#trunks but his jacket says wifey
chickenoptyrx · 2 years
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Various prompts from discord :U
The broly and upa are actually from a few days ago tho.
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alstanfordart · 5 years
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Story under cut. Usual warnings.
"C'mon, get these," Liam orders as he tosses a bundle of white taper candles and holders at Josh, who fumbles as he catches them. "These will have to do. I ain't driving down to Bangor now. And these are the only ones they got."
They were in the candles and fragrance section of Rite-Aid. Standing beside them is Josh's younger sister Christie, decked out in a dark green crop top, denim jacket and skirt, chewing loudly on Skittles candies she boldly ripped open in front of a store employee sweeping the floor. The gangly young man had simply shrugged and kept moving along the aisle, pushing the wrinkled scraps of wrappers and dirt crumbs along the stained and scratched cream tiles.
It was Halloween night, and everyone else was out trick or treating or partying, so the store was almost empty.
"Shouldn't we use black candles? That's what they usually use, right?" Christie pipes up, tucking a tendril of wavy blonde behind her ear.
"They don't have them here, and I don't think we need them." Josh replies as a spiked-haired young man with a septum piercing and cartoonish-looking tattoos emerges from the snacks aisle with three bags of pretzels piled high in his arms.
"Someone's gettin' high tonight." Liam mutters, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his leather jacket as they watch the young man pay the cashier and exit.
"Hey where's Lucas?" Josh queries. "Thought he was coming?"
"Stuck at his girlfriend's. She goes to church and all that and thinks we're all a bunch of heathens." Liam grins, his neck-length greasy hair tumbling over his dark sunken eyes as he continues to scan the shelf, before blowing a sigh throw his nostrils.
"Hope he don't make that uptight bitch my sister-in-law. Would hate to see her every fucking holiday," he pauses. "Yeah, we're done here." he announces as he gives a quick flick of his hand, scarred with cigarette burns, motioning for Josh and Christie to follow him.
As a song by New Kids On The Block starts blaring over the store speakers, Liam sends a taunting grin at Christie as he begins a comical flailing of his limbs in the aisle, weaving his lanky frame, trying to mimic the dance moves of the boy banders.
"Hey, I'm Joey McIntyre. Ain't you into them Christie?" he says as he starts to snap his fingers as he does a shuffle up to her. With a disgusted visage, Christie sticks her palm out, blocking him from coming closer.
"God no," she says, her face looking as if she'd just taken a whiff of the worst-smelling garbage imaginable. "Fucking Greta Keene listens to that shit. Not me."
Greta had taken to hanging out front of Derry Middle School, waiting for Christie, and along with Sally Mueller, started chucking rolled up paper balls, juice boxes and empty soda cans at her as she passed by. She'd been a target since she'd walked in on them tormenting a girl named Beverly Marsh and promptly cussed them out. They then began targeting her. It had become a ritual at this point.
Liam halts his dancing, his mien dropping to a more serious one. "C'mon man." he says, sniffling loudly, running his left index along the thin black mustache that aged him at least ten years. He didn't look like a young man of eighteen, but rather a thirty year old you might see working Derry's seedy bar scene. Compared to Josh's more boyish, youthful appearance with his short dirty blonde hair, stonewashed jeans and Derry High School jacket, they made an odd match in terms of friends.
The young cashier looks nervous as the three approach, with Liam digging into the back pocket of his trousers, presenting some wrinkled up dollar bills and loose change.
"Hey, got money tonight man," Liam gives a leering grin to the cashier, whose cheeks are now flushed a light pink. He nods rapidly as he quickly takes the money from Liam, snatching it from his palm as if worried he might contract a disease by touch.
"See ya'," Liam continues his lurid grinning as he makes a finger gun with his hand, pointing it at the timid cashier, clicking his tongue. "Later dude."
After all three pile into Liam's red Pontiac Firebird, Josh tosses the plastic bag of candles into the backseat beside Christie. As they cruise along Kansas Street. Josh snaps on the radio, with Liam loudly belting out the lyrics as Josh cranks up the volume.
"You're motoring, what's your price for flight, in finding mister right, you'll be alright tonight!" he sings in an deep, exaggerated intonation, sending glances back at Christie over his shoulder. She loudly groans as she slinks down against the backseat.
"Why do you always have to be such a dick?" she sighs as she gazes out at the street lights blurring past. She huffs, folding her arms as he continues his taunting crooning, turning in his seat to face her, placing a hand dramatically over his heart.
"Babe, you know, you're growing up so fast, and mama's worrying-"
"No she ain't." Christie sternly cuts in, pushing the plastic bag aside as she shuffles in her seat, kicking the empty beer cans along the tacky floor with the toe of her sneakers. The odor inside the car nauseating her with what she suspected was a combination of weed and vomit.
They pass by a bar with patrons loitering outside. She points.
"Ma is probably in there."
Their mother Melanie certainly wasn't worrying about anything or anyone other than her next lay.
"I hate that fucking song." she adds.
Liam abruptly stops his warbling as they come to a stop in front of their destination; 29 Neibolt Street.
"Ah, fuck yeah!" Liam hits the breaks and leaps out, making his way to the trunk. Throwing it open, he removes a large heavy item, wrapped in a grimey brown cloth, along with a couple of flashlights. Slamming the hood, he approaches Josh and Christie.
