#trying to see if i can finish it for feb 12. their anniversary . yes this is a reference to that one tweet tpc tweeted out
ribbononline · 3 years
wawawa wip posting
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HIGH quality stuff in the works here. i love drawing archie making faces <3
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 years
Takuto Maruki’s Cursed Timeline
[NOTE: Everything in this post is mostly comprised of juicedup14′s Fan Translations, because they are honestly the most reliable ones I have access to. If anyone wants to kindly make a rebuttal regarding events on the timeline or correct events on the time/other corrections not related to the timeline, feel free to do so].
Looking back at the Original Vanilla Persona 5, and comparing it to Royal story wise, something tells me that Atlus creating Takuto Maruki into existence sort of accidentally muck up the timeline. It’s not help by the fact Atlus is still refusing to accept 2016 as the year Persona 5 takes place and use 201X despite calendars lining up.
Because we don’t have a Birthday OR Birth Year, for the purpose of this post, Takuto is a Pisces born between Feb 20, 1988 (because Futaba’s BD is Feb 19) and March 20, 1988 (Excluding March 3 because that is Yuka Ayase from Persona 1′s BD). 1988 makes Takuto 28 in 2016, and 29 when Royal ends. I don’t think Atlus wants him young as 21 or 22, but I don’t think Atlus wants him older than 30, and details of his past makes me think he isn’t 23, 24 or 25. Also for purpose of this post, P5 will be given the year 2016, because 201X is actually going to be mention several times and I don’t want confusion in the timeline.
In regards to the timeline, we must talk about the first elephant, Wakaba Isshiki and her involvement in cognitive (p)science.
Original Vanilla Persona 5 shows that Wakaba is in the field of cognitive (p)science research, and her research has ties to the government. Wakaba’s involvement within the cognitive (p)science field made her super important (seemingly almost leading pioneer important) to where Shido thought that to steal Wakaba’s research (after she refused to turn it to him), he needed to order a hit on her. All of this is the same in Royal. No retcons at all.
With the addition of Takuto’s character who is involve in the same field, you think someone could have named dropped a connection, right? Wrong! There is no connection (that I can find) linking Wakaba and Takuto, and Takuto when meets Futaba and seeing Wakaba’s research, he seems to have no idea who Wakaba is at all. 
In fact, all of Takuto’s past (which will be discussed under the cut) gives implication cognition (p)science research is new. Not new-new, but new enough that people are still apparently trying to be the first to make a real name for themselves in the field independently(as much as it can) from the government, and Takuto was a top contender on the list. An explanation for the first elephant is simple: Wakaba got into the field of cognitive (p)science when it was new-new and was able to snag government connections. Takuto meanwhile, got into cognitive (p)science when people were trying make a real name for themselves independently while in university and stuck with uni for a good while.
So far, so good. Elephant two and all the heavy major spoilers is under the cut.
Elephant Two of the cursed timeline is the breakup with Rumi and when Takuto lost his future lab because his research wasn’t ‘valid’ enough, as the two events happen in close succession with one another. Rumi was Takuto’s college/uni girlfriend (the wording makes me think they started dating during uni and stay together ever since; they’re college-uni sweethearts). Based off the the diaries entries, Takuto and Rumi were still engaged to one another between 2/2 of 201X and 4/9 of 201X. 2/2 entry states that 2/3 (aka, ‘tomorrow’) is also Rumi’s Birthday. 4/9 entry is written in the Spring, with Rumi in the hospital shock and traumatize over the lost of her parents and Takuto trying to still wrap his own trauma and shock over Rumi’s parents death and Rumi herself.
By the time of Takuto’s conversation with Rumi at the hospital -clearly happening in late spring given Takuto’s third diary entry is in early summer, and because polo shirt are worn in warm temperature of spring and summer- Takuto finished his first thesis, aka the research pre-cognition overwrite (aka, Takuto’s    power). In this same conversation, Takuto awakens his Persona abilities in the real world (it’s not a full awakening tho), but seems to not use it again after Rumi. 
At least not until Takuto lost his future lab.
Based off the second flashback with Takuto and Shibusawa (aka, Takuto’s friend; juicedup14 translated the friend’s name), Takuto’s research came to a complete halt, and the future lab Takuto is planning on having is also halted as well. In the previous flashback with Rumi, Takuto mentions someone took an interest. By 6/3 entry, Takuto is now rewriting his thesis and doing his second round of research. With this rewrite and powers, Takuto seems to realize ‘oh shit cognitive (p)science is dangerous better make sure it doesn’t cause harm’.
By the flashback with Yoshizawa meeting Takuto in 2016 (aka, before the start of the game) the man has that Shaggy’s style beard, meaning enough time past after everything in 201X, as well with the fact Takuto had enough time to establish a practice because realistically, Yoshizawa’s parents must have gotten Takuto’s name as a referral or pick from a list of professional for their daughter to at least see. To keep Takuto’s past stay as close as possible to P5/Royal (since Rumi still stings a sore spot in Takuto’s heart even in 2016), Takuto’s worst year has to happen in 2014. And with 2014 in mind,  timeline isn’t cursed when looking at it as a whole.
