#ts nico au
i-am-bitterly-jittery · 8 months
Scott Pilgrim except it’s just Nico needing to defeat every Side in order to date Thomas
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 5 months
"Hey, Vee. Hey there." The toddler looked up at Nico and blinked, and blinked again. Nico hoisted him up and set him on his hip. "You need a nap, don't you?"
Virgil yawned, and hid his face in Nico's shoulder.
"Thomas, if you've got Patton handled, I'm putting Virgil to bed."
Thomas glanced up. "I've got him, yeah."
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pls-let-me-out · 1 year
They meet in the fifteen hundreds off in a foreign land, and Nico is forced to marry another man. They run away and leave it all behind.
It happens in a rather simple manner. Nico is the son of Duke di Angelo, and Will is nobody’s son, just a healer that happens to work in the di Angelo Estate. Nico sees him once, when his father introduces them, and promptly falls in love. It’s a feeling that comes from his whole body, all at once, he sees Mr Solace and thinks to himself This is it for me. But of course it can’t be.
Because he’s Nicolò Mauro di Angelo, and he should know better than to think his father would settle for a healer. But Nico can’t help finding more and more reasons to go to the doctor’s quarters, most of the time feigning illnesses.
“Please, your grace, we can’t do this,” Mr Solace finally says, breaking down.
Nico looks at him sharply. “Why not? Do you not want it? Do you not want me?”
Mr Solace puts his hands in his hair, pacing up and down the room. “Of course, dear God, so much it’s driving me mad! But I work for your father, and - and you are everything to him.”
Nico stops Mr Solace’s pacing by grabbing his wrist. The point of contact burns.
“Am I not everything to you?” He asks.
“Your grace…”
“Sometimes there’s no proof, you just know.” Nico shakes his head. “That’s what a great writer once said. And it’s true. I don’t need any proof, I just know you burn for me the same way I burn for you.”
“But we can’t! Can’t you see it?”
Nico shakes his head, but this time in defiance. “If you wish so.”
“I don’t. I wish with all of myself that I could have you. I wish I could marry you, that we could be happy together as God has made us to be. Because I know there’s the Almighty’s work behind all of this, every touch is sacred, every look, every time we speak to one another. Yet it’s impossible. Your father would never give his permission.”
“Then let’s not ask,” Nico replies.
Mr Solace chuckles lowly. The sound sends shivers up Nico’s back. “You must be crazy, my love.”
The use of the pet name makes Nico melt. “So I am. What about it?”
Mr Solace shakes his head. “You are perfect as you are, all craziness included. You have to be crazy to settle for someone like me when you could have anybody.”
Nico shakes his head. “I’m not crazy. I’m just in love.”
It’s three weeks later that Hades announces it to Nico.
“You’ll marry the Vulcan boy,” he says. “In two weeks.”
Nico cries himself to sleep for two nights in a row, refusing to eat during the day, but his father doesn’t change his mind. Because Nico is a di Angelo, and di Angelos do as they are told. But something in Nico says to stop, so he does, and he thinks about it. He visits the infirmary again that day.
Mr Solace’s eyes are red. He looks like he hasn’t been sleeping properly, just like Nico. As soon as the door closes, Nico is in his arms.
“I’m so sorry,” Mr Solace whispers in Nico’s hair. “My love, I’m so sorry our time has been cut so short.”
Nico shakes his head. “No. Absolutely no. I won’t do it, I’m ready to sacrifice everything to be with you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Show me the real world, Mr Solace,” Nico replies. “Show me what it means to live outside this palace walls. You would have turned my head even if we’d met a hundred years ago, even if I was a King’s son and you my knight. Even if I was nobody at all.”
Mr Solace swallows, his Adam apple bops up and down. “Then what do you suggest?”
“That we runaway together.”
“Running away? Are you - yes, you are, I know that already.”
“I’m ready to do everything to have you. Will you do the same for me?”
Mr Solace takes Nico’s face in his hands, forcing their eyes to meet. “Of course I am. I will love you when our hair is turning grey, we’ll have a box filled with memories. And our children will know what true love looks like.”
“So you will runaway with me?”
“My love, you don’t even have to ask.”
It takes Duke Hades di Angelo approximately six weeks to find them, two to forgive Nico for scaring him so much, and ten days to accept his only son and heir is in love with a man coming from nothing.
“We are timeless, father,” Nico tells him. “You can try keeping us apart, but you won’t succeed.”
Hades shakes his head, but there’s the beginning of a smile on his face. “I can’t believe this happened right under my nose.”
“I will always love your son,” Will promises, taking Nico’s hand in his, and squeezing tightly. “Even when time breaks down our minds and bodies, we will still be together, that I can promise you. I never intend to part from him, and I find each day spent without him to be wasted. I love your son, truly.”
