bantennewscoid-blog · 4 months
Polres Serang Kembali Angkut 2 Jeriken Tuak dari Warung Kelontong
SERANG – Personel Satuan Samapta Polres Serang mengamankan dua diriken minuman tuak dari lokasi warung kelontongan di wilayah Cisereh, Kecamatan Kragilan, Kabupaten Serang, Minggu (19/5/2024) dini hari. Barang bukti selanjutnya diamankan ke Mapolres Serang untuk dimusnahkan. Kasat Samapta Iptu Eka Jatnika mengatakan kegiatan operasi miras ini berbarengan dengan patroli Kegiatan Rutin Yang…
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optikestrav · 7 months
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tuak rice spirit, Borneo Delight, Wayang St. Kuching (2023)
© optikestrav
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Potensi Desa Sidemen yang Berbasis Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Indonesia sebagai salah salah satu negara kepulauan, menyebabkan negara ini kaya akan bahasa, suku bangsa, budaya, dan kearifan lokal. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman yang semakin modern, menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran budaya, dimana banyak daerah mulai melupakan budaya yang diwariskan oleh leluhurnya dan lebih memilih untuk mengikuti budaya barat. Tetapi, masih terdapat daerah yang  memperjuangkan serta mempertahankan budaya salah satunya Desa Sidemen. Desa Sidemen merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Sidemen, Kabupaten Karangasem, Bali dengan luas wilayah 35,15 km2. Desa ini merupakan desa agraris yang memiliki keindahan alam berupa hamparan sawah yang indah. Desa yang terletak di daerah Bali timur hingga saat ini masih mempertahankan budaya dan kearifan lokal yang dimilikinya. “Adapun potensi desa yang dimiliki oleh desa ini yaitu 75% wanita di Desa Sidemen merupakan pengrajin tenun dan sebagain besar laki-laki di Desa Sidemen memproduksi arak,” ujar Kepala Desa Sidemen, I Komang Putra, Senin (10/7/2023). Kain tenun yang dihasilkan oleh masyarakat Desa Sidemen dibagi menjadi dua jenis utama kain tenun yaitu kain tenun ikat (endek) dan kain tenun songket. Kain tenun khas Sidemen mempunyai ciri khas yang unik terutama pada tampilan motif dan warnanya, sehingga kain tenun ini dijadikan ciri khas produk daerah tersebut. Kain tenun songket dapat dikatakan sebagai kain mewah yang memiliki motif bervariasi dalam bentuk anyaman, menggunakan perpaduan benang katun warna-warni, benang emas, benang perak yang diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga berbentuk motif yang diinginkan. Proses untuk mendapatkan selembar kain tenun dimulai dari memintal benang, kemudian benang dibentangkan di alat perentang, dan helainya diikat dengan tali sesuai pola ragam hias dan warna yang diinginkan. Selanjutnya, benang dicelup atau diwarnai dan dipilah, lalu ditenun menjadi kain. Potensi desa lainnya yaitu sebagai penghasil arak asli Sidemen. Proses produksi arak di Desa Sidemen masih menggunakan teknik yang tradisional dengan menggunakan tungku, alat penyulingan, dan bahan fermentasi yang digunakan sebagai rasa sehingga menghasilkan rasa yang autentik. Adanya Peraturan Gubernur Bali No. 1 Tahun 2020 Tentang Tata Kelola Minuman Fermentasi dan/atau Destilasi Khas Bali yang telah mengeluarkan beberapa peraturan terkait dengan produksi minuman alkohol khas Bali. Mahasiswa D4 Politeknik Negeri Bali melalui kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata Pembelajaran Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (KKN PPM) membantu masyarakat mempromosikan potensi desa yang dimiliki oleh Desa Sidemen. Kegiatan ini merupakan perwujudan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yaitu pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tema kegiatan KKN PPM yaitu ‘Pemetaan Potensi Desa Menuju Desa Wisata Mandiri Berbasis Green Tourism’. Program kerjanya berfokus pada pembuatan video promosi pemasaran produk potensi Desa Sidemen yang akan diunggah pada media sosial, seperti Instagram dan Youtube. Pengambilan video dilakukan pada beberapa tempat pengrajin kain tenun dan rumah produksi arak di Desa Sidemen yang dinilai sangat potensial untuk dipromosikan. Melalui video promosi ini, diharapkan potensi desa yang dimiliki Desa Sidemen lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat lokal maupun manca negara.
