#tua headcannon
tua-braindump · 2 years
HC being childhood friends with TUA:
1. Luther
He's very strong, so you're always getting him to pick you up and raise you to reach for things higher up.
You pester and pester him until one day he agrees to throw you up in the air like a bouncy ball. You freak out pretty badly and he almost misses catching you on the way down so you both silently agree to never do that again.
Sometimes you get him to push you on the swings so hard you go all the way around.
He's always training to be stronger so at some point you sit on him and read aloud while he works out.
You try your hand at cooking or baking and it's kind of bad but Luther is always hungry so he eats it all, happily, which always cheers you up.
You dare him to lift bigger and bigger things but one day he picks up a bus but there was a cat sitting on top and the poor thing slides off screaming. That game stops quickly after that.
You are a little shit so you like surprising him by running and leaping up into his back like a little monkey. Sometimes if you're fast enough you get your hands over his eyes and make him guess who (it's always you.)
During weeks where Reginald is home and you can't see your friend for long stretches, you will sometimes sneak out at nighttime and throw little rocks at his window just so you can wave at him from the street so he knows you miss him. Although you eventually get good at aiming these rocks, the first few times you hit someone else's window and they act all annoyed but the next thing you know, Luther is at his window waving back excitedly.
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itsnoones-stuff · 22 days
Five Hargreeves in a relationship headcanon
NSFW edition
(Also just for fun)
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- the man’s touch starved so you know he’d have his hands all over you, gripping and pulling you as close as physically possible.
- so much kissing. So fucking much. Lips, face, body doesn’t matter, he’ll kiss you all over repeatedly as he grips parts of your body.
- he would moan so fucking much and you can’t convince me otherwise. Even if it’s just a small moan, he’s making noise and you know it sounds so good.
- adding on to the kissing he would absolutely love eating you out, like love it. He’d be like a man stuck in desert finding water for the first time in days. Moaning the entire time too.
- he definitely loves getting his dick sucked but he’d never force it, asking you repeatedly if you’re sure you want too. But when you do? He’d melt, slipping his hands in your hair and pulling lightly. More moaning of course.
- “You’re such a good girl” enough said.
- loves it slow and soft, he just wants to enjoy the physical contact. Lots of kissing and eye contact when he does, he wants to see you enjoying it.
- will do it rough if you ask but he’s constantly checking if you’re okay and making sure he’s not hurting you. You know he feels guilty afterwards, checking and double checking you’re okay.
- loves dirty talk. You know he loves that shit, you whispering in his ear will always send a shiver down his spine. Nothing gets him harder faster than you whispering in his ear.
- you know he loves to make you moan, he knows all the best ways to get you to. It’s his favourite sound other than your laugh.
- to go with the dirty talk you know this man will fold if you lick his ear or bite it. Same with neck kisses/bites, you know he goes crazy over it.
- daddy issues. Without a doubt this man has major daddy issues. He absolutely loses his fucking mind when you call him daddy. Definitely loves being the dominant one. He is daddy to be fair.
- did I mention the MOANING?????
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
he’s just like me fr
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wohthatwas · 1 month
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Stares blankly @ season 4, Well thats fake! anytways welcome to I draw five but headcannons I built up over many years. hes a menace to his siblings.
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kaybreezy3000 · 3 months
How do you think the umbrellas felt about fan letters/fans having crushes on them and stalking them? Individually.
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Your question instantly reminded me of this silly little PowerPoint project I did to add to one of my first Five Centric fanfics. As you can see, it's a fan letter directed at Five, and it's rather suggestive. In that story, Five did not jump to the future apocalypse at the age of 13, that didn't happen until he and his siblings were 16, so that left time for me to dabble with him and the rest of them getting to experience some of the coming-of-age fun and drama teens often get to face.
I am not trying to plug my stuff here but it's totally about what you are asking and if you are interested in reading a story style answer to your question, as it mostly focuses on Five but also does mention the rest of the family too, you can click this direct link to it on AO3 or find it on my Tumblr Master list. It's aptly called, 'The Anti Hero's Pitfall of Arrogance,' and like many of my other TUA stories, it's rated Teen and up because you can easily skip the explicit stuff and get warnings for the more triggering parts if you aren't down with that, then read the end notes in those sections and still get the point of what happened and still enjoy the story.
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When I think of your question as it relates to all the Hargreeves in the show's version of things and how it really went down, I would have to say that from what we saw of their younger years, we didn't get much information on how they felt about fans and their crushes on them, or them potentially getting stalked. But even though the show didn't really go there in any depth, I think we can say that Allison was supposedly a favorite of the press and perhaps the fans too, as was probably Luther with his Number One, standing tall and ripped, pretty boy perfect blonde Ken doll thing he had going. I bet they both loved the attention, but Luther probably was not bold enough to do much about it besides gloat about it to the others and then feel sheepish for doing it in front of Allison because of their own little forbidden crush thing the show had going on for them.