"Here it is. It's big enough. We're gonna do this, man. And it's gonna be fuckin' cool!" he exclaims excitedly as he pounces towards the front door of the run-down mansion, long rumored to be a haven for every tweaker in town.
As well as ghosts and the occasional Satanist-a crowd that Liam ran with. It was his idea to come to the most infamous house in Derry to perform a seance. They'd let Christie tag along for the ride.
As Josh duly follows. Christie pauses, holding the plastic bag of candles, staring up at the circular attic window. She remains there, her hazel disks focused on the tenebrous just within the foggy and cracked glass.
She gazes over at the police tape draped along the wrought iron fence that had been torn, a sign that others had trespassed along the property.
"What a shithole." she mumbles beneath her breath.
A pair of large hands violently shove her forward. She nearly falls over, catching herself against the wooden beam of the porch, feeling a pinch against her thumb as a splinter pricks her skin.
"Ow, shit." she gasps as she whirls around, certain that asshole Liam or Josh were pranking her.
But no one.
She quickly runs inside, trying to work the splinter from her flesh, a tear of red blood forms, pushing it out.
"Someone just pushed me," she says as she shuts the rickety old door behind her, trading her gaze between her brother and his friend, trying to decide who was the culprit. She drops the plastic bag to her feet as she snatches up a flashlight, shining it on her finger.
"Maybe it was the ghost!" Liam cackles, his jeering grin a hint that maybe it had been him. Christie glowers at him.
"It's not funny. Someone came up behind me-"
"You just tripped," Josh interjects dismissively. "We were both in here. Liam was with me."
"Yeah," Liam agrees as he switches on his flashlight, aiming it at his face. "I told, you it was the ghost. This place is haunted like a motherfucker. You know by that piano teacher."
"Edna Cotton?" Josh inquires.
"Yep, lived here around 1906," Liam continues, "She was banging Joseph Mueller. He wouldn't leave his wife. So, one day, she invited his wife here for tea- and the wife had no clue about the affair- and then she crept up behind her with an axe and pow!" he swings his arms as if holding an invisible weapon. "Blade went into the back of wifey's skull. They found Edna wondering the streets afterwards, covered in blood. They hanged her a week later. They had to do it quick, since they were afraid the Mueller wife's family and friends would get to her first. "
"Wow." Christie says, her arms scissored around her, feeling a stark chill suddenly pulse through her, goosebumps prickling along her skin. The mention of the Mueller name made her think of Sally.
She glances to the front door.
No, no ghost. Just Liam being a douchebag and tying to scare her. Maybe she did trip. Pushing it out of her mind, she moves to stand by Josh.
"Alright, let's do this," Liam positions himself before the cloaked item, yanking away the material to reveal a large oval-shaped mirror. He traces a callused fingertip along its golden frame. "Mirrors are portals. Gateways."
Josh snatches up the bag of candles and pulls out his lighter, igniting each and lining them up around the mirror. Christie lowers herself to sit on the icy floor.
"Think this will work huh?" Josh queries as he stares at his reflection. Liam nods, keeping his eyes glued to his own.
"Legend has it The Brotherhood of Nineteen used to hold seances here," Liam says. "They also used to do mirror gazing, trying to contact the dead. I read one of them went crazy after he stared at a mirror too long and his reflection morphed into something inhuman, a demonic pigman or something. Now close your eyes."
Liam starts to recite an incantation under his breath, but neither Josh nor Christie can decipher what he's saying. The room is quiet, dark, save for the soft light of the candles.
Christie decides to peek, opening her lids and watching, eyes widening as she sees a pitch black fog that resembles liquid start to spread along the mirror, drowning out their reflections. She inhales sharply at the unexpected sight.
The black fog quickly vanishes as she does so. Liam growls, "Hey what the fuck?"
"I saw something. In the mirror-"
"It was working? Dammit! Don't fuckin' talk! Shit!" Liam hisses as he gives her a murderous glare. Josh places a hand on Christie's shoulder.
"It's okay. Just keep them closed." he offers gently as Liam keeps his intense brown irises on her.
"Again." he states coldly as he turns back to face the mirror, and, once again, recites that indiscernible invocation. Christie keeps her lids squeezed shut. For a moment she heeds Liam's order. But something was telling her to open them again. A tension begins to envelope her tiny frame, her chest tightening, heart thumping against the tightness forming in her throat.
And she looks.
What she sees is not an inky fog cloud this time, but...a clown. Clear as day. His round face outlined by the golden of the candlelight. His pupils two flaming smooth yellow rings. His grin is trimmed in dark red stripes that cut across his white cheeks. The most startling thing of all are his teeth; sharp and pointy, like a demon out of the horror movies.
"Oh my God!" Christie shrieks as she scrambles away on her hands and knees, coming to a stop near the staircase.
"Fucking Hell!" Liam roars as he bolts up. "You can't take her anywhere! Fuck!"
"What is it?" Josh crawls over to his terrified sister, her gaze on the mirror, bottom lip trembling as she leans her weight against her palms. The weird clown face has vanished from the glass.