(Pre) 2/2, 2014: Possibly 25 or 26 year old Takuto has terrible headaches like Rita Repulsa, and Takuto pops the question to Rumi. Rumi says yes.
2/2, 2014: 26 year old Takuto writes in his diary about meeting Rumi’s parents (on her birthday). Headaches are still terrible. 
Possibly 2/3, 2014: Rumi’s Birthday, and Takuto meets Rumi’s parents. There’s a chance the burglary happens on Rumi’s birthday, so for the purpose of this post, let’s assume it’s the case. Rumi loses her parents and lands in the hospital due to the shock of the trauma.
4/9, 2014: Another diary entry. 27 year old Takuto’s headaches get worse, as well has the pain in his heart due to the condition of Rumi.
Post 4/9, 2014 (Probably April): Takuto gains powers of cognition overwrite; he heals Rumi at the cost of retconning himself out of Rumi’s life.
Post 4/9 2014 (Probably late April or most likely May; see Elephant Three and Four): Takuto’s research and future lab are stopped. Takuto gets drunk over it with Shibusawa. This is one of two periods where someone *coughshidocough* stole Takuto’s original research.
6/3, 2014: Takuto is still early on in round two of his research. This is the second of two periods where someone*coughshidocough* stole Takuto’s original research
Post 6/3, 2014 but Pre-March 2016: 26 or 27 year old Takuto decides to stop being a research and decides becomes a therapist/counselor after talking to Shibusawa. 
Pre-March 2016: 26 or 27 year old Takuto is now a therapist with a practice
March 2016: 27 or 28 year old Takuto see Yoshizawa and creates Ka-sumire (yeah he just changed Sumire’s cognition of herself and it’s not a fusion of the two, but technically it is in a sense?)
12/24, 2016: Should Joker max Takuto’s Co-op/Confidant, Takuto finishes his second research paper/thesis, shows it to his his old professor, and says his suspicion who stole the original research, and awakens his Persona when reality and Mementos fuse together thanks to Yaldy. Takuto becomes God (like). If we take Takuto’s word, Goro is dead and brings him back to life
1/1, 2017: Third Semester officially start.
So far, still good. And now we get to the Elephant Three, Four, and Five: Masayoshi Shido, Goro Akechi, and Wakaba Isshiki’s death. That’s right; Wakaba is back at it again, though it’s not her fault. All three are connection to one another so they’re all in a little heard of elephants. We ought to blame Shido deciding to order a hit on Wakaba with his supernatural hitman but not trying to kill Takuto when getting a chance.
On 12/24, Takuto is convince it’s Shido who stole the original research all those years ago (with Takuto mistaken that his research was used for psychotic breakdowns, this help narrow the timeline) -which I do think it's legit given the professor response and Shido canonically stole Wakaba’s research- resulting in Takuto to start over from scratch. It’s odd to think Shido allow Takuto to live when Shido has a supernatural hitman at his beck in call...right? To re-summarize a post I don’t want to link because I’m only going to be taking about 2014, Goro Akechi’s Timeline of 2014 is this:
2014, between Goro’s last year of middle school and the beginning of his first year of high school, 15 year old Goro (he won’t be 16 until June 2) awakens to his Persona and Powers. There are no serious rampages (aka psychotic breakdowns) and obviously no mental shutdowns. Goro experiment with generic shadows in the Metaverse to understand WTF is going on with him.
2014, May in Goro’s 1st year. Goro decides to show himself to Shido and his powers (Goro clearly didn’t show up as a train hitman; just someone who knows he has powers to make life go swimmingly well). As Goro and Shido knew each other for 2.5 years, the midpoint for a year anniversary in May is November, which fits the long ass exposition scene. The psychotic breakdown we know in P5 also get there start here.
2014, August in Goro’s 1st year. Wakaba dies in her car accident. As Goro’s BD is in June, and given what Shadow!Shido says to the PT, Shido introduced the idea of mental shutdown to Goro post June, and Shadow!Wakaba is most likely sixteen year old Goro’s first human Shadow he had to kill. 
Given Takuto’s personal timeline, while we don’t have the exact dates for when the lab and future research was canned and when Shido stole Takuto’s original research, the only ball park estimate is Late April or May, with May best corresponding to Goro’s starting his plan of revenge and deciding to work for Shido. The idea of a 15 year old somehow having access to a university, stealing a grown’s man thesis paper without getting caught, and giving it to Shido as well as bringing up supernatural powers in rapid succession is humorous, but obviously wrong. 
The idea Takuto’s first research thesis was stolen right before Goro approached Shido is the only placement that makes sense. We have Takuto who is basically on the fine line of being a nobody and somebody. Takuto was gonna join the big leagues. We have Shido who has his goals of taking over Japan, as well as the drive. Shido is still a regular corrupt politician, and has no way of say, killing someone by special means and get away with it at of this moment.