I would imagine bloodied and broken down Ben shied away from all of the public attention, and maybe he wasn't even targeted by it like the others were by adoring fans, and that would be because of 'The Horror' thing he was dealing with, and his own feeling about it were complicated, and the fact that people might have been scared shitless of the poor kid might not have helped, which only probably added to how Ben wanted nothing to do with the thing inside him. All that maybe even effected Ben's inability to own the monster within, and that could even play into stuff that might come out in our final season. I could totally see 'The Jennifer Incident,' being something awful that went down in the public eye or maybe behind closed doors. It could have been something to do with a fan-not a love interest, but a fan, or even a fan that became his friend. Lately, I have been going with other theories on the Jennifer thing, but that is still a big one for me and I wrote a version of that idea happening with our dear Ben in my first TUA series, Paramore (The Umbrella Academy).
When it comes to Ben and looking at him as the Sparrow Ben, I think it proves my point about him and Five, a point that I make a little lower down. When alive and given a chance and not feeling so shitty about himself and the Horror inside him, Sparrow adult Ben was all about the fans hanging out with him in the club. He was an attention whore for lack of a better phrase and a snob, and it was hilarious. He was going for it like any public figure who is adored does with the fanatics that love him. That is sort of interesting to note being original Ben's fate was so different, but it could have been him doing that too if his childhood had gone the other way.
Diego the ever amazing Batman wanna be, B rated superhero of the family, probably would have eaten up the attention of the fans, both the guys and the girls. Back then when they were kids, he for sure wanted to be the hero basking in the limelight, just like Luther. I bet those two would have been fighting over fan letters, claiming they had more than the other. In the story I wrote and mentioned above, that is exactly what happened with those two and Five got pulled into the mix despite his insistence that he didn't give a shit about what other people thought of him. Egos are egos and boys will be boys and The Umbrella Academy had plenty of them behind its walls, not to mention all the teenage hormones. OH, the DRAMA...😜
When it comes to Five, I think if he had been around to get this kind of attention from fans, being a little older than 13 like he was in my story, or even before that if they got fawned over like that while they were so young, he would have pretended that he didn't care about it, but really he totally would have, maybe even more than the rest of them.
Outwardly, I think of the 13-year-old Five as not at all being interested in crushes and things like that. He'd deem fan letters and the idea of giving his time to them as way beneath him and the more important things he was doing-like crunching numbers and figures, trying to figure out how to time travel with his father explicitly told him to leave it alone. That said, Five is so smart, maybe smarter than all of them, and sometimes it seems to get in his way of seeing the light before it's too late. Reginald was right on that, as Five admitted.
When it comes to understanding people, I am thinking when Five was young, and even now when he is way older mentally, he is not the best with social graces or knowing his way around situations with other people involved. He's also a bit naive when it comes to love, and relationships based on true intimacy because the only one we can say he really had was with Dolores and she is pretty much just another extension of him, so it's limited in what he can learn from that.
When it comes to real people, Five usually seems all sorts of not sure what to do and usual blocks them out. That happened in my story when he was 16, and him thinking like many 16-year-olds would when thrown that lipstick kissed letter, he started to think things about girls that he really hadn't been focused on until that point. Naturally the feelings were in him, but he'd ignored them, and when the switch was flipped on, and he 'turned on' things turned into a very naughty situation fast, and yeah...teen Five doesn't handle it so well.
Five's arrogance hits extreme levels in the show and my story and that masked dark haired smirking boy bundled in his winter coat on those steps in the photo shown below ends up making a big mistake and pays hard for it, but we also get to see all the vulnerability in him as he flounders, and that's really what that whole story I did and the shows depiction of him is about. Five so many things. They all are but, in the end, they are human, and we all crave attention, and we all fuck up, especially when we are young.
Five is a bit of a mess then and now, just like all of them, but in my head, he's the worst off with that, with Benny boy coming in a close second. Neither of them got to grow up like a normal person would. Neither got to go through all the first kisses, and blunders, and epic wins a teen or younger person normally would.
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I think all the Hargreeves kids were mega vulnerable in a way that most normal kids their age wouldn't' have been. That and being filled with unimaginable power and put in front of the world the way they were, they'd all be desperate for all the attention the fans were willing to give them. They'd seek it just like the approval they all are constantly trying to get from Reginald. Some of them would take it further like Five did in my story, going for cheap thrills and anything they could get with some of the more persistent fans. The older they got, I am sure Reginald's hold on them slipped more and more and sneaking out and getting involved with the world would have been inevitable at some point for all of them. But, that said, in the show, what they showed us made it seem that once the Umbrella Academy disbanded, the world sort of just let them go too.
