#trowa's return to the battlefield
meggie-stardust · 4 years
39. Trowa’s Return to the Battlefield 
I was today years old when I admitted that Trowa is my fave character 
Even in AC195, they use the tried and true coffee cup method to see if a T-Rex is coming
When Zechs is depressed he drinks and takes off his mask. Remember that Wild Turkey ad?
My name is CANS. They’re not even trying to pronounce that correctly. 
I don’t remember Quinze being so bleh and nasally 
Duke Dermail: The Rebels are rebelling, like rebells do and it’s annoying
Was Treize a dictator? Is that what we’re calling it? 
Woah, has gone full on WyNOINa. Get it, guys?? GET IT?!
Amnesia Trowa is so soft. Look at his smile. And his body language. 
Noin: I remember your names. Watch as I casually drop them into conversation. 
Duo: Don’t go getting me angry, not if you value your life.
Evil attracts evil. Duo is great. I want him to lean into that dark side even more. Like the dark side then immediately laughing is just so amazing
What is Hilde’s niche exactly, Duo? Doing your grocery shopping? Wearing a baret? 
This guy from White Fang straight up looks like a different animation style, like he’s from a different Gundam series
Noin: Good thing I was part of all these organizations so I can recap all this backstory of who took over who and why
Trowa: I think I remember how to pilot a mobile suit, so I’ll just give it a test run in a real battle and see how it goes
Was that just Duo floating by asleep?
Quatre’s backhand is a little rusty. Been a while since those tennis lessons
How does Trowa run out of bullets in a laser gun? Gotta stay on brand.
WHAT AN ENTRANCE DUO, Deathscythe Hell is the best
Duo: Saving the guy who blew up Deathscythe in the fist place, not that I hold a grudge 
Trowa asking if Duo was his friend is wild. I mean, Trowa saw Duo like 3 days ago… It’s weird he doesn’t remember that?
Heero: Relena I’m going to kill you — SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!
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40. A New Leader
We may have killed off Tubarov 2 episodes ago, but he won’t really die
Howard info dumping is just funny
Howard: White Fang is the least groovy of all the terrorist organizations out there
Libra is still under construction? Do you think that the contractors knew what they were getting into when they took the job working on the White Fang base? (I haven’t made this Clerks reference yet).
Howard: That reminds me, Zechs never came home. He’s gonna be so grounded! No mobile suits for 2 whole weeks!
Heero: Relena, I know you can’t hear me, but I am still going to tell you everything you’re doing wrong
Hey Relena, maybe don’t daydream during important cabinet meetings
Duke Dermail: These are simplistic ideas… I mean, he’s not wrong
Duke Dermail hasn’t coup’d in a while. He’s getting restless
All Noin wanted to do was go line dancing and drink so beers, and be a cool lesbian aunt. 
Howard: Hey, Duo, it’s your cool Parrot Head uncle. Wanna come hangout and smoke out in the garage on my groovy spaceship?
I know that I generally chat with my granddaughter when making important political decisions
Dorothy is so thirsty for Relena, it’s not even funny
Rando OZ guy: What is 05 doing? Why doesn’t he agree with everything we are doing without us talking to him at all
Heero, look at you in disguise, ready to just fuck up this assassination
That being said, Heero is making that uniform work
We did it, we destroyed the Gundam. BUT DID YOU???
The Gundams are now fighting for Earth?? Is that true Zechs? Or were they just protecting your sister??
Who is that guy in the shadows? Who else has long blonde hair? 
They were just dolls, but they were destroyed so meaninglessly. Tubarov would have loved Wufei
Heero, killing her at the public counsel. I mean, this is the worst assassination plan ever. You are so bad at this. 
Why are you so bad at this
Noin: God, Trowa, why can’t you remember where you left Heavyarms
Howard: I’m super important guys, I helped build the Tallgeese. I even came up with the name. 
Duke Dermail: I picked a bad day to stop being a dictator. I picked a bad day to go to space. I picked a bad day to not get blown up.
Heero where did your actual gun go? See you space Cowboy
And a final shot of Treize to remind us he’s here and rad. 
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I can’t believe we are almost done with the series, but the final act players are all finally in place with the proper introduction of White Fang and Zechs taking his position as the head. And I know how the last two episodes go, but I don’t remember much about the seven episodes between now and then, only small details. 
It’s also really bold to introduce White Fang this late in the series. The show spent so long world building and establishing characters and organizations during the first 1/4 of the show, and to throw in a new element this late in the game is crazy. We’ll see if they get the same amount of attention as the rest... 