Hades sighs. “I see I cannot do anything to part the two of you. I can only accept your love.”
And so he does, and Will and Nico go back to what feels like a normal life. Will works in the infirmary, and Nico does whatever it is the heir of a Duke such as him does. But at night, when they are left alone together, they can finally love each other, with no fear of being discovered.
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pikachequito · 1 month
thinking thoughts about little mermaid (d*sney) princess cake au. mermaid!nico with legs and no voice trying to make lewis fall in love with him, but he doesn’t even have to try with Jenson. The classic and cheesy, he’s right there all along kinda trope.
The drama with ursula doesn’t even start ‘cause Jenson kissing Nico days before they appear just does it. lol. That’s the comedy part about it.
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boosting-sasi-artists · 3 months
Sanders Ask Blog Masterpost!
Just as the title says! A place to find ask blogs for Thomas Sanders characters!! Have fun! And if you don't see one here you can ask me to put it on!
Most of these are just ones I've stumbled upon or inactive ones I followed a few years ago or were sent in to me. I unfortunately don't have many that I actually know about that are active, so suggestions are helpful!
Some haven't been updated in a while but they don't say they're inactive, I tried to only put ones who haven't updated in years in the inactive area, I will switch any around that needs to be.
Send me more that may not be here!
Let's start!
Asking Characters!
Ask Furry Sides! (My favorite.)
Dragon Witch Virgil
Ask Nico and the Sides
Ask Succubus Sides
Ask Patton
Ask Deceit Sanders
Ask Power Sides
TSS Swap AU Ask Blog
Ask The Snek Man
Ask The T Sanders Sides (inactive) -> Continued Here
Ask Sanders Sides
Ask The Rowanverse
7 Years Gone TS Sides
Ask Sanders Puppets
Agere Dukeceit
And last a little self promo cause I love them! Dark Boys Road Trip! & Apartment Bound AU! (oh and this one I forgot about Shenanigans AU there hasn't been any interaction with it hence me forgetting it)
Ask Virgil Anxiety Side
Ask Prince Roman
Inactive (maybe) or on Hiatus.
Ask Stranded Sides
Sides in Wonderland
Mindscape Form AU
Animal Guides AU
Logan Has No Powers AU
Patton Sanders Killed a Man
Quarantine Sides
Menagerie AU
Ask Roleswap Sides
Ask Guardian AU Sanders Sides
TS Unsolved
Supernatural Sanders
TS Sides Ghost AU
Ask Monster Sides
Sanders Creatures AU
Sky High AU
Ask Virgil Vlogs
The Marching Sides
Mind God AU
Shuffleboard TS (last post in 22 but has only two posts)
Ask Dark Logan (story inactive but mod still posts about it)
Other Ask-ish Type Blogs!
Sanders Sides Confessions.
TS Sides Head Canon
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dynamic-k · 3 months
I feel extremely fed right now. All those Super Sticks asks have me INSANELY fired up. XD
I just made my first coffee of the day, I've taken like one sip, it hasn't kicked in yet, I CAN ONLY BLAME MY SUDDEN ENERGY FROM DE ASKS.
@rl0r-g1rl I blame you also. In an affectionate, light-hearted, wholesome, don'tstopnow-givememore, absolutely continue, kind of way. XD
Plus now I'm thinking about Spark AU and Super Sticks as a crossover!!! XD Also your fault-
I have way too many ideas, and not enough time- But here I am anyway- Making it work- Somehow- Praise the Lord- /silly
The Becker family of Super Sticks meeting the Spark AU's Chosen and Second though. WOW. That's a lot to take in for the Super Sticks crew.
Especially since there is no Dark or Victim present in the family of Chosen and Second. IT'S JUST THEM, JUST THOSE TWO. It'd completely blow the SS!Beckers' minds-
I cannot stop thinking about this now. I'm indulging the idea and it's latched ahold. Prepare for rambles.
First off: Do I want to make it so that the Super Sticks crew end up in the Earth that The Spark takes place in? Or vice versa, with TS!Second and TS!Chosen ending up in the world of Super Sticks?
The Spark is a HUMAN AU, so they aren't stick figures!! I think that if TS!Second and TS!Chosen ended up in Super Sticks, they'd transform to look like stick figures, though.
Universal transference plot magic.
U v U
But then again... Exploring the possibilities for designs if the stick figures in Super Sticks end up in the Earth that The Spark takes place in... The stick figures change to human forms!! SS!Second and TS!Second must look so uncannily similar-
Super Sticks Chosen, however, is 21-years-old. And The Spark Chosen is 26-years-old. Plus, TS!Chosen is canonically (I SAYS SO) stronger, and by a significant amount, than SS!Chosen.