"There was something in the mirror. A face in the mirror. Like...a clown's face." Christie breathes, her voice dripping with panic, her chest heaving rapidly. Liam gives a disgusted scoff, his hands on his hips as he hangs his head, shaking it.
"Can't bring her anywhere," he grumbles. "A fucking clown? What the fuck even?"
Wham! Wham! Wham!
A pounding starts from beneath the floor. Continuous, growing louder. More ominous. Even Liam looks startled at this. Josh eyes the floorboards, eyebrows knotted as he wraps an arm around Christie.
"Sounds like it's coming from the basement." he offers.
"Gee, ya' think so huh?" Liam states sarcastically as he stares downwards for a fleeting moment before he grabs up a flashlight and storms towards the kitchen in the direction of the basement door. "Probably some fuckin' crackhead. If it is, they're going to get their ass beat. I'm not in the mood for this shit."
Josh follows, with Christie close behind, her finger clasping the hem of Josh's black and orange high school jacket. Liam and Josh both charge down the basement steps, flashlight beams searching along the dusty warped steps. They both pause halfway down to glance at the darkness, a runnel of moonlight is cutting through the cracked and stained basement window.
"Who the fuck is here man?" Liam shouts as he keeps the light pointedly on the well, holding his forearm against the lower half of his face to shield against the odor of rotting wood. There is no answer, only the aged pulley that dangles over the well entrance begins to squeak as it swings, ever so slightly.
"What is-" Josh begins before he's cut off by the basement door slamming. He and and Liam bolt back up the steps.
"Hey Christie, the fuck you doing? Open it," Josh pounds on the door. "Hey! Open!"
Then, in between flesh striking the wood, they hear it. A loud bubbling growl emitting from the dark of the basement corner. Josh halts his pounding as he and Liam both turn their attention on the well.
Rising up from beneath is a creature, humanoid in appearance, save for its face. Its features were only somewhat visible in the dim light of the room. The blue-white moonlight gleamed along the tusks protruding out from its snarled and twisted mouth. It gave another growl, a snarl mixed with a squeal.
Like a pig. Its eyes were like two burning balls above its snout, devoid of any pupils, pointedly on both of them. The odd ruby stripes down its cheeks distort as it continues to snarl.
"Shit, the fuck is that?" Josh manages, grabbing Liam's elbow. The young man remains frozen, seemingly hypnotized by the creature's blazing corneas. Josh violently shoves him aside to resume frantically banging on the door.
"Christie! Open it! There's something fuckin' in here man! Open it!" he shouts, not removing his sight from the pig-like monster. "Fuckin' open you little bitch!"
Suddenly, the beast is behind them, moving with lightning speed at the bottom of the steps. Liam screams as it yanks him down by the ankles, he flails backwards, landing with a loud thud and a groan.
The beast then speedily leaps up and tackles Josh, the front of his skull cracks against the door. He falls to the ground, with the beast's demonic swine features becoming more blurry as he's rendered barely conscious, he feels the bopping of his head along the steps as he is dragged down the stairs.
"Hello, goodbye." the monster growls before it tears into Josh's throat, with Liam still knocked cold beside him.
Outside the door, Christie is staring blankly at it, hearing nothing. Just a stark silence. Her mind is hollow. Numb.
A maniacal giggle follows.
Another giggle.
She slowly turns around, looking up to the second floor balcony. Without giving much thought to what she was doing, she saunters up the steps, still hearing a soft insidious giggling amid the creaks of her soles along the wood. She comes to a halt in front of an open door to a room filled with clown dolls.
In the corner is a dark-haired woman seated on a rocking chair, facing the stained glass windows. On her lap, one of the clown dolls wearing a yellow and blue outift, with orange pom poms down its front. Its large eyes were turned downwards, and for a fleeting moment, Christie could swear she sees it blink.
"He said he loved me." the woman offers quietly. Christie sucks in a deep breath, her mouth becoming dry, a thump thickens in her throat. Her heart races against her rib cage.
"Who?" Christie squeaks as the woman suddenly turns to look at her. Christie's heart now feels as if it could stop beating completely at the sight she sees.
The woman's face is but a half-skeleton, bits of flesh dangling from her chin, her eyelids non-existent, leaving her bloodshot eyeballs exposed like two small moons. Her irises like black holes. As she rises, the front of her dress comes into view, caked in dark dried blood.
"He said he wanted me!" she screams as she presents an axe, splattered with blood streaks. Christie screams hysterically, falling against the door as the woman comes at her. The giggling starts again, and Christie, to her utter shock and horror watches as the clown doll that was sitting on the woman's lap becomes animated, moving on its own. It painted features now drawn into an evil glare.
All the dolls in the room were moving, waving their hands and giggling. A chorus of laughter chases after Christie as she takes off down the hallway, the insane woman following behind. She can hear the axe cutting through the chilly air as the woman swings it at her, barely missing Christie's back.
She bounds down the stairs, almost stumbling, grasping the shoddy railing, cobwebs catching along her fingers. She runs to the front door, jiggling the handle, finding its stuck-or locked.
There's no time to comprehend which, the crazed woman is coming for her. Only now, she has red stripes down her cheeks along the rotted flesh and bone. Christie dodges the swinging axe, making a play back up the stairwell. Still in shock, she holds in another scream, concentrating on finding refuge, running inside a room with a large leather chair, desk with a single lamp that was aglow, vintage record player and coffee table.