I had to revisit my what characters know who’s name spreadsheets during these episodes. Once the series is done, I’ll post that for everyone to see. It’s wild. 
What I think I remember for the next episode(s):
DO WE FINALLY GET RYTHEM EMOTION?! MY BODY IS READY. Since we didn’t get Trowa’s memory back, that should probably happen soon, and I think we get to see Treize and Une come back into the scene soon... 
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noirangetrois · 4 years
The Gundam Wing Diaries
My teenage diary about Gundam Wing continues! Find previous entries with the “gundam wing diaries” tag.
April 27, 2000 (Thursday)
Episode 39 - "Trowa's Return to the Battlefield"
Duo is with Quatre and Noin and Trowa. Trowa was piloting a mobile suit today. It seems like he hasn’t lost his knack, even with amnesia. I feel bad for Hilde, I’m sure she loves Duo, but he had to leave her today. Zechs is going to help White Fang, the Tray’s Faction, I think. Heero’s off to kill Releena again, but somehow I doubt he will.
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airsupply · 4 years
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Peace & Freedom
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Episode 39: Trowa’s Return to the Battlefield
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Gundam Wing Quiz - Expert level
50 questions which probably only the creators themselves could get right in one go. Have fun!
1. Where does the Virgo I carry its Planet Defensers?
On its left shoulder
On its right shoulder
On its hips
On its back
2. How many school uniforms was Heero shown wearing during the series?
3. In how many schools was Heero shown to be enrolled at during the series?
4. What was Mueller's nickname?
Red Cancer
Blue Angel
Red One
Scarecrow 5
5. What primary color was the Aries Noin piloted at Lake Victoria during her debut episode?
6. What was the Alliance commander's name who entered the battlefield in a zeppelin?
7. Who was the commander of the Alliance's Space Forces?
8. How old was Wufei when he married into the Long clan?
Wufei is married?!
9. Which of the following did Quatre NOT pilot?
Wing Zero
10. What was the OZ mechanic's name who was responsible for the Wing Gundam's restoration in Antarctica?
11. For whom did the Gundam scientists work before separating before the series?
Barton Foundation
White Fang
Cinq's Royal Family
12. How many scientists were involved in the Tallgeese's development?
13. What was the Alliance's greatest weapon on Earth?
The Dermail Bomb
The Ventei Laser
The Noventa Cannon
The Townsend Gun
14. Which was the first base Heavyarms attacked?
New Edwards Base
Corsica Base
Lake Victoria Base
Dover Base
15. What was the Tallgeese holding in its right hand when it was first shown?
Its head
Its shield
Its beam saber
16. How many Gundam pilots first returned to space with their Gundams?
17. Which part of Heavyarms did Quatre wreck during his first fight with Trowa?
The head camera
The right arm
The army knife
The left hand
18. How many golden vehicles is Dorothy shown owning during the series and EW?
19. What did Heero throw when he was playing fetch with the two dogs?
A stick
A pineapple
A ball
A shoe
20. How many different space suits was Heero shown wearing during the series (excluding EW)?
21. Which of the following was shown dual wielding weapons with a MS?
22. Where was Heero injured when he protected Relena when Peacemillion crashed into Libra?
On his head
On his left arm
On his right arm
On his right leg
23. Where was the Alliance fortress located that Alex, Mueller and Zechs attacked?
24. Which character was not shown to bleed during the series?
25. Which weapon are Mobile Dolls unable to block with their Planet Defensers?
A beam rifle
A laser cannon
A beam scythe
A beam gatling
26. With which of the following does Heero admit having trouble fighting?
Mobile Dolls
Veteran soldiers
Fighter planes
Space mines
27. What were Heero's first words to Relena?
"I'll kill you."
"Did you see?"
"Who're you?!"
"Are you all right, young lady?"
28. Why did Quatre snort when he and Heero first arrived in Cinq and the female students saw them?
Because Heero tripped.
He didn't snort, he coughed.
Because the girls thought Heero was his bodyguard.
Because the girls were swooning over Heero.
29. Who introduced himself with nearly the exact opposite of Duo's motto?
30. Which MS did Noin NOT pilot during the series?
31. Who of the following did NOT fire Wing Gundam's (not Zero) buster rifle?
32. What heraldic animals are on Romefeller's coat of arms during Queen Relena's reign?
Two lions
Two griffins
A lion and a horse
Two unicorns
33. Who did NOT wear an OZ uniform (excluding space suits)?
34. What was the OZ Space Forces' symbol?
A lion's head
A tin man's head
A scarecrow's head
A horse's head
35. Which heraldic animals does Duo sport in the first opening?
36. In which city did Heero first meet Sylvia Noventa?
37. Who was shown wearing a sash during the series?
General Septem
Duke Dermail
38. What color was Noin's ascot tie (the neckerchief) of her Cinq Imperial Guard uniform?
Light red
Light yellow
Light blue
39. Which type of MS was not shown to be on display when Relena and Noin attended a Romefeller meeting in Bremen?
40. How did Wufei return the favor of Sally letting him rest in the Chinese rebel camp?
By cooking breakfast.
