#turned out better than i expected!! last time i made these was in kindergarten
scrambled-eggsed · 2 years
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i made hamantashen:DDDDDDD
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jo-harrington · 8 months
Stranger Than (Fan)Fiction - Chapter 1: Alternate Universe
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Previous Chapter: Prologue: Crossover
Summary: Your unexpected arrival in Hawkins brings many questions for Eddie...but he knows better than to ask dumb questions.
Word Count: 5.1k
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader
Warnings/Themes: No-Upside-Down AU, Fluff, Love at First Sight?, Tiny Angst if you Squint, Isekai, Mentions of FOI-compliant events and characters, Lovesick Eddie, unbelievable pacing...just roll with it, Everything's Coming Up Munson
Note: Thanks to everyone who read the prologue.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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It seemed like everyone was there to say goodbye.
Your parents, Sam, Pat, Bonnie, all of your friends and their families. Everyone you know.
What a surprise.
You thought it was gonna be a quick morning getaway.
You'd already had dinner at Danny's last night with your parents and had seen countless faces—familiar and unfamiliar—who'd wished you well. This morning was just supposed to be about bags placed in the trunk, last minute hugs and tears from your mom, and then off you'd go.
You hadn't expected this.
Some little voice inside of you questioned why you hadn't; you'd known them all for practically your whole life.
5 years.
What...no...18 years.
Why wouldn't they want to be here as you embarked on your big journey away?
Sam gave a tearful speech. Your dad made some corny joke that only a dad could, one that had everyone in uproarious laughter--more laughter than people, it seemed--and then it was time to go.
You didn't have a real schedule, of course, you just wanted to make it to your destination with ample time. Nothing like driving into an unfamiliar town in the middle of the night only to find yourself in a heap of trouble.
Pat, ever observant, was the one to notice the anxiety etched on your face. He was as much your best friend as Sam was, maybe even more than she was; you'd known each other since Kindergarten, sat next to each other in the reading circle, of course he could tell you were itching to leave.
"Alright guys," he announced, clapping his hands twice the way a star quarterback would. "I'm sure she's ready to get away from all of us."
"Yeah," Sam let out a watery laugh. "You need to go so you can come back as soon as possible. Wink wink." She flashed her hand with the little diamond chip engagement ring that you helped Pat pick out, and then she collapsed against you in a hug.
"You go and you have the best time," she whispered in your ear. You nodded and buried your face in her hair. "I can't wait to hear all about it. Write letters home? Call? But don't worry about us, we'll all be safe here. Ok?"
"Yeah," you said breathlessly.
Then the next thing you knew, in the blink of an eye, you were in the driver's seat of your car, rolling towards the end of the block. You adjusted your rearview mirror and saw everyone you loved waving goodbye to you. You rolled down your window, and blew them a kiss and sent a wave; you'd miss them so much. You'd be back soon enough though; now it was time for you to just be free.
“Go back?” you quoted one Mr. Bilbo Baggins to yourself as you turned the corner and left everything you knew behind. “Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”
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This was it.
Eddie was dead.
That had to be the explanation.
Your car was one thing, and he could excuse it. He could convince himself it was anything else.
But you? His favorite character from his favorite television show. Someone who was absolutely, definitely fictional.
It was impossible.
"Hey!" you called out to the Mayfields with your voice, your your voice and not Rosemary Glass's voice. Your real voice. Yours.
Eddie pinched himself pretty unforgivingly—one last ditch effort to prove this was a dream—and winced.
Not dreaming. Definitely dead.
You quickly shut the door and crossed the distance towards Susan and Max.
"I'm sorry, it's late and it's cold; I've been driving all over and the road got icy, I must have lost traction. Need new tires maybe."
"Too bad," Susan snapped at you. "You hit my car, I'm calling the sheriff."
The two of you went back and forth for a second as you tried to get her not to call the cops and she stood her ground.
"I can pay for it!" You exclaimed suddenly and Susan froze in her spot. "And then some, for...I dunno, emotional distress I guess. I know it's late. I'm sure I woke you guys up. I'm just...I'm sorry."
You looked around self consciously all of a sudden, and Eddie could hear the faint murmur as you said something under your breath. He froze as your gaze slid over him, paused, and then kept going.
Play it cool, Munson. Don't pass out. Don't fuck this up.
It was hard when the love of his life was standing right there, in the flesh, and had just looked at him.
As Susan and Max met you in the middle of the yard to talk details, Eddie gave himself the pep talk of the century.
Even if he was dead and this was some sort of afterlife, surely the fates had certainly set this up for him. Some being of greater conscience than he--a mere human--could possibly comprehend was giving him this chance at...love? Happiness? It would be a good reward after an unremarkable end to a shitty life.