That may not have been that case, I am just saying it's not like they said that Diego was a big player after he left, cashing in on chick's interest in him from his days at the academy. It never gave the impression that their fame helped any of them in any way, other than Allison, and for her, she Rumored her way into Hollywood, or so it's implied-not sure if she did or not or if people just accused her of it.
Poor Viktor, like in everything, wouldn't have been a part of the fan frenzy. He wasn't allowed to be. Like in all things, he probably felt left out and that left a lasting impression on him. It was just another thing that would have hurt like hell but also makes him so different than them in how he thinks and acts now. For a dude that nearly ended the world, twice, he's actually pretty levelheaded compared to the rest of the gang and I am not surprised that in the trailer, he seems to be doing relatively well living a normal life. Out of any of them, he'd be able to do it since he'd been led to believe he was ordinary for long.
Lastly, when it comes to Klaus, he'd have been like all of them with fans, he'd have gravitated towards the extremes of the fake love, even if it was from crazed girls and guys throwing trinkets their way when they were allowed out or leaving it on the steps of the Academy. When he got older, he'd have been all about sneaking out, going to parties, meeting people, take all sorts of mind-altering substances while letting his notoriety as one of the infamous superpowered kids of the Umbrella Academy get him anything he could his hands on. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll people, think that with Klaus. He would have wanted real true friends, maybe more than the others would have because he's so outgoing and full of wonder, but in the end the fans and their crushes would leave him empty, just like the drugs.
I think we saw that in season one, the first episode, with Klaus in the ambulance with the med-tech in back that knew him, it wasn't just because Klaus had been on his gurney several times before while overdosing. I think the world never forgot them even after they all grew up and become nobodies, but the sad thing is, their fame faded, just like their trust in each other and the idea that they were there for a higher purpose.
And thus...we real fans in the real world got the Umbrella Academy, and now we are the IRL people who are obsessing over these complex and so loveably broken characters. 😄
~~~~Thanks for another great question anon. I really enjoy doing this kind of character analysis with you. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below or private message me anytime. 😉 💞
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tiredemzz · 1 month
☔︎ - doesn’t remember much of her childhood, does remember that her family decided to leave her in the woods until the fish head found her.
☔︎ - vanya decided to teach Fiora about music and it made her feel comfortable and happy since Fiora would listen to classical music or rock to smooth her down since the demon herself has a bit of a anger issues.
☔︎ - her and five r the emeries to friends to lovers type duo, I love them alright?
☔︎ - probably would wear a shirt that saids ‘me and five r friends?? wat-‘ /j
☔︎ - gets along with klaus, vanya and sometimes five when he’s not a jerk lel
☔︎ - at first.. the umbrella academy members didn’t like fiona b/c they thought she was evil but as months went by.. one by one in private conversations they started to treat fiona like she was a normal person and like she was apart of the family :) (some members didn’t think she was evil like klaus and vanya -v-)
☔︎ - doesn’t really know about dolores, but pretty sure that she doesn’t wanna know about her b/c she’s none of her business lel
☔︎ - drinks rootbeer in her own time b/c she isn’t in a mood for alcohol or a margarita
☔︎ - secretly smokes cigarettes in her own time b/c she smokes when she’s tired of bullshit that’s thrown at her :p
☔︎ - she basically got her demon powers by a evil scientist that her adopted father hired to do dangerous experiments on her, she sadly died during one of the experiments and was brought back in her 13 yr old body. (so sorry if this doesn’t make any sense, she’s a work in progress. + she has more powers then her demon ones.)
☔︎ - pretty much cusses once in a while, can’t control it tho whoops
☔︎ - she secretly can shape shift and clone herself but she doesn’t show those two extra powers b/c she keeps them to herself
☔︎ - pretty much is bisexual, pronouns r she/they/her
☔︎ - doesn’t like when you yell at her, makes her upset and angry
☔︎ - doesn’t really like lila that much
☔︎ - likes to break the fourth wall >:)
☔︎ - can’t stand loud ass noises or sounds
☔︎ - loves animals sm, doesn’t like kids that much
☔︎ - can’t stand relationships or romance stuff, makes her throw up inside and makes her cringe
yall liked the hcs? I do too lel
what are your thoughts on Fiona? let me know in the comments lel
If you got any ideas on her, feel free to tell me :)
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highlyincorrect · 2 years
The Brellies Play Mario Kart hcs
(Our cast of characters are Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ghost Ben and Viktor)
Mario Kart has been a symbol of rebellion and pride in the Hargreeves household since they were children and Five stole a gamecube (Viktor convinced him to go back and leave money for it)
Allison has memorised every secret pathway backwards and forwards
Diego has the best aim with green shells
Klaus constantly runs into walls and complains that his controller is broken (it never is)
When Ben was alive, he used to be very good at the game and now suffers when Klaus drives backwards and ignores Ben’s advice
Ben has enough and possesses Klaus, letting him win two rounds to the surprise of everyone
Luther is absolutely terrible and constantly comes last (even lower than Klaus for some reason)
Five is ruthless and quick in his takedowns with red shells and bananas.
