#tt texas
sonjackcarl · 11 months
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Merc fan kid 1: the Texas toast kid
because names are hard I'm just referring to her as t.t or t.t kid
Edit: I've decided to name her Charlotte
A Texas toast fan kid.
Very smart and mechanically/ engineering inclined. However she also has a tendency to become bored if not challenged enough academically and intellectually.
However if she's put in a situation where she has to make quick decisions under pressure she freezes up. If she has a brother,he does better under pressure and would make a good battle engineer/ replacing his dad as engineer as a Merc if they were still a Thing.
anyway back to the first kid. Gets her goggles from her dad after she shows off her engineering skills.
Loves rube goldberg machines and taking things apart. Sci Fi, fantasy and sci fantasy stories. The lore and world building is among her favorite.
Like her ...other parent? Mom? Other dad?
She loves fire and stuffed toys. Of Engies machines she finds herself drawn to the sentries and trying to add some aspects of the pyros flamethrower+ air blast to it.
loves both her parents and his synesthesia - partially to invoke the whole pyro vision thing to some degree.
Can understand Pyro just fine. Very proud of her technical skills.
While she may not be the most talkative/ try to be careful about what she says she's very talkative...body language wise like pyro.
like Pyro people tend to question what t.ts gender is. Primarily Because pyros ambiguity rubs off on her and she just ended up looking more on the ambiguous/ androgynous side without meaning to.
For the most part when people ask what her gender is and she tries to tell them she's a girl an act of God happens and people just don't hear it. For the most part she's not too bothered that she doesn't look too feminine - she's more of a tomboy- but she does get self conscious sometimes.
Friends with the heavy medic kid because they're too busy trying to Bend the Limits of Science and make Things God Never Intended.
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what1is1going1on · 5 months
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Been watching Mr. Monk
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banannabethchase · 2 years
I am full of rage and it's taking everything I have not to quit on the spot.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
TT: I'm so sorry, Jade. It was a Texas Chainsaw Misunderstanding.
GG: can you stop fucking saying that.
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sludgewolf · 1 year
Happy late 413, my midterms got in the way of me finishing this on time
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A!TG: chill dude
A!TG: you were like super fucking excited about going to janes party
A!TG: and besides havent you been talking to each other for forever in the them internets
TT: It’s internet Bro
A!TG: you sure kiddo them internets sounds right
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B!TT: I don’t care how nervous you feel right now. You are going to this fucking party. 
B!TT: We flew all the way here from our sweet home Alabama.
TG: we live in texas bro
B!TT: Shut up and ring the doorbell.
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ghqstfqce · 1 year
¡Hola!, Es la primera vez que hago un pedido, así que perdón si la cago en algo 😩 Me gustarían unos headcanons de Dwight, Joey, Thomas y/o RZ!Michael (si no quieres/puedes hacer todos, Joey o Michael serían más que suficiente para mí<3)con un s/o albino, sinceramente no se me ocurre nada TT. Pronombres neutros o femeninos, cualquiera me viene bien (puedes añadir headcanons NFSWs si te apetece)(⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠).⁠。⁠*⁠♡
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Pairing | RZ ! Michael Myers x GN ! Reader — Thomas Hewitt x GN ! Reader — Joey | The Legion x GN ! Reader — Dwight Fairfield x GN ! Reader [Pronombres: Ellx/They]
TW | Hay obscenidad/NSFW en este, ups. Es algo rudo u oscuro en el de Michael, pero nada gráfico o demasiado fuerte, solo Michael siendo Michael. Me emocione y no sé si he sido educadx, así que si he escrito algo irrespetuoso, no dudes en patearme el culo en comentarios.
WA | No idea, pero son solo 5 headcanons por personaje.
AN | ¡Bienvenidx a este cambiante blog! Y no te preocupes por como solicites, mientras cumplas con las reglas realmente puedes solicitar como sea y lo que sea. Espero esto sea de tu agrado<3 y no dudes en comentar si deseas cambiar algo:).
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RZ ! Michael Myers
• Quieres verte sangrar, ver la "pulcritud" de tu piel y tu apariencia hace que quiera verte sangrar o por lo menos verte ensuciadx en sangre.
• Te ama, claro que lo hace y aun tiene algo de prudencia en que le dice que no debe ponerte en medio del caos solo por su curiosidad retorcida, pero hay algo bajo sus dedos que pica por verte "sucix".