Inside, after she has closed the door and locked it. She stands, tears coursing down her beet red cheeks, a headache throbbing through her skull. Her whole body is trembling uncontrollably as she sinks to the floor, holding her knees, rocking.
If she could get to Josh. Or even asshole Liam would do.
Somebody. Anybody.
She remains in the same position for a few minutes, sniffling, tense, as she keeps her attention on the door, until she hears a crackling sound as the old dusty record player begins to play;
'You're motoring, what's your price for flight, in finding mister right, you'll be alright tonight.'
When the verse plays a second time, the needle begins skipping, the phrase, "What's your price" repeating on a loop. Christie tightly covers her ears, tucking her head down.
"What's your price?" the man in the red truck asks Melanie, whose leaning against the door. They're in the driveway of Melanie's house, and it's just after midnight.
"Whatever you got-" Melanie says in between her loud gum chewing. The man then nods behind her.
"Hey, we got company." he mutters. Melanie turns to see Christie in her pale lavender nightgown, clutching her Raggedy Ann doll.
"Get your ass back in bed!" Melanie roars as she stalks towards her, pushing her up the porch steps.
Christie darts up, screaming as she runs at the record player, knocking it to the ground, stomping the shiny black of the record, smashing and cracking it. She continues to angrily pummel it with her soles, kicking the pieces aside. Her fury does nothing to drown out the forest of giggles she hears as she does so.
"Who is there?" she asks forcefully, feeling a new strength come over her. Her anger, her fear, were now colliding, blending, erupting in a powerful adrenaline rush.
She was done with this crap.
"Who the fuck are you?! Where's my brother, you fuckers?!"
The voices quiet, hushing each other, trying to hold in their mocking cackling. The room is dark save for the tiny lamp, and the only thing she can make out are the feet of her assailants moving stealthily along the shadows of the corners of the room. Charily, they begin to present themselves, each clown doll stepping forward, each one different than the last, tall, short, inching out into the weak light. Their giggling starts up again.
"No," Christie gives a small shake of her head. "No, this isn't real. You're just a dream. You're the pizza and ice cream I gorged on last night. I must have fallen asleep in the car. Because this isn't real."
This instantly silences them. They all glance to each other, their worn and aged features almost looking...scared. Or worried.
"I wouldn't say that. You'll make him mad..." offers the one who was perched on the lap of the crazed woman with the axe.
She wasn't real either. Just a ghost. A junk food-induced hallucination.
Christie, the emotionally intelligent girl that she is, now decided to wield her new power.
"You're not real. You're not fucking real." she points a taunting finger. "You're just imaginary. Just stupid dolls. I'm not scared of fucking dolls!" she finishes, almost laughing as she brings her fingers up to her mouth.
The room then starts to rumble, like an earthquake. The dolls all clamor back to the shadows, seemingly disappearing into the ratted and torn wallpaper. One utters an audible, "Uh-oh," as they vanish from sight. Accompanying the thunderous shaking is a raspy roar, echoing around Christie as she runs to the room's door, flinging it open, instantly being met with the axe woman.
"You're not real!" Christie shouts defiantly, the woman shrinks back, lowering her axe. Christie takes the opportunity to then jump down the stairs, the edge of her sneaker catching on a piece of broken railing that is protruding from a step and tumbles, flying down the stairwell, landing at the bottom and rolling to the center of the living room. She remains there, until she opens her lids, feeling the warmth of the sun upon her color drained features. She gradually raises her head, before she pushes herself up and heads to the door. Stepping out in the brightness of daylight, embracing the warmth, she makes her way home, just a block away.
Standing in the bathroom of her bedroom, she observes her tired features.
It had been a dream. A very vivid one. But a dream nonetheless.
Josh and Liam had left her there clearly, not that Josh hadn't abandoned her before. He would normally not have done that, but Liam's influence was strong. Maybe when she passed out during that silly little seance Liam wanted to do. Or maybe in the car ride. But, didn't she see something? She could have sworn she did. In the mirror. Or was that part of the dream too?
Oh well. Whatever happened, she was home now. Josh would turn up sooner or later. He was probably off smoking weed with Liam.
Assholes. Both of them.
She switches on the tap, gently splashing her face with cold water. She opens the medicine cabinet to retrieve the aspirin. She shuts it, and in the reflection, standing right behind her are Josh and Liam. She screams as she takes in their bloody and chewed facial features, Liam grinning his mocking leering grin. Just as the aspirin bottle hits the floor, she jolts awake.
Awake. Cold. Head pounding as she lay on the floor of Neibolt at the bottom of the stairs. She groggily lifts her aching body up, moaning in pain, placing her palm to her forehead. She lets out a defeated whimper as she sits, gazing around as the oval mirror that still sat leaning against the wall begins to roll out in front of her. Christie gasps, keeping her eyes on it as it comes to a halt a few feet away from her. Her heavy breathing is audible as she stares at it.