Canonically, Shido’s interested in cognitive (p)science boils down to ‘I can use this for my goal of becoming prime minister’. Given his role in the government, he must had heard Wakaba’s name and research, but had no real means on talking to her about it since Shido apparently only spoken to Wakaba once or twice to get her to hand over the cognitive (p)science research. The closest he can get to Wakaba’s research is this coffee driven twenty-something year old who looks like he never seen a comb or brush in his life (I doubt Takuto is this, but Shido probably think so) thesis paper that Shido takes a shine to it. A really good shine. Like, ‘Hm...I’m gonna take it and hope there’s physical proof to it in the future and ruin this man’s whole career while I’m at it’ shine. 
Just has Shido read a few paragraphs, Goro shows up and offers his powers. Even though Shido hasn’t read the full paper, Goro is the physical proof that somehow support Takuto’s paper. Shido being Shido, still wants Wakaba’s research because it’s been in the making for much longer than Takuto’s. With new knowledge how the other world works due to Goro causing rampages of psychotic breakdowns, Shido throw aside Takuto’s research and order the hit he couldn’t do on Takuto onto Wakaba. And you think that Shido would have taken another chance at Takuto with Goro, but he didn’t. 
Why? Takuto is no longer in the field of cognitive (p)science by this point because now he’s either a therapist/counselor or on the path of being a therapist/counselor. With a ruin research career and having to switch job, Shido probably did the right move from his POV to not add Takuto as another needed casualty. Because Shido in a sense, spared Takuto’s life a second time around, it also answers a question I found in Third Semester:
If Shido stole Takuto’s research, why does Goro have no idea who Takuto is when they properly met in Third Semester (remember: Goro has a question mark symbol when Takuto is reveal to be the Palace Owner, meaning Goro is confuse that this random guy is something Joker and Ka-sumire know, and Goro has to research Takuto’s past to explain to Joker)? And the answer is Goro truly has no idea who Takuto Maruki is! By the time Goro introduced himself to Shido, Shido found the man irrelevant and no longer important to bring up to his supernatural hitman as a target because Shido can get the true diamond in his eyes: Wakaba Isshiki’s research.
This would also put Takuto’s assumption of the psychotic breakdowns and how Shido introduced mental shutdowns to Goro into a new light. Psychotic Breakdowns is canonically Loki’s special power Goro can us on others to make them go wild and destructive and go on rampages. Mental Shutdown is pretty much killing the Shadow and seeing whatever will happen next. The two are not the same thing, despite what the original Vanilla Localization says by lumping the two together; it’s a mistake on the localization part. In fact, I’m a bit convince there’s a chance Takuto fell into the same mistake as well...
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Thought my laptop was being annoying but apparently others are also struggling with read-mores at the moment. Hhhhhhh scrolling is too much work lmao
Do you ever play online games with your friends? Which one(s)? Other than the games you can play with friends on Messenger and Telegram, not really. I’m not too big on online gaming.
Do you have a friend whose name begins with A? What color is their hair? Yes, my best friend. Her hair had light brown streaks for a while, but now I think it’s back to being completely black.
Who was the last male you talked to? My dad, I think.
^ What does he do for a living? I had literally just answered this on the last survey I took, but he’s an executive sous chef.
In your phone, who is the second contact under the letter S? Hans. 
How many friends do you have, whose name begins with E? I can only think of two people, Ed and Edi. Angela can kinda count, since one of her nicknames is Ela. I’ve never called her that though.
Is there anyone you love, whose name starts with M? I have friends that I love whose names start with an M. Romantically, no.
Which emoji did you use most recently? According to my phone, it’s this: 😊 I use that a lot at work so that the associates can know I’m approachable and not a bitchy intern haha, but normally I wouldn’t use emojis in a professional setting. Who was the last person to cry in your presence? Nobody has in a while. Gabie maybe? I’m not sure.
Have your neighbors ever complained that your music/TV was too loud? When I was a lot younger, yeah. I used to play my Beyoncé concert DVDs at insanely loud volumes...it was so stupid. I don’t blame the neighbors for complaining about me, I definitely deserved it lol. Nowadays it’s today’s younger kids in the neighborhood who play their music way too loud, but I’m in no place to complain obviously.
Do any of your friends have small children? I used to be friends with this girl in high school who has a kid now, but I haven’t talked to her since we graduated. None of my present friends have kids of their own yet.
How many zeroes occur in your mobile phone number? Twice.
How old were you in June 2010? I was 12.
Are you currently wearing anything green? Nopes.
Name an animal that starts with the 2nd letter of your middle name. Nightingale.
Do you currently have any cheese in your fridge? What kind(s)? I’m sure we do; we constantly have cheese at home since my dad uses it a lot for various dishes. As for the kind/s, I’m not too sure. I never check.
