#tumblr really doesn't have indents
blunderbots · 2 years
Hello Orbadillo fans, when I have the ability to draw, I need to draw Orbadillo to different parts of this song
This is absolutely him.
But what scares me the most, what scares me the most,
Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then? If when he knows me, he's only disappointed? What if I give myself away, to only get it given back? I couldn't live with that.
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So, I'm just fine, inside my shell-shaped mind. This way I get the best view. So, when he sees me, I want him to.
What if when he sees me, I like him and he knows it? What if he opens up a door, And I can't close it? What happens then? If when he holds me, My heart is set in motion, I'm not prepared for that. I'm scared of breaking open. But still I can't help from hoping,
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To find someone to talk to, Who likes the way I am. Someone who when he sees me, Wants to again.
( gross sobbing )
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pygmi-cygni · 2 months
WRITING TIP: grammar. good god.
just because it's tumblr doesn't mean you can throw grammar and spelling out the window.
Not indenting for paragraphs. I know tumblr doesn't have the 'tab' function, but at least do a paragraph break. When?
If someone new is speaking
If the setting/action has changed
a new thought
think of it like the camera angle changing in a movie. Would the camera break to another room? or would you watch five minutes of bouncing and spinning while the camera moves to the right location. (Hint: it's the first one)
Big blocks of text make me homicidal. Knock it off.
It's: it is
Its: belongs to 'it'. We think it can also be it's, but it's not (see what I did there huh huh hee hee hooo boy)
Possession: Jenna's, Jess', The Twins'. NOT Jennas', Jess's, The Twin's. If there is a group, put the apostrophe after the plural 's'. PLURALS DO NOT HAVE APOSTROPHES IF I SEE THAT AGAIN I WILL REVOKE YOUR LITERATURE LICENSE AAAAAH.
Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks. "Like this." "Not this".
Dialogue punctuation.
"If you're talking and something happens," she said, dodging past a car, "you'd punctuate with a comma and lowercase." See how I didn't capitalize the bold word, or put a period after 'happens?'
Don't do this:
"If you're talking and something happens." She said, dodging past a car, "You'd punctuate with a comma and lowercase."
bad. wrong. booo.
; this baby. makes a cute face ;) but is also useful!
it explains a clause, like so (an excerpt from my drabble 'Deal With It, pls read xoxoxo): "it was cozy; you'd pulled a blanket over your head and your music played gently." I said something was cozy, and then I explained how after a semicolon. It's not just a fancy comma. Don't use it like a fancy comma. it's like commentary of the actual writing. Professional parentheses.
Don't use them. It doesn't make any fucking sense. use a semicolon or a colon or a comma or hyphens or literally anything else. underscores, even. just not parentheses. it's so weird.
Bold, italic, all lowercase, that stuff. use it consistently! you don't have to follow the rules if you make it seem intentional and consistent.
emphasis, intense, eye-catching. good for a groundbreaking revelation. not the strongest choice for anger. has a staccato feel to it. punctual, concise.
wistfulness, pause, contemplation, haunting emphasis. good for flashbacks, whispering, angsty emphasis. If you overuse it, it'll feel kinda weird. i know we love her but give her some space. Otherwise it feels like pumping the gas and slamming the breaks really fast during the sentence.
all lowercase.
she's cute, she's aesthetic, she can get confusing sometimes. we need Capitals so that we can identify the Important Things. names, places, proper nouns, I know you know 'em. if you wanna start ur sentence lowercase, okay sure, but it gets muddy if you do it everywhere.
ok byeee xox
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astrojulia · 1 year
Hi!! I saw your blog and it's beautiful! I'd like to ask if you could share some tips about editing posts, specifically changing the font color and doing that cool effect where it has more than one color on the same font ☺ if you're not comfortable teaching that's okay too! Have a good night
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Hello Siren,
Thank you for the compliment. Yes, I can teach you. Just follow a tip from Auntie here: do it because you genuinely like the aesthetic. The time you spend writing the post is sometimes the same as editing it, and in my experience, this won't necessarily translate into more likes or reblogs. So, do it because you think it's beautiful.
As comical as it sounds, I won't be using HTML in this post because using the codes could cause problems. I've seen some tutorials, but I just really learned when I searched on my own.. I also do all my editings on my notebook. So, here's everything I use:
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Websites I use for editing:
HTML Code Editor: While you're creating your HTML, you can simultaneously see if it's working
BBcode & HTML Text Colorizer: This is where you'll create the gradient
Browserling: I use this site to make the gradient code compatible for Tumblr
Aesthetic Symbols: this is for that cute symbols
Piliapp: more copy/paste symbols
Fontes e Letras: copy/paste fonts
Canva: This is where I create some of my designs. I also use Photoshop
Deviantart: a lot of material for Photoshop like templates, PSDs and Renders (PNG image with a good resolution), you can see the ones I use the most in my sources
@animatedglittergraphics-n-more: dividers
@saradika: dividers
@engrampixel: cute material
Color Hunt: if you don't have a color pallete in mind, here you can find a lot of options
Adobe Color: if you want to create your own HTML color palette this site can help
DaFont: where I download my fonts, the ones I use the most are: Betterfly, Arcadepix, Starborn, Lemon Milk, Cursive Sans and BubbleGum
EmojiTerra: as I use tumblr on my notebook, this is where I get my emojis
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HTML Text Editing
Go use the HTML Code Editor in this part and your life will be way easier.
Some things I do right here in the tumblr editor, like putting the images and different fonts like Lucille.
All HTML code starts with < > and ends with , that is, when you start a paragraph you will write <p> and when you finish you will write </p> (HTML Code Editor ends your coding automatically)
I'm teaching all this because if you want to make gradients in your entire text and not just in the title, you'll need to know about html
To start your HTML you will need to go to the gear that appears on the right side when you are writing your post, go to the bottom until you find the Text Editor and switch to HTML.
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The Codes
<p> start a paragraph </p>
<br> to make a space between text less than a paragraph (good to use in indented text) you don't need to put </br>
<b> make the text bold </b>
<i> leave the text in italics</i>
<strike> leave the text crossed out </strike>
<small> make the text small like this </small>
<h1> make the text large like this </h1>
<h2> make the text large like this </h2>
<ul> Create unordered list (dotted) </ul>
<ol>Create lists with order (numeric) </ol>
*instead of making paragraphs you will create new items in the list using the code <li> </li>
<blockquote class="npf_indented"> make the text indented </blockquote>
<span style="color: #HTML"> Code to color your texts, pay attention that it uses (") instead of (') and doesn't use (;) </span>
Tutorial on creating invisible spaces, just like I use to do the navigation, if I put it here everything bugs. PT-BR
<a href="URL">Link Text</a>: Creates a hyperlink
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Making your Gradient
Go to BBCode and HTML already with your HTML text and colors in hand. Write or copy your text in the box, choose the gradient type (I use middle) and select your colors (from one to three different colors)
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Now copy the text in the "HTML code for this text: (To use on your website)" box and go to the Browseling, you will replace the (') to (") and the (;) for nothing
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Copy and paste your new code direct in your tumblr post editor or in the HTML Code Editor. Success!!