The surface of the mirror begins to ripple, her reflection fading as a massive white gloved hand emerges from the watery silver, wiry fingers wiggling, deep, rasping chuckles drifting out along with it as the ruffled sleeve of the hand appears. Then a bulbous head topped with fiery orange tufts of hair. Christie's mouth is agape, her eyes bulged as she tries to inch away from Pennywise, who has now pulled his entire upper torso out of the mirror, bells jingling. Leaning on his fists, he grins, those familiar stripes distorting as he sneers,
"Time to float," he growls before his features darken. "You are scared now, aren't you?" he loudly sniffs the air. "Yes, you are. Real, delectable fear."
He crawls out a little further, his visage becoming more irate, saliva strings dangling from his lips. "What a shithole." he says, mimicking Christie's voice.
Crippled with fear, Christie begins to scoot away, a tearful grimace forming, her legs kicking along the floor, before Pennywise's hand shoots out, coiling around her ankle.
Christie shrieks as he drags her towards him as he retreats back into the mirror. With a flash of light, the surface is normal again, save for a few small orange electric bolts shivering along the glass.
As the mirror tips back over, the faint sounds of giggling begins, filling the rooms of the house.
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snffbeebee · 6 years
RED ( Part 5 )
So I just wanted to stop and let Y’all know that this series has pretty much been a collaboration with me and my wifey @ezilyamuzed !! I can’t take all the credit for this smutty Demon!Dean goodness! I couldn’t have made this series come to life without her!! *end of chick flick moment * ENJOY! 
{ Catch up with Part 4 }
Warnings - Finger play, voyeurism, language, Smut , Unprotected sex (wrap it up peeps) Angst. NSFW!!!!!
Word Count - 3,014
The darkness was overwhelming all of your senses, making your breath hard to catch while gasping as you tried to maneuver any way out possible. You had no idea how long you had been in the dark, suffocating space, but you were relieved when the brightness of the street light hit your eyes as the trunk opened. The sweet smell of fresh air filling your lungs. It took a minute for your eyes to adjust, but when they did, they met with green ones that hadn’t seen for years. He scooped you up into his arms and lifted you out of the trunk while setting you on your feet. For a single moment, you could see Dean...your Dean and not the demon who had locked you in the trunk of a car. Without saying a word, he reached for your wrists and loosened the cuffs, letting his fingers trail over your scratched up hands as he locked his eyes with yours again.
“ If you would have just listened to me, I wouldn’t have had to do that.” The tone is his voice surprised you. It was soft and almost apologetic.
“ Well maybe if you didn’t have me handcuffed, I might cooperate a little easier. ”
With a blink of an eye, that softness was gone and his face hardened. He took a hold of your wrist and pulled you towards the old creepy and shady looking motel. You knew there was no fighting him, so you walked along with him, kicking gravel as you tried to keep up with his steps. The room he pushed you in was dark. It smelt of stale liquor and smoke compiling after years of neglect.
“ Classy. ” You mumbled as he pushed you to sit on the bed in far end of the room.
“ What exactly is your plan now squirrel? ” Crowley asked closing the creaky door behind him.
Dean’s eyes looked from Crowley to you. A devilish smirk grew wide upon his lips.
“ Well right now, I’m going to a bar to get a drink. ”
“ You’re just going to leave her alone again? ” Crowley questioned, raising an eyebrow to him.
“ No, you are going to stay here and keep an eye on her,” he snapped. “I won’t be long. ”
“ You made it perfectly clear that she was your responsibility, not mine. ”
“ Give me half hour. There’s just something I need to pick up. ”
By the smirk that danced on his lips, you knew he had something planned, but you had no clue as to what it was. Crowley sat down on the chair by the dirty window and let out an irritated sigh.
“ Half hour and she’ll be by herself. ” Crowley warned.
When the door closed behind him, Crowley turned his attention to you and you took in a deep breath, desperately trying to plan what you could do next . Feeling his eyes on you, knowing that all he wanted was to snap his fingers and end you, made your heart race.
“ Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not going to hurt you. At least not yet. I’ll wait until your boy toy has had enough and then I’ll show you what has been running through my head since your little stunt back in Texas.”
You swallowed the hard lump in your throat and let out a deep breath.
“Dean said you’re not allowed to touch me.” your voice trembled.
“I’m very well aware what the hound said,” he devilishly grinned.
“ Can...can you at least let me take a shower? ”
He looked at you for a minute, then let out another irritated sigh as he got up and walked to stand in front of you.
“ You make one wrong move and I will end you. ”
You held your wrists out for him to undo the cuffs without answering. One by one he unlocked them then stepped back so you could step into the bathroom. You went to grab your bag from the little stand by the bathroom door, but his hand caught your wrist and pushed it away.
“ Allow me. ”
He unzipped your bag and pulled out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts and handed them to you. You let out a shaky breath, took the clothes then went into the bathroom. Taking in a deep breath you looked into the cracked mirror above the sink. The bags under your eyes showed that you hadn’t slept properly in the past week, leaving you mentally and physically exhausted. You turned your back to the mirror and let out a defeated sigh. You needed to find someway to get that code to Sam, but you needed a phone or a computer for that, which you knew you weren’t going to get your hands on any time soon. Shaking your head you turned on the creaky shower and let the water heat up. After testing it, you stripped out of your clothes and stepped inside the old battered tub, pulling the curtain across. As you let the water hit your face, you closed your eyes and thought about that little moment of the old Dean you had seen earlier. He was still in there. The steam surrounded you as your thoughts wandered back, remembering the first time that you knew you had fallen for the oldest Winchester.
