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ice-ice-lizzie · 3 months
Translation of the Thomas Bordeleau interview on episode 329 of the Sans Restriction podcast hosted by Kevin Raphael. Bold text was originally in English and translator's notes are in brackets. Additional notes are at the end.
Host: Tommy B on the podcast. Tommy B, do you have a new tattoo?
Thom: Mmmm. No. No. Not so far.
Host: It's the same? I haven’t seen [unintelligible].
Thom: (shows him the tattoos on his shoulder)
Host: Okay, ehhhhh.
Thom: I’ve got ‘Bordeleau’ like that (shows tattoo on his bicep) and ‘Bordeleau’ over here as well (shows tattoo on the back of his arm).
Host: Ohhhh. Ohhhhh. It’s like La Valle*. How’s it going Big Dog? Happy to see you, happy to see you, man. How’ve you been spending the summer? You’ve been training here [in Montreal]?
Thom: I’m doing alright. I haven’t seen you too often lately.
[both talking at the same time]
Host: We should go to L'Alliance. I have tickets. I have tickets for L’Alliance.
Thom: Yes, yes.
[both talking at the same time again]
Thom: But ummm, no, it’s going well. Just taking a break and then training. Our season ended early in (he pauses to think) mid-April?
Host: Yo. That’s on paper. (Laughing) Your season ended in mid-February. 
Thom: Exactly. Yeah, unfortunately. [Making playoffs] was not in reach that early in the season, but, uh, no, it is what it is. I took a month off.
Host: What did you do? When you were in San Jose and the season ended, you guys had your meetings or whatever the next day I guess?
Thom: Mmm yeah. On the next day maybe, or to give it some time, two or three days later.
Host: So you take care of business and then you come here?
Thom: They can ship your equipment.
Host: Oh! They ship your equipment?
Thom: It’s the teams who do it. It depends on the equipment manager and what they want. We’re lucky. But uhh I ship my car and I keep my equipment in my car so it doesn’t really matter.
Host: So you put your gear in your car and you send it all in a boat?
Thom: No, it’s just on a truck that drives it across country.
Host: Shit, Quebec is [unintelligible] man.
Thom: It’s expensive. Really expensive.
Host: Oh yeah? It’s bad eh?
Thom: It’s a little insane. Having two cars might be worth it. It’s a shit show shipping everything across the continent.
Host: Because you ship everything before [the season] and after [the season]?
Thom: Yeah. Now the team helps but at the beginning, (giggling) at the beginning I did it all.
Host: What’s the thing, that right now, you know, there’s the team, but did you ever think to yourself did I really pay for all of that at the beginning, for real man?
Thom: Oh
Host: There’s plenty of things in this job that I have to do myself, there’s a lot. There’s a lot.
Thom: Sometimes, just for simple things, like food or supplements anyways, like [unintelligible] for nothing. It’s funny I was talking to my dad and he said ‘when you’re playing everyone wants to give you everything for free but you don’t appreciate it until after your career is over because that’s when you need the paid promotions but no one wants to give them to you.
Host: My method is to buy clothes that I like, but after I put them on, I take a photo, or someone takes a photo, it’s on Instagram, put it on Instagram stories, and it’s like yo Kev’s wearing these clothes.
[both taking at the same time]
Thom: For free.
Host: I’m like I ain’t no bitch. Send the goods!
[both talking at the same time]
Thom: It helps to wear the clothing that they give you. Shout out Elwood. They sent me-
Host: Who?
Thom: Elwood.
Host: Where are they from?
Thom: L.A. It’s a brand from L.A. They’re good.
Host: Shout out. (looking into the camera) Yo Elwood! (looking back at Thom) Elwood?
Thom: (laughing) Elwood.
Host: (looking into the camera) Elwood L.A. Yo yo yooooooo. Sans Restrictions podcast needs some Elwood. 
Thom: Thanks guys.
Host: Tommy B needs some Elwood.
Both: (laughter)
Host: Ok, so the season ends and you come here but you’re not on vacation.
Tom: Yeah, I had to stay here for a bit because my grandmother has health problems that made it so we needed to stay here with her and my grandfather, then three weeks after we came here, we took a little trip to South Carolina to golf. It was nice. Incredible temperatures.
Host: It’s only me who can say ‘that shit white.' [Host is black]
Tom: Oh yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Real white.
Host: South Carolina, bro? Like the people there are called Corwin. There’s no Mustafas, there’s no-
Tom: Yeah, there’s not a lot.
Host: There’s like ‘John’
Tom: (snorts) Richard.
Host: Richard. Paul.
[both giggling too much to say anything]
Host: But how’s the golfing down there?
Thom: Insane.
Host: You’ve seen my swing, man?
Thom: On the ice, we’d call it a slapshot, but that’s- that’s not-
Host: It goes straight.
Thom: Yeah, yeah it goes straight.
Host: I can still hear the sound of it-
Thom: But it can actually go too far. It can go too far.
[both talking at the same time]
Host: What’s your [furthest distance]**?
Thom: Not too far. 250? 300?
Host: That’s a lot. That’s a lot. What’s your problem?
Thom: Well, you’re right. I [unintelligible] yesterday. At the tournament, I mean not tournament, at the Benjamin Saint Just Foundation ummmm yeah. They did 400 for the longest drive of the day.
Host: You’re shitting me. This guy is fucking with us. Josh, we invite him on the podcast and he’s fucking with us a little. It’s laughable, Josh. Ok. So the season ends and you’re training how many times a week?
Thom: Everyday.
Host: Every day on the ice?
Tom: No, everyday in the gym. On the ice at the beginning, two times a week, later in the summer three, four, five times a week.
Host: Then how… The season is long. Bro, I listened to the games. I looked for you. 
Thom: (laughing through his nose)
Host: Shit, it’s long bro. How is it so long?
Thom: The hardest game of my life was the one that was 10 to 1 against the Oilers at the end of the year. 
Host: It was 10 to 1?
Thom: It was bad in every sense of the word. They were just getting through us all over the place.
Host: Oh shit.
[Both laugh]
Host: Ok admit it, admit it, it was 7 to 1 there, and-
Thom: No, but it was 4-0 after like five minutes and we were like oh my god.
Host: How does that happen? 4-0 after five minutes.
Thom: Well, we had a lot, we had a lot of our players who weren’t playing.
Host: Bro, 4-0 after five minutes is classic but [something I can’t make out about comedians in the NHL]
Thom: Yeah, It was tough. It was tough. A tough game. I think that-
Host: When it got to 9 to 1, was there any chatter on the bench? 
Thom: Well, no.
Thom: Well, no.
Host: Was anyone talking?
Thom: No. We were trying to do something. We were trying to play well. We were trying. The worst thing, I think, was, if I can remember, I think I’m right, but I think, it was 9-1 at the end of the second.
Host: Impossible.
Thom: Or maybe the beginning of the third, because I remember there was a good moment at the end of the game where we didn’t score but, like, we could have had, we could have had it.
Host: Bro. Did you ever have a game this shitty at Michigan or..? (trails off laughing)
Thom: Yeah… I’m sure. I’m sure. It’s tough. You don’t want to get into the habit of losing. You don’t want to develop that kind of mindset. I’ve never had that mindset. Each loss really pisses me off***. It happened so often, but it’s hard to develop an ‘ok, onto the next day’ mindset when it really pisses you off, when you want to win.
Host: At least this year they played you more.
Thom: Yeah, they used me a lot at the end of the year. I really, I found my game in the NHL. I found the optimal place for me, how I see the game, how I think about the game. It clicked.
Host: What was your favorite moment from this year? Not necessarily a goal but like was there a moment there that made you go nice?
Thom: Damn. Umm there’s a lot. Well, at the beginning of the year when we took our team trip to Napa, when I made the team after camp, after I made the team at the beginning of the year, then we took the team trip to Napa. It was my first team trip in the NHL. It was fun. I found it really fun. Ummm, then another moment, another good moment, it was really nice. it was one of those games where I scored twice.
Host: ‘One of’ (laughing).
Thom: No, but it was against Chicago and it was really nice because it was rare this year. It was tough for the fans because of how often we lost and even at the end of the year they showed up. It was really packed. It was a nice feeling, especially at home.
Host: Tell me about the Connor Bedard effect. You’ve played two games against him, right?
Thom: Yeah, two games.
Host: So what’s it like, the Connor Bedard effect?
Thom: It’s crazy. Everyone is already a fan. He’s like the next big thing****, he started with fans, like he already has a fan base. I guess everyone is talking about him, even the journalists.
Host: So, when you see him you want to give him [unintelligible but he does a hand motion like a punch].
Thom: (laughing) No, well, we have lots of friends in common.
Host: You have friends in common? 
Thom: Kent Johnson, who I played with in Michigan.
Host: Ohhhh, true. So you’ve already seen him.
Thom: We’ve crossed paths at NHLPA events and things like that.
Host: There’s going to be rumors, you know. They’re going to say ‘Yo, Tommy B is boys with CB’.
Thom: (laughing) No, no, we’re not boys. 
Host: No, but do you have boys, besides Kent Johnson, that play with you guys, that you play against in the NHL? You know, a lot of the time in basketball you play against someone a little and there’s a respect that develops and he becomes your boy, right?
Thom: Yeahhh, uh, not lately, just because I was moving up and down between the AHL and the NHL.
Host: You were up more than you were down this year, right?
Thom: I didn’t play badly, but I did play more down than I did up. I spent a little over half the season down [in the AHL]. They brought me up just before the deadline. [Unintelligible] playing with all these teams like that. In the AHL, the players, the roster changes so often. It’s really the guys from Quebec that stick together. 