In the last week, have you had any alcoholic beverages? Which? I had a sip of the plum soju that’s been in the fridge since like, May, since it’s my least favorite flavor of soju. I just wanted to try it out, but I really can’t see myself finishing it. It tastes too much like kid’s medicine.
Have you ever taken an instant dislike to someone? Why was that? Only if I already see them doing something I don’t approve of from our first meeting, like if I observe them being rude to my friends or whatever.
Do you ever wear accessories in your hair? Which ones? I have a hair comb pin that I’ll put on whenever I don’t want to deal with my bangs or whenever I have an important meeting scheduled.
Who is the 8th contact in your phone? What color are their eyes? Angela. Dark brown, I’m pretty sure.
Name a food you like, that starts with the letter C. Cheesecake, chicken wings, chicken curry, carbonara, crabs, cupcakes.
Who was your last friend request on social media? Did you accept? Justine, a co-intern at work. I accepted the request but it was pretty pointless because I deactivated my Facebook shortly after anyway, hahaha. I accepted just so she’d know I didn’t decline her.
Have you ever had feelings for someone whose name started with S? Nope.
When was the last time you went to a party? End of Feb. Hans’ small business that he ran with his friends was celebrating their first anniversary so they threw a party at a club in BGC.
^ Do you remember what you wore? I wore a sleeveless black halter top and high-waisted denim jeans.
How many red lipsticks do you own? Zero.
At a social gathering, what would usually be your drink of choice? >> I guess it depends on what’s available. < Same. If there’s any alcohol I usually go for whatever cocktail is being served. Otherwise, I’m happy to have a glass of cold water.
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tbehartoo · 8 years
February Headcanons for @jd-the-anime-fan
A/N: As JD’s Secret Valentine (™) I posted anon headcanons from February 1st to the 14th. Here is the master list. There may be a little more detail in some of them because you can only fit so much in an anonymous ask. Headcanons are for LuCana (Lucy x Cana), LuLi (Lucy x Lisanna), and/or ErzaJane (Erza x Mirajane)
Headcanon for Feb 1: Tears- ErzaJane 1- Before Lisanna came back to them, Mirajane would occasionally crawl into Erza’s bed to cry because she missed her sister. She didn’t want to hurt Elfman with her tears and knew that Erza wouldn’t tell anyone else about it.
Headcanons for Feb 2: Humor- LuCana
1- Cana often plays practical jokes on Lucy. As they usually end with Lucy in Cana’s arms, Lucy doesn’t get too upset about this. 2- Lucy secretly delights in puns, but will groan loudly when Cana lets loose with them around the guild. Cana loves to see how many times in a day she can get Lucy to roll her eyes.
Headcanons for Feb 3: Flowers- LuCana, LuLi, and ErzaJane 1- Though Cana considered herself inadequate when it comes to matters of the heart and romance, she knows that a few daisies on Lucy’s window sill will always guarantee a warm hug and gentle kiss when she next sees the blonde. 2- Mirajane always gives Erza a bouquet of wild roses for Valentine’s Day, while red carnations always find their way into Mira’s room on that day. 3- Honeysuckle and Hyacinth are Lucy’s favorite bouquet to give to Lisanna.
*Daisy = I Love You Truly *Wild Roses = Pleasure and Pain, Red Carnation = My Heart Aches for You *Honeysuckle = Devoted Affection, Hyacinth = Your Loveliness Charms Me http://www.lovethispic.com/image/43774/the-language-of-flowers
Headcanons for Feb 4: Nightmares- LuLi 1- Both Lucy and Lisanna suffer from nightmares and talk in their sleep. When this happens to one of them, their partner will try to gently wake them with soft words and calming circles on their back. 2- Many nights Lucy has rocked Lisanna back to sleep with assurances that she isn’t going to leave her by herself. 3- Other nights Lisanna has to remind Lucy that her father cannot make her marry against her will or that she’s not still living in that lonely house with that man. 4- When they both have nightmares on the same night, they get up and make sleepytime tea then snuggle down together with a book of the funniest stories they know and try to laugh the demons away.
Headcanons for Feb 5: Proposal- LuLi 1- Lucy proposed the first time, after only two dates. She hadn’t been intending to do it, but the words just slipped out. Lisanna didn’t say “yes” but didn’t say “no” either. 2- Lisanna proposed the second time. It was on their six month anniversary. Lucy was about to go on a dangerous mission, so she said “We’ll talk when I get back”, Lisanna was on a job of her own when Lucy got back. They kept missing each other for two months. In the end they were just so happy to see each other, they were too busy to talk for awhile. 3- Lucy proposed the third time, after they’d had their first really big fight. Lisanna had moved out and Lucy realized how much Lisanna really meant to her. Lisanna said “yes, perhaps” wanting to make sure they were getting back together for the right reasons. 4- Lisanna proposed for the final time. She and Lucy had just finished an obstacle course meant to test them to their limits. She declared that if they could get through that together, then they could get through anything that life threw at them as long as it was together. Lucy agreed. There was general rejoicing throughout the guild at the announcement. 5- Wendy won the pool for when the two would officially get engaged.
