#troy (2004) fanfiction
Golden Chains
Troy (2004) Reader insert fanfiction/ Achilles x Mycenaean Princess! Reader - Part 23
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Word Count 17 K
Warnings: As always, re-invention in troy movie style of some mythological plots absent in it.
Characters: Hector, Mycenaean Princess!Reader, Paris, Achilles ( mentioned), Andromache (mentioned), Odysseus, Penelope.
Pairings: Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader, Hector x Andromache
Summary: With all the visitors comfortably established, the palace of Ithaca becomes the venue for an unprecedented cultural exchange that creates a perfect political climate for new ideas to emerge. The role of Mycenae in the trojan blockade gains more relevance and its indirect war of powers against Troy becomes a subject of certain questioning. In this context, and with the heirs of both royal houses present, an alliance-seiling marriage feels to many on both sides like a very tempting easy solution. 
As the prince and princess feel the overwhelming outside pressure trying to bring them together, her aggressive refusal becomes the portrait of the denounced mycenaean stubbornness impeding the very profitable political step. 
Notes: This Is mostly centered on Hector and the reader having a few lovely moments while dealing with the political and personal concecuencies of their encounter. I also don't want to avoid mentioning i added an Iphigenia (1977) reference at some point of this chapter ( you will easily notice where )
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @spideyanakin @spideyanakin-interacts @awakenedevildays @alaysha-of-middle-earth @zoegarfield @helie-brain @rfkfan
Great days followed the arrival of the trojan princes in Ithaca, almost as if no one had reasons to worry about. Diplomacy was harvesting excellent fruits because, as the political faces of a cultural encounter, Odysseus and Hector seemed to get along very well. Suddenly, the greek discourse pointing to the indirect economic blockade imposed by the trojan tax policy as cause of a declive was replaced with a hopeful call for unity. Many started preaching the virtues and benefits from an association between nations, promising goal that was being obstaculized by the stubbornness of the mycenaeans. In that narrative, their princess’ role was acting as a facilitator convincing her kind through her positive bonding with the foreigners. It could be said that, despite starting it out of a scandalous misunderstanding, she was actively building a friendship with the youngest trojan prince. However, very few cared for that anymore. 
Once he settled in keeping his profile of seductor at bay, Paris looked to the greeks like an enthusiastic pet of their noblewomen. Completely harmless and even likable, always seeking for the approbation of the queen as if that emulated the understandings of his brother with the king. He was aware of that, but learned to embrace the underestimation under a new finding. While the men were too distracted trying to impress each other their fates were in his hands. 
His bonding with the women was the truly mobilizing agent of things. In the secrecy of that intimate world not meant for warriors or politicians he was participating in a conspirative collison figuring out the course for them. The promise that the mycenaean girl once made to him turned out to be true, since their teaming up away from any romantic proposals made them efficient and discrete. She found herself truly surprised of not feeling frustrated for having to remain away from the council meetings because Paris would tell her everything afterwards. He even offered to be her voice there, but she preferred to let him be true to himself and later retributed his kindness showing him her labor in the distaff. In an endless encouraging exchange, Paris attempted to teach her basic handling of a bow and surprised her on the discovery that she didn’t completely despise archery despite it being way harder than it looked like. 
They were getting along and being helpful in the process, but it was all being eclipsed by the growing interest everyone showed in her every interaction with his brother. If not long before they were restraining him from approaching her, then Hector had to stand being pushed in her direction. The insidious reminders were not mean intentioned, except for those truly interested in spreading gossip, but they all seemed decided on the matter ahead of the two persons involved. 
Some of the locals in the citadel and part of their own crews had hopes of making it happen. Even when she would be calmly sharing moments with both princes alongside their men the tension was in the ambient. They could be sharing stories and her reactions would be scrutinized if the tale was about Hector, plenty of his friends trying to impress her for him. If they were sharing songs, the beautiful voice of Ereny would be temporarily ignored for that single verse in which her princess and the trojan lord found their voices mixed. One moment afterwards, they could be asked to sing together and Paris would be laughing at the situation instead of saving them. 
Signs were everywhere: their countries wanted them together and they were self aware of why. Still, there were moments when the realization would hit harder. The most ironic aspect was that the perpetrator of the scheme didn’t have to move a single finger for it to play out. Odysseus often acted as the one helping them catch a break, neither him or Penelope were bringing any insistence on the matter. Precisely for that, they were important witnesses of their most spontaneous interactions. 
It wasn’t casual that one of those moments happened under his watch, in the midst of a serious discussion about some of the current events affecting their respective political contexts. 
“ We understand your position, Ithaca is a nexus of greek politics but so is Troy among other asian nations. “ Hector was commenting to Odysseus “ While hittites and assyrians fight each other for the control of the copper mines, we control the sea. Trade is the fundamental source of our prosperity, we secure the route of copper. “
The young princess was listening with avid attention and didn’t hesitate on adding her own remarks to enrich his descriptions. 
“ The increase of demand that my father pushes in Greece is for you an element of pressure on itself, even if he isn’t attacking you. “ She said before the Ithacan king could answer. “ Mycenaean forges work non stop to provide bronze weapons for his endless cycle of wars and the numbers keep going up. As his local power grows the visual of our army gets more spectacular, but this constant expansion must be supplied somehow. “ 
The great observation was, however, quite amusing given its source. 
“ Are you directly blaming my problems on him?” Hector asked, not even surprised anymore. “ You know that incriminates yourself by extension, right?” 
“ Contrabandists aren’t reaching trojan shores for the horses, they want metal. Atta is hoarding the best sources in the country, a process that used to be slow back when i was a kid but is reaching an admirable speed nowadays. He will soon cause a shortage, at some point that can even put conditioning limits to his wild dreams of ruling the world. “ 
“ That would justify the attack on a great city like Argos.” Hector followed,very willing to keep theorizing with her. “ Only by monopolizing the supply in the region can he secure the future of his campaigns.” 
The stimulating talk was keeping her excited and Odysseus dissimulated a smirk observing it. 
“ Exactly!” She cheered the idea of the prince. “ Argive forges may be more important than their men, with the clear exception of King Diomedes. “ 
At that point, the trojan was enjoying himself as much as her. 
“I would love to help you put that piece in order. What can you tell me about him?” 
“ He was one of Helen’s suitors, but let me tell you that her marriage was a complete scam accidentally organized by this liar.” She began to tell, pointing at Odysseus right next to her, who abstained from any commentary. “ I suspect Dio was the only one who had the courage to speak up after feeling betrayed, because he was the only greek king who didn’t attend the wedding.” 
“ Understandable, division happening very close to his own homeland may have preoccupied Agamemnon.” 
“ It doesn’t matter if he likes it or not, Diomedes pacted with all the rest an oath forbidding him from attacking Sparta. “ The king recalled, defending his invention. “ My friend is hurted, he has developed true feelings for her. He reacted like a man in love who has lost all hope,  but he wouldn’t compromise his honor out of heartbreak.” 
She was outraged to discover a new detail he didn’t mention before when he narrated the story of the oath to her. 
“ Even if my uncle doesn’t know that Diomedes is in love with Helen, or if he does but can’t care less, his actions send a message. All my father needs to mobilize his forces is a petty excuse and he gave him one. Decades ago, it was the search for Thyestes. Now he is hunting down disconformed suitors … No wonder why Menelaus wasn’t very invested in following him to Argos. They have done this before when they were princes, uncertain heirs of an unstable throne invading territories hoping that would solidify the dynasty. Menelaus knew he was just the empty pretext, he didn’t want to be there… Agamemnon didn’t do this only because he craves to prove everyone he can win without Achilles, there are even more political layers underneath that I didn't dig yet. “ 
Fortunately, there were no more witnesses around to see her fascination.
“ Hector, that was so amazing! You just opened to me a complete new angle of analysis for strategy planning. “ 
The awe was mutual, since he had also found one more crucial point to consider when presenting to the trojan council his defense plan of the allied cities ubicated in their shores.
“ Thanks to you I dispose of some new powerful arguments to add when this topic will be discussed at the next council meeting after my arrival to Troy. I keep insisting we must double patrol on Thebe Hypoplakia, but my father has to consent to sending the aid.” 
Suddenly, she smirked at Odysseus with the sardonic attitude of someone who knows they are a winner. 
“ He is here for Andromache. She is their princess, Paris told me.” 
Her free chuckling was only stopped by her wish to taste the victory with more counter arguments. 
“ Hector is holding on despite the spectacle being built around us because he hopes to get here what he needs to help her kingdom… How does it feel to be wrong for once, resourceful Odysseus?” 
The king wasn’t sharing her will to declare a definitive result, she was closing the case with an unicausal approach centered on the factor of romantic love. A prince falling in love with the daughter of the most remarkable among the minor kings on his domains meant nothing in the big scheme of things. 
“ Don’t you notice I get chills watching your debates? You can’t lie to me, you just felt it yourselves.” He replicated right away. “ You are finishing each other’s political arguments. Can’t you blame people for feeling excited at the idea of you two ruling together? Your personal compatibility amazed everyone, even your own men are behaving like a bunch of gossiper women. I wouldn't want to join the merriment so quickly, but you are becoming a strong political pair in front of me. Hector is the king mycenaeans have dreamed to have for generations … and you? My dear, you are a dream queen that any king would be lucky to have. Agamemnon shaped you after his greatest dreams, but his expectations are lame compared to the reality of the woman you have become. Many aspects escaped his plans and your sentimental filiation with trojan culture is just one of those, but I wouldn't blame trojans themselves for suspecting he could have made Hesione raise you for Hector. “ 
“ Flattering me is not going to be enough this time. “ She mocked his reasoning. “ Help us stop this mess.” 
Hector had a more eloquent objection in mind. 
“ Golden chains are still chains, your highness. My people will not submit to Agamemnon, not by the blade but neither by the charm of a princess. “ 
Odysseus wanted to let him know he was going serious on the topic, but also started offering tempting counter arguments meant directly for the prince. . 
“ Believe it or not, Hector, you could personally benefit a lot from having her around. You are a good man who wants to do the right thing, but for each one like you there has to be someone else behind doing the dirty work it takes to get there and she is the right girl for that. She can scheme, manipulate and deceive so you can rule with justice, freedom and honor. With your integrity in the front and her questionable methods operating in the back you would be an unstoppable political unit.” 
The exhortation was paused just a bit, the king cleared his throat to deliver the conclusion with a sweeter tone. 
" Anything you want to accomplish, no matter how game changing it could be, I think you will... if you stay together. " 
He made a clear emphasis on the last part, setting the tone for a persuasive speech directed to their personal ambitions. 
" You can make the world a better place by doing more than mixing its two halves together. I know you both want to make a difference and your union emerging from the ashes of hate can send us into a golden age. We can flourish as an unified nation and you would become a legendary royal marriage, the foundational parents of a new civilization..." 
The princess, used as she was to see him persuading high commanders and kings, was marveled with the skill shown in that speech. It reminded her that she was just an apprentice of that flawless master. 
She hated it for how perfect it was, but couldn't help admiring him. 
" ... Are you going to give up all of that just because you aren't currently in love with each other?" 
For the first time since all started, she detected doubt in Hector's face. A soft glimpse of hesitation that made her feel like a cornered beast in desperate need for a way out. 
" Play with me, I'm used to it, but don't try to fool him. " She confidently replied. " We will not set humanity free, Odysseus. If he marries me, he shares my cage. " 
Odysseus was ready to strike back again. 
" For now, maybe... but sometimes you have to ..." 
" ... serve in order to lead." She cut him off to complete the sentence. " We have served our full damn lives and we can't even lead our own fates. When do we get to the leading part? I don't see it, there is no personal gain for any of us in this. " 
" Only a state of relative peace and safe trade routes. " Hector commented, missing the point with observations on the best case scenario for the political outcome. " An obscenely rich and practically untouchable kingdom only the Egyptians would be in conditions of competing with... " 
" For the price of giving up on happiness with a partner we love for the rest of our lives. " 
" I see the appeal it holds for everyone else, they like to speculate what they could gain with our personal sacrifice." 
" I'm tired of sacrifices! " She determinantly stated. " The men of my family are entitled pricks that get whatever they want with absolute impunity. Why must I be the only one constantly sacrificing my hopes and dreams to them? " 
Hector tried to hold her hand as a calming gesture. He felt her lament hitting a bit close to home, he wanted to let her know he understood her. Tossing his needs aside for everyone else's was a constant in his own life. 
She rejected the contact with sudden distrust, as if she feared the intentionality came from a betrayal after getting convinced by Odysseus's words. 
" I will get you a nice pair of golden chains to match mine. "
As a direct consequence of the misunderstandment, she made a deliberate effort to avoid him for the rest of the day. For most of the time, that implied reclusion in the feminine environments alongside her friend, the queen when available for them, and other occasionally selected women under the warning of not bringing the topic. Ereny had made quite a few good acquaintances among the servants of the palace and only those she trusted her lady allowed in. Hiding from the world until the trojans would leave wasn’t a realistic solution, but rushing the return to Mycenae was not in consideration either because she would have hated to leave. A moment of solitude to think was all she needed, time away from Hector so the collective excitement around her would calm for a while. 
Revisiting their past interactions she was almost sure nothing was worthy of being read as romantical. They were getting close and that was a true fact, but never from that expected angle. They had shared feelings and ideas nobody truly paid attention to, gray sides of themselves discovered through being in a place of mutual understanding. If they were cheerful around each other, had intense constructivist political debates or came to share an inner joke not even Paris was aware of; that came mostly from the feeling of finding support in an unlikely place. Their similar experiences connected them, but they weren’t going to fall in love for the sake of that. Meeting the man whose shadow of greatness she could never compare with, the perfect son reflecting all her failings as a daughter, only to find in him an equal was incredible. Wonderful surprise that the romantical narratives were ruining, blind to the also incredible coincidence of how both had plans involving other people. 
One under minimal hierarchical difference that his father could tolerate, the other as an actual transgression hers would never allow, but both wanted to be with persons that could be considered underneath them. Hypoplacia was a territory under trojan control, making Princess Andromache an indirect subject of Hector. Their union wouldn't be an abnormal event. She was still a princess perfectly available in his horizon of possibilities, only that marrying her wouldn't imply an outstanding outcome for his people. She was the daughter of the most remarkable king among the local powers they were already leading. Politically wise, her people would win more than the trojans. In contrast, the only heir of a foreign empire in expansion, perfectly trained in their uses and ways was tempting enough for some to start trying to make their heir prince change his mind. Hector was one firm decision away from marrying the woman he loved. Andromache wasn't impossible to him, as long as he could be capable of choosing himself over Troy for once. 
In that at least the mycenaean beated him, the choice of her heart was a completely unexpected and strictly forbidden one. Achilles was not only a mere soldier supposedly under her father's command, he also hated him the most. He was so símbolically away from her that nobody suspected of them and gossips preferred to claim he was staring at Helen everytime his glance would follow her.
Analyzing the situation through the reminder of those rumors brought to her the question for his reaction. Achilles showed to have found the false claims of his uncontrollable attraction for Helen hilarious enough to make his own jokes. There was nothing serious at risk and he knew that the true target of his attention wasn't feeling jealous of her own aunt. However, bringing Hector into the gossip chain could twist things upside down. Already established as his best competence for heroic glory, the trojan prince was also being preached as her perfect candidate for marriage. Hearing someone say he was the perfect husband for her perhaps wouldn't feel so comically innocent, mere words of unaware people confused by the context.
Like most would, she liked to believe Achilles was too arrogant for jealousy. His cocky charm kept it clear, he was completely sure of being the best. That still could be a problem even if he wouldn't show himself directly affected. Would he tolerate in silence all the voices conceding that unseeked and unwanted victory for the trojan? Agamemnon would drive him insane. His prideful speeches calling Hector his son, his new mighty arm, even before any certainty of a formal pleading would be too much for him. In that particular context, the fear of losing her would be of losing all. Hector occupying his spot on the thalamus could also lead him to be placed in his spot as the brightest star of the army.
" If I were you, I would keep clothes packed and hidden somewhere. '' Ereny told her once she dared to open up in the secrecy of one of the chambers that Penelope destined for her daily activities. " Once he will hear of this, Achilles will be climbing the walls of Mycenae ready to steal you in the middle of the night. " 
The queen was the only one present alongside them at the moment of the exchange and her reprobatory expression was speaking for her. 
" ... What wouldn't be nice for all the mycenaean soldiers losing their lives trying to stop him." 
" Kidnap isn't his style and neither is jealousy. " The princess replied, trying to sound calming. " It's just that I don't know how he will take the new popular preferences on gossip surrounding me. Nobody used to care about my personal life before, now everyone does and they all want to see Hector doing a triumphant entrance in Mycenae to propose to me. " 
" Aren't you curious to find out if Achilles is actually capable of jealousy?" Ereny asked with some intentional mischievousness in her tone. " All this time you have been worrying about not developing negative feelings towards the many women who would bed him in a heartbeat if they could. You arrived at this relationship feeling like he is too good for you. " 
That advice was quite a surprise, even coming from her best friend. 
" I have my reasons, he is a demigod!" The lady defended herself. " Do you think I understand how I managed to not only attract, but win over a man that is the masculine equivalent of Helen in terms of ultimate perfection ? " 
Penelope stopped the argument ríght away. 
"The son of a sea goddess, not even an Olympian, while you are the heir princess of Mycenae and in the world of mortals that's not a meaningless detail. Hercules was a son of Zeus and mycenaean princesses were out of reach even for him. At risk of sounding like Agamemnon, I have to remind you: he is the one beneath you. " 
" Don't act like you did anything different! You married the king of a small island, a man that was beneath your highest possibilities. " 
" ... A man who worships the floor I step, and you shouldn't settle for any less. " Penelope remarked with pride. " Do you want to know if Achilles intends to get serious with you? Wait until he hears this and his reaction will give you the answer. Even when we know you don't want to marry Hector, this situation plays in your favor. Achilles will have to act fast before you both could possibly run out of time for a secret romance. The prince is a realistic competition of the level he doesn't find in Greece, a real challenger for him. Hector doesn't love you, but your man doesn't know that and this will show you if he is willing to fight for you... metaphorically speaking, of course. " 
" I don't want to force any of them to be with me... and I certainly don't plan to manipulate them." The girl complained. " is not fair, i don't want to get Hector involved in this mess and I can't force Achilles to propose. I will not use this downside as a pressure element for him. " 
" Odysseus is ríght in at least one thing: so far he had it too easy with you. " The queen insisted. " I'm not saying you must force him, I only pointed out that Hector is the only one who can shake his certainties a little bit and that is not necessarily bad. " 
" I would be worried if i was him." Ereny followed. " I personally find Hector the most attractive of the three men in our bet. Paris is the prettiest, but in the sort of way that Helen finds attractive. Hector is practically as handsome as Achilles, but he is well mannered, soft tempered and modest... All while being the greatest hero in Troy and possibly the best asian warrior who ever lived ..." 
Her princess received her honest words with certain annoyance. 
" Do you work for me, Ereny, or for Hector?" 
The calling out surprised her a bit. 
" For you, of course. " 
" Then let the servants of Hector do the work of flattering him in my presence hoping that will convince me. "
" A few of their differences favor Hector. is a clear observation when you can keep some objectivity. " The slave girl defended her point. " That cilician princess is very lucky, look closely at what he is doing for her! I bet Hector wants to reach her palace with a solution for her father before asking for her hand in marriage... Aren't they adorable? Meanwhile Achilles' first act stepping inside your palace was making you watch him get naked, Hector would never disrespect Andromache like that. " 
" Propriety is not his thing, but he knows how to be a gentleman when he wants to." 
" My dear Eudorus has better manners and he has no reason to behave like that with me. I don't have a rank worthy of respect, yet I'm the one who gets treated like a princess while you tend to adopt servile attitudes flirting with Achilles. "  
" Say it clear, Eny, don't be afraid. Sometimes she downgrades herself for him. '' Penelope interrupted, then redirected her speech to her cousin." Listen, darling. I don't doubt Achilles can be a good husband, but there are realistic aspects you are overlooking. He is not a home oriented man, he lives jumping from one war to the other. Is most likely that his main sources for female companionship so far have been prostitutes or war captives. He is not used to women like you and that must have played a role in the initial attraction, but that also means he has to learn new codes of conduct. Hector is used to spending time around princesses and, if your father would have done things differently at home, maybe you would notice that it makes a difference. This servile attitude that your friend says you adopt for Achilles, while in contrast I'm watching you turn into a brilliant princess with Hector. That shows the effects of that difference, you are responding to the models of conduct these very different men are used to expect from women.`` 
" Adaptability is your blessing and curse. " Her friend continued. " You developed it to please the mood swings of the king, but now you can't stop. I hate to say it, but your romantic behavior is not very wife-like and that could be because you think Achilles doesn't expect that treatment. Now you are just being friendly to this prince, but your acts scream ' hey, i'm wife material!'. You are a concubine for your boyfriend and a wife for your intended friend. " 
“ It’s a talent you have to read men and spot a void in their lives that you can occupy, shapeshifting into what you think they want. " The Ithacan queen summarized for her. " You don't do it deliberately, Is like an instinct, a survival strategy that ends up defining all kinds of bonds with men for you. It's so Interiorized that you don't even question it. "
The curious theory generated immediate rejectment in her. 
" That's absurd! What about Patroclus, or Paris?" 
" Mother figure and caring friend who values him beyond his pretty face. " Ereny responded, giving crucial proof. " You became the mother friend of Patroclus and your efforts with Paris are focusing on the sexless aspect of your bonding. " 
" I'm NOT mothering Patroclus!" 
" In your palace he gets spoiled like a prince, you gifted him weapons and Agamemnon took him on a brief hunting trip like a good grandpa ... Do I have to keep going?"
She was not going to let it go, incapable of admitting defeat and proving a failure on her self awareness. 
" Nestor, Ajax ... Eudorus. What about them?" 
Ereny was starting to find the revealing quite funny because of the challenge to the usually flawless logic of her lady it implied. 
" Sweet grandchild he sees occasionally, elegant lady from the big city very distant yet available and queen-like lady for his lord."
The evidence was piling up and it was impossible to keep ignoring. 
" Fine! How do I stop offering Hector a wife when trying to build bridges for friendship? "
The interrogant was left temporarily unanswered due to a sudden interruption. Guided inside by Melantho, Paris was about to join them once more and he seemed worried. It was most likely that he was already aware of the altercate that the princess had with his brother. 
“ I can’t believe that, of both of us, Hector is the one who made you hide away. “ He mocked her. “ We agreed to have an archery practice today, remember?” 
She completely forgot,he saw her groaning with frustration at the reminder. 
“ I’m so sorry, Paris. I didn’t mean to…” 
“ Completely disappear?” He added for her, pacing in her direction with a friendly attitude. “ Don’t worry, I learned the hard way that you don’t like attention.” 
He sat next to her, inviting her to talk with his relaxed demeanor. 
“ In that you are very alike, my brother never seeks attention. He only stumbles with it wherever he goes. I have decided to ignore the blatant hypocrisy just because all of this is fun to watch.” 
“ Well, we both know what you wanted and it's not like you were going to propose afterwards.” 
Their chuckles resonated together. 
“ They have realized you are too decent for me, it’s your doom. Now you will have to endure the biggest honor trojans can grant to a woman outside of religious circles: being considered good enough to possibly become the wife of Hector.” 
For as much as he seeked to cheer her up, that wasn’t any tranquilizing. 
“ I don’t want it, I can’t be associated with him like that.” 
The prince raised an eyebrow, he wondered what made the situation so terrible for her. 
“ Why not? Do you know how many girls dream of being in your spot right now? Take the glory at least, Hector is the only mortal man who awakens this devotion in my people. They worship him, so all of this means they like you. “ 
“ I would prefer to be liked with the usual neutrality applied to a foreigner. It’s true that I have admired trojans my entire life and I was dying for your approbation, but I never wanted it to get this far.” 
“ Too late. I’m so sorry for you, sister.” 
She punched him on the shoulder. It was a soft push, not meant to hurt but to indicate his jokes weren’t funny to her. 
“ I just think you are overreacting, they think you could be a cute match for Hector. So what? No one is breaking any laws, it’s not like your angered husband will come after him because neither of you are married. Is your father going to be upset about this? I don’t think so, you have mentioned that he likes him. “ 
Ereny jumped on her defense to restrain herself from laughing because her imagination had someone to place in the spot of the furious husband. 
“ That’s the problem, he likes him too much. Give him the slightest hope and they will end up married.” 
Paris remained totally careless. 
“ If you would have seen how my brother acts around Andromache, you would know there is nothing to worry about. He adores her and no amount of threats from the mycenaean king would change that. No matter what others tell you, no one knows Hector like I do and I’m sure of it.”   
The lesson that circumstances forced him to postpone took place the next day and Hector was invited to witness it because his brother wanted to brag to him about his teaching skills. However, what ended up impressing him the most was the mature demeanor he was adopting. Placing himself in a position where he had free way to play out his charm, Paris was actively choosing not to do that. For the trained eye of his brother that was a sign of true friendship starting between him and the greek princess. 
It made him feel happy for him and completely erased the initial concern, although deep down he wished the talking would still center on Paris. If he could ever think of settling down, someone like her wouldn’t be a bad choice. A centered woman acting like a positive influence guiding him into assuming responsibilities was exactly what his brother needed. It didn’t have to be her, the mycenaeans would never accept a man like him as next heir to their throne, but that girl was a first step guiding him into the right direction. The more he watched them, the more relieved he felt, but the words of Odysseus were still echoing in his mind and the merry scene seemed to reflect those. 
Even in a smaller scale, simply helping him deal with his rebelliously indolent little brother, she was a magnifical problem solver. Empathy and understanding of his struggles were her only encouragement factors, her will to prove herself to him was only based on competitive thinking. If she wanted to help, to share his load, it never came from a place of romantical interest. She was overloaded and he was the only person around that would understand it. Brutally honest sometimes and carefully secretive when he was too close to figure out the full weight of her problems, she invited him to share his because it made her feel understood. 
It wasn’t hard to see why even among trojans their union could sound so convenient. She was the perfect empress, sick test developed by Agamemnon with the future of his empire in mind. Disappointed by his wife, the king raised his daughter to incarnate his ideal queen and the undeniable potential perceived in her was in fact the result of that twisted operation. They were paying attention only to the reflections of flawless royalty both obtained through personal sacrifice, thinking they had found a perfect queen for their future king. Her interactions with them showed she had good chances of adjusting quickly to life in Troy and that was her merit, the surprising aspect of her personality sealing the perks of the deal. She charmed them into ignoring the true implications of her origins, ironically representing the gift of Hera without its downsides. 
To some he was being a fool for not wanting to take it. A lovely girl that came to them like a gift, a peace offering of the greeks and the chance to prevent the inevitable clash with them that the trojans never stopped fearing. All Hector had to do was let her in, except that he knew better than to mindlessly accept what sounded too politically perfect to be true. Agamemnon of Mycenae never knew of gifts, only bargains under crushing conditions for the enslaved kingdoms he called allies. Marrying her seemed a tempting easy way out, but his men were conveniently ignoring that it would be like taking a bait that wasn’t even particularly prepared for him. Hector had no intention of abandoning the choice of marrying the love of his life for her, the sacrifice was too great and the consequences were uncertain. Her many virtues meant nothing because Andromache was irreplaceable to him. No other woman, mortal or immortal, could ever compare to her no matter the insistence. 
A scream of pure joy coming from the greek princess distracted him from his introspective thinking. She was celebrating her very first good shot after countless frustrating attempts over the course of many lessons, clinging to Paris and making him share her excitement. They looked like happy fools and Hector couldn’t help smiling at the sight, a reaction that didn’t escape to the sharp perceptiveness of Polydamas. 
“ Are you seriously going to let her go? “ He questioned him,letting him know he wouldn’t let it go unnoticed. “ I’m not asking it as a subject, I'm doing it as a friend.” 
That was probably the most insidious outcome of the matchmaking strategy that Odysseus developed in hopes of getting them together. In the perspective of the prince he wasn’t the one to blame for the pressures, but that was because he cleverly managed to make it come from his friends. The king only manifested support of the idea, but he made it look like he was going with the flow of speculations he didn’t initiate and were a spontaneous outcome of the meeting he had no control over.  
“ If you want her so badly, let me accompany you to Mycenae and provide my legitimating support once you plead her as your wife.” 
“ You are the only one of us who has any chances of succeeding, my friend!” Polydamas replicated. “ Paris may have many flaws, but he has great instinct when it comes to women. He spots the best of the best, and this time he was kind enough to decline for you.” 
That particular interpretation of what happened made Hector chuckle. 
" She wrecked his spirits for seduction, her rejection made him wonder if he was missing his touch... What makes you think she should be mine instead?" 
" I'll start with the shallow reason: she is the last woman with the blood of Helen that remains available. She is directly related to who is said to be the most beautiful woman of our times." 
Polydamas emphasized the last part gesturally indicating him to glance at her. 
" Look at that gorgeous girl, it's clear that beauty runs in the family. She must be the cutest among the unmarried princesses in this country. " 
Hector didn't seem affected. 
" If I cared for the famous beauty of Helen, I would have competed for her directly. " He cutted him off. " Let her pretty blood stay in Greece where it belongs." 
" In the hands of those brutes greeks call heroes? Who are her prospects here? Diomedes, Ajax, maybe Achilles? Local leaders without vision, mere fighters competing for scratches of glory. Their simplistic views would limitate her, constrict her to the most basic functions of a wife. You are better than all of them and you wouldn't let her personal potential go to waste. " 
" I think she has what it takes to handle them from any role given to her. She doesn't need me and I certainly don't need her. "
" How many of the leads she gave you turned out to be true?" 
Hector forced the eye contact to make him completely sure that his objections were going serious. 
" You know my code. There are three límits i will never cross: commit a sacrilege, abandon my country or to call mine a woman I don't love. "
Precisely at that moment she reached them to share the excitement of her victory. 
" Did you see that? Pure luck, no idea of how i did it. This is so hard! I finally understand why archery makes the amazons mutilate their chests. I'm never going to be a good archer anyways, but i'm happy with just knowing how to use a bow. Although i did it good this time, right? What do you think?" 
Her expectant expression awaiting for praise on the small achievement made them feel guilty of admitting they weren't paying attention. 
" It was great..." Hector improvised first. " The main goal was to functionally show you how to use a bow and it seems like you made it to the basics.” 
"Next time someone will tell me I'm too weak for spears, i will say your chest is too big for archery" Paris commented from behind her making fun of his brother. " Look at that! You are one war away from having a more prominent chest than hers."
" Don't worry, Ajax has already accomplished it. " The mycenaean followed. " I'm pretty sure no girl in Greece can beat his."
The chuckling of teacher and appretience was more intense than the comedical implications in their comments.
" You made great progress today, your highness. " Polydamas praised her, holding on to propriety. " Keep trying, don't feel discouraged because your arrow didn't pierce the center. The fact that you can properly hold a bow and hit the target is a wonderful improvement. "
A light chuckle of hers made him smile from the sight. 
" I wasn't aiming for the center. I imagined myself wounding the target, not killing it. " She confessed. " Paris advised me to think of something or someone making me angry, so I thought of Menelaus. " 
Used as he was at her dark humor, Hector simply followed her thinking it was another of her jokes. 
" Good choice, he angers me too. What a coincidence!" 
They shared a few chuckles because, despite her not joking, he did make her laugh. 
" Why ?" Polydamas asked, disconcerted. " I mean, your highness. That man is your uncle." 
" He is horrible to his wife. " Paris explained for her. " Hector, can I be a royal advisor for marriages? So many men need someone to teach them how to treat their women ríght. It's my ideal position, I could make people happy. " 
" No king would want an advisor on how to deal with his wife." His brother pointed out. " It's not a concern that would make them seek advice. " 
" It would be the miracle saving my dinasty. " The princess corrected. " The Atreides desperately need that service, they are the last in the line of a family that produced generation after generation of horrible husbands." 
She should have stopped there, but couldn't. 
" One would expect that her extraordinary beauty should have given Helen a privilege on that, but it didn't. If that is the outcome that the prettiest girl in Greece got... What will be of the rest of us, simple mortals? When the one the country has fallen in love with ends up with a selfish prick there is no hope for any greek woman. If she couldn't make it... Why me? All the talking about marriage behind my back lately has made me feel sensible about this, so I thought of my uncle the day he got married before doing my shot."
No one ignored her words, each man seeking to comfort her their way. 
" May your sweetest dreams come true, my lovely friend. " Paris told her. " Even if suffering is the rule here, you deserve to be the exception. " 
" May the gods protect you from such unfortunate circumstances. '' Polydamas added. " You would be a wonderful bride for any man wanting you." 
" May your nuptial walk not lead to another sacrifice. " Hector concluded, evoking on purpose her words during their argument. " I'll not demand that from you."
Her eyes went wide and she practically jumped to hug him out of pure and thankful relief. 
" I thought he got you ... I almost thought he got you. Nobody resists Odysseus' rhetoric, I can't believe you are still with me. " 
Hector received her, but warned her in whispers. 
" Be careful, Polydamas is one of them. "
At that point she didn’t care to watch out regarding her reactions on that particular issue. 
“ Excellent, just excellent!” She sarcastically snarked after releasing him. “ Your priest is part of the problem, we are ruined.” 
“ I’m not a priest, I am a seer.” Polydamas corrected her, also attempting to stay at her good side. “ Some priests can be seers, but not all seers are priests.” 
She glanced at him for an instant, then coldly replied. 
“ Misconception of Eny back when she met you all that i never actually corrected. You dress so richly that she confused you for one despite it turns out you are just a divinator… Interpreter of signs and explorer of dreams.” 
He wanted to make her understand he was not her enemy. 
“ My father is a priest of Apollo, growing up with his servants must have made the god choose me to receive a gift only he can concede.I don't serve him doing labors in the temple, but i honor him serving the country as one of the best warriors in the Apollonian Guard.” 
She smiled, but it wasn’t a sign of approbation. If any mycenaean would have been there to witness the interaction, they would have described it as the kind of ironical smile Agamemnon would usually show hearing the arguments of an opponent he was about to discredit. 
“ Is there any vision you had, or direct order from a god demanding Hector and I to be together?” 
The seer swallowed his pride. 
“ No that I am aware of yet, your majesty.” 
The answer didn’t calm her at all. 
“ What do you mean with YET? WHAT IS ‘YET’? Do you have an appointment with Hera tomorrow morning and are waiting for what she will tell you? BE CLEAR!” 
“ It is not wise to scream at the seer, even if you are around friends.” Hector attempted to calm her down. “ I’m sure Polydamas has an explanation for the nonsense he said.” 
Paris wasn’t doing any interventions because he was trying to hold back his laughing so she wouldn’t turn her anger at him. Luckly, the bow was in his hands so there was nothing to fear. 
“ I said yet because, when you have my gift, you never know when a message from the gods will come to you. It can be in a dream, or even in a very vivid daydream coming from you or others around you that lack the ability to interpret the signs. Nature can have all sorts of hidden messages, especially in the movement of birds … When was the last time you saw a bird this week, princess? Do you remember what was happening around you?” 
Hector crossed his arms and huffed, aware of what was about to come. 
“ Well, I was with the kids. We were playing in the garden and Argo started barking at the doves, it made them disperse and fly but one remained there at the top of a branch.” 
“ Was that one dove particular in any way?” Polydamas avidly asked. “Strange colors, a singular majestic demeanor?” 
“ I wouldn't say ‘special’ but it was very beautiful.” 
The seer looked at her with a special bright in his eyes, as if he just discovered something. 
“ It 's a sign! Please, forget my usual lack of impartiality. What I need to tell you comes from the deepest truth of my craft: love is closer to you than what you imagine. “ 
She rolled her eyes, immediately regretting enabling that conversation. 
“ No, I mean it! Doves are messengers of Aphrodite“ Polydamas insisted. “ Just as the barking of the dog that guards this house kept the doves away, most flew away in fear but only one remained with courage and obstination, so will your suitors abandon their cause fearing the protectiveness of your father. Only the most courageous and stubborn among them will remain and he will be the one for you.”   
She couldn’t help smiling, that time pleasantly and with excitement. Courageous and stubborn were two adjectives that perfectly described Achilles.  
“ Offense forgiven.” Paris mocked her. “ I think she liked your prophecy.” 
"No more bird signs, Polydamas. Do you call that comfort? " Hector complained. " Can you sincerely expect her to make the most fundamental choice in her life based on that? " 
" Normally, I would side with you, but this time I have to say I liked the content of the omen. '' She added. " A persistent man that is willing to stay despite my father could be exactly what I want. Someone who wants me for me and not just for what I can bring to the table." 
The princess was then very curious about the seer. 
" Is there anything more you can tell me about my fate?" 
Polydamas was sure to have won her trust and he allowed himself a playful comeback. 
" Do you want to know if Hector is in it?" 
His friend was in horrified disbelief. 
" Now you are flirting with her for me! This is going too far. " 
" You can thank me later ... and you will. " Polydamas defended himself. " I find you an excellent wife and you help me to court Briseis."
The brothers shared a good moment of laughter and Paris was the first making a snarky clarification afterwards. 
" I will tell you what I tell the rest: my condolences, friend. Yours is a hopeless cause. " 
" You are absolutely right, old friend. Your plan is perfect. " Hector followed. " I will marry this woman when you marry Briseis! Which means never, because no one will get to marry my cousin." 
The young princess was a bit lost, but very curious on the topic. 
" What's wrong with her? Why would nobody marry her?"  
Hector provided her the needed context. 
" She is the most wanted maiden in Troy, only that she has decided that marriage is not for her. " 
" ... but not everyone understands it." Paris continued. " Many men keep coming at our doorstep hoping father, or Hector would give her to one of them. The main perk Polydamas has compared to most is that he is ours and her friend, but it's clear that Briseis will choose the priesthood robes. The infatuated seer over here hopes to make her change her mind and choose him, but for that he also needs the approbation and open support of Hector. " 
They seemed to be losing her, but not precisely out of lack of understanding. 
" You mean that your cousin is desired by everyone there and she still has the ríght to choose the priesthood? " Were the words she managed to articulate. " She just has to say no and King Priam rejects all the suitors so she can go to the temple?!" 
The trojan men shared the fear of realizing they probably screwed the situation even more. She was in shock, calmed apparently but about to explode. 
" Well, yes. " Paris attempted to reformulate. " Hector and I are almost sure this is what will happen, but the ones in love with her keep deceiving themselves. " 
The princess took some steps away from them and started pacing in rect line from one point to the other like a caged lioness, careless to let them hear her rageful ramble.
Her fury was nothing seen before, like someone who just discovers to have been deceived. 
" We thought Hesione must have told you some of that. " Paris attempted to attenuate. " I see now that she didn't. " 
Hector took the courage needed to calm her nerves. He disrupted her pacing and locked her around his strong arms. Although she struggled, he didn't let her go and that forced her to stop moving. 
" I'm mad, I'm furious. And is not you, is us. " She told him in a more composed tone. Rage was turning into frustration and sadness as the grip of his arms impeded her physical outlet. " I'm a queen among greek princesses and my life worths nothing, Helen is trapped in that palace suffering in the hands of that BASTARD... Ruling Greece is not enough, I want to destroy this damn country to the ground and start over."
She lifted her head slightly up trying to meet his gaze as she pronounced the last sentence, allowing him to truly feel her anger. In response, Hector deviated his glance for a brief instant towards Paris and Polydamas as a silent request to retire. 
“ I wish I could help you, but the timing is terrible.” He told her in a sweet tone as soon as they were left alone. “ Maybe this is what Odysseus meant when he said we can bring change, he implied that if I marry you I can bring to Greece all the things you love about Troy.” 
“ Would you protect the wives and daughters of the greeks from their husbands and their fathers?” Was her grim reply. “ You can’t, don’t think of sacrificing yourself in vain. Go home, marry your princess.” 
She had a good point that he couldn’t question, but that didn’t mean he was going to let her embrace a hopeless rage so easily. 
“ Talking to you never ceases to amaze me, you know? My city is a mess from the inside with politics dominated by priests, there is so much I would like to change on how things work there. Despite all the problems I deal with on a regular basis,the reality of the Troy I have just surpassed your dreams…If my heart wouldn't belong to someone else already, I don't know if I would hate the idea of becoming your new suitor. " 
His grip was less firm than instants before, what allowed her to put some distance. 
" What are you talking about?" 
" You would be a great princess to be queen for the trojans because sometimes you appreciate the good things we have more than we do. " He simply explained. " It's our reality and we often give it for granted. If you would tell Briseis of what happened to Helen, she would tell you that greeks are insane. She can't imagine that across the sea a girl in her position would be forced to get married just because of her many suitors. She knows my father would never do that to her and that's the limit of her experience." 
" You can't be serious!" She mocked him. " Did they convince you already? Are you out of your mind? " 
" I'm not, I just think you would fiercely protect all what makes Troy worth defending. The little things trojans find natural, but greeks never had." He sweetly concluded. " You know what is at risk if one day the city we have now stops existing as we knew it and that's not a meaningless detail. Our prosperity is so long dated that no one really thinks about what we can lose. It's a serious problem of our political thinking, a very overlooked issue. If you would rule with me, you would remind trojans not to take Troy for granted and work hard to keep it the way we love it to be. "
She swallowed hard, fearing a crushing defeat. 
" That's the best reason I have heard so far, don't make me feel like a selfish bitch. " Was her hesitant answer. " Damn it, Hector! Why do you suddenly have more faith in me than my own family ever did? " 
" If you listen carefully in a silent environment, you can hear the cackles of the twelve olympian gods laughing of us ríght now. " He joked in return. " The people are right and I hate it, you would be of great help in my country. " 
" Like if you were the only one stuck on that! Have you heard my men daydreaming out loud about an army commanded by you with Achilles as your first general? That's the unstoppable duo that they want to see, they don't personally care for us." She added, exposing her perspective. " My father rules with a very clear message behind:' the Age of Demigods is ending, let the Age of Men begin'. His royal house has no divine blood other than its foundational head and by now it is completely diluted. He needs a new founding legend as successor, an admirable hero born from two mortals that could incarnate his message erasing from history the dark past of our family once and for all. "
" ... And I guess mycenaeans thought they found the ríght fool. " He completed, unamused. " Not that I’m proud of that. ." 
" Our people can't find hope, my family is full of monstrosities. Menelaus married Helen thinking her beauty would cover the ugly in us. " 
Hector fixed the slightly messy locks falling at the sides of her face and softly caressed her cheek. 
" I don't see a single hint of that ugliness in you."
She was fighting tears, but still smiling. 
" Stop doing that! For things like this people comment that we should get married." 
He chuckled to her emotionally driven praise. 
" I meant it, you are nothing like those horrible men." 
“ Don’t be so quick to judge, I do resemble them in one thing. They prioritize personal ambition over their royal duties and their own people, which is exactly what I am doing.” She stated in return. “ You are joining me in my first big irresponsible act of true selfishness, my inaugural moment as a member of this royal house. I am about to make a controversial choice that Agamemnon will never forgive me for just to make myself happy. I don’t care for him, I can't even care for the mycenaeans right now. I figured out that the only one who could have made me marry you will not be saved through that.” 
“ Your mother in heart.” Hector guessed. “ Agamemnon would have to set her free as a goodwill gesture before our marriage gets arranged.” 
“ He won’t, she knows too much.” She determinantly replicated. “ I used to think something like that could work, but then I found out she has seen the worst of my family. Hesione knows my father better than i do, he would never risk himself letting her reach Priam. The things she could tell him would make your father lose the very little respect he may still keep for him. I don’t doubt she would be proud to see me married to you, but that wouldn’t be enough to rescue her. What’s the point of becoming the next queen of Troy if I can’t help the one trojan I love above everyone else? I would rather marry a greek and force my father to let her go on our terms. He will never let her reach Troy, but I will not let her stay alone with him in that palace. Once I will be married I will make him give her a little country house and a few girls to help her around … Peace, at least, since I can’t take her with her family. “ 
“ That’s terrible, I hoped that at least I could make you happy by granting you her freedom in this nightmarish scenario where you become my wife.” 
He was teasing her, but she wasn’t leaving it like that. 
“ Shut up, you are a wonderful man! Any girl would be lucky to have you, only that we both prefer I wouldn't be that girl. “ She replicated and patted his cheek. Three soft taps before pinching it to later add a fourth. “ Take the compliment, I don't say this easily.” 
Her surprisingly effusive behavior and his reception of her ways to mess around showed they had reached a certain amount of trust making her feel ready to explain things a bit deeper. 
“ Something has changed in me, if you would have met me a few years back we wouldn’t be having this conversation. All I wanted was to escape, I didn't mind with whom as long as I would be sure that he wouldn’t hurt me. If it was Paris or you, there would be no difference for me … Actually, I would have never considered you as a possibility, but what I mean is that I would have taken any offer. I didn’t mind if the man that would be my husband would be in love with me or if he wouldn't, if he would cheat on me or forget I exist as soon as I would give him heirs. I didn’t care, I just wanted to leave and find peace. “ 
“ Something made you care, or someone.” Hector guessed out loud. “ Helen, right? That’s why you get these short rage outbreaks, despite you loving to present yourself as this emotionally self-sufficient woman you are crying out for help because you are scared of ending up like her.” 
“ Many things changed after her wedding, but I’m not afraid.” The princess cryptically clarified. “ Now my old expectations aren’t enough, I demand true feelings from my future husband. It is a very humble ambition, don’t you think? If being the princess sitting right next to the king that will soon own all Greece can’t get me that, then his power is useless to me.” 
There was nothing more he needed to understand, sharing the truth about her aunt with him and his brother was already a big step that she gave only because she trusted in the trojan sense of justice. She was already aware trojan women had it a bit better than greeks, but she didn’t know things were going so great under Priam. At least in practical terms, being the niece of the trojan king meant more than being the only daughter of the mycenaean or the most beautiful woman in the country. Indignation for the reality of her country aside, she was happy for the luck of that girl and perhaps others like her. A bit envious too, but in a healthy way. After all, fate wanted her to be mycenaean because as a trojan princess she would have been unstoppable. Hector seemed to confirm it, his praise was all about the virtues she could develop in that role. 
Despite she was already aware he had a way with words, it wasn’t of the kind she was used to. The silver tongue of Odysseus exceeding in the art of persuasion, the flatterers sweet talking her father, Nestor’s experience based advice… The eloquence of the trojan prince was nothing like any of that. His words were of encouragement, his speech of the kind that pushes people to try hard bringing out the best in them during the worst situations. There was something in him immediately inspiring courage and hope to face the hardships, there was no doubt he was the kind of leader anyone would be willing to die following. She almost felt sorry for privating her people of such a great king, but she was experiencing the spirit uplift of Hector’s speech and it made her feel invincible. Suddenly her dreams weren’t impossible because she felt strong enough to stand up to her family and so good enough that she stopped doubting Achilles would propose to her at some point. He would marry her and then brag about having stolen her from the trojans who had lost the chance to have one wonderful future queen. Hector didn’t need to say that, it was clear that the princess he loved was the best in his eyes, but he did. He turned the cause of her anger into something beautiful, finding potential for good in her darkest thoughts. 
He inspired her hope to believe she would achieve what others said was impossible. It didn’t matter if everyone else thought Achilles would never marry and even the myrmidons had lost hope: he would become her husband. Great feats started as insane ideas very few believed in. The road of many heroes began when they were desperate madmen stumbling with the discredit of people who thought they were walking to their deaths before they accomplished unimaginable acts. King Polydectes thought Perseus would die trying to bring him the head of Medusa and so thought King Pelias when he sent Jason for the Golden Fleece. That wedding was her impossible feat and she could be a hero in the feminine sphere. Her inherited ambition had to be focused on that goal. She had every ríght to picture herself as his wife even if she wouldn't directly demand him marriage. Only at the light of her renewed spirits did she realize that Penelope was ríght and understood the real implication of her advice. 
It wasn't about forcing him, she had to make him want it. If he never thought of that, she had to inspire his desire for it. Tempting him from her heart, beyond their running jokes about the consummation. She would subtly show him through her romantic gestures the great wife she could be and make him wish she would be his. She would be like the sweet dream he never expected to have and Achilles would find himself fantasizing about finding someone waiting for him at the end of every battle.
That night she let her thoughts run free again and the mix of wishfulness with the anguish of separation kept her awake for a while focusing on him once more. If he could only see the displays of devoted loyalty she was showing there! His name was gaining traction among the foreigners and her fidelity was successfully tested from two completely different angles. No matter the lies people wanted to spread about her and Hector, or her work on the sidelines to help the trojans, Achilles was still getting the best part in everything. Still, the points of intersection between the most recent words of advice of the queen and the speech of the trojan prince made her ask herself if perhaps her beloved could be facing some doubts. Never regarding her, but the circumstances surrounding them. It was hard to picture, but she discovered many things before that other people judged wrong of him. Attitudes that were unseen for them, sides of him they would never imagine, and he unfortunately had reasons to doubt. 
