#tsundere jack
briry18 · 4 months
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twst-mer · 1 year
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42wv · 1 year
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FFXIV x Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS Signer Dragons (and bonus)
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
The Hardest Route
Yandere Jack Hanma x Afab Reader x slight! Yandere Katsumi
Yandere Otome Game Au
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If one were to tell Jack the phrase, “to be loved is to be changed,” he would have laughed in their face. Love? What was the point in such a silly emotion when all he craved was strength?
It was why he constantly pushed (your name) away. She was a strange woman who randomly appeared one day like a plague. A face that was he had never seen before until recently. A stupidly pretty face always stood before him with a big smile on it. (Your name)’s eyes were filled with stars and her words were always sweet like candy. Jack couldn’t stand her… and not just because the other fighters hovered over her like helicopters.
“Did you eat today? I made you a meal.” And (your name) constantly brought Jack sustenance as if he were a child. Jack was not incapable of taking care of himself. He was just fine…
“Haven’t I told you to leave me alone?” Jack grumbled when his stomach loudly rumbled. How did she know whenever he was hungry?
(Your name) frowned but still handed him the meal. “I know… but I still want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. You often lose yourself in training-“
“I don’t need you to tell me how to live my life.” Jack pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He didn’t need her to chide him. Jack was a grown man capable of his own decisions no matter how self destructive they were. “What is it about me that interests you? I wouldn’t be a good lover if you were interested in such things. I train myself to the point of incontinence so unless you have some weird piss kink-“
“Heavens no!” (Your name) blushed at her outburst. “No… my philanthropic efforts are not to try to attain your heart.”
Why did (your name) speak like a college professor? Jack didn’t know big words like that but he was able to piece together what she meant to say. She didn’t love him or harbor a crush on him? Then what was she after?
“Then why do all these things for me? I’m a lost cause, a slave to my desires-“ Jack froze when she wrapped her hand around two of his fingers. His heart stopped for a moment when she gave him that signature sunny smile.
“You are always alone so I thought you might need a friend.”
A friend… a friend?! What on earth gave her the idea that he was lonely? That he was some weak creature that desired the company of others? No. Jack didn’t need such luxuries.
“I don’t need a friend. I don’t need anyone.” Jack snatched his hand out of her gentle grasp, his cinnamon eyes narrowed in a nasty glare. Friend? There was no way she wanted to be his friend. He could see the desperation behind her kind eyes. She must have a crush on him. “So just leave me alone.”
(Your name) gave Jack a sad smile, her eyes filled with pity. “If that’s truly what you want, then I’ll go. Can you at least promise me one thing?”
“I don’t know why you think you’re in a position to make promises with me, but if it will get you to leave, what is it?” Jack snarled like a beast, his large arms crossed over his muscular chest. The heart bar only she could see above his head still stuck at a measly ten percent. Why was he so hard to get through to?
“Can you take care of yourself better?“
Take care of himself? What the hell did that mean? Did (your name) truly believe him to be so pathetic?
“Sure.” Jackie huffed. The blonde turned away from her and began to walk the other way. “Good bye.”
(Your name) stood in her spot until Jack’s silhouette was completely out of sight. Her heart clenched a bit in her chest, but she felt a wave of sadness wash over her.
Maybe one day, Jack would be able to accept love. She needed his affection in order to go home but he was impossible to romance. Jack was mean and stubborn like a bull. (Your name) would have more luck romancing a brick wall than Jack Hanma.
(Your name) would give him his space for now. Maybe he’d come around eventually?
If she would have turned her head, she would have noticed a certain stalker suitor smiling from ear to ear at the news he just heard. He finally had a chance to be alone with her again…
“Hey, (your name)!” (Your name) paused on the street and turned her head in the direction of her name. She quirked her brow at the exuberant karateka that jogged after her. What on earth did Katsumi want? She had just recently spent time with him yesterday…
Katsumi gave her a big, dopey smile once he stood before her. The taller man excitedly rocked back and forth on his heels.
