#tscosi tag
soph-the-podcast-nerd · 2 months
Finally finished my starship iris art!
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a-side-character · 7 months
I love when a woman is a Captain
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suncrayon · 5 months
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ID: slightly blurry photos of painted buttons sewn on a dark corduroy jacket. The top photo shows, from left to right: emerald green, white stars, white lettering 'N S', and a doodle of a coffee cup; green background with black drawing of a sound waveform and 'Monstrous Agonies'; green button with white line art and text - outline of an eye with two silhouettes in the iris, text reads 'Ceaseless Watcher'; red glitter button with black letters 'NQD' and doodles of a fanged smile and two roses; white glitter button and text reading 'still working on the name'. The second image shows two buttons on corduroy lapels: left is blue-purple and sparkly with yellow loopy text reading 'sbr' with a tiny cat; right button has a simple painting of a vial of purple Something. End ID
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dyke-in-crisis · 1 year
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so theres this alien soap opera *twirls hair*
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mercuryandmoonpods · 2 years
✨12 Podcasts for 12 Days of Podmas ✨
a belated podmas post from me, asha!
thanks to @vestaclinicpod for coming up with the idea, it's genius! <3
in no particular order, the podcasts I reviewed (and a link to their spotify/podchaser when I rb this later):
SPIRIT BOX RADIO @spiritboxradio: Absolutely charming! I'm now very attached to the main cast of characters, and the overall tone of the show is (pardon the pun) bewitching! Plus gorgeous music that loops in my head constantly when I'm not listening!
MONSTROUS AGONIES @monstrousagonies: An agony column for 'creatures of the night'? What a brilliant concept! Monstrous Agonies manages to be oftentimes soothing, funny and heart-wrenching all in the space of an episode! It has swiftly become a favourite of mine and stands to stay that way.
THE PASITHEA POWDER @pasitheapowder: Complex, unique storytelling methods and a plot that unravels deliciously. I'm constantly on the edge of my seat! The intense relationships between the main characters (Sophie and Jane, but also them and Evelyn and Jane with George to name just a few) all feel very realistic and I can't wait to see what happens next!
THE STRANGE CASE OF STARSHIP IRIS @iriscasefiles: Never fails to cheer me up! Complex and compelling characters, delightful sci-fi setting and concept of an alien culture. At this point I think I've recommended TSCOSI to everyone I know at least twice. Sad? Starship Iris. Happy? Starship Iris. Not sure yet? Starship Irisss!
UNSEEN @unseendotshow: Seemingly standalone stories build up a rich lore for the world of the podcast. Always a delight! Each episode adds a new layer/type of story to consider, and the voice work is always jaw-dropping.
ROGUEMAKER @roguemaker: Super fast paced, does NOT pull its punches. I need the songs to be on spotify by themselves so I can listen on repeat because they're so so beautiful! Dynamic, intriguing and most importantly, very very enjoyable! <3
NIGHT SHIFT @nightshiftpodcast: Phenomenal audio work! A treat for your ears :) the world of the podcast is one almost like our own, but just a step or two to the left, making for highly entertaining listening as we (and Seb) learn the secrets of Echor City. I'm very excited to see where season two takes us!
BODIES IN SPACE @bodiesinspacepod: Very funny and very heartfelt! Delightful protagonists, each with their own thing going on that we get to find out about over the course of the show. Really lovely sound work!
SOMEONE DIES IN THIS ELEVATOR @sditepod: Every single episode blows me away! I dread the day I get properly up to date and have no more to just casually rip my heart out on an otherwise average afternoon :') Consistently stellar writing, and you'd be surprised by just how many ways someone can die in an elevator…
MABEL @mabelpodcast: How to even begin to describe this rollercoaster of a story?! I devoured this podcast. The style is hard to pinpoint but unique, refreshing and absolutely enthralling. If you like fae horror and fantastic sound design, Mabel is right up your alley!