Or maybe he was still alive and had actually sold his soul to the devil back inside and this was the payoff.
"I'll fucking take it," he muttered to himself and fished another cigarette from the pack with shaky hands; he was gonna need it if he was gonna survive the night.
He watched the interaction between you and Susan with a keen eye, eager to witness the little gestures and mannerisms that he'd only seen on screen. Once it seemed Susan was happy with whatever deal you'd negotiated, you pulled a scrap of paper from the back pocket of your jeans and gesture vaguely around. Max was the one to snatch it from your hand and then point to a dark trailer that sat kitty corner from Granny's.
Were you gonna be his neighbor? This was just getting better and better.
"Thanks," you smiled and, even from this distance, Eddie's heart stopped.
If he was barely hanging on thanks to your presence, how was he gonna survive your smile? Especially if it was inevitably directed at him.
"Pull it together," he grumbled and took a long drag from his cigarette, the cherry flaring extra bright in the darkness of night.
The Mayfields retreated into their home and you shuffled back over to your car, feet kicking the gravel.
You were about to get back in when Eddie abruptly jumped to his feet.
"Hey!" He called out to you. "Uh...I...know my way around cars, I can take a look at it in the morning. I-if you want. Bang out any dents."
"Can you?" you scrunched your nose in the way that made his knees shake. God he was pathetic. "That'd be nice, thanks."
"Yeah no problem," he smiled the friendliest and most welcoming smile he could.
His thoughts raced at lightspeed now, a mixture of logic and hope. No matter the circumstance, you were here because of him, which meant that this was his shot. So, he would fix your car--or at least try to--figure out if you were some sort of demon or something, and then ask you out.
And hopefully you'd say yes. Hopefully. Eddie was gonna be optimistic, but not an idiot. He had to stay humble.
As you maneuvered your car the short distance to the dark trailer, Eddie watched. And in the glow of your taillights, he noticed the abundance of bumper stickers that adorned the trunk. Stickers that weren’t there in the finale, which meant…
"She got to have her adventure," he said to himself in awe, happy that...at least in the few months since you left Port Geneva, you might’ve gotten to experience the world just like you wanted to.
He couldn't wait to ask you all about it. He couldn't wait to find out everything.
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The morning took way too long to arrive.
Eddie tried to sleep but he was too wired, too excited.
He already decided that he was gonna skip class the next day. Or maybe roll in late if you had someplace you needed to be and he wouldn't get to show you around town or something else totally not lame.
That’s what he was banking on, though. If you had no plans, he could take you to Benny’s and get you a short stack with fresh strawberries and whipped cream, just like you got at Danny’s Diner back home.
“Alright,” he stared at himself in the mirror as he stepped out of the shower. “See? You can’t do that kind of shit. Can’t scare her away by making her think you know her already. That’s creepy. Gotta act like we don't know her. Easy.”
Not that easy, actually.
He was just...bubbling with thoughts and feelings. Enough that they caused his brain to go into meltdown.
At first, he tried to rationalize it all, tried to come up with some solution. Because somehow, for reasons to be determined at a later time, you left the confines of Port Geneva’s universe and made it to this one, where you were actually definitely real.
Right? You couldn't be a hallucination if the Mayfields had talked to you too. In fact, they talked to you first. So if anything, you were their hallucination.
Eddie tried to recall something that Henderson and Sinclair had babbled on about at lunch the other day: some new issue of the Flash comics. Crisis on Infinite Universes or something where people jumped to different timelines. Whatever that meant. If he had the time, he knew he should ask them a few questions about different universes and how this might all be possible.
Purely hypothetical, spin it as some idea for a campaign.
But why would he wait and let a good thing pass him up just because this was weird and he had questions?
Best case scenario, no one beside him would realize that you were a tv character, they would just think your name was familiar or something.
Worst case scenario they accuse him of witchcraft and bringing you into this dimension or something because there was no way you were real.
It would all work itself out in the end. He just had to be uncharacteristically optimistic and keep his eyes on the prize.
Come morning, Wayne got home from work and he walked in the door just as Eddie had changed clothes for the fifth time, made coffee AND breakfast for him, and washed the dishes.
“Well isn’t this a surprise,” he remarked and stared at the scene in front of him. “Do I wanna know what you did?”
“You remember when I was younger,” Eddie began as he fiddled with his rings. “And I asked you…I dunno…something about the birds and the bees and you said ‘I’ll tell you when you’re older kid?’”
“Hmm,” Wayne crossed his arms over his chest and ran a hand over his mouth. “Go on.”