• Le gusta observarte demasiado, podrías ser unx rudx total en secreto, pero nuevamente esta siendo prejuicio y tu apariencia le hace sentir que eres débil, así que siempre un ojo sobre ti, pareces fácil de romper y solo él tiene permitido romperse.
• No es de extrañar que durante sus momentos íntimos sea algo rudo, quizás no pueda verte bañadx en sangre, pero te dejara moretones y chupetones inofensivos cada que tengan sexo.
• Con una de sus manos rodeara tu cuello con fuerza y no solo por aumentar la velocidad y bestialidad de sus embestidas, no, desea ver las marcas de sus manos en un lugar que podría significar tu fin o si es uno de esos raros momentos en que se quita la mascara, morderá tu cuello y tu hombro. Es casi un viaje de poder.
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Thomas Hewitt
• Un poco más dulce que Michael, te ve como su dulce y lindx muñecx. No dudara en coser ropa que convine con esta idea que tiene sobre ti por tu apariencia. No es que te quejes, es lindo ser mimadx por tu gran hombre.
• Al igual que Michael siente que eres delicadx y siempre mantendrá un ojo vigilante sobre ti y más si hay víctimas en casa. Te hará subir a su habitación compartida o te mandara a vagar por la ciudad abandonada.
• Prohibido salir al sol sin un paraguas o mucha ropa cubriendote, no tendrán siempre acceso al bloqueador, pero no permitirá que tu culo albino sufra daño por una exposición al sol de Texas. Si no encontró algún paraguas, bueno ten por seguro que encontrará una forma de hacerte uno.
• Antes de su relación, tu apariencia es lo que te salvo. Es un pueblo en Texas y alejado de la mano de Dios, nunca conoció a alguien parecidx a ti, así que quería mantenerte un poco más. Al principio quería tu rostro, pero es un blando total y cayo enamorado de ti.
• Es tan cuidadoso al momento de tener sexo contigo. Tú siempre estarás arriba y comandando que tan rápido y fuerte tienen que ir, tendrás que rogar si quieres que este hombre sea duro contigo. Pero no te negaras a esa mirada llena de amor que te lanza al verte montadolo como si te pagarán por ello, es un desastre de gemidos y placer bajo de ti.
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Joey | The Legion
• Joey, el dulce Joey. No había conocido a nadie como tú antes de la Entidad, aun así no actúa de forma extraña contigo. Sabía que existían las personas albinas y para él eres solo tú.
• Claro, hay bromas a tu expensa, pero son bromas dulces e inofensivas. Te dirá que no vayas a perderte entre la nieve o si eres capaz de ser invisible. Son bromas tontas, aunque nunca mueren y solo las toleras por la sonrisa infantil en su rostro cada que las dice.
• Aun así es una perra protectora, si alguno de los supervivientes te esta haciendo pasar mal rato por ser albino y lo escucha, bueno, él no sabe porque han vuelto tan asustados de ti después de un juicio con él.
• Otro que le encanta ver tu piel enrojecer por la fuerza ejercida sobre ella. Ya sea durante la intimidad o juegos previos, se siente fascinado por como resaltar el enrojecimiento sobre tu piel y no dudará en sujetarte un poco más fuerte o dejar chupetones sobre ti.
• Le gusta sujetar tus caderas con sus dos manos y más si esta por llegar al clímax, escucharte gemir y ver la evidencia de que él es quien te toca puede llevarlo fácilmente al límite, no te soltara aun después del orgasmo y tendrás que atraerlo con dulces palabras para poder acurrucarse.
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Dwight Fairfield
• Es algo curioso al principio, pero tratando de ser respetuoso no permite que llegue a lo raro y aunque había escuchado sobre el albinismo, no dudará en preguntarte una que otra cosa y ya. Eso queda de lado al ver tu personalidad agradable y resplandeciente, esta enamorado de ti con fuerza y más al ser quien mantiene su animo en lo alto.
• Podrá verte un millón de veces hacerle frente a sujetos como Pyramid Head o Michael Myers, siempre perdera su mierda y más porque siente la curiosidad por tu albinismo de este último, vas a causarle un infarto al pobre hombre.
• Odia verte sucix, sabe que es inevitable y más con lo fácil que resalta sobre tu piel y cabello, pero aún así le molesta ver a su dulce pareja con la evidencia de lo que este mundo les hace. Se preocupa por todos sus compañeros, pero tú tienes un lugar especial, no sabría que haría sin ti.
