#tumblr don’t be like twitter and start doing random shit nobody asked for
prncssguya · 2 years
. @staff
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checkmatein3moves · 3 years
Hello! What are the RO's favorite social media platforms (and why)?
considering i've only partially thought about the specifics of popular social media in oracle (so far all i have is that the main one, scry, is like if you combined the connection aspect of linkedin, the nosy aspect of facebook, the forum aspect of reddit and like, the vapid news aspect of any tabloid) then for this i'll just do what they would like if they used social media in this time and universe
hebe: mainly on art twitter. posts her art on tumblr too but prefers the exposure of twitter. gets into her fair share of arguments over people reposting without credit and blatantly misinterpreting her favourite characters. complains about the toxic people but likes commissioning other artists to support them and deep diving into constructive criticisms. uses facebook solely to share pictures of her brother's dogs or to shade her sister. posts on instagram with windo and MC a lot, has an aesthetic theme
windo: goes on reddit but specifically the redditships/tifu/aita realm, occasionally the nosleep type subreddits. gets sucked in. sometimes posts in them so people can laugh at the stupid things he's done, e.g. TIFU by offering to hang a priceless painting for a friend. decided to improvise when i realised i didn't know what i was doing. gives advice on the relationship posts. knows there's a lot of fake posts but operates on the suspension of disbelief to connect with strangers. also has an instagram w/ a mixture of goofy, friendship and fashion posts, and a work twitter to give commentary on political articles
sailor: a finsta to scroll meme instagrams. they actually laugh out loud at some of the bad jokes they come across. doesn't have tiktok so they can sit on their high horse in disdain for it but has seen millions in the reels tab anyway. never posts or comments, just likes. they send the MC memes but not through dms or anything, literally will get up and show them irl if they find something they think they'd laugh at like a cat bringing you a dead mouse. don't really do public social media profiles because they value their privacy.
jelly: their finsta that they just post bullshit on. they have like 3 followers and all their posts are like a slew of every thought that pops into their head at 2am. their celebrity crushes, things that made them laugh for 5 mins for no reason, their take on soulmates, on fictional characters, nostalgia posts, dog pics, them listening to one direction, 5 selfies in a row of different angles, drunk posts. their public social medias are all very put together and well curated tho. pretty pics and makeup #ads on insta. eloquent linkedin. no facebook
twenty: barely uses any. dislikes seeing too many opinions that he didn't ask for. had a phase where he used to troll scammers (and sometimes just random people to be a menace) on habbo hotel. wouldn't admit it but he likes taking uquizzes. what kind of emo are u. what horror movie trope would u be. what colour would u be. 9/10 he’s not even happy about the results but he just goes :/ and moves onto the next one. has seen like 5 total tiktoks and only knows what a tiktoker is because jelly has explained it
noir: doomscrolls on various sites, mostly twitter and douban. hates these sites with a passion but continues to consume all the depressing content anyway as just one of many shitty habits. had a sadboy tumblr (because OF COURSE HE DID) in his teens that is semi-common knowledge but old enough news that it’s not really something people bring up to tease him about. black and white big gifs with text, angsty textposts, classics like that. pretends to care about his linkedin but god if it’s not the most boring thing ever to him. posts view pics on insta 
honey: honestly probably normal twitter. her dn is just honey and her @ is something generic and she shares her opinions on condiments and mundane things like that. not really interested in discourse or fandom spaces and is not the most up to date in meme culture. she’s busy a lot, so she doesn’t have much time to spend online. watches those calming asmr baking videos on youtube. in her teens i think she would’ve been a fan of acoustic cover channels. had a facebook when she was younger but deactivated it because she never used it
jareth: his secret letterboxd. actually reviews movies impartially and passionately. nobody would ever guess it was him. not a mega popular account, but pretty credible. likes to take advantage of the fact he’s not taken too seriously by certain demographics, so he shares his more comprehensive opinions anonymously. gets genuinely irritated by most troll reviews. some are funny enough to let slide. he had a wattpad once but NOBODY knows nor will they ever know because he would die of embarrassment if that came out. sometimes says annoying shit on twitter but nothing too controversial or topical
ludo: it’s not really a social media but like......ebay. he can scroll ebay for hours whether he’s window shopping or actually wants to buy something. likes to look in the antique section especially. the habit started because he grew up with barely any money and used to curiously browse the kind of obscure stuff rich collectors liked to buy, but by the time he had income of his own (albeit not that much) he’d kind of convinced himself that he understood why people wanted this junk. now it’s like an addiction. he also has a twitter that’s more clued into memes and references but is still pretty mundane. 
monty: her instagram is very well curated. meticulous, even, with selfies, fashion, meals, more ‘relatable’ backstage pictures, etc. it’s definitely a little too perfect but she’s proud of her aesthetic eye, and her public image isn’t fake so much as presented in a way that she gets to keep her personal things to herself. is the kind of celebrity to do instagram lives just to make her fans happy. made a youtube channel due to popular demand but doesn’t really have a clear plan for it, so it’s mostly just q&a where she talks about her favourite characters, funny set anecdotes and her met gala looks. jareth appears on it sometimes to talk about their drama greenwood creek and he suggests meme reviews and things like that
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kiloxy · 4 years
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Listen Guys I have come up with the greatest theory/analysis of my life. Twitter could NEVER. This is about to solidify me as one of the lead big brain theorists on tumblr, cross my heart..... *cough* shit-poster *cough* I mean what? anyway... This analysis includes lots of receipts! Now let’s begin me launching my 1000000000 IQ career faster than Dream can MLG water out of this damning post. 
Tw: Close up of eyes since I zoomed in images of their eyes as proof. It will be under the cut.
So let me start with the question everyone has asked: WHO IS DREAM?!?
He’s the mysterious lime green, tea kettle sounding, god level skill, 10000 IQ, pissbaby enigma that took the internet BY STORM. He has grown so fast and so quick it’s insane, big brain plays must be through the roof. We could wonder how he did this... Why he did this.... But really. All we should care about is WHO THE FUCK IS HE?!!?!
Excuse my language... But anyway.. I have been working DAY AND NIGHT. To figure this out for you guys. It’s been 78 hours of no sleep. After escaping Dream’s basement (smart ass found out I was going to expose him) I have finally made it to a computer to post this...   
Dream is Blonde George
Okay wait wait wait! Before you go leave, screaming and appalled, slamming the button to unfollow my broke ass, hear me out. 
First point... What the fuck is blonde George?
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THIS MAN. REMEMBER HE BLEW UP?!?! WHY DID HE? WHY??? I mean we hate him! Well the only reasonable explanation is that he was a PLANT!
Yes that’s right, blonde George was a plant. This is actually Dream. Now Dream loves chaos, he’s even mentioned before he may make a stan account/pose as a cosplayer and I think this was his way...He leaked this photo of him on twitter to fuck with us. To test the waters before the Mr.Beast video where he might reveal himself as blonde George. 
Only Dream and his 1000000 IQ could blow up a post like this guys, think about it! 
We know Dream’s hair color okay, look at this twitter post where he does a hair color reveal:
Now let’s take a closer look. Here’s Dream’s hair:
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Rest of the analysis under the cut includes more analyzed images, links, and video as proof:
Now I took to an eyedropper and examined Blonde George’s hair and got:
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LOOK HOW CLOSE THE NUMBERS ARE!  AND WE KNOW NUMBERS DON’T LIE! The more samples I took of blonde George’s hair and compared to Dream’s the clearer it became... Their hair... Is the same! 
Now that we have the hair matching what else can we figure out? I mean Dream said he had green eyes, we even have a pic here of them. 
But I ask you.... Dream’s smart. You really think he’s telling the truth? I mean think of the the vlog incident. Man is a liar. 
I introduce to you a concept: CONTACTS
You see Dream knew that blonde George would get a lot of traction (he wanted it to). But he didn’t want to be outed too fast. I mean blonde white dude? blowing up on twitter? Obviously traceable back to Dream. So change one of his most distinct features, his eyes! He is wearing brown contacts. I have proof, let’s look at blonde Gog again. uSING MY EXPENSIVE HIGH TECH EQUIPMENT I-
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I mean first just looking at this you can see the odd white glare on his eye... Now that is not your usual eye glare, no... That’s an eye glare that shows what it looks like when light reflects off a contact lens. He is wearing contacts! 
But if that isn’t enough for you I cleaned up the photo of blonde George’s eye using mad skillz I learned from crime shows and got:
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Dream put in brown contacts! Why else would this “blonde George” be wearing contacts huh??? We know real George has 100% real gorgeous brown eyes. 
Now you may be saying, well that’s just an edited photo of legit George. We have the real photo of George.  But no, it’s not! THAT’S WHAT DREAM WANTS YOU TO THINK SHEEPLE, WAKE UP!
Dream put on a red hoodie, styled his hair to look like George, and he posed just right so it looks like it’s an edited version of that photo of Gog. But it’s not! We can tell by the contacts! Also George would never exude the off vibes blonde George does. It doesn’t pass the vibe check. 
Now while there are so many other bits of proof... This is getting long and I want to wrap it up. So here’s one last big bit of proof. 
They talk about blonde George and, George claims it is photoshopped but he smiles nervously. And as he pulls up blonde George Dream does his nervous laugh. Why is he nervous? Why would he be nervous?? about this “meme”. Maybe because he’s scared to be found out,
Now the most important part:
“I don’t rlly like it tbh.”- Gog.
“Uhhh I don’t like it.”-Dream.
Now you may have brushed past this upon viewing, but.... Nobody asked for Dream’s opinion. This was supposed to be about GEORGE why would Dream input his opinion and speak like it’s about him... BECAUSE IT IS HIM
Now the most damning of all... 16:50 same video.
“Dream have you like ever done a face reveal or no?”-??
“No- I haven’t yet. I do plan on doing one but I haven’t yet.”
As he speaks his words get more rushed and quiet, he’s lying. He’s nervous.
Then George saving him, redirects the topic completely off blonde George and Dream immediately jumps on the new topic eager to switch focus. It’s so weird how fast they move the topic, the clearly don’t want to talk about it. George is a good friend, he knew that Dream was scared and needed an out of the conversation before he outed himself as blonde George. 
But... they couldn’t keep the ruse up.... BECAUSE I AM HERE! 
*cough* Anyway, now my very very last point. 
Why haven’t we ever seen Dream and Blonde George in a room together huh? It’s weird right?? They can’t coexist separately because THEY ARE THE SAME PERSON. IT’S SO OBVIOUS! 
If this grade A++++, wagyu quality, meaty with receipts analysis wasn’t enough to convince you then.... I am going to hack into Mr.Beast’s content. I am on my way to his house as I type this... Next post I am LEAKING images from the shoot when Dream drops the sign that will SHOW that he is in fact Blonde George. 
If you have more proof.... Anything to add... react... or respond to this analysis. My inbox is open.
Wish me luck, I honed my hacker skillz just for this. You may not be able to trust Dream, but you can trust me! Hopefully I can do this before Dre catches me again. 
o7 bois 
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
What the fuck has lily orchard done thigh?
I’ve kept hearing she did things like this:
Do you think Lily Orchard pretending to be someone else, using that persona to try to pressure that person into sending them nudes, having her other persona tell someone 'you're making Lily suicidal', etc. (that whole drama saga is TL;DR I can't fit into one ask) is something people should still hold against her?