“It’s nothing bad but, uh, I’ll tell you when you’re older Wayne.”
His uncle cracked a fond smile, gave him a pat on the shoulder, and then shuffled down to the bathroom.
Eddie sighed in relief and took a sip of his coffee while he looked out the window towards your trailer. It was daytime now; he didn’t expect to see lights on or anything, but he knew you got in late and didn’t want to interrupt your sleep. Not a great first impression.
Before long, though, he’d just gotten too antsy to wait anymore. He practically sprinted—damn when was he gonna learn that he shouldn’t skip gym so much—across the park to your door, Wayne's meager toolbox from under the sink swinging from his hand.
He paused the slightest bit to admire your car--
How many hours of screen time had been spent in this exact car as you drove Sam and the gang around for various shenanigans. There was one episode, a favorite of his, where everyone was belting out a tune from the radio and you sat there in the driver's seat...too shy to open your mouth. When they finally coerced you? You had the worst singing voice...but you smiled so brightly...that was the moment he knew he loved you...
--and, more importantly, the stickers that adorned it.
There were some normal ones: funny phrases, a few band stickers he wouldn’t have expected you to listen to, and a single borderline political one. A sticker that specifically caught his eye said “Greetings from Erebor” with a sword that had to be Orcrist and dwarvish runes below it.
You were a girl after his own heart; fortunately, it already belonged to you.
Then there were the ones you’d obviously picked up on your travels. He took an extra moment to look at them and think of some questions he could ask. A favorite place you visited, something crazy you might have eaten, or even some fun facts about...Monument Valley, Ocala National Forest, Mystic Falls Virginia, or…Cicely Alaska?
“Damn,” he let out a low whistle. “Must've put some miles on this thing.”
Having spent enough time just standing there, Eddie finally climbed the stairs and knocked on your door; the walls were thin enough that he could hear you shuffling around inside and he was relieved that he hadn’t woken you.
The door swung open--Eddie swore he heard the applause track from Port Geneva play in his head--and then there you were.
It was a moment he would cherish in his heart for the rest of his days. You, standing there, smiling that sweet, unsure smile at him with slightly tired but nevertheless bright eyes. Your clothes were askew from sleep or aforementioned shuffling and you straightened them out a little when you realized what you might look like.
“Cigarette porch guy,” you pointed a finger at him in recollection after a moment.
Now was the time, though, to muster up every ounce of Munson Magic that he could. He collected it deep in the core of him and then let it mingle with affection in his heart.
"Cigarette porch guy is my father. You can just call me Eddie."
You snorted a laugh and he beamed confidently; that confidence, however, fled his body as he felt the urge to hop around, giggle, and say "I know" when you introduced yourself. He needed to not screw this up by being a hyper mega-fan.
“I was so tired when I got in, I honestly thought you were a figment of my imagination,” you explained. "I woke up at like...4am trying to figure out if you were real or not."
Funny. He was trying to figure out the same thing.
Still, his heart skipped a beat to know you'd thought about him in any capacity after the few words you'd shared.
“Ouch,” he laid a hand on his chest and feigned a stumble. “I know it was late but I would hope I made a bit of a better impression than that.”
You pressed your lips together, scrunched your nose, and looked down at your feet.
“I’m, uh,” Eddie thumbed over his shoulder. “Here to take a look at your car.”
“Oh!” Your head snapped right back up. “Right! Yes, oh my god thank you. Let me just…get my keys and my shoes hang on.”
You retreated back into the trailer and Eddie, nosy as he was, peeked inside after you. Wayne would be ashamed of him, but he couldn't exactly care right now.
Your trailer mirrored other ones in the park, in terms of layout: a living room, a little kitchen, a hall that probably led to a bedroom. There was furniture though, which was not the norm.
A green armchair and a very well-worn blue plaid sofa that was home to a granny-square quilt, a too-soft pillow, and a very fancy canvas bedroll that Eddie assumed must have belonged to you. There was a dusty coffee table stacked with dustier magazines and newspapers and some very questionable looking mugs and plates of what used to be food. Yuck. A green bicycle with one tire was hung vertically on the wall beside the couch. And a little dining set off the kitchen looked like something straight out of the Brady Bunch.
He tried to remember who lived here before you did with such weird taste in furniture. Even more peculiar, where they might have gone for them to leave all of it behind. Especially the plates. No one came to mind though; he'd have to ask Wayne.
You shuffled down the hall--presumably from the bathroom since you'd slept out on the couch--and hopped as you tugged your sneakers on.
You jingled your keys at him excitedly.