Across history, disowned heroes on their road to success had never married any women of her house. Not even at their times of glory and vindication mycenaean princesses had been available to them. Besides, obtaining the daughter of the king they challenged was never part of their rewards. None of them demanded that from the old kings, rulers who used to hold less power in their scepters than Agamemnon. If he wanted to marry her, Achilles would be challenging a king more powerful than all of those for a reward that surpassed the limits established by the most remarkable legends. Asking for the throne that was his birthright to rule among the myrmidons would have made more sense with the past than taking her. Just like Penelope told her, following the rules of the mortal world she was the unattainable one, since her hero would have to trespass beyond the expectatives of the disowned transgressors that came before him. Jason didn’t marry a daughter of Pelias, Perseus found Andromeda on the way and Hercules didn’t become a suitor for any daughters of Eurystheus after his purgative labors. Neither of them found marriage to a princess in Mycenae, not even the errant son of Zeus, greatest hero still remembered. 
Imagining that behind the arrogance all of that could be worrying him broke her heart a little bit. If it depended on his qualities, he should have been able to pick any woman he wanted. Who wouldn’t want to be his wife? It made no sense, to the public gaze she was just a rich princess with no personal merits greeks were aware of while he was the greatest warrior of their times.Losing herself in those thoughts before falling asleep inspired her to have a very vivid dream where she was finding him in the gardens of her palace.
The place looked like a mix between its state in her childhood and what she judged her present. Walking towards him slowly revealed that he wasn’t alone, but chatting with a woman she could only see from the back, but whose luscious blond locks revealed her as Helen. 
It seemed to her that it was a private conversation they were trying to keep in the appearance of being waiting for her, understandable given the gossip surrounding them. Despite they weren't noticing her approaching she was still able to hear them.
“ I’ll never surrender to Agamemnon, I don’t respect him and to be honest I am glad we agree on that.” the myrmidon was saying.” I’m loyal only to her, but I understand she expects me to listen to you like she knows I wouldn't do for him.” 
Helen didn’t give a verbal answer,but she must have been pleased because he smiled at her before proceeding to plead his case. 
“ I’m here for her and you know it. What other reason could I have to arrive at the gates of my enemy? I am the only of these unlucky bastards who remains permanently banned from the throne… What can it be then? Revenge for what I had lost? If I wanted my throne to rule among the myrmidons, it would be mine already. Do I look to you like the kind of man who hesitates before spilling blood to get what he wants?” 
He wasn’t threatening her, only making a joke based on his reputation. 
“ I despise her father, but I am willing to retreat on the anger that man causes me to be with her. Isn’t that the very same thing you have been doing? The others don’t understand you like I do. At this point she is our only excuse to try staying calm everytime that high class pig opens his mouth. “ 
Probably moved by his exhortation, Helen attempted to caress his cheek in a welcoming way but Achilles shunned her with disconcert. It was as if she would have done something unexpected that he wasn’t sure he liked, which made no sense because they weren’t strangers and he wasn’t one of those men terrified of her good looks. The princess was even more weirded than him and the first audible response of the queen deepened that sensation. 
Chuckles, slightly condescendant but happy. Her voice sounded nothing like Helen’s and her first spoken words confirmed she wasn’t her aunt. 
“ My child! How are you afraid of your mother in law?” 
The young her felt her world shattering: her mother, as young as when she died and acting like it would have never happened. The logical part of her mind was wondering if she was simply imagining her the way she could or if a merciful god was helping in the awakening of her memory. 
“ I wasn’t expecting you to welcome me so easily, it's said that you are impossible to please when it comes to your pretty princess. '' Achilles was mocking Clytemnestra, seeking to dissipate any assumptions of fear on his part. “ I heard you are the only one Hector has not yet impressed, i fail to see why such a difficult mother is already calling me her son.`` 
The queen was careless for the provocation. 
“ Surprisingly modest! And incredibly handsome, no one can deny my girl has a good eye. I know that she wants you, I have a bet with my maidservant. You see, Hesione has a naturally understandable predilection towards Hector, but you have always been my favorite.”
She concluded the cheerful praise while laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“ Come, let me hug you.” 
He was slightly hesitant, but eventually agreed to be trapped in that strange motherly embrace. 
“ Why are you doing this? Your daughter is not my bride.” 
“ But she will.” Clytemnestra insisted, then grabbed his cheeks to make him turn his head to the side and force eye contact. “ I need you, Achilles. you are my only hope.” 
“ Let’s hope King Priam would never hear you discrediting his son like that. “ The warrior teased the queen, obtaining release. “ I can’t say I am not thankful, but I am surprised. Usually my skill to carelessly kill men is the only aspect in which my superiority is indisputable. Why would you, of all queens, want to see your princess get married to a myrmidon butcher instead of the heir prince of Troy?” 
She seemed to have a great answer for that, planned ahead, that she didn’t mind sharing. 
“ The butcher is in love with her and for her sake he would cross limits the prince never would. A man like Hector would never survive this family and taking her to the opposite corner of the world will not be enough to cut the bastards in it from her life. I don’t need a heir prince that will prioritize his country over her, I need an irrational fool that would set his on fire protecting her if he has to.” 
The description meant for him wasn’t one he would have liked to hear, but the intentionality of it weirded him a bit. 
“ Clytemnestra … what precisely should I protect her from?” 
She took a few steps back, her eyes acquiring a grim shade. 
“ An innocent girl destroyed by her father and uncle, means to an end … Someone had to pay the highest price in the war of brothers and it had to be a girl. The sole survivor, the sacrifice ordered by the oracle. Once the husband and brother in law finish destroying the  queen, they go for one of the princesses. It happened to my mother in law and it will happen again. They will come for her, I know they will come … Agamemnon and Menelaus will lead my child to her death.”
The cryptic bridge between the past and that feared future was based on the fate of Pelopia, the most unfortunate mycenaean princess who ever existed. A cousin of Agamemnon twistedly damaged by his uncle and his father, only one generation separated her from their daughter. 
“ Achilles, even if you wouldn’t want her I would still be begging you. You are the only one who can save her. “ 
The girl was breaking down, her already tearful face was a mess but only then the dream allowed her some sense of participation. Achilles noticed her, discovering her as if she had just arrived and had accidentally walked in the conversation. 
One moment afterwards he was holding her in his arms, trying to calm her down acting as if nothing strange was happening. 
" It's alright, gorgeous. I'll not let your father turn you into a stew or anything else close to what your ancestors had already done." He sweetly teased her. " Your mother only meant to say that I am deranged and she appreciates that. "
Clytemnestra moved like a ghost, she was then unexplainably visible to her from her perspective on the hug. Her smiling mother was a wonderful visual complementing the reassurement of her boyfriend. 
" It's my secret advantage against all your suitors: I am out of my mind. " He was telling her while caressing her hair. " She likes me, we found a bonding point. Turns out we are both insane and we love you." 
It made her chuckle, but she was still crying out her mixed emotions. 
" I think I need to talk to her. " The queen suddenly said. " We haven't had yet the conversation every mother must have with her daughter prior to her wedding. That's why she is so nervous. " 
Achilles showed quick understandment and accepted to leave, but not before managing to stop the tears. Looking at her in the eyes while helping her clean her face was enough to make her smile. She could tell he resisted the urge of kissing her as a gesture of decorum for her mother and loved him for that despite being unsure of the situation. 
The tension grew once both women were left alone. The young princess became distrustful, silently observing the woman in front of her as if she was a complete stranger. It was technically the truth, since she didn't have memories of her mother, but it was way more than that. 
She couldn't be her, once the funerals take place the dead are gone forever. Only a divinity could be communicating through her dreams. 
" I see what this is about, i'm obsessed with helping Helen because I couldn't help my mother. " She concluded out loud. " Is this even her true shape? " 
Her listener gave her a friendly grin before replying. 
" I tried to resemble her the best I could. I did it because I thought you would like to hear her voice and take a look at her face, I'm not trying to mortify you." 
A slight shade of cautious fear in her eyes indicated she was about to change her approach completely. 
" Forgive my skepticism, the gods have never spoken to me before. Sometimes i'm not even sure if they listen to me. " 
" But we do listen to Achilles and he has been talking a lot about you lately. The same can be said of Helen. Do you think that falling in love with him around the same time you were getting to know her was a coincidence? Get close to one of the favorites of Aphrodite and she will be watching you. " 
The amount of insight she showed was frightening. 
" Who are you?" The princess asked, hesitant." Have I angered you with my riddle? I created it respectfully to make the goddesses participants of my choices. If you came to punish me, I take full blame. Don't make Helen, Eny or Tal part of it. " 
" I'm not here for that. If you want to know, I am the only goddess that doesn't hold hard feelings towards Clytemnestra. " Was the vague reply she obtained. " Her actions as a wife were unexcusable, but I have come to understand her powerlessness of mother. Even if she never heard any oracle sentencing you, she read the dark history of your family like a prophecy and tried to act ahead of it. I am not in the place to judge that, we would be guilty of the same crime." 
It didn't clarify much, but it was slightly relieving. 
" I sincerely appreciate that, she still means a lot to me." The mycenaean girl stated, making a graceful reverence. " ... May I ask if you truly believe she would have reacted like that? It was a bit unfair to Hector. Agamemnon likes to believe he would be easier to control than Achilles, but he wouldn't." 
" At least in that they can be compared. " The goddess calmly mocked her. " They are like two sides of the same coin ... Are you going to toss it and see which one fate picks for you?" 
" I don't want to, my heart has decided." 
" You will need more than that before making your choice. Your devotion is admirable, but love is not always enough. If you want to let Achilles pursue you, there are risks you need to consider. Problems beyond what Odysseus and Penelope had already told you." 
It was a confusing message, specially given what she witnessed before.
" Can you tell me something they haven't told me yet? Odysseus gave me hundreds of reasons to stay away from his friend. " 
" Peleus died too soon, after years of keeping up with a similar lifestyle. Many years later, your father is still breathing. " The deity pointed out, refusing to be specifical. " Kings tend to live longer lives, men like Achilles die younger. If we follow the tendencies in family history, marrying him is choosing to be a young widow. Ask yourself if you would survive that. Do you rather stand the heartbreak now, grieve the love story you couldn't live at its fullest and move on, or live it and grieve later the loss of all you have experienced? "
She had no idea of what that meant, but it was starting to scare her. 
" I can't answer that, but what I can say is that I am not a coward and I won't force anyone to be with me. "
She needed to explain herself further to put things in perspective. 
" The woman who raised me is a slave, so are my best friends. My father raised me because he had no other choice when he got stuck alone with me after my mother ... Everyone around me at all stages of my life was somewhat forced to be there, I can't keep doing it. I won't force Hector to be my husband. Why should I do it, when Achilles has chosen me against any advice of reason? I'm the only woman in the country he really shouldn't want, he gains absolutely nothing loving me and nothing ties him to my family. Let alone loving me, he doesn't even have to care for me! Nothing in our context forces him to do it... For the first time in my life I am experiencing completely unconditional love, I would rather spend a few months with him than decades of guilt waiting for Hector to find out I ruined his life dragging him with me. "
The very serious speech, although effective, wasn’t enough to avoid a very specific counter argument she wasn’t expecting at all. 
“ Hector is terrified because he likes you.” The goddess commented as if she would be sharing with her a secret that the prince didn’t want her to know. “ Not romantically, but he has the intuitive feeling that you two could make it work if you had to. He loves his asian princess, she is the one he has chosen just like you have chosen Achilles, but being with you wouldn’t be the unbearable punishment for him that you imagine. If this man wouldn’t have someone else he already loves waiting for him, he could have developed an attraction towards you that would be more substantial than the mere acknowledgement of your beauty Paris showed through your meeting. He just realized it and the irony annoys him, especially because people wouldn’t let it go if they get to see it too. “ 
Whoever she was, her ways were more maternal than royal. The princess felt like she was chatting with a woman who intended to make her feel like a daughter more than with a divinity scrutinizing her situation. 
“ Paris may have boosted my confidence a bit with that flattering spectacle, but not enough for me to swallow that.” She dared to admit. “ Hector, the man I spoke with today and who clearly stated that the good he sees in me is only about what I can do for Troy? Sure, he is so worried about the possibility of finding me attractive. I'm so irresistible that trojans are about to claim I'm the new Helen now that she isn’t single anymore. I’m full of suitors that come to see me and not the gold in the heavy decoration style of Agamemnon’s throne room! It's not like Achilles is the only one who actually wants me, right?” 
The sarcasm was excessive, but it didn’t get to anger the listener. 
“ Trojans would suggest Princess Briseis for that position, she is shockingly pretty and a bit younger than you and Helen. She has what it takes to make you nervous, you are lucky that she is being allowed to choose the temple and she is far away from here. Your jealousy in her presence wouldn’t be fun to see.” 
It was a low blow on her insecurity and real fear to develop jealous behavior. 
“ Who cares about her looks? Men ask for her opinion with real intentions of respecting it… Now that is something I want!!” 
“ Then you want to be treated like trojan royalty.” 
" I surely envy the freedom of Briseis, but that isn't enough to make me marry Hector. " The mortal clarified. " Achilles lives with unthinkable freedoom and as his wife I'll share his. I know this because I can already taste it everytime i'm with him. " 
She stopped herself mid ramble, thinking she finally realized what the talk was about. 
" Am I being tested? If that is the case, I just want to say that for Achilles I would be the wife mycenaean kings never had. I truly want to make him happy. If i get to be the lucky one, he will feel so loved that he will start appreciating domesticity despite i will never try to domesticate him. I will not try to change him, I want to be the partner of his lifetime with all the ups and downs in it. I'm fine with having him for myself whenever possible if in that way i will not disrupt the way to his dream. My only intromission will be giving him someone he would want to come back home for. " 
The goddess seemed very much satisfied. 
" Well, princess. That's all I need to know, consider me your ally." 
She was even more suspicious than before. 
" That was it? Did I pass?" 
" Being the wife of Achilles isn't easy, not even for a girl without obstacles in the way to the marriage, but you seem prepared for the challenges in every angle. You are even equipped to deal with his anger! The years with Agamemnon have provided you optimal training, he ironically raised you to be the perfect match for his young rival. " 
A sparkle of genuine happiness illuminated her face. 
" Perfect match?" 
" Absolutely, although I also think you could be great for Hector but I bet many people have told you that already." 
Impressed as she was, the princess showed the incommensurable thankfulness with another reverence. 
" Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could know your name so I could offer you a sacrifice once I return to Mycenae. I don't understand why you would want to help me, but your words are extremely validating. The ' you are perfect for him' part? I will be thinking of that for the rest of the week... Months, probably forever." 
The goddess chuckled in return. 
" I can't blame anyone for falling in love with Achilles ... and I guess you can call me mother. "
That strange joke based on her chosen appearance was the end, to what the young lady woke up feeling very confused. 
Her immediate reaction was crying, not of sadness but out of emotive surprise because she then had a precise image of her mother in mind. She was beautiful, but clearly more severe and arrogant than Helen. Their identical hair would have made them be mistaken as twins when looking from behind, but Clytemnestra's looks reflected a balanced combination between her sister and cousin. It wasn't hard to imagine why she had never let her husband make her feel humiliated. Through the vision incarnated by the goddess, she looked and acted like the kind of woman he could have once loved. Their daughter had never considered that before, always imagining his concern for the betrayal was only his hurted honor. 
Suddenly, she started to think he could have developed feelings for her mother at some point  of the marriage, but ruined it being who he was. The lovers, the passive aggressive disdain and compliment sounding insults were part of his strategy to make sure she would submit to him. He needed to become her everything, the center of her world, but for that to happen she would have had to become the kind of woman that would feel like she is nothing without him. Only then his paranoid jealousy would be calmed and the ghost of his cheater mother would stop haunting him. Following that delusional mindset,  Clytemnestra broke his heart and that was perhaps why he completely erased her from his life. 
The divine inspiration was probably doing its thing in enlightening aspects that were once banned from her understandment. She felt the imperious need of consulting the seer, it was an urgent matter that couldn't wait until the morning because she feared to forget crucial details for his interpretation. If he was a good one, he may even help her figure out the identity of the goddess. She had some suspicions and only one possible name in mind,but she didn’t want to admit that to herself until being sure. 
Irrational rush made her leave her bedroom after barely covering her nightgown with a cloak. Once out, she began to desperately search the section of the palace where the trojans were staying. 
Unfortunately, she didn't make it far. Hector was awake and he saw her suspicious approach despite he couldn't figure out who was coming. Ignoring his warning to stop twice cost her to get physically stopped by him.
" I get it, you have strong arms. How many times are you going to use that advantage against me? " She complained ríght away, the hood falling in the action. " Do you like to hold me, Hector? Or is it the only way to slow me down that works for you? "
His eyes were like daggers pointing at her, wide open and in a state of alarm. 
" What are you doing? Are you INSANE? “ The prince whispered, allowing his voice to go slightly louder at the end. " What if someone else would see you?" 
His frustration over her behavior grew once he looked down for a brief instant. 
" I can't believe it, ... you are barely dressed! What do you think my men will say to each other if they see the cute greek princess wandering around at an ungodly hour in her night clothing? " 
She defended herself with an innocent smile. 
" ... That Paris finally made it?" 
He groaned as only anger release outlet. 
" That will not work this time. He is on duty, following the lead you got him. " 
" You mean he is sleeping with the young wife of that good friend of Eupeithes Antinous told us about after I terrified him through one of my flawless schemes. You have to admit i am amazing at scaring children. I told him that your treasures have a theft preventive curse affecting the sons of the looters and this prívated my father from having male descendants. The little shit bought it! I may have caused massive hysteria, but it was worth it. " 
. " Stop pretending you don't know what I am talking about. " He cutted her off. " They will think you were in my room. " 
She raised her glance and started laughing.  
" You and me, doing that??" A slightly louder chuckle interrupted her speech. " Please, Hector! I can't even imagine you flirting."
He seemed abnormally annoyed by the exaggeratedly chaste implications of her comment directly linked to him. 
" If I wanted you, I would be perfectly capable of making you swoon over me. You would be coming back home to beg your father if he could please let you be my wife." He defended himself. " I may be the moral paradigm for my people, but that isn't a limit in my romantic performance. Another trait we have in common, don't you think? They may say you are an example of chastity, yet I'm finding you very skilled in sneaking out of your chambers at night searching for the rooms of men." 
She couldn't argue on that, she was in fact making him part of the same discourses she conveniently used as cover up. 
" Are you jealous because I would never do it for you?" 
Hector dropped her instantaneously and she kept chuckling. 
" You are laughing, they are about to enforce marriage on us and you are laughing. " He complained, frankly exasperated. " Not so long ago you were afraid of being seen with me and now you do this? What is wrong with you?" 
The mycenaean understood the time for pranks ended and she had to be direct. 
" A goddess spoke to me in a dream,I'm here because I need to see Polydamas." 
The news only increased his panic. 
" Are you sure it wasn't just a dream? How many chances do we have that he had actually asked a deity for help to do his work like you foolishly suggested to him today?"
A proof for credibility was demanded and she had to provide it, even if she knew he wouldn't like to hear it. 
" You are scared because you like me more than what you expected. Nothing i should worry about, but you suspect that if you would have arrived here as a free man this scheme may have worked on you... Paris doesn't know about this because you know he would have told me. " 
He froze, probably out of amazement and shame in equal amounts. 
" It's not what you think, I am not currently attracted to you. It's only that you happen to possess certain qualities I appreciate overall in women and I know people could have exploited those generalizations. Just because you could be potentially attractive to me, it doesn't mean you are. " 
" I can prefer blonds, but not be attracted to every blond I see. " She exemplified understandment of his point to calm him. " I didn't mean to expose you, but you wouldn't believe me otherwise."
" I do it now, please tell me she isn't commanding us to get married. "
" Do you think I would be this calm if that was the case?" She mocked him. " She said i could be good for you, but I would be even better for someone else. There is another man who needs me more and he is greek. " 
He looked up with thankfulness and exhaled, what she found amusing. 
" Mind if I give you some advice? Forget the trojans. Marry Andromache no matter what, even if you get rid of me but later find out an hittite princess is waiting in the line. " She recommended him in a friendly approach. " You only have one life, Hector ... and if you waste it always trying to please them they will be giving you a funeral of queen. " 
The strange phrasing confused him. 
" What is that supposed to mean?" 
The princess layed her back against a column nearby, relaxing while about to share some insight of her thoughts. 
" Have you ever attended the memorials for a deceased queen? It's twelve days of bullshit, people never say anything relevant ... And you know why? Because nobody trully got to know that woman. The speeches are a parade of people repeating themselves over and over about how much she gave to her family, her friends, her country... " 
She deviated her glance for an instant, not necessarily avoiding him but trying to create distance for her conclusion. 
" She lived for them and no one would remember a single personal detail about who she was. "
Hector realized the comparison was personal, but that didn't make it even less accurate for him as well. 
" Is that what you fear? Mind if I ask you how would you want to be remembered?" 
" As someone who lived. In my funeral I want people to speak of me as a person they know, the good and the bad. I don't need to die a symbol, but if I do I want legends to acknowledge my humanity. " 
" Then I suppose you meant I should humanize myself in life. Take a choice no matter the outcome, don't let public service consume me until it becomes all what people would remember of me. " 
" Do it now while you still can, or all the trojans would only be saying ' He was a wonderful man! He gave everything for us!'... With your dead body still on the pyre, they will make it all about themselves. " 
" Is for moments like this that I like you. " He admitted. " All of this would be easier if I liked you less... Couldn't you be more like the spoiled and insufferable, treasure girl of your father I imagined you as? That would be very helpful." 
" If it makes you feel better, I reserve her for my father and our selected visitors. He particularly loves to see me play her for Achilles, it reaffirms his authority in front of his most disobedient soldier. " She answered ríght back. " You aren't the coward toy of kings I thought you were. " 
Hector couldn't believe what he was hearing. 
" I have never felt more offended over being described by foreigners ... Is that how your people see me?" 
" Just me, I always imagined you as a very brave soldier without the guts to challenge an order you know is crap. That's why atta wants you, I think he believes that and i had to meet you in order to stop believing it. Just because you are a good leader who fights for his country, he thinks you would accept anything if they tell you it is for the wellbeing of your people. "
The prince showed skepticism through his unamused expression. 
" Through my time here I developed immunity to your manipulations. " He warned her. " Keep those tricks for your father." 
" I don't need to lie to you. Your understanding of female subjectivity surpasses the skill of the average greek man, so i have no reason to pretend." She defended herself. " I meant it, you have to prove him wrong. Marry that girl so he will know Hector of Troy is not a weapon kings can wield at their will. Reject the stupid command of taking me and also show the trojan priests who rule behind your father that during your reign you will have the last word. "
" If that man wouldn't be a fool, he should be making you the heir of his throne so you could be a queen with full attributions without me. I don't want you for a wife, but you would make a fantastic advisor." He praised her. " I would like to take you with me just to see high priest Archeptolemus dealing with you. " 
" Come to visit me ... Who cares about Agamemnon? " she calmly offered. " Have you noticed that the people of Ithaca don't horse ride for fun? Mycenae has great fields for that. " 
" I don't know if my wife would be willing to travel that far. " 
They laughed together out of pure relieving joy: the choice was taken and their friendship sealed. It was a wonderful moment, until they became aware of being discovered. 
" Am I interrupting something?" Paris announced himself in the way to his room. " I have to say this is heavily suspicious. " 
They composed themselves immediately. 
" I want a report of your mission, brother. That's why i am awake. "
" And I would like to hear that report. " The princess added. " After that you will wake up Polydamas for me and tell him I have urgent work for him. " 
The young prince raised an eyebrow, glancing at them with skepticism. 
" That's it? Is that all you are going to say in your defense? " He mocked them. " Fine, i will not ask. "
" So, anything good?" She insisted. " I told you that you didn't have to use your body, but since you seem to enjoy it anyways ..." 
" We talked of her husband and for the things I did to her, she could have sold her entire family. " Paris replied with seductive mischievousness. " Her boring man and their friend aren't thieves, but they finance them for a part of the profit. I have a possible location, we must search in Asteris. Hector still has the chance to surprise them, but it would be convenient to take Odysseus with us. They are his neighbors and subjects, his presence would legitimize the operation and provide a possibly pacífic outlet for the conflict. "
Hector and the lady smiled at each other, then looked at him.
" Are you aware that you may be about to solve what could have been the start of an international crisis?"
Paris was very excited receiving the praise. 
" That goes for the ones who think I'm just a pretty face. " 
"... I don't approve your methods, but I have to say I am impressed." Hector added. " I only hope you will follow me for the execution of your plan."
" Constructive criticism: put an effort on the surprise. " The princess concluded. " Make it look like a social visit, pretend Odysseus is taking you touring the near islands. I can go with you to make it more convincing. " 
Hector gave her a reprehensive glance, what was enough to know his opinion. 
" Fine, don't take me! It's alright, i can't trust myself with a bow so i'm useless weight slowing you down. Take some of my men for backup at least. It would be an honor to them, I see how they like you." 
" That offer goes way beyond your attributions. " He reminded her. " You can't command the soldiers and your father only ordered them to protect you. " 
The obstacle didn't seem to concern her. 
" Pirates in the area are a threat to my safety and I'm currently the most valuable item they could take. Kidnapping me to demand a rescue could make them rich. It's true, Agamemnon would never allow his soldiers to follow you, but they were following his order all the time. " 
Paris listened to her with a wide smile, then exclaimed. 
" Compared to you, the fox is a foolish animal." 
" That's why I am still the teacher and you my naive apprentice." She friendly teased him. " I'm proud of you, now go get me the seer. " 
The course of action was decided and although she joined them only in the preparations, her conversation with Polydamas remained a secret. When the time came to present Odysseus with the plan the princes were once more surprised. Any other king would have felt offended, but that one loved schemes of all kinds and knowing they used the one he stuck them in to run one themselves impressed him. The trojans reached a deeper layer of respect with Odysseus, who then became willing to actually help their case for once beyond his interests. 
The improvised greco-trojan squad reached an interesting finding, since they did end up stumbling with a treasure. However, there were no breathing men still guarding it. What looked like the secret arrival in a quiet, clandestine - feeling port was the scenario of a massacre. The bodies were still laying on the ground, splattered blood drying around them, and there was no sight of any survivors nearby. 
" I guess our problem solved itself. " Paris commented, trying hard not to complain for the repulsive smell. " Greed made our thieves kill each other at this point of the route. " 
Hector was wandering the scene looking for any signs of life. 
" It would be logical, if the  spoils wouldn't be intact. There are no signs of a disagreement happening, no one got time to touch a thing and claim it theirs. This looks like an outside attack, an army annihilating them and then mysteriously leaving. " 
Before joining their theorizations,Odysseus seemed lost in his own thoughts. He was examining the dead as if he recognized signs in their scars. Traces left by attacks he had seen before in a completely abnormal context. 
Those men weren't given time for anything. They had quick deaths, wounded in core spots to get a greater number of fallen at the fastest pace. 
A fast, mechanical attack of prolific effects. 
" Not an army, a man. "
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inthebamboogrove · 1 year
Conversation by the fire
A guest from another world…
A cold wind, smelling of dust, howled softly in the twilight. The rocky plain, gradually sloping down, slowly disappeared behind this curtain. The world, which until recently had been filled with the warmth of the sun's rays, was becoming completely different. Only rare wolf voices from time to time joined the long and quiet howl of the wind. There was no one here except the lonely shadow of the horseman, who continued on his way despite the quickly approaching night. Hearing animal voices in the distance again, the horse snored. The huge stallion, black as a raven's wing, went through a single battle, carrying his master on his back, and the wolf's howl caused him more irritation than horror.
The rider only patted his powerful neck.
-Calm down, my friend. We'll stop soon.
Well, we were delayed…
A trade caravan that Daryun came across on the way was attacked today by a detachment of robbers. With war cries, the bandits jumped out from around the bend of the shallow gorge, anticipating rich booty.
Cases when opponents rushed to attack without knowing who the Black Knight was were not uncommon and the bandits usually retreated, having previously lost several fighters. The sooner the attackers realized what was happening, the more of them remained alive. Seeing a rider in a flowing cloak on a huge black horse with a drawn sword, they were confused. It wasn't one of the guards they had just dealt with. Those who were especially brave rushed into the attack, only to soon slip off their horses in lifeless sacks, warming the ground with their blood. The rest, realizing that life was more valuable than prey, rushed away, disappearing into a dusty curtain. The caravan reached the nearest city, to which it was heading. Despite the persuasion of the merchants who tirelessly thanked him, Daryun continued on his way. It’s been too long since he saw the azure domes of Ecbatana… Very soon it became clear that this was not the end. The next morning, as soon as it was dawn, Daryun heard a shrill horse squeal. From the slope of the gentle hill it became clear what was happening. The distant figures of the horsemen seemed no more than insects. Daryun recognized them immediately. They decided to make up for yesterday's failure. Like wild animals surrounding their prey, they slowly approached the cloaked traveler. Even if he was on a horse, he wouldn’t get far. What was this poor man thinking as he tried to cross the wasteland alone? The leader slowly pulled out a saber that flashed in the sun, the same one with which he dealt with the guards of yesterday's caravan and which he did not dare to cross with the blade of the Black Knight. The hand holding Shabrang's reins clenched into a fist. My heart began to beat faster. Such jackals, who had the courage to attack only those who were weaker, often came across Dariun’s path. He was disgusted by them, but now he felt real anger. Anger that they would get what they wanted before Dariun taught them a deadly lesson. The bandit rushed forward. The victim suddenly jumped from the horse's back onto his opponent. Under the heavy cloak was a strong body, like that of a warrior. With one precise movement, he finished off the bandit. A bloody trail shot up into the air, and an almost severed head fell to the bottom, dangling from uncut muscles. The body, not yet realizing death, jerked stupidly on the horse’s back, not letting go of the reins. The horse, which clearly had blood in its eyes, immediately ran away, following the rest of the gang, disappearing behind a curtain of dust that hid everything that was happening. When she settled down, neither the mysterious warrior nor the bandits were any longer there. What happened in the morning gradually began to be forgotten, but it never completely left Daryun’s thoughts. The warrior's experienced gaze could not help but appreciate the skill of the stranger's blow. What people did he belong to? Dariun could not remember that somewhere he had seen such a fighting style and a short blade that looked more like a dagger - akinak*. It was getting colder. Transparent, like light dark silk, the twilight gradually thickened, changing the world beyond recognition. The animal voices fell silent in the distance. Not a single sound was heard in this impenetrable darkness, which had neither end nor edge. Now Daryun realized more clearly than ever that he had to stay in the city with the merchants until the morning. What will this rush lead to? What's the use of it? My uncle said what happens to those who always think they are right…
Dry, chapped lips stretched into a sad smile at himself.
Sensing the mood of the owner, the faithful Shabrang snorted, covering his ears. Small stones rustled under the mighty hooves. The gentle hills that were so clearly visible in the distance have now disappeared. There was nothing around but darkness.
For the first time in a long time, Daryun felt almost lost. Even the dusty wind stopped hitting him back. Open eyes saw nothing, and my heart began to clench in unpleasant foreboding. Yet, no matter how invincible a warrior the Black Knight was, he was only a man, and a man always feels vulnerable in the midst of the dark unknown, far from everything that is familiar to him. Something sparkled in the distance, but did not disappear. A tiny dot twinkling like a star. Daryun pulled the reins, stopping Shabrang. The feeling of being lost loosened its grip a little, giving way to something light and giving strength. More than anything, it felt like hope. It turns out that he was not the only traveler here who was taken by surprise at night. A solution arose quickly and Daryun directed Shabrang towards the small flickering light. At the very edge of the warm light, which prevents the impenetrable darkness from approaching, sat a figure wrapped in a cloak. In fact, Daryun had a guess who it was.
-Was it you who dispersed the bandits?
-Yes I. – An unknown voice answered.
The hand reached to the edge of the hood, revealing a tanned face, framed by blonde hair, like a lion's mane, falling over broad shoulders. The stranger was the same age as Daryun, maybe a little older. Golden highlights of the flame slid into the attentive blue eyes looking at the Black Knight. Without attention and tension, but studying. This is how warriors look at each other before battle.
On such a night the traveler could not be left alone. They both knew this, and now two people were sitting by the fire, which protected them and their horses from the impenetrable darkness, which now seemed to be the whole world.
The stranger seemed to have forgotten about Daryun's presence, continuing to gaze thoughtfully at the crackling flames. The first wrinkles appeared in the corners of the eyes, when a barely noticeable bitter grin touched the plump lips.
The traveler was clearly not from these places and not from those countries that Daryun managed to visit. That attack immediately appeared in my memory, instantly sending the leader of the robbers to his forefathers. The stranger was a warrior, experienced, strong and dangerous. Just like Daryun himself.
-Is this Hades?
-This is Pars. – Daryun answered simply. The warm light of the fire narrowed his pupils, turning his golden eyes into those of a tiger.
-I saw how you fought with those bandits who attacked the caravan. – The unknown person spoke again. -Are you the strongest warrior in your country?
It turns out that neither Daryun was the first to notice him. To the trained eye of a warrior, one attack can say a lot about his opponent. A premonition of something unknown began to squeeze his heart. No, it wasn't fear. Besides, who, if not a person possessing such skill, could be an opponent to the Warrior-of-Warriors?
After answering, Daryun always proved it with a sword. The body itself prepared itself for a lunge or defense, the legs were ready to make a jump, and the heart beat faster. But not even an eyebrow twitched on his face. Golden eyes did not lower under the blue gaze. There was no tension, no anger, no thirst for murder in either one or the other.
-Why are you're fighting ? – The stranger asked unexpectedly. He, like Daryun, knew who was in front of him and that he would be understood. After all, only a warrior can understand a warrior. But who can understand a warrior who is destined to be the greatest? They were silent for some time. Daryun never thought about it. He didn't even remember when he first picked up a sword and began learning to fight. He was raised by his uncle, the one to whom the Shah of Andragoras trusted his cavalry. Daryun only did what he had to do, what was destined for him and it soon became clear that he was the best. There was not a single opponent who would not lay down his head in battle with him. This became his pride. Pars has a warrior like him and that he turned out to be such a warrior. His name was known even outside the country. Emperor Seliki offered him horses, concubines and titles, but… he is loyal only to his country. The image of Arslan, the young son of Andragoras, appeared in my memory. The prince did not show much zeal for military science, but he knew how to treat his subjects well and understand them. Quality worthy of a lord. His uncle said that he was destined to be the master of Daryun . Someday His Highness will have to take up the sword and the Warrior-of-Warriors will do everything so that he knows what he is fighting for, while maintaining his kind and fair heart.
-I serve my master.
The stranger's lips twitched into a grin again. He doesn't seem to serve anyone. He vividly reminded Kubard, for whom only the ability to fight retained the status of marzban.
-Is he worthy of this?
-I make him the greatest ruler of Pars. – Daryun did not take his gaze off the stranger. This is how animals look, creeping in circles opposite each other, before rushing into battle.
He felt the same.
-Why are you fighting? - Daryun unexpectedly returned his question. “I’m fighting for something that will survive thousands of years.” Each of them would achieve what they wanted and that would be the last thing they did. Daryun did not know where his opponent was coming from or his goal. He only felt that his powers were comparable only to his own. However, what directed these forces, made them raise the sword and strike the enemy, was completely different. Only glory can survive millennia. This stranger forged it for years and shed blood for it, and now in front of him was someone who would demand a battle at full strength, no more and no less. But Daryun had his own reasons for fighting and he did not care what the stranger thought about it. The power of Daryun protected and guided the one who was responsible for the whole people. He was ready to fight for someone who himself faithfully served his subjects. Shah Andragoras inspired fear in those who raised the sword against Pars, but His Highness Arslan will become a ruler whom this region has never known…
The tiger's eyes narrowed. Living, translucent tongues of flame half hid his dark face, slightly distorted by the warm air haze. He now also had an evil grin on him.
If you draw your sword, this battle will be your last.
The dead night became cold and even the crackling of the flame seemed to cease.
Yes, the stranger understood that he would have to pay a lot for a fight with such an opponent. However, who will know about this accomplishment here, where his own name is unknown, and all around is a wasteland infested with robbers?
Everyone would get what they wanted. And that would be the last thing they did. Warmth began to return to this world again, filling it with sounds and the crackling of flames.
Both warriors remained sitting in their places, separated from each other by a fluttering bright curtain.
-Do you want to tell him everything you know? - The warrior broke the silence. Daryun knew who he meant. -Yes.
-And I want the one to whom I pass on everything I know to never become like me…
The enemy's eyes dropped and again began to peer thoughtfully into the crackling flames. It turns out that fame is not all that occupies his thoughts.
For the first time, Daryun felt something akin to doubt in the stranger. That man was born a warrior, but did he find a reason to fight?
They didn't speak anymore.
The morning greeted Daryun with silence and coolness. The pre-dawn fog hid the distant hills in a transparent twilight. Not far away, the faithful Shabrang was waiting for him, twitching his smooth black skin, already covered with droplets of morning dew.
The fact that yesterday's meeting was not a dream was only reminded by the blackened extinguished fire. There was no sign that Daryun was not alone.
What was it? Dream?
The image of yesterday’s warrior immediately appeared in my memory. So similar and not like himself.
I hope you find a reason to fight.
The events of the dead moonless night quickly faded and melted away, like dawn fog under the rays of the sun. Daryun , the youngest among the marzbans of Pars, the Warrior-of-Warriors, returned home. He was met by his uncle, who was training the young prince.
Both were incredibly happy to see him.
It’s okay, Your Highness, you will still learn to fight, Daryun thought with a smile, looking into the shining blue eyes of the boy who was to be his master.
There, very far away, in a windswept mountain hut, the warrior came to his senses. Despite the wine he had drunk, his mind was clear. The obsession had seen at night was still fresh in him memory.
This time, they were not the ones he had sent to the underworld in his countless battles. Not ethereal shadows crowding on the banks of an underground river, waiting for the crossing and saying that they are waiting for him.
Who was that warrior? Black-haired, dark-skinned, with strange yellow eyes. And his horse, a black giant, was clearly a fighting horse. He himself would not have refused this… What land did he belong to? One thing was clear: that man knew himself and knew what he was fighting for. And it would be a fight to the death.
For him, the main thing was immortality in the hearts of people. Vegetating here, far from the rest of the world, you cannot achieve it. Still, how different they are, warriors…
Isn't it time to go back?
The cold mountains gave way to a bright sea, along the small waves of which the glare of the dazzling sun glided merrily. The bow of his big-eyed ship buried itself in the sand. During the long time that he was absent, the younger brother himself began to resemble a young warrior. A moment later, his clear gray eyes shone with joy.
I'm back home, my little brother…
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illustrious-beauty · 10 months
Tag Nine People You'd Like to Get to Know Better!
I was tagged by @musesofhororr
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Green, Purple, Blue
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): generally something savoury, sour, do have a soft spot for sweet flavours like cotton candy
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: Hozier, Mitski, The Civil Wars, Classical music, Mäneskin, Depeche Mode, David Bowie, Queen, Tamino, The Neighbourhood, Muse
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆: Francesca by Hozier
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Crimson Peak, Casablanca, The Philadelphia story, Roman Holiday, Thor: The Dark World, Thor, Pride and Prejudice (2005), Shakespeare in love, Tristan & Isolde, Ever After, Memento, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Troy (2004), Prince of Egypt
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: Bridget Jone's Diary (2001)
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Secret Bridesmaids business (K*tie McGr*th plays a bisexual lawyer in it; need I say more), The Last Kingdom, BBC Merlin, This is Us, The Killing, X-Files, The Fall, Sons of Anarchy, i Medici (Masters of Florence), The Borgias
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: If we go with what I finished then The Fall otherwise last watched Monarch on Apple TV+
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: X-files (on s2 rn, love it so far), The Morning Show, The lions of Sicily, Vikings, Criminal Minds
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: Jane Austen: Northanger Abbey
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: The second chapter of a 2 part fanfiction, the 6th chapter of a multi-chapter fic and a one-shot
Tagging (only do this if you'd like to + whoever sees this on my blog and wants to do it): @justanothermultimuse @esoterium
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lavender-at-heart · 2 years
um hi
hahha i tottally havent posted anything in months- but school has been the seventh level of hell so- . but im starting to get back into the swing of things and make some more fics. my requests are open and at this point ill write anything(xpt smut)! so send me a request , i beg. also my masterlist is in my bio-
-- cora<3
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wortmalerin137 · 4 years
Troy fanfiction: Not a child anymore (german)
Disclaimer: I don’t own any rights of the movie “Troy” (2004). I don’t earn any money with this fanfiction, it is for entertainment purposes only. The fanfiction belongs to me.
Summary: Patroclus is ten years old and lives with Achilles since he is six years old (his parents have been murdered by a burglar when he was six). One night Patroclus  wants to sleep in Achilles’ bed but the older one forbids it because Patroclus is not a child anymore. Trouble arises. German fanfiction! No slash!
Kein Kind mehr
Patroklos lag hellwach in seiner dunklen Kammer und sah auf die Sterne am schwarzen Himmel. Das Rauschen des Meeres drang an seine Ohren. Er konnte nicht schlafen. Es war kein Albtraum, der ihn geweckt hatte, oder die Furcht vor einem, die ihn vom Schlafen abhielt. Er konnte einfach nicht einschlafen. Ihm wäre es lieber, wenn er bei Achilles wäre. Vor zwei Jahren, als Patroklos acht geworden war, hatte sein Cousin die Kuscheltiere aus Patroklos‘ Bett verband, da er meinte, der Junge sei nun zu alt dafür. Patroklos hatte oft überlegt, ob er heimlich eines auf dem Markt von Phitia kaufen sollte, doch er wusste nicht, wie er es an dem Mann mit den Adleraugen vorbeischmuggeln sollte und er war sich sicher, dass er eine Menge Ärger bekommen würde, wenn Achilles herausfand, dass Patroklos immer noch an diesen „kindischen Dingen“ hing. Aber er brauchte etwas, dass er nachts im Arm halten konnte, etwas, mit dem er leise flüstern konnte, wenn der Schlaf nicht kommen wollte, wie müde er auch war. Wenn er kein Kuscheltier hatte, dann musste eben sein Vetter herhalten, der schlief wie ein Stein und von Patroklos‘ nächtlichen Monologen nichts mitbekam. Patroklos wunderte es, wie Achilles einerseits so tief schlafen und andererseits bei dem leisesten Geräusch feindlicher Füße sofort erwachen und nach seinem Dolch langen konnte. Der kleine Junge verließ sein Bett und schlich in das Zimmer des Prinzen der Myrmidonen.             Patroklos hob behutsam die Decke an und wollte gerade darunter schlüpfen, als er eine tiefe Stimme schlaftrunken knurren hörte: „Das würde ich an deiner Stelle sein lassen, Bursche.“ „Warum?“, fragte Patroklos verwundert. Er hatte nicht mitbekommen, dass Achilles eine Frau bei sich hätte.   „Hattest du einen Albtraum?“           „Nein.“           „Dann geh zurück in dein Zimmer und schlaf dort.“           „Und wenn ich wegen etwas Angst hab?“   „Dann stell dich ihr. Du bist kein kleines Kind mehr, Patroklos. Du kannst nicht ständig nachts zu mir kommen, ich bin nicht deine Mutter“, wies der stolze Krieger ihn ab.       Patroklos verengte die Augen und taxierte seinen Cousin, ehe er erneut versuchte, in das Bett zu gelangen. Achilles griff nach seiner Schulter und stieß ihn zurück, Patroklos taumelte zwei Schritte nach hinten. Es war kein heftiger Stoß gewesen, sondern eine Warnung, nicht noch einmal ungehorsam zu sein. Patroklos ballte seine Hände zu Fäusten und verließ schweigend das Zimmer.
Schon beim Frühstück merkte Thetis, dass etwas nicht in Ordnung war. Achilles und Patroklos waren angespannt, ein zorniges Schweigen zwischen ihnen und wenn sie sich ansahen, waren ihre Blicke vorwurfsvoll.       Blitzendes Blau kreuzte kühles Sturmgrau. Achilles knallte seine Schüssel auf den Tisch, die Milch schwappte über: „Mit der Haltung brauchst du gar nicht hier sitzen! Raus!“ Patroklos erhob sich schweigend, den stolzen Blick fest auf den Älteren gerichtet, verbeugte er sich steif: „Was gebietet mein Herr weiter?“         Achilles kniff die Augen zusammen: „Du solltest keinen Kampf beginnen, den du nicht gewinnen kannst, wenn du kein ehrenhaftes Ziel damit verfolgst, Vetter. Geh in den Stall und kratz meinem Pferd die Hufe aus.“ Er wusste, dass Patroklos diese Aufgabe als demütigend empfand, da sie normalerweise von Sklaven erledigt wurde. Der presste die Lippen zusammen. Großmütig grinsend lehnte Achilles sich in seinem Stuhl zurück und griff nach ein paar Weintrauben: „Und danach wirst du den Stall ausmisten.“ Patroklos blickte ihn wütend an, ehe er schweigend an ihm vorbei stürmte. Thetis schüttelte schweigend den Kopf.
