#trying to think of how farah would change but I don't actually remember her backstory that well 😭
rustystars · 1 year
dghda slightly darker slightly to the left. dirk & bart run a holistic agency. dirk solves mysteries, bart... handles them. they're not close, but they escaped blackwing together, & they love each other in an odd little way. that being said things are always tense--the show opens during one of their fights & they've decided to separate for the first time since the escape. central to their dynamic is that dirk is very Anti Murder. this is played for laughs (closing his eyes & yelling NOPE! Not seeing this! I'm walking away & not part of this! whenever bart grabs a gun or knife or cheese grater), but there's a clear effect on their relationship. dirk disapproves of her but doesn't know how to help her change, & she wants to live up to his expectations, but doesn't know how to be what she's not. she runs away to figure things out.
meanwhile. dirk's hired to solve the murder of patrick spring. he's OBSESSED with solving it but he's slightly convinced that bart killed him, & out of loyalty/a sense of guilt for driving her away, dirk's simultaneously trying to cover it up so she isn't caught. in order to solve it without actually solving it, he latches onto todd. he's his assistant! but mainly he's forcing todd to play detective so dirk can pretend he's not also playing detective. several layers of deception happening here (dirk tells todd he's solving the case but actually he's just PLAYING detective because he's really covering up the murder. but he's just telling himself that, because in reality he is just solving the case & randomly throwing pieces of evidence in his trunk to become vital later)
meanwhile ken, hired to build a strange machine for a strange group, gets attacked. his boss is killed & the machine is stolen by an even stranger group of four. in a van. i'm guessing you can tell who. he's lucky to have survived but..... he can't leave well enough alone. who were those people? WHAT JUST HAPPENED? somehow he ends up chasing after them with a strange woman covered in blood. cue murder road trip 2: almost the same but this time ken's driving
the actual plot of the show is the same, it's just. small details
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