#truly primitive lol
llycaons · 2 years
i can’t see your replies on that post 😔
NOOOO 😭😭😭😭
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weenwrites · 1 month
Hello! What headcanons would you have for a bot that has the power to create energon after a freak lab accident back on Cybertron? They were also a mutual friend of Optimus and Megatron well before the war, and was thought to have died after they were abducted and went missing just before it took off.
Forward to the present, a ship crashes into Earth and it gives off a huge energon signal, prompting both sides to investigate the site further. That's when they find a stasis pod encased in energon, and inside is the missing bot, still alive and in deep sleep. When rescued, the bot has no idea a war ever took place, and wonders why their old friends look so tired all of a sudden. They turn down the Autobot or Decepticon badge when presented with it, as they feel those need to be earned.
As a bonus, their presence always has a calming effect to those around them. The others find themselves feeling at ease if even for a moment. If around Megatron, he isn't as angry as usual. If around Optimus, he feels more assured things will be okay. Interactions with Megatron and Optimus are strictly platonic.
Apologies for the rambling. I hope all of this makes sense lol
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He explains all that has happened over the years you were absent, starting from the very day you went missing, to the destruction of their home planet, to where they are now on Earth. It's quite a lot to cover within the day, but he promises to answer any of your other questions to the best of his ability.
Afterward, he asks about where you had gone, and he explains that the authorities had investigated your disappearance, only to find no remains and ultimately conclude that you were dead. If it's still a sensitive topic for you, he won't push you to share or explain anything you don't want to, he's content enough with knowing that you were alive in the end.
He won't force you to choose a side, neither will he force you to stay at the base if you wish to go your own way, but he'll advise you that it will be difficult to survive on a foreign planet. The energon is scarce, the technology is primitive, and though the Autobots are fortunate that the U.S. Government is allowing them to stay, the leaders of other nations may not be so kind as to allow you within their borders if they discover your existence. Additionally, given that Megatron shares no resemblence to the Megatron you knew all those years ago, and your abilities would give the decepticons an incentive to seek you out for their own gain, it would be far safer for you to remain within the base rather than being on your own.
Yet even if you refuse, he won't force you to something you do not wish for yourself, and he'll grant you access to the base's private commlink line, in the event that you need any sort of assistance, and to keep in touch.
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He'll escort you back to the Nemesis and explain everything that has happened from his skewed point of view. Optimus Prime has changed over the years of warfare and he is no longer the archivist you once knew, Cybertron is now a wasteland and a husk of what it once was, and now both the Autobots and Decepticons have been stranded on earth.
He tries to insist that there's no need for you to earn the Decepticon badge! After all, when he was first realizing the cause, you were one of the first people he was thinking of recruiting into the Decepticons. Your ideals and aspirations align perfectly with the cause, not only that but you would be an invaluable asset for the Decepticons. So truly, being a Decepticon would be a perfect fit for you.
Even if you decline, he still offers you a habsuite aboard the Nemesis. He'll say that Earth is a hell for any cybertronian to live on, and the Decepticons are fortunate to have what little resources they have. In addition to the lack of resources, they must keep themselves concealed from the natives of the Earth! Why? He explains that they're a very young, primitive, and fragile species, they aren't ready to witness the cybertronian race. So truly, staying aboard the nemesis would be in your best interest.
The other bots aboard the Nemesis begin to notice the affect you have on him and everyone else, and regardless of whether he issues orders to make you feel welcomed, they're going to persuade you to stay (mostly for your ability though).
It probably won't take you long to realize that all of these friendly gestures are not due to your past friendship, but rather that having you on his side will grant him an unparalleled advantage over the Autobots. The Megatron you once knew has long since died over the thousands of years of war and slaughter. But on the other hand, as a familiar face and your former friend, perhaps you were blind to his true nature and his sly words swayed you. But either way, you sealed your fate the moment you joined him back to the Nemesis. He's going to make you work for the Decepticons, even if it takes a little forceful persuasion to make you cooperate.
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samflir · 1 year
What makes a good boot sequence?
A while ago, I had my first truly viral post on Mastodon. It was this:
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You might've seen it. It got almost four hundred boosts and reached beyond Mastodon to reddit and even 4chan. I even saw an edit with a spinning frog on the left screen. I knew the post would go down well with tech.lgbt but I never expected it to blow up the way it did.
I tried my best to express succinctly exactly what it is I miss about BIOS motherboards in the age of UEFI in this picture. I think looking at a logo and spinner/loading bar is boring compared to seeing a bunch of status messages scroll up the screen indicating hardware being activated, services being started up and tasks being run. It takes the soul out of a computer when it hides its computeriness.
I think a lot of people misunderstood my post as expressing a practical preference over an aesthetic one, and there was at least a few thinking this was a Linux fanboy post, which it certainly is not. So here's the long version of a meme I made lol.
I remember using two family desktop computers before moving over a family laptop. One ran Windows XP and the other ran Windows 7. Both were of the BIOS era, which meant that when booting, they displayed some status information in white on black with a blinking cursor before loading the operating system. On the XP machine, I spent longer in this liminal space because it dual-booted. I needed to select Windows XP from a list of Linux distros when booting it.
I've always liked this. Even as a very little kid I had some sense that what I was seeing was a look back into the history of computing. It felt like a look "behind the scenes" of the main GUI-based operating system into something more primitive. This made computers even more interesting than they already were, to me.
The way old computers booted was appealing to my love of all kinds of fixed, repeating sequences. I never skip the intros to TV shows and I get annoyed when my local cinema forgets to show the BBFC ratings card immediately before the film, even though doing so is totally pointless and it's kinda strange that they do that in the first place. Can you tell I'm autistic?
