#trope alternatives
thevagabondexpress · 1 year
reasons for a character to be angsty *other than* "abusive/deadbeat parents," "was bullied/assaulted," "queer and living with homophobic parents," or "someone died"
okay. hear me out. maybe it's just me but i'm tired of seeing the very heavy, triggering backstories listed above used to create brooding darkness within a character. now, that's not to say you can't use those. i've seen a couple authors use them and handle them very well. but i feel like they've been overused and, for the majority, not handled particularly well most of the time. hence, i've created a list of alternative reasons for your fictional charater to be a 'lil angsty without that weight of trauma that could be fumbled easily if not handled carefully. feel free to use these and share this around, that's what it's there for. feel free also to provide suggestions in the comments and i'll add them to the list.
∘ time period specific generation z angst: "the planet is turning into a pressure cooker, everything is on fire, democracy is crumbling like a dry pound cake, and nobody who has any power is doing anything because they only care about making money."
∘ habitual insomniac who just can't f***ing get their sleep schedule together. they're snarky and brooding because they're so. f***ing. tired.
∘ eldest sibling angst.
∘ middle sibling angst.
∘ youngest sibling angst.
∘ existential gender/sexuality/educational/career/faith/insert here crisis
∘ crisis of desired vs. perceived identity: "I want people to see me this way but all they ever see is this."
∘ they have a goal. they're really motivated. they're trying hard and they know they're good at what they do. but for some reason either they face consistent roadblocks from other people, or other people just refuse to acknowledge it.
∘ wanting something they can't have, but not in a whiny "he's so hot and I want to go out with him but he won't look at me" sort of way. no, as in, "I want to go visit my family in [insert country] but I don't have the time or money to go and I haven't seen my cousin in years she must be walking and drawing on the walls by now."
∘ unhealthy workaholic with a deep dark secret: that research project, etc. they've been obsessing and staying up late over and pushing everyone away for . . .
∘ sympathy angst: character has a friend/relative that cannot or will not acknowledge the emotions they ought to be feeling, so this character starts feeling the emotions for them
∘ character is caring for someone who is injured/ill (they don't even have to be dying, or in critical condition) and it's taking a toll
∘ character has been in one profession for a long time. now they've quit, moved on, and are doing something else. maybe they've retired. but they miss their old job, plus they find themselves falling back into the old habits. they worked that job so long they don't know how to be anything else.
∘ generational gothic: the character has uncovered a long-buried secret. maybe about their family. maybe about their place of work. maybe about their hometown, or the house they bought. whatever it is, everyone else seems to have forgotten it, and moved on. but they know. and they must cope with the burden of this aged secret thrown over their shoulders.
∘ performative angst: character is really into one of the fine arts. or building cars. or a martial art. or history. or science. whatever. point is, they develop angst deliberately as a performative state because they think it sounds cool.
∘ something the character has always believed to be a concrete fact turns out to be just another terrible fiction.
∘ character discovers a truth about themselves they had not previously realized. now they must analyze it, and come to terms with it. ∘ career-based moral/ethical angst: I do what I have to do because it's necessary and important (or because it's what i've always known, or both). but is it really good, or right? could there be a better way?
∘ time-period specific 1960's system-directed anger, whether that's to do with the civil rights movement or the war or both.
∘ character has moved to a new place. now, they must adjust to new societal expectations and customs, and possibly new food and culture as well. they feel strange and out of place, and miss their homeland.
∘ the character recently ended a relationship (romantic or otherwise) that was no longer functioning. they're the person who ended it, because they could see that things weren't working out anymore, but they're also very aware that the "it's not working out" went both ways and is much their fault as their friend/partner's. hence, they've gone and convinced themself that they were the bad guy, even though they really weren't.
∘ character had a massive falling out with a beloved friend or relative and now the two can't get along. they can barely be in the same room and it's dragging on the both of them and everyone around them.