Patroklos konnte den schweren Pferdehuf von Achilles‘ schwarzem Hengst kaum mit beiden Händen hochheben, geschweige denn mit einer Hand festhalten. Er suchte sich einen Hocker, stellte diesen neben das Pferd und stellte seinen Fuß darauf. Anschließend ließ er seine linke Hand am linken Vorderbein des Pferdes hinab gleiten, umschloss den Huf mit beiden Händen. „Huf!“, sagte er und der Hengst hob den Huf an. Patroklos legte das Röhrbein ächzend auf seinem Oberschenkel ab und begann mit der Reinigung. Schon bald begann sein Oberschenkel unter der ungewohnten Last zu zittern. „Ich bin ein Schwächling“, murmelte Patroklos verärgert. „Wenn ich nicht Achilles‘ Cousin wäre, würde er mich verachten.“ Das Pferd bewegte die Ohren zustimmend. „Solltest du mich nicht aufmuntern?“, fragte der blonde Junge. Das Pferd wiehrte leise und blies ihn an. „Danke vielmals“, antwortete er lachend. Nachdem er mit allen vier Hufen fertig war, hatte er das Gefühl, seine Arme würden ihm abfallen. Jetzt musste er noch den Stall ausmisten, in dem zweiundzwanzig Pferde standen. Eines gehörte Achilles, eines war Patroklos‘ Übungspferd, eines gehörte Thetis und eines Peleus, außerdem hatten sie vier Kutschpferde. Der Rest waren Geschenke von anderen Königen, Achilles hatte sie treuen Bediensteten zum Geschenk gemacht. Denn solange Ares sich reiten ließ, würde der beste Krieger Griechenlands den Rappen reiten. Eines der Pferde war ein Geschenk von König Odysseus von Ithaka, einem guten Freund von Achilles. Patroklos hatte sich gewundert, als das Pferd – ebenfalls ein Rappe, aber deutlich kleiner – vor zwei Wochen plötzlich in ihrem Stall gestanden hatte. Odysseus wusste doch, dass Achilles niemanden außer Ares ritt. Vielleicht war es ja ein Geschenk zu Patroklos‘ elftem Geburtstag, so hoffte das Kind, auch wenn es bis zu dem Tag noch fünf Monate und drei Wochen waren. Jedes Mal, wenn er Schritte hörte, hielt Patroklos ängstlich inne, da er fürchtete, dass ein Sklave käme und ihn bei dieser erniedrigenden Arbeit sah. Jeder, der sah wie Patroklos sich mit der Mistgabel abmühte, würde sofort wissen, dass der Junge etwas angestellt hatte. Wenn es tatsächlich eine Strafe für Fehlverhalten wäre, würde Patroklos sich auch schämen, gesehen zu werden. Nun jedoch wäre die Schmach unerträglich, da er ja nichts angestellt hatte und sein Cousin ihm nur diese Aufgabe gegeben hatte, weil der 22-jährige in seinem Stolz verletzt war. Überhaupt war es ganz gemein und ungerecht von Achilles, ihn so zu behandeln! Er benahm sich überhaupt nicht wie ein Kind! Er wollte eben nur nicht alleine sein in der Nacht… war das so verwerflich? Hasste der Sohn des Peleus‘ denn nicht auch die Einsamkeit des Nachts, wenn er eine Frau zu sich holte, manchmal sogar mehrere? Der Junge wusste nicht, was der Ältere mit den Frauen tat, denn wenn Achilles Frauenbesuch hatte, sollte Patroklos ihn nicht stören. Dann galt die Devise: „Wenn es blutet, geh zu Thetis und wenn etwas gebrochen ist, sag ihr Bescheid und schick nach dem Hausarzt. Solltest du nicht laufen können, dann darfst du um Hilfe schreien. Aber erst dann.“ Die blauen Augen Achills waren ernst gewesen bei diesen Worten und kein Lächeln oder der Tonfall seiner Stimme hatte auf einen Scherz hingedeutet. Diese Worte galten noch nicht lange für Patroklos, erst seit seinem zehnten Geburtstag. Davor hatte er immer zu seinem Cousin kommen dürfen, auch wenn dieser eine Frau bei sich hatte. Jedoch hatte Patroklos instinktiv die Anwesenheit dieser Frauen gemieden. Es behagte ihm nicht, wie sie in kindischer Weise an Achills Lippen hingen und ständig lachten, wenn er etwas sagte – er brauchte sich nicht einmal Mühe geben, sie zu unterhalten. Solche Frauen waren Patroklos unangenehm, etwas Sonderbares lag in ihrer Art sich zu kleiden und sich zu bewegen. So fordernd und auffällig… Nicht wie Penelope, die Frau des Odysseus‘, die schönste Frau, die Patroklos je zu Gesicht bekommen hatte. Sie hatte lange dunkelbraune Locken, die ihr teils kunstvoll geflochten auf den Rücken hinunter fielen, und ebenso dunkelbraune Augen, die genauso klug waren wie die ihres Mannes und zugleich von einer mütterlichen Zuneigung, die in Patroklos dunkle Ahnungen an seine Mutter aufkommen ließ. Außerdem hatte sie Sommersprossen auf ihrer Nase, was er sehr niedlich fand. Penelope hatte eine vornehme Haltung und ihre Bewegungen waren sanft und elegant. Sie sprach mit weicher Stimme, ihre Worte zeugten von Verstand und Bildung. Sie heischte nicht nach der Aufmerksamkeit der Männer wie diese anderen, seltsamen Frauen, sondern war demütig und ergeben. Dennoch war sie nicht wehrlos, denn ihre Zunge konnte ebenso spitz sein wie die des Königs von Ithaka, sodass sie den Männern mit einem Humor ihrer Art leicht ein ehrliches Lachen entlocken konnte. Achilles hatte schon oft im Scherz beklagt, dass sein bester Freund die einzige Frau geheiratet habe, die es zu heiraten sich lohnte. Achilles‘ Sinn war noch nicht auf die Ehe ausgerichtet, er trachtete nach Krieg und Ruhm wie alle großen Helden in ihren jungen Jahren. Seine Zeit würde kommen, da sich dem Schwert in seiner Hand eine Wiege an seiner Seite zugesellen würde. Patroklos konnte seinem Cousin nur im Stillen Recht geben und bewunderte die Königin von Ithaka. Er freute sich und war jedes Mal außerordentlich stolz, wenn sie das Wort an ihn richtete und sich mit ihm unterhielt. Nur bedauerte er, dass er sich mit ihr nur über Kinderthemen unterhalten konnte, wenn er doch wünschte, ihr wie ein Krieger begegnen zu können – ebenso stolz und herrlich wie sein Vetter, der Penelope weit besser rhetorisch zu fesseln vermochte als Patroklos. Doch der Junge hatte niemandem verraten, was er über die Frau von Odysseus dachte. „Sehr weit bist du ja nicht“, hörte er plötzlich eine Stimme sagen. Patroklos zuckte zusammen und fuhr herum. Achilles lehnte im Eingang und musterte den Knaben mit verschränkten Armen: „Sieh zu, dass du fertig wirst. In anderthalb Stunden gibt es Mittagessen. Bis dahin sollst du fertig sein.“   Patroklos‘ Griff um die Mistgabel verstärkte sich: „Normalerweise verrichten sieben Sklaven diese Aufgabe und ich soll das alleine an einem Vormittag schaffen! Das ist unmöglich!“ Achilles grinste: „Herakles hat es auch geschafft, auch wenn er die Flüsse dafür umgeleitet hat.“ Er zuckte nachlässig mit den Schultern und wandte sich ab: „Du wirst dich wohl anstrengen müssen, Cousin.“ Eine Melodie pfeifend verließ er den Stall. Patroklos umklammerte die Mistgabel fester. Diese dämliche Bastard! Sein Magen hing schon jetzt in den Kniekehlen, da er morgens kaum gefrühstückt hatte, weil Achilles ihn rausgeschmissen hatte. Seit vier Stunden war er nun schon am arbeiten und musste noch eine weitere Stunde arbeiten, ehe er sich waschen konnte für das Mittagessen. Patroklos schniefte und blinzelte. Am liebsten würde er einfach weglaufen und sich irgendwo in den Schluchten der Steilküsten verstecken, bestimmt wäre Achilles dann traurig und würde bereuen, so gemein zu ihm gewesen zu sein. Er schaufelte neuen Mist auf. Was machte er sich vor? Achilles würde vor Wut schäumen über diese Frechheit und ihn wahrscheinlich noch an Ort und Stelle verprügeln, wenn er ihn gefunden hatte.
Beim Mittagessen saß Patroklos erschöpft auf seinem Stuhl. Trotzdem war er um eine aufrechte Haltung bemüht, da er sich vor Achilles nichts anmerken lassen wollte. Dennoch sank er immer wieder in sich zusammen, seine Bewegungen waren langsam und schwerfällig und obgleich ihn hungerte, aß er kaum etwas. Er wollte nur noch schlafen.         „Wie weit bist du gekommen?“, fragte Achilles ihn lauernd. „Soweit wie ich gekommen bin, mein Herr.“             „Und wie weit wäre das genau?“       Patroklos zuckte mit den Schultern: „Ich denke, etwa ein Viertel.“             Achilles nickte: „Die Sklaven sollen sich um den Rest kümmern. Den armen Pferden ist es nicht zuzumuten, dass sie wegen deiner Schwäche weiter in ihrem eigenen Unrat stehen. Kümmere dich lieber um Feuerholz, das wirst du wohl hinkriegen.“ Der zehnjährige Junge presste die Lippen zusammen und senkte die Augen auf den Tisch. Er wusste, dass Achilles ihn zu provozieren versuchte, sodass er sich zu einer taktlosen Aussage hinreißen ließ, damit der Prinz der Myrmidonen ihn noch mehr triezen konnte. Patroklos würde nicht darauf eingehen. Er durfte sich nicht von solch stichelnden Aussagen aus der Ruhe bringen lassen.             „Nicht wahr, Patroklos? Das schaffst du doch oder etwa nicht?“   Der Junge verengte seine grauen Augen, als er das hämische Grinsen sah: „Gewiss doch, du wirst keinen Grund zur Klage haben, Achilles.“         Dessen Grinsen wurde breiter: „Vorsichtig, Cousin! Genau dieser falsche Stolz hat manche Männer schon ihren Kopf gekostet.“ Patroklos senkte blinzelnd die Augen und nestelte mit seinen Händen an seiner Tunika herum. Stimmte das oder wollte Achilles ihn nur ängstigen? Das er auch immer wieder auf solche vorhersehbaren Tricks herein fiel! Er hob den Blick wieder, doch zu spät, Achilles hatte den seinigen bereits abgewandt und beschäftigte sich gelassen mit seinem Essen.
Thetis betrat den Hinterhof, in dem Patroklos mit einer Axt Holzscheite bearbeitete. Keuchend lehnte er das Gerät gegen den Baumstumpf. Seine Arme schmerzten noch mehr, sein Rücken klebte vor Schweiß und er hatte Kopfschmerzen. Die Sportübungen mit Achilles waren fordernd, doch erschienen sie Patroklos rückblickend leicht im Vergleich zu diesen Aufgaben.    „Hier“, sprach Thetis zu dem Jungen und reichte ihm einen Becher mit Wasser. „Achilles ist ausgeritten. Geh rein und wasch dich und danach ruh dich aus, ein Diener wird die Aufgabe übernehmen.“     Patroklos stürzte den Becherinhalt hinunter, das sanfte Wasser schmerzte seine ausgetrocknete Kehle. „Danke“, flüsterte er heiser.
Thetis strich dem Kind durch die nassen Haare, ein nasser Lappen mit Kräutern lag auf seiner Stirn, um die Kopfschmerzen zu lindern.     „Was ist überhaupt vorgefallen?“, fragte sie.             Patroklos schnaubte: „Nichts. Achilles ist einfach so unbeherrscht wie der Minotaurus.“ Thetis stoppte in ihrer Bewegung: „Ich bin mir sicher, dass Achilles sich nicht richtig verhalten hat, aber dennoch solltest du so etwas nicht über ihn sagen.“           „Entschuldige Thetis. Gestern Nacht wollte ich zu Achilles, da ich nicht einschlafen konnte. Er hat mich rausgeschmissen und meinte, ich sei kein kleines Kind mehr und solle mich wie ein Mann benehmen. Ich weiß gar nicht, warum er so unfreundlich zu mir war. Außerdem will er doch auch manchmal nicht allein schlafen, wenn er diese komischen Frauen zu sich einlädt. Warum ist es dann falsch und kindisch, wenn ich Gesellschaft will?“ „Das ist etwas anderes mit den Frauen“, wehrte Thetis umständlich ab. „Das verstehst du noch nicht. Du kommst als Kind zu Achilles, du suchst bei ihm, was dir deine Mutter und dein Vater geben müssten. Da dir die elterliche Nähe so früh und grausam entrissen wurde, sehnst du dich natürlich stärker und länger nach ihr als wenn du sie um dich gehabt hättest, wie es sein sollte. In deinem Alter werden viele Jungen und Mädchen zu anderen Höfen und Königshäusern geschickt, damit sie dort unterrichtet werden. Sie lassen ihre Eltern zum ersten Mal hinter sich. Achilles behandelt dich wie einen normalen Jungen, darum erwartet er von dir, dass du das Kindliche jetzt schon ablegst. Eines Tages wirst du es ablegen, Patroklos, bald sogar, wenn deine Ausbildung zum Soldaten anfängt. Aber bis dahin sollte Achilles dir Zeit gewähren, ich werde mit ihm darüber reden.“     Patroklos hatte sich nie Gedanken darüber gemacht, dass mit seinem elften Geburtstag seine Kindheit vorbei sein würde. Er hatte sich nur auf die beginnende Ausbildung gefreut: Endlich durfte er das Kämpfen von Achilles und Eudoros lernen. Doch das seine Kindheit mit jenem Tag, da er ein Schwert in die Hand nahm (selbst wenn es zu Beginn nur ein einfaches Übungsschwert aus Holz sein würde), unwiderruflich enden würde, erschreckte ihn doch ein wenig. Patroklos liebte Thetis sehr und obwohl er nur wenige Erinnerungen an seine Mutter hatte, hatten diese paar Bilder ausgereicht, sein Herz zu hüten, sodass er Thetis zwar wie eine Mutter liebte, aber sie nicht als seine Mutter sah. Wäre er zu einer fremden Frau gekommen, einer Frau wie Penelope, vielleicht hätte er sie als Mutter sehen und lieben können. Aber die strahlende Nereide Thetis war nur eines Mannes Mutter: die Mutter des Achilles‘, des größten Kriegers aller Zeiten. Für einen zweiten Sohn war kein Platz an ihrer Seite, auch wenn sie Patroklos wie einen liebte. Sie war seine Tante und der Glanz, der von ihr in dieser Stellung abging, reichte aus, Patroklos zu erhellen. Doch nur dem Sohn des Peleus‘ war es vorbehalten, im Licht ihres Ruhmes zu wandeln.
Thetis streichelte über Achilles‘ Schulter: „Warum triezst du den Jungen so sehr?“           „Weil er es verdient hat“, erwiderte Achilles mürrisch, ehe er einen Schluck Wein nahm. Thetis schüttelte den Kopf: „Du bist zu voreilig in deinen Schlüssen, Achilles. Im Kampf hätte ein Gegner dich so leicht überwinden können.“             Der Blonde schüttelte ihre Hand von seiner Schulter ab: „Was für Lügenmärchen hat der Wicht dir erzählt, dass du auf seiner Seite stehst? Soll ich es etwa dulden, wenn er sich einer vernünftigen Anweisung meinerseits widersetzt und dann am nächsten Morgen trotzig herumstolziert als wäre er im Recht, wenn er in Wahrheit nur bockig und stur ist?“ Die alte Frau seufzte: „Natürlich nicht. Aber er hat sich an deine Weisung gehalten, er hat in seinem Zimmer geschlafen.“     „Äußerlich ja, aber innerlich fehlt jede Einsicht. Was soll ich mit einem Soldaten, der nur grollend meine Befehle ausführt, weil er in seiner begrenzten Weltsicht nur seinen eigenen Willen kennt und jede Verletzung seines Willens als endlose Ungerechtigkeit auffasst?“ „So ist Patroklos aber nicht“, wandte Thetis ein. „Prinzipiell ist dein Anliegen richtig, aber bedenke seine Situation. Seine Eltern sind vor seinen Augen ermordet worden, als er sechs war, so etwas hinterlässt Spuren auf Jahre. Darum hängt er mehr an den wenigen Überbleibseln seiner Kindheit, weil sie ihm zu früh genommen wurde. Gib ihm noch das halbe Jahr bis zu seinem elften Geburtstag Zeit, sich an das Erwachsenwerden zu gewöhnen.“ Achilles presste die Kiefer zusammen und starrte in das Feuer. Bald war das Abendessen fertig, allmählich wurde es dunkel und die ersten Sterne würden bald scheinen. Er hatte sich wie ein rasender Stier aufgeführt, blind vor Zorn und gekränkt in seiner Eitelkeit. Allzu leicht vergaß er die Last seines jungen Vetters, wenn das Kind fröhlich war und lachte. Seit den vier Jahren, in denen Patroklos nun schon bei ihnen wohnte, hatte er sich gut entwickelt. Achilles war ein ungeduldiger Mann, wenn er kein Schwert in der Hand hielt, das wusste er. Zu schnell erwartete er dann von Patroklos Dinge, für die er angesichts seiner Geschichte noch nicht bereit war, zu leicht sah er ihn wie einen normalen Jungen, der schon längst seiner Kindheit entwachsen sein müsste, um als junger Mann nach der körperlichen und geistigen Vollendung des Mannes zu streben. Das halbe Jahr könnte er ihm noch gewähren, Thetis hatte recht. Achilles erhob sich: „Ich werde nach Patroklos sehen.“       „Er liegt in seinem Zimmer und schläft.“
Patroklos öffnete langsam die Augen, als er spürte wie eine Hand durch seine Haare streichelte. „Achilles!“, erschrocken wollte er sich aufsetzen, doch er wurde auf sein Bett zurück gedrückt.         „Shh, bleib liegen, alles ist in Ordnung“, murmelte der 22-jährige. „Es tut mir leid, dass ich die Aufgabe nicht erledigt habe… Thetis meinte, ich soll mich ausruhen und ich war so müde… und…bitte sei nicht sauer“, faselte der Junge vor sich hin. „Ich bin nicht sauer“, beruhigte Achilles ihn. Sein Gewissen plagte ihn, als er Patroklos‘ ängstlichen Blick sah und die flehenden Worte hörte. Was hatte er dem Kind nur angetan? Er streichelte ihm weiter durch die Haare, Patroklos schien ruhiger zu werden.       „Ich bin es, der  dich um Verzeihung bitten muss“, bekannte Achilles, worauf Patroklos ihn verwundert ansah. „Wenn es auch dabei bleibt, dass du nicht immer zu mir kommen kannst, hätte ich dir das vernünftig erklären sollen und dich nicht einfach so rausschmeißen dürfen. Außerdem hätte ich heute nicht so streng zu dir sein dürfen.“             Einige Zeit schwieg Patroklos und Achilles fürchtete bereits, er habe in seinem Zorn den Jungen über den Tag so gekränkt, dass Patroklos ihm nicht sofort verzeihen würde. Auch wenn dies Patroklos gutes Recht wäre, so verletzte allein die Vorstellung dieser Demütigung bereits wieder Achilles‘ Stolz und er spürte ein Aufbegehren in seinem Innern gegen die bloße Möglichkeit, dass Patroklos durch das Verzögern der Vergebung den Myrmidonenprinz so züchtigen würde.         „Ich verzeihe dir“, erklang Patroklos‘ weiche Stimme.         „Was?“, erwiderte Achilles ungläubig.         „Ich verzeihe dir, Achilles“, antwortete Patroklos und lächelte seinen älteren Cousin vorsichtig an. „Ich hätte auch nicht so empfindlich sein dürfen, schließlich soll ich in einem halben Jahr Soldat werden.“         Achilles lachte erleichtert und schloss Patroklos in seine Arme. Er lehnte seine Stirn gegen die des Jungen, eine seiner Hände fand sich auf dessen Hinterkopf ein. So verweilten sie einige Zeit. Patroklos war überglücklich, dass der Streit beigelegt war und Achilles sogar Einsehen in sein Fehlverhalten gehabt hatte und sich entschuldigt hatte. Patroklos liebte seinen Cousin über alles, der Ältere war ihm Beschützer und Vorbild und bald Lehrer, aber auch er war nicht frei von Fehlern und es verstärkte Patroklos‘ Gefühl der Geborgenheit, zu wissen, dass Achilles richtig mit Fehlern umgehen und sie eingestehen konnte.           „Wenn du willst, kannst du heute Nacht bei mir schlafen. Aber mit deinem elften Geburtstag hören die Besuche auf, dann darfst du nur noch kommen, wenn du Albträume hast oder es dir körperlich nicht gut geht. - Und bilde dir ja nicht ein, dass du in dem halben Jahr bis dahin bei mir einziehen kannst“, fügte Achilles mit einem Grinsen an.             „Ach Schade, ich dachte, ich könnte Küken spielen.“         Patroklos schlang seine Arme von hinten um Achilles‘ Hals, als der sich erhob, und seine Beine um dessen Hüfte, Achilles stützte dessen Oberschenkel mit seinen Händen ab.           „Jetzt geht es erst einmal zur Küche, das Abendessen ist fertig, Küken.“   Mit Patroklos huckepack verließ der größte Krieger Griechenlands das Zimmer.
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hellsbedroom · 2 years
tagged by my bestie @lcvenderblues to do this little get-to-know-you game :) thank you!!
rules: tag a few people you want to know better; make a new post, don’t reblog!
favorite color: emerald green! or that pthalo green from this post. a good jewel-tone green pls & thx
currently reading: my gratitude journal, if that counts. there’s lots of good prompts that are a wonderful aide to a positive mindset
last song: buttons - the pussycat dolls (ultimate hype song for getting ready)
last movie: gone girl (2014)
last series: bridgerton s2. i AM a sucker for romance between two overburdened eldest siblings. and heavy breathing
sweet, spicy, savory: i have a sweet tooth but savory things make me very happy
coffee or tea: coffee, always iced :)
three ships: will turner x elizabeth swann (potc), leia organa x han solo (star wars), anything between any of the men in troy (2004)
first ever ship: emily prentiss x aaron hotchner (criminal minds), I was so young and didn’t even know what shipping was but saw them on screen and was like “yeah they should kiss”
currently working on: a matt two-shot, matt fluff (probably gonna finish this one first), matt smut, and a frank smut. these past few busy weeks have messed with my writing motivation but I’m trying!
favorite piece of clothing: my poofy floral sundress(es), I can’t wait for warmer spring and summer
comfort food: french fries, burritos, pizza. if there’s bread or potatoes or cheese involved I will be comforted 💕 OH also warm soup or gumbo on a rainy day
favorite time of year: echoing lav’s answer that I love moderate weather — either a warm late spring or that first brisk autumn morning when it’s not too hot any more
fav fanfiction: i have read too many over the years to pick one 🥺 but I’ll re-recommend everything I’ve reblogged to comment on for this blog (under the tag #writing)
no-pressure tags: @splendiferous-bitch @foggywells @freshabogados
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I Am No Homer’s Hero You All Know - Masterlist
DC/ Titans/ Superman and Lois Fanfiction | (OC) Ben Kent x Dick Grayson
I am no Homer’s hero you all know;
I profess not generosity to a foe.
My generosity is to my friends,
That for their friendship I make amends.
The generous to enemies promotes their ends,
And becomes the enemy and betrayer of his friends.
William Blake - On Friends and Foes
What if, back in Smallville as a Teenager, Clark give into his teenage urges and fathered a child at sixteen? And what if Jonathan and Martha Kent received full custody of their grandson? And what if that grandson grew up never acknowledged as a son by Clark, but due to his powers was grudgingly accepted as Superman’s sidekick the first Superboy?
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Benjamin Kent, after a decade as Superboy, does the unthinkable, he turns his back on the hero life and hangs up his cape.
Sick of the hero life and his father, it is Ben that leaves with Jor-El. Leaving behind the Justice League and his best friends, Dick Grayson, and Donna Troy as the three first sidekicks.
After three years of training and learning from his grandfather, Ben returns to Earth only to hear about Donna’s death and suddenly is only priority is to find Dick.
What will Dick think when the person he has been missing for all this time is suddenly there at Donna’s grave? Where has he been? And will Dick help Ben keep Superman and his new family in the dark about him being back?
This take places in the DC multi-universe, but after season two of Titans (2019), and the Superman and Lois is there just on the premise that Clark and Lois got married before Ben was Superboy (when he was eight in 2004) and have had their two children, but Ben only met Lois at the wedding and was never introduced to her as Clark’s son.
Lois thinks that Ben is Martha and Jonathan's son when he is mentioned by others, but doesn’t know the identity of the first Superboy, but has met Supergirl so thinks Superboy must be a cousin or another Kryptonian
Clark is born 1980 (making him thirty-eight in 2019) which means Ben is born in 1996 (he becomes Superboy in 2006 making him twenty-three in 2019). Clark and Lois’ first son Jonathan is born in 2006 and is Superboy in 2016 (making him thirteen in 2019) four months after Ben’s ‘disappearance’.
Dick Grayson is born in 1990 (making him twenty-nine) and Donna Troy was born in 1989 and died in 2019 (making her thirty when she died.)
To clarify Clark isn’t mean or abusive to Ben he is just dismissive, the responsibility of raising Ben was quickly taking over by Martha and Jonathan he didn’t actually have a chance to bond with Ben as a father he is more of a distant cousin/uncle figure.
Martha and Jonathan mean well, but they can be a bit too protective of Clark, their expectations of him, and his background.
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I got tagged by @vintagesimstress. Dzięki Ania! I haven’t done it in a while so here it goes.
Rules: answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: I never had one. My name is quite short so maybe that’s why?
Zodiac: Leo
Height: between 155 and 160 cm
Last thing searched: ts4cc lol
Favourite musicians: I’m too old to fangirl over singers or bands. I mostly listen to whatever’s on the radio or on my ipod playlists. I used to love rock, metal or punk but I’ve never been a part of any subculture. However, I do have a soft spot for Linking Park, Korn, Metallica, Slipknot, etc. I also love listening to classical music, good soundtracks from movies, tv shows, games and even Bollywood, and wrestling themes. And I could listen to anyone with a good English accent forever. Oh, and Lana del Ray.
If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future? Being born in the wrong era is the story of my life. I’d go back in time to see all of my favourite historical figures and then I could die happily.
Do I get asks? I used to. Now, I’m scarcely even here.
Following : 391 people
Would you rather be rich or famous? Rich. I’d love to build myself a castle and live there peacefully. Fame is not for me.  
Amount of sleep: Never enough.
What I’m wearing: Everything black. Although, I’m not an emo or a goth. I just like black a lot. And I’ve got lots of black clothes left from the two mourning periods that have happened during the last couple of years. Honestly, everything in my wardrobe is either black or all kinds of blue with rare green/purple/grey colour accents.
Dream job: I don’t have one and that’s why I’m never satisfied with what I do.
Dream trip: A tour around European castles, palaces, and royal gardens.
If you were an animal. What would you be? A dog, a horse or a bird. Preferably a bird cause it’s free and independent. A raven, maybe?
What are some of your favourite books/films/shows/games/etc.?
Books: I’m a bookworm. I love to read. Actually, I mostly read biographies of my favourite historical people. Aside from that, I read historical fiction, fantasy, horrors, and thrillers. I adore Agatha Christie and American gothic, so authors like E. A. Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne. But I also love good old Shakespeare and his tragedies as well as modern drama, Chekhov, etc. And fanfiction. Who doesn’t read it? My favourite book is Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Honourable mentions go to: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky; A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin, A Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind and Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.
Films: There are so many so I’ll name those I feel most nostalgic about: Gone with the Wind (1939); Ivanhoe (1952); Sleeping Beauty (1959 animated); Anne of the Thousand Days (1969); Sissi (1955); Trędowata (1976); Noce i dnie (1975); Clash of the Titans (1981); Steel Magnolias (1989); Dracula (1992); The Swan Princess (1994 animated); Braveheart (1995); Jumanji (1995); Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge (1995); Matilda (1996); Anastasia (1997 animated); Practical Magic (1998); The Parent Trap (1998); Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (1998); Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000); Gladiator (2000);  Kabhie Khushi Kabhie Gham (2001); The Fast and The Furious (2001); Troy (2004); Van Helsing (2004); Kingdom of heaven (2005); Casino Royal (2006); 300 (2006); Pan’s Labyrinth (2006); The Wolfman (2010); Sicario (2015).
Shows: I mostly watch everything historical, Game of Thrones, Legend of the Seeker or vampires and zombies. No comedies, doctors or layer dramas. For anyone interested in historical tv series, I’ll try to list them periodically: Tut (miniseries 2015)Hercules; The legendary journeys (1995-1999); Xena Warrior Princess (1995-2001); ROME (2005-2007); Starz’s Spartacus (2010-2013); BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012); Camelot (2011); The Mists of Avalon (miniseries 2001); Viklngs (2013-2020); The Last Kingdom (2015-); The Pillars of the Earth (miniseries 2010); The Lion in Winter (TV movie 2003); BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009); World Without End (miniseries 2012); Labyrinth (miniseries 2012); Marco Polo (2014-2016); The Hollow Crown (miniseries 2012); Medici: Masters of Florence (2016-); Da Vinci’s Demons (2013-2015);The Borgias (2011-2013); Borgia (2011-2014); The White Queen (miniseries 2012); The White Princess (miniseries 2017); The Spanish Princess (miniseries 2019); The Tudors (2007-2010); Reign (2013-2017); Muhteşem Yüzyıl aka The Magnificent Century (2011-2014); Muhtesem Yüzyıl: Kösem aka The Magnificent Centuruy: Kösem (2015-2017); Versailles (2015-2018); Black Sails (2014-2017); Outlander (2014-); The Frontier (2016-); Крепостная aka Love in Chains 2019); Poldark (2015-2019); Victoria (2016-); Ripper Street (2012-2016); Penny Dreadful (2014-2016); Dracula (2013-2014); The Crown (2016-)
Games: TS4; Crusader Kings II; Hitman; Tomb Raider games; Assassin’s Creed games; God of War games and The Last of Us.
Play any instruments? Unfortunately, no. ;-(
Language(s): Native: Polish; Second: English; The rest: Russian, Spanish and Latin. Self-learning: Hindi and Turkish
Describe yourself as aesthetic: …”A solitary maiden whose only friends are dogs, flowers and her companions-books”
I TAG @sifixcc, @theroyalsims, @pandorasimbox, @kellymarie69, @miraraeblog whose yt royal series is my fav pastime nowadays and anybody else who’d like to participate :)
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luckybide · 5 years
FanFic Splinter Cell Dust Storm - Chapitre 1
Dans cet article vous trouverez le premier chapitre d’une fanfiction que j’avais commencé à écrire et imaginer quelques années plus tôt.
C’est une histoire reprenant l’univers de Splinter Cell crée par Ubisoft et Tom Clancy au début des années 2000. Mon récit se place chronologiquement entre les scénarios des jeux Chaos Theory et Double Agent. Il a pour titre “Dust Storm” et prend place durant l’année 2007. Par contre je préfère prévenir toute personne qui aura le courage et le temps de lire ce premier chapitre qu’il y a peu de chances que j’écrive une suite. L’écriture étant un exercice difficile, chronophage et dont je n’ai pas du tout l’expérience ni toutes les connaissances nécessaires.
Malgré tout si vous arrivez jusqu’à la fin de ce chapitre et que vous appréciez, n’hésitez pas à me le faire savoir. Bonne lecture :)
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Note: image en haute définition ici
Towson, Maryland, Etats-Unis
21 juillet 2007
Ensoleillée. Telle est la météo en cette après-midi d'été dans la ville de Towson où les épisodes de fortes chaleurs se multiplient depuis le début du mois. Et même si une légère brise qui est la bienvenue aide un peu à supporter ce temps estival, il en est tout autre dans le grenier de la résidence de Samuel Fisher où une tempête de poussière fait rage depuis une bonne heure. Sam, de son diminutif, profite de quelques jours de repos pour faire du rangement et du nettoyage dans ce grenier abandonné à son sort depuis maintenant plusieurs années. Les cartons et divers objets qu'il s'efforce de déplacer avec tact et légèreté laissent cependant voler une quantité de poussière suffisante pour le gêner dans sa tâche. Ce n'est pas quelque chose qu'il ferait tous les jours mais néanmoins il apprécie ce moment qui lui change les idées et qui est à bien des égards aux antipodes de sa carrière professionnelle.
Ancien agent de la CIA posté en Europe de l'Est puis en Afghanistan, il avait par la suite opéré chez les Navy Seals, forces spéciales de la marine américaine, où il atteignit le grade de capitaine de corvette grâce à de très bons états de service et à un dévouement sans failles avant de retourner travailler à la CIA en tant qu’employé de bureau lorsqu’il eut la garde complète de sa fille au début des années 2000. Son emploi actuel, qu'il effectue depuis 2004, exige un professionnalisme tout aussi élevé, si ce n'est plus. Engagé par Echelon 3, une branche secrète de la National Security Agency plus communément appelée NSA, il est agent d'élite au sein du programme "Splinter Cell" spécialisé dans la guerre de l'information et les nouvelles technologies. Officiant partout à travers le monde, il est généralement envoyé seul sur le terrain et le plus souvent de nuit pour s'infiltrer dans des territoires hostiles, récolter des informations, pirater des terminaux hautement sécurisés ou encore tuer des cibles présentant une menace pour la sécurité ou les intérêts des Etats-Unis. On pourrait le voir comme une sorte d’agent secret ultra high-tech, le tout mélangé à un ninja des temps modernes. Et ce métier, Sam l'apprécie pleinement malgré sa dangerosité et il est prêt à le continuer jusqu'à ce que ses capacités physiques ou mentales ne suivent plus. Ce qui l'inquiète réellement le plus, c'est d'être tué en mission et de laisser la personne qu'il aime le plus au monde, sa fille Sarah âgée de 22 ans, seule et sans famille. Et pour s’éviter cette malheureuse fin, il s'est habitué depuis le début de sa carrière à une discipline de fer, mêlant sport quasi-quotidien et entraînements au tir réguliers afin de conserver ses capacités physiques à leur maximum, tout en adoptant et développant en parallèle un humour noir et sarcastique afin de pouvoir supporter les moments difficiles et éviter de sombrer mentalement comme certains de ses anciens collègues qui ont souffert ou souffrent encore de dépressions ou de syndromes post-traumatique.
Sarah, quant à elle, est devant la télévision du salon, situé au rez-de-chaussée de la maison familiale, quand le téléphone de la ligne sécurisée se met soudain à sonner. Ce téléphone, relié directement au quartier général d'Echelon 3, sert à joindre Sam lorsqu'une situation d'urgence nécessite sa présence. Son père étant trop éloigné pour entendre la sonnerie, Sarah se lève pour aller répondre. Sam lui avait longtemps interdit de toucher à ce téléphone mais maintenant qu'elle est assez grande et mature, il sait qu'il peut lui faire confiance mais la très haute confidentialité de son travail ne permet pas à Sarah d'aller au-delà du cadre de la simple salutation avec son interlocuteur. Et si Sarah ignore encore le véritable métier de son père, elle sait qu'il travaille pour le gouvernement et que son poste est à haut risques.
Pendant ce temps dans le grenier, Sam, assit sur un petit tabouret en bois, est en train de trier de vieilles photos. Les dépoussiérant une par une au fur et à mesure qu'il les sort du carton, il s'arrête un moment sur un cliché le montrant en compagnie de Regan, son ex-femme, décédée il y a maintenant sept ans. Cette photographie datant de la fin de l'année 1984 les représente à la base de Francfort en Allemagne le jour de leur mariage, organisé peu après que Regan eut appris qu'elle était enceinte. Préparés à la hâte, ils n'avaient pas pu obtenir de tenues traditionnelles et s'étaient dit oui en uniformes militaires. Et même s'ils divorcèrent trois ans plus tard et que la garde de Sarah fut un sujet houleux entre eux et qui l’affecta profondément en tant que père, il en garde encore un magnifique souvenir car Regan fut pour lui l'unique femme qu'il aima au point d'accepter de se marier. Continuant à fixer la photo, une nostalgie profonde commence à l'envoûter, au point de ne pas entendre Sarah gravir les marches bruyantes de l'escalier en bois qui mène au grenier. Elle arrive près de lui et tend le combiné à son père mais ce dernier, toujours absorbé par l'image qu'il tient dans les mains, ne la remarque pas.
-Sarah: "Papa !", s'exclama-t-elle.
Sam, comme réveillé en sursaut, se tourne immédiatement vers elle puis remarque le combiné qu’elle tend dans sa main avant de le prendre. Pendant qu'elle redescend les escaliers, il jette un dernier regard à la photo et lance un soupir avant de porter le combiné à son oreille.
-Sam: "Ça faisait longtemps Colonel, qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour vous?"
Il est en communication avec le colonel Irving Lambert. Au delà d'être l'un de ses amis les plus proches, il est surtout son supérieur et le dirigeant de l'unité Echelon 3. Ancien colonel de l’US Army et spécialisé dans les opérations de collecte et d’analyse de renseignement d'origine électromagnétique, c'est lui qui fit appel à Sam trois années plus tôt pour devenir le premier agent de terrain de la cellule "Splinter Cell".
-Lambert: "Désolé d'écourter vos vacances aussi rapidement Sam mais nous avons besoin de vous."
-Sam: "Comme c'est original."
-Lambert: "Un convoi de l'armée a été attaqué il y a moins de deux heures en Bulgarie, huit de nos soldats y ont laissé la vie."
Tout en continuant à écouter Lambert, Sam se lève et se dirige vers l'unique fenêtre du grenier.
-Lambert: "Mais ce qui les intéressait clairement, c'était le contenu du convoi: deux prototypes d'un tout nouveau dispositif de reconnaissance."
-Sam: "On sait qui a fait ça?", demande-t-il d’un ton grave.
-Lambert: "Les autorités bulgare penchent pour l'un des groupes indépendantistes qui occupe le centre du pays. Mais étant donné l'aversion qu'ils leur portent depuis des décennies, je préfère que l'on se fasse notre propre opinion et que l’on enquête nous-mêmes en allant sur le terrain."
-Sam: "Une simple question : pourquoi ne pas envoyer un autre agent?"
-Lambert: "Je sais ce que vous pensez Sam, ça ne fait que dix jours que vous êtes revenu du Japon et vous auriez aimé passer plus de temps avec Sarah. Mais étant donné que le Président a personnellement fait appel à nous pour résoudre ce problème, je préfère envoyer mon meilleur homme."
Sam soupire à nouveau et répond : "Entendu. A quelle heure je décolle?"
-Lambert: "Dans une heure. Anna et William sont déjà là-bas, ils vous attendent."
Lambert met un terme à la conversation car même si la ligne est sécurisée, il est toujours préférable d'éviter de rester trop longtemps au téléphone et de partager trop d'informations, telles sont les instructions assez strictes de la NSA.
Sam raccroche et, en voyant l'heure qui affiche 14h52 sur l'écran du combiné, comprend directement que le décollage est prévu pour seize heures. Cela lui laisse largement le temps d'aller prendre une douche, de préparer quelques affaires et de se rendre à Fort Meade ou ses collègues l'attendent.
Moins d'une demi-heure plus tard, il est fin prêt et s'adresse à sa fille avant de sortir de la maison.
-Sam: "Euh, je..."
Sarah, sans détourner les yeux de la télévision, l'interrompt:
-Sarah: "Plus la peine de t'excuser pour ça papa, c'est pas comme si c'était la première fois..."
-Sam: "Oui...j'ai presque terminé de ranger le grenier, il reste encore quelques cartons à trier et...euh...un peu de nettoyage à faire" dit-il un peu gêné.
-Sarah: "Ok, je le ferai"
-Sam: "Merci...je t'aime."
Sam sort sans même avoir une réponse, il faut dire qu'il s'y est habitué depuis ces deux dernières années. Il n'avait pas passé beaucoup de temps avec elle, lui étant souvent prit par son boulot et elle faisant ses études en relations internationales dans la ville d'Evanston, à plus de mille kilomètres d'ici. Mais le fait qu'elle ait terminé ses études le mois dernier et qu'elle soit définitivement retourné au domicile familial depuis lui avait laissé penser que l'été serait une bonne occasion de rattraper le temps perdu et de retisser des liens avec elle. Malheureusement ce n'est pas aussi simple qu'il l'imaginait, le dialogue étant difficile à instaurer, et il ne sait plus vraiment comment agir pour améliorer la situation.
Une fois à l’extérieur il se dirige vers son véhicule, un SUV de couleur gris foncé, puis commence à rouler en direction de Fort Meade, lieu où se situent le quartier général d'Echelon 3 ainsi que le siège de la NSA. Après quelques minutes de route l'écran du tableau de bord, relié à son téléphone portable, lui indique un appel entrant de Victor Coste. Vic, de son surnom, est l'un de ses anciens frères d'arme. Il avait combattu à ses côtés dans les Navy Seals durant la Guerre du Golfe et sur d'autres terrains d'opération avant d'aller fonder sa propre SMP, société militaire privée, nommée Paladin 9 durant les années 90. Sam décroche.
-Sam: "Hey Vic, comment tu vas?"
-Vic: "La forme, je profite de l'été sur ma terrasse. Comment vous allez toi et Sarah?"
-Sam: "Plutôt bien... Paladin 9 a déjà fait faillite pour que tu prennes des vacances?"
-Vic: "Pas encore. Ça fait quatre ans que je bosse sans relâche, j'avais juste besoin de souffler un peu. Mais le carnet de commandes tourne à plein régime, d'ailleurs si ça te dit on recherche du monde."
-Sam: "Comme je te l'avais dit, j'ai déjà un employeur et il me paie très bien."
-Vic: "Tant pis, je continuerai d'essayer."
-Sam: "C'est pour ça que tu m'appelles?" demande-t-il avec un sourire en coin.
-Vic: "Non. Je voulais savoir si tu comptais aller aux funérailles de Doug demain."
-Sam: "Doug? Shetland?!" dit-il, surprit.
-Vic: "Tu n'étais pas au courant?"
Sam est parfaitement au courant que Douglas Shetland était mort, l'ayant lui-même tué lors d'un face-à-face dans un sauna de Tokyo une dizaine de jours auparavant. Mais secret professionnel oblige, il ne peut évoquer ce fait à personne sous peine de lourdes sanctions. Et même si Vic est un très bon ami en qui il a pleinement confiance, il préfère garder l’esprit professionnel à cent pour cent. Il lui avouera certainement un jour mais pour le moment cette histoire est encore trop récente et il préfère ne prendre aucun risque.
Par conséquent il doit donc mentir à son ami, il déteste faire cela mais il n'a pas vraiment le choix.
-Sam: "Euh...non." dit-il en prenant un air surpris afin de ne pas lui mettre la puce à l'oreille.
-Vic: "Il a été tué au Japon il y a quelques jours, ils ont rapatrié son corps hier."
-Sam: "Qui ça "ils"?"
-Vic: "L'armée il me semble."
-Sam: "L'armée? Il va avoir des funérailles militaires?"
-Vic: "On dirait que ça te surprend."
-Sam: "Faut dire qu'il ne faisait pas dans la dentelle avec sa SMP."
-Vic: "Je ne me suis jamais intéressé de près à son business, tout ce que je sais c'est que c'était un gars carré et qui allait au bout des choses."
-Sam: "Ouais, on peut dire ça comme ça…"
-Vic: "Avec tout ce que tu me dis là, j'imagine que tu ne vas pas y aller."
-Sam: "Non...et de toute manière je dois me rendre à l'étranger pour le boulot."
-Vic: "Il aurait aimé que tu sois là."
-Sam: "Ça je n'en suis pas si sûr... Je dois te laisser Vic, à plus."
-Vic: "A la prochaine."
Il appuie sur son écran de bord pour mettre fin à l'appel téléphonique. Approchant de Fort Meade, il baisse entièrement la vitre côté conducteur de son véhicule puis montre son badge au soldat posté au barrage de sécurité. Une fois cela fait, la barrière se lève et il continue sa route jusqu'à l'aérodrome militaire où se situe le V-22 Osprey.
L'Osprey, un avion de l'armée de l'air américaine, est utilisé par le programme "Splinter Cell" pour ses opérations. Disposant d'une hélice rotative sur chaque aile lui permettant de passer de l’état d’avion à celui d’hélicoptère, il peut ainsi décoller verticalement ou faire du vol stationnaire. Il est aussi équipé d'un mode silencieux, ce qui le rend idéal pour les incursions en territoire ennemi.
Il fait également office de véritable centre de commande aérien en étant relié par satellite au quartier général d’Echelon 3 et permet d’éviter l’interception des transmissions en les sécurisant lorsque Sam ou un autre agent opère loin du territoire américain. Souvent utilisé comme véhicule d’insertion et d’extraction pour les agents, il leur fournit aussi un support technique ainsi que tout l'équipement et l'armement dont ils ont besoin pour mener à bien leurs missions.
Sam rejoint l'Osprey et monte à bord. Après avoir salué les pilotes et déposé ses affaires, il retrouve deux de ses collègues de travail, William Redding et Anna Grímsdóttir, qu'il surnomme respectivement Will et Grim. Après avoir échangé quelques mots et rapidement discuté de leurs courtes vacances, ils sont coupés par l'un des pilotes leur signalant que la phase de décollage est imminente.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L'Osprey décolle et entame son long trajet en direction de la Bulgarie. Une bonne quinzaine d'heures de vol attend l'équipe d'Echelon 3 et les pilotes mais rien de bien décourageant pour eux, c'est un exercice dont ils ont depuis longtemps l'habitude. Puis à l'inverse d'un vol commercial, les occupants de l'Osprey peuvent se mouvoir à l'intérieur de l'appareil et ne pas rester constamment assit, ce qui aide beaucoup à supporter la longueur des trajets.
Après quelques minutes de vol et une fois l'altitude de croisière atteinte, un signal lumineux indique à Sam et à ses collègues qu'ils peuvent détacher leurs ceintures et se lever de leurs sièges en toute sécurité. Grim se met à son poste de travail constitué de deux ordinateurs et de six écrans. Présente dans le programme "Splinter Cell" depuis le premier jour, elle est responsable des communications au sein d’Echelon 3. Spécialisée dans la programmation informatique et la cryptographie, elle a pour rôles de fournir un soutien technique et informatique aux agents sur le terrain ainsi que de réussir à établir des communications sécurisées avec ces derniers, où qu’ils soient envoyés à travers le monde.
Elle commence à détailler la situation à Sam.
-Grim: "On a reçu le rapport de l'attaque juste avant le décollage."
Elle ouvre le fichier et plusieurs données s'affichent sur les différents écrans, dont un montrant les photos de ce qu'il reste du convoi.
-Grim: "Le convoi a été attaqué hier au soir, aux alentours de 19h heure locale. Le véhicule d'escorte à l'avant a été détruit par un explosif, les trois soldats à l'intérieur sont morts sur le coup. Les autres soldats à bord du camion juste derrière n'ont visiblement pas eu le temps de riposter, ils avaient encore leurs armes sur eux quand les renforts sont arrivés et leurs chargeurs étaient presque pleins. Sur le camion on a relevé peu d'impacts de balles mais ceux-ci étaient précis et ont fait mouche presque à chaque fois. C'est clairement du travail de pro."
-Sam: "Aucun témoin de la scène? "
-Grim: "Non, ils ont tous été tués. L'un des soldats a quand même eu le temps d'envoyer un appel au secours à la base la plus proche. Mais l'enregistrement ne dure que quelques secondes et on l'entend seulement demander de l'aide avec des bruits de tirs en fond, rien d'exploitable en somme."
-Sam: "Alors on a aucun indice?"
-Grim: "Ce que l'on sait, c'est que les assaillants ont utilisé des armes de chez nous. Balles de calibre 5.56 vraisemblablement tirées par des fusils M4 ou M16 et des explosifs de type C4 utilisés là aussi par la belle armée de l'oncle Sam. On attend le rapport de la balistique pour avoir plus de détails mais ça va prendre du temps."
-Sam: "Le butin de précédentes attaques de convois, j'imagine."
-Grim: "Oui, les attaques se sont intensifiées depuis le début de l'année mais celle-ci a été rapide et très bien organisée. Ceux qui ont fait ça savent exactement comment procéder à une attaque de convoi."
-Sam: "Voilà qui va réduire notre champ de recherche. Les autorités bulgare soupçonnent les indépendantistes mais Lambert a des doutes. Tu sais pourquoi ?"
-Grim: "Ça ne ressemble pas à leurs méthodes. La plupart d’entre eux ne sont que de simples civils qui ont apprit à se servir d’un fusil sur le tas. Leurs attaques ne sont pas aussi préparées et ils préfèrent faire des prisonniers plutôt que de tuer, ils veulent garder une bonne image auprès du peuple. Mais si c'est bien eux qui sont derrière tout ça alors ils ont été aidés, et on devra trouver comment et par qui."
Grim affiche une image satellite de la Bulgarie sur l'un des écrans et effectue un zoom sur la partie centre-est du pays. Elle marque ensuite un repère sur une route.
-Grim: "C'est ici que l'attaque a eu lieue, près de la ville de Karnobat. Sur la route qui relie les bases de Aytos et de Novo Selo, toutes deux situées à moins de trente kilomètres."
-Sam: "Attends…ils ont agit près de deux bases militaires et ils se sont évaporés sans que personne ne les remarque?"
-Grim: "La zone occupée par les indépendantistes est assez proche de la frontière mais aussi du lieu de l'attaque, à environ cinquante kilomètres. Mais oui, c'est plutôt surprenant que personne n'ait réagit plus rapidement. En tout cas étant donné que la partie sud du pays est entièrement sous contrôle de l'armée bulgare, ils n'ont pu fuir que vers le nord."
-Sam: " Finalement on a plus d'indices qu'il n'y parait... Et d'où était parti le convoi?"
-Grim: "Du port de Bourgas sur la côte est. Il devait se rendre à la base de Bezmer dans le centre du pays, là où nous nous rendons."
-Sam: "Lambert m'a dit que le convoi contenait un nouveau dispositif de reconnaissance, on a des infos là-dessus?"
-Grim: "J'ai réussi à obtenir quelques maigres infos de la part du Pentagone. Ils présentent ça comme un prototype d'un nouveau système de reconnaissance utilisant la technologie RFID. Le convoi transportait des fioles de SDT et une cinquantaine de tenues expérimentales."
-Sam: "Des fioles de SDT ?"
-Grim: "Un acronyme pour Smart Dust Technology. D'après les quelques infos que j'ai, il s'agit d'une poussière invisible à l'œil nu."
-Sam: "Donc tu es en train de me dire que ces fioles qui contiennent de la poussière sont en fait des systèmes de reconnaissance?"
-Grim: "Je sais, ça semble tiré par les cheveux mais je n'ai pas plus de détails pour le moment. Le Pentagone met surtout l'accent sur l'urgence de les récupérer ou de les détruire avant que nos petits voleurs ne puissent en comprendre le fonctionnement."
-Sam: "Ils ont toujours le don pour raconter des banalités ceux là."
-Grim: "La bureaucratie militaire..."
-Sam: "Ma partie préférée dans ce boulot…" dit-il ironiquement avant de demander à Grim si le convoi comportait ou non un système de traçage GPS.
-Grim: "Il en avait un... mais il a été désactivé quelques minutes après la fin de l'assaut..."
Soudain un signal indiquant une communication provenant du quartier général d'Echelon 3 s'affiche sur l'écran principal, Grim l'accepte et Lambert apparaît sur l'écran principal. Resté à Fort Meade, il s'adresse à son équipe un court instant pour leur signaler qu'une vidéoconférence est prévue dans quelques heures avec les états-majors américain et bulgare afin de faire un point sur la situation et coordonner leurs actions. D'ici là, Sam, Grim et William vaquent à leurs occupations, discutent de tout et de rien et en profitent pour se reposer un peu avant d'aborder une longue soirée de travail.
Plus tard aux alentours de 20 heures, heure de Washington, toutes les transmissions sont établies et la vidéoconférence peut commencer. Les différents écrans en face de Grim et Sam affichent les intervenants, rapidement présentés par Lambert. Sur l'écran de gauche est présent le général Jonathan Lloyd de l'US Army, cheveux gris et regard sévère, et sur celui de droite le commandant Evgeni Hristov de l'armée bulgare, crâne dégarni, moustache bien taillée et béret posé sur la tête.