TS!Chosen is very close to the ideal/perfect balance of lean figure and amount of musculature. Actually, he's diversely and well-balanced in a LOT of things- He's really designed to be a near-invincible figure, and I have such a character arc planned for him, oh sticks and circuits I can't talk about that right now, there's spoilers-
SS!Chosen, is much weaker in comparison. He's also a Chosen. Quiet, less social than the average (good with kids though, he has a soft spot for younglings), he has the silent anger: the quiet fury that is arguably more destructive/effective than the loud kind... He's Chosen.
And then Spark Au Chosen is like a Dark Lord, but looks like a Chosen- He sounds arrogant when he speaks if you don't know him well, he's confident and has a bit of a fluffed ego despite how good his self-control is, he teases SO much.
Some of the major similarities between the two Chosens, aside from similar superpowers, lie in how they care. The hugs, the soft voice, the unshakable rock they both become so they can be leaned on for support, so supportive, the warmth the two radiate (plus SuperSticks!Dark), and the classic hand-through-hair/hair-ruffle gesture of affection.
But really, aside from the things that make them a Chosen --or at least mostly how I view Chosen since I suppose there are MANY interpretations [A Scarlett-ified Chosen! /silly]-- the two are extremely different, and the looks included would show this.
Now on the two Seconds case... If they both wore the same clothing, they'd be frighteningly easy to mix up. Except that TS!Chosen would always know, because cores. Super Sticks crew don't have those. The Spark: Core Lore. /silly
TS!Victim. ...I shouldn't actually say much for now, he hasn't shown up enough. Anything I start to tread on that has to do with him borders on heavy spoilery for The Spark. Maybe when The Spark is completed, I'll come back to that train of thought...
I have way more than this bouncing in my head, but you know what-
Ya wanna know more? Talk to me. U v O
/the extroverted side of me reaching out for any and all interactions-
Since Nico and I began *SuperSwap drafting, I have always thought "Huh. Super Sticks is a REALLY good candidate for crossovering with literally any other AU."
(The only **caveat: If my beloved Super Sticks appear in the picture, they WILL bring any story that is produced from the crossover, TO A HAPPY ENDING absolutely. No tragic ends, few to none loose ties.)
*[I cannot really talk about this in detail until Nico finishes Plotswap, because Ps!Victim's character hasn't been introduced enough yet and he shows up right at the beginning of SuperSwap, lol]
**if you can call it a caveat, anyway- XD
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muppetable · 2 years
would you guys read a ts sides heathers au if i wrote one because lmao i made a sideblog you can check it out
i haven’t posted to it yet but it’s gonna be there don’t you worry
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rlxtechoff · 2 years
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pjo fans, listen to me.
i wanna introduce you guys to a series called artemis fowl by eoin colfer.
its an 8 book series about an irish genius 12 year old boy that discovers the existence of fairies.
in the first book, he uses this knowledge to his advantage and abducts a fairy for his own personal gain.
over time, however, he learns that the fairies are actually pretty chill and he instead decides to cooperate with them. and so, he goes on a bunch of adventures with the fairyfolk and eventually befriends them.
its a really interesting series. investing, witty. the protaganist is super likable. also, the characters are diverse without it being enforced too much. and the writing is immaculate!!! the plots are so investing in each and every book, and its just great overall.
its so interesting and if anyone wants to check it out i 100% recommend that you do.
the reason i make this post is that i fell inlove with this series as a kid and i obsessed over it for SO long. it still has a special place in my heart. problem is, its not really popular. which is SO goddamn unfair as its a wonderful series. i want it to get the recognition it deserves.
#heroes of olympus#rick riordan#pjo fandom#pjo series#trials of apollo#solangelo headcanon#percy jackon and the olympians#leo valdez#will solace#solangelo#nico di angelo#artemis fowl#holly short#julius root#domovoi butler#juliet butler… See all
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Next chapter of My Past Became Our Future is up on Ao3! 😄
Still in Logan’s POV, it’s a long one... but I really wanted to include a lot of details that I think worked pretty well! :)
TW: There’s alcohol mentions in this one, but that’s it.
Taglist: @psychedelicships @edupunkn00b @jwillowwolf @look-ma-im-on-tv @kacklingisanart @lost-in-thought-20 @stardustlv 🌟
If anyone would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, let me know! 💜
Chapter Six
“If I lay here. If I just lay here. Would you lie you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Logan thought that if he stared at the photograph long enough, he could live in it. He’d be with the Virgil of the past and they would be happy. No secrets, no dramatic revelations, just the two of them. He wouldn't be lying on the floor on his own, Virgil would be here with him, hand in hand. Just like they had done on many nights during their marriage. His mind was overwhelmed with trying to cling to the past, trying to work out if there any signs that he missed, but he continued to stare at the photograph and begged the memory to come to the forefront. It finally worked and Logan could escape to the past, even if it was just for a little while...