"Here we go," you exclaimed. He held his hand out to take them and you were about to drop them in his palm when you hesitated. "I hope I'm not putting you out."
"Of course not," he reassured you and then backed out of the doorway. "It's my pleasure."
You listened aptly as he touted his excellent mechanic skills--
"You, uh...might hear my van rumble a little bit though. Haven't quite figured out why it's making that sound yet."
--and then you sat on the porch steps to watch him as he got to work.
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The two of you talked as he inspected your car.
You were surprisingly very good at making conversation. Eddie always believed that you were a little soft spoken or a little shy, watching you on tv. However, as you spoke so excitedly and confidently and he saw you bloom in front of his very eyes, he wondered if it was just a byproduct of being overlooked whenever Sam took the spotlight with her grand speeches, big emotions, and too-bright personality.
He was suddenly excited at the prospect of seeing the real you and learning a lot more that wasn't shown on TV. In return, he could show you the real him too. Hell, he was always trying to be the real him...there were just some things though...
What an odd idea that hadn't really hit him until now. The desire to have you in his life to share things with, and the reality of having you here. He'd never thought of a relationship with a future before, hell hadn't even thought of his future really. Not even with Paige and the whole rockstar pipe dream, as short-lived as that was.
But the more he thought of that with you, the more he liked it. Desired it.
You started the conversation off by asking him about Hawkins and if he'd lived here for long. He gave probably the most unbiased opinion that he could as he hammered out the dents from your collision: it was a sleepy suburb where nothing ever happened and everyone was judgmental and opinionated and hated everyone who disturbed the status quo.
“Aren’t they all like that?” You asked, one eye sliding shut in a mischievous wink as you raised both brows in question.
“Yeah, I’m sure they are.”
Then he asked you about how you ended up in Hawkins, of all the places you could have picked, as he taped up the headlight that you'd cracked.
"It was fate or something. Had to bring me here so I could meet you right?" He sputtered over a response to that and you just laughed. "Actually, I just picked a place on a map. Pick two places. Flip a coin. That's how I pick most places I’ve been, you know?"
You took the opportunity to spin a tale about the so-called "perpetual roadtrip" that you'd embarked for the past year. His heart soared to hear that you’d been “practically everywhere” and he nodded eagerly when you offered to show him your sketchbook sometime with drawings of your favorite places.
"I know I need to go home at some point," you explained with a dismissive wave of your hand. "I guess I just don't know how to...stop driving. I've started this thing recently where I settle down somewhere for a little while. Maybe a few weeks? Maybe more. Get a job, get to know the people. Then I get to like...the final page of that chapter--the end of my little story in that place--and it's time for me to move on again.
"Actually, I guess it's not moving onto the next chapter; it's more like I've been written into a corner. I just...don't know what it is that I'm looking for. What it is that I need."
Eddie snorted to himself.
How many times had he asked himself what deity wrote his story into a pathetic corner where he couldn't leave Hawkins? And here you were feeling the same, only you were stuck in another way.
"Well...I hope you don't move on from Hawkins too quickly," he said, full of naive hope. "Maybe you'll find what you need here."
"Hmm," you rested your chin on your knees and sighed. "You know what? I kinda hope so too."
There was a lot of weight in your gaze as you watched him, and Eddie cleared his throat awkwardly and continued his inspection of the outside of the car so he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself with a mushy smile or a giggle.
He made his way back to the trunk and the bumper stickers; it was then that he asked about Cicely.
"Alaska? Seriously? You drove all the way up there?"
"Ok listen," you said with a conspiratorial grin. "I'm maybe a little bit of a phony. I traded someone for that one. This guy in a diner in Washington."
"Oh yeah?"
"Mmhmm. Damn fine cup of coffee." You snorted to yourself, some inside joke that he wished to be a part of.
"Is that, uh...a perpetual roadtrip thing?"
"I…I guess it is."
Finally, to end his self-proclaimed "ten-point inspection," Eddie got into the driver's seat to start the car, chatting all the while.
"Well, if you want a damn fine cup of coffee, there's this diner nearby that I swear makes the best. I know I haven't driven past Chicago or anything but..."
He trailed off as he turned the key in the ignition and noticed the odometer.
Your miles were in the millions.
Several million, at that.
He had half a mind to call you on your shit that you'd never been to Alaska because, surely, you had to have been with that high a number, but then he began to question the sight. He didn't think his odometer even went that high; none of the cars he'd ever seen went into the millions.
Was it just a Volkswagen thing? Or maybe a bi-product of you being here? A wrinkle in the fabric of reality?