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Potensi Desa Sidemen yang Berbasis Budaya dan Kearifan Lokal. Sumber Foto : Istimewa Selain berfokus untuk mempromosikan potensi desa, mahasiswa KKN PPM dari Politeknik Negeri Bali juga membantu dalam mengembangkan sumber daya manusia dengan memberikan pelatihan bahasa inggris khusus untuk anak-anak Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang bertempat di Banjar Sidekarya, Desa Sidemen. Serta, melalui KKN PPM ini dapat membantu pemerintah Desa Sidemen dalam penguatan administrasi posyandu di Desa Sidemen, pemasangan instalasi penerangan di Pura Jati dan Pura Penataran Gunung Winten, pemasangan plang penanda nama di Pura Penataran Gunung Winten, dan gotong royong pembersihan akses jalan desa. Kehadiran mahasiswa KKN PPM Politeknik Negeri Bali di Desa Sidemen sebagai tempat pengabdian kepada masyarakat, diharapkan dapat membantu dalam pengembangan desa wisata ke depan. “Selain itu diharapkan juga dapat membantu mengembangan potensi desa dan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) sebagai perekonomian desa dengan cara mempromosikan UMKM tersebut agar lebih dikenal luas oleh masyarakat lokal dan mancanegara,” ucap Koordinator KKN PPM Desa Sidemen, I Made Danang Surya Mahartika. Pihak KKN PPM berharap, setelah dilaksanakan KKN PPM ini mampu memberikan dampak yang baik kedepannya terutama dalam bidang promosi. Dengan begitu, kunjungan wisatawan semakin meningkat, dan produk-produk semakin dikenal oleh masyarakat luas maupun mancanegara. (KKN PPM PNB Desa Sidemen 2023) Read the full article
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thedespicableblog · 2 years
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These pictures don't do them justice.. Love the tuak here.. Yes.. They serve tuak and wine.. Their coffee is good too 😋 #throwback #weekend #saturday #chill #relax #chillax #FooFooFineDesserts #FooFoo #TamanTun #TTDI #desserts #PumpkinTresLeches #AppleStrudel #BlackPepperMangoIceCream #coffee #wine #tuak (at Foo Foo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmS42Vtpgex/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lampung7com · 2 years
Resahkan warga sekitar, Lapo tuak di Pringsewu dirazia Aparat Polsek Pringsewu Kota
Resahkan warga sekitar, Lapo tuak di Pringsewu dirazia Aparat Polsek Pringsewu Kota
LAMPUNG7COM | Polsek Pringsewu kota Polres Pringsewu Polda Lampung dibawah pimpinan Kapolsek Pringsewu Kota Kompol Ansori Samsul Bahri, S.AP, MH menggelar razia penyakit masyarakat (Pekat) disalah satu lapo tuak di Pekon Rejosari, Pringsewu pada Sabtu (1/10/22) malam. Hasilnya Polisi menyita ratusan liter tuak dan 1 unit sepeda motor tanpa dilengkapi surat milik salah satu pengunjung. Kapolsek…
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shamefulzombie · 4 months
tomorrow's gawai but today, I just might get drunk so...
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pochapal · 1 year
laptop keyboard began shitting itself. lmao
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limelocked · 1 year
"And what are your plans concerning an empress and heir with this predicament of yours?" he said after a sip of tea. The predicament in question being my falling in deep love with him.
"Politically acquiring one would be the easiest and least problematic solution I suppose," I said with a sigh. "I would have to find a girl who's witty but not ambitious, someone who can work with me and not threaten my position. With some luck and planning she may find herself a lover who's child I can pass off as my own."
"And if this child looks nothing like you?"
"Well I am the crazed crown prince. A man not right in the head might not recognize such facts and respond disproportionally to dishonourable claims."
"For someone who suffers few if any such ailments you really do enjoy using these rumours as a crutch. Your highness must understand that if your competency were to be shown then there's a not insignificantly large chance that the faction war stops at that, rather than spilling into a civil war with me as the usurper."
"On the contrary, my supporters may become militant and aggravate the conflict further, thus making it into such a war."
We sat in contemplative silence, listening to the rain hitting the windows.
"May I then suggest a potential match for your highness?"
"I will be disappointed if it's a daughter of one of your grace's vassals but I ascent" I said with a perfectly preformative smile.
"How about Kalrisa Tuak de Barulik-"
I should have learned never to take a sip of my drink when someone could give the most terrifying and surprising suggestions.
"Are you all right?"
"Next suggestion please..." I barely cough out.
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daytomad · 1 year
iya tak sadar ternyata aku yang malah egois
soal alasan
apakah segalanya mesti beserta alasan?
ini hanya tanyaku sebagai mahluk teruntuk sesama mahluk
karana kalau alasan, sungguh tak pantas jika aku tanyakan itu pada penguasa setiap kausalitas
iya, bodohnya aku masih sering menduga duga
tapi yang ku ingat, aku diharuskan membuat praduga baik dariNya olehNya UntuNya
iya, untuk kebaikanku sendiri
emm seharusnya mungkin untuk kamu juga serupa!
kemungkinan sial?
iya kita yang menamai yang sekedar ini dan itu, sebagai sial 🤣
sial dengan rasa yang ternyata tak serupa
merasa, beda
beda dalam hal merasa
terus saja
padahal yang diminta kan cukup "syukuri saja"
sulit ya ternyata???
tentang kehilangan rasa?
pada awalnya rasa apapun itu juga, kita tak memilikinya kan?
benar benar tak memiliki
baik itu rasa yang didalam nama
baik itu penimbulnya
baik baik saja
semua baik baik saja
karena buruk pun sekedar penilaian
sebuah keangkuhan penalaran
kenapa tetap jadi pertanyaan ya?
kita ditawar dengan yang ternyata juga rasa sakit, dari sisi tertentu
memang semua dinilai dari niat, tapi tak semua akan paham arti niat
setiap mata denga pengelihatannya
walau ada yang buta
ternyata "buta"
tapi kita tetap bisa membuat visualiasasinya
kalau VisualisasiNya?