Host: Do you talk to each other very often on the ice?
Thom: Yeah, sometimes. It depends on how you know each other, but there’s even times when you know each other really well but you won’t talk on the ice, just before or after.
Host: In San Jose, you’re the Barracudas?
Thom: Yeah, Barracuda. Yeah. It’s a really good place for the AHL. A new arena, a new dressing room. Listen, for me, the jerseys are good quality, everything is beautiful.
Host: Did you keep a jersey? Did you keep a Barracuda jersey?
Thom: I have a couple, I think.
Host: So you went to Napa, and you also played in the opening game.
Thom: It was a good moment, the opening game. 
Host: They said your name!
Thom: It was nice. My first opening game in the NHL. It was really cool.
Host: What do you say, [unintelligible] up in the NHL?
Thom: Uhhhh yes. Yes, but it’s just… It was the first time that I really did that up in the NHL and I want to appreciate it as much as possible.
Host: Were you able to sleep before the opening game?
Thom: Yeah, yeah I had a nap, yeah. Each game day I take a nap. We had a morning skate that morning, after that I went back to our house. I made myself eat. A lot of the time I’ll do normatec^, like I do a lot of things for my legs, just for recovery things for my legs, then I make myself eat. Just pasta all the time before I go to sleep.
Host: The same thing?
Thom: Bolognese. All the time.
Host: All the time?
Thom: Spaghetti Bolognese.
Host: You eat that before going to sleep, bro? That’s the sort of thing my coach told me never to do in gym class. Here comes Kev, you’re already a fat fu-
Thom: It’s a forty minute nap. 
Host: A forty minute nap?! [He says something about 20 minutes that I can't make out because they're talking over each other]
Thom: Quick, quick, quick. 45 is perfect for me.
Host: Now we know the demands of the NHL. Pasta and then sleep!
Thom: No, but everyone sleeps before they eat. Everyone has a pre-game meal in the NHL. I’ve done it ever since I came to the NHL.
Host: Oh, yeah?
Thom: Like, the pre-game meal is at one in the afternoon, two in the afternoon. You eat, you take your nap, you have a snack.
Host: Do you have a place far away from the arena or are you close?
Thom: Close. Just beside it. I live downtown. Right there in the middle of it. 
Host: Are there guys who stay there because they live too far away?
Thom: Where? At the arena?
Host: Yeah.
Thom: Oh, no, no. Morning skate is over at ten in the morning and we don’t have to be there for the game until 4:35.
Host: So your favorite game was the first game, but you had two goals against Chicago and then who else?
Thom: Ottawa.
Host: Ohhh, but Ottawa… [trails off with the implication that he thinks that Ottawa won the game].
Thom: Oh but us (starts laughing).
Host: (laughing harder) 
Thom: Like, we really played well that game, like we were good in that one^^.
[talking over each other]
Host: My guy said ‘us’. (lots of laughing) What song would you choose to put over your goal highlights when you put them on insta reels?
Thom: Damn. Right now-
Host: Not Like Us, by Kendrick Lamar. Yes!
Thom: (laughs) One of Wun.
Host: What’s that, One of Wun?
Thom: From Gunna’s new album.
Host: Oh.
Thom: Mmm-hm.
Host: Oh, yeah?
Thom: Mm-hm.
Host: Okay. That’s not North Carolina. [I think he’s trying to reference earlier when they were talking about South Carolina].
Thom: Nope. Not at all. Not at all. It’s far away.
Host: (mimes playing a banjo) Dinga-linga-a-ling, dinga-ling-a-long. Banjo! 
[both giggling]
Host: So, do you celly? When you-
Thom: I could but no. I don’t really do a big celly.
Host: You do the- (badly mimes the heart breaker celly)
Thom: Not really, no.
Host: Who does that one?
Thom: Kane.
Host: Ohh, it’s Patrick Kane who does it.
Thom: Yeah, the heart breaker (mimes the heart breaker celly very small).
Host: Yeah. Ohhhh, you know the name?
Thom: Yeah, you make the heart and then you break it after. (mimes the heart breaker celly).
Host: It’s a heart, bro?
Thom: Heart breaker. (mimes the heart breaker celly).
Host: I thought he was swimming!
Thom: No, no, no, no.
Host: I swear to you, no one knows that.
Thom: Well, that’s what it is. The celly is called the heart breaker.
Host: That’s a team USA thing.
Thom: Everyone who plays hockey knows about it.
Host: (to the producer) Bro, did you know about that? No one knows that it’s called the heart breaker.
Thom: Wow.
Host: We’re going to put that on tiktok. Who knew it was the heart breaker? What’s your favorite celly?
Thom: The heart breaker is beautiful. I’ve never done it but I think it’s great. When someone does it, it’s hockey. But it’s Kane who came up with it.
Host: Oh, he came up with it?
Thom: [He says something about Kane and showtime that I cannot make out]
Host: I like it when you jump. When you jump in your cellies, it’s nice. It makes for good photos. But do you guys celly after every goal?
Thom: A lot of the time I lift up one leg or go to my knees.
Host: Ok, that’s a celly. When someone scores and doesn’t even raise their arms, I’m like, man why don’t you, it’s fucking difficult in the NHL.
Thom: Yeah. Sometimes I do that, but it also depends on the goal and the game.
Host: Even if it’s 10 to 1-
Thom: I guarantee you when Edmonton was beating us 6 to 0 and we scored, I did not celebrate much.
Host: Ok. Are you satisfied with your season? What’s your evaluation? Your first real season.
Thom: My second. For the first one, I spent the majority of the year in the AHL. That was my first real pro season. 
Host: So it’s your third year?
Thom: My second full year. My second year that I finished. So I burned that first year when I signed after Michigan and played some NHL games and then after summer.
Host: Oh, it was games at the end of the year.
Thom: Yeah. Games at the end of the year.
(Both laugh)
Thom: Prime time! Prime time!
(they toast with their mugs)
Host: [He says something in English but I can not understand him] (pointing at Thom) He has good people giving him advice! He burned a game!
Thom: No, well, when you sign your contract after you’re 20 and you play a game in the NHL you burn a year.
Host: Mmmm.
Thom: But if you sign before you’re twenty, it’s ten games.
Host: Oh, so you did ten games.
Thom: No, for me it was one game.
Host: Yo, that’s crazy bro. I need your agent in my life, man.
Thom: Pat Brisson. Shout out.
Host: Yo, shout out Pat. Okay, there are lots of comedians who listen. Do you have some advice for them, because I have a problem with you. You, you’re so chill until the third period and then you go crazy. You go crazy! If there’s only 5 minutes left, we’re still sitting on the bench because we can’t play without you. What advice do you have, not for me, because I have a good shot like Antony Duclair, but if you had one piece of advice to give, what would it be?
Thom: Find… umm… the spot on the bench that’s the most comfortable.
Host: (shocked laughter) WOW.
Thom: I’m sorry. (big laughter)
Host: WOW. You there on the ice, such trash talk.
Thom: No no no. (laughing)
Host: It’s impossible. It’s impossible that you don’t trash talk. First of all at Michigan, you trash talked.
Thom: Oh totally.
(both laughing)
Host: Ok. Ok there. We’ve got to be PG, but what is your best trash talk? Your best PG trash talk?
Thom: The best trash talk was our student section at Michigan. They’d look for the families of the players, and they’d get their pictures and social media, ex girlfriends, tinder profiles, all of that.
Host: Shit. You dodged the question by saying that.
Thom: (laughter)
Host: It’s good, it’s good, it’s good. You’re nasty, man.
Thom: PR trained.
Host: You’re nasty. That’s how- no one was talking about it when you came into the league. You explained that it’s not a big deal, but after that, after three years, how do you manage the PR and all of that?
Thom: Uh, well for me, I’ve been lucky with my agent, Pat Brisson. The year before the draft, he had a camp in L.A. We did a practice draft. He made us watch a practice about the news about new supplements and then someone caused a concussion and at the same time-
Host: I caused a concussion..
Thom: (laughs) And at the same time there was an actor from Grown Ups-
Host: Oh yeah?
Thom: -who did our PR training about how to like, show your personality, without putting yourself in a bad spot. He prepared us really well. And then there was a little bit about how to do social media.
Host: It’s not a big deal but that’s not what Jean Sebastian [Dea] said. [Jean-Sebastian Dea's NHL contract was terminated shortly after he appeared on the Sans Restrictions podcast].
[both laughing]
Thom: No comment.
Host: I’m the only one that’s going to lose his job after this podcast. (laughing) Oh man. Okay. It’s true [unintelligible] after the podcast.
Thom: I don’t know about that, but I’ll be surprised if that’s what happens.
Host: Bro, man, [Jean-Sebastian Dea] texted, bro bro [Dea] goes all out for the podcast, okay? Then me, each time I feel like going all out-
Thom: Did you fact check it?
[I’m omitting like three sentences here that make no sense to me]
Host: He came on the podcast.
Thom: He came on the podcast at Christmas?
Host: No at the end of the year. The end of the year. Anyways, he said things, bro. I said what am I going to do with you, man. I said to Bruno [the producer], can we do that? Is that something we can put out? And he said yeah, we can put that out, so I did it and he lost his job. I felt so bad. They said terminated or whatever. I felt bad. I panicked. I texted him, not at the beginning, I texted him two days later, I said yo, my bad, man, he said no, it is what it is, I wanted it. I wanted to sign with the KHL. I said Man, fuck this mother fucker, man. I couldn’t sleep!
Thom: I felt bad!