Booting the windows 7 computer would involve this sequence of distinct stages: BIOS white text -> Windows 7 logo with "starting windows" below in the wrong aspect ratio -> switch to correct resolution with loading spinner on the screen -> login screen.
Skipping any would feel wrong to me because it's missing a step in one of those fixed sequences I love so much. And every computer that doesn't start with BIOS diagnostic messages is sadly missing that step to my brain, and feels off.
Low-level magic
I am extremely curious about how things work and always have been, so little reminders when using a computer that it has all sorts of complex inner workings and background processes going on are very interesting to me, so I prefer boot sequences that expose the low-level magic going on and build up to the GUI. Starting in the GUI immediately presents it as fundamental, as if it's not just a pile of abstractions on top of one another. It feels deceptive.
There may actually be some educational and practical value in computers booting in verbose mode by default. Kids using computers for the first time get to see that there's a lot more to their computer than the parts they interact with (sparking curiosity!), and if a boot fails, technicians are better able to diagnose the problem over a phone call with a non-technical person.
Absolute boot sequence perfection
There's still one last thing missing from my family computer's boot sequence, and that's a brief flicker of garbage on screen as VRAM is cleared out. Can't have everything I guess. Slo-mo example from The 8-Bit Guy here:
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h2-so-4 · 7 months
AIT or Aryan Invasion Theory (debunked): A superior "race" of white, horse-riding Aryans invaded the areas of the inferior and primitive Indus Valley population, which included the Dravidians (but actually no one said that the IVC was a pure, dark-skinned Dravidian civilization so idk where that idea came from), and civilized them.
AMT or Aryan Migration Theory: A group of usually horse and chariot-riding nomads and pastoralists usually called the Aryans migrated from the Indo-Iranian region to India and mingled PEACEFULLY with the population of the late Indus Valley population (who were already highly advanced, as we know), by which time the IVC was beginning to collapse, possibly due to change of climate and rain patterns (still not sure yet), and hence the people were abandoning these settlements spreading across the subcontinent. These Indo-Aryans on arriving mixed with this population and shared their genetics, art and culture with each other, which led to the introduction of Sanskrit and Vedic culture in India.
To any leftist who keep regurgitating the former busted myth, please stop. You look stupid. And to any rightist who keep using AMT as AIT to debunk it, they're not the same. These two theories have a sky-ground difference.
The previous one makes Aryans look evil. That they were some high-level royalty who invaded India. But, in fact, they were regular people, regular migrants, just how every migration used to happen 3000-4000 years ago. Like I said, most of them were nomadic settlers.
Sure, later on, the varna system came into existence and this was the beginning of a hierarchical structure in India for the first time (since during the IVC there wasn't any sort of social hierarchy according to current sources). But who's to say it was ONLY the Aryans? Remember. They're NOT a race. They're a particular group of people. And by the time the varna system was introduced already a hell lotta intermixing had happened. Hence it wasn't JUST the Aryans (history and especially anthropological and genetic history is not that black and white LMFAO), because it was a term for 'noble', not some kinda "righteous clan" or something. Idk why people keep thinking of it as a race lol. I thought that was already debunked with the AIT.
As for the indigeneity of the Aryans, technically no one is indigenous. Many of the adivasi and non-adivasi tribes came AFTER the Indus Valley Civilization. So the "who came first" logic doesn't really work at all. (There might've been many that came before as well, who knows. Point is, again, it's all a migration salad at the end of the day)
indigenous (adjective)
originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native:
This is the Google definition of indigenous. If we take THIS into account, there would be SEVERAL groups of people involved, instead of just one, like the IVC people, a few of the oldest nomadic tribes, mixed Indo-Aryans, etc. But I'm not gonna call ANYONE indigenous, or not indigenous. Because guess what, none of the humans are really indigenous to any place apart from the African continent. Also the Aryan migration led to the rise of a LOT of genetic subgroups, which was a key factor in leading to the most confusing anthropological history of the Indian subcontinent. It has a fuck ton of genetic markers and groups and subgroups, it's wildly confusing and historians are still trying to figure out every kind of intermixing that has happened. So STOP fighting over who is indigenous or not LMAO. Because guess what, we can never truly assert the indigeneity of a migrant species such as humans. (Yes we do call Native Americans the indigenous people of Americas, or the aboriginals the indigenous people of Australia and the Australasian archipelago, but they were also migrants at some point of time. Now before anyone says I'm disregarding the indigeneity of these groups, I'm not. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't CARE who's indigenous and who's not, because unlike the case of Americas and the Australasian islands, Aryans didn't INVADE India. They were simply another set of migrants, JUST like the IVC people, who also came from the middle-eastern region, and JUST like the adivasi tribes, who migrated from mostly the African and Australasian regions, probably, not sure again.)
I'll link the genetic studies done below because they explain it all way better than I can (and these research papers may also correct some of the incorrect statements I might've unnoticeably or ignorantly made in my own paragraphs so yeah):
Hence, at the end of the day, idk why we're banging our heads on the walls over ONE SIMPLE MIGRATION, which was NOTHING DIFFERENT THAN ANY OTHER MIGRATION. Migrations happen ALL THE TIME. Get over it, BOTH the sides of the political wings, and live in harmony lmao. The Aryans and Dravidians AREN'T RACES. They were just certain groups of REGULAR ass people jeez.