wau tinggi juga ya pintamu disana!
padahal seringnya memandang
sekedar memandang
pandangan yang hingga bisa saja menyanjung sesuatu yang sebenarnya hina
dasar insan berbahasa
yang mengaku berbahasa
entah bahasa apa nanti nantinya!
tapi bahasa syukurmu mana?
kau masih tanya soal biaya?
dan kenapa aku masih bertanya soal pembelian yang kita tak akan pernah rugi darinya
walau,.. kalau ..
dan eh malah kau risau
karena dan padahal Dia benar benar Maha Pemberi
malah kebenaranNya saja tak akan habis terbagi
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dykedekus · 8 days
no but seriously, imagine:
You're seeing the parish of flesh and tide live. Faulkner and carpenter seem excited. Then, the river prophet says, "we have a surprise for you all..." All of a sudden, shrue and all the other politicians come out and start singing the talk tuah song.... Then you hear a voice.
"If she don't hawk tuah, I don't wanna tuak tuah."
The spotlight lands on two people....it's mercer and gage! All of the silt verses cast proceeds to start singing talk tuah, and everyone in the crowd begins to cry and cheer. And then, as if things couldn't get any better, the pleasure god and the president walk out on the stage and kiss.
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Before we begin, I highly recommend reading
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, by Edwin Abbott Abbott
(Project Gutenberg link, where you can read and download the book for free. You can also find many audiobook versions on youtube and the web archive)
(BTW, the word "romance" here is not referring to romantic love, it's the older version of the word that means a story with adventures and amazing quests.)
Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to RuPaul, by Leslie Feinberg
(Web archive link where you can read and listen to the book for free)
to best appreciate this short story.
Neopronouns in Action #062: Flatland Warriors: Ponder the Meaning of the Words, or, The Breaking Point.
The audiobook version of this story can be listened to here on the web archive: "https://archive.org/details/neopronouns-in-action/Neopronouns+in+Action+062+00+The+Breaking+Point+-+Context.mp3"
Which all follow the same rules as he/him/his/himself:
Replace he with da, phi, or tuo
Replace him with dar, phim, or tuak
Replace his with darl, phis, or tuar
Replace himself with darkling, phirself, or tuaresi
"He is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as he gets a fence set up around his yard so the puppy can go outside without him having to walk it. His uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting him use, since he lost his. He's going to buy toys and train the puppy himself.”
"Da is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as da gets a fence set up around darl yard so the puppy can go outside without dar having to walk it. Darl uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting dar use, since da lost darl. Da's going to buy toys and train the puppy darkling.”
"Phi is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as phi gets a fence set up around phis yard so the puppy can go outside without phim having to walk it. Phis uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting phim use, since phi lost phis. Phi's going to buy toys and train the puppy phimself.”
"Tuo is going to adopt a new puppy soon, as soon as tuo gets a fence set up around tuar yard so the puppy can go outside without tuak having to walk it. Tuar uncle is going to help set up the fence, since he has a set of power tools he’s letting tuak use, since tuo lost tuar. Tuo's going to buy toys and train the puppy tuaresi.”
= = =
Flyssa sighed as da rested in darl room, trying, unsuccessfully, to tune out the conversation da could hear from the doorway to the parlour.
Dearg had been forced to “invite” Lieutenant Kellite over for dinner after the lieutenant let slip several overt implications that Dearg could going to be accused, within the General's range of hearing, of impropriety if phi didn't prove that “He kept north a good, respectable house”, by spending the night plying phis superior officer with the best wines, meats, and deserts phis meager salary could afford.
Flyssa, of course, had no salary. Lines were not allowed to hold jobs, or own any property of their own. Da couldn't even go out to the market to buy groceries without an escort from either Dearg or one of phis polygon siblings or close cousins, or da would be arrested, most likely executed on the spot, and Dearg, having taken responsability for dar from darl father when they were married, would be charged with criminal negligence and attempted manslaughter.
Lines must be kept under the strictest control, you see, because they were dangerous and unpredictable. Being a line, they had only two faces, and two points, both sharper than the sharpest of trigons. Having no angles, they had no capacity for thought. They were barely even human.
All this was, of course, the reality mandated into law by the higher polygons. Started by those who proclaimed themselves cirles, and passed south, by force, through the descending ranks of the people forcibly labeled the lower classes.
Things had been like this longer than Flyssa had been alive, but not longer than darl grandna had been alive. When Flyssa had still been a child, and not old enough yet to be allowed to leave the house even with an escort, Grandna Tuokeli had told dar endless stories of what life was like before the Configurationists had come.
When tuo had been a child, when their country was still called by its true name of Ib-Wa, there had been no laws segregating people based on their numbers of sides, and lines had been allowed to do any job they wanted, they could go where they wanted, do anything anyone else could do. There were some tasks that only lines and the thinnest of triagonals could do, due to their thinner size allowing them to fit into smaller spaces than other shapes, but that was just how physical reality worked, it wasn't made north one day by a bigot and then mandated into law that pretended it had to be true by pure virtue of being a law.