Host: I couldn’t sleep, bro! But he comes on the pod all the time. He’s welcome to go all out on the pod, the Russians don’t blink, you can say whatever you want^^^. Ok, so what’s been the hardest thing for you right now during your transition from your first year as a pro to your second year? What was the hardest thing, apart from losing 10 to 1?
Thom: Getting sent down to the AHL in my second year.
Host: Oof.
Thom: Yeah, that felt bad.
Host: Did they call you? (mimes putting a phone up to his ear)
Thom: No, it was- At training camp, I made the team, and then I played, mm (he’s counting in his head) eight games? Nine games?
Host: But that went well, didn’t it?
Thom: Personally, I thought it did, but we went zero for ten in the first ten games.
Host: (giggling).
Thom: Something had to give. But you know, obviously, I was the youngest on the team, besides Eklund. And it was me, then Eklund. They wanted me to go back to the AHL. They called me on a road trip that was like seven games, which is a long time to be on the road. We went from California to Florida with stops in Nashville, the Hurricanes, all that. We were on game seven of the road trip and there was a rest day after game six, but before the morning of game seven, at the hotel, the GM called me and came and met me in the lobby. I’d been in the middle of taking a walk, because when we stay in Washington, it’s really beautiful in Georgetown, like around the Four Seasons. It’s really cute. So I was taking a walk, and I was like 15 minutes away from the hotel and he called me and I turned right around and I had a 15 minute walk back and I called my dad because I was sure they were going to send me down. They had just scratched me the game before. I played like 6 games, then I was scratched, then they put me back in the line up for two games, then my last game in the NHL before they sent me down, I remember it was against the Tampa Bay Lightning, we lost, like 8-0. We were more dominated than the game where we lost 10-1. It was horrible. I can’t remember anything except for one zone exit. I think that for me, that was a traumatic NHL game.
Host: He was traumatized!
Thom: One of the things that made me like that, [the zone exit] didn’t bother me until they sent me down.
Host: But that’s crazy, you didn’t have a chance-
Thom: Oh, no, no. Not at all, they tried things-
Host: But that’s not what you told yourself because, for me-
Thom: There was nothing to do, I was just trying to grind it out.
Host: I coach soccer. When the other team drives the ball to us there’s a moment where someone gotta do something.
Thom: Yeah, but…
Host: Hey. Hey.
Thom: But we didn’t necessarily have the tools to-
Host: There wasn’t someone to do something. 
Thom: We had Hertl, who did everything for us, but-
Host: Yeah, yeah, but he was all alone.
Thom: Yeah, and Couture was injured the entire season. He had a rough year, unfortunately. He came back for seven games. The seven best games for the Sharks by far. He’s a big piece.
Host: His impact is crazy.
Thom: He’s incredible, a great guy. The best dude ever. He’s really [unintelligible] you can’t replace him. He’s just there to help. He’s like another coach. If you have a question about anything you can ask him and he’ll answer you. He’s my go to when I have a question about anything, it’s him that I ask. He gives me an answer every time with pleasure. He really comes in clutch.
Host: Ok. You lost 8 to 0 and you were at the Four Seasons…
Thom: Yeah, 8-0 and we were at the Four Seasons, I took my walk and they called me, and when I got back then they started talking to me, and I said I think I know where this is going, eh they said unfortunately-
Host: That’s how they welcomed you?
Thom: Well, you know. I didn’t want… I didn’t want… There were other, really good players in the NHL, it’s a tough league. I didn’t want to seem like I had a bad attitude especially because I wanted them to call me back up as fast as possible. Just like, I wanted to play in the AHL and play good minutes, the power play, 5 on 5, and I did that, and when they called me back up to the NHL I wasn’t sent down again because at the end of the season I was playing my best hockey.
Host: And how did they announce that you were being called up again?
Thom: My AHL coach called me and told me, yeah you’ve been called up, you’ll practice with the others tomorrow.
Host: Ok, but talk to me about how it felt! When you were sent down you went from taking the jet to taking the bus.
Thom: Yeah. Yeah.
Host: What takes 2 hours in the NHL takes 12 hours in the AHL.
Thom: Exactly, yeah. It wasn’t that bad but my back did hurt.
Host: So they called you and told you you’re going back to the NHL. How did you react?
Thom: Ah. I was miserable because it was late at night and I just wanted to go back to bed, so I was miserable, but then they told me and I was really excited. And then I didn’t want to go back to bed because I, like, wanted to enjoy it as much as possible before going to bed because I knew as soon as I woke up in the morning it would be like boom business, so I went to bed trying to savor it.
Host: (pretending he’s Thom) Yay! They called me up! [unintelligible]
Thom: Yeah. You switch to a different mode. You enjoy each day. I spent a lot of time with the boys, all of them, even the older guys. It was good to see them again.
Host: So how does like, you’re the smallest one there, right?
Thom: Mmm hmm.
Host: You play like (gestures and makes zooming noise). I have season tickets for the Rocket [the Canadiens AHL affiliate]. Jesus Christ, those guys don’t look where they’re going. I said to Jean-Phillipe Vautier at the celebrity game when he landed a big hit on me, you saw that?
Thom: No.
Host: When he hit me?
Thom: Oh yeah, I think I did see that.
Host: He laid me out, I was like disrespect.
Thom: Me, I’m lucky. I have a guy called Bokondji Imama who changed division.
Host: Oh! You played with Boko?
Thom: Well, I played against him in the AHL.
Host: You played against Boko? Toughhhhh. Was Boko still there when you got sent back down?
Thom: (laughing) Oh, Boko, he’s my boy.
Host: he said, ohh, Boko he doesn’t fuck with me.
Thom: I hope. [unintelligible because he’s laughing so hard]
Host: I know that Boko switches.
Thom: Oh yeah, you see it. Alright, I remember looking for someone else and then, next thing you know, he’s suspended for three games. Damn. Boko’s a different beast.
Host: The toughest guy that I’ve ever met is Boko Imama.
Thom: He skates really fast, he’s the whole package. Shout out Boko Imama.
Host: I saw him at a Rockets game and he was punching guys. Everyone was like eh I’m good. He was pulling on their jerseys like this (pulls the collar of his shirt away from his body). I’m good, I’m good. You’ve never fought, right? You’ve never dropped gloves?
Thom: Me? No, never. I’ve never fought.
Host: You don’t have the taste for it? What’s the closest you’ve ever been to fighting?
Thom: Ah, uhh, there was a moment in the AHL during a back to back where I threw a punch but I didn’t finish it.
Host: It’s what you’ve got to do. I don’t want you to fight because it’s dangerous. (Looks to the camera, pointing) [unintelligible] you ain’t doing this shit. (back to Thom) But you’re capable and say you’re on a team and everyone is squaring off with someone, ok?
Thom: (barely holding back laughter)
Host: Do you look for the smallest guy? Do you scan the crowd or is it really-
Thom: It’s really- It’s the closest guy and if the closest guy is the biggest, you’re like fuck. If the closest guy is the biggest one I just try to keep- I just try to-
Host: What do you guys say to each other when you’re squaring off like that? Like, yo, We’re not the same weight class. You’re heavyweight, I’m lightweight. Do you say, 'it’s not my problem, it’s not your problem, we good? We good'.
Thom: A lot of the time, a lot of the time it’s like that, except for when the other guy did something cheap.
Host: Right, except for that.
Thom: Then there’s no choice. But like if a guy comes out of the penalty box, for something like a back check [laughing too much for me to understand him] (makes a fist and mimes punching someone)
Host: I have a concussion guys! Zach Patterson gave me a concussion. Ok ok. So the AHL, is it, I won’t say easier because there are people who don’t give full respect to the league, but-
Thom: It’s harder.
Host: Yeah. Oh It’s harder, eh? A guy like you has a good way of seeing things. You have good hands. Do you feel like you have more of a place in the NHL than the AHL?
Thom: A little. In a sense, yes just because there’s more finesse in the NHL. In the AHL I’m not a playmaker, I don’t decide games, whatever. There’s less control, it’s just less of a league, but at the same time, there’s enough skills guys on each team, it’s a very good league, but it’s a war every game. Fist after fist.
[someone off screen says something]
Host: You won’t watch AHL games?
Thom: It’s scary.
Host: Oh yeah, it’s more scary.
Thom: Yeah.
Host: Even when I watch the boys play, I text them during the game. (points towards the camera) Yo, by the way, if you play professionally, and you text me back while you’re playing you are a vagabond, ok? 
Thom: Yeah that’s weird.
Host: Yo there are so many guys. Yeah! You don’t do that in San Jose?
Thom: No.
Host: You better not.
Thom: (laughter) Put your phone away for the whole period.
Host: I won’t say who it was. I’m not going to snitch, but there was a guy who was texting me for two periods, who is in the NHL, during a very important game. I was working and then I saw a text from him and I was like, are you insane? And then he stopped responding. Do you get on your phone [during a game]?
Thom: No, but there are guys who listen to music on their phone, but no one is like texting (mimes holding a phone in front of him). Maybe sometimes there’s a guy who’s checked out of the game because he wants to text someone.
Host: Oh, huh. Are you going to go to Michigan?
Thom: No, but I went back at the end of last summer. It was really nice to skate with them, they’re a good group to skate with. I’m going to go back before the end of the year.
Host: But you’re not going for a game, for a presentation or anything like that?
Thom: No. No. Michigan, the regionals are in Saint Louis.
Host: Oh, yeah, I saw that.
Thom: We won against North Dakota.
Host: You won a national championship, right?
Thom: No.
[talking over each other- I can't make out what they're saying]
Thom: We lost the frozen four. Yeah. Tough game. One and done man. Tough game. All our season for one game, man.
Host: With all the talent you guys had?
Thom: Yeah.
