#trying to get more toons through all the content and that fight makes me Want To Die
kithtaehyung · 1 year
first thing’s first, i read the prologue for seven days and i’m OBSESSED!! one thing that you always, always nail perfectly is the dialogue bc omgggg the dialogue in this is *chef’s kiss* the synergy between oc and jungkook is sooo good and i love how consistent jungkook is😭 one line that made me laugh so hard was Because one of us has to be the logical one and you’re a looney toon💀 this perfectly describes irl jungkook too bc tell me why one second this man is sitting normally, and doing headstands the next💀 WHEN HE STARTED SINGING ONE WISH?? I’M CACKLING SO HARD😭 i love me a goofy man and seven days jk is just that😤🫶🏼 the prologue already has me cheesing, but i have a feeling i’m gonna be giggling and kicking my feet in the air throughout every chapter🤭 ahhhh i really love these two and their chemistry so far EEEEEEEE!!!
next, the way i SCRUMPT seeing the fuckboys masterlist??? I’M SO EXCITED AND ALSO THE HOSEOK ONE?? *insert pic of emoji smirking and pushing it’s nonexistent hair behind it’s ear* HELLO?? also not me rereading new guy for the millionth time this year *insert pic of tae standing behind a pole* ALSO WE’RE GETTING A REVAMP OF HUSH, YEAH?? *SQUEALS*
AND FINALLY, THE RECENT TEASER FOR 3TAN11?? HELLO?? ARE YOU KIDDING?? I COULD BARELY HANDLE SEVEN DAYS JK WITH CHAINS AND HERE COMES 3TAN YOONGI WITH THE KILL😭😭 there’s so much happening in this little snippet, but CHAINS ASIDE, yoongi circling around the car to open the door for oc has me SWOONING!! he is the standard. i don’t make the rules☺️
i’m so sorry that i keep going mia😭 the disconnect i’ve been feeling from everything lately is just not it :( i always want to send you genuine asks with my genuine feelings, so whenever i feel this way, i always try to take some time to myself and get better mentally, before sending anything in. i’m much better now though and going through your blog and catching up on everything is just what i needed to start my morning :) have a great day, my love!🫶🏼
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MOONCAKE HI😭💕🍊 I totally understand the disconnect feeling and not wanting to come back until you feel okay. I’ll always love seeing your messages no matter how much time passes in between🫂 Hopefully things are okay now.
That being said.. holy shit yeah that’s a whole shit ton of to come back to LOL let’s get into it!!
Listen. 7days!jk is a hilarious gd fool and I can’t wait for y’all to see even more of him! Even though I’m gonna fight his ass I still already love him wayyyy too much🥹 Like we’re only one part in and it’s already getting hard not to kick blankets too much while I’m writing😂
AND THE ONE WISH PART HAHAHA PLEASEEE i couldn’t handle that and was like “this is where we’re going, huh”💀 the looney tune line is just. perfect for this dynamic.
THE FBOY!BANGTAN💀💀💀 okay so when I posted 7days I was like.. “well, shit. we can make a masterlist now” bc I already had stuff for jimin jin and hobi in the wips. just didn’t say anything for jin’s but only mentioned the other two in passing! get ready for them all and HUSH YEAH IS RETURNINGGGGG😤
🍊 not even gonna mention 3tan yoongi bc that man continues to destroy me in every single way possible PFFFT but yes🥹 him opening the door we love a man and probably love him too much‼️
i’m happy you’re back again! the blog may be a little slow in the coming days bc things are picking up both in the studio and with some shop stuff. but I’m writing wips, and drafting responses to feedback when i can💕
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Really still enjoying the ~feature~ in the Secrets of the Enclave flashpoint where the way they made the Graul’s special attack that makes you panic and run around and not be able to use any of your abilities for a couple seconds was to unlock your fucking quickbars so that if you try to use any abilities you fling them off into oblivion and that they still haven’t fixed that
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Babysitting in the Devildom
Chapter Six: Beel- Dinner Indifference
"Beel n-"
Solomon had to cast a teleportation spell before he could even finish his sentence. Beel's wings fluttered furiously as he burst through a portal and into Solomons arms instead. He immediatly clamped down on Solomons shoulder and started to chew. Solomon sighed as he watched his cloak get drooled on, big violet eyes watching him back as more of the cloth disappeared into his mouth.
Solomon paused. Should he take Beel to you? You seemed to know what you were doing but you also already had Asmo and portioning out food for the rest of the kids...Beel would be in the presence of food either way. He glanced back down and the chipmunk-cheeked Beel and considered trying to take the cloak out of his mouth.  Buuuuut if Beel cried again it was his fault, again...but he really shouldnt be eating fabric...not that it would ruin his appetite but-
He was running out of time to make a decision as the delivery person made their way back to the door. Beel seemed content eating his cloak for now. Beel would be fine, right? Yeah- its Beel. Solomon tightened his grip just slightly on the baby as he approached the front door again, ready to take the bags.
He should have taken Beel to you.
It was like fighting Taz from Looney Toons as Solomon stumbled about, half eaten cloak and a blur of movement around him as he used small portals to keep the bag of food away from Beel.
Barbatos had walked into the kitchen with Luke, wondering if he could help somehow. You had taken Luke from him and used one hand while also sometimes directing him on how to help you while Asmo followed behind him to make sure each plate "looked pretty". Everything was going really well....until the other bag of food appeared suddenly in your free hand and you heard a demonic screech come from the hallway and a loud buzzing noise which was curiously silenced soon after, though Asmo had given you wide berth after hearing that. You sighed and asked Barb to continue portioning things and to go tell the rest of the kids that if they had to go to the bathroom, the time was now. You held Luke close to you as you ventured just outside the kitchen doors and nearly bumped into Solomon.
".....I can expl-"
"Why is Beel eating your clothes?"
You didnt really want to laugh for fear of waking Luke up, but a wide silly smile bloomed on your face as you watched Beel use both his tiny fists to stuff more of Solomons cloak into his mouth, wide eyes staring at you as he cooed a bit and continued to stuff his face, Solomons cloak almost gone.
Solomon had a combination of exasperation and amusement on his face. "Uh...well I didnt want him to cry or attack the food- o-or you so I.....I fed him my cloak."
"....wHY? Earlier you were summoning food for him- you could have done that again right- or multiplied the food we already have even if he ate the bags worth of food-"
You were still smiling, the whole situation a little ridiculous as Beel finished Solomons cloak and started to sniffle, pouting and making grabby hands to the air for more.
Solomon paused before a goofy smile spread across his face as he summoned a popsicle to give to Beel. "I. Dont. Know." He laughed a bit before smiling fondly at you. "This is why you're the one in charge." He started to walk past you into the kitchen, but not before a quick kiss was planted on your temple and a small smirk at your expression was given to you. You gave yourself a moment before joining him and Barb, and a slightly startled looking Asmo.
".....can I have a posicle before dinner too?"
Asmo looked up at Solomon, pleading who just shrugged. "Thats not up to me." He looked at you and smirked a bit. *Motherfucker*
Asmo gasped and skipped his way to you, big, pleading amber eyes as he batted his eyelashes. "May I have a posicle before dinner too please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
It was too much. From the way he asked politely, to the way he said popsicle, to his little pose and big ole eyes-
You looked around the table of happy faces as all the kids destroyed popsicles that Solomon had summoned for them, all save for Beel, Barb, Diavolo, and Lucifer untouched food in front of them.
"They said we still have to eat our food if we want to have dessert tomorrow."
"But I'm not hungry anymore..."
"....I guess I can try to eat some food but Im full from the popsicle..."
"LOOKIT IM PUTTING MY FRIES IN MY ICE CREAM!  But I aint havin the green stuff, thats yucky."
"You're yucky Mammon."
"My father would NEVER let me do this!! Thank you MC!!!!"
A chorus of thank yous came from all of the kids, luckily before another fight. You sighed softly and forced a small smile as you said "youre welcome". You figured they wouldnt eat their food if they had popsicles. The bigger kids had eaten their food, and Beel had no problem eating his portion and Belphies who....oh. Belphie was sleeping in his mashed potatoes. You glanced around the table again, noting all the sticky faces and hands and...bodies in Satan and Luke's case. Solomon looked exhausted as he summoned another piece of food for Beel. Asmo was trying so hard to eat some more of his food but only ate a few more bites and looked a little upset. Mammon had eaten his fries, at least.
".....if youre full, give your food to Beel. Dont make yourself eat anymore, its ok. I just need to talk to Sol for a minute, ok?" You smiled as you walked to take Belphie out of his highchair and gestured to Solomon to put Beel in. He was a little confused but did so as you wiped some of the potatoes off Belphies face.
Levi spoke up very quietly. "Can we still have dessert tomorrow if we didnt finish our food for dinner?" The sound of plates being pushed towards Beel paused as the kids all looked at you, waiting for an answer.
".....it depends on how well you eat your breakfast tomorrow.." you smiled as the kids thanked you again as you asked Barb and Lucifer to make sure Beel didnt eat the actual plates as you took Solomon and Belphie into the kitchen.
"How are you feeling...you look exhausted.." geniune concern on your face once you had Solomon basically alone. His face twisted slightly and he sighed. "I had hoped the rejuevenating spell I casted would re-energize me more than it did...why? Are you worried?~" he smirked slightly, though it fell just short of smug. You rolled your eyes a bit and ruffled is hair, your turn to smirk as his face turned light pink and started to protest, pouting when you stopped, though you werent sure if it was because you stopped or because you ruffled his hair in the first place. You stopped his protesting by asking your next question, also avoiding answering his question. "Do you have enough energy to clean all of them or am I going to bathe them in an actual bath..."
"....I? It should be we..."
"Well if you're tired you should rest...I'll need your help tomorrow too..."
"I can sleep after the baths..."
"But if we're doing the baths then I need you to cast one last spell to keep the water in the tubs..."
"So I'll sleep after that spell...maybe..."
You gave him a withering look before sighing, though appreciative of his stubborness....for once. You smiled a bit.
"Alright then. Bath time. Especially for the babies. The bigger ones can probably just shower.... Belphie, Luke and Satan need baths the most. Beel made sure his food ended up *in* his mouth....the others..." you chuckled as you peeked back into the dining room, seeing only Barbatos' face clean, and Lucifer and Asmo both fussing over the little mess they had on themselves, Lucifer using Asmos mirror, and Asmo following Lucifers every action to get clean. You brought your attention back to the sleeping Belphie in your arms.
"....do you think he'll stay asleep for bath time?"
"Its Belphie. He could sleep through anything."
"Dont jinx it." You sighed softly and looked out at the kids again, some playing tag, others just watching. Satan continued to mash his food onto the platter in front of him, Luke giggling and copying in glee. Solomon tapped your shoulder to get your attention again.
"Are you ok? The bags under ypur eyes could hold all my potions-"
"Shut up- maybe if a certain sorceror had been more careful I wouldnt be as tired....not to mention the popsicle before dinner was a bad mov-" you were interrupted by Barb lightly tapping your arm.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I was just wondering if you want me to wash the dishes or just leave them in water in the sink....or if you have a dishwasher..." you were a little surprised when you turned and saw him carrying all the dishes from the table, and Lucifer behind him with garbage. Simeon was wiping down the table with a cloth, but gave the younger ones in high chairs some room. Diavolo was trying to talk to Lucifer, who just kinda kept nodding and saying "oh thats cool" before looking at you almost desperately. His look brought you back to your senses as you nodded at Barb.
"Just in the sink with water is fine, thank you Barbatos. Thank you for cleaning up Lucifer, Simeon. It makes a huge difference to me."
Barb and Simeon beamed, and Lucifer managed a small smile before shooting Diavolo a dirty look, but the other boy didnt notice, too busy rambling on about how this was so much better than home for the upteenth time. Ypu ruffled Lucifers hair as he walked by, and noted Diavolo's slight stumble in words as he eyed you a bit, but rushed past to go talk to Barb, glancing back at you, almost pleading, though your attention was divided again as you felt Levi hug you and snuggle into your side wordlessly. You patted his head softly and turned back to Solomon.
"I'll answer that question later. For now lets clean up. Then bath time."
Levi squeezed you a bit and beamed. "I love bath time!! I can do it myself! I promise, I can! I can!"
Though Levi couldnt see it, Mammon was mocking him from behind. You gave him a bit of a "look" before the hem of your shirt was being tugged at and you were met with those same amber eyes that had persuaded you into giving everyone treats for dinner. "I love bath time too! Me too! But you have to watch me. I make great bubble hair dos! A-and guess what? In the water, it might look like I have legs, but really Im a mermaid!"
"And Im a sea dragon!!" Levi cried out, still wanting your attention. "And Asmo, you're not really a mermaid-"
"Am too!"
"Are no-"
"Everyone can be who or whatever they want to be, in the water or otherwise. Fooooor example, I'm actually a sheep, see I go baaaaa" you smiled softly, and winked at Levi before turning to Asmo again who was practically dancing at your side, bursting to ask you a question. "Whats the prettiest animal you like mc?!!!"
"....whats your favourite sea animal mc?"
"Whats the coolest animal mc! No wait- whats your favourite animal?!"
"Yeah, whats your favourite animal?!"
"Oi, I asked em first!"
"Guys its ok, you can all be my or your favourite animal. Theres more than one of each." You chuckled, listing off animals as more questions were asked, meowing at Satan as you handed Belphie to Sol and took him out of his chair, who happily meowed back as you lead your noisy little zoo to the communal bathroom.
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synoxshots · 4 years
The Master KOTFE Adventure
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My latest project has been playing through KotFE on master mode.
Why ever would you want to do that? you may ask, and I have asked myself the same thing. In short, it was a mix of having a light sided empire toon that I didn't want the autocompletes on, and the fact that he is also the best geared character I've ever had and the discipline I've had most experience playing. And I've run through KotFE quite a few times so, freshening it up I guess? 
So this is how it went. This isn't a guide - more, a record of my experiences as I went through. As ever, some things I found easy others might find hard, and (more likely, lbr) vice versa. 
The gamer:
I play a Rage Jugg, wear Descent of the Fearless set, gear level 306 with a full set of 286 augments. So - very well geared, but not fully optimised stats wise. Experience wise for this - I'd done a few chapters on vet mode before with a Guardian (Focus) and Powertech (Pyrotech) though not always at max gear (probably in the 290s when I first gave it a go), and I like trying to solo group content like vet fps (master for Red Reaper only) because I don't love myself, I guess. A smidge of ops experience. I'm reasonably competent as a player but also prone to stupid, I don't claim to be great by any means.
Chapter I
All went smoothly, died on the last fight against the BD-148 elite skytrooper - but that was just because I forgot about heroic moments existing, given that half the chapter is spent without a companion. Used my enraged defence a few times but never really felt at risk of dying. Apart from the one time when I did, obviously. Marr goes up to 28 influence automatically. Lots of mobs can be skipped as they're already engaged in fights.
Chapter II
Quite a few mobs you can skip around. Valkorion heals you though he's not a companion so no heroic moment. Last monolith did get me close to death sometimes, so there was a bit of running away so I could heal up a bit more, and making good use of defensive abilities. But no deaths on this one!
Chapter III
I died twice on this one, both were easily preventable. The first was against the Ground Assault Walker (massive droid before the bridge) and pretty much because I hadn't raised Lana's influence yet, so I upped it to 20 before starting the fight again and cleared it very quickly. Sidenote: a while back I bought a bunch of Spiced Aric Tongue from the Jawa scrap peddlers as I didn't know what else to do with all that, Lana accepts it so it's a nice quick way to up her level (Koth likes it too, a lot, which is handy). Second death was against like, a handful of skytroopers when I was shutting down the reactor and really it was mostly because I wasn't paying attention properly, though Lana died both times at this point. There's another fight where these prototype skytroopers keep swarming and I was a bit nervous because there were kolto stations there and I couldn't entirely remember how intense it got. The answer was...not intense at all and I definitely didn't need them. The final fight on this one is the two Zakuul knights but they didn't cause me any problems. All in all I'd say the deaths I've had so far have all been my own fault.
Chapter IV
This...did not go as well. And I'm not entirely sure why, just bad play on my part I think mostly, sometimes there are days when I just play like trash *shrug*. Not timing things like enraged defence, heroic moments and so on very well which meant I died a few times to wildlife - twice the larger bosses, twice mobs of normal/strong ones. Yeah... Kept upping my companion influence so all three (Lana, Koth and HK by this point) got up to 27 but I think even higher than that may be needed as they just didn't seem to be healing well. 
Chap V
I was a bit wary heading into this one, as it was one I'd run before on vet mode and remembered having trouble with the skytrooper waves. I was less geared then though, and had less companion influence doing that, having now taken everyone up to about 32. I didn't record any deaths on this though had a near miss - but I had saved my enraged defence/heroic moment and so on and hit them at the right time. Hey, I'm playing smarter! 
Chapter VI
I found this chapter easy when I'd run it on veteran not long before, but that was not the case on master. Died the first time against Oggo, that was my own fault though, although he does have one particular ability that hits very hard. Then came the Scions. Ohhh boy. The first two you face killed me, fair enough I hadn't had a chance to raise Senya's influence yet. The second two, Venat and Berusal, caused me pain. The good thing is that when fighting the pairs and you take one down, if you die the other doesn't respawn. The other good thing is that Venat and Berusal can be pulled separately, the bad news is I found this out after a few attempts. And Berusal still killed me on his own the first time. I was not having a fun time. And then you face Heskal without a companion. It takes a bit of tactics. I tried to damage him whilst he was doing Debris Storm, though still had to avoid the red circles. Turbulence gives a lot of damage, so had to hastily get out the way/interrupt it. He also stuns you which isn't fun. Valky pops up and offers you an out after the first phase, unfortunately I decided to stay true to character and not take it. Bad times were had. I went to lunch. I asked a friend to help. My internet got switched off before that could happen. I found out I was able to summon a companion...I know I'm not supposed to story wise, and I'm not sure if you can normally (there's a lot of times when companion summon buttons are greyed out due to story restrictions) or if this was only because I'd previously logged out...but suddenly the fight became a lot easier. Funny that. Sigh. Moving on...
Chapter VII
Honestly not much to say about this one, nothing that caused me trouble. A lot of it is in the open world so regular difficulty rather than scaled to master. 
Chapter VIII
This one wasn't much trouble either, did die once when stuff was on cooldown, once in the final Arcann fight. Kiting him over and hitting the conduits there is a big help as they stun him, that is probably very obvious but I've literally never bothered with them on story or vet mode. We're halfway there!
Chapter X
This one also gave me a Time. The problem I had was when you come up against Faedral and Zaamsk. My first thought was the difficulty was because I hadn't raised Kaliyo's influence (oops, but you get her on the spot and I didn't have gifts handy...or at least the ones I thought she liked she didn't actually) (this is how I found out that agent!Kaliyo and alliance!Kaliyo have different preferences, apparently this will also apply to other - but not all - returning companions). But I raised her to 28 and still kept dying. It's a bit of a nasty fight honestly, and the guide I looked at said that juggs...aren’t ideal for it. Crowd control and interrupts are very handy. I kept getting really close to getting one of them down and dying just before I could, super annoying because it's another of those where if you take one down and die, you only have to face the other one. I took a break and read the guide more closely, watched some videos, and ultimately just decided to bring someone along to avoid the pain, or maybe share in it. I still died but we got through them. The fight against Tayvor Slen, the boss fight of the chapter, took a couple of tries with two of us - the first time I got stuck in a red circle and pretty much insta-killed. There was a bit of a close call on the second attempt but it was under control really. The achievement then comes through for chapter completion, all you have to do then is get out of the Overwatch, all things rosy right? Oh how wrong they were. A bunch of Zakuul Knights came along and literally just slaughtered us, full on, one-shotting us both - it was hilarious and extremely confusing because why?? how?? Did the bonus mission to get the prisoners to escape (look out for the glowing terminal, it says 'Overwatch Prison Logs' when you hover over it) - they one-shot a few Knights but then disappeared on us too. Who knows. But we got through it.
