#ts4 Changeling
nefarrilou · 1 year
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D&D cas challenge! 🎲 @morrigan-sims!
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✦ Changeling ⊱ Hair | Dress | Halo | Necklace ✦ Dhampir ⊱ Hair | Outfit | Belt | Claws | Jewlery ✦ Reborn ⊱ Hair | Top & Skirt | Coat + more [ x ] ··························································································· ✦ Tiefling ⊱ Hair | Dress | Veil | Necklace | Tail | Talons ✦ Genasi (Abyss) ⊱ Hair | Dress | Halo | Claws + 👄 | 🦷 | Ghost | Runes ✦ Genasi (Air) ⊱ Hair | Top | Cape | Pants + Sleeves | Heels
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Changeling ✣ Cleric ✣ Long Hair ✣ Important Item ✣ Freckles / Rings ✣ True Neutral
Dhampir ✣ Fighter ✣ Updo Hair ✣ Always w/ Weapon ✣ Scar / Painted Nails ✣ Chaotic Neutral
Reborn ✣ Wizard (Tomes) ✣ Long Hair ✣ Pet ✣ Eyebags / Long Nails ✣ Lawful Neutral
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Tiefling ✣ Sorcerer ✣ Updo Hair ✣ Important Item ✣ Long Nails / Body Hair ✣ Chaotic Evil
Genasi (Abyss) ✣ Warlock ✣ Long Hair ✣ Familiar ✣ Prominent Scar / Tattoo ✣ Chaotic Evil
Genasi (Air) ✣ Wizard (Fey) ✣ Medium Hair ✣ Overly Formal ✣ Lots of Jewelry / Colorful Makeup ✣ Lawful Neutral
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void-critters · 11 months
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Dressed up my Blorbos™ for halloween 🎃
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sammyshuno · 2 years
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No matter how far you travel, you can never get away from yourself. It’s like your shadow. It follows you everywhere. 
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cliodnable · 1 year
Daily life with a fourth child in the changeling household 2
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After discussing the topic of moving together over on Love Day I sent Lo, Lo's warlock bae and the kids on an extended vacation into Selva Dorada. All proceeds from the spelunking will go towards moving to a new place and furnishing.
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After a few days of looting temples and setting up a proper camp so everyone wouldnt be miserable in the jungle for once (it didnt work) the bills arrived. Alas they were exorbitant due to coming in before we'd had time to sell the treasures.
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Tfw a rainstorm hits Selva Dorada but it's your last day of stay, so you're all packed up and sleeping snuggly in a real bed. Hopefully you didn't leave anything important at the digsite. :D
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Pictured Lo getting home from his adventure, seeing his sister again and she's like "I'm glad you're home and being proactive about getting your shit together, but you aren't going anywhere until the bills are paid."
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A big pile of archeological treasures to appease your cranky sibling with. And the new house, which the warlock ended up buying. I'll fill it up slowly as more things get authenticated.
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Since I moved them right next to both Lo's sisters' house & the household where Lo's party lives there were a lot of familiar faces at the welcome wagon. The house is bare, dark and depressing on the inside at the moment, but I think they'll do great if given a bit of time to make it their own.
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jellymeduza · 2 years
December updates
+ early January, because it’s pretty important update
3rd of December 2022: Katara braid -  fixed scalp on kids mesh
3rd of December 2022: Mai hairstyle - added toddler stage, it looks like the children stage
12th of December 2022: coil necklace dress - inspired by @pforestsims​‘ trumpet dress default, I smoothed out the waist and added preg morph. My update is not a copy of PineappleForest’s default, so the dress will look a bit different than in-game trumpet dress if you have it defaulted.
16th of December 2022: Riddler’s double breasted coat for adults and Penguin’s tuxedo - edited recolors of the double breasted coat: improved texture of the tie in black recolor, made minor improvements to white and green recolors. I also swapped the mesh of TS4 double breasted coat for @rented-space​‘ edit. Penguin’s tuxedo recolor has been slightly edited as well.
17th of December 2022: CC changing tables made compatible with CJH’s baby outfit - fixed a mistake that could lead to errors for people who don’t own M&G
25th of December 2022: chances of ghost spawning altered by statues - added new files: Meduza_VariedGhostSpawningWithStatues_bugbox and Meduza_VariedGhostSpawningWithStatues_bugboxLess. They edit the chances of spawning a ghost when there are 10 spiders in the collection. More about the update in the original post.