He remembered feeling incredibly nervous as he pulled up to Virgil’s apartment. At this point, they had been seeing each other for six months, but this was the first time he had gone to Virgil’s place and their first official date as boyfriends. He walked up gingerly to the door and searched for his name. Even here, he didn’t have a last name. He shrugged and just assumed Virgil liked his privacy as he pressed the buzzer waiting for a response.
“Hello?” Virgil’s voice was cautious as he answered the intercom.
“Greetings Starlight, it’s Logan.” He took a deep breath as the door unlocked and he made his way up the stairs to Virgil’s front door. He stopped on the doorstep and saw a letter handwritten to Virgil with a small dagger insignia in the corner which he picked up. The front door was slightly ajar and he saw Virgil peering out of the small gap, there was a small glint of something metal in his hand, but as soon as he saw Logan he smiled and threw the door open. He ran out while pocketing the metal thing that Logan couldn’t decipher and lept into Logan’s arms. They spun around before Logan put him down and smiled softly at him, Virgil grabbed his hand and pulled him into the apartment.
He was impressed at the size of the place, and how immaculate it was. He must be in the wrong job if working in HR gives you enough money to rent somewhere like this. Virgil shuffled around uncomfortably so he tried to not look too amazed.
“Do you want a drink or something before we head off to the restaurant? I’ve got pretty much everything, even that wine you like.” Logan saw that he was rubbing his shoulder and wincing like he was trying to get rid of a nagging pain there as he spoke, but decided not to press it.
“Aww it’s sweet that you remembered! I’ll have a glass of the wine, as long as you have one with me!” He winked as Virgil laughed and went off to the kitchen.
“Oh, I forgot! There was a letter in the main hall for you. It’s got a dagger stamp in the corner so I guessed it was something you’ve been waiting for?” There was an uncharacteristic silence as he waited for Virgil to tell him what to do with it.
“Could you… put it in the cabinet drawer please? I’ll take a look at it later.” There was a slight hint of panic in Virgil’s voice, but he did what was asked and walked over to the cabinet and opened the drawer. It was difficult to put the letter in because there were already five or so letters already in there, but still managed to set it in carefully and closed the drawer before moving away.
Logan wandered around the main space of the apartment and noticed a whole collection of photos on a set of shelves. He looked closely at them and saw Virgil with a group of people he didn’t recognize. There was one of him squished between the middle of two guys that were slightly taller than him, he noticed they were all wearing similar wristbands of different colours; one red, one yellow and Virgil’s was purple. Logan smiled, Virgil looked really cute when he was a few years younger. He moved onto the next frame, he was arm in arm with a slightly older man, if he had to hazard a guess that could be his father or someone. The wristbands again were a common theme, the other man was wearing a thicker light blue one compared to Virgil’s purple band. Logan squinted as he saw there was a person lingering in the back of that photograph, he was staring intently at the older man, almost like his sole purpose was to protect him. He wouldn’t have even noticed him if it wasn’t for the bright green wristband.
He turned around suddenly as Virgil coughed from behind him holding out two glasses of wine. He blushed a little and took the glass, he looked down at the floor unsure whether to ask about the photos.
“You can ask me… If you want to.” His eyes shot up, was Virgil telepathic or something? He took a breath before making his choice.
“I’m sorry, I got a bit curious… You haven’t mentioned any friends or close family before. So I was wondering who these people were…?” He smiled in a reassuring way that emphasized that he didn’t need to share any information he didn’t want to.
“… It’s okay. I trust you. These guys are- were, my Family. I moved in with them when I was eighteen. Here…” He gently took the two photo frames, leant against Logan and pointed to the different people.
“This is Roman, then me, and Janus. They were basically my brothers. The… other person is Patton. Practically my dad, that’s how I used to think of him. He was my martial arts instructor for many years until I joined the league- I mean, moved into the Family. My parents had… left, so Patton took me in until I wanted to move on.” Logan opened his mouth about to ask about the person at the back, but looking at how Virgil was biting his lip desperately trying not to cry, he decided to leave it. He took the photos back and set them exactly where they were before an alarm went off on his phone.
“Oh crap, we need to get going Starlight or we’ll be late!” He set the wine glass down that he hadn’t drunk yet, and Virgil downed his quickly before running off to grab a jacket. Logan sighed, that was quite lucky.