Host: When you went back to the room and looked around you at all the talent-
Thom: Yeah.
Host: -did you say the fuck happened?
Thom: There were a lot of things expressed in that dressing room by the players there, unfortunately.
[both laughing]
Host: Yes! This is just for me. This is my overtime. What are you watching at the moment to relax?
Thom: I started-
Host: Rookie?
Thom: Alice in Borderland.
Host: What’s that?
Thom: (asking someone off screen) It’s what, Chinese? It’s like, like the same type of thing as Squid Games, but different.
Host: Would you do the Squid Games?
Thom: No, are you insane? It’s too much up to chance.
Host: But the game show version, would you do that?
Thom: Oh, the fake one? Oh yeah, well sure, I would do that. Will there be a Squid Games Quebec?
Host: Don’t give them the idea, man. They’re always looking for ideas. They have 100 USD hidden, what game do you think, without a team, which game could you do?
Thom: I’m trying to remember what the games were.
Host: There’s marbles, the one where you lick a cookie, there’s the, uhh, ice that you have to jump.
Thom: For me, I think the cookie one, or the first one where you have to turn around.
Host: Oh yeah.
Thom: It’s easy.
Host: Really, the cookie one?
Thom: Yeah, the cookie one.
Host: You’re not meticulous enough for that bro.
Thom: I’ll manage.
[both laughing. The host stands up and doubles over]
Thom: I have a wet mouth.
[both laughing more]
Host: Wooo. The podcast is almost over. The podcast is over, huh? Oh shit. I try to talk about business, because that’s what the podcast is for, but I also try to discover the person.
[Both of them laughing too hard to talk]
Host: You can’t make this shit up.
Thom: (takes a sip of water)
Host: I’m trying to reflect. I’m in a wedding, ok? (starts laughing again because Thom looks at him) Hold on, I’m trying to tell you. I’m in a wedding, and it’s all the same people together, and I’m in their wedding and at their wedding they have so many hockey players and I didn’t really know what was happening in the conversation but they explained to me, you know do your thing. Come on, Kev, do your thing, and after that I had 20 pros who were coaching me. Bro.
Thom: Like uncles.
Host: Best moment of my life. Best moment of my life. So I took their advice, you understand? It was theoretical, it was practical, right?
Thom: Yes.
Host: I did my thing, bro.
Thom: So you’re a pro now, or?
Host: No, no, no. My lady and me. She did my thing, bro. It was totally crazy. I woke up and I went to hide in the bathroom, and I texted my people like ‘yo, that worked!’
Thom: No way.
Host: Bro, since that day, bro, my game is at another level bro.
[both laughing]
[both talking over one another]
Host: (pointing at someone offscreen) You go out there (pointing at the door) and I’ll tell you (looking at Thom) something after.
Thom: Okay, okay.
Host: Okay, to finish, if they made a movie out of your life, what type of movie would it be? A romantic comedy, a thriller, what type of movie would it be and who would play you?
Thom: Damn.
Host: And don’t say Tom Holland, you’re too beefy for Tom Holland.
Thom: I don’t know, Tom Holland is pretty beefy.
Host: He goes to the gym?
Thom: Yeah, have you seen him?
Host: Tom Holland does not go to the gym.
Thom: He goes in Spiderman.
Host: Bro, that’s the wish version of Spiderman.
Thom: [unintelligible] Spiderman.
Host: Tobey McGuire is Spiderman bro. What are you talking about? I watched Endgame.
Thom: I have a special love for Tony Stark. I don’t know why, because Spiderman [unintelligible] Tony Stark.
Host: Really, Tony Stark?
Thom: Yeah.
Host: Really?
Thom: Yeah. Iron Man is just a different breed, different aura.
Host: Iron Man’s a little bit of a bitch.
Thom: You think so?
Host: Out of all the superheroes he’s the least powerful.
Thom: The least powerful?!
Host: Bro, he’s a robot.
Thom: But at the end- did you watch the movies? It’s because of him that everything works out! 
Host: It might be because of him that everything works out but-
Thom: The technology is insane. Insane.
Host: Alright, moving on.
Thom: He was able to beat Hulk.
Host: Hulk? Hulk isn’t that strong by himself.
Thom: Iron Man isn’t in the same division as the ones that can change reality-
Host: Oh those are whack, those are whack, man, Dr. Strange is a bitch, the day he’s not happy with the way things are he fucks off. The best one is Black Panther.
Thom: Dope. Dope.
Host: Wakanda! My king!
Thom: (into the camera) RIP. RIP.
Host: Ok so who would play you in the movie?
Thom: What type of movie?
Host: Clearly it would be a superhero movie.
Thom: Oh well, maybe. [unintelligible]
Host: [laughing too much for me to understand him]. Ok, so who would play you?
Thom: Who would play me? Uh, I like…
Host: (pointing at someone off screen) Help him.
Thom: The guy that played Harvey Spector, but like in a comedy movie.
Host: Harvey?
Thom: Harvey Spector.
Host: That guy is like 45.
Thom: You want someone that’s my age?
Host: Oh no, but I didn’t expect to hear ‘Harvey Spector’.
Thom: Okay but I don’t know actors that are my age. I think, in the world, like-
Host: Harvey Spector could work.
Thom: Yeah, I think for an adult me.
Host: Like a future you?
Thom: Yeah.
Host: And what would the title of your book be?
Thom: The title of my book? Damn. 
Host: I wrote a book, you know.
Thom: Oh really?
Host: I wrote a real book.
Thom: Nice. Is it good?
Host: This book is insane.
Thom: What’s it about?
Host: I can’t say.
Thom: Oh, so it’s not out yet. I’m sure I would have seen it otherwise. You made me think I missed it.
Host: Have you seen the Stanley Cup?
Thom: Seen?
Host: Yeah.
Thom: In my life, I think, yes? But I was young. As for my book, I’d call it bwater^^^^.
Host: bwater?
Thom: (holds up his glass of water) Bwater.
Host: Be water?
Thom: Be water. 
Host: Why?
Thom: Adapt. Change form according to your container.
Host: That’s fucking nice. Bwater I like that.
Thom: With a little b-
Host: Like a type of water? That’s great.
Thom: Marketing.
Host: Marketing, yo bwater. That’s a classic, you take off your jersey and underneath (he mimes opening up his shirt) bwater. Okay, last thing. Why are you wearing that hat? Are you a 49’ers fan?
Thom: Yeah, in San Francisco, San Jose-
Host: But are you a fan of the team?
Thom: Of course. I went to two games this year.
Host: A fan of the team for real?
Thom: Yeah.
Host: Y’all like to lose, huh?
Thom:  (laughter) It was a strong year for them.
Host: A strong year?
Thom: We’re doing good over here.
Host: You had two super bowls but you’re not in the Stanley Cup finals, you understand, so what are your extension requirements.
Thom: I remember we watched [the Superbowl] live in a restaurant as a team. We watched the TV like (leans forward and stares, eyes wide) what’s happening. I didn’t come back after they lost like that. But shout out to their insane season.
Host: Have you already told the guys on the team?
Thom: I haven’t said anything. I’ve seen Deebo [Samuel] at a shopping mall.
Host: You just crossed paths?
Thom: Yeah. He had shopping bags. He was with someone else.
Host: Did you say ‘What’s up’ to Deebo?
Thom: No, I didn’t say ‘What’s up’ to Deebo at that time. He was on a mission.
Host: In and out. (Laughter). I pass through that neighborhood sometimes.
Thom: Oh really?
Host: There’s [an In-N-Out Burger] in Montreal, did you know?
Thom: Is it uptown?
Host: No, it’s like, on Mansfield. There’s one over there.
Thom: But, no. The guys on the 49’ers I don’t know where they live, because the stadium is ten minutes from San Jose. It’s not in San Fransisco. 
Host: I don’t know where the guys are, but the stadium is insane, for example-
Thom: The stadium is sick but it’s ten minutes from San Jose, so it’s 35 minutes from San Francisco, you know?
Host: Have you had any other encounters with celebrities during the season?
Thom: During the season? Who have I met… (thinking)
Host: You don’t have a lot of celebrities in San Jose.
Thom: Uhhh, no we don’t have a lot in San Jose. At times at games we’ve had a couple.
Host: [something about Montreal]
Thom: We only come to Montreal once a year.
Host: Oh poor guy.
Thom: We come in the night before a game, maybe like 1 am and after we play, we leave.
Host: Tommy B?
Thom: Yo.
Host: Thanks a lot for coming on the pod. Do your thing. Off season. There’s no reason to work too hard.
Thom: Yes sir.
Host: Don’t say anything (turning towards the camera) PAY THE MAN.
Thom: (giggles)
Host: PAY. THE. MAN. Put the cash in his account! That’s all I’m asking! Lots and lots of cash! Alright. Pay the man.
Thom: Help your employee.
Host: (laughter) Help your employee. I said not to say anything and you say ‘help your employee’. [unintelligible] the poor thing. Shit.
Notes: *I'm not sure what La Valle is, or if I'm spelling it right. **I'm not sure how to translate this because I'm not familiar with golf terminology in English. ***The french phrase I’m translating as ‘pisses me off’ literally translates to ‘makes me shit myself’. Just a little french lesson for you guys. ****Thom said ‘le nouveau Kid’ like referencing Sid the Kid but translating it to ‘the new kid’ has different connotations in English than it did in French. ^a type of compression therapy ^^The score of the game that Thom is talking about was San Jose 2, Ottawa 1. Thom scored both of San Jose’s goals. ^^^The host is probably unaware but Dea’s KHL contract had already been terminated by the airing of this podcast. ^^^^This is probably a pun. L’eau is the French word for water, like in Bordeleau.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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At the forest entrance to Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek, a pickup truck aggressively swings in, engine revving and music blaring. Obscenities are yelled at the people on the ground. When the truck is asked to please go, lewd comments are sneered back. And then, the truck just stays, the two men inside glaring and watching the bystanders. One of them gets out and shifts around a parked vehicle, continuing to watch. After what seems like an eternity, the man gets back into the idling pickup truck and they peel out in a cloud of dust and black exhaust fumes.