And now Flyssa was an adult, darl grandna had had to flee the country several years past, and lines weren't even considered to be shapes at all, let alone shapes of equal value and ability as any other.
Dearg, mandated as a trigon of the lowest class, was regarded as only a single, miniscule step above Flyssa as far as the ruling powers were concerned. Phis angle, and thus, according to the Configurationists, brain, was so acute as to hardly exist. But it was an angle, and it did exist in its meagerness, and that was more than Flyssa had.
So Dearg was given the "honor" and "privilege" of serving in the Configurationist's army as a common foot soldier. The hours were long, the work gruelling, and those who did the work were regarded with complete disdain. The "equillateral" trigons who oversaw the "isoseles" were cruel, and viewed torture and execution for the smallest of infractions as "good old Circleday entertainment".
Bribes, such as the dinner Dearg was currently being forced to play host to, were a constant demand of the officers, further stripping the soldier caste of resources and putting them in constant debt. And if you refused to cave to the demands of your superior officer, or failed to supply them with the favors they demanded, it was inevitable that you would be the next one put in the torture block or publicly executed, with real mistakes blown out of proportion, or fabricated entirely out of thin air.
Most of the food and drink laid in front of Lt. Kellite had been snuck in in the middle of the night by their neighbors, all of them soldiers or families of soldiers stationed either in Dearg's regiment, or the other patrol whose territory overlapped with theirs in this corner of the city.
The officers had to know their demands were impossible for a single soldier's salary to supply, given that they were the ones who set the ration limits and pay rates, but anyone who dared to point out these facts to them was executed before they could finish getting the words out. If you wanted to survive as a member of the soldier caste, you had to jump when the officers said jump, and don't let things like basic math or logic or the price of fruit this time of year get in the way.
It had taken the pooled resources of twelve other households to supply the extravagent dinner Lt. Kellite was currently loudly enjoying in darl parlour, with Dearg eating phis portion with much quieter, carefully forced cheer and politeness, trying to hide phis hatred behind the proper demeanor of a host.
Flyssa could see through the charade like it wasn't there, and could only hope that Lt. Kellite was either less perceptive, or at least wouldn't care that the pleasantry was false. His every spoken breath, after all, was insult on insult, hidden behind a thin facade of complimentary-sounding words.
There were many among the soldier caste who'd given into their rage from the constant insults and lashed out at the offendor, only for all the other officers to proclaim them mad out of their minds, or so genetically barbaric that they didn't even understand the idea of a compliment. The "victim" (the officer), after all, never said an unkind word against them, and this was how the brutal, out of control soldiers repayed his kindness?
Clearly, these unprovoked attacks on innocent men of good standing was more proof that the "isosceles" were good only for the most dangerous, taxing manual labor as soldiers, or to be confined as exhibits in schools for the children of the higher ranking polygons to learn the art of recognition by feeling.
It took all of Fylssa's willpower to remain in darl room instead of rushing out to give the Lieutenant a peice of darl mind as the least drastic of all the options da had been considering since Lt. Kellite strode through the front door like he owned it.
In truth, he did. His family controlled this arm of the military, and they owned the land this house was built on. As part of the soldier caste, Flyssa and Dearg were only allowed to live on land controlled by the military. The salary Dearg was given for phis service was immediately returned in the form of rent and payment for food, and for any fees phi was charged as punishment for misconduct, either real or imagined.
Flyssa was trying to focus on darl part of the internal ledger of supplies available to dar and darl neighbors, purposefully trying to drown out the sounds from the parlour by immersing darkling in the task of mentally retallying the stores, so, horribly, dar missed it the first three times Dearg tried to call dar into the parlour.
Phi actually had to come into darl room to get dar, followed by the scornful laughter of the Lieutenant that was so raucus it finally knocked dar out of darl reverie to see darl husband's terrified eye looking in at dar through the thin doorway.
"Flyssa," Phi whispered desperately, "He wants to see you, he insists you must join us for desert. We can't keep him waiting, I already called three times."
Quietly horrified, Flyssa whispered back, "I'm sorry!"
Dearg winked at dar in the pattern for reassurance, while out loud phi raised phis voice to say, loudly enough that Lt. Kellite could hear with anger that wasn't faked, though its target was false, "When I tell you to come and greet our guest, Woman, you come! Don't you dare make me come and fetch you again and make our illustrious guest wait on you like a commoner! Attend to your configuration!"
This last statement was met with a very loud, very drunk repetition from Lt. Kelllite, and followed by another burst of laughter.
As part of the show they had to put on together, Flyssa said nothing, and followed Dearg back into the parlour in the silent, meek subservience befitting the lowly wife of a lowly soldier.
Dearg entered the room first, as propriety demanded, and Flyssa stood next to phir to greet Lt. Kellite in the formal, "Greetings, my Lord trigon, Lieutenant Kellite. I greet you as a humble line, and swear my presence will not sting you."
The line had been first spoken by the wife of one of the higher-ranking self-proclaimed circles, and was now considered a requirement for any line greeting an unrelated polygon.
Lt. Kellite, who was at this point very drunk, laughed again, and called, "You have her very well trained, soldier! That was most dignified and proper...for a line of her lineage!"