I think that's all. Kisses from the Sea! 🐚
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Okay so while I've discovered how to do the fancy AO3 link tumblr posts, it only seems to work for chapter one? How do you link other chapters through the banner at the top of the post? When I click share on the fic (from the second chapter page), I can edit the code that pops up to change the link to be to that second chapter but when I hit share to tumblr, it removes that again and I can't edit the link there to bring someone to the second chapter instead of the first. The only thing I can change is the text so it says '2' instead of '1' but it still links back to the first chapter. I hope that's not a dumb question or an overly complicated description? Thank you!!
So if I understand your question correctly, you want to know how to make an AO3 link for each chapter of a multichapter that takes someone directly TO that chapter, rather than the start of the fic, while maintaining the format? I will show you how I do it, with screenshots (ooo, screenshots).
Let's say I wanted to post the latest chapter (chapter 8) of We Could Stay Like This Forever, and do it with the AO3 share tool. First, I would go to the fic on AO3 (it doesn't matter which chapter) and click the "Share" button, then "Share to Tumblr":
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This will pop up the text box with code, from which I click the bottom option for Tumblr:
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This pops up the AO3-formatted link on your Tumblr post editor:
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If you posted it now, it would take you to chapter 1. But I'm trying to post chapter 8, so what you do is mouse over the top right corner until you see the red (x). Click on this:
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Hey presto, it deletes the existing link text, leaving a place for you to input a new one, while retaining the rest of the format:
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Now go back to AO3 (it should have automatically stayed in a separate browser tab when you launched the share tool) and copy-paste the link for your chapter from the top URL bar:
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Go back to Tumblr and post this in the empty link bar instead. It will now look like this:
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But because that's not how you really want it to look, you can now edit the text! Select "Show Chapter | Archive Of Our Own" and delete, whereupon it will prompt you to add a new title:
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Whereupon I do that:
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I also like to fix formatting/capitalization, bold the categories, indent the fic information, etc. Now my post looks like this:
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Now I can add tags and post. Ta-da!
Anyway, this might seem like a lot of steps, but it's just because I screenshot all of it, and once you do it a few times, you'll be pretty familiar with the process. Congratulations, you are now an AO3/Tumblr whiz, etc.
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Day 30: Written Apr 17, 2024
Part 19
CW: Major character death (not permanent), depictions of drowning, and water zombies (inferi)
“Go.” Regulus commanded. Kreacher disappeared and Regulus was alone. Alone and dying from the Dark Lord’s cruel potion.
He ached in every limb. The burning spread throughout his body and his head was boiling. 
Where his eyes open? He couldn’t tell. Everything was so dark.
His throat. It hurt. It hurt. It was itching. No, it felt raw like a scraped knee. He needed something. What did he need?
Something cool and wet touched his fingers. Wet. Water.
He needed water.
There. He was already touching it. His hand was submerged in the lake.
He scrambled. Desperate.
He felt it. On his face. In his mouth. Down his throat.
Oh the water. So lovely.
His wrists were wet. His head. The back of his neck.
His shoulders.
His chest.
It wasn’t just water. There was something else on him. Grabbing him.
Pulling Him.
He was weightless. No crystals pressing into his knees.
His lungs burned. He needed to breathe. He expanded his chest.
And water rushed down his throat, into his lungs. No. No.
He struggled. But something-someone stopped him. He tried to shake the hands off, but they wouldn’t let go. Then more hands joined. He felt their slimy skin against his.
This wasn’t exactly what he expected to happen, but this wasn’t any worse than the potion.
He stopped struggling.
There was a sharp blast of light and heat and the hands left him. Alone. Then he was gone.
beginning | previous | next
Notes/thoughts under the cut:
The formatting doesn't work on tumblr so imagine some really dramatic indents.
This was actually really fun to write cuz it's just Regulus' thoughts and nothing else. So I was kind of writing nonsense but I think it works.
I also want to mention that I changed my blog rules (? I don't know what to call it). When I first started posting it felt very personal and I didn't want to deal with any criticism whether it was good or bad. Now I feel a lot more confident with all the amazing interactions I've had. So I'd love to hear any feedback you might have especially headcanons or theories on this series (cuz I need ideas).
Also, if you want to be added to a tag list like @zn0v1a (my biggest fan tbh <3) just comment, reblog, etc.
Thank you all so much for the support!
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nautilusopus · 6 months
Do you have any advice for anyone trying to get into writing?
Not really a motivation thing or anything, just for improvement. Your writing has captivated me, and I felt like it's better to get advice from an author that is reachable than reading a ton of articles online regurgitating the same steps.
Aw, thank you, I'm honoured!
Apologies if this is kind of a mess, I mostly went through stuff I come back to a lot that helps me. Also tumblr seems to have removed the ability to do indented bullets. Fucking great.
In General:
When I'm first starting out writing a story I'm excited about, I usually don't do things in order -- I'll instead pick one scene I can see extremely clearly and am super excited about, one of the things that made me want to write the story to begin with, and then build the entire outline out from there to set it up (what needs to happen to set the scene up exactly how I want it to be? How do I justify that stuff? What would happen afterwards that would add to the scene even more in retrospect?) This not only helps keep the energy going for parts of the story that might not necessarily be fun to plan, but will inherently cause you to start building a story that is either circumstantially or thematically building to something. It can be something as small as a single conversation but it should be the bit that you personally want to see realised most strongly.
On that note, people like when they can see foreshadowing! That's what it's there for! This has been said by other people plenty, but I'll restate it here: the audience potentially being able to piece together your twist after a while is not a failure in writing, it means you put information into a story that allowed them to engage with it and conveyed something that made sense.
I personally sometimes (but not always mostly due to laziness and because I do try to approach shit chronologically so I don't have to double back and do massive rewrites, also due to laziness) like to write big keynote moments of character arcs in full in advance once I have the whole plot more or less laid out. That way, I know what's coming emotionally speaking and can have characters start clearly building up to things, do stuff like plant specific phrases that come back in big ways or are recontextualised later on, and it makes the story feel more cohesive as a whole and helps the scene hit a whole lot harder when you do get to it. Like I said though I'm lazy and I also don't like creating more work for myself if I don't have to, and if by chance the story doesn't shake out the way I thought it would by the time I get to that moment then god is it a pain to rewrite that sort of thing.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Mostly I find it helps keep me focused on where it's going. It's a late stage thing though, I don't start doing this until I'm sure I know how the story will be laid out more or less chapter by chapter, which brings me to:
GO BACK AND CHECK IF YOU HAVE A MIDDLE OF YOUR STORY. ARE YOU SURE? GO BACK AND CHECK AGAIN. This is like the number one pitfall I see basically everywhere across any genre, both with fanfiction and professionally (and in movies always winds up manifesting in reviews as "the movie gets kind of aimless after a while/the third act kinda starts out of nowhere after a really slow part). People have an idea for a strong beginning, the rising action and the big dramatic moment when the stakes are raised, maybe a quiet moment in the middle reflecting on all the tension of the plot and how it's reflecting on the characters, a thing that sets off the end, probably an idea how it ends and how things resolve, et cetera -- and they will forget that at no point did they actually create any connective tissue between their plot development points. Travel! Character beats! The actual events in between big beat A and big beat B, no matter how barebones! Go back and check if you've made any!