They drove to the restaurant with the windows down and music blaring as loud as it could go. He loved watching Virgil singing along to incredibly cheesy pop music, it made his heart swell every time. As they got closer, he turned the music down as he parked the car. He noticed Virgil’s leg was bouncing and he looked a little agitated. So Logan grabbed his hand and squeezed it, he squeezed it back strongly and as soon as they got out the car, he held his hand out halfway for Virgil to take again. From what Virgil had said, he never went out to restaurants very often, so this was a brand new experience for him.
They walked in and Logan gave his name. The girl grabbed the menus and sat them down, she called them an adorable couple before leaving to give them some time to look over everything. He couldn’t help but notice how Virgil blushed at the compliment before staring intensely at the menu. She came back quickly and jotted down their pretty basic order before lighting the candle in the middle of their table and leaving them to it once again. Logan grabbed Virgil’s hand and just gazed at him smiling gently.
“What are you looking at?” Virgil giggled as he noticed Logan staring at him.
“You, and how perfect you are.” He replied back as Virgil blushed an even brighter shade of pink.
“Stop it!” Logan couldn’t help but laugh, and squeezed his hand once again.
The table next to them was then filled by two men about the same age as them and Virgil pulled his hand away sharply. Logan understood why, you never know what people might be like.
“Oh my gosh! Honey, aren’t they just the cutest!!” The taller man in the red shirt squealed and held his hands over his mouth as he looked at Virgil and Logan, they glanced at each other. That wasn’t the reaction they were expecting. The slightly shorter man in the gold jumper rolled his eye affectionately before he stepped forward.
“Oh boys, please excuse my husband… He gets over excited sometimes. Anyway, my name is Nico and this is Thomas. It’s lovely to meet you!” He held out his hand, Logan shook it first and Virgil stopped looking at Nico like he was a threat and shook his hand too, then Thomas came forward to do the same.
“Hi, I’m Logan and this is my boyfriend, Virgil.” He smiled warmly and after Thomas ordered for their table, they talked about everything and anything for the rest of the evening.
The one part of the conversation that Logan always remembered was when they had all received their food and Thomas asked,
“So, come on! Spill the gossip! What’s your favourite thing about each other??” Thomas and Nico were leaning forward, intent on hearing the answer. Logan looked at Virgil, he could only pick one thing? This is going to be difficult. They both stopped eating so they could think of an answer.
“He makes me laugh, on my worst days, he always knows how to make me smile.” Logan was surprised that Virgil spoke first, but he beamed proudly at him. That was a really sweet statement, Nico and Thomas clearly agreed as they shrieked at how adorable it was.
“Yes, he keeps me grounded. There’s no one else’s opinion I care about more than his, he listens to me and no one has ever made me feel as happy as he does.” Logan smiled fondly as Virgil’s eyes welled up with tears slightly. Thomas and Nico had to contain themselves and Thomas clutched his chest as they both cheered.
“Ahh my heart! You two are absolute cuteness overload. Nico, we don’t need desert… these two are sweet enough! Quick, Logan. Hand me your phone, I want to get you a picture of the two of you!” While Logan handed Thomas his phone, Nico snuck off to go and grab the waitress. Logan moved his chair so he was next to Virgil, held his hand and the two of them smiled at the camera and Thomas took a ridiculous number of photos in the process.
“I thought we could get a photo of the four of us? You are our new best friends after all!” Nico asked excitedly, there was absolutely no way they could or would have said no. They all stood up and gathered around the table beaming at the camera, and as they then paid for the bills, they checked the photos and Logan agreed to send them on. He took their phone numbers and gave them Virgil’s as well before heading out hand in hand with Virgil.
As they drove back to Virgil’s apartment, he couldn’t help but notice how much Virgil’s eyes were sparkling, it truly was a beautiful evening. The music was blaring again, and even Logan sang along this time. They reached the apartment way too quickly, he didn’t want to leave yet, but they both got out of the car slowly and walked to the door agonizingly slow. He took both of Virgil’s hands and mustered up all of his courage…
“This might sound crazy, but after tonight I feel like I can say this with absolute confidence. I cannot picture my life without you, and I think it’s very clear now. I love you, with every fibre of my being.” As soon as those words left his lips, he knew that it was right, he didn’t mind if Virgil didn’t say it yet. He just wanted him to know that he was loved and cherished.
“I feel exactly the same, I didn’t want to say it because I thought it would be too early on and I didn’t want to scare you off. I love you too, to the ends of the unknown universe and back.” He felt a weight lift off his shoulders and he pulled Virgil in for a passionate kiss which was eagerly reciprocated. He pulled away and smiled fondly at Virgil who was beaming back at him. He slowly stepped backwards allowing their hands to disconnect as he practically walked on air back to his car.
