#trump is a pawn of putin
tomorrowusa · 8 months
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^^^ Exactly!
Republicans are the party of weakness and kowtowing to dictators.
Trump's idea of strength involves holding a pitiful military parade in Washington while decorating the Oval Office with military decorations earned by troops who he considers to be "losers" and "suckers".
Trump performs fellatio on Putin and Kim while stabbing NATO and other allied democracies in the back.
Right now, House Republicans are trying to undermine military aid to Ukraine on orders from Trump who is in thrall to the Evil Empire.
As for soft power, American prestige hit rock bottom during the Trump administration. Internationally, we were America Worst rather than America First under Trump.
The horribly botched early response of the Trump administration to the COVID-19 pandemic made the US look worse than the "shit-hole countries" Trump always rants about. Hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly died while the death rates in more competently run allies were notably lower.
America's enemies are rooting for Trump and will assist him in every way they can in 2024.
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liberalsarecool · 7 months
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The Right Wing is Russia. The GOP will parrot anything from Putin. Tucker Carlson is a pawn.
Russian spies are invited into Trump White House. Russian spies influence GOP committees.
All amplified by FOX.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Lame-duck periods are meant to be inconsequential, but on Thursday afternoon at the White House, U.S. President Joe Biden got a chance to present one of the most important breakthroughs of his time in office. In what was the largest U.S.-Russia prisoner swap since the Cold War, involving at least seven countries over a period of months, a total of 24 people moved across borders as pawns in a game of global 3D chess.
Eight Russians are returning home in exchange for a combination of 16 Americans, Germans, and Russians. Within an hour of confirmation that U.S. prisoners were safely out of Russia, Biden assembled family members of the freed Americans at the White House and addressed a gathering of journalists. As he looked into the cameras, he no doubt knew that he was being closely watched by his counterparts in Beijing and Moscow, by millions of people around the world, and by history.
Even in his moment of triumph, Biden found a way to focus on the human reality of the moment. He singled out Miriam, the daughter of the released Russian American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva. It was one day until her 13th birthday, and Biden put an arm around Miriam, leading a chorus of the world’s most popular song. The joy was obviously precipitated by a major international development, but it was also the day a teenage girl would see her mother again after more than nine months in prison, convicted for the crime of writing about Russia’s army.
There’s a long list of prominent names involved in Thursday’s prisoner swap, including Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter sentenced to 16 years in prison under false claims of conducting espionage, and Paul Whelan, a former U.S. Marine who was in Russia for a friend’s wedding and accused, again, of espionage. There were German citizens and even Russians, including Oleg Orlov, a human rights defender and co-chair of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning group Memorial, in prison for speaking his mind about his country’s war in Ukraine.
Journalists, tourists, and activists went one way in the prisoner exchange; on the other side was Vadim Krasikov, a former colonel in Russia’s Federal Security Service serving a life sentence in a German prison for a hit on a former Chechen fighter, conducted in broad daylight in Berlin. Others included a Russian citizen involved in international money laundering, a hacker, a credit card fraudster, and an actual spy.
The historic exchange instantly evokes imagery from the Cold War, when such transfers of prisoners were more common. But rather than the historical parallels, it is the contrasts drawn by Thursday’s events that will be remembered. There was Washington, fighting for the freedom of not only its own citizens but also Russians who dared to criticize their own government, and in stark relief there was Moscow, openly trading journalists for criminals and Nobel winners for fraudsters. The Kremlin has gleefully applauded knocks to U.S. soft power, from the misadventure of the Iraq War to the botched U.S. departure from Afghanistan in 2021, but the symbolism of the moment will have not been lost on Russian President Vladimir Putin: This exchange isn’t a great look for him. And even though Biden’s claims of a grand battle between democracies and autocracies are often criticized for being too black and white for the modern multipolar world, the lame-duck president now has a moment to mark his favorite reference in the history books.
It’s an election year in the United States, so contrasts will also be drawn around the alternate visions of Washington’s role in the world—currently being debated by surrogates for the Democratic and Republican campaigns. Former U.S. President Donald Trump has long argued for a more transactional approach to geopolitics. In such a world, there are two players—one is a winner, the other a loser. The Trump worldview prioritizes singular might over alliances; values don’t matter as much as the value of the hand of cards a player is clutching to their chest. Biden, while careful to focus on the humanity and history of the moment, couldn’t resist pointing out the difference: “For anyone who questions whether allies matter, they do.” He was referring in particular to the role of Germany, which had reportedly been reluctant to give up Krasikov. Biden personally spoke with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in January and February, arguing the importance of the prisoner exchange.