Eddie tried to do the mental math but he couldn't figure out how many times you must have circled the states to hit that many miles. Or for how long.
A million miles divided by 365 days divided by 12 hours of driving in a day? He couldn’t do that much math without his head hurting. Still, it just didn't make sense. Maybe it was just broken?
"Everything alright?" you suddenly appeared at the door, teeth worrying your lower lip. You laughed but it didn’t quite meet your eyes. "You were just saying something about coffee and then you got all quiet. I don't need a new transmission or something do I?"
“You…” Eddie swallowed and stared at you, wondering if he should point out the odometer, if he should ask. Bur hadn't that been his problem just a few hours ago? Too many questions, too little time. Why was he going to pick this wonderful thing apart when he finally got what he deserved and yearned for all along.
“You...probably need an oil change,” he announced instead. “It sounds a little clunky. I, uh, can do it for you but I’ll need to stop by Thatcher Tires for some supplies.”
Your shoulders lost their tension and you let out a sigh of relief.
“Eddie, you’re seriously trying to be my hero, huh?” You fawned; hearing his name from your lips, let alone the fact you called him a hero, made his day. His year. Possibly his entire life. “You wanna fix everything else that’s wrong with my life?”
“I could try,” he offered eagerly.
“Don’t, I’ll seriously take you up on the offer.” You pressed your hands to your cheeks then looked back at the trailer. “Ok tell you what, give me like…20 minutes to get the road off of me and change. Then we can go to Thatcher Tires and you can show me this place with the best cup of coffee? And I can get you breakfast or something?”
Eddie was speechless again; were you…asking him out? Ok no you were just showing your gratitude, but it was a first step. Was everything going according to plan for the first time in his life?
He couldn’t count everything that happened in ‘84 for obvious reasons.
You noticed his hesitation and your eyes went wide.
“Unless you had other plans or someplace to be? I’ve already taken up enough of your time—“
“No!” He shouted and then backtracked to be a little softer. “I…no, there’s nothing else I have to do today. I’m…I’m all yours sweetheart.”
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The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
And it truly was the rest of the day that you spent together.
It was almost too good to be true.
Eddie acted as chauffeur and self-proclaimed tour guide of Hawkins. He pointed out specific landmarks you'd need to know as he passed them: the town center, the grocery store, the post office.
"In case you want to send letters home or anything." He glanced your way slyly, hoping to maybe get some excited response about your friends back home, but you hummed noncommittally and turned your attention to the radio instead.
The rest of the ride to Benny's was spent swatting at each other's hands and bickering as you discussed music. When he mentioned that he had a band, you were awestruck, and Eddie's chest puffed with pride.
"Ok," you nodded appreciatively. "I see it now. The whole alt. metal wannabe rockstar thing. It suits you."
"You're gonna take back the whole wannabe rockstar thing when I write a song about you and it's a chart-topper," he teased.
"What's it gonna be about? My loser neighbor crashed her car, she held me hostage at the...dine-ar." You winced at the bad rhyme, but Eddie thought it was adorable. "Obviously I'm no Shakespeare. Please don't consider that my interview to be your songwriter."
You'd surprised Eddie by ordering an omelet instead of your usual, so Eddie, quick on his feet, ordered your usual instead and surprised you.
"Are you a mind reader? I always get that," you confessed. "I was just so tired last night, I figured I needed something a little more substantial."
Once the food arrived, though, you stared longingly at Eddie's strawberry and whipped cream covered pancakes. He took mercy on you and slid his plate to the middle of the table so you could take a few bites. You mirrored him with your own plate and he snagged a couple of bites of eggy, hammy, cheesy goodness.
You butt heads good-naturedly when it came time to dress up the plate of hash browns that came with your omelet. You wanted to keep it simple with salt and pepper, while he wanted them doused in ketchup. Back and forth, your forks clinked against each other's chosen condiment, over and over, until it was a veritable sword fight over the side dish.
"Stop it Eddie! They're so nice and crispy, don't ruin them."
"It won't ruin them. What are you saying right now? That you just don't like ketchup? You're breaking my heart."
"Some things are meant to be enjoyed in their pure and undisturbed state. Keep your filthy tomato goop away from my potatoes!"
The two of you laughed all the while, and Eddie swore it was the most fun he had outside of Hellfire in...quite some time.
Benny, who was also amused by your antics but not enough to listen to it for the rest of the morning, decided enough was enough and brought another plate of hash browns, "on the house if it'll prevent a food fight," before he retreated back to the kitchen.
The trip to Thatcher Tires was quick, and then the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon outside of your trailer again, chatting away as Eddie changed your oil. You sat on your stoop and doodled in your sketchbook as he regaled you with stories of his friends and his favorite haunts around Hawkins.