“Did you need something, Katsumi?”
“It’s kind of late and I was wondering if I could walk you home?” Katsumi asked (your name) with a big smile that nearly blinded her from its brightness.
Katsumi wasn’t wrong about it being late, but she found it a bit odd that he was in this area seeing that Shinshinkai was about fifteen minutes away from here… but Katsumi was in casual clothes so perhaps he had business in this area?
“I wouldn’t mind. It is starting to get dark.” (Your name) adjusted her jacket on her body which alerted Katsumi.
Katsumi shed his flannel in an instant to wrap it around her shoulders. The Japanese man’s chocolate eyes filled with adoration for her. The heart bar above his head practically glowed a bright shade of rose red.
Katsumi had been the easiest to ‘romance’ in this ‘game.’ And he was also the sweetest… sweet to the point it gave her cavities.
“Thank you, Katsumi.” (Your name) gave Katsumi a warm smile. She wrapped the warm flannel tight around her body, the comforting scent of oranges and clean linen significantly reduced her nerves. Katsumi always smelled so good…
“It smells just like you…” (Your name) giggled at the karateka whose cheeks were the same shade of cherry red as his flannel. “I kind of needed a bit of sweetness today… I really appreciate you and how sweet you are, Katsumi.”
Katsumi nearly flew to the moon with how happy he was to hear (your name)’s appreciation for him. He loved being sweet to her! Katsumi loved her so much!
(Your name) was surprised when Katsumi shyly took her hand in his, his thumb tenderly massaged the back of her hand. “Let’s get going, okay?”
(Your name) smiled at Katsumi. The two walked hand in hand together towards her home.
A week had went by since Jack had last seen (your name). And it irked him more than he thought it would.
Jack knew he had told her to leave him alone but he didn’t think she actually would… she was too stubborn to give up on him.
Jack loitered in his habitual areas and waited for her to show up. Jack missed her smile and the little meal in her hands… he missed her warmth.
And so Jack found himself in search of the strange, sunny woman who had kept him company over the last few months.
It took another week for him to find her but he caught a glimpse of her at the tournament. The giant slowly tailed after her when he saw that back of her pretty head- pretty? Why did Jack think she was pretty? Strange.
Jack felt himself freeze when he saw (your name) in conversation with Atsushi Suedou and Kiyosumi Katou. Since when did she associate with the karatekas?
Jack hid behind the corner to eavesdrop.
“You used to hang around Jack Hanma a lot, we wondered if you’d ever look at poor Katsumi’s way.” Suedou sighed, the giant man crossed his arms over his chest. “Katsumi has it bad for you.”
“Katsumi is a very nice guy. And he does spend a lot of time with me-“
“Then date him. He’s a hell of a lot better than that asshole-“
“Sure Jack can be a little rough around the edges, but he works harder than any of you!” Jack drowned out everything (your name) said after that. He never had someone defend him… hell, Jack never had someone care about him before. (Your name) care about him?
Badump. Badump. The blonde placed a hand over his heart as it wildly hammered in his chest. What on earth was this feeling?
(Your name) sighed once she realized she had raised her voice a bit. She sheepishly smiled at Katou and Suedou, the young woman bowed her head a bit at the two. “Apologies for my outburst, Katou. It’s just… I just admired him and his work ethic was all, it wasn’t romantic-“
“If I was a man who had a cute girl lingering around me with homemade meals, I would’ve assume she had a fat crush on me.” Katou stated. “And everyone knows Jack doesn’t have an affectionate bone in his body. He has the emotional capacity of a rock.”
(Your name) waved the two men off who kept trying to speak ill of Jack while simultaneously talk up Katsumi.
(Your name) rounded the corner and almost collided with Jack in her haste.
“Oh, I didn’t see you Jack-“ (your name)’s eyes were wide in shock at how the heart bar above his head was now at a whopping seventy-five percent. How on earth did his romance bar get that high?