And more and I just have to know, what the hell has she done? Eva use this only seems like the tips of the iceberg
OH BOY, where do I start? Well, that message you are quoting refer specifically to Tara Callie. Who is Tara Callie and what that has to do with Lily Orchard? A long time ago, before Lily came out as trans, she made up this fake girlfriend named Tara, that had a whole backstory about how she had a romantic relationship with her younger sister that died during a snowstorm by trying to reunite with her and also raped some homophobic girl until that girl accepted being a lesbian. Tara also supposedly had sex with dogs, if I remember correctly. This Tara person would frequently talk with this other person, that since then I think doesn’t want to get involved with the whole issue, so let’s call her B. B was friends with Lily and Tara. Tara was the instrument through which Lily gain access to nudes from B (by being accepted into a very small group of queer women) and Lily guilt tripped B more than once into performing sexual acts or engaging on sexual roleplaying for Lily’s pleasure, despite how uncomfortable B felt about the whole thing. B was a lesbian and Lily was still presenting as masculine at the time, so use another woman’s encouragement was the only way to get her to comply. B didn’t felt attracted to Lily on that way at all so even after Lily came out as trans, so Tara was still useful. This continued on for a long while until Lily realized that B wasn’t going to play WoW with her as she wanted because of not having the right equipment, so Lily just ended the friendship with B, leaving her hurt and confused. Great fucking reason to just abandon a friend But Tara was still around for some time more until Lily suddenly said that Tara had died and everyone close to Lily cried for her. Then Tara came back. Then Lily told everyone that she had been arrested for possesion of CSEM (and obviously Lily had nothing to do with that). Then Tara came back. And then I think she died or something, but if you ask Lily about her she will deny ever knowing any Tara or will say that she was a violently abusive person that she is glad to get rid of. Now, how do we know that Tara was a sockpuppet of Lily? Besides the fact that they talk the same way about the same topics, the fact that the father of Lily came out saying that he has never seeing any Tara while Lily was living on his house, there was other red flags such as: -Her profile picture literally just being a random picture you could find in google. -The online activity of Tara still being active even after supposedly being send to prison. -All the online activity of Tara revolving around Lily’s online presence. And I mean everything, from defending Lily in arguments, editing pages for her (again, even after being send to prison), speak for her, about her, without having any other social media, hobby or anything at all that wasn’t about or included Lily., -Lily is infamous now for creating sockpuppets account to try to circunvent blocking or fight her own battles whenever someone either tries to bring her past up or disagrees with her. You can usually tell because Lily is actually very lazy setting them up: they are going to be newer accounts with either no images on the profile and header, or the most generic ones possible, with literally no other purpose than to send asks, reblog from Lily or otherwise defend her. But that is not all, my dear anon! Because this was shitty, right? Very shitty and questionable and horrible. But then Lily pulled a similar shit at least two other more time with different people in different ways. With an artist, Lily would pay them extra on each comission in order to recieve bestiality porn that the artist was incredibly uncomfortable doing but had to because, you know, money equals food and all. When this artist finally said enough and told what happened, Lily, who before was all too happy to defend said artist, now turned around and said they were a junkie alcoholic liar that nobody can trust because you can’t trust addicts when they talk about being abused, can you?  Then her ex wife, Lizzy Orchard, who at this point have been villified by Lily and her audience to hell and back for at least a year, harassed so horribly that she had to get out of tumblr, told her story on twitter about how Lily would manipulate her into, again, either accepting things Lizzy didn’t want to accept sexually or drawing sexual material for her despite how uncomfortable that made her. Since then Lily has tried to spin to tale to make it Lizzy’s fault for not making clear she didn’t want that, for saying that she was fine when she wasn’t (you just have to love that victim blaming language, I swear, this is almost textbook example), but also accusing Lizzy of being the actual sexual predator who lies to cover herself up. One story would have been bad. Two stories is... eeeeh, this is reaaally not a good look on you, maybe consider step away and reflect or something. But three all different people telling a similar thing? On different time periods? Having different relationships with Lily but all being manipulated for the same purposes? Yeah, not. This is the doing of someone who knows exactly what she is doing and will do it again the moment she thinks she can get away with it. That is a predator. So yeah, until Lily properly adresses and apoligizes for ALL of this bullshit, until she does some fucking serious accountability, which I don’t see happening any time soon, people have every right to still hold it against her, especially when Lily is STILL shittalking those people to this day.
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ginmo · 4 years
How do you think the Bran and Jaime’s meeting will go in the books? I’ve read theories guessing he might end up as King Bran’s Hand, meta where the writers want him to become a mentor or father figure to the Starks in a full circle of his redemption arc, while others don’t want or think he should be involved with the Starks long-term either because of his and his family’s sins against the Starks or because they view his arc as reclamation rather than redemption or atonement. 1/2
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This is what GRRM said about Bran and exploring time. 
“It's an obscenity to go into somebody's mind. So Bran may be responsible for Hodor's simplicity, due to going into his mind so powerfully that it rippled back through time. The explanation of Bran's powers, the whole questions of time and causality - can we affect the past? Is time a river you can only sail one way or an ocean that can be affected wherever you drop into it? These are issues I want to explore in the book, but it's harder to explain in a show.” - Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon
Hodor’s name reveal is neat and all, but Bran’s power to manipulate the past doesn't exist just so we can randomly learn Hodor’s pointless name origin. That would be ridiculous unless the scene was used to introduce that ability. Hodor’s name reveal is important to the narrative, and I believe its purpose is to set up a much bigger event/reveal involved around Bran interfering with the past, not just observing it. I’m pretty sure GRRM was hint-hinting to D&D about this, which is why he told them about the random ass Hodor scene that was already written, thinking it would be obvious what that means for the overall plot and letting them run with it but………………..
Because of this, I think it’s possible Bran brought himself to where he is. 
IF Bran isn’t involved in The Push, then he could have been involved with Jaime killing the Mad King. I kinda like the idea of Bran playing into Aerys’ madness, causing him to stock up on wildfire around the city, because then the wildfire would be an essential future plot element for a bigger purpose towards the end of the series and it would be a question of time, “a river you can only sail one way, or an ocean that can be affected wherever you drop it,” but for the entire series. (And, as someone with a passion in astrophysics, I’m a sucker for discussions around time. BUTTHAT’SJUSTME) 
Do I totally subscribe to this theory? Eh. I’m still not convinced Bran is King of All of Westeros for reasons, but I’m open-minded. I DO think Jaime is surviving the series, for reasonsssss, so I’m putting that disclaimer out there right now. I will never claim with absolute confidence that he is surviving though because, I mean, nobody fucking knows, and there’s an argument for death. I’m just going off of narrative clues that I perceive to be clues, and taking other character arcs into consideration. After literally drawing up a table because I’m weird, the column for Survive has more evidence and justification than the column for Dies, so that’s why I lean the way I lean. SO with that being said, I think it’s possible he has more of a political future.
IF this is what GRRM is writing, Jaime would still be responsible for pushing him, of course, but future Bran would want to be pushed. He'd be setting everything in motion to create the butterfly effect that makes it happen. 
Even if that isn’t what GRRM had intended with exploring time, it’s highly likely Bran’s character development is taking him down a path of apathy over it, meaning he wouldn’t be needing Jaime to do something for the purpose of redemption for him. 
Speaking of Redemption…
-deep breath-
I’m going to go off on this a bit because it IS relevant, I swear. 
“Limits of redemption” is probably the biggest wtf interpretation fandom has when it comes to what GRRM actually said. I’ll try not to go off on it too much here but -
Interviewer: Both Jaime and Cersei are clearly despicable in those moments. Later, though, we see a more humane side of Jaime when he rescues a woman, who had been an enemy, from rape. All of a sudden we don’t know what to feel about Jaime.
GRRM: One of the things I wanted to explore with Jaime, and with so many of the characters, is the whole issue of redemption. When can we be redeemed? Is redemption even possible? I don’t have an answer. But when do we forgive people? [...]  I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there is no possibility of redemption, what’s the answer then?  [x]
I bolded “we” from the interviewer, because it gives context to GRRM’s answer with “we” being the readers, not the characters or Jaime himself. (I think there’s another interview where he says “limits of redemption” but it’s in the same context. I could be wrong but I SWEAR I heard it. Anyway…) 
“I kind of tried to ask, ‘do you think he’s changed?’ to get him to talk about Jaime’s redemption arc, so he said something like he wanted to explore the concept of forgiveness and whether it’s possible to be forgiven for doing such horrible things, and that his goal was to ask the question, not give an answer.” [x]
Fandom thinks this is the characters giving Jaime forgiveness, and maybe there will be a small element of that in the books, but the question is for the readers. No, Jaime is not actively seeking redemption from people. His redemption is for himself, through living his best life, by rediscovering the person he used to be. Yes He Will Be Redeemed and No He Will Fail assume redemption is some arbitrary checklist determined by One Big Act, and they’re answers to a question GRRM doesn’t want to give an answer to. 
The purpose of Jaime’s POVs is to ask the readers, and the most obvious moment of this was the bath scene. GRRM smacks us over the head with the Aerys confession, and then as we’re introduced to more and more of his POV chapters, he slowly chips away at the Jaime illusion that was intentionally established the moment he pushed one of the perceived child protagonists out of a window. It’s brilliant, and I’m sorry GRRM that a large chunk of your fandom is too dense to get it. How frustrating lol. I’ll be insulted for him. (I’m legit wondering if his recent angsty tweets about grey and redemption about real life stem from a concern that his fandom won’t understand the point of the series.) 
To give you an idea of where these people are coming from, at least one BNF idiot on Twitter believes redemption hasn’t been explored with Jaime yet. 
But uh… 
GRRM mentioned his intent is to “explore redemption” after delivering Jaime POVs, because... it’s... not a spoiler… he’s already exploring redemption, because the question is being asked TO US. We were supposed to have an “oh shit” moment, realizing this is more complex than the surface level, biased perspective we were delivered at the beginning of the story. “Maybe Westeros and my protagonist have it wrong.” -cough- the people in the village in BatB -cough- 
No matter how much fandom likes to pretend they love GRRM for pushing the boundaries of fantasy, they secretly fucking hate it. They love to be comfortable, dude. That’s why they read this series as if it’s a clear cut Good vs. Evil, because a) ego and b) that’s easy. If GRRM was writing Jaime as doing everything with ill intent then…. his… question isn’t being asked. They think everything he does right now is selfish and Bad, so they’re waiting. They want it spoon fed to them. They want classic fantasy. They want Starks = Good, Lannisters = Bad. 
But… if the author sees Jaime’s actions as grey and complex, enough to ask the question to the readers if he’s redeemed in their eyes or not, then he’s not going to write an endgame that punishes the character for narrative payoff, because he doesn’t see his actions as “sins” or “crimes” in the same way that these people are. Once upon a time, a person on tumblr reblogged one of my posts and said that Jaime will rape Cersei before he kills himself and that will be his endgame. But GRRM doesn’t view Jaime as a rapist, so he’s not going to write Jaime as a rapist. I’m bringing that up, because it’s the same phenomenon. People can ignore authorial intent all they want, but NOT when it comes to predicting narrative trajectory. The general fandom is terrible at that lol. 
The exploration of redemption for Jaime comes in the form of confronting his disillusioned self and everything attached to it. Before someone thinks, “lolllll he isn’t disillusioned” 
 “he actually was a very idealistic young man who was disillusioned by life” [x]
Jaime’s redemption is the path of returning to that idealistic man for himself. It’s by feeling ashamed of the things he’s done to hide his love for Cersei. It’s by gaining independence and detaching from the toxic relationship that caused a mess outside of them. It’s by wanting to be like the knights he admired in his youth, and like the woman warrior that inspired him. 
So when I think about narrative payoff for Jaime, I don’t see it framed as him being “punished” for actions viewed as “crimes,” when GRRM clearly established those “crimes” as complicated and grey with a character already going through some positive development, and especially when the characters judging are written to be flawed as well.
On the other side, having him be “punished” by succumbing to hatred and anger is for sure giving an answer (this just… -sits on hands- don’t even get me started on THIS fucking hot take). That answer would be a clear, solid, “No, no matter how hard he tries to turn his life around, he can’t be redeemed, because he’s a hateful, angry, fucked up person.” I’ve legit seen people think “limits of redemption” is a boundary of redemption drawn in the sand that Jaime is walking towards but he won’t be able to cross it. I-......................... 
And what’s even the point of his handchop if scenario number 2 happens?  