Chapter XI
A much nicer one though still had a handful of deaths. Where you meet up with Havoc Squad there's ambush of Skytroopers, followed by a couple of walkers - and the walkers beat me. They cast circles that I just couldn't get out of in time to save my health, even with my defensives. I'm not sure if they were the type to follow you or a sort of stamp move (I should have looked at the cast bar, come to think of it) - I suspect though it was the latter and so it wouldn't be an issue on a ranged character. The fight though does continue around you if you die so you don't lose the progress you make, just use the med probe, revive and rejoin. I only took Jorgan to level 7 because that was all the gifts I had, but most of the mobs were just regular trash, typically 3 at a time, which was no worry. When you attack the base the Knights are a bit harder - there's one round the back that does stealth strikes and that's a difficult one to face. I died - the respawn to medbay actually puts you inside the part with the forcefield you're supposed to take down, and then you can't get out of it...I maintain that I did find a way past the forcefield but it doesn't work as a cheesing method. Use your med probe, otherwise it's quick travel out and re-enter your phase. The final battle is a big droid (I forgot the name of it). It spawns a bunch of smaller droids, just ignore those and go for the boss - I didn't the first time and that's why I died - I lost Jorgan, I had two Knights chasing me whilst the droid put up shields, it didn't go well - second time I did it in less than a minute whilst using a heroic moment.
Chapter XII
This one you don't have a companion for, though it's not a big deal - for the most part my main enemy, as tends to be the case on this chapter, was the map. I think the regular mobs are scaled down a bit for playing without a companion. You can pick up an animal to help you as well, which you may as well do as things just die quicker. It runs off in caves. Valkorion does take your health down a fair chunk before he gives you his beat down but it wasn't so bad. Vaylin though took quite a few attempts. You can't interrupt her so you have to be on the ball with your defensives and timing them all, which includes the shield and medpac given in your temporary bar for the chapter. Really the medpac isn't that effective so don't count on it. There's a lot of running around as she casts red circles. Probably easier with a character with more self heals. I got through it after a few efforts, after getting close a few times, though even then I was still low on health by the end.
Chapter XIII
Yeah, this one was no trouble really, and that was with Gault at only level 4 influence. If things get hairy whack a bit more on him, there's no real mechanics to pose problems. As ever, good practice to stay out of circles on the boss fight, you have Vette there as well so a bit of extra damage going and yeah. Nothing to worry about.
Chapter XIV
Another that was nice and simple, I didn't even have any gifts to give Torian so was wandering around with him on level 1. Just a matter of timing defensives and heroic moments in that case. Lots is open world, too. Final boss fight was no problem at all.
Chapter XV
Reading guides for this put the fear of god into me, so I was pleasantly surprised to find it better than expected. The bosses were the toughest parts. The first is the Skytrooper Constructor, that one does spawn adds after a while as well. It killed me a couple of times but really I'm not sure what the best strategy was so I just went for the classic, burn it as fast as I possibly can and making use of heroic moment/defensives as well. The GEMINI droid at the end had me worried. That took 3 attempts (maybe 4, I think it was just 3 though), one of those my heroic moment was still on cooldown and Senya died quickly on it too. It was really just about managing defensives effectively as well, running away when she has the red cone in front of you, using the heroic moment for extra speedy damage. It was a close call in the end but my enraged defence came off cooldown at the perfect moment, thank you Grit Teeth. I wouldn't say this was an easy chapter by any means so quite proud of myself for getting through it on my own! The other thing I would say is watch out for the lasers - they don't do lots of damage on story mode, but on master they one-shot you if you get caught in them! The other various traps I probably got through easier than I have on the lower difficulties which may just be a testament to this being like, my fifth complete kotfe run at this stage haha.
Chapter XVI
The final chapter...and the one I was the most scared of. Took Lana up to lvl 50 in preparation...she duly died early on in the first boss anyway. KJ-931 is the first boss - I say first boss, there's still a high rank enemy immediately before that I died to a few times anyway and needed a heroic moment to beat. First attempt against KJ I actually came really close. Stay out of the aoes - there's a white circle and a yellow cone, as well as a big red laser thing where you have to rush to the corner and if you can - micromanage Lana well enough that she doesn't get caught up in them too. So I learnt that I am not good at micromanaging companions like that. Take the turrets rather than the shields, definitely - apparently the shields also have limited use, the turrets pull aggro as well as giving you damage so they're very handy. Sometimes on this fight I got one-shotted very quickly, others I managed to hold on a bit - but it was the first attempt that was my best run until I actually did it. Honestly I can't say what the trick was to finally getting it right...just a lot of blind panic and luck. Second boss is Dara Nadal - I found it easier to just go for the intense burn on her - put down the turrets, use a heroic moment, set Lana to damage as well and burn. Still took a few attempts on her but each time I was getting very close so I knew I would get there.
And then came Arcann. Ooooh boy. I'd been reading guides and watching videos in preparation but there's still a lot to keep on top of. I decided to use the Marr & Satele Special Saber rather than my usual one - having the benefit of being able to run around quickly was handy, and the other ability reflects damage from his saber attack. This took many attempts - some that went very quickly, some that got him to his final phase. Rather than going into specifics I'm going to link to this video as it probably explains what to do best (it’s handy for all the bosses). You really have to watch for the moment he gets to ~25% and stands in one spot - if you aren't able to do the shield whacky he will kill you straight up. My first time running towards him with the shield in that very last phase I died on the way up. It took me a long time and a lot on repair bills but this is another one I was very proud of for getting through on my own as there were times I didn't think I would.
General stuff:
I would say doing this is not for the light-hearted but it’s certainly possible! Apart from one chapter where I grabbed a friend I got through them all on my own
Some classes fair better in certain chapters than others. I went with my Jugg all the way through, but if you have the characters geared and you know them well enough - and you're doing this for the cheevos rather than going through the storyline - you're likely better off mixing and matching as you go. There were many occasions I wished I had range.
You will die to trash mobs. It is a fact of life. It feels embarrassing in the early chapters, you come to accept this and move on.
Companion influence helps a lot. Koth, Lana, and Senya all like delicacies (especially Koth, that man can eat) - you can grab these from the Jawa vendors in the cartel bazaar on fleet.
Med droids are also a booming industry thanks to the amount I've spent on repairs in the course of this.
There are more mechanics compared to story mode, and some that exist in story mode that you just notice more on master. But apparently the difference between vet and master is just artificial - more health and hitting harder. 
Going Commando is another good resource for their experiences playing through.
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unclekoopus · 4 years
Something about the FNAF and BATIM novels
I know it’s ABSOLUTELY the furry in me, but all this extra media, all the books and stuff for Five Nights at Freddy’s and Bendy and the Ink Machines seem to focus so much on these human characters, when all I want is enormous amounts of content about the non-humans. About the in-universe fictional characters and such.
It’s totally fair that the books go in that direction, that they’re primarily human stories with the threat being the existential one or the physical one. But I’ve always admired the more engaged horror stories that don’t have an unknowable villain, but a character or monster that can be spoken to or engaged in a back-and-forth with.
FNAF, in its original incarnations, was primarily a story with monsters that don’t talk, that you can’t talk TO. Bendy is somewhat the same, at least with the title character.
I hope you’ll bear with me on this, but I like the idea of a story where the monsters are sentient, or accessible at the very least.
below the cut: my rambling idea for an AU like this:
Imagine, if you will, that Bendy the Dancing Demon materialized as a character- not as a lumbering, grinning ghoul, but a little imp with a smarmy, sarcastic attitude and a little bit of a threat to his words. He wants to kill you, kill Henry, rather, but you and he come to an agreement- he wants out of this house of hell, this unending labyrinth of a studio as much as you do. You enter into a reluctant and unsteady partnership. He doesn’t let up on his vague threats and mean-spirited teasing all the time he’s with you, communicating with you.
And he has you do a bunch of tasks for him- like Alice does in the game- he puts you through a lot of nasty, scary situations and mocks you the whole way through. And he’s animated about it all- making goofy and slightly Satanic rubber hose transformations of his body and expressions of his impish face.
Henry goes through it all, but after a while, things start to change- you make moral choices and confide in Bendy some of your thoughts and feelings. You tell Bendy about your past, about your life since the studio went under, your wife, your kids, your hope for the future. Bendy sees how much you try to save everyone, how you want to help Boris and how traumatized you are at having to destroy him.
Bendy may be a demon, but he starts to feel for you, warm up and soften his tone. He’s been using you all this time, and it’s pretty obvious he has the intention of discarding you like so much scrap paper in the end once he gets what he wants.
The time comes when you are about to escape, when the ghoul is defeated- or so you think- and the outside world awaits, it was a difficult battle and you are unable to go on, your leg broken. And Bendy has the opportunity, he can leave you, ink stained and bleeding, to die in this place. And he starts to... but he can’t. He can’t leave his Creator behind. He cares too much. He makes a big, irreverent deal about it, he complains about your sentimentality about the others making him soft, unable to finish the job. And he holds out a toony gloved hand to help you out the door.
But the ghoul was not dead, and has ahold of your broken leg and is dragging you to the inky abyss. Bendy yells “No!” and tries to pull you free, but the monster is too strong. He’s going to pull the both of you back in, the light of the colorful world is getting farther and farther away. You tell Bendy to leave, escape, save himself, and he says “Not so long ago, I would have, believe me, bucko. But us toons, we get attached.” He latches onto your limbs, stretching his rubberhose arms out and wrapping them around a timber pillar, but he is still stretching as you and he are pulled closer to the monster. It looks like the end for you both, Bendy is still trying in vain, when a funny expression crosses his face.
And he asks you if you trust him. Obviously you didn’t before, but you’re starting to now. He says “Good enough. Now close your eyes, if this doesn’t work, it’s the end for us both.” You do so. And in the blackness of your vision, you hear the ooze of ink, the swirl and stretch of Bendy’s toony sfx and in another few moments, you’ve changed, you feel completely different. Your leg doesn’t hurt anymore for one, but it’s more than that. Opening your eyes sees Bendy again. And looking at yourself, you see flat colors, and dark outlines. Your whole body is simplified and feels stretchy and strange in the extreme.
“Okay, artsy-fart, you’re a toon now, and that means you got some new abilities- there ain’t time to teach ya how to use ‘em all, but ya need to work with me ta get outta this mess.” The monster roars, its voracious mouth waiting to suck you down into a vortex of black ink. The rules of toondom have been explained to you over the course of your journey by Bendy. A toon can do anything, as long as it’s funny.
The both of you together use your toon powers to break free and defeat the monster once and for all.
Now, I can’t decide if Bendy should sacrifice himself to save you or not, but I like him and you leaving the studio together and sharing a big, toony hug once you emerge into the sunshine and going off to have more adventures as a pair.
Maybe someday I’ll make a visual novel about this, I dunno. I’ve had the idea for a while. The same sort of thing could happen with FNAF too, I suppose, but with the robot’s AI forming a friendship and fighting the homicidal tendencies off in the end to save you.
I just wanna be friends with the cute horror franchise furries.
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raleigh-ocean · 5 years
wonder boy | cordelia goode & eric ocean-venable
n/a: I’ve been thinking for a long while about this, because Cordelia is Eric’s godmother and she can’t deny is the apple of her eye (as much as her daughters) so I wanted to just indulge a bit in some fluff content.
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when that morning her baby boy didn’t go down to get breakfast with the rest, Raleigh worried, because he has told her he was old enough to start the day on his own so Mina and her had decided to trust in him to that
and he had been doing so for a few months already, which was nice to see he was as stubborn as his mothers in some few ways
so the situation was weird enough for her to wonder if he overslept for once, I mean, he still was a seven years old boy in the end of the day
“pipsqueak has fever or something, he’s all cuddled in bed and was a bit warm when i checked his forehead”
when Madison entered the kitchen announcing that, trying to hide her concern through a her usual coldness, it was all it took for Raleigh to stand up and go upstairs, followed by Wilhemina
watching her boy all curled up, his stuffed animal in a tight grip, tugged at the strings of her heart and went full mama mode
“hey champ, aunt Maddie said you weren’t feeling alright,” Eric only pouted at that and curled up better. “is your head hurting?” nod “tummy?” nod “let me check then, little mister.”
Mina is now more worried but her boy is trying not to make eye contact, so now she’s a bit wary too while Ray checks their boy’s temperture with her hand
“mhm I think he’s a bit warm, but that can also be me and being the actual sun”
“go get Misty,” Mina said, taking a seat in the edge of the bed. “i’ll stay with him meanwhile”
that’s what everyone did when situations like that arose
Misty had been the one practicing green magic and healing magic for the longest time, so it was easy for her to do some easy check ups before actually going to the doctor in case it was something not that serious
so while Ray was gone, Mina took to herself checking on her son, doing basically the same but in a more calm way
“did Madison let you eat chocolate again before bed?” she wondered, because she was the one taking care of him last night when they were out with both Cordelia and Misty. “I promise I won’t scream at her nor you’ll be in trouble if it’s that way,” he shook his head, red messy curls all over the pillow. “then what’s this all about honey?”
“i don’t know, i don’t feel well”
and Mina considered herself the actual tough part of them two, but when he talked in such sad voice...she knows she’s really fucked
“well, your auntie is coming to see you, hang in there,” and upon hearing that word, Eric’s eyes brighten a bit, but Mina doesn’t notice it because she’s more worried about kissing her son’s forehead
when finally Misty arrives, still in her pajamas and a shawl around her shoulders, with Raleigh at tail, she’s quick to do the oh so waited check up
“do you say he was a bit warm?” Misty frowns a bit while feeling his forehead first and then start to run her magic all over her nephew with care. 
she can totally say Eric isn’t a single bit sick, indeed, she’s feeling how there are bits of magic working in his body and they aren’t from any of them three
but which could be the motive behind Eric not wanting to go to school? 
it isn’t like her own daughters pulled the same a few times, but she knew he didn’t do it before
so Misty, in her own very practiced afflicted voice, decided to cover her nephew for the day
“i think he can rest for the day, i’m sure it’s just something temporary,” Misty smiles to Eric, placing her hand in his belly lovely. “some of the girls in the other house had something similar, rest and do something he likes to soothe his head, and all new again.”
which make Mina look at her like ‘what the-’ but Ray just sigh deeply, worried because they both have to work (and go to the doctor’s appointment and teraphy respectively) and none is actually available to look after him
until they listen to Eric say, very tiny voice “auntie?”
and Misty, already in the doorframe with Mina and Ray, turns her head to him “yes darlin’?”
“can I stay with auntie Cordelia?”
none of the three expected that, to be completely honest
because they know Eric knows Cordelia is always busy and he always is very careful to not bother her
but something clicks in Mina’s head and she knows what might happen to Eric and now she is having mixed feelings, but what if she’s wrong?
“would you want to ask her?”
and soon Misty has Delia on speed dial, sitting in the edge of the bed and waiting for Delia to pick up, her phone close to the little boy curled up with his stuffed animal and his dinosaur pajamas
when Cordelia’s screen light up with Misty’s number, she gets worried naturally, taking in count she left her alone while still being asleep and barely just managed to open her eyes
“Misty? where are you?”
“In the other house, actually, someone wants to ask you something,” 
Cordelia never sat up so fast in her whole life, the voice of her godson so tiny that she couldn’t help but feel her heart squeezed in her chest
“Yes sweetheart? are you okay?”
“I don’t feel well,” fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck “can I stay with you?” and Cordelia can hear Raleigh in the back going ‘if it’s okay with you’
and believe me, Cordelia always have a plan when her daughters or her godson need her
“of course you can,” and when she says that, she’s already in her way to get into her own pajamas again. “do you want to stay in bed with me? i can work from here today”
“then i’ll see you in a moment”
by the time Eric arrives to the other house, Cordelia have gathered her laptop from the office, some files she was working on, her glasses and had told Zoe and Queenie where to find her if they needed her
seeing Eric still in his jams, backpack surely filled with his favourite stuff, opening the door of the master room kinda makes her go really soft, ignoring the fact that Raleigh is looking worried at her
“thank you, we’ll try to come around to check on him,” she starts to say, leaving Eric’s half eaten sandwich and chocomilk in the night stand. 
“don’t even say it, please, you have taken care of Rhia and Vic enough times already,” and Eric is already climbing the bed and lauching himself against Cordelia, who holds him close the second he is there. “so just shush and go, let me take care of him for the day, i’ll call you if anything happens.”
and like that, Eric just indulge in being pampered by his aunt Cordelia
and Cordelia is very much happy to do so, because it isn’t often when she gets to have him like that
soon they settle in just being together there, Delia starting to get some work for the day done after making sure Eric has eaten his breakfast and having him hooked on some toons in her phone; sometimes she checks on his temperature, by habit, and kiss his forehead getting the most adorable grin from him before going back to his video; and sometimes Eric just take peek at what she’s typing in her laptop and ask her about it by pointing at things in the screen
all of this makes Cordelia remember when Rhiannon and Victoria were just that tiny and curious, and not the two teenagers that were fighting over everything almost 24/7 and she just indulge too in having Eric like this, not wanting to think about him growing for the time being
eventually he gets hungry again and they make a quick trip to the kitchen and Delia doesn’t care if some of the girls see her like that, out of her usual elegant clothes and just with her glasses on, robe covering her pajamas and talking sweetly to Eric, which is very shy everytime they cross ways with a girl and hides behind Cordelia every time
she doesn’t care about lifting him up in the counter while getting something for them to eat and they settle for pancakes, just for today, and under the promise of not having Raleigh nor Wilhemina nor Misty to know about it because ‘they won’t ever let her live if they knew’ and she’s sure Rhiannon won’t rat them out once she comes in the kitchen and gladly shove a big one in her mouth, hugging his cousin and kissing her mother’s cheek before going to her bedroom to leave her things from soccer practice
once they are safe again in between the walls of the master room, Cordelia start to wonder if Eric is actually sick, because he starts to tell her about a story he made up for class in such enthusiastic way that he is even bouncing in the bed and all
it’s hard to tell, but she doesn’t dwell on it yet, just listening to him and let him play with her hands when Eric jumps in her lap to keep talking
and then is when he asks her to read with him one of the books he brought, and it hits Cordelia how much he actually has grown
because not long ago she was the only one reading to him (all those books he is still very little to even read but he loves so much)
so they get to it, Eric resting his head in her chest, until he falls asleep there and Delia just decides to let him nap there, maybe because she takes a nap too, why not?
but she feels the need to check with Misty, finally, what’s going on
so she texts her, getting a reply almost immediately and Cordelia only worries a bit more
‘he’s fine, Dee, I think he just wanted to stay home’ Cordelia fix Eric’s body so he’s more comfortable. ‘did he said something?’
‘no, did Ray or Wilhemina told you something?’
‘nope, he just asked he wanted to stay with you and that’s as much as i know’
Delia just barely let her phone under her pillow when she felt tiny arms sneaking over her shoulders, soft curls tickling her neck when Eric hid there suddenly
his voice is again tiny, his words still laced with sleep, gets to her fast and Cordelia holds him better in her arms
“are you feeling better sweetheart?” he nods and tighten the hug. “why didn’t you want to go to school today? i promise i won’t tell mom and mama nor you’ll get in trouble”
and there’s this silence between them that reminds Cordelia of Raleigh a lot
it also makes her wonder if, in another time, another universe, they both would had had an Eric of their own. Or maybe if everything had gone different from the very beginning
and she stops from wondering when Eric finally raise his voice again
“I wanted to be with you”
“but I’d have been with you the same if you told me once you got back” she can’t help herself to say back, caressing his back. “we were going to have your first pyrokinesis lesson, remember?”
there’s something inside Cordelia that drops so fast and deep, she thinks she might has heard her godson wrong
“how is that,” she asks, softly and making him look at her in the eyes. “i thought you were excited.”
“no...” he shakes a bit his head. “i was excited because mama and you were...”
“did you tell your mama about it?” another shake of his head, making Cordelia’s heart go lower. “and mom?” he nods and she just sighs deeply. “and what did she tell you?”
“that it was okay, i didn’t have to if i didn’t wanna...” oh no, she heard him sniffle. “that she loves me the same, and my aunties, and Non and Tori...”
“did you think your mama and i won’t?” and when she asks, she almost holding her breath because it feels like he’s going to say it.
the next silence it’s only a confirmation of it all.
she takes a couple minutes to gather her thoughts and just tries to hold her godson better in her arms, kissing the top of his head several times.
“Eric, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to do magic, that has nothing to do with how much your mama and I love you,” the words felt heavy in her mouth because it pained her to listen him thinks about that possibility. “you just had to tell us and well, we would see what to do about it, because that’s actually our job.”
upon hearing such happy tone in him, Cordelia only nodded and smiled at him, letting Eric to hug her better and just pamper him in all the love she could come up with for the rest of the day
for some reason, she felt such good soul didn’t belong to the world of warlocks and hearing from his mouth that he didn’t like magic was almost like a catharsis, for real
because it was as if his mother, Raleigh, had lived all the magic he was going to get as a legacy and now her son just seemed to have nothing with it, still not knowing how much it changed his mother for years
that’s why Cordelia thought it didn’t matter if Eric became a warlock in the future, if he was happy with that decision, all of them would be happy too
for the next years they would try to teach him how to control the only power he developed, his Pyrokinesis, so he can live a normal life despite of being born in such powerful household and thanks that his own uncle is, after some time, an active part of the camarilla of the high warlocks, it’s much easier to help him to not be recruited by them
but for now he was only a child, the child of Cordelia’s soulmate and best friend, her godson and wonder boy; a child that loved stories aout knights, dragons, sometimes dinosaurs and other times the space
and well, she might be the Supreme, but for the day she was quite fine to just be ‘auntie Cordelia’ for her only nephew, who she loved so dearly, and indulge a bit in that part of her life she came to love as well
the one in which she felt like she managed to have a family.