Granny had come out at one point to say hello and promised a welcome-to-the-park casserole, but after she left you noticed how he'd gotten a little sad and asked him what was wrong.
Eddie told you about Ronnie then, how much he missed her. How it was like missing a whole...bite had been taken out of his side when she finally left for college.
It felt like the easiest thing in the world--telling you everything and having you listen--because he'd already done it before, so many times. Only now, you were able to respond; he could look over and see you smile or laugh at one anecdote or another. Or offer some advice about your own friends who you missed. You didn't even judge him when he mentioned he was on his second repeat senior year; you just told him about your own story as an almost-drop-out.
You understood. You saw him. Just like he knew you would.
At some point late in the afternoon, as the sky began to take pink and orange hues and people started coming home from work, Eddie reluctantly called an end to your day together.
"I took up all of your time," he admitted bashfully, hands shoved in his pockets. "I'm sure you have a million things to take care of."
"I mean yeah," you shrugged. "But one day won't hurt. And it was a really good day."
"It was."
"Thanks for everything Eds." You immediately made a face and he laughed. "Eds? No. Ed...Eddie. God, sorry, I hate the whole figuring-out-the-nickname thing. So weird. Thanks for everthing Eddie."
"Yeah don't mention it," he chuckled.
It was a real midwest goodbye as you loitered at the bottom of your steps, prolonging both of your departures. A promise to bring over that tape he said he'd let you borrow, or to come share in Granny's proffered casserole when you finally received it.
Then finally, when you were practically in the door of your trailer, you turned around and stared at him, worrying your lip with your teeth as you often did.
"You know, I wasn't the valedictorian or anything, that's my best friend Sam," you shuffled your feet and paused for a minute. "But if you ever need help with homework or anything..."
"Yeah," he agreed a little too quickly, eager to get more time with you. "No, yeah...that sounds...great."
"I'm pretty good at history," you went on. "I have a crazy memory, you wouldn't even realize."
"No that sounds great, I'm, uh...failing history right now, actually," he admitted.
"Perfect! You know where to find me."
"It's a dat--study session!" He caught himself quickly, but not quick enough. He felt the heat building in his cheeks as you covered your mouth in a giggle. "Ignore me. Ignore that. I'm just gonna go...yeah."
And then, it was like in the movies. The angels were singing, birds chirping, the slowly dying sun beamed brightly on you as you opened your mouth and said:
"It can be a date if you want it to be. I had a lot of fun today, so I, uh, think that would be pretty great actually."
It was everything Eddie ever wanted, everything he ever dreamed.
A real date. With the real, very real, definitely not fictional girl of his dreams.
He smiled the biggest smile he ever had, big enough to rival a shark, that's how happy he was.
"It's a date, then."
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Next Chapter: Out of Character
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A night out with friends turns into a surprise welcome home party for the man who broke your heart, Eddie Munson.
Masterlist Listen to Scar Tissue Here
What to expect: Second Chance Romance set in 2012 Chicago, with flashbacks at the beginning of each chapter.  Eddie and Steve are in their 30s. Fem!Reader is given a pet name from each of the guys. No other name mentioned. No use of Y/N. No physical description. Reader does have a bit of personality, as I find it nearly impossible to keep her blank for such a long fic. You may find yourself at times making choices that you wouldn't normally make, but I hope you can put that aside and enjoy the ride. Sensitive Content. 18+ Guaranteed happy ending. This is my love letter to Eddie Munson.
WC:5162. Beta'd by @superblysubpar
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“Have a good day,” your mother calls out as you shut the front door to the gray clapboard-sided home that your parents had fallen in love with the moment they laid eyes on it. You hadn’t even gotten past the front steps before she appears in the doorway, pulling her purple terry-cloth robe tighter around her shoulders as she calls you back. “You don’t have to come right home after school,” she tells you, pressing a few folded bills into your hand, “Go out with your friends. Have some fun.”
“Thanks, Mom.” You muster up a smile, shoving the bills into the front pocket of your Levi's, certain they will end up in the ceramic pink elephant bank that sits atop your dresser, just like the money she gave you last week. She watches you walk down the steps, giving you a wave before she turns away, shutting the door behind her. 
She tries her best, but she doesn't understand that friendships in the seventh grade aren't made as easily as they were in kindergarten, and you can't tell her that in the six weeks you've been enrolled at Hawkins Middle School, not a soul has spoken to you unless asked to by a teacher. 