As someone that writes a lot of heavily character-driven stuff I'm very biased here, but: in my opinion, if you have good, solid characters, they can carry even the most barebones dogshit story because they are the lenses that the audience is experiencing the world from and through, and whose actions are potentially shaping the course of the story, and of course who the reader is getting attached to. Conversely, even the richest, most lavishly detailed world and story is going to land with a thud if your characters aren't any good and don't have any more to them than making various political developments happen, because at that point you don't have a story with different elements interacting with each other to create events and tension, you have a lore wiki, which is not the same thing as a story. Maybe you could use that for a tabletop RPG, but people aren't necessarily gonna want to read it.
RELATED: JRRT was a linguist and historian first and a writer second. Lore is great and all and can help your world feel like it's a living breathing place, but think about if it's a good detail to include onscreen or not, or if it's just there to "flesh out the world". Stop to consider if this actually has a demonstrable effect on the things happening in front of the reader or not, and if anyone would notice if it were removed outright. Can some things be assumed? What might need to be explained?
Keep an eye on narrative voice versus character voice! If I stripped the dialogue tags from your story, could you still tell who was talking? Does everyone just talk like the narration? Like each other? Like you? Everyone is gonna sound like you at least a tiny bit because you're the one writing it, but at least try to keep an eye on how much you're doing that. It can be pretty boring to just listen to one guy talk the entire time across multiple mouths haha don't look at how long this post is getting shhhhhh
Any story (but especially horror, and especially especially cosmic horror), lives and dies by its suspension of disbelief. The rules don't need to be realistic because it is all made up, and they can be any rules you want, and if you establish them clearly then the audience will buy in as best they can because they want to engage with your story on its own terms (or they SHOULD grumble grumble but that's another discussion and not really something the author can control), but then once you've made them you need to stick to them, or when you do break them it should wind up meaning something.
Suspension of disbelief in horror or fantasy can be trickier, especially when it's something weird and the rules aren't even mechanically sound in their own setting. In that case, the important thing to preserve is emotional stakes the audience can buy into, about how this situation might feel to be in, or if there are any things in real life it might feel similar to. This one's more intuitive than you'd think. Sure, you might not know that the veil of reality is flimsy and all it would take to destroy it all is to get noticed by something much vaster than you could ever imagine; but you probably DO know what it's like to be one missed rent payment from losing everything and realising your safety was really all that never sound. I don't even flinch if someone's head explodes into gore in a movie, but I'll always wince and look away if someone has their fingers crushed or their eye pierced, because even though the violence is lesser I can imagine that happening to me and I don't like it one bit!
Horror can potentially struggle with this pretty badly. Unless you're writing a slasher where the point is to watch some dumb teens bite it, your movie won't actually be scary unless the audience can in some way feel endangered, and they won't be able to do that if what is going on is too disconnected from anything a human could experience. Writers tend to get fixated on making a Really Gross Scary Thing(TM) or Biggest Evilest Threat Evar(TM) and assuming their job is done.
There's no one right or wrong way to do something, but be aware that sometimes things tend to come up in stories a lot for a reason. The tools you have are just tools. Complaining a story has tropes in it is like complaining a tree is made of wood.
That said, if you're thinking of your story entirely in terms of which tropes you want to use, it may be time to take a step back and think about what you actually want to accomplish rather than mushing the same paste into the same holes for the 800th time (more on that later).
Dialogue. If it's something you struggle with, remember that chances are you're a person that knows how to talk, and so you inherently know how to create dialogue. The biggest pitfall I see is people overthinking it trying to "Write Dialogue in this Story" rather than just typing an idea the way they know inherently that it would be typed. If you wanna try and capture a much different voice, spend time listening to people -- and I mean really listening. People double back, correct themselves, trail off, change their train of thoughts in the middle, do more or less of these things when they're in a certain emotional state depending on their personality.
Frankly I'd spend time listening to real people anyway. Spend too much time online and characters wind up sounding like Twitter threads, or worst case scenario you wind up with perfectly articulated ideas and Therapy Speak. A character might not have the vocabulary you, someone who has been online for eighty to ninety years (est) would to convey specific ideas, and not everyone is perfectly self-aware about what they're saying. Someone's probably more likely to say "fuck you I had a bad day" than they are to go "gosh i dislike how much your own success reminds me of how my own mother held me to impossibly high standards so i have very high rejection sensitivity which is why i'm lashing out". Or, again, if someone does talk like that make it mean something. It could be a good example of someone either being insincere and going through keywords to shut someone up, or someone that's very socially awkward giving a rehearsed speech, and those are all potentially interesting ways to then take a story.
(Sidenote because I see this come up sometimes: Hate to single out a single genre here, but anime and by extent video games but mostly anime is a bad place to learn to write dialogue from -- if you're listening to a dub, they had to translate stuff from Japanese and then make it fit lip flaps on a screen, and if you're watching subs, not only were the subs translated but anime trends heavily towards melodrama and Japanese people typically do not speak that way.)
You gotta know the rules before you can break 'em! Read books. Actual books I mean, not just fanfic. Broaden your horizons. When you start breaking rules it will be because it's what you want to do.
Personal nitpicks, some fandom specific and some not. I'm aware some of these are basic but also you never know who might need to hear this stuff so:
Hentai is not a good place to learn about writing actual sex. It's a great place to learn about sex that is following pure porn rules, in which case go nuts and godspeed soldier, but unless you want your scene to come off as either unintentionally rapey or full of nonsensical leaps of moon logic when you're trying to write an otherwise somewhat grounded setting, you should probably read actual books meant for actual adults about fucking, or pull from your own experiences if you're able.
* This isn't advice but I want it known at this point I've seen at least three fanfics clearly written by a middle schooler that's never fucked before and honest-to-god genuinely seems to think some degree of omegaverse is how actual sex works. So that'll be interesting to encounter going forward. If you aren't committing to porn rules (there's that "the rules can be anything you want so long as they're internally consistent" bit again!) do research is my point.
If you started your character creation with their outfit and can tell me their star sign, bust measurements, the four shirts plus jacket plus socks plus shoes they're wearing, the kind of weapon they can summon, eye colour, hair colour, skin colour, height and weight, their agility score versus their magic score, and their favourite ice cream flavour, and yet you have one paragraph about "personality", your focus might not be in the right place and you are making an MMO character. That's fine for something you're going to be staring at the back of for 200 hours but maybe not for someone you're going to need to live inside the head of. Start with personality, and you can tailor all that fun back cover dossier stuff around who that person is and how it would inform the way they dress.
Bad child dialogue is my biggest pet peeve personally and I will immediately put a book down when I encounter it lol. A bigger portion of people are around children than you think and will notice if you've never interacted with a kid before. Children are not cavemen and do not talk like them. The gaps in their vocabulary tend to come from them having a limited amount of it and adapting new phrases into the few existing frameworks they have. This carries over to their psychology, by the way.