ME AND AU @meandaupod: I find myself returning to Me and AU frequently, because the characters are just so sweet! A truly delightful show, I'd recommend it to anyone who has spent any time in a fandom - especially a tiny one! The experience is well represented here :))
CHAPTER AND MULTIVERSE: The characters of Masks are going to live in my heart for a long time! The players and GM bounce off one another very well, making for deliciously complex relationships between their characters, who are all, in their own ways, really very sweet. Tonally each episode balances the serious with the sweet in a way that I find lovely to listen to :)
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Is it just me, or does lesbian fandom have a problem?
My name is Edil. I've been a medium-sized name in several small fandoms, especially podcast fandoms. I am also a women appreciator, and enjoy media that centers on women. I'm going to mostly be talking about my experiences in two fandoms: The Strange Case Of Starship Iris and Pasithea Powder, both podcasts with central wlw ships, though I've also seen these same issues in Goncharov (1973) of all places.
When I go into fandom I go hard. My brain, which is very autistic, breaks down information of small details for fun. It's the reason why I wrote a dwarnian (TSCOSI's fictional alien language) dictionary for the podcast. The reason why I have a massive notes document on all of Pasithea's season one and the reason the wiki...looks and reads like that. It isn't owned by me, but most of the formatting, fonts, content: yours truly.
And I'm proud of these projects, which took time and effort and skill building to do! But I haven't finished or caught up with either of these podcasts, and that's because the online spaces that center around them have been overwhelmingly hostile.
I have a strong emotional connection to this issue — of whether or not sapphic fandoms tend to be more hostile to diversity, especially race and nuerodivergance — so I can't make a distinct analysis, not without more distance and more information. That's part of why I am making this post.
Mods and members of the TSCOSI discord circa 2020 will know me, and know why I left. That being a series of unwarranted criticisms and bad faith readings that left me with anxiety even interacting with the fandom I loved.
I am probably a lot less known in the Pasithea fandom, because I wrote fewer fics for it and left more quickly. After TSCOSI, I recognized resentment faster. But the Pasithea notes document that I've posted here before and the wiki, three fics, fan art and that one comic that's still to this day the only comic I've drawn: me.
This is not a callout post, not for individuals or for groups, and I don't have screenshots. I am only trying to open a discussion.
See, the pattern that I am seeing is that fandom spaces centering on wlw ships attract fans who are wlw. And while nothing is inherently wrong with that, issues in the lesbian community start to become very obvious.
Firstly, the lack of diversity in sexuality among most of the fan base (As I suspect bi and gay people have largely more popular media that attracts them, and lesbians have to dig deeper for smaller spaces like these podcast) starts to feed this sense of possession among fans. As if there is a correct, normal, or standard way to be sapphic. A set of rules stating that anyone who doesn't obey it hates lesbians.
From Pasithea, I got this in comments about how I was drawing the characters "ugly" (Jane is canonically fat and has a scar, which I made very visible...because I wanted to. I gave her strong Hispanic features because it appealed to me. Sophie is butch, and canonically has or had a buzz cut. Which is what I drew. — The "appearance" section of the wiki? Yup. I wrote that.)
These comments, which were themselves problematic, came from a place of implying I was lesbiphobic for drawing these wlw as "ugly". When in fact, I was drawing the type of characters that would appeal the most to me, and hopefully to others like me.
These expectations of skinny, eurocentric appearing, usually feminine characters... Well it reflects a lot of issues with TERF-y feminism and lesbianism at large. Lesbianism on the internet has an issue with gender essentialism that isn't universal but is incredibly worrying. And when WOC are often masculinized because of their non-white features, that transphobia becomes anti-butchness (or strict standards of butchness) and racism.
While TSCOSI fans were more receptive to my designs, I was drawing in a less realistic style where "ugly" was less of an issue — and, to be frank, The main ship being Southeast and South Asian made it hard to draw them "ugly" from a eurocentric perspective. Realism there would just be...exotic, I guess.
However, with TSCOSI fans there was still a sense of possession around how these characters were interpreted, especially in headcannons, that lead to me deleting more than I posted as time went on. Some of those were genuine issues on my part ("what if the Jewish guy was a vampire in a au haha!" I said. Then went to bed, woke up, googled it, and went "NOPE! NOPE!!! SORRY.") Others were just unnecessary, such as comments on how silly head cannons were "unrealistic", and how I should write more cannon compliant work, rather than what I was doing for fun.