Sitting in the smoky bar, you and Dean shared some laughs and had a couple drinks. It had been almost 6 months since the crazy Winchester brother’s came into your life, and you hated to admit that you were starting to get attached to them, more so to the man that sat in front of you. You watched as he downed the rest of his Scotch, his tongue gliding across his lips as he savored the last mouthful, before rising to his feet.
“ Alright, you ready to head out? “ He asked.
“ Yeah, wouldn’t want to keep the old man from his sleep. “ You laughed as you made your way to the door.
“ Old man…Y/N I’m 2 years older than you. “ He pointed out as he followed behind you.
The moment you opened the door, you took in a deep breath. It was going to rain, you could smell it and before you knew it, the rain came rushing down. You heard Dean let out a little groan as the rain soaked his leather jacket, making a b-line straight to Baby. Before he could open the door fully, you leaned against it and it shut with a thud.
“ What are you doing, I’m getting soaked. “ He blinked as the rain made it hard to see even what was right in front of him.
“ You’re not going to melt Dean, it’s rain. “
You closed your eyes and took another deep breath in, the smell of it instantly calming you. Dean watched as you just stood there, eyes closed leaning against Baby and he just couldn’t help himself. Without warning, you felt his lips press to yours. They were soft, but needy at the same time. Feeling his hand run softly down your arm to intertwine his fingers with yours, a smile arose upon your lips. After a minute, the kisses got deeper and there was no space left between you. His body pressing you hard up against the wet metal of his car. In one quick motion, he lifted you off your feet and sat you on the hood, not breaking the rhythm your lips had found. You knew that the heat that you were feeling build up in your core was not from the 4 glasses of Whiskey, but from the way his rough hands were tracing your body. You knew what he was capable of, but you never once felt anything but comfort when you were wrapped in his arms. Stopping long enough to look at you through those rain soaked eyelashes, he set you on your feet. “
“ You wanna get out of here now? “ He breathed out heavily, catching his breath.
You didn’t say a word, but rushed to the other side of the car and got in. You remembered how his hands quickly disposed of your clothes after dropping you onto the empty motel room bed. Your heart was racing faster than you could ever remember it being, and the moment he slipped inside you, you knew that you had totally fallen for this beautiful, troubled green eyed man.
Reality hit you hard as the loud banging on the door from Crowley snapped out of your thoughts
“ Enough reminiscing sweetheart, finish up and get out here. Your lover boy should be back any minute. “ You might not have been able to see him, but you knew he had a smirk on his face as you felt the ache for Dean’s touch radiating through your nerves.
You ran your hands over your face as the tears fell onto your cheeks. That bastard had gotten into your head and showed you those things just to torture you, knowing that he couldn’t physically put his hands on you. That would have been better than what you had just went through, as you tried to calm your nerves back down. With your back to the wet tiled wall, you slid down to sit in the tub, trying to pull yourself together. After a couple minutes, you finished rinsing yourself off, stepped out of shower and pulled the clothes on that Crowley had taken from your bag. You took in a deep breath, before opening the door and stepping out into the cold room.
“ Feeling all better and clean now? “ Crowley smirked as he walked over to you, swinging the handcuffs around his finger.
Standing by the bed, he put his hand on your shoulder and pushed you down to sit on the bed. He looped the handcuffs around the bedpost, clicking them back around your wrists with a grin across his face, and with that, you were alone in the dark drafty motel room. Sliding the metal up and down the bedpost hoping to break free, you let out a frustrated sigh in defeat. You were able to maneuver  yourself so you could lay down on your side, facing the other bed not even 3 feet away from you. You didn’t know how long you laid there, your mind blank until you heard the roar of the Impala park in front of the motel.  Pretending to be asleep, as you heard the door to the room slam open from the outside, you heard the lustful growls escaping Dean’s lips as he moved towards the bed. You shuddered at the thought of what he was going to do to you, until you heard that unfamiliar female voice.
“What about your sleeping girlfriend there,” she asked.
“Don’t worry about her sweetheart,” he rasped. “I want to only focus on you.”
You held your eyes tightly shut, while trying to deafen out the sound. You heard him growling inside your mind. “Open your eyes Y/N. I need you to watch this.”
Hesitating for a second, you took in a breath, then slowly opened your eyes. Dean had his body pressed against the random girl, pinning her to the bed as he trailed rough kisses from her neck to her now exposed lace bra.
“ You had a bra just like this, didn’t you? “ You heard his voice in your head once again, as his eyes locked with yours.
You watched as he pulled the bottom of her dress up, and let his hands do the work. The moment he reached her matching underwear, he ran his hand over her middle and she bucked her hips into his, a moan escaping from her mouth. His eyes would focus on her for a few minutes, but they would always come back to you. In one motion, he had her panties thrown on the floor and two fingers inside of her. There was nothing gentle about his actions as he pushed his fingers deep in and out of her, causing her to moan every time he went knuckle deep.
“ Fuck! “ She screamed.
You grimaced at the sight while shutting your eyes again tightly, trying to deafen out the sounds ringing in your ears.