What makes this obnoxious event stick out from any other, is that this is the same pickup truck that rammed through a Wet’suwet’en solidarity blockade just outside of Cumberland on February 10, 2020: an identical paint job, matching licence plates and the same plume of toxic black exhaust. In that February 10 incident, the men in the pickup truck filmed themselves giggling as they smashed through signs and wooden pallets with a confederate flag unabashedly displayed on their dashboard, as seen in footage broadcast by Global News. According to witnesses, men sporting masks with the Canadian flag on them then emerged from the forest and accosted land defenders. Chek news reported “close to 30 drunk people.”
Although these two incidents are 17 months apart, this pickup truck demonstrates a disturbing example of the presence and continuity of white supremacists actively engaged in disrupting both Indigenous and environmental organizing. To see the Confederate flag displayed alongside the Canadian Maple Leaf while assaulting Indigenous land defenders harks back to when a racist mob attacked Indigenous families at Whiskey Trench outside of Montreal in 1990. In that attack, hundreds of people assembled to pelt a convoy of Kahnawake residents with rocks while the police looked on, resulting in one death and dozens of injuries.
More ominous still is the consistency of this sort of behaviour with counterinsurgency tactics. British counterinsurgency doctrine, for example, emphasizes the use of vigilantes as an effective way to subdue anti-colonial movements and provide a means of evading responsibility. As vigilantes engage in their dirty work, the police are conveniently looking the other way or suddenly out of their jurisdiction. In a clever sleight of hand, the narrative is manipulated into one where the police become necessary to protect people’s physical well being from vigilante violence – a twist on the well used metaphor, ‘good cop, bad cop.’
It must be noted that the signs on the pickup truck – while harassing the people at the Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek entrance July 4th, 2021 – read, “Forestry feeds my family,” and, “I love Canadian Forestry.” These statements are misleading, considering last years’ workers’ eight-month strike against Western Forest Products, a Vancouver-based lumber company trying to chisel away workers’ safety, pensions and seniority benefits. With these pickup truck vigilantes openly displaying their allegiance to Confederate ideology and Canadian nationalism, their attempts to pass themselves off as forestry workers, or at least their allies, is nothing short of fraudulent. The essence and purpose of their actions are immediately laid bare when they are put against the core values of the labour movement: anti-racist, anti-colonial, and solidarity amongst exploited people. The interests, safety, and well being of forestry workers are directly opposed to the priorities of extractivist corporations to pry a profit. The history of labour struggle demonstrates the vast gulf between worker and company man.
In this chaos, the corporations and the Canadian state remain conspicuously silent. While playing the innocent, they continue to brutally subjugate Indigenous people for their own avarice; they continue to make fast money from ecological devastation; and they continue to squeeze profit from the ravaged bodies of workers and loggers.
While the Canadian state and its corporations engage in this exploitative rampage, they spin these issues as unrelated and non-existent. Nevertheless, they have their men on the ground, speeding around in pickup trucks adorned with Confederate and Canadian flags as well as in tactical gear with ‘Blue Lives Matter’ stripes adorning their police insignia.
The face-off at the Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek entrance is but one skirmish in the bigger picture. Do not let the issues be shifted away from their history and redirected into dead ends. Artificial barriers between struggles and people must be broken down, and solidarity re-energized. Indigenous and anti-colonial struggle, workers’ struggle, and ecological balance must not be played off against one another. With the status quo clinging onto power through violence and calculated skullduggery, their legitimacy is an empty myth. Through creativity, energy, and initiative, a more beautiful tomorrow is within reach. Every action creates a new reality!
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bionic-penis · 4 months
making t4t relationships w my partner so fun bc the range they have is so hilarious. like here r some of my faves. w pics bc they're my pookies
names in colour are my partners characters, find them @twistedtriscuitz OR @twistedtriscuitzart
montavaggio (montreal/caravaggio)- researcher x monster type deal and they get married like. a day after montreal breaks out of the facility and takes caravaggio with them. they're so wholesome. they're so silly and hot. one time montreal brought a slaughtered deer carcass into their house BECAUSE caravaggio thought it would be hot to see them in action EXCEPT he can't because if he does he'll see his worst fear but it's ok bc montreal thinks it's hot
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mnm (metric/muridae)- researcher x assistant with the added theme of cat x mouse. i hate them, if i had to work w these bitches i'd kill them. i love them. not fucking metric taking muridae on as an assistant just so they never get a promotion which sounds bad but is symbiotic in actuality because muridae can't stand the thought of advancing within the initiative and so they both stagnate together in the impossible position of managing arkshore's loose anomalies. and they love each other but they don't want to ruin what they have because jesus christ they always ruin everything. but also they want each other sooooo bad they want to fuck each other so bad it makes them look stupid as hell and everyone knows. oh yeah it's just dinner at a taco truck definitely not a date do you think i'm dumb
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peniscule (marlowe/metric/muridae/ward/silitha/someone else probably) - literally just look at it. funny as hell. no comment. they're all whores. theres a living doll, a bitch w light sensitivity, a sillay guy who hates their job and leaks info on ananke twitter, a bitch w daddy issues, and a spider thing who likes taking ppls blood and fingernails. like only one of them uses something other than they/them. no pic for this bc i haven't gotten around to it.......... yet..................
emirapel (emil/errapel) - tavernkeep x adventurer type beat except the tavernkeep hates adventurers except not really he just hates his sisters husband or whatever. mutual pining that can't be realised bc the world is ending but they want each other to live so badly and to be safe and it hurts them to know that can never be so. emil wanting someone to stay, someone to just come back and errapel doing just that. errapel throwing his life away needlessly until emil pulls away and he realises he has something he wants to live for. something to finally come back to.
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brynasha (brynn/sasha) - what do you even call this. hero x villain? it is NOT that simple they've got a 5d chess of shit going on. they're so sillay so goofy. they're the only ones who understand each other. like they are too good. brynn forces sasha to reconsider his choices and way of life while sasha forces brynn to take it easy and to think about themself every once in awhile. they both want each other not because of what they have to offer (brynn as weaving bell, sasha as a provider) but because of who they are. but also sasha is a FREAK and so is brynn but they're closeted so they're always bickering and sasha is always whimpering bc brynn won't let him kiss them until he washes off all that blood.
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food chain (duo/roe/warren) - erm! freak alert! tossing them all in together bc roe/duo and roe/warren are both so good. freaks. all of them. they should die by each others hands and maybe that will happen who knows. i don't. roe's obsession with death as a form of dominance and freedom (imo) slots so well w duo's need to be consumed by an herbivore and warren's need to kill and consume others as a form of control. duo scares roe just enough while warren makes them feel safe. they were all made for each other i hope they never involve anyone else in their issues (they will, everyone say bye kieran) also no pics for this one bc apparently i haven't drawn them all together! whadda hell!!
roerabbit (roe/jackrabbit) - my beautiful crack ship. they are so silly. the jackrabbit wants roe so bad and is so happy to be with this bitch and roe is standing there thinking about his limp, disemboweled body. what an asshole. it's okay tho bc roe helps the jackrabbit win claw games and they go on fancy dates and neither of them get into illegal activities bc they just don't. so sillay. no the jackrabbit isn't me what are you talking about. the fact i have art for this n not food chain........ interesting.................
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n i can't remember if cold case (amelia/john) is canonically t4t but they are to ME. they're not even canonically a couple but idc neither is roerabbit i need them together NOW.
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otter1962crystalball · 3 months
Experiencing Narcissism 101 - Part 3
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June 24th, 2024
Here we are nearing the end of Pride Month. I’ve challenged myself to write everyday and I’ve found it very useful in examining my past and realizing that I am actually very resilient. Yesterday I wrote about events leading up to the point of coming back from a trip with John. Today, the story continues.
I put my plan into action and began taking steroids above and beyond what I needed for Testosterone Replacement Therapy. I was taking injections because my testosterone was low due to my HIV medications. I supplemented with street testosterone as did John. In the course of my doing so, I put on more than 25 pounds and ended up at 250 pounds at my maximum. I continued abusing them up until 2013 when I moved to Nova Scotia with John.
John convinced me that I should be reducing the amount of time that I worked. At that time, I was a full-time teacher, a group fitness leader at a community centre and also a mentor for a master’s program at a university. The only real solution he suggested was to move from British Columbia to Nova Scotia. The reason was due to other cities didn’t seem inviting for either of us. I did suggest Montreal, but John didn’t speak French and thought it wasn’t a good idea. That summer, we jumped on a plane and took a quick trip to Nova Scotia. We explored a place called Annapolis Valley, which is fertile area of the province. We even looked at homes, but didn’t find anything that we liked. We returned home and made our decision.
We decided we would move to Windsor, Nova Scotia in October 2013. We also got married as it seemed the right thing to do. I resigned from the school board and put the house up for sale. It sold while we were enroute. We climbed into my truck with two dogs and a cat, travelling across Canada to Nova Scotia. During the trip, we argued a lot. The shouting continued and I decided that it was just part of my new life and bit my tongue. John did berate me for being quiet, which in my mind was better than screaming back at him. We found an apartment - literally on the fly - as we went across Canada. The hardest part was finding a rental unit that accepted dogs.