This was the life that your parents had chosen, a career that demanded constant relocation and upheaval. "It's an adventure," they'd tell you as your things were being packed into boxes. But the older you got, it felt less like an adventure and more like a test. A test to prove yourself over and over. There’s a phrase your mom has uttered so often over the years, that it's surprising it's not embroidered on the throw pillows. Bloom where you're planted. But here, in this town, you're only a weed in the garden.
Hawkins isn't any worse or better than any of the other ten places you've lived in the last seven years, but these kids have been together since birth and aren't eager to welcome newcomers into the flock. Pouring your efforts into being confident and friendly, projecting a cool and unbothered facade, the constant exposure has left you empty. The mask is too heavy, and you’ve been wearing it far too long. If this were one of the comics you kept in the box under your bed, you'd be discovering your superpower–Invisibility. They don't see you here, and maybe they never would. 
The edges of folded bills in your pocket press into the meat of your thigh. Adding them to your total should give you enough for the new Elastica CD.  With a bit of luck, you might be able to talk your dad into driving you to Tower Records in Indianapolis this weekend. A few houses away, the battered front door of a small yellow cape opens with a click and thud, drawing your attention. The house was more run-down than the others on this street. The grass was left to grow a little longer before being mowed, and a few nights a week, you could hear the yelling coming from inside before seeing the slow flash of lights of a cruiser parked in front. 
A boy with curly shoulder-length hair bounds out from inside the house, slinging on his worn backpack as he hits the sidewalk.
Right on time this morning. 
The scuff of your white Doc Martens falls in step with the crunch of his black Converse hitting the pavement. The chain running from his back pocket to his hip sways with his movements. It’s more of a determined bounce than a walk. Your eyes stay trained on the frayed holes of his Jansport, corners of textbooks and papers pushing through. You keep waiting for physics to kick in and the thing to give way entirely.
“Quit following me.” 
His voice floats over his shoulder, shattering the quiet of the morning. Your head swivels from side to side, looking for whoever he is speaking to. His body turns until he’s walking backward, both hands gripping the straps of his backpack, casting his expectant brown eyes on you. 
“Me?” You ask, touching your chipped painted fingernails to your chest.
“You’ve been following me for weeks, and it’s creepy.”
“I’m not following you,” you say incredulously, “We’re just going to the same place.”
“Well, walk on the other side of the street or something,” he says, turning back around, continuing on his way like he assumes you’ll comply.
Your defiance comes out flat and solid, drawing a line, sick of him and this whole town.
“Yes,” the word comes back without a glance, utterly unbothered by your show of determination.
“No,” you repeat louder, your eyebrows pulling together in a scowl, “If you don’t like it, you walk over there.”
“I was here first.”
“Seriously?” The anger in your chest turns to heat, rising up your neck and settling in your face. Your mouth opens, ready to unleash the venom sitting on the tip of your tongue when he stops walking.
“Might as well walk beside me then.”
Surprise melts the words in your mouth as your feet carry you forward until you’re close enough to see the freckles covering his nose. His eyes stay forward as his stride lines up with yours, moving forward at a more relaxed pace. A light breeze rustles the leaves of the Maples lining the street. The sound of your footsteps is interrupted by the occasional passing car. 
“You’re in seventh, right? You got Schnider?” He asks, his eyes darting to your face.
“Yeah.” You nod, looking down at your boots.
"Bad luck. She's a real bitch. I had her last year."
Answering with a shrug, you risk a look back at him. Long eyelashes framing big doe eyes, a sweet face he tries to hide with a hard shell. He wears a mask, too. 
Your brain’s on overload for the rest of the day—thoughts of the boy coloring away the hours like a secret, overanalyzing every bit of your interaction. When the shrill sound of the final bell rings, you join the current of students, gathering your belongings and exiting the building in a wave.
The fresh air is a welcome escape from the stuffy classroom as you cross behind the school past the football field, heading toward the path through the woods where the boy is lingering just beyond the gate, digging through his pack but coming up with nothing like maybe he had been waiting. Without a word, he falls into step beside you. When you look at him, this time, he meets your eyes. The sunlight flickers through the swaying leaves as your footsteps resonate through the trees as you continue together.
"I guess I'll see you tomorrow," his voice cuts the quiet air when you reach the front steps of his house, his tone revealing a hint of uncertainty. 
"I'll be headed the same way," you answer.
He turns away from you, pausing with his foot on the top step, looking up at his house before looking back at you. 
"I'm Eddie, by the way," he offers, his cheeks pinking at the vulnerability his words carry.
"I know," you respond, a small smile gracing your lips as you continue home.