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tragedykery · 2 years
I ❤️ self-loathing characters, characters who struggle with monstrosity (either fearing or embracing it), characters who are so lonely, who have a gaping hole in their chest, who bottle up & repress their feelings, who claw their way up & have ambitions, who fall down & lose everything, who search for identity & purpose yet can’t see themselves outside of what others want from or expect of them, who are hurt & hurt others, who long & grieve, who lie & pretend. characters who are messy & flawed & human
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aquanym · 8 months
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AU where Robin Tim meets Red Robin Tim
The oblivious delight of your younger self vs. the un-ending horror of being reminded of your younger self: fight
Closer-ups under the cut:
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ghcstao3 · 5 months
server soap who consistently racks up the biggest tips during his shifts, always knowing how to charm, flirt, say the right things. it’s even pretty common for him to receive at least one phone number every time he’s working, though he always discreetly tosses those once he’s out of sight.
not because he’s necessarily opposed to dating—it’s just that he’s got his eyes on a certain bartender.
ghost is gruff, quiet, awkward, and stupidly oblivious to soap’s advances. soap thinks he’s perfect. so he doesn’t really care if his flirting doesn’t get him anywhere, because at least ghost talks to him unlike with most of their other coworkers.
ok, soap cares a little bit. because god knows how much he wants to kiss ghost silly, how much he wants to hold him and sing praises and watch that endearing blush spread across ghost’s face. but even still—he could wait. he would wait, until ghost was comfortable enough for anything to come about.
but for the time being, soap will just pretend the eyes he often feels on his back mean anything of significance, and aren’t just ghost glaring at him for snagging drinks.
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nekoprankster218 · 10 months
The usual story:
Magic companion: Let's go on an adventure kid!
Kid protagonist: Heck yeah!
The magic world: *whimsy and fun*
The Boy and the Heron:
demonic stinky Grey Heron: I'm here to take you on an adventure, and possibly tear out and eat your heart if I feel like it
Mahito, home-making his own bow and arrow: Leave me the fuck alone I'll kill you monster
The world in the tower: *whimsically mysterious and also fucked up and lowkey Cosmic Horror*
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one day, Zuko is going to discover Sokka’s stash of Blue Spirit fanfic written when he was 16yo and titled things like “Stuck in an island with the Blue Spirit” and on that day, Sokka will have to murder him
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livvylubug · 7 months
Hey!!! So in your Murder Drones AU After Death, what is Uzi and Vs goal (I’m guessing CYN is just tagging along!) and how’s N doing/in his quest?
The AD Crew’s goal is just about what you’d expect, Stop the absolute solver, Save the universe.
And N?
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Oh he’s doing great!
Bonus doodle below the cut:
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crystallizsch · 7 months
uh hi. meet jas(mine)???
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cirrus-grey · 4 months
Georgie sounds like she may be without a Melanie and I am devastated.
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
opinions on Jason becoming a ghost after his death?
Like, obviously we can go the route of “Jason becomes a ghost and tries to help the family cope with his death”, which is a really cool trope actually! But usually not something I can stomach reading because my relationship with grief is… rocky. At best.
But!! To change it up a little from the traditional “character can’t move on to the great beyond unless they’re at peace”, we could go with “Character is finally at peace but instead of moving on— they wake up. Alive.” (y’know, to fit Jason’s scenario).
So we’ve got a haunting and heartbreaking narrative that eventually results in a wonderful “returning back home” conclusion.
(Maybe with a little of “Wait, you’re back?? I thought you moved on!! Oh gosh I’m so happy you’re back I know I said I was okay with you leaving and moving on and I’m sorry you’re still here but I missed you so much even though it was only like— a day! And— …. Hold on. Are you— did you just physically open the door?”)
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today: apollo gets sold to the gavinners
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liwysz · 6 days
War of Hearts? I only see Enemies to Lovers
Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen | Jules Bianchi x Sebastian Vettel
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“I do pay attention,” Charles replied, his voice wavering slightly, but he refused to back down. “And you should be careful who you step on.”
Max raised an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth curling into an ironic, humorless smile. “Is that a threat?” he asked, stepping forward, his taller frame making his presence almost suffocating.
For a second, Charles felt the urge to step back, but something inside him ignited. It wasn’t fear, but a fierce determination. He couldn’t, wouldn’t, let someone like this boy he didn’t even know intimidate him in a place he had dreamed of being for so long.
“It’s a warning,” Charles responded, his words now firm, his gaze locking onto the other boy’s, challenging him in return.
This one shot is based on the plot made by @beensinning ❤️ Thank you for letting me use and adapt it
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bunnyswritings · 2 years
Fake dating prompts (with a twist)
Fake dating x enemies to lovers trope: A is a famous actor/actress who gets caught up in scandal one day, with rumours claiming that he/she is gay / sugaring minors etc (something controversial). Cue B, who is a (poor rookie) lawyer part of the law firm that represents A's agency. But it just so happens that B has crossed paths with A already, though they aren't on good terms over something petty. However, A is always seen with B due to work. To mitigate the situation, A's agency drafts up a dating contract, convincing B to take it up for the obscene monetary reward.