Speaking a short while later to reporters, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan built on his boss’s message as he detailed the roles played by Germany, Turkey, and others in the prisoner swap. “There is no more powerful example of the importance and power of allies,” he said. “This was vintage Joe Biden.”
Supporters of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris are also pointing out her role, visiting the Munich Security Conference a few times as vice president and building relations with German and European leaders.
Sen. J.D. Vance, the Republican vice presidential nominee, was quick to offer an alternative view: “We have to ask ourselves, why are they coming home? And I think it’s because bad guys all over the world recognize Donald Trump’s about to be back in office, so they’re cleaning house. That’s a good thing.”
And so the race for the White House rolls on, with both sides seeking to score points and spin their version of events. Thursday will be a historic study in contrasts—between Washington and Moscow and between rules and impunity. It will also be a moment that could play a part in an American referendum on Washington’s role in the world and whether the electorate favors the slow, painstaking diplomacy of Biden or the instant gratification and drama of Trump’s dealmaking.
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xclowniex · 4 months
One of the most disappointing things about the past few years is how much it's exposed how much of a self-centered joke the online left has exposed itself to be.
I joined the left overtime as a reaction to the likes of Trump getting power, and his horrific desire to bring about his own dictatorship over America. I for quite a long time thought a lot of the problem stemmed from centrist types not taking his threat seriously enough (which was partially true in some ways), which only fueled my shift to the left more and more as I saw the end result of the pandemic and the lackluster reaction from the people who most supported the status quo in regards to many things.
I thought in many ways that would be the end of that; that progressivism was what society needed, and that we had to do everything in our power to pull society away from the problematic and deeply flawed status quo, and ESPECIALLY away from the likes of Trump and the Fascist GOP.
But then Biden got elected, and I started seeing the cracks.
The griping, the moaning, and self-righteousness just started popping up from the left. At first I didn't think too much of it, because Biden wasn't my first choice either, but I accepted the fact that it was better him than Trump, and frankly it was much easier to get things done under him than under a dictatorial asshole and egomaniac with too much power and support.
But the self-righteousness just would not stop coming from the left, mixed together with the realization that for every progressive who genuinely tried to make things better, there seemed to be far more whom only cared about their own image and brand of being "better than thou" without any actual substance, never mind the ones who actively seemed to go out of their way to support outright authoritarian regimes like Putin out of some notion it'd lead to Communism, despite the far right literally also wanting Putin to have more power for FASCISM.
It felt like people just flat out were falling into the same kind of conspiracy stuff as QAnon, where somehow they were loathed for their conspiratorial thinking, and yet somehow it became fine when "OUR SIDE" was dipping into that same kind of rhetoric and thinking. And for all that people constantly bayed for blood and for taking drastic measures, I never once saw them ever DO anything of the sort. I just started becoming warier and more thinking that people were just full of hot air, that for all of their talk none of them would ever willingly choose to fight for real because they didn't have any real courage, just a bunch of slogans and hot air.
And then Ukraine happened. And then I/P happened.
Honestly, those two things just fucking pissed me off, disillusioned me immensely, because it was like the mask just flew off. All of sudden, so called progressives were praising authoritarian behavior so long as it was under the pretense of socialism and communism. All of a sudden they started throwing around hateful slurs and propaganda like it was nobody's business. Actively and literally suggesting that we allow society to fall, for democracy to fall so that a fascist could destroy their enemies and push them towards their own ideology, despite the reality that THAT kind of thing has NEVER WORKED out for the people who are already suffering and broken.
It made me realize that a lot of so called "leftists" didn't care in the slightest about actually building towards a better world, only in wiping out the people they viewed as an obstacle to an easy utopia where they didn't have to care about other people as people. That everyone else was just their pawn, their prop for their own twisted egos of being against the eeeeeevil establishment, all while deciding to be just as monstrous as the evil they oppose.
I've honestly never felt so disappointed in my entire life, because I genuinely thought that people valued the idea of a better tomorrow, that even if having to work with the likes of Biden kinda sucked, that we'd have learned from the magical thinking of the Trump Cult and QAnon and recognized that progress would be a long, difficult, but necessary step towards a truly better future. That we would eventually replace the Bidens of the world with a better President who would slowly move things forward, and then replaced with their better successor who moved things forward as well, and so on and so forth. It'd be slow, but it'd be substantial, something we could work with.