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i was tagged by @mychenrymadness  this is my first time making a post for this fandom so i’ll give it a go 
1. Who was your overall favourite member of Team Danger and why?
oh this is a difficult question i love all of them, but i would have to go with Charlotte i just love the way she cares about her friends even when i feel as they don’t always listen to her as they should. i love how smart she is at getting henry and ray out of trouble as i see her as the most level headed and comes up with the best solutions.
2.  Who was your favourite non-team danger character and why?
i would have to go with newscaster mary gaperman as i felt that being in a profession where it’s mostly a male dominated i felt that she was overshadowed by her co-host i hated the way that he would interrupt her whenever she tried speaking always rubbed me the wrong way.
3.  who was your favourite villian and why?
i’d have to go with Frankini i just loved his overall impeccable fashion sense, to me he was one of the fun villains who made me laugh a lot.
4.  What were your top five favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why?
1. toon in for danger: i was laughing throughout the whole episode especially during the studio's cartoon that was given to captain man and kid danger by accident. it was just filled with ridiculous shenanigans that made it hard to breathe as i was laughing so hard.
2. i dream of danger i mean chenry centric can’t get better than that, i felt for Charlotte throughout the whole episode especially when she kept not being able to speak full sentences when Henry was around with using the word kiss, i loved the running gag of the elevator not coming up on time and Charlotte turning around and seeing the kid danger cardboard cutout either punching or throwing it out of reflex. jasper turning invisible and annoying ray. schwoz injecting himself with tiger medicine dressing up as Elton john as a peacock. 
3. captain man-kini  i loved the whole ray swapping bodies with frankini was hilarious especially when ray had to walk and talk like him and forgetting at one point that he was not in his own body. what i loved most about this episode was that since ray was captured albeit as frankini but it gave henry a chance to save the day himself with the help of frankini and schwoz. it also gave us more independent Henry that we don’t usually get.
4. spelling bee hard   Charlotte centic which is a plus my favourite part was when Charlotte was trying to spell a word dr minyak tried distracting her trying to get her to spell the word word but like the badass she is without even looking i might add she hit him in the face with the mike made me laugh hysterically. the bet between captain man and dr minyak was silly but hysterical having to bike on really small bikes to California and back. i loved that knowing how important the spelling bee was to charlotte ray ended up letting her win which was actually, really sweet of him.
5. grand theft otto    jasper’s marvellous mustache i love how he was so protective of it, this episode gave me chensper vibes with jasper telling henry and charlotte to stop kissing with them say at the same time were not kissing and he replies with in a way your both kissing me since charotte had jasper’s retainer stuck in her mouth. my other favourite moment was when the parrot kept on repeated henry is kid danger.
5 What were your top five least favourite Henry Danger episodes of all time and why?
1. man of the house  i didn’t like rays crush on henry’s mom was more prominent in this episode which rubbed me the wrong way as it always has and felt it had gotten worse in the later episodes especially considering she is a married woman and you really should not flirt with someone who is married.
2.  sick and wired i didn’t like that ray didn’t trust Henry when he was sick as i felt that he was not being very sympathetic and having schwoz put spy camera’s in henry’s house was an invasion of privacy and had jasper go undercover with a wire to try catch Henry in a lie when he didn’t even lie in the first place.
3. henry and the woodpeckers it wasn’t a bad episode i just didn’t find it as interesting as the others.
4. meet cute crush  i didn’t like the basis of this episode with piper having a crush on the new boy in her class i just rubbed me the wrong way, how she basically created a ruse just to get close to him and i all did not like how she got her own brother hurt when he was thrown through a wooden table in the cafe from an adult not even thinking about the consequences and wanting to try again when henry didn’t even want to do it in the first place.
5.  the bucket trap it wasn’t a bad episode i just hated that they had jasper tazer himself it did not look very safe and why would piper even have one it’s not exactly suitable for a child to have.
6.  What was your favourite running gag and why?
whenever scwoz introduced himself with i am schwoz and captain man’s i’m okay. whenver the man cave elevator decends it sends people falling to the floor when you get to the man cave.
7.  What was your favourite one-off throw away gag and why?
not a running gag but henry liking flower camp gave us a look into things he does when not doing hero work it’s nice to have a hobby.
8.  What episode, which character and which duo made you laugh the most?
whenever Charlotte, schwoz and jasper were paired together or Charlotte and jasper in flabber gassed when they worked together to help ray and Henry when they were sprayed with flabber gas and having to control them through the suits. as members of the team without powers they are still part of team that i wish was explored more.
9.  What episode, which character and which duo made you the most emotional?
the finale episode got me the most emotional that Charlotte, Henry and jasper could not live without the other, i was in tears when they had to leave the man cave especially with Charlotte being adamant on not leaving Henry. and jasper having to pick her up and carry her out not knowing if they would see each other again. i liked how the show ended with them leaving and ending up in a different town being a crime fighting trio was all i ever wanted.
10.  How would you rank each season from 1 to 5, one being the best and five being the worst?
to be honest i like every season to a degree while there may have been some episodes that was not my favourite but i liked the seasons overall.
11.  Who was your favourite duo in the show (romantic or non-romantic)?
Charlotte and schowz team science because they understand each other on a level that others may not be able to as they came up with the solutions to solving the problems that the team  face.
12.  What was your favourite Henry and Ray moment/episode?
in the early seasons before ray’s characterisation went downhill i’d say license to fly with ray acting like a nervous parent when teaching henry how to fly shwoz’s helicopter. 
13.  What was your favourite Chenry moment/episode?
i dream of danger a no brainer the most peak chenry content that we had ever gotten the mutual pining in this episode was top notch. their interaction in the lions den.
14.  What was your favourite Hensper moment/episode?
love muffin episode with henry flirting with jasper was hysterical complementing his hair being very clingy.
15.  What was your favourite Chensper moment/episode?
the scene in the man cave in the finale  Charlotte, Henry and jasper could not live without the other, i was in tears when they had to leave the man cave especially with Charlotte being adamant on not leaving Henry. and jasper having to pick her up and carry her out not knowing if they would see each other again.
16.  If you could go back and change one element of the show, what would it be?
have the adults actually be there for their children, have them actually be proud of their children. i hated that when jasper’s nose was broken his parents could not be bothered to see him.  basically anything the parents did i would do differently.
17.   If you could say one thing to each main character in the pilot, what would it be?
look out for each other, keep each other safe and make sure to always include each other .
18.  If you could say one thing to each main character in the finale, what would it be?
keep in touch no matter where you are you will always be in each other’s hearts.
19.  Were you satisfied with the finale? What part was your favourite and what part was your least favourite?
yes it ended in a satisfying way , my favourite part was Charlotte , jasper and Henry being together, seeing how much they cared for each other and how they couldn’t live without each other. Henry's growth and independence living his life on his own terms. Charlotte being able to live her dream. found family with each other. my least favourite part was not seeing Charlotte and jasper finding out that Henry was alive because the last time they saw him they were not sure if he had survived. getting a so happy your alive group hug.
20.  What would your ideal Henry danger spin off look like?
seeing what danger force will have in store when it starts
21.  Where do you personally see the characters 10 years from now? What are they doing, who are they with, where are they in their lives - what do you think happened to them? Most importantly, are they happy?
that charlotte, jasper and henry are happy fighting crime together maybe adopt a pet or two. when henry’s not fighting crime i’d like for him to have his own flower store like a nursery. for jasper he could have a successful podcast. for charlotte i think she has the imagination to write children’s books maybe as a veterinarian as i feel that she would have a connection with animals  and loves helping people i’m not really sure but i think she can do anything that she puts her mind to.
22.  What was your favourite part of the show and why did it initially draw you in?
i have always loved superheros so i guess that’s what drew me into the show just randomly came across it after watching the thundermans.
23.  What was your favourite part of the fandom and why did it initially draw you in?
i saw how welcoming the fandom is seeing all the amazing meta and gifsets @mychenrymadness was actually when of the first blogs i found who’s love of max thunderman and Charlotte made me watch every season of the thundermans  and he became one of my favourite character’s after charlotte and is the reason why i ship them in the first place, chenry will always be my otp but i love thunderbolt too even though i’m not sure if they interacted with each other in the thunderman and henry danger crossover.
24.  Describe your overall emotions/feelings regarding the show being over and the show in general, looking back on it as a whole, with one quote from the show.
i feel sad that it’s over but i have loved the main trio’s journey  especially Henry's growth as a superhero it has made me laugh and cry.
25. If you were able to add one scene in the finale, what would you add?
seeing henry, charlotte and jasper reuniting after thinking their best friend died when they decided to live together away from swellview.
26.  Favorite outfit/hair style?
charlotte’s hands down she had the best hairstyle and the best outfits. and for the clothing i have always loved whatever henry wore since i can relate to that style.
27.  Least favorite character?
 Henry's parents especially in the finale 
i won’t tag anyone because i’m not sure who hasn’t done this as i’m new to the henry danger tumblr fandom so i don’t really know many people.
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seeksstaronmewni · 5 years
The Future of Star Butterfly... or The End?
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The end of @disneyanimation‘s/@disneyxd‘s finest franchise yet, @daronnefcy‘s Star vs. the Forces of Evil, is a time of great lamentation for me, as I love Star Butterfly to an insane extent (and thus the respective franchise).
I love Season 3 more than Season 4 (and in Season 3 is the most important reason why I love Star), but the show’s been little different since Season 2. The show changed very much after Season 1 (my favorite season) in character design, animation and the storyboard artists involved. SvTFOE is a really great show, but I personally see room for improvement, if Disney chooses to produce any future content, whatever media that is. Before we act on petitions for new content (try not to push Disney Television Animation too hard on this. It’s up to them, NOT Daron Nefcy, and Disney’s probably really busy with other shows at the moment), let’s consider some aspects of the show...
First, I note some specific things that I dislike about SvTFOE in general.
Mostly “Traditional” Animation: What happened to the animation? The animation started out in Season 1 (and the pilot) as what I call “model-rigged” animation (some call it “flash”), animated by @littledigits at Mercury Filmworks (The Powerpuff Girls Movie, Mickey Mouse, Wander Over Yonder). The visual approach appeared to be very cartoon-y, like WOY, and the attention to detail in not only character design but also the effects design, multi-layered background panning and camera de-focusing was present only in 13 individual (11-minute) season 1 episodes, and also in the 2017 “Interdimensional Scavenger Hunt”. Such things of those episodes are not in later episodes as they are only traditionally animated. Toon City’s animation seemed slow-paced and a little jerky to convey quick movements at times, which didn’t feel like that of Mercury. Now, I came to love model-rigged animation because of SvTFOE, but generally I prefer traditional animation, which is fairly fitting for the more dramatic, intense episodes of the series. The first Toon City episode, “Mewberty”, had a number of design/animation mistakes (i.e. the shots of the “My turn” moment). Of the 2 animation companies that were involved, Rough Draft Korea (which also worked on the Season 1 episode “Blood Moon Ball”) and Sugarcube, though Rough Draft does animation for some of the best in American animation, yet I prefer the visual approach of Sugarcube as the designs are much cleaner and look a little more on-model. The lines in Rough Draft episodes aren’t as smooth and the models kind of look more different (perhaps off-model) per shot and/or movement, but the animation Rough Draft did on Samurai Jack EPISODE XCVIII, namely Ashi’s fight scene, looks amazing. rwinger24 pointed some important elements lacking in the 2016-2019 episodes out: “Absent from the Mercury and Toon City animation (are) these animation principles- Anticipation- Follow through and overlapping action- Slow in and slow out (the Rough Draft Korea episodes miss this principle as the animation appears jarring/unnatural)- Secondary action(And notable absence of motion smears)... (and, like) 80s /90s cartoons sometimes (the picture bobbing/weaving from the telecine transfer, and not the constant use of 24 drawings like SVTFOE does (mostly from Rough Draft Korea).
Different, Less-Detailed Character Design?: The character design never looked more graphic and detailed than in Season 1, done by @cheyennecurtisart and @lynnvwang as well as @cunch. This’s particularly noticeable in the Mercury Filmworks episodes. The designs in the Toon City episodes aren’t as smooth and, the way the episodes are, not necessarily as exaggerated in cartoon-y fashion as the Mercury Filmworks episodes. The change in character design, which I noticed, is so drastic, that my follower rwinger24 suggested that I should make a post about the changes. As for the rest of the series, @aniramiart became the main designer along with @beckyandfrank / @tinykittenteeth. They do some good designs, given what Star endured or how she reacted at certain times, but most of them aren’t as detailed as Cheyenne’s. What I dislike most about this design change is that, regarding mostly Stephanie Ramirez’s designs (plus storyboard artists and Rough Draft’s animation), the character design of at least Star begins to resemble Gravity Falls a bit much, which detracts from the unique designs of SvTFOE in its first Season. Relatively, one of young Star’s designs in “Marco Grows a Beard” (Tyler Chen’s first episode) also resembled the character design of Gravity Falls, but that was still Cheyenne & Lynn Wang on the episode. On the other hand, the Season 2-4 designs look more on-model and smoother in the Sugarcube episodes. Otherwise, in potentially cartoon-y designs, it just doesn’t stretch as far as those of Season 1/Mercury episodes, though that wouldn’t exactly be fitting for the more dramatic episodes. The designs, of course, depend somewhat on storyboards. Perhaps the wackiest storyboards are by Ian Wasseluk (who rwinger24 references in the cartoon-y looking approach on the series), as well as Dave Stone (from Teen Titans GO!) on “Match Maker”.
Quiet (and typical) Sound Design: Throughout the show, the sound design’s style was very quiet. It’s more foley than SFX. The sound effects designed by both music score composer @brianwithanh and Advantage Audio’s Robert Poole (Season 1) and Heather Olsen (Seasons 2-4) are unique to the series and absolutely nothing I criticize. What I dislike of the sound design is that, given the very cartoon-y visuals (particularly Seasons 1-2), the sound design is more realistic than cartoon-y (save for very rare cases like the opening scene to Bon Bon the Birthday Clown, which was very deliberate as I imagine). Usually, Advantage seems to sound either too cartoon-y (i.e. The Fairly OddParents) or too quiet. In the case of more dramatic episodes, the cartoon-y sound shouldn’t be pushed. If Jesse Aruda, Roy Braverman, and/or Rich Danhakl did the sound design (Danhakl did the sound design of The Tom and Jerry Show at Advantage and edited sound on “Mathmagic” & “The Bounce Lounge”), their array of cartoon sounds would be better than the usual, very specific designs of Michael Warner, Robert Duran, Poole II and Olsen. The other main critique I give is that, like most sound services, the action-y sound effects (explosions, crashes, etc.) depend more on typical Hollywood Edge/Sound Ideas (that is “stock” sound effects) than the unique sounds of Joel Valentine and Skywalker Sound; there’re also the common, if applicable, use of “Cats Two Angry Yowls”, “Medium Exterior” Crowds and other cliche vocal recordings that are overused, particularly by Advantage Audio. Recording walla as well as other animals (or at least using lesser-used animal and crowd vocals) would be an improvement. Even the horse sounds used (rarely using one from the Sound Ideas Lucasfilm Sound Library) are mostly the typical, pitched-up if necessary. Compare that to an entire SFX library of horse sounds that Skywalker’s Nia Hansen (sound design assistant of Big Hero 6′s movie but not the show) recorded just for War Horse--and she was credited as only an apprentice [sound] editor!
“Controversial” Content: The last thing I dislike, from more or less a Christian point-of-view, is that there are a few episodes that have material and/or images that I, for one, among many, would view as “controversial” or “polarizing”. I’m a little suspicious of some situations that may regard controversial subjects in a few other episodes as well, though no dialogue explicitly states such things. I can not say what that material is or what episodes have it, but I mean the best in concern for the sake of the series’ reputation. The least that we can do (and I certainly do), in all situations, is to pray for the salvation and sake of Daron Nefcy and her amazing team.
(BRIEF SPOILER!) Second, before we can give influence to anyone to contribute to the Star vs. the Forces of Evil franchise, we need an answer to this very important question:
Is this really the end of Star vs. the Forces of Evil?: It was always on my mind as to whether or not “Cleaved!” was more than the end of the main story linked throughout Seasons 1-4 (though the last villain, in Season 4, is Mina, from Season 2). Does Disney claim that it’s the series finale because they had to move on to other projects, or is the story of Star Butterfly, the Underestimated, at the true end that Daron Nefcy wanted? Think about Wander Over Yonder: it was cancelled after season 2, but, although that season wrapped up a story throughout that season (and began at the very end of Season 1), still there are more stories that could be told... if Disney wanted to produced new WOY content, with or without Craig McCracken. Also, (spoiler) Star is not gone; worlds collided, and there can be more adventures for the franchise (perhaps Hope Hadley or Charlie Booth/“Gustav” could get a spin-off?). Whatever more we want of SvTFOE or WOY, we must speak to Disney Television Animation about this and let them to know, NOT the show creators. Don’t ask Daron Nefcy about new SvTFOE content in the future; ask Disney TVA about that.
Third, in response to what I personally dislike about major changes in the series since SvTFOE Season 2, and as a devote fan of Star Butterfly / Star vs. the Forces of Evil, I wish to propose, to all of those at Disney Television Animation, suggestions of creatives who deserve to contribute their amazing talent to the future content of Disney’s most beautiful franchise yet.
Who should run the show?: As far as I know, creator Daron Nefcy suggested that she left Disney after SvTFOE (“I’ve been slowly cleaning out my office (I know, sad!)”) to do a voice on Nico Colaleo’s Ollie and Scoops, so, if Disney intends to produce any new content, then it may happen with Daron out. Who would I suggest to help run the show? Dave Wasson, Season 1 Co-Executive Producer/Supervising Director, could return. I strongly believe that Lynne Naylor-Reccardi (Samurai Jack, The Ren & Stimpy Show, The Shnookums and Meat Funny Cartoon Show) would be a very good choice in running the show, in addition to storyboarding, writing, directing, character design, and/or art direction; she produced Hercules and Xena: The Battle for Mount Olympus and was a major part of that film. Then, of course, for the sake of detail and action, Genndy Tartakovsky would be a great choice; he’s currently with Sony on a few projects and CN for Primal, so at least people from his team, like Paul Rudish of Mickey Mouse and Bryan Andrews and/or Mark Andrews of Sym-Bionic Titan, would be really good for directing. I certainly trust how good they are at both action and heart, on shows like Samurai Jack. As for really wacky, cartoon-y styles, I also would recommend Kyle A. Carrozza, @tvskyle from CN’s Mighty Magiswords, who is currently at Warner Bros. on Animaniacs, and Bob Camp from The Ren & Stimpy Show (also a storyboard artist for Sym-Bionic Titan and Suburban Daredevil), to contribute directing/producing and storyboarding. I would recommend @crackmccraigen, who "wanted to make Star when back when @daronnefcy pitched it to us at The Cartoonstitute. CN said no though.” However, so far, Craig left Disney; he currently produces Kid Cosmic for Netflix.
Who should write and storyboard the stories?: First, I suggest Tim Hodge (@baldmelon​, The Tom and Jerry Show, Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie, Aladdin, Mulan), who also worked for Disney, as well as @gadworks​, @kalikazoo​, @mikepelensky​, Darrick Bachman (Samurai Jack, Mickey Mouse) and Richard D. Pursel (Tom and Jerry Tales, Mighty Magiswords, The Ren & Stimpy Show). For more action-y sequences, I’d look to Genndy Tartakovsky, Bryan Andrews and/or Paul Rudish; they sure know their action stuff. Lastly, I note Charlie Bean, David Krentz, Kyle A. Carrozza, Lynne Naylor-Reccardi, Will Finn, Stephen DeStefano, Jeremy Polgar (Samurai Jack Season 5, Teen Titans Go!) and Bob Camp, among others. Former writers/storyboarders Mike Mullen, @ianwasseluk, Scott O’Brien, Kyle Neswald, Kat Ketchum, @brettvaron, @giancarlovolpe and Dave Stone should return. A newer storyboard artist for Spongebob, April “Pinkie” Davis, has some humorous potential too and I’d highly recommend her. Josh “Zeurel” Palmer and @akron-squirrel​ are also very talented artists/animators who deserve a show.