• Negara que cuando la Entidad se siente caritativa, pide cosas para poder ayudarte a limpiarte. El hombre vive para adorarte así que no es una sorpresa si un día te recibe con toallitas húmedas o un lugar para ducharse. Es su momento íntimo y de adoración, algo tímido pero no dudará en pedir ducharte.
• Claramente es suave al momento de tener sexo, nunca se ha caracterizado por ser el más kink y más allá de la típica charla sucia, el sexo con él es la suavidad que les hace falta en este lugar y si, comúnmente viene después del aseo. Ver que él es quien te ha ayudado lo pone en marcha y tú estas abordó al ver la adoración en su rostro.
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spurgie-cousin · 10 months
I went down a reddit rabbit hole last night.
Jrod isn’t posting about Tim or Heidi per their request (boundary?) but Ellen (Heidi’s mom) is/can.
Engagement pictures came out recently and they are so normal and I mean that in a serious way. Like straight pinterest inspo posing. There’s a front hug and a pose where he’s hugging/holding her from behind. And it looks entirely natural. I have no snark for those pictures, they look truly happy and comfortable with each other. They’re wearing the same outfits from the proposal so there’s speculation that they were taken right after - so Jill was missing from the engagement and the engagement picture setup. Apparently she and David were either in Maine or Texas? I didn’t dig too deep on where they were. They weren’t at the engagement and nobody knows if that was her protesting the whole thing or they did it behind her back.
Around the time the pictures and video went up, Jill shared that she had been undergoing spiritual warfare. She shared all of the pictures other than the front hug and back hug and made some kind of comment about how Heidi’s ring wasn’t a diamond, which people think was unnecessary and that she’s mad that Tim got Heidi what she wanted and not what he wanted?
Jill recently posted a message from Philip, after his college visit, that “no girl will ever steal all of my heart from you” (or something like that) and there’s speculation that that was directly targeting Tim and Heidi.
Tim is/was apparently spending Thanksgiving with Heidi’s family? There’s a candid picture that was posted of them and he’s looking at her with what I can only describe as wonder and love at the same time (someone said something along the lines of “like a rescue dog that knows it’s been saved”)
Ellen made a post about them thanking Tim for being respectful and treating Heidi right - as opposed to how Jill would post that her daughters have servant’s hearts or something. Ellen also recently(?) posted a picture of her daughters praising them for being independent.
The Coveretts had some family photos done and included Tim. If I remember right, when the Rod son in laws were included in family pictures, it was either on the wedding day or when they were already married, but they were separate from the family? Was it Nathan and Nurie? Like they were there but not in the big group photo?
Ellen has been sharing some vague shade quotes on instagram (“stay away from the person who always makes themselves the victim” or something). Meanwhile Hallie was sharing very fundie shade specific things like skirt length holiness - people think it could be directed at her father since they apparently argued about clothing choices once before? But knowing how Jill is about modesty it could be directed at her. Apparently there was also a TT live where someone told Hallie to watch out for Jill and she was like “a lot of people have said that” but I think that was before Tim and Heidi’s courtship; during Kaylee and Jonathan’s pre-marriage.
Speaking of, apparently Ellen’s invite for Kaylee’s bridal shower had been lost in the mail and one of Ellen’s friends was like “yeah Jill isn’t responding to me either” about another missing invitation.
Ellen is in Jill’s downline for plexus, she’s Jill’s #3 seller. If Ellen stops selling, she can probably damage Jill’s overall income and rewards quite a bit.
It seems like with most fundies, the bride’s family is in charge of the planning. Jill will be left out, her only job will be just show up on the day of as the groom’s mom.
So it sounds like Tim, who Jill herself admitted that was her most difficult selfish willful child that they had to “correct until they were tired” (I’m assuming there was a lot of physical punishment), found someone to love him unconditionally and fiercely - Tim apparently described Heidi as feisty, so she herself may not be taking any of Jill’s shit and Jill’s on the attack. As a result, the Coveretts, who were allegedly warned about Jill’s antics since Jonathan started courting Kaylee, have circled the wagons in support of Tim and Heidi, and now Jill is spiraling because of how much control she’s lost in a short amount of time.
Just real quick while I'm thinking about the photos thing, I think what you're thinking of is after the Rod girls were married, Jill started separating them and their husbands/kids from family photos because now they are The Keller Family or The Hill Family, but the fiances were included in family pics before that.