Fake dating x forced roommate trope: A's landlord informs them they their new roommate, B, will be moving in soon. To A's surprise, B turns out to be her high school best friend, whom they have lost contact with all these years since graduating. To make matters even more frenzied, A's ex is back in town, trying to get back together with them. Desperate to ward off A's ex from causing further emotional wreckage, A and B embark on 3 weeks of fake dating, given the already perfect set up of roommates. Only that those 3 weeks might just be the catalyst for something more.
Fake dating x exes to lovers trope: It is the holiday season and A goes back to visit her family house. It all seems like routine to them, until A realises that their entire family has no clue that they are no longer together with B. Unbeknownst to A, A's mother had already invited B to their annual holiday family gathering; much to A's surprise, B actually shows up. They spend the week walking on eggshells around each other, and simultaneously pretending to still be in love in front of A's family. Will this one week reignite the spark between them?
Fake dating x wedding meet cute: When A gets an invitation to attend her university friend's wedding, they know that they will be bombarded by millions of invasive questions (from those judgmental acquaintances) around work, family and the most dreaded of all, their love life. A bites the bullet, however, given that it's a good friend's wedding. To A's surprise, they meet B, an old university crush at the wedding venue, who senses A's uneasiness. B boldly suggests that they act as A's partner just to spite those nasty 'friends' of A's. Could this lead to them catching feelings for each other?
Hope someone finds these helpful! I'm just starting out with this blog, but my ask box is always open for requests - feel free to drop any!
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
office setting au where ghost is the boss, who is elusive and maybe a little prickly at best, though never unprofessional even when his attitude is a bit tetchy. things get done, his employees can agree on that, and they’re all treated relatively well (save for the really bad mood days), and it’s common consensus that ghost isn’t the worst boss someone could have.
that isn’t saying he’s particularly great, though, either. he’s made more than one personal assistant cry and/or quit if he hadn’t yet fired them. he can trust staff, but anyone closer never, ever lasts long. if it weren’t for corporate, he’d do away with the whole assistant thing.
but then soap comes along. a complete clash of personality with ghost, but he’s qualified for the job, more so than the other candidates, so he’s the choice.
most of the office workers don’t think he’ll last long. soap seems too happy a person to deal with ghost, or to be able to put up with the boss’s moods.
but he survives a lot longer than anyone expects—mostly because this isn’t soap’s first rodeo, and otherwise because he’s unafraid to talk back whenever ghost is being unnecessarily rude, which ends up, to everyone’s surprise, making ghost like soap more.
because ghost is just astonished at having someone argue for once, and, in all honesty, appreciates being knocked down a peg—once he gets used to it, of course. the first time soap puts his foot down, ghost does nearly fire him. but seeing soap undeterred by the threat, not willing to grovel for a job, keeps the man around.
eventually, everyone notices ghost’s bad moods appear to be less and less. he starts being just the tiniest bit more social with the office, even getting to know everyone a little better. and with soap alongside him, everything has never run so smoothly in the company before.
when soap quits, it takes everyone aback. they all thought he loved the job, and feared ghost might fall back into his old ways with soap gone.
but thankfully, the fear is all for nothing—as everyone soon finds out after his departure, soap had only quit for reason of conflict of interest.
…he couldn’t exactly be working as his husband’s assistant, now could he?
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raevyl · 3 months
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°˖. ✧⋆。 "ᴬᵐ ᴵ ˢᵉʳⁱᵒᵘˢˡʸ ˢᵗᵘᶜᵏ ⁱⁿ ᵃ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ˡᵒᵒᵖ…" ✩₊. ˚.
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⁺˚ ⋆ ˚。⁺˚ "…ᵈᵘʳⁱⁿᵍ ᶠⁱⁿᵃˡˢ ʷᵉᵉᵏ..." ⚬ ˚⋆. * ⋆
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tragedry · 1 month
anyway... there's a fine line between being inspired by your favorite piece of media to down right plagiarizing it (all the way to making one of your oc the exact carbon copy of an already well known character from said piece of media)
woke up to the wildest news (red's ig story)
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