Ultimately these are the ONLY things that made me stop listening to these podcasts. The ONLY reason I put down the projects I poured consecutive hyperfixate weeks into. Part of me thinks it was this enthusiasm in the first place that was the biggest threat others reacted to in how I spoke and acted.
For instance, in trying to write for both the TSCOSI and Pasithea wikis, I had folks try to change my methods of research and writing to a style that worked best for them. When I said they were welcome to work that way, there was no offers to assist. And communication with those who had established work was either non-existent or hostile. I've had people question if my passion projects were necessary, berate me for meaningless mistakes, and treat what could be fun collaborative work like a pissing contest. For TSCOSI, none of this occurred on the wiki, and mostly around documents I owned for my own note taking. Even then, the hostility of Wikipedia culture is an unnecessary and hurtful thing to bring into fandom wiki culture.
The TSCOSI people went on to make a wonderful wiki that I deeply admire, but I still wish I could have been part of that project in its infancy, instead of being pushed away. (I may have made the navigation system if I remember correctly, but I'm not certain. So this is not to say I was not allowed any input whatsoever.)
I love sapphic media, it's my bread, butter, pride, joy, and favorite past time. But time and time again I have found far safer social spaces for media that centers around gay men, even if it isn't my personal first choice.
As a non-white, non-allistic, non-lesbian, not-skinny fan...I have concerns.
I know you all want sapphic media to get more attention. I want that too. But unless you start actively searching for and calling out bigotry in those spaces, it absolutely cannot and will not happen. So much of fandom is powered by autistic people with time on their hands, and I want there to be space for people like me. Who get TOO excited, TOO far from cannon, TOO analytical about race and class and fatphobia and whatever else.
Sapphic media obviously has issues reaching fans that aren't the fault it's its current audience. But the good thing about being part of or close to a problem, is having the power to make incredible, effective change.
I refuse to leave these podcasts behind, I love them more than anything, and the projects I got out of them are still my beloved brain children (The alien calligraphy from the random writing system I made for dwarnian is still up on my wall. "It is what. It IS what, keeps us from the abyss.") I refuse to be shoved aside my racist fans and random people who assume they can act rudely to strangers because they treated characters or lore differently. I refuse to be sidelined from conversations just cause I can act weird.
But I also refuse to spend so much of my beloved labor on people who turn up their noses and belittle it.
This all has had a lasting effect on how I interact with fandom, a legitimate fear-responce to the idea of trying to engage deeply with women-centered podcasts. Something I'm trying to unlearn and overcome.
So. There's my explanation of why I don't do tscosi anymore, which I mentioned on the minibang I'd eventually follow up on. And a criticism of sapphic fandom which, I'll be real, I have a few more essays worth of commentary about, and it's also another expression of how I stare longingly at Pasithea every time it comes up on my dash.
But, most importantly, this is my question of whether anyone else has found themselves in a similar place. If it's a trend or an anecdote.
If you have thoughts, please reblog with them. I'd love to know what you have to say.
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fearforthestorm · 2 years
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podcastgirlsweek · 2 years
You're invited!
This central podcast wlw couple is getting married (or renewing their vows) and you're invited! This may or may not be a good idea, but it is definitely happening.
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Have any of these poll results surprised you? Like anyone you didn’t expect to make it very far, or characters you expected to sweep getting knocked out?
I didn't expect Mina to make it so far, and I especially didn't expect Georgie to lose so badly.
Nureyev is still in the game but I expected him to have an easier time of it than he has.
I really thought Sans would have a much easier time than he did, on name recognition and meme value and the fact that he's dating John Cena. I guess I underestimated how much the D&D podcast fans like D&D.
On that note, Glenn Close was submitted without propaganda so him beating out Miss 17 Submissions Pickman and the Taako, you know, from TV? Definitely surprised me. But whenever I mention how Glenn is doing to my brother he gets really excited, so I guess Glenn is that powerful.
I didn't know Suvi was played by Aabria until halfway through Round 2, so her success was surprising until that piece of knowledge made it click.