History is a complex subject, and the more evidence we find, the more we would know about our past. I have literally nothing against any of the political wings, but I do want to keep the current theories (which are NOT synonymous to hypotheses btw) and facts straight. I'm once again not saying these facts will never change, because that's not how history works. Maybe in the future, we might find out something completely different about India's past. But remember, whenever we talk about our country's past, we should keep it unbiased, unopinionated, and definitely factual and objective, without including our own views (both political and personal) into it. Interpretations? Sure. But they should remain at ONLY interpretations at best, and only the solid evidences should be claimed as facts.
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castielsparkle · 2 years
Hey uh suppose you were trying to explain the destiel mineshaft to an idiot.....how would you explain it?
alright well. going to make this archived for future destiel mineshaft historians. might as well. (also do not worry ur not an idiot and neither is anyone else that doesnt understand the context LOL it truly is something that just Broke Containment<3)
The Great 2023 Destiel Mineshaft Incident Thesis/Autopsy/Deepdive
On January 18th, 2023, at 4:04PM this post was made, and here we can cite the first instance of the use of 'destiel mines.' Not entirely a concept yet, just a phrase. But here is where it can be traced back to.
January 28th, 2023, at 11:45PM, thee "winchester derangement syndrome three meal course" groupchat is started by Ro (@destielgaysex) (Initially groupchat was under a different name but i fear divulging into the 'lore' of that would distract us from our point.) I digress;
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This group consists of three tumblr bloggers:
-Ro (@destielgaysex)
-Zo (@marycentric)
-Cas/Dex (self, @castielsparkle)
Over the course of the following days they (myself, the author, included in this) continue to watch supernatural together in voice call channels in a discord server, "gay people," mentioned below.
Around 9:13PM, January 29th, 2023, voice chat is initiated.
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Exact time is not confirmed.
(Unsure of exact time,) Zo (@marycentric) eventually joins the voice channel.
Some time before 1:48AM Cas (@castielsparkle) joins the voice channel.
1:48AM, January 30th, 2023, this post is made.
1:48AM, January 30th, 2023, original post is reblogged with this addition. It is important to note this addition was made in reference to the first "destiel mines" post on Jan. 18th, refer to link one in paragraph one (of thesis.)
By 1:50AM, January 30th, 2023, the first moments of primitive, conceptual worldbuilding has begun.
Containment arguably was breached at 1:48AM, January 30th, 2023, when the first post that began circulation of the night was made, then reblogged by Quin (@tchotchkedean) however, some could say true containment breach happened 1:56AM, January 30th, 2023, here.
1:57AM, January 30th, 2023, first mention of minesnipers and the 15k fics per shift (one shift ending come midnight) requirements.
1:58AM, January 30th, 2023, first mention of "the incident" (explosion and subsequent collapse of mines.)
1:59AM, January 30th, 2023, reiteration of minesnipers.
2:14AM, January 30th, 2023, President Collins is introduced. This is also the first reference of "lol whar? haha whar?" being put directly into an original "destiel mines" post. This is believed to be a reference to the post made by Al (@hoziercd) at 3:19AM on January 29th, 2023, which can be found here. (Note that this predates majority of "Destiel Mines" posting.)
2:15AM, January 30th, 2023, it's like mineshaft in here. First footage on-record of Destiel Mineshaft site.
2:17AM, January 30th, 2023, second account of further breach of containment, from Al (@hoziercd)
2:22AM, January 30th, 2023, third account of further containment breach, this time regarding Timothy @maybenextjuneillgettoloveyou. (Note further reference to "whar?"-posting.)
Sometime around but not specifically proven to be at 2:28AM, January 30th, 2023, ambience is playing in discord voice channel to make blogging more immersive and evoke more passionate emotions of Destiel Mineshaft simulation.
2:31AM, January 30th, 2023, we are informed of the Destiel Miner's wages. (And later informed their Christmas bonuses are "parallels," according to on-site source Zo (@marycentric.) However, this was later debated as refutable by other employees, upon other things.)
2:36AM, January 30th, 2023, anonymous ask is received by Ro (@destielgaysex) inquiring about Destiel Mineshaft.
2:40AM, January 30th, 2023, more containment breaching from Dean (@howldean.)
2:48AM, January 30th, 2023, 22 minute mark of mine ambience in voice channel reached.
By 3:16AM, January 30th, 2023, there were at least four other instances of containment breach. Records will remain private at this time.
3:20AM, January 30th, 2023, references to President "Omega Longarms" Collins are made, with photographic evidence to back up claims of "sightings." This reference goes further back to a redacted document taking place at 1:19AM in an omitted server (I do not have access to) in a channel I've been loosely informed is regarded as "#mishafucking."
3:28AM, January 30th, 2023, hour two of simulated mine ambience immersion begins.
3:32AM, January 30th, 2023, final record of original textpost-form containment breach, from Linh (@castielsboyfriend.)
Not listed: various posts regarding the status of the mines, accounts of which vary slightly, but that is to be expected in any traumatic group experience. Archives can be found on the prior blogs listed.
additional points;
-coining of the namesake 'winchester derangement syndrome three meal course' should be accredited to @induboistably .
-timestamps take place during EST.
Please feel free to direct message author (myself, @castielsparkle) with any further inquiry/to correct any information if necessary/provide further context. 💙
EDIT AS OF 12:53PM, JANUARY 30TH 2023; my apologies for the negligence of mentioning the Miners Rebellion of 2084.
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This was brought to my attention by mineshaft veteran @tchotchkedean.
This refers to a series of events regarding the uprising of those employed by Big Destiel and by extension President "Omega Longarms" Collins. This had a ripple effect on the Destiel Mineshaft community. There are multiple firsthand accounts of the workers dodging bullets from minesnipers and trying to escape. This also includes the resulting actions of minesnipers guarding the retirement homes of the workers, in disguise.