Idk I could rant about it forever but overall, there are only so many people as insane as Jill and David out there even in their corners of Christianity. Jill has a long, long history of making enemies in even her own church communities because of her deep, unyielding self-righteousness, so it was really only a matter of time until they clashed with one of the kids' spouses and it doesn't shock me at all that it was the first female spouse (if our suspicions are true). I think Jill is the most critical and cruel towards women and I also think that makes it way more difficult for her daughters to 'escape' in this way (if that's what Timothy is doing) because Jill's interpretation of the Bible allows her to wield more power over them.
I don't want to seem like I'm letting the Coveretts off too easy because they were friends with the Rodrigueses for good reason, but they do seem a tad more open-minded, and honestly, I'll take what I can get for any of the Rodrigues kids if it means getting them out of the toxic, isolating world their parents have created. I hope Tim is able to finally find actual unconditional love and support with their family and is able to learn about himself as a person without being supernaturally punished for doing so.
And if he is spending this Thanksgiving with the Coveretts and not his family, good. I hope he does the same for Christmas and I hope the fact that he prioritizes time with them will somehow shake something loose in Jill to make her wake up (not likely but we can dream). Or at least that it's a good example for his siblings moving forward, like showing them that there can be a life outside of their parents' ridiculous standards and it can actually be good and happy, not miserable like I'm sure Jill has taught them it would be. Idk.
Anyway all that to say I hope Heidi IS beefing with Jill, I hope she takes Timmy and runs and I hope Jill has to suffer the consequences of her smothering, abusive parenting style. And that Tim, the Willful Child, gets to have the last laugh.
P.S. do we have a source for the invitation thing? Like where someone said "yea Jill isn't talking to me either"? Just curious
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softblesses · 7 months
Post Hypothermia Problems.
Part 1. 💜
‘Hh— Ngxt. . gxxtCh! He’nxcT.’
“Hey, TK? You know, I’m starting to find it really hard to tell the difference between you and Buttercup’s favourite squeaky toy.” Nancy pulled up beside him at the coffee station, taking notice that he was opting for tea rather than his usual. “You sure you’re okay?”
“That’s real funny, Nance.” Her fellow Paramedic muttered, stirring a little sugar into his teacup. “Really, I’m fine.”
“You’ve been sneezing more than usual. Is it your allergies? You sick, or something?” She took a small step backwards, but it was mostly just for show; they were around sick people all day everyday. It was literally their job.
TK shrugged, blowing on the tea and bringing it over to the table. The fire crew were out on a call, but EMS weren’t needed for cats in trees. Multiple cats, apparently, were indeed stuck in a singular tree. Tommy had promised to leave out some Benadryl for Mateo when they got back.
“Usually you’re pre-tty quick to jump on the fact that you don’t have allergies.” She pointed out, standing behind him at the table.
He scrunched up his nose, sniffling slightly. “Yeah, well, Texas hits different. You and Carlos always tell me that, don’t you?”
“Yeah, but—“ the trill of the emergency bell cut her off, and TK was on his feet before she could even think about finishing her sentence.
They were being called out to a fairly standard emergency; an elderly man had taken a fall in the garden helping his wife, and they arrived within ten minutes of the alarm bells. The woman was standing waiting for them out front, quick to lead them to her partner. “Oh, thank you for coming! He insists he’s fine, but you know how stubborn men can be!” The elderly woman chuckled, giving a fond look over at her husband currently lying on the grass.
“Oh believe me, I do know.” Nancy muttered, earning a slightly questioning look from Tommy and a glare from TK.
“TK, check his ABCs and Nancy prep a splint. Wrist injury looks to be likely, and we’ll check to make sure nothing else is broken.” Tommy knelt down beside him, whilst TK knelt on the other side. He checked his pulse, blood pressure and breathing; all were a little out of range, but nothing that warranted huge concern.
They were loading the man onto the gurney within fifteen minutes, having diagnosed him with a mild concussion and broken wrist. He’d need to be further treated at the hospital, and so Nancy and Tommy were loading him up now whilst TK carried the equipment back. Until, once again he was caught being betrayed by his nose.
‘H’nxxtt, xXgGt, he’ng—Tt. Ow,’ A haphazard attempt to use his elbow to cover, whilst still holding the equipment… and tripping himself up the garden steps. At least nobody saw. Or, at least he’d thought so.
“Gesundheit, dear. You shouldn’t force them all quiet like that, I read an article, you know. The internet can be helpful! My grandkids showed me how to get a Facebook just last year. Come over here, take this and let me help you.” She held out a handkerchief, that TK assumed was clean, and it had little embroidered daisies on it.