Specific to cosmic horror: you can't just make a Gross Thing, your horrors need actual motivations. Nobody cares how big of a squid you can invent, and going "uhhh it's so scary I don't have to bother can't describe it" can only work so many times and is not an excuse to at least not try to describe something. How it makes the characters feel, what the experience is like, whatever. Now, you don't ever have to tell the readers directly what the motivations of your old gods are, but you the writer should come up with some to shape their behaviour so the readers can see the inscrutable ghosts of clear patterned actions that almost make sense yet remain just outside human comprehension oooooooooo. Also readers can generally tell when that's missing and all you have is Large Squid Scary doing random gross shit so it's not an excuse to skimp.
Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. We have pronouns. We have context clues. We have sentence structures that convey what is going on to the reader. We have nouns. If you are going to constantly refer to your character as The Brunette it better be hugely massively goddamn significant that her hair is brown or it's gonna become clear real fast that you just ran out of ways to phrase things and it's gonna take people right out of the story. If the only way you can think of to describe your character in an intense emotional scene is "uhhh this is the one with the brown hair remember I hope you didn't forget" then that's code fucking red. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets. Stop using hair epithets.
And the two biggest bit of advice I can come up with for people trying to improve their craft that I give out every time:
1 Have a point. Have a clearly identified reason in your mind about what you want to accomplish with this story. This will help you get your thoughts in order when you are stuck, it will help you outline the story if you're not sure where you want it to go next, it will help other people troubleshoot with you if you aren't sure how to start solving a problem, it will help you make decisions about what and what not to include to help it feel complete, and it will help motivate you when you start to lose track of why you even started this project. Saying "well it's a Vampire AU and I want to do Hurt/Comfort with an ambiguous ending and a BAMF!Scrongus with Soft!Cromgle" doesn't tell me a damn thing, either as a reader OR as someone potentially trying to help you whip the thing into shape. That's a bit like asking, "How do I write a Cute yet Cool character?" like bitch I don't know it's your story there are a million ways to write this stuff and yes that is a real question I got asked once.
Instead, have an actual, identifiable goal that is personal to you, what you want to write, and what you have to say. That can be anything from "I have a lot of strong opinions about why gender is, across the breadth of experiences possible with human consciousness, a zero sum game that must be internally and deliberately engaged with before one is then able to determine their own relationship to it" to "oh man i love the idea of Mark from Accounts Receivable one day going apeshit and beating Jake from Auditing half to death with an office chair and the fallout that would generate and maybe also someone FINALLY FINALLY asks him for the first time 'hey dude are you okay do you wanna talk'" to "god it'd be so hot if this guy were bent over a pool table drooling onto the velvet and i am going to do everything in my power to facilitate that somehow". Either way, clear mission statement and goal that isn't just telling me what tags you're slapping on the finished product! If you have that kind of clarity of vision it will come across in your piece and resonate with people because it's a complete thought that the work is able to deliberately showcase, instead of just churning out Content™ that fits certain templates that are popular, even if you like said templates. What do you have to say? Why did this idea stick in your brain so hard you had to write it down and tell the world about it? What parts of it especially did you want to convey so badly? Show us!
2 Writing is vulnerability by proxy. Until we get the technology for brain uploading, you are only going to ever be you in your own head with your own thoughts, experiences, biases, and worldviews. If you think you can write something without exposing a lot of really revealing shit about yourself to an audience that notices it, perish that thought now. Quentin Tarantino and HP Lovecraft weren't slick about it and you won't be either. This is neither a bad thing or a good thing, it just is, and whether it affects the work for better or for worse is honestly dependent upon how you engage with that fact. I will say trying to back away from it generally leads to problems (unexamined prejudices showing up in stories, worldviews that it turns out most people don't share going stated simply as fact rather than being supported by the writing around it). It can also lead to a stronger story, though, if you're willing to engage with it. Engaging honestly with what scares you and why, what you find comforting, uplifting, upsetting, et cetera. All of these require vulnerability, and allowing other people to see that, and it's going to happen with or without your consent because you're the one writing the thing, so you may as well make peace with it and lean in. "But what if it's cringe" too late baby most things are cringe and that shouldn't be your focus. You are fighting a losing battle. We are all cringe. But we are free.
Hope this helps. I just know I've left half a sentence fragment in here that I said I'd come back to and then forgot oh god
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beatriceeagle · 2 months
@tevyaa sent an ask with a snippet from "something just broke" for DVD commentary. Unfortunately due to the nature of the fic, even a very short snippet takes up a massive amount of space (and the formatting limitations of the ask box make it very difficult to parse) so I'm making a separate post for it.
Commentary under the cut. (Since this fic heavily includes diegetic bolded text, my commentary will be indented.) Tragically, it doesn't seem possible to right-align text on Tumblr, so apologies for any confusion about who's speaking.
Given the subject matter of the fic, be advised that there's a whole lot of discussion of sexual assault below.
"unstoppable mofos in masks" group chat
Donna I have a question I'd like to throw to the chat
Would you be comfortable with male survivors in here?
There was a version of this fic that dug into the gendered experience of sexual assault a lot more, but I ended up mostly cutting that thread for being a) not totally relevant to the broader point I was making, b) very difficult to untangle the Watsonian and Doyleist implications of, and as a result c) something that I wasn't totally sure what I wanted to say about. Some of that material ended up in "this year's love." Some of it is still floating around in my brain.
I left this particular conversation less because I had something to say with it, and more because it felt like something these particular characters would bring up.
Mia are they unstoppable mofos in masks? because if not could be a problem
Firenza I assume this is someone you know and trust not to fuck up too badly?
I'm really proud of "Firenza Hale" as a secret identity name for a fire-based superhero.
Donna I do
Barbara I'll vouch for him too.
I hope everyone appreciates that Barbara and Bruce are the only characters in the fic who end every sentence with a period.
Firenza Then I'm okay with it
Donna Mia, I’m assuming you were trying to say you don’t mind?
Mia 👍
Donna And Kory already said she’s okay
Okay, I’ll add him
Donna Troy added Dick Grayson
Mia no fucking way
oh wow that was super not okay sorry
I have read some of Mia's run in Green Arrow, but not nearly as much as I have of many of the other characters, so although I have a sense of her personality, I was very worried that I might have totally missed the mark with her. My general sense from the reaction I've gotten is that I did not at the very least TOTALLY miss it, which is a great relief. I bring that up mostly because, for obvious reasons, this is the moment that I worried most about. It did very much feel like a moment that needed to be acknowledged, though, and Mia seemed like the right choice of person to do so.
Dick Hey Mia 😎
I assume you’re the one who named the chat?
Mia like it?
Dick It’s amazing
"unstoppable mofos in masks" group chat
Here's the level of picky that I get about writing: In this fic, I tried not to have the same characters/medium twice in a row, so for instance I tried not to have a newspaper article followed immediately by another newspaper article, or a Donna conversation followed by another Donna conversation. And TO THIS DAY it bugs me that I didn't find something to go in between these two group chat snippets.
Firenza Hey, does anyone know anything about Lois Lane?
She approached me to talk to her for an article about the JLA's response or lack thereof
Her work seems good, but I wanted to be thorough
Barbara Lois is on the up-and-up
Missed a period here. I should probably go back and fix that.
Donna She is JLA-adjacent, which is probably technically a conflict, but you know how that goes
The journalistic ethics of the superhero world fascinate me to no end.