Headcanons for Feb 6: Presents- LuCana, LuLi, and ErzaJane 1-Lucy will spend months shopping for just the right present for Lisanna. 2-Lisanna prefers to hand make presents for Lucy. 3-Erza rarely buys presents for Mira, but tends to over do it when she does. Erza’s gifts are Big and Obvious™. 4-Mirajane likes to buy Girly™ presents for Erza, since she believes the redhead doesn’t pamper herself enough. 5-Lucy doesn’t bother to buy good liquor for Cana since the brunette actually prefers the cheap stuff. 6-Cana doesn’t put a lot of thought into the presents she buys Lucy. If something reminds her of the Celestial Mage she’ll get it. It’s usually the perfect present.
Headcanons for Feb 7: Lingerie- ErzaJane 1- Mirajane’s favorite present to buy Erza is lingerie. 2- Lingerie is Erza’s favorite thing to “borrow” from Mira. 3- Mira often buys herself the clothing she wants Erza to have, though she does, of course, get Erza her own things, too. 4- People think Mira only likes Erza in red or black, but her favorite item of underwear for Erza is a lacy,  light purple babydoll and matching silky boy shorts. 5- Though Erza does have silk pajamas, Mira prefers it when Erza wears one of Gray’s old t-shirts to bed. 6- Erza loves to have pajamas that match Mira’s and will requip just to match. 7- There have been near riots when Mira and Erza shop for underwear together. Especially because Erza likes to make sure she can move easily in all her clothing under any circumstances.
Headcanons for Feb 8: In the Kitchen-  LuLi 1- Lucy and Lisanna like to cook together. 2- Neither one can agree where certain things should go. There is a silent “War of the Cheese Grater Spot” and a person can tell who did the dishes last by where it is. 3- Though they often eat breakfast or lunch at the guild they try to make sure that they have dinner together at home if neither one is on a job. 4- Lisanna tries to make Lucy dishes she had in Edolas, though sometimes she has to substitute ingredients. 5- Once a month Lucy likes to pull out the good china, the nice table cloth, and the silver candlesticks to have a special meal with Lisanna. 6- Lisanna has gotten Lucy to take cooking classes with her. When they try to recreate the dishes at home, it doesn’t always go as well as in class. 7- Lucy dislikes eggplant and Lisanna tries to sneak it into dishes that Lucy likes. This never turns out to be a good thing. 8- During the winter holidays Lisanna and Lucy’s kitchen becomes a cookie and candy making factory. It is a treat to just walk past the apartment for the smell alone.
Headcanons for Feb 9: Chocolate- LuCana   1-Cana shops for chocolates with new or bizarre flavors mixed in and then tries to get Lucy to guess the ingredient. Sometimes Lucy is not happy to discover what that off flavor was. 2-Lucy once got Cana an entire box of liqueur chocolates as a birthday present. Cana asks for it every year now. 3-Cana thinks white creme de cacao is the only acceptable white chocolate treat. 4-Lucy prefers milk chocolate while Lisanna likes bitter-sweet. 5-Lisanna likes to make Lucy iced mocha drinks year round. 6-Lucy makes chocolate truffles for Lisanna whenever she’s having cramps. 7-Erza likes to receive chocolate dipped strawberries for Valentine’s Day. 8- Mira doesn’t think white chocolate should actually be called chocolate while Erza actually loves it. 9- Erza buys Mira chocolates with chili peppers in them. She goes out of her way to find the darkest and spiciest candy she can since Mira loves them that way.
Headcanons for Feb 10: Warm Drinks- LuCana   Lucy got a cold one Valentine’s Day. Cana tried to help her feel better by making sure she got plenty of rest and lots of warm liquids. Here is the list of drinks that Cana brought her sick girlfriend. Please Note: NOT all in the same day! 1- Hot Honey Lemon (With Vodka) 2- Honey-Bourbon Hot Toddy 3- Warm Cider (And Rum Punch) 4- Hot Spiced Wine 5- Hot Chocolate (and Whiskey) 6- Hot (Gin) Punch 7- Irish Coffee 8- Eve’s Addiction [spiked/mulled apple cider] 9- Salted Butterscotch (emphasis on the Scotch) Hot Chocolate 10- Orange (Bourbon) Tea
Headcanons for Feb 11: Cuddles and Touches- LuCana 1- It took four months before Lucy was comfortable holding Cana’s hand in public. Now she does it automatically. 2- Cana likes to snuggle up together on the couch while Lucy reads them a story. 3- Cana takes every chance she gets to touch Lucy’s golden hair. In part to realize she’s still there. 4- Lucy will always put a hand or arm on Cana’s shoulder if she sits next to her. 5- Lucy loves it when Cana traces the contours of her face while she has her head resting in Cana’s lap. 6- Sometimes they build a pillow fort in the front room to be able to look at the stars through the window as they snuggle together under a quilt. 7- Lucy likes to have music playing while they cook dinner. (Lucy cooks and Cana is in charge of setting the table and drinks.) This often results in impromptu dancing in the kitchen. 8- Lucy has to be left completely alone while writing her stories. When she’s done she often seeks out Cana for some needed cuddle time. 9- Lucy and Cana always have an afternoon nap on Sunday. No one dares to disturb them at that time. No one! 10- Cana likes to trace Lucy’s palm whenever they are holding hands. 11- Cana will massage Lucy’s hand when the celestial mage has been writing for a long time.