He and Allison are often locked in a battle for first place. Once, when she hit him with a blue shell, he pulled a gun on her in a fit of blind rage (Diego tackled it out of his hand while Allison yelled “Do it wimp! It won’t win you first place!”)
Viktor is slow but steady. He sometimes squeezes his way quietly into first place while the others are arguing
Diego races as Bowser because he thinks he’s badass. Luther races as Donkey Kong, Klaus as Toad, Allison as Princess Peach, Five as King Boo, Ben as Luigi and Viktor as Mario
Viktor gifted them all a Nintendo switch and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Christmas. They all played it for five hours straight, until they’d raced every map
There is endless dispute who won, each sibling believing it’s themself- even though Klaus came 12th
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allthehumanflaws · 11 months
This only makes a little sense but what if
Klaus Hargreeves has the ability to talk to the dead right?? So what if he is dead?
Died like ages ago i know i know he can't but what if
And because his powers were talking to the dead but because now he himself is dead his powers like reversed and now despite being dead he can talk to the living
That would explain suddenly being able to channel other spirits through him you know-
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dollechan · 9 months
Oie vc conseguiria escrever como seria os dreamers pedindo a op em namoro? Seria algo fluff🥹
 𓈒 ݁ ₊ 𐙚 𝓓𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓮𝓼 te pedindo em namoro
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YAYYYYY primeiro headcannon do blog e primeiro pedido também! bom, espero que gostem!
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• Primeiro de tudo nosso líder Mark séria o tipo que se embolaria todo para fazer o pedido. Não é por querer, tadinho, mas ele fica muito intimidado pela tua presença (em um bom sentido). Iria fazer o pedido em um passeio noturno, só vocês dois em um parquinho perto da sua casa, e por mais que ele tenha planejado e ensaiado o quê ia falar, provavelmente iria se perder no meio do caminho. "É que... Cê sabe né, tamo- tamo saindo juntos já tem um tempinho e eu queria perguntar se tu não toparia namorar comigo. Quer dizer, se você quer namorar comigo, sabe?"
• Renjun seria um dos que planejou tudinho, quando eu falo tudo é tudo mesmo. Fez um jantar chique — e muito gostoso —, arrumou a própria casa só para isso, encheu de rosas vermelhas e velas para dar um toque mais "romântica". Tudo foi mágico, do jeito que ele queria, e o pedido veio acompanhado de docinhos feitos pelo Huang. Você não podia pedir um — agora — namorado melhor! "Olha querida, sei que já tem um tempo que estamos enrolando para assumir um relacionamento. Você aceitaria ser a minha namorada?"
• Primeiro de tudo preciso dizer que Jeno iria se declarar sem querer para você e quando percebeu sabia que precisava pedir você em namoro o mais rápido possível. Foi um pouco apressado, vocês já eram amigos a muito tempo, então poucos dias depois da confissão por acidente ele resolveu aparecer na tua porta com um buquê das tuas flores favoritas e uma aliança. "Você sabe que eu gosto muito de você, não é? Por favor, me dá uma chance de ser seu namorado."
• Nosso querido Haechan não tinha planejado muitas coisas, mas estava confiante. Assim como Mark ele te levaria para um passeio, mas pela tarde as margens do rio Han, para tomar sorvete e ver o pôr do sol. Enquanto você estava observando o sol sumindo no horizonte da cidade, ele pegou o anel que estava guardado no bolso. "Amor, olha 'pra mim. Sei que é um passo bem grande pra gente, mas você aceitaria ser minha namorada?
• Jaemin é aquele tipo de cara que sempre quer estar perto de você, não importa onde, ele sempre quer estar com você. Então, pq não namorar logo?! 🤓☝🏼 Ele ia te levar para um parque de diversões e antes que fossem embora ia te pedir em namoro ali mesmo, no meio do parque. Apesar dele ser mais reservado e não gostar tanto de multidões preferiu fazer o pedido em público — se fosse em privado ele não teria coragem —. "Princesa, sabe o pq eu te trouxe aqui né? Quero te perguntar uma coisa; você seria minha namorada?"