“It’s been awhile…” Jack managed to grunt out, the giant held out a hand for her. “Would you… like to go for a walk before my fight?”
(Your name) quirked her head at the ginormous blonde. This man, who had desperately wanted her to leave him alone just a week ago, now wanted to spend time with her? She was so confused… but she couldn’t waste this opportunity.
“I’d like that.” (Your name) wrapped her hand around his two fingers. The smaller woman walked side by side with him. “Have you been well?”
“I’m a lot better now that you’re here.” Jack answered with utmost sincerity. “It was strange without you.”
(Your name) was a bit shocked by Jack’s confession but she smiled warmly at the giant tsundere. Perhaps her efforts were not in vain?
“Then do you want to be friends? I can try to come see you more often.”
“Yes.” Jack’s deep voice rumbled out his answer. He stopped in his tracks to bend down to her height. Jack couldn’t find the words for the feelings he felt but he knew he wanted her by his side once more. He enjoyed her company more than he had thought.
(Your name) smiled at Jack who struggled to speak, her hands squeezed his fingers. “Then we’ll hang out again, okay?”
Jack finally noticed how delicate she was compared to him. Her hands barely fit around his pointer and middle finger while her eyes stared up into his. How could someone be so dainty?
“After this tournament, I want to take you out to eat to makeup for everything.” Jack blushed a bit when he realized he just asked her out on a date. A date… his heart fluttered at the thought. The two of them would be on a date.
(Your name) gave Jack a sad smile. “I can’t tonight, I’ll be with Katsumi.”
Jack felt his jaw clench. Katsumi… why Katsumi? Didn’t she like him?
“Oh… then what about tomorrow?” Jack asked in a hushed voice. He felt his confidence buckle a bit.
“Tomorrow should work.” (Your name) smiled warmly at him which made his heart flutter.
“Then tomorrow it is.” Jack was a bit terrified of this sudden change but at the same time, it felt freeing.
Jack felt out of place at the restaurant he usually frequented now that (your name) sat across from him. He was twice her size…
“Are you a regular here? The waiters seem familiar with you.” (Your name) made an attempt at small talk with Jack, which soothed the blonde.
Jack nodded his head, his cinnamon eyes transfixed on (your name) who wore a dress. She truly treated this like a date and that made his heart flutter.
“You’re usually a little more vocal, do I make you nervous?” (Your name) giggled at Jack who clenched his fists. “I don’t bite.”
It took everything in Jack not to say, “I do.” The blonde felt uncharacteristically shy due to her presence. The weird feelings he felt were amplified by how close they sat together.
(Your name) noticed how his romance bar steadily rose up. Who knew Jack could have a shy side to him? She wondered if he was a virgin…
(Your name) studied Jack in thought. He was massive, had bad posture, scars all over his body, titanium teeth, and was quite standoffish not to mention his dedication to his goal of strength… so he probably was a virgin. Yet despite his rough exterior, he was also attractive in a rugged sort of way. He had a nice facial structure and he was strong. Jack’s dedication to his goals was like no other so (your name) couldn’t help but be slightly attracted to him.
Jack blushed under her heavy gaze. His cinnamon eyes checked his reflection in his glass to make sure there wasn’t food on his face. There wasn’t anything on his face… Jack took a sip of his water in thought.
“I think you’re handsome.” Jack nearly choked on his water at (your name)’s compliment. Handsome? She found him handsome?
(Your name) was shocked at how fast the heart meter above his head shot to one hundred percent. His cheeks a rosy red and his palms sweaty. Who knew someone as stoic as him could get flustered?
“W-what makes you say that?” Jack felt hot under her scrutiny. His heart wanted to leap out of his chest and into hers. Did he… did he have a crush on her? Is this what love was? If so, it was terrifying.
“You have a nice face structure and I really admire your determination.” (Your name) smiled warmly at Jack. “You’re just a really admirable man.”