Headcanons for Feb 12: Kisses- ErzaJane, LuCana, LuLi 1-Erza was Mirajane’s first kiss, though it happened mostly by accident. 2-Mira and Erza find plenty of places to sneak kisses at the guild hall. 3-Erza’s favorite time to kiss Mira is right after they’ve had a fight. 4-Mira’s favorite time to kiss Erza is right before beginning a fight. 5-Cana likes to try to distract Lucy with kisses while the blonde is reading. She considers it a victory if Lucy actually puts the book down. 6-Lucy will give Cana lots of kisses on the hand trying to distract her while she reads, if she really, really wants to finish the chapter. 7- Cana actually loves it when Lucy brushes her hair and kisses the top of her head, but she tries to deny it. 8- Lucy tries to surprise Cana with kisses as often as possible to make up for her lost time being kissed and cuddled as a child. 9-Lisanna loves it when Lucy gives her butterfly kisses as they star gaze. 10-Lucy always gets a fluttery feeling when Lisanna throws her a kiss. Every. Time. 11-Lisanna tries to kiss Lucy senseless as often as possible. Lucy is usually up for this plan. 12-Lucy always gives Lisanna a forehead kiss before going to sleep at night.
Headcanons for Feb 13: Fighting & Making Up- LuCana 1- Lucy and Cana rarely have actual fights. 2- When they do fight it’s likely that Cancer will be cutting up packs of cards all over the guild hall. 3- Mira makes them clean up the confetti, which always leads to a good natured indoor fight with the scraps. 4- Cana tends to brood when she’s angry, and Lucy has had to learn to watch for Cana getting quiet and withdrawn. 5- Lucy is a shout first, find out the facts later kind of person. Cana has learned to let her yell for a few minutes before asking Lucy what’s bothering her. 6- One of their biggest fights early on came from Lucy getting Cana a very expensive bottle of brandy as an anniversary present that Cana finished in only a few moments. 7- Cana tries to get Lucy to laugh when she wants to end a fight. Usually this works. Sometimes it is a very bad idea. 8- Lucy usually gets Cana a drink to end an argument quickly. Usually this works. Sometimes it is a very bad idea. 9- Their silliest fight was over putting dirty clothes in the hamper. Cana almost ended up wearing the hamper. 10- Their most serious fight was about the fact that they weren’t actually communicating their needs and feelings. 11- Cana finds being honest about her feelings with Lucy a difficult thing to do, but Lucy tries to make it easier for her. 12- Lucy tries to make sure that Cana gets extra cuddles and kisses after they’ve had an argument. She knows Cana needs the reassurance. 13- Sometimes Cana will pick a little fight just to get the extra cuddles. It can be hard for her to ask.
Headcanons for Feb 14: Valentine’s Day- LuCana, LuLi, and ErzaJane 1- Lucy and Cana never take jobs on Feb 13th so they can sleep in late on Valentine’s Day. 2- Cana tried to surprise Lucy with breakfast in bed one year, the Year of the Kitchen Disaster, and had to promise never to do that again. 3- Lucy makes Cana personalized cards and hides them around the apartment. She used to hide them at the guildhall too, until a couple of them were found by Gray and Natsu. 4- Cana tells Lucy she doesn’t know how to do “all that sappy stuff” so Lucy tries not to laugh when Cana tries to do something romantic, even when it more often than not backfires. 5- Erza and Mira are up before the sun on Valentine’s Day. They hike to the top of one of the hills near by and watch the sunrise together while sipping hot chocolate and eating strawberry scones. 6- Mira takes Erza dress shopping the week before Valentine’s Day so that they can get stunning outfits for the guild’s yearly dance. Erza tends to get sparkly/flashy dresses, while Mira has slinky down to an art. 7-Erza buys Mira jewelry with opals because their fiery hearts match her girlfriend’s temper. 8- Mira usually gets Erza either a dagger or knife for Valentine’s day. Most are highly decorated and some are cursed, but Erza cherishes them all. 9- Lisanna plans treasure hunts for Lucy on Valentine’s Day. They usually lead to special spots or favorite places. They always end at their apartment. 10- Lucy has a special brunch for all the Strauss siblings and their partners on Valentine’s Day. Elfman missed one year, but has been too terrified to ever miss again. No one knows if it was Lucy, Lisanna, or Mira that caused this to be true. 11- Lisanna makes stuffed animals for Lucy each year. Lucy loves them but keeps them on a shelf in the closet, because she’s not sure what to do with them, and can’t get rid of them. 12- Lucy writes a love journal for Lisanna. Every day she writes something that Lisanna has done, or is, that Lucy loves about her and then gives the journal to Lisanna on Valentine’s Day. 13- The women of Fairy Tail are fiercely protective of each other’s romantic partnerships. Heaven help the poor soul that tries to speak dismissively of any of the known relationships. There will be nothing but smoking shoes left after the Death Glares™ have finished with them. Barring that, they will line up to have their turn Giving Them a Piece of My Mind™ should the person survive the first round. 14- Fairy Tail has a week-long “Love Festival” every year in which the ladies all (not so secretly) try to out romance the other partnerships. It’s the only guild fight the guys don’t start and are wise enough to stay out of, usually.  