• O cara é rico né, então eu acho que o Chenle iria te levar em uma viagem super chique só pra te fazer um pedido. Iria te levar para fazer compras, ir no salão de beleza e em restaurantes chiques; definitivamente iria ser tratada como uma princesa. No final da semana ele iria te levar para o restaurante mais caro só para enfim te pedir em namoro. "Linda, sei que é só uma formalidade já que estamos juntos a tanto tempo mas, você aceitaria ser minha namorada?"
• Jisung não teria planejado muita coisa, mas tava tremendo mais que cara verde. Seria o nervosismo em pessoa, mas isso não ia impedir ele de te pedir em namoro!
Ele te chamou pra casa dele, algo mais caseiro, para uma noite para comer besteiras e jogar videogames da coleção do Park. Antes de você sair da casa dele ele te pede pra esperar, com a mão tremendo pega uma caixa de veludo que dentro esta a aliança de namoro dos pais. Ele não te deixa ir embora depois, faz questão que você durma com ele.
"Ah _____! Me dá uma chance, por favor." 🥺🥺
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Masterlist 2.0
Klaus, cut the bullshit (tua) (closed)
Sandman (closed)
House of the dragon (closed)
Stranger things (closed)
Werewolf by night (closed)
Druig (eternals) 1 2 3
Disastrous life of saiki k
Saiki kusuo 1 2 3 4 5
Is this stalking? Potentially/hypothetically from a certain standpoint, yes. Yet it is. (Requested)
The legend of vox machina (closed)
Percival de rolo 1 2 3 4
Vox machina 1 2 3 4 5
Deadweight pt 2
Deadweight pt3
Deadweight pt4
Deadweight pt5
Deadweight pt6
Deadweight pt7
Deadweight pt 8
Comfort after disaster
How vox machina dealt with reader coming back from the dead (revival) (requested)
Prompt 29: actions that make them happy (requested)
Vax’s gn s/o takes a bit for him and Pike heals them (requested) (tw; blood, gore, Achilles heel slashing, throat slitting, a whole ass gash taking up reader’s torso.)
Weather report
Castlevania (closed)
Alucard tepes 1 2
Dracula 1 2 3
Trevor Belmont 1 2
Wednesday (closed.)
Wednesday Addams 1
Like a date date? (Requested)
Make a move (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Part 3 (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Black dahlia lovers (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Black cat and golden retriever (requested)
Truths and lies (requested) angst/happy ending. Tw: blood, hurt, gashes.
The day Wednesday Addams understood what sound a shattered heart makes. (Requested) angst/ one sided love
Part 2; it takes two to mend a shattered heart (Requested)
Change of heart (requested)
Wednesday missing reader (not click bait) (requested)
Someone’s (Enid) is a little butt hurt (requested)
Alive (requested)
Companion of darkness (platonic Wednesday imagine request)
A nightshade always protects (requested)
Precognitions aren’t to be taken seriously when processed without the necessary context aka Wednesday learns how to cry (requested)
Mad dog of Nevermore (requested)
1068 days isn’t nearly a long enough time to keep me from you. (Requested)
Dragon of Nevermore (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
The king of curses (requested)
Chaos witch (requested)
Chaos witch pt 2 (requested)
Chaos witch part 3 (requested)
Enid Sinclair 1
Liking you romantically (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Tomorrow’s another day (requested)
Because we work (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
Xavier Thorpe
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Finger friends (requested)
Xavier and Ajax’s no good, very bad day (requested)
Ear piercings are a bitch to heal. (Requested)
Xavier and reader’s children go to Nevermore (Requested)
Our rivalry became more because of a misdemeanour. (Requested)
Sketch your way into my heart (Requested)
Nasty bitch goblin mother fucker (requested) (may/may not include unrealistic selections of the usage/effects of marijuana otherwise known as weed)
AIB (alice in borderlands)
See you on the other side
On the other side (part 2 to fic above) (requested)
Name a star after me
Final Fantasy 7
Cuddling headcannons (requested)
Trigun stampede
Vash the stampede
Some Vash stuff
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Reader flusters Nicholas (requested)
Lockwood and Co
Fic page here.