He could feel himself blush with sheer embarrassment, really hoping that maybe she somehow just had really really good hearing for a sweet old lady, and didn’t just see him fall up her steps. “Oh, it’s okay, Ma’am. I’m — I’m okay.” TK answered politely, but he clearly wasn’t, with the incessant sniffling that had started up again.
“Now, you might think I’m a gullible old lady. . But, I’m not that gullible, young man. Come on over here.”
She seemed like a force not to be reckoned with, and TK didn’t want to be rude. Plus, the team were most likely waiting for him now. He walked over, taking the handkerchief and thanking her quietly. He swiped at his nose a few times on their way to the front of the house, before sniffling and pocketing it. He couldn’t just ruin his dignity and blow his nose in front of her, could he? Thankfully, there weren’t too many questions when they made it out front, and the ride to the hospital was uneventful. Everything seemed normal again… until TK stepped out of the ambulance back at the station, and both of his crew members stopped him.
“Do you guys… need something?” He questioned, silently cringing at the congestion starting to stick to his voice.
“Yeah. For you to sit down, come on.” Tommy took him by the arm, and lead him over to the seating area in the kitchen. To make it worse, the fire crew were back too.
“Oooh, looks like TK’s in trouble!” Marjan grinned over her mug of coffee, attracting the newfound attention of both Mateo and Paul.
TK swallowed as he sat down, grimacing at the worsening pain in his throat. Now that the adrenaline of being on call was beginning to wear off, he really didn’t feel great. “I’m not in trouble. Cap, what’re you —“ he was cut off as she spoke to him, holding an in ear thermometer out before him.
“Sit still, and hush, TK. I’m checking your temperature.”
“But, I’m fine!”
“Has he been doin’ that little squeaky chew toy sneeze again? He was doing that this morning.” Paul cut in, waving around the salad fork he had in his hand in an accusatory manner.
“Yes! See, told you!” Nancy placed both hands on her hips, looking directly down at her partner.
The thermometer beeped after that, saving him from a little more humiliation. Tommy took a glance at the screen. “Well, you don’t have a fever, but you’re running a little warmer than usual.” She took a small flashlight from her pocket. “Open. Say ‘aaaaah.’”
TK sealed his lips tight, folded his arms and shook his head.
“Come on, TK, really?” Nancy sighed.
“We’ll have to go get your Daddy if you don’t do as Tom says.” Judd’s voice joined the crowd, and in that moment TK really just wanted to fall into a hole and hide in it.
A pause was made, before Marjan gave a side glance to some of her colleagues. Her look said ‘let’s give them some space,’ and sure enough Paul was conjuring up some excuse about needing more water bottles, Mateo had to go pee (he couldn’t think of anything else) and Judd was going to check on the fire trucks. TK appreciated it, and he slowly opened his mouth.
“I’mb not saying ‘ahh’ — oh, wait.” He frowned, and leaned back in his chair as his Captain gestured for him to open up again. He did as he was told this time, and he certainly didn’t like the way she ‘tsked’ at him in response.
“Your throat’s pretty red, TK. That accompanied by the slightly raised temp, sneezing and congestion. I think you ought to go home and rest.”
“Ah, ah! No buts, no ‘I’m fine’s and no telling me that it’s just a cold. It probably is, but if you recall the middle of this last winter, you were in hospital with hypothermia. Your body needs rest, even now. And despite all that… if you push yourself, post hypothermia or not, you’ll get worse and you’ll also risk other patients.” The micro lecture felt like it had lasted forever, or maybe that was just because his ears felt stuffy and his head was starting to ache and it was becoming harder to focus.
“… okay.” Came the eventual, defeated reply.
It hurt both Nancy and Tommy’s heart a little bit, and Marjan’s, who had been quietly taking over the salad prep behind them. “I can take you home,” she offered, stepping closer. “We’re on break, and if I’m honest? I could do with some fast food. Paul would never know.” She smiled, offering TK a hand to help him stand.
He stood on his own, looking down at his hands and picking at a fingernail. “Marjan, you… you don’t have to take me. I can Uber home.” He sniffed, a small noise of discomfort slipping past his lips as he swallowed again.
A glass of water was suddenly placed in his hands, and he looked up to find her looking at him expectantly. “TK, I’m getting my fast food fix, so really you’re not even the main priority!” She grinned.
“Thank you?”
“C’mon! Before the call bell goes off and I starve. You don’t want to be responsible for that, do you?”
TK shook his head, turning back at the others who only gave sympathetic smiles, which made him even more uncomfortable. “I’ll just… go grab my stuff.” He muttered, turning and walking back to the lockers.