“Eyes open sweetheart.” You heard him growl in your head. “Unless you really want the monster come out and play with her. So sweet...so innocent...it would be a shame for something to happen.”
Your eyes flung open as your chest tightened to the possibility of him, your once sweet Dean, using this unsuspecting girl like this. Breathing grew harder as you kept your focus on them, not knowing if he would follow through on his warnings if you didn’t.   
His hand went around her mouth to muffle the moans that came from her as he pulled his fingers from her. He slid out of his pants and wasted no time, lining himself up to her entrance. His fully hard cock in one hand and his other still over the girl’s mouth, he slid his head through her now soaked fold and looked you straight in the eyes.
“ I remember how much you pushed against me, how you would beg me to fuck you. The sounds that came out of you should be damn illegal. “
You closed your legs tight as his words in your head brought that familiar heat to your core. You pulled once at the metal around your wrists and let out a frustrated sigh, knowing there was no way out. The pain for a release dripping from you, that you knew you weren’t going to get without Dean’s help, which you refused to give him. Watching you squirm with his words, he gave one good push and he was buried deep inside her. Moans from both of them came out loud and clear as he slammed in and out of her roughly. The sound of the slapping of their skins against each other only made your stomach turn sick as your body was betraying you.
“ Fuck. “ He groaned.
You heard his breaths and the sound of skin hitting skin falter and you knew that he was getting close. His hands pushed down her wrists to the bed as she reached for him. His stare on his hardened face was pointed directly at you, while he continued, unfalteringly pounding into her.
“ This could have been you Y/N . Me filling up your hole instead of hers. I know that you are aching right now, I can see it written all over your face. “
With a few more hard thrusts, he came hard…calling out not her name but yours.
“ Oh God..Fuck..Y/N “ He said as he gave a few more quick thrusts into her before pulling out, letting her drop to the bed as he looked at you again with those lust filled eyes.
After catching his breath, while moving from the bed he picked up the girls panties and tossed them to her.
“ Thanks for that. “ He grumbled.
She looked at him in shock as she slipped her underwear back on back underneath her dress.
“ That’s it? No round two or at least a drink? “
“ Nah, I got what I needed. “
He grabbed some money out of his jeans pocket and held it out to her.
“ That should be enough to get you a cab to wherever it is you’re going. “
She got to her feet, her legs still shaking, and looked at him one last time, as the disgust appeared across her face.
“ You know you’re lucky you’re a good lay, because you are a fucking douche. “ She said as she slammed the door behind her.
With a satisfied smirk on his lips, Dean laid down on the now messy bed and flicked on the tv, no shame what so ever for what he had just made you watch. Your breath hitched as the tears ran down your face, your body aching and tense from the release that you never got. Hearing the sobs, Dean let out a annoyed sigh, then got to his feet and took a few steps to stand in front of you. Closing your eyes tightly, you waited for whatever he was going to do to you, but relief came over you when you heard the click of the handcuffs and the cold metal slip off from around your wrists. You instantly leaned over the bed, the sickness in your stomach from what you just witnessed and how your body betrayed you, had you dry heaving into between breaths. Your body jolted forward a bit as you felt his hand touch the middle of your back, then slid up and down in a soft motion. The soft touch caught you off guard. How could he go from the monster you just seen to the man you met all those years ago?
“ We’re going to be a good girl from now on, right Y/N ? “ He asked softly, his voice sending a chill down your spine.
Not trusting your voice to speak, you nodded your head, and his hand left your back as he laid down next to you.
" That's my girl. Now you should get some sleep, we are leaving first thing in the morning. "
You turned to look at him as his eyes closed and his breathing starting to even out. You rubbed your wrists to ease the pain as your eyes focused on a cellphone in between the ruffled bedsheets of the bed across from you. Now was your chance to get that code to Sam, but you needed to wait until you knew he was asleep to even move off the bed, not risking what he would do if he found out the plan you had been working on since the moment he took charge of you.
Feedback is the fuel that keeps me writing!! Please feel free to let me know what ya think!! Thanks again for all the Love!! <3
@ezilyamuzed @redlipstickandthewinchesters @ain-t-bovvered@anotherwaywardsister @bamby0304 @bobasheebaby @curly-haired-disaster@dean-winchesters-bacon @imafictosexual @imma-winchester-addict@itsstillnotwhatyouthink@ladywinchester1967@julesthequirky@lovemesomecas94 @midnightsilver@myinconnelly1@mrsnazario1223@missjenniferb@squirrel-moose-winchester @supernaturalsammy01@theworldiscolorful@time-travel-bouqet@tromkehra@waywardbaby@waywardnerd67@whimsicalrobots@thekatherinewinchester@supernatural-teamfreewillpage@jackles-jadalecki@jsn-ackles@spndeanlover1967 @nanie5 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester@iwriteaboutdean @bitterstar88 @angelkurenai@angelessquirrel@one-to-beam-up @thebeautywithinme @speakinvain@waywardnewcomer@spn-winchester-app @jaylarkson @horsegirly99@biawol@srsllydunnodoncare@mirandaaustin93 @death-unbecomes-you@deans-jiggly-pudding@destielhoneybee @spnmightkillme
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Dean x Reader
A/N: So, I got a new mascara yesterday and when I looked the box over this random idea popped in my head. So, you get a little fic-a-roo for your Friday night! Thanks to the wifey @impala-dreamer for the look over. You’re the best as per usual. 