Fic list here
Resident evil 4 remake
Fic list here
Spider-man: across the Spiderverse
Fic list here
Mortal Kombat 1
Fic list here
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sunriseseance · 6 months
Someone tell me a TUA headcannon Stat
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oscarisaacsspit · 2 years
i love him
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a-fools-circus · 9 months
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The official Masterlist for all of my fics/drabbles/work
All 18+/NSFW fics are marked appropriately. Minors please do not interact with tagged work
Any tags/trigger warnings are listed in the original post
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Stress Relief [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (AO3)
Lascivity [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (AO3)
Mors Tua, Vita Mea (x) (AO3)
A Gift for Papa [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x) (AO3)
Ghostober Day 1: High Sex [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 3: Gloves/Leather [f!Reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 6: Creampie [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
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Evening Stroll [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (AO3)
Ghostober Day 4: Table Sex [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 7: Cockwarming/Objectification [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x)
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Salacious Want [f!reader] 18+/NSFW (x) (AO3)
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Ghostober Day 2: Tail Sex [Swiss/Dew] 18+/NSFW (x)
Ghostober Day 5: Lingerie/Double Penetration [Cirrus/Cumulus/Aurora] 18+/NSFW (x)
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‘Christmas’/Yule/Winter Holiday with the Papas [gn!reader] SFW (x)
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pickle-de-packle · 2 years
Overview & Masterlist
Updated: 03/29/2024
I write for my and your enjoyment :)
Upcoming Posts
What I Will Write
Smut (Kinks are welcomed, including CNC and Somnophilia)
Song fic
What I Won’t Write
Extremely Hardcore BDSM
Masterlists - I will write for people who aren’t listed currently
Prompt Masterlist
Kinktober 2023
Sherlock Masterlistt
Volodymyr Zelenskiy Masterlist (Nothing yet)
Andriy Yermak Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist (all eras)
TUA Swedes Masterlist
Elon Musk Masterlist
Ghost Masterlist
Mirrorworld/Reckless Masterlist
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kaybreezy3000 · 8 months
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Master Post-Five Hargreeves Stuff
I like to write, and I hope there's a little something on here for everyone to enjoy. Short one-shots, the occasional requests if I get them, long novel length stories- All pairings, no pairings, etc.
This is a full list with links for my stories and some of my art featuring Number Five (TUA). For direct Tumblr posts for art and stories, hit here.
⚠️Since this came up for me: Please do not repost, translate, or reproduce my works in any format to other sites or this one. REBLOGS ARE THE WAY TO GO, AND I ADORE ALL OF YOU THAT ARE KIND ENOUGH TO HIT THAT BUTTON AND HELP ME GET MY WORK OUT THERE FOR OTHERS TO FIND. ❤️
Please Hold me
~A one-shot reader request, rated General, 5780 words, This one for the sake of being different is Season 3 Five and his family, Mega Whump with no warnings other than panic attacks and traumatic flashbacks of the apocalypse
Summary: Set at the beginning of season 3, the pain that had been inflicted on Five mentally and physically up until this point comes to a head. Little did Five know, when the truth comes out and he finally breaks, he is going to get the love and support he was dying for all along.
Amor Fati ~ A Five Hargreeves Sad, Soft, and Arousing Season 4, ABC’s Headcannon Story
(Five X Female reader insert, rated E for sexually Explicit content-see above or full story on A03 here. Originally done as another headcanon request but this one is a full story too.)
Broken but breathing. Longing for something that always felt just out of his reach, Five was not okay.
With fates forever intertwined, a train, and a smile he would never forget, once again, the impossible became his reality, but like always, not without tragedy.
In the end, all that mattered are the people Five loved. For them, he would do anything.
(Warnings and Tags: Rated R for sexually explicit content, Hurt Number Five, Alternate S4, Whump, Mental Break Down, Self-Doubt, Angst-humor-love, Uncle Five, The Deli Fives, Starts with Five in a very dark place, Not the end the show gave us.)
Worlds Collide -Five Hargreeves X 6 separate Female reader inserts
A steaming hot and humorous deli Five story, and An Ode To All The Fives We’ve Loved Before.
Written by: @badkitty3000 and me, @kaybreezy3000
(Rated Mature for Sexually Explicit Content, 6976 words)
Note: All six reader inserts in this one were inspired by characters we wrote in our other stories about Five. But if you haven't read any of these stories, you can still easily enjoy this one. If you find that you want a little more of Five and any one of these lovelies, links will be provided at the end.
Looking for Happy
Hilariously simple but true summary: Five Hargreeves is sad and horny, and all he wants is you. (Don't worry, I will take you a little emotional rollercoaster that's not all the dirty-dirty 😂👍)
(Reader is post-top surgery and pre-bottom surgery.)
(Rated E for explicit sexual content. 18900k words. Anon request for a Five X male or Five X ftm pairing.)
Content Warnings and additional tags: Dom Five and some Sub Five, small 'Scream' movie add in per anon's personal love of the movie with sexy Billy and Stu, light praise kink, daddy kink, rough sex, choking, spanking, public sex, Five being sweet, Five being a cocky jerk, masturbation mentions, flirting)
NOTE: This story takes place during season four and after it, using a series of flashbacks, so it moves between past and present several times. Also, this was obviously written before season 4 came out, with an alternate season 4 ending written my way. It has lots of season 4 trailer and interview mentions to make it more fun and hopefully tie in a little with the real season 4.