(Your name) smiled when Jack’s hand swallowed hers. He was careful not to crush it as he tried to calm his beating heart.
“I… I think you’re stupidly pretty.” Jack replied with flushed cheeks. It was hard for him to compliment her. She was too good for him. She deserved a man who could take care of her and Jack knew he couldn’t offer that… not like Katsumi could.
“Thank you, Jackie.” (Your name) chuckled with a soft smile on her lips. Jack was adorable… but then she realized that the game should be over now.
She had successfully romanced all the options… so why has she not been transported home yet?
If she would have looked up, she would have noticed the loving expression on Jack’s face. The blonde giant was absolutely smitten with her… he was utterly devoted to her.
Jack was willing to get between her and the other fighters… he noticed the way they stared at her and he didn’t like it one bit. Jack didn’t like the competition and he was especially not the least bit fond of Katsumi.
Katsumi tried to get (your name) to be his every single day. To the point he recruited the members of his dojo to try to whittle down (your name)’s resolve to remain friends. And some of the karatekas were unnecessarily flirty with her… and it disgusted Jack.
She put all this effort into being close to him so why should she be with someone else? Why would she solely give him a nickname? Jack was sure she loved him.
“I love you…” Jack muttered under his breath, his cinnamon eyes filled with boundless admiration for the young woman before him.
“Did you say something? I didn’t quite catch that.” (Your name) tilted her head at Jack who made a face.
“I said you’re making a weird face.” Jack turned his attention back to the bones in front of him to eat. Why did he always say the wrong words? He was such a tsundere…
Jack didn’t want (your name) to be with anyone other than him but he knew he may not be the healthiest option due to his dangerous lifestyle… but he’d protect her. Jack would keep (your name) safe if she asked him to. May god have mercy on whoever tried to harm her.
(Your name)’s presence had changed the entire storyline and now she must lie in the bed she made.
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bitethedustfools · 5 months
New World, New scars (pt 3)
The exam month had come. Yuu was in the living room with books and papers scattered on the table.
His injured hands, which were finally healed by a healing potion, held a pen in a strange manner, slowly dragging it across the paper, stopping for a few seconds before continuing. The hands noticeably became shakier and stiffer.
It seems that the healing potions don't heal everything. The crooked fingers are proof of that.
Still, Grim watched how Yuu struggled before the boy sighed and decided to abandon it to read the notes instead. In Grim's opinion, the writings were pleasing to his eyes, and he could understand them in one glance in comparison to the scrawling from before.
It goes without a doubt that Yuu was very smart and also hardworking. Even that two-toned haired teacher praised Yuu, occasionally giving him candies.
Grim looked at Yuu's hands and decided that he didn't want Yuu to ruin their first exam, so Grim would take the lead. They both are, after all, two-in-one student. It would be awful if Yuu didn't manage to score anything with those hands.
Grim noticed Yuu roaming around the room where he was at like a ghost haunting the place. Yuu usually doesn't stay in the same room, and if he does, he usually tries to erase his presence.
So therefore, him hovering around and gazing at him from a certain distance became annoying.
"What are you movin around for? You're botherin me," Grim huffed, looking away from the notes he obtained from a certain someone.
Yuu kept looking at him nervously, his sweat dripping and fidgeting with his fingers lightly.
"Are you sure you're going to do the exam instead of me...? I can do it," Yuu said softly, almost carefully.
"No! I can do it. I'm not that dumb! If anythin, you're goin to make us fail with those hands of yours."
"Oh, I'm sorry..."
Grim saw Yuu glanced at his hands for a short moment before hiding them behind his back, expression down as though he's shameful.
"So sit down! I'm gonna ace this exam all by myself!" Grim huffed once more after he said those words as if it would calm Yuu down.
Despite not doing anything troublesome like the exam, Yuu grew even more nerve-wracking just watching by the sidelines, fearing that Grim would mess it up, to which Grim assured confidently and exasperatedly that he won't.