Dearg was expected to laugh, so phi did, trying to cover north how angry phi was. Flyssa was expected to say nothing, so da remained silent. Lt. Kellite heard neither response over the sound of his own uncontrolled laughter.
When Lt. Kellite was done laughing, there was a tear in his eye, which he wiped away with one cilia, then blinked at the two of them as though seeing them for the first time.
He began to chuckle again. Why he'd demanded such a large bottle of wine when he clearly couldn't handle even a fraction of it, they would never know.
"Did you know that from this angle--" And he laughed on the word angle,"--you look exactly the same? All I can see are the glows of your eyes, like there's not an angle between you!"
Neither of them said anything, because there was no good response available to them. There was nothing wrong with Dearg's shape any more than there was Flyssa's, but that's not how the Configurationists saw it.
For a Configurationist to say that Dearg was indistinguishable from Flyssa -- a trigon from a line -- it was intended as the gravest insult imagineable. Lines were not considered shapes, they weren't considered human. They were regarded as unthinking creatures of pure emotion when even that much was granted to them, incapable of logic or real thought or self-conception.
The rules of Configurationist society demanded that Dearg be humiliated and infuriated by the claim that phi could not be told apart from a line. And those very same rules also demanded that phi be obedient and subservient, never contradicting phis "betters" or implying they were anything but perfect. Phi was an isosceles trigon whose angle was so acute phi was almost indistinguishable from a line.
There was no way to respond to Lt. Kellite's insult without losing, so phi chose the option least likely to get phirself killed, and remained silent.
Lt. Kellite eventually got over his own hilarity and calmed south enough to demand that Dearg return to the table, and that Flyssa serve them desert.
They acquiesced to his demands, Dearg returning to phis spot at the table opposite Lt. Kellite, and Flyssa moving to the cool room to fetch the pudding that had been hastily thrown together from ingredients from all the neighbor's stores.
Da gently probed the surface with a cilia, and was relieved to see that it had set properly, the surface jiggling firmly at darl touch rather than moving like the liquid it had started out as.
Moving carefully so as not to break the still-fragile texture, Flyssa carried the tray back into the parlour, careful this time to make sure da was paying attention to the conversation incase da was called on again.
But the conversation had drifted to the almost-harmless topic (No topic of conversation was ever truly safe with an officer, who could take any word as an insult worthy of capital punishment) of the weather lately, with Lt. Kellite forcing Dearg to agree with him that all the rain they'd been getting was making the lower classes lazier, letting them think they could get away with doing half the work at slower the pace.
Dearg was not allowed to point out that it was just a fact of reality that you physically couldn't move as fast in the rain as you could dry, so phi could only nod along and give agreeing-sounded noises whenever Lt. Kellite demanded, "Don't you agree?".
Flyssa was not allowed to say anything at all besides the required, "My Lord trigon, I serve you" as da deposited the the pudding dish on the table and backed away at a respectful speed to wait against the northern wall, careful to keep darl eye turned towards Lt. Kellite so he could see dar at all times.
This also had the affect of making sure da could hear his every word loud and clear, despite how much da wished da could shut them out.
"So, Private," Lt. Kellite boomed when he was halfway through the bowl of pudding, absentmindedly throwing the peices of the expensive dried fruit he didn't like over his shoulder so they fell to the southern wall, "How long have you been married to this fine young line here?"
The words themselves seemed positive, but the way in which they were said dripped with derision and barely-contained disgust.
"It will be five years this New Year's Eve, my Lord trigon." Dearg replied, not letting any reaction show in phis voice, and careful to use the Configurationist term for the holy night rather than its real name.
"She's got Irregularity in her line, doesn't she? Her grandmother was mentally unsound, wasn't she? Destroyed after dozens of failed attempts to treat her in the state sanitorium, if I remember right. That was her grandmother, wasn't it?"
Dearg did not let any emotion enter phis voice as phi replied, "Yes, my Lord."
"And it hasn't been passed south to this generation, has it?"
"No, my Lord." Dearg lied while Flyssa held darl breath in sudden aphrension.
"And five years, really?" Lt. Kellite continued as though he hadn't noticed their reactions. A dangerous note had entered his tone, though he still kept north the pretence of merriness. "Five whole years sheltered under my roof, and fed at my table, protected by my wall, and you've yet to produce any new isosceles to fill my ranks in repayment, nor any new lines to marry to your fellow soldiers."
He tapped one cilia against the table as if in deep thought. "Why is that, I wonder? Is she too ugly for you? Or perhaps she did inherit her grandmother's Irregularity."
He rolled his eye to look directly at Flyssa as he continued, "Some Irregularities are invisible on the surface, you know. The doctors only find them after an autopsy is performed. Perhaps I should have her destroyed and we can find out, and find you a new wife. Or perhaps--!" His voice rose higher to cut off Dearg's instantaneous, helpless protest, snapping his eye back to regard Dearg with all the force of a javelin, "Perhaps your vertex, being so acute, has rendered you immune to the wiles of the feminine persuasian. After all..."
