#tsp g/t
smalltendencies · 1 year
Currently working on a TSP thing where the Narrator is an author who has drafts and scripts scattered all over his home. He works so hard and is proud of each one. They will be published one day, but he has a fear that they won't be recieved like they should.
But unknown to the Narrator, there is a borrower (Stanley or an unnamed borrower... Idk yet) who loves these stories written by the human they see only in glances. They are about scenarios and places they can only dream of. And so every night, when the bean is asleep, they go and read these before they go to sleep themselves; sometimes accidentally being so absorbed in the words they don't stop until the telltale signs the Narrator has woken up causes them to flee.
The borrower is a little shit though (like Stanley lol) and will use whatever writing utensil they have (a piece of lead, some homemade borrower pen with calligraphy ink they borrowed, ANYTHING) to annotate and mark up the pages. A paragraph about why they loved this scene. Underlining their favorite quote. Just showing that someone looks at these endless pages when they will probably not be published for years.
Of course, they don't stop there. Little bastard tendencies makes them also mark out words they hate. Little notes about how they would make the scene BETTER. Why this paragraph doesn't fit with the rest of the narrative. Anything that comes to mind.
While these papers and packets are strewn all over the house on different tables and desks, the Narrator has some uncanny ability to find them the next day. And he is so so confused as to why there is small writing (that he needs a magnifying glass to even see) pops up every night. Is there a ghost? An intruder? Who knows. But they clearly don't know good writing.
Don't get him wrong, he relishes in the happy comments. He enjoys the praise and love in the notes that give him more of an ego boost. But he LOATHES the markouts, the red ink that says he did it WRONG.
Sometimes the borrower can hear the Narrator rant through the walls.
"I don't need the validation of a person who won't tell me their absurd opinions face-to-face!"
"Don't waste my time if you don't even understand the character's motivations!"
"Maybe before writing all over my work, you should sit and think about how this description helps the readers understanding considering the protagonists choice in this moral dilemma."
"This is 'out of character'?! Clearly you have no critical thinking skills whatsoever!"
"Why are you doodling on MY art?!"
The Narrator is just ranting. He doesn't think the mysterious entity can actually hear him. As he slowly deciphers each comment (because that handwriting is chicken scratch and its so small), he will complain, rant, or thank the writer and explain why he chose to do what he did.
The borrower gets bold, and will write above their previous (now marked out) comments. Little snide comments to get under the Narrators skin just for fun. Because all of this is just to make both of their boring lives interesting. He never expected the Narrator to take in a BORROWER'S thoughts. (They have little written fights on sticky notes that last DAYS) Both of them can't wait to hear from the other.
It's not breaking the code as long as they don't get caught, right?
They do get caught. A prank laid out by the Narrator that involves some clear super glue on copied pages (that are also glued to the table Jesus Christ he committed to the bit if he was willing to hurt hardwood) with a note that says something along the lines of "If you know my work so well, why not stick around and tell me that to my face?" What was supposed to be a small inconvenience and joke for a person ends up being near life threatening for a borrower.
And the Narrator finds them the next day stuck and they are scared. More like terrified. This whole friendship they built is crumbled automatically because now the borrower is so scared and the Narrator doesn't know what to do about this whole situation.
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mocksart · 1 year
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based on this post
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texy-toost · 1 year
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vgtrackbracket · 1 month
Video Game Track Bracket Round 3
Following Stanley from The Stanley Parable
Staff Roll from Kirby Super Star
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Following Stanley:
Truly a masterful collection of sounds and 'da's expertly pieced together to form The Greatest Video Game Song Of All Time™. If the very ideas of 'adventure' and 'whimsy' were manifested in the form of song, this would be it.
'WEEEEEE look at that silly line!!!!!!' - what adventurous Adventure Line™ music it is. fits perfectly within its context and hilarious out of it <3
Wait! Cut the music! Go back and look at that fern! Stanley, this fern will be very important later in the story. Make sure you study it closely and remember it carefully. You won't want to miss anything.
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employee052 · 2 years
took a while of obsessing over it but finally got one down! >:3
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dr-skazka · 9 days
Does your narrator have a name? ^^
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I don’t think he’ll come up with anything good anytime soon tho… and there’s only so much one can suggest and think about
Poor Stanley tho
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mawsnclaws · 2 years
You can faintly hear The Narrator's heartbeat as you lay against his chest. Quiet, soft, comforting. You know, of course, that this heartbeat is simulated. Narrator isn't human. You're not quite sure what he is. Nevertheless, simulated or not, it's nice.
You feel his fingers gingerly wrap around your body and raise you up. He said something..though you weren't sure what in your tired haze..and he opened his mouth. Ah. Now you understood! You didn't protest, much less react, as he slid your tired body into his mouth.