Instead, it seems like a lot of leftists just wanted a left-wing version of Trump, where all their enemies are eliminated and they perch themselves atop their ivory towers to sneer down at the stupid liberal and conservative masses for not bowing to their greatness. Or they just burn everything and everyone else down while they skedaddle to the safety and comfort of their privileged lives to laugh and jeer at everyone for not submitting to their ideological zealotry, or just to escape the fallout of their heinous actions.
i 100% agree.
I feel like a lot of leftists (including myself back when i was a teen tbh) never worked through the right wing ideology they grew up with and saw values they thought were neat (are still are good things) such as queer rights and liberation, liberations for indigenous peoples, ending racism, etc etc etc, and instead of genuinely holding those values, they just used the same right wing authoritarian logic they claim to despise except backing that logic is leftist progressive ideas.
For example, leftists are supposed to be anti fascism yet, they want their politcal enemies to die or whilst they don't actively want a political enemy to die, they will gladly celebrate their death.
And like, there is a difference between celebrating the death of someone who has actually done harm due to their politics vs celebrating the death of someone who just holds opposing political ideas.
I also agree that there is a sense of being holier than thou from the left. There seems to be a pissing contest of who can be the most progressive to the point where it swings back around to being right wing either fully or to a point.
Whilst I still hold leftist and progressive values, I have definitely shifted away from calling myself a leftist as I do not want to associate with leftists who hold leftists values yet excecute them with right wing tactics. Maybe at some point in the future I will go back to proudly calling myself a leftist, but for now I am a bit ashamed of how quickly leftist values exit the room when talking about jews or other minorities.
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Iran was behind the original Hamas terror attack that started this and now they are escalating with drones and missiles. They can bring death and destruction to both Israelis and Palestinians but haven’t sent any aid to the residents of Gaza. None of the Muslim countries in the region have ever produced any significant relief for Palestinians. Instead they just keeping them as pawns against Isreal. In fact they have radicalized Palestinians so much that they are not allowed in neighboring states for fear of them becoming a problem. Many regional autocrats need to use Isreal as a foil to prop up their own regimes. Meanwhile hardliners in Isreal like Netanyahu need hostile Muslim neighbors to prop up their own administrations. Ironically how both sides need their enemies to remain in power.
Hamas works for Iran and they in turn work for Putin. If Trump and his Republican bandits seize power they will go after Palestinians and other nearby Muslim Restates with a vengeance.
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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The FBI KNEW FOR DECADES that Trump was a criminal money launderer for Putin/mafiya. Comey not only allowed Putin to put his pawn in WH to destroy our country, he HELPED him do it, breaking protocol to smear Hillary right before the election.
It’s always been 🖕you comey. We’re going through this hell because of tfg, and we haven’t fully recovered from his bull crap. You seriously thought we had collective amnesia? No! We don’t forget about you and you best believe that we will never forgive you
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erikahammerschmidt · 2 years
At this point, the only way Elon Musk could be involved in some kind of multidimensional chess is if he's a pawn
(I'm thinking in the same sense that Trump was a pawn, except with "oil companies" in the place of "Putin," and "the whole idea of electric cars" in the place of "the USA")
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veale2006-blog · 19 days
World Events Unveiled: The CABAL's Defeat and the Looming Storm
The once-secretive ambitions of the CABAL deep state, particularly their grand design to use Ukraine as a pawn in a war against Russia and seize Moscow, have crumbled. Their objective, which aimed to capture Russia's vast resources, GDP, and a staggering 17.5 million tons of lithium reserves (a treasure trove coveted by the likes of BLACKROCK, CIA, MI6, MOSSAD, and the Deep State), has unraveled into failure.
What's more, their nefarious operations to orchestrate a world war, all while mainstream media sounds the alarm for World War III, are teetering on the edge of disaster. This scheme, driven by a staggering 1.2 trillion-dollar heist from taxpayers in the name of supporting Israel, is beginning to unravel.
The truth is that the U.S. finds itself in an economic quagmire, edging closer to financial collapse, with the capability to wage not one but three wars - against Russia, China, and the Middle East - practically non-existent.
The Ukraine war, contrary to Biden's public statements of Russian failure in capturing Kiev, is reaching its conclusion. Military assessments, war games, and the testimony of top-ranking Generals all point to the impending end of this conflict. Russia has secured the second-largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, and is steadily advancing westward, with Odessa on the horizon. European support for the U.S. and Ukraine war is waning rapidly.