“And Jaime, losing a hand, losing the very thing he defined himself on is crucial to where I think I want to go with the character. And he questions what do you make of yourself if you’ve lost that.” - GRRM [x]
(I’m going to put this quote in every post sorry not sorry) 
So he’s going to take Jaime on this big identity journey just for him to be like “lol nah he isn’t that” …?? That makes the loss of his hand meaningless, not “crucial.” Is it really crucial for him to lose his hand if he’s bringing him back to the beginning? Is it really crucial for him to lose his hand to make himself realize he’s hateful and a failure and murder Cersei and then himself? No. He could have still met Brienne and been inspired by her knightly ways, attempted to live a better life, found out about Cersei’s affairs, etc. He doesn’t need to lose his hand to reach a point of fucking murder/suicide lmao fuck (not saying he’ll do that but I KNOW people are thinking it). 
The loss of his hand is “crucial,” because GRRM has bigger endgame plans for him in the form of politics, and the journey to believably get there requires the forced loss of his warrior identity and everything that the hand symbolized. 
Even though I’m undecided on it, I CAN see it IF Bran is King. I get it. Jaime’s missing his right Hand, he becomes the Hand to the kid he pushed out the window. Hardy har har. I understand how that would be pleasing.
And we all know GRRM said something about how the best ones for power are the ones who don’t want it…  
And… this suspicious scene at the very beginning of the series… 
“You should be the Hand.” 
“Gods forbid,” a man’s voice replied lazily. “It’s not an honor I’d want. There’s far too much work involved.” 
Bran hung, listening, suddenly afraid to go on. -AGOT
BUT IF that happens, it wouldn’t be there as some sort of #atonement #forredemption. It would be there because of Jaime’s growth as a character after developing into a political player, after asking himself, “what do you make of yourself if you’ve lost [the swordhand]?” He’s no longer the warrior he once was. He dislikes any sort of political position, because he feels most alive with a sword in his hand. But that was Warrior Jaime, and the point of “what do you make of yourself after you’ve lost that” is Jaime going down a different path after discovering that Warrior Jaime has died. I mean, he’d never be actively seeking power and thinking it’s the best career ever, like he’d probably be all -sighhhhhhh- about it, but he’d be doing the responsible thing and what’s necessary. He’d make himself useful in a new way. 
“The Warrior had been Jaime’s god since he was old enough to hold a sword. Other men might be fathers, sons, husbands, but never Jaime Lannister, whose sword was as golden as his hair. He was a warrior, and that was all he would ever be.” - AFFC (Do I really need to make a post about how GRRM foreshadows? Mr. Bran: “I never fall”...?)
Jaime losing his hand was the narrative consequence for The Push, making all of his development post handchop -ALL OF HIS POVS- the redemption theme. It was the hand that pushed Bran, fucked his twin, killed his king, swung the sword against fandom’s Precious Protagonists… 
“You ought to be pleased. I’ve lost the hand I killed the king with. The hand that flung the Stark boy from that tower. The hand I’d slide between my sister’s thighs to make her wet.” - AFFC
So if Jaime becomes his Hand, it would be the two characters meeting in the middle, not Jaime groveling at his feet, begging for forgiveness, framed as a punishment for sins - “sins” that fandom views as “sins” that need narrative payoff, because they don’t understand intent. 
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Alright, so once again, this is the most recent post I could find vague blogging about me on her tumblr in regards to this specific issue so I don’t know where all the “Wow! heartshapedcreaturefromcriptoon DID THAT?!” Anons are coming from here, or how those anons are aware that you even tried to submit me something, unless you’re just sending them to yourself to try and stir more trouble but just ....
Leanne, Leanne, Leanna Leanne.... I feel as though I must para-quote Gene Wilder’s character in Young Frankenstein here because just what is the matter with you? Like do you not understand the concept of hyperbole at all? Don’t you know a joke when you read one?
The entire reason I screenshot that ask this way was to show case the fact that color and formatting of the ‘t”,  on what I didn’t know happened to be goth day just happened to match both the obnoxious eye sore color palette and theme of your tacky little blog, Princess. 
The whole coincidence gave me the willies, so I was just making a funny, honey.
Although, apparently, you can’t comprehend my humor or my kindness because now isn’t that part of what got you into this mess in the first place?
“Luna” is for long time mutuals only. Don’t pretend like we’ve ever spoken more than twice, and don’t pretend like you ever gave a damn about my well being when you can’t even get my disability right. My correct name and minority status is written all over my blog.  And to think you’re the one who bitched and complained to me about being called “Honey”.
I only found this on your blog because I have no way of responding to your original Submission even if I wanted to now because Tumblr seems to have eaten it (which, to that I say good riddance) and the only reason I found your Twitter is because it’s exactly the same as your gmail address due to the fact that you’re that basic. There wasn’t anything “random” about it.
“I would never send hate for no fucking reason...” Ah, but by that logic you would dish back hate to someone if you had a reason. So why would you like, concern troll me and chastise me for hate trolling someone when they gave me a reason?!
“And then to say that you that I would hack into your account? WHY??????? Why would I do that? I dont even know HOW to do that! YOU ARE TEARING MY HEART EMOJI APART LUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Again, honey, please calm down and teach yourself how to form a coherent sentence, learn the concept of what a hyperbolic joke is, leave your fandom(s) and get a freaking life.
I thought you were my friend too until the night you pulled that shit with me, respect that I blocked you and frick off.
And for the love of God, stop “joking” about writing smutty fanfics between you and Al and getting “married” to him and delete all of Angel’s pictures from your blog why don’t you!
Your obsession with all of us is beyond unhealthy.
“I know that you have reason to listen or believe me...” Honey, I know that when you were typing this your little crocodile tears were hitting the keyboard so hard that you couldn’t even form a coherent sentence and you need to shut the fuck up. (Also SIDE NOTE of how Cletus and Striker are like, the worst Helluva Boss characters to have “taste” in: Some sleazy little man baby and an ever only slightly cooler and more tolerable Wild West Reincarnation of Toffee, I should have known you were like this. Oh and that Vampire Chick from RE7 everyone including yourself is into right now is like if Eclipsa was a freaking Fairly Odd Parents Pixie and Meteora would have her daughters for a snack, both figuratively and literally. Die Angry About it.)   
I had two whole interactions with you and I wanted to beat that bunny fursona of yours down with a tree branch Lilo and Stitch style the second you hopped into my ask box that night and 4 days later you gave me an excuse to. I only found out about the shit that you were putting my friends through when Orn started vague blogging to me about what you were doing to them after I exposed you as a snake in the grass arse little bitch and they had no reason to try and White Knight you.
In starlatte27’s case she was just tagged to help attack me by the same stalker that you were going out of your way to defend and latte blocked me before I could even so much as figure out who she was, meaning we didn’t even have an “altercation”, her existence to me personally at that point was merely a blip that served to cause me more disorientation and stress, but I knew she was just as much of a bitch as you were before my friends did and now you’re both causing them immeasurable harm in comparison to what I was put through and you both need to delete your blogs after you apologize. NOBODY WANTS YOU TWO IN THIS FANDOM!
I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in reading you reiterate your excuses for your racism and gross mistreatment towards my friends to me, nor do I care for your off putting arse attempting to have some sort of petty, infantilizing, paternalistic, para-social relationship with me!
Angel and Al, may I add, haven’t been online in weeks because of you and starlatte27, and now you’re only trying to get to me because I’ve still been available online and you’ve been bored. And if I had the capability and privilege of doing anything other than sitting, I can tell you that I certainly wouldn’t be in front of a computer right now if I actually even had the option not to be ether.
And for your information, being able to meet Angel and Al, at least out of all this mess in the first place, has been the only good experience that I’ve had within in this fandom thus far and their presence on my dashboard only makes my day brighter, I willingly shared my experiences with them to let know they’re not alone in all this shit.  
Stop being a sleaze to Angel just because he’s more attractive than you and clearly not white passing, and delete all his photos from your blog.
Stop being a skeeve to Al and stop making “jokes” about marrying him and your jokes about smut because that’s actually beyond the conception of “cringe”.
Stop infantalizing me and acting as though you have some weird parental para-social relationship over me or some shit when I’m freaking three years older than you are, apologize to all three of us before deleting your accounts and dropping off the internet why don’t you and then leave all three of us the fuck alone!!! 
I can tell how the little twit whom said this to me the other day has certainly never met you.
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osomatsu-san-quotes · 5 years
Time to get to know me a little more, don't have to read, just something 4 fun
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My mom-
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Not really anyone-
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Depends. If work then no, if just hanging out then I think so
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
‘‘I like’‘ friend: probably. ‘‘I like’‘ crush: no
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
outgoing ppl and that just like memes and gaming. Don't know really
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
my older, middle brother
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
little bit
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
‘‘Ah, ok.’‘
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Kenshi Yonezu songs. (Nighthawks, Lemon, Eine Kleine, Loser, BNHA Intro 2/Peace sign)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah but I have hair that is greasy 24/7. So the person would probably be grossed out before they touch it
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
15. What good thing happened this summer?
summer sucks so badly- but I guess…..I- don't know actually
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Never kissed someone before
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nope, I told him and after years of being good/best friends we stopped talking
19. Do you like bubble baths?
20. Do you like your neighbors?
don't have them. Or I just never talk to them
21. What are your bad habits?
This is kinda embarrassing but thumb sucking. like a baby. Also, nail biting
22. Where would you like to travel?
Japan or China
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
sitting behind my computer
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My face
26. What do you do when you wake up?
think about life and lay there for 30 mins
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
darker. I'm a marshmallow now
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My older youngest brother
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Ye, surprisingly
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably yes
31. If your hair long enough for a ponytail?
I think it has to say ‘‘Is’‘, so yeah, it is
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Interesting question- I don't keep in touch with the new celebrities so idk.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
oh god- Ill just use my nickname ppl know me as, not my real one:
RfdIkVERf     -  River
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
I have a worse condition than a snail
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without tv. Don't watch it. Also, you have youtube
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Likes gaming, horror, memes, and is overall a nice guy to talk to
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
Outside? You want me dead?
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Probably go into game design
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Depends on what they have done
42. If you're being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I'm being myself
43. Do you smile at strangers?
If I try to smile I look like I am disappointed in them or angry
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
outer space.
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Remembering I have youtube vids to watch and I have books to read
46. What are you paranoid about?
the things I don't know
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Yeah. So I ain't going to tell it
50. What was the color of the last hoodie you wore?
Purple. I am wearing it rn
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Yeah, constantly
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My face
53. Favorite makeup brand?
I don't do makeup
54. Favorite store?
Don't go to stores
55. Favorite blog?
Can't think of anything on the top of my head. Too many
56. Favorite color?
Purple or black
57. Favorite food?
Broccoli or something unhealthy like hamburgers
58. Last thing you ate?
59. First thing you ate this morning?
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Yeah. Won a playback competition in 4th grade of elementary
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Once. I yelled back at my teacher
62. Been arrested? For what?
I'm too much of a pussy to do something to get myself arrested
63. Ever been in love?
Of course
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Mk. It all started when I was a baby and my mom kissed me on the head
65. Are you hungry right now?
Just ate
66. Do you like your Tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Don't have Tumblr friends, (Or real friends)
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your best friends?
Don’t have them
71. Craving something? What?
A drink
72. What color are your towels?
blue, blue, black, white
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
around 5
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
over 100 probably
75. Favorite animal?
Bears or cats
76. What color is your underwear?
Night sky dark blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favorite ice cream flavor?
79. What color shirt are you wearing?
Purple hoodie
80. What color pants?
dark grey sweatpants
81. Favorite tv show?
82. Favorite movie?
UhHHhh Osomatsu san the movie probably, not sure yet.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Never seen both but I think I like Mean Girls from what I've seen and heard
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls.