His confidence only soared higher when he received high scores and he shoved it to Yuu, who flinched at the sudden action.
Grim dismissed it. After all, he did a very good job of it, so Yuu will definitely be impressed by it, so he held it up with pride.
"85...?" Yuu's voice trembled, and his eyes widened with horror. Grim heard Yuu mumbling from underneath his breath how the teacher won't accept this and will be angry.
Yuu began to shed tears when he saw Ace's and Deuce's marks but not from happiness as he expected. His expression looked frightened and alarmed.
"Hey, it's closer to 100. That's fine, isn't it?" said Ace, trying to comfort Yuu, who is not participating in the exam yet was unusually upset at their marks. "That's not a terrible mark at all!"
"Yes, it is... Master Crewel is going to get angry..." said Yuu with certainty and fear.
Grim thought that the three of them definitely have the same idea in mind at that time, but none spoke them out loud.
Contrary to Yuu's words, Professor Crewel does not punish them, but he does look at them all suspiciously.
And now, it's their turn to be scared. Grim didn't expect that all of them actually made a deal with Azul, that scammer!
Upon learning of this fact, Yuu's expression turned to be even more horrified. He hugged himself, and he began to bite the flesh between the thumb and the wrist, almost piercing through them and drawing blood.
Yuu seemed to be in his own world that his words became incoherent, but some managed to understand a few of what he's saying.
"Cheating, lies, not allowed, punished, beaten, angry, apologize..."
A story formed in their head in an instant, but Grim doesn't understand why they would get beaten for that alone?
His question remained unanswered because everyone who managed to strike a deal with Azul sprouted an anemone on top of their head and began to march to the Octavinelle dorm.
Yuu, despite trembling like a shaky leaf, remained still amongst the moving crowd, looking hesitant, as though he will end up in a terrible situation if he followed them.
Grim, Ace, and Deuce didn't see Yuu that much after they started working in the Mostro Lounge. Grim did meet Yuu at the dorm, but he hardly gave any attention and just dropped on the spot and snooze.
He had never worked so hard in his entire life, and that made Grim think that it's not worth making a deal with the devil.
But then he thought of the reason why he accepted, and he can only grumble loudly as his tiny paws washed yet another dirty dish.
Surely... this isn't as hard as...
He yowled as the water splashed on his face.
They met again during lunch after who knows how long, but Grim is exhausted that time seemed to blend together. The same thing goes for Ace and Deuce as they all dragged their feet to find their table, resisting the urge to sleep.
Yuu, who is somehow accompanied by a very decent Savanaclaw student by the name of Jack, easily spotted them and carefully sat right next to them. His eyes flitted across all three expressions as though he's looking for something, only to slacken the tension in his shoulders.
It did not last long when the Leeches twins invited themselves in, but Grim no longer took notice of this the moment the twins suggested that there is a way for them to be free.
Yuu needed to make a deal with Azul.
It did not last a minute; Yuu buckled instantly under their pleadings to save them. They all cheered, ignoring Jack scolding them.
"You know, for the first time, I think I'm ready to recognize you as our prefect," said Grim, feeling elated at Yuu for the first time.
The smile on Yuu's face immediately went strained, and his gaze was lowered. Grim saw his still injured fingers clenched tightly on his pants as though it wasn't hurt days ago.
"I'm... glad I'm useful," Yuu said.
Maybe Grim should have shut his mouth.
Grim still stayed on the bed, and Yuu on the floor.
Grim slept to the scent of salt and the quiet sobbings accompanying the cold night.
Grim sneaked out of the kitchen to the VIP room on the day Yuu came to make a deal, a trail of wet spots formed on the carpet as he made his way over there.
He heard voices, and he, who at first wanted to recklessly barge in, suddenly out of character, stopped to lean on the door so he could listen in.
"...You see, prefect, my understanding is that you have no innate magical power." Came Azul's voice.