6th of January 2023:  cleaner hospital mod - fixed versions compatible with “Fairy Changelings”
6th of January 2023: Chris Hatch hospital mod + visit other Sims made compatible with witches only fly if have broom, CJH’s hospitals, visits and Midge’s ‘witches only fly if have broom’ - Globe edition - added a file to make “Witches Only Fly If Have Brooms” compatible with Global Overrides - more about the update in original posts.
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elfydrell · 4 years
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Episode 6 :
"Mistakes are the gates to discovery."
Quote from James Joyce.
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vampireoccult · 2 years
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hot dnd ladies part two part one
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nakasumi-sims · 3 years
Styx for @teayo Heartthrobs of Tomorrow
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Traits: Adventurous/High Maintenance/Insider
25 yrs old
Styx is a violent assassin. Although they've had a few personas over the years, they typically stick to one closer to their true form yet they choose to shift between a more masculine form and feminine form. True fluidity at it's finest. They can change and disguise themselves as almost anyone and are quite the actor. It's hard to know whether or not they're being genuine with you and many people wonder if they really do know the real Styx. Styx is all about high class crimes and difficult targets. They take the thrills of the hunt as challenge. From shape-shifting into others and putting on an act to get close enough to kill to the daring escapes and high society events. They enjoy mingling and gathering all sorts of gossip about others and the best part for them is people being unaware of who they're spilling their secrets to, but Styx will never tell. Information comes at a price. Most of the time, their clients don't even know who Styx is and Styx prefers to keep it that way so they can continue to move in different circles undetected. With their lifestyle, they really wonder if they'll find someone they can get close with and maybe that person will break down their walls and get to know the real Styx. Maybe have a grand adventure together.
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simblrinterests · 3 years
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Canary: It means you’re part mortal, and part fae.  
Spark: Part what?
Canary: It’s what they call themselves, the immortal ones.  Though they go by many names.  Magic is a recessive trait, and it can lay dormant in families for generations.  When it does show up, it tends to only show up in their daughters, and we call these people changelings.  Their magic is stronger than any witch could ever hope to have.  Witches have fae ancestry too, but it’s so much older in them now, they can only access it through the right words and tools, and never at the level of someone like you.
Spark: Someone like me?  You think if I had all this power I wouldn’t know it?  You think I would see some benefit right?  Like any benefit at all?  Like I mean, if I have all this magic why do I still have such dry skin?
Canary: Changelings usually only have magic in one or two specific areas.  They don’t always know what their gifts are until it’s too late.  Though I suppose we can rule out skincare.
Spark: Right, and what if I just don’t believe you?
Canary: Oh not to worry, there’s a simple test.  
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jaffasims · 5 years
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She was it as she got closer, in the corner of her eye, something that looked like brightly coloured feathers, she must be a lost, the lost she’d been looking for. Without thinking Hulda sprung into the path of this woman and exclaimed. Hulda: “You. Come with me”
Clearly startled by the sudden shadow-y creature infront of her, Elly pointed to her throat and then began to try sign something back as a response.
Hulda: “Oh. I don’t understand sign. But I know people who do.” She gestured a direction for Elly to follow and began to walk. Hulda didn’t have time to explain what was going on, others would do that. Hulda also wasn’t really good at sugar coating the truth of the matter either.
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ondigitalwings · 5 years
man! i just remembered that at 3 am i thought of a sims legacy challenge involving faeries and changelings/stolen babies (they have to adopt and over time the human babies will take on more traits?? maybe?) and now i can’t remember any of the rules.
someone want to help me come up with the rules for this? 
i feel like if i get into a deep dive i’m going to end up actually doing custom traits for myself instead of just CAS elements, lol
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Dox shapeshifting into Dawn
And playing the Lute c:
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void-critters · 2 years
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happy pride from my D&D characters lol
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wolfavens · 6 years
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C H A P T E R   1 1    -   S í o f r a    ( p t   3 )
She was waiting for him in the garden by the time his car pulled into her driveway. The sun was just beginning to set, colouring the entire landscape in warm oranges and reds. Somehow, despite the dropping temperature, it felt warmer than it had in weeks.
He cleared his throat as he approached the garden swing, making her look up with a small, tense smile. ‘Hi.’
‘What did you want to talk about?’