William Redding, quant à lui, visionne également la vidéoconférence mais via son poste de travail, l'étroitesse de la carlingue de l'avion l'empêchant d'être aux côtés de ses collègues.
Le général Lloyd entame la discussion.
-Général Lloyd: "Bien, nous avons reçu un nouveau rapport de l'état-major bulgare concernant les indépendantistes. Commandant Hristov, c'est à vous."
-Commandant Hristov: "Un rapport émanant de notre base d'Aytos fait état de manœuvres suspectes ces dernières quarante-huit heures autour du village de Lovsko, situé à environ quatre-vingt kilomètres au nord du lieu de l'attaque. Nous savons que les indépendantistes font régulièrement transiter leurs stocks d'armes et d'équipement de village en village pour éviter qu'on les saisisse et tout laisse à croire qu'en ce moment Lovsko abrite une bonne partie de ces stocks, dont très probablement le butin du convoi qui a été attaqué hier."
-Général Lloyd: "Voilà pourquoi il nous faut agir vite car ils ne tarderont pas à déplacer de nouveau leurs stocks et nous risquerions de perdre leur trace."
-Lambert: "Et comment être sûr que nous ne sommes pas en train de faire fausse route? Le rapport de l'attaque indique clairement une autre signature, les indépendantistes n'ont pas l'habitude d'agir de cette manière."
-Commandant Hristov: "Nous avons récemment apprit que les indépendantistes commencent à collaborer avec certains groupes de mercenaires. Nous pensons qu'ils bénéficient d'entrainements et de formations, notamment dans les techniques de guérilla urbaine, leur nouvelle stratégie étant dorénavant de s'attaquer à des villes de plus grande taille. Mais vous n’avez pas tort, c'est la première fois que nous recensons une attaque aussi sophistiquée et visant directement vos soldats. Bien évidemment nous n'épargnons pas l'idée d'une opération sous fausse bannière mais la proximité des zones contrôlées par les indépendantistes avec le lieu de l'attaque ne nous laisse que peu de doutes."
-Sam: "J'ai une question. Pourquoi ne pas avoir affrété le convoi par voie aérienne?"
-Général Lloyd: "Le caractère hautement confidentiel de ce convoi exigeait que l'on passe par des voies inhabituelles, plus discrètes. Moins de personnes étaient au courant et mieux c'était pour nous. C'est pour cela que nous avions opté pour des véhicules banalisés et un effectif réduit."
-Grim: "Pourtant ils ont su et ont même eu l'audace d'attaquer près de deux bases sans qu'ils ne soient inquiétés..."
-Général Lloyd: "Ce qui prouve que ces hommes sont dangereux."
-Sam: "Ou très bien informés."
-Commandant Hristov: "Où voulez-vous en venir?"
-Lambert: "Ce que l'agent Fisher sous-entend, c'est que ça ne ressemble en rien à une attaque aléatoire. Quelqu'un leur a forcément vendu la mèche concernant le contenu du convoi."
-Général Lloyd: "Colonel, si vous insinuez que l'information a fuité de notre côté ou de celui de l'armée bulgare, vous faites fausse route. Les soldats ayant approché le convoi en ignoraient le contenu. Les seules personnes mis au courant ont été triées sur le volet et ont toute ma confiance. Jamais aucun de mes hommes ou ceux du commandant Hristov n'aurait mit en péril la vie de huit de nos soldats", dit-il en haussant légèrement le ton.
-Lambert: "Nous envisageons seulement toutes les pistes possibles mon général, c'est ainsi que nous avons l'habitude de travailler. N'y voyez là aucune volonté de mettre en doute vos paroles ou celle de vos hommes."
-Général Lloyd: " Et bien si cela s'avère être le cas alors vous aurez tout mon soutien. Mais pour le moment, permettez-moi d'en douter très fortement colonel."
-Lambert: "Je l'entends bien et je respecte votre avis mon général…"
-Commandant Hristov: "Pardonnez-moi de vous interrompre mais je dois vous quitter, une réunion de la plus haute urgence exige ma présence. Colonel Lambert, je vous recontacte dans quelques heures pour vous donner plus de précisions sur l'organisation de la mission. Messieurs."
Le commandant Hristov met un terme à sa transmission et pendant que Lambert et le général Lloyd continuent de discuter, Grim coupe les micros de l'Osprey pour émettre un commentaire.
-Grim: "Charmant..."
-Sam: "C'est juste pour ça que tu coupes les micros? Parce que le commandant a oublié de te saluer?" demande-t-il en souriant ironiquement.
-Grim: "Ça fait bien longtemps que la misogynie dans le monde militaire ne m'atteint plus. Mais ce commandant Hristov a l'air d'en tenir une sacrée couche, il s'en va alors que la conférence ne fait que débuter et il a l'air déterminé à accuser de facto les indépendantistes pour cette attaque. Je ne serai pas surprise que cette précipitation ait pour but de cacher quelque chose."
-Sam: " Ne sois pas si parano, c'est pas la première fois qu'on a à faire à ce genre de militaires qui foncent tête baissée. On prendra le temps d'analyser toutes les pistes, comme à notre habitude."
-Grim: " Certes. Mais de voir ces haut gradés être constamment sûr d'eux et ne pas oser imaginer une seule fois qu'il pourrait y avoir une fuite de leur côté ne cessera jamais de m'agacer...à croire que les assaillants du convoi ont trouvé l'info dans une boule de cristal..."
-Sam: "J'ai vu pas mal d'officiers fonctionner ainsi, ils suppriment la notion de doute de leur mode de pensée car ils croient que c'est ce qui leur permettra de bien diriger leurs hommes. Mais si la fuite provient bien de leur côté alors il vaudrait mieux pour nous qu'il garde sa confiance aveugle en lui et ses hommes, ça pourrait pousser ceux que l'on recherche à baisser leur garde et à commettre une erreur."
-Grim: " Parfois je me dis que les officiers devraient subir des tests psychologiques tous les jours, ils prendraient moins de décisions débiles et peut-être même qu'ils apprendront à s'excuser."
-Sam: "Tu as déjà vu des officiers se remettre en cause?", dit-il en étant amusé par les propos de Grim.
-Grim: "Oui, toi."
-Sam: " Je n'ai jamais été un haut gradé. Et quand bien même ça fait longtemps que je ne suis plus capitaine, et encore moins un militaire."
Une fois cet aparté terminé, Grim réactive les micros et l'équipe d'Echelon 3 intègre à nouveau la vidéoconférence, pendant une intervention du général.
-Général Lloyd: "...nous jugeons la situation critique et le temps ne joue malheureusement pas en notre faveur. Cette technologie étant classée secret-défense, nous devons agir en urgence avant qu'ils ne comprennent l’importance de cette technologie et qu'ils aient l'idée de la revendre à une nation étrangère ou à un groupe terroriste."
-Sam: "C'est peut-être déjà le cas..."
-Général Lloyd: "Alors dans ce cas cela constituerait une grave menace pour notre armée et la sécurité de notre pays. Au delà d'avoir coûté des millions de dollars, ces prototypes constituent la première étape d'intégration de la nanotechnologie dans nos systèmes de défense. Ce serait une catastrophe si nous ne les récupérons pas au plus vite."
-Lambert: "A ce propos, mon équipe a besoin d'en savoir plus sur cette technologie. Plus nous en saurons dessus et mieux nous pourrons cibler nos recherches sur les potentiels groupes et pays capables de l'exploiter."
-Général Lloyd: "Je vous ferai envoyer tout ce que vous devez savoir dessus. Bien évidemment j'exige de votre part une confidentialité sans failles. Et je demande également à ce que vous nous tenez informé de vos avancées et de nous envoyer toutes les informations que vous trouverez sur le terrain."
-Sam: "Ce ne sont pas nos habitudes de travail. Vous avez fait appel à nos services alors laissez-nous faire les choses à notre manière.” -Général Lloyd: " Le Président nous a mandaté pour gérer cette affaire, par conséquent vous suivrez nos directives. Et c'est seulement parce qu'il nous a exigé de faire appel à vous que nous avons cette discussion, sinon vous pensez bien que j'aurai préféré gérer ce problème en interne, capitaine Fisher." -Sam: "Si le Président a fait appel à nous, c’est parce qu’il sait que nous sommes efficaces. Et même si je suis toujours un soldat, je reçois mes ordres du Colonel Lambert et de personne d’autre. Et cela fait bien longtemps que j’ai quitté la Navy donc pour vous mon général ce sera agent Fisher." -Lambert: "Fisher, il suffit !"
Dans la volonté de changer de sujet, Grim demande au général jusqu'à quel degré les autorités bulgare collaboreront avec eux sur cette affaire.
-Général Lloyd: "Pour l'armée bulgare vous opérez officiellement pour retrouver un convoi de la plus haute importance, vous n'échangerez aucun détail avec eux concernant les prototypes."
-Grim: " Concernant les prototypes, cela n'aurait pas été moins risqué de les envoyer séparément?"
-Général Lloyd: "Nous étions conscient du risque mais avec la hausse croissante des attaques ces derniers mois, deux convois présentaient deux fois plus de risques. Nous avons donc pris le pari mais nous avons eu tort."
-Lambert: "Et qu'avons nous à craindre si l'ennemi utilise cette technologie contre les forces américaines présentes en Bulgarie ?"
-Général Lloyd: "Absolument rien, elle est inutilisable sans son système d'exploitation."
-Grim: "Elle dispose donc d'un programme informatique autonome ?"
-Général Lloyd: "Oui et nous devions l'envoyer à la base de Bezmer une fois le convoi arrivé, mais pour le moment l'accès au système d'exploitation a été mit en lieu sûr et les opérations autour du SDT ont totalement été suspendues en attendant que ce problème soit résolu. Malgré tout des pays disposant de scientifiques compétents pourraient étudier cette technologie et tenter d'en reproduire le principe de fonctionnement. C'est pourquoi nous exigeons que vous fassiez tout ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour éliminer toutes les personnes liées à ce vol."
-Sam: "Avec tout le respect que je vous dois général, nous avons nos propres méthodes et l'élimination de masse n'en fait pas parti."
-Général Lloyd: "Je sais bien qu'à la NSA vous êtes plus spécialisés dans la surveillance de masse mais mettons directement les choses au clair entre nous, le Président vous a confié cette mission mais cela ne veut pas dire que vous ayez votre mot à dire sur le déroulement des opérations. Si cela ne vous convient pas alors nous pouvons facilement trouver un autre agent pour vous remplacer...capitaine."
Avant que Sam ne puisse répondre, Lambert intervient.
-Lambert: "Mon général je vous prie d'excuser le tempérament de l'agent Fisher, je pense qu'il ne s'est pas levé du bon pied ce matin. Mais en tout cas je peux vous assurer qu'il est notre meilleur élément et j'ai entièrement confiance en lui pour mener à bien cette mission."
-Général Lloyd: "J'espère que vous dites vrai, colonel. Je concède que nos méthodes divergent mais nous ne pouvons nous permettre de nous quereller tant que nous avons ce problème sur les bras. Ceci étant dit, je dois vous laisser. Je vous ferai suivre toutes les informations nécessaires et je reviendrai vers vous, en espérant que vous aurez apprit à vos agents à obéir aux ordres d'ici là."
La transmission satellite avec le Pentagone prend fin et les membres d'Echelon 3 se retrouvent à nouveau entre eux.
-Lambert: "Bon sang Fisher, mais qu'est-ce qui vous a prit? Vous avez oublié que vous vous adressiez à un général?"
-Sam: "Depuis quand est-ce que le Pentagone nous dicte notre manière d'agir? Je pensais que le Président nous avait confié cette mission."
-Lambert: "La situation est plus compliquée qu'il n'y parait. Le Président a demandé notre aide mais nous ne sommes pas en charge de l'affaire, elle reste sous l'autorité du Pentagone."
-Sam: "Et est-ce que le Pentagone nous dira également comment nous comporter pour rendre hommage à des pourritures?"
-Lambert: "De quoi est-ce que vous voulez parler ?"
-Sam: "Oh trois fois rien, il parait juste que Shetland va avoir droit à des funérailles militaires."
-Redding: "Quoi?!"
-Lambert: "Je comprends mieux votre réaction avec le général tout à coup..."
-Sam: "Vous étiez au courant Lambert?"
-Lambert: "J'en ai entendu parler mais je n'ai pas plus d'informations pour le moment."
-Sam: "Donc, en plus de décorer un assassin, on lui offre un meilleur traitement que nos vétérans et nos hommes morts au combat..." dit-il, avec un ton sévère.
-Lambert: "Je savais que l'information sur Shetland vous aurait mit en rogne. Je comptais vous l'annoncer plus tard. Mais dans l'immédiat j'ai besoin de vous à cent pour cent, la priorité concerne les prototypes."
-Sam: "Je sais faire la part des choses colonel et je serai pleinement opérationnel pour la mission. Par contre ne me cachez plus jamais d'informations de ce genre."
-Lambert: " J'en prends note. Mais cela ne justifie en aucun cas le comportement que vous venez d'avoir alors à l'avenir essayez de vous contrôler et de ne plus contredire les officiels."
-Sam: "Je n'ai jamais été bon diplomate, et vous le savez bien colonel."
Grim intervient dans la discussion afin de revenir au sujet principal.
-Grim: "Je pense que l'on devrait également faire des recherches sur l'origine de la fuite, je doute qu'ils décident un jour de réellement enquêter sur leurs hommes..."
-Lambert: "Ce n'est pas du ressort de notre mission, en tout cas pas pour le moment. Nous devons concentrer tous nos efforts pour retrouver ces prototypes. Mais je suis de votre avis, il est en effet possible que d'un côté ou de l'autre on nous cache des choses sur cette affaire."
-Sam: "Voire même des deux..."
-Lambert: "L'armée n'a jamais aimé voir des agences extérieures s'occuper de leurs affaires, ce n'est pas à vous que je l'apprends. Mais nous avons la confiance et le soutien du Président, ça nous donne plus de poids et je compte bien jouer là-dessus."
-Sam: "Je commence à me dire que je n'aurai jamais du accepter cette mission, je me sentais si bien dans mon grenier à ranger mes vieux cartons plein de poussière", dit-il sur le ton de l'humour.
-Lambert: " Et vous n'avez encore rien vu. Je compte bien vous faire visiter du pays si votre petite entrevue de demain avec vos amis indépendantistes s’avère fructueuse."
-Sam: "J'ai hâte."
-Lambert: "Je vous recontacte dans quelques heures pour vous donner le briefing. Oh et Fisher..."
-Sam: "Oui colonel?"
-Lambert: "Je partage ce que vous avez dit au général. Nous collaborons de manière officielle avec le Pentagone mais nous continuerons de travailler selon nos méthodes, n'ayez aucune crainte là-dessus. Et concernant Shetland, je me renseignerai pour savoir comment cela a pu se produire."
-Sam: "Bien."
Lambert coupe la communication, mettant ainsi fin à la vidéoconférence.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Quelques heures plus tard un silence règne dans la carlingue de l'Osprey, seuls les bruits des moteurs et de quelques turbulences passagères se font entendre. Ce ne sont d'ailleurs pas ces turbulences qui viendraient gêner le sommeil de Sam, couché sur son siège modulable. Pourtant il existe toutes sortes de pilules et de médicaments qui pourraient l'aider à mieux dormir et à ne plus être gêné par les diverses secousses que subit l'avion mais Sam n'aime pas les prendre et n'en a jamais eu vraiment besoin. Cela fait tellement d'années qu'il effectue des vols de longue durée et qu'il est secoué dans tous les sens que dorénavant son métabolisme s'y est habitué. Et ses phases de repos, aussi imperturbables qu'elles soient, sont toujours planifiées en fonction du jet lag et de la durée du vol afin qu'il puisse être au meilleur de sa forme physique lorsqu'il commence une mission.
Et il fait bien d'habituer son corps au rythme bulgare car même si la mission de la nuit prochaine sera la première qu'il fera en Bulgarie en tant qu'agent d'Echelon 3, il sait à peu près à quoi s'attendre. La situation économique alarmante et le climat social tendu et teinté de nationalisme qui y régnaient lorsqu’il y avait opéré la première fois durant la fin de la Guerre Froide semble faire écho et se répéter actuellement dans ce territoire composé d’un peu plus de 7 millions d’âmes.
Avec un pays plongé dans une guerre civile depuis presque dix-huit mois, le gouvernement bulgare doit faire face à de nombreux groupes armés dans toute la partie nord du pays, la partie sud étant pour le moment épargnée et sous contrôle de l'armée. Tout commença lorsque plusieurs groupes séparatistes et indépendantistes ont décidé d’unir leurs forces et de prendre les armes pour, disent-ils, lutter pour le bien et la souveraineté de la Bulgarie qu’ils ont peur de voir tomber sous influence étrangère et notamment celle de l'Union Européenne, que le pays a intégré quelques mois plus tôt. Ils occupent aujourd'hui une grande partie du nord de la Bulgarie, s'étendant de la ville de Montana à celle de Targovitché, et sont à moins d'une cinquantaine de kilomètres de la capitale, Sofia. Et bien que le gouvernement ait essayé à multiples reprises de briser leur mouvement en emprisonnant leurs leaders, en tentant de les manipuler de l'intérieur ou de les diviser en créant de fausses tensions entre eux, ils tiennent bon et continuent à se renforcer.
Toutefois une trêve des combats signée le mois dernier a permit d'apaiser un peu la situation mais la plus grande menace pour la stabilité de cette trêve provient d'une large zone au nord-est du pays où de nombreux groupes de mercenaires et de brigands profitent du chaos ambiant, générant ainsi les combats les plus virulents depuis le début de la crise. L'armée bulgare a cependant réussi ces derniers mois à sécuriser l'ensemble de la côte est qui borde la Mer Noire, permettant ainsi de limiter l'arrivage d'armes et de mercenaires étrangers par cette voie. Cependant cela n’a fait qu’accentuer les trafics d’armes et les arrivages de combattants via la frontière avec la Roumanie, pays voisin du nord.
Enfin les services de renseignement bulgare doivent aussi faire face depuis peu à des attaques informatiques de plus en plus sophistiquées envers des institutions du gouvernement et autres infrastructures énergétiques vitales pour le pays mais à ce jour, ils n'ont réussi à en déterminer ni la provenance, ni les auteurs.
Les membres d'Echelon 3 sont, de par la rigueur et l'exigence que demandent leurs métiers, au courant de la géopolitique bulgare et des pays alentours, tout comme ils le sont d'ailleurs pour la plupart des autres régions majeures à travers le monde. Et si Sam n'a pas une grande affection envers la politique, il trouve en revanche en la géopolitique des raisons aux missions qu'il effectue et certaines réponses aux questions qu'il se pose en tant que citoyen très engagé pour la défense de sa patrie. Comprendre pourquoi il accomplit certains objectifs l'aide à ne pas se considérer comme un robot à qui l'on programmerait des ordres à la chaîne et qui ne se remettrait jamais en cause. Et tant qu'il estimera que les missions qu'on lui confie sont légitimes et qu'elles permettent d'œuvrer pour la sécurité et la paix, il continuera à faire ce travail.
Après cinq heures de sommeil, un rythme dont il s'est accommodé depuis le début de sa carrière, Sam se réveille tandis que Redding est toujours sur son poste de travail, en train de lire et de décortiquer de longs textes sur son écran. Au sein d'Echelon 3, il est ce que l'on appelle un agent Field Runner. Son rôle est de s'occuper de l'équipement des agents ainsi que de l'infiltration et de l'exfiltration de ceux-ci en amont et en aval de leurs missions. Il peut aussi opérer à distance durant les missions afin d'assister les agents sur la recherche d'informations ou encore l'installation d'appareils ou de programmes d'espionnage.
Sam le rejoint après avoir fait un brin de toilette dans la pièce destinée à cela à l’avant de l’Osprey. Elle n'est certes pas aussi confortable qu'une vraie salle de bains mais elle est déjà plus spacieuse et fournie que celle que l’on pourrait trouver dans un avion de ligne classique.
-Sam: "Tu n'as pas dormi?"
-Redding: "Non. Je continue de consulter les fichiers que le Pentagone nous a transmis."
-Sam: "Ils ont envoyé tant d'infos que ça?"
-Redding: "Il y a beaucoup de documents mais la plupart des données sont incomplètes car top secrètes, même pour nous...et je perds pas mal de temps à croiser les infos pour tenter de comprendre de quoi il en retourne."
-Sam: "Grim ne t'a pas filé de coup de main?" demande-t-il en se tournant vers Grim, en train de dormir sur son siège.
-Redding: "Elle s'est endormie juste quelques minutes avant qu'on ne les reçoive."
-Sam: "Je te parie qu'elle l'a fait exprès" dit-il avec un sourire en coin.
-Redding: "En tout cas je suis plutôt intrigué par cette technologie, j’en avais déjà entendu parler mais je ne la pensais pas aussi avancée."
-Sam: "Explique donc."
-Redding: "SDT… Il s'agit d'une poussière intelligente composée de milliers de toutes petites puces RFID complètement invisibles à l’œil nu, elles sont composées de fibres optiques micro..."
-Sam: " Euh excuse moi mais c'est pas vraiment des explications scientifiques que je voulais."
-Redding: "Ah oui, j'oubliais que notre super-agent spécial n'aimait pas la science" dit-il en plaisantant.
-Sam: "Je n'appellerai pas ça un désamour mais plutôt un...désintérêt...ouais, c'est le bon terme."
-Redding: "C'est dommage, tu rates des choses vraiment passionnantes... Bref pour en revenir à ce que je disais, on pourrait comparer la SDT à des millions de minuscules balises GPS. Admettons qu'on la largue par voie aérienne sur un terrain ennemi. Chaque puce enverra à un ordinateur des informations sur sa position exacte. L'ordinateur ensuite reproduit toute la zone recouverte de ces puces sur un écran de commande. L'avantage c'est que les personnes ou les véhicules recouverts de cette poussière donnent leurs positions en continu, même s'ils entrent par la suite dans un bâtiment."
-Sam: "Donc on peut suivre les mouvements ennemis. Mais quelle différence avec une surveillance par satellite ou par drone?"
-Redding: "Nos soldats qui seraient reliés à ce système pourront voir les forces ennemis en temps réel sur leurs visières, grâce à un affichage en réalité augmentée. C’est donc bien plus fiable et efficace que par des moyens aériens et  en plus c’est une technologie passive, donc totalement indétectable. Et en plus elle n'a même pas besoin de couvrir directement l'ennemi."
-Sam: "Comment ça?"
-Redding: "Il est marqué ici que les particules au sol peuvent également enregistrer la pression exercée par des individus ou des véhicules, sans même qu'ils aient été exposés antérieurement à la poussière intelligente" dit-il en lisant sur son écran avant d’ajouter "Figure toi que l’on peut même mélanger cette poussière à de la peinture pour créer des murs intelligents. Et ces murs seraient capables de détecter des bruits ou même de reconnaitre un individu au bruit de ses pas. Donc on peut non seulement faire de la reconnaissance mais aussi de la surveillance à grande échelle."
-Sam: "Impressionnant… et flippant à la fois."
-Redding: "Ouais. Et cette technologie est tellement minuscule et peu chère à produire qu’on pourrait asperger une ville de la taille de New-York avec seulement quelques fioles. Aucun risque de dispersion à cause du vent !"
-Sam: "Mais pourquoi l’avoir volé si c’est peu cher à produire ?"
-Redding: "Comme dans beaucoup d’autres domaines c’est l’analyse et le traitement des données récoltées qui est le plus complexe à faire."
-Sam: "D’où le système d’exploitation dont parlait le général…"
-Redding: "Exact. Il contient toutes les procédures et tous les programmes nécessaires au fonctionnement du SDT."
-Sam: "J’imagine que le Pentagone n’a pas fait appel à nous pour de la vulgaire poussière. Ils veulent qu’on se concentre sur les tenues ?"
-Redding: "Les deux ! La poussière reste malgré tout une technologie militaire et il est tout aussi vital de la retrouver."
-Sam: "Okay. Mais les tenues, qu'est-ce qu'elles ont de particulier?"
-Redding: "Elles sont encore expérimentales et ne disposent pas encore de toutes les fonctionnalités. Mais la liste est assez longue: tissu hydrophobe, communication de la position en temps réel au centre de commandement, régulation de la température du porteur, affichage des informations transmises par la poussière intelligente directement sur la visière, ce dont je te parlais… et j'en passe. Bref une tenue ultra high-tech."
-Sam: "En quoi elles sont faites ?"
-Redding: "Leur tissu est constitué de nano-fibres, elles sont conçues pour chasser toutes les autres particules qui se poseraient sur la tenue. Comme ça aucun risque que l'ennemi ne puisse les localiser s’il développe une technologie similaire à la SDT. Et de notre côté ça nous permet d’éviter au maximum les tirs alliés."
-Sam: "Ingénieux..."
-Redding: "On comprend mieux l'intérêt de récupérer ces prototypes au plus vite maintenant. Sans compter les années de recherches et les investissements financiers que ça pourrait réduire à néant si on ne les retrouve pas."
-Sam: "Il y avait combien de tenues au total?"
-Redding: "Cinquante. Réparties en deux caisses mais les..."
Redding est interrompu par le pilote de l'Osprey annonçant à tout l'équipage qu'un ravitaillement de carburant va débuter sous peu. Grim, réveillée par l'annonce, ouvre les yeux et met quelques secondes avant de réaliser où elle se trouve.
-Sam: "Bien dormi?" lui demande-t-il.
-Grim: "Les deux meilleures heures de sommeil de ma vie..." répond-t-elle après avoir jeté un œil à sa montre.
Tandis qu'un Boeing KC-135 de l'US Air Force commence le ravitaillement de l'Osprey en plein vol, Grim se lève pour aller se passer un peu d'eau sur le visage et Redding revient sur le sujet des tenues expérimentales.
-Redding: "Je disais donc qu'elles sont réparties en deux caisses mais ça ne m'étonnerait pas que les assaillants les aient déjà éparpillé pour qu'on ne retrouve pas leur trace."
-Sam: "Et on ne peut pas les localiser avec le système d'exploitation?"
-Redding: " Si seulement c'était si facile, on aurait même pas eu besoin d'écourter nos vacances... Il y a toute une procédure pour activer les tenues et ce n'est pas faisable sans le système d'exploitation."
-Sam: "Génial..."
-Grim: "Si ça peut vous rassurer, j'ai fait quelques recherches sur ce fameux village de Lovsko et sur les indépendantistes...pendant que quelques uns dormaient paisiblement" dit-elle en revenant vers ses collègues.
-Sam: "Il faut bien que certains travaillent."
-Grim: "Dommage que ce soient toujours les mêmes..." ajoute-t-elle avec un sourire.
-Redding: "Dois-je rappeler que je suis le seul à ne pas encore avoir dormi?"
-Sam: "Il a raison, un point pour lui."
-Redding: "Merci Sam !"
-Grim: "Parfois je me demande vraiment si je suis bien à Echelon 3... Quoiqu'il en soit, il est temps de contacter Lambert. Il doit avoir des infos à nous donner sur l'organisation de la mission."
-Redding: "Je m'en occupe."
Moins de deux minutes après avoir lancé la connexion avec Fort Meade, Lambert apparait à l'écran et est fin prêt à communiquer avec son équipe. Grim tape quelques commandes sur son clavier et diverses données et photographies s'affichent sur les écrans.
-Grim: "J'ai consulté les informations dont dispose Echelon 3 sur Lovsko. C'est un petit village d'une centaine d'habitants tenu par une branche indépendantiste du nom de Za Naroda qu'on pourrait traduire par le slogan "Pour le peuple". Ils disent vouloir libérer la Bulgarie de toute influence étrangère et par la même occasion virer tous les politiciens à la tête du pays qu'ils considèrent comme corrompus. Leur leader, Ioan Nikolov, est un politicien qui était à la tête de l'un des partis d'opposition. Il a décidé de prendre les armes et de transformer son parti en milice après s'être allié avec les séparatistes de la région de Montana. Enfin il l'a surtout fait une fois qu'il a remarqué qu'ils gagnaient du terrain et qu'ils pouvaient potentiellement renverser le gouvernement..."
-Sam: "Et quels liens pourrait-il avoir avec notre problème?"
-Lambert: "Pour le moment uniquement la proximité avec le lieu de l'attaque. Ils ne semblent pas avoir la logistique nécessaire pour mené une attaque d'une telle efficacité. Ils se sont déjà attaqué à des convois de l'armée bulgare ainsi qu'à plusieurs de leurs structures mais ils avaient toujours évité de s'attaquer à l'armée américaine jusque là."
-Redding: "Mais pourquoi diable envoyer une technologie aussi sophistiquée en un seul convoi et avec une escorte aussi peu nombreuse ?!"
-Sam: "Je suis d’accord, c’est louche. Et est-ce qu’on sait au moins pourquoi ce nouveau système de reconnaissance, ou Dieu sait ce que c’est, a été envoyé en Bulgarie ?"
-Lambert: "Nous l’ignorons. Je suis aussi dans le flou, et je partage tout autant que vous vos inquiétudes et vos questionnements. Malheureusement nous devons faire avec les directives du Pentagone pour le moment."
-Sam: "Un convoi d’une haute importance avec une sécurité au rabais, aucun témoin de l’attaque, ni aucune piste exploitable d’ailleurs, des autorités bulgare qui semblent déjà avoir désigné un coupable et une opération pour laquelle on n’a même pas accès à des informations élémentaires… Dites-moi Lambert, on veut se servir de nous pour cacher quelque chose ou bien je délire ? Parce que là cette histoire ressemble juste à une grossière machination digne de l’ère soviétique."
-Lambert: "J’en ai conscience. Mais comme je vous l’ai dit nous travaillerons à notre manière, et nous partagerons uniquement les informations que nous voudrons. Echelon 3 a toujours la pleine confiance du Président et le Pentagone ne viendra pas interférer entre nous, même si ils sont en charge de l’opération."
-Redding: "Et si on se focalisait plutôt sur le système d'exploitation ?"
-Lambert: "Expliquez-vous.
-Redding: "Le SDT présent dans le convoi n’est fonctionnel qu’avec le système d'exploitation, qui permet de l’activer. Ceux qui ont attaqué le convoi avaient l’air de bien savoir de quoi il en retournait donc ça m’étonnerait qu’ils ne soient pas aussi au courant pour le système d'exploitation…"
-Sam: "Et qu’ils veulent également l’obtenir."
-Lambert: "C’est une piste intéressante, je vais mettre quelques uns de nos hommes là-dessus."
-Sam: "Will si grâce à toi on résout cette affaire en moins de 3 jours, je te paie une bière."
-Redding: "Seulement une bière ?"
-Sam: "Tu sais combien je gagne, je peux pas faire plus."
-Redding: "Quoi ?!..."
Grim interrompt les gamineries de Sam et William pour recentrer la discussion sur l’opération :
-Grim: "Et si on utilisait le système d'exploitation comme un appât ? Je pourrais certainement le trafiquer et y mettre un dispositif de pistage pour ensuite remonter jusqu’à ceux qui ont fait ça."
-Lambert: "Ça impliquerait que l’on mette au parfum le Pentagone. Et pour l’instant je préfère éviter ça, surtout que nous n’avons que des hypothèses. On va juste se limiter à surveiller discrètement le système d'exploitation, sans que le Pentagone ne soit au courant."
-Grim: "Entendu."
-Sam: "Quelles sont les capacités armées des indépendantistes ? "
-Grim: "Za Naroda dispose de quelques centaines de combattants, principalement peu aguerris au combat. Ils ont le contrôle de quelques villages et petites villes dans la région. Et bien que tous ces petits groupes armés veulent acquérir l'indépendance de leur pays pour ne dépendre d'aucune grande puissance, ça m'étonnerait beaucoup qu'ils ne bénéficient pas eux-mêmes de soutiens de la part de puissances étrangères."
-Sam: "Donc je m'infiltre et j'essaie de savoir qui les fournit ?"
-Lambert: "Seulement si nous avons confirmation qu'ils ont nos prototypes. Sinon ce sera une simple mission d'observation."
-Sam: "Sérieusement Lambert ? Vous annulez mes vacances et me faites aller à l'autre bout du monde pour une simple mission d'observation ?! "
-Lambert: "Si c'est le cas je vous paierai une bière pour vous consoler."
Sam esquisse un léger sourire puis demande à Lambert ce que le commandant Hristov et lui ont convenu pour la mission qui l'attend.
-Lambert: "Pour cette mission nous allons devoir collaborer avec les forces locales, vous serez conduit sur place par voie terrestre. Grim et Redding stationneront à la base de Bezmer et vous épauleront depuis l'Osprey."
-Sam: "Attendez, vous voulez dire que l'Osprey va rester clouer au sol?"
-Lambert: "Nous n'avons pas le choix, exigence de l'état-major bulgare."
-Sam: "Ah les ronds-de-cuir, leurs décisions sont toujours un plaisir pour ceux qui sont sur le terrain."
-Lambert: "Vous vous en remettrez, vous avez connu bien pire."
-Sam dit "Mais dites-moi, je pensais que le programme Splinter Cell était censé être secret."
-Lambert répondra "Il l'est toujours, voilà pourquoi aux yeux des bulgares vous faites officiellement parti d'un commando de l'armée américaine et que par conséquent vous opérerez avec un équipement classique."
-Sam: "Un équipement classique?" demande-t-il avec un soupçon d'inquiétude.
-Lambert: "Vous ne prendrez que votre Five-Seven et votre montre-terminal, mais pas votre SC-20K. Et vous porterez des lunettes de vision nocturne standard."
Sam: "Et mon couteau ?"
-Lambert: "Vous l’aurez, évidemment."
-Sam: "Si ce n’est que ça je vais m’y faire, mais mon SC-20K va quand même me manquer..."
-Lambert: "Rassurez-vous, vous aurez aussi votre câble optique."
-Sam: "Vous trouvez toujours les bons mots pour me rassurer, colonel."
-Lambert: " Je suis aussi là pour ça" dit-il sur le ton de l'humour avant de poursuivre. "Et si cela peut vous réconforter, l'agent Coen vous rejoindra bientôt. Elle est actuellement au Japon et arrivera en Europe dans les 48 heures. J’espère que ça ne restera que préventif mais plus on mettra de gros moyens rapidement et plus on aura de chances de résoudre ce problème."
-Sam: "Enfin une bonne nouvelle."
-Lambert: "On se recontacte une fois que vous serez prêt."
La transmission avec Fort Meade se coupe mais l'équipe continue la réunion improvisée. Après quelques minutes de discussion restée toute aussi professionnelle et saupoudrée de bonne humeur, chacun dans l'avion se charge de se trouver une occupation pour combler les neuf heures de vol restantes avant l'atterrissage. Pendant que Grim s'attelle à faire des recherches sur son ordinateur, Redding va se poser sur son siège pour dormir et Sam en profite pour occuper son poste de travail laissé vaquant pour se brancher par satellite à la chaîne de télévision WNM sur laquelle le bulletin d'informations commence à être diffusé. Après l’évocation des titres, le présentateur du journal Morris Odell lance le premier reportage qui évoque la mort des huit soldats américains.
-présentateur du JT: "C'est donc avec effroi que le Pentagone nous apprend ce matin que huit de nos militaires ont été tués lors de l'attaque d'un convoi samedi au soir dans la province de Karnobat en Bulgarie. L'attaque n'a pas encore été revendiquée mais l'état-major de l'armée américaine dit mettre tout en œuvre pour retrouver et châtier les auteurs de cette agression. L'enquête n'en est qu'à ses balbutiements mais le Pentagone a annoncé que la vérité ne sera pas facile à dénouer au vu de la situation complexe dans laquelle se trouve la Bulgarie. Actuellement frappé par une guerre civile, le pays est coupé en deux et malgré une récente trêve entre les différents groupes armés et le gouvernement pro-européen et allié des Etats-Unis, les combats continuent de façon sporadique, essentiellement dans le nord-est du pays. La Maison Blanche a annoncé une conférence de presse dans les heures à venir durant laquelle nous devrions avoir plus d'informations sur ce qui s'est passé ainsi que sur le rapatriement des dépouilles des huit soldats..."
Sam appuie sur un bouton près de l'écran et change de chaîne.
-Sam: "Eux au moins ils ont mérité leurs funérailles militaires..."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Base militaire de Bezmer, Bulgarie
22 juillet 2007
15h17. L'Osprey atterrit sous un ciel nuageux et une température de 23 degrés Celsius, des conditions agréables qui changent des fortes chaleurs que Sam a connu chez lui ces derniers jours. En sortant de l'appareil, l'équipe d'Echelon 3 découvre une base militaire tout ce qu'il y a de plus banal avec des soldats vaquant à leurs occupations par-ci par-là mais avec toutefois une petite particularité. La caserne militaire de Bezmer est l'une des quatre bases bulgaro-américaine du pays et accueille en son sein des soldats bulgares et américains participant à des opérations communes dans le cadre d'un accord bilatéral entre leurs pays respectifs.
Sam, Grim et Redding débarquent leurs affaires personnelles et sont accueillis à la sortie de l'appareil par une soldate américaine au petit gabarit, yeux bleus et aux cheveux bruns attachés en chignon à l'arrière du béret.
-Fawkes: "Je suis le second lieutenant Jodie Fawkes, bienvenue à la base de Bezmer. Suivez moi, je vais vous montrer vos quartiers."
Elle conduit les trois membres d'Echelon 3 dans un baraquement inoccupé avant de les laisser et de repartir.
-Fawkes: "Je vous laisse prendre vos aises, à tout à l'heure."
Grim, Sam et Redding la remercient et investissent chacun une partie du baraquement en déposant leurs affaires, Grim ayant prit la zone et le lit protégés derrière un long paravent dépliable, probablement installé là par le second lieutenant Fawkes dès qu’elle eut connaissance de la présence d’une femme dans l’équipe. Ils ne pouvaient certainement pas se payer le luxe de proposer un baraquement entier pour Grim mais cela n’était pas bien grave car de toute manière l’équipe d’Echelon 3 ne comptait pas passer plusieurs jours dans cette base ni même y dormir durant la nuit prochaine car beaucoup de travail les attendait.
Le départ de la mission n'étant prévu qu'à 19h00, ils en profitent pour se reposer et tenter de s'acclimater en faisant fi du côté rudimentaire qu'ont les lits et le mobilier d'une caserne militaire. Si Sam a connu de nombreuses bases militaires durant sa carrière et qu’il est donc habitué à ce type de confort , ce n'est pas vraiment le cas de Grim et Redding qui ont besoin de temps pour prendre leurs marques. Et c'est sans doute pour cela qu'ils commencent par rester timidement dans le baraquement alors que Sam sort rapidement prendre l’air et commence à se balader dans la base. Il retrouve un peu plus loin le second lieutenant Fawkes.
-Fawkes: "Vous vous êtes bien installé?" demande-t-elle en le voyant venir.
-Sam: "Aussi confortablement que dans un hôtel quatre étoiles...avec le service et la vue en moins."
-Fawkes: "C'est sûr, j'ai aussi vu mieux. Pour les lits nous partageons tous l'équipement bulgare, tout le monde à la même enseigne."
-Sam: "J'ai bien connu ça."
-Fawkes: "Dans quelle unité?"
-Sam: "Les Navy Seals. Oh je ne me suis pas présenté, agent Fisher mais vous pouvez m'appeler Sam."
-Fawkes: "Enchanté. Jodie."
-Sam: "Vous connaissiez les hommes qui sont morts dans l'attaque?"
-Fawkes: "J'avais fait une opération avec deux d'entre eux, Hugues et Breslin. C'était de bons gars."
-Sam: "Qui est derrière le coup d'après vous?"
-Fawkes: "Difficile de le dire. Mais à l'inverse de l'état-major bulgare, j'ai du mal à croire en la culpabilité des indépendantistes. Changer de stratégie aussi radicalement n'est pas dans leur intérêt."
-Sam: "Mon supérieur pense la même chose que vous. Ça fait longtemps que vous êtes en Bulgarie?"
-Fawkes: "Bientôt trois ans !"
-Sam: "Vous avez vu naître le conflit alors..."
-Fawkes: "Et je l'ai aussi vu s'embourber...et à mon avis il n'est pas prêt de se résoudre."
-Sam: "Quel optimisme" dit-il ironiquement.
-Fawkes: "Cette guerre mute trop rapidement. On faisait d'abord face à une simple guerre civile mais elle a vite dégénéré en guérilla. Et depuis quelques mois elle commence à s'étendre vers une guerre de l'information. Apparemment ils appellent ça la guerre hybride."
-Sam: " Si certains ont du temps et de l’argent à perdre pour inventer des nouveaux termes alors tant mieux pour eux…" dit-il avant de poursuivre en demandant ce qu’elle pense de l’état des forces bulgare.
-Fawkes: "Les armées bulgare n'ont pas les moyens pour s'adapter et faire face. On leur apporte un soutien quasiment vital mais notre rôle décisionnel ici est beaucoup trop limité. La Maison Blanche veut à tout prix éviter de s'impliquer pleinement dans ce conflit, les élections approchent... "
-Sam: "À la grande joie des russes ! On leur livre le pays sur un plateau en argent et nos hommes sur le terrain doivent lutter avec des moyens misérables. J'ai déjà connu des situations similaires..."
-Fawkes: "L’influence russe grandit de jour en jour, le temps joue en leur faveur. Déstabilisations, manipulations politiques, menaces de couper l’approvisionnement en gaz naturel, forte présence navale dans la Mer Noire,… ils ont assez de leviers pour influer et faire peur aux politiciens locaux. Le gouvernement actuel a beau résister et adhérer à l’Union Européenne, je crains que le prochain vienne tout foutre en l’air."
-Sam: "Au final on joue tous au même jeu. Chacun continue de défendre ses intérêts, rien n’a changé."
-Fawkes: "Vous étiez déjà venu ici ?"
-Sam: "Durant la fin de la Guerre Froide, pour le compte de la CIA" répond-t-il avant de lui demander combien d'hommes sont stationnés dans la base de Bezmer, base dans laquelle ils sont actuellement.
-Fawkes: "750 côté US. Et presque autant côté bulgare."
-Sam: "Vous fournissez un soutien aérien?"
-Fawkes: "Reconnaissance aérienne, transport de troupes et logistique. Mon unité est spécialisée dans la collecte de renseignements."
-Sam: "A propos de renseignements, vous connaissez un dénommé Roy Devry ?"
-Fawkes: "Mmm ça ne me dit rien, désolé."
-Sam: "C'était un ancien collègue, du temps où on m'envoyait en Europe de l'Est pour espionner les Soviétiques."
-Fawkes: "Oh il doit certainement être à la retraite maintenant."
-Sam: "Etant donné que j’ai le même âge que lui, c'est une remarque qui me blesse beaucoup" dit-il en souriant.
Elle rit et lui répond: "Sans vouloir vous manquer de respect, je m'attendais à ce qu'on nous envoie quelqu'un de plus jeune."
-Sam: "Il n'y a aucun manque de respect, vous avez raison. J'aurai du arrêter il y a bien longtemps..."
-Fawkes: "Qu'est-ce qui vous motive à continuer alors?"
-Sam: "Le salaire bien sûr" dit-il en plaisantant.
Le second lieutenant Fawkes sourit et lui demande si il n'a pas peur d'aller en mission, de craindre qu'un jour ses réflexes finissent par le lâcher. Après un silence, Sam répond:
-Sam: "Je n'ai peur que pour ma fille..."
-Fawkes: "Je ne suis pas encore mère mais je peux comprendre."
-Sam: "Si un jour vous voulez devenir mère, je vous conseille de prendre un petit job tranquille au pays."
-Fawkes: "Avec mon fiancé nous avons déjà évoqué le sujet mais je préfère attendre encore quelques temps. Mais je prends le conseil, j’imagine que c’est votre expérience qui parle."
Sam acquiesce et explique qu’il n’avait pas prit conscience de son devoir de père après la naissance de sa fille, de la façon dont il avait continué son boulot comme si de rien n'était en passant plus de temps à l’étranger qu’avec sa famille et comment tout cela l’affecte aujourd’hui. Car malgré qu’il ait eu la garde complète de Sarah après la disparition tragique de son ex-femme suite à un cancer, il a réellement apprit à connaitre sa fille qu’à partir de ce moment-là et aujourd’hui il le regrette amèrement car il a également finit par comprendre qu’il n’est pas aisé de devenir père et de tisser des liens avec son enfant une fois que celui-ci est déjà au stade de l’adolescence.
-Sam: "Donc je ne sais pas réellement ce qui me motive à continuer ce boulot, tout ce que je sais c’est que Sarah est tout ce qu’il me reste dorénavant. Peut-être que je continue ce boulot juste pour fuir mes responsabilités envers elle, pour ne pas avoir à affronter mes erreurs du passé, j’en sais trop rien…"
-Fawkes: "Je vois. Et quel âge elle a ?"
-Sam: "22 ans déjà."
-Fawkes: "Ah… Je pensais qu’elle était encore ado."
-Sam: "Ça aurait été bien plus facile si elle l’était encore."
-Fawkes: "Au contraire. Je ne la connais pas mais je pense que tout ce qu’attend une fille de son âge c’est une bonne discussion entre adultes avec son père. A mon avis elle veut que vous arrêtiez de vous torturer pour elle."
Sam, un peu gêné par cette réponse qui ne lui avait jamais traversé l’esprit auparavant, répond avec humour :
-Sam: "Si on m’avait dit que j’allais venir ici pour voir un psy…"
-Fawkes: "Avec mes parents on a toujours beaucoup communiqué à la maison, et en parlant avec d’autres personnes qui n’ont pas eu cette chance je me rends compte qu’ils ont eu raison de m’éduquer de cette manière."
-Sam: "Vous en savez plus que moi sur le sujet on dirait… En tout cas merci du conseil, et désolé pour tout ce blabla, c’est pas vraiment mon genre de me confier de la sorte mais…"
-Fawkes: "Ne vous en faites pas pour ça" dit-elle en l’interrompant. Puis elle ajoute "Les soldats les plus aguerris ont aussi  leurs petits soucis, même si ils les cachent sous leur carapace en kevlar."
-Sam: "Ouais... Vous ferez une bonne mère, j’en suis sûr."
-Fawkes: "Merci."
-Sam: "Pourquoi vous vous êtes engagé dans l’armée ? Vous êtes bien trop intelligente pour avoir accepté ce boulot de votre plein gré."
Elle rit et répond :
-Fawkes: "Je me suis engagé après le 11 septembre, comme beaucoup de monde. On est loin de l’Afghanistan mais malgré tout j'aime être ici, je me sens utile."
-Sam: "Se sentir utile. C'est ce qui nous a tous motivé à entrer dans l'armée, enfin c'est ce que je croyais au départ..."
-Fawkes: "J'imagine que l'armée ne peut pas satisfaire tout le monde. Mais personnellement j'espère la servir dignement le plus longtemps possible."
-Sam: "Je vous le souhaite. Votre fiancé est aussi militaire?"
La discussion est soudainement interrompue par un soldat venant prévenir le second lieutenant Fawkes que son officier supérieur, le major Pearl, la demande. Avant de s'y rendre, Fawkes se tourne vers Sam:
-Fawkes:"C'était un plaisir de discuter avec vous, à plus tard."
-Sam: "De même."
Pendant que Fawkes s'éloigne, Redding, qui était à une dizaine de mètres de là, arrive vers Sam.
-Redding: "Alors ? T'as conclu ?"
-Sam: "Détrompe-toi, je ne la draguais pas" répond-t-il en souriant.
-Redding: "Tu l'as faite rire, je vous ai vu."
-Sam: "Une simple discussion amicale. Et de toute manière elle est déjà fiancée... et bien trop jeune pour moi !"
-Redding: "Ouais, c'est ce qu'on dit ça."
-Sam: "J'ai déjà fait l'erreur de tomber amoureux sur une base militaire et même de me marier. Crois-moi, ça ne m'arrivera plus jamais."
-Redding: "Ça c'est parce que tu n'es pas doué avec les femmes."
-Sam: "Ah parce que maintenant tu es un grand séducteur ? Toi ?!" dit-il en haussant les sourcils.
-Redding: "Tu ne me connais pas en dehors du boulot, tu serais surpris."
-Sam: "Ah oui ? Et comment s'appelle le dernier ordinateur que tu as séduit ?"
-Redding: "Ça c'est bas."
Ils continuent de discuter et commencent à marcher jusqu'à l'Osprey où ils en viennent à parler de l'équipement que Sam aura durant la mission.
"J'ai l'impression de retourner vingt ans en arrière avec ça !" s'exclame Sam lorsque Redding lui tend les lunettes de vision nocturne qu'il va devoir porter. Il faut dire qu'elles font pâle figure face aux lunettes trifocales ultrasophistiquées qu'il porte habituellement et qui possèdent plusieurs modes de visions. Cependant Sam peut compter sur d'autres atouts dans son arsenal et notamment sur son arme de poing Five-Seven possédant un silencieux et un outil nommée OCP, Optically Channeled Potentiator de son nom complet, et permettant de désactiver temporairement tous les appareils électriques qu'il trouve sur son chemin.