"You're not gifted with a beautiful voice, nor are you heir to any kingdom. You also do not possess any outstanding and useful skills. You're an utterly run-of-the-mill human in every possible way. Considering the big ask you're making of me, I would need considerable collateral."
It was insults, no matter how many different angles and how many times he tried to listen. If it was Grim whom Azul had told that face to face, he would no doubt be blown up with rage and yell back.
However, Yuu only replied with two words, spoken softly and without stuttering as though he had known that a long time ago and had long accepted it.
"I know."
Since Yuu had put the ramshackle dorm as collateral, they both were kicked out of their only shelter into the cold night.
Ace, Deuce, and even Jack offered to help them. The Adeuce insisted Yuu go with them instead of Jack; after all, Jack is from Savanaclaw, and Yuu and that dorm don't mix well together.
Except that didn't happen.
Yuu followed Jack, and he let Grim follow Ace and Deuce.
His sleep that night was filled with snores, the rustling of someone moving in their sleep, and a faint smell of roses that was enough not to irritate his nose.
It felt strange that Yuu was not here.
He was awake for hours and he doesn't remember what time it was when he had fallen asleep.
Grim does not know what happened to Yuu that same night. But the next day, he spotted bruises blooming all over Yuu's body that Grim suspected some of his ribs might have broken. There were also a few band-aids here and there, and even the face was not spared.
Grim suddenly went mad over this, yelling at Jack, who followed Yuu guiltily. Even Ace and Deuce joined as well, occasionally scolding Yuu lightly for even choosing the place where most students beat him up.
"I'm sorry... I... didn't want to bother you," Yuu murmured, the injuries making him look even more pathetic.
Their anger didn't last long upon seeing this and told him to come to their dorm instead.
Yuu merely shook his head, "I won... fair and square. I'll do my part well."
Nobody knows what he meant by this.
They cornered Jack when he's alone after their attempted to steal the photograph failed.
"What does Yuu mean?"
"Why is he hurt like that?"
"What did you do?"
Plenty of accusations were thrown at him that Jack's stern expression twisted into something complicated.
What left his mouth only stunned them even more.
In exchange to live there, Yuu had to be a gopher and also fight and win. And win he did, even as his body is blue and black and his form is close to a deathbed.
There's no benefit in living there and winning said fight if being beaten up and being a gopher awaited him there.
Grim was right when he said that Yuu was a coward and an idiot.
A coward because Yuu cannot say no so he does what Leona said and an idiot for not realizing that there's nothing good that will bring to him in that place.
Despite everything, Yuu still went there.
But Grim supposed that there's another reason why he needed to get what Azul wanted to get the ramshackle dorm back.
Yuu came up with a plan on the last day when everyone is starting to lose hope. It was simple. Too simple just like the time he came up with in the Dwarf mine, yet it proved to be effective.
The day they initiated the plan also went smoothly that not even the closed museum could ever obstructed said plan with the help of Ace.
Grim rather liked a smart Yuu rather than an idiot, but it is too bad that this showcase of intelligence is very limited and not available most of the time.
But it was on this very same day that Grim realized just how truly smart Yuu is.
Grim had learned Yuu had done something to Leona for him to join his plan, a second plan that no one in the group knows. Yuu and the rest were simply bait, but who would have thought that both plans succeeded anyway.
Grim wondered why it's only time like this that Yuu started to take the lead when he's usually the one who is following and endured.
Azul overbloated after that; his lower half became that of an octopus and Grim thought that everything can be handled since they've beaten Riddle and Leona before.
This proved to be a bit difficult seeing as Azul had stolen half of their magic and used it against them. Offensive and defensive, he had it all much to Grim's displeasure.
Azul, just like Leona before, reached out to Yuu with one of those octopus legs the moment his eyes laid on him. Eyes dilated with anger and hatred, only to replace with malicious glee when he caught Yuu who stood still like a sacrifice.
Again with that.