Sources for these claims include, but are not limited to:
EDIT AS OF 1:01PM, JANUARY 30TH, 2023; it has been brought to my attention the name of the discord server (gay people) was mentioned in a message, this is a personal error, as i confused it's title with that of a voice channel. Revisions have been made to correct this error. Thank you @destielgaysex for bringing this to my attention.
EDIT AS OF 1:53PM, JANUARY 30TH, 2023; my apologies, in my haste to write the document i failed to mention Em (@heller-castiel) was among the mines as well. Thank you for your service!
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Hi, this is going to be a weird ask, but what the hell! I'm an art history student and I have a memoire to write, and I want / need / crave to make a connection between europe and the new world during the modern period, so like 1600's to late 1800's. I was hoping for something connecting France (where I'm from) to Canada, and I saw your post asking for strength not to write a fanfic about that period, and I thought, what the hell! 1/2
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Salut!! I admit you've stumped me a bit and I had to think about this one! (Ontario + Quebec education system leaving out important parts of their colonial history etc etc).
First thing I could think of in terms of artifacts or art, that I know of, would most likely have been beaver furs purchased in Canada and sent back to France during the fur trade. The French were very involved with the Algonquin peoples (Anishinaabeg) during the time of the fur trade, and they had a relative peace going on for a while including intermarriages between French settlers and Indigenous peoples, specifically for the prosperity of the fur trade. You still had some Indigenous peoples converting to Christianity in an attempt at cohabitation with the French settlers, who weren't very keen on sharing land. But yes, most people --- settler or Indigenous --- made their money in the fur trade, and beaver cloaks were pretty common and valuable.
Other than that, there was of course Jacques Cartier who did some truly despicable things in the 16th century (so not quite what you were asking for, I apologize!)... On his first expedition to what is now Quebec, he abducted two of Haudenosaunee Chief Donnacona's sons (Domagaya and Taignoagny) and brought them back to France to essentially show off their "primitiveness" and prove that they could be easily conquered. On his second expedition he abducted Donnacona himself along with a number of his people and never returned them home.
THEN there's also the Acadians, of course, along the East Coast. But since they were the descendants of French settlers, I'm not sure about artifacts leaving the land or coming and going to/from France except in regards to the deportation of the Acadians. There was a lot of fighting between French and British settlers over this land (now Nova Scotia), and eventually the British forcefully deported the Acadians when they would not swear allegiance or neutrality to the crown (1755, I believe), some of whom safely ended up in France. It's hard to find information on what happened to the people who resettled in France, but I know some of them went from there to the French Caribbean or Louisiana. I don't think they carried much with them when they were deported, but it might be interesting to look into that! I know my Cape Breton relatives would probably love to hear about me doing research on the Acadians lol but the truth is they've always been a big question mark to me!
Mostly when we talk about colonial history in Canada, we just talk about early colonization or later land treaties. I'm sure, though, that there are stolen artifacts sitting in museums across Europe but I unfortunately couldn't find anything specific in my searches! But likely textiles, weapons, beaded artifacts and art, wampum belts, maybe even entire totem poles. Hell, we have tons of stolen artifacts in museums here in Ontario. And mummies / human remains. Finding an artifact that was given would be really interesting, as I'm sure they exist!
EDIT: Aha! I did find some Algonquin artifacts (among others) in a collection at the Musée du quai Branly in Paris, that seem to be from the 18th-19th century. I'm not sure how the donor acquired these items, though. If it was ethical or not.
I hope some of that was a little helpful!! And also not grossly inaccurate!! I'm wishing you lots of luck on your work <33 It sounds really interesting and I'd like to hear more about it if/whenever you get the chance!
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gotyouanyway · 9 months
dont worry lol most of why i listened to scaredy cat was bc ive been meaning to continue the 8th dr audios for like months now and it was literally the very next one i had. also, you were not lying truly how did that get made
sorry i forgot to respond to this but you’re so real for that lmaoo luckily the next ones are generally better. and idk how it got made either it’s almost as bad as the next life with the “primitive natives” thing like. oh my god
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voltstone · 9 months
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SCALDING | moon | Pt.2
“You’ve kept her from me long enough.”
there was never a heat. only rut. wednesday still doesn’t know what to do about enid. nor ajax, for the matter. because he isn’t a bane. not like xavier.
[41,001] | [10/08/2023]
alright! for this chapter and the next, it’s just updating when i’m done, then i’ll go on an extended hiatus to actually write the rest and post on a schedule.
and good lord this chapter was…a pain. lol.
anyway. hopefully tumblr is nice to me. don’t think it will but whatever.
hope you enjoy!
(read more for chapter teaser.)
AO3 1.2 First Chapter: AO3 | First Post
With every Addams is a chosen instrument for death — the honor therein.
Your dear father is straightforward and blunt, so he takes to rapiers. Uncle Fester is (or was) likewise, though rather than rhythm, his hand kept itself erratic.
Mother’s instrument blossoms in silence. There are her words, then the poison to a drink. Her victims are few, though they are, always, a pointed remark. Grandmama, she is … similar, though she falls back to scripture and incantation as well.
“I— I-I can’t—! Oh my god, I— I can’t breathe—!” “Apologize to him.”
Pugsley has trinkets. Grenades. Rifles. Mines or the occasional tank. It doesn’t matter. If he can tinker with his instrument, that satisfies him plenty.
“He isn’t—! F-Fuck—!” (The jock wept. Naked, and bruised, with his head boiling… He truly was a disappointment.) “H-He’s not h-here—?!” “I’ll play courier. Apologize.”