Firenza She actually told me that
Donna Well I think she's a great reporter who's interested in the truth
Dick This is a pro-Lois Lane household
Firenza Okay, that's all very reassuring
Btw I know she's looking for other vigilantes to talk to, anonymously or otherwise
Texts between Barbara Gordon and Stephanie Brown
So, have you decided about Bruce?
stuck in unending indecisive hell
Steph and Mia have similar texting styles because they're modeled after the younger Gen Z texters I know. Steph uses slightly more punctuation than Mia because I tried to make everyone's personal style slightly different. (I also tried to think about how different social circles would affect each other's styles. The OG Titans grew up together and stay in frequent contact, so they write similarly! And so on!)
I may have a compromise option for you. Or at least, something that you could do to test how you feel.
Lois Lane is doing a story on the JLA's general culture and response to abuse and assault. You could talk to her about your general feelings—and you could do it anonymously.
She probably wouldn't print specific accusations without more evidence, but you're not sure you want to do that anyway.
So it could be a way of saying *something* without having to decide whether you want to say *everything* yet.
I thought the Steph subplot was important to include because this is fundamentally a fic about the SYSTEMS that allow sexual assault to flourish, and systems that allow sexual assault will also allow other kinds of abuse. I also knew that I wanted the fic to end with everything not totally tied up and neatly resolved, and this was an obvious choice for a loose thread to remain.
that's… an idea
i'll think about it
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panelshowsource · 1 year
masterpost update... 🥹
hi guys it's been a minute 🥹 as i mentioned, i was working on updating the masterpost this past week, moving a large bulk of content onto my panelshowsource googledrive account, because i think everything stored there will be easily accessible and safe long term :)
the masterpost is the same original link it's been since it was established over 5 years ago! always bookmark the original post, not a reblog and not this post, so you have access to the most updated version & its links!
i had to do some reorganising of the post because of tumblr's latest round of post restrictions:
i'm not able to provide many alternative links because i'm nearly at the link limit as it is, but i think what's provided is reliable and you can always send an ask if a link needs updating!
since i can no longer give every series its own photo header, everything is organised by bolded text and bullet points, which will look and read best on desktop opposed to mobile (mobile seems to despise indentation)
a few notes regarding specific titles:
i did add all of taskmaster to my drive due to overwhelming requests, but only s1–4+15 are in 1080p, so i will begin updating the 720p files to 1080p over the next couple of weeks. thanks for your patience! in the meantime, you can watch them in hd on youtube ofc! i'll also update hypothetical as i get those locked down
i...i wanna say something so honest... i really don't care about a league of their own and most of you don't seem to either. it's a huge hassle organising the episodes because — not to say this for the third time in two sentences — but most people don't care much about it and haven't made the effort to keep it archived. we haven't seen a source for a complete series 6 in, like, 8 years. i'm not going to be making an effort to log that title for the time being. sorry if that's an inconvenience, but feel free to use the resources linked in my faq for your own research!
i added all of travel man (720p) and bridget christie's the change (1080p) to the misc watch links post (link below). i'll work on finishing upstart crow and then adding the rest of as yet untitled, game face, man down, and the cleaner!
i will continue uploading as-hd-as-possible versions of cats does countdown to my youtube channel and will eventually get them all on drive, but that's a slow process; i don't spend much time on youtube because half the commenters are tossers and deleting their negativity to keep it a fun space doesn't always leave me in a good mood 😡😡😡
i know a ton of celeb juice is on youtube but i haven't gotten around to organising it into a playlist (at least), but it's on my to-do list!
if you want to contribute to the post, i'm currently seeking these!
ask rhod gilbert
breaking the news (mostly looking for the tv version)
the news quiz (s97–current...i might have a source but it's a slow wip...)
there's something about movies
mel giedroyc unforgivable s03
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more wooooooooo
i'm going to tentatively open my requests (for watch links & gifs) so feel free to send a polite ask for something you may be seeking. it's much easier for me to keep track of asks than dms, if you don't mind sending there :)
okay friends enjoy! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ
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anistarrose · 3 months
Hey, I'm trying to be more conscientious about putting image descriptions on the things I'm posting and I was wondering if it's better to have them as a separate text or in the alt text embedded in the image? Thanks for your help!
thank you so much for asking! I'm always happy to talk about this — so happy that my replies get pretty long, in fact — so skip to the bottom if you just wants some examples.
short answer: either is better than none, but both is actually the most accessible to people with different needs.
long answer: there's pros and cons to each. a lot of people who use primarily screen readers like alt text because it's read out immediately, and don't have to hear "image image image" for comics or whatnot before getting to the description, nor mistakenly skip a post because they can't tell yet that it's described. however, tumblr in particular has two problems:
glitch where alt text occasionally fails to save in a draft or gets deleted on reblogs
bad options for displaying alt text directly, which impacts (among others) low-vision people who would want to read alt text with enlarged font, in order to take in details of the image they can't make out by sight (unless using XKit Rewritten's AccessKit, which I will always recommend, but that's not an option for mobile users)
there's also an argument that IDs being invisible to most sighted people doesn't do much to encourage, educate, or remind people to include them, tbh.
so what can you do? one option is to include the same alt text as image description (placing the ID directly under the image, because remember, flow for screen readers is important). I like to lead with "ID from alt," in order to clarify to screen reader users that they can skip the ID, and help differentiate it from the other option I'm about to describe. this should be intuitive, but here's a random example where I did this for a text post meme (link).
option two is to include a short description in the alt text, and a more detailed explanation in-post. this can let screen reader users instantly know that the post is described, and decide whether they're interested in it, but it maintains an in-post description for others to benefit from too. here's an example of me doing this in a post about IDs (link), and here's an example of my mutual describing art like this (link).
are either of these options objectively perfectly correct? no, but few guidelines for IDs really are. the only things I'll add are to not use small text, italics, colored text, etc in image descriptions, since those can induce readability issues for low vision folks. no read mores either, for obvious reasons (annoying and glitchy). as far as I know, indents are fine, and some people like those to make the IDs more visually differentiable.
again, thank you so much for asking! I hope this helps, and it means a lot that you're working on writing more IDs!
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delopsia · 1 year
darling del 💐💃
have you ever thought about incorporating rendezvous with toys into stories with the trio? a remote or app controlled vibrator with reader, are rhett and robby both controlling it? whose idea was it? i suspect rhett but who knows maybe robby just came back from deployment and was like “hi honey pies...” 😉 omfg maybe both reader AND rhett with toys in while robby controls them? wait i don’t know if rhett could function in public with a toy in... maybe they just keep that to home? and then they could really put him through the ringer 🫢 do robby and reader ever slick up a toy and just let it go inside rhett and sit back and watch their cowboy’s eyes roll all the way back while he cums untouched—or wait is he too sensitive for that? i feel low key feel like he’d actually pass out if reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while robby was fucking him... 🤔
*COUGH* does robby ever play with any toys himself with or without his partners?
SLIGHTLY UNRELATED BUT STILL VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: has reader ever laid rhett and robby down in the same night like (slightly, because cleaning up and aftercare, etc, of course) one after the other? do the two of them have differing dildo preferences for when they want do get fucked?