He was gentle as he moved you around, coating your miniscule body in his saliva. It soaked through the fabric of your clothes, but you didn't mind much. He chuckled warmly when you hugged weakly onto his tongue, trying to show your appreciation for how gentle he was being. He nodded before slowly tilting his head back.
You let go, sliding to the back of his throat. It only took one swallow to pull you completely down, being pushed down his dark throat and into his stomach. It glowed a faint yellow..you smiled. Closing your eyes, you laid on your side, resting your head on your arms. You let yourself drift into a much needed sleep.
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hellodolleyes · 2 years
Thats it.
The Stanley Parable but the narrator is just a lonely author and Stanley is the mute borrower in his walls.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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marcyification · 2 years
Stanley wakes up from a reset only to find that not only are his coworkers gone, but so is The Narrator's voice? Worried and confused, he sets off to find his companion, navigating the parable all alone. The stairs to the bosses office lead him to a rather strange place..where he finds an equally strange creature. (he/it Narrator btw!!)
Stanley stared into the two golden yellow eyes above him, speechless. The figure was distorted and terrifying...but so angelic. It's features shifted endlessly, it's body rearranging every time Stanley blinked. It was as if Stanley was staring into the eyes of an angel. The eyes pierced his soul, focusing solely on him. He felt special almost, a familiar coldness lacing the gaze.
"Stanley..." The Narrator...but- no. This couldn't be The Narrator. It's voice sounded like a far away echo, other deeper voices lacing the edges almost like a crowd. "Stanley..how did you find this place? you're not supposed to be here." The creatures voice was firm. This..this was definitely The Narrator. Stanley's chest fluttered and he watched as two arms formed from what seemed to be a torso.
Two large hands came down beside him, much bigger than his own body. Stanley stared at the hand to his left..woah. It was pitch black, but there were long yellow claws sprouting from its fingertips. Both hands grew closer to Stanley, but the man was unafraid. He looked back up at The Narrator, trying to gather the courage to sign something. Anything.
"Stanley, please don't-"
[You're beautiful]
Stanley's signing was slow and hesitant, but The Narrator was caught off guard. Beautiful? Him? Certainly Stanley must've been mistaken. The Narrator was nowhere close to what most humans considered to be any sort of beauty standard. Perhaps Stanley wasn't seeing him correctly. He tried to speak again, but Stanley continued to sign.
[Have you always looked like this? You're much bigger than you usually are.] That drew a chuckle from The Narrator. His more humanoid form was certainly more visibly pleasing, but it was rather small for his liking. This form felt so free..and Stanley thought it was beautiful.
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smalltendencies · 9 months
Sorry I have a few more of these.
So another TSP g/t prompt, ok?
(For this magic trick, I need the Parable to have a working wall system and for the Narrator to not be able to see the whole Parable at once, but rather focus on Stanley at any given time).
So a tiny/borrower/whateveryouwannacallthem gets blipped into the Parable like the Backrooms. Obviously they are more than confused on why there are no humans at first, but quickly learn the formula. There is only one human, but his path for the most part is set in stone, and there is a voice coming from everywhere that lets them know where this human is (Unless Stanley is taking a break). Of course, the human will randomly appear in one room (Stanley's office) after a duration, but the voice above basically lets them know. That's amazing! The tiny never has to worry about being seen again! And the office is filled with tools such as paperclips and rubber bands. It's paradise.
The novelty of the situation is VERY short-lived.
There is something wrong with this human. The only human in the whole facility doesn't eat. At all. None. He just continues his path or rests in the employee lounge/broom closet. The tiny isn't like Stanley or the Narrator. They need to eat something. The water is found in the pipes when they map out the place, but there is no food. Not even in the vending machines.
A tiny, no matter how resilient, can't live long without food. Attempts become more desperate. They can't think straight anymore and are slightly delirious with hunger. Mistakes are made.
They are caught by Stanley, and subsequently the Narrator, during a feeble attempt to look in Stanley's office.
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mocksart · 1 year
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More information regarding my little borrower AU
It goes like this:
The Narrator is a “retired” animal behavioral scientist. His career ended several years ago when he was terminated from his position at a prestigious lab.
Now, he lives alone in an average sized house in the country, away from the activity and noise of the city, away from judgemental stares and whispered words behind his back.
He is safe here. He doesn’t have to worry about what anyone thinks. He is quite comfortable staying right where he is - thank you very much.
A dear friend even stops by to drop off groceries for him once a week.
One week, he receives an unexpected item amongst his delivery.