Earl Harlan is the fourth most popular Night Vale character on AO3, and Cecil/Earl is the third most popular relationship behind Cecil/Carlos and Cecil & Carlos (and Carlos/Cecil/Earl is the fourth), so him losing badly in Round Α to Dr. Sarah Sultan surprised me.
I treated "Everyone" from TSCOSI as kinda a joke entry and was surprised they made it three rounds in, especially as Krejjh was knocked out in Round 1.
Now that Tim is out there are no TMA people in here, which I'm a little surprised by. I'm also pleasantly surprised by 3 of the 8 scripted characters in Round 4 being the leading W359 ladies.
Elias getting knocked out in Round 1 was definitely a surprise, and I think my first experience on this poll with a significant number of people in the tags going "I don't care if [x] wins, I just want [y] to lose." I was also a little surprised to see people felt that way about Martin in Round 2.
I knew Lee Marvin would lose against Carlos but I didn't expect him to lose the most across the entire tournament. He got the smallest percentage of the vote (3%) and the fewest votes (I calculated 10).
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realbigpodcastslut · 2 years
About the blog!
Hi! I'm Lee and this is my main blog dedicated to audio drama podcasts. I post almost exclusively content related to that but might post some personal stuff or occasionally radio/music (I have a radio show called The Abyssal Hour on WMHB Waterville 89.7 FM). Mostly sfw but occasional horror (ask me to tag triggers)
Tagging System:
I tag every post with the podcast to the best of my ability. For common podcasts, I have a list of abbreviated tags. I only started tagging 2 years ago and this blog is 5+ years old (sry).
Main podcasts and their tags:
King Falls AM (kfam)*
The Magnus Archives (tma)*
Welcome to Night Vale (wtnv)*
Wolf 359 (w359)*
The Bright Sessions (tbs)*
My Brother, My Brother, and Me (mbmbam)*
The Adventure Zone (taz, taz + campaign, and campaign. ie balance, taz balance, and taz are all the tags)*
The Penumbra Podcast (tpp)*
Eos 10 (eos 10)*
Mabel (mabel)*
Malevolent (malevolent)*
Within The Wires (wtw)
Hello From the Magic Tavern (hftmt)
SAYER (sayer)
Archive 81 (a81)
Kakos Industries (kakos)
Death By Dying (dbd)
I Am In Eskew (eskew)
Old Gods of Appalachia (oldgods)
The Strange Case of Starship Iris (tscosi)
The Black Tapes (tbt)
Trigger List: (On Request)
Other Tags:
Not Podcast Related (not podcast related)
Posts by me (slut.txt)
General podcast stuff (gen)
Podcast related but not any certain podcast (gen)
Please don't be afraid to ever DM me or send me an ask (even if you aren't a mutual or stranger). Also, it doesn't need to be podcast-related!. If I don't respond I probably forgot and just remind me. I also use mobile a lot and have errors. But please interact, I enjoy it!
Side Blogs:
@kfam-tea (King Falls AM tea blog, co-runner but I do most of the posting lol)
@spockssluttyhelmet (Star Trek)
@theposionwoman (The Dear Hunter)
others I won't name :P
About Me:
So you made it this far and want to know about me. Huh. Anyways I'm Lee (22, aroace, agender but she/they/he, auDHD (diagnosed)) and podcasts have been my special interest since 2014. My first official podcast was Welcome to Night Vale. I don't have a favorite but King Falls AM has a special place in my heart (but don't listen if you know what's good for you). I even made my own audio drama for a bit (it's discontinued now). But I know a lot about the process, from writing to editing to recording. I'm goth (actually, though. I dress and listen to the music). I go to college for computational biology and work in IT. I have one cat named Pierogi. (Discord is: Alligator Milk)
Other Interests:
Games: Disco Elysium, Minecraft, Stardew Valley
TV: Supernatural, Star Trek
Books: The Dresden Files, Good Omens, Lovecraft (Ew I know. I am a Lovecraft hater)
Music (prog, punk, folk, rock, indie, alt, literally any genre. Fave artist is The Dear Hunter)
Writing (I write fanfic but mostly OC like poetry and short stories)
Crafts (Knitting, Origami, embroidery, makeup*, beading, etc)
Thanks for reading!