Grim thought he imagined it last time but he really did it again.
Yuu cried and gasped for air as Azul choked the life out of him while everyone is screaming for his name.
Grim thought Yuu hated being beaten up, thought he's scared of it.
So why is he smiling?
Grim never got his answer, feeling quite lost and confused with how Yuu acted. The others seemed to know, seemed to understand what Yuu is thinking even if it's just snippets.
But Grim is not as smart as Yuu, so Grim could never understand what goes through Yuu's mind.
The moment the monster got defeated, Grim quickly ate the black magestone the monster left behind to distract himself.
Yuu was currently knocked out cold on the floor, surrounded by his friends who have disheveled appearances. No doubt, they will scold him when he woke up later.
They did scold him when he regained consciousness.
Yuu apologized pathetically and said that he was scared he couldn't move his feet. He shed tears and trembled upon being stared upon.
But that's not what Grim saw earlier. Yet, he kept his mouth shut anyway.
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kki3ie · 2 years
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jack howl request for a friend! :) his tail always betrays him...
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dietmimo · 7 months
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A 🌹 for KDJ.
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picsani · 1 year
You just told him that he's cute.
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otterdoesart · 2 months
Hey hey hey mate! ‘S been a while but I’ve just kinda scrolled through your art tag from the last three years (TIME MOVING REAL!?) and it’s crazy to see how much you’ve done in that time XD! Real fond of your splatoon ocs (manta and Ray was it?) and that one love letter fanart you made (BLEW MY MIND!? THE LYRICS FIT THEM SO WELL!! I WAS IN AWE) X) really do love spending time on this app n’ yappin, makes me wish I spend more than like five minutes a week here ,, BUT gonna do my bestest to see what you’ve been up to/ going to get up to 💚 - Z (ALSO DO YOU HAVE A LIIKR A TAG FOR YOUR OC WORLD CUZ I SAW A FEW POSTS MENTION IT BUT I COULDNT FIND IT RAAARGHHH I would love to see it I am so sorry for yelling byebyebeybeye)
Im literally at work rn crying at your kind words 🫶🫶🫶
It really is crazy it’s been so long 😭 I feel like I’ve improved in my art but stayed the same at the same time hehe
Thank you for loving my boys! I created them with my homie from high school and they consume my brain,,They’re just goofy little guys who fight and love each other :) Ray is dating Callie (gross🙄(affectionate)) and manta is dating Dove hehe
Thank you for saying so!!! About the letter fanart guehrhe I killed myself doing that last year on the midst of art fight 💀💀
A lot of my OC stuff is in my head and scattered across sites eughejehe I could ramble about them but it wouldn’t be coherent ! The story changes every 2 months jdhddndh
Oughhh i loveghsj themmm just some more silly guys
Anywho thank you for saying all that I really appreciate it and our friendship although we don’t talk as much anymore 🫶🫶🫶
#oc rambling in tags:#Orion is an elf wizard#elves are one of the few species that weren’t born inherently with magic so they learned it from the world around them#because of that a lot of others consider them to be fake#also rotating an idea about evil elves who source their magic through the slaughter of magical beasts#it’s a cheating way of gaining power and does not give respect to nature smh#Orion is roommates with Fyre-a dragonborn#the story takes place at Ajicae Academy#there are 2 ways to enroll-either have a lot of magic skill or potential#fyre has both#he’s very strong and feircly loyal#Dragonborn’s only have control over fire magic#elves have learned to control all types of magic so Orion is a jack of all trades#then their is Axel who is the heir to the siren kingdom#*there#he is protective of orion but doesn’t quite see them as equal#she has a bit of a tsundere personality 💀#Blanc is a tabaxi-the other species no born with magical abilities#tabaco care less about learning magic than elves#they’re generally inventors#Blanc creates things that aid in harnessing or strengthening magic#I’ll add more later maybe gotta go back to work lol !#the main humanoid races are fairies angels dragonborn tabaxi sirens and elves#I’ve considered giants but I haven’t found a way to make them interesting enough for me to draw and still differentiate from elves#the main forms of magic are water fire air plant light and earth#I know I want monsters to exist but I’m not sure how to separate them from regular magical creatures without being stereotypical#I’m thinking of making it so they’re infected with something causing them to be out of control?#but I also want there to be technology protecting Ajicae from monsters#I can’t have it both ways 😔#unless the monsters have existed a long time? hmmm I have to think a lot on it
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the-acid-pear · 4 months
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Fact he treats being called the favorite employee as a love confession is so cute. As if that was even a bar. You'd have to dig a hole to go lower than that.