His voice dropped to a confidential stage whisper. "You're so thin, you can hardly be told from a line yourself. It'd be only natural for your brain, so acute it's barely there, to be scrambled about which sex to be attracted to. I'll bet you're not even attracted to lines, are you? You can't help it. You don't have any children because you've only got eyes for proper shapes, don't you?"
Flyssa and Dearg held the same terrified breath, frozen in their places, too afraid to move or speak.
Lt. Kellite enjoyed their fear, and gloatingly let the silence hang over the room like a pall for almost a full minute, savoring every panicked heartbeat that made their eyes flicker in distress they couldn't conceal. From his angle, he could see both their eyes, and they could see his.
Finally, just as Flyssa was beginning to think that da would have no choice but to kill Lt. Kellite where he sat, and make a desperate attempt to flee to the north for asylum, just as darl grandna had so many years ago, the officer began to laugh, the sound like freezing ice in the veins of his unwilling audience.
Flyssa forced darkling to unobtrusively relax the tense stance da'd adopted, tried to slow darl racing heart. He was drunk, he'd had almost the entire bottle of wine by himself, he probably didn't even know what he was saying, and wouldn't remember it in the morning to accuse--
"I think your wife should return to her room, don't you, private? Let the two of us talk alone, man to man."
The words themelve were simple, neutral in their literal interpretation. The way they were said...
The room went silent again, the kind of silence that only death can carry.
Dearg was in shock, too horrified to react. Phi just sat there helplessly at the table, staring across at the Lieutenant, unable to speak.
"Leave us, line." Lt. Kellite said, in the off-hand tone of one accustomed to being obeyed without question.
There were many injustices that Flyssa had endured since da'd been born. Too many to count, too many to remember. Too many that da didn't want to remember.
Too many times, da had been the one shocked and helpless, unable to defend darkling. Outnumbered, overpowered, too beaten south and bruised to struggle. When da had been young, after darl mother had died, darl grandna had protected dar.
But darl grandna had had to leave the country to avoid execution, and tuo couldn't bring dar with tuok.
Many abuses da'd been forced to accept as da grew older, many da had learned, by the pain of necessity, to brace darkling against in the only hope of survival.
"I said leave us!" Lt. Kellite snapped, spinning to face dar, enraged by darl disobedience. "Are you irregular? Did you not hear me? Get out of here, woman! Go back to your room!"
Darl heart was beating so fast it was like a single drawn out tone instead of a drum. Rage was boiling in darl heart so powerful da couldn't believe it was only in darl mind.
It felt like the air itself was shaking with darl wrath, like the house should shatter around dar.
The rage was twisting and squirming in darl insides like snakes, and da could no longer hear darl own heartbeat over the roaring sound filling darl ears.
"What are you--?!" Lt. Kellite's terrified shout was just barely loud enough to reach darl conciousness, almost enough to break through the tsunami of rage sweeping over dar, but by then it was too late.
The transformation was on dar.
Flyssa couldn't see it happening, because darl eye was gone, but da could feel it. Darl once almost pefectly straight line shattered, but the fragments did not fall south, and darl mind did not break with them. New lines were forming in the cracks, shooting out and filling in darl sense of the space around dar as new cilia erupted from the surfaces, twisting and twitching to map dar surroundings.
Da had broken through the wall behind dar like it wasn't there, bringing the cold north wind to spiral and eddy in darl new angles.
Da could sense Lt. Kellite's terrified retreat in front of dar, every time he moved, darl new cilia caught the movement in the air like ripples in water, and Lt. Kellite was a struggling fish.
He was screaming, crying out for help, for reinforcements, for his soldiers to save him.
The fury, momentarily abated by the shock of the transformation, swept over dar again, and with a shriek of rage, da leapt in pursuit, slashing through the frame of the Men's door like it was paper, and out into the cold night and the honeycomb of houses that surrounded theirs.
Darl vision was gone, but darl hearing had been enhanced, and da could hear the families in the houses around dar shouting and whispering fervently in confusion and fear.
Da spun, trying to locate Lt. Keller through the wake of his movement, but the wind was strong and confused.
Then -- "He went west! North of Asi and Saber's house!"
Dearg's voice, behind dar, out of reach at a safe distance, guiding dar to darl target.
Trusting phim implicitly, Flyssa leapt towards the alley phi'd indicated, and tore off after Lt. Kellite, pealing out, in a sudden burst of inspiration, darl peace-cry, and discovering only as da began to sing that each of darl new stinging points contained a new mouth, too, each with a different voice.
Twelve voices rose above the wind, above Lt. Kellite's cry of fear, harmonizing in wordless emotion, filled with all the unspeakable rage that had finally burst free from darl heart.
Da was able to move faster now than da had ever been before, and unlike Lt. Kellite, da was familiar with their surroundings, knew intimately the map of hexagonal houses that belonged to darl friends and family and neighbors.
The only thing preventing dar from immediately catching north with him and tearing him to peices was darl unwillingness to injur any of darl neighbors by crashing into their houses or hitting anyone unawares. Lt. Kellite had no such worries, and charged ahead with reckless abandon. But he was hopelessly lost, unable to tell the houses and their inhabitants apart. They were just lowly Isosceles, barely more than lines, barely human. He'd never needed to know their names, or where they lived, who their neighbors were, before.