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multifandom-rambler · 2 years
Uhhhh hiiii!!1!
never done a one of these “blog intros” before uhhh
welcom to my blog!!
i post whatever random shit I feel like here
sorry I don’t use queue here so there it might be a little spammy
sum basics:
you can call me Es / Ves
pronounces are she/her/paint/paints xe/xir bug/bugs !!.!
i amw white
iam aroace 🤯
and a minor :0
DNI: terfs, zionists, transphobes, racists, proship, homophobes etc etcc
tags I use::
es ramblo - my amazing thoughts
my art - my art
important bits - stuff that is important
my inchrests (in no particular order);
podcasts (mainly scifi ones!!):
startripper!!, wolf 359, mission: rejected, two flat earthers kidnap a freemason, wtnv, midnight burger, tma, oz 9, stellar firma, we fix space junk, oblivity, less is morgue, me my demon and I, ars paradoxia, eos 10, king falls am, marscorp, the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, tscosi, the amelia project, Alice isn’t dead, malevolent, lost terminal, wrong station ,someone dies in this elevator, sidequesting, the vesta clinic , etc etc
musicians I like:
will wood, the paper chase, cool sorcery, wych elm, da.daer,that handsome devil, stomach book, gezebelle gaburgably, unworn, lemon demon, candy claws, jhariah, mitski, rinse & repeat, duster,Miki Matsubara,, and uh other people probably
othr stuff (current likes in purple):
web comics
secret life series
the last of us
Henry Stickmin
tmnt 2012
the stanley parable
murder drones
the amazing digital circus
slime rancher
mao mao
object shows
pizza tower
invader zim
i expect you to die
wonder over yonder
spy x family
kid cosmic
art ig
other things umm
wowee yeahhh
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You absolutely did not ask for this, however!
Regarding tags: For the one NPC you haven't met yet, since Osiris and Ganaka both happen to share names with plot-important queer space Sci-Fi media locations (TSCOSI's Checkpoint Osiris and MBD's Ganaka Pit: idk if this is a coincidence or not but I DO know you've consumed these) I would like to propose Second Star to the Left.
While I would personally go with Fenris (Fenris Station, the prison in E10), I know you have an OC called Ferris, and I am pleased to report you have many other options, including Euphoria, O’lokig, Gaia, The Switchboard, and Delta-Gamma-One-Four-Six-Two, which I think we can both agree are all flawless names for any npc.
hello anon!!! this made my absolute day (saw the notification at work and was wiggling with excitement for the rest of my shift). first off you are getting such a good grade in knowing my obscure oc lore!! (unrelated Please feel free to message me about it if u ever like, I will talk your ear off about the lighthouse files (current campaign) or literally any of my ocs) you are also getting so many bonus points for recognising osiris and ganaka name origins, and fenris SLAPS so I am absolutely going to be stealing that for my unnamed npc thank you so so much for all of the name ideas I love them So Much!!
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ct-hardcase · 3 years
fiction podcasts I've tried so far sort of sorted but don't take it too seriously since a lot of these ranks are similar, or different podcasts are good at different things:
1. Mission to Zyxx: This podcast is pretty much top-tier in everything it does, from the audio editing, character development, SOUND DESIGN, soundtrack, voice acting, comedy chops, and even keeping its extensive scifi lore straight as an improvised podcast. Literally cannot say enough good things about this show. Going to end after this season but considering it's 5 seasons it's a solid run.
2. The Penumbra (Juniverse): To be clear, I love second citadel too, but this ONLY wins over it because I love the mystery genre to bits and that gives this an unfair advantage. The cast all has so much heart, and Juno's story resonates like no other. Also, major props for something pretty queer-focused and in the tumblr podcast sphere having a pretty middle aged cast. Also just. Juno means so much to me. Probably the protagonist who I like the best out of all of this.
3. The Penumbra (Second Citadel): UNIQUE! FANTASY! STORY! SETTING! Does relatively well with its ensemble cast and has done pretty well with plot escalation and deescalation and now reescalation. Its characters are charming, and despite being fantasy, it's very topical. Love it and its charm to bits and pieces. Wildly undervalued.