This is why the deep state has hurriedly ignited another conflict in the Middle East - a desperate ploy for funding and money laundering, all in a frenzied bid to evade an impending storm of arrests by the U.S. Military.
In the Middle East, Turkey has made a seismic pivot away from U.S. NATO allies, engaging in troop movements and naval exercises. Notably, Turkey is demonstrating its ability to mobilize two million soldiers in emergency combat scenarios, sending shockwaves through the corridors of the CIA, MOSSAD, MI6, and the Davos elite.
Pakistan has aligned with Turkey, while China supports both nations, and Russia backs several Middle Eastern countries, including Syria and Palestine. Putin's declaration of support for Palestine further underscores the changing geopolitical landscape.
As it stands, the U.S. military is ill-equipped for ground warfare in Russia, China, or the Middle East, with a glaring absence of missiles and weapons. In contrast, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Turkey, bolstered by China and Russia, boast a formidable arsenal. Iran's missile capability, in particular, poses a colossal threat, with odds of 16 to 1 in favor of Iran in naval confrontations.
The outcome is clear: the U.S. military finds itself at its weakest point in a century, a fact echoed in all military assessments, war games, and projections.
Behind this tumultuous backdrop, the real World War III event looms on the horizon, set for late 2024. President Trump has unequivocally stated that only he can prevent this catastrophe, and the impending mega scare event, complete with a full-scale nuclear standoff, will be the crucible of exposure for the U.S. Military Industrial Complex (including the CIA, Obama, Bush, the Clintons, the Rockefellers, and more).
Everything is hurtling toward a colossal reckoning: from Biden and the Hunter laptop revelations (just the tip of the iceberg) to the stolen 2020 elections, the Epstein saga, the CIA-Pentagon-Fauci trifecta behind the pandemic and lethal vaccines, all the way to the Deep State's orchestration of world wars. This was all foreseen, a narrative unspooling since the very beginning.
In these chaotic times, while the world appears on the precipice of World War III, it's crucial to remain calm. Yes, there will be skirmishes, nations picking sides, but as my previous communications have suggested, eventually, a sense of calm will prevail. Then, brace for a colossal, world-altering event, where nuclear bombs will remain dormant. The sole exception may be North Korea detonating a nuke over the ocean during the 2024 mega-massive scare event.
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flowflowflowflow · 3 months
Jenna, rem.beauty opens unexpected insides particularly about Richard Branson
Look, I am trying to understand why for example Stanley Kubrick if he was alive would be called Stanley Putin
Answers that I have: Biden, Donald Trump, Soroses, China
Closer than the rest to you exactly Biden and Trump, it explains my actions. And I warned that USD/RUB will trace back because killed FBI agents worked for Russia and China, even if through Biden
PE: DK is dead, meat hell had to be over
Zuckerberg is just a pawn in terms of chess game. So this madness has to end somewhere.
Also within Ukraine, because single visit of 3rd Putin in North Korea, very obvious action, has created a burst of discussions about what a genius he is, particularly on that Ukrainian channel that we hear most of the time
Tomorrow he can visit any another 3rd world country, Cambodia for example. And everyone will discuss what a genius he is. This has to end.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
American journalist Evan Gershkovich will stand trial in Russia on charges of spying for the CIA, prosecutors announced Thursday.
Gershkovich, a Wall Street Journal reporter, was arrested in March 2023 on what many in the West consider trumped-up charges by Russian President Vladimir Putin’s repressive government.
President Joe Biden has repeatedly called on Putin to release Gershkovich, 32, who was arrested while on a reporting trip in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg. Gershkovich, his employer and the U.S. government have all vehemently denied the allegations.
After more than a year in pretrial detention, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office said Thursday that Gershkovich's case would be sent to the Sverdlovsk Regional Court, in the city where he was arrested, for trial at an unspecified date.
The prosecutor's office said that Gershkovich's indictment on espionage charges had been finalized following an investigation by Russia's Federal Security Service, or FSB.
It said he had "acted on instructions from the CIA" and "collected secret information" about the manufacturer Uralvagonzavod, a facility in the region that produces and repairs military equipment. It added that "illegal actions were carried out by Gershkovich in compliance with careful measures of secrecy."
Russian authorities have presented no evidence to support their accusations, which were revealed for the first time in Thursday's statement.
Gershkovich faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.
Gershkovich's case has become a campaigning issue for journalists and government officials throughout the West, who see it as emblematic of the war Putin has waged against freedom of speech both domestic and foreign.