Logan snapped out of that memory and looked around desperately trying to find Virgil before realizing he wasn’t there right now. That was a perfect night, almost as perfect as their wedding day. There were so many signs that he missed, why did he ignore them? He shut his eyes tight and grounded himself to reality. He needed to clear up the mess first before he even considered remembering the most beautiful day of their life. His phone lit up with some pointless news article, he probably needed to talk to someone before he spiraled into living a fantasy.
Who did he really want to talk to though? Thomas and Nico? Or Virgil?
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doodle-png · 2 years
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I said wanted to draw this ask from the @kiddiesides blog and here it is hehe
Took alot longer then I wanted but my motivation kinda dipped, but i still pushed through
A couple notes: I gave Virgil a tail on his overalls cuz I think that is adorable and I know the post said Thomas was happy but I thought it would be funny if he was a bit hurt lmao
Anyways enjoy :D
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i-am-bitterly-jittery · 4 months
On Death's Doorstep (pt 42/53)
[<<First],,,,[<Prev],[Next>] [ODD Masterlist]
Word count: 2164
Rating: teen
Pairings: Karrot Kings, minor Anxceit, familial Moceit, minor boring heterosexual ocs
Warnings: identity theft, depression, kidnapping, mentioned threats of violence, mentions of drugs
Sophie Lafferty was a mousy woman, awkward in the extreme, and was prone to bouts of eccentricity, but despite all that, she had a reputation for being a hard worker. Usually, during this point of the summer, she’d be off on vacation with her family for two weeks, but this year both of her parents were sick, so the vacation had been pushed to August. 
Sophie worked a desk job in the legal department of the MAA, the work could be boring at times, and most of what she did was research assigned to her by the higher ups about some historic building that a supervillain had blown a hole through, or the insurance policy on a billionaire’s skyscraper that had mysteriously been damaged in a fight that happened twelve blocks away, or a similar case to the one they were working that had happened ten years ago on the other side of the country. One day, Sophie thought, she’d be one of those higher ups, maybe even appearing as a counselor in a court case or two. But that wouldn’t be for a long time yet, for now, she would have to content herself with following the paper trail of one Logan Crofter until he mysteriously dropped off the face of the earth six years ago to see if there was any hint of where he’d gone. 
It was the kind of project that could catapult her career if she did find something, but unfortunately for Sophie Lafferty, she was currently on a cruise to the Bahamas with her family — including her parents, who weren’t any kind of sick except, perhaps, seasick — while someone who looked a lot like Sophie, and talked a lot like Sophie told her bosses that her vacation had been postponed while thoroughly bungling their research on Prof. Crofter. 
Usually, Janus’s impersonation act didn’t last long — a couple hours to kidnap a politician, a day to infiltrate a shitty business — but this was a deeper operation than usual. In two weeks, Sophie would be back and the jig would be up, so they would need to get all the information on where Virgil was being kept, what kind of security was in place, and when the best time to act would be and stage a rescue before the MAA knew there’d been a security breach. No pressure. 
“Morning, Soph!” A security guard said, stopping next to Sophie’s desk for a moment. Sophie and Lee were very friendly, a fact that was both an asset and a hindrance to Janus — on the one hand, Lee had a greater chance of noticing something was off with Sophie, but on the other hand, Janus might have use for a security guard later, depending on how things shook out. 
“Hi Lee.” The voice modulator itched against Janus’s neck, but they resisted the urge to fiddle with it. 
“Sorry to hear about your vacation.” 
“It’s okay, I wouldn’t want to go without my parents anyway. Besides, we’ll go in August. What about you, any big summer plans?” Janus couldn’t force themself to smile even if they tried, but that hardly mattered to the illusion — Sophie’s lips curled upwards in the expression of a person who honestly cared what this man did with his life. 
“Nah, I’m more of a winter sports guy,” Lee grinned as though that were in any way impressive. 
“Oh.” It was, based on Janus’s observations, usually around this point in a conversation that Sophie ran out of things to say, so they said nothing. 
Lee stood there for a moment, marinating in the awkward silence before clearing his throat. “Well, I should be going now.” 
“Yeah.” Please leave. 
“Bye Soph.” 
Janus resisted the urge to gag as Lee walked away, there were other people in the office who might hear if they did, even if their actual face was hidden. 
Turning back to their work, Janus found an article about a boat that sank in the Gulf of Mexico two weeks after Logan dropped off the radar, everyone on board had drowned. They added it to the research on Prof. Crofter they were assembling, they were amusing themself by reimagining Logan as more of the Walter White type, maybe he’d drowned while smuggling drugs — Logan would hate this interpretation (for many reasons, not the least of which being how close to the truth it was) but it was exactly the kind of thing that would fuzz the radar while still looking like Janus was actually working. 
A small usb drive sat innocently plugged into the computer, scanning away for the kind of security and monitoring there was on Sophie’s desktop before Janus started with their actual work. 