By saving them with Shenlong.
By helping with the groceries.
By giving them money.
41. Who was in charge of first reassembling the Tallgeese after Zechs retrieved it from Corsica?
42. Who was never shown having trouble piloting the Tallgeese?
43. Who was NOT shown wearing earrings during the series?
44. How many people piloted Wing Zero during the series?
45. Who was NOT shown to have a personal servant during the series?
46. Who was never shown wearing goggles during the series?
47. What kind of dog was sitting next to Hilde in the park when Duo returned from a colonist rebel meeting?
A German shepherd
A Golden Retriever
A Doberman
A Boxer
48. Who was never shown firing a machine gun (EW included)?
49.  What did Heero give Trowa as thanks for shaking off their pursuers?
A peach
A pineapple
An apple
A cabbage
50. Who was shown piloting an Aries?
1.1 , 2.3 , 3.4 , 4.2 , 5.2
6.3 , 7.4 , 8.1 , 9.3 , 10.1
11.2 , 12.4 , 13.3 , 14.4 , 15.1
16.4 , 17.2 , 18.3 , 19.2 , 20.3
21.2 , 22.3 , 23.4 , 24.1 , 25.2
26.4 , 27.2 , 28.3 , 29.1 , 30.4
31.2 , 32.4 , 33.3 , 34.2 , 35.2
36.3 , 37.1 , 38.3 , 39.3 , 40.3
41.2 , 42.1 , 43.3 , 44.4 , 45.3
46.4 , 47.2 , 48.4 , 49.3 , 50.3
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cynfinnegan · 7 years
WIP Wednesday
From one of my many Gundam Wing/Harry Potter crossovers...
Gundam Factory, Colony L3-8253, 8 February, AC 195
Trowa Barton was in a state the workers at the Gundam factory were all too familiar with by now.  He was royally pissed off, and from the rumors that were flying around the factory, it wasn't difficult to figure out why.  His new "toy boy" had vanished four days ago, and no one could, or would, tell him where the nameless youth disappeared to.
He went to Nanashi's tiny apartment inside the factory first and found not the boy, but a middle-aged woman now occupying it.  He asked her if she knew where the boy who had lived there was, but she didn't and told him so, peppering her commentary with complaints about all the blood she had to clean up off the floor which, apparently, was a little detail Barton had forgotten about.
He made his way to the Infirmary next, where he demanded information on the nameless youth's whereabouts.  They told him in no uncertain terms that they couldn't give him any information on the boy because they weren't related.
Although he knew he'd never be punished for his crime, Barton spent several long minutes blustering and threatening the doctor and nurses, but to no avail.  He wasn't the boy's family, so they weren't going to tell him a damned thing.
He left the clinic a few minutes later, muttering more threats against them under his breath.  It then occurred to him that "No-name" was probably back at the factory, working on the Gundam that he was soon to pilot.
He rushed to the main part of the factory, hell-bent on finding the cinnamon-haired youth he'd beaten and raped to "teach him a lesson on keeping his mouth shut," but unfortunately, when the sandy-haired man got to where Heavyarms was being built, he overheard Doktor S and another man, one of his many assistants, talking about altering Operation Meteor to only take out OZ and Alliance military targets instead of dropping a colony onto the Earth, destroying them both.  Barton rushed over to confront the pair, his face contorted into a mask of fury.
"WHAT?" he bellowed angrily, clenching his hands into fists. "You wanna target only OZ?  You're changing the plan, old man!"
"If it goes according to plan, Operation Meteor will kill over twenty million people from the onset!" Doktor S replied, just as angrily.  "Isn't that going just a little too far for revenge for Hiiro Yui?"
"Exterminating twenty million leeches isn't going far enough!  This isn't about revenge anymore; this is about who controls the Earth Sphere!  The Colonies have always been meant to rule over the Earthers, with the Barton family being the top dogs! When we finally take control of everything, we'll take humanity to new heights!"
Doktor S sighed, shook his head and retorted with "That sounds like your father, Dekim, talking.  The Colonies still depend on Earth for food and medicine.  We'll be dooming ourselves to slow starvation and disease if we go through with Operation Meteor as..."