The U.S. has designated him as wrongfully detained, with Ambassador Lynne Tracy saying at a hearing in March that “the accusations against Evan are categorically untrue.”
Putin has signaled he believes a deal could be struck to free Gershkovich.
A possible exchange was in the works that would have involved the release of Gershkovich, former Marine Paul Whelan and Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, sources told NBC News in the wake of Navalny's death in an Arctic penal colony.
Gershkovich has been kept in Moscow’s notorious Lefortovo Prison, which is known for its harsh conditions. His multiple appeals have been rejected in court, and a previous announcement said that his pretrial detention had been extended until at least June 30.
During these court appearances, he often smiles and appears in good spirits. But his detention has weighed on his family.
“It has been hard,” his father, Mikhail Gershkovich, told NBC News in March to mark the anniversary of his arrest. “He spent all four seasons there, he spent his birthday and all the holidays. We want him home as soon as possible.”
His parents left the then-Soviet Union for the U.S. during the Cold War. He and his older sister grew up speaking Russian at home, and the family calls him “Vanya,” the diminutive for his Russian name, Ivan. 
His interest in Russia motivated his decision to move there in 2017 to work as a journalist.
But everything changed when Russia staged its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in Feb. 2022, the family said. Like many other foreign reporters wary of Russia's tightening grip on press freedom, Gershkovich moved abroad, albeit regularly returning for reporting trips. 
Since his arrest, another American Russian journalist, Alsu Kurmasheva, has also been detained, along with several other U.S. nationals. The U.S. government has said this is a deliberate strategy by Putin to use them as geopolitical pawns.
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truck-fump · 4 months
<b>Trump</b> using jailed American in Russia as 'a political pawn' - YouTube
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DaFQk7n-72zM&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0dv0YI6SkWDWyh4bd--kLd
Trump using jailed American in Russia as 'a political pawn' - YouTube
MSNBC’s Katie Phang and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul discuss Donald Trump claiming he could get Vladimir Putin to free …
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writer59january13 · 7 months
Deep purple outcast Earthling...
Finds living social brutal, an impossible mission among an alien nation of nasty trumpeting sore losers, who don their heads periwigged with orange coiffure emulating, looking, and ululating trolls bemoaning the existence of hashtagged second class citizens such as yours truly, a genetic anomaly whose misconstrued physique (mine), an innocent married sexagenarian, whose predilection towards stranger things (that go bump in the night) experienced being character assassinated, electronically besmirched, and forever crucified for claiming to be divine creator reincarnate attested by scars evincing severe puncture wounds (courtesy sharp stake) to palms of each hand, where river of blood coagulated upon emaciated body electric, yet never totally extinguishing unbridled spirit.  Abandonment at birth courtesy young unwed mother of mine found her set beet red, gangly and scraggly newborn within basket - case there might happen by the boulevard of broken dreams, an altruistic, deterministic, humanistic, maternalistic, spiritualistic, and zootheistic good samaritan (and a nice Jewish man to boot - ha), which wayfaring stranger from a stranger land or maybe even an extraterrestrial channeler from amidst dark shadows hoovering within outer limits of the twilight zone, whereby said nebulous Gaia the Greek goddess of Earth, mother of all life, similar to the Roman Terra Mater (mother Earth) reclining with a cornucopia, or the Andean Pachamama, the Hindu, Prithvi, “the Vast One,” or the Hopi Kokyangwuti, Spider Grandmother, who with Sun god Tawa created Earth and its creatures. Fast forward sixty five years to the present where wedded bliss eludes a wordsmith envisioning being whisked away (with a half sashay, and a do-si-do) at light speed to accompany other worldly species as interstellar travel fine companion to hopskotch across the universe despite obvious and immediate language barrier, and essential species difference gnome matter said cosmic dust rendered myself and other entity divergent organisms prone to eye each other with at least one characteristic aberration, barbarization, elucidation, fascination, intercommunication, jubilation, melodramatization, nonconfrontation, et cetera.