As for you, your family likens you to antique. Namely blades, though you’ve collected the most heinous array of boards and maces. Curiosity has also guided you to the complex; more than gadgetry, you are drawn to practices, and technology. Old technology. There’s artistry to them. Artistry that your family appreciates, it’s just that you do above them all.
Yet…, a contradiction.
“I can’t— I— I can’t breathe…! Pl— Ple—ase—!” “Fine then.” (You loosened your grip. He slacked for his gulp of air. Then you stamped his head into wet tile.) “Now apologize.” (Blood erupted. It seeped far.) “To my brother. Apologize.”
Rather than antique, and complex, you favor primitive. Your very hands are your instruments.
Just as they had been beneath a fateful moon, where the life drained from his eyes. And beneath a yellow sun as well, where the world blurred, seethed Vampyric, behind cut fringe.
And so too your last hour at Lakeview High, where the locker room’s shower pranced down your back, and you were struck by the sheer ease of this vengeance. All it took for the football team to kneel was to find them unannounced, from an empty locker, after practice. 
“I’m— I’M SORRY! I’LL LEAVE HIM ALONE!” (His head cracked ceramic by the second heel.) “Again. Apologize again.”
There was only a telephone cable in your hands.
They knew to be terrified. You had to give them that.
It’s a shame that stunt had ricocheted you from the police station, to home, then right to Nevermore.
You wanted to see the captain’s face after the fact. You wanted to envision the colors which bloomed — beyond what Pugsley wrote you weeks into the fall semester. Because with any instrument, there is a piece. And for a sculptor to not witness her artistry…?
“She … isn’t here right now.” 
It was cruel.
— — — 
AO3 1.2 First Chapter: AO3 | First Post
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papirouge · 1 year
I was going to send you an ask about your thoughts on american evangelicals now claiming that Jesus is too liberal and weak for them (LOL) but I want to help out that Corsica anon You have.
A huge part of my family also are from corsica! Like a big part. They left the island to live elsewhere but my generation (like myself and cousins) decided to visit and see it throughout my life. The language is like a blend of French and Italian but more Italian. If you learned French though it wouldn’t be that bad but yeah, I agree that Italian might help better since the sound of the language is more similar. Your ear will be better at picking up certain words if that makes sense. Honestly, the island is beautiful and the people are proud but I wouldn’t fear them. Unless you came and tried to start drama with the locals. Like one time I saw a guy get slapped by a restaurant owner for acting rude, trying to smoke without a tray and leaving a mess. They DONT PLAY😂 there are some who don’t care about the mainland, some who find jobs in France and are fine and others that hate that France still owns the island and wants independence now. Having a family that are native to the island might help you out since you have a purpose of visiting. I’m not fully white either so the locals assuming I was a Parisian was slim. So my experiences have been my own. I overall thought it was nice to visit but I can also sense stress too from the locals whenever France exercised control on the island like banning the local native language from government. The idea is that the people are Corsican first, not French. (Like Apple hasn’t even released a Corsica flag emoji yet so they have to use France)
I’ve lived on other islands like hawai’i and the Canary Islands too for a bit and I saw some similarities. The people native to island are Hawaiian first with their own culture and language. Same with locals of the Canary Islands to Spain. They are first Canarian, then Spanish. But I don’t see them hate Spain that much like in Corsica, they’re just upset over dumb, entitled tourists.
I think the feelings of resentment is the price paid for being an islander owned by bigger, richer countries.
Oohhh it was so interesting!! Thanks for sharing anon!!
I love when anons use my blog to communicate between each others #papisatellite 📡🌍
And I'm curious about what you wanted to say about crazy evangelical seething against "liberal Christianity" 👀 I know for a fact that some White supremacists despise Christianism out of antisemitism but also because their think its teachings (of love and universalism) weakened the West which instead should be back to its native pagan worship and aggressiveness (think viking, Caucasus barbarians, etc.)
I was in tears when Conservatives started calling Fox News "woke"(!!?!?) because they fired Tucker Carlson 😭 Conservatives cannibalizing each other is truly something....and what's really ironic is that they couldn't blame the big bad liberals this time considering that it was Tucker who got the channel condemned for spreading misinformation in his show 💀
They have such a primitive "if you're not with us you're against us" mentality that they are shouting stupidities bigger than themselves.
The "everything I don't like is woke" mentality is ruining public discourse and critical thinking I swear...