Five Hargreeves Dirty Headcanon ABC's
(Rated M for sexually explicit content, 5438 words, the last one for Z is sort of a mini story for you to enjoy. This list explores Five and his relationship with 'you' while taking a small dive into his very complicated psyche and looking at some of the reasons why he is the way he is. This is written with 'you' as anyone-not male or female specific.)
He Who Holds The Power~(rated Teen and Up or General) (10,409 words)(alt season 4 story with ending)(Not a Romance- reader insert style that lets anyone be the 'you' character) (original Five cover art painting made by me and a little photoshop story insert to make it more fun)(real friendship and healing)
This one is a little season 4 teaser short story I dreamed up that gives us a look inside Five's world both before he jumped to the apocalypse and post season 3.
~~~~~~~~It all begins and ends with Five....
warnings: mild description/mention of child abuse, and signs of panic attack, potential trigger by mention of bombing a building
tags: not romance, whump, fluff, trauma, heartbreak, love, revenge, forgiveness, Mr. Pennycrumb, all the Hargreeves and some of our new character mentions from season 4, Five deserves better, Klaus is awesome, You x Five, reader insert, Five is amazing and with this one you get to imagine yourself a part of his story/future be it as a friend or whatever you want to imagine👍
Under Your Hat~ (rated M/Explicit for sexual content but you can still read this and enjoy it by skipping those parts using the ⚠️ symbol in the story for start and stop points.) (9827 words)
You never know what kind of trouble you might find if you put yourself out there and speak your mind, and tonight, that kind of trouble is Five Hargreeves.
~Set post season three. (the 5ish years later thing) Five is older, but still struggling with life and you happen to find yourself at a party with him.
Warnings: explicit sexual content, rough sex, spanking, daddy kink, humiliation play, and Five pretty much being the sweet and sexy guy I like to think he is under that hat.
'Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys ~(rated G since you can easily skip the sexually explicit parts and still enjoy the story. There is a clear point to stop if you are avoiding that stuff 👍) (8711 words)
~Five is your employer and he's not happy with you. As the night unfolds, you have a very unexpected encounter with him...
~This story takes place where we left off with season three, but 5 years later. The name is a nod to hints of what might be coming, though I doubt the Netflix writers are going with my little storyline I have created for you.
~This one is sort of gift to all fanfiction readers and writers. May you always keep passwords on our documents and devices, or maybe not... 😂👌
'Free at Last' - a short, general rated, image based/comic book style story blip of Dolores and Five
‘Bad Things’
Five Hargreeves/Reader Insert (rated explicit for sexual content)(Dark and very messed up version of Five mixed with some ideas from the comic books, submissive Five, mental issues, making huge mistakes and overcoming past trauma,)(see story for specific tags) (49,996 words)
~Psychopathy is a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy, the inability to distinguish between right and wrong, poor behavioral controls, and behaviors that contradict social norms which then commonly result in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behavior. Enter, Five Hargreeves, everyone's favorite little psycho. Having been left in a new world with nothing, his mental state growing more and more dangerous, Five Hargreeves finds something he feels will keep him from going off the deep end, but just like in so many things he thinks that are wrong, the fact that he thinks this already proves he has.
Full Summary and Chapter One and Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five, Six, and Seven
‘The Anti Hero’s Pitfall of Arrogance’
Five Hargeeves/Female OC (rated explicit for sexual content-see AO3 version for the Teen and up version)(starts when the Hargreeves are sixteen so that changes the timeline from the show a bit, but it still follows cannon material fairly closely)(see story for specific tags) (44,599 words)
Chapter One and Two
Chapter Three and Four
Chapter Five, Six, and Seven
AO3 Teen and up Version
‘In The Flesh’
Five Hargreeves/Reader Insert (rated G) (5337 words) (special request based off an extended scene from 'The Anti Hero’s Pitfall of Arrogance.’)(meant to be dark and very disturbing but with a heart filled message that is very Five. )
Link to 'In The Flesh’
'The Devil Within’
Five Hargreeves/Reader Insert (rated explicit for sexual content) (This one is the smuttiest Five fiction I have ever written so there is no way to avoid those parts) (see story for specific tags but I leave many off to keep you surprised as you read) (23,134 words)
Chapter One and Two
Chapters Three and Four
Paramour (The Umbrella Academy 3-part series)-Rated Teen because you can skip the many sexually explicit parts or potential triggers with chapter warnings and detailed end notes for what you missed in those parts. It's a love story but about 85% or more of this story is really about healing and focuses on Five but features a lot of all the Hargreeves and even the Sparrows in part 2 and 3.
-If you love Five and long rollercoaster ride stories that you can get lost in than this is a great read for you.
Five’s POV and centered on him, but it has all the Hargreeves and Female OC love interest, stays very true to cannon themes and for Character’s personalities.