Who should contribute visual design?: Luckily, Cheyenne Curtis returned for a few episodes after Season 2; she currently works at Nickelodeon but might like to help on the designs. In point of fact, she should be “Lead Character Design”. I’m not sure if it was Cheyenne or Lynn Wang who did the really graphic character designs (Match Maker, Brittney’s Party, The Other Exchange Student, etc.), though hopefully Lynn Wang could occasionally contribute to future SvTFOE content, with or without Cheyenne. Among the 2 (and perhaps Jennifer Goldberg as well), the new character designers I’d suggest to contribute would include Jeremiah Alcorn (@alcornstudios, Teen Titans Go!, Wander Over Yonder), Lynne Naylor-Reccardi (The Ren & Stimpy Show, Samurai Jack), Carey Yost (The Powerpuff Girls, The Ren & Stimpy Show), and April “Pinkie” Davis (Spongebob Squarepants). I’d also recommend Bryan Arnett (Wander Over Yonder, The Mighty B!), Adam Rosette (who did designs for the original test pilot or something in 2014, according to the IMDb), Craig Kellman (The Powerpuff Girls Movie, Dexter’s Laboratory), and Kyle A. Carrozza and Lindsay Smith-Carrozza (Mighty Magiswords), among others. As for the location design, it changed little, but I’d still refer to The Parpan Brothers, Season 1 art directors @joshparpan & @justinparpan (currently art directors at CN for @victorandvalentino) and perhaps their assistant Jason Stebbings. David A. Dunnet and Larry Murphy are very good cartoon location designers. Certainly, Stephen DeStefano (@stephendestefano​, Samurai Jack, Mickey Mouse, The Ren & Stimpy Show) would serve as a swiss army knife of visual design in storyboards, character design and location design! I’m not concerned about most of the prop designs either, though Dustin d’Arnault is a rising talent in cartoon props/effects design, like Chris Battle. I’m not too concerned about effects design, referring to the original one, Tony Unser, and the last one, Eric Gonzalez, but contributions from Dustin d’Arnault and the amazing MIchel Gagne would do wonders for the show. As for newer, fresher talent, @akron-squirrel​, Josh “Zeurel” Palmer and Scott Forester are some excellent choices for new creatives visual development.
Should the show/new content onward be in a “Scope” aspect ratio, like 2.40:1? Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Tigtone and Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal are in a “letterbox” widescreen format, and it’d look more cinematic to do the shots in a director-envisioned “CinemaScope” format.
Who should direct the animation?: The main timing supervisor Shaun Cashman was a part of The Powerpuff Girls and Sym-Bionic Titan, so that’s good for the *traditional* animation (not to mention timing director Patrick Gleeson, who animated the works of Don Bluth), but personally timing/animation directors and supervisors should include Genndy Tartakovsky, Tony Fucile (perhaps a stretch, but he’s really good), and Robert Alvarez. Rough Draft’s designs should look a little smoother IMO, though I generally prefer Rough Draft over Sugarcube. Of course, for the more comedic SvTFOE content in the future (but not limited to cartoon-y scenes), I want Megan Ferguson to return, preferably with Mercury Filmworks. Mercury could at least help animate background layouts and visual effects for the traditionally animated episodes. Still, I learned from Final Space and namely the Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure episode “Cassandra’s Revenge” that “puppeted” animation can work very well in more serious, cinematic scenes that aren’t as “cartoonish”. Additional animation contributions from Gabe del Valle and Josh “Zeurel” Palmer would be good to reference too.
Who should contribute sound design?: First and foremost, if I had to pick one and only one sound designer, I’d look to Joel Valentine, a private contractor who generally did cartoon sound for only Cartoon Network Studios until Craig McCracken got him to contribute to Wander Over Yonder Season 2, perhaps leading Joel to work currently on Disney’s Big City Greens (still also on Genndy Tartakovsky’s Primal). He does both cartoon and action sound on a very unique level, and he proved to be very realistic with vocal sfx (babies, crowds, animals) in Samurai Jack Season 5, making very scarce use of Hollywood Edge SFX. I also really like that castanet sound he uses for characters shaking for any reason. With or without Joel, my devote follower @rwinger24 prefers Spongebob sound designer Jeff Hutchins to contribute; Jeff has a hilarious sense of cartoon sound design, and not only did he learn from Joel, but he also received from Joel The Producer’s Sound Effects Library AND Joel’s ADAP library, with which Jeff could replicate the unique sound styles of Joel, like he did before. Jeff also tends to work at Hacienda Post, where founder and supervisor Timothy J. Borquez could contribute and consult sound design just as his team did at Horta Editorial on The Ren & Stimpy Show, which also has its own stylized array of SFX--and this would work very well for a show with design and animation as detailed in comedic fashion as Ren & Stimpy (think “Brittney’s Party”). It was rumored on IMDb that Warner Bros. Sound (division Audio Circus) worked on SvTFOE; Jeff worked there too, and I guess that they could contribute. Then, of course, the show deserves contributions from Skywalker Sound, namely designers like Tom Myers, Steve Boeddeker, David Acord, Frank Eulner and Al Nelson, as well as Chris Scarabosio, Kyrsten Mate and Nia Hansen; Matthew Wood & David Acord are also a good team in voices (I’d even go so far as to suggest Ben Burtt to contribute). With Skywalker, there’d be better selections for action sfx (like explosions or ricochets) and other SFX in general, plus more realistic vocal sfx and walla. I also like the works of Robert Hargreaves (DigiPost.TV) and Glenn Oyabe. Among Joel, Hacienda and Skywalker, still, I intend not to cut Advantage Audio out; the series’ sfx and Brian H. Kim’s sounds are probably there, as are the series’ foley artist John Lampinen, but I would want Jesse Aruda and Rich Danhakl to be in place of Poole II or Olsen. (as of September 10th, 2019 A.D., Danhakl replied to me in an e-mail, “Count me in for the toonie Star spinoff (I’ll pass the message along to Jesse [Aruda] and Roy [Braverman])!”) A main proposition to approach the series’ sound as a whole, as Ben Burtt suggested in an article, is this: “You don’t achieve the final cut of your movie the first time that you cut it. [(Picture) Editing is] too big of a job. You assemble the first cut based upon all of your best available knowledge. You’re finding your way through the story. You’re checking notes, a script, and seeing what the material might dictate. Then you build each successive cut, and you see what’s wrong and what’s right. It takes time and a series of developmental steps. No director want to rush through it. The same process should hold true for sound design. There needs to be a development phase where you have the same type of time to experiment, fail, and nurture the sound design to full bloom in all its beauty.” Speaking of Ben Burtt, he might as well contribute since it seems that he does little sound design for projects these days. Previously I made a post about the important emphasis of the series’ sound design.
I pray every day of my life that Star vs. the Forces of Evil as a franchise of Disney will be blessed with creative talents who I really admire, and I hope for the best. Speaking of Hope, I find supportive/background character Hope Hadley, created by character designer Cheyenne Curtis, to be an interesting and attractive character, so I wonder if Cheyenne (who works at Disney) and Disney (who owns the rights to Hope) would create something out of her, as I said before--and Cheyenne thinks about this possibility: “If I ever get a cartoon show it’s my goal to have multiple episodes throughout the season with rain.” Either way, my devote follower @rwinger24 would agree with some of my choices (particularly of sound and Jeff Hutchins).
If you’re a devote SvTFOE fan and you agree with any of these decisions, then SHARE THE POST! Let Disney know, and see what Daron Nefcy also thinks of this too (even if she can not return). I also encourage you to share IMDb lists of Creatives for Future SvTFOE Content and the same for Cheyenne Curtis’s cartoon show and/or this Tumblr post summarizing names of those to join and return on SvTFOE, so that we--and the amazing creatives whom we admire--can be a part of the unique franchise of SvTFOE! I love Star Butterfly enough to want to spark an influence, however we can.
Besides that, Samurai Jack seemed to end after Season 4, but it returned after 12 years, 5 months and 14 days with Season 5. God knows what new content/media Disney could produce (with or without Daron Nefcy) in the future!
Tweet version here. Share that too!
Finally, forget not to share also this complimentary post listing some of the most important creatives for Disney TVA to recruit for new SvTFOE content!
I thank you for sharing, noticing and/or reading the post.
If you wonder why I love Star much, see this post (spoiler if you saw not Season 3 yet)
BTW, if you like The Powerpuff Girls and/or relative team members, check this post out too (and share it if you agree)!
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soniccrazygal · 5 years
Linda's talk with Bendy seemed to do some good with the toon as he didn't spend quite as much time up alone in his room, but it was still obvious the little devil was avoiding the others. When Bendy wasn't out playing with the neighborhood kids, he was making excuses to not participate in activities. Everyone knew the devil was just trying to give everyone space so they would feel comfortable around him, but that only made everyone feel guilty that he felt that way. So that's why Henry was in front of Bendy's door, determined to talk to the toon himself. Going inside, Henry found Bendy sitting on his bed, the toon molding and then melting a blob of ink in his hands as Ink Blot was curled between his, both of them purring contently.
"What are you working on?" Henry asked as he sat down next to Bendy. "Is it a new sculpture?"
"Not right now," Bendy replied, letting the ink melt and get absorbed back into him. "I was just practicing my control, but you're not here about that… are you?"
"No," Henry sighed, gently placing his hand on Bendy's back. "Look… I know you feel guilty about attacking Tom…"
"But I don't feel guilty for attacking Tom!" Bendy burst out with a growl, startling both Henry and Ink Blot, making the cat jump off Bendy's head and hiding under a pillow. Bendy ignored all that, jumping off the bed and pacing in agitation. "I feel guilty about scaring the others… I feel guilty that I made them feel unsafe… I even feel guilty about not feeling guilty! But as much as I want to… I just don't feel guilty about attacking that sinner! If anything, I feel more guilty about letting him get away…"
"Bendy… calm down…" Henry encouraged, kneeling in front of the toon. Bendy's emotions had started transforming him, leaving him in a state that was a mix of his Ink Devil and toon form. Bendy hissed in frustration, tail lashing around behind him, but did his best to take deep calming breaths. "Feeling better?"
"Not really…" Bendy muttered, looking up at Henry with his completely yellow pie-cut eyes. "How can I face the others when I'm willing to kill without remorse?"
"Well…" Henry started, sitting down and pulling Bendy next to him while he tried his best to find the right words. "Why don't we start with why you feel so strongly about this? Why do you feel the need to kill Tom?"
"Because my instincts are telling me he's a corrupted sinner that needs to be devoured," Bendy started, trying his best to describe what he was going through. "But it's not just the bloodlust that I usually experienced from when the Liar forced me to become the villain. I know what that feels like and I've gotten a lot better at controlling those urges. This was something deeper…. Like there was something calling to my very being that someone who has committed so many sins must face punishment. Tom must face the consequences of what he's done. And I told you everything I learned when I came in contact with Tom's soul, seeing first hand all the pain and suffering he helped cause. I get that the Liar forced him to do it, that's something I can understand on a personal level. But I was fighting against the Liar the entire time while Tom didn't fight back until it was already far too late…. That knowledge combined with the call, my resolve was firm and there's still a part of me that regrets letting him live… I just don't know what to do about all these new instincts and urges. I know they're not inherently bad, but what if something like that happens again and I don't stop?"
"I don't have the answer, but we'll figure this out together just like always," Henry promised, pulling Bendy into an embrace, the demon finally reverting back completely to his toon form. Henry felt so guilty about what Bendy and the others had gone through and were still going through. While there was no way that Henry could have known what Joey had been going to do, the man couldn't help but feel like there should have been some way for him to have prevented this. If only he had Joey had parted on better terms, maybe the man wouldn't have felt driven to go this far. If only he had been better about keeping in contact with everyone over the years, maybe then he would have realized something was wrong before it had gotten so far out of hand. If only he…
"You really need to stop doing that…" Bendy mumbled into Henry's chest, snapping Henry out of his thoughts.
"What do you mean?" Henry asked, pulling away slightly to look at the toon.
"I can see souls remember," Bendy replied looking up his Creator. "And in close contact like this, it's very easy for me to feel read your emotions. You need to stop feeling guilty about what the Liar did to us in the studio."
"But I…" Henry began only to be cut off by Bendy shaking his head.
"No arguing," Bendy said firmly, staring deeply into Henry's eyes. "You tell me and the others constantly not to feel guilty over what happened in the studio as it was all the Liar's fault and you need to take your own advice. You had nothing to do with what the Liar did and are in no part responsible for what we went through. You are the reason we are out now and are able to have happiness out in the world. So stop letting yourself be dragged down for something you didn't do. No one blames you and no one thinks you should have done something sooner. We are all grateful for what you have done for us and continue to do for us now. I love you, Creator, so please stop causing yourself pain."
"Thank you, Bendy," Henry said, pulling the toon into another hug. Henry had come up here to comfort Bendy and ended up being comforted himself. The moment only became sweet when Alice and Boris burst into the room and immediately joined in the hug. Henry and the toons laughed as Henry did his best to hold all of them in his arms.
"There you guys are," Sammy said, poking his head in as the group finally calmed down. "Norman's setting up the TV for a movie night while Lind and the Butcher Gang are finishing up snacks. You better come down if you don't want to miss it!"
Alice and Boris immediately grabbed ahold of Bendy and started dragging him downstairs before he could even think of making an excuse, not that the devil seemed like he was trying to get out of it. Henry and Sammy chuckled at the toons antics as they tumbled down the stairs before joining them in front of the TV. IT seemed like everyone was doing their best to make sure Bendy felt welcome among the group and Henry couldn't help but smile fondly at the sight. It was hard to imagine that this lively group had once been constantly hunting and killing each other. They had come so far from their time in the studio. Yes, there were still plenty of issues to work out, but they had each other to help sort them out.
Bendy was right, Henry shouldn't be wasting his time feeling regret about the past, that's what Joey did after all. Instead, he should enjoy these shining moments that exist now and look forward towards their bright future. One that they will all enjoy together.
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misterewrites · 6 years
So you discovered a terrible secret and you regret it (title pending)
Hello everyone, Mr.E here and I am finally finished with my original work! YAY! WOOO! Sorry I was using this to get back into the swing of things before I start writing pirates part 3. 
So I love me my supernatural, gothic horror. I’ve made that very clear during the monster hunter au I wrote and I didn’t want to bog that all down with the ideas i kept coming up with so I decided I would make my own series so I didn’t clog that au up. I don’t know if I’m going to keep this going (in true fashion I have written a whole plot for this) but if you like what you read, let me know. I am more than happy to keep writing this story especially if I need breaks from writing other stuff.
So the story: Viktor Von Issac is the classic vampire hunter. Veronica is a huge fan of his work and his stories and loves reading every story she can about him even if she’s a Junior in High School and working on keeping her grades and social life alive. But one day, she stumbles upon a well kept secret about her school and she realizes maybe she was wrong about a few things. 
That’s basically it. I made my own Van Helsing.Umm yeah let me know what you all think, if I should keep it going, if you enjoyed it. Have an amazing week everyone, see you soon with the part 3 of the pirates au and I hope you enjoy my crazy story! 
Notification Squad: @artgirllullaby @hipster-rapunzel @ladyxgilex @thefandombytes @minthia-ren @axis2700 @burst-zen @isolated-frequencies @toon-addicted (Sorry you’re on the list, it’s easy just to add you here too) @nerdymetalhead 
Estella's heaving and huffing could scarcely be heard over the booming thunder, the violent rattle of the slowly crumbling church that shook to its very core, rain pouring through the broken, decaying structure like moonlight.
She strained her ears for any sign of the monster that chased them but between the bleeding Henryk's gasps for air and the rhythmic pounding of rain against the flooded wooden floor, nothing could be heard.
“Come on” she whispered hopefully to the dying man she carried around her shoulders “Just a bit further.”
Henryk groaned in response but gave no words.
Fear began ebbing into Estella's resolve, her boots sloshing against the slowly rising tide.
“We'll be okay” She whispered to herself in a blind hope “We'll be okay”
A chilly wind swept through the abandoned place of worship, a numbing frost spread throughout her body. She could feel her legs wobble and sway uneasily, Henryk's body growing heavier each passing moment and the syrupy urge to give in tugged at her, beckoning sweetly.
Estella bit her lip hard, the sharp pain awakening her instincts, renew vigor flowing through her and the will to press on overcame the terror that had been quietly growing.
The door was just a few feet away. Just a few more feet and she could escape deeper into the forest with Henryk.
Her heart stopped when she heard the moaning of the old oak doors open, the rusty hinges shrieking into the night while a silhouetted figure stood in the door frame menacingly.
“Vampyre” Estella murmured under her breath, her body tensed for battle as she reached for a knife tucked away in Henryk's coat pocket.
“I am afraid you are mistaken my dear” the shadow replied with a reassuring tone “I am no vampyre, I am...”
“Von Issac!” a warm feeling ignited within her despite the frigid rain as famed vampyre hunter Viktor Von Issac stepped forth from the shadows and into the moonlight.
He was no different than last she saw the slightly older man: His handsome youthful face brimming with a cocksure confident that contrasted with his well kept black and gray hair, his hazel eyes narrowed with both worry and conviction. A soothing grin graced his lips. His long frayed black coat and white collared shirt soaked from the rainfall. He wiped at his black dressed pants, his matching loafers dully echoing the splashes of water as he made his way closer.
“Von Issac.” Estella began but he rose a hand to silence her.
“We haven't any time. You and my brother have foolishly followed an ill fated plan and now Malikiah rouses from his slumber. You two must make haste and leave.”
“Viktor...” Henryk crocked, his hand weakly reaching for his kin.
Viktor took his brother's hand, clasping it tightly in his grasp “I am here my brother but you must not be.”
Viktor turned to Estella, a grim determination ablaze in his eyes “Take him to a doctor for if I fail at least the Von Issac name does not end with me.”
“Viktor...” Estella whispered softly, her heart aching with longing “I cannot just leave you here to face that....thing.”
Viktor cupped Estella's face gently “What has happened has happened and regrets have been made but I am afraid this is not the time. You cannot remain. You must leave.”
“GO!” Viktor shouted without warning.
Startled and against her own wishes, Estella bolted through the door, her frame swallowed whole by the shadows.
Viktor let out a saddened sigh as the echo of footsteps approached from beyond the church altar.
“Malikiah” he growls furiously as he pulled out his trusty crucifix and cane.
A sweet whistling fills the air, piercing effortlessly through the pouring rain and deafening thunder. It is a slow melody of a song Viktor's mother once sang to him long ago. A treasured memory twisted and corrupted.
“I so loved the Hall of the Mountain King.” Viktor spoke calmly “But you knew that didn't you, Malikiah? Darkly attempting to taint my childhood.”
Two irises of red filled with amusement appear from the swirling, shifting night.
“Indeed but now that you have traveled deep into the darkness, into my kingdom, did you like what you found little Gynt?”
“Hardly” Viktor spat viciously.
“Oh well.” A toothy smirk gleamed through the dark.
Von Issac held his breath as, for the first time in nearly a decade, his most hated foe stepped into the moonlight: His black and white hair were short and impeccably groomed, his eyes a hungry red. He wore only the finest clothing, black as his soul and the interior of his cape as red as the blood he sought to drain. His skin was a deathly pale but still possessed an inhumanly timeless face much like a statute from an ancient empire long since passed. His fingernails were long and beastly as the steady dripping of crimson fell from them.
Malikiah glided across the water, soundless and without disturbing the surface, the shadows clung to him and trailed behind like a cloak.
Viktor held his crucifix high, its outline glowing with a heavenly bright light that grew brighter with each moment.
Malikiah raised his claws, a twisted smile etched on his face as he inched closer, bloodust singing in his eyes as he lunged forward, fangs bare and....
The scene changed and instead of an epic fight to the death Veronica was hoping for, a well dressed man appeared onscreen, some soda product in his hands and a forced smile on his lips.
“Oh come on!” she cried, angrily growling at the television “It was just getting to the good part! I didn't finish my homework at school for this crap!”
“Are you yelling at the television again sweetie?” Her mother called from the other room.
“Yes!” Veronica answered truthfully “This is the last movie in the classic 1950's Von Issac series and they always cut it off during the big fight between him and Malikiah.”
“It's fiction sweetie.”
“It's annoying is what it is.” Veronica huffed, angrily plopping on her bed “Ugh I hate when it's getting good and suddenly without warning, boom! Commercials.”  
“Shouldn't you be asleep?”