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mariethecrocheter · 8 years
Reflections of the Past Year & Thoughts For the Next
2016 was a pretty busy year, and for a whole lot of reasons. Some good, some bad, some...meh. (Whatever that means.)
I just wanted to take a few minutes to write about some stuff: a few games released over the past 12 months that were really important to me, some things that I plan to/hope to do over the next year, some personal challenges, and, most of all, my gratitude to everyone who has been putting up with me for the past...3+ years? That’s how long I’ve been on Tumblr? Time really flies, doesn’t it?
I have met so many friendly people through Tumblr and Twitter, and I am deeply grateful for all the kind comments and support! Let’s make 2017 a good one, right? Even though the rest of the world may be pretty bad right now argh
Anyways, time to briefly(?) delve DEEPLY AND IN A RAMBLING MANNER into some of the highlights of 2016 and discuss what’s to come in 2017!
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First and Foremost: Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns Japanese release: 23 June 2016 North American release (tentative): 28 Feb 2017
A game celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Bokumono franchise! 1996 was the 20th anniversary of the series in the Japanese market, while 2017 is the 20th anniversary in the North American market. (And we now have two different series in the English-speaking world: the original series, now called Story of Seasons and localized by XSEED, and Natsume’s independently-made Harvest Moon games!)
Trio of Towns was first announced at the end of 2015, and released in Japan during the summer of 2016. I’ve been covering it on a side blog, http://friendsof3villages.tumblr.com/, so check that out if you haven’t already. (Seriously, though, I think about 90% of the people who subscribe to this blog subscribe to that one too, haha. Hooray for Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons love!)
@xseedgames is going to be bringing this title to North America early this year. Just a couple more months! 
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Just a couple more months until we can shear our rabbits in English!! Heh heh. 
One question that I get asked from time to time is: is this game worth getting? If you liked previous instalments in the series (Story of Seasons, Harvest Moon: A New Beginning, etc.), then my answer would be YES!! If, like me, you really enjoyed those games, you’ll probably like this one. The controls and basic systems are very similar, but there are a lot of new features that will keep you busy. 
They made some improvements based on feedback they got about Story of Seasons: The story is easier to clear, there are more heart events for each marriage candidate, and the reverse confession/proposal scenes are pretty easy to trigger this time around. 
If, however, you weren’t as much of a fan of the two previous games, well... I’d still suggest you give this game a fair try if you get the chance, but I understand if it may not be your cup of tea. 
I haven’t had the chance to try Natsume’s new game yet (Skytree Village) so I can’t say anything on it. I do hope to get the chance to play it sometime, though! I...kind of have a backlog of games I want to/need to play... xD
The next most important game was Fire Emblem Fates, which came out in North America in February 2016. 
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I have no physical copy of Fates or its Japanese version, so here’s a picture of the only physical Fates-related object I own: the beautifully boxed Japanese soundtrack! ...plus the other two games that made my year. Ahem. ^^; (And this totally wasn’t a test for photographing items on that shelf with the intention of later photographing some crocheted kitchen items I plan to sell. ...Kidding. This was a photography test. xD)
I’ve been doing some translations for the DLC here on this blog: http://fe14festivalofbondstranslations.tumblr.com/ Fellow admin Kiyoshi and I are going to finish up the Hoshidan Festival DLC soon, and...we’d like to translate more CD drama tracks. 
...I have no idea why the Nohrian and Hoshidan Festival DLC isn’t available outside of Japan, but I hope we see it released in the English-speaking world this year! I’m dying to see what kind of adjustments they make in the English version. The conversations give us more insights into character relationships, and perceptions of them can change or give us greater insight depending on how the conversation is presented.
I plan to do some translation comparison posts on Fates after the festival translation is complete. I have a couple of topics that I want to write about I just...haven’t yet. (Most of them involve Kana, Forrest, and Soleil, who seems to have more changes to her English support convos than any other character.)