Their day was long and boring. They stole Jared’s lunch just to amuse themself — he almost had a full-blown temper-tantrum when he opened the fridge to find his tupperware full of bland chicken missing. Lilie from accounting spent almost an hour monologuing at them about… something, honestly Janus hadn’t been paying attention. And at the end of the day, everyone gathered in the break room to celebrate Jason’s birthday — it took everything they had not to burst out laughing when they realized. 
Finally, as they were gathering their stuff to leave for the day, their hacker drive finished its work. They would need to wait until they got home to see what kind of security they were working with, but at least that meant they could get started first thing tomorrow — plus, they had already outlined most of the details in their Crofter-equals-drug-smuggler “theory”, so they should be good for the next week or so as far as Sophie’s work went. 
They drove Sophie’s car back to Sophie’s building where they parked in Sophie’s parking spot and walked up to Sophie's apartment. Her lights had been set on a timer to make it look like she was spending the night there, but as soon as Janus entered, they left again, this time hiding themself from sight completely. They walked down the block to where their own car was parked, and then proceeded to drive back to their actual home. 
What they should do was go straight upstairs to Logan so they could go over the MAA system’s security, but instead what they did was detour to what was formerly Roman’s apartment before they moving in with his sister and was now, after a couple reconfigurations of the housing arrangements, the — hopefully temporary — apartment of Thomas and Nico Sanders-Flores and their grandson Patton. 
Janus knocked politely, and after a moment, Nico answered the door. It was always awkward to spend time with Thomas and Nico — seeing how Janus had kidnapped them and all — but they were Virgil’s parents, and Patton’s grandparents, and Janus would just have to work through the awkwardness. 
“Oh, hi Janus,” Nico gave them a strained smile, which Janus returned in kind. 
Before they could say their own polite greeting, however, the smoke alarm began to sound. 
“Thomas Sanders!” Nico turned and yelled into the apartment. He walked away from the door, leaving it open, so Janus took that as an invitation. “I turned my back on you for less than a second! How did you burn something already?” 
Janus followed Nico to the kitchen where they found Thomas desperately fanning an inflamed pan in a futile attempt at putting it out. 
“I don’t know!” Thomas cried as Nico got the fire extinguisher out from under the sink and put out the fire. 
“I can see where Virgil got his kitchen skills from,” Janus commented dryly. To Janus’s surprise, Thomas actually laughed at that. 
Nico shook his head in exasperation. “I’ve been trying so hard to teach either of them how to make anything. It might just be impossible.” 
“It’s not so bad,” Janus pointed out. “Virgil’s been getting the hang of it.” 
“Really?” Nico asked, looking excited for all of one second before it was replaced with a look of intense sadness. “I guess… I guess it’s been a while since we’ve seen him.” 
Janus cursed themself internally; their score was currently Janus: 1, awkwardness: 1. 
“Uh, where’s Patton?” They asked, knowing that at least Patton didn’t mind when they were awkward. 
Thomas frowned and Nico turned away from them entirely. 
“He’s in the living room,” Thomas explained. “Today hasn’t been a good day.” 
“Oh.” Janus: 1, awkwardness: 2. “I’ll, um…” Janus pointed towards the living room, then walked away. 
Awkwardness: 3. 
Patton was curled in a ball on the floor in front of the couch, The Princess and the Frog was playing on the TV, but Patton didn’t seem to notice. 
“Hey, Pat,” Janus said softly, taking a seat next to the kid and attempting to put their hand on his back. Their hand sank through him as they realized what Thomas meant by it not being a good day. “How are you feeling today?” 
The question wasn’t necessary, even if the intangibility didn’t give him away, Patton projected when he had strong emotions, and the sadness rolling off him reminded Janus of themself at their mama’s funeral. 
Patton didn’t answer, or even look at them, so Janus contented themself with quietly sitting beside him. 
After several minutes and a song about what the main characters would do once they were human, Patton spoke up, quietly. “Mommy, will you tell me a story?” 
Janus startled, but any thought of correcting the boy went out the window when they found Patton staring at them with big, watery eyes. 
“Of course, dear,” Janus said instead, tamping down any trace of panic. “How about the story of when I met your daddy?” 
Patton nodded eagerly, so Janus launched into the story. 
“It was probably about six or seven years ago — before you were born — and I was a law student. Frankie hadn’t joined the business yet, but he had been selling black market gadgets for a few years and had already decided to take me under his wing, so to speak — he likes to think he was my mentor because he was a criminal first, but I was a supervillain first, so it’s really six of one, half dozen of the other. 
“Now, in one of my classes we had recently discussed a situation that had been in the news about the chief of police. I felt that the chief was getting away with some nasty stuff with no repercussions, so I decided to… scare him a little bit — it’s not like I was really going to drop him off that building.” It suddenly occurred to Janus that this might not be the best story for a five-year-old, but Patton looked enraptured, so they continued. 