"I get it now," Barton interrupted snidely.  "You don't want us taking over the Earth, do you, traitor?!  You're jealous that once we do, the Barton family will be in charge of everything!  I'M TELLING MY FATHER ABOUT THIS!  JUST WATCH!  I'll CARRY OUT OPERATION METEOR BY MYSELF AND THE PEOPLE OF EARTH WILL BE SOR...!"
As the sneering Barton started to walk away, the terrified assistant pulled a pistol from a hidden holster, took aim and shot twice.
Nanashi jumped in shock when he heard the shots; it had been four years since he'd last heard gunfire, and he'd forgotten how incredibly loud it could be in a confined space.  He recoiled in horror when he saw the body of his rapist fall to the floor with two holes in his back, his dead eyes looking at him accusingly.  Next to him, a terrified Harry stuffed one small fist in his mouth and fought the urge to scream as he started to back away from the corpse.
"Now you've done it," they heard Doktor S say flatly.
"I'm sorry, sir," the frightened assistant replied, "but I have family planet side.  I couldn't just let him...!"
Harry felt the heel of his foot catch on his "brother's" toolbox and found himself stumbling backwards towards the edge of the platform.  Nanashi caught him before he could fall over the railing, but not before the little boy jostled the toolbox enough for it to rattle.
"WHO'S THERE?!" the scientist growled menacingly.  A moment later, Nanashi and Harry came out from their hiding place, eyes wide and hands raised, with Harry trying to hide behind the older boy's long legs.
"Who are you?!" the assistant demanded, raising his gun again.
"I'm no one," the youth said to the Doktor and his assistant, proud of the fact that his still raspy voice shook only slightly as he did what he did best, think on his feet.  "You can kill us if you feel you must, but you'll be throwing away an opportunity if you do..."
The assistant took aim, and was about to shoot the boys, when S raised his hand and said "Hold on, Jensen.  The Foundation's going find out about this sooner or later, so we might as well hear the boy out."
"But Doktor...," the nervous assistant, Jensen, said, then reluctantly lowered his pistol.
"I don't want to conquer the Earth," the teen continued.
"I don't want to conquer the Earth," Nanashi repeated, his fear dissipating some, "but I can take his name and place as Heavyarms' pilot and carry out the mission to destroy the Alliance and OZ."
"You'll pilot the Heavyarms in his stead?"
"Yeah.  I've grown rather fond of her.  Life on this colony's been good for the most part, but I'm better suited for the battlefield."
That was all Doktor S needed to hear.  He'd been on his way to enlist the boy everyone called Nanashi as a replacement pilot when he found the terrified Harry looking for help after Barton attacked the teen and here he was, volunteering to do it.  Barton had refused to learn how to effectively pilot the Gundam, preferring to spend that time harassing the techs and assistants.  Nanashi had been the latest, and also the last.
"All right, then," the scientist said with a lopsided grin.  "From this moment on, you're Trowa Barton.  We have two months to train you on how to operate Heavyarms and her weaponry."
"I've experience piloting a Leo," the teen replied, his eyes still on the machine.
"Perhaps, but the Gundam's cockpit, AI, and weapons systems are vastly different from those of a Leo, so you'll be starting over from scratch.  Once we launch, you'll be in charge, and you and the others are to carry out your missions as you see fit.  Don't worry about the colonies; OZ and the Alliance destroyed the peace of outer space when they assassinated Hiiro Yui.  This operation is our revenge."
Nanashi saluted sharply.  Harry mimicked his actions, but watched everything with a sense of heartsick dread.  If Triton left the colony and returned to Earth, what would become of him?  Would his aunt and uncle come back to reclaim him, or would they all abandon him to this unfamiliar place?  Gathering his courage, he tugged on the back of the Doktor's smock and asked "Excuse me, sir.  I don't mean to sound selfish, but what about me?"
The Doktor knelt down so he was at Harry's eye level and replied "You'll be going with him, of course.  OZ and the Alliance will never suspect our pilot being one of a pair of brothers traveling together.  It's the perfect cover story."
"You mean lie?" Harry asked, confused.
"No, not exactly, Harry," the youth explained, gathering the still badly-frightened little boy into his arms.  "The Doktor wants us to pretend to be brothers while we're on Earth, but you know what?  Even if we're not related by birth, I feel like we're family.  Does that make any sense to you?"
Though the newly named Trowa Barton had been Harry's "brother" for only a few days, it was painfully obvious to him that this little boy was starved for simple human affection.