*whispers* what a weird question to end on but please if this is not what you meant by blurb right now then just ignore; i have the occasional sauce-thought about these three but i never know if, when you say “blurb thoughts please, y’all...” 😌 you mean any blurb thoughts or like, nonsexual character lore blurb thoughts...
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omg omg hello lovely! 🌷I'm open to all of the blurb themes, sexual and nonsexual alike, whatever y'all wanna throw at me😔✌
Coincidentally, it works as good practice for me lmao. I'm trying to get better at jumping from theme to theme (so, like, finishing a borderline heart-wrenching blurb to hopping right into one that's going to have the Tumblr overlords striking me down with a mature rating)
waaaah okay, I have more thoughts than I can type 💃
Hear me out; I see your Robby just came back from deployment, and I raise you, Robby leaving for deployment.
His biggest curse with being on that ship is how difficult it can be to find a quiet place to engage in all the playful dirty talk; most of the time, he winds up in the corner of a bathroom stall, headphones snug around his ears, forced to be completely and utterly quiet while Rhett and Reader torment him. Pictures, videos, phone/video calls.
"D'you like the show, Bobby?" Rhett's purring, peering over his shoulder with that darkened gaze, seems to look directly through the camera and into Bob's eyes. Fuck the things he would do to squeeze that cowboy's pretty pale thighs.
The idea hits him about two weeks before his next deployment, brought on while he was shopping around for a replacement strap-on harness. The current one is cute, but lately, it's been leaving some painful indentations on the Reader's hips, and he's on the hunt for something that'll fit nicer. But there, on the front page, is an ad for an app-controlled vibrator, and an idea strikes him.
A few days later, a box is showing up at the door. Whilst Rhett and Reader are asleep, he sets them up on his phone. Runs through the usual deep cleaning and testing to make sure they work before tucking them into the toy stash. Doesn't really mention it until he's officially on the plane, typing out a quick, half-thought-out text.
Left you two a surprise in the toy box :)
It's a couple of weeks before he gets time to use them. It's hard to catch each other when they both have the time and are in the mood. But sooner or later, Bob's found himself in the corner of another bathroom stall, chewing on his bottom lip as he presses a little button on his phone. Knees weakening at the way Rhett's head tips back to thump against the pillow, lips parted with a whine. Has the worst damn time trying to switch to control the Reader's toy; doesn't think it worked until he hears a gasp and watches the camera shake in their hand.
Fuck Bob never lasts longer than a few minutes.
They forget to turn one of them off one night, and Bob jokingly presses a command to see what happens.
Rhett's never been so afraid of a goddamn vibrating box in his life.
It's figured out pretty quickly that Rhett can't function in public with a toy in. He's already bad at most social interactions; a slight brush against his crotch is enough to have him floundering. Quite unfortunate for the exhibitionist kink that's been brewing in him these past couple of years, but they do play around with him around the property. With the house being secluded in the woods, a decent ways away from the nearest neighbor, it's pretty easy for Rhett to wander out back to do some work with a toy in.
Sometimes he does it because he likes the fullness of it, others he's deliberately hoping that Reader or Robby will notice he's got it in. More than once he's found himself braced against that old Oak tree, grunting into the crook of his elbow as Bobby fucks him for all he's worth. And more than once he's wandered into the house, grumbling because nobody caught on to what he wanted, squirming into the Reader's lap and outright begging them to let him ride their strap.
Robby and Reader absolutely could just slick up a toy and let it go inside of their pretty little cowboy, but he's so, so fussy! They've spoiled him, and he's absolutely rotten! He's addicted to the closeness that comes with having them inside of him, thighs against his, holding him for leverage and touching all over. Just a toy is enough to get him off, but he doesn't enjoy it as much if that...makes sense.
He wants the person attached to the dick as much as he wants the dick inside of him.
But he can and will cum untouched with one of them inside of him. They tried cock warming with him once; didn't end well.
Ughhh Rhett would absolutely combust if Reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while Robby was fucking him :( The poor thing is so easy to overstimulate, reduced to shivering muscles and teary eyes with a few little tricks. It's so common for him to bury his face in the Reader's belly while Robby's taking him from behind or to snuggle into the crook of the Reader's neck while they fuck him missionary, stifling his little noises and hiding the tears brewing.
Omg omg yes, Robby absolutely plays with toys on himself, too. Maybe not at the frequency of Rhett and Reader, but fuck, he looooooves those small prostate massagers 🤤 it’s one of his favorite toys. He especially loves them when it’s just himself because it’s not quite as good as having an actual strap/cock in him, but he won’t pass up an opportunity to play with them. Though Rhett has recently gotten him hooked on letting them use masturbation sleeves on him.
The Reader has absolutely laid them both down on the same night!! It’s an entire excursion on its own, a lot of work and cleaning and setting up, but Rhett and Bobby are pretty good at kissing up on the other and opening each other up to take the workload off of the Reader. Rhett’s almost always first because he usually gets so turned on from seeing Bob get fucked that he’ll cum from the slightest thing. Really likes getting taken apart first and then getting to have a little show of Bobby dissolving into a puddle of whimpers and cries after the fact.
Bob's got a preference for average/smaller dildos; Rhett's cock is about as much as he can handle, and as wonderfully built as that cowboy is, he's not too fond of the post-sex soreness that comes with it. Something around six inches with a very, very typical girth is enough to make him happy.
Rhett is a goddamn size queen who isn't happy until he's limping the next day. It's so easy to tell his toys apart from Bobby's because they're so much bigger in every sense of the form. Longer, thicker, around eight or nine inches. There's a singular ten-inch toy that comes out to play every once in a blue moon, but he's got to be in a particularly whorish headspace for that one.
The both of them have recently discovered the joy of plugs, for after everything is said and done. Rhett's just a heathen that wants to keep Bob's cum and/or the Reader's cum lube inside of himself for a while, but Bob enjoys the extra minutes of fullness. It really helps him adjust back to the crippling emptiness that comes with having Rhett/the Reader pull out of him.
In the buying process, Rhett's vague requirements were no tails (Bob's been trying to sell Rhett and Reader on bunny tail ones for years. (double parentheses. It's because he already bought them. They're still hiding in the closet, in the packaging that they came in.)) and nothing glittery
...and he really should have been more specific because now he's got a cutesy little plug with a pink heart.
But that's okay because Bob fucked around, and now he's wound up with one that's modeled to look like one of those Valentine's candy hearts.
This is why the Reader is usually left in charge of buying.
Aftercare-wise, they're both relatively simple to deal with; Bob wants cuddles and a small snack to share (he will die defending his Ice-Cream Tastes Better Post-Sex argument), and Rhett just wants some head scratches and a long nap with his partners. It's so common for them to grow clingy, both toward each other and toward the Reader. Constant affection, sweetly spoken words, and kisses.
Which is exactly why the bathtub is so big in the house! All of them are too sore to stand, and nobody wants to be left out of the bubble bath! Someone's gotta set an alarm, though, because if you're not careful, it's easy to wind up spending a few hours in there on accident.