The ride back was as uneventful as earlier’s, but that was only because TK fell asleep before Marjan had gotten to the takeout place. He stayed asleep until she was parking outside his and Carlos’ place, and jolted awake with a start as she gently shook him.
“Hey, TK, it’s just me, we’re—“
“Home. Thank you, I — sorry.” He was already reaching for the handle, not looking like he wanted to stick around. “Thanks again, Marjan. Um, enjoy your food.”
“Get better!” She called out, just in time before the door closed. She watched as he waved, and eventually disappeared out of sight.
When TK got through the door, Carlos was situated on the couch reading. It was his day off, after a night shift the day before, but TK wasn’t surprised to see him awake already. He always seemed to rise early, no matter the occasion.
“Babe!” His boyfriend was immediately on his feet. “I would say I told you so, but—“
“Stop it, Carlos. I don’t want a fuss.” His voice was worsening; congestion settled in thick, and a hoarseness from his scratchy throat. He sounded awful, in other words. “Just want to lie down.”
“I left a change of clothes for you in our room,” Carlos said softly, staying a few steps away so as to keep the boundary. “And, there’s leftovers in the fridge if you want them. I’ll grab you some water.”
“‘M not very hungry,” TK replied, before making his way into their bedroom. He emerged a few minutes later in a pair of sweatpants, and Carlos’ APD hoodie. It was comfortable, and with the small amount of ability that he had left to smell, TK appreciated the familiar and comforting scent of the attire.
He took a few sips of the water left on the coffee table for him, and snuggled up underneath the blanket atop of the couch.
“Can you stomaxh a few crackers? Are you nauseous?” Carlos approached hesitantly, holding a packet of crackers in one hand and a plastic bowl in the other. Affectionately coined ‘puke bowl’ the last time TK had the stomach flu. Besides that, this was one of the first times Carlos was actually seeing him sick; not in a coma sick. He’d seen that in enough bouts for one lifetime.
“I’m not nauseous, but thank you for bringing back Percy the puke bowl.” A tiny smile ghosted his lips, before a scrunch of his nose and a slightly aggressive rub at it.
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head at the nickname he’d refused to agree with back then. “Crackers, then?”
TK whined. “When I wake up?” He negotiated, eyes already closed.
Carlos sighed, but he knew he was fighting a losing battle. TK probably needed sleep more than he needed a snack, and at least he’d drank some water. In fact, he was snoring before Carlos could even consider asking him if there was anything he’d like to eat later on. So much for the ‘I’m fine, Carlos!’ He’d gotten this morning, after informing his boyfriend that he might be coming down with something. He’d been snoring. TK doesn’t snore, unless his nose is stuffy. But, alas, Carlos’ detective skills had gone unnoticed once again.
He left him to rest, keeping himself busy with tidying the place a little and preparing what he coiod for when TK woke. He knew he wouldn’t want any painkillers for obvious reasons, but they had other remedies for colds and flu that they could try. Vapour rub (of course), different kinds of herbal tea, honey from the farmer’s market and tissues. Lots of tissues. Now, Carlos just had to work out a happy medium that fell somewhere between wanting to take care of the man he loved, whilst not fussing over him. This one might take a while.
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sonjackcarl · 11 months
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
God the dash is going to be in shambles tomorrow glad we can bask in the pure absurdity of what is going on right now. Its literally so ridiculous why are we posting that in the year 2024. I literally look the same as the guy from that tt/the tweet like Im literally in tears from laughing at it. Also tommy bones before chris comes back from texas bc of that man gets anywhere near gavin on set after that …
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Hi! Hello! And Welcome!
I'm now just making one of these because I've been busy and my brain said "you're going to forget to write an 'about me!' post" . -Me Jun 3rd, 2024 _________________________________________________________ Welcome to my humble place where I do mostly fanart of fandom's I'm in like VAT7K (Varian and the seven kingdoms) and TTS (Tangled the series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure) and I do Original character art other things but I'm to tired to put them in. I like to just exist on many platforms like on here. My birthday is June 2nd! I mostly upload on my computer but sometimes on my tablet because that’s where my art is. I'm born and (being) raised in Texas! I do free art requests now! (Please make requests please!!) READ FOR REQUEST TALK
Here are other places you can find me!:
Instagram: Jesseandfriendz
Wattpad: Jesseandfriends10 ao3: JesseandFriends X/Twitter(don't even really post here): Varianandeugene
Pinterest(Don't even really post here either): Varianandhugo
Youtube: Jesseandfriends Tiktok: Jesseandfriendz Oh and I do not have a credit card only cash but I'm saving up for other things so If you are looking for help with anything and need money Please know that I would help If I could but I sadly can't.