-Redding: "Nos ingénieurs à Fort Meade ont réussi à améliorer l'OCP, il dispose de deux charges maintenant."
-Sam: "Cool."
-Redding: "Ah et toujours à propos d'OCP, ils en ont aussi rajouté un au câble optique. Fini les ouvertures de porte au grand jour."
-Sam: "Ils savent comment me faire plaisir, tu les remercieras pour moi !"
Redding termine en évoquant le SC-20K, un fusil d'assaut équipé d'un silencieux, étudié spécialement pour les agents "Splinter Cell" et capable de lancer des gadgets et munitions non létales. Il indique à Sam que les ingénieurs travaillent actuellement sur l'arme après qu'elle fut quelque peu endommagée par la forte pression de l'eau de la baie de Tokyo dans laquelle Sam, une dizaine de jours auparavant, avait du remonter à la nage pour s'extraire d'un bunker sous-marin. Sam aurait évidemment préféré l'avoir mais heureusement, il n'aura pas besoin d'une grande puissance de feu pour mener à bien la mission de ce soir.
Une fois le passage en revue de l'équipement terminé, ils rejoignent Grim et décident d'aller se restaurer puis de se poser en patientant jusqu'à l'heure de la mission. Sam aurait bien téléphoné à Sarah mais avec le décalage horaire, il ne veut pas risquer de gêner les grasses matinées qu'elle a inscrites en tête de son programme de vacances. Il se résigne donc à lui envoyer un mail pour lui dire qu'il va bien, qu'il pense à elle et qu'il reviendra vite pour espérer profiter de l'été ensemble.
Une bonne heure avant le départ, Sam se rend dans ses quartiers et se prépare. Il enfile sa tenue moulante Mk V, connue également sous le nom de Upper Echelon. De couleur noire et absorbant les rayons lumineux, elle est idéale pour les phases d'infiltration de nuit. Développé par le DARPA, cette tenue high-tech permet à Sam de se mouvoir sans faire de bruit et de disposer d'une protection pare-balles. Et comme avant tout départ en mission, Sam vérifie ses armes, gadgets et autres équipements électronique. Le hasard n'a pas sa place dans son métier, une défaillance matérielle en pleine mission peut présenter un grand danger voire lui couter la vie.
Pour finir, Redding lui injecte deux implants sous-cutanés, un à l'arrière de l'oreille droite et le second près des cordes vocales. Ces implants, directement reliés par communication satellite, permettent à Sam de communiquer avec Echelon 3 en parlant à voix faible sans que les ennemis aux alentours ne puissent l'entendre. Après un rapide essai pour vérifier la transmission, Sam est fin prêt et se rend à l'Osprey pour le briefing complet et avoir les dernières informations sur le village de Lovsko.
A l'intérieur de l'avion, il retrouve Grim en plein travail devant son ordinateur. Elle le briefe, le met au courant des détails de tous les objectifs qu'il aura à accomplir et envoie toutes les informations dont il aura besoin sur son OPSAT. Cependant et avec la situation sur le terrain qui évolue très régulièrement, il leur faudra attendre une heure pour que les services de renseignements de l'armée américaine leur envoient les dernières images satellite de la région. Ces images, une fois étudiées avec minutie, permettront à Grim d'évaluer le nombre de forces hostiles en présence et de proposer à Sam plusieurs points d'infiltration dans le village.
Une dizaine de minutes plus tard, Redding et Sam discutent sur le tarmac près de l'Osprey quand un 4x4 de couleur noire et aux vitres teintées s'approche. Sam comprend qu'il s'agit là du véhicule qui le conduira sur le lieu de la mission.
-Sam: "Pas de doute, on va passer incognito avec ça..." dit-il d’un air dépité.
Trois hommes descendent du véhicule, un officier ainsi que deux soldats armés et équipés de la tête aux pieds pour une mission nocturne. L’officier s'approche de Sam et Redding, les salue et se présente:
"Sergent Todorov, je suis chargé de vous escorter jusqu'au village de Lovsko" dit-il sans aucun accent.
-Sam: "Agent Fisher. Pardonnez-moi sergent mais vous avez dit "escorter"?"
-Sergent Todorov: "Affirmatif. Et mes deux hommes ici présents vous serviront de soutien pendant votre mission."
-Sam: "Désolé sergent mais je travaille seul, je n'ai pas besoin d'être tenu par la main."
-Sergent Todorov: "Ordre direct du commandant Hristov, je n'ai pas le choix."
Sam, agacé par la réponse du sergent, se tourne vers Redding et lui demande de le mettre en communication avec Lambert. Moins de deux minutes après, Sam entend la voix de Lambert dans son implant.
-Lambert: "Sam ? Ici Lambert."
-Sam: "Colonel. J'ai un petit problème avec le transport."
-Lambert: "Je vous écoute."
-Sam: "Au delà de voyager dans un véhicule qui semble suspect à des kilomètres à la ronde, pourquoi est-ce que je suis accompagné de deux nounous ?"
-Lambert: "Deux nounous ?"
-Sam: "Deux soldats bulgare sont censés m'escorter jusqu'aux portes de Lovsko, apparemment c'est une exigence de leur bien-aimé commandant..."
-Lambert: "Je n'en ai pas été informé. Je contacte immédiatement le commandant Hristov et je vous tiens au courant."
La communication avec Lambert se termine et Sam revient vers les soldats bulgare. Le sergent Todorov déplie une carte sur le capot du 4x4 et explique en détails le trajet qu'ils emprunteront et les routes qu'ils éviteront afin de ne pas tomber sur des patrouilles rebelles. Il ajoute enfin que le trajet durera presque deux heures, la longueur étant expliquée par certains chemins détournés qu'ils devront prendre et la prudence avec laquelle ils vont devoir progresser.
A cinq minutes du départ en mission, Lambert recontacte Sam pour l'avertir qu'il n'a rien pu faire pour le véhicule. Cependant il a pu obtenir de l'état-major bulgare qu'il soit lâché à 500 mètres de Lovsko et qu'il progresse seul. Sam est soulagé par cette nouvelle, lui aimant travailler seul et n'ayant pas l'habitude d'avoir constamment quelqu'un sur le terrain en train d'observer ses faits et gestes.
A 19h00 précises, le véhicule quitte la caserne militaire de Bezmer et se met en route. Grim et Redding, restés à la base, superviseront l’opération depuis l'Osprey et établiront la connexion avec Lambert au quartier général d'Echelon 3 à Fort Meade. Malgré le fait qu’il reste cloué au sol durant cette mission, l’Osprey possède tous les systèmes de communication et outils informatiques nécessaires pour seconder et guider Sam à travers ses missions.
Après plus d'une heure et vingt minutes de route, Sam, assit au siège arrière droit, consulte sa montre-terminal pour déterminer l'endroit où ils se trouvent. La montre-terminal , aussi appelée OPSAT pour OPerational SATellite Uplink, est un appareil électronique que Sam porte à son avant-bras gauche. Disposant d'un large écran, il lui permet de pirater des terminaux, de recevoir et transmettre des informations à Echelon 3 tels que des documents texte, photo, vidéo et audio et aussi d’obtenir un suivi de ses objectifs. Equipé d'un suivi GPS et d’une carte satellite du lieu de la mission, il permet également à Sam d'avoir directement le visuel de ses gadgets utilisant une caméra tel que le câble optique. Outil indispensable au bon déroulement de ses missions, Sam aurait aujourd'hui du mal à se passer de ce bijou de technologie.
Soudain, il est interpellé par quelque chose sur le bord de la route. Il continue à observer au loin et voit tous les poteaux électriques coupés et mis à terre. Le soldat assit à sa gauche remarque sa curiosité.
-Le soldat bulgare: "Nous leur avons coupé l'accès à l'électricité il y a environ deux semaines."
-Sam: "J'imagine qu'ils n'avaient pas payé leurs factures...Quelles sont leurs sources d'éclairage une fois la nuit tombée?"
-Le soldat bulgare: "Ils ont bricolé des trucs, ils ont branché quelques générateurs à des lampadaires et à quelques projecteurs de fortune. Mais ils utilisent surtout des bidons enflammés, ils n'ont pas assez de générateurs pour couvrir toute la zone qu'ils contrôlent."
-Sam: "Parfait."
Sam éteint son OPSAT puis vérifie une seconde fois son équipement et ses armes par mesure de précaution. Il était sûr de lui lors de la première vérification mais deux fois valent mieux qu'une. Car bien qu'il œuvre pour le compte des Etats-Unis, son travail est totalement officieux. Si il est capturé ou tué en mission, le gouvernement américain niera tout lien et il sera abandonné à son sort. Et il ne compte certainement pas risquer sa vie sur un problème technique ou matériel. Surtout pas aujourd'hui pour sa première mission en Bulgarie en tant qu'agent pour la cellule "Splinter Cell".
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Merci à vous de m’avoir lu !
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I have…I have a very complicated relationship with Game of Thrones.
I enjoy the books immensely. I enjoy seasons 1-3, the ones that arguably stuck closest to the books. After that, my enjoyment of the series slowly deteriorated until we reached season 5.
It was at this point I decided to take a break because “I can’t handle this. It’s too much.” It felt like too much was happening for drama and shock value. Plot was advancing, yes, but it didn’t feel quite right. Then I began looking into the books earnestly, mostly to see if there was a date announced for TWOW. Not only was there no date, but I learned just how much D&D had changed and butchered the source material.
I resolved to not watch again and only look into what was going on on the show so I could see how much of a train wreck it was becoming. Call it masochism if you want. That’s probably what it is.
What did I do instead of watch the show? Analyze everything, change who and what I liked and rooted for. The show is basically the antithesis of what I enjoy about the books at this point.
GRRM is a good writer. He’s “problematic” (a word I don’t like using), but he knows what he’s doing. He has a plan. Everything happens for a reason…not necessarily a good one, but there’s a reason. D&D, however, are bad writers. Everything is shock value, worship of ghe charcters they like, devaluing of charcters they don’t, misinterpretation of every charcter, and excess. I made an extended joke on how they write women here.
There’s honestly…there’s so much stuff about them I don’t like and you can venture into the “anti d&d” tag for yourself if you like. Because I don’t feel like just ad nauseam vomiting all of everyone else’s points here.
I have reached a point where I don’t feel like I can even watch the first few seasons anymore because my enjoyment of them would be tainted by how much I hate what the show became when D&D were left to their own devices to cut and paste how they saw fit. They’re basically televising bad fanfiction, and everyone seems to just worship this show.
Game of Thrones is riddled with bad writing and bad characterization. And when a story is character driven, like the Song of Ice and Fire books are, writing good characters matter. This is something D&D don’t know how to do. Just look at how David Benioff treated The Illiad in 2004’s Troy.
Sometimes I have to fight myself to continue to enjoy things that have existed since long before this show aired, it’s that bad. And it’s sad that I have to justify things i by saying “this was a thing first. I won’t let the pop culture connotations take this from me.”
Game of Thrones, as a show, feels like a betrayal to me and probably other fans of the source material as well.
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menoitides · 7 years
Here in Greece we don't really accept that Patroclus and Achilles were anything more than friends,cousins or at least Platonic lovers. What have you been taught at school?
Interesting! I love the term platonic lovers btw, it’s wonderful.
I had two instances where I learned about Achilles and Patroclus in a school setting. The first was in high school, where we just BARELY talked about them as a pair. All the focus in that class was on Odysseus because we were only really required to know the Iliad as a lead-up to the Odyssey. But ultimately, they were just talked about as best friends.
My second, much more in depth, encounter with them was in college. I took a mythology class and we talked about them briefly and my professor pretty much explicitly stated that they were lovers.
My suspicion is that in high school, their relationship was never even mentioned as potentially homoerotic because, while I was in high school, the legalization of gay marriage was a pretty controversial topic (even living in northern California!) and the school probably had some rules on what instructors were and weren’t allowed to talk about. Whereas I attended a very liberal university where instructors had no such limitations on what they could say or teach. 
Ultimately, my opinion of them as proof that true love exists came from my own exploration of their stories rather than from any educational institution. The movie Troy that was released in 2004 opened the floodgates for me and ever since, I’ve consumed films, books, academic articles, documentaries, wikipedia pages, fanfiction, random material that shows up on google searches, and artwork about them and just decided for myself “…they gay.”
I kinda went off on a tangent there… tl;dr: high school says no-homo, university says they gay.
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Diverted Course
Troy (2004) Reader Insert Fanfiction / Achilles x Mycenaean Princess!Reader Precuel - Part 22
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Word Count 10 K
Warnings: Thetis is being portrayed as a supportive mother. Clichés from the historical epic-swords and sandals film genre mixed with mythology.
Characters (main): Achilles, Patroclus, Thetis, Phoenix, Eudorus, Agamemnon, Hesione.
Summary: Returning to his homeland gives Achilles time to meditate on the intense experience he has lived and he intends to take drastic choices on the matter. However, the reminder of a pernicious detail leaves him in need of good advice and Patroclus convinces him of visiting the best sources available. 
In the meantime, Hesione attempts to penetrate the stubborn mind of her master hoping to persuade him using his loneliness on her advantage.
Notes: In the movie Achilles afirms to have seen the gods, implying he is the only mortal arround who had any contact with at least some of them. From this fact i attempt to add some of the mythical element into the story without changing the original tone of Troy centered in mortal actions and motivations.
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @spideyanakin @spideyanakin-interacts @awakenedevildays @alaysha-of-middle-earth @zoegarfield @helie-brain @rfkfan
There were many silent sacrifices that Achilles accepted to endure for Patroclus since he took him in, but having to stand his new friend during a good portion of the journey back to Pithia was a very annoying one. The bard that the lad befriended in Mycenae was quite talkative and obtrusive, constantly meddling in matters that weren’t his business. He would never stop reminding him that he was a witness of his greatest crime, the only one Greece wouldn’t cheer him for. The awakening of passion in the heart of the queen among greek princesses, splendid daughter of the King of Kings, woman meant to belong with some mighty lord ruler of rich lands. The story brought forward the bard’s curiosity, seeing in it great epic potential and for so, filling the hero with unwanted advice in hopes of making him reveal more details. 
Death threats weren’t enough to keep him shut, not at least while being around them. It was most likely that Alexander knew the risk that the rage of the myrmidon champion meant for him and wouldn’t challenge it anyways, but he also wanted to have privileged access to the novelty. He would keep it secured awaiting for better times in which his songs would be an honor instead of a source of scandal. That didn’t stop him from accidentally bringing many questions to the hero’s already troubled mind. 
Her suitors and what he was going to do with them were a concerning conversational topic between them on the way. The artist was coming up with ideas on the assumption that Achilles would follow the less subtle route to obtain the lady as wife. Go directly to her father, expect the obvious negative, then do a carnage that wouldn’t leave a single one of her suitors alive and kidnap her. He wouldn’t be the first greek hero taking that path, many stories in the past were evidence of it. Other remarkable warlords before him met with the refusal of their fathers in law and resorted to war like violence. 
It would be what everyone expected of him, a typical Achilles reaction according to the brutal fame he was acquiring. He didn’t want that, their nuptial thalamus should not be stained with a bloodbath. However, the reminder brought him the realization that he was indeed capable of jealousy. Despite being completely sure of her feelings for him, the idea of returning to her city and finding out that Agamemnon betrothed her to someone else was unbearable to him. Suddenly, killing the chosen suitor in a rage outbreak didn’t seem an improbable possibility. Not even an oath like the one forced on Helen’s suitors would stop him. If he would have been in their situation he would have killed Menelaus in the blink of an eye. Except that he wasn’t even a legitimate suitor for his lady’s hand, he was only the most dreaded soldier at her father’s command. 
Reproaches about his lack of patriotism and long lasting hate were all Agamemnon had for him because he never valued or understood myrmidons like he should. Phthia grew with the frequent arrival of persecuted runaways from other greek cities, many of whom were protected during the times of Peleus, mixing themselves with the descendants of the original habitants of the land. National feelings would hardly emerge among people that were once forced to leave their homelands, mycenaean occupation didn’t change that. The king loved to insult him based on his lack of loyalty to the country ignoring that his definition of Greece was himself. Myrmidons weren’t happy with submission just to feel like belonging to a closed identity given to them by his empire, they were only loyal to themselves. 
Reclaiming political power wasn't his particular ambition like was often suspected of him only because he was from a conflictive province. The greedy king could keep the throne and place his favorite crawler general on it; all Achilles wanted from him was the princess. The way to eternal glory, he would win on his own through his actions in the battlefield. She was the only of his wishes that strictly required from the approbation of his hated rival. For her he was going to endure him, since she had the loyalty of his arrow pierced heart. It didn’t take long for him to realize he was starting to miss her, in Mycenae he got used to seeing her everyday and he underestimated how much he loved that. He wanted to wake up beside her, to see her smiles witnessing his training combats with Patroclus, to introduce her with everyone she couldn’t meet the first time she visited him. 
Remaining separated in times of war was understandable and normal, but being without her in peace was harder to accept. Something on him was changing and the people around him were noticing it. Patroclus was surprised to see him pick the lyre again, then offering him lessons with the excuse of his recently noticed strong interest in music. They had tried it before and made some good advances, but Achilles postponed those because combat training was a priority. Not only that preoccupation seemed to change, but he even catched the hero playing alone at one given opportunity. 
The song sounded melancholic, but it was beautiful, and the lad didn’t dare to interrupt until it was finished. 
“ I’m so full of jealousy, I can't believe this… I will never be as great as you. Everything you do feels epic, Achilles!” 
The man smiled for him, used by then to be the center of his admiration. It was no secret that Patroclus looked up to him and he didn’t want him to doubt himself in pointless comparisons. 
“ You are the one with the musical inclinations, I only play when I’m bored.” 
“ You know I’m not talking about musical talent.” The lad clarified. “ When a normal man falls in love, he acts like a fool until successful courting leads to marriage. When you do it, it has to become an intricate adventure for a distant maiden that is practically unreachable. Look at yourself, you are in the part of the tale where the hero mourns his longing for an impossible love because his great challenge hasn’t come yet.” 
Achilles wasn’t following the joke. 
“ Life is not an epic tale, Patroclus. If it was, I would know what happens next.” 
Seeking to help out while trying to differentiate sadness from bad mood, he sat next to him hoping to provide him comfort. Achilles would never ask for it first, especially from him, but Patroclus knew what to do when he needed it. 
“ I know exactly what would happen, her father would do something incredibly stupid that would anger the gods. They would punish him through her and you would become her only hope, so Agamemnon would be forced to let you have her in payment for saving her life. “ 
“ What worked for Perseus didn’t turn out well for Hercules. “ Achilles recalled. “ For some heroes passion leads to doom.” 
The pessimistic claim didn’t bother Patroclus in the slightest. 
“ But you are Achilles, you are greater than all of them! And your princess already loves you, which means you only have obstacles in the way because the world would not easily accept that her heart belongs to you. All the other heroes won the right to marriage before the girl’s affections … Although Andromeda is still questionable, I like to think that she liked Perseus on sight.” 
“ When the choice is marriage or being devoured by a sea monster, the bride is just offering herself as payment for the rescue.” 
The stubbornness of Achilles would have disencourage anyone else, but the boy had an inextinguishable spirit. 
“ Think of the lack of conflict due to loyalty to her family. Agamemnon is not a father, he is a jailer. From what I saw, she seems to be like a ghost haunting the palace for him. If she has to choose between him and you, he will pick you faster than Medea picked Jason… And with you she wouldn’t be making the worst mistake of her life. You would not abandon her for a younger princess once she would stop serving a purpose for your heroic journey… not unless you want to be fed a stew made with the flesh of your own children as the main ingredient.” 
The casual application of her most frequent dark joke got a chuckle out of him, on that he noticed the mark she left on his cousin. 
“ That won’t be necessary, once she would be rightfully mine I would never let her go.” 
Patroclus had a triumphant smile that gave his expression a mischievous look. 
“ What are you up to now?” Achilles inquired, knowing something was coming. “ Don’t give me that look, I know what it means.” 
“ Now that you ask, I was going to see Eudorus and I wondered if you wanted to come with me. “ Patroclus innocently offered. “ Phoenix will be there and I bet you would like to talk with him.” 
“ I’m not looking for advisors, but you can leave if you want.” Achilles concluded. “ Salute everyone on my part.” 
The harsh negative would stumble once more with infallible insistence. 
“ Achilles, I’m being serious now. I lost my father and you are the person I search for when I feel lost. Who is yours, if not the old friend of your deceased father? “ 
He had a point, Phoenix was the closest thing Achilles had to a parental figure found on father’s side. However, he was behind someone else in the matter of being a trustable source of advice. 
“ My mother.” 
It was the obvious answer, only that Patroclus didn’t consider her first in that opportunity because he thought she was already aware of everything. 
“ Haven’t you spoken with her about this? You always tell her everything and you had already visited her before seeing anyone else when we arrived.” 
There was a certain glimpse of shame in him. 
“ I didn’t tell her yet, don’t make me feel any more guilty about that. “ Achilles confessed. “ If we do what you want, would you go with me to visit her later?” 
“ We have a deal." Patroclus agreed. “  I like your mother, tables turn when we are with her. She treats me fairly and you become the little boy.” 
Their first stop was the house of Phoenix, adoptive father of Eudorus and old teacher of Achilles. The family had a modest home not too far away from theirs and have been there since the beginning of the mycenaean occupation. The countryside villages were untouched by it, an inheritance of the deposed king that wasn’t magnificent enough for the mycenaean eye. Comfortable places, but not symbols of power they cared to occupate. Those were once conceived as retirement country houses for royals of old age, but with enough patience and work put on them they were turned into suitable places for families. Phoenix took excellent care of Achilles’ inheritance while he was growing up and by the time he reached adulthood the place reserved for him was magnificent compared with its initial state. An architectural hybrid between the palace of a prince and the house of a traveling mercenary, not absolutely sophisticated nor fully rough. In contrast, the place of the old man and his family was just a homely country house. 
The disposition intended to imitate the order of things from the times of Peleus. but the space was susceptible to expansions. In times of peace Eudorus was often seen occupied in home improvement labor. Before the rushed travel to fight in Argos he was working on an ampliation to emplace a thalamus for the eventual time of his marriage. It was his wishful project for the future, so he was getting the house ready in advance of finding a woman he would want to take there. 
Achilles used to mock the sequential order of his efforts, wondering why he would bother in getting the bedroom ready before actually finding the bride. At that particular opportunity, he was the one asking about the state of the project. 
“ He has been working non-stop since he returned, it’s almost ready.” Phoenix told the freshly arrived visitors. “ The women of the argives must have inspired his purpose. “ 
The impetus didn’t come from Argos, his friends imagined it linked to his mycenaean admirer. The sweet servant girl with an obvious crush on him must have reinforced his will to work on that. 
“ We have met Helen of Sparta in Mycenae.” Patroclus innocently excused him. “ That woman is an unstoppable source of inspiration for anyone.” 
The old man was absolutely unimpressed by his implications. 
“ Those thieves are hoarding treasures from all over Greece, the least they can do with that is getting stunning wives.” 
“ … And they do, women were arguably the best thing there.” Achilles joked to soften things. “ When we’ll become truly rich, I would like to get one of those for me and one for my friend.” 
“ A mycenaean serving us would be a nice change for once. “ The man snarked, letting them see he thought the hero was talking of buying slaves. “ You know I don’t like to see you both leave knowing you will be fighting for Agamemnon, I accept it because I have no choice.” 
“ I fight for myself and your son fights for me. We only use that king to get our deserved rewards.” 
The conversation was paused to make proper libations to the gods with the wine that Polymele brought for them. 
“ And how good were those this time?” The mother of Eudorus asked. “ I’m absolutely proud of my son’s glory, but we weren’t expecting him to arrive without you. Haven’t you thought about how you were going to scare the people, Achilles?  At first sight we could have thought you were lost in battle! “ 
“ Mother, he was being honored in Mycenae for the great victory against Diomedes.” Eudorus jumped in his lord’s defense. “ The conqueror of Thebes, of seven gates, was never forced to retreat before. Achilles made him.”
The hero seemed pleased with the accurate description of the official motives masquerading his reasons for staying in the mycenaean palace more than necessary. 
“ Not easily, he is worth the fame he acquired. Diomedes is the best I have faced, just not good enough to contain me. He knew when to back down, or a deity who loves him inspired him to do it. “ 
“ Then he got his army submitted to Agamemnon, paid the tribute, and you got the argive blood cleansed from your skin by the hands of the mycenaean princess. “ Patroclus added. “ Not a bad outcome, you got honors that have never been given to any other hero during the ruling of Agamemnon.” 
“ Diomedes can still be called a King, Achilles takes the myrmidons to battle as a mere commander.” She recalled, showing disdain for the descripted situation. “ No honors can repay that, a ceremony in the palace of Agamemnon isn’t enough.” 
“ But it was a great start.” Achilles insisted, on a positive note. “ His own people are fascinated with me, Mycenae loves me against the wishes of its king.” 
The affirmation was accurate, but also an excellent metaphor. Mycenae discovered a fervor for him that Agamemnon despised, but the most special of his subjects actually loved him against his wishes. 
Phoenix seemed to have a clear position about that. 
“ A bath? If they want to vindicate you, at very least they should have let you sleep with her.” 
The joke made everyone chuckle for all the wrong reasons. He wasn’t speaking seriously, but Achilles truly had the even more delusional idea of taking the princess of Mycenae as payment for all past and future offenses when he would finally be able to part ways with the Atreide. 
“ Don’t make him wish for so, father. “ Eudorus spoke first. “ The girl is a delight, she surprised us all. Kindness like hers is rare to see in the highest royalty, especially in the House of Atreus.” 
The remark made him feel taunted and Achilles wasn’t going to remain impassible. 
“ The only one in that family that is worth something. Let me tell you something, Phoenix. That princess is splendid and her personal entourage is not far behind. Her servant girls are as lovely as her, one is very feisty but the other one is pure tenderness.”
Polymele retired to a subtle sign of her husband, understanding he was going to share things that she wouldn’t like to hear. 
“ It may seem like that, but servant girls are no game.” He strictly commented. “ Not even with the ones belonging to his own household a young man is safe. One may say that everybody does it, but things are never so simple.” 
Patroclus was weirded by the strange reprobation.
“ As long as she consents, I don’t see the problem. Those girls are often offered as part of hospitality. Why should we be the ones to beware of them and not the other way arround?” 
“ Because there will always be someone else willing to ruin your life for one of them. Servant girls aren’t prostitutes, you don’t remain free of consequences.  Don’t underestimate the damage that a jealous owner can cause you. Everything is fun until he realizes that she wants you for real and barely tolerates him. Some don’t like to get reminded that those girls spread their legs for them only because they have to.” 
The passion he showed in the intense explanation was suspicious, almost like a defensive reaction. 
“ That’s not ethical advice,” Achilles pointed out.” you are treating us like kids that want to put their hands over the fire because they don’t know it burns.” 
“ You already know I was not born a myrmidon, your father offered me shelter after I ran away from my homeland. What I never told you or my son was the reason.” The man replicated. “ I was once a prince of Hellas, son of King Amyntor. My father humiliated my mother with his blatant preference for a concubine of the palace and she begged me to do something about it. She wanted me to seduce the slave so she would despise him and so I did. I got close to her, at first for the sake of my mother’s sorrow, but I got to experience a sweet furtive passion with that girl. I awakened in her the fire that only love brings, she wanted me like she had never wanted my father. When we were discovered, Amyntor forgot I was his son. His jealousy overcame everything, he summoned the Furies to curse me with childlessness and they heard him. “ 
He stopped the tale for a brief instant and glanced at Eudorus. 
“ You know now why my blissful union with your mother has never produced offspring. My seed is cursed, dear boy. I came to this land escaping the hate of my father and you were a miracle that happened after I thought I lost everything. It was decreed that I would never conceive a child of my own and when I met Polymele she was already pregnant with you. I got blessed with a chance to raise two boys, my son and my apprentice, and I thank the deity who had mercy on me for that.” 
“ Maybe it was your mother, Achilles, I will never know. “ He continued, back on his main interrogator at that opportunity. “ After all, she allowed me to educate you when you reached the proper age. She honored my friendship with your father by letting me be the one teaching you what he couldn´t. I’m obliged to transmit you the humble wisdom that I acquired in a lifetime. Don’t get in the way of a master and his possessive love, he would destroy you no matter what just to keep the illusion of full ownership over his favorite girl. “ 
The words of advice Phoenix had to give weren’t a calming balsam for the worries of the heart poured for them. Eudorus received those like a personal alarm while Achilles felt his existing doubts increasing after the visit. The outcome contradicted all expectations, he was still feeling conflicted because the advisor didn’t succeed on the accidental intention of making him desist from his secret purpose. Nothing would, not even Zeus himself coming down from Olympus to tell him that woman was forbidden. Speaking of the servant girls was easier than directly confessing he was going after the mycenaean princess, but he knew the advice wouldn’t change much if the man would be aware of his actual target. In any case, it would be harsher and more determinant giving the substantial difference in the high rank. 
On his part, Patroclus was amazed recognizing in them the same fear of disappointment he sometimes felt regarding them. It was a strange realization, since normally his cousin never seemed vulnerable to expectations and Eudorus would only care about disappointing him in particular. Phoenix felt to him then like the patriarch they all wanted to make proud, but whose wisdom they wished to put in question. Not a single word of complaint came out from the men, despite the lad waiting for it to emerge.  The two grown adults he admired the most, fearless warriors and makers of massacres, wouldn’t dare to question the advice of the man who raised them taking the lead of their absent fathers. 
His hope was in a presumably kinder advisor, the only one who could help Achilles out of the tribulations in a way that wouldn’t make him feel hopeless. 
Thetis received them the next day in the usual grout by the sea. Only her son knew the precise location of the isolated spot where he spent the early stages of his childhood and Patroclus was the only company he ever admitted. The reason would have been evident to anyone who could witness his interactions with his mother. The stoic mask would fall completely in her presence, she was capable of discovering the deepest secrets of his heart with amazing ease. 
“ You have found more than glory in Mycenae.” She told him right away. “ I saw it in you, but I preferred to wait until you would come to me with the news.” 
It never stopped to impress them, Achilles found his initial guilt over hiding the secret absolutely pointless and Patrocus was in disbelief for what he was witnessing. 
“ I didn’t want to overwhelm you so soon. You were receiving me as your son coming victorious from battle, it wasn’t a proper time to come to you for help.” 
Once he approached close enough she gave him a soft caress on the cheek. 
“ There is no wrong time to need your mother.” 
He had a sweet smile always ready for her. 
“ Your little helper has convinced me.” 
Patroclus peeked from behind his shoulder waving one hand and Thetis smiled at him. 
“ I see. It's nice to have you with us this time, Patroclus! I heard about your journeys, your first steps outside your homeland. I’m very proud of you.” 
The boy was bright with happiness receiving the praise. 
“ At least I'm not the only one who is here for your validation.” Achilles mocked him. “ Although I’m not sure who needs it the most right now.” 
Sitting on top of some rocks on the shore, she allowed him to rest his head against her shoulder in a calming pose. 
“ I always wondered why you didn’t try to sneak into the competition for the hand of Helen.” She commented as a subtle entrance for the matter. “ It’s true that I advised you against it, but many achaean heroes were there. I thought pride could have pushed you anyways.” 
“ I’m the best, I have nothing to prove.” Her son answered right away. “ It didn’t matter to me how pretty they said she was, I told myself I was married to the sword and nothing would distract me from fighting. When I had to leave for her wedding party, many men told me I was going to regret it once I met her. I didn’t, Helen is beautiful beyond measure but meeting her didn’t change my life and that made me feel safe in my position. If the prettiest girl in Greece wasn’t trapping me, no other would. “ 
He made a brief pause looking for exact words that would describe the best what he had to tell her. 
“ I met someone else there, a shy girl nobody was paying any attention to. She was the niece of the bride, I thought I was never going to see her again and that’s why I never spoke about her before. I visited her palace, I stayed for more than I should have and now I feel I can’t live without her.” 
There was no judgment in his mother’s reaction and he felt encouraged by that. 
“ You have a good eye for trouble.” She sweetly mocked him. “ I thought you hated the Atreides, the eldest surely hates you. He invaded the land of the myrmidons in spite of your existence. The age of the demigods was starting to fade, a direct descendant of gods was rare to see. Prince Agamemnon of Mycenae was horrified when he heard people were saying the little boy of King Peleus didn’t have a mortal mother. A demigod child ruling anywhere else was a threat to everything he wanted to build, so he came here with lies claiming the myrmidons were hiding Thyestes and took away your crown before you could get to rule. "
“ No way, he is your Eurystheus!” Patroclus recalled with weirded excitement. “ This is getting very interesting.” 
" Deep down Hercules cared for his lost throne, I don't. " Achilles corrected him. " Everyone thinks I say it because I'm trying to escape who I'm meant to be, but I'm not. Agamemnon did an excellent job shaping my fate for his benefit because the man I have become is not the one that prince boy was meant to be. I'm a fighter, not a politician. I can barely look after myself, nobody in their ríght mind would ask me to look after a kingdom. " 
" ... Too bad, because your princess seems born to rule. I bet you wish you had your old title just to give her a throne to sit on. " 
The tease wasn't ill intentioned, but it touched a detail he didn't consider until then. 
" I don't need to present myself to her as the one I was born as. Consider it for a moment, Patroclus. Her mother committed treason sleeping with a traitor. If she finds out I was born a prince, she could think I want her just to get my throne back and she will find logical reasons to believe it. It's the only detail everyone remembers about the Queen of Mycenae, you can naturally assume her daughter is haunted by that. I don't want a scepter of king, I want her... but how do you convince a woman who has been told over and over that her dead mother was a weak bitch seduced by an enemy? " 
It made sense and for so, the lad didn't object. 
" I have a plan, but it requires time I can't afford and patience I don't have. " Achilles continued. " I can win the dowry with the sword, make Agamemnon owe me so much that he will have to acceed regardless of the mutual hate we feel. Once his greed will be satisfied he will not have any believable excuses. I put the world at his feet and all I ask in return is a wife. The great emperor will not look good if he refuses and we know he will pick his damn empire over her anytime. He could be capable of selling her to old King Priam for the control of Troy." 
" Well, to be exact there is nothing he wouldn't give to rule Troy." 
" What I mean is that he will not miss her and before he will sell her to anyone else for power he will have to sell her to me. I will bring him all the power he wants so he will not have to exchange her for it on any of the few free kingdoms that remain. " Achilles clarified ríght away. " The problem is that this is a long term plan. She is clever, so far she has managed to delay marriage, but i don't know for how long she will stand. " 
There was genuine worry in his face when expressing his deepest concern. 
" What if I come back one day to find her married? Maybe she resisted as much as she was capable of, but Agamemnon forced her to marry someone else. Doubt is driving me mad, I don't know how long it will take me to find a new excuse to return. My only comfort is knowing that she is with Odysseus now, that should keep her safe for some time." 
Thetis kissed his forehead and prepared herself to deliver bad news.
" I lament to inform you that your friend conspires against you. Is not personal, he still loves you, but nothing comes above the love he has for his wife and son. He fears you could recklessly unleash a country-wide war for that girl and hopes to contain the situation with manipulations. Nothing new, he is once more playing with forces he can't understand trying to cheat fate. " 
He raised his glance at her with confusion. 
" Mother, are you sure about this?" 
" Which one of the two?" Patroclus asked him."  Odysseus playing on his own side or her being your fate?" 
Thetis seemed quite surprised by the comeback. 
" You have returned with a sharper tongue, dear boy. Is that another prodigy from the women of the Atreides?" 
Patroclus easily confessed his guilt. 
" For cursed people, they are very nice. " 
" Don't insult her like that, the only curse my princess has is being born from that father." 
" So easily you claim her yours!" His mother followed in a teasing tone. " This is not the same man who left the homeland for war. A true miracle has occurred, my son was visited by the children of Aphrodite!"
" Is that all you both plan to do? Join forces to mock me?" Achilles defended himself. " Yes, I am in love. I thought I would never feel that need for someone else and here I am, losing my mind for the daughter of Agamemnon Atreide. Maybe it is the punishment he got for all the offenses he caused me, or it's yet another motive of suffering I have to endure from him. In either case, it's already done. I love her, I can't conceive the idea of finding her married to someone else or witnessing her wedding as an invited guest. If what you say is true, mother, then Odysseus is ríght in just one thing. I would kill the groom if i have to, she wouldn't even have to ask me to slaughter the husband being forced on her." 
" Or you could also remember that the goddess of marriage is the woman who educated me. '' Thetis interrupted before the rage inside him could escalate. " You don't have an immortal mother in vain. " 
Achilles wasn't fond of the idea, the mere thought made him feel uneasy. He stood up out of sudden and gave a few steps away contemplating the sea. 
" You know I don't like to owe favors in Olympus.You never know how the ones up there will choose to collect payment. " 
" I'm loved and respected by both sides of the ruling marriage and that is not an easy achievement." She insisted. " Do you truly want the princess of Mycenae for a wife?" 
" Ask Hera if she wants us to honor her getting married or to offend her with an adulterous relationship. In either way that girl is mine. ” Was his terminating answer halfway into an angry ramble “ In fact, being her lover would never be enough. Only a coward would conform with that. I would steal her from her dying husband and if I have to spill blood all over the temple, I will. " 
" That sounds like a threat, I think it's not wise to offend the goddess whose favor you need." Patroclus mocked his lovesick rage. " ... You truly are lucky that this lady is your mother. "
Thetis smiled once more, purposely avoiding chuckling to the comment and the overall situation, but remained silent.  
" Do you think threatening the Queen of Olympus is a viable option?" The boy continued, horrified. " Are you completely out of your mind? 
" I'm not a coward, I speak my mind. If Hera doesn't make her my wife, I'll take her by myself. " 
" Or the goddess can obviously go one step ahead of you and marry her to someone that would screw your plans." 
To the immortal woman in front of them it was like seeing the argument of two children. However, the unusual wisdom that the youngest was showing was unusual to perceive in someone of his age. He had a healthy fear of gods her son had never acquired. 
"  No one will get in my way." Achilles confidently answered to Patroclus' provocation. " No one would be that stupid. " 
 " What about a man you wouldn't kill so easily and she wouldn't want to cheat on despite not loving him ? I know of a prince that fits the description, a great fighter and a very honorable man... Agamemnon would love to get him on board. " 
The mere reminder of that man annoyed the demigod. Although the idea seemed improbable,he had realized that his cousin was in the ríght.
" Prepare an expiatory sacrifice for tomorrow morning or Hera will gift your girl to Hector just to give you a lesson. "
Thetis wanted to show support for Patroclus' advice without revealing too much of certain information that could be upsetting for her son. As a sea deity she was aware of many things happening on the domains of Poseidon. 
“ That would be an excellent start, I can do my part and speak with her later. “ She quickly took the lead in the conversation. “ The alignments on Olympus could also be useful information to you. I will try to figure out what the great deities think of her, but don’t expect much. Your discredit of Olympians comes from the fact that you have met them, your girl has never felt divine presence. Zeus hates the Line of Tantalus, no one assists them directly. Agamemnon has done more harm than good trying to restore the relationship with the Great King. He thinks that ruling the world would prove that he is better than his ancestors and Zeus will forgive him. I feel confident guessing that the young princess must be secretly watched by Athena, anyone loved by Odysseus gets at least a bit of her attention. Aphrodite is over Helen, if they are close she may be keeping an eye on her too. “ 
“ Aunt and niece have become hard to separate. That must be why the goddess of love couldn’t keep turning a blind eye anymore.” Achilles commented. “ It explains a lot. I thought the world was going a bit more insane than usual when no other man seemed to mind leaving that gorgeous girl all by herself. She even used to boast of being invisible to the eyes of men and I heard that while my own eyes were feasting on her.” 
They shared a few chuckles to the amusing sounding confession. 
“ Aphrodite is called the laughter loving for a reason: she adores pranks. Expect some more pranking now that she is bringing her favorite mortal man. “ 
The words escaped from her in a moment of distraction because the thought was already on her mind. Her son suspected immediately and questioned her about it. 
“ Mother… is there anything else that I should know? 
She was reluctant to keep speaking, as if they were reaching a cursed topic, but there was nothing else she could have done. 
“ Your beloved was invited to Ithaca under false pretexts, Odysseus has a mission for her. To be the bridge between his people and the trojans, Prince Hector is on the way on board of a ship that will arrive soon there. His brother Paris is with him, he is the favorite mortal of Aphrodite. Hector is the predilect of Apollo … and of their entire nation. “ 
Patroclus cackled loudly to the incredible coincidence. 
“ Well, looks like all our mockery will be put to test. “ He concluded. “ Do you think Athena could be connecting her thoughts with Odysseus’? She didn’t tell him about her old escape plan, I'm sure of that. If she sees him the same way I see you, I can confirm that it didn't come out from her.” 
Achilles was certainly dismayed, but not even in front of his mother he would admit it. 
“ It’s only a shame that I can’t be there to see her gaining fame. Her glory is a motive of cheer for me, she always takes pride in mine. I want the trojans to adore her so Hector can envy me later. And as for Paris, he can check on the wonderful woman that could have mindlessly gifted herself to him if she wouldn’t have met a real man first. He will see how unworthy of her he is and she will feel embarrassed to have ever considered him.” 
Surprisingly calm reaction making everyone else suspect there was more behind he wouldn’t acknowledge at the moment. 
“ May I ask you one more favor?” 
The goddess secured some of the strands of golden hair falling at the sides of his face behind his ear 
“ Anything. No matter the path you take, I’m always on your side. “ 
Achilles seemed partially encouraged and that was a relief. 
“ Take care of her, keep her safe when she is unreachable to me. “ He sweetly begged. “ I don’t need you to spy on her because I want to test her loyalty. I trust her, I feel it every time she is close to me. She wants no one else, the world demands her differently. The request is not about me, I just want to know if there will be someone out there looking after her when Athena or Aphrodite would be too busy with the mortals they like more. “ 
The petition was clearly heartfelt and he hugged her right away. 
“ That will not be a problem, she has been praying to the Nereids.” Thetis shared with him in complicity. “ She thinks I don’t listen to her talking of her love for you, but if you would know the things I have heard you will be swimming to Ithaca. “ 
His eyes went wide realizing that his mother had been aware of everything all along. 
While such matters were occupying him, the situation in Mycenae appeared to be diverting the course...
 The atmosphere in the palace was moderately quiet, but that wasn’t doing any wonders for the king’s mood. He seemed distracted at best and more easily irritable than usual at worst. Dealing with him wasn’t simple even for his royal advisors. The absence of Nestor complicated things even more and there were no future prospects for an imminent military action that would justify his comeback from Pylos. 
For Agamemnon, it was just him and the mundane issues of Mycenae in a boring in between wars period he would be spending alone. It was hard to admit he didn’t enjoy peace, not even the domestic one obtained in solitude after getting rid of his daughter for a while along with all the uncomfortable visits they were forced to receive. Having her around was often a source of headaches, but letting her go to any place other than his brother’s palace and being uncertain about her time of return wasn’t nice.
 He was worried, no matter how much he trusted Odysseus or how advantageous it would be to have information about Ithaca after the conflict with Diomedes. To some extent, he was regretful about letting her go. 
It was a constant in his relationship with her, taking choices as king that he would later regret as a father. In a more busier context, with some war upcoming or anything to distract his mind, he would simply ignore it. All his usual topics of concern were in control and he had no better idea than turning his thoughts back at her. Their bond was of constant struggle, if there was one thing she learned good from him was the insistence on doing things her way and there was nothing he hated more than being contradicted. She would always stand in the opposite viewpoint for any issue, from the petty things to actual conflicts, and drive him insane. 
However, the palace wasn’t a constant battlefield at all times and she was a nice company. Whenever being anywhere else was impossible and campaigns had to be postponed, in the cold seasons when receiving guests was less frequent and the palace would reduce to just the two of them and their servants. Hunting wasn’t her thing, but in the bad weather she did appreciate the fur clothing. He would typically mock the hypocritical stance and she would laugh, admitting her guilt, to later extend the discourse claiming that hunting trophies were the useless side of it she didn’t enjoy. He once tried to explain to her his taste for keeping trophies using battlefield comparisons. In war when one man kills the other, the defeater has the right to take the fallen’s armor as a prize to display at his home. Without hesitation, she told him that an armed man in battle was a danger to another armed man, but a deer in the woods wasn’t. Only greater prizes from actually dangerous creatures made sense to her for that. The hunt of the Calydonian boar or the gorgon head kept by Perseus, not parts from the lifeless remains of animals that weren’t extraordinary. 
If wars had to be fought following her logic, only killing the extraordinary people, he wouldn’t be at the edge of ruling Greece. Their philosophical arguments were at least entertaining and he would always crown those with some intricate wartime anecdote that would keep her listening. At some of those occasions she would simply hear him vent about Achilles driving him insane without stopping to question him a single time. Her silent support was comforting to him, seeing her simply nodding and smiling to whatever he said for once was definitely helpful. That man would often manage to outshine him while making him look like the villain of his heroic tale, so the king liked to have someone with whom he wouldn’t feel that way. His girl was always understanding, the onlyone besides Menelaus that seemed to be completely on his side. 
Watching her sitting among her slaves, directing their work while keeping up with her own beautiful embroidery works, would sometimes secretly fill him with pride. She already looked like a queen and she had reached the age to become one. Although he was hoping to receive her back before the end of the season, soon he would have to let her go definitely. His empire needed offspring, from his viewpoint as a king he had to get her married as soon as possible. From his feelings as a father, he couldn’t grow the courage to let her go. 
He would never admit it. Not even to himself, always up to find new motives to place on her. Blaming her was easy, stating she was not ready yet to be a good wife sounded more rational. In that line of thought, delaying the marriage was saving an unlucky man the disappointment of getting stuck with a disgraceful mess of a woman that would ruin his life. He was merely providing the useful service that Tyndareus should have given him before he married Clytemenestra, making sure the daughter she gave him would be in optimum conditions before her engagement. He managed to truly convince himself of that, satisfied with his self deceiving. She wasn’t good enough for any man and it was his responsibility to perfect her. Behind his cruel reproaches he was hiding the consequences of his paranoid fears, but also the possessiveness of his filial love. 
It was no mystery to anyone that Agamemnon was a greedy man in every sense of the term and that included his affections. Shouting that he wanted her out of his life only masqueraded his necessity to keep her by his side. He preferred to have her in the palace, far away from the world, because she belonged with him. A fierce, jealous love was the guide of his parenting style. Taking anything away from him was already a difficult task, expecting him to give it away was nearly impossible. He was the accidental creator of his own difficulties, living in the contradiction of needing her to provide an heir to the house and feeling like any man wanting her was stealing her from him. She, who he had raised to be the exception to the rule in the troubled history following the women of the family, was a final product meant to be handed to someone else. 
His mother abandoned him and his little brother when she sentenced herself to death for being unfaithful to their father, then his wife followed the same path. She carelessly left that child lonely for the sake of a lover, but her father knew very well what that little thing endured growing up without a mother. He promised himself he would do better with her, that he would keep her safe from the curse. Her innocent acts of rebellion in the palace were a fair price to pay for rescuing her from that fate. 
Under her watch she was doing fine, occasionally trusting her to Menelaus wasn’t doing any harm either. As the only woman they managed to save, she was theirs by right, meant to be their caring company from her roles of daughter and niece. For the same reason she was their special responsability. Odysseus was a great man, but he wouldn’t understand it. He was probably being indulgent with her, allowing corruption to happen accidentally just to be a nice host. He was her favorite for a reason, he would often destroy all of her father’s good work on a week of visiting by giving her permission for anything she wanted. 
She adored the King of Ithaca and he had an evident soft spot for her. She was always all smiles at the news of his arrival to Mycenae, even happier than if they would tell her that her father was returning from war. No other visitor would spend as much time alongside her as he did yet it never seemed to be enough. She would always beg for him to stay a few days more, looking at him with an adorable expression. It was the exact kind of trick she used to play as a little girl to stay for longer in Sparta, only not about her uncle anymore. She had built a great affinity with Odysseus, one that replaced Menelaus from the spot of favorite. It was granted that, despite the good intentions of Penelope, that man would give the girl too much freedom. 
There was no doubt that his friend also meant good, but he wasn’t the one dealing with the consequences. Odysseus was responsible for her only while she would remain on Ithaca, nothing obliged him to be severe. For as much as Menelaus enjoyed being a relaxed uncle, he was aware of the limits he couldn’t let her cross. He would be more careful because he was aware of the risks, they had a secret mission to accomplish keeping the curse at bay. Although, at the end of the day, it was always up to him. The eldest brother, head of the house and father of that girl he wasn’t ready to raise alone when circumstances made him. His younger brother was a good support, but he wasn’t there all the time. 