She motioned for him to join her and once he did, bit down on her lip, looking for a right way, any way to rely her insane theories. In the end she decided to go with the most believable fact. ‘Padrick came by today.’
‘He did?’ Brian sounded surprised. ‘What did he want?’
‘He… came to talk. About where he went when he… wasn’t here.’ She looked up at his quirked eyebrow and huffed in despair. Jesus. God help her. ‘He told me… stories. And I shouldn’t believe them, but I do.’
‘What kind of stories?’
‘Remember the night we found him by the cliffs?’ she asked, shivering in the warm breeze. ‘That scary fairy-tale I told you?’
‘Yes?’ he drawled carefully, eyes narrowing with understanding. ‘Órlaith…’
‘I know. It sounds… insane. But…’ She handed him the book she was holding, tapping a page with her index finger. ‘I saw some things that night too. We have to go back.’
<  P r e v i o u s    ☾   N e x t   >
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cliodnable · 1 year
Daily life with a fourth child in the changeling household
I used to make some posts about a washed-up DnD-style changeling (i.e. alien with CC) spellcaster who took on raising his & his apprentice's abduction-kids whilst seeking their shared mother. Small update on what they've been up to, because I'm attached to them and wanted to share.
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(secretly my reason for getting back into that save was probably because I really wanted to play around with infants and he was the perfect subject for that, due to having a history of taking in any "changelings" in need)
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Over in Henford-on-Bagley a medieval peasant family just had their second child. However, much to their shock the baby looks…off. Information travels down the pipeline, reaching the changeling network and through them Lo, who arrives to have a chat with the family.
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Despite their newborns' nature being explained to them the couple do not want to take care of an unhuman child and Lo graciously promises to raise her.
I plan on having her birth family reconnect once she grows older and they've had time get used to the idea. The baby, called WHAT-TF-S-THIS, gets renamed to Isayla after one of Lo's late siblings.
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Showing her off to her new step-siblings and step-aunt. If I had to live through the nightmare fuel of an alien newborns on low graphic settings then so do you. :)
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With the addition of a fourth child to the family the lot was getting far too small. This realization seems to have been the final push Lo needed to finally move out of his sisters' house and take the impromptu orphanage with himself. In particular, to move in with his party's warlock that he's had a thing for for a while.
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yavannah · 7 years
The CC list for what I use to make Strickler:
Collar, http://valhallan.blogspot.fi/2017/02/feldr-fur-collar-conversion-from.html, http://natalia-auditore.wixsite.com/medievaldream/single-post/2017/04/19/Alucards-Cloak---TS4-Acc Cape/Robe, http://valhallan.blogspot.fi/2017/04/warmth-cloak-conversion-by-valhallan.html Horns: http://love4sims4.tumblr.com/tagged/azentase/page/6 Loincloth: https://thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-male-teenadultelder-everyday/title/ancient-male-skirt/id/1354263/ Skin:http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=571574 Eyes: http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=536250 Nails: https://thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-accessories-male-rings/title/stiletto-nails-for-men-n05/id/1338741/ Orc teeth: https://arch129sims.tumblr.com/post/156077313665/modern-orc-teeth-wild-orc-teeth Hair: Get Together hair (I think it is. I have to check that)
And that hat is from Kiara Zurk. http://mystufforigin.com/christmas-hat/
That Barbara’s hat is from Jomsims one of the christmas sets.
Humanform: Hair: http://blog.naver.com/PostThumbnailView.nhn?blogId=jinhee_a&logNo=220697981687&categoryNo=103&parentCategoryNo=&from=postList Coat: http://wyattssims.tumblr.com/post/167960298201/winter-wear-stuff-pack-a-fanmade-pack-by Trousers: Base Game Shoes: Base Game Skin: Default http://luumiasims.com/post/152404590469/body-redux-3-new-body-replacements-to-improve Eyes: Default https://dangerouslyfreejellyfish.tumblr.com/post/135840067931/400-followers-gift-hello-again-i-was-supposed Makeup: Remussirion https://thesimsresource.com/members/RemusSirion/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-male-skindetails/title/wrinkles-06/id/1354273/ https://thesimsresource.com/members/RemusSirion/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-male-blush/title/virgillius-blush/id/1346875/ https://thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-makeup-female-skindetails/title/skin-details/id/1365360/
And you need this for both forms: http://sexysims.info/download.php?t=174682# (this is an adults site)
If something is still missing, I'm sorry. I'll try later to update them there to the list.
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