” she put her hand on her shoulder, “I am your friend, girlfriend, best friend, lover, and sister. Of course, I don’t mind.”
“Oh, what if I call you my ex-,”
Elsa places a finger across her sister’s lips. “Let’s not go there. If not, the Ice Queen shall return and we both don’t want that, do we?”
Anna shakes her head vigorously. Elsa lets go of her lips and carefully inspects the mark on her neck with her fingers, “As much as I love when you’re marking me, at least find a room before committing such a scandalous act.”
Anna bites her lips. She adores that Elsa loves her perverted acts. It makes her feel hot inside.
“Hehe, sorry. I saw the opportunity and just couldn’t help it.”
“It’s okay,” she smooches Anna, “I forgive you.” She then whispers, “But do remember when we’re back home.”
Urgh. Elsa. Don’t turn me on right now!
“So, the dinosaurs?” Elsa tries to avert the conversation.
“Oh yeah. Even though it’s a formidable predator, some dinosaurs can force them to back off.”
“Oh? Which dinosaurs can pose a threat to the mighty T-Rex?”
“Here, let me show you.” She drags Elsa to the next exhibition. “This is the Triceratops. The reason why it is called that is that it has two long horns with a short, stout nose that acts as a third horn. It also has a shield-like bone crest which prevents T-Rex from biting them at the neck.” She coughs at the remark, stifling a giggle. Elsa just rolls her eyes.
“As you can see, this dinosaur can do offensive moves with its horns, just like any animal with the same feature. They will point their horns towards the enemy like this.” Anna puts her fingers on her scalp, mimicking a horn. “And they charge!” She intends to poke her arm but Elsa turns at the last second and she ends up squishing her nose onto her sister’s breast. It’s soft as silk and she doesn’t feel any lines underneath it. Oh my…
“Let me guess, they’ll charge at the enemy’s breast,” she says, smirking.
Anna chuckles, “Well, sort of. The softer the spot, the easier to pierce through.”
They stand there for a while, Anna’s face still buried on the chest.
“Umm, Anna. Do you mind?”
“Whoops, sorry,” Anna says in a very un-sorry way. She rubs the wrinkled spot on Elsa’s shirt. “Don’t want to leave it untidy.” She caresses the area until it’s smooth as butter.
Elsa shakes her head. “You can stop now.”
“Yeah, maybe I should.” She lifts her hand from Elsa’s breast. Her ministrations have caused a protrusion underneath the shirt and it’s a sight to behold.
“Are there any other dinosaurs that can rival T-Rex’s supremacy?” Elsa returns to the conversation.
“There are. C’mon, follow me.” She drags her sister to the next exhibition.
“This is Ankylosaurs. This thing is built like a tank. It has armor all over its body. Imagine a tortoise, but with spikes all over the body. Not only that, the tail can be used as an offensive weapon, like a mace. The hard shell at the end of the tail can be whipped at the enemy,” she once again smirks, “Like this…” she swings her hips into  Elsa’s, causing her to lose her balance.
“Yes, I can feel that,” Elsa mutters as she regains her balance, “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she asks curiously.
Oh, she knows very well what Elsa’s talking about, but Anna just ignores it, “Of course. I love to show my love of dinosaurs with you,” she smiles innocently.
Elsa embraces her little sister, “Of course you are.”
“Mommy, mommy. Those girls are cute together,” says a child in the distance.
They freeze at the moment self-consciously.
“Yes, dear. People will act cutely when they love each other,” mutters the mother.
“Big sis and I love each other. Can we act like that?” the child asks innocently.
The mother proceeds to lecture the child about the difference between romantic and familial love. Meanwhile, the queer sisters listen to the whole conversation, quietly chuckling to each other.
“Poor mother. Little did she know, we love each other in both ways.”
“Agreed. Let’s not forget, not everyone will experience the love that we share.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m lucky to have fallen in love with you.”
Elsa rests her forehead on her sister’s and looks at her in adoration, “I’m also lucky to have fallen in love with you.”
Anna’s eyes turn misty to hear those lovely words from her sister, “Thank you. It means a lot coming for you.”
“You are welcome. C’mon. We have a lot of places to visit.”
It’s Elsa’s turn to drag her sister along, which Anna happily follows.