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Slight changes in her conversations with her mother, for one... Details later. Mwahahaha. (They’re slight, though. But kinda cool.)
The Surprise Hit (For Me): Pokémon Sun & Moon
Until December 2016, I hadn’t touched a Pokémon game in about 15 years. But, I have fond memories of the early games...
Pokémon Red Version and Pokémon Blue Version (both for the Game Boy) came out when I was in high school. I scoffed at them until trying my brother’s Red Version one day when I was very, very bored...and I liked it! I had my own GBC and managed to get a copy of Blue Version, and I liked it a lot. I also got Yellow Version after it came out, and after Gold and Silver were announced and released in Japan, I was miffed that I would have to wait a year or more to play them. I was so miffed, I decided to get the Japanese versions (through...means that I later realized were less than legal ^^;;;;;;;) and teach myself Japanese! And...I managed to do it. Somehow. xD I went through the ENTIRE Silver Version with a hiragana/katakana chart, a dictionary, and basic grammar/phrasebook I repeatedly checked out from the library (and my dad later bought them for me). Maybe I didn’t understand much of what was going on, but I got enough out of it to enjoy the game.
In other words, Pokémon Silver Version was the MAIN REASON I took up the Japanese language! Crazy, huh? 
But then I started college and lost interest. Gaming had to take a backseat for a while, and I just didn’t want to devote time to another series. (I lost interest in Fire Emblem for a long time due to this and other reasons, too.)
But, after hearing a lot of praise for Sun and Moon, especially praise about the story and character development (two things I love in a game), and attracted by the bright, cheery style, I decided to give them a try. And I love them! I’m fully hooked again! Goodbye, free time. Don’t need you anymore. 
The thing I found most intriguing is the number of languages available. This one was released simultaneously in English and Japanese!! I couldn’t even imagine that back in 1999 or 2000 or whenever it was that Gold and Silver were released!
I still have my copy of Yellow Version, and... I have my brother’s Red and (English) Gold versions. ...In fact, I have his Yellow, as well...? And where are my Blue and (English) Silver...? I have no idea, lol. He must have mine, and I have his...? Anyway, the battery that saves the data is long dead on all but one of them (I already forgot which one, though I know it wasn’t Gold but one of the older ones), so it doesn’t matter too much. 
In case you’re wondering: my favorite Pokémon of the original 151 (152 if you count Missingno! xD) are Clefable and Dragonair. (And Dragonite, but not quite as much.) Of the next generation, Pichu and Bellosom. (Who I always think of by its Japanese name: Kireihana.) I’ve now found myself quite fond of Lilligant (because it looks like Bellosom!), Comfey, and the various Oricorios! ...I’m a sucker for plant and fairy types, heh.
Moving Forward &  Personal Challenges & ...?
I want to branch out so I’m now doing a little work with Source Gaming, translating columns and such of one of my favorite game developer, Masahiro Sakurai. I’ve only done a couple, but this year I have some other interviews by a certain game producer that I want to translate and cover in-depth...
Yoshifumi Hashimoto Interviews
There’s a long interview with him in one of last year’s issues of Nintendo Dream. I’m sure others have already translated it, but... I want to do a FULL, thorough translation of the article because there’s a lot of interesting facts and trivia in it. He’s been the producer of the Bokujou Monogatari series since 2005, or for more than half the life of the series. (He took over upon the departure of creator Yasuhiro Wada.)
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And there’s Mr. Hashimoto himself!
There’s an interview with him in the back of the guidebooks, too... AND some interesting trivia in the short official guidebooks! There’s a lot of trivia to be translated and shared! x)
In Conclusion
There’s so much to do this year, and I look forward to working on new projects when I’m able to! =D Unfortunately my health declined a bit in 2016, as some symptoms I hoped were temporary turned out to be long-lasting or even permanent, but it’s just one more thing learn to cope with and work around. That’s the nature of chronic illness, urgh. I’m used to it, but it still stinks. (In case you’re curious, I have something very similar to multiple sclerosis, so it really feels like I’m waging a war against the effects of time itself...)
Regardless of what happens, I’ve got a lot of stuff planned for the year. I’m especially looking forward to the English release of Trio of Towns, because I’m eager to see the writing in the English version! There are always small (and sometimes, big) changes and tweaks made to the localised English version, and comparing it to the Japanese one will be a lot of fun. I hope to get several more translated resident and heart events up before the game comes out in English, though! (And, if you must ask, my favorite bachelors are still Yuzuki and Ludus, and my favorite bachelorettes are the twins, Siluka especially. I like Kasumi a lot too. ...Actually, I like ALL the marriage candidates, so it’s hard to choose absolute favorites. The additional heart events and additional dialogue give the characters more depth and development than many of the previous games.)
That’s about all I have to say right now. Pretty much. Yep. Oh, wait, you read all this? Wow. xD Um, here, have a hug! **hug**
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