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texy-toost · 1 year
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(IDs in alt text)
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copier27 · 2 years
Uhhh, borrower tspud au cause Brain rot
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Do whatever with ‘em, just tag me cause I wanna see
Oh yeah, and Narry’s named Nigel in this Au
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vgtrackbracket · 24 days
Video Game Track Bracket Round 3
vs. YINU from No Straight Roads
Good Job. You've Made It To the Bottom of the Mind Control Facility. Well Done. from The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Note: The propaganda contains spoilers for No Straight Roads.
vs. YINU:
The music influences the entire battle, attacks and viceversa. It’s all in synth. This is the classical piano version, which is my favorite and the one that truly represents the character you fight against initially, Yinu. As you keep playing, the classical version begins to turn more and more into EDM/dubstep and mix together as the mother of Yinu participates and influences more the fight, until finally taking full control of the battle, the music showing almost all EDM elements instead of classical ones at the end. This battle is able of fusing two musical genres that could be considered opposites in a beautiful and harmonious way. If you’re winning, the music turns into its rock version instead, the drums representing Zuke and the guitar representing Mayday. I recommend seeing the battle online or hearing all versions to truly appreciate this, but the music is already incredible on its own.
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ok so I've forgotten most of the details of this dream I had this morning but holy SHIT
When I say it was g/t heaven i MEAN IT DUDE.
like I was half asleep and falling in and out of it, and I was just lying on my back and next thing I know I'm with a lying down with a giant Narrator and either resting near his neck and cupped hands or kinda in the crook of his arm and he was just talking to me and I cannot remember what he said but the FEELING of his voice through me and how loud yet soft it was as his face was closer to my left ear like brooooooooo
istg it was the most comforting and domestic g/t thing I've ever come up with and I didn't wanna wake up. I don't know if I've ever blushed in my life but I know damn well I was blushing in my dream akdlfhafsjfjks
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s1desn4cks · 2 years
I see a lot of Narrator pred… but I can’t get sizeshifting!Narrator out of my head so uh… yeah!
The Narrator was small, currently around 5 inches. The poor being was exhausted, he’d been overworking himself and hoped it wouldn’t take a toll. Unfortunately for him, it did, in the form of Narrator being unable to control his size shifting abilities and ending up as a 5 inch tall thing on Stanley’s desk. Narrator was curled up, hoping for this strangeness to wear off before Stanley saw him. As if the universe heard his hopes, and decided to crush them, that was just the moment that Stanley ended up resetting back to his office. The Narrator curled in on himself, too tired to deal with another story at the moment. He just wanted to rest. Stanley saw the small thing on his desk and curiously prodded it with his finger. The thing looked over at him, and Stanley let out a small noise of surprise. “Narrator?” He signed. The Narrator just looked at him and nodded. “I’m sorry, Stanley. It appears as if I’m too exhausted for another story at the moment. I just… need some rest.” The Narrator sighed. Stanley looked at him and nodded understandingly, before scooping Narrator up in his hands. “Stanley? Wha- What are you doing?” Narrator asked, looking at Stanley’s smiling face in confusion. Stanley held the Narrator in his hands, carefully bringing him closer to his face. Stanley’s mouth opened in front of Narrator, revealing the dark space within. “Stanley? Stanley what are you doing?” The Narrator exasperated as Stanley placed him carefully in his mouth. The small Narrator could do nothing against him as Stanley closed his mouth, entrapping the little Narrator within. “Stanley please, I… I’m too tired for this right now…” The Narrator knew Stanley would not be able to communicate with him. After all, Stanley could only communicate through sign language, and it’s not as if he could see Stanley’s hands. The warmth of Stanley’s mouth penetrated Narrator’s body, warm saliva soaking his clothes. The warmth was so… relaxing. Narrator felt himself go limp unconsciously as he leaned into Stanley’s tongue, feeling the comforting plush surface full his tiny body with warmth. Stanley let out a small hum, pushing Narrator to the roof of his mouth and swallowing the saliva that had built up. Narrator hummed back, a strange calm overcoming him. Stanley pushed the Narrator’s small body to the back of his throat and swallowed, enveloping half the tiny man’s body into his throat. Another swallow had the Narrator fully inside Stanley’s throat, slowly being pushed downwards. The Narrator let out a sigh, going fully limp and letting himself be moved downwards. Stanley put a hand on his throat, feeling the Narrator descend. It was a strange feeling for Stanley, being on the other end of this situation. Stanley slowly moved his hand downward as Narrator dropped into his stomach. There was a small growl of discomfort, Stanley’s stomach not being used to the rather large, rather strange object that had just been placed inside of it. The Narrator placed a hand on the stomach walls, giving them a small rub. Narrator wondered to themselves if this is what it was like for Stanley, when their roles were reversed. Narrator could feel Stanley gently prodding at them from the outside, and he moved slightly within the stomach to tell Stanley that he was okay. The warmth of the stomach relaxed him surpassingly fast, Stanley’s heartbeat and breathing being an added white noise to the occasional gurgles. Narrator hummed, leaning back into the stomach walls. “Thank you, Stanley.” Narrator smiled, closing his eyes for some much needed rest. Stanley placed a hand over his stomach, giving it a few rubs. He sat down in his office chair and leaned back to get some rest for himself as well, knowing that his Narrator would be feeling better soon.
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