85. Favorite character from Mean Girls?
Never seen it
86. Favorite character from Finding Nemo?
random, but Dory
87. The first person, you talked to today?
My older middle brother
88. The last person, you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
To many
90. Name a person you love?
my family
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
100% 24/7 yes
92. In a fight with someone?
Have been.
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
around 5
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
Detective Pikachu
96. Favorite actress?
don't have one
97. Favorite actor?
don't have one
98. Do you tan a lot?
99. Have any pets?
100. How are you feeling?
could be better, could be worse
101. Do you type fast?
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
of course, I do
103. Can you spell well?
Depends if I'm rushing: not
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Getting ready to go to bed
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
111. Do you have trust issues?
Isn't this question asked before?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Never had one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Used to
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Nope, for once
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Never tried it
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favorite book?
Warrior Cats
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Pretty spoopy shit
121. Are you mean?
I dunno
122. Is cheating ever okay?
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Waste of time when they are going to be dirty again by the next day
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Never thought of it.
125. Do you believe in true love?
Probably not
126. Are you currently bored?
127. What makes you happy?
Spending time with myself
128. Would you change your name?
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Never tried it
131. Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Think about life and what to do
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
This has been asked before
133. Favorite lyrics right now?
‘‘Write a story of a hero!’‘ - Peace sign
134. Can you count to one million?
Yeah but I ain't gonna try rn 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
A lot, hard to pick one
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
around 5′9
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favorite month?
October & December
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favorite quote?
‘‘Eh’‘ -points to sweater- ‘‘ ‘Not my problem‘ ‘‘
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
don't have a book next to me
Wow if you are here holy shit- ty??
-Mod Nekomatsu
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skylightsofmylife · 5 years
All of them you friggin Lovely lady ily
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?
Kitchen counter if I could ever find a counter the right height. Gonna be a requirement for our house babe, good counter fucking height. 
2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:
Hella good cause it was with you!
3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:
Harley Quinn
4: Something that never fails to make you horny:
5: Where is one place you would never have sex:
Probably public restrooms and kitchens
6: The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when ______________
My partner had been going down on me for like an hour and a half and their mouth was starting to get sore/tired and it was my first time. They told me they were starting to get sore and asked me if I was close and I had to say, “I didn’t know if it was polite to cum or not.” Then proceeded to have trouble cumming because I’d edged myself so long and was really nervous/embarrassed. 
7: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:
One of my exes fingers.... they were just so long and I couldn’t stop imagining all the new places they could reach. 
8: What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Handcuffs, Rope, or Other [if other please explain]:
Other. Pulling the other person’s t-shirt over their head so it blindfolds and binds them. 
9: What is the fastest way to make you horny:
Push me against a wall or do that low sexy whisper in my ear telling me what you want to do to me. 
10: Top or bottom?
11: We were about to ____________ but then ______________ [example: we were about to have sex but then his mom walked in]
We were about to send people home so we could have sex but then it turned into a birthday orgy. 
12: Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?
One can be enough but I like a lot of foreplay in that case and it has to be one of those really strong O’s that leaves you breathless and just wanting to curl up into them and sleep. Not necessary but definitely appreciated. 
13: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:
Idk, both my parents have seen my sex toys so whatevs. I guess me. 
14: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:
Little butter cause she was big butter. 
15: Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex:
1) The textures! Oral gives so many more textures than anything else. The hardness of teeth, the dexterity of a soft tongue, the pressure of the lips/suction. 
2) That moment when they stop for a second and you have your hand on the back of their head. Your eyes meet and then you push them back into you. 
16: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:
Probably the time an ex stripped me down to just underwear in front of guests not really with anyones’ permission. 
17: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]
Yes, was less flavorful than I thought it would be. Mostly just salty with a slight tang I guess but ever so slight. 
18: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:
Yes. For me there is zero chance of pregnancy and I trust my long-term committed partners as I always have people get tested first. 
19: Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?
7th grade English teacher. She gave off strong plant filled house, lesbian vibes and was adorably quirky. 
20: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:
Maybe whipped cream? 
21: How big is too big:
Vaginally around 7 inches. Anally I have not really found a limit yet. Seems to be if I’m in the mood for it it’s gonna fit. 
22: One sexual thing you would never do:
Gun play
23: Biggest turn on:
See 9.... same question basically. 
24: Three spots that drive you insane:
1) Spot slightly to the left of my bellybutton (feels so good I have to be extremely comfortable with the person because too much and sex has to stop I cramp so bad). 
2) To the left and right of the vulva, where my inseam meets my pelvis. 
3) Neck
25: Worst possible time to get horny:
26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:
27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:
Anal in a shower no lube.... yeah. 
28: How much fapping is too much fapping:
When I start wanting to strangle someone from the noise. 
29: Best sexual complement you ever got:
I’ve never cum from oral before, I can’t  believe you did that to me. 
30: Bald, landing strip, Jumanji:
I’m more of a trimmed natural V line of the genitals. It’s fun to have a little something to hold onto down there. 
31: Is it good sex if you don’t nut:
Oh definitely. It’s not always about you. Sometimes it’s about your partner. 
32: Fill in the blank: “If they ____________, we are fuckin”
Put their hand under my shirt
33: What’s your favorite part of your body:
Right now my vagina.
34: Favorite foreplay activities:
Scratch me up. 
35: Love (>,
36: What do you wear to bed?
T-shirt and panties. 
37: When was the first time you masturbated:
Someone did my first time for me at like 12 or 13. 
38: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?
If you want the answer look at my twitter. Shameless plug: https://twitter.com/SkylightsofLife
39: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?
It’s been a hot minute. When I was 20? Somewhere around there. 
40: Have/would you ever have sex outside?
I have and would again.  
41: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
I have and would again. 
42: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?
43: Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school?
Have and would again. It’s such the exhibitionist dream. 
44: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?
Probs not. Maybe some up the skirt action with the GF masturbating for me if we could hide it well enough. 
45: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?
Desire by Meg Myers. Yes, I am a freak. 
46: What is something nonsexual that makes you horny?
47: Most attractive celebrity?
Chyler Leigh
48: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?
Yes, but it has to be actual lesbian targeted porn. Not that crap for cis men. 
49: If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now?
About three months old. 
50: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?
Probably. Not that it matters. I’ve already “leaked” my own nudes. 
51: What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny?
A dirty dish being in the room while my partner tries to do anything. 
52: Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?)
Yes. Quite fond of the ones on my legs. Not to fond of the ones on my upper butt. Nobody has ever had a problem with them and if they did I wouldn’t keep them around long for shaming something so natural. 
53: Do you like giving head? (why/why not)
FUCK YES. It’s just so much fun. Not really sure why I just know it’s one of my favorite things to do. 
54: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
Please. Just all of them. 
55: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?
I’m perfectly okay with doing it but I want to know first so I can make it special and we are going to talk about it to make sure no lines are crossed. Just want the person to have a good first experience. 
56: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?
Anything sticky. When you’re trying to make things slide easy sticky is the enemy. 
57: Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see?
Nope. She sees it all. She can see anything I do I don’t care. We trust each other completely. It’s why we work so well together in my opinion. 
58: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)
Yes. Too many to list. Basic gist things that go vvvvbbbbbb, clamps, vaginal and anal penetratives, and bondage stuffs. 
59: Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day?
Sure. Have at it baby. I shit blog most of the time anyways but people seem to like it. 
60: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?
No. They need to do whatever makes them happy. I don’t get a decision in that. I’m here to supplement their happiness not control it. 
61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?
Pornstar. I can’t do casual sex. 
62: Do you watch porn?
Yes, we already covered this. Who wrote these redundant questions? 
63: How small is too small?
Everybody has fingers and can use a dildo so nothing. 
64: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?
Hell yes. For so many things. Being gay, being trans, my love of fluid play. 
65: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?
The lovely Jessica. Hell yes. I kissed her as she was leaving to get on a plan knowing I wouldn’t see her for months. I cried lots. 
66: Would you switch phones with your significant other for a day?
On a non-workday yes. I need mine for work. 
67: Do you feel comfortable going “commando”?
Haven’t tried yet but in the right clothes probably. Don’t want something that’s gonna rub too hard. 
68: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn’t shaved their pubic hair?
Nah. I can get down and dirty with the best of them. 
69: If you could give yourself head, would you?
Probably not. Solely for the reason it’s the one thing I can’t do to myself so it feels more special when someone else does it and it’s the one thing I don’t get into a routine of so every experience with it is different and new. 
70: Booty or Boobs?
Can I not have both??? Boobs more though just cause they are so good to lay on. 
71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
Firehouse, cause everyone wants to slide down the pole in them. ;) I’m dumb. Ignore me. 
72: Have you ever been on an official date?
73: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
Nope. That shit sucks and too many people have done it to me for me to ever put someone else through that pain. 
74: If you were a stripper, what would your name be?
Luna, cause I’m as pale as the moon. 
75: Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)
Not my parents but an exes parents. Was actually an orgy....
76: How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed?
Burn it. 
77: What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina
Holy crap that’s huge. I love it. 
78: If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?
As a person who’s had both I don’t feel the need to answer this. 
Ps, fuck you Jess. That’s a lot of freaking questions. You owe me a night of you topping as punishment. 
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petite-madame · 6 years
Hi! I just wanted to say, I really love your artwork, it's absolutely gorgeous (and has made my life so much more worth living lol). However, I wanted to ask; do you have advice for artists who have low confidence in their art..? I like to draw and I have an art account for fan art, but I get super conscious when people ask to see my fan art and I end up saying / thinking my art style is derogatory even though ppl have told me not to. I'm not sure what I should do
Hi anon 
Thanks a lot for your message and for enjoying my work! Ok, let’s see that little confidence problem that you have. 
You should never be afraid to show your fan art if it’s only a problem of art style or what you consider “bad skills”. Ok, some type of fan art won’t be accepted by certain type of people. Let’s not sugarcoat it, some people hate slash and if you have Mister or Mrs Asshole (they come in all shapes and size…) in front of you, it’s better not to share your art with these people (waste of time and nothing good comes from toxic people like these) but if you draw Gen stuff, go ahead! You have to be proud of your work and remember that as an artist, you are your worst critic, you don’t see your work like people see it: you focus on the negative, the “technical stuff” whereas the general audience will focus on the emotions conveyed by your art, the colors, the concept or even small details you thought insignificant. While you are stressing about the position of the hand of one the characters in the background nobody gives a shit about, people will marvel at the humor (or the angst!) of your work, the likeness of your characters, how dynamic they look etc…
So, go ahead, show your work, be proud of it and be ready to defend it. You have to start doing it otherwise, you will never acquire the confidence necessary to be out there. It’s a perpetual cycle: if you don’t defend your work, you won’t develop the confidence to believe in it and to defend it IRL or even on line.  
Just keep in mind that whatever you post, whatever your art style, whatever your type of work (original or fan art), whatever your number of followers you will always have a bunch of a-holes who are gonna hate you and who are going to troll and hate on your work. It will also happen IRL: mean people who just want to be mean to you. 
BUT you will also have people for whom your art is important! It can be random people who will stumble upon your artwork by browsing Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr..
Tumblr media
…but also some of your followers that are gonna be over enthusiastic and support you no matter what…
Tumblr media
..or someone close to you IRL (friends, family even colleagues you trust) who will be more than happy to see your new work and to squee with you. All these people will boost your confidence and it will be easier and easier for you to share your work with them and be confident about your art style. It’s like going into a swimming pool: at the beginning the water is cold but little by little, you’ll get used to the water and before you know it, you’ll be the queen of the pool ^o^
And if one day some random Joe you showed your artwork to don’t like your art style, so fucking what? As I told you, you’ll always have people you won’t like what you do either because it’s not their cup of tea, either because…they just like to criticize what other people do just for the sake of it. Don’t get me wrong, I KNOW it’s hard to hear this kind of things but as I told you, you confidence will come from posting, putting your work out there, sharing it with people and saying proudly “it’s my work!” It won’t happen in one day. Your confidence regarding you and your art will go a bit like this:
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1: it’s ok…not sure…
2: Oh wow! The reception on my new artwork is awesome! I…didn’t expect that!