And it's anyone's guess if the boys are going to get hit with a second wind and pounce on the Reader or not💛
Again with me getting carried away oh my god
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bolithesenate · 5 months
BOLI I'M HERE FOR YOU BOSS 7 for Sifo, 15, and 23 please :D
7: is there piece of clothing I think Sifo is very fond of
Uhhh, honestly, I haven't really thought about that at all. The low handing fruit would be to say some sort of shirt he stole from Dooku, but that's too easy.
both for me and for Sy.
So imma lean out on a branch here and say he actually has a pair of Jocasta's archivist tabards. She does NOT know he has them and he DEFINITELY wants to keep it that way. there's no way of telling what her revenge would be if she ever found out, but that's what makes having them all the more fun and interesting.
It's about the thrill of the unknown.
15: have you noticed your style change over time
i mean, especially my drawing style changes with the stand of the sun, the constellation of the planets and with the way the neighbor's cat looks at me.
i think consistent style change is most evident in how I draw manga, actually. Something you lot here on tumblr might actually have not seen ever, now that i think about it. lol. there my style actually is rather consistent throughout mediums by now, something i cannot say about my style when i draw outside of that setting :P
But also with writing I think there was some progress. at least I like to call it progress (the main thing that comes to mind is that i've started using less brackets and more indents, but whether or not thats a good thing is up in the air lol)
23: has my favorite character/ship changed over time
changes with the moon, the sun, the way the wind blows.... most of the time I don't actually have a fixed favorite (shocking, I know)
like,I will say that Sifo and Rael are blorbos supreme, but that doesn't necessarily make them my favorite characters.
my favorite is whatever character works nicest for whatever shenanigans i am planning for my current project. I think that has always been like that.
same with ships, i actually need to change things up once in a while bc too much of the same thing grows boring to me and then I lose interest. (which is why my most recent fad is to just expand existing ships i am fond of into continuously growing poly circles XD It is turning into a bit of a problem) (yes, this is mud-fic relevant TT)
I think another thing worth mentioning here tho is that in regards to ships the most notable change is that I ship things at all. Initially when I started out I was very much a Gen baby and wanted more stories that didn't hinge on some romance for plot-furthering. Which is why my older stories also are all Gen.
I still think that a good story doesn't rely on romance, but I've since come to appreciate the character studies that come with romantic/sexual relationships and how they influence people. Also sometimes I just look at two (or more) characters and thin "ho, ho, wouldn't it be HORRIBLE if they fucked?"
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disneyprincemuke · 8 months
can u explain fast times and fast nights for me? I dont get the concept but I rlly want to read it😭
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ok OK OK SO ftfn is an idea i had about 'what if the f1 grid were to be wags instead and it's in a reality show format'? and this all stemmed from tine saying that she wanted to write one of her fics in dts style but she's never watched it (it's my guilty pleasure it's so dramatic for no rzn) so anyway
i ended up only keeping A COUPLE of drivers to be active wags with their partners on the grid because i feel like some drivers aren't dramatic like that... so that tells you who will be on the grid. we used a lot of ocs for this one while keeping a couple accurate relationships! ocs include my vr femdriver, my inthaf femdriver; @angsthology's jupiter nightshade, camellia ayudisha and roo! the others are ocs from other stories that have got NOTHING to do with f1 hehe
the actual episodes are better formatted, but the outtakes are introductions to the couples on the grid, which is why they're so short and kinda messy!!!
the format of the fics itself, i understand, is a little weird i admit... let me guide u through it...
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^ these texts in small text and indents are commentary... so if you've watched dts, it's like mf will buxton talking over clips yk? it's like the narrator speaking, basically, except she ain't as silly as will buxton
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^ these ones here are standalone quotes said about whom the outtakes are about... in this case, sonnet and mick <3... i didn't really know how to format them on tumblr better so i understand that it's a bit confusing and if you've got suggestions how to make them a bit more distinct, pls lmk cuz i'm driving myself crazy
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^ stuff like these are news article titles! again... wasn't sure how to format them so i be using every single tumblr format they allow me to use LMFAO
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^ these are quotes... from those whom the outtakes are about... so the top you can kind of derive that it's mick and that the bottom one is sonnet
it's really very complicated because tumblr doesn't really give me much formatting to work with... if you guys have got any better idea how i can handle this, i'd really really appreciate it like seriously HAHA
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i really really love ftfn and i really hope u guys like it too... the formatting is a little weird because tumblr is a bit restrictive, but if you guys have got any ideas to make it better, i'm very open to the help <3
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pilferingapples · 2 years
do u think grantaire is kind? like based off of the brick? bc there is a difference in wanting progresss and loving your friends and being a kind person (not NICE but like. kind.)
Oh, interesting question! I...think he wants to be kind? So first off I don't think he's nice at all, lol. He's rude as hell. But of course, people can be kind without being nice-- Ursus in L'homme qui rit is a good Hugolian example, being a foulmouthed guy who'll insult anyone while also giving them the food from his own dish and the clothes off his back. And people can of course be very nice while being deeply unkind, as witness: too many examples to even start listing.
As for Grantaire in this regard, I think there's an important indicator of his general engagement with others in Preliminary Gayeties, when we see Legle, Joly and Grantaire talking with Navet (the only gamin we ever see Grantaire talking with!): "This. A tall blonde fellow on the boulevard said to me: `Do you know Mother Hucheloup?' I said: `Yes, Rue Chanvrerie, the old man's widow;' he said to me: `Go there. There you will find M. Bossuet. Tell him from me: "A B C".' It's a joke that they're playing on you, isn't it. He gave me ten sous."
"Joly, lend me ten sous," said Laigle; and, turning to Grantaire: "Grantaire, lend me ten sous."
This made twenty sous, which Laigle handed to the lad.
"Thank you, sir," said the urchin.
"What is your name?" inquired Laigle.
"Navet, Gavroche's friend."
"Stay with us," said Laigle.
"Breakfast with us," said Grantaire,
(italics bc Tumblr won't let me indent in asks, why)
There's a pattern here: Legle prompts kindness , and Grantaire follows his lead. I know certain people would sneer at that--of course Legle makes a lot of suggestions that use Other People's Money,how dare he!-- but (a) I hope none of those people are following this blog and (b)his friends are all people who want to help, and are united around that desire!. Legle is good at seeing how to help, even when he's not the one who can do it-- and we know already he will and does act when he does have the needed resources.
And Grantaire is Legle's friend. They don't just Hang Out By Association; Grantaire is probably closer to Legle than to anyone else in the group. He specifically came to join Legle and Joly on what they all know might be their Last Morning. He stays with them over going to Enjolras, his fixation and Reason For Everything, and his emotional reasons for staying are many, to be sure, but they all add up to that huge fact.
Grantaire repeatedly makes comments acknowledging that the world is unfair, and wishing it was better. He repeatedly argues that he is powerless, but also wishes he wasn't. He wants a better world; he wants to be part of making a better world; what he doesn't believe in, what he's taking care to not believe in, is the possibility of either of those things happening. That disconnect between Want and Can is core to his whole character.
But he's attached himself to people who believe in a better world; and to people who point out ways he can help. And he follows up on their suggestions as much as he can manage (see: he doesn't blink at backing up Legle's direct call for material aid , but cannot deliver on his promise to drum up support at the Barriere du Maine , a much more complicated role that he really doesn't understand.)