Upon surrendering this self hypnotized faux yes ("FAKE") Earthing, I noticed nothing amiss (which temporary state of transcendent bliss twice daily meditation strives to attain), ah...before you dismiss a non "FAKE" claim lemme juiced apprise ye with a very brief hiss tour re:, how this generally outlandish (long gush fellow) doth wanna kiss hippy, cheeky and buddy UFO's (with chess a bot of errant knightly - je ne sais quois finesse, Oh Henri Matisse - yea artfully add a touch of Swiss obviously predominantly French laced politesse), though up pawn occasion this lousy manque non rook key mutant doth miss long disused subtle social cues, cuz I still feel asper (in) a human aberration always felt like an outcast in an alien nation even though born on Mars, (a distinct honorable station), yet resided on third rock from the sun what seems like forever damnation yours truly experienced abolition against supposed invaders from outer space, and essentially targeted, kindled, and bullied on par like an abomination, no surprise while attempting to escape being walled din, and trumped "illegal" accusation crackled, snapped, and popped with abjection, your honor (forgot to mention earlier got picked up mistaken as invitation from outer space by a kid prized as some sophisticated surveillance drone), within a sketchy section of town, and must avoid acquisition by mad scientists (employed by NASA), who will undoubtedly take immediate action and disassemble me (carefully as if dismantling Bono fide atomic bomb), hence activation must be established pronto against administration, sans powerful GMO firearm, emitting disinformation (mine defense of last resort) will definitely signal to nemesis furthering my aggravation, and Putin this webbed, whirled, and wired woebegone wysiwyg at risk.
I ably, eagerly, readily, and willingly roll out the Scottish Tartan mat in an honest to dog effort to be removed (ofttimes experiencing chilblains as persona non grata) as soon as possible off a planet chock a block teeming with billions of anglocentric, eccentric, egocentric, humancentric, phallogocentric, et cetera bumping uglies during three hundred and sixty five days (one additional twenty four hour period occurring every leap year), self absorbed in satisfying basic instinct to procreate despite overpopulation imposing immense stress upon oblate spheroid analogous to spinning wheel (threading thru Milky Way galaxy) across variable cosmic tapestry in the sky that keeps on turnin.'
How curious to embark on long day's journey into night where experiencing inescapable gentle tug of black hole's gravitational pull extends indefinitely, but its strength diminishes with distance subsequently the gravitational force from a black hole can be felt from any distance, but it becomes weaker the farther you are from the black hole, therefore no specific "cut-off" distance for its gravitational influence, but it becomes negligible at large distances, just like any other massive object in space.
Beginner's luck found yours truly (me) honored and privileged to become linkedin with space travel endeavor, which global enterprise incorporated representative ace cadets inured to the rigorous regimen of zero gravity. An exceptional solo flight to Mars on a lark, (a summer vacation experienced many years before as an audacious, capricious, and precocious adolescent and native Martian to boot), who stealthily boarded the sleek and sophisticated state of the art missile, (which stood ready to be launched at a moment's notice) did notch prospects and counted as figurative feather in my cap considerably increasing prospect to voyage into the realm when the space/time continuum burst with a big chitty chitty bang bang, when entering the spatial sweepstakes for a one way ticket to witness the beginning formation of galaxies.
Even though an aerospace engineer with an assignment in top secret government project to sendd an unmanned rocket to the red planet, (the intention to scramble aboard the massive satellite required careful planning over the course of many months), I lacked particular knowledge about entering hatchways, which would allow, enable, and provide easy access to enter the control center.
Company policy frowns on interaction between one department and another issued special badges (even with the most restrictive clearance) to minimize espionage and sabotage, and/or the selling of vital information to a competitor particularly Russia, many other countries that comprise the Soviet Bloc, and even China.
In an effort to obtain vital information for redacted reports mentioning (or even alluding) to general data points about said undertaking, I won over any skepticism on behalf of chief executive officers (and their ilk) with a sincere concern the normal wear and tear of the components at structural junctures subject to excessive metal fatigue.
With the aid of latest computer hardware and software, the graphical user images on the screen showed every square inch of each module, which electronic schematics could be rotated three hundred and sixty degrees in at least (but not limited to) three dimensional arrangement. Upon request, a permit became available for me to scrutinize the actual entire multistage proud product at various stages of completion utilizing digital camera, hand held tablet, and latest implements of the trade notating courtesy diagram and description any questionable site that cast a dark shadow of doubt for a successful thrust of mother ship into deep space nine. Lest any tell tale signs signs of an independent research enterprise betrayed my true where-abouts and/or ulterior motives, an undisclosed pricey retreat someplace in the tropics constituted the solee extent for my explanation at a long term leave of absence, which got corroborated courtesy revamped computer program responsible for monitoring surveillance in the far fetched event some intelligent living social alien life source ransacked premises.