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charmixpower · 2 years
How do the girlies react to Goncharov? (Movie or Meme, the choice is yours)
The Goncharov Meme;
S1 Tecna: Making up a movie is completely and utterly illogical. Why on any planet would someone just decide to lie for no reason—
Yeah Tecna either competely doesn't understand the meme or she's beyond invested in the nonsense and having the time of her fucking life making shit up about a movie that doesn't exist for no reason. In her defence, she gets really bored in class, and Goncharov posting is hella amusing
Katya is her favorite character
As for the other girls, they don't care as much
Stella finds it to be really funny, and makes a post saying that she was an extra in the movie, because she can
Bloom is absolutely in love with all the fake posters and fanart. Seriously its so beautiful, and so thematic. She is going through the tag, enjoying all the arts
Musa would find it a little amusing, randomly decide to make a fake utterly absurd discourse post about Goncharov, and Aisha would immediately respond with her own absurd take, and now they're having a fake argument about Ice Pick Joe and having a fucking ball doing it
Flora thinks the meme is neat and then puts her phone down. That's enough technology for today
The Goncharov Movie;
The movie however, yeah no, most of them are not interested
It's a Mafia movie and that doesn't appeal to most of them
Stella just wouldn't have the patience for the slow build and tension, Bloom is weirdly squeamish about violence and doesn't like how bloody everything is, and Tecna is NOT interested in this dull primitive shit. Tecna either watches dry documentaries or bad shit insane anime, and there is NO in between
Aisha would think the movie is good, but still not be super interested in it. Slow paced crime dramas are not her thing, she prefers things that are more action packed, but she does have the patience to sit though it and enjoy the movie for what it is. Also the themes in the movie about running out of time and hiding your true self hit a little too close to home for her, and she doesn't enjoy thinking about that, thank you very much
Flora and Musa are the ones who actually like the movie
I feel like Flora is a personal who would really enjoy a subtle slow paced story with a lot of themes and symbolism and ideas to really pick apart and rotate around in her brain long after she finishes the movie. If you get talking about the meaning and usages of the cigarettes, clocks, and colors symbolism she will literally never shut up about it
Musa on the other hand is just a sucker for a good tragedy, and Goncharov is a AMAZING one. Katya choice and betrayal gets her literally every single time. Like...she will never get over the boat scene, ever, she loves it. And when Katya and Sofia talked outside after the club scene and Katya is debating what she truly wants in life and Sofia accidentally encourages her to fake her own death? She's screaming. Katya ending, where all her plans succeed in the most monkey paws way imaginable has her by the heart, ok? She just, really likes a good tragedy lol
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kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
This one is for @diningwiththeasquiths
It uh. Is nothing like what I first thought in my head. And is longer than I planned by a lot as this was to be a drabble lol. It's also quite strange.
Still accepting prompts if anyone's interested. Stuff that can be just a scene or smth a bit stranger like this.
He can see why the artefact was so hard to find. A device said to gift the user the most valuable thing in the galaxy, but at the price most were unwilling to pay.
But Kylo didn't care. He had paid and paid and paid, all his life. What was this new malvoyance going to take from him that others hadn't already?
It had taken him weeks to track it down when he finally put his full focus on it. Seeking out in the Force, hours upon hours of meditation. Reaching further than he thinks even his Uncle realised was possible. Then there was the journey, to this small backwater moon, with life so primitive that they could scarcely understand that space travel was a thing.
When he searches in their minds for hints of what he's after, there's nothing. His own shout of annoyance drowned out by the screams and sobs of those he had just searched. He knows it's here. He can feel it pulse in his body, like a quick beating heart. He can even feel it respond to his own power, it's beady eye focused on him.
"The rooks have what you seek! Just please, leave us alone!" The shrill voice of an elderly woman, terrified, picks up. 
So to the rooks he went.  Followed as they circled in the sky, completing murmurations above him. A sight he couldn't help but get carried away in, each of the rooks flying perfectly with one another, dipping and diving, in sync with the Force as it flowed around them and through them.
And when they went to roost, he disturbed them. Wandering around the trees of the rookery. Ignoring the calls of indignity as their sleep was disturbed.
Until he saw it. It looked like nothing more than a shiny black piece of transperisteel, like something the ones above him just liked the look off so kept it around for decoration. It seemed both innocuous and nocuous in one, even the supposed darkness of the artefact not being that dark afterall. Not now he was close enough to truly feel it.
He reaches out to touch, just to be granted with a close up reflection of one of the rooks in its shiny surface and the gentle tink noise of its beak as it connected with the object.
And just like that, he understood. He understood the rooks. He understood the object. He understood what they were all doing here. And he understood his purpose too, as he stepped away from the object that has been guilty of no crime on shortened legs, and spread his new wings in the twilight. Realising that he should feel anger and fear, two emotions familiar to him, but not seeing the point anymore.
Really, he just felt he didn't care about anything. Ben. Kylo. The Dark. The Light. Snoke. Luke. Rey. Tai. Hux. None of it mattered. It was all inconsequential to him.
Trivial matterings of a man now gone.
For once, he finally felt free. 
And what a dangerous feeling that was.
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hellagoddessenergy · 2 years
Quick Awakening to Feeling “What I Want is Possible” (1 of 5)
Part One: Awareness
When I think back to who I was at the beginning of my soul awakening journey… I think of someone who was blindly going through life. LOL. Like I literally picture myself with a blindfold on just walking around aimlessly.
Anything and everything that happened in my life affected me internally. What people said, did, or didn’t do, events that did or didn’t happen, all the thoughts that I had swirling around in my mind… I identified with all of it… on a personal level.
I felt victimized by life. I felt like I was at the mercy of how the day unfolded. My mood, thoughts, emotions… all of it was dependent on how my day went.
How disempowering right?
I didn’t understand why it was so difficult to form new habits, to change my life, to get what I wanted.
So I’m over here expecting change and I wasn’t doing anything to cause change. I wanted to be more fit, healthier, make more money, be happier in my relationships, not just with my SO but with my family and friends, feel more fulfillment in life.
Maybe you’ve heard the saying “doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity” before.
I had picked up a book on codependency, because my mood was so incredibly reliant on my boyfriend’s mood, and I discovered the world of personal development. I began to realize that if I wanted a change in my life, that I had to change.
And that started with basic awareness. I had to be aware of what I wanted to change, in order to cause change.
Who was I spending most of my time with? They say that you are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with most.
What did my day-to-day look like? What kind of lifestyle did I lead?
What was my attitude, my perspective, about my work? About money? About my future?
What was I doing because I truly wanted to, because it made me happy and what was I doing out of obligation (i.e. people pleasing)?
The amount of insight these questions gave me was mind blowing… and a little shocking actually. I felt like, wtf have I been doing this whole time?