Hope you have a great day/afternoon/night!
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restlesspazzi04 · 5 months
what was your intro to pazzi?
i've always been a big basketball fan and loved paige when she was in high school, but I didn't follow her college journey as much until recently.
I was actually watching one of their games a week ago, might've been the texas one, and saw how paige was practically her biggest fan even while injured. Then i saw their SLAM interview and paige was practically shooting heart eyes while Azzi was talking and i was like "damn that girl is in love or something" but mostly just laughed it off.
THEN i saw tt edits of them at the bar and just them having cute moments and I was like wow they're super cute together and have been obsessed ever since
i actually don't know much about the fandom. I've mostly just been a basketball fan, but i've been scouring the pazzi tumblr for the last two days and safe to say i'm even more obsessed then i thought i was LOL
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pollstuck · 2 years
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TT: I'm working on the bathroom. TT: But we are running low on Build Grist. EB: oh man who cares about the bathroom, now there's a meteor heading for my house!!! TT: I see. TT: Do you suppose it has anything to do with the game? EB: i don't know, maybe! what do i do! TT: I think it's very likely. TT: The walkthroughs vaguely suggest an impending threat before they end. TT: The already poorly constructed sentences become even more curt and ambiguous. TT: As if written hastily and with a sense of alarm. TT: Actually, their dedication to updating the walkthrough under such circumstances is admirable. EB: wow, FASCINATING. EB: ?????? TT: If the meteor is a game construct, I think the only thing to do is to proceed, and try to solve the dilemma on the game's terms. TT: Try using the lathe. TT: It says you can use the card on it, but isn't more specific than that. EB: ok i'll do that. TT: Really, it is a labor to read this drivel. TT: If I read any more my brain will need to be spoon-fed from a jar. TT: While it blows spit bubbles in a highchair. TT: I think I will write my own walkthrough. TT: That is, after we make sure you don't die.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] at 17:34 --
TG: i heard you got the box TG: i hope you appreciate my heroic fatherly perseverance in getting it to you TG: in my rough and tumble dirty wifebeaterly sort of way TG: also i hope you appreciate how many no-talent douches had their mitts on that bunny before you TG: its like a grubby baton in some huge douchebag marathon TG: hey where are you EB: oh man, the bunny was awesome, but i don't have time to talk, i think i'm playing sburb and it's kind of a nightmare. EB: flighty is breaking everything in my house. TG: dude i told you to steer clear of that game TG: and for that matter you should probably wash your hands of flighty broads and their snarky horseshit altogether EB: you and I both know we love her snarky horseshit EB: but that doesn't matter right now! EB: there's a meteor coming, and i'm not even joking about that!!! EB: it's like a big asteroid or comet or something. EB: in the sky. EB: heading right for my house!!!!!!!! TG: oh man TG: how big is it EB: i dunno. EB: big, i guess. EB: i gotta go! EB: we'll talk later if i am still alive and the earth isn't blown up. TG: like the size of texas TG: or just rhode island TG: theyre always throwing around these geographical comparisons to give us a sense of scale like it really means anything to us TG: but its like it doesnt matter its always just like: WOW THATS PRETTY FUCKING BIG TG: like mr president theres a meteor coming sir. oh yeah, how big is it? its the size of texas sir TG: OH SHIT TG: or, how big is it? its the size of new york city sir TG: OH SHIT TG: sir im afraid the comet is the size of your moms dick TG: OH SNAP TG: sir are you familiar with jupiter TG: you mean like the planet? TG: yeah TG: well its that big sir TG: hmm that sounds pretty big TG: i have a question TG: is it jupiter? TG: yes sir, earth is literally under seige by planet fucking jupiter TG: OH SHIT TG: anyway later
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quinnysnursery · 14 hours
you’re voice is totally okay😭 also two questions. are you from texas or am i delusional?😭😭 and also my tt vid of grace and johnnie blew up and people are HATIJG but i answer to every hate comment💜
not from texas and NOT saying where i'm from (besides america) sorry pooks 🫶
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pass1ons · 3 days
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( genesis  rodriguez .  cis  woman .  she / her )  - the  new  york  city  resident,  talia ochoa ,  was  seen  sporting  monique lhuillier  on  park  avenue  today .  the  thirty - four  year  old  is  a  model  in  the  city  &  has  been  here  for  thirty - four  years .  since  being  here  ,  they  have  been  told  to  be  quixotic  ,  but  also  captivating ,  who  really  knows  !  according  to  nycslam  ,   she's  secretly  married  to  one  of  her  co - workers .  anyways  ,  guess  we'll  find  out  for  ourselves  !