We lucked out and stayed in a place in Windsor until early 2015 when we found a house on the South Shore - which later became known as Otter Cottage. During the time in Nova Scotia, John had problems finding a job. I was accepted as a substitute and started working. He didn’t and that left him open to do other things. In fact, I caught him cheating on me several times. So, we negotiated an open relationship where we would explore together to fulfill everyone’s needs.
During our time there in Windsor, I got a phone call from my doctor. She told me to go to the hospital immediately because my bloodwork indicated that I had had a heart attack. We went to emergency immediately and I discovered that I had an enlarged heart due to the large amount of steroids. I spent four days in the hospital while they did tests. John visited everyday, but complained constantly about having to drive into the city. With supervision, I weaned myself off the steroids and reduced my testosterone to the appropriate level and quit the street steroids. It was clear that I had almost killed myself. I began kicking myself for having been so stupid to abuse steroids that much to satisfy the wishes of another person.
Once into Otter Cottage, I got a job in the Halifax and ended up with a permanent position teaching French Immersion. John then decided to become a real estate agent. So, I paid for his education. During the time of moving to the South Shore, our relationship was really strained. John was constantly getting angry at just about everyone - of course, including me. He constantly seemed frustrated and I did everything I could including buying antiques for him and giving him a room to decorate. That didn’t help and we argued constantly. Several times, I told him that I had had enough. Suddenly, John would turn back to a charmer and everything was great - for a few short weeks or month.
John finished his real estate school and managed to sell at least three properties, using a car that I had bought for him. At the same time, I discovered that he was still cheating on me. In late 2016, John mentioned that his former employer in Montreal had suggested offering him a job. I had had enough of all the nonsense. When I heard that, I told John that I wanted him to take the job and be out of the house by next week. So, he packed the car with everything he could and then moved everything he thought belonged to him into the antique room he had decorated. He went to Montreal and suddenly I felt a real relief - until the divorce proceedings started.
In the six years we were together, John paid rent three months in the time we were in my house in Vancouver. He bought groceries maybe twice. In Nova Scotia, he paid for nothing. I didn’t see any of the profits from the sales of the properties he had sold. I got a lawyer and proceeded with the divorce. We had to live apart for at least a year before we could legally divorce. That year was a year from hell for me.
John, now in Montreal, would contact me and screamed at me for not moving the stuff he wanted to Montreal. I told him that the lawyer told me to do that until we had settled the divorce.  His request was half of everything. I provided all my receipts for everything, showing that John had paid little. He never paid for heating, mortgage payments, gym fees, and much more. During that time, John began a classic narcissistic pattern - he tried to show me how he was a victim. He sent me pictures of him in the hospital. He sent me pictures of his empty fridge. He called me constantly asking for money. I had to continue to say no. He turned several local friends against me saying I was withholding his belongings. I told those local friends that they didn’t know what was really going on. Needless to say, I didn’t continue those friendships.
The calls continued along with emails, texts until I had to block him. He even called my school during a lesson and interrupted. He called me at the gym as well, asking an attendant to find me. I put a stop to all of that. At the end of the year apart, I made him an offer and let him know that he would get nothing more. He begrudgingly accepted it and immediately demanded his things sent. I had packed them into a pod as I was sick of seeing the pile of things in the living room. In typical fashion, he demanded that I allow one of his friends to sit and watch the pod be repacked so that his belongings would be safe. Ironically, the movers told me that I had done an amazing job and that repacking wasn’t necessary! At this point, I didn’t care; he had to pay for the moving costs.
Even after the papers were signed and we were officially divorced he continued to harass me with phone calls and texts on anonymous lines. I was so tired of it that I went to the local RCMP and lodged a complaint and asked the calls, texts and emails stop. The Sûreté du Québec (the provincial police in Quebec) paid him a visit and told him that if he contacted me again, he would be arrested. That was the last time I ever heard from him. In that year and a half, he contacted me more than 668 times by various methods.
In 2018 I was officially free of John. Otter Cottage was in my name, the car payments for John’s car were now his responsibility and I began my new life as a divorced gay man. As a side note, that fall as I was cleaning the gardens, I found a pile of broken mugs, coasters and John’s medication all thrown into the bushes. It seemed that whenever he was angry, he would throw things off the verandah - just like when he used to go out and scream at the top of his lungs at the people he hated.
So what was it like to live with a narcissist? Looking at the 9 points of Special Me, I saw countless examples of all 9 points and more from him. He always though he was the most important person at all times. He felt entitled to everything without having to work for it. He was exploitative, arrogant, lacked empathy and always showed off so that others could admire him. He also was easily able to play the victim and everything that he did was turned back on my so that it was all my fault. Anyone who didn’t agree with him immediately became the enemy - me included.
I saw a counsellor and learned to deal with the aftermath of living six years with John. The counsellor suggested I buy a book called “Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder.” All what was discussed in the book, I found in John. The only thing the book didn’t help me with was getting along with him and thankfully I never wanted to do so. In the end, I believe he was also obsessive compulsive as well.
During my counselling time, I came to acknowledge my part in those six years. I had been codependent and allowed him to do all of those things. I also discovered that I had to learn to love myself, always take care of myself first before helping others and learning how a narcissist latches onto a caregiver such as myself. I forgave myself for almost killing myself on steroids to please John. I watched my health and have not abused them since.
At that point, I was really sure that I knew what the signs were and vowed to never get involved with a narcissist. Did I succeed? I’ll leave that to tomorrow’s blog… For Pride, I am celebrating my inner self and my self love. Now that I have worked on myself, someone like John would never be able to pry their way into my life. 
Carpe diem, everyone.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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'JEEP TRUCK' SERVICES AIRPLANES,” Montreal Gazette. August 10, 1942. Page 19. --- When planes of Trans-Canada Air Lines arriving at Montreal Airport, Dorval, require service for the passenger accommodation, a tractor quickly rolls up to the job drawing a service-cart, known to T.C.A. ground crews as a "Jeep truck," which is really a glorified linen cupboard containing the many articles needed for an air journey. In three compartments are all the necessary accessories, linens, pillow slips and other general supplies needed on an air flight. The supply truck was designed by Chief Mechanic Emile Patrault.
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
Speed bumps are crazy #cars #drivingfails #women
This is what we call a John remillard special is trying to damage the VW and say this is the one so our son can't get it and he is in trouble they're up in Montreal erasing his people they're out in Los Angeles now it's San Diego erasing his people and it's at the house that our son helps get going and he troubleshooted a few things then Arnold did the preliminary work but you know they're animal all the time he's trying to sour all these idiots are.
Duff beer will be a hit and it'll be inexpensive probably about $8 for for 24 pack maybe 8:50 yeah inexpensive we're going to bang it out we're making huge breweries and we have a brewery selected for the duff beer and they might want to make some of the other beer too but we're going to start
We have some news on her son's vehicle it seems a lot of people are fighting over it yes and it's big for us but also the vpw golf has been announced as the first car and the Mac proper are doing it on purpose they said there's too many people at it and they can't do anything and it's true. The second vehicle will be a small truck and it's really the first or tied at the first with Ford that's Harris truck she wants to have the same vehicles at the same time and they're going to go ahead and do that and it's going to be huge this is going to be a heck of an event and it's going to be gigantic this event with the car all of them is very huge the Volkswagen is very important to us the menace of the empire because the solution and he needs to be able to drive it around we have to exercise caution if we bring it down here and he can't afford it you need this insurance and gasoline and spending money all the same time when he plans on selling it and paying bills and we have to agree with him and it will be our family we have to fight these people and we have to start doing it now. Right now it's come up that there might be an avenue prevent presenting itself very soon with regards to the car and it has to do with the people evacuating they're going to evacuate and they will be leaving the car there so they have to move it and they have to move it down here cuz once they start moving it it's going to cause a nightmare if they move it down here it will attract Trump's people and people think that's how he wins the election and so our son says I don't need the car and I don't need you and I need gas money spending money and I'd just be throwing it out the window and he like the sound of that innocent but are people need to move and I need to get them out if you got mad and he got mad and said make up your mind and all sudden I see those you sort of know so it's no s*** I sit here without a car and you guys die and I don't even have to try so he got really mad and said he knows we're doing herself in he's just going to sit there if he wants to and we don't know if we have to overcome him or what we're doing please ask you questions and says he doesn't give a s*** to go driving around it was a pain in the ass they almost got hurt by you now he's avoiding people stays on the sidewalk and gets us hit by just driving around with his bike to pay you back and us and it's working and you can't figure it out so we say is we're just going to sit here and do the job.
And we do have news on the car as we said the max are aware they can't move it the time is coming up it's actually when the pseudo empire kind of traps him here again it's kind of like these guys. No they do it for a while and Tommy f starts to fight them and yeah that was this month it's already happening and after this week the 31st and they kind of back off the rings a little bit and try and hold the defensive position it doesn't work too good they have to come pouring in and they think they can push them out and they can't so they keep pouring in and they noticed that they're in trouble finally and they try to do stuff and they can't so they want our son to move around for a few different reasons mostly to get their people here and the car would attract them and he's saying he's going to lose the election and because Mack is running for VP and he's a tough customer all this is already been out but it's coming to a head on the election is in November and it's pretty much September and that's 2 months and then the election is on and he doesn't have much time so it does start after the 31st where they leave and they are forced to come back because they're a defensive poster idea doesn't work and the slaughterhouse continues. More shortly
Thor Freya
Hera has requested WE Post the status of the fleet of stone ship trumpsters that were trying to get to her they're far away but the 20% additional to the 35% are gone that leaves 45%. Those ships are not heated only a few very few but they plan to in the next few hours we plan to decimate them
Thank you I do appreciate it
Hera and I mean everybody involved in this maneuver and those supporting them and to my people
You're welcome
And others say it too thank you very much
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On-the-Go Solutions: Mobile Trailer Repair in Vaughan and Mobile Truck Repair in Montreal
In today's fast-paced world, the last thing you want is a sudden breakdown of your truck or trailer. That's where Truck Repair Hotline Inc. comes to the rescue. We are your trusted vehicle repairing service provider, offering top-notch Mobile Trailer Repair in Vaughan and Mobile Truck Repair in Montreal. With a vast network of over 30,000 mobile service units at your disposal, we are ready to hit the road to get you back on it!