It was kind of overwhelming, just how much was going on in my life that wasn’t serving me.
I didn’t really know where to go from there. I was like okay so I know what I do like and what I don’t like, what I want more of and what I want less of.. now what? Cause now I’m just feeling lost and afraid of what to do next.
Here’s where the really cool part of awareness comes in: you can separate yourself from your emotions.
I want you to know that it’s okay to feel scared, your ego/subconscious fears change because change typically brings about discomfort, and it wants you to avoid that because it feels unsafe.
Keeping you safe is your ego/subconscious’s only job. This part of your mind is primitive, animalistic. It doesn’t quite understand the whole picture because it thinks similarly to that of a duck. It just views change as unknown, and unknown is threatening because there isn’t any preparation to be done for something unknown.
Here is where you can start with basic awareness: this is a moment of empowerment, instead of disempowerment.
This moment is the beginning of YOUR spiritual awakening, your own healing journey.
Now that you KNOW, now that you have a general idea of what you like in your life and what you don’t, you can begin making micro tweaks in your day to start moving the needle in the direction you want to go.
For example, let’s say you have a goal that you want to get into shape. Summer is coming and you want to feel strong and fit! Typically, after work, you go over to a friend’s house and hang out to watch tv, drink wine, and relax. You feel like you don’t have any time to go the gym during the day. Because you’re an awakening soul and want to move in the direction of your goals, you decide that you leave your friend’s house 20 minutes earlier than you normally would and go to the gym for 10 minutes. It sounds redundant, but this is going to change the way you perceive going to the gym. Here’s why:
When you go out of your way to avoid doing something, your subconscious mind believes it is dangerous, inducing fear, anxiety, and a general “I don’t want to” attitude.
Just as when you go out of your way to do something, your subconscious mind believes it is safe. Think of a smoker… Joe, Joe intentionally stops his daily flow, to go outside (regardless of the weather or temperature), to have a cigarette. He’ll even stay longer at work to make up for all his smoke breaks throughout the day. Now, we are all well aware that smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, but Joe’s subconscious perceives this habit as COMPLETELY SAFE because he’s been going out of his way, inconveniencing himself, to smoke cigarettes.
So, applying that logic to the intention of going to the gym for just 10 minutes per day, a completely new, and temporarily inconvenient task for you, eventually, after a few days, you’ll find that you actually want to stay at the gym a bit longer. You start thinking “well I’m here, let’s get some shit done”. And then your friend just starts joining you at the gym, and you guys stop watching tv after work and get shredded after a few months.
All of that could not have possibly happened without your newly discovered awareness.
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akajustmerry · 2 years
I just finished playing tlou2 and i'm miserable. This game triggered me to hell and beyond, it's truly horrible. I've read all the stuff you've shares about zionism and honestly, neil is an asshole. I keep thinking how joel represents palestinians (and hence, everything neil hates lol) and that's why he was treated that wayin the 2nd game. Anyways, i just wanted to reach out bc i've learned a lot thanks to you and i just wanted to share how i felt after finishing the game. Pure misery and torture p0rn huh
hi there. yes the game sucks ass. but joel is in no way representing Palestinians, like, he's said in interviews the main characters were inspired by his father and idf soldiers. Neil would have to recognise Palestinian humanity to make any allegory of a Palestinian his sympathetic protagonist. no, it's painfully, disgustingly obvious that the Wolves/WLF are an amalgamation of stereotypes Israelis hold for Palestinians and Arabs ie. them having a "cult" centred around martyrdom, them using tunnels to travel, use of primitive violence, even the WLF is an on the nose allusion to the PLF, etc. anyways, I'm sorry you played it.
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fandomfairyuniverse · 28 days
Coryo calling Mrs. Plinth pathetic for having a bit of a homage to district two in her home pissed me off more than I thought it would lol like this woman has been nothing but kind to you. Has fed you so much free food. And you call her pathetic??? For wanting to remember where she’s from???
And yeah it hammers in how incapable the kid is of seeing the districts and the people from them as anything other than primitive and backward BUT it goes even deeper with the plinths because he truly believes that they stole his life from him. Coryo believes that he deserves what the plinths have because his last name is snow. He deserves the wealth and the security, not them. The plinths are district scum. That’s all they’ll ever be in his eyes (other than the fact that they can be used to get him what he wants). And it’s insane because he sees them as his enemies, or at the very least massive pains in his side, meanwhile Sejanus and Mrs. Plinth see him as an ally in the capital. Someone they can trust. He’s their friend.
Anyway all this to say I would protect Ma and Sejanus Plinth with my life and I want to kick Coriolanus Snow (god that’s a horrible name) in the shins.
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elfdragon12 · 2 months
Can I ask which Tarantulas and Grimlock you’re referring to when you reference bad reinterpretations?? I’m assuming Tarantulas is either IDW or ES (since those are his other major appearances, but I haven’t seen either so I’m not sure how Tarantulas was done there lol) and since Grimlock is more common, I’m wondering what incarnation(s) you have in mind.
(Not hate, just genuine curiosity! Especially after the disaster that was Kingdom!Beast Megatron’s reinterpretation *shudders*)
I would use the word "boring" or "just like everyone else" more than "bad"... But that's kind of the same thing.
For Tarantulas, it's Earthspark. IDW1 is watered down, but still sticks to the general characterization of Tarantulas as originally written in Beast Wars. What makes ES Tarantulas an interesting or unique character? Really and truly? And, for me, it doesn't help knowing that the writer leans into the sad boy "he's a father! 🥺" woobification of IDW1 Tarantulas. I just don't think "sad scientist" Tarantulas is anywhere near as interesting or fun to watch as "mad scientist" Tarantulas. He's just like any other character. Oh he wants to leave the fighting behind! So do Optimus and Megatron, he's not special.
