#trump tried to turn the us into a shit-hole satellite of russia
tomorrowusa · 8 months
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^^^ Exactly!
Republicans are the party of weakness and kowtowing to dictators.
Trump's idea of strength involves holding a pitiful military parade in Washington while decorating the Oval Office with military decorations earned by troops who he considers to be "losers" and "suckers".
Trump performs fellatio on Putin and Kim while stabbing NATO and other allied democracies in the back.
Right now, House Republicans are trying to undermine military aid to Ukraine on orders from Trump who is in thrall to the Evil Empire.
As for soft power, American prestige hit rock bottom during the Trump administration. Internationally, we were America Worst rather than America First under Trump.
The horribly botched early response of the Trump administration to the COVID-19 pandemic made the US look worse than the "shit-hole countries" Trump always rants about. Hundreds of thousands of Americans needlessly died while the death rates in more competently run allies were notably lower.
America's enemies are rooting for Trump and will assist him in every way they can in 2024.
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