Veronica coughed softly as she dove under the covers, feigning sleep when her mother's footsteps drew closer.
Veronica let out a sleepy yawn, rubbing tiredly at her hazel eyes. Her medium length brown hair was tied in a hastily put together ponytail. The 16 year old was rocking her usual fashion of a pink collared dress and black dress pants.
Her tiredness slowed her efforts to open her locker and bolt before a certain person arrived. Normally she wouldn't even have to see him if she was quick enough but between her late night movie binge watching session and her English homework, her mind was too fatigued to properly focus. She resisted scoffing in annoyance as Richard Todd lazily strolled up to the neighboring locker, his gray eyes shooting a quick glance to the book she held in her hand.
True to typical Richard fashion he was wearing that stupid black beanie over his reddish brown hair, a leather jacket over his black t-shirt, faded denim jeans tucked into the most stereotypical boots to be found in every single teenage drama show ever. The very picture of a boy trying too hard to be bad.
“You know.” Richard began, his hands twisting and turning at the knob “It's weird to see you still here. Running late?”
“None of your business” Veronica shot back.
“Snippy as ever” Richard rolled his eyes in irritation “And still reading that fictional crap?”
Veronica slammed her locker door angrily “Hey! It's a good series. One of the better Von Issac stories. You don't see me mocking any of your favorite books.”
Richard scoffed in response “You know nothing of Von Issac.”
She stuck out her tongue “I know more than you! You probably have never read a Von Issac story in your entire life!”
“I prefer his original work” Richard admitted, his hand shifting through his locker contents “But I doubt you ever read it. It is extremely rare. “
“Oh please you're just saying that to get a rise out of me” Veronica frowned.
“I do no such thing”
“Oh? Is that why you keep mocking me?” her eyes flared furiously “Provoking me by judging my book choices. You don't even read! You wouldn't know a good book if it hit you over the head!”
Richard closed his locker and cracked his fingers nonchalantly “Of course I would. Books are the best for blunt force trauma.”
Veronica scoffed, eyes narrowed in a glare as Richard left without a word.
“I can't believe him” she murmured quietly to herself “Judging me on my book choices.”
“Yeah I totally ship it.”
Veronica turned and openly glared at her approaching best friend.
Sally Hawkins was the same age as her bestie with long black hair often tied in a braid that hung off her shoulder. She had a few freckles sprayed across the bridge of her nose that drew attention to her light brown eyes. Today's outfit of choice was a dark navy blue shirt with the slogan “Will art for food” with various ink and paint stains all over her jeans, her feet comfortably exposed to the chilly morning air in their flip flop shelter.
“Don't you start Sally” Veronica threatened, finger poised to further her point
“I'm just saying he's cute, you're cute. That's like a third of the shipping cornerstone.”
“He is not cute!”
“Just a little Ronnie?” Sally asked, gesturing with her finger and thumb nearly touching one another.
“Not even a little.” Veronica smacked her bestie's hand away “He is the worst.”
“I don't know” Sally replied gently “I mean he just teases you. I've met guys that are far worse than that. And it's not like he's cruel about it. Everyone knows how defensive you get about your books.”
“I like to read.” Veronica huffed
“What kind of popular girl are you? Reading like you enjoy it. Psst.”
“I do enjoy it Sally.”
Sally shook her head in disappointment “For shame.”
“Besides” Veronica went on “It's not just the books. It's his whole attitude towards me.”
“Oi vey. Here we go again.”
“It's true Sal! He seems to be out to personally annoy the hell out of me.”
Sally shook her hands mockingly “Watch out. You said hell. You must be sooooo right about your assumptions”
“Look, if he isn't making fun of my books....”
“We all do sweetie but go on.”
Veronica glowered at Sally through gritted teeth “Like I was saying, if he isn't making fun of my books, he actively bars my path”
Sally stopped, lost for a moment “Bars? Did you really just say bars? Like impede? Why didn't you use impede? That's a much better word.”
“Sally, focus sweetie.”
“....Bars?” She mouthed once again but her fuming best friend continued with her rant
“Anyway, I can literally count the times he has either forced me out of a room or blocked me from entering a room or actively shooed me away from some dark corner of the school. I don't care what he does but it's my right to travel wherever I want! He doesn't the own the school and he sure as hell can't tell me where to go! I tell me where I go!”
“Mhm” Sally murmured “Did you ever think that maybe it was for the best? I mean he's the resident stereotypical bad boy. Doesn't talk to anyone.”
“Almost always ditching class” Veronica added
“No one really knows anything about him or where he disappears off too.”
“Friends with the stoners that smoke in the third floor boy's bathroom.”
“Cute” Sally tried to sneak in but was quickly silenced by a gentle smack to the arm “Oww! Okay okay. But seriously he hits all the check marks. Clothes, attitude, general lack of...okay no that's every teen trapped in school. ”
“He's just a wannabe.” Veronica fumed “He's acting out because it's cool or something. You know what?”
“No but I bet you're going to tell me whether I want to hear it or not.”
“I'm not going to let him push me around anymore.” Veronica continued
Sally sighed in response “Yeah that's what I thought.”
“The next time he tells me to leave the room or tries to stop me, I'm just going no to him! And do whatever I was planning on doing! Yeah! This is a good plan.”
“If it's a good plan, why do you need to confirm to yourself that it in fact is a good plan?”
“Oh shut it Sally. It's called positive reinforcement.”
“Is that what you call it? I usually call it denial.”
“I hate you so much.'”
“Love you too sweetie.”
To say that Veronica was distracted by her fantasy of vengeance through first and well into second period would've been an understatement. The proper term would've been consumed.
She dug up half buried memories of all her fellow Junior's slights against her: The time he refused to let her into the chemistry room to retrieve her notebook, knocking her food off her tray without a second thought (he did it to other people as well but started with hers), that weird flower he left in her locker that made her violently ill.
And with each passing moment, her anger grew and grew to an uncontainable fury.
She was not going to take this anymore! She refused to let this carry on any further and this time Richard was going to answer for all he had done, whether he remembered or not! And given the fact his seat was currently empty which meant he ditching class once again, he was probably off doing something stupid and Veronica wasn't really sure where this was going but it gave her a smug satisfaction nevertheless that she was a diligent student who tried her best even if school wasn't the most engaging!
“Miss Rizal, is there any particular reason you are trying to destroy your pencil?”
Veronica blinked once and instead of being wrapped in the joyous rapture of finally standing up to her most hated foe, she found herself staring at a very unamused English teacher, gray eyes searching hers for an answer.
“Oh!” she instinctively straightened up “Miss Seybold, I'm sorry! I...I was distracted”
The 28 year old pursed her lips, pressing her glasses further on the bridge of her nose “I can see that. Any particular reason why? It isn't like you to wander during English.”
Perhaps it was due to her unrestrained anger or perhaps because he was the last thing on her mind but Veronica couldn't help glancing over to the empty desk.
Miss Seybold caught her gaze at once “Mr. Todd is not here and none of your concern. To each their own and Mr. Todd has chosen not to be here.”
“Why doesn't the school suspend him?” Veronica asked quizzically “He's missed more than the appropriate amount of days.”
Miss Seybold's brown eyes widened for a moment before becoming indifferent, cold.
“I believe that is not your decision Miss Rizal. Besides I am sure Mr. Todd has his reasons for not being here. Regardless, you should probably focus on your work. It is the more pressing issue”
Veronica pouted for a moment, the embers of her rage still burning despite the conversation “May I use the bathroom?”
“Of course.”
“Deep breaths Ronnie.”
Veronica stopped a moment, taking the deepest breath she could muster.
She forgot how easy it was to get angry, to let loose her emotions in an uncontrolled torrent.
Leaning against a random locker, she could hear the noises of the school: The scraping of sneakers against the sleek tile floors, the murmuring of teachers at work, the scratchy noises of chalk against a solid surface.
Veronica paused for a moment, thinking to herself “Chalk?”
She glanced around, ear straining to find the source of the noise.
It was soft, nearly inaudible but definitely something being scribbled upon.
Veronica frowned: Should she investigate further? It's only been a minute since she left the classroom and while she had no intention of actually going to the bathroom, if she took too long Miss Seybold might not be happy when she returned.
More scratching. Patient and controlled. Whoever was doing this was in no rush to finish whatever it was they were working on.
“I'll check it out” she decided “I can just see and tell Miss Seybold. She'll call the janitor and proctor and it'll all be good. Awesome.”
Veronica inched closer to the source of the noise, tip toeing as to not alert whoever was breaking the rules.
The scrawling barely grew in volume the closer she got. Lockers turned to pale bare painted walls and barely functional lighting as she realized she was heading to the utility  storage room used by the janitorial crew. She rounded the corner and before she knew it, she was looking at the back of a familiar looking jacket.
“You! That's vandalism and against school rules” She growled, the flames of anger ablaze once more.
Richard paused for a moment, twisting his head from his work only to say “You should go.”
Veronica huffed despite herself “You...”
“Me.” Richard replied before standing to full height “You can go ahead and leave.”
Veronica opened her mouth to retort but he just walked into the room and closed the door shut without another word.
“That little” she snarled “I am done with this.”
There was nothing but red. A white intense fury that dug deep into her being and refused to go out. She saw his 'work', some sort of tacky circle with strange symbols outlined around it, and she smeared it. She ruined the poor excuse for graffiti and just wiped and wiped until it was an unrecognizable smudge on the faded metal. A petty satisfaction filled her with pride but she wasn't done yet. Oh not even close. The dam had been broken and there was no stopping it now.
She pushed open the door and strolled in without pause.
There was a soft click of the door closing behind her that sounded thunderous in her ears as she was plunged into darkness. Streaks of sunlight broke through the uneven bent blinds that covered the windows but all she could see were specks of dust floating lazily in the air and silhouettes of towering cabinets. No sign of the troublemaker or his goal.
There were no murmurs of lessons or squeaking sneakers on smooth tiles. Instead there was a thick silence that blanketed this place far heavier than the shadows and even her own timid footsteps seemed to be muted by the quiet of the room.
The rage drained out of her and instead a deep sense of dread came. She could feel her hairs stand on end, the fear of breaking this unnatural silence loomed over as she ventured within. Something was wrong here. Something was....angry.
She stopped for a moment and that's when she heard the noise that had set her body on edge: It was low, animalistic growl that hummed with a savage hunger.
And then without warning, the most unexpected thing happened.
“Hey buddy” Richard spoke in a casual yet soft tone “You're not supposed to be here.”
There was a snort like a dog breathing through its nose.
“I know we have a test today but you shouldn't have come. Your rune is broken and we can't have you wandering about. If someone saw you....”
A shameful grunt was the response.
“Walter.” The name tickled Veronica's memory but she couldn't think of what it could mean “Walter buddy, you need to go home. Once we fix your rune, you can come back and I'm sure we can get make ups for your tests. Okay?”
Veronica strained her ears as this Walter murmured quietly, too low for her to catch his reply.
Richard sighed tiredly “Look, I got these same tests. You gotta think of other people. You are being really selfish right now.”
'Walter' snarled, knocking over some supplies that boomed uncomfortably in the silence.
“He must've brought his dog” Veronica muttered “Is there no end to his civil disobedience?”
That was the last straw and the fury reignited. No more outs. No more being polite. It was time to take this self absorbed jerk down a peg!
She stormed out of her hiding place, confidence and determination filling her steps as she made her way to the back of the room.
Richard turned around but rather than fear or surprise, it was a mild annoyance that danced in his eyes.
She didn't care. This was her moment and she was being petty but it was totally justified and she was going to...
“Veronica? Is that you?”
She stopped. She had never heard him speak her name outloud in the three years she'd been dealing with him. It felt and off, awkward and strange. She lost her thought for a moment and then she lost her breath as two red eyes glimmered in the darkness, fixated on her and her alone.
“Veronica” Richard repeated, the full weight of the situation dawning on him “What are you doing here? I told you to leave.”
She barely registered the controlled ire in his voice. The red eyes twinkled, its elongated snout sniffed the air as if trying to determine who had dared interrupt the two. Two fangs dully gleamed as the shadows themselves shifted and moved.
Whatever it was stood up and unlike the two teens, it was tall far taller than that what she had expected. Its muscles were lanky yet lean and what she previous thought was just an awkwardly shaped silhouette was its body. Jet black fur covered its frame, blending it with the surrounding darkness. Even at full height, it was bent low as to not hit its head on the ceiling.
Richard realized his mistake at once. He turned quickly back to the beast, arms raised as if to calm it
'Walter' lost it.
He rose his arm, pulling back before lashing out with surprising speed.
Richard managed to dive under the attack, skidding across the floor for a moment before jumping to his feet. He ran at the beast who hesitated for a moment and tackled it with his full weight.
The beast hardly budged and attacked once more, swiping at the grappling troublemaker. Richard leaned into the attack before being violently shoved sideways. He stumbled a moment and the creature took its chance to escape. He dropped down onto all fours and raced towards Veronica who was still paralyzed with fear.
Richard held onto a nearby cabinet to steady himself when he caught sight of the frozen girl. He let out a frustrated groan before pulling down the furniture onto the escaping beast.
Its dog-like ears perked up and it tumbled sideways, crashing into and knocking over the rest of the cabinets that lined the room to avoid being trapped, their spilled contents unbearably loud to the frightened Veronica.
It scurried out the door, its sharp claws digging into the school tile deeply.
“Hey” Richard rushed over Veronica “Hey, what did I tell you?”
“What...” She muttered, the shock of it all still not wearing off yet.
“Focus” Richard snapped his fingers “What did I tell you?”
Richard pressed on “I told you to leave. I told you to go. For someone so smart you are awfully bad at listening.”
“Werewolf....” Veronica managed to get out “Th-that was a...”
“A Wulver” Richard corrected, rubbing the back of his neck tiredly “Thematically similar but not the same.”
“It..it...claws....and...and fangs!”
“Yes as wolf-like creatures tend to be. Alright I'm going to leave you here...”
“NO!” Veronica cried, grabbing onto his sleeve tightly “No no no please don't I...I...”
“You are in shock” he explained carefully, gently prying off her grasp on him “You need to relax. I will be back once I calm Walter down and get him off school grounds.”
“H-he ran.” she stammered “into the hall. I...he's....he's...”
“Don't worry” Richard calmly answered “I set a magic circle on the door. He's just outside, paralyzed and completely harmless.”
Magic circle? Veronica thought to herself before realizing he was taking about his strange art he drew on the door “Oh.”
Then it hit her.
Richard looked at her then back at the door then back to Veronica, a sheepish grin slowly forming on her face.
“Seriously?” He muttered before breaking off into a sprint, not even questioning what her response meant.
Veronica ran after him, the fear of being left alone while whatever it was roamed the school halls was far too overwhelming “It's not my fault!” “I told you to leave Veronica!”
“That was vague!” Veronica shot back as the two burst into the hallway “Maybe if you told me what was going on, I would've listened”
“It's a secret for a reason” Richard replied, his eyes frantically searching for any sign of the creature “I was keeping you safe because it's my flipping job and you are such a nosy person!”
“I am no...wait, I am?” Veronica questioned but Richard had broke off into another sprint “Hey wait! I HAVE QUESTIONS!”
“Well, run and talk! I got work to do!” he shot back irritably
“.....Whoops” Veronica murmured to herself before chasing after him “Well how was I supposed to know?!”
“You weren't. That's the point. Hard left.”
In a single graceful movement, Richard slid effortlessly across the floor, rounding the corner with ease and speed.
Veronica nearly tripped over the sudden directional change and flailed to keep up.
“Keep your voice down” Richard glared openly at her “The idea is to keep it a secret, not blab it down the hallways!”
“Why are there werewolves in our school?” she asked softly.
“Wulver” Richard corrected before coming to a stop.
“Is there a difference?”
Richard looked at her, unable to believe what she just said “Yes. A big one. That is very insensitive.”
Veronica gasp in disbelief “Did you just call me...”
“Yes” Richard answered “Now no more question until we find him.”
“I hate you.” Veronica said
“I am well aware of that. Come on, he likes to go to the football field.”
“Well he is the captain of the team.”
“What?” Veronica halted in her tracks “I'm sorry, what?! Walter?! Wait tiny short Walter whose super shy and like freaking strong Walter?”
“Did I stutter?” Richard took off once more “Why do you think he's so good at tackling people?”
Veronica rubbed her eyes tiredly.
“Well shit.”
19 notes · View notes
im-abanana · 7 years
-The Demon and The Angel- ch.3
I was inspired, I dunno, don’t even mind me and my author block. Here’s another Fluff/Domestic Bendy x Alice One-Shot.
Summary: If you’re a dancer, pulling a muscle can be the worst thing ever.
AO3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12736851/chapters/29507064
“What? Com’on! It was just an innocent accident Joey, for God’s sake!” Charley kept saying for an entire hour in front of his angry boss, the cartoon’s deep and irritated voice echoing in the empty corridors as his old fellows Barley and Edgar nodded silently without saying a word, to prove their leader’s point. “We didn’t mean to push Bendy against the corner of that chair, but he started the fight! It happens, the fault isn’t ours this time.”. “It’s not true, you did that on purpose! Liars! Mobsters!” Bendy yelled back with a cracked and pissed voice, holding his aching spine with both hands and dropping heavily on his sofa, a sad and desperate pout painted on his round face. “My poor back… assholes.” he concluded, groaning. “Wanker.” the three antagonists replied spitefully, frowning deeply and cracking their knuckles, aggressive. “You want some more, sissy?”. “Stop it, I’ve had enough!” Joey snapped all of the sudden and punched the study table to shut them up, evidently tired of all that screaming and bickering between those four, taking his final decision and huffing. His creations jumped in fear and closed their mouths as they heard the unexpected thud, sitting down and listening to their dad’s scold closely. “Alright guys, first of all I don't care who started the fight, or why it happened in the first place. You all are guilty, and this means that you all are grounded for two weeks.”. At that exact moment, hearing the previous noise and the complaints that followed Joey’s last phrase, the wooden door behind the group’s shoulders swung open and a very confused Alice peeked through it. “What’s happening here? Henry just told me that- oh.” she mumbled and then smirked, spotting The Butcher Gang standing next to Bendy, the little demon pathetically laid on the reddish couch with a contorted expression. “Henry wasn’t lying then, it’s true. You idiots seriously injured each other before an important performance that, I’d like to point that out, takes place in three days. My sincerest compliments, boys.”. “Great, gang: first the demon bitch, now the wingless cunt. Where’s the pussy wolf, uh?” Barley rolled his pitch black orbs and crossed his muscular arms to his hairy chest, clearly not happy to see the fallen angel or pay attention to her sarcastic comments. “Don’t you have anything else to do, Angel? Like, I dunno, go fuck yourself for example?”. “Says the one who’s in trouble. And not really, I’d rather stay here and quietly enjoy the little show you put up for me, especially the part when Joey shames you all.” the beautiful singer of the band lifted an eyebrow with a satisfied motion, calmly sitting down next to her dancing partner and making herself comfortable. “Oh, please Joey, don’t stop reminding them how stupid and irresponsible they are just because I’m here. Don’t mind me, I beg you.”.
“Alice, not you too, please. This is not a joke, and I need your help.” their annoyed creator sank his head between his fingers, groaning out his frustration and explaining his worst worries to the tall girl, to his only beloved daughter, who was definitely the most mature of the toons: “Bendy probably twisted a muscle in his back, and if he can’t dance or even stand in three days max, we’ll be ruined. We should give the money for the tickets back and apologize to the parents, and I don’t want to do that; I know it’s late and you’re tired, I know that you two don’t get along so well, but I’m kindly asking you to prepare him some herb tea and send him to bed. I’ll deal with those three in the meantime.” the man angrily declared, shooting an icy glare to The Butcher Gang. “I hope you understand.”. “I do understand, don’t worry. I can’t say I’m happy about this job, but I’ll do it anyway.” Alice immediately obeyed to her boss’ orders, sighed out and took Bendy in her thin but strong arms, ignoring his enraged protests and trying not to drop him as the demon squirmed wildly. Oh, she wished she could indeed drop and trample over him… “Goodnight, Joey. Fuck you, Charley, Barley and Edgar. See you all tomorrow morning at dawn.” she said before walking outside the busy room and closing the door behind her, heading for Bendy’s private room. “Ehy, hands off, Angel Cake! Let me go! I’m not a kid anymore, and I can walk by myself.” the short devil screamed and kicked the air like a mad horse, offended and in a bad mood because of the stinging pain. “I don’t want some stupid tea, and I won’t go to bed just because you’re ordering me to do so.”. “Honestly Bendy, I couldn’t care less about what you want or not. You don’t want my herb tea? I’ll simply shove it down your fucking throat when it’s still boiling, at least you’ll shut up and won't wake the others that way.” the fallen angel shrugged it off and placed the dancer on his own bed, making sure not to hurt him more despite the intimidating threats. “And if you don’t want to sleep, I’ll just hit your skull with my horns and knock you out for the next… let’s say twenty-four/forty-eight hours. How does it sound, my dear?”. “… on second thought babe, tea and nap sound nice. But I prefer lemon tea.”. “That can be arranged.” Alice happily agreed to those terms with a sly grin, satisfied and proud of herself, as she opened the thick door before her.