He wants there to be kindness in the world, and he wants to be part of making it happen. He is closest to people who help him see where and how he can be kind, since he struggles to figure it out on his own. He does not always see it, even then, or follow up well or even at all. But he wants to.
Does that mean he is? I dunno. Probably? Maybe?
Sometimes yes, sometimes no?
I turn it back to you, Nonny; what do you think?
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cyle · 1 year
Hi, in regards to the public api, will 3rd party apps be affected in any way by upcoming changes ? The one I use - multitab Tumblr - is primarily for mass media browsing, so when I click on the "via" blog username attached to a post , it takes me straight to the blog, instead of the previous reblog.
This is obviously unrelated to what anyone is saying about viewing parent reblogs, since that's for conversations, reading previous tags and removed comments. My use case is just for the sake of finding blogs that act as human driven curated collections of media interconnected by this "via" feature. So empty reblogs are incredibly useful to me. But I'm worried they'll get pushed under the rug if this whole system gets redesigned and plastered across the public api.
To make it clear, the user being able to traverse the entire stretch of the via chain isn't important for this particular use case. Simply one via per post - the blog which this post was reblogged from, the blog directly before. So the entire via chain still needs to exist for any via to exist - but it doesn't need to be readily available to traverse by tapping the via. Essentially, if the via acts as it currently does in multitab Tumblr, and the android app I believe - ie tapping it takes me to the via blog of the post I'm viewing, as opposed to the via reblog of the post I'm viewing - that would be perfect.
Maybe I'm asking all this a little too early since I'm still not fully sure how this new post redesign will work. But multitab Tumblr seems to have adopted all the new post and reblog interface redesigns that the default Tumblr app has employed so far. Reblogs are no longer displayed as stacked and indented username lists with lines like they used to be in the old school tumblr textpost screenshots that float around the internet. So the posts have already had a redesign from their original design. and I'm not sure if this new design will be steamrolled over the current one over there too, through API changes. I'm not sure if the multitab Tumblr developers chose to change it, or if they had no choice because the api changed.
Closing thoughts: if Tumblr does end up looking and acting like twitter, that's fine because I like twitter and its many clones, I think it's kinda nicely coded and I like the modularity of posts and threads and how everything links together to facilitate conversation. And it's intuitive, which is why it's popular. However, Tumblr is and always has been the best site for human driven content curation in my opinion, because of the via blog being easily accessible in every post that is a reblog. So by all means , make it flashy and modern and twitter-like, but please don't remove the via blog, at least keep it in the public api.
Tumblr has a media focus, an archive view, pagination by date and post count through the API.... All these things which separate it from twitter in that its focus isn't entirely on conversations, but also media and curation and mass browsing. Essentially Tumblr = twitter + are.na + magic (the via). Please keep it that way. It's such a sweetspot between all these things. And this new post redesign could make it even better if only the via stays.
I suppose it's a niche ask? But a lot of people I'm sure find new blogs they like through clicking on the via instead of the source. I really think it makes tumblr what it is for people. Some blogs are so interconnected and I can see that they've clearly used the via to find a new blog to reblog from, again and again. It just makes everything so interconnected. Thank you times a million. I hope everything is as clear as possible hence the lengthy ask.
hey, yeah, there are no planned changes with the public API. if anything, myself and others on staff are continuously campaigning to open it up more and more, it's just difficult to prioritize that among the many things we have to do. i agree with basically everything you've said here!
"Tumblr = twitter + are.na + magic" is a fun way to put it.
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For the ask game: 11, 13 and 53 :D
(sending from main bc tumblr doesn't like consistency)
Yay! Okay!
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
Okay, I’ll keep this to my AOT fics, but for “on the path that led me to you” I’ve had to look up medicinal plants and their cultural significance and properties and it’s been so interesting! I might actually start a flower pressing and foraging hobby out of it like Annie does. And I always worry about research 😅 AOT doesn’t have, like, a ton of lore really- but other fandoms like Star Wars have like over 40 years worth of canon/de canonized stuff to remember and I’ve found myself in writers block for weeks because I was researching one specific thing. Consistency and realism is just really important to me as a writer.
13. Talk about a writing experience that has pleasantly surprised you.
I would say just writing fic in general! I lurk in fandoms for so long before contributing and I’m always so nervous to do it- but then I get the sweetest or most enthusiastic comment and it turns my whole day around 🥰
53. when writing, do you have an outline? and do you stick to it?
Generally, yes! I normally have like a Doc or a Notes app file with like a bulleted list of chapters and then little indents with dialogue or scenarios- but I don’t treat like it’s gospel or that I even have to write it in that order. For my current Aruani chapter fic, for example, I already made a couple of additional chapters or changes to make it longer- or to change the settings of certain things. I do typically write a chapter and post right away after a couple of proofreads though- I don’t know how some people write massive amounts and then edit it all and then post it on a schedule 😅
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bdekurecs · 1 year
Cantor's Road by EtherealBeing
Rating: E Status: 1/? Chapters Word Count: 15,225 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
As a self-described supernatural journalist, Izuku had learned to temper his expectations. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe, but the simple truth was that most paranormal allegations fell apart under scrutiny, and he had no reason to think this would be any different. Until he met Katsuki, at least. “Don’t do it,” he told him, the way you’d beg someone not to jump off a cliff. “I’m not an idiot, Deku. I know why you’re here.” He leaned in close. “You’re looking for Cantor’s Road. And I’m telling you right now—if you find it, you’re gonna wish you hadn’t.” How quaint it was for Izuku to realize only after he arrived: he should have listened to Katsuki.
my notes: of course tumblr doesn't allow double indented stuff. sigh.
anyways!! the author has done it again. reccing this because it only has one chapter at the moment, and i'm sure from the author's note that the author has absolutely incredible plans for this, so go give a kudos and comment, maybe even consider subscribing to this one if it's your jam? regardless, etherealbeing has a ton of other bkdk stuff, as well as non mha stuff!
things i loved: the STEPS. OH MY GOD THE STEPS. AAAAAA. definitely some incredible worldbuilding down the road (ha), just know that it's a bit uncanny valley. i usually can't do uncanny valley, but even though i know what this author is capable of i was pulled in by the summary alone. and then i started reading and ooooo boy, izuku WHYYYYYY would you do the things you did!
i'm having so much fun that by the time i got to izuku actually investigating cantor's road i was HOOKED. i said, okay, well surely the uncanny valley stuff won't be too too bad... and then i was back to screaming at izuku like he was in a horror movie. the author does some really great stuff with the actual cantor's road and how it works with the levels of danger and all that. and i always do love to see that kind of american gothic(?) trope of 'listen when people tell you to not go to the spooky place. it's not spooky, it's terrifying'. and AAAA THE RED PAINT THING!!! you'll see what i mean when you get there, it was actually kinda cute if it was done by who i think it was done by :)) but also really unnerving until i finished what there is and had that mental light bulb go off lmaooo.
SUPER excited to see where this goes!! the author even has a video of cantor's road linked in the author's notes for that sweet, delicious immersion.
remember to read the tags on ao3, be respectful and always follow the golden rule of fic: don't like, don't read.
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