“I had just gotten him to make a blubbery confession for my camera when we were interrupted. Your dad was dressed like a grade A dork, horns greener than you can believe–” 
“Daddy doesn’t have horns,” Patton frowned, leaning his whole weight into Janus’s arm. 
“It’s an expression, kiddo, what I mean was, he was new to the business and it was obvious. Now, he ordered me to ‘let that poor man go!’ and I was tempted to follow his order to the letter, but turning the chief into a martyr wasn’t on my agenda at that time, so I brought him back on the roof and let him flop like a fish. 
“‘Poor?’ I said. ‘No, not yet he’s not.’ Your dad didn’t like that. He was cute, all angry and just, I just couldn’t stop myself from flirting. Most heroes, once someone as fruity as me starts flirting with them, go from cute-angry to bigot-angry pretty quickly, but Virgil just got more flustered. 
“I may have gotten a little too in to flirting with him, and he nearly managed to catch me when he make some bright starburst in front of my eyes, causing me to see spots, but I’d had years of experience to fall back on, and I knew when it was time to cut and run. The chief wasn’t in any position to catch me — he was still experiencing adverse effects to altitude — so I made a mental illusion of myself in your dad’s mind and had it fly away, mostly to test whether or not your dad could fly.” 
“He can’t,” Patton said. 
“No,” Janus agreed. “He can’t, so he stooped down to help the chief while I waltzed away at my leisure — that trick never worked on him again, by the way.” 
“Hey guys,” Thomas interrupted gently. “Dinner’s ready.” 
“Okay,” Patton stood, sadness no longer leaking from his pores. “Thanks, mommy.” 
He wrapped his little arms around his neck before running off to collide with his grandpa’s legs. 
“Pop pop?” Patton asked as Thomas lifted him into his arms. “Can we have cookies after dinner?” 
“Sure kiddo,” Thomas smiled. “Whatever you want.” 
Thomas smiled at Janus before turning to carry Patton to the table, and Janus felt a little bit of tension leak from them. Janus: 2, awkwardness: 3. 
Y’know that awkwardness when you’re meeting your significant other’s parents after you kidnapped them because your significant other has been kidnapped, and also your significant other’s child has spontaneously begun referring to you as their parent?
ODD taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @arsonic-knight @misunderstood-shadowling @lost-in-thought-20 @remy-the-lemon-berry @jinxcrafter @apinkline2715 @gothfoxx @donutsarepartybagels @xoaningout @awful-at-naming-things @lunatatic
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 2 years
“This is Virgil, by the way,” said Thomas.
Nico beamed at the boy in Thomas’s arms. “Hey there, little guy! Nice to meet you!” Virgil turned away and hid his face in Thomas’s chest.
“Oh, he’s pretty shy,” Thomas explained. “He gets clingy when he’s tired, that’s probably the only reason he’s not hiding from you. He’s gonna fall asleep in a little bit, aren’t you, Vee?” This last bit was punctuated with a kiss to the top of Virgil’s head.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you anyway, even if you don’t want to talk. Grown-ups you don’t know can be scary, I get it.” This understanding was rewarded with a timid glance at Nico, before Virgil quickly turned his head back around.
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quilfish-swan · 3 years
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frobin airline au 💙✈
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sagesparrow394 · 3 years
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I present: CLUE, Over Our Dead Boddy, Sanders Sides Edition!
Featuring Janus as Mrs White, Virgil as Mrs Peacock, Logan as Mr Green, Patton as Professor Plum, Roman as Miss Scarlett, Remus as Colonel Mustard, and Sleep and Emile as the Butler and Maid!
Also Thomas Sanders as the Detective and Nico Flores as Mr Boddy (may he rest in peace)
This is definitely the most time and effort I’ve put into any art piece, but I’m really proud of how it turned out! Click for better quality
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loganofthenorth · 2 years
Okay finally decided on a High School AU Plot!
So my plot idea is that Logan, Patton, and Roman were childhood friends, but because they are so different, they're afraid of drifting apart during High School. So they form a band together in order to keep them together, and they compete in a contest.
Virgil, Janus, and Remus are people from another school with the same idea and they're competing against Roman, Logan, and Patton. The two bands are rivals and they are each other's biggest threat in the competition.
Now I'm thinking of either doing this plot as is, and having the ships be Moceit, Prinxiety, Intrulogical, or I'm thinking of making it so that Roman, Logan, Patton, Remus, Janus, and Virgil are all one band and then Nico's Sides (see the hashtag nicossides on Tik Tok for the animatics of this AU) are the rival band
What do y'all think?
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