The men and women in the mercenary corps he'd ran with as a kid weren't the most demonstrative bunch of people on Earth.  They were professional soldiers, after all, but at least they'd cared about him a little.  It wasn't uncommon he received a brief hug, a pat on the back, a kind word, or even a small bag of sweets from someone once in a while.
Still holding Harry, Trowa swore to himself that, no matter what he had to do, the little boy in his arms would never want for the love or protection of a family again, even if it was only him providing that love and protection.
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okashiras · 6 years
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ah, they used 帰る with that kanji instead of 返る. the difference is that 帰る more specifically means “to come home” whereas 返る is simply “to return.” kinda sad that the battlefield is really where trowa belongs to no matter how much catherine tried to keep him safe away from it...
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01heeroyuy-blog · 10 years
Gundam Wing Episode 39 English Dub
Trowa's Return to the Battlefield
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TWIGW RoundUp (September 1st - 7th)
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Greetings Everyone! Here’s your roundup of contributions for this week. Check out their stuff and show them some love!😊💖 
~Mod TB
@amberlyinviolet, Knife in Hand (Ch. 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39)
Rating: Explicit
Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Characters: Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise, Chang Wufei, Relena Peacecraft, Quatre Raberba Winner, Dorothy Catalonia, Howard (Gundam Wing), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Consent Issues, Organized Crime, Assassination, child trafficking, Past Abuse, Federal Agents, Abuse of Power, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Gender Issues
Summary: When Duo learns there's a hit out on him, he turns to the only person in Chicago he believes capable of helping him. But will the cost of the Broker's help be too high?
@anaranesindanarie, Earth Bound (Ch. 3)
Rating: Mature
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Heero Yuy
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Catherine Bloom
Additional Tags: Supernatural - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Fantasy, Smut, Angst, not sorry
Summary: Trapped in a human body, Duo Maxwell must uncover a way to unblock his powers before he finds everything ripped from him again. Who will pay the price? What will Duo decide? For @fadedsepiascribbles
blackjackcat, To Respectfully Offer Tea
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Chang Wufei/Relena Peacecraft
Characters: Relena Peacecraft, Zechs Merquise, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Sally Po, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, Chang Wufei
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Bliss Forest (Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Trowa Barton/Reader
Characters: Trowa Barton, Reader
Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Drama, Reader Insert
Summary: You weren't looking for a relationship, but you knew from the start that you would be unable to resist him. TrowaxReader
@doctormegalomania, Your Body's Poetry (Ch. 1, 2)
Rating: Explicit
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s), Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Relena Peacecraft & Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell/Original Male Character(s)
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft, Lucrezia Noin, Zechs Merquise, Hilde Schbeiker
Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Slice of Life, Post-Break Up, Slow Burn, Developing Relationship, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence
Summary: Long after the wars, long after peace is established the Gundam Pilots discover one immovable fact: Relationships are hard work.
HieikuYoko, Families
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: M/M
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Gundam Wing, Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV), 더 게이머 | The Gamer (Webcomic)
Relationships: Harry Potter/Wufei Chang, Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner
Characters: Harry Potter, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Wufei Chang, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Salem Saberhagen
Summary: The Family Reconstruction Act: Harry finds out that he has an older brother named Heero Yuy on his father's side. He finds out that his mother was adopted and that her side of the family has a different branch of magic and lives in another Realm. He gets possession of a talking cat. Sirius Black finds out that he has a son named Wufei Chang. Remus Lupin finds out that he has a son named Duo Maxwell. Harry finds out that he has a rare power and that these Preventors actually know about Magic. He'll do almost anything to escape the Dursley's who have gone way too far this time leaving him almost crippled and on the verge of death if he doesn't get proper help. But can he really accept this new family? Oh, and this odd talking cat who is intent on teaching him magic out of the magic book he was given by his new aunts?
@janaverse, Stickies From Heero (Part 15)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Heero Yuy & Duo Maxwell, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, 1+2+1, 1x2x1 - Relationship
Characters: Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell
Additional Tags: Get Together, Friendship, Eventual Sap, Eventual Implied Sexual Content, Mentions of Trowa ⋆ Quatre ⋆ Wufei ⋆ Relena ⋆ Sally - for now
Summary: heero and duo are in their mid-20's and are sharing a house. they are both working as preventers, but are not on the same work schedule. duo initiated this unique form of communication and heero has fully embraced it. [ these are images of the actual notes that heero leaves for duo on their refrigerator. ]
kuroiyousei, Animal-Handler
Rating: Mature
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Heero Yuy/Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Characters: Trowa Barton, Catherine Bloom, That circus guy, Relena Peacecraft, Heero Yuy, Alex (Gundam Wing), Duo Maxwell, Original Characters (minor roles)
Additional Tags: Ambiguous relationship status for main couple(s), Established relationship for main couple(s), Language (general), Pansexual Duo, Pansexual Heero, Pansexual Trowa, Sexuality/sexual references, a/b/o dynamics, Violence, Adventure, Drama, POV: Trowa, AU - Fantasy World, Alternate Universe, Animal Death(It's a peregrine falcon)
For Daiyanerd
Summary: Though the circus has settled in for its winter break, Trowa Barton (acrobat, animal-handler, and werebeast beta) still has his hands full -- with a newly acquired lion he's sure is more than it appears, the return of former romantic partner and current alpha-friend-with-benefits Heero, and tiny niece Relena growing up much too fast.