For Grimlock... It's more about the trend of making him "smarter" by going "look! He can speak with proper grammar! See! We made Grimlock smart!" It's also old hat by this point as Furman was writing that in the Marvel days. I do personally find Cyberverse Grimlock to be the worst of it. Him having this overly formal and hammy speech pattern puts me off so bad! And I love the choice of Keith David for Grimlock in Earthspark, but... What else is interesting about his character other than the trauma? He's simply another teacher/dad figure. (Also, Sunbow Grimlock is very sassy and not quite as stupid as people make him out to be, especially in the Call of the Primitives episode. I feel like we've lost this along the way.)
I will admit that a large part of the Grimlock thing for me is that there's a very specific character type that the instant I see it I'm in love. Huge, beefy, bestial figure of a man that loves the thrill of a fight, who doesn't really care what anyone thinks of them, gets bored or becomes disinterested in people who are weak-willed, and have a very particular kind of intelligence. Also toothy with wild hair. Grimlock is perfect for this! If folks weren't such cowards and leaned into how much fun characters can be if you get unconventional with them, it could be great! One of the best examples of the character type I mean is Rikiya Gaou from Eyeshield 21 (coincidentally, on a team called the Hakushuu Dinosaurs and receives lots of T-Rex imagery. Basically Grimlock if he were human).
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He's not simply a brute. He's a smart brute. I love him. He's fun and single-minded. He's very talented and the main characters are appreciative of having his power on their side, but they find actually dealing with his personality difficult.
A more calm, measured, and "intelligent" Grimlock is the opposite of what I want! If I wanted a dramatic warrior poet dinosaur robot, I'd grab Dinobot (who is also a victim of being watered down). That but evil and I'd grab BW Megatron.
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oraclekleo · 8 months
Hello kleo!! Hope you are having a good day!
I saw your BHS game open so I decided to give it a shot. I'm on the switch side leaning sub. But really depends on my moods n emotions...Let's say I could get a little sadistic n rough(with consent ofc).
Seo Joon- blind fold: idk something about his energy.
Wi Ha joon- def Handcuffs. I think he'd look cute cuffed up lol. Or me with him lol. Both the above men i don't mind switching.
But this man right here....Chang Wook? I'm def domming tf out of this man... So Spanking it is!
Aquarius Sun, Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising!
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Strictly 18+ Content ahead. Minors do not engage!
Spread: BHS TarotDeck(s): Tarot of Sexual Magic, Tarot of Casanova, Erotic Fantasy Tarot
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Park Seo Joon Blindfolded by You - 3 of Pentacles, II The High Priestess (Erotic Fantasy Tarot)
Both the cards speak of sharing and opening up. When you blindfold Seo Joon, he’s likely to experience a feeling of liberation. Being temporarily blind gives him the opportunity to rely on his other senses, opening the gateway to a more sensual side of himself. Being blindfolded makes him finally see what’s behind the veil of a very professional and civilised man and he can finally give in to his more primitive and lustful self by sharing his more daring fantasies with you. When he can’t see your facial expressions he might become more courageous about telling you what it is he wants in bed (or any other place you find fit). Seo Joon is likely to truly enjoy being blindfolded, even more than he would expect as it’s actually not making him a vulnerable victim of your love, it allows him to better tune in with you and cooperate more naturally with you when he’s not distracted by the thoughts on how it looks. 
Wi Ha Joon Handcuffed by You - 7 of Cups, 6 of Wands (Tarot of Sexual Magic)
Ha Joon is not likely to be the one suggesting handcuffing but once you come up with the idea, he might become curious and agree on it with you, while giving some terms which need to be followed. Once you have your guy nicely tied up and wrapped like a birthday present, Ha Joon is quick to forget any terms and conditions he ever mentioned and give in to the play. The feeling of being at mercy to you and whatever you decide to do with / to him might become pretty intoxicating for someone who’s used to leady and being on the top. It’s a completely new sensation and as such it’s exciting and joyful for Ha Joon. You might want to include a lot of touching and skinship while he’s shackled like a prisoner of your love. Don’t be afraid to experiment with a variety of textures and different levels of pressure - light touch or tickle with a feather, harder grab, biting his nipples… Ha Joon is no porcelain doll, he can endure quite a lot as long as there’s pleasure in it. He might become pretty vocal, both encouraging and praising you and just moaning, hissing, growling, panting and screaming your name.
Ji Chang Wook Spanked by You - 3 of Cups, 9 of Swords (Tarot of Casanova)
Chang Wook is certainly not the one pitching the idea of being spanked but you might instinctively sense the right time to suggest this to him. Especially if he’s troubled and worried in his head or anxious at the time, taking his thoughts away from the matter can help him relax. And you can be sure as hell that he won’t think about anything else but spanking once you start. While it might start kinda serious and cautious for both of you, it’s likely to turn into a merry play pretty quickly. This practice is likely to somewhat elevate any kind of burden off of his chest and allow him to just enjoy the new sensations and possibilities. You might want to include some kind of game as well, making spanking either punishment or reward (or both, whipping with a flogger is punishment, spanking with your hand is a reward because sometimes your hand might slip and ‘accidentally’ grab and stroke a different body part, oops 😂). Spanking Chang Wook might also encourage him to share any worry with you as in that position he’s simply going to do anything you tell him to do. In the end, spanking is both a relief and joy for Chang Wook.
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