Mobile Trailer Repair Vaughan: 
Is your trailer in need of immediate attention in Vaughan? Don't stress; we've got you covered. Our mobile trailer repair Vaughan services are designed to keep your business moving smoothly. Our experienced technicians are just a call away, ready to reach your location with all the necessary equipment to fix the issue. Whether you're stranded on the road or need a quick fix at your job site, we've got the expertise to handle it.
Mobile Truck Repair Montreal: 
Montreal is a bustling hub of commercial activity, and the last thing you want is downtime due to a truck breakdown. Our mobile truck repair services in Montreal are the perfect solution. Our skilled technicians in Montreal are equipped to tackle any truck problem, be it on the highway or at your facility. Our 24/7 roadside assistance ensures that you're never left in a lurch.
Why Choose Truck Repair Hotline Inc.:
Prompt Response: We understand that time is money in the trucking and logistics business. That's why we offer a rapid response to your call, ensuring that help is on the way when you need it.
Experienced Technicians: Our technicians are not just experts in their field; they are passionate about what they do. Their experience ensures that your repair is done right the first time.
Fully-Equipped Units: Our mobile service units are like rolling workshops, stocked with the latest tools and equipment, so we can get the job done efficiently.
On-Site Repairs: We're not limited to traditional service facilities. We come to you, whether you're stuck on the road or require assistance at your location.
24/7 Assistance: Vehicle trouble doesn't wait for office hours, and neither do we. We offer round-the-clock assistance, so you're never stranded for long.
At Truck Repair Hotline Inc., we pride ourselves on being your dependable partner in Mobile Trailer Repair Vaughan and Mobile Truck Repair Montreal. We understand the urgency of your situation and are dedicated to getting you back on the road or safely to one of our service facilities. Don't let vehicle breakdowns slow you down – contact us today for swift, professional, and convenient repair services.
For Mobile Trailer Repair in Vaughan and Mobile Truck Repair in Montreal, trust the experts at Truck Repair Hotline Inc. Your business is our priority, and we're always just a phone call away.
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judethebrood · 1 year
PT 2/2
"He'd be able to feel my resentment through the phone". Passport. Camping. Punk rock ≠ Paramore. Cousins. Film school. "No time to live." Kill bill. Fish with human teeth. New charger. Disneyland. Off the grid. The village. Deviltown. Safe and sound. I bet on losing dogs. Samsung phone. Wicked. Downtown. Catsitting. Haircut. Drag show. Mine museum. Walgreens. Public pool. The Office. Birthdays. Adulting. X box. Stove guy. Sushi nap. July 3rd. Summer Moon wood-roasted coffee. Centaur world. "Getting tanned". Backyard Campout. Brunch. Drinking game. Walking dead. Dish mountain. Nana drop-off. Free time. Juice. Blue or pink. Prince edward and Vancouver island. Shitty Last resort. Purple lettuce. Mystery sushi. Mathew Lillard. Bathtub donkeys. Pear. Juniper street. Lucy and Chubs. Nox. Weed Mt. Dew. 8 hour hell. Union lady. Midol. Sit in the river. Saskatchewan. First concert. Eczema. Michael fassenbender & James McAvoy. 6 ft. Pool. Lilies. Trans guy names. Montreal. Among Us. Strawberry Brisk. 2 Max's. Latin baked goods. Helluva boss. Kickback. First high. Good omens season 2. Banana. Interview. Milo. New job. Dominica's truck. Tucker. California McDonald's. Tigger. Air B&B. Mail the headphones. Airplane. New bosses. Maxine. Halloween planning. Mew refrigerator. Stress sickness. Protests. Dos equi and cheap champagne. Stray Kids. Centipede thingys. Acclimate. Quitting jobs. One year anniversary.
I kept track of all of the little things since we first started our relationship and I compiled them here because I wanted to always remember them and let you know how important everything I've ever done with you is to me. I love you Sig.
Happy anniversary <3
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coeurdewhale · 1 year
Hiring Professional Local Movers in Montreal for Your Next Move
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Professional movers are experts in their field. They have the experience, knowledge, and training to handle all aspects of the moving process efficiently and safely. They can carefully pack your belongings, load them onto the moving truck, transport them to your new location, and unpack them, ensuring that everything arrives in perfect condition.
In addition to their expertise, professional movers have the necessary equipment to complete the job. They have the right tools and supplies to move heavy and fragile items quickly. This means you don't have to worry about finding and renting equipment or risking damage to your belongings by attempting to move them yourself.
Furthermore, hiring local movers montreal offers the convenience of local knowledge. They know the area well, including the best routes to take and any potential obstacles to avoid. This enables them to provide a more efficient and streamlined moving experience.
Hiring professional local movers in Montreal is an intelligent decision that can simplify your move and give you peace of mind. Leave the heavy lifting to the experts and enjoy a stress-free moving process.
The importance of hiring professional local movers
Moving can be daunting, whether relocating to a new home or moving your business to a new location. It requires careful planning, organization, and physical exertion. However, hiring professional local movers in Montreal can make the process easier and stress-free. These experts have the skills and experience to handle your move efficiently and safely.
One key benefit of hiring professional movers is their expertise. They are well-versed in moving and have the knowledge and training to handle all belongings. Whether you have heavy furniture, fragile items, or valuable possessions, they know how to pack and transport them securely. Their experience ensures that your belongings will be handled carefully and arrive in perfect condition at your new location.
The benefits of hiring local movers in Montreal
When it comes to moving, hiring local movers in Montreal offers a range of benefits. Firstly, they have the advantage of local knowledge. They are familiar with the area, including the best routes and any potential obstacles to avoid. This lets them plan and execute your move more efficiently, saving time and effort. They can navigate through traffic, find parking, and handle any unexpected situations that may arise.
Another advantage of hiring local movers is their familiarity with the local regulations and requirements. Moving involves paperwork, permits, and other legalities that can be overwhelming for individuals who need to become more familiar with the process. Local movers in Montreal have experience dealing with these matters and can ensure that all necessary documentation is in order. This eliminates the risk of delays or complications during your move.
How professional movers can really help you save time and effort?
Moving involves many tasks, from packing and loading to transportation and unpacking. These tasks can be really time-consuming and physically demanding. However, hiring professional local movers in Montreal can save valuable time and effort. They take care of all the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on very essential aspects of your move.
Professional movers have the experience and efficiency to complete the moving process on time. They know how to pack your belongings quickly and securely, using suitable materials and techniques. They can load and unload the moving truck with precision, maximizing space and minimizing the risk of damage. With their help, you can save hours or even days compared to tackling the move on your own.
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The expertise and experience of local movers
Professional local movers in Montreal are experts in their field. They have undergone extensive training and years of moving industry experience. This expertise allows them to handle all aspects of your move quickly and efficiently.
When you hire professional movers, then you can trust that they will handle your belongings carefully. They know how to properly pack and secure items of all shapes and sizes, ensuring nothing gets damaged during transportation. They also have the equipment to handle heavy and/or bulky items, such as furniture and appliances. Their experience enables them to navigate tight spaces and tricky corners, minimizing the risk of accidents or damage.
The safety and security of your belongings
One of the primary concerns when moving is the safety and security of your belongings. Professional local movers in Montreal prioritize protecting your items throughout the moving process.
They use high-quality packing materials, like sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and/or packing paper, to safeguard your belongings. They know how to pack really fragile items, such as glassware and artwork, to prevent them from breaking during transit. Additionally, they have the tools and equipment to safely load and unload items onto the moving truck, minimizing the risk of accidents or injuries.
Furthermore, professional movers are insured. This means that if something gets damaged or lost during your move, you will be compensated for your loss. This added layer of protection provides peace of mind and reassurance throughout the moving process.
The convenience of hiring professional movers
Moving is sometimes a complex process that requires careful planning and coordination. By hiring professional local movers in Montreal, you can enjoy the convenience of a streamlined moving experience.
Professional movers handle all the logistics, from packing and loading to transportation and unpacking. They coordinate the moving process, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. This eliminates the need to juggle multiple tasks and allows you to focus on settling into your new home or business location.
Hiring professional movers saves you from the hassle of finding and renting moving equipment. They come fully equipped with all the necessary tools and supplies to handle your move. This includes dollies, straps, ramps, and other specialized equipment that may be required for larger or more complex items. With their expertise and resources, they can efficiently move your belongings without the need for you to source and rent additional equipment.
How local movers can handle special items and fragile belongings
If you have special items or fragile belongings that require extra care during the move, professional local movers in Montreal are well-equipped to handle them.
They have the expertise to pack and transport delicate items, such as antiques, musical instruments, or electronics. They use really specialized packing techniques and/or materials to ensure the full safety of these items. They also have the necessary equipment, such as padded blankets and straps, to secure them in the moving truck and prevent movement or damage during transit.
Additionally, if you have large or heavy items, such as pianos or safes, professional movers have the experience and equipment to handle them safely. They can dismantle and reassemble furniture, navigate stairs and narrow hallways, and use appropriate lifting techniques to avoid injuries or damage. Their expertise ensures that even the most challenging items can quickly move.