@lifeaftermeteor, Duo’s theme song (LAM!verse sequel + meta)
luvsanime02, In Spite Of
Rating: General Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Humor, Friendship, Writer's Block, Cocktail Friday
Summary: Duo's not sure about Heero's sense of humor sometimes.
@authormelanieray, Revenge of The Lost (Ch. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker, Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Dorothy Catalonia/Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton/Middie Une, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Hilde Schbeiker, Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Quatre Raberba Winner, Dorothy Catalonia, Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Middie Une, Original Characters
Additional Tags: After Battlefield of Pacifists, Revenge, Worst Things Than Death, Revenge of The Lost, Drama & Romance, Psychological Drama, Psychological Warfare, Pregnancy, Betrayal, Secret Discoveries, Tearing Open Old Wounds
Summary: Ruining a marriage to steal the bride. Finding a spy you never wanted to see. Having your secret life be the hot topic in the media. Nine months to watch someone die. Everyone has buttons to push. Killing isn’t the only form of revenge. When a rebel group called Revenge of the Lost (RTL) makes it's move against the former pilots, they will awaken more than just one nightmare. They will tear open old wounds that may never close. RTL may be in for it's own surprises too, shattering the reason for everything. (Dark romance. Dark subjects.)
Neptunesdemon, Quick and Dirty
Rating: Explicit
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell
Characters: Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
Additional Tags: Smut, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Yaoi, Felching, Out of Character
Summary: Exactly what you think it is. Two Gundam pilots enjoying each other's company. Smut for smut's sake. 3x2 pairing.
@phoenixrebirth88, Wanting more (Ch. 3)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters: Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Relena Peacecraft, Sally Po, Chang Wufei, Hilde Schbeiker, Reader, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert
Summary: You’ve loved him for so long, but he was happy with her. At least, you believed he was. When their relationship ends and he seeks comfort with his friends and you, will you finally find the strength to express your feelings to him? ReaderxDuo
Revy679, Peace Achieved (Ch. 21)
Rating: Explicit
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy, Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin, Trowa Barton/Lady Une, Dorothy Catalonia/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Sally Po, Catherine Bloom/Original Male Character, Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker
Summary: A love that survived war and the worst humanity had to offer. Now, can they handle what a peaceful life has to offer?
Sheslikethis, The Unforgiven Soldiers (Ch. 5)
Rating: Mature
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationships: 6x5, 1x2 - Relationship, 3x4, 6xN, 1xR, 2xH, 5+S
Characters: Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Zechs Merquise, Sally Po, Relena Peacecraft, Hilde Schbeiker, Dorothy Catalonia, Lady Une
Additional Tags: Gay, Gay Character, Male Friendship, Love, Angst, Drama, War Crimes, Crime Fighting, Eventual Relationships, Gay Sex, Male Homosexuality, male relationship, boyxboy love, Slow burn fic
Summary: How many times can you ask the earth forgiveness and be denied? How long will your love ones restrain you from being loved? How far must you go to find your true calling? A story about 6 six men were war has stolen their adolecentes and they have to fight their own personal battles to find manhood. While insurgence groups, terrorist and misguided people all try to find peace.
Skarla, Send in the Clowns (Ch. 8)
Rating: General Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Gundam Wing
Characters: Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Parallel Universes, birthday present fic, Post CATWS
Summary: Clint Barton had a secret, one that he had been carrying for so long that it didn’t even really seem like a secret anymore. It was just another thing in the long list of things that he didn’t talk about, along with his time in Korea or that mission in Budapest. The trouble was, now that Shield was in tatters with every third agent loyal to Hydra and being hunted like the rats that they were, his helpful support system had evaporated along with his second favourite bow and his salary. For Scarly13.
@wingslanding, Broken (Ch. 14)
Rating: Mature
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/M
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Relationship: Relena Peacecraft/Heero Yuy
Characters: Relena Peacecraft, Heero Yuy
Summary: One of the greatest love stories never told... this way.