“Ehy toots, back off this second!” Bendy cried out in pure terror as his elegant jacket was quickly removed and tossed away by force, detail that made him feel terribly exposed as his naked chest brushed against the greenish blankets that covered the comfortable mattress. He tried to jump off the bed and run away despite the ache, but found that option unattainable when Alice gently sat down on his spine, her greater weight blocking the thin cartoon. “No! Don’t touch my back, you’re gonna make it worse!”. “Trust me Bendy, I know what I’m doing. I might not be a dancer like you or a doctor, but I sprained a lot of back muscles as we moved into the new studio.” Alice patiently explained and pinned the boy down without any effort, her smaller thumbs energetically pressing against his dark skin and working around and on the knot, trying to loose it and ease the pain at the same time. She also kept a close eye on the water on the stove as she eased his pain: the most incredible thing about their rooms was that they looked like small houses, provided with a bathroom, a small kitchen and even a sort of living room. Being a star surely had its advantages. “And I never complained about it, not even once. I guess I’m stronger.”. Feeling the young woman’s fingertips massaging the sore spot with such care and self-assurance forced the small demon to let out a quiet and relaxed moan, and his blurred mind barely registered what the black haired girl just said. The tension and irritation disappeared all of the sudden, and every single fiber of his previously tense body fell limp under her lovely touch. The boy asked in hilarious submission: “W-what do you mean with that, toots? Joey and Henry did all the work when we moved here… right?”. “Wrong. Do you really think they could transport and place all the boxes, stuff and furniture around all by themselves? No, not at all. Without me and Boris the process would have been much more complicated and long. We worked as a team, as the family that we are.” the horned angel explained in composed silence, putting more strength in her precise and careful movements and pressing deeper, earning another content yelp from her calm partner. That sound made her smile a little, but the slight frown carved on her slim visage showed how concentrated she internally was: Alice knew that a single imprecise touch could damage the musculature even more, so attention and composure were the key words. “You and The Butcher Gang are the lazy ones here, that’s for sure. You don’t like working or helping the creators and the crew, I get that, but at least try not to cause any trouble or get into those violent fights ever again. Now you have a sprained muscle, and that’s bad enough for a dancer, but next time you could find yourself with a broken bone or worse, a concussion.” the stunning cartoon sadly sighed out and deeply stared into his guilty eyes, severe, sweet but assertive, almost like a maternal figure. “Don’t make things more difficult for Joey and me. It’s tough enough as it is, we don’t need other problems because of your egoism.”. The last and cold sentence hit and slaughtered Bendy’s soul to its very core, forcing the demon to look away and rest his face against the soft pillows, in pure defeat and inner humiliation. “Who am I kidding? It’s true, everything she said is true.”, deep inside the star of the show knew there was a ring of truth in those words, and that hurt. It hurt like Hell. “Alice is right. We always say that we’re independent adults, but at the end we behave like brats.”.
A respectful silence filled the room as a thousand thoughts and faults invaded the devil’s mind, the only sound the fallen angel could clearly hear was the wall clock ticking, gradual and inexorable. “Are you ok, Bendy?” Alice questioned when she counted at least five hundred ticks, tilting her neck and watching her co-worker with puzzled eyes; that kind of behavior wasn’t like him, she knew that cartoon too well to fall for it. “You’re oddly silent tonight.”. The black demon snapped out of that state of trance and shook his big head with vigor, struggling to hide his worries and speak up: “I’m just… thinking.”. “About what?”. “About stuff.”. “Could you be a little more specific, pray tell?” the raven-haired girl groaned a bit and crossed her arms, interrupting the relaxing massage and waiting for him to open up and confess what was evidently torturing his conscience. “There’s something wrong with you, you wouldn’t just shut up for entire minutes. Not that I’m complaining, but you know… I’m here to listen.”. “Oh, for Satan’s sake Alice, stop it! Leave me alone!” Bendy literally boomed at that point, feeling enraged and defensive, a visible grey blush covering his cheeks as the inky blood pumped in his veins. “Why do you care so much?”. Blinking a couple of times in confusion and disorientation, Alice replied to that nasty question with spontaneity and slight rage, standing up and yelling her answer right in his face: “Because I care about you!”. Boom, crash and burn. “Well, I do not… I…” the little demon opened his mouth and pointed an accusing finger at Alice, ready to shout back without even thinking, to insult the singer or at least preserve his dignity, but he immediately perceived his own artificial heart sink deeply in the middle of his chest and his throat dry up, like a river during a hot summer day. But worst, he felt shit about himself; everytime something went horribly wrong, someone scolded him for something he did, or even when he fucked things up, Bendy always found a way to blame someone else for his mistakes. The Butcher Gang? No, the pride was probably his worst enemy. “I’m sorry, Alice. I was unfair to you while you only wanted to help me.” Bendy whispered sadly as he realized how much of a dick he had been, staring at his knees and nervously playing with his moving and pointy tail, avoiding eye contact. “I’ll try to do better.”. “No, don’t try to do better.” the fallen angel wisely declared and forcefully grabbed both sides of his round head, turning it and literally forcing her amazed co-worker to stare into her serious pitch black irises. “You have to do better. You can do better than this, than fighting all day and cause trouble. You’re the protagonist, our leader, and we all look up to you.” she forced a tiny smile and gently caressed his left cheek as her delicate traits appeared sweeter, more sympathetic. “We all count on you, Bendy. Don’t let us down, please. I believe in you.”. We count on you, Bendy. Don’t let us down, please. I believe in you.
“Well… it’s pretty late, here’s the lemon tea you requested, big baby. Drink it before it gets too cold.” Alice smirked smugly and offered a white, piping cup to the demon, helping him up and covering his tired form with scented sheets and thick blankets, making sure he was warm and comfortable enough for the entire night. “Try to get some rest and don’t move around too much, your muscles need a break. A long break.” the fallen angel laughed mercilessly and ignored his still reflecting expression, scratching her nape and stirring as she was done preparing her injured partner’s refined bed. “If you need something or if you’re simply bored, just punch the wall beside you or talk to yourself for a while. Your voice is so damn annoying that I will surely hear it from my room.”. Despite her sincere words were still echoing in the short demon’s mind, and they’d probably keep doing it during the whole night, he managed to take the joke and grin. “Very funny, toots! You know, you surprise me, teasing your own boss, who’s even suffering, is a risky move indeed.” Bendy snickered back in front of the young woman’s audacity, admiring the brazen singer as he was admiring the most beautiful and breathtaking masterpiece inside an art museum. “Sometimes I forget who’s the devil and who’s the angel, here.”. “Look again, Bendy. Maybe I’m both, and maybe I’m not as generous or kind as I look.” Alice promptly stood up and winked endearingly, pointing at her curved horns and shiny halo with a tapered finger. “Don’t ever forget it.”. “Oh, I wouldn’t, toots.” Bendy shrugged it off, playful and grateful. “I wouldn’t.”.
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Stealthing SoloStory Spirit of Vengeance
Because you want to get some toons through all of the current content, but you’re fkn tired of SoV and Rass Ordo, but maybe you’ve got some sneaky-sneaks in your stable of idiots.
1. No one on the Varad ship has a Stealth Detect buff. Hooray! However, the Varad Hounds will smell you if you stand by them for too long, and that breaks your stealth (at least I assume that’s basically the mechanic they’re going for, because they’re the only enemies on that ship that ever broke my stealth). I’d still recommend not hanging out in the middle of a mob just to mock them and not using a movement ability to get past them, as those are things that lower your passive stealth and will get you the “huh?” from an enemy that means they’re about to spot you.
1a. Gorga Brak. Gotta fight him. Watch as Rass stands in stupid. If you’re feeling fiesty and you’re on a Scoundrel or Operative, set him to dps so that you can work on your heals instead of getting frustrated by running out of energy trying to do the dps work.
2. Dar’manda Enforcers on the second ship have Stealth Detect. You either need to sleep them before they can see you (you’ll notice an orange-ish target on your head that means they’ve started to twig that something is not right), gtfo before they can finish the “cast” of their detect (the target has a little circle that ticks around it, if it makes it all the way around, congration, they saw you!), or, get to a spot where you’re only gonna trigger the one mob, let them pull you out of stealth, move to where you can line-of-sight the one who saw you, then use your combat stealth, and voila, they forget you were ever there (this option allows them the chance to sense you again though, so be ready to book it past them, without using a movement ability). Additionally, the Enforcers tend to travel in groups of two, so unless you’re on a Shadow or Assassin with the two sleeps tactical, you won’t be able to sleep them both.
2a. Bask Sunn. Again, gotta fight him. Rass will do stupid things, but it’s fine. At least Bask can’t yeet you off into space any more.
3. Ashad Pilgrims have “Super Stealth Detect,” because of course they do. You can try to beat it by yeeting yourself to one and sleeping them before they notice you, but that only works if there’s only one Pilgrim in the group (if there are two, the other one will likely notice you before you can sleep them both, if you’ve got the ability to sleep multiple enemies). (One of the times that I did successfully yeet-and-sleep, Rass did his “you play a dangerous game” line, so I was just like “please shut up sir, you have been effectively useless, but you are tiny and cute so I will allow you to tag along with me”).
3a. The Ashad Snipers in the Trap room don’t have a buff for stealth detect, but like... why? bother? You go into combat as soon as you enter the room, and if you use your combat stealth, you’re immediately pulled back into combat (even if you’re not pulled out of stealth).
3b. Troya Ajak. Gotta fight her, just put your back to the yellow fence she puts up so that she can’t knock you back very far (that also positions Rass decently so that he stays out of your way). If you’re on a healer, you ;-; because the fight takes longer than it ought to, whereas when I did this on my PT she didn’t even get to do the first Songbird’s Volley.
4. Congration, you made it to the Spirit of Vengeance II. You can sneak past the trash mob here, but tbh, you might want to just kill them since the mobs that Heta Kol calls like to have ~features~ on where they spawn and whether they’ll actually come into the room, so having an extra mob to fight would just be extra spicy.
4a. Now go fight Heta. If you’re on a healer, probably cry a little, but you did this to yourself. Put Rass on dps and do the job you actually know how to do, or respec to dps so that it doesn’t take you twice as long to kill her.
Hooray, you stealthed through SoV and made it not take an hour.
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loveiscosmicsin · 7 years
Sharp & Dapper
Title: Sharp & Dapper Rating: Teen & Up (just implied sexual content, but mostly just fluff) Tags: Tags: Established Relationship, IgNoct Secret Santa, IgNoctSecretSanta2017, Winter Themed, Christmas, Secret Santa, Alternate Universe, AU, Implied Sexual Content, Making Out, Fluff, Romance, Domestic Fluff, Noctis POV Blurb/Summary: As Chrystmas draws closer, Noctis struggles with what to get Ignis and hopes the advisor doesn’t catch on to the dilemma.
For the IgNoct Secret Santa, my recipient was @serenbach86. (I don’t know why tumblr won’t let mention you, but your gift is now on tumblr and Ao3) I’m sorry that I’m super late on this and I hope this makes up for the delay somewhat. I really didn’t want to make you wait until the end of December to do this, but life... Gah, I really wanted to write the prince and consort, soulmate, and magical creature AUs so much but I ended up losing the drafts… The content here contains IgNoct in an established relationship, set in an alternate universe where life is peaceful in Insomnia, and contains winter themes. You won’t find any explicit content that I didn’t mark and there’s no trigger warnings or BDSM. I hope that this falls into what you wanted, and I hope you had a wonderful holiday and have a fantastic Happy New Year! Thank you so much @ignoctsecretsanta for the opportunity to contribute and being patient with my gift, haha.
“It’s inadvisable. Not to mention incomprehensible.” “Calm down, Iggy. We’ll bump into that chamberlain eventually. Probably looking for us right now as we speak.” Ignis halted, frowning as he drummed his finger on his sleeve testily. “Forgive me, but if a man is ordered to give us an exclusive tour on his master’s property, he wouldn’t leave guests unattended, would he? And let’s not get started on how offensive it was that Councilor Udina blatantly disregarded our precious time by sending his chamberlain to us instead?” The Lucian prince wasn’t one to tell anyone how to do their job and while it was amusing to hear his advisor upbraid an uptight officer out of earshot, the presented situation could be taken with a new perspective. He was in no hurry in return to their scheduled tour anyway. “Gave us some alone time together,” Noctis quipped, shifting from one foot to the other to playfully bump his shoulder in Ignis’ side. “Right?” The advisor’s scowl softened, disarmed by the prince’s crooked and easy-going grin. “Well, I suppose there’s that,” he agreed immediately.
Reassured that Ignis’ anger was at least subdued and their own private tour of the mansion sans the stuffy commentary be continued at their leisure, Noctis turned his attention to the gaudy tapestry behind Ignis. “What the hell is that?” Ignis turned around and tilted his head. “I believe that’s the councilor. Standing over a slain griffon and blade through its gullet.” “He fought a griffon?” “Highly unlikely. There have been no records of him having served in combat when it was his coin that funded the war. It was a generous contribution.” “He sure didn’t tighten his purse strings for this.” Noctis pointed at the billowing red cape picked up by some dramatic breeze in an overall static display, followed by the piercing blue eyes of the subject clad in armor on the thick fabric. “It’s like he’s staring straight into our souls. Dunno what it’s trying to stand for, but it’s laying the self-conceited part down pretty thick.” “Noct,” Ignis pursed his lips, fighting back a smile as he had to remind himself and the prince of where they were. “it’s impolite to question our host’s... taste in art.” “What taste?” Noctis remarked. “Besides, you’re going on about how he’s a horrible host.” “In my defense, I simply told the truth.” Noctis opened his mouth, but tell-tale sound of heavy footsteps echoed from the opposite end of the hall, they were gradually approaching their way. “Someone’s coming. Get behind the tapestry.” The prince took the advisor’s hand and pulled him to the narrow space between the stone wall and the swaying tapestry, the cloth was considerable in width and length, concealing from sight all but their feet. Noctis waited anxiously while clutching tighter to Ignis’ hand. “Did you hear the news?” One of the gruff, but croaky voices announced, a man’s. “Universal Saucer just opened up a new attraction.” The man’s companion, another man with an annoyed but soft-spoken voice replied, “That new Lil’ Malbuddy’s Funland, right? My kid’s been begging me to take her to it.” ��You don’t look thrilled by it.” The first man observed, stopping right in front of the tapestry. “Call me old-fashioned, I don’t care. But we grew up with chocobos and moogles. They go ‘kweh’ and ‘kupo’. What does a malboro say for Six’s sake?” “Hmm... Now that you mention it, he’s a little on the silent side for a toon...” While the two men openly discussed mascots and their memorable charms, vocal or otherwise, Ignis raised a question in a whisper, “Wait, why must we hide? We can ask them to...” The thought never finished for Noctis’ longing gaze were at the brunet’s eyes and lips, dazzling and rendering Ignis speechless. The conversation about mascots just a few feet away from them held little interest to the prince and it grew alarmingly clear of what was more important as the two inched closer. As their lips met, Noctis didn’t care if it went on like this for a while. A touch of tongue and he drowned everything out and focused on where Ignis’ hands went, and how Ignis responded to the prince’s own techniques. Thankfully, the view behind the questionable art didn’t deter them from doing this nor did it allow anyone to see them. “Then what does a tonberry say?” “‘Shank’?” “You dolt. That’s the sound their knives make.” The men’s debate failed to reach a conclusion but their voices were moving further away from the tapestry. Noctis stepped out with absolute certainty that they were alone once more and Ignis followed suit. “That was... close.” Ignis commented with an elated sigh, buttoning his rakishly low shirt up. Noctis laughed, tucking the tails of his shirt back in his trousers, still reeling from where the advisor’s fingers caressed his lower back. He was so ecstatic and alive that he could take thank the pretentious self-portrait. The prince turned around to adjust the lopsided glasses frame on his stunned lover’s face, batting his eyes flirtatiously. “Well, not that close. Remember the treasure room?” - “So,” Prompto began, eyes glued to the screen as he popped a holiday sweet in his mouth. “How’s the whole royal duty thing going?” It had been forever since the two best friends spent time together, not since they met up to cram and study for finals. They’ve passed without ceremony. But due to mandatory protocol and tradition that the prince of Lucis was obligated to commit to, Noctis and Prompto haven’t had the time to have a proper send-off to the semester. “Slow and boring as it gets every year,” Noctis replied blandly, glad to be in the apartment and binge watching the Hallmark Chrystmas films Prompto had been dying to see at long last. “I don’t have any problem going to the banquets, they’re for charity and work. But feels like I’m just giving lip service to half the people who don’t like me.” “But Iggy’s with you like 24/7. That’s a pro, right?” Being with Ignis because his role as advisor required it was hardly any consolation. “Right. Working.” He brought his arms to the back of his head and leaned back. But Ignis, his boyfriend, would’ve accompanied him without a second thought. “We didn’t have any time to ourselves. It was all about showing face and shaking hands...” “You didn’t get any alone time together? I don’t buy that for once second.” “Well, I...” Noctis’ cheeks warmed at memory of Ignis’ earnest hands and mouth pressed against him. It was a few days since that tapestry incident and they haven’t found another one to hide behind since. He let out a shaky breath, pulling himself before the fantasy went further. “I’m just looking forward to our party.” “Riiiight...” Prompto sent some popcorn flying and the prince held up a pillow to fend them off. “Figured out what you’re getting Ignis for Friendsgiving-mas yet?” Prompto came up with the term combining the two holidays together while Gladiolus, caught by the contagious holiday cheer, had been preparing for the party and transforming the Amicitia residence into a winter wonderland. The Friendsgiving-mas party’s four days from now. Noctis wanted to smack himself. “Nothing yet.” “Why not get him a cookbook?” “Uh, wouldn’t that be like me implying that he should cook something from it?” Not to mention there’s a guarantee that Ignis would claim the recipes as his own, he did love seeing his name on everything. Gifts that came with initials or offered any chance for him to write on them can be this. “He loves cooking.” “I’m still not getting him that,” the prince said and that was final. “Good. Because that’ll be piggybacking on what I got him.” “Seriously?” “Nah. Don’t tell him but I got the complete set of Master Showdown on blu-Way.” “He’s... into that?” “Yeah, dude, he said he’s too busy to read past the first volume but now he can watch the anime whenever he wants.” The blond tucked his legs in and turned to the dark-haired man. “So whaddya get me?” “A joke book. Gladio thinks your current material suck.” “Not cool, you know how hard I’m trying to get him to crack a smile,” Prompto frowned. “All right, forget I asked.” The prince elbowed the pauper’s side playfully. “You’ll like the gift, promise.” The gift was an limited-edition art book from the King’s Knight franchise that had all the ultimate fans like Prompto drooling over for months. Prompto’s beryl eyes sparkled. “You mean that?” Noctis nodded and the two went back to the movie, already halfway of its narrative to an otherwise predictable occurrence of events that it didn’t take long for the prince to get caught up. Prompto, however, had a reaction for everything even for the things he called out on. - Noctis still didn’t know what to get Ignis for Chrystmas. To be fair, Noctis was never much of a gift giver until he started his two part-time jobs at the sushi joint and the second-hand records shop. There was something fulfilling in being able to purchase things with his own money than to rely on the Crown’s coin. After all, Noctis knew it when he commissioned a gold skull pendant for Ignis’ eighteenth birthday that he still wore to this day. But that was the last time Noctis nailed the right gift with Ignis. They’ve known each other since they were children and Ignis never ceased in being an enigma. They had seen plenty of celebrations and holidays together, this one would be the first they will spend as a couple. Thoughtful as it was and as it became tradition adopted in practice, lint-covered sticks of gum and lip balms were unacceptable gifts for Ignis. Noctis found a window of opportunity and took it, asking Ignis to come along with him for Chrystmas shopping. Under a cover story that Noctis still had people on his list to get gifts for, Ignis came along, happy to have a breather from their hectic schedules. Though the prince had to