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( genesis  rodriguez .  cis  woman .  she / her )  - the  new  york  city  resident ,  talia  ochoa ,  was  seen  sporting  monique lhuillier  on  park  avenue  today .  the  thirty - four  year  old  is  a  model  in  the  city  &  has  been  here  for  thirty - four  years .  since  being  here  ,  they  have  been  told  to  be  quixotic  ,  but  also  captivating ,  who  really  knows  !  according  to  nycslam  ,   she's  secretly  married  to  one  of  her  co - workers .  anyways  ,  guess  we'll  find  out  for  ourselves  !
NAME   :   talia   rose   ochoa   .    NICKNAMES   :   tali   ,   tt   .   DOB   :   december   10th    .    ZODIAC   :   sagittarius   sun   ,   cancer   moon   ,   pisces   rising   .    AGE   :   thirty   -   four   .    ORIENTATION   :   bisexual   &   biromantic   .   OCCUPATION   :   model    .    LANGUAGES   :   spanish   ,   english   ,   french   .   FACECLAIM : genesis   rodriguez  . POSITIVE TRAITS   :   amiable   ,   magnanimous   ,   esthetic   ,   polished   .    NEGATIVE TRAITS   :   fanciful   ,   quixotic   ,   aloof   ,   wistful   .    LABELS  /  TROPES   :   the   baby   doll   ,   the   aesthete   ,   the   pristine   ,   the   paracosmist   .    MBTI   :   infj   .    ENNEAGRAM   :   2w3   . 
talia was born in los angeles to a world famous supermodel ( think cindy crawford ) and an equally as famous soccer star turned model ( think david beckham ) so it goes without saying that a silver spoon was practically planted in her mouth. both parents always shared a good relationship with their daughter, and they still do!
a life of luxury was really all that talia had ever known. she began modeling when she was 16 for clothing ads, and she appeared alongside her parents for many jobs starting at age 5. she was used to the cameras, the attention, and the busy & bustling life that came with being a young woman in the business.
she began dating another well - known public figure shortly after she started modeling for victoria's secret at age 19, and their relationship was, obviously, wildly public, to her great disdain. they couldn't escape the paparazzi for a second, but their love was real, so she dealt with it; never one spotted without the other in public in order to avoid any stupid rumors of infidelity. it was no surprise when the two got engaged. the engagement was all over the news, and their managers even came together to host a sweepstakes - type contest where 10 lucky fans would be invited as guests to the wedding. come the big day, talia gets cold feet. the press breathing down her neck and a few existential crises lead to her running away from her wedding, leaving her spouse - to - be at the altar, and suddenly, "america's sweetheart" was painted as everything awful; a liar, cheater, bitch, every possible negative descriptor was said about her. she was the bad guy now.
SO she fled to texas and retired from modeling, claiming it was because her grandmother was sick and she wanted to be with her, but really, she just needed to get away from the hustle and bustle that she once adored,,, but also bc she was dropped by victoria's secret at age 23 ( bc she was too old BLECH ) so she hates them now,,,. so that + the negative attention just became to much for her.
and since then, she's been working on herself and only herself. sure, she still gets fans coming up to take pictures with her, and she still models from time - to - time, but it's all on a much smaller scale. her career means the world to her, and she still manages to practice great self - care every single day and night. she takes everything day - by - day and tries to find joy in all of the little things.
the  rumor  is  not  true !  tali's  love  language  is  physical  touch,  and  with  close  friends,  she  won't  hide  her  love  for  them !  the  rumor  was  started  by  some  fans  on  instagram  and  now  the  media  tabloids  are  running  with  it  lol
under construction !
the one from the rumor ( the one ppl think she's married to ) , drinking buddies , bad influence ( on talia ) , sibling - like relationship , childhood friends , unlikely friends , flirtationship , fwb , ewb , former pr stunt ( friendship or romance ) , exes ( good & bad & maybe unsure?? terms ) , frenemies , straight - up enemies but they can't really remember why , past & present coworkers , unrequited crush , ex - friends , & ,,, literally anything & everything else pls
tba !!
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