They continue their exploration in the museum, walking through section after section until they arrive in the 19th-century era. It is full of portraits of past monarchies. The hall has many rooms filled with portraits of monarchs from different kingdoms. As they stand before the Norwegian monarchy room, Elsa stops in front of the closed doors, turning to Anna.
“There’s something I want to show you. I want you to look at it and tell what you see.”
Anna is weirded out by the serious tone of her sister. “Elsa, what’s the matter? Why so serious?”
She let out a sigh “I’m sorry. This portrait has been bothering me for quite a while now and I want to show you.”
“It’s okay,” Anna says as she holds her sister’s hand on the door handle, “I’m here for you. We can do this together,” she assures Elsa.
“Together.” She turns the latch of the mahogany door and they walk in to see a portrait of a royal family.
Anna tilts her head a bit. The portrait looks familiar. Anna walks closer to it. It has an illustration of what she assumes are two queens as well as a prince and princess. The two queens look like them and she reads the description. Wait, it can’t be.
She turns around to face her sister, “Elsa? Is that… us?”
“No, Anna. That’s not us. Although the resemblance is eerily familiar,”
“But who are they?”
“They are the rulers of the kingdom of Arendelle. Queen Elsa of Arendelle and the queen’s wife, Queen Anna of Arendelle.”
Anna’s eyes widen when she hears the names. “Wait, the queens had the same and also were lesbians?”
“The first in their kingdom. Not only that, but they were also sisters.”
Anna’s goosebumps rose from the revelation. She gulps, “So, not only they have the same names as we do, but they are sisters and married too? Just like us?”
“Yes, it is. Scary, huh?”
Anna subconsciously hugs her sister’s arm. “What does this mean, Elsa? Are we some kind of reincarnation of them?”
“I can’t say for sure, but one thing that can comfort you is that no matter what time or era, we still are together.”
“That’s good to hear,” Anna exhales slowly. She looks again at the portrait. “It looks like they have children. How is that possible if they are both women?”
“Those are Princess Elsi and Prince Annar. Get this, Queen Anna was given birth to them! Thanks to Queen Elsa.”
Anna gives her a puzzled look. “What? How?”
“There were rumors that Queen Elsa had a magical power to bring life into this world. She was able to bring a snowman to life along with snow monsters and snowgies, little tiny snowmen. They said she used the same power with her wife which led to the birth of two offspring.”
“Really? Can it be true?”
“I can’t tell for sure. However, if we look at their children, they both bear a striking resemblance to their parents. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s hard to refute the rumor when the result is so obvious.”
Anna is shaken by the explanation. “Is this why you wanted to bring me to the museum? To show me there’s someone who was pretty much like us?”
“My plan was more about the dinosaurs, but since we’re here, I wanted to show you this.”
Anna hugs her sister, “Thanks for showing me this. I feel reassured that someone has done it before - had a family despite being two women - and I think it’s possible to follow in their footsteps.”
“You’re welcome, Anna.”
They hug for a while until Anna speaks, “Say. Do you think we could have a baby too?” she asks wistfully.
“Finish your studies first, then we can talk about having a baby,” Elsa chuckles when her sister grumbles while crossing her arms, “Aww, don’t be mad.” Elsa tries to coax her, “You do know your studies are really important, right?”
Anna sighs, “Yeah, yeah. I know. It’s just so boring and I’m too lazy to do all the assignments.”
“Believe me. Those will be a thing of the past once you finish your degree.”
“Do you think they sell a copy of the portrait? I want to buy a portrait of my sister,” she gives Elsa a huge grin.
Elsa rolls her eyes at her sister’s remarks. “I’m sure they do have them in the souvenirs shop.”
After the museum trip, the sisters enjoyed a romantic dinner at their favorite pizza shop. They dined while enjoying the golden hour, the sun low on the horizon. They sat side by side, embracing each other while enjoying the view and the ambiance of the restaurant; singing along to soft musical chimes playing one of their favorite songs in the background.
They ordered their favorite, pineapple pizza (because that’s the best kind of pizza there is) and fed each other alternating bites, giggling the entire time.  At one point, Anna ‘accidentally’ smeared some tomato sauce on Elsa’s cheek and proceeded to lick it off her, much to her sister’s chagrin. Anna struggled to rein in her laughter and kept licking Elsa long after the sauce was gone, claiming she couldn’t tell the difference between the sauce and Elsa’s blush.