maintain his story somehow, he took Ignis to the mall, browsing through merchandise and wares while keeping a close eye on his boyfriend and praying he doesn’t catch on to the truth. “And you think Gladio needs a... lamp?” Ignis asked when Noctis studied a shelf. “Uh, yeah... This one, though!” Noctis pointed at a lava lamp. “It’ll make his room a little less boring, dontcha think?” “But what of the cassette tapes you used your employee discount for?” Maybe Noctis shouldn’t have disclosed what presents he got everyone with Ignis. An art book for Prompto, rare and hard to find cassette tapes for Gladiolus, specialty sewing scissors for Iris, a set of animal sticker tape pens for Luna, novelty ice cube molds for Dad, a tea sampler for Mom... The prince was taking a huge risk in bringing the advisor along. Thankfully, Ignis was great at keeping secrets or the whole gift exchange would’ve been a bust. What was he even thinking that a lamp would make a good present? But this was mission was growing exceedingly difficult as they window shopped. He hoped for a miracle, a slight change in Ignis’ expression at the displays be it clothes, apparel, electronics, and yes, even cooking supplies if it got to that point. Ignis raised an eyebrow when Noctis pulled him to a jeweler’s. “But it’s a little soon for that...” the advisor whispered to himself while caressing the pendant around his neck. Their shopping adventure came to a close and Noctis was ready to admit defeat. He carried several bags so it hadn’t been a complete waste of time, but he failed in the purpose of the trip. “Iggy, I...” Noctis stared at their joined hands before something on Ignis’ wrist, just below his suit jacket, glittered softly in the moonlight. He couldn’t believe he didn’t think of it before. “Uh, thanks for coming with me.” Ignis smiled, chuckling as he pressed his lips against the prince’s forehead. “But of course,” he said, his tone as warm as his breath. “As your boyfriend, there’s no limit to the things I’d do for you.” He took Noctis’ hand and held it between his own. “I’m relieved.” “What for?” “You seemed troubled the whole evening and I didn’t wish to pry...” Ignis sighed. “Not unless you wanted to talk about it. But is everything all right?” Noctis grinned despite the winter chill and Ignis’ worry as he slid his arms around his lover’s waist. “Feeling like I’m on the top of the world right now.” - It was night of Chrystmas Eve when Ignis surprised Noctis. “You didn’t tell me you’re coming over.” Noctis said, leaning against the door frame and grinning from ear to ear. They were to see each other tomorrow, but he had no complaints about sudden change of plans. “That’s the idea,” Ignis answered, his gloves in one hand as he touched the prince’s cheek and brushed his lips with his own. Ignis had planned to cook dinner and progressing through the video game Noctis insisted that he would enjoy, but the plan never went far from the thought. Unplanned moments were always better than planned ones. Noctis made sure of that, and happened to be rather persuasive of other things they could be doing instead. “Noct,” Ignis failed to sound convincing in his scolding and his hand jerked suddenly, splattering sauce on the counter. “I can’t cook while you’re doing that.” “Doing what?” Noctis asked, innocently. He hummed another victory scored in making Ignis lose his focus and counting. “Told you that we should order take out.” Plus, he had plenty of leftover snacks and treats from the marathon. Anything more complicated than that was automatically vetoed. They more or less stumbled out of the kitchen and into the living room, fitting all the kisses and caresses that had not occurred in a month into these precious hours now. With food shoved away from their minds, Ignis’ knuckles were covered in the white sauce he had been using and Noctis lapped up savory richness of it down to the last digit. “Ignis,” Noctis used this moment to catch his breath and to lick his lips. “Think I can get you on the naughty list?” He challenged, feeling brazen with the feel of Ignis under him. “You can certainly try,” Ignis commented, undoing the drawstrings of Noctis’ sweatpants and teasingly stroking a patch of skin with his fingers. Noctis was drifting between states of rest and awake when he felt Ignis move. The routine was familiar, the advisor leaving when the prince was asleep or it had grown late and he needed to beat traffic. But for the times that Ignis stayed the night, there were clothes in the prince’s closet and a set of amenities reserved for that purpose. Noctis has joked that the apartment was Ignis’ second home in a way. “Stay the night,” Noctis mumbled, moving closer to Ignis’ side. He was prepared with a list of reasons why and though knowing that he would see him soon, he didn’t want him to leave. “I planned to,” Ignis said, brushing a few to kiss his cheek. “But perhaps I should stay in the guest room. I may not get any sleep at all tonight otherwise.” His eyes flickered to the perfect bite mark on his chest before turning to retrieve his socks and garters. “Liar,” Noctis stroked the taunt muscles of Ignis’ lower back, taking his finger and drawing a straight line up along the spine. The advisor froze for a moment and drew a sharp inhale. “What’re up to?” “If you must know,” Ignis ran a hand through his mussed hair. “I was going to get something to eat and clean up the mess we made in the kitchen. But you can go back to sleep.” The prince propped himself up on his elbow hearing that. “Nah, I’m wide awake. I’ll give you a hand.” Casting an eye over his shoulder to examine the time on the clock, “Isn’t it too late to eat? It’s almost midnight.” Ignis was silent, concentrating a little more than it should take a person to fasten garters and slip pants on. “Mhm. Let’s just say that being with you has worked up an appetite.” Noctis’ gaze followed Ignis. “Burns calories, too, I heard,” he added, smugly. “But what are you up to? Planning Chrystmas breakfast?” Ignis faced him. “Oh, so I was right.” “Dismiss the line of inquiry, dear heart,” Ignis batted the presumptions with a smile. “Her Majesty would be heartbroken if we arrived with full bellies.” “She won’t—” Noctis began before closing his mouth. “Crap. The family breakfast.” His mother’s feelings were far from delicate and hardly necessitated a need to protect them as she tended to hold grudges and never let people forget about them. Regis learned that the hard way last year. The Chrystmas breakfast was her own tradition she implemented. Regardless of how absorbing the festivities and demanding the royal duties were, each member was to put aside time and uphold responsibility to appear and convene at the table. Between her husband and son, Aulea was the glue that kept the family together. For the proposed breakfast, she did her best to recreate a warm and intimate setting for her family. Morning was the best time for this. Bemused by the prince’s astonished expression, Ignis pecked Noctis’ lips. “You needn’t fear, I couldn’t let you forget your mother’s yearly request. Fortunately, I’m on your side.” “Yeah,” Noctis hastily kicked off the sheets. “Can’t let Mom down.” “You’re not going back to sleep?” “Not yet. I need to make sure I’m taking the right gifts over.” - Noctis didn’t remember dozing off, but sure enough, he woke up to Ignis gently shaking his shoulder. It was Chrystmas Day, morning, to be exact. The advisor’s voice was husky and dripped like syrup to the prince’s ear. “Good morning.” There was a sweet, sensual fragrance of spices paired with hints of vanilla about him. It took only moments for Noctis to register it was from an aftershave Ignis used. “You smell... crazy amazing,” the prince babbled, unable to help himself. He wouldn’t mind waking up like this every morning. The bridge of the advisor’s nose dotingly brushed the prince’s cheekbone. “You know I adore your candidness first thing in the morning.” Ignis had just showered and to Noctis’ dismay, he was almost dressed. Semiformal attire with a silk black long-sleeved shirt fully buttoned to his clavicle and the same color scheme went for his trousers and seadevil winklepickers. It was a normal look, the state of dress honored the royal family colors and that of the Crownsguard, save for the clashing yet ridiculous Chrystmas vest with a cactuar wearing a sequined Santa cap blatantly emblazoned on the front. Noctis blinked before snorting a laugh. “I’m blinded by that sweater. Burn it.” Ignis folded his arms, his smile between the lines of being innocently coy and threatening pay back on that comment. “We’ll have matching outfits before we walk out the door.” “Hah, no way.” “As much as I’d enjoy crushing that obstinate delusion you’ve created for yourself—I know I’ll relish it soon enough,” Ignis muttered the dark promise under his breath and Noctis stuck his tongue out at him. “Have you seen my cufflinks?” He touched his wrist, perturbed. “On second thought, I shouldn’t be asking you this. We’ll head over to the palace when you’re ready.” “Hey, hey,” Noctis took Ignis’ wrists and calmly steered his boyfriend’s attention to him. “You left them on the counter, so I put them in my room for safe keeping.” As important as the grand Lucis Caelum breakfast was, even if the cufflinks were missing, he would search the entire apartment from top to bottom to find them. His mother would understand. Ignis let out a sigh of relief, looking at the door leading to the bedroom. “Well, it was a good idea to ask after all. Where did you put them?” “Relax. I’ll get them. We got time, right?” At that, Noctis retreated to his bedroom and opened the drawer belonging to the nightstand. The gold cufflinks were in a plastic bag next to a fine wooden case. The prince knew that Ignis would never rummage through here, only places within reach and wherever he didn’t do a good job in tidying up. But never the nightstand. They fit into the plan nicely ever since Noctis noticed them the other night and everything clicked in place. He planned to give them to him during the Friendsgiving-mas Exchange, but... The best laid plans were the unexpected ones. He couldn’t wait to see the look on his lover’s face. “Got them,” Noctis grinned upon returning the bag to Ignis. “You know... Could be just me but they kinda lost their luster, huh?” Ignis studied them for a closer examination. “Gods, I can’t wear these. Their Majesties would take notice.” Noctis resisted the urge to laugh. His parents wouldn’t care, they’re fond of Ignis, but he knew how carefully meticulous the advisor was of his appearance. “So,” the prince presented the box that he concealed behind his back and held it out to the advisor. “How about trying these on? They’re stylish, smart, sexy...” Inside were a dual pair of silver dagger cufflinks with amethyst stones embedded in the hilt. The spectacular violet hues added personality to a simple design. Ignis was at a loss for words when his viridian eyes fell back to Noctis. “And would look great on you,” the prince finished before beaming at him. “Merry Chrystmas, Ignis.” “For me? Truly?” “What? You didn’t think I’d get you something?” Noctis took out a card he had folded. “I, uh, wrote you a card to go along with it. I know you like that kind of thing so I did it.” He cleared his throat before reading, “‘Hey Iggy, what do you think? Do you like them? They’re pretty badass, right? I hope you’ll think of me when you wear these cufflinks. Signing documents, attending receptions, or even waving at me before you leave, you’ll do it in style. I’m pretty sure of that.’” Heat blossomed from Noctis’ neck to his face when he realized that some things were not to be read aloud. “I’ll cherish them,” Ignis said, finally, his gaze warm and fond. “Always.” “Really?” Noctis felt weak in the knees. “Help me put them on?” Ignis proposed, handing the box back and holding out his wrist. “Y-yeah, no problem,” the prince stammered. The cufflinks went in easily and folded to lock in firmly. “How do they feel?” Ignis turned one wrist over and repeated the same with the other. “Sharp and dapper,” he replied, opting for a pose with his index finger and thumb out under his chin, ceremoniously intimating a hero from a beloved series. Noctis burst out laughing. “Oh man, that’s... No, Iggy!” “No?” Ignis was confused. “That... That I’d expect from Prompto!” “Are you insinuating that Prompto and I are uncool?” Noctis failed to maintain his composure. “I didn’t say all that.” “Hmph.” - “About time you two showed up!” Gladiolus greeted the couple by the door. “Help yourself to the food and,” the Shield’s amber eyes glinted sardonically. “Nice sweater, Princess.” Noctis groaned. It’s been an hour since he wore the ugly Chrystmas sweater and it eluded him still in trying to shut off the battery to the lights. “Iggy forced me in this...” “Can’t have him carry the holiday spirit for the both of you.” The Shield wasn’t even subtle in his thumbs up gesture to Ignis before returning to Iris by the tree. Prompto was the second guest to greet the two. “So,” Prompto carried several of boxes under his arms. “This one’s for Gladio, one for me, one for Iris... So, where’s your presents, guys?” “Noct and I had our exchange early,” Ignis answered before revealing the dagger cufflinks. “Our apologies for breaking tradition.” Though he hardly sounded apologetic about it. “But rest assured, we haven’t touched any of the gifts we got you.” “While the rest of us gotta wait until after the party games,” the blond rolled his eyes. “So, what did Iggy get you, Noct?” “A tackle box. He built it himself. Guess we both surprised each other this year.” 
“It was the sentiment that counted most of all,” Ignis added.
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riyuyami · 7 years
A drabble, cause I want to do more Inky Thoughts stuff, and I also wanted to do some stuff for chapter two cause I keep focusing on chapter three.
So have U-2 and Yami getting knocked out and kidnapped.
“Ready?” Yami asked, looking at the little Toon in front of him, both of them holding onto the lever. When he got a happy nod, they yanked it down, hearing a loud churning as the pipes began to drain the ink from the exit.
“Yes! We did it!” He grinned, getting a happy high-five from U-2. The little Toon squeaked happily and went to the door, holding out his hand for Yami to take.
Yami grabbed it, walking out with his new friend. He hadn’t found his answers of what happened to Yugi, but honestly? Yami was content enough to be fine with just getting out of this cursed building. The further away from it he and U-2 were, the better.
They turned the corner, about to head into lobby, when the older Toon was taken from his thoughts by a hard, yet wet, crack sound. U-2′s grip loosened and he dropped to the ground with a splat. “U-2!” Yami gasped, about to turn around to see what happened, when there was a sharp pain to the back of his head, and he too was down for the count.
“Uhhh... anyone get the number of that car...?” Yami groaned, shaking his head, shaking off the pain and grogginess that only a Toon could do.
“Ah, you’re awake, my lord!”
Blinking, black eyes turned to look up, seeing the imposing figure that stood before him. “Good, can’t have you asleep during the sacrifice...” The figure said, his voice slightly muffled by the mask he wore.
Wait a second... that was the man who they had seen walking in the hall, the one who watched them from the booth! Yami knew that voice!
“Pegasus...?” He frowned, watching the other perk up.
“Ah! The lord knows my name!” He seemed so giddy, he actually clapped his hands. “I was hoping you wouldn’t have forgotten your loyal disciple...”
“What are you talking about?” The Dancing Shadow asked, finally noticing something. He was tied up to a pole, and there was a circle drawn under him. He also noticed that U-2 was tied up with him, and seemed to be knocked out still, the back of his head was leaking a lot of ink from the gash on it. Oh god, he hoped the little guy was okay...!
Turning away from his unconscious companion, Yami looked up at Pegasus. “What’s goin’ on? Why are we tied up? And why do you keep calling me lord?”
Pegasus chuckled a bit. “You are tied up for the sacrifice! You have finally returned to your home, to your kingdom... and with Him running around, strong and dangerous, but oh so incomplete... well, you two can finally become one, and rule this terrible world, make it better, a better Toon World...”
Yami’s eyes widened when Pegasus leaned in closer, he stared at that destroyed mask of his face. “And, with such a grateful act by your most loyal follower... maybe you will finally grant my deepest wish, to be free of this inky, black vessel that I now call a body...”
“You’re insane.”
“I am only doing what is right. And I finally caught... it.” He gestured to U-2. “That little insult, that copy, that disgusting... MISTAKE! It dares to try and be my savior! It is a false prophet, the anti of you! It is the opposite, a stain that needs to be erased. So it too will be sacrificed, to appease the gods, to appease you...”
“Leave him out of this! He is not a mistake!” Yami snapped, struggling against the binds around him. He reached for his pendant, shocked to find it wasn’t there, but looking past the former musician, he saw it sitting next to his axe, across the room from them. Shit, he was defenseless, and his friend was still knocked out.
“Shh...” Pegasus pushed an inky finger to Yami’s mouth. “Listen, He’s coming... can’t you hear Him, skittering in the pipes? His whistles?”
The Toon frowned, hearing something in the pipes, a faint whistle.
Oh no...
Pegasus stepped away, leaving the two of them behind, saying it was time to begin the ritual. He entered a room and shut the door, turning on a speaker to speak, calling out to the Other Yami.
The normal one struggled still against the ropes before he heard a soft squeak.
“U-2?” He asked, looking at his comrade, only to get a soft shush from him. He sat mismatched eyes looking at him as U-2 gestured to the door Pegasus was behind as the once-human spoke, trying to summon “Yami”.
“Are you okay?” He whispered and U-2 nodded, before his tail swished in front of them.
Yami was surprised to see the normal, triangle tip to be sharp, notched, like a hunting knife. He noticed small fibers on the ‘blade’, wait, was U-2 trying to cut the rope?
A loud, shout came from Pegasus as a grated door in the room opened, and a horrible roar was heard, follow by please and screams.
Then it went silent, until loud snarls and growls were heard.
“Cut the rope!” Yami screamed and U-2 nodded in a panic, his tail going behind the pole, moving fast, before there was a snap, the ropes dropped. “Thanks, pal!” Yami ran, snatching up his axe and pendant, before seeing puddles of ink coming to life.
“*SQUEAK* it! We don’t have time for this *BIKE BELL*!” The Shadow Boy yelled and sliced through the closest one. Another one was slice clean through by U-2′s tail and Yami was a bit surprised to find the other actually fighting, but... well... they were in a bit of a hurry to not die!
The Searchers went down quickly with the two them and they ran into the hall, slicing through wooden boards from fallen debris, until nearing the end, Yami’s axe finally broke.
He winced and looked at U-2, who was dripping so much, a lot of his face was soaked in ink, and his purple eye was started to get covered. Yami was quick to wipe at the runoff to keep the other’s visibility clear. “Come on, there’s a door up ahead!” He didn’t know where the door at the end of a flood room would lead, but it could be a safe spot.
U-2 squeaked in fear, looking scared as he looked at the ink. He could sense it, something wasn’t right, they needed to find another way...!
But his new friend had already gotten too close to the room, and just when he moved to grab him...
A tall, lanky figure jumped out of the ink in the center of the room, grinning at them with that all-too-familiar smile.
“RUN!” Yami screamed and grabbed U-2′s hand, bolting for the other part of the hall as U-2 felt his heart beating way harder than it should be, his ink falling off so quickly, he’d be a puddle in a matter of moments!
Black lines were reaching for them as they turned corner after corner before U-2 got a quick boost of energy due to fear and was now the one pulling Yami along.
He spotted a door and ran as fast as his legs could carry him, just as “Yami” got closer to them. He threw open the door and tossed Yami in before slamming it closed, a board dropped down in front of the door, landing on two pegs to keep it in place. There was a slam against the door before loud screams and banging.
It lasted moments, before it started to get silent, a faint whistle followed it, getting quieter and quieter with each passing moment...
Yami panted, leaning against a shelf covered in plushies of him, hearing on squeak when he rested his arm on it. “We... we got away again...” He looked at the panting, dripping mess that was U-2 and chuckled. “You save my butt again, got us away from that... thing.”
U-2 blinked and let out a wheezy laugh, panting a bit still as he tried to stand on wobbly legs. He glanced around, frowning, having no real idea where they were. He noticed another area and gestured to it. Yami nodded and following him into the other room.
A can rolled out from behind a corner and the two of them froze up. Yami swallowed and stepped forward. “H-hello? Is someone there? I know you’re in here, come out and show yourself...”
There were heavy foot steps before a familiar face appeared. Yami gasped at the smiling mutt.
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pooka-dragon · 7 years
Okay, this came to my head late at night while I was working, so I may as well write it now before it disappears on me. Like all, this is based on @shinyzango 2D Bendy AU. 
Prepare for hearts to be shattered. 
Henry was gasping as he ran around a corner. He was holding onto the paper that had the toon on it, who was clinging onto one of his fingers. As Bendy looks behind him, he could see a bulk searcher chasing them from behind in the hallway, roaring loudly. 
“We gotta lose it somehow!” Henry gasped, trying to keep a good distance from the searcher. It roars loudly, the red eye glaring at the prey. It threw the obstacles that was in it’s paths out of the way, the chairs and old desks getting destroyed when being chunked against the walls. 
“Henry, take a sharp turn here! I know this hallway!” Bendy suddenly gasped, seeing the hall being familiar to him. Henry was unsure of it, but obliged and took a sharp turn. 
Henry could see an open door to a room and ran inside, closing the door behind him. He blocked the doorway , making sure that the door was locked as the searcher ran past the room they were in. 
Henry sighs with relief, sliding down as he tries to catch his breath. “…god I’m too old for this shit….” He gasped, closing his eyes and leaned his head back. Bendy looks up at Henry, a concerned frown on his face. 
“…you okay, Henry?” 
Henry opened one eye to glanced down at him, then smiled softly and yet sadly at the toon, touched with his concerns. “I’m fine, bud…” He said, slowly petting the top of Bendy’s head with one finger. 
Bendy closed his eyes and leaned into Henry’s petting. This made Henry smile a little. As he looks up, he could see that the door they went through leads to another long hallway. 
Where does this hallway lead to? 