@funkrobot, Wing Zero
@bluesquishylemon, Mavet Ve Efis (specs included, starring Duo and Quatre)
***Please don’t remove artist credit.***
@disturbed02girl, Duo Maxwell 
@animethingsandstuff, Duo Maxwell
@disturbed02girl, Manga cover, Heero and Relena (Is this Battlefield Of Pacifists?) | Noin, Zechs and Treize | Heero and Duo (GoL) (2) | Heero Yuy | Trowa Barton  
@janaverse, Heero Yuy (Ep. 1 GW) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) | Relena Darlian (GW) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) |  Sandrock (2) (3) | Duo Maxwell (game edit) (2) (3) (4) (5) | Treize Khushrenada and Marie Kondo | Quatre Raberba Winner (GW) (2) (3) | Treize Khushrenada (2) (3) (4) | How the 1+/x R debacle began… (This, too) ((Hmmm…)) | Poor Heero… | GW Taken Out of Context (GoL scan by @disturbed02girl) |  Heero and Duo (game edit) | Trowa Barton (for the record) (2) (3) | Shenlong (2) | Chang Wufei (2) | Wing (It's a bird! It's a plane! It's…) ((...a GUNDAM!!!!!)) | Heero Yuy (game edit) (2) (3) (4) | Duo Maxwell | Wing vs Leo | Deathscythe (2) (3) | Zechs Merquise (2) (3) | Heavyarms (2) | Discovered | Heero Yuy (EW) (2) | Heero & Duo (EW) (2) (3) (4) | Sally Po (EW) | Sally and Duo (EW) | Duo Maxwell (EW) | Quatre and Duo (EW) | 1x2 angst (System H doujinshi) [translated by @lokineko ] 
Photo Prompts/Prompts:
@your-fave-killed-cringe-culture, Duo Maxwell
@janaverse (w/ @wu-the-stoic), Graphics comparison 
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, Heero and Trowa (2) (3) | Trowa and Quatre (2) (3) | Chang Wufei | Trowa argues | Suffer the not-so-little rebels | Hair Wash Party | Long Meilan (+ character snapshot) | At Preventers HQ | Quatre, Duo and Trowa | Duo and Heero have NO CHILL! | Wufei ain't chill either (Like I said) | 2xH dilemma | 9xS | Catherine and Trowa | Duo versus them | Secret agents… | Duo and Wufei | Big monsters debate | BTVS spoof | Wufei vs Duo and Trowa | Person Of Interest spoof | Motivation | Une is Right (No lies detected…) | Languages | Polymates episode (Duo’s POV) | Duo Maxwell | AU | 1x2x1 gone wrong | Heero and Duo | Duo vs OZ 
@bobo-is-tha-bomb, Keychain collection 
@gundayum, Hilde Schbeiker ((previous step)) 
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, RxD (reply to Anon) | Duo or Duolingo (w/ @gundaaamn) Reply to Anon
@miyurinq, Quatre’s life in a nutshell
@okamidensetsu, Robot Damashii Gundam Wing collection
Classic Video & Cartoon (via YouTube), Gundam Evolve
Happens in the middle of the After Colony storyline, sometime towards the end of the battle with a focus on Dr. J. Call it a sidestory of sorts.
@jouta-eggchild-kujo, Just Communication (original)
@incorrectgundamwingquotes, Quatre builds Quatre | Squares | No Civility 
@janaverse, Heero Yuy
@christianmswanson, Prototype
@unlimited-shitpost-works, Quatre, Wing Zero and dubs 
Not sure what to put this under:
@kittiesilver, 10 Favorites 
p_bandai (via Twitter), FW Gundam Converge Core (promo) 
Calendar Events: 
@gundam-wing-bingo, Gundam Wingo is a GO! Sign up for your card here (and ensure your blog’s submissions box is open).
@gundamzine, Rhythm Generation: Shooting Stars
APPLICATIONS ARE OPEN! Due on October 1st. Please follow instructions.
Meet Your Mods: @lifeaftermeteor, @lemontrash, @angelsmystique, @from-zero-to-my-own-heero, @erine
FAQ / The Measure of a Year (Bonus details, forwarded by @lemontrash )/ Schedule 
@zineapps @zine-scene @zinefeed @zinewatch @zinesubmissions @fandomzines @zinefans
@gwcocktailfriday, Cocktail Friday (due Friday, September 13th, between 3pm - 5pm in your timezone)
@thisweekingundamevents, Mini Bang: Unorthodox Undercover Work!