The trojan was all he had on a regular basis, that damn woman he would never get rid of. She knew too many secrets of the family, so he could never sell her, but he was too dependent on her and could never kill her. They were stuck with each other and over the years she had at least proven a consistent loyalty. It was a bond of relative mutual convenience making itself more evident when there was no one else around. 
“ I’m bringing your meal, the poor boy that pours your wine is afraid you may slaughter him so I told him I can handle everything.” She announced herself carrying a tray to serve him. “ We are far beyond that, aren’t we? 
Agamemnon tried to remain as composed as possible to show kingly dignity. 
“ Just because my daughter has made you a queen among slaves, that doesn't mean you can talk to me as if you were a real one. She uses you to fulfill a need, as slaves are meant for. Queen Penelope of Ithaca is now in your place, surely doing a better job than you.” 
The woman began to serve the table for him with cold carelessness. 
“ Perhaps you are the one worried wondering if Odysseus is doing better work pretending to parent her. “ 
She poured wine and handed him the cup with total naturality, upsetting him even more than a claim that got him a bit too deep. 
“ That’s an insolence I can't tolerate, not even from you. Hesione, favorite of the princess, I can’t care less about your old age and she is not here to protect you. “ 
“ The last time you marked my body she didn’t speak to you for days. I have seen her shredding tears of resignation whenever her benevolence wouldn’t be enough to calm your wrath against any other of us. Anger is what will be awakened if you touch me or her handmaids. Only three persons in this palace she expects you to protect in her absence, two of them are away.” 
The reprobation made sense, so he switched the topic. 
“ Odysseus was blessed with a firstborn boy, but I fear he would never be a good parent for a girl. Not only was he luckier than me regarding his offspring, he has an irreproachable wife and in this fortune lies his optimism. He has no idea of what it's like to have been married to a traitorous whore knowing your mother was one too while you beg for your only offspring, that just HAD TO BE yet another WOMAN, to not end up like that. I’m sure the pretentious little bitch is going to be insufferable at her return, that’s what he does to her.” 
“ Be honest to yourself, King of Kings. “ Hesione warned in a mock. “ You are thinking of the people she will meet. Provincial nobles that will be dazzled by her shine, she may make new friends. Some that you didn’t buy for her, that you can’t control in the limits of this palace. Your sad attempt to control Patroclus wasn’t only about upsetting his cousin, he is the first friend your daughter made from outside your borders and that makes him dangerous… Who knows who she may befriend next?” 
“ YOU KNOW WHY I HAVE TO DO IT! “ He yelled out of blatant rage for the callout. “ Your intrigues mean nothing to me, I’m protecting her from the curse she was born with.” 
If she would have been completely free to speak, Hesione would have said he was that girl’s curse. At least for that she missed the presence of Achilles, he would never hesitate on freely insulting him without fearing repercussions and through the blade he had earned the power to do so. 
“ It will not happen again because I have paid enough attention. From the claws of that harpy I rescued her and I made her a decent girl.” Agamemnon strictly concluded . “ Too nice, perhaps, her sense of morality drives me insane… But she has high morals, even if she often uses those to judge me.” 
“ Trojan sense of morality, too elevated for the House of Atreus.” The woman clarified, reclaiming what she considered her accomplishment. “ That rectitude and virtue didn’t come from you.” 
“ She is a righteous woman anyways, Hesione! I made that possible, on my watch she grew up safe.” 
The king had a long sip of his drink while the slave kept accommodating plates. 
“ She can’t be under your watch forever. “ 
He swallowed his first bite of food quickly to eagerly reply. 
“ I can’t trust her to another man, they don’t understand. With me the curse is contained…” 
“ She is a girl, not a feral force of destruction.” Hesione recalled. “ You don’t need to contain her, you need to understand her. It’s not about finding a husband to control her in your place, she needs one that would care for her. So far you have received prospects following nothing but your own interests. Your local flatterers and a few foreign princes from families you like, all focused on your personal gain. Have you actually checked on any of those men, besides from their inventory of richness or political influence? What about their personalities, goals and morals? Do you find any virtue in at least one of her suitors?” 
“ Antilochus is a good young man, Nestor and I have been thinking about it since they were kids. He was my strongest favorite, but he became a suitor of Helen and our plans got ruined. Until quite recently, many of the most righteous princes were too busy fighting for her.” 
Hesione was subtly heading the conversation into a very important point she wanted to make. Always letting her master believe that she was simply helping him think, what she actually seeked was to persuade him. 
" It's not about righteousness. Look for a man that is in perfect balance with yours and her morals. One that would follow your brutal ways of heartless conqueror but would still make her happy. " 
" That man doesn't exist, no one can reconcile such extremely different interests. Agamemnon insisted. " Her purpose in life is to serve me, it's logical that the choice has to be useful to me. " 
He was incredibly stubborn, but she wouldn't stop. 
" The kind of man you are looking for is a fierce warrior with a good heart. One that would be with you exterminating an entire population of men, but would pretend he didn't see the children escaping. A son in law fitting for your needs that would still have softness reserved for her. A mighty arm to destroy your enemies that would wrap her in a tender embrace." 
The servant was purposely describing Achilles in a language vague enough to plant the seed of an idea that was favoring him. Despite the king didn't figure out the underline meaning of her words, the advice seemed sensical to him and precisely for that he was feeling conflicted. 
None of his trustfull advisors would have ever been so direct. 
" I fail to see what makes you so interested in her departure from this house. '' Agamemnon snarked with poisonous disdain. " You'll lose everything with her marriage and I am not speaking only about your position of privilege. You don't have a family, that girl is all you have. I have many other matters to care about, my mind will move on, but without her you will lose your purpose. "   
Her answer was a hard strike. 
" My love is selfless, I want the best for her no matter what will happen to me. Perhaps because I have nothing I can call mine and you own so much, you will never understand that. " 
Agamemnon cackled carelessly and shamelessly. 
" There you are again, playing to be the sacrificial matriarch! It doesn't suit you as good as you think it does. " 
Hesione watched him completely unamused. 
" You still hope for it, don't you? How many years humiliating me in front of her got you nowhere? How many teachers and etiquette trainers that you have collected among the best wives in mycenaean nobility have failed before? Now you think that Penelope of Ithaca, of all queens, will be the one successfully training her to hate me and my kind? " 
" She needs a fitting role model to follow and Penelope is a flawless queen, i believe her influence can inspire her into becoming one. Acknowledging your inferiority is part of that, she is too old to keep pretending you are her mother. " 
Her mockery was turning into rage. She had no doubts about the love of her girl, but it was true that her social position demanded other teachings besides from hers and the king was pointing it out to hurt her. 
" You are spiteful because she hasn't learned to dehumanize trojans like you wanted. Growing up with me was supposed to show her that we are all pets your family will dominate someday, but you failed in poisoning her with your hate..." 
She made a brief pause, unsure of letting the anger dominating her get its outlet. 
" ... Let’s revisit some basic facts about your daughter. She loves horses more like any other noble girl who has been in this palace. Do you remember when you whipped a lad working in your stables thinking she was sneaking there to see him, only to later find out she was there talking to the horses? " 
The king remained silent. 
" If given the choice, she loves dressing in blue clothes as much as your traditional red. She can recite the story of the foundation of Troy as fluently as she would tell you about the origins of Mycenae. Dardanus and Tros are names as familiar to her as Perseus or Tantalus. " 
She didn't want to get that far, but couldn't stop herself. 
" My child calls me her anna, and she speaks my language with the cutest greek accent. She is insecure of it and would never dare to speak it with another trojan, but King Priam himself would get emotional hearing her because it's perfect mixing. Troy is her secondary homeland, she made my roots as hers as the ones birth assigned her. " 
" Being attached to you doesn't make her an honorary citizen of your old kingdom." Agamemnon mocked her. " It's true, you taught her some unusual traditions behind my back, but a princess of Mycenae can only be destined to rule trojans after I'll raid their city." 
" Start thinking of her beyond your wishes or you'll lose her. " The trojan concluded, a genuine piece of advice wrapped in the harshness of her emotional state. " Now is the time for you to do it, before it will be too late. Don't get surprised later if once your grandkid is born Odysseus receives the news first." 
The callout didn't convince him completely, but it gave him a new problem to think about.
The king sent away emissaries with important messages the next morning. Two to Pylos and several more to Argos, making his advisors suspect he had developed a remarkable interest in Diomedes after managing to submit his army.  
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The Man of Aphrodite
Troy (2004) Reader Insert Fanfiction - Part 21 
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Word Count 10 K
Warnings: A bit of Eric Bana sneaking into my characterization of Hector ( just a bit, nothing to worry about)
Characters: Paris, Hector, Mycenaean Princess!Reader, Achilles (mentioned), Ereny (OC), Odysseus, Penelope, Telemachus, Melantho, Antinous. 
Pairings: Achilles x Mycenaean Princess! Reader, discussion of Hector x Andromache. 
Summary: The welcome feast begins and the lady sets up her plan, ready to end with all the disruptions causing troubles in what she wished could have been a calm visit to her relatives. However, the result of her schemes lays in the choices of Paris.
Notes: I’m so sorry for taking so long :( This chapter went trough a lot of rewrites untill i reached the final version. I promise the next ones will never take this long. 
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @spideyanakin @spideyanakin-interacts @awakenedevildays @alaysha-of-middleearth​ @zoegarfield​ @rfkfan​​​
The feast was a merry occasion, foreigners and locals were sharing great food and entertaining stories as a pleasant startpoint for their transactions. Hector was the center of the achaean curiosity and he was asked many questions about the glorious tales being shared by his proud countrymen. Ithacans weren't far behind when it was about talking of the brilliant resourcefulness of their king, and so the fame of both heroes was being celebrated. 
Silent, but not inactive, the mycenaean princess had sporadic interventions on the conversations that were clever strikes manipulating her men into talking for her. She couldn't be the one directly contributing to make the glory of Achilles grow, talking about him with pride in public was too suspicious. Instead, she made others get invested in the telling of recent mycenaean war feats. He took part in all of them, so he would have to be mentioned as the most popular heroe on her land by the men themselves. 
It was presented as a matter of local pride, not the rambling of an enamored girl. She knew how to make her points be heard without letting those could be attributed to her. The men would argue and she would support, subtly putting in their mouths what she wanted to say. 
No one would notice, except for Paris, who had his full attention on her 
Less scandalous than before, the prince was one with her tactic of semi passive observation. Drinking, eating or pretending to care about the conversations were background activities masquerading his interest. If he wanted her before the party, seeing her arrival intensified the craving. Hector tried to explain to him in quick whispers that her looks were a political message. A stance for peace between nations that was most likely personal, the nice gesture of a lady who didn't want to be seen as the enemy. Warnings fell once more in deaf ears, the blue of the trojans fitted her perfectly. 
Paris acted as if all the horrors of the mycenaean crown were well paid with that beautiful image that he couldn't stop looking at. Sharing glances with her wasn't hard because she was sitting ríght in front of him, close to the local royals. 
Her coldness was his personal challenge and the goal was making her smile back to at least one of his imperceptible but provocative public flirting grins. He was ready to work for it the entire time, there was nothing else more interesting to do when the table was full of men praising each other's slaughtering in battle. 
The topic started to suffer changes only when she broke silence to question Hector on a simple detail. Her people were finishing telling one of their stories and there was a misunderstanding of oral traditions with the trojans. Paris thought she must have been as bored as him and started the controversy just to have something to do. 
" Retellings can reach your shores full of misconceptions." The young princess warned " There are people ríght here in Greece that would tell you my aunt was born from a swann egg." 
Penelope chuckled at the reminder of that rumor. 
" ... Others would tell you my mom was the rotten egg of the family. If I had to count all what people say of us as truth ..." 
Hector wasn't truly seeking to correct her, he just had the bad luck of doing a casual reference on the worst time. 
" King Peleus of Phthia received my father in his palace many years ago. It can be said they were friends and that is not a misconception.” 
She was doing an outstanding job pretending to be annoyed because a foreigner was explaining her own country to her. Hiding beneath that acting there was a consternated, confused girl trying to make her world make sense again. 
If Peleus was once a king, that would make his son a prince by birth and that simply couldn't be. Achilles wouldn't have hidden something like that to her. Maybe he was unaware of his royal blood, that was the most logical explanation that occurred to her. 
Unless he would have hushed the detail on purpose so she wouldn't get hopeful. Then the sayings of Odysseus would have at least a portion of truth beneath. 
Strangers exaggerating, that had to be the answer, and she had a vague idea of why. 
" Achilles is a traveling mercenary, I know this because my father points it out every single time when complaining about him. If that warrior wouldn't be a common man, then atta wouldn't be so spiteful seeing accomplishing wonders in battle. Agamemnon wishes Achilles was a prince! He would be way easier to predict and we wouldn't live in fear for his next move. " 
It was a perfectly logical explanation, but not enough for her. Before conclusión she needed to perform a verbal assassination to avenge herself for the nearly awakened doubts. 
" I understand other kingdoms can find demeaning for their greatest figures to be compared with a simple soldier. Kings here have been ashamed to see their champions fall by the blade of that vulgar man."  
" I have known men in the countryfield who I value twice my worth. '' Was Hector's comeback, faithful to his honorable reputation. " My father has no reason to lie, but yours wins from making everyone tremble upon his army because of that man. The things I'm hearing are certainly impossible, my lady. Epical descriptions to create magnificent tales. I have fought countless battles and I can easily separate truth from poetry. " 
The girl looked at Odysseus, who shared her same dissimulated amusement. 
" My father can't lie when he is angry, his mind gets numbed too fast. I would take one rageful rant of his as truth over your word anytime." She concluded, then proceeded to tease him just a bit more. " And by the way: we are not lying to you. My men are witnesses, not poets." 
" Both of you are ríght. '' Odysseus clarified, intending to put an end to the relatively calm altercate. " Achilles is terrifyingly good at what he does. Some things I have seen him do are impossible, but he makes the impossible look effortless. " 
The princess seemed satisfied until he redirected his speech to her. 
" The house of Aeacus is a dying bloodline and my friend is the last one in the line of succession. Theoretically, he is a prince, but he doesn't care at all. In order for that title to hold any value again he would need to marry and have a son, but the myrmidons have lost any hope that could happen and i don't blame them because i know him well." 
It felt like a slap in the face, Odysseus knew that all along and he wouldn't even bother on telling her if the trojan prince wouldn't have pointed it out. His warnings were made in the context of that hidden information. Interpreting everything he said to her in the light of the new facts made it all sound logical. 
She was angry and disappointed, unsure of who she should trust. 
" We are a dying bloodline, I'm the last one in my royal house. " She snarked back, trying to hide her bitterness. " Had I ever told you that the priestesses of Artemis have shown interest in me? Father has bragged about that for years. "
' Was she attempting to threaten anyone with that ? ', the king wondered, unable to hide some laughter. Locking herself in a temple so nobody would have her if Achilles wouldn't wasn't a possibility for her. 
" Temple life doesn't suit you, quietness and Isolation have never been pleasant to you." 
" Sparta is one of the biggest centers of worship. I would be close to Helen." She teased back, stubbornness making her sound almost as if she was convinced. " I am a little behind in praying, but the rest I can learn. " 
Penelope didn't want to allow the madness to escalate. Her husband was having a bit of a petty fight with their youngest relative and she was their middle ground. 
" Worry not, my dear." She attempted to comfort the girl. " Why the sudden pessimism?" 
She was about to explode
" ... Maybe because most of my suitors are noble breed RATS that can't wait to feast on my father's accomplishments."
At that point nothing would have made her shut up, but even in her rage she spoke with prudence. 
" That's the thing, Hector. When greedy arses want to take what belongs to you, they come to your country to fight. When they want to steal from my house all they have to do is pretend they are interested in me. The more intense it sounds, the faker it is." 
Paris couldn't tell if that was an angry callout for him or if she was subtly explaining why she consistently refused his advances. 
" Have you ever spotted anyone you find sincere, princess?" 
Her response was ambiguous, probably inspired by her momentary confusion. 
" Only once, but i have doubts about that one... " 
She was not talking about him, but he had no way to know and preferred to believe she was. 
"... Helen and my best friends are helping me to come up with a method that may help me out with that..." 
It was unfair, she knew it, but if she was going to remain upset she could at least do what she was meant to. 
Her plan to expose Paris and get him away from her once and for all couldn't be postponed. 
"... It's a test in the form of an hypothetical problem of multiple solutions..."
" Test me whenever you wish." He confidently suggested. " i'm ready for your trial and i want to succeed on it" 
Ereny, until then silently standing behind her friend, did her part doing the needed ethical warnings. 
" Good lord, there is no possible success in the Judgement. I see it more as a mental labyrinth where every choice leads to a different sort of imaginary doom." 
" Let me judge that." Odysseus recalled, feeling stimulated by the difficulty Implied in the description. " There has to be one correct answer and I will find it. I have been playing riddles with your princess for years." 
The lady dismissed the claims without objections. 
" Are you in, Hector?" 
He was starting to get sick of her challenging attitude towards him, but he could tell it was somewhat of a game for her. 
" That's not a question I need to answer. I believe in actions over games showing who we truly are." The eldest prince simply declined. " i'm a transparent man. Who you see is who i am."
" ... and you have nothing to prove, i get it. That's fine for me, i'm going to play with Paris." 
The room was paying attention to what was about to happen, never before she captured so many stares explicitly based on what she had to say.
Before starting she drank a sip of wine and begged for divine inspiration. Her storytelling skills were not famous, but it was something she felt a bit proud of herself.  
" I want you to imagine with me that you find yourself in an open, isolated spot from your kingdom. Nature surrounds you... " She started narrating, trying to create an immersive ambience. " ... Forget of your palace, your agora, markets and streets. You are alone, maybe going for a walk in the beach or in the woods near mount Ida." 
Her voice was sweet and inviting, it wasn't hard for the prince to get enraptured in the tale. He closed his eyes instinctively for a moment. 
" Are you there with me?" 
" No, you are on your own... but that doesn't mean you are completely lonely. You quickly come across a woman, a complete stranger. The sight of her overwhelms you and she understands it. Your eyes weren't meant to see her, but she needs your help." 
She stopped for an instante to create some intrigue, mentally vowing to who she was about to evoke.
" She is Hera, Paris, and she has a sacred mission for you." 
Paris opened his eyes like a marveled kid. 
" Why me? People don't come to me with their problems " 
" But inmortals do, alright? Just for the sake of this, imagine they do." She insisted, dulcifying her tone a bit more. " You have been selected as judge in an altercate of olympians, something Zeus couldn't solve because his answer would have been obviously biased. It is up to you to determinate who is the most beautiful goddess from up there"
“ That is not that hard” The prince optimistically commented. “ The obvious answer is Aphrodite because she is the goddess of beauty.” 
“ Has nobody ever told you that if something sounds easy, it is probably a scam?” Odysseus added, trying to guide the naive lad solely from the knowledge he had of her. “ Slow down, we don’t even know the rules yet.” 
“ Am I allowed to give a piece of advice?” Ereny asked her lady, obtaining an immediate approval. “ Rules are implicit, those emanate from the power imbalance.” 
" You are a mortal chosen to judge goddesses: expect gifts, not explanations. " The princess agreed, going further with the narration. " They all possess extraordinary means they would present to you in hopes of quickly winning your verdict." 
" With that attitude you wouldn't last a day in a temple." Odysseus mocked her. " I doubt priests would support that allegory of corruption." 
" Who says we can't consecrate games to the gods?" Was her quick comeback. " My friends and I were very inspired in the process of inventing this. It may be divine, they could have put the ideas in our minds themselves." 
" ... Face it, it is not for you." 
He wasn't talking about priesthood and she knew it. Their underlying argument was about her dangerous romantical life. 
An exhortation to give up and find someone else, give the men he brought there for her a chance. 
" This is a decision making method ironically based on choices, I bet they appreciate the circularity. " 
" A judgment tool built of judgements, it's insane. " Hector commented. " Well thought, still insane." 
" I love to receive gifts. Who doesn't love gifts?" Paris innocently recalled. " So far this sounds very fun." 
" As Queen of the Gods, Hera gets to make you her offer first. " She immediately continued. " ' Choose me, son of Priam, and I will make you the mightiest king that has ever existed.' says the goddess. ' With my blessing you will conquer the world." 
Hector bit his lip to hush a reaction produced by the instinctive guessing of where she got the idea for that first fictional divine gift. It was bait to spot men with the same ambitions of Agamemnon, possibly to avoid them if she had the chance. 
 She was perhaps scared of ending up married to a man who could be like her father, attempting to protect herself through that game. 
One furtive glance was enough to let her know he understood where that came from, but wasn't going to judge her for it. 
" Contestants approach you one by one. " The mycenaean kept narrating to Paris. " Ríght after Hera presents her case, Athena shows up..." 
" ... ' I will make you an invincible hero!' She promises ' With my wisdom and strength you will win all your battles.' "  
Odysseus was the one containing himself then, wondering if the idea of a perfect hero inspiring that part was born from a mix of his own fame and Achilles'. 
" In last place, Aphrodite appears to you, but she does so in very different manners. Softer, sweeter, intimate approach " 
It was the part meant to be played by Helen, the final of her own invention for obvious reasons. For so, the princess tried to make her justice by impersonating her impersonation of Aphrodite. 
Hoping to look as lovely as possible, she stared intensely at him before speaking. 
" ' Paris'." She called softly, something in between a regular voice tone and whispers. Loud enough to be heard in a room full of people, low enough to feel intimate. " ' If you choose me, i will find you a wife as beautiful as i am.Under my bliss you will win her love' "
The prince didn't get to talk before Odysseus started complaining. 
"That's a probability of one against two! It's completely unfair!" 
" Life is unfair, my friend. Helen had a probability of approximately one against over fifty when she got married." The girl lightheartedly replicated. " ... The choice here is simplified to three." 
" Hurting the pride of rejected kings can't be compared with angering two rejected goddesses." 
The girl listened him with a mischievous smirk
" ... I thought you said solving it was going to be easy for you..." 
" My dearest divinity is a participant, I would be morally forced to pick Athena." 
" Congratulations, Odysseus! You just lost the love of Penelope and your kingdom!" She sarcastically exclaimed. " In a combinated strike of Aphrodite and Hera, your wife abandons you and the man she welcomes takes your place as king. Since the gift of Athena protects you in combat, you are most likely to die poisoned in this very same hall."
The macabre but flawless argumentation only stimulated him to take the insane speculation further. 
" You forgot Athena made me too wise to take the poison." 
" ... Then you are forced to exile and Hera doesn't grant you a new kingdom." 
" But he has a son!" Telemachus spoke for the first time, making the girl realize he was being unusually quiet prior to that. " I can reclaim the throne for him." 
" No, you can't. You better go hide because the new king wants you dead." 
Penelope was carefully following the chaos, waiting to see when it would get worse until she felt it was getting too far. 
" Impossible, no change of feelings for a man would make me forget my boy." 
" That is the point! You are not being yourself, cousin. Aphrodite drove you crazy. It's not you, the will of the goddess acts through you. She controls you like a doll."
" I believe Aphrodite would be the wisest choice." Paris interrupted, taking his stand " I know what you are thinking, hers is the less ambitious gift... but I have some very good reasons." 
" Please, enlighten us." The princess encouraged him sarcastically, hoping to hear the crucial mistake after seeing him make the obvious choice she was waiting for. " I would love to know what your definition of a wise choice is." 
" Ignore the bribe, it's justice. If Apollo would be a performer in a music contest, you would expect him to win. Giving the prize to the deity whose domain is being questioned seems reasonable to me." 
" Indeed, but don't hope apparent justice would placate the other two." She darkly clarified. " Sounding like a neutral judge will not save you, I want your personal reasons. What do you think you win with this?" 
" Unlike political power and militar wisdown, my sentimental life belongs to me only because I am not an eldest son. Nobody shall care for the woman I bring home if I get married, I will never be a king. Finally, I am not ashamed of admitting that finding love is a great goal I seek. I wouldn't stand being a powerful king without my queen, or the greatest army leader without love to fight for. What's the point of having all of that if you are going to be lonely? Even if I get disowned and my shots with the bow never hit the target ever again, I have a woman who loves me. I can start over." 
The heartfelt speech got many of the women present in different stages of commotion, some more dissimulated than others. With his honest answer, leaving the mask of a role to play behind, Paris captivated a good part of the audience. 
The mycenaean challenger was speechless witnessing how the prince ruined her scheme completely, and even sounded lovely while doing so. 
" ... Wonderfull, you are a man of Aphrodite in its purest form." 
Paris smiled, thanking what to him was an in point compliment. 
" Did I pass your impossible test?" 
" I guess you did... " She doubtfully concluded. " You understood it is not about finding a completely beneficial outcome and stayed true to yourself. The lascivious, selfish hedonist you appear to be; the man who has been my headache since your arrival, hides a lovely man full of love to give. The reasons behind your selection show a certain wishfulness for seeking love for the sake of love itself" 
" ... This is a frightening experience, I feel as if I would have been truly tested by celestial goddesses peeking inside my heart and communicating through you.” 
For some reason he didn't understand, she seemed to enjoy that observation.
" Thank you so much! I like to cause terror in the hearts of men, but that's very hard to achieve when you are a girl." 
" This entire exchange is grim and terrifying." Hector followed, seeing that he didn't have to hide his thoughts anymore. " I don't even want to ask what would happen next in the riddle if he picks Hera." 
She carelessly smiled before replying. 
" Wise choice, you better not ask about it because you are an heir prince and I don't want to give you nightmares." 
" I would never want Hera to kill you or exile you so I can be king" Paris told his brother regarding his own choice. " ... What kind of man would do that to his own brother?"
For the mycenaeans, that innocent comment was like a misfortunate invocation of ghosts from their past. It belonged to their local history, an obscure saga of it that the prosperous kingship of Agamemnon was supposed to keep buried and everyone tried to forget. The trojan prince had no way of knowing that with precision, but in his sayings the historical and cultural differences between nations became more evident than ever before. Neither their dressing style preferences or referenced local traditions were as exotic to the continental greeks as that simple observation. 
The trojans belonged to a different world, one where darkness and suffering seemed to come primarily from the outside. Hector was the one in the royal family forced to keep himself more in touch with that darkness and that had its effect on him, but also made him be more prepared with an encounter with the greek world. His brother was a mystery, even the young girl contextually leading the mycenaeans was surprised after finding him so unpredictable. 
Although it was a bit more than that what kept her thinking. 
Paris was allowed the privilege of naivety, not even in the sweetest stages of childhood she remembered to have possessed such unawareness of the ways of the world. He was probably sheltered by a father who didn't force him to grow up faster out of negligence or abusive behavior. He loved his brother and never felt the need to compete with him, he was never forced to fight because his kingdom had enough fighters. He was raised on an ideal of peaceful prosperity. What King Priam must have been wishing all his life for Troy found embodiment in the ways of his youngest boy. Hector, the eldest, had to take the role guarding what Troy is in its concrete existence.
One pragmatic, one and idealist, they were meant to complement each other in a cohesive work of two brothers ruling together despite only one could wear the crown. That was what his father wanted for them, the present and future of Troy preserved by his two sons. 
 They could never possibly understand tragedies like the carnage of Atreus and Thyestes. 
" Paris, I don't want you to misunderstand this but I have to say I think you must be a treasure for your people. " 
The prince wasn't the only one confused, disconcert ruled the room and some stiffed chuckles in the trojan side were still be heard. 
" You are the most Trojan thing Troy has ever produced, a miracle of your local politics. Do you have any idea of how many succession wars us greeks used to have before atta started conquering everyone with the hope of creating some damn unity? If we would have more princes like you, we wouldn't have lost decades fighting each other." 
It was the weirdest praise he ever received, but he accepted it gladly. 
" Nobody in Troy would ever believe you told this to me. " He frankly commented, a chill self deprecating joke that had its own dose of truth. " The princess of Mycenae thinks I'm a national symbol... Would you ever come to visit so you can tell that to my father in the face?" 
" ... Only if you come to my palace and tell my father some of the praise words about me you have been repeating. " She snarked back. " He wouldn't believe you either, I can imagine him laughing in your face. " 
" I insist on that. You are as smart as you are beautiful and you are the scariest woman I have ever met. That should be a matter of pride for your homeland as well." 
"... Yet I wouldn't consider myself a national symbol, I have no true significance for the political development of my city. Who you are as a person says a lot about Troy and the ideals in which your father's ruling is based." 
He was radiant with happiness, maybe ready to get a little cocky. It was a very easy turn for a shamelessly confident man like him. 
" See, Hector? I always knew it was a gift to our people, a joy to be around." 
The eldest prince chuckled before replying. 
" You are a gift to women, Paris. Of that I have no doubt." 
He made her laugh, even her servant saw herself forced to stiff her own chuckles. However, it didn't happen out of the textual meaning of the joke. 
Silly sibling bickering, Hector was for once being a bit more relaxed in public and that was fun to see.
The princess felt for once the need of making the youngest know she wouldn't be making fun of him anymore. 
" Don't worry, Paris. I'm speaking less as a woman and more as a politician would. " 
They shared a silent exchange of smiles until the uncontrollable laughing in the sitting crowd at the feast ruined the moment. 
She followed it's direction with her glance and found a young boy laughing at her carelessly and arrogantly. 
" Excuse me???" 
" Apologies accepted. " He replied in the same cocky spirit. " That was really funny, but really dumb... What can you know about ruling? Hey, can you both take the flirting elsewhere? You are ruining the feast... BORING!!!" 
Telemachus looked hatefully at him, almost as if he was craving to jump in defense of the honor of his guest relative but something else was stopping him. Ereny noticed it, but couldn't comment directly to her friend. 
The princess felt humiliated, mistreated like not even the most insolent of mycenaean men would ever dare to in their interactions with her. 
Compared to that kid, even Adrastus seemed nice. The worst part of his intromission was how a nice moment of sincere friendly approach she had with Paris was from then potentially to be confused with a flirtatious exchange initiated by her. 
" Odysseus, who is this insolent brat?"
" Antinous..." The boy answered on his own. "... son of Eupeithes. " 
The king reprobed the behavior, but he couldn't help to feel amused witnessing how the young woman was about to enter in an altercation with a child barely older than his son for a matter of a few years. 
The man who could be assumed to be the father was the noble that couldn't get his audience with the king because of the trojan arrival, the princess' temporary main suspect. 
It would have been wiser to start a conversation with him from the clear offense his son delivered on her. 
" Tell me, Antinous... Do you know who I am?" 
" The divine daughter of the great Atreide" 
He was teasing her, like it didn't matter at all because her father wasn't present. As if she wasn't worthy of respect when the head of her house wasn't watching. 
Reducing all her worth to Agamemnon was the worst crime anyone could commit when dealing with her. She despised it, it was a weakness triggering the most irrational rage. 
" Indeed. " She did her best to simulate calm. " I have to say you need some guts to insult me like that when my father is known as a man who dedicates his life to invading kingdoms, sometimes even without good reasons. I'm going to concede you that." 
Thinking she was done, he seemed secure of getting away with it. 
" Do you have any sisters?" 
" Not yet, my lady. " 
" I hope you never will." She replicated, in a dry but still mockfull tone. " No girl deserves the punishment of putting up with you before marriage would force her to.”  
Telemachus had to contain himself and not laugh to avoid choking with his food. 
She noticed that and it encouraged her. 
"Next time we will get the pleasure of receiving Odysseus in Mycenae, I want you to come here and watch how Penelope handles this whole kingdom on her own while he is away. See for yourself how much a woman can know about ruling. In the meantime, if both rulers agree, I would love to also get visited by your prince so I can show him myself how bigger kingdoms are ruled. My father and I would love to do it. After all, Telemachus will be a king someday. " 
The ithacan prince wished he could have stood up to clap, the brightness in his eyes was a silent equivalent of that. Antinous had no more arrogant comebacks to give, hurted in his pride on a perfect equivalent for his previous offense. 
Since he didn't remember much about Helen, the son of Odysseus and Penelope decided right there that the daughter of his mother's eldest cousin had to be his favorite cousin. 
They had to wait until people dispersed for dancing to share any comments about what happened. As soon as the music started the kid clinged to her and her servant friend, giving Paris a deathly serious stare indicating him to approach only at his own risk. 
After the brief misunderstanding they had before, the trojan abstained from trying because the possibility of being attacked by a child in public was humiliating.  
" It seems like I have found a personal protector for myself." The lady lovefully teased the little boy. " I have an entire group of companions keeping an eye on him, you don't have to. " 
" What you did was awesome. " He directly replied, regretting later "... I mean, your riddle was very fun for the banquet. Everyone was losing their minds, atta hasn't stopped thinking about it. I think I heard mom telling him to stop as they were getting up to dance." 
She chuckled with him before her answer
" I'm glad I didn't bore you as much as I bored Antinous. Although it seems to me that assholes like him don't stop at girls, they bother anyone they find available." 
He looked at her way too seriously for a kid of his age. 
" Don't tell my father, never. Eupeithes may be annoying, but they are friends." 
Ereny wanted to also do her part on comforting him. 
" That jerk thinks he has the upper hand now, but he will have to submit to you someday." 
" Or you can always befriend many slaves and prepare pranks in complete invisibility, making him feel like he is going insane because those can't be traced back to a particular infractor." The princess completed, referencing her own friendship with the girl. " If you don't like someone, make your slave friends befriend their slaves or befriend them yourself." 
" Did it work for you?" 
" My childhood rival is married to a Corinthian noble who deals with the trade routes, far away from me. " 
"Unless you are Achilles, never try kicking ass as first option." Ereny followed with her own recommendations. " If you are, then sure. Go ahead, kill anyone who looks at you in a way you didn't like. If not, it never ends well."
 The princess would have appreciated not to hear him being mentioned, but still defended him. 
" Eny, he is not like that!" 
" He is, he has anger issues. " She reminded her. " He is like... your father, but with slightly better morals. Why do you think they fight all the time? They are more similar than what they are willing to admit." 
After a lifetime making fun of Agamemnon's lack of self awareness that was a strong hit for her. 
What if, after all the struggling to do different, she had ended up falling in love with a man that was like her father? 
" You speak as if he would have killed the first jerky kid he came across with when he was a boy." 
Telemachus made his small contribution. 
" He killed the jerk or he used to be the jerk. I would expect either."  
Ereny had a subtle surprise for her friend: some in spot encouragement to fade the doubts she was feeling. 
"There must be a lot he hides to protect the people he loves. We have done it plenty of times too, like ríght now keeping Telemachus's secret." 
If he did hide the royalty in his origin from her, it must have been for a good reason. She had one when she chose not sharing Hesione's story with. She omitted it to protect him from a violent, intempestive reaction against the remaining men of her family. 
They were in love, just protecting each other from the past. She clinged to that thought, remembering he loved her and trusting on that. 
"... Do you love me?" Telemachus asked, confused. " both?" 
Only then they got back at the literal meaning of the conversation. 
" Of course, we are family. " The princess quickly added. " and i consider Eny part of my family, so you can do it too. " 
He smiled, a beautiful grin full of a happy confidence like feeling. 
The young slave girl felt wonderful 
" Guess what? You are my new favorite prince on the entire greek land. "
 A familiar voice interrupted when Melantho reached them searching for the girls. 
" I guess you haven't met many."
" What are you doing here?" Telemachus complained in return. " Party is over for you, go bother someone else. " 
" See? That's what I wanted to warn you about. " She said to the girls, as if they were friends already. " Everytime Antinous is near he gets fussy." 
"... Maybe if you wouldn't act like a princess all the time just because you are my mother's favorite slave "
"... Maybe if you wouldn't want to simulate a strength you don't have to compensate your father for your flaws." 
It was the peak of bickering between the children. 
Melantho surprised the adult audience with her reply
The young women began to understand why Penelope manifested such predilection for that little girl. She was not only quite clever, but a free thinker. 
" I bet you are here just to keep looking at Paris. " 
" You could learn from Paris, at least he doesn't care about what Antinous says about him. " 
They would never stop fighting unless someone would find a way to stop it and the princess was coming up with an idea to fix more than one problem. 
Antinous was of easier access than Eupeithes. If properly scared into talking he could reveal things his father never would. Forcing an interaction with that man had shown to be harder than expected, but his son was a little prick who wouldn't shut up.  
" Kids, calm down! We have a common enemy to defeat." 
The girl seemed careless about that call to cohesion. 
" Why? Antinous is not bothering me. I would wreck him if he tries, but he hasn't. " 
The lady was going to need a bit more if she wanted them to agree on working together. 
" Melantho, if you follow me on this I promise I will spend time with Paris just so you can come with me and talk with him for hours."
The girl's combative semblance was transformed due to the imminent excitement. 
The princess still needed to convince the boy. 
" Telemachus, trust me on this and I promise Antinous will be scared at the end." 
Not only she calmed the situation, but also got them on board to take roles in her attempt to investigate the economical conflict. 
There was someone else she wanted to recruit for the next step, someone on the trojan side. She spotted the princes in the crowd trying to determine who was the best fitting choice. Hector would have been the obvious, but he seemed tired. He was drinking and chatting with a few local aristocrats, not really engaging in what was happening. Pretty much as if he wanted that mandatory moment of the receivement to be over so they could pass to the important things and finish. 
And the poor guy didn't even know everything was an excuse, a deliberate fraud Odysseus pulled specially for him hoping to play matchmaker and get him a mycenaean wife. 
It couldn't be him, Hector already had enough bullshit to face, so she glanced at Paris. He was all about the dancing, shining like no other and cheering the place. 
His cowardice for fighting was compensated for in the most unexpected of fields, since he was one of the bravest dancers she had ever seen. Paris moved in ways no other man there would, with a natural grace and seductive charm that were his style. Attracting stares everywhere was his glory and the vibrant cheer he transmitted was excellent for the moment. 
" What a lifeful little man, isn't he?" The lady accidentally said to her friend. " I think I like Paris, not in the way he likes me, but still ..." 
" I'm counting points in his score today." Ereny mocked her. " For now, Hector is in the last position. Let's see if his numbers improve over time. "
Paris won a chance to be trusted by his own merit and the princess was going to offer it to him. Her servant girl stayed out only of the recruitment phase, since her lady needed to get to him alone. The road cleaned itself with each step she was giving towards him. People moved without needing to be asked, making her notice of how remarkably aware of her power the insular kingdom was. Although she didn't feel intimidated, it did make her remember a very important detail. 
Smaller the kingdom, faster the gossiping. Being invisible was easier in Mycenae. For ithacans, the coincidence of royal visits must have been one of the most exciting things that happened in some long time. 
As soon as the prince noticed her approaching on her own he made a signal to one of the wine pourers to reach them for drinks. She had him so distracted that he almost forgot of the libations. 
" Forgive me, I was caught up by your beauty. That dress seems to suit you better than the last time I checked. " He praised her ríght away. "But, of course, I didn't have a look from so close before. " 
" It's a miracle that it still fits. " She joked in return. " Odysseus was getting married when I finished it. " 
He smiled, but not exactly as a result of the joke. 
" It turns out to be true that you like seashells. " The prince pointed out, about her simple but well crafted belt. " From a mycenaean princess, the least I would have expected is a silver belt with delicate incrustations of jewels. " 
" I like to show that I can enjoy simple things. I'm not a bragger when it comes to wealth. " 
She deviated her glance towards the few trojan performers Paris had put in service to the feast alternating their songs with the greek ones from the local ithacan musicians. 
" I don't mean to brag, I made them work this time just for you. " He defended himself from the accusation. " Knowing of your deep curiosity for us, how would I resist spoiling you with some trojan music?" 
The speed of that perfect comeback impressed her
" It's beautiful, a very sweet gesture." 
" You knew ríght away that I was going to turn out to be a man of Aphrodite... Why did you play with me anyways?"
" It's true that I guessed the goddess, but you surprised me with the motives. I really don't mind the choice as much as I care for the why. The Judgement is a character test showing where the true priorities of a man lay between the three main goals they tend to seek."
Paris took her hand without breaking eye contact. 
" Would you dance with me?" 
The request was purred with the softest charm. 
" I would love to," answered the princess. " but i have work to do first." 
" Of what sort? Can I help you?" 
" I wish so, but that depends. Do you like children?" 
Paris wasn't sure of the direction that the proposition had, so he said the silliest thing that crossed his mind. 
" Why? Do you want me to make you some?" 
All progress made was at the edge of downfall, she got the sudden wish to smack him. 
" WHAT'S wrong with you?! Of course I didn't mean that!"
She grabbed him by the collar of his tunic, forcing closeness only to seem more menacing.  
" Listen to me carefully. Do you want to know why Hector was formally invited and you came here only as his companion? This is a fraud, Odysseus wanted us to meet because he wants me to become your brother's wife. It's up to us letting him out of excuses to keep you all here " 
Paris was greatly surprised with the news, but not precisely dismayed. 
" Done, he can't try to be a matchmaker for you and Hector if I'm here... Look at us ríght now, we are so close that I may just kiss you and people are surely watching us." 
She dropped him immediately and he felt slightly frustrated about that.
Unfortunately for them, Hector was one of the near witnesses. Lacking context for what he saw made him fear the worst and his worries escalated once the pair disappeared from his visual range. He was no longer in the mood for parties, not even able to pretend he wasn't in a state of alarm. His disconnection with the surroundings was, however, easier to conceal in the festive environment full of distractions. 
At least he hoped so, until someone else attempted to cheer him up. 
" Don't worry for them, Paris is not her type. She prefers them braver. " Said the King of Ithaca, coming from behind with his usual snarkiness. " In fact, I am not completely sure if he is safe with her." 
The prince smiled to himself. 
" The resemblance with your wife it's outstanding... I only hope it includes her prudence, for the wellbeing of us all." 
" She would never harm you, that girl is obsessed with Troy.” Odysseus followed, ready to quickly elaborate in the matter. " ... In a positive way, it could be said that she inherited the reverse side of the paternal obsession. To her Troy is the magical kingdom of her childhood dreams. She would never do anything to endanger you and she is also very aware of her worth. "
Only Odysseus could have been able to disguise his intentions so effectively. The talk advanced in the same direction, but it truly felt as if he was merely giving words of comfort to calm his guest down. Hector wasn't fully convinced, since the King didn't know Paris as well as him. The princess of Mycenae wasn't the first honorable girl in his way and that has never been an impediment for him before. 
He couldn't just talk ríght there about some of the most despicable actions in the licentious history of Paris' nocturnal adventures. That girl wasn't even the most scandalous of his seduction targets, only one of the most dangerous. Hector had spotted him before going after servant girls, married women and even priestesses.No matter the context, his brother would always spot the cutest girl in the room and end up running after her. If he would have known of the danger they would be facing, he would have left him in Troy. 
Seeing them return in rushes and giggling to mix themselves with the dancing people wasn't tranquilizing either. Not at least until they abandoned the activity to get back with him.  
" Hectoor!!!" The princess cheered his name, her voice sounded musical-like. Something in between speaking and singing that was very sweet to hear. " I have great news for you."
Paris smiled innocently at him. 
" Guess what? We are working together on a scheme to investigate the contrabandists. If ithacans know something about that, we will figure out soon." 
Hector was in disbelief, a positive one for once. 
" Working together, you said?" 
" Yes, what did you expect? Us passionately making out somewhere in the palace? " She mocked him. " I only do responsible mischief, like figure out ways out of potential political crises. "
" Better say trying to rule two kingdoms behind everyone's backs. " He corrected her. " I appreciate it, but you can't personally arrange the fate of everyone. " 
The princess responded as if she felt specifically attacked. 
" Are you going to tell me that you have never attempted things behind your father's back when times are difficult? " 
The expression in his reaction was a strong negative. 
" What is wrong with you? You always must interfere whenever he is about to do something stupid! " 
" Even on the occasions when his choices make me angry, I respect those because that is what I have to do. " 
She couldn't believe her ears. 
" ... If i was a man with half of your power and credibility..." She lamented, ironically. " I'm committed to protecting the last drops of common sense in my father and when those can't be saved I often see myself forced to act in the shadows. I'm used to doing it and I want to teach Paris how it's done because I think there is a lot of wasted potential in him. " 
" Just like you told me, I'm using this trip to learn. " The youngest prince concluded. " Only learning from a brilliant greek lady." 
" Be careful with that," Hector warned." her vanity is on her mind. " 
" As yours must lay in your arms. " The lady snarked back. " Strongests in Troy, legends say. " 
She began to tap his ríght arm with the tip of her index finger in an annoying way. 
" What are you doing?" 
" Research... " She simply explained, then proceeded to grab him with full hand. " I would say it's at least twice smaller than Ajax, almost the same size as Achilles… Almost, his are still bigger."
Hector looked at Paris, who seemed about to burst into laughter. 
" I feel like a prisoner about to get sold in the market." 
She reacted in the same amusing tone. 
" Ajax likes to hug, Achilles made me bathe him once as a reward to satisfy his ego. Carelessly touching heroes is the only thing I do that sometimes impresses the people." 
A friendly pat on his shoulder pointed to the end of her examination. 
" I may not have the strongest arms, but i'm pretty proud of my chest." Paris commented, acting casual. " Do you want to lay your hands on me and feel for yourself?" 
The maiden made of stone most thought she was made a stellar appearance. 
" I had enough when I was threatening you." 
The letdown would still make him look cute.
" This isn't working, isn't it?"
" No man ever has attempted to seduce me so openly and persistently, I give you credit for that." 
He began to feel defeated, but she didn't want to make him feel bad about that. 
" However, I would prefer if we stay as conspiracy partners. It's not only beneficial, but more entertaining." 
She made a brief pause before getting into the most delicate topic 
" I will never be a fun lover, but i do well with political intrigue. Would you switch an useful alliance for an awkward first night with me? Because that's what you would be getting. "
Hector couldn't believe what he was hearing, a princess speaking in such frank terms was awkward on itself. 
" Don't judge me, he has to know about what he is exposing himself to. I'm clueless in bed, he is clueless in politics. Which one of both is actually more useful ríght now? " 
" I would never judge you. " Paris interrupted. " Don't judge yourself so harshly." 
" Save yourself the letdown, i'm said to be the coldest bitch in Greece and that reputation has saved me troubles" 
" ... I bet you would find it unfair after getting to know me. There is no such thing as a cold woman, that’s what careless lovers claim to comfort themselves.” 
" You are second born, I'm an only child. What I have between my legs is worth more than your life..." She harshly concluded. " As a maiden I'm valuable and I am not stupid enough to give that away to a pretty trojan boy." 
Paris didn't seem as offended by her words as she thought he would. 
" So, you find me pretty."
" It feels to me like you want to compete against Helen for the ' most beautiful person' award. " She mocked him. " You are pretty enough to stand a chance, but she would wreck you. " 
" Is she really as ravishing as rumors claim? You greeks can't be trusted, Hector spotted you exaggerating about Achilles." 
She chuckled carelessly before replying
" If you think I'm beautiful, she will change your life. When she got married father was so happy because he claims she was blocking suitors for me." 
" I guess it was not the only reason. '' Hector casually commented. " Your aunt and uncle being together brings the family closer. " 
Strong, loud laughter came out of her that she couldn't control, although she didn't even try.Once more, the men wondered what was wrong in the sayings. 
They were so nice, they had no idea. 
" You two are the funniest, most likable princes I have ever met... My stomach hurts from all the laughing!! 
She had a few more chuckles and they had no idea of what to do. 
" Are you alright?" 
" Yes, Hector. I'm not drunk, if that is what you are implying. "
She glanced at him with an amused expression as an idea was coming to her. 
" In fact, I'm going to prove it to you: let's dance. Do you think I haven't noticed that only Penelope has got the chance so far? You are disappointing all those ithacan girls who want to feel the grip of your famous arms. "  
Hector didn't mind the tease. 
" I can live with that, I didn't come here to impress women. I had enough with your servant and some maids of Odysseus looking at me as if I was the first man they had ever seen. "
" That wasn't personal. Eny only found you overwhelming to look at." She defended her friend. " I don't. Just like Achilles, you aren't that impressive to look at no matter how great you fight."
She had the feeling of being back at her formal dancing lessons from when she was still learning how to behave like a princess. The strict tutor would have been pleased watching her dance with Hector. Neither with him or Paris she showed her true level of skill, what she learned far away from those classes,a secret that had no place there. However, alongside the eldest brother her will to incarnate a perfectly well behaved princess was stronger. They didn’t seem like two persons having fun, more like two royal heirs in a meeting salute. It was alright for both of them, since they needed some calm. 
Although she had more fun with him. Paris gave her the strange sensation of being dancing with a man that was moving for her as well as with her. He wanted her to look at him and admire his body in aesthetically pleasant movement, trying to make himself be noticed like a palace concubine sent to entertain the guests. It was like seeing herself in a reverse mirror, a man trying to use on her the same seduction tactic she once tried during the only time ever when she felt desperate for masculine attention. Paris was less cautious than she was, but his intentions were similar. Having the inverted perspective made her consider that she perhaps owed Achilles an apology for her behavior back then, although it was a bit too late for that. He wouldn’t care after all what happened between them later, she was all his with his complete awareness of that. 