After dinner, they head home, eager to enjoy the rest of the evening together. Elsa can barely contain her eagerness, smiling, constantly staring at Anna on the drive home while still keeping the car on the road. Anna couldn’t help but grin alongside her big sister. Seeing her happy like this is a sight to behold.
Once they are home, Elsa and Annas go straight to the bedroom to snuggle. The museum date was exhausting after walking all day. But all in all, it was a fun day.
Anna rests her ear on Elsa’s chest. The quiet evening helps her to listen to her sister’s beating heart. She tries to count the beats but every time she does that she loses into the rhythm. It’s mesmerizing. The only song she ever needs.
Anna remembers back what she sees at the museum. Yes, the dinosaur is amazing. How sweet Elsa is to remember her favorite species. But the portrait is what’s stuck in her. She still couldn’t believe there’s someone before them who’s identical to them. The only difference is they don’t have a child yet. Elsa has said they will talk about this once she finishes her study but having a little chat won’t hurt, right?
“Hey, Elsa?”
“Hmm?” she hums.
“Do you think we could name our future child Elsi or Annar?”
Elsa looks at her sister, “Looks like someone eager to have a child.”
“Noo,” Elsa raises her eyebrow, “Maybe. Look, I just want to have a little convo, alright?”
“Sure, Anna,” she smirks. Anna proceeds to slap her breast out of spite.
“So, about the child?”
“Yeah, I’ve been thinking by now. Having a child. Our child. Would it be crazy?”
“Anna, our marriage is already crazy. Everything after this would be even crazier.”
“Hehe, I’m glad.”
“Why do you want to name our future child that?”
“Well, other than following the people who had done it before. I think that names are so cute. It’s like Elsa replacing the ‘A’ with an ‘I’ and Anna with additional ‘R’.”
She smiles, “We could also relate with our late parents. The ‘I’ in Iduna and the ‘R’ in Agnarr.”
Anna claps her hand, “Oh my gosh, what a coincidence. They both resemble our names and our parents’ ones. I’m pretty sure that was their intention.”
“Do you think our future baby will be a pure-blood one?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you remember the rumor the queen used her magical power to her sister to give birth. I wonder if we could…” Anna’s been interrupted by a kiss.
Elsa places her hand on her cheek after they kiss, “We’ll find a way,”  she says assuredly.
“Okay,” she hugs her sister, “Thank you for considering.”
“You’re welcome. Anything for my sister,” she yawns. “Good night, Anna.”
“Good night kiss?”
She smiles and kisses her sister good night. “I love you, Anna.”
“I love you too, Elsa.”
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mister-snake · 3 years
kuku p'tit reptile aka this is my apparition to tell you i love you and i miss you and im gonna profiter de cette occasion pour dire que i believe in triceratops supremacy
from u know who krkr
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wikitopx · 5 years
The city of Pittsburgh sits on the north-western Allegheny Plateau, surrounding the point where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers join to form the Ohio.
Once a gritty center of industry, Pittsburgh is no longer the soot-encrusted coal and steel town of the past. The city center is known as the Golden Triangle, named for its position on the point where the rivers meet. Here, you will find the historic Point State Park and the lively Strip District with its numerous markets, boutiques, and eateries. The rivers are lined with parks and gardens, and river tours provide a lovely way to see the skyline from many angles. A legacy of the city's industrial wealth, the Carnegie museums are some of the best in the country, including the Museum of Natural History, the Carnegie Science Center, and the Carnegie Museum of Art.
1. Phipps Conservatory
Real estate baron Henry Phipps donated these botanical gardens to the city in 1893. Set in Schenley Park, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens offers visitors a variety of things to see and do. There are extensive outdoor gardens that surround the central building, a 13-room Victorian glasshouse with rotating seasonal exhibits, including orchids, bonsai, and other delicate plants. Dedicated to the environment and sustainability, the gardens also include a Tropical Forest Conservatory and the Center for Sustainable Landscapes, which explore topics like water conservation and energy use, as well as an educational film about urban farming. Even kids will enjoy a visit.