3: I’m so proud of that background. ^^
4: Oh no. That artist friend posted that amazing fan art and my art sucks and I draw like shit and I don’t even know why I’m even trying. 
5: A litte art block…I’ll get over it. 
6: Some idiot that is a friend of a friend of a friend said something bad about one of my drawings and my art style but for some reason it affected me because this a-hole pushed the right button (and I’m not doing fine at the moment)
7: Back from hell and out of the frying pan…I have tons of ideas. Hell YAH! 
Be ready for some criticism, so be strong….
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…but always trust yourself! And no matter what, carry on drawing (some artworks will be like milestones and will make you proud of yourself), carry on building an audience and squeeing with all the people who love your work online or IRL. And when someone tells you that your art style is great, you don’t say “no” or “I’m not sure”, you say “thank you” and you don’t listen to this awful little voice that will tell you that “no, you don’t worth it and your work is not worth showing either”. BALLS!
Good luck to you anon, we believe in you! 
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picsofshiro · 6 years
You said you have a person on trial. How do you test someone to make sure they are trustworthy enough to run your blogs?
I run a 2 week-1 month trial from the moment they start posting on the blog to see a few things. but before that, here’s what I do. This is based off of how I also handle other social media pages as someone who handles 5+ facebook pages as a chat/post moderator, 5+twitter accounts, and 2+instagram accounts. According to fans/followers who follow our professional work, it helps them feel safe to interact with us as staff doing our job (radio/reporting) and interact with fellow listeners/viewers consuming media, processing it, and discussing it. The same can be applied to other public spaces like these fan blogs. 
1. What’s the person like?
I check out their blogs/have seen them interact before with other people in other online spaces in and out of fandom. This means how they interact with other fans, with interacting with staff/voice actors in public spaces. I love Voltron as a show, I just personally focus my love where it counts. Lots of people complain when interviews come out, hate what happened in canon. Can you be critical of things said? Sure. But the thing is, it feels weird to take anything said at face value when Voltron as it stands is not a completed project so things can change and how we see them as the missing pieces come together. I take everything with a grain of salt and see where things go and I hope the people I work with are the same way and are cordial when interacting with others on their thoughts on characters, ships, the show itself and when interacting with the kind people working on Voltron.
More for what I look for and how I run stuff is under the cut and the standard I try to set for myself and for others who wish to work with me cause this is more volunteering to help out, it’s not technically our content to own, its fan run, and nobody is paid. But if you’re gonna do it, you gotta give it the love it deserves.  
2. Enforce set rules.
I got common sense stuff like don’t let bigotry slide when it’d directed at us as mods and people interacting on the posts that are hosted here. Block ant!’s on site since they are a source of a lot of why our fandom is accused of being garbage vs any other group within the fandom that’s chill, especially those who still currently openly hate/dehumanize other fans minding their business. Block them if they interact with the blog via reblogs/likes if you catch them cause that stuff spreads to other blogs who assume our fandom experience is for them — it’s not. For the most part, blocking is good if I’m/the mod running a blog is just tired and doesn’t wanna deal with inane bs or things we’ve already answered if a user or anon didn’t do their research to look through my history of asks and whether or not I’ve addressed their question/didn’t read our response because they’re not looking for our actual answer, they’re looking for something else. I don’t deal with people spreading misinformation like pushing br0ganes which is currently confirmed never a thing by staff repeatedly, pushing whether or not a ship is canon (I have even politely said that I appreciate sheith’s bond over at pics of sheith but never said it was canon as a ship), and I definitely don’t like individuals that shit on characters/ships or how others express their excitement over content or their interpretations or fanon fun. And I don’t appreciate when people get upset with staff for saying something wrong when the show is not completed and they can only say certain things in a certain way if they choose to answer questions at all then attack other fans and justifying it because they’re upset. Nobody gets to throw a tantrum and hurt others. Take responsibility for shitty behavior
3. Choose your battles - carefully decide what discourse to address.
I understand that a lot of people don’t have the time or mental energy to do what I do when I happen to bring down people who claim to have some higher morality/authority to speak from. Sometimes it’s outright bs and I block immediately, not giving my attention, move forward, nobody has to know about it unless I want them to. Maybe I joke about it. But that’s it. I’ve actually just skipped out and blocked some IP’s on this blog cause it was a “nah” kind of day. But I make sure to get a screencap, maybe even post it to my main blog because my main blog is linked in the description of these blogs so people can dispute why they were blocked from interacting with the blog. Then we can examine how I misunderstood a message if that’s the problem, cause that happens. It’s the internet so people’s tone of voice is lost, people might have brain issues that cause them to type up the wrong stuff or they insist they said what they said and I have to see if I’m not the only one “misunderstanding" it cause we’re all trying to communicate here, in the common English language which his a clusterfuck anyhow. It happens where I just can’t read shit but I have and try to rectify my mistakes.
And when I do address it, I do so point by point, concisely. That’s what I get for having a mother who is a paralegal and helped write legal arguments, deconstructs her child’s stupid arguments when he got in a dumb ass fight with her. I learned from it and now I can frame my arguments properly to follow logical structures based on truth, understanding how the English language works to examine what they said and what it sounds like, and show the true meaning of what was said which is often something pretty screwed up. They usually (as far as I know between one anon and the next) never come back to bother me again. Mods have to be able to have the stamina to handle it, and run it by me to make sure the argument is sound because we try to keep ourselves and everyone else safe.
4. be open to opportunities
If they continue to argue with me on my main blog which is where I’m fine dealing with discourse unless it turns into violent threats/harassment, I’ve already blocked them across the board at all the picsof blog urls I have in my account. But let’s say this person has come to understand why they are wrong…then I can find their name, unblock them hopefully, and everything moves forward and I keep tabs to show that they’ve changed their behavior. Hopefully because tumblr tells me if i block an anon, that i can’t ever undo it but I’ve also heard it’s still possible so who knows really on this broken website?
How I run this tight ship and expect others to run it (no pun intended).
1. Screencap for an hour or two - organize by character/ship -> season -> episode folders and number the images so that it’s in order frame by frame, then play around with the same image and crop accordingly just for fun. This gives random choices and variety for the next part.
2. draft and tag - for characters I use canon voltron legendary defender names
#keith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
vs keith kogane which his defender of the universe. I’m a stickler for canon which is why i also tag
#shiro (how he’s often referred to) #takashi shirogane (in written canon and uttered by his own character in the dnd episode) #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
for a ship blog, i follow a similar formula but people get upset if they are looking for 1 character but don’t care for the ship so i try to be courteous and leave out characters and focus on the ship - hence the following:
#sheith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
then as a mod, i have fun and put my thoughts into the screencap at the end of all that when I feel like it, for example #keith looks cute here / #shiro just [redact] me / #wow they hold each other so tenderly
Do this until i get between 90-200 posts in my drafts, then hit queue at random to scramble up the order in which they queue. Will the blog visitors see a screencap from episode 1? or episode 10? nobody knows. But it gets boring if i just queued everything in order which is why I do this. Predictability is boring.
3. Set queue post to 3 posts a day and leave, this is a fucking hobby and isn’t your life - focus on what needs to be done, this is just low maintenance fun. (Look at me rhyming!) Follow the stuff above with how you handle discourse and of course the mod who should obviously love the blog of their focus can have fun with any individuals asking about headcanons/ideas about ships. I wouldn’t give someone who doesn’t ship Allurance because it will show in their work that they don’t care when they’d rather have Shance and vice versa. Or a Pidge fan running a Hunk blog when they’d rather do Pidge. For these other blogs outside of the 3 I’m managing right now, i might have teams of people simply because we can all keep tabs on each other and be held accountable for our actions if we make mistakes. 
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narrymusings · 7 years
So you're asking your followers to report that ot3 disappointment blog but you retweet and like various posts from the Former Harrie Club? The same blog who calls Harry a pedo, a racist, the guy who broke apart 1d and who constantly buy postive reviews for his album and negative reviews for the other boys. That's the definition of a hate blog bitch but apparently it's a legit "discourse" blog for you. You're just an hypocrite.
First of all, do you really expect me to believe that this is just a random person in my inbox..? I’m not an idiot. OT3disappointment gets literally no notes on their posts unless it’s someone else calling them out and other people reblogging said call-out. You know why? Because literally nobody else cares enough to actually be associated with the nastiness that blog represents. But anyway, I’ll pretend for your sake that you – who conveniently ran off to tell OT3disappointment about this ask – and OT3disappointment aren’t the same person.
Now, yes I absolutely did make a post requesting that my followers, as well as anyone else who is simply a decent person, report (and block, don’t forget block!) that nasty ass blog. But no, sadly I haven’t retweeted anything from that FHC because, you know, this is tumblr and not twitter… I have reblogged a few things from that other blog though. Do you wanna see? Never mind, I don’t have the patience – but since you’re obviously incredibly bored with your life, I invite you to take the time to search my blog. You’ll find that the posts I reblogged from them were related to Niall and some of the rude/inaccurate things that Harries had been saying about him. They aren’t about Harry, specifically. I don’t condone people calling Harry a pedo or a racist, which is why none of those posts exist on my blog (despite what OT3disappointment claims about me, as they know nothing as usual). You should also note that I once defended Harry in regards to people saying that he went behind everyone’s backs to end 1D, have never uttered anything about buying reviews. None of that exists here, because I don’t agree with them. I did agree with the specific posts they made about Niall – which you should also note was months ago, before people started to get really nasty on that blog.
Also- “That’s the definition of a hate blog bitch”… Really? You’re really telling me that fat-shaming, body-shaming, adding repulsive and degrading comments to pictures of people – as well as to [fanfic] posts, which have absolutely nothing at all to do with the supposed point of the blog, which is to discuss being “””””disappointed”””” with OT3 – isn’t hateful behaviour? That’s fucking bullshit, little troll. This is how I know this is OT3disappointment and not just some random.
You want to truth from me, instead of some piece of shit hiding behind a blog name because they know they’re in the wrong and don’t want anyone to know who they are? I think hate blogs are shitty. I also think that “discourse” are pointless. (I made a post not too long ago about how I think that all discourse blogs should be deleted.) All they cause is trouble. All they invite is trouble. They invoke hate, even if it isn’t the initial intention, because people will always take it way too far. I don’t understand why people have to be so hateful, yet claim that they don’t really care. I don’t understand why people can’t just like what they like instead of turning everything into a damn competition about who sold more units and had more streams and blah blah blah. Edit: And I really don’t understand why someone who thinks that a certain type of blog is awful would turn around and make the same type of blog, only turn it up a notch, for some sort of delusional revenge tactic. (But that’s just it, I suppose, right? You’ve gotta be kinda fucked up to think that’s a meaningful and time-worthy idea.
Anyway, you know what- At the end of the day, think what you want about me. OT3disappointment isn’t the first blog to obsess over me and make up trashy lies about me, and I’m sure it probably won’t be the last. But if there isn’t a single thing on that blog that screams hate blog at you – provided that you aren’t whoever the fuck that runs that blog – then you have bigger problems that what you make of me, little troll.
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evyisaks · 7 years
The Isak + Even fan fics that I'm currently reading Part One: (This could be a recommendation list I guess, but it's more of a list of fics that I'm currently reading, so the ones that I've already read aren't there. The list is also in random order. I’m going to make a part two because damn, I read so many fics.)
→  Let Me In | milk_o_vich
“What are you doing here?” Isak asked, unable to keep the anger out of his voice. Even’s eyes were wide and a little unfocused, flitting over Isak nervously. He was quiet for a long time, rain hitting the pavement outside, and Isak became kind of aware that Even must be freezing in his thin, damp t-shirt. Even pressed his lips together, then said, voice hoarse and quiet, “Can I stay here tonight?” (Isak and Even broke up months ago) →  Expect the Unexpected | bri_ness
In which Snakesak plays Big Brother. 