Henry slowly stood up, eyeing the long hallway before walking down the hallway, ax in one hand while holding the piece of paper that held the toon. Bendy looks at the hallway, then stilled when he saw the site. 
The large room was covered with ink, that was nearly a feet deep. It was silent, beside the ink splashing against the wall. 
“…I know, bud…” 
Henry silently stepped inside of the large ink pool, looking around for an exit. Bendy just kept eyeing on the large ink pool, looking out for any searchers that may pop out. 
Henry was near the exit–
Something in the ink pool bubbles, making both the toon and old animator froze on the spot. Henry turned around, seeing the ink bubbling in the middle of the room. Bendy froze and managed to get Henry to drop the page, making his paper emerge with ink. 
Bendy emerged in his monster for, his eye narrowed at the source–
The ink flew from the middle, revealing the impostor Bendy. It hissed loudly at them, making Bendy arched his back in defense, growling lowly while keeping Henry underneath him. 
Lanky bendy growled lowly, smirking evilly as it revealed something on the back of it’s hand. A marking slowly starts to form slowly until it revealed itself a ritual circle, glowing a dark blood red. 
That’s when it suddenly lets out a loud, ear piercing roar, echoing the room. Bendy winced and lowered his head, his eye clenched shut to mute out the roar, Henry covering his ears to mute it out as well. 
The ink around them starts to bubble up, making Bendy stilled and picked Henry up with one arm, holding him protectively. Henry tensed when he saw the ink around them slowly going towards Lanky. 
What was it up to?
When Henry and Bendy looked over at the impostor, they both stilled. 
Lanky’s form was changing, hunched over as three large ink spikes formed on it’s back, the gloved hands now bigger, the gloves ripping apart until there was barely left on the sharped claws. A tail formed, spikes forming at the end of it, feet turning larger. His form starts to turn bigger and bigger, the once high pitch hissing turned lower and lower voice, replacing with a deep growl. 
The ink kept draining until there was barely none left. The impostor stood up, now bigger than Bendy in his monster form. His teeth were much sharper, letting out a deep growl before letting out a roar, the claws extended out. 
They were in trouble. 
“…oh god….” Henry whispered, staring at the impostor in horror, Bendy unconsciously pulling Henry closer to shield him. 
Lanky roared loudly at him, the tail swinging intimidatingly at Bendy, who growled loudly at Lanky. Henry had a hold of his ax, but he was nearly shaking at the monstrosity in front of them. Just when can this thing can suddenly changed it’s forms?
Lanky roared loudly before trying to take a swipe at the two, Bendy jumping out of the way. Bendy then placed Henry in the entrance of the area, out of the ink pool and whined at him, telling him to wait here. 
“Bendy, you’re not facing that thing alone!” Henry said, stilling at what Bendy was suggesting. “I’m not losing you again this time–” Henry was cut off when Bendy pressed his forehead against Henry’s. He whined softly, looking at him,  
He wanted him to be safe. 
Henry looks up at him before sighing, pressing his forehead firmer against Bendy’s. “…be careful, bud…” 
Bendy smiled sadly before pulling away, growling loudly at the impostor Bendy, who roared loudly at him. 
Bendy lets out a roar as well, challenging the impostor. It hunched over more, growling before the two charged at each other. Bendy was the first to lay a punch against the impostor, sending ink flying everywhere. 
Lanky Bendy roared out and clawed at him, managing to push him a few feet away from him, nearly getting rammed into the wall. Bendy grunts, standing back up, Lanky pushing him back down against the ground. 
Bendy growled loudly and kept trying to claw at the arm that Lanky kept him in place. Lanky growled louder, pushing him more down to the ground. Bendy roars out and kept delivering punches to his arm until the impostor finally lets go. 
Bendy stood and roared, ramming him with his full strength to push Lanky down to the ground. Bendy kept landing punches to Lanky’s head and chest, thinking that it might daze it a bit, but was proven wrong when the tail wrapped around his chest, sending him flying against the wall. 
Lanky slowly stood up and roared, Bendy slowly standing up and growled loudly. 
Henry could only watch in horror as he saw the two giant ink monsters clash at each other. He could feel the emotion fear in the back of his head through their mental bond. It was Bendy’s emotion. 
The fight was not going well for him. 
‘What can I do?’ Henry thought. He wanted to help Bendy, but he was unsure of what to do. Henry growled a bit before he grabbed his ax. He had to help him. 
Bendy grunts as he was pinned to the wall, Lanky’s face close to Bendy’s as he lets out a deep growl, ink drooling from it’s lips and teeth. Bendy growls loudly, glaring at Lanky–
Lanky suddenly let out a roar in pain when it felt a sudden pain on it’s lower leg. It looks down to see an ax impaled in it’s lower leg, Henry backing away from it. It growled loudly before dropping Bendy and went after Henry. Bendy grunts, slowly standing up, being so weak after using so much of his energy. 
He could see Lanky Bendy going after Henry. The situation was getting out of hand. He had one last shot…
Henry was cornered by Lanky, who slowly stalked towards him, the claws extended out. It had a sickening grin on it’s face, looking down at Henry. It had Henry right were it wants him. 
Everything went in slow motion. Lanky threw it’s arm back, attempting to kill the human on the spot. Henry held both of his arms over his head in defense, trying to shield himself from the attack….
….but it never came. 
Henry didn’t feel pain. He didn’t feel anything. 
Henry peeked one eye open to see what happened and shocked at the sight. 
Bendy jumped in the way, taking the hit for Henry before he collapsed on the ground, no longer moving. 
“BENDY!!” Henry got on his knees, being near Bendy’s head. His eye was closed, his body not moving. 
“Bendy!? BENDY!” Henry tried to shake him awake. 
He was not moving still. 
The impostor chortled in laughter before looking at Henry, the claws extended more. But Henry could not focus on him, only on Bendy. His form dissolves into a puddle of ink and when he saw the paper…
….it was torn to pieces….
“Bendy….” Henry looks up, seeing Lanky pulling his arm back before delivering the final blow towards the human. 
“Bendy NO!!!”
Henry jolts out of his sleep, gasping and sweating. He looks around, seeing himself back in his room, late in the night. He couldn’t keep calm, clenching to his head before his stomach starts to turn a bit. 
He managed to get into the bathroom on time and empty the contents from his stomach in the toilet. He heaved a bit, coughing as he collapsed a bit, gasping. He leaned against the toilet and bathtub, taking deep breaths to calm down. 
It was a dream. 
It was all a dream–
“Bendy…” He had to check to see that he is okay. 
Henry shakily stands up and managed to walk to Bendy’s room, checking on him. When he opened the door, he was relieved at the sight. 
Bendy was asleep, clenching to his plushie. He was breathing softly in his sleep, the blanket fallen on the floor some time ago. Henry smiled sadly before he walked over, gently grabbing the blanket and placed it over Bendy. Once he did, he slowly stroked the top of his head. 
Bendy hummed in his sleep before snuggling more into his pillow, a faint smile on his face. “….sweet dreams, bud…” He whispered. Henry slowly walked out the room, closing his door quietly. 
Henry sighs deeply, running a hand tiredly through his hair before he descends back to his room. There was no way he was going back to sleep now. 
The same nightmare continued for nearly a week, physically and mentally exhausting Henry to no end. He could not get that image out of his head. 
Lanky Bendy transforming into that beast
Bendy taking the hit for him, costing his life. 
He was up to the point where he could not take it no more, wanting a peaceful sleep for once in his life. And what’s worse is that he had to hide that emotion from Bendy. The little toon worries about him enough as it is, he does not to add more onto him. 
As the next evening came, Henry was exhausted. 
He had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep from the other night. He had a cup of coffee in his hand as he was in the living room, sitting in the recliner as he watched a tv show with Bendy. 
Henry smiled a bit at Bendy’s giggles, seeing the toon happy. Henry’s eyes starts to droop a bit, but jolts a bit, shaking his head to get rid of the sleep. He just couldn’t get that image out of his head from the nightmare. 
“…ry…..enry…..” Henry could not hear the voice calling out to him. 
Henry jolts a bit to see Bendy suddenly in his lap, looking up at him. “I asked if you were okay? You were zoning out for nearly ten minutes!” Bendy said. Henry winced and stretched a bit. “Sorry bud…just tired is all….” 
“…Henry, you look like you haven’t sleep in days….are you okay?” Bendy asked, placing a hand on Henry’s arm. Henry could only smile sadly, slowly rubbing the top of his head. 
“I’m okay, bud…really….” 
Bendy didn’t look amused, a flat look on his face before he grabbed two pillows. At first, Henry was confused on what Bendy’s plan is, but it was soon answered when the toon pressed the pillows on the side of his face. 
“Henry, what are you right now?”  The toon asked. 
“Bendy, I’m–” 
Henry could only sigh deeply, closing his eyes. “….a sleep deprived sandwich–” 
“A sleep deprived sandwich. I can tell that you haven’t slept in days.” Bendy said, then pulling the pillows away from Henry, then had his hands on his hips, giving him a scolding look. 
Henry sighs deeply, looking at the toon with tired eyes. “…bud, I’m sorry….” He said, then was shocked when he heard a sniff. He looks down to see Bendy having his head lowered, his shoulders visibly shaking. He could see inky tears dropping down onto his lap. 
“…Bendy? Bud why are you crying?” Henry asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“…I know you’ve been having bad dreams, Henry…I know those signs…I use to do them all the time.” Bendy sniffed. Henry looks down at him. Bendy looks up at him, inky tears shone in the corner of his eyes, a frown on his face. “You helped me and talked to me about my bad dreams…why won’t you let me help you, Henry?”  
Henry sighs deeply before pulling Bendy into a hug when he leaned forward. Bendy just sobs silently into his chest, clinging to the front of his shirt. “…I’m sorry bud…” Henry whispered. 
“…I just want to help, Henry…why won’t you let me help you?” Bendy said, sniffing as he buried his face into his chest, tightening his grip on him. Henry sighs deeply, rubbing the back of his head gently. 
‘…I’m sorry, bud…’ Henry thought. 
Just when Henry fell into a deep sleep as night came, Bendy sneaked into Henry’s room, determined to help him. “…you can do this…for Henry…” Bendy said softly. 
He could see Henry clenching his eyes shut in his sleep, showing signs that he was having a nightmare. Bendy took a deep breath before climbing up to Henry’s bed, looking at him.
He took a deep breath and pressed his forehead against Henry’s. 
The images flashed in front of Bendy’s eyes and in his mind, making him gasp and fell backwards, gasping and shaking in fear. 
That was Henry’s nightmare?
The impostor in a monstrosity form and Bendy sacrificing himself to let Henry live? 
Bendy was at lost for words, looking at Henry as he starts to toss and turn his head around in his sleep, clenching his eyes tightly shut in his sleep. “…I’m gonna help you….I’m gonna help you, Henry….” 
Bendy took a deep breath and pressed his forehead against Henry’s. 
Henry was gasping as he was trapped in a corner, Bendy’s form dissolving once more and only having a torn piece of paper on the ground. 
The impostor growled loudly, about to strike down at the human. Henry clenched his eyes shut and shielding himself. 
There was a grunting sound. 
Henry didn’t do anything, but then cracked one eye open to look at what was happening and he gasped slightly. 
A large clawed hand stops the impostor’s claws from striking him down. Henry looks over and his eyes widen when he saw Bendy in his Nightmare form, stopping Lanky’s attack. His growls were more threatening and louder than Lanky’s, freezing it in place. 
The fangs got close to it’s face, Bendy’s eye narrowed.
“…you’ve haunted your last dream, impostor….stay the hell away from my friend…now BEGONE!” Bendy roared out, using his other clawed hand to strike Lanky, which it roared out as it suddenly vanished when Bendy strikes him. 
It was silent. 
Henry was gasping, slowly looking up at Bendy, who was growling deeply at the large puddle of ink before it slowly vanished. That’s when he looks down at Henry and smiled sadly. The toon lowered his head and gently pressed his forehead against Henry’s. 
“….you okay, Henry?” Bendy asked, looking at him. 
Henry didn’t say anything, but then smiled and hugged him. “….thanks, bud….” Henry smiled a bit. Bendy smiled and nuzzled him more enthusiastically. 
“…see ya when you wake up….” 
Henry slowly starts to wake up, seeing Bendy smiling at him, but he was exhausted and smiling. “….you okay, Henry?” Bendy asked, breathing raspy breaths from his energy being used. 
Henry smiled sadly and managed to pull him into a tight hug, which Bendy hugged him tightly in return. 
“….you truly are amazing, bud…” 
Bendy smiled more at that, pulling away a bit to press his forehead against Henry’s. “…love you, Henry.” 
“Love you too, Bendy.” 
They stayed like that for a moment before Bendy nearly collapsed. “You tired, bud?” Henry asked, looking down at the small toon. He could only nod in response, snuggling up to his human friend. Henry smiled more, tucking the blanket more around them both. 
“…I think a few more hours of sleep won’t hurt us, huh?” 
Bendy could only nod in response, slowly starting to fall asleep. Henry smiled a bit more before he suddenly fell asleep, exhaustion getting to them both. They both didn’t have nightmares this time. 
Henry slept peacefully for the first time in weeks. And it was all thanks to his friend, Bendy. 
And he was grateful. 
Welp, there ya go. 
I was on a writer’s block for quite some time, but I was able to finally get something in for the first time. I’ll try to see and think of more when I get the chance. I don’t want to ruin my brain and creativity. 
Until then, 
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@nemo-draco I was hoping you would ask that.
For Bendy, I would think of him as being quite similar to Zarla’s interpretation of Sans in her Undertale AU called “Handplates” (I highly recommend reading her comics if you haven’t already); he may be a bit more nonchalant and indifferent to learning the basics of education (he honestly wouldn’t see the point of it at all initially), but Bendy is a surprisingly fast learner for a toon despite his claims of not caring much for any of it. Although there are moments when he does struggle (particularly with writing and grammar), he is able to work through those obstacles and not let them faze him too much. And I don’t know if or when Bendy would ever admit to this, but he absolutely LOVES math in this AU. He goes out of his way at times to say how much he doesn’t like dealing with numbers, but the dead giveaway is the ever-widening smile that spreads across nearly more than half of the little devil’s face when he can crunch them in his head faster than everyone else within the studio except for Grant Cohen, Joey Drew Studios’ shop/budget keeper.
Bendy can and will admit when he’s wrong at times, but that’s not to say that the Lil’ Devil Darling doesn’t have moments where he’d get into a very heated debate with folks if an answer he makes (that he firmly believes to be right) is pointed out to actually be wrong. It’d be on rare occasions that he’d win the argument and his answer would be proven right (much to Bendy’s satisfaction), but he’d be a bit grouchy/disgruntled during all those other times whenever he is proven to be in the wrong (being the stubborn demon that he is [I’ll admit, I was very much like this as a kid]). He’d get over it eventually though.
Alice Angel fares nearly as well as Bendy when it comes to her basic education, too. She’s pretty neutral to the concept of having one and doesn’t mind going with the flow of things regarding it. Though unlike Bendy, Alice excels greatly when it comes to writing and makes a habit of using proper grammar as much as humanly (or would it be “cartoonly”?) possible; but she hates math with a deep passion (at least, when it comes to the higher levels of it). She can understand why folks would need the basic mathematics, but the poor angel struggles to comprehend it most of the time. Regardless, Alice does her best to retain patience and self-control (even though it can be difficult at times for the angel to do so) and goes over her mistakes as many times as possible until she can understand what exactly she did wrong and fix it.
As siblings, Bendy likes to rub his mathematical expertise in Alice’s face whereas she’d irritate him by correcting his grammar (or lack thereof) and nagging about how he writes his words among other things (”You need to dot your ‘i’s, Bendy.”). But in the midst of all their teasing and jeering towards one another, they do try their best to help each other solve whatever problems they’re struggling with depending on the area in which they were falling short. They may not do it in the most ideal or most “loving” way possible, but it’s one of the few ways the two toons show their love for each other as brother and sister.
And then there’s Boris the Wolf.
While he’s likely to be the most introverted of the toons (and that’s saying a lot considering what his job is), Boris is really the most enthusiastic of the three at the thought of being taught how to read, write, and learn the other elements within a basic education. He has such a childlike eagerness to know as many things as the world can ever offer and is excited to quench the insatiable curiosities that dwell within his heart and mind. He is also the one toon who asks the most questions, doing whatever he can to find all the answers he can look for from his superiors (though he is very careful as to who he asks and avoids those who he finds are easily irritable towards him). I’d honestly say the wolf is very much like a little kindergartner or first-grader who asks odd yet rather deep and profound questions that folks usually seem to stop asking themselves by the time they are practically full-grown adults. The boy wants so badly to learn and experience new things that he simply can’t wait to get started.
Unlike Bendy and Alice though, Boris is more of a visual/memory-based learner. For example, if someone were to read a story to him and the toons while he’s sitting beside the reader, Boris is able to remember and recognize how the words appeared/sounded and would read the story aloud to himself successfully without struggling at all not long after listening to the reader and silently reading the words alongside him or her (apparently, my mom said I did stuff like that with books that were read to me when I was around 3-4 years old). This kind of learning would also, in a sense, explain how he’s able to learn how to do hands-on activities around the studio (like helping Wally Franks and Thomas Connor with working on repairs whether it be on the Ink pipes, faulty/malfunctioning technical appliances, etc.) easier and faster than Bendy and Alice can. Unfortunately for him, it initially took a while before folks figured that out.
Before that time, Boris had severe difficulty learning in almost any and all areas of education, and the poor wolf hated that about himself. He’d try so much and work so hard to show that he’s just as smart as the devil and the angel, but he’d miserably fail just about every time in doing so. The one subject he actually did splendidly in was writing, but it didn’t really help the guy at all if he couldn’t read nor understand what he had just written. And when he tried to read, he had very little success (reading aloud did help him a bit, but he still stuttered, stumbled, and mixed up his words from time to time if he didn’t have someone to help him) and tended to (unintentionally) interpret the clearest of written directions in strange ways (much like a certain young skeleton by the name of Papyrus in the Undertale Handplates AU). Sammy Lawrence had even verbally questioned once whether or not the “dumb old cartoon” was intent on sabotaging himself at every turn (emphasis on “once” [as Boris has proven time and time again before to the majority of studio members that he’s anything but dumb]).
The fact that things didn’t come as easily for him with as they do for Bendy and Alice resulted in Boris stressing out and overthinking to the point where he had bits of anxiety, a low self-confidence in his abilities, and some nervous emotional/mental breakdowns on occasion. He even stayed up late for unhealthily long periods of time trying to study or figure out the answers to some problems due to him stressing over it all so much. The toon wolf was lucky enough though to receive help from some of the crew (if they weren’t too busy at least) like Henry, Norman, Susie, and so on aside from his siblings (heck, even Joey would come and do his best to help him every so often). But despite their attempts at trying to find what learning method suited Boris, he still struggled all the same. However, fortunately for Boris and the others, it didn’t last as long as they feared it would, and they all finally found a method that actually worked for the wolf.
Boris holds a generally neutral perspective on math in contrast to Bendy and Alice, who are both on opposite ends of the spectrum regarding it (he does a fairly better job than Alice on the subject, but he’s nowhere near close to being as smart as Bendy math-wise), but he does have an overwhelming love and passion for reading books; to him, the intricately detailed and captivating tales, along with the occasional colorfully well-drawn illustrations, that reside within one’s pages is one of the outside world’s true treasures that he can’t help but admire. Whenever he isn’t playing his music, socializing with the studio crew, or hanging out with his fellow toon siblings, there’s rarely ever a moment where Boris would do anything else with his spare time other than immerse himself into the contents of yet another spellbinding book, no matter what type or genre it was. Whether they be tales spun out of fiction or nonfiction, read from pages of paper and ink or told from the mouths of his fellow man, they all essentially grant the cartoon wolf (in some way or another) a form of escape from the confines of Joey Drew Studios, a further understanding of what life in the outside world is like, the ability to see through perspectives other than his own, and the power to take on his own crazy, fantastical adventures, from fighting dragons to solving mysteries to sailing on pirate ships in search of gold, deep within the wonderful and mystical realm of dreams.
Still, that’s not to say that stories, and books in general, are successful at ridding Boris of all the unanswered questions that eat away at his brain. In fact, it only causes more and more questions to surface within him, particularly those shortly after Henry leaves for the war in regards to some changes that are being made deep within the lower levels of the studio when no one’s watching.
In other words, let’s just say that a certain search for answers to said questions may or may not play a significantly major role in what all Henry will witness upon returning to the studio for the first time ever in thirty years…
Hope this answers your question, buddy! 😉
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