As the day of lift off approached, an stepped up increase in preparations for my lengthy surreptitious stay in space took place. Tucked away in frequently overlooked nooks and crannies behind innocuous panels stood cannistors of food, me books and telecommunications devices, aa high powered microscope and writing material as back up medium. All those months blankly staring at least one, (but ofttimes many more) monitor screens, thumbing thru technical reports, and quite a few unobserved practice dry runs (to familiarize and adequately prepare me with the real test) witnessed perfect blast off without a hitch into the infinite azure sky, more so the color of an inky abyss as millions of miles jettisoned yours truly permanently away from nearly totally traumatized Earth. Even with the aid of a seatbelt and shoulder strap, the powerful shocked thrust from the forced propulsion heavily bore down against my forehead and created the sensation of being flattened by a steamroller, but once outside the powerful force of the planetary pull, I experienced a lightness of being. Arms and legs floated up as if I owned no control (to major Tom) over them.
From recent maneuvers in a simulated environment of weightlessness at the Astronaut Training Center (ATC for short), a place about halfway to the moon available to all employees who thought to relocate to of of a dirty dozen deeded deployment destinations strategically strewn across a trafficked trajectory.
Although usually considered unwise to bounce around in a free form fashion within a traditional sized room without a strong rope tied around the waist and affixed to a secure anchoring post, or donning suction shoes, the cubicle housing makeshift main headquarters the exception to aforementioned rule, which cramped area not specifically designed to carry a passenger (unless excursionist qualified as an authentic midget) offered slight breathing space to average sized person excellent at being a contortionist.
Anything I wanted could be obtained within arms length. Most of the intervening hours whiled away found yours truly (me) adopting meditative pose, whereby a certain serenity pervaded throughout my entire trek into the outer limits of the twilight zone lulled into mental, physical, and spiritual quiescence courtesy absolute zero sound, nary a whine of engine disrupted hypnotic trancelike state. Within the immediate moments after blastoff, the third rock from the sun (home to multitudinous species of life that proliferated despite impact of Homo sapiens upon all animals and plants exhibiting wanton exploitation of fauna and flora to buzzfeed the capital one promulgation of industrialization) instantaneously receded into a pinprick of light before blinking out altogether, which inky blackness suddenly pronounced, accentuated, underlining austere beauty of the cosmos.
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, I have been following the political climate in the United States closely. It is no secret that the Trump administration has had close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and it is becoming increasingly clear that he has a hold on a certain group of individuals within the Republican party.
These individuals, often referred to as "MAGA Republicans," have been vocal supporters of President Trump and his policies, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of corruption and wrongdoing. It is my belief that Putin has a hand in this, and that he has been able to manipulate these individuals to serve his own interests.
The first question that comes to mind is why Putin would want to interfere in American politics in the first place. The answer is simple: he wants to weaken the United States and increase his own power and influence on the global stage. By sowing discord and division within the country, he is able to pursue his own agenda and advance his own interests.
One way he has been able to do this is by using social media to spread propaganda and misinformation. He has been able to target vulnerable individuals who are susceptible to his messages, and has been able to create a network of supporters who are willing to do his bidding.
These individuals, often referred to as "useful idiots," are not necessarily aware of the bigger picture and the role they are playing in Putin's game. They may genuinely believe in their cause, but they are being used as pawns in a larger scheme.
It is concerning that so many people have been taken in by this propaganda and are willing to support policies that are detrimental to the country as a whole. It is also concerning that more people are not speaking out against this and calling it out for what it is.
We need to be vigilant and aware of the tactics that are being used against us. We need to be critical thinkers and question the information that is presented to us. We need to hold our leaders accountable and demand transparency and honesty.
Putin may have his useful idiots working for him, but we have the power to expose the façade and fight back against his efforts to undermine our democracy. Let us stand together and defend the values that make our country great.
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theliterateape · 1 year
Trump Unable to Do Community Service Due to Bone Spurs
by Joe Janes
In anticipation of potential incarceration from the “Soros-rigged justice system”, according to Trump himself, his lawyers presented the judge at his arraignment a list of pre-emptive demands.
Here is the transcript.
Your honor, it is unprecedented that a former US president be considered for any kind of legal punishment beyond a fine he can pawn off on his supporters. With 34 felony charges and a maximum sentence of 136 years, it looks like some prison time, however nominal, is inevitable. Our client has requested we officially enter his demands under should this occur.
1)    No community service, like picking up garbage along the side of the highway. Our client, as supported by a doctor’s note from 1968, suffers from bone spurs.
2)    Weekly conjugal visits from hot models and porn stars selected by our client, this includes his current wife who might like to role play prisoner and warden’s wife.