^ Mini Bang Rules / FAQ / Dates to remember ^
All participants are encouraged to contact @helmistress in case of dropouts, Beta Reader changes, etc.
@seasons-of-gundamwing thanks all who participated in “Summer of Zechs 2019” this year! Links to fanworks are being posted.
16 notes · View notes
cynfinnegan · 7 years
WIP Wednesday
From Chapter Six of Shatter Me.  This one’s told from Trowa’s perspective.
When I returned from Colony L3-Y-08523, I found out through the Preventer grapevine that a certain someone was telling anyone who'd listen to her that Quatre was the leak, and they believed her without question.  Relena, Hilde, Sally, and Noin were banded together in giving Quatre the cold shoulder.  They wouldn't listen to him, and were treating him like stepped in dog shit.
Duo, his supposed best friend, stopped talking to him and slugged him for trying to explain what happened to him.  For "good measure," he, Hiiro and Wu Fei cornered and beat the crap out of him for "betraying the team."  They'd conveniently forgot the fact that if it wasn't for Cat, we would have never been a "team" in the first place, and we'd have most likely lost the war, or would still be fighting it.
Don't get me wrong, Cat and I would have been a team, no matter what.  I've trusted him from the moment we met, and we work well together.  I always did better on the battlefield when I had someone covering my ass when I needed it, and having forty-one people looking out for me felt good.
The others, however, would've still been going at it alone, especially Wu Fei.
Anyway, the truth was he wasn't the leak.  I had irrefutable, outside proof Cat was innocent, and I was gonna enjoy rubbing their noses in the fact.  I wanted to go to him and show him he was innocent, but the only problem was I couldn't find him.  He'd vacated the apartment the Agency provided him with, which was next door to mine, and Middie had somehow moved herself into it.  I picked up the pile of post from behind the door, flipped through it and found a slip of paper with Quatre’s familiar handwriting on it.
The note had only six words scrawled on it.  They were: WHY DIDN'T YOU BASTARDS TRUST ME?
The next day, I came out of my office after hours of filing mission reports on my most recent case, this case, and went to the cafeteria to grab a bit of lunch, carrying my tablet in case I needed it.  When I got there, I saw Hiiro, Duo, Wu Fei, Zechs, Noin, Relena, Hilde, and Sally all sitting at our usual table, eating and talking amongst themselves.  Everyone in our unique little squad was there… everyone but Quatre.  Middie was sitting in his place, acting like she belonged there.
"Where's Cat?" I asked.
"Who gives a flying fuck?  Good riddance, I say," Duo replied in a nasty tone, while Hilde and some of the others nodded.
"What the Hell, Duo?  He's your best friend...!"
"Not any more, he ain't!  Not after what he's done!"
"Look, we're not the bad guys here, Barton," an angry Zechs interrupted while Noin gave him a dirty look.  "Winner is.  He's the one who screwed up the mission and blew our cover, not us."
I couldn't believe I was hearing this bullshit again.  I went out and found the evidence to clear him, to back up what he'd been saying all along, and they still believed Quatre was capable of betraying us!  What the fuck was their problem with him, anyway?
"I can't believe Quatre actually thought he could trust you people," I said, trying to keep my temper in check.  "Did any of you even think to give him five fucking seconds to try and explain what happened, or did you all just assume he was guilty because the guy on the video was skinny and had blond hair?"
"Trowa, what the fuck are you talking about?" Hiiro asked, defensive.
"I'm "talking about" having the evidence to clear Quatre!  He didn't do this!"
"And you know this because...?" Wu Fei asked, his tone dismissive. "BECAUSE I WAS WITH HIM AT THE FUCKING EMERGENCY CLINIC WHEN YOU CALLED AND SAID WE WERE BLOWN!" I practically screamed at them, taking satisfaction at their shock.  I took a deep breath to calm down and continued.  "I found him in an abandoned building, barely conscious from a blow to the head, took him to the nearest emergency clinic, stayed there with him until the doctor finished examining him, and then I carried him piggyback to the space port because he was in no condition to walk!"
They all looked at me like they didn't believe me, so I booted up my tablet, touched two tabs, and showed them the footage from not only the clinic's time-stamped security feed, but the traffic cams and security feeds leading from there to the space port.  It supported what I'd been saying all along; that Quatre was with me at the same time he was supposedly "selling us out."
The only person who didn't look shocked by my revelation was Middie.  In fact, she looked pissed.
"By the way," I concluded, throwing Cat's note on the table while fighting the natural instinct to choke the living shit out of all of them, "this was left in my mail, but I think it belongs to all of you.  I’m going to look for Cat and tell him the news."
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