Even without darl sight, Flyssa knew where da was in relation to the rest of the town, and darl confidance only grew the further dar went, because as soon as da began to sing darl peace-cry, those watching the chase from the relative safety of homes began to gleefully join in.
Da recognized each of their voices, and used their identities to further cement darl location in darl mind even as Dearg continued to call directions behind dar.
Those in front of dar, where Lt. Kellite was fleeing, modulated their voices, raising the pitch whenever he got closer to them, and lowering it when he passed them, always with equal parts rage and laughter in their voices, his screams for help, of rage, of terror, drowned out as, every time he tried to force his way into a house, he was immediately thrown back into the street and forced to keep fleeing or be destroyed right there by the shapes who had emerged to defend their households.
His last mistake was trying to shove his way desperately through the Women's door on the Excal-Dagger house, only to be caught fast in the too-narrow gap, and unable to move to defend himself as the shapes within the house turned in a frenzy and began to assault his front side without mercy.
He managed to back out, blinded and bleeding, and turned to flee again --
And was struck straight through by darl longest point, cleaving his brain from the rest of his body in a single strike.
His blood was purple, the color of death, the color of life, the color of rebirth.
It tasted sweet, and the war-howls as darl friends, family, and neighbors painted themselves with his spilled blood and began to undergo the transformation themselves, baying for the blood of the sudden, unplanned revolution, tasted sweeter still.
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bantennewscoid-blog · 5 months
Meresahkan Warga, Polisi Razia Lapo Tuak di Serang
KAB. SERANG – Personel Unit Reskrim Polsek Ciruas menggerebek tiga lokasi lapo tuak serta gubug tambal di Desa Plawad dan Ranjeng, Kecamatan Ciruas, Kabupaten Serang, Minggu (12/5/2024) malam. Dari ke tiga tempat milik TA, MP dan RO tersebut, petugas mengamankan 2 ember besar, 1 jiriken serta 25 paket tuak masing-masing ukuran 1 liter. Barang bukti selanjutnya diamankan ke Mapolsek…
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tananansad · 1 month
two days ago: my 2nd gen bornean diaspora ass thought of peninsular malaysian east coast palm toddy first before bornean rice wine when my boyfriend asked about tuak
for context, this is tuak on the western/peninsular side of the country, well known in the states of kelantan and terengganu
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culturally a malay (ergo muslim) drink, can be potentially minimally alcoholic, usually not drunkable
and this is tuak in borneo (specifically in the state of sarawak)
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very proudly a drink to get drunk on, you might even shit your pants while you're passed out if you don't know what you're getting into. so anyways basically this happened
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obviously being of partial sarawakian descent he was asking about the rice wine, which would be lihing in dusun, one of the many languages of sabah. otherwise i would be talking about bahar instead!
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lavienbleuuu · 11 months
Kamu tahu kamu telah begitu jauh meninggalkan dirimu ketika:
Kamu lebih sering meminta, bahkan menuntut, perhatian dari significant person (orang-orang yang punya peran penting untukmu. Bisa orang tua, sahabat, pacar, dsb) ketimbang melakukan upaya memperhatikan dirimu sendiri. Ingat, segala hal yang berada di luar dirimu adalah yang di luar kontrolmu. Semakin kita mencoba mengendalikan hal-hal di luar kontrol, semakin gilalah kita.
Kamu enggan memulai kebiasaan-kebiasan baik (misalnya, memulai olahraga, mencoba meditasi, melakukan journaling, membaca tulisan-tulisan yang relate dengan isu dirimu— yang berpotensi mengubah hidpmu 180 derajat ) atas alasan “aku gak tahu harus mulai dari mana karena hidupku sudah seberantakan ini”. Padahal, inti dari memulai adalah… ya, memulainya.
Buat beberapa orang, feeling lost kerapkali dihubungkan dengan kurangnya pengalaman spiritual. Itu juga berlaku buatku. Mungkin saja, kamu telah begitu menjauh dari hati nuraninu sebab kamu juga lari dari Tuhanmu.
Kamu membiarkan masalah utamamu menggantung berlarut-larut. Akhirnya kamu membelot kepada hal-hal yang menenangkanmu sementara. Alih-alih mencari terapis, kamu menghabiskan uangmu untuk liburan, nonton konser, minum alkohol, belanja barang-barang tersier — yang tentu saja itu sah. Tapi isu utama dalam dirimu tidak hilang setelah semua kesenangan itu habis, setelah tuak tinggal sisa aroma busuknya, setelah lampu disko dipadamkan.
Kamu terlalu banyak menggunakan mekanisme pertahanan diri sebagai excuse perilaku toksikmu (setiap orang punya toxic trait-nya masing-masing). Ini tentu bukan seluruhnya kesalahanmu. Kamu dibentuk oleh pengalaman traumatis yang membuatmu lebih waspada terhadap situasi mengancam saat ini. Tapi jika tujuanmu pulih, maka hadapilah fakta-fakta tidak menyenangkan atas dirimu, pelajari polanya, dan atasi itu.
Sebelum meminta orang lain tidak mengkhianatimu, berhentilah mengkhianati dirimu sendiri. Lawan dari berkhianat adalah setia. Maka sebelum meminta orang lain menjalin hubungan jangka panjang denganmu, kawinilah dirimu sendiri.