→  right click > save as | kittpurrson
Isak, a fic writer in the Minute by Minute fandom, had the world's biggest crush on the fandom's biggest name. Or: the fandomception AU, in which two boys fall in love over Discourse, gifsets, and increasingly dirty hashtags. → The Weight Of Us | verlore_poplap
Isak finally takes the plunge towards what's seemed like an inevitability for almost ten years.Of course that's when some guy comes along and ruins everything
.---Isak Valtersen is literally the last thing Even's life needs right now.It pretty horrifying how hard that is to remember, everytime he's around.
→ I Would Do It Again | cuteandtwisted
"I dare you to hook up with him."
"What? The blonde guy?" "Yes, the blonde guy."
Or Even gets caught up in a dare, and Isak loses a little bit of himself in the process.
→ Home is wherever am with you | cuteandtwisted 
“Hi. I’m Even and I don’t usually walk around in nothing but a towel.” “Uh, I'm Isak.” “Isak. Mind if I kidnap you for some fun sightseeing activities?” Or Isak and Even keep meeting in hostels around the world and parting with a kiss or two. → blue like the night in cuba | piccadilly
Isak and Even meet on a train and spend a night exploring Paris, losing themselves and finding each other.Or, a Before Sunrise AU.
→ Livredderen | Kudzibisa 
I et parallelt univers møtes Isak og Even under dramatiske omstendigheter. Even er førstemann til ulykkesstedet når Isak havner i et voldsomt bilkrasj.Det blir et første møte som ingen av dem klarer å glemme.
Eller AU der Even (helt bokstavelig talt) redder Isak. Redder Isak han tilbake?
→ Summer Love | Chips2
Even has just finished University. He decides to spend summer at his parent's holiday house in the Norwegian countryside where he has been coming since childhood. He knows Isak, one of the locals, who has recently graduated from high school and is spending his break helping his dad out at his kayak shop.
Two boys from different backgrounds, both embarking on new chapters in their lives who find their worlds intertwined during their holidays and on one particularly hot summer break.
→  Little Harbour | MermaidsandMermen (SophiaSoames) 
The all grown up AU where Even is lost and Isak is Norway's favourite Midwife. It is what it is.Title from It's the dream by Norwegian poet Olav V HaugeIt's the dream we carry in secret, that something miraculous will happen. That It must happen, that time will open, that the heart will open, that doors will open, that the rockface will open, that spring will gush.
That the dream will open, that one morning we will glide into some little harbour we didn't know was there.
→ stay a minute | grinsekaetzchen
"The leads of Even Bech Næsheim’s new 'Romeo and Juliet' adaption were announced yesterday, with Eva Kviig Mohn taking to Twitter to confirm, ‘Looking forward to playing Julieeeeet’. Her fellow Romeo was announced shortly after to be Isak Valtersen, which his publicist confirmed today. It seems that this will be Norway’s new star-crossed pair of lovers."
In which there is a tumblr fandom that is dying every time new information for said version of 'Romeo and Juliet' drops, Even is a beloved director and Isak - well, Isak would just really appreciate it if his mind would stop surprising him with memories at the worst moments possible.
→ it's about growing up, getting older, living on a lover's shoulder (it's about time) | babyturtle
The Sana-and-Isak-Childhood-Friends ft. Bookclubs AU you didn't know you were looking for.
Sana and Isak might've spent more time fighting than reading the first day the met, but sometimes that's just how it goes. Usually. Usually that's how it goes. With Sana and Isak specifically. In their mostly dysfunctional two person book club.
Or, life is hard and growing up harder, but take my hand and I'm right there with you.
→ torches (life's too short) | xxLeviBech
"My mom used to tell me my thoughts would pour out of my ears if I kept thinking too hard." Isak threw back another fry, keeping his gaze down.
"That's pretty fucked up, man." Even deadpanned, making Isak snap his head up in a laugh
."Fuck you," He giggled, tossing one of the soggier ones at Even and being decidedly unimpressed when he caught it in his mouth.
Or, a canon divergence AU in which Isak's childhood is exponentially more severe -- where he can't remember coming to school without bruises, a bottle of hand-sanitizer, and long sleeves. It's fine, he's fine. It wasn't for his friends, though; and that's how he wound up here, in a fold-up chair every Tuesday and Friday, talking about his experiences with other post-secondary kids diagnosed with some kind of PTSD. It's also where meets a guy whose name starts with the same letters as everything, because that's... exactly what he is.
→ Come On, Set the Tone | boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug 
Isak is a recently out popstar who wants to prove that he is not just another pretty face in pop music and has the skills to make his own way in the musical world (just like his newly found idol, Even Bech Naesheim).
Even is a self contained, indie singer songwriter who takes shit from nobody - anyone in his cult following will tell you (including a certain popstar).Shortly after a public feud between the two begins, they’re forced together for a nationwide tour. 9 weeks, 50 shows, and countless hours (together) on the tour bus leave Even writing cryptic love songs and Isak wondering if he should leave everything he knows behind.
Ft. BL!SS, Balloon Squad, Wireless Problems, Jonas, and the Wobbles
→ Parallel Universe | RunningGirl
What if Even goes his own way, leaving Isak behind? What if he regrets it? What if he's given the chance to see what would have happened if he stayed?
Even made a decision after college. A decision he's regretted for five years. He's given the opportunity to see what would have happened if he hadn't made that decision. A glimpse into a parallel universe.
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viahhapocalyptica · 7 years
I really want to learn Finnish but it scares me so much more than the other Scandinavian languages I know...teach me ur ways ;—;
Heeiiidon’t be scared young Padiwan, Finnish is more of a beautiful enigma than a scary monster :3 (apart from Helsinki slang and the stuff you read onSuomitumppu… That shit’s terrifying XD).Firstup: Finnish is not a Scandinavian/Norse language, that’s possiblywhy it’s intimidating. Unless you speak Estonian,Hungarian, or various indigenous Siberian languages, it’s not gonnabe familiar. But that’s why it’s fun! ‘Cause it’s totally different :3 You just throw away everythingyou think you know about how languages work and you start fromscratch.Secondly: Here’s some facts that make it sound less scary– there’s no grammatical genders. There’sno gender pronouns either, there’s just “hän” for he or she (or“se” in spoken Finnish which literally means “it” XD).There’s also no articles, which means that sometimes I forget tosay “the” and “a/an” in English now. And also the spelling istotally phonetic. Every letter only makes one sound, so spelling andpronunciation are simple. Oh, and there’s only two tenses: Present and past. Bloody marvellous Myways you say? Well personally I began witha book called Teach Yourself Finnish by Terttu Leney. I HIGHLYrecommend investing in this book, preferably a more recent version (oldest oneis too formal). I taught myselfspelling and grammar and basically the most important shit solelyfrom that book for something like 8 years before I got lessons, and Istill go through it from time to time. Honestly you should see thestate of my copy XD When I finally started lessons, my teacherscouldn’t believe I had taught myself. So I literally can’tpraise it enough.Thatsaid, there’s other good books out there too, I’ll put themin a list at the end of this ramble :3NextI got lessons. I am lucky that I live a few towns away from anAnglo-Finn group called Camberleyn Suomikoulu (Camberley’s Finnishschool), who are basically a bunch of Finns who mingle whilst theirspouses/kids get taught Finnish. I’m their novelty student XD But they treat me as a Finn too. :3Anyway,I know it may not be so simple for most people to get lessons. If youhave looked/googled all over and can’t find any near enough to you,are there any Finnish embassies or groups in your country that dointensive courses a couple times a year? Also consider gettinglessons over Skype. There are teachers who even have group lessons ifyou are nervous :3 Or find Finnish speakers who don’t mindcommunicating with you often, there are people here on tumblr forexample in the langblr community, and loads more on forums andlanguage communities across t’internet who may be able to help.Honestly my knowledge on this is not great as I am not that involved(would you believe I am quite shy irl -__-), but I’m sure it won’tbe difficult to find more info about other communities if you findsome Finnish langblrs. I don’t follow loads but I will put themat the end of this ramble too.Forhelp with vocabulary, there are websites and apps that can help you.Memrise has absolutely FUCKTONNES of useful vocab, for example. The courses are put together by Memrise users so it’s all free, thoughsadly that also means you might want to be wary of accuracy here andthere. “3000 most common words”, “Beginner’s Finnish” (with amoomin for a pic), and “Vocabulary from Selkouutiset”, areparticularly good vocab lists. Interesting to note that the appexercises (at least on iphone) are different from the website, but both are good.Mondlyis also great! You get a free lesson every day, even if you don’tbuy the full version :3 I’m dreaming of the day I can afford ittbh, it has speech recognition like on Duolingo, which is so rare forFinnish *____*Clozemaster is something I’ve just discovered, it’slike the last two apps/websites but it presents the words in context,which is pretty damn useful in Finnish. There are so many other random/smaller websiteswhich are good for reference also, not just for vocab but alsophrases and tidbits of grammar. I’ll put them at the end.Ifyou can, try to listen to Finnish radio, news, or even watch the Moomins,so that you can hear more every day and casual subjects andconversation, as opposed to song lyrics and interviews, or thosebloody voice actors who speak slowly for the accompanying audio totextbooks. I mean, that’s useful at first, but nobody speaks likethat irl.
Oh,also I better acknowledge the cases, conjugations, and consonantgradation. It seems pretty intimidating I know, but don’t worry!There is method in that madness. The rules of Finnish grammar arelogical with only very few exceptions, and therefore in time becomequite easy to apply. Chances are you won’t know what to do at timesand that’s fine - I don’t think anyone will give you shit for gettingthings wrong. But if you are unsure and want to check how toconjugate words and such, use Wiktionary. You can search for a word there and it should have awhole table of all possible conjugations when you click the little “more”button :3 Sometimes there are examples in context as well.Personally I’ve always had a little table of case names with examples on my wall where I work, because sometimes a textbookwill say “use ___ with the elative case” and I can’t rememberwhat the fuck that means (because I just know it as “the -sta/-stä ending”,for example XD) and it’s made life so much easier than having to lookit up every time. East to reach conjugation tables/lists are definitely your friend.BeforeI stop rambling (finally) and get to the links - maybe this willapply to other languages, maybe not, but imo keeping on top ofFinnish is a daily thing. Doing my Mondly lesson and two Memrisesessions a day has greatly improved my listening skills,and it helps with keeping vocab fresh in my mind. That is my bareminimum a day - I can do more, but never less. It’s a new-ish routinein my life, but it’s already helped soooo SOOO much. Just five littlemeasly minutes a day, every day, find something to practice whetherit’s vocab or reading about grammar, or one exercise in a book. Thenyou can choose to do extra or not. If you choose to do loads, do NOTgive yourself a day off the next day. Still do those five minutes. Ipromise you will learn faster than cramming it all in your head forlike three days straight, then burning out for a month, then beingintimidated by the pile you have to catch up on. I speak fromexperience. XD
So,onto those links. 