- See specific tags per-story on A03
Part One: 'Number Five and the Girl  (227,442 words) (Starts pre-season one, age 16, coming of age angst, humor, sexual activity and trauma)
Part Two: 'Infinity’ (417,307 words) (Starts right at start of season three but not a show rewrite, and full of shockers and fun and angst and fluff and plenty of explicit fun)
Part Three: 'Oblivion’ (152,100 words) (Hurt Five and Sexy Five galore, my version season four finale)
'No More the Victim’  
(132,130 words) (rated E-🏳️‍🌈trans female pairing-see tags in AO3) (Five in a very dark place/hurt/comfort/redemption)
Starts after very dark post Season Three but does get much lighter, angst, first-time, finding yourself, revenge, unexpected romance, sub/dom, sexual humor, overcoming tragedy. seeing yourself and others with openness and love, Five’s time travel fix-it optional finale to the show. 
My co-authored works with Bad_Kitty
Link to all Bad_Kitty’s private works on AO3)
'The Text Mess’ (5576 words) (rated Teen and up) (Five and Klaus)
A text-based format story done with actual textboxes and phones to make it more fun. Not a love story/romance. Full of hilarious images, sexual humor, Five is Five and Klaus is Klaus in this make you laugh and get the feels short story. Takes place in a blip in time post season three.
'Sharp Dressed Man’  (5514 words) (rated Explicit for sexual content)
Five and his lady love Vivian one shot based off of Bad_Kitty’s Halo Series-see link above. Humor based, sexy Five doing his sexy daddy thing. Christmas time story with a few of the other Hargreeves. Closet sexy craziness.
'When Number Five Steps out, He’s Gonna Do you In’ (8730 words, rated Explicit for sexual content)
The sequel one-shot to 'Sharp Dressed Man.’ Sexual humor, frustrated Five doing New Years things with the family. Lots of feels, sexy Five, a few of the fam, daddy Five getting it done and checking his naughty list off for the year. 
My Art Featuring Number Five (TUA)
To view my Five art features on Tumblr hit this link
For stuff not on Tumbler see Original Five art from my various works  at this link (rated General)
Hand drawn sketches, graphic art in later chapters. 
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tiredemzz · 19 days
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This is just my silly, personal headcannons on Nicky aka the cooking nerd- I been watching this show too much and this boy deserves some love./srs
disclaimer: I am not writing for the actor b/c he’s a real person and don’t feel comfortable writing fanfics about him, I only feel comfortable writing for his characters aka five and nicky. so please, don’t ask me to write fanfics/x readers for aidan- I’m gonna have to say no, sorry chat. :/
anyway, enjoy these headcannons and gif doesn’t belong to me ^v^
❥ nicky is a germaphobe, what else do I gotta say? (heard he was a germaphobe in season 1, somebody correct me-)
❥ he definitely reads the tua comics, which is why I’m calling him a comic book nerd b/c my boi is obsessed with comics !! ^v^
❥ he’s definitely a mama’s boy -v-
❥ he definitely can’t stand his brothers and sister sometimes but he still loves them <3
❥ Anne definitely taught him how to cook and bake, like I said- he’s a mama’s boy fr
❥ the boy keeps a journal, he uses the journal to write lyrics/poems in there- sometimes his personal thoughts to himself about his brothers and sister + his food recipes :)
❥ he definitely enjoys his mama singing him a a lullaby, helps him fall asleep <3
❥ nicky likes to wear green pants lmao (this HC belongs to @pancakeswithbutterandsyrup lmao, ty.)
❥ this boy loves halloween over christmas/j
❥ he definitely wears glasses, he’s a nerd ofc :)
❥ he likes to quote vines once in a while, makes him smile <3
❥ isn’t really good at math, asks Ricky for help and Ricky would gladly help Nicky with his math stuff ^v^
❥ has a bit of a fear of being left out, doesn’t really like to be alone but doesn’t mind it-
❥ HAS A FEAR OF CHICKENS. srs, he would.
❥ owns a gameboy color to play pokemon, sometimes mario :)
❥ definitely is an a/b+ type student, he a good student :>
❥ wears baggy clothes, makes him feel comfortable ^v^
❥ he is an awkward/shy boy and would get along with ya- depending if you like him or not :(
❥ he would ether drink apple juice or pink lemonade, depending on which one he’s craving the most-
❥ his voice cracks a lot sometimes, somebody help him with his voice lel
❥ basically can charm any girl with his food, he’s a chef yall- he cooks better then me lmao
❥ he listens to acoustic covers of his favorite songs, judge me lel
that’s all of the headcannons I got for yall- if anybody wants boyfriend hcs of nicky, let me know :)
have a great rest of your night/day/afternoon/morning!
stay safe and take care :)
- author anon
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