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zeltqz · 1 year
hi niya! i sent u my wasted times theory twice idk if u got it? or my tumblr has a problem? 😭
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fikramlolahi15 · 1 year
Sakit itu telah-lama menetap. Menyatu dalam derita. Luka-nestapa membelenggu harap. Bangkit dari jatuh yang tiba-tiba.
Adalah doa-doa yang terus diyakini untuk sembuh, segala cara, pel-bagai nasihat, ragam anjuran telah dicoba, namun alhasil, setiap waktu hanya nyeri di mana-mana, nyilu menusuk-nusuk sekujur-raga, sampai pada suatu ketika, saya merasa benar-benar nyaman dalam kondisi yang kering itu.
Selagi sehat-dahulu, tak sadar, mungkin ada ambisi yang tinggi sebagai orang-muda, gelora itu bergemuruh dalam batin, ditopang oleh ceroboh, mencintai tantangan, selalu menguji batas kemampuan-diri, suka memburu kebutuhan-ingin, yang punya dahaga soal tuak-dunia, yang berani mengabaikan ikhtiar-ikhtiar hidup, menghapus kosa-kata tunggu dan nanti, seketika luluh tak berdaya ditikam gerak-terbatas.
Pijar masa-depan terlihat begitu redup diranjang-pesakitan.
Seperti kata Rumi : “Ini rasa manis yang tersembunyi”.
Memang, tak ada cara yang lebih instan dibanding rasa-sabar, butuh waktu untuk dapat menerima-sesuatu yang tak pernah ada dalam kalender masa-depan.
Mestinya saya sadari itu sejak-lama, bukankah Tuhan punya cara tersendiri untuk meyakini keturunan Adam? Bagaimana mungkin saya se-ragu ini?
Gejolak-batin telah memberi ‘isyarat’ kepada saya untuk percaya bahwa sejatinya ‘kita tidak dapat mengadili diri-sendiri’, namun saya tak bisa membaca tanda itu sebelumnya.
Jalani dan terima kenyataan, bukan berpasrah-rela.
Hadirkan Tuhan dalam yakin-diri, dan saya tetap di sini, berdiri dengan iman yang teguh.
Betapa tidak. Dalam kenyataannya, ada banyak tuntutan tanggung-jawab dan kewajiban tak berjalan mulus.
Saya merasa cukup gagal dalam urusan ini, gagal sebagai anak di hadapan orang-tua, sebagai suami dan ayah bagi anak dan istri, sebagai kakak bagi adik-adiknya, sebagai warga di suatu Desa, tanggung-jawab dan kewajiban saya sebagai manusia di hadapan khalayak umum, menjadi terbatas di segala gerak. Hal yang demikian, tak pernah saya hadirkan dalam mimpi. Tak terbetik peristiwa itu dalam mimpi. Terlalu tragis dan dramatis.
Karenanya saya terus menulis notulensi kehidupan walapun saya sadar mereka dapat memahami dan memaafkan dikarenakan oleh sebab-tertentu yang saya alami, namun hal itu bukanlah alasan pemaaf untuk bisa disebut sebagai "force majure".
Saya terus berteguh hati untuk memilah dan menilai, batas antara sehat dan sakit keduanya adalah sama, jika sakit maka sakit, jika sehat maka disehatkan. Keduanya merupakan nikmat, yang membedakan hannyalah cara kita menerimanya.
Ketika kita menerima rasa sakit sebagai ibadah, lalu kemudian memahami segala kenyataan yang dialami, niscaya alam menuntun jalan terbaik menuju kesembuhan diri.
Bukankah dunia pasti terlihat cukup gelap, jika kita menutup mata? Apakah ada yang mustahil dalam hidup? Kita merencanakan takdir kita sendiri, tapi Tuhanlah yang Maha-menentukan.
Hari, Bulan, Tahun terus berganti Musim.
Jasad boleh tanpa-daya, tapi harapan harus hidup penuh-daya. Ada banyak pengalaman baru yang saya temukan setelah kejatuhan ini.
Hingga seiring waktu berjalan, saya #LUPA UNTUK PULIH.
Apa pun itu, Tuhan menantang kita untuk berpasrah diri pada kehendak yang manusiawi, sebab pertolongan Tuhan akan datang jika memang itu di luar batas kemampuan insani.
Kita harus saling memahami bahwa :
"Upaya yang kita rajut di kehidupan ini hannyalah alasan bagi Tuhan kepada manusia sekiranya kita dipantaskan memperoleh jannah-Nya di kehidupan nanti".
Sekedar berbagi, yang sakit teruslah berjuang, sementara yang sehat, peliharalah kesehatanmu. Selagi kuat, lakukan hal terbaik sebanyak yang kita mampu, karna jika terbaring sakit, ribuan keinginan hanya akan mendakwamu dalam gelisah dan rasa serba-salah.
Semoga. Hari-hari kita dikuatkan, disehatkan, dan selalu diberi banyak petunjuk ☯
#Motivasi #Inspirasi #Quotes #Katabijak #Nasihat #kehidupan #sajak #puisi
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