Websites mentionedhere:www.memrise.comwww.mondlylanguages.comwww.clozemaster.comwww.wiktionary.com
Otheruseful websites for just abouteverything:www.uusikielemme.fi/index.html– “Finnish for busy people”, great for simplified explanationsto grammar and lists of important vocab. Also inSpanish.www.101languages.net/finnish/- This website has audio samples of common words, a conjugator, atranslator, radio, news, vocab and phrases, a conversational course,the whole friggin’ works.www.livelingua.com/project/fsi/Finnish/- some free and extensive courses with audiohere.https://twitter.com/kaikkisanat– a twitter account posting literally every Finnishword.www.sanakirja.org - online dictionarywww.urbaanisanakirja.fi– dictionary for slang words. The definitions are in Finnishthough.http://extreme-finnish.teachable.com/- a course on spoken Finnish.www.randomfinnishlesson.com– a great blog with lots of useful anecdotes, grammardeconstructing, slang words, vocab etc… The owner occasionallyteaches over skype, she also does podcasts in simple Finnish andstuff.http://donnerwetter.kielikeskus.helsinki.fi/FinnishForForeigners/parts-index.htm– useful exercises andsuch.https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/selkouutiset/- the news in simpleFinnish.https://viahhapocalypticalangblr.tumblr.com/post/154651215026/starryskiesandlanguages-memrise-finnish#notes– A masterpost of other helpful Finnish content.Some langblrs/tumblrblogs with useful Finnishcontent:@blackteaandlanguages​@letslearnfinnish​@useless-finlandfacts​@learnsuomi​@uselessfinnish​@thisisfinnish​@finugriclanguages​@hiiru-lainen​@finnishproverbs​@finnishwords​@catfinnish​@just-finnish-learning-things​@finland-is-cooler-than-you​@viahhapocalypticalangblr​(this is mine, I’m not terribly active there but I try to reblog anyuseful shit I see and occasionally talk about life inFinnish.)Books I can recommend:Teach Yourself Finnish byTerttu LeneyFrom Start To Finnish by Leila WhiteHyvin Menee!Suomea Aikuisille (series)Suomen Mestari (series)BerlitzFinnish phrasebook & dictionary (good for travelling)I haveloads more in my collection but I haven’t managed to read them yetso… Watch this space for more info maybe?I have probablyforgotten some things here and there but I hope you get the idea, andsome kind of starting point. I wish you the best of luck learningthis unique and beautiful language, and please feel free to ask any questions if you get stuck. Tsemppiä! And may yourencounters with the partitive case be peaceful and easy to understand XD
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xtremedespair3d · 5 years
After I just published my Anime Spring 2019 Final Impressions + Plans for Summer post, I’m going to announce that these next three posts:
Anime Summer 2019 Final Impressions + Plans for Fall
Anime Fall 2019 Final Impressions + Plans for Winter 2020
My 10 year journey (A post that not only it’s a 2019 year review, but it’s a history of my personal experience for the last 10 years (even if I may not remember everything) and what am I going to expect for 2020, the year and the decade itself)
They’re all going to be my final posts. I’m quitting Tumblr for good.
Lately I’ve been getting burned out on making these posts, there’s always too much compromise that I can’t keep up and I might forget a couple of things I want to include in these posts (which I can edit them out after I published the posts for sure but I hate when it happens and doing that) and everything. Besides, nobody really reads all my shit anyways. All I do here is always the same series of my anime reviews and what to expect the next seasons every couple of months, I don’t really post anything random or make any other kind of post other than my anime reviews, but there isn’t really much to talk about.
Another thing I mainly want to do is devoting myself to write my novels like I’ve been wanting to do for a year, but as expected, I haven’t even done anything in regards to my dear project at all. It’s my dream project, but for some reason I can’t put much effort on what I want to do with the series and I’m wasting my creative potential.
Fiction writing isn’t my biggest thing and I’m heavily relying on making stuff as original as possible without having to copy a lot of stuff I see, that’s one of my big problems with my project, I tend to, like... copy a lot of stuff, for example, I’m copying the Mother Base from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and MGSV: The Phantom Pain, the idea of an MSF/Diamond Dogs PMCs as the main heroes and a villain PMC that’s like Desperado from Metal Gear Rising, using the MCU movie plotlines as the series’ story and characters, etc.
Even if I could use some sort of an excuse these are placeholders, but I really can’t do anything original or not noticeably stolen at all. I do have better ideas but I’m leaving those for the follow-ups, for now I’m focusing on the poster boy but I’m pretty much forcing everything to satisfy me, and I’ve prematurely made social media accounts with my pen name, made a website, and even asked a shitton of artists to help me at least make a cover for the project in order to promote it and get people interested and I’ll leave that for the actual cover of the book when I release it on KDP when in reality I haven’t written shit at all and, I admit, I’ve been asking for spec work, because I didn’t have money and I wanted to use the cover they made for people to pay me with my Patreon, Ko-Fi or PayPal as well so I can pay the one artist who made the cover for me, but thankfully, most of the artists I mailed have not responded and turned me down (even one downright closed their Twitter DMs wtf, hope they didn’t mute me or anything because if I’m big enough, they’ll sure talk to me).
Guess which artists I’ve been asking? Japanese illustrators, that’s right, they all not respond or turn down because how the fuck would they work with a nobody like me? Well, all Japanese and Barcelona-based Toni Infante, he turned down as well, as he wasn’t available for any more freelance work (at least at the time he mailed me, and I didn’t want to milk him to death considering he’s done a lot of work with other indie writers anyways.)
What will the future for making these posts I’ve been working on be? Well, there’s always Twitter threads or just regular tweeting, which I really love doing more than making Tumblr posts. And when I talk about what anime I watched on a season, I’m going to be using the Tier Maker images as well, like the one from my Anime Winter and Spring 2019 posts which I recently started to use.
(I have published this post and I completely forgot to add the Tier Maker thing here, so it’s a post-publish edit, that’s how forgetul I am)
Although, come to think of it... I admit, there might be an interesting topic worth talking about or anything, I could still come back to Tumblr, but overall, I’m definitely retiring for good.
Thank you for supporting me and I hope you’ll look forward to these last posts.
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1 through 150 except the ones you said are off limits or something, love u fam
ok but i’m still a bit dizzy and tired so some answers might be short
I don’t hold hands with anyone, that’s not a thing i do….2. ARE YOU OUTGOING OR SHY?
Yes but only if your worth my time5. IF YOU WERE DRUNK WOULD THE PERSON YOU LIKE TAKE CARE OF YOU? 
Twisted and crazy individuals (not so much dangerous crazy, though that could be fun)7.  DO YOU THINK YOU’LL BE IN A RELATIONSHIP TWO MONTHS FROM NOW? 
I don’t do deep conversations, especially not with my friends. Why would anyone want to ruin a perfectly good friendship with a bunch of emotional and moral crap?11. WHAT DOES THE MOST RECENT TEXT THAT YOU SENT SAY?
“Sorry about that. I’m going out to Don Don and maybe QV so i’ll be home a little later”12. WHAT ARE YOUR 5 FAVORITE SONGS RIGHT NOW?
Carousel, World is Mine, MiMiMi, How to be a Heartbreaker and Control13. DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR?
Random person on the train? Fuck no. Friend? Ok as long as you don’t hurt me14. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LUCK AND MIRACLES?
Yeah, i do, it’s silly and childish but whatever.15. WHAT GOOD THING HAPPENED THIS SUMMER?
Finally got to escape an abusive household, lotta great memes as well around about that time.17. DO YOU THINK THERE IS LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS?
That’s not something i ever think about.18. DO YOU STILL TALK TO YOUR FIRST CRUSH?
See, this one is odd because a lot of people in my life believe that the guy i liked in Year 8 was my first crush, which is actually not true, there was one before him but i just never told anyone about it. In any case i don’t talk about him to other people.19. DO YOU LIKE BUBBLE BATHS?
I’ve only met one of my neighbours, she’s a very nice lady. The others i have never spoken a single word to, in fact i don’t even know if anyone lives in the house across the road. As for my Dad’s neighbours, i’ve never met any of them but weeks ago was awoken at 1 AM IN THE FREAKING MORNING by two of them arguing and another banging on the door of their apartment.21. WHAT ARE YOU BAD HABITS?
Only biting my nails22. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL?
Russia, Japan, America, France, Denmark, UK, South Korea23. DO YOU HAVE TRUST ISSUES?
Hanging with my awesome friends at school25. WHAT PART OF YOUR BODY ARE YOU MOST UNCOMFORTABLE WITH?
All of it nah jk i’m cool with most of it but i do sometimes wish i hadn’t gained so much weight. Then instead of do something about it i eat a chocolate bar. At this point i think it’s just a right of passage for teenage girls to be uncomfortable with their bodies. 26. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU WAKE UP?
I’m fine with looking like a vampire most days28. WHO ARE YOU MOST COMFORTABLE AROUND?
I would say my friends but that wouldn’t be entirely true29. HAVE ANY OF YOUR EX’S TOLD YOU THEY REGRET BREAKING UP?
Depends who you count as an Ex >.> fucking hell i hate remembering that
Already answered this in a previous ask, short answer is yes31. IS YOUR HAIR LONG ENOUGH FOR A PONY TAIL?
My hair is long enough to put in odango so no shit it’s long enough for a ponytail32. WHICH CELEBRITIES WOULD YOU HAVE A THREESOME WITH?
Fuck i should have just ruled this question out as well….33. SPELL YOUR NAME WITH YOUR CHIN.
I’m not athletically inclined in the least, why the fuck would i play sports35. WOULD YOU RATHER LIVE WITHOUT TV OR MUSIC?
I would say “see Q18″ but whatever37. WHAT DO YOU SAY DURING AWKWARD SILENCES?
Nothing, i usually just leave38. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM GIRL/GUY?
He would be someone who isn’t embarrassed to be my boyfriend, someone who respects my likes and dislikes, someone i could turn to for any reason, someone who i can share funny memes with, someone who can accept the fct that at times i might just burst out singing the fucking Pokemon theme song and just roll with it, someone who would be just as crazy as i am. I’d want him to be intelligent, smarter than i am yet doesn’t look down on me for not being able to measure up to him. I’d want to feel comfortable making dark jokes and not have him be freaked out and/or concerned. Of course, i’d want him to be concerned about my wellbeing as well but also respect my lifestyle choices. He doesn’t even have to like all or any of the things i like, as long as he cares about me, is good looking and a nice person to be around, then i’d be happy. 39. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE STORES TO SHOP IN?
Dangerfield mostly, other than that the rest of my clothes come from Target and Kmart.40. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO AFTER HIGH SCHOOL?
If you had asked me a week or two ago i would have said confidently “writer/director of animated television series” but i’ve realised how lazy i am/how unprepared for adult life i am/how co-dependant i am/how tired i am of life. 41. DO YOU BELIEVE EVERYONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE?
Not everyone, pedophiles for example don’t42. IF YOUR BEING EXTREMELY QUIET WHAT DOES IT MEAN?
I’m either bored, tired, observing the situation or just being socially awkward.43. DO YOU SMILE AT STRANGERS?
No, i don’t even look at strangers because i worry they’ll think i’m staring.44. TRIP TO OUTER SPACE OR BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN?
A hot chocolate and sheer willpower 46. WHAT ARE YOU PARANOID ABOUT?
Purple. In fact i’m wearing it right now.51. EVER WISHED YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE?
I wouldn’t be so chubby for start53. FAVOURITE MAKEUP BRAND?
I don’t wear makeup because it feels so fake. Who would want to cake their face with a bunch of powder and sludge?54. FAVOURITE STORE?
Minotaur. It’s a comic book shop we have down in Vic and it’s the only place you can get manga.55. FAVOURITE BLOG?
nah i don’t have one 56. FAVOURITE COLOUR?
Silver and Purple57. FAVOURITE FOOD? 
Cheesecake58. LAST THING YOU ATE?
Gourmet Strawberry Ice-cream60. EVER WON A COMPETITION? FOR WHAT?
I won a Halloween costume contest back in Year 6 (well technically tied with two other girls, but i won it really) as Sailor Moon.61. BEEN SUSPENDED/EXPELLED? FOR WHAT?
I was suspended from my last school for saying something along the lines of “can you shut the fuck up and let us explain” to the principal.Said event that had to be explained was my friends and i decision to skip Indonesian class (with that awful cow of a teacher) and hang in the girls bathrooms. Said teacher overreacted and called the principal on us.62. BEEN ARRESTED? FOR WHAT?
Never been arrested.63. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? 
I was 5 and my friends 12 year old brother somehow conned me to go in our garage with him. He kinda just grabbed me and then kissed me. Wasn’t a nice experience looking back on it, especially since i think i got in trouble for it even though i didn’t ask for him to kiss me.65. ARE YOU HUNGRY RIGHT NOW?