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fluffle-writes · 4 months
My brain keeps coming up with crossovers like Lilia with food combos
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starleska · 2 years
Absolutely in love with the idea that Jack is unfaced by the most dirty, mouth-violating, sinful kiss but the moment you give him a peck he cannot process it. I bet he'd have the same reaction with casual stuff like hand holding, cuddles and hugs. He is just not used to it 😭
yes yes YES 😖💖💖💖 i've seen so much lovely fanart going along with this idea and it just melts my heart!! big, scary man loves pinning people down and tossing 'em around like a ragdoll, but if you tell him you love him he turns the colour of a tomato and has to walk away to keep you from seeing his face. adorable 🥰🥰
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yandere-writer-momo · 11 months
I’m feeling festive so have a normal short story for a change. Also on a side note, I feel like Jack is a massive tsundere.
Baki Short Stories: Don’t Push It
Jack Hanma Wearing a Halloween Costume
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“I’m not coming out of the bathroom.” Jack’s deep voice rung out behind the door. From his tone, (your name) could tell the giant man was pouting.
“Come on, Jackie. It can’t be that bad.” They tried to reassure their friend but only a huff was heard. For such a big, strong guy, he was such a brat. “It’s Halloween. You promised you’d dress up with me this year.”
“Yeah but I didn’t think you’d go through with it. I look ridiculous.”
“It can’t be that bad. Stop being such a Debbie downer.”
The door clicked open and it took everything in (your name) not to explode in giggles. Here Jack was with a Bowser costume on. The headpiece only sat on the top of his head since his jaw was too long while the shell looked like a miniature backpack on his large back.
“I knew it was bad. I’m taking it off-“ (your name) held his hand to stop him.
“We’re just going trick or treating. I’m sure the kids will love your costume.”
“I look like dollar tree bowser. Plus we’re a little too old for that, don’t you think?” Jack grumbled. “Seriously. I don’t want to do this- do not look at me like that. You look like your eyes are going to rupture if you try to make them any bigger.”
“Why are you so mean?” (Your name) shook their head and sighed. “I guess I can just ask Katsumi if he wants to go instead. He can be Mario while I’m princess peach-“
“I’ll wear it.” Jack interrupted, the blonde crossed his arms over one another. A bit of a pink hue on his cheeks. “Just don’t get that karate brat involved.”
(Your name) smirked at Jack. “Do you do like me.”
“Don’t push it.” Jack grumbled, the tsundere man went back into the bathroom. “I just don’t want you hanging out with him is all. Doesn’t mean I like you.”
“Mhmm. Sure.” The wide smirk didn’t leave their face once since Jack’s ears were still pink. Thank goodness they’ve been around Jack long enough to know his moods. He was a softie deep down that hid his true self through mean words.
It was refreshing to know that Jack cared about them… but they had already messaged Katsumi so… this will be fun to explain later.
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anxiatheanxious · 2 years
my gaydar goes through the roof whenever i see jack frost and the easter bunny interacting
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 2 years
I log into twist for my birthday and the first thing I see in the guest room is this
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But Jack lowkey did flirt with me:
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cosmic-ships · 10 months
Me reblogging gush pass
Me: What can go wrong! :D
Cool Mutual: Handsome Jack?
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