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The cost-effectiveness of hiring professional movers
While some individuals may hesitate to hire professional movers due to the perceived cost, it's essential to consider some of the long-term benefits and cost-effectiveness of their services.
Firstly, professional movers can save money by preventing damage to your belongings. They know how to pack/transport items safely, minimizing the risk of breakage or loss. This means you won't have to spend money replacing or repairing damaged items.
Professional movers can truly save you time and effort. Time is money, and by hiring experts to handle your move, you can focus on other priorities, such as work or family commitments, or even completing the sale of your previous property. Professional movers' efficiency can also reduce your move's duration, saving you from paying additional rent or storage fees.
Furthermore, professional movers often offer competitive pricing and/or flexible packages to meet your needs and budget. They can provide a detailed quote upfront so you know exactly what to expect and can plan your finances accordingly. When considering the overall convenience, expertise, and peace of mind that professional movers offer, the cost is often well worth the investment.
How to choose the right local moving company in Montreal
When choosing the right local moving company in Montreal, several factors must be considered.
Make sure the company is licensed and insured. This provides you with protection and peace of mind throughout the moving process. It guarantees that the company meets specific standards and regulations and that you will be compensated in case of any damages or losses.
Next, research the reputation and experience of the moving company. Look for online reviews and/or testimonials from previous customers to get an idea of their level of service. A reputable company surely will have a lot of positive feedback and a track record of delivering excellent results.
It's also important to consider the services offered by the moving company. Some companies may specialize in some residential moves, while others may have commercial or office relocation expertise. Ensure that the company you choose has experience in the type of move you require.
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pridegrouplogistics · 2 years
Trucking Jobs in Montreal - Pride Group Logistics
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We've got the job you've been waiting for.
We are hiring truck drivers in Montreal.
Our company is looking to hire drivers with at least two years of driving experience. We offer competitive wages and benefits.
If you're looking for a new opportunity with a growing company, please apply online today!
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Manufacturer to spend $104M to relaunch Cape Breton gypsum quarry
A Canadian building materials manufacturer is set to restore and reopen a gypsum quarry in Cape Breton.
Canadian Gypsum Company Inc. (CGC), the Canadian division of USG Corporation, is spending $104 million to relaunch the quarry in Little Narrows, N.S., which operated from 1954 to 2016.
"This investment will cement our long-term commitment to the Canadian market and our dedication to providing the best experience for our customers across North America," said Chris Griffin, CEO of USG Corporation, in a Tuesday news release.
“We are deeply connected to Little Narrows and Cape Breton and thrilled to return to drive economic growth and support the local community as a neighbour and partner."
CGC is the largest supplier of raw gypsum in the world — a material used in wallboard products.
The company says the Little Narrows quarry will produce up to 2 million tonnes of raw gypsum per year once it is up and running.
The material is to be shipped by boat to CGC and USG manufacturing locations along North America's eastern seaboard, including Montreal, Que.
The company expects work on the quarry to take up to three years. Once operational, CGC says it will supply 100 people with mining jobs, like heavy equipment operators, lab technicians, engineers, and more.
Nova Scotia has been supplying the North American gypsum market for more than 250 years, says Allan MacMaster, Nova Scotia Finance and Treasury Board minister.
"This will have an important economic impact for local families and help us regain our place at the forefront of the gypsum mining market,” MacMaster said in the release.
CGC says the project will include a new dock and ship loader, new crusher and conveyor systems, and new mining equipment, such as drills, loaders, excavators, and haul trucks.
CGC launched in Nova Scotia in 1907 and is now an industry leader in the building materials industry, supplying wall and ceiling products.
It operates three mines, five plants and several distribution and customer service centres across Canada.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/tXDPo17
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tender-horror · 2 years
december eighteenth, twenty twenty two
i was on the phone with my high school girlfriend for an hour yesterday. she’s a truck driver now, when i told her my back up plan was truck driving five years ago. i was making tea alone in niko’s apartment when she called, she was parked on the shoulder of a freeway in north dakota on her way to winnipeg, stopping for the blizzard. she told me she almost took a job in montreal, and she’s calling me because she thinks i know her even after all this time and i’m nodding along on the phone as if she can hear me, as if i’ve ever understood her, as if-
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"BURGLARS HID THEIR LOOT IN LODGING HOUSE," Hamilton Spectator. July 18, 1933. Page 7. ---- Robbed Home of R. K. Palmer-Second Visit ---- Were Caught By Constable in the Act ---- Had Concealed Booty at 21 Market Street ---- Pleading guilty to two charges of burglary and theft and one of breaking and entering with intent to commit an indictable offence, Jack Brown, aged 28 years, no address, was remanded for sentence for one week by Magistrate Burbidge in police court this morning. William Taylor, aged 19 years, also pleaded guilty to the two burglary charges, and his case was also laid over a week.
Constable Currier testified that on the night of July 13, the two accused entered the residence of R. K. Palmer, 93 Bold street, through the cellar window. A screwdriver was used as a jimmy. On this occasion, the pair took portable gramaphone and records, a silver pitcher, a silver gravy boat, an overcoat and a number of other articles. That evening, said the officer, he was detailed to watch. the house and, at midnight, the two accused drove up in a light truck. They parked it at the side of the house and Taylor entered through the cellar window, and later, open- ed the side door so that that Brown could get in. After they had been in the house for a few moments, the officer entered and placed both men under arrest. Constable Currier also testified that on the night of July 13, Brown broke into the office of Chisholm and McQuesten. and broke the knob off the safe door without getting anything.
Detective Gaylard testified that, following admissions by the accused men, he had gone to the municipal lodging house at 21 Market street and, in a room there, he had found an overcoat hanging on the door. Hidden in the pockets and sleeves of the overcoat, he had found the silverware, while, standing on the floor behind the door, was the portable gramaphone.
On Probation When Crown Attorney Ballard informed the magistrate that Clark Hopkins, aged 19 years, 23 Crooks street, and Fred Riley, also aged 19 years, 376 Catharine street north. and had were both on probation and been forbidden to associate with each other, he also asked that the charges of vagrancy against the pair be laid over for a week. The lads had been associating together, the crown attorney reported, and further investigations are necessary.
Charged with vagrancy, Robert Davies, no address, was remanded for a week for a mental examination. He He was arrested by Motorcycle Officer McGregor on Caroline street north at an early hour this morning. He refused to answer the officer's questions and was abusive in his language, said the constable. Appearing for sentence on a charge of stealing a watch from a departmental store, Silva Desjardins, Montreal, was sentenced to three months definite plus six months in- determinate in the Ontario reformatory.
Must Keep Peace After pleading not guilty to a charge of contempt of court, which was laid after he failed to answer to his name on a charge of assault last Friday, Arthur Fox was convicted and was bound over to keep the peace for the space of one year. The assault charge was adjourned sine die when it was pointed out that the complainant, Violet Warden, was on her way to England.
Annie Stenoff, facing vagrancy charges under the Industrial Refuges for Female act, was remanded for a further period of one week for a mental and physical examination.
A further adjournment of one week was allowed in the case of William Cojocarri, who is awaiting sentence on a charge of breach of recognizances. A job may be waiting for him in Kitchener by the time next Tuesday comes.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I took a look at his Hard knock kicker 5150 problem I know what it is she's assholes yeah the morlock so it's not right to have a plant down here but they don't mind the Chinese one more than the Briggs & Stratton will accept it so you have to bring your bikes from somewhere else he's going to wear Mexico it's kind of funny cuz I think the parts are made in China and they were she just haven't brought from China so I understand what you're saying I can't really do that so he's talking to me and he says I think I'll make a world headquarters in British Columbia and wants me to be an importer I think that's an important job as an importer so I'm going to go ahead and do that and he's going to get approval and we'll have a meeting and everything wants to walk by or ride by at least it's too much s*** in here for them to come in they say it's probably true I can't go in any clothing that's decent
Mac daddy
It's a great idea cuz British Columbia is called britain more or less. And they're talking the same the stupid train and those big huge trucks that's about it but really it'll be a center for Hard knock kicker 5150 and he hasn't been up there but it's just like Montreal or Quebec and it's really cool and a clock that can a lot of people would have them it's a perfect place for them and the new bikes are awesome and the old bikes are awesome and the ones that look like Holly and Indian will be all over the place it's an intense idea and it's a British company they still think and we can make it look like that and Max is good that would make it easier and he's going to go ahead up there but we say it's probably good to sit down first so you don't end up in The shining good idea so we're going to sit down and meet with him and he wants to make it like the mecca for Hard knock kick her 5150 and maybe people think it's assembled there and be a break and it makes sense would be easier than Britain so people are starting to walk around the idea
Thor Freya
Ameca for Hard knock kicker 5150 good we'll have to inhabit it I have to have you assemble them so I'm laughing cuz we don't want to do that oh geez
Bja yeah I'm talking to CAA why you little loser Trump your f**** Dan you people are terrible you'll see it steaming out of you too hatred evil s*** hissing that's all you are
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Get Rolling Again with Montreal's Premier Mobile Trailer Repair Service!
Truck Repair Hotline Inc. is your dependable partner for on-the-go vehicle repair services. With over 30,000 mobile service units at your fingertips, we bring the workshop to you, whenever and wherever you need us. Our skilled technicians operate fully-equipped vehicles, ensuring a swift return to the road or a secure journey to one of our service facilities. Whether it's on your job site, in your yard, or in need of 24/7 roadside assistance, we've got you covered. Your search for "Mobile Trailer Repair Montreal" ends here
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