Nope! I like them all equally!67. FACEBOOK OR TWITTER?
Twitter. I can’t stand FB, and the only reason i still have it is so i can communicate with my Dad (something’s wrong with his phone where he can’t text me back)68. TWITTER OR TUMBLR?
Tumblr because i go on here more.69. ARE YOU WATCHING TV RIGHT NOW?
Ashley, Ella (i have two best friends named Ella, they both go to different school though)71. CRAVING SOMETHING? WHAT?
8 plus a second blanket that became another pillow when it became to hot to have it on in the summer. 73. DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS?
Yes, unashamedly. I have my stuffed rabbit Silver, a sloth named Miku, another bigger rabbit named Kiko, two cats (Linda and i think Aramina)74. HOW MANY STUFFED ANIMALS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE?
40, though most of them are on top my closet75. FAVOURITE ANIMAL?
Black with white polka dots77. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA?
Fig/Marscapone or Cookies and Cream79. WHAT COLOUR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING?
I’m wearing a blue Tweedy Bird nightgown80. WHAT COLOUR PANTS?
Pink, blue and white81. FAVOURITE TV SHOW?
Puella Magi Madoka Magica and A Series of Unfortunate Events82. FAVOURITE MOVIE?
Mean Girls since i’ve never seen 21 Jump Street85. FAVOURITE CHARACTER FROM MEAN GIRLS?
Karen Smith, since back when i was in my own mean girl clique i was her out of the group86. FAVOURITE CHARACTER FROM FINDING NEMO?
Dory, because she’s adorable and funny87. FIRST PERSON YOU TALKED TO TODAY?
Nobody really92. IN A FIGHT WITH SOMEONE?
Bit of an ongoing argument with my homeroom/English teacher at school. He thinks i’m some sort of genius child just because i handed in one A+ assignment even though i’m just an average teen.93. HOW MANY SWEATPANTS DO YOU HAVE?
None, sweatpants are ugly94. HOW MANY SWEATERS/HOODIES DO YOU HAVE?
I don’t have one97. FAVOURITE ACTOR?
Johnny Depp98. DO YOU TAN A LOT?
I don’t tan, i burn99. HAVE ANY PETS?
One cat, Stanley100. HOW ARE YOU FEELING?
Yes, a lot of trivial small things103. CAN YOU SPELL WELL?
I miss my old best friend Eloise. She moved schools in Year 5 and soon after we lost contact. Apparently she lives in Singapore now according to my Mum.105. EVER BEEN TO A BONFIRE PARTY?
Yes and it scared the shit out of me108. WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING?
An essay on Donald Trump and the backlash he’s gotten for his statements in the news and on social media, also a Cinderella and ASOUE MEP part, plus the project for Media class.109. IS SOMETHING IRRITATING YOU RIGHT NOW?
Yes, right now i like someone so much it hurts. Sorry to sound poetic but it’s a self inflicted hell.112. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU CRIED IN FRONT OF?
I don’t remember. Probably was awhile back. I usually feel i can only cry alone.113. WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD NICKNAME?
Yes, multiple times115. DO YOU PLAY THE WII?
Hell yeah119. FAVOURITE BOOK?
Childish choice but any of The Keepers books120. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?
Only in unfamiliar areas121. ARE YOU MEAN?
Not adhering to my responsibilities128. WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME?
Yes, to either my online persona name or my pen name129. WHAT YOUR ZODIAC SIGN?
Naw, i get bored before then135. DUMBEST LIE YOU EVER TOLD?
Any of my childhood lies, can’t name any specifics136. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED?
Closed137. HOW TALL ARE YOU?
Slightly wavy139. BRUNETTE OR BLONDE?
Brunette140. SUMMER OR WINTER?
Winter141. NIGHT OR DAY?
Milk Chocolate145. TEA OR COFFEE?
“The future is in the past. ONWARDS AOSHIMA” - Mabel Pines
“Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold BYE” - Bill Cipher149. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS?
“When i get back to Tanglewood, my twin is perched on the gate waiting”
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1-150 yooooooo
You fuck lol. Siiigh. Here it goes. 
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with? One of my besties. I call her Catie San and we hold hands when we go shopping. 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? When I’m with my friends, I’m outgoing, but when I’m meeting new people, I tend to come off as shy and say stupid things unintentionally.  
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? I’m looking forward to seeing all my friends together because we’re either out of town, working, or just unable to hang out. 
4. Are you easy to get along with? I like to think I am. The last thing I want to do is create conflict between someone and myself. 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I don’t think so. I mean, I don’t like anybody but I think it all depends on our level of friendship. 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? One’s that can make feel like a queen. 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I doubt it lol.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? The little shit who decided to give me 1-150 lol
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? No, I’m actually really open about it. If it’s with my parents, that’s a different story DX
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? My boobah, Kaitlin
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “I’m here”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? “Jaws Theme Swimming”-Brand New, “Closure”-Chevelle, “Like You”-Evanescence, “Come On Eileen”-Dexy’s Midnight Runners, “Let’s Go”-Stuck In The Sound
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Oh goooood yes. 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Luck yes. Miracles, not so much. 
15. What good thing happened this summer? I went on a date for the first time in forever, and I actually had fun.  
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? I think there’s some sort of life out there. I mean, there has to be something else out there besides humans. 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Ha. No. 
19. Do you like bubble baths? Yes and no. 
20. Do you like your neighbors? I’m best buds with my neighbors! 
21. What are you bad habits? Picking my skin until it bleeds. Not making the effort to keep up with tasks and responsibilities.  
22. Where would you like to travel? I would love to go back to Japan. South Korea, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Scotland. Those kinds of places.
23. Do you have trust issues? I do when I have random men I don’t know try to talk to me. 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Popping open my sketchbook which is kind of typical.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My neck as well as my arms. 
26. What do you do when you wake up? I check to make sure I didn’t miss any important calls or messages.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Neither. 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Usually around my friends, and Kaitlin because I’m usually more myself and don’t have to hide anything. 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? I can’t recall. 
30. Do you ever want to get married? Yes. 
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yees. 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Oh jeez...uhm.. it have to be Kat Dennings, Ryan Renyolds, and Arron Taylor Johnson. 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Nope and nOpe lol.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? TV would have to bye-bye!
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Mhmm-yup
37. What do you say during awkward silences? “Hey I like your...how do you feel about this...soooo”...
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? Super goofy. Loves food. Has a passion for anything artistic. Super spontaneous but shy at the same time. 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? I don’t really have one...
40. What do you want to do after high school? I want to be a freelance digital artist and create my own animations. 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on what they did. 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m just being quiet..
43. Do you smile at strangers? Not really?...
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? NEITHER  
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Coffee and food. 
46. What are you paranoid about? Not being liked by others, annoying people, not being the successful sibling of the family...
47. Have you ever been high? Maybe..
48. Have you ever been drunk? Yup 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Hmmmmyeaaaaah.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? It was black and too big for me 3: 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? I don’t think I’ve ever wished to be someone, but wished that I could be respected the same way. 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My neck honestly. 
53. Favourite makeup brand? Kat Von D. 
54. Favourite store? Just said I don’t have one lol.
55. Favourite blog? @bank-of-swank
56. Favourite colour? Dark red/grey 
57. Favourite food? SUSHI
58. Last thing you ate? Pork-chops and rice.
59. First thing you ate this morning? Eggs and Toast
60. Ever won a competition? For what? Does getting 5th place in an Archery Tournament count? 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Nope
62. Been arrested? For what? Nope
63. Ever been in love? Yes, unfortunately 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? I was in 7th grade. I was really stupid and naive. I was kissed on a dare, and I wish I could take it all back with the things that came along with it. 
65. Are you hungry right now? Nope.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I don’t really have any tumblr friends but WOULD LOVE TO MAKE SOME. 
67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. 
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? Nope.
70. Names of your bestfriends? Kaitlin, Catie, Dylan, Allie, Adriana, Brycen. 
71. Craving something? What? I’m craving sushi and rice and curry...
72. What colour are your towels? Purple, red, green. We have many discolored towels in our household. 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Naaah. Get’s to warm, and they usually end up getting thrown at the other end of the bed. 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? Maybe 4 or 5? They’re hiding in my closet.
75. Favourite animal? Deer. 
76. What colour is your underwear? Dark red
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Vanilla 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Strawberry. 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? A black shirt with a faded human transmutation circle from Fullmetal Alchemist. 
80. What colour pants? Dark blue
81. Favourite tv show? Friends and Criminal minds
82. Favourite movie? ...Hellboy
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? MEAN GIRLS
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean girls. Come on. 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Janis Ian
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? the little yellow fish that was protective of his bubbles
87. First person you talked to today? My mother..
88. Last person you talked to today? My boobah
89. Name a person you hate? Trump
90. Name a person you love? My boobah
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? The Golden Globe people who decided that Kubo and The Two Strings didn’t deserve a reward. 
92. In a fight with someone? No?
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 2 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? Too many sweaters, not enough hoodies..
95. Last movie you watched? Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
96. Favourite actress? I’m like at a wall right now. I can’t think of anybody right now..
97. Favourite actor? Ron Perlman
98. Do you tan a lot? I live in Oregon so no lol
99. Have any pets? 3 doggies and a cat. 
100. How are you feeling? Stir crazy from being stuck in my house the last 3 days due to the snow and really really want to do get out. 
101. Do you type fast? Last time I checked, I can type about 80 wpm
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Yes but I wouldn’t be the person I am today that learned from those regrets. 
103. Can you spell well? Most of the time lol
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Oh you have no idea..
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? Not really 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes
108. What should you be doing? Drinking water and preparing for college classes when I already know there isn’t going to be any due to ice on the roads. (Curse you LCC for being so far away and located in the middle of no-where.  
109. Is something irritating you right now? My angry reflection from my computer screen.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Enough that I started doodling them in older sketchbooks of mine that I hid away in my closet. 
111. Do you have trust issues? Wasn’t this already asked?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My parents. 
113. What was your childhood nickname? It was Boo, and I still get called Boo. 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yes. I’ve been to California, Washington, Idaho, Massachusetts, and New York.
115. Do you play the Wii? Yes
116. Are you listening to music right now? Yes. It is currently the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack. 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? As long as its not cheap grainy diet soup.
118. Do you like Chinese food? HELL YEAH
119. Favourite book? Shit. It have to be Castle In the Sky
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Only if I recently watched a horror movie
121. Are you mean? I hope I’m not..
122. Is cheating ever okay? Never.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? I’d never buy white shoes in the first place.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? No. 
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes
126. Are you currently bored? YUP
127. What makes you happy? Sweet messages, my friends, good music, and taking walks 
128. Would you change your name? I honestly don’t like my name due to personal reasons and prefer to be addressed by Gerlinde which is my middle name, but we all know that’ll never happen. 
129. What your zodiac sign? Pisces 
130. Do you like subway? Yes and no.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Hope they don’t pressure me to date them if I don’t have feelings for them?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Kaitlin
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “They signal to interruptThey make frequency not strong enough to remainMy hand and smileWe will miss youBut in time you'll get settledWe will write (breathe in)So breathe“- Limousine from Brand New
134. Can you count to one million? I can but I probably get lost and start mispronouncing the numbers.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? They have to be closed
137. How tall are you? 5′3
138. Curly or Straight hair? More like wavy hair
139. Brunette or Blonde? Brunette
140. Summer or Winter? Neither 
141. Night or Day? Night
142. Favourite month? October
143. Are you a vegetarian? No
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Dark chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee? Both
146. Was today a good day? It was okay, but I wished I had done more, like I don’t know, GOING OUTSIDE???
147. Mars or Snickers? I’ve never had a mars bar so it have to be Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote? “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? Boris spoke to Mathias as he examined Rikard: “He looks like you, when you were young. He has the same hard, fiery eyes. Almost old enough to start in the factory.”
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