Word Count: 920
Warnings: None. 
When all was said and done, the hunt over, the monster disposed of, the three of you decided to stay in town for the day. Sam had discovered a tiny bookstore tucked away on Main Street during his canvas when you first reached the town. A restaurant with a sign that boasted “All Day Breakfast and 32 Varieties of Pie Daily!” caught Dean’s eye. You decided to take advantage of being in a town sizeable enough to house a mall with a wide array of stores.
Shopping was rarely high on your priority list, but there was always something you needed. The blazer you usually wore with your FED suit had been sliced by an angel blade a few weeks ago, Sam was in desperate need of socks, Dean needed a new pair of dress shoes, so on and so forth. Not to mention Dean’s birthday was coming up, and a mall like this was the perfect opportunity to find him a special treat. Well, you’d be wearing the treat, but it would definitely be for him.
After you’d finished with everything you came for, you found yourself wandering the aisles of an Ulta Beauty, marvelling at the seemingly endless varieties of makeup, hair, and every other kind of beauty product imaginable. A display full of mascaras caught your eye, and you grabbed the one with the prettiest looking box from the shelf labeled “NEW WONDERS!” and made your way to the register. Mascara seemed a fuck-up proof way to dabble in makeup that didn’t come from whatever drug store you happened to find on the road.
Dean was at the motel by the time you made it back. From the looks of it he was well on the way to a breakfast food, pie combo coma. Grabbing the Impala’s keys off the table, you put most of the bags directly in Baby’s trunk. The only one you brought in was the small, bright orange Ulta bag that held your mascara. That you tossed in the bathroom by the rest of your things and made your way back into the main area of the room.
“I could’ve come and picked you up.”
“I know. I was fine taking a cab though. Have you heard from Sam?”
“Yeah, he texted me awhile ago. He’s digging in moldy books.” Dean answered while moving over in the bed, making room for you as you approached. “Said to call if we go eat later.”
“Mmmkay” You snuggled in next to him, easily forming your body to his. “Let’s take a nap first. Shopping is hard.”
Dean kissed your forehead, smiling when he pulled back. “God yes. I’ll need a nap before I can eat again.”
You woke to Dean’s phone ringing, well Dean rolling over you to reach his phone on the nightstand.
“Yeah...ha haaaa nice work Sammy!” You gave him a puzzled look and he waggled his eyebrows at you. “So this a whole Belle thing? Sexy bookworm?” You could hear Sam telling him to shut up through the phone. “Alright, alright. Yeah don’t worry about it. We’ll manage without you...hey, Sam?...Just remember the quiet ones are always the freaks.”
“He hang up on you?”
“Yes! Can you believe that?”
“So, what’ya say? Wanna go on a date with me?”
“Why, Dean Winchester! Are you askin’ me to go steady?”
“Yep. Might even let you wear my letterman jacket later.”
You smiled and stole a quick kiss before pushing him up so you could get ready. “Give me twenty to change and throw something on my face?”
“Can I have the bathroom first? Grab a quick shower?”
“Absolutely not.” You rolled your eyes at Dean when he pouted. “It gets all steamy and then I can’t see. I’ll be quick in there I promise.”
You quickly did your thing, actually excited to test drive your new mascara. Taking it it out of the slim box, you swept the wand through your lashes. Tossing the tube back in your small makeup bag, you made your way out before Dean could get restless about you taking too much time.
You were just pulling on a new pair of jeans when Dean came out of the bathroom and stalked toward you. You hadn’t even heard the shower turn on, figuring he forgot something you didn’t pay much attention until he spoke.
“What’s this?” The empty box from your mascara was in his hand. He couldn’t seriously be mad you forgot to throw it away, could he?
“Umm...I got a new mascara today...I must’ve forgot to toss the box. Sorry?”
“Dinner’s gonna have to wait.” By now he was right in front of you, he grabbed your waist pulling you flush against himself. “We need to test this out.”
“Wait, what?”
“It says right here, that ‘Troublemaker lashes are super fat, super long and sex proof. Holds up in hot and heavy situations’ Now, your eyes look beautiful. They always do, so I don’t know if this stuff made your lashes any longer than usual. But,” He let the box fall to the floor, and licked his lips. “I think that we would be remiss if we didn’t test out if it really is sex proof.”
“Is-is that so?”
Dean didn’t say anything, he just smirked and nodded his head.
“You think you can prove the good people at Urban Decay to be liars?”
“Oh, baby I’m pretty sure I can give them one hell of a run for their money.”
All of the Things: @amanda-teaches @casownsmyass @codexofwitches @emilypkuzu @emoryhemsworth @feelmyroarrrr @hexparker @ilsawasanacrobat @lynnebla @muliermalefici @skymoonandstardust @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @the-winchesterboys
Supernatural Things: @bradygabrielle-blog @charliebradbury1104 @imascreamerbabymakemeamute @impala-dreamer @holisticdean @m0ther-of-drag0ns @mrsbatesmotel53 @myplaceofthingsilove @sunskittlex
Dean Things: @akshi8278 @jessilliam-caronday @torn-and-frayed
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