4. We Fix Space Junk: This podcast is so my jam. It has a cast that's large enough to be interesting but small enough for the characters to all feel like they have focus. It's a more unique twist on the Capitalist Dystopia In Space and the villains appear to be staying bastards while also becoming more relatable. Also, the fact that the rich heiress influencer joins a scrappy and down-to-earth repairwoman and the plot of the first season isn't just hijinks about the heiress screwing shit up is really nice. A comedy podcast which doesn't rely entire on ha-has to keep itself going.
5. Starship Iris: Honestly, this podcast is really fun. Women main characters! Multiple! From the outset! That's not all this is but it's what drew me in. I ended up staying for the heartfelt character moments, the ability of this podcast to just breathe for a second, the realistic space travel parameters, the setup of Dwarnian society in general, the emphasis on self-care? [chef's kiss]. Homey without being boring.
6. Alba Salix, Royal Physician (main storyline): A fun, heartwarming fantasy podcast about the shenanigans of some physician apprentices/assistants and the poor, long-suffering Alba. I love the fact that we're slowly getting royal politics more integrated and THAT SEASON FINALE THOUGH.
7. Mission Rejected: I really like this one too, and it snuck up on me. Definitely has the premise of "crew of misfits" that a lot of these podcasts do, but you end up getting reeled in by the characters. Raises the stakes well while keeping the wackiness of the original premise and also having the characters succeed slightly more.
8. Superstition: Another Detective Podcast, currently on what seems to be indefinite hiatus. Very tied to its small-town southwest charm and spookiness. Seems to put effort into representing the area as diversely as it should be and incorporating that into the fabric of the story. Also getting sort of into what I think is paranormal-meets-sorta-magical-realism and I dig it so hard. Also, I'm a sucker for the relationship between the MC and love interest in this one. Yes, they're wlw and it's great. This one's also worth mentioning for multiple women.
9. Inn Between: Literally just started today and am about 3/4 of the way through s1 but I love its little take on fantasy and the focus on the relationship of the party. I'm now caught up, and boy howdy does this hit you in the feelings during Season 2.v also like the little fourth-wall digs and how it lampshades them being the protags All The Damn Time. Are they in a dnd game and don't know it? Is the sentient tavern actually just guiding them? Who knows? There's also a Season 3 following a different cast of characters, but the stories are still connected so I'm categorizing them together for now. I'm still warming up to the new crew but I'm hoping to get more attached in Season 4.
10. Alba Salix, Royal Physician (The Axe & Crown): Still a funny and heartwarming podcast, the comedy is just somewhat different from the main story and I'm a touch less invested.
11. The Amelia Project: I've heard this gets good and honestly this is a pretty quaint and fun podcast but I've struggled to get into it so far. I've heard good things about s3 tho so I'm probably going to push through.
12. Station to Station: This podcast is cool and good but maybe it's bc I was listening on 1.5x speed while multitasking but I didn't love the pacing. The characters were fun though and I do love the "vessel in the middle of the ocean" setting and the premise of the plot.
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haunted-house-heart · 2 years
i am once again asking for podcast recs! i am looking for queer, fiction, and NOT horror. i can only handle wtnv levels of horror. i cannot handle things like tma. here's the ones i listen to currently:
welcome to night vale
the adventure zone
death by dying
the strange case of starship iris
station arcadia
the penumbra podcast
cryptids would be epic but not absolutely necessary; i'm open to more dnd podcasts but tbh if the episodes are over an hour and a half it's unlikely; the bright tapes has been suggested and is on my list; i did try the magnus archives bc it's all that's ever recommended but like i said. horror is bad for my brain
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as i just started taz ethersea and will need a new podcast to listen to when i finish this one!
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Violet really looked at the crew, said "is anyone going to keep these idiots alive?" and then didn't wait for an answer did she. The quickest 180 from "you can't keep me here!" to "you can't get rid of me now"
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myssyk · 3 years
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Krejjh, pilot of the Rumor & Iris II
Krejjh is very cool and i love them.
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