Yet there she was, dancing with the heir of the trojan crown as if that welcome party would be the receivement of her newest suitor. 
“ Why are they staring at us?” She murmured, with annoyance. “ Paris was doing more scandal and I didn't see so many caring for that… Even your men are looking odd.” 
Hector chuckled and she noticed a vibrant sparkle in his eyes. 
“ You of all people, Greek Queen of Riddles, can’t see why? We are two heirs holding each one a half of the world.” 
It was obvious, but she wasn’t expecting it coming from him. 
“ I’m aware of that, but your brother…” 
“ Paris has no access to the throne, no formal right to you… Some believe I do, and those are not only greeks.” 
The news was completely unknown for her and he seemed perhaps a bit proud of surprising her playing her own game. 
“ Why would anyone in Troy want to see you bring home the daughter of the man that seeks to destroy you?”
“ If I had one talent of gold for each time I have been advised to reach Mycenae with a wedding gift…” He honestly declared. “ They think that it would be the final victory for Troy because I would be the man of the marriage. If the news about your cultural infatuation with us reaches them, the people in the council believing this may try to convince my father about it.” 
“ Don’t worry. I bet the same man who raised Paris would never force you into an arranged marriage.” She attempted to comfort him. “ I wouldn’t want me as a wife either, if i were you.” 
“ You are the gift of Hera.” He quickly recalled. “ A riddle within the riddle, it was a warning.” 
“ Pick me and you will get the chance to become the most powerful king the world has ever seen… only for the modest price of becoming Agamemnon’s personal battle slave until he would let you rule.” 
Exactly as he supposed, he wished some of his father’s close friends would be listening to that girl. 
“ I must suppose you want to save me from that horrible fate.” 
She was not going to answer that. 
“ Who is Andromache? Paris told me about her and it seems that someone has a crush…” 
“ Are you accusing me like a mean little girl?” Hector affirmed in an ask, evidently amused. “ I see you interact with others, why do you act so childish only with me?” 
They were bickering like Telemachus and Melantho for no need reason, she should have been explaining to him why. 
“ Is your girl an amazon princess? Many people in Greece claim that you won the love of one.” 
“ I’m serious.” The trojan insisted. “ Why me?” 
She stopped moving, frozen by the question and the realization that she would have to be sincere. 
“ Maybe because I grew up in your shadow, you are what my father thinks I was meant to be if I would have been the boy he wanted. I get competitive with you because, only if I feel I'm winning you, I prove him wrong. “ 
Nothing he could have possibly said would have been a proper answer to that, so he stayed in silence. To his surprise, she clinged to him in a quite friendly hug. 
“ Hector… “ She added, whispering in fears anyone else would hear. “ Although you are a son, you have the spirit of an exhausted daughter struggling alone and I relate to that.” 
He smiled and her soft laughing followed not far behind. 
“ You may be a daughter, but you have the spirit of a firstborn prince consumed by the weight of his crown and I also relate to that.” 
Hector gave her a gentle peek in the forehead and she released him with a smile. Under the distant but expectant surveillance they were being submitted to, they choose to abandon the activity and walk away to keep chatting. Many, the deceiveful local king included, may had perceived the wrong energy but their closeness was so strictly non romantic that they didn’t consider it. 
“ So, tell me about your girl. “ She insisted once more, teasing him in a more friendly tone. “ When is the wedding? Do you have one scheduled? Don’t make her wait if you know she is the one.” 
“ Would you ever let it go?” He complained,although she knew it was not a severe observation. “ I can always start making the same sort of questions and assumptions about your personal situation.” 
The suggestion sounded plausible to her. 
“ Me? What would you find so interesting in my boring life? I already told you everything about my ‘ situation’. I don’t have herds of infatuated men coming at me, only my greedy suitors who think like those fool men in Troy wanting you to take me.” 
Like her moments before, he showed himself far from satisfied with that. 
“ I highly doubt the most beautiful girl in the feast lacks real prospects.” 
Unexpected, but she allowed it because she knew it was a clean compliment. 
“ So, you think I’m pretty.” 
She made him laugh by quoting Paris on purpose. 
“ It’s an objective fact. Troy’s tallest mount is the Ida, my name is Hector and you are beautiful.” 
“ I suppose I should say some objective facts about you.” She oddly but gently thanked him. “ You do look more handsome in person, but you have to work on your movements outside of battle. “ 
“ So, what about you?” Hector asked, making a truly hilarious impersonation of her voice. “ You must have someone in mind.” 
Her chuckles were uncontrollable and she was barely able to believe that was the same man from a while ago. 
“ You are actually good at impersonations! Finally a human fact about you.” 
“ I’m waiting for yoours.” He copied the musical tone that caught his attention before.” Who is your secret crush? I bet you have one.” 
He was being as annoying as she was just to make fun of her and her insistence about wanting to know about Andromache, but that inspired her a little experiment. 
“ It’s Achilles.” She whispered, acting out as if she was following Hector’s joke instead of talking the purest truth in an exaggeratedly comical way. “ I often fantasize about sitting him on my father’s throne so I can sit on those glorious thighs while he holds me and whispers to me how much he loves me in ways no one would ever believe coming from him. I have an emotional void that will never be filled, except by an older man telling me that I'm pretty and he would kill for me even despite I don’t want him to.” 
Hearing her say that with a serious tone made him break the character. 
“ That was…, I could have never thought you would… “ Hector tried to answer between chuckles. “ It’s the most insane joke I have ever heard from the mouth of a noblewoman.” 
She smiled, relief mixed with gratitude for the compliment. 
“ Fame is unfair to you.” He added in conclusion. “ Princess, I’m afraid I could also laugh with you to the point of stomach ache. “ 
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streets-in-paradise · 3 months
Are we allowed to make multiple requests?
I know my Paris idea is still in the pipeline but I had a another Troy idea but I wasn’t sure if I should send it
Sure, go ahead :)
I collect all the Troy requests I get like Pokemons and work on each one depending of how much inspired i'm feeling about it at the moment. That's why I post everything at different speeds and some requests take me longer, while others I can deliver in the same day.
Speed of writing also varies depending of the complexity on the plot of the request. For example, I have one that's gonna take me long because requester asked for Hector and a Cleopatra-like Reader so i'm digging deep into documentaries and fictionalised biopics/series on Cleopatra while re-reading The Aeneid to give the story that distinctive vibe of a post-homeric roman addition to the epic cycle.
Some fics demmand me research, others are simpler ideas that can be written down in one sit.
Send your new idea in anyways, i'm curious about it and would love to read it.
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streets-in-paradise · 11 months
Concealed Fighter - Hector x Wife!Reader/ Achilles x Captive!Reader
Troy (2004) Oneshot
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Warnings: Manipulative woman twisting the power dynamics of captivity while her master tries to seduce her.
Summary: Reader is the wife of Hector ( they got married after he returns from Sparta) and she sacrifices herself to protect Briseis. As a captive of the greeks given to Achilles, then stolen by Agamemnon, she takes the only advantage of the situation she has to actively assume a role of destabilizing agent and wreck the enemy from the inside.
However, the life on the greek camp also leaves its effect on her putting the self assumed mission at risk when the persuation tactics turn against her due to the awakening of desire in his original captor. Achilles refuses to fight for the greeks because of her, but if he gets her back he will try anything in his power to convince her of willingly staying with him.
Tags: @thorssweetheart ( I wrote this one for you. It's not completely dark, but I mixed a bit of my tone with yours here.)
Glossary of homeric terms: Atreide - Means son of Atreus, a way to reference either Agamemnon or Menelaus.
Scaean Gate - Name of the main gate of Troy
When your father in law instructed you to follow Briseis for the religious rituals that morning, it was out of the pure intention of helping you adjust to the functions expected of royalty in your cultural context. Freshly made a princess through a blissfull marriage to his eldest son, you were starting to get comfortable in that role and wanted to impress him in order to make your husband proud. His cousin was the high priestess of the family, but that wasn't an excuse excempting you from the obligation of participating in particular occasions that were regarded traditional for any future queen. Desperate times required of commited attention to that sort of thing, but none of you imagined you would reach the bottom of desperation during the very same action.
The prayers were forever silenced with the arrival of the greeks, dreaded moment unleashing the war taking place at the worst possible timing as you were trapped in the middle of a carnage that was also an obscene act of profanity. Despite the quick reaction of the troops, the temple never stood a chance against the enemy. Myrmidon soldiers had slaughtered the priests, only Briseis and you remained alive as shocked observants in a temporal hidding place that you knew won't stand much longer.
You were a princess of Troy, the queen of Hector's future reign, and you had came to that temple under the purpose of acting as such in the first place. To show your subjects you would do anything to protect them, first you had to start saving your family.
Context demmanded you to act quick, so you came up with a risky plan that you explained to Briseis in whispers while cleaning her tears.
" I'll clear the way for you, run and find Hector. Don't waste time turning back, they will get you."
The pragmatical, almost cold sounding way in which you phrased the idea ruined her nerves even more. She didn't want to leave you behind, Briseis would never accept it no matter how logical you were trying to be.
She refused nodding negatively, too afraid to take the risk of speaking.
" Do it, there is no other way. If we stay together, then we are all doomed. There is hope for only one of us, and I rather it will be you." You insisted, attempting to give further reasons to your sacrifice that would make her feel less guilty. " They will pay for this, I promise you. "
You grabbed her arms like a wake up call before continuing.
" Briseis, I'm giving myself willingly because it's the only way to get one of us inside the camp. Do you see what they can do? Traditional means will not be enough to defeat them, someone has to discover how. "
Fear was starting to make your voice tremble as you thought of your city, your family ... your husband.
" Tell Hector, tell him I'm loyal and I'll return to him with the secret to destroy the greeks ... Tell him I love him and I will do whatever it takes to help our cause."
After a brief, emotive farewell she accepted to execute the plan according to your guidance. The distraction turned out successfull, since the soldiers rushed to take you while she sneaked under their noses given all the fuss you were making. The next thing you knew was being tied up alongside piles of stolen gold inside the recently settled tent of who you guessed was one of their captains.
The master didn't make you wait for long, finding you as a surprise of his men for him when he arrived to clean off the traces of the fight in his appearance. Strong first impressions were his thing, he was standing naked in front of you apparently careless for your presence. The spectacle didn't obtain any reaction, even when he asked for your name.
" You will pay for what you did. " Was your bitter reply inconected to the question." Hector will make you regret the day you were born. "
The grim warning made him chuckle.
" I think your prince is afraid of me, he sees there is no hope for Troy if i charge into battle. "
With one simple mock he had made you aware of everything.
" You must be Achilles … Lucky of mine, I'm being handed to the worst of the savages. "
" My well earned prize. " He confirmed while getting dressed, barely tying a long piece of black cloth arround his hips. " It was either me or Ajax, we were the ones winning the battle. I have obtained greater glory, so I got the ríght to keep you. "
" Shouldn't that be a privilege of the higher commander?" You taunted him, questioning in a poisonous tone. " … He is not going to like it."
The provokation hitted in the ríght spot to make him itch.
" Then he should have won the battle by himself. " Was his cocky reply, given while walking towards you. " … You are too precious to be given away. "
You could tell where the talk was leading, it was a complete twist of the provocative intentions into a territory you weren't allowing him to cross.
" The only priestess inside that temple ran away, i'm a married woman. "
The clarification didn't mean much to him.
" An eye for an eye. " He simplified, twirling your hair in his fingertips. " The trojan prince took Helen, so it's fair for me to take you. "
Achilles was dangerously close, sniffing the scent of your locks.
" She left her husband willingly. " You clarified on purpose. " Paris won her favors."
He caressed the side of your cheek while looking for cuts.
" After a while with me you won't want to leave. " He purred seductively, then proceeded to untie you. " … I like your perfume, it seems he pays for the expensive ones. "
" High nobility, my father is a general of Priam. " You bitterly clarified. " … And i'm married to a mighty warlord. "
You would have wanted to brag about that saying loud and clear that you were the wife of Hector. If it wouldn't be so dangerous, you would have seeked to humilliate him showing your love for your man.
" He failed to protect you, maybe he was not the right for you. " He mercilessly teased you, sitting ríght next to you. " What's your name? "
You had to give him an answer, but you were incapable of being honest. The greeks couldn't possibly know already of your marriage. Their access to news was blocked at the time of your wedding, they were planning the war while it happened.
Briseis escaped to tell the story, Hector had to be aware by then so you didn't need the greeks to bring him the news. Keeping your identity as a secret was safer and a good strategy. As a couple, your husband and you would get the upper hand working against them from outside and inside.
You gave him the very first name that occured to you, a female variation of the name of your father.
" Glauce. "
Achilles had his full attention on you, his eyes were roaming your features with interest.
" Well, Glauce. I'll take care of you better than him. Your safety is granted with me. "
It sounded like a promise, you could tell he didn't want you to fear him. Being perceived as a careless monster by you wasn't as satisfying as the fear he awakened in your countrymen.
The first impression played in your favor, he was Interested enough to seek winning your simpathy. There had to be some sort of limit to his brutality and it seemed to play out in his approach to women. Achilles preferred seduction to coercion, trusting in his looks and charm to do the trick. Softer on the surface, he would rather win you over than force himself on a tied up defensless woman.
At least in that, he was a safer bet than many others. Your chances to keep working on the reading of the greek commanders presented that very same day, when your initial guesses turned out to be truth and his promised was challenged.
Agamemnon felt insulted because his rebel soldier ignored him on purpose and didn't even consider him at the time to divide the profits. His heralds came to take you using the advantage of a distraction the king created by himself to keep Achilles away from you at the moment. They were very impressed to find out you were following them willingly.
Not only it was a matter of principles to never show weakness in front of the enemy, but you were also considering the greek King of Kings was a privileged source of information. There was no better tent to infiltrate if what you wanted was to figure out the patterns of the political relationships within the militar fractions of his army. For so, your entrance managed to exceede any expectations. The soldiers taking you there were disconcerted following your arrogant steps.
Behaviorally wise, you looked like a queen that was heading to negotiate instead of a living object being dragged from one place to the other. Agamemnon was slightly dissapointed, probably hoping the guards would have seen themselves forced to mistreat you in front of Achilles to enrage him even more. However, the visual did manage to surprise him. The taunting smirk didn't fade, only changed its target.
" Wonderfull reward … Even in disgrace her majestuosity remains intact. " He commented, praising you in a menacing tone. " … Woman fitting for a king. And since you aren't one, Achilles. I think you are not going to need her. "
It unleashed the killer beast.
In a matter of instants the whole place got surrounded by guards that Agamemnon called as soon as Achilles merely pulled out his sword, what to you was a measure against the feared quickness of his lethal strikes.
You were still smiling to yourself, thinking of how accidentally accurate the words of the mycenaean have been in what concerned you given Hector was the next king of Troy in the line of succession.
The myrmidon claimed so quickly and pridefully that your husband lost you because he wasn't strong enough to protect you, yet he couldn't keep you for one full day. Delightfully humilliating irony, even if the man missing you inside the city remained faceless to him. At that moment Achilles was measuring himself not only with Agamemnon's power, but also with the memory of the man you loved.
He wanted you to watch him murder greeks in cold blood for you, to prove his point of being the superior man that would cross límits no trojan would.
For as much as you would have loved to see enemies being sacrificed at your feet, you were Interested in something better.
Playing with their minds, taking advantage of the situation and subtly lead the discussion while making them feel in control the whole time.
" I've seen you are a gifted killer, they may have the numerical advantage but those men are trembling. " You stopped him, actually walking towards him with the courage the mycenaean soldiers lacked of. " Before you will unleash another carnage, let's revisit the situation. Shall we?"
Agamemnon was amused by your irreverence, mostly because it was being directed towards his polítical rival.
" I come from a militar family, so i'm not ignorant to the codes of war. " You kept talking as if you would be back in Troy discussing with Hector about the resolutions of the city's council. " Spoils of conquest shall be distributed equally among the warlords, but the commander chief has ríght to a bigger share. "
" Precisely what I'm reclaiming. " The mycenaean agreed. " I'm in command here. "
Unimpressed by the statement, you were ready to throw the web.
" … Considering Achilles has beheaded a monumental golden statue of Apollo. How can you both be so convinced i'm the biggest share of the treasure? You can buy at least fifteen women for that statue only. I have to admit it's flattering, your altercate implies i'm either worth for fifteen women or you greeks are terrible traders. "
The rational observation embarrased them. Achilles had putted down his sword and Agamemnon didn't have enough recovered honor to point it out.
" It's simbolical value. " He attempted to come up with a quick answer for what trully was nothing more than a battle of egos. " You are the first enemy woman in our power, captive of a war started by my brother's wife. "
" If she wouldn't have jumped on board, you would have instructed servants to charge spartan reliques in that ship so you could frame us and invade anyways. " Was your fearless comeback. " Maybe your provincial soldiers believe that, but trojans know you well. "
If they wouldn't know better, they would have feared the goddess of wisedown transfigurated in a slave was lecturing their behavior.
" Theorically, once you finish arguing over who is meant to own me the winner can do whatever he wants with me. The problem is what you should do in order to serve best your personal interest. Achilles is willing to slaugther your men to save me from you. Can you afford that, King of Kings? "
Agamemnon was frankly shocked, not even his royal advisors would have been so direct.
" Who are you? "
" That's not important, what matters here is that i'm aware of what you both want from me and why you won't get it." You cleverly deviated. "For instance, you want to force yourself on me to give your rebel soldier a lesson. I see it in your eyes, sense it in your voice. He made you feel powerless watching the beach battle from afar, so now you are taking me as payback. Fortunately, that's going to take you nowhere. "
Going back to the warrior like a caged beast pacing from one point to the other, you challenged him with the same ferocity.
" As it could be said of your attempts to present yourself as my savior. " You concluded for him. " Legends fail to acknowledge Achilles as a protector of helpless women and it's not hard to wonder why. You aren't acting out of the kindness of your heart, what you want is to keep me reliant on you in order to win my trust so I will eventually give in. "
At that point, despite it would have been wiser to keep silence, no one could have stopped you.
" Keep the sword down, i'm not spreading my legs for this. I despise you and that won't change simply because you are the less of two evils standing in front your pig of a king. "
The comparison had affected him as much as the self perceived unfair claims.
" He is not my king … and i'm not who you think I am. "
" Prove it. " You insisted. " Untill then, you are just the same to me. "
The provocation worked better than you could have expected, discovering there that what Achilles hated the most was being compared to Agamemnon. It carved over the fresh wound of the anger he was already feeling about the desestimation of his efforts in the war.
A fierce lion had turned into a meowing kitten when the master he reluctantly followed took away his slave, humilliation you wished you could have shared with your people as perfect payment for the destruction of the temple. From then, his efforts were focused on showing the greeks that he wouldn't accept being controlled while proving to you that he was the better man. The special weapon of the enemy had opted for inaction as a form of protest, refusing to fight untill Agamemnon would come back crawling expecting he would beg to him ... expecting to get you back.
Coldess of mind was your best weapon against them, their fates were already on your hands. Agamemnon was too haunted by the warning you made him to actively seek to fullfill the full punishment, since Achilles was being completely serious about his thirst for revenge and for having you. The little glimpses of yourself he managed to figure out from your brief talk and the interventions you have made in their fight weren't enough, his interest only had escalated since then.
Without him, greeks lost, and they lost badly. Hector deprived them of two leaders during the course of the same battle, one of them being the husband of Helen whose cause gathered everyone. They were running out of excuses, starting to point fingers at each other attributing blames where those didn't necesarily belong. On his part, Agamemnon saw the warning you have made him the day before becoming real and sensed something almost supernatural in it. Of course, he was completely unaware that the crushing lost was a result of his own stubborness and the team work of the heir couple of the trojan throne.
Even trojans themselves weren't completely aware that Hector and you could sometimes become your own separated fraction operating underneath the obstacles presented by the local politics. No matter what the council presided by his father would dictaminate, you would allways have his back to do what you knew was right. Even while being so far away from each other, the combination of your strikes was making the greeks bleed despite you haven't had any ocassion of discussing the course of action. You knew each other too well, in a fair world you would have been designing strategies with him in front of the army and not against their backs.
Hidding your adoration while overhearing the feats of your husband as you poured wine for the kings was your main challenge during that post battle night among the greeks. They were already discussing rendition, all thanks to the fear that he inspired. It was clear that you would have to handle yourself finding a scape way if that would happen, but you were amazed seeing your goal at the verge of fullfillment. Agamemnon recklessly kept you there as a symbol of the only victory they had achieved, showing you off to the commanders in an attempt to tempt them to stay exciting their greed. He presented you as a promise of future wealthness, if they would pass the hardships every chief would have one like you.
Odysseus was completely careless for that and trying to make the myceanean come to his senses was hard even for his audacious mind. At that hour of the night, only him and Nestor remained in the Atreide's tent and only one particular moment during his long callout catched your attention.
" Hector is ONE man ... Look at what he did to us today! "
You were forced to hide your flusterred smile full of pride for your man and you did through a humble gesture bowing the head.
They kept arguing for a while, two against the stubborness of one.
" Even if I could make peace with Achilles, the man won't listen to me! " Agamemnon reminded them with frustration, the wine you were serving him non stop starting to hit him. " He is as likely to SPEAR ME as to SPEAK TO ME! "
You chuckled briefly and Nestor noticed it while awaiting or Odysseus' resolution.
" ... I will talk to him. "
Once that part got resolved, the old king reminded them of you.
" He will want her back."
The mention gave you a proper space for according intromission.
" I will pack my things ... I mean, just the blue dress I was wearing when you kidnapped me. " You mordaciously commented. " Can I change back into it or your plan is to send me looking like this hoping I would have the kindness of whoring myself to save you? "
The taunting ask pointed at the uncomfortable suggestive dressing the king forced you to wear for his visits.
" I haven't touched her! " Agamemnon excused himself to his friends. " Take her back to him or I will give her to the men, the whore is cursed and I will not take the risk. "
He refused to explain further, but you did for him.
" His brother made a curious joke last night when we meet. He said that it would be his right to go first because he was the one that trojans had ofended, now he is dead ... And how about Ajax? He was the second in line who could have got me as reward, if the glory of Achilles wouldn't have outshined him. I think Apollo is using me to pick the victims of Hector, maybe desecrating the temple of a god we both worship wasn't a brilliant idea after all. "
The macabre warnings upsetted the myceanean king.
" Take her now, Odysseus. If he wants her still, she is all his. "
The king of Ithaca didn't wait any longer, instructing you to only pick up your dress and put on a cloak he handled you in order to comfortably follow him to the tents of the myrmidons.
As soon as you were out of sight the tries on guessing you began.
"These are not virgin robes. " He cassually commented about the clothes you were carrying. " It means you are not a priestess, so what were you doing that morning in the temple? "
" Pouring thracian wine to the priests. " You sarcastically mocked him. " Isn't a bit obvious I was witnessing a religious ceremony? "
" Obligation of female royals in times of war, women are commaned to pray while the men prepare to fight. " He quickly replicated. " Wives of royalty preach with the example. "
You stopped walking right away.
" What has given me away? "
" Your smile, the way your eyes shine with pride when we talk of Hector. It's true that any trojan gets excited hearing of him, but you don't look like one more of the people who worships him as the city's hero. " He began to explain you. " The eyes of Penelope shine the same way when I tell her my stories after coming back home from a long journey. "
The melancholic husband couldn't be forgiving you out of the kindness of his heart and a mere parallel with his wife.
" Why aren't you warning them? "
" Because I know Agamemnon wouldn't have agreed to return you and right now, all we need is to have Achilles back." Was his simple reason. " If you want my honest advice, girl? Your husband should have came with a ransom by now. He hasn't, and to me it feels he is letting you go because he can't stand the shame. Even if he does love you and would rather have you by his side, the city may have resolved it that way. The heir prince, the bastion of Troy ... he can't come back home with a marked woman. "
He was good, doing an excellent job at sowing doubts.
" Your stance here has stained you, people would look at you wondering how many greek generals had laid their hands on you. Even when we know that no one has touched you, they will never believe it back in Troy and Priam's dinasty is in crisis. It would be easier and politically safer for him to arrange a new marriage for Hector."
" The same king that's sending him to fight so Paris can keep his wife won't do that to me. " You snarked back, clinging to what were your certainties. " They may be religious hypocrites, but I know my people better than you. "
" Adjust to your new life, princess. " He grimly warned you. " The prince may never come to save you and the myrmidons could use a clever girl keeping their hot headed mess of a leader grounded. "
You spat on the ground, right at the side of his feet.
" He will rot in his tent and Hector will set your ships on fire to rescue me. "
A young lad gave you the welcome, warning your master of the arrival.
Achilles smiled at you, but responded to Odysseus with the same carelessness he had dedicated to Agamemnon days before.
" Whatever you have to say can wait untill the morning." He told him in a cold tone. " I want to speak with her ... alone. "
Not wanting to make a fuss that could ruin the mission, the ithacan king acceded to his demmand.
" Understandable, I will be ouside with Patroclus so the walk won't be in vain. " He mocked him. "I could use a drink now, and hear some positivity. The last time I was in Phtia I have seen your cousin is great at that. "
The young man chuckled and accompanied him outside, presumably for a chat arround the campfire of the night watchers. Before they left, Achilles ordered him dinner would be served to you and he called two other myrmidons to arrange it.
You didn't seem mistreated and that was encouraging for him, so he gesturally invited you to sit in front of him and served you by himself.
" Eat."
" Mind to tell me the reason for this? " You cutted off his attempt of soft approach. " Agamemnon didn't touch me, I think it's fair to say he is slightly afraid of me. You don't have wounds to tend, no need to fake kindness."
" I'm just trying to be a decent host." Was his vague reply. " You are my guest tonight."
" Odysseus was your guest, and you had kicked him out. I'm your prisoner. " You reminded him. " I had enough of your games, Achilles."
" Such a shame, I'm very into yours. " He teased you. " What do you think of all of this? One day has passed and they already brought you back to me. I'm feeling destiny playing a move here. "
You began to eat so you wouldn't have to reply him right away.
" Why do you care ? I'm a nobody. "
" You are not under the orders of Agamemnon, you are the onlyone besides from me with the courage to stand up against him. "
The facts were conveniently twisted and you knew of that.
" I also stood up to you. "
" And i don't forget that. " He corrected you. " ... Trust me, I had plenty of time alone to think about you."
The provocation was not going to disarm you.
" I believe it shows how desperate they are, and that you would be a fool if you stop now. The mycenaean king is not at your feet yet, he stil sends heralds to make his apologies. Make them wait some more, it will give us time to get to know each other."
He smirked and you couldn't tell which part of the answer made it.
" You are good, diligent little snake. It almost makes me want to take the advice just to see how far you can go to keep me away from your husband. "
He offered you a goblet to drink, making it reach your mouth with the movement of his hand so he could have an excuse to stare at your lips during the first sip.
" Why trying so hard? Have you considered he could be dead by now? "
" He is the kind of man you find once in a lifetime, I would remain loyal to him even after death simply because he worths it. " You explained him. " I don't expect you to understand it, your world is seducing war captives. Maybe you have never thought of that, having a wife to love for the rest of your life. Form a family, somewhere to belong in."
Your blow hitted, even when he won't admit it and opted for strike another one.
" Is he alone with the children now? "
" We didn't get time for that, he was part of the crew that travelled to Sparta and we got married once he came back." You vaguely admitted, being carefull of not giving any revealing clue. " It was the happiest moment of my life, even despite we knew what was coming. The city was cheerfull for a while right before all of this got to happen, our wedding party was the last time. "
For an instant he took the effort of imagining you on your wedding dress heading inside the temple of Hera. He had no idea of how trojan weddings were like, neither knew their fashion trends for brides, so he pictured it the greek way.
Lucky of the man that got to experience that. To remove your veil and find a smiling face at the other side, to kiss your lips ... To find you laying naked on the thalamus knowing you were waiting for him after the maidens holding torches guided you inside to be beautified for him. Asian scents flooding the air, your body of trembling virgin craving to be explored.
" I have been in Sparta, if he was a guest of Menelaus let me tell you that he cheated on you. " He interrupted you out of spite. " The hipocrite that reclaimed his cheater wife actually encourages it on the men visiting him and the dancers of his palace perform amatory wonders. "
A challenging smirk showed how little you cared for his disruptive opinion.
" My man is not like that. He would NEVER cheat on me. "
He chuckled with skepticism and you wished you could have smacked him.
" How sweet! You really are convinced he is different. "
It enerved you to the core.
" You don't know him like i do."
He was enjoying your rage, even when directed against him.
" You don't know Sparta like I do. "
You wanted to him to spite him for real.
" My husband is a hundred times the man you will never be. "
The peak of the altercate was something you wouldn't expected he would dare to say.
" Your husband will never touch you like i would."
Angry as you were, you lost control and slapped him. Fear of his reaction made you back off inmediately: it was the first moment of weakness he had ever witnessed from you.
" You are fierce, I like that. " He commented, careless for the hit. " Was he really that good? Or is it just that you can't compare? "
" You will never compare to him. " Was your quick comeback. " From no point of observation, he is simply the best. "
Even when he didn't know who the mysterious man was, he already hated him. Achilles was genuinely jealous of your love for him, he would have killed for someone like that.
To calm the hostile enviroment he decided to torture himself making you talk more.
" Really? Tell me about him … How did you meet? "
" Our parents are best friends, so we have known each other for a lifetime." You began to narrate. " I think I realized I had a crush on him when I was ten and it followed me all my life. As a young lass I used to believe I could never be the one, wasted so many years thinking he could only want me as a friend. He would never make a move, thinking that was not what I desired for the same reason and we kept each other single untill an unreasonable age. Then, a suitor with great chances of success came to the city soliciting to marry me and the situation forced us to be honest with our feelings. He came to my home with a huge treasure as dowry, told me he couldn't live without me, and kissed me in front of everyone. If you would know him, you would understand that was a huge gesture coming from him. He is a private man in terms of affection displays … "
" The term you are looking for is repressed. " Achilles mocked you. " Why making you wait for so long? "
" These are dangerous political times we are living in and you greeks aren't our only enemies. " You corrected him. " He was always fighting, life was too bussy to think of romance. "
" … And it seems like that hasn't changed. " He added before taking a long sip of his wine, then keep questioning. " How do you deal with it? How would you receive him when he just came back from battle? "
It was a strange ask,but for once you didn't mind indulging him.
" With a warm bath and all my love … Although I must clarify we haven't live wartimes as a married couple yet, since you kidnapped me at the start of one. If I was back in Troy with him, as I desire, that's what I would do. "
There was no intention of playing with him, you were telling the truth because you were starting to feel comfortable and he realized of that.
It only made him more envíous.
" Lovely, so lovely. " He whispered, talking to you but sounding as if he was talking to himself. " My tent isn't as big as Agamemnon's, so you must be aware your only option tonight is sleeping by my side. Why don't you start by taking off that ugly cloak, now that we are more relaxed ? "
If that was what he wanted, you were going to give him a taste of his own poison.
" I must warn you: the old pig dressed me to his taste. " You answered as you stood up to remove the long cloth. " What do you think? Do I look like one of those girls you claim my husband has cheated with prior to the wedding? "
Achilles watched you in silence for an instant.
" Way better. " He concluded, then gifted you a smirk.
You were ready to hear whatever lustfull comment that would occure to him, but that wasn't what he ended up delivering.
" I don't want a concubine, I want that trojan's wife. She sounds wonderfull, and looks wonderfull in her cute blue dress. "
Surprisingly sweet, it trully caught you out of guard.
" You are out of your mind, or have drank too much and it got to your head. In either case, you need to rest so the morning will bring you clarity of thought. "
His teasing became a bit childish.
" Come with me … "
You couldn't take him seriously.
" Let me interrupt your little fantasy: i still love my husband and you are keeping me prisoner. "
" Not if i make you want to stay. " He replicated ríght away. " Paris got Helen to leave hers and their kingdom for him. "
You couldn't believe your ears. Was he really that much starved for affection? The greatest warrior of the greeks was a lonely man, a living weapon.
" That's never going to happen between us. "
After you concluded the meal he gave you proper space to change your clothes in privacy, courtesy that satisfied you given what was about to come. Once he settled the furrs on the ground to make the closest thing to a bed available in the camp, he picked a blanket and invited you to get confortable first. In the meantime, he took off his footwear and upper garments in front of you. The spectacle made you turn over to the opposite side, deviating your eyes from him completely, but that simple act of resistance didn't mean much compared with what he was about to do.
Achilles grabbed you from behind, trapping you in an embrace too íntimate for your taste. His strong arm was rou nding your waist, initially ríght under your chest. You were perfectly able to feel his firm muscles in contact with your back and the hand keeping you secure in the position he wanted started tracing your curves.
You wanted to yelp, but it was pointless. What else could you do? You were his slave, and sleeping anywhere else in the camp was even riskier.
Maybe other man finding you wouldn't be as sweet as him. Peraphs you would encounter a beast forcing you to fight for your honor.
" So beautifull. " He whispered close to your ear. " Feels really good to me … How are you feeling? "
" Strange. " You confessed. " It just doesn't feel ríght. "
" It doesn't have to. " He teased you. " It just has to feel good. "
He began to kiss the side of your neck, but kept stumbling with your cold reactions. To him it was all performance, you were holding back to feel a faithful wife for a man that from then would be just a memory because you would most likely never see him again.
" You are mine now … " He reminded you in a husky tone. " Stop pretending, I know you feel good. No need to hide it. "
You weren't giving in, but he was willing to take the challenge. Distracted as he was with you, he kept the refusal to fight still on given that his pride wasn't completely avenged and that was at least hopefull result of your sacrifice. Every single night he would try to tempt you, but you remained strong deviating the seduction tactics into night talks with no sort of filter on both sides. He would ask you all kinds of innapropiate questions, but in response he would have to tell you more about him than what he could afford to tell any enemy.
The mission became harder and harder to mantain over the course of the days. You were happy to be serving your country but wondering if the cost was actually worthy. Achilles seemed determinated to keep you, he wanted to destroy your marriage and there were moments when you wondered if he haven't already done it.
Would the love of your life want you back, knowing you were forced to share the bed of the enemy? Even if your strong resistance kept things away of sexual territory, you had to stand his caressing, his kissing … and sometimes you weren't completely disgusted by it.
It was confusing, you were the one playing with a man who fooloshly believed to have power over you, but you also felt played by the situation. Staying focused was hard when everything seemed to point out Odysseus was in the ríght. There were no signs of your people, of your husband, wanting to reach you. Could have he forgot you? Have the city gave up on you?
One particularly long night you were sitting on the shore watching the sea and the fear became so strong that you began to sob uncontrollably. Achilles wasn't coming for you yet, since in his tent more embassors of Agamemnon were trying to convince him of returning to the battlefield.
Suddenly, a myrmidon in full armor sat beside you. The helmet was on, so you couldn't see his face, but you guessed he was one of the guards of the night shift.
" Beautifull night, isn't it? " He said in a familiar voice. " Perfect for a sneakout … "
You couldn't believe your ears.
" Paris? " You questioned in whispers soft enough to not be heard by anyone else, but showing clear excitement. " How did you got here? Brother, you can't fight even to save your life. Is a miracle you are still alive. "
" I may be a terrible fighter, but i'm a master in the art of sneaking into the most unbelievable places. " He explained you. " Glaucus is so desperate that he didn't present objections to the plan, your father trully adores you. "
You wanted to hug him, but that would have been too suspicious.
" You are insane! What if they discover you? "
" I have that covered. I'm trying to redeem myself at the eyes of our people, but if the worst happens i'm going to do what i know best: cry to my brother for salvation. "
A hopefull smile made your sadness fade.
" Hector, … Is he with you? "
" Of course he is! Who else would have faith in my stupid plans?" Paris mocked himself. " He loves you soo much. He has been loosing his mind since the first day without you, but presenting a ransom to the greeks was a risk. From the moment they would be aware you are his wife, it would be over. They would have refused to return you and submitted you to all kinds of humilliations. No, with them you always have to do things by force. "
He made you chuckle.
" Any idea of how are we going to escape? "
" Working on it, just act natural and follow me. "
Your heart beated fast the whole way, since you were the one guiding Paris using your greater knowledge of the camp's structure. The myrmidons were ubicated at one extreme, what made things somewhat easier, as the naturalization of your presence there did.
A man in a mycenaean armor awaited for you, his eyes were giving him away.
" Don't, not yet. " Hector warned you, since he could read your uncontrollable excitement to the sight of him. " Danger hasn't passed. Proper welcomes should be postponed untill we are safe. "
You still dared to express a bit of your lovefull gratitude.
" I knew it! I knew you would come, I never wanted to stop believing! "
" Have they tried to convince you of that? " He wondered out loud. " I knew it had to be you causing division among them since the very first time the myrmidons didn't show up and I couldn't be prouder. "
Passing through the Scaean Gate was living again, you were at home. As soon as the walls were sheltering you Hector held you in his arms and kissed you untill both of you were feeling breathless. The wonderfull moment felt to you like a renewal of your vows, he had the same surprising lack of decorum he showed the day he asked for your hand. Instead of your happyly shocked family, his brother and some trojan soldiers were the ones left to witness it.
He would never stop amazing you, the insightfull understanding of what you have gone through that your husband was showing since your first instants of rencounter made you love him even more. Hector new that you didn't want to present yourself to your parents looking and feeling like a captive, they wanted their daughter back and you wanted to be her again.
Before presenting yourself in public, you needed to feel like yourself. To get back the identity your captors tried to strip you from. It was most likely that the citizens would overwhelm you with questions, the militar council wanting to extract every single drop of information about the greek camp that you had adquired and all of that was very important, but he cared about you the most.
Putting the princess and the spy aside, he wanted to trully reunite with his wife and help her heal before the weight of the city would fall upon her. Some of the servants of your household were awakened for the ocassion and they welcomed you quietly under the prince's recommedation of not disturbing you. They helped Hector out of what was left of his disguise and he returned to his cassual wearing for home.
Once he looked like your husband again, he turned back to face you with an adorable smile.
" Welcome home, my love. For the sacrifice you have endured it is my wish to make of what's left from this night a moment to comfort you in any and every way you desire. If you don't want to talk about the horrors, I'm willing to wait. "
" I want a bath, I stink of sand and greeks. " You joked to attenuate the tone of he conversation. " Is this how you feel after fighting? "
He chuckled a bit, taking your light talk as a good sign.
" You were a concealed fighter, peraphs the most important fighter in this war. " He lovefully praised you. " It takes courage and a great speed for decision making to come up with such insane attack strategy. You cleverly realized there was no chance for two women to get away from the temple and offered yourself to save my cousin. When we found her, she repeated me the last words you told her. Your wisedown surpasses our war council, you knew from the beggining what I'm trying to make them understand. "
" Well, I knew that as a slave girl I was going to get underestimated, but it worked even better than what I guessed. Greeks are surprisingly trustfull of their war prizes or think themselves too high for vengeances to reach them " You humbly admitted. " In me they saw an object to move from one point to the other, but never suspected they could be touring a spy arround. I poured wine for the kings while they were discussing their plans, Agamemnon found no danger in that because he considered me to be merely decorative. "
" Sounds like the riskier war feat I have ever heard of. " He added, then caressed your cheeks as he inspected your face for any signs of damage. " It seems like they trully thought they were going to enjoy of my wife's beauty for long. I can tell they were carefull. "
" They were too bussy fighting each other over who was going to keep me to ask me important questions of any kind. " You revelaed him with amusement. " Only Odysseus discovered it, but he got there too late. Achilles was already eating out of my palm."
The confession surprised him.
" Meaning you have targeted him all this time? "
" He is rabidly jealous of you." You confessed, teasing him. " I discovered that the main obstacle of Agamemnon is his fail to make him act according to his goals. His attempts to manipulate him are rational, but Achilles can only be persuaded irrationaly. "
The start of your tale wasn't worrying him the way you feared.
" Nothing really happened between us. " You rushed to clarify, since he wasn't asking. " He wanted it to happen, but i made him very aware that my husband was in my mind and heart the whole time. "
Your desperation for proving yourself to him was heartwrecking, he could tell you were so full of guilt over a situation that wasn't trully in your control. Even if you played to be, the course of action was limited to the grey zones where the control of men was weaker.
" You were loyal to my vision to the last consequencies, despite you had no guarantee of safety. " He cutted you off. " Many of the men I command claim that they would die for me, but what you did goes beyond their will of sacrifice. This is the greatest proof of love to me and to Troy. "
Tears were falling down your cheeks and he instinctively held you in his arms, as if he feared you would wreck if he didn't.
" What you did to survive is not of my concern, you are here with me now. " He reassured you, making you smile. " But if someone got to hurt you, the bastard responsible for that damage won't see the sun again."
" I think i never saw you making threats like that. " You sweetly mocked him. " It's flattering, but turns out you have been protecting me against it from afar. The two greek leaders you slaughtered a few days back ? Ajax was the second in the line of possible adquisitors for me, Menelaus threatened with taking me to satisfy his hurted honor and died the next day. "
The strange coincidence amazed him.
" I'm always with you, even if this crazy world we live in takes us apart. "
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streets-in-paradise · 6 months
Loving in the Shadows
Troy (2004) Reader insert fanfiction / Achilles x Mycenaean Princess! Reader - Part 24
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Word Count 14 K
Warnings: Stalk(ish) behavior, unwanted posessive thoughts driven by anger. Possibly bad geography (I needed it for plot reasons).
Summary: During the absense of men, the women waiting in Ithaca find themselves fearing the presence of a mysterious shape that had apparently managed to abduct the visitant princess.
Playing with the two halfs of himself to keep the locals unsuspectfull, Achilles has secretly returned for his loved one in an improvised visit of uncertain motives driven by longing and a partial awareness of the difficult context she faces as he deals with his feelings regarding it.
Tags: @yerevasunclair @mysticaldeanvoidhorse @spideyanakin @spideyanakin-interacts @awakenedevildays @alaysha-of-middle-earth @zoegarfield @helie-brain
Awakening late in a palace temporally led by women, the young girl discussed with her handmaid the events of the previous night. The tale ended with the details of her talk with the seer. Despite she couldn't be as honest and precise as she would have liked to be, Polydamas was still convinced that her dream had been divine Intervention.
 The maternal aura mixed with marriage related symbology made him suspect it was the work of Hera, but the princess wasn't convinced of that. The approach of the divinity was too humble for the queen of the gods, who would have never accepted to take the form of a deceased mortal that once was a cheater queen. On top of that, it would be expected from Hera to simply deliver strict commands meant to be obeyed instead of testing the suitability for marriage of some mortal girl. 
It didn't make sense, but it wasn't his fault. She wasn't honest with him, or otherwise she would have seen herself forced to tell the great friend of Hector about her feelings for Achilles. He was a seer, but also a rival of her interests who wished to watch her rule Troy. 
Ereny was her best friend and longest term confident, together they could create their own conclusions. 
" isn't it obvious? ... You have survived your first encounter with your mother in law!" Was the girl's conclusion. " Cheer yourself, my friend.  Maybe you won her blessing. " 
The princess stopped searching on her things to decide the dress she wanted to wear that day in order to turn back and face her. 
" The Nereid Thetis ... Do you think it could be her? I suspected it, but I thought it was giving myself too much importance. She is his mother, she wouldn't visit me unless ... " 
The dress she had picked fell on the floor, a sudden surprise made her drop it. 
" ... Unless her son is thinking of making it official" Her friend finished the sentence for her. " Maybe Achilles is one of those men who secretly consult their mothers for everything. Wouldn't that be sweet? He is the most feared greek warrior, but he just has to know what she thinks before taking any big steps ... And maybe he has been telling her all wonderful things about you! He wants her to love you like a daughter because he is so in love with you ... " 
" Or maybe she has heard me talk about him, I have prayed near the sea quite a few times. " The lady corrected. " I don't want to have high hopes yet. " 
Ereny picked the clothes and handed those to her.
" I bet he misses you as much as you miss him. " She sweetly comforted her. " The borrowed clothes you sleep on need washing. " 
The lady chuckled and threw the garment on the bed. 
" I'm very careful ... Of all the times I had it on, only once I was naked underneath. "
The servant girl wheezed and it took her an instant to recover. 
" Behave like a wife washing his clothes. Why wait until being back when it's safer to do it here? " 
She had a great point, in the domains of her relatives she couldn't be seen washing men's clothing that didn't belong to her father and they had a perfect excuse to do the task without delayments.
" Alright, I'm going to offer Polydamas fresh clothes as payment for his services before he could suggest making me go on a date with Hector ... That should be enough to disguise it, trojans wear a lot of blue. "
It was a beautiful day, ideal to spend time outside. With the sun shining so tenderly clothes would dry perfectly and they would have plenty of time for relaxing activities. Penelope had the kindness of offering her a group of her own maids to accompany them and the princess allowed Ereny to select them by herself among her freshly made friendships in the palace. 
Lucky for her, Polydamas was among the trojans that remained in Ithaca while the princes were gone. His insistence regarding her must have upsetted Hector or perhaps he chose to stay because of not being well rested after she woke him up in the middle of the night. The offer for payment surprised him, but he didn't refuse and handed the handmaid the clothes he preferred to get washed. With their baskets full and in a great mood, the girls left the palace searching for the rivershore.
Only then the princess realized that she missed the chance to make connections with noble girls of the area. Meeting the trojans had completely distracted her from that goal and she have been spending more time dealing with problems that didn't concern her than actively helping herself. Perceiving the practical effects of her rank in her interactions with the servants made her realize her mistake. While Ereny moved with complete naturality around them, the maids of Penelope would distance themselves from her. Although understandable, their attitude was making her feel out of place. She was almost like a mere observant of the work they were doing for her.
She missed the disruptiveness of Melantho, that little girl wouldn't doubt in coming to her as a friend careless for sounding improper. Favorite of the queen, she was a slave girl with the mindset of princess somewhat stuck in between the two worlds through her privileged position. Her absolute lack of humility was concerning and could reach annoying límits, but at least she was fun to be around.
The silent humility of the eldests was a boring extreme, guessing that it wouldn't be like that for all the royals they served but the specifical weight of her crown was the cause of the awkwardness. Mycenaeans were guests to handle with caution, even if she had proven to be nicer than the king. Her personal choice of doing the walk to the river instead of requesting for a charriot that the slaves would have to follow on foot already showed she was a grounded woman. However, the bits of her personality they knew weren't enough to make her fully approachable in that particular context.
Waiting for the clothes to dry was going to take forever, not because of the weather but due to the odd interpersonal climate. Despite she insisted on washing the men's clothing by herself, leaving them space to work on some of her dresses, the girls hanged everything all by themselves on the rope they had securely tied from its extremes to two threes. Doing so, they noticed some oddities worthy of being questioned that Ereny couldn't explain.
" Do you happen to know by chance why has Polydamas handed us the clothes of two different men, if your debt is exclusively with him ? " She shamelessly asked her, taking the initative for the group hoping the princess will know how to cover her tracks better than what she could cover for her. " The girls may be a bit shy, but notice details."
Noticing that she wasn't angry when presented with such singular question relaxed them out of their initial fright and at least one of them dared to speak up.
" The seer is not broad shouldered. " Cora pointed out. " Well, he is, but not enough for that. "
The connotations in the comment expressed more than the simple meaning of the words.
" Not at least to nicely fit in that. " Lena added, testing waters with more mischievousness. " I don't doubt the trojans must be formidable warriors, but only Prince Hector has a matching physique."
It was the worst possible guess, but unfortunately a very sensical claim despite being far from the truth.
" Don't slander our new friends, trojans are fascinating." Ereny corrected, trying to deviate the speculation. " They have this weird accent, i think Hesione must have lost a bit of it with the years. It's very thick in some of them and they minspronounce my name but it sounds so fancy. "
The princess chuckled at the observation and followed her.
" Sounds more like Eirini . "
" It's fabulous! " She agreed. " I love it, wish i could keep it."
" I have been told by the man himself that I mispronounce his a little bit sometimes. " The lady confessed. " Specially when I'm angry or just want to piss him off, the continental greek accent makes it a bit stronger. More like Hek-tor, Hektor .... but he said i have a musical tone, so i think he likes it. "
Some of the ithacan maids giggled, slowly loosing the shyness.
" Is that what you want to believe? Fine, I don't mind. " The princess simply replicated. " I have nothing to prove, rumours only increase my fame. Penelope says that if people choose to assume the prince wants me, that will attract good prospects in the country even if it's just to assure the mycenaean throne stays greek."
" You won't find someone better, such man doesn't exist at least in this country. " Lena teased her." I know every greek prince, they all come here sooner or later, and they are all rubbish compared to Hector. If you don't want to marry him … Who are you waiting for, princess? A god to come down and impregnate you? "
It was such a well crafted joke that she couldn't get angry.
" It's hard to tell, I just don't think he is the one. "
An autentical disbelief reigned among them, so great that it compensated for their initial shyness.