2. Carnegie Museum of Natural History
One of four Carnegie Foundation museums in Pittsburgh, the Museum of Natural History is dedicated to educating and entertaining visitors, so they can gain a deeper understanding of our natural world. Exhibits explore the science behind the discovery and understanding of the earth and its inhabitants, both past and present. The museum's central exhibit is a collection of authentic dinosaur fossils and some reproductions, including a Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops. The Cretaceous Seaway exhibit shows the life of dinosaurs who lived under water. The museum's extensive galleries also include exhibits about earth sciences like geology and gems, animal life in various parts of the world, and cultural history including Native American and Ancient Egypt. Kids will find plenty of things to do at Discovery Basecamp, an interactive exhibit that encourages kids to get hands-on, and also at the Bone Hunter's Quarry, where they can dig and uncover their own replica fossils.
3. Carnegie Science Center
On the north bank of the Allegheny River is the huge Carnegie Science Center, which offers more than 250 hands-on exhibits. While visitors are exploring, they will learn about the ways that science and technology influence every aspect of our lives, from energy use, food production, and industrial processing to space exploration. The four-story Rangos Omnimax Theater; and the Henry Buhl Jr. Planetarium and Observatory. Meanwhile, the Miniature Railroad and Village document the state's history and culture with tiny horse-drawn carriages, cars and trucks, trees, and airplanes complete with animation. Also on site is the USS Requin, a World War II submarine that held a crew of 80. Guided tours are given by former submariners.
4. Cathedral of Learning
At the University of Pittsburgh, the Gothic Revival skyscraper known as the Cathedral of Learning towers above the campus at 535 feet tall. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, this 42-story building is the world's second-tallest university building. Construction began in 1926, and classes were held inside as early as 1931 while the exterior was still being completed - a task that was not finished until 1934. Home to many of the university's current educational facilities, it also has a food court where visitors can grab a bite while exploring the impressive building's interior.
5. Frick Art and Historical Center
The highlight is the Frick Art Museum, which displays the art collection of Helen Clay Frick. It is located in the Clayton, which was Henry Frick's mansion and the only surviving one on Millionaire's row. On display are pictures ranging in date from the early Renaissance to the end of the 18th century. The collection contains Italian, French, and Flemish paintings through the eighteenth-century; sixteenth-century tapestries; and Chinese porcelains.
6. Duquesne Incline
From the cars there are great views out over the city. Using two original 1877 cable cars, the Duquesne Incline is a working museum, with the upper station providing photos and displays on the history of the incline. Visitors can also see the inner workings of the incline. The Mount Washington neighborhood is one of the city's most popular areas for its grand homes and excellent fine restaurants and can also be accessed by the Monongahela Incline, which departs from Station Square.
7. Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
The Pittsburgh Zoo has five unique habitats and an aquarium that house its wide variety of animal residents. The PPG Aquarium is home to water dwellers, from seahorses to sharks, including a flock of penguins that play in the snow during winter. The Water's Edge area is dedicated to education about coastal wildlife and environmental concerns, and is home to sea otters and polar bears. The Tropical Forest area is full of fascinating animals, including two-toed sloths, lemurs, poison dart frogs, and capuchin monkeys among many primate species. The Islands exhibit focuses on endangered species of tropical climates, including Galapagos turtles and clouded leopards. The African Savanna section houses some of the zoo's most popular residents, including Masai giraffes, lions, rhinoceroses, African elephants, and zebras.
8. Strip District
The Strip District, on the Allegheny River at the north-east corner of the Golden Triangle, was formerly occupied by warehouses and railroad installations but is now one of the city's main tourist attractions. The area is home to shopping, art, dining, and all kinds of markets to buy produce, meat, and a variety of other foods. Visitors may want to come down here to simply enjoy a meal or spend a whole day wandering in and out of the small boutiques lining the Strip.
9. Point State Park
This was the site of Fort Pitt, of which there now remains only a blockhouse. The fort's original appearance is shown in dioramas in the Fort Pitt Museum, a re-created eighteenth-century bastion of the famous British fort.
The 36-acre park commemorates the British settlement of the frontier outpost in 1754 until the French seized the area. Later, the British regained supremacy and erected a new fort.
10. Andy Warhol Museum
The museum contains the largest collection of work by Andy Warhol, the city's most famous artist and American pop-art pioneer. Opened in 1994, the museum is housed in a restored warehouse, and displays many of Warhol's drawings, paintings, prints, and multimedia installations, as well as presents several of his films and video clips. This large space is also used to host events and classes, and the museum is committed to promoting contemporary art by sponsoring research and scholarships.
See also: Top 10 things to do in Philadelphia
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-pittsburgh-702653.html
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