high-tech-hippy · 5 years
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scowlczumly · 5 years
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tsstan-13 · 5 years
The fact that y'all wine aunts out here supporting Mike "throw the blacks against a wall" bloomberg is just awful as a democratic candidate, it just proves that you only hate trump, because the TV tells you to, and don't get me wrong there are plenty of reasons to dislike trump, but everything bad said and done by Donald trump you can definitely find something bloomberg has said just as bad and even worse.
1 Google search could tell you why this authoritarian cunt shouldn't be your candidate and yet the focus is on how bernie bros can be mean online, give me a break, critisise candidate and policy not the supporter base, that you have no control of.
Some of the great things bloomberg has done in the past:
Told a pregnant employee of his to kill her baby
Several sexual assault allegations dating way before the campaign aswell
Bought his way into the election by paying off the dnc
Supported breading
Made it illegal to feed homeless people in NYC when he was mayor
And supports stop and search without a warrent
Don't forget the disgusting racist comments in the past.
And yet all you can see is atleast he isn't Donald trump, no he is worse than Donald trump, I don't like trump but he's better than fucking Mike "fetus deletus" bloomberg.
Literally some of the response to trump absolutely owning mini Mike is he is richer than you, as if it matters, shut the fuck up and keep this asshole of the stage, the debate was a shitshow if tulsi was up there, then bloomberg wouldn't have come out alive.
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More important than no audience is the fact that Tulsi Gabbard was screwed by the crooked Democratic Party. The "party of diversity" has two old white men and a young, female person of color who is also a veteran. They don't care about diversity. She qualified fair and square for this debate. She met every single requirement only to have the corrupt DNC change them immediately to keep her silent. Forget Russia, the Democratic National Committee are the ones interfering in our elections. #LetTulsiSpeak
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tulsigabbard2020 · 5 years
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jordynnishumann · 5 years
Remember when the most google-searched candidate from the second debate wasn’t allowed in the third debate? Lol I love the DNC, it’s not corrupt at all and my vote totally matters 👌🏽
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dennis-beshkwe · 5 years
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nmcshinsky89 · 5 years
It’s worth the watch, I promise! #Tulsi2020 @tulsigabbard2020
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eaglesfan986 · 5 years
I hate how the mainstream media is treating her like she’s an enemy to the US, or pretending she doesn’t exist! You’ll never hear anything positive about her like this through them!
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tugginmenutz15 · 5 years
Take note, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Beto O’Rourke, THIS is what the first female president looks like! Right now, I am very impressed with Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard and her campaign for presidency, and she definitely has my vote. But just wait for her later on in the debates, for when she annihilates the other candidates on all key issues, like she just did to Tim Ryan on the first night of the Democratic Debates (just the look on Cryin’ Tim Ryan’s face gives it all away, he knows she just destroyed his career). The moderators will throw curveball questions and use every trick they can to try and crack her, but it’s not going to work. The media will smear her. They’ll be throwing personal attacks and misrepresenting her, saying that she’s an “Assad apologist” which she clearly isn’t, she just doesn’t want trillions of tax payer dollars to be going to wasteful regime-change wars, unlike every other candidate in the race. The establishment is afraid of her, and they should be. The system broke a long time ago. The people we chose to represent us no longer do just that. They represent corporate interests and their bank accounts. People are waking up to the bullshit and the lies the establishment has been telling and there will be change, and that change is Tulsi Gabbard. If you’re 18, get out there and vote, you can’t afford not to. Stay informed.
“There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.” ― Gore Vidal
Those words have never been more true. 
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Here is what people look like trashing a woman, a vet, a hero, a real leader. trashing Hinduism and all things decent. 
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fall-out-girlboy · 5 years
Tulsi Gabbard seems pretty cool. I hope she gets more popular.
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huliet · 5 years
you absolute dumbfucks. Tulsi Gabbard was only candidate who cared and had a brain and you idiots just spent the entire time hating and trashing her because the corrupt, racist old bastards who always seem to be in charge told you to, based on zero evidence. She's the one who introduced and is pushing for UBI right now. She's the one working to fight the coronavirus problem. She's the one who acts, and speaks up for the truth. Always. She is the change this country so desperately needs. So much for dems being 'progressive'. What an absolute joke. pure buffoonery
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I saw a post in the Tulsi tag where you supported her and was surprised to see another bb fan who likes her! How do you think she did tonight?
I have high expectations from tulsi so I think she did okay but she is literally better than everyone else on that stage combined so she could have done better. But when she exposed kamala I was so proud. Hopefully this launches her into the next set of debates!!
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tulsigabbard2020 · 5 years
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jordynnishumann · 5 years
Tulsi has apologized to the LGBT community and renounced her past positions. The gay rights movement has invested so much in attempting to change the hearts and mind of people with homophobic beliefs and I genuinely believe that by ignoring Gabbard’s current pro-LGBT stance people are not only being intellectually dishonest when it comes to Tulsi, but also doing a disservice to LGBT individuals (like myself) who see Tulsi’s evolution when it comes to gay rights as a success story.
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