" What's left for you to consider?" Clio asked, with surprising honesty. " Your highness, he is the perfect husband! Hector is handsome, brave and strong, but soft tempered when he has to … "
" … Incredibly rich, of a good family and you have already dominated his only brother. " Someone else followed. " He is also the miracle of a man that, having a recognizable advantage as a warrior, still chooses to behave like a polítician when the chance is given to him."
They had made an interesting point. It wouldn't work as intended, but she wanted to admit it was a good one.
" He has the power to get whatever he wants, but chooses not to. " The mycenaean recalled, with certain wonder. " If you put it in that perspective … I have never meet a man like him, that's for sure."
The girls got a bit excited for the wrong reasons and their approbal began to flow inmediately.
" Just for that?" Alaia interrupted, curious judging in her wondering tone. "If you grant us the pleasure, Hector would be one mycenaean king I would gladly kneel for. "
" … The most beautifull brown eyes I have ever seen. " Lena admitted, deep admiration slipping away in her slightly inconected words. " Imagine waking up every morning to find him staring back at you. "
The comment became a startpoint for a full conversation collectively constructing ideas for hours. Sitting in a round where the princess remained as center, the servants were doing their best to tempt her through their own romantic ideals. Unattachable for them, but a believed posibility for her.
Excited girls that didn't turst in her negatory, they believed to be helping her case.
" Horseback ridding through the trojan landscape! " Clio imagined out loud for her. " I bet that would be fantastic. "
" Or watching sunsets on the beach. " Cora corrected her. "That would be so romantic! I have heard their shores are magnificent. "
" Forget the shores! … Princess, think of the wedding night! " Lena shamelessly remarked, making many of the rest giggle. " I can't imagine a better way to spend it than giving yourself to him. Prince Hector respects slave girls, in all his time here he hasn't seeked to sleep with any of us. He must be of the rare kind of man that reserves all his passion for the wife. I bet he would love you like no mycenaean queen has ever been loved. "
A choir of complicit chuckling followed, but she remained unaffected.
" Regarding Hector I have only one curiosity and it is that I want to see his loose hair. "
The strange claim caused a bit of dissapointment, but all the questioning glances were begging her to explain it further.
" He is always wearing that wonderfullly crafted hairstyle, you never see him looking casual. It shows that he can't relax, he can't breathe. The ties are allways there, even if battle gets those a bit loose. "
Her eyes deviated from the group, staring in direction to the river before she would deliver her self reinforced conclussion.
" I don't want to marry him, I don't want to bed him. I just want to untie his hair. Metaphorically, I want to see how a carefree Hector would be like and nothing would change from that. Just two good friends sharing understandment of the represive nature within their roles in a world that constantly pushes them against themselves. "
Teasing stares followed her, proving the audience remained skeptical.
" Don't worry, my friend. I believe you. " Ereny rescued her while standing up to go check the drying of the clothes. " I know how you act when you have a crush, nothing like this. The mycenaean lioness turns into a kitten for the one she fancies. "
The accuracy of her words made her chuckle, since her servant was the only one there who had a precise idea of how to spot her feelings for a man.
" Take it from me, girls. If she still has the energy and focus for clever comebacks, he hasn't impressed her enough. "
And with that being said, Ereny patted her on the shoulder as she passed by. Little did she know that the cheerfull spirits were soon to fade.
An horrifying discovering surprised her as she intended to fullfill the task, the two companions she had on that had ran for the fear of it.
Behind the extended clothes, lurking between some trees, they believed to have seen a misterious masculine figure stalking all of them.
Panick took over and only the lady had remained calm.
" Maybe it's the god who came down to impregnate me. " She sarcastically teased the servants. " Any wanderer coming down from the hills can cross our path, we can't control it. "
" But it could be a satyr attracted by the sound of girls laughing carelessly. " Ereny theorized out loud. "… maybe hoping to get one away from the group. A dark cloak kept the face hidden and i didn't look down, but i don't want to risk it. "
Normally, the princess would have remained skeptical. However, the amount of strange events pilling up made her reconsider it.
" Fine, let me see by myself if the clothes have already dried, or you will have to carry the extra weight if there are still wet. "
Things got considerably worse once she raised up to finish the checking and ended up discovering an actual proof of their tale.
The garments of Achilles were gone and whoever scared the servant girls was the only possible thief.
" Man, satyr or olimpian god, he will have to get back what he stole. " The lady concluded, her fury beating the chances for developing panick. " I'm not leaving without it and, ríght now, I don't care what any of you have to say against that."
Silence reigned among the scared ithacans, warning her that she wouldn't count with any help from them.
" Fair enough, I'll get it back by myself. "
Her loyal servant intended to follow her, not only out of brave will to share the danger but because she knew what she meant. Those clothes were the reminder of her distant lover and the promise of seeing him again to return the borrowed item. Recklessness was an unusual attitude on her lady, allways measuring the costs before venturing into anything, but in that moment she was willing to risk herself for that simbolical meaning.
The princess was already running in the described direction and her friend felt powerless to make her stop.
" I have to do this. " The lady explained herself. " Stay with the girls, Eny. If something happens to me, I want you to tell Achilles and Agamemnon to join forces in vengeance on my name. "
The joke wasn't nearly as funny as she thought she was making it sound in order to tranquilize her.
" I'm SERIOUS! " Ereny insisted. " Don't do this, he will understand. "
" We are on Ithaca, nothing ever happens here! " The lady replicated. " Why do you think Odysseus goes to create chaos in other kingdoms? He rules a happy, quiet island were he gets bored. "
A cracking sound got her wary, suspecting it could be the footsteps of the nameless shape she was chasing. She followed it on a rush, smirking with triumphal satisfaction.
The atmosphere got thetric enough as she advanced, increasing the sensation of being watched in a game of cat and mouse where she wasn't sure of really being the chaser. Thinking the shadow couldn't be far, but was yet nowhere to be seen made her feel uneased.
" Show yourself!" The princess demmanded in a slowly shaky tone. " It's me who you want, I feel it. You stole something I care about, you knew I would follow you for it."
She swallowed hard, then concluded.
" That belongs to the man I love. If you hurt me, you will have to face him. He fears no one, men or gods equally … and I trust no one to avenge me like I trust in his rage."
Inmediately afterwards she was looking arround in search for any sort of reaction to her threat. Nothing happened, and just when she was starting to accept the posibility of being alone, the misterious stranger emerged from behind with an overpowering grip.
The young mycenaean tried to scream, but a hand pressed against her mouth had silenced her.
Her eyes went wide when she recognized the metalic wristband of the kidnapper.
" Got you. " He taunted her, whispering close to her ear. " Miss me, princess? I couldn't wait any longer to be with you."
That husky voice, she would recognize anywhere. Part of her wondered if it was trully happening or a supernatural being had assumed the shape of Achilles for her. Both posibilities seemed equally unrealistic, but she had no way to explain it.
His hand stopped the pressure to keep her mouth shut, tracing her lips with his fingertips instead. Within the same action she felt him sniffing the scent of her hair and as he captured it, his exploring touch began travelling down to caress her neck.
" My love … " She purred, ecstatic like in a trance. " Is this some sort of illusion? Last night i dreamed of being in your arms. "
Her confession didn't seen to surprise him as much as it should.
" Was it a good dream? "
Telling him about it would have pushed the topic of comitement too soon, since in her dream she was about to get betrothed to him. Despite she remembered very well her conversation with Penelope and intended to follow her advice, she simply couldn't admit to him ríght there that she dreamed of being his wife.
Even less she could question him regarding the divine inspiration she suspected it had. If it was trully a visit of his mother, he may not know it or wouldn't admit it.
" A very good one. " She vaguely told him, with sweet excitement. " My mom was there, I remembered of her face! And she was approving our relationship! It was like if you were plotting to convince father of something ... "
Achilles turned her over so she could watch the dark hood of his cloak fall back, revealing his face.
" That sounds wonderfull. "
They remained in silence for an instant, just gazing into each other's eyes. He dedicated her his most charming smile and she returned the gesture.
Her beauty grew with each reunion, his imagínation was never enough to capture it completely. Time and separation had increased his desire, but that wasn't affecting his perception. He did find her even more breathtaking than the last time he saw her.
Achilles would never understand the country's obsession with Helen, when her lovely niece was ríght beside her. She was an underrated gem, and if other men would ever discover it, they were too late already because she was his.
The sweet confussion in her eyes made him melt. His lovely princess was looking at him as if she still wondered if he was real. He would have gladly provided a proof she wouldn't easily forgot, but she searched for it herself.
The mycenaean pushed him against a tree, taking her turn of trapping him with her body as she crashed her lips against his. The passionate kiss released all her longing, her hunger almost knocked him over. Such intensity was surprising coming from her, even for him.
Her ferocity was protective, as if she feared she could loose him at any moment. He sensed it, but tried to limit himself on just enjoying of it.
Blessed he would be of being kissed like that on every welcome back from war, he couldn't wait to have that.
She took his breath away, metaphorically and literally.
" It's me, i'm here. " He calmed her once he recovered. " I'm feeling we have learned a lot from each other. Your strategic mindset to twist rules brought me here, listening has taught me of your tricks … Did I teach you to kiss like that? "
She gave him a few more pecks on the lips as inmediate response.
" I must have learned with you, there is no one else who had ever given me mind blowing kisses like yours … among other things I never did with anyone else. "
He smirked to her subtle provocation.
" Do you think I haven't thought of loving you? Context is very tempting, here we don't have to worry about your father discovering us. "
Her glance adquired a glimpse of pretended innocence, acting as she didn't mean to hint that.
Achilles grabbed her hips to emphasize his point and keep her still, struggling to not ruin the moment.
" You said I couldn't follow you to Ithaca because he would suspect of us, but nobody knows I have arrived. "
Proud of himself as always, he revealed his clever twist on their problem thinking it would impress her.
" Who would believe it? Mighty Achilles, harvester of death, doing a secret appearance just for me? " She teased him, evidently flatered. " Some say you can't go anywhere without causing a scandall because you can't stand being unnoticed. Staying hidden, keeping a lower profile, is almost like torture to you. "
" Not a worst one than being without you for so long. " He simply confessed, making her heart race. " And in this way my presence will not outshine you … I heard men had started fighting over you. "
The specifical tease didn't sound like a jealous reproach, but she was worried for the transgiversed information he may had get from the people.
" Has your own fame never taught you that you must not believe everything you hear? A lot has happened, but new suitors aren't part of that despite how badly Odysseus wants it. He tricked me and i'm dealing with the consecuencies, but good things are coming out from that."
" I'll deal with that treacherous bastard later. " Achilles promised to himself out loud. " Can't say I'm not proud of you for cultivating your fame, I love that. I want the world to see how wonderfull you are, to overhear fools believing they have a chance with you … but they are saying the princes of Troy have came to dispute who will marry you. "
" I'm attending a diplomatical meeting, Ithaca is representing the greek islands regarding some commercial tensions with Troy. " She attempted to explain him what he already knew. " Odysseus has deceived my father and me, he kept hidden his real political and personal reasons. "
She removed his hands from her body to hold both with hers.
"I have nothing to do with that, I won't allow it. "
" Neither will I … and you are coming with me. "
Tables turned once more as he picked her up and started walking in an unknown direction.
" Are you insane? We can't just leave like this!!" She sensically protested. " This counts as an act of kidnap, even if i'm not resisting it. "
His childhish side emerged, refusing to admit jealousy but acting under its influence.
" Then those maids can go cry for Hector to save you." He mocked her in return, proving to have heard at least part of the conversation she had earlier with the servants of Penelope. " I'm glad to know Ereny is still loyal to me, scaring her wasn't my intention. I was aiming for the others."
" Turn back and apologise yourself. " She intentionally suggested. " You will make her suffer if i dissapear. "
" Don't worry, we won't leave without her. " Achilles tranquilized her. " … She is my gift for Eudorus. "
Being in his arms again in such unexpected way was like a dream come true, but that didn't make the situation less frustrating.
" Your dear friends the trojans will be alright, they have a plausible excuse to get away. "
" Agamemnon will call it a complot under the complicity of Odysseus. He would seek to destroy Ithaca and Troy alike! … He has once attacked Phtia for way less."
Achilles stopped in his tracks, but still refused to release her.
" I didn't tell you about that for you to use it against me. "
" I had to find out through Hector that you were born a prince, your father was friends with his." She quickly replicated. " You clearly haven't told me everything. "
" So you have been talking about me. " He teased her, deviating the topic. " That's sweet, you take our deal very seriously. "
" Why didn't you tell me that, Achilles?? " She insisted. " Were you afraid it would have given me vain hopes? "
The snarky reproach hitted him, but not as the callout she intended it to be.
" I feared you would have rejected me." Achilles confessed, not with ease to talk about such intimate fear. " … I don't care about that damn throne, I want you, but you could have believed otherwise. Experience has made you cautious, you have been hearing for so long about the traitor that seduced the queen. I didn't want you to see me as that man, to push me away thinking I'm with you because I want to get back the crown that Agamemnon stole from my father. He can keep it, I rather steal you from him to make amends."
Concious as she was of how things had once trully played out, the mere comparison felt disgustingly wrong to her.
" You are nothing like Aegisthus, i'm perfectly aware of that. " She conforted him. " You would have killed that despicable man if you would have meet him because that's how you are. Protective, ferocious … And i'm proud of you, proud of loving you."
" Yet we are loving in the shadows … and i'm growing sick of it." He admitted, then concluded. " I want the world to know you are mine. "
She caressed his cheek, then softly lifted his chin and gave him a peck on the lips.
" And you know how I wish to be forever yours! But trojans don't deserve to be blamed, neither ithacans pay for the trickery of their king going wrong. "
The warning didn't matter to him, used as he was to shred blood to get what he wanted, but he understood it was a limit she wanted to avoid. Still, that wasn't enough to stop him from resuming the march in the direction he had previously settled.
" People will keep dying anyways, you know it." He corrected her. " Where did this sudden strike of righteousness came from? Perhaps an active concience is what you get for spending too much time with Hector."
She didn't fall for the provocation, but teased its intentionality instead.
" He has the habit of accidentally inspiring people into doing the right thing. That's exactly why your friend has picked him for me behind my back."
Temporarily careless for the protests and attempts of persuation, Achilles kept advancing with his precious load in arms. Unlike she kept stating, kidnapping her ríght then wasn't his inmediate intention. Still, that didn't mean he wasn't going to steal her away for a while and he had yet to decide what was he going to do with her.
Impulsiveness brought him to the shores of Odysseus' kingdom. He needed to see her and they were not going to have a better chance for safe encounters any soon. The father wasn't there to get in his way, and his soldiers were easy to fool. His mother had brought him the news of the trojan presence, but he didn't mind about that untill circunstancies changed his mind.
He was taking her deep into the wild. There he had improvised a temporal hideout in the deepness of a cavern that looked like a tent of war camp in peacefull times. Once they arrived, he placed her on top of some extended furs on the ground while briefly admiring her understandable cluelessness. Vulnerability was bringing back some of the innocence that he stole and she looked lovely.
So dreamy that it was simply impossible not to kiss her before any glimpse of explanation would start to flow.
" Odysseus showed me this place, we stayed here when bad weather ruined our hunting. " He said ríght afterwards. " Not good enough for a princess, but is the best I found to secure some privacy."
She was looking at him attentively, reflecting great curiosity.
" How did you find me? You couldn't possibly know I was going to be outside washing clothes. "
Achilles took off his upper garments as if he considered to change back into the freshly dried ones she provided.
" Thanks for cleaning it, … but I do wonder why you had to. "
Some more sweetly delightfull shame got painted on her face.
" I wore those to sleep many times, hoping to dream of you. " She simply stated. " Don't try to distract me, you know what I mean. Eny thinks I have been visited by your mother last night. "
" She wants me to settle down, but she never says it. " Was his vague reply. " Seeing me get commited to a stable relationship has made her very happy. "
She attempted to hide her excitement with her typical jokes.
" I think my father would die on the spot after hearing about us."
He sat close to her while following the joke.
" One more reason to do it as fast as we can. "
She gave him a reprobatory look while also stiffling some chuckles and he exposed his back to her in a playfull way.
" Mind giving my sore muscles some attention? Besides from carrying you all the way here so you won't escape me, I had a few adventures on my way to you. "
The sample of her post battle cares he received in Mycenae had clearly stiked with him.
" If we would have stayed like i told you, the girls would have reached me scented oils to work on your skin. " She commented, tracing patterns on his shoulder with her fingertips. " Here i have nothing i could use to give you a proper massage. "
" Don't be so sure of that, I have something you will like. " He purred in response, pointing in the contrary direction . " Over there, in that vessel. "
The princess followed his instructions and found a small amphora containing perfumed oil of a foreign fragance.
" Where did you get this? "
" During my adventure. " He innocently recalled. " I had to take a bath afterwards so you wouldn't see me all messed up. "
He felt her pressing soft pecks on the back of his neck as fast as she returned to his side.
" Not like I haven't noticed how you enjoy of your warrior freshly arrived from the fight, but I thought my special girl deserves more of my effort in looking good for her. "
He almost had her exactly where he wanted her and she seemed so happy about that.
" You are effortlessly handsome, but I appreciate. " His princess thanked, before starting whispering close to his ear. " Now lay on your stomach and start telling me all about that while I fix you up. "
The occurence surprised him even more.
" Is that how you want to do it? "
Achilles smirked as he obbeyed her command, very satisfied with the outcome of his mischief that was about to get even better.
In order to perform the task, she got on top of him and straddled him with her legs.
The hero groaned at the sensation and she started rubbing his shoulders, slowly working all the way down to his back.
" I think I dreamed of this before. " He seductively confessed. " Only your hands were on my chest … and you were completely naked. "
She chuckled and pressed a bit harsher.
" Is that all you think about? How dissapointing. "
Achilles grunted in response to the touch and words and she kept laughing.
" You know that's not true. " He sweetly corrected her. " … But you also must be aware that being without that for so long has its hardships. "
She caressed the sides of his abdomen before keeping the focus on his back.
" I don't know, I have been without it my whole life. "
The innocent sounding comment was a total tease.
" Don't taunt me. You are barely a maiden and I'm unused to abstinences of any kind. "
She reclined enough to place a few kisses.
" I know, the sacrifice you are making Is more than what any woman could ask from you. No other man would have done such promise to me. "
She dared to take her confession a bit further.
" It does make me feel special when I think about it, you know ? « Achilles refuses to have any other woman on his bed because of me » Who am I to get such honor? "
" The one I love. " He sweetly answered. " … I bet you wish you could brag. "
The hero closed his eyes, allowing her to relax him with her so longed touch.
" So, aren't you going to brag about your feats? " The girl reminded him. " How was the journey? "
" I took a secretive route, so I expected dangers stumbling with bandits. " Her beloved began his tale. " My intention was not to leave trails, but things got complicated. "
She reapplied on him more of the absorbed oil to make the caressing more effective.
" How much? Did those fools hoped they could capture you and sell you as a slave because they didn't know who you were? "
His princess sounded like an excited little girl awaiting for the details of some epic story and he feared the reality would dissapoint her.
" They enraged me and i lost patience. " The myrmidon admitted. " Contrabandists, very eager to get rid of the evidence of their lootings in asian shores because the trojans were too close. I gave them a chance thinking I could get something nice for you, but part of their sale strategy was telling me that the princes were not going to interfere because they were too bussy with the pretty princess brought from the continent for them. "
She stopped the massage out of sudden, spontaneous reaction to realizing of the terrible coincidence.
" … You didn't kill them, ríght? "
Achilles noticed the change in her attitude with subtle concern.
" I let them talk, they were worried that the outcome would let them out of business. " He continued, forcing himself to adopt a cassual tone. " Those men were completely sure that the heir Prince of Troy would want to take that girl for himself, because only a few of them had seen her and they kindly described her to me with lascivious adjectives. That, I didn't mind. I had a few I could think about, but what I couldn't tolerate were their metaphores for the fear of commercial and political penetration of trojans in greek land. "
Time to fool arround was over, so she released him to clean her hands and lay down beside him.
" My love, you already know I don't have interest in that route. "
He refused to look at her for a instant, keeping himself still in the previous position.
" I didn't care, hearing them suggesting it made me loose judgement … My mother warned me about insulting the goddess of marriage and in their mocks I felt the threat of punishment. "
The princess touched his arm to get his attention back at her.
" Do you really think Hera could make Hector want to marry me just to curse you?" She stopped his trail of thinking. "Only unless she would want me in an unhappy marriage with a man nice enough to not be cheated on free of guilt. My bloodline is stained, two generations of cheater queens preceed me and everyone wonders who is going to be the next one. "
Achilles rolled over to face her and embraced her by the waist.
" No one will take you away from me. "
She smiled and snuggled against him.
" Trust me, he won't. I got him on our side. " She reasured him, then sniffed the scent of his skin. " You smell nice. We are going to need more of that. "
His criptic answer came on the form of a dubious mock.
" Sorry, love. I believe they will be unavailable for a while. "
She looked up in shock.
" Are you telling me you did kill them over those stupid comments? "
The ask left him feeling helpless, and very surprised of her reaction.
" I wanted to fight only two, but all the rest would have joined in aid of them. " The warrior defended himself. " They were despicable anyways, not a big loose you should take sorrow in. "
Her initial excitement transformed into frustration, but he could not find the reason for her to be upset.
" I didn't think you would care … Is there something I missed? "
" They were the lead Hector has been chazing since he got here and I intended to help him track, now we have nothing. " She confessed, with resignation. " We were close to discovering a thread of the network that has been threatening the Route of Copper, what could have been greater for the bilateral relationships than a stupid marriage."
He started to play with her hair before she could began to loose her temper.
" Don't worry, I bet some must have escaped. " He sweetly tried to comfort her. " I couldn't have killed everyone, could I? If the prince is smart enough without you, he would find them. And if he isn't, we will get rid of him. "
His calm tone only upsetted her more.
" I have goals of my own too, Achilles. I'm working hard settling political bridges. "
He would never display any sort of open jealousy, but what he had to point out was a logical concern from his perspective.
" I can't believe you are being so naive. What do you think is going to happen afterwards? They will demmand a wedding to close the deal, they allways do. "
" The would love to, but it won't work because in Hector's eyes i'm no different from a diplomat. " She insisted. " He doesn't have the slightest regard for my womanhood! I won his respects in the way a prince does in the council, not a princess in the feast, and that's hard to understand for many. "
For a brief moment he had a half smile of approval.
" I admire you as a strategist and as a woman … I love all of you. "
Her temper got slightly softened, but she had found a practical use for the advice she had received earlier and she was going to try it.
Behaving like a wife could sometimes mean to call him out.
" Could you then respect my work even when it doesn't serve you? I have enough of that in home and I know that's not what we want for us. "
She caressed his cheek to soften the blow.
" I won't blame you for what happened, there was no way for you to tell those men were of any importance … but I will, if from now on you try something on purpose. "
Achilles gave her his most innocent smile.
" I won't bother him, I promise. "
She tried to cheer him up pointing out her findings in his field.
" … Aren't you curious for other sorts of information I got for you? When I tell him about what you can do, he believes i'm exagerating, and he is the best warrior among the trojans. My father will never be able to replace you with him, no matter how badly he may want it. Hector thinks that your feats are impossible, the fantastical descriptions of a girl who doesn't understand how fighting works. "
She gave him a peck on the lips ríght before the conclussion.
" You are the best fíghter in the world, no man alive compares to you and your legend will outshine his. "
Achilles seemed lethargic to the good news.
" That won't matter if I end up under his command, and wanting his wife as if I needed her like the air I breathe. "
Even after all the lovefull words and sweet moments they shared, he still had the hability to surprise her like the first time.
" I know how important it is to you, but if peace with the trojans comes on the price of letting you go, then I don't want it. " The blond demigod concluded. " I will fight as many combats as it would be enough to keep you by my side. "
She leaned her head against his shoulder while giving him her sweetest look.
" You won't need that: Hector wants to go back home to his princess and this time I feel no amount of political pressure would be enough for him to accept sacrificing himself. "
" He clearly doesn't know of how persistent Agamemnon can be. " The myrmidon pointed out, speaking from his experience. " When I was a lad I despised the idea of fighting for him, yet here I am. "
It made her chuckle, probably remembering similar examples in her own past.
" For once, we will have a victory of mine to celebrate. Think about that" She recalled, changing the angle of the topic. " If i help Ithaca to get a good deal with the trojans, that would prove my father I'm not useless and Hesione will see i'm not failing her cause. For me, that's the equivalent to when you make entire armies surrender showing off your talent in the art of giving death. "
The description got his attention and he didn't let it pass.
" The muses would have a lot to say in your definition of art."
" Giving a good death takes skill, precision, and even kindness. " She cutted him off. " You are not a fighter known for leaving your enemies agonizing, or their corpses disfigured in grotesque scenes. In war, you kill to win, and that makes you the most lethal. While others paint messages on the bodies of the defeated like begginers, you mastered the most effective fíghting tecniques to reach the highest numbers in the shortests spans. Being killed by you is an honor, this balance between brutality and care is an art you have perfected like no one. "
She was once more about to trap him in his own words.
" I too love all of you: the fighter and the man. "
" Arguing with you is very frustrating, so I think I will grant you the win again. " Achilles concluded while caressing the side of her hip. " I will not try to force an encounter that could possibly ruin your mission just to brag, even tho I would love to present myself in front of that trojan prince and prove I'm the best. "
The sincere claims could not be not followed by some teasing.
" I shall let him enjoy of what he will never have " The warrior said, in a lower tone that sounded almost like whispers. " Although I have to admit I'm dissapointed of him. Part of me hoped you would have to break Hector's heart with your love for me. "
She followed his game, trying to figure out if the jokes trully masqueraded some jealousy.
" Seriously? It didn't sound like that to me a while ago, when you confessed you killed some men for doing vulgar metaphores about Troy dominating Greece that had me on the bed of Hector. "
" That's wasn't jealousy, I was sending a message to every mortal and inmortal considering standing in my way. " He defended himself. " I always knew Odysseus wouldn't support me inmediately, but now he acts as if he is trying to shield you from me. That means I'm running out of political allies, but I hope my old friend will get the message and change his mind. "
It sounded insane, but it made perfect sense to her and she was amazed. As a warrior, the only source of political pressure Achilles had was the sword, so in that improvised massacre he was subtly telling Odysseus to stop his scheme because he wanted her for wife.
" Don't play with me! I'm a silly girl in love that would hold on to the slightest hope, and you couldn't have figured out what you want so clearly this fast. "
Achilles had only to answer her with the simple discovery he had arrived to in his homeland.
" I can't stand returning from war and not find you there … Something is missing, for the first time ever I came back home and didn't feel fulfilled. "
The short moment of autentical vulnerability led to a sweet request. He couldn't keep talking, not at least without exposing himself too far, so he encouraged her to share instead.
" Tell me about your victories. I want to know everything."
While she understood the need to temporally close the topic, his demeanour reminded her of an encouraging detail. He valued his capacity to keep himself unpredictable knowing her as a perceptive behavioral reader. If he would ever seek to propose, he would want to do it in the most surprising cricunstancies. Signals showing he wasn't against the idea were given to her, but Achilles would only confess clearly a desire of making her his wife at the precise moment he would pick to make it real.
Not too soon to keep her in a frustrating waiting, neither too late when some suitor could get the upper hand.
In a matter of instants the dynamic of their encounter changed completely as he prepared to become a listener of her tales. Initially, she intended to emphasize the points of her political labour that were benefitial to both. For so, she started telling of the long whiles trojans would stay after dinner hearing her share his stories presented as harmless entertainment. In the response of the new public there was a profile being shaped that they needed to discuss, given how she was already working on a design that would better respond the objectives he settled. However, the warrior insisted on how he wanted her to speak of herself and the trojan reaction to meeting her.
Getting in details about the pointless pursuiment attempt of Paris happening at their time of meeting was a waste of time, so she only narrated the warning phrank on Odysseus' welcome knowing that would make him laugh. After that, she confidently admitted to have charmed the crew while keeping a friendly and respectfull approach of its leader.
All her anecdotes gave him the impression of hearing she was like fish under water arround the people of Hector. Everything Mycenae kept banned for her, they encouraged. From them she was receiving the kind of admiration she deserved, judged as herself and not as an extention of her father with nothing remarkable to present.
It was her big moment obtaining good fame on her own and even when he was very proud, his heart secretly broke a bit hearing her. Insisting on keeping her for himself sounded like a harmfull whim when Troy was offering her everything she ever wanted before meeting him. The prince didn't love her, but his city wanted her, and among them she had a chance to shine the way she deserved.
Her feelings for him were as strong as allways, but Achilles started fearing their love could be an obstacle in her own road to greatness. How could he, of all men, ask her to leave her ambitions behind to follow him? Him, crownless prince of a wild kingdom fighting his way into history. How could she still pick him over the chance of being the mighty queen she was born to be?
And yet, there was no glimpse of doubt in her choice of the path to pursue. When speaking of her businesses with Troy, it was always implied she was helping to clear the way for negociations others would have develop further. Falling víctim of the process escaped her thoughts, always keeping the hope of creating alliances that would make of those people their friends.
The invincible warrior could tell by the phrasing that his princess kept him in her dreams of all kinds. She was thinking of xenia bonding visits to the city where the two greatest heros in the world could befriend each other. Of meeting Hector's wife as the woman who already belonged to the rumored demigod and strategically befriending the couple meant to become the next royal marriage of Troy.
There was no thought escenario where he wasn't the man of her life, where they wouldn't be together sharing triumphs.
Before sunset would ruin their chances to move anywhere else, he had to accede in taking her back to a populated area and he did under the promise of sneaking to see her later as soon as possible. What he trully craved was to get at least one more night before safely deliver her back to the palace, but such prolongated absense would raise questions that she wouldn't be able to answer. If escaping with her wasn't a viable option, then he had to start serously thinking what was he going to do.
Returning to his homeland alone knowing what had been going on wasn't even considered. He could always show up to receive the hospitality of his friend, pretend his presence was a coincidence and claiming himself the author of the slaughter to frighten the trojans a right amount without ruining the political labour that have been made. It seemed a good idea, untill he considered he wouldn't stand the enviroment of the palace without succumbing to a possesive breakdown.
Having to endure constant irruptions of unaware people claiming she was the perfect match for Hector, teasing from his friends and other forms of harmless insistence while pretending to be an outsider neutral in the matter would make him loose his mind. He would recklessly throw away the secrecy out of pure rage, just to shut their mouths, kissing her roughly or pulling her to his lap. Any resemblance of self control would abandon him and he would end up ruining everything by sneaking into her room to take her like a desperate madman, spilling her virginal blood over foreign sheets with no honor.
Following her like a ghost untill the danger would pass and they could get at least a few quiet days to be together before her inevitable return to Mycenae was the best option. Untill he would get what he needed to make the impossible plead to Agamemnon, that was still better than seeing her so close to his vigilance.
However, that didnt mean he was going to let her go completely clean. Once they finished discussing the serious matters, speeches were replaced by a passionate silence. Achilles took his time to taste her with all his senses untill getting drunk of her to temporally saciate his own longing. The smell of her hair, the softness of her skin, the taste of her kisses and the sight of her beauty all combined to calm the beast inside of him. His extended teasing was followed by some carefully crafted marks he purposedly left on the side of her neck. Her loose hair would be enough to cover the evidence in case of trouble, but it was his peculiar way of self expression.
Achilles was self confident to the point of arrogance, no man was capable of making him feel threatened. Nevertheless, the situation was an increasing source of jealousy. He hated having to hide his love for her while hearing that the prince was receiving her on a silver plate and yet dared to reject her. If at least Hector showed signs of wanting her, he could just come out from the shadows and face him to compete for her like heroes were meant to. It would be a legendary contest that would put to shame the one once developed for Helen's hand. Something bards could sing about, but the trojan had no interest in competing against him.
Not even for the glory or his spot of stardom would the son of Priam react the way greeks expected from him. He simply didn't care despite the comparisons between them must have reached him too. He never intended to get in his way, not even to prove himself the best. For that, he was leaving him without reasons to justify his feelings of unease whenever it was being implied he could wed his princess. Could he be blamed for gossips working in functionality with the political needs? Even if an arrangement would be made later between the kings behind his back, the man did nothing wrong.
Precisely because he couldn't simply blame him and fight his way out of the problem, the righteouness of Hector made the situation very frustrating. Achilles felt jealous of his position as a prince finding such easy public and possibly familiar approval, but not entirely of him. He secretly wished for the gossipers to discover her marks with no possible explanations linking those to the Prince of Troy, even risking the sort of questioning that could raise.
His anger was with the world surrounding them, and his circunstantial powerlessness to let them all know that girl was his in a context where he couldn't just conquer her by the sword.
They pretended to part ways in public, but he still kept watching her movements from afar to make sure she would arrive safe. The citadel was not that far from the place in which he acted as he was leaving her, so her walk should have been an easy one. For most, it was, untill a small escort of magnificently dressed warriors intercepted her.
Trojans, he could tell by the foreign aspect of their armors. One of them, a lad of smaller frame, rushed to hug her enthusiastically. Achilles had no idea of what they were talking about, but the young man seemed very happy to see her.
Out of sudden, her route changed as that stranger guided her somewhere else with all the other men behind them. The myrmidon had no option but following them out of protectiveness, even despite she seemed trustfull of them.
The way in which the warriors obbeyed him implied that man had some sort of power over them, but he didn't look like he could be their leader. Guiding them inside a tavern, he made them look like security escort.
The warrior in disguise entered subtly after them and picked a solitary table with a good spot to watch his encounter with the lady. A closer viewpoint revealed the delicate features of a face never touched by war blatantly contrasting with the military uniform. A wearing for appearances, since he wasn't even carrying any visible weapons.
That had to be Paris, he thought, the useless little brother of Hector. His attention was completely focused on the princess, keeping a body language that invited closeness without being necesarily flirty, yet still touching her more than he was used to see. She didn't seem to mind, chuckling from time to time to his comments. The relaxed scene was of two friends sharing the latest news outside the límitations of the palace, nothing that should annoy him, but he simply disliked him.
Focused as he was, Achilles didn't realize he was staring too intensely at them as he cassually drank the wine brought for him. While the dark cloak offered some coverage, it also gave him a mysterious feeling that fed curiosity on the trojan once becoming aware.
She tried to stop her contextual companion from approaching, but he finally stood up and confidently walked towards the watcher.
In his perspective, the flamboyant attitude of the presumpted prince was hilarious. Achilles had the impression of being in front a peacock showing off his feathers, a man whose self determination was focused on keeping a royal appearance reflecting a nobility that was performative. It was a sad attempt to compensate for his lack of trully noble qualities, a spectacle.
" I must ask … Which one of us have you been looking with such intense interest? The lady, or me? " The trojan whispered with discretion, taking the empty seat in front of him without asking. " … I would understand if it was me. I have the blood of Ganymedes, so that's an expected price to pay for my flawless face. "
The eyes of Achilles were turbulent water burning with anger.
" Don't make me punch you, that girl looks stronger than you. " He warned at the provocation. " … Is she with you? "
The brunet smirked with complicity, quickly overcoming the fright.
" Wish she was, but we are just friends. " He confessed. " Are you not from here? That's not a mere merchant's daughter, she is the princess of Mycenae … "
Achilles simulated a mild surprise and sipped from his drink before replying.
" Mycenae? I pay my taxes to them, so maybe I have the ríght to a little peek. "
" I suppose that's true, but I have been looking for free. " The young man added, feeling at ease. " Courtesy of King Odysseus, since i'm staying in his palace."
The bragging inspired in the hero a way to give back some of the effort his princess was putting into the shaping of his legend.
" Lucky of you. I have never seen beauty like hers, and I have been in Sparta. " He cassually commented. " Trust me, the saids about their queen are a magnified fame. Menelaus exposes his wife everywhere, but Agamemnon doesn't let his daughter leave his palace often … Now I see why. "
His criptic phrasing intrigued the prince, but he reacted quick on trying to dissapoint him.
" Her shine is gelid, like the gold the Atreide hoards. " Paris warned through metaphoric language that Achilles found useless. " Never before I have been rejected so coldly and I doubt you could succeed from the ashes of my failure. "
The prince gave him a path on the shoulder, as if he seeked to comfort him.
" She is far away from your reach, don't expect much from a lady who has remained careless in front of the most beautifull man in Troy. "
Achilles gave him a taunting skeptical glance , then charmingly smiled for her as she arrived among them.
" I'm not sure of what you are doing, but I beg you to end it now. " She kindly scolded Paris, indirectly extending the warning to Achilles as well. " Stop fooling arround, we should be in the palace. "
Paris took the warning too lightly.
" We don't have to, I'm trying to escape from Hector. " He reminded her. " He has lost his mind when we arrived back only to find out that you were missing. Penelope is dealing with him because Odysseus requested us to stay out of the matter, and he has valid reasons. Something out of our understanding has infested this lands, all travellers must beware. "
The grim warning clearly incluided the man of the dark cloack and piercing blue eyes, but he seemed as careless for danger as Paris was of responsability.
" I shall not get intimidated by the colorfull tales of a pretty boy prince. "
" You should, some speak of an angry god claiming lives. " The trojan insisted. " We found an entire pirate crew slaughtered in one of the neighbor islands, no initial sight of survivors untill we did an extended search. "
The princess, still standing i'm front of the middle of table and in between them, managed to notice a strange change on his voice. For the first time since she meet him, the youngest son of Priam was speaking in a dark tone, as if he shared an horror tale.
" A wounded criminal embraced my brother's knees begging for protection of the very same people he was escaping from in the first place. He claimed the massacre was done by just one man, and King Odysseus mysteriously supports this theory … Some of my men, and so do I, believe no mortal could have done it. How could a single warrior attack with the ferocity of an army? "
It took a great effort for Achilles to turn his pridefull smirk into a fake expression of intrigue. His pride was raising to the sky hearing trojans could be mistaking him for a god.
Unstopable cockiness elevated his provocations.
" If I was a god coming down here, I would do it only to put some demigods in her. "
He glanced in her direction bitting his bottom lip, and she skillfully pretended to be disgusted.
" Unforgivable! What kind of man would do such vulgar claims for a woman that could easily get him beheaded? "
The glimpses of masculine complicity in the behavior of the trojan temporally faded as he protectively pulled his friend to his side. That action secretly granted him a bit of respect from the warrior, who expected him to drag her away.
Yet, the prince got a better idea than simply leaving the place to avoid the discomfort.
" In fact, we can properly judge that. "
She realized that he spoke of submitting him to the Judgement, but she couldn't do that to him the way she wouldn't hesitate with any other man. He was the onlyone whose answer she didn't want to know, partially because she was almost sure of knowing it. The riddle weaponized as test to know the priorities of a man between the most common masculine ambitions could reveal that Achilles would choose war over her.
It would prove Odysseus ríght about him, even despite that wouldn't be enough to completely break her heart. She knew him as a warrior, never expecting he would have to change for her. However, not wanting to get in the middle of his dreams with eternal glory wasn't the same as being ignorant of what those implied. If she would get told in the face that there will be something else always above her that would hurt her, even if she wouldn't mean to feel hurt. Aware from childhood that her father would allways pick his thirst for power over her, she didn't want to find herself repeating the cycle with the man she fell for.
" Paris, it's a game to play in feasts. Helen and I conceived it to cheat noblemen into revealing their truest ambitions so other girls of nobility would stay warned. " She recalled, trying to stop her friend while pretending she wasn't invested in the matter. " It looses its purpose being used like a simple game for the tavern, wasting it on vulgar men. I don't need to know the answer of this nameless errant traveller. "
Over time with her, Achilles learned to recognize patterns of her lies. Exagerating her royal demeanour was one.
" Don't need or don't want?" He teased her. " Are you afraid this vulgar man may surprise you? "
She kept the arrogance as an acting, but also as a shield for her fears.
" I already know what you will answer, so it would be a waste of time. "
Catching glimpses of the strange tension going on in front of him, Paris decided for them.
" I'm up to waste time, so let's play! "
Achilles finished the rest of his wine in one long take and raised up in acceptance of the challenge. The three went to the table that the royals shared, but the feeling of surveilance coming from the foreigner didn't allow the greek lovers any secretive exchange.
By indication of Paris, the princess sat in the chair placed at the center and each man took an extreme of the space. Then, the trojan prince assumed the role of narrator, commanding the mycenaean to play the voices of the goddesses describing their gifts. Hera, offering a throne of limitless power; Athena presenting her bliss to triumph in all battles. The myrmidon noticed how the girl changed manners, phrasing and voice tone matching her mental image of each deity.
For an instant, he found it increíbly cute. Even tho he never thought much about it before, he couldn't help imagining her acting like that for her children at storytelling time. Their children, if he would get to be with her.
Distraction out of the sweet thought happened when she represented Aphrodite seductively claiming she would give him the love of the most beautifull woman in the world. Exactly as beautifull as she herself was.
He chuckled to himself, aware of what she meant with that.
" Would I get to choose who that woman is, or would Aphrodite pick her for me? As a judge of beauty, I should be able to extend this faculty on mortals. "
Impressed by the clever move, Paris banged the table with his fist in frustration.
" That's not how it works! It was never said you could choose! "
The princess tried hard not to laugh to stay in character.
" Silence, mortal! The bargain is still on going. "
Eyes settled on the warrior once more, she put on her most charming expression for him while twirling strands of her hair.
" So, who do you think that woman would be? "
He smiled, resisting the impulse of chuckling a bit for her exagerated flirty mannerisms in the impersonation.
" The princess of Mycenae, only her I would take. "
Sticking the the role, she pretended dissapointment.
" Well, it's not of my concern if you would rather go for a lesser prize. " She mocked herself, in fake annoyance. " Fine, she would be yours as long as you choose me. "
Paris was mad with himself because that flirtatious twist didn't occured to him before.
" Who would you choose? " He asked directly. " That's what the riddle is about, and remember that the justification matters as much as the choice itself.
Achilles stared at the side in contemplative silence, carefully calculating his response. Guesing the purpose that the creators had given it, the game was pretty revealing on itself. Clever masterwork from the women of the Atreides, but he had the advantage of knowing them quite well.
" It's alright, you can say Athena and I won't get mad. " The princess interrupted his thinking. " I see it in the bright of your eyes, you appear to me as a man who craves glory above anything and wouldn't give it away for a wife. "
The conclussion confused Paris, who was thinking the opposite based ln the lustfull commentary that the stranger had made about her.
" Would Athena make me the next Achilles? " The cloaked man asked in a provocative tone. " Or Hera turn me into Agamemnon? Do the ones that choose Aphrodite get in the same box as Menelaus, who gave up his ríght to question his brother for the pretty wife he got him? The problem you present is too simplistic. Did it never occured to you that one man could want two gifts exactly as badly? "
The question raised an alarm in her.
" Life forces us to choose, so the rule is taking only one. "
" I want it all. " Achilles cutted her off with passionate arrogance. " Except for the throne, at least. Tell Athena and Aphrodite that I find them both equally beautifull because endless victory in battle leaves you empty if you loose love as a result of it once you already found it. No amount of wine and lust unions with beautifull concubines obtained in war would fill that void. "
The answer broke the rules, but he was staying true to himself and his rule breaker nature. She shouldn't have expected otherwise, but the well thought and heartfelt argumentation remembered her once more of exactly how she fell for him.
On the opposite perspective, Paris started to perceive there was something greater hidding in the strange appearance of that mysterious man who didn't even bothered in telling him his name.
His thoughts were deep, and he didn't speak like the brute he appeared to be moments before. The youngest son of Priam felt a weird fright believing he was coming out to them, and specially to her, as someone or something else.
" Who are you?" He interrupted them before she could comment anything on the given answer, visibly amazed. " I feel as if my eyes have been tricked by a spell all along just of listening to your reasoning. "
Achilles suddenly remembered of his existence.
" Carefull, Prince of Troy. Chasing reflections keeps deceiving you." He mocked him. " Now, if you excuse me, I would like to answer further to the lady with another riddle. "
Inmediately afterwards, his attention was fully back with her.
" Imagine you are commanded in a divine mission to judge who is the strongest of the gods. " Achilles started twisting the format of her game into a new reverse version where the judge would be a woman. " Three gods come down as contestants for the title and, given that you are a mortal, they compete bribing you with gifts. "
She chuckled and rolled her eyes, believing his try was pointless.
" That makes no sense, everyone knows Zeus is the strongest of the gods. "
" That's precisely why he shows up first to defend his title. " The warrior corrected her. " He tells you that if you choose him, you would get the chance to be the mother of a new bloodline, the most magnificent royal house the world has ever seen. Given that your family already has ancestry in him, this doesn't imply he would make you the children. He would find for you a perfect king, and together you would raise blessed princes for a new powerfull kingdom. This would make you a legendary queen, remembered by your glorious descendants shaping the world. "
She smirked, getting a precise idea of where he was going with that option.
Hector, her politically choosen perfect king.
" Next comes Apollo, offering the gift of prophecy. Highest power a woman can have over men. " Achilles continued, not missing her reaction. " Unlike the crown of Queen, this is one you can weild on your own. Kings, warriors and heroes would come to you consulting their fates; asking you what they should do with their lives. You would get to live free from men, but influencing their choices as a virgin oracle. "
His way to make each gift sound tempting was excellent, and she couldn't deny it showed great understandment of certain feminine sensibilities.
" Last, but not least, Ares appears knowing his typical gifts don't appeal to many women. "
Pretending that the hood of the cloak was starting to annoy him, Achilles tossed it behind to expose his face before continuing.
" Because of this, the god of war gives you an instant to admire him in all his glory before announcing he would find for you the mortal who resembles him the most. A blood thirsty beast, irascible and whimsical, but passionate for you as he is for Aphrodite. "
Emotional investment made him break character, explaining himself deeper than what was contextually necesary.
" … A man that would give it all to you, warrior that would make of you his inspiration to fight. When he will be at your side, you will be fill of affections and the treasures of his conquests. Without a throne, you would still be a Queen, because he would make the men he commands see you as one. When he would be away leading them, he would lay alone in his tent on long nights thinking about you. His every victory will be glory that will raise you up among the women of lesser husbands. Yours will be the strongest, most manly out there, yet he would never forget his softness with you. "
It made her blush furiously at the speed of a sweet embarasement impossible to hide.
Achilles saw his mission accomplished, but provoked her even more.
" What do you say now, princess ? Whose offer would you take? "
She appeared to be speechless, but her answer began with a simple critic.
" Well done, but you failed to acknowledge that an essential part of the Judgement implies the options you reject would later become your punishments. " She tecnically corrected him. " There are two levels of reasoning to consider in your answer: what would you wish to obtain from your choice and how would you rather your doom to be seiled."
Her cleverness would never stop amazing him.
" What a wicked sense of fun you have … "
" I come from the House of Atreus. " Was her simple reply. " I have seen how a royal house born under the bliss of Zeus can corrupt itself on human action, so i'm not really invested in that. Despite it's true that oracles are the only women of true power, they have no one to look after. More powerfull and free than Queens, but their lifestyle is even more isolating. Being courted by a warrior, on the other hand, seems the merriest and less determinating out of the three fates."
Her efforts to make the theorization feel autentically rational, as if she would be playing with a stranger that had just challenged her, were flawless.
" Now, at the next level, we have the punishments. If Apollo gives me the prophecy, Zeus could easily take away my capacity for persuasion and my gift would be useless. If I take his gift instead, Ares could feed the flames of war before the perfect kingdom promised to me would get its chance to raise and my perfect king would despise me for that. The offer of the god of war would make me loose my position of royal, and walk into an uncertain fate, but I would be doing it following a man of intense feelings who wants me at his side above any other. "
The lady made a brief pause, merely to tease her hero.
" … I would definitely pick Ares and his short-tempered, hot blooded warrior husband. "
Before the trojan prince could cheer victory and mock her claiming she had picked the equivalent of the same path he took, the course of events took a twist he found unexplainable.
Suddenly, the stranger raised from his seat and headed towards her. Without any explanations beyond the overwhelming force of his glance, he took her hand and pressed one harsh kiss on her knuckles ríght before leaving.
Passionate twist of a respectfull gesture, so intense that it perfectly replaced a full mouth kiss. Her lips parted slightly within the action, as if she would have instinctively responded like that could have been about to happen.
A miracle has been performed in front of his eyes: caught in her own game, the cold minded princess of the mycenaeans was left burning from inside out. For as much as he wanted to mock her about it, Paris was still trying to understand what had just happened.
By the time they were back at the palace, he had enough to present a working theory to his brother.
" Worry no more, Paris has saved the day! Ahhh, i love how that sounds, so comforting. Turns out I got the answer to all riddles! " He arrogantly claimed as he approached him. " She got lost and I found her safe, you can follow me ríght now to see her if you wish. It was definitely an accident, but I believe hers and ours are connected. "
Hector sighed with relief, yet remained cautious of the observation.
" What are you talking about? "
" Ares took down our enemies from one strike to show he is stronger than you because he wants to have her first, and the wedding rumours may have angered him. " His brother informed. " … I think the god of war is flirting with our beautifull friend. "
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