3)    That the food in the prison cafeteria be served buffet-style complete with an omelet station, ice cream sundae bar, and a ketchup fountain.
4)    Our client is concerned that being an ex-president in prison could make him a target for any liberal convicts who would like a piece of him. He would like to either have a 24/7 secret service detail or have secret service members found guilty of insurrection be his cell mates.
5)    The cell should be in the VIP section of the compound. He is fine with the toilet being out in the open next to his bed and wonders why he didn’t think of that before.
6)    President Trump will continue his run for the presidency in 2024 and will require internet access for Truth Social, a television set with cable, a telephone, and use of the prison yard for rallies.
7)    Our client demands protection from becoming anyone’s “bitch” unless said person has been pre-approved by Vladimir Putin.
We realize this is an unorthodox measure, your honor, but we believe our esteemed client deserves preferential treatment if he is required to serve. (Trump whispers in his attorney’s ear.) One more thing, your honor. Our client would like to build a golf course next to the facilities using cheap prison labor and then not paying for it.
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Hamas is a tool of Iran and does not necessarily represent the majority of Palestinians in Gaza. When Iran issues an attack order to Hamas they carry it out and then use ordinary Palestinians as human shields. Naturally the Israelis counterattack and the Palestinians suffer due to the actions of Hamas terrorists.
Iran works closely with Putin and Russia. It’s now believed by many that Trump passed information about Israeli defenses to the Russians who in turn have it to Iran which passed it on to Hamas at joint planning sessions.
We know Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is not always fair and our own meddling over the years has not always been beneficial. But as usual Hamas, with the backing of Iran and Russia, and limited assistance from Hezbollah (Iran’s other client militia) launched this unprovoked massive attack.
Those of us on the left should be aware of the optics of denouncing Israel at this time as Hamas is beheading infants and toddlers ISIS style and taking hostages. Hamas is bringing this suffering on both the Palestinians and the Israelis. Hamas is acting as a proxy of Iran whose goal is to destabilize the region and distract from their benefactor Putin’s debacle in Ukraine. No state in the Middle East supports the Palestinians, they are used as pawns for corrupt, failing, theocracies and dictatorships.
Public sentiment in recent years among progressives has switched to supporting the Palestinians and they are in dire straits in need of assistance no doubt about it. But for those who read the state department briefings and dig deeper this switch was made possible by funding from Iran which has been waging a propaganda blitz, usually through public radio, in liberal communities and college towns. The Iranians and duplications Saudis have been spending millions to turn American public sentiment against Israel for their own geopolitical goals and it has been working. This can be described as asymmetrical warfare, turning the tide through disinformation and other non-combat means. We can’t go gung-ho against everything the right supports because sometimes we’ll just be shooting ourselves in the foot.
BLM should reconsider their dubious ties to the Palestinians because frankly it has nothing to do with their own goal or the goals of the rest of the left-leaning resistance against the Republikkkan fascists. Taking sides in Arab-Israeli conflicts is a lose/lose scenario for American progressive reformers. We are on the verge of losing our own democracy and sadly should focus on that until the Trumpian GQP threat has ended. The professionals at the state department will handle the Middle East. It may sound callous or insensitive but if we lose here it’s game over and we won’t even be able to help ourselves let alone others.
I’ve always seen what’s going on at home as a war for the future of this country. The Republikkkans have been waging it for decades against us and even today most of us still aren’t aware of it let alone its scope. I would never advocate abandoning anyone but we have to be cognizant of our end game. As stated we won’t be able to help,ourselves or anyone else if the GQP chaos caucus is calling the shots. The Middle East has been in turmoil for thousands of years and 99% of the public has only the faintest grasp of what’s going on. Don’t let the media or propagandists distract or divide you. We have to make winning on the home front our priority. Ordinarily I wouldn’t type this but we are living through an unprecedented attack on our way of life and the very survival of many of our brethren here at home is on the table.
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deadpresidents · 3 years
This would be a good time to remember that when Donald Trump was impeached for the first time, it was for withholding $400 million in military aid for Ukraine -- which was already fighting Russian aggression -- to force Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to investigate false claims about Trump’s political opponents.
That military assistance that President Trump held back from Ukraine for 84 days included “sniper rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, night vision goggles, medical aid and other equipment the Ukrainian military needed to fight a grinding war against Russian-backed separatists”. 
I’m sure nobody has forgotten that, but every time I see a new story about Trump praising Vladimir Putin, as he has done THIS week, I think it’s important to recall that he also extorted Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who is literally fighting for his life while leading Ukraine against Russia.
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