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"Shit. Shit. Shit," you mutter, tucking your phone into your clutch and bolting up the marble steps to the second floor of the Kimpton Grey Hotel. Composing yourself as you pass through the lobby and open the double doors into Vol.39. The bar exudes timeless elegance with its dim, warm light shining on the dark-wood accents. Vintage jazz playing through hidden speakers, sounding like smoke and liquor. Everything here is steeped in leather, old money, and sophistication. It's no surprise that Nancy chose it. 
"You're late," Nancy says flatly, no amusement in the blue eyes framed by the blunt cut of her black, sleek hair as she glances at her watch with disapproval.
"Sorry." You slide into the open seat on the tufted couch across from her, adjusting the material of your dark emerald midi skirt so the slit wouldn't be showing off too much thigh, "There was traffic." It definitely wasn’t the extra half hour you spent with your feet up on your desk at Stax listening to the new release from Band of Horses.
"This is Chicago. There's always traffic," she counters, keeping her voice low enough that it doesn't travel past the lit bookshelves lined with leather-bound encyclopedias framing the seating area that your friends are currently occupying. "That's why I gave you a time a week ago. So you could plan ahead."
"She’s in a mood," Argyle says from the corner of his mouth, his hair falling around him like a curtain as he leans closer from the velvet upholstered club chair beside you. 
"Where's Steve?" Nancy demands, setting down her crystal tumbler on the gray marble table in the center of the space.
"He's not here?" you ask, scanning the bar. "It was Robin’s turn to watch him."
"Me?" Robin exhales from the other end of the couch she shares with Nancy.
"You're his best friend," you point out with a quirk of your brow.
"Yeah, but you're his–"
"I don't know why I bother to organize nights out for all of us if no one is going to be on time," Nancy cuts off Robin, huffing as she crosses her slender arms over her chest.
"It will be fine, Nance," Johnathan reassures, coming back from the bar carrying a flight of martinis he sets down in the center of the table. "Just relax. Everyone's going to be here in plenty of time." He takes the seat beside her, comforting her with his arm around her shoulder. 
Nancy and Johnathan have been on again-off again since she left Hawkins for school in Boston. Rekindling their relationship when she moved to Chicago and accepted a position at Spectrum Media, where she still works as their vice-president of content strategy. 
"Plenty of time for what?" You ask, leaning forward to choose a martini, picking the Astoria with a knot of lemon. 
"There's a mystery guest," Robin says, wriggling her brows and hooking her thumb towards Nancy. “Full of surprises, isn't she?”
"Where's Flora tonight?" You ask Robin, noticing she is without an escort. 
"Flora?" She asks, picking up a drink for herself, "That was over a week ago." She dismisses her with a wave of the hand before running it through her wavy blonde streaked locks, "Sadly, she left for a goat herding commune in Sacramento. I've been seeing someone new, a painter named Taylor. She's on exhibit at Magnolia. Her florals are really dreamy." She bites an olive off the end of her toothpick, sighing. 
Smiling around the lip of your glass, you shake your head. Robin works as an exhibit coordinator for Magnolia Gallery in Wicker Park, falling in and out of love with artists as quickly as she sells their pieces. You give her credit, she's having fun. 
"Did you text him?" Nancy asks, her lips twisting with impatience. The tense clench of her jaw has you setting down your drink and reaching for your clutch with no arguments. "Do you know how hard it was to get this reservation?"
"Then why are we here?" Argyle complains, gesturing around the room while he slumps back in his chair, swirling the amber liquid in his glass with the other. "You know I own like six bars, right? No reservations required."
"But then you'd be working," Nancy explains, as Argyle smoothes out his handlebar mustache.
"I'm always working, babe," Argyle says with a smirk, looking the part of a restaurateur and music promoter in his shiny flat-front trousers and short-sleeved silk shirt. 
Argyle is a new friend - meaning not from Hawkins. The California transplant, whose family owns a chain of successful pizza restaurants, has breathed new life into the Chicago music scene. Booking up-and-coming acts as well as big names into his bars and venues all across the city. He's a good friend to have, especially in your line of work–a music journalist for Stax the city's premiere music, arts, and culture magazine.
“He’s on his way,” you inform them, setting your phone face down on the table before settling back on the couch.
“On his way or leaving now?” Nancy shakes her head, knowing with Steve it’s probably the latter. “Why didn’t you ride with him?” She asks, turning toward Jonathan.
“I wasn’t in the office today. I was on a shoot,” he says, pulling his arm away from her and setting his drink down harder than necessary, his patience with her at an end. 
Jonathan, like you and Steve, works for the conglomerate Second City Media. Nancy likes to think that she permits the three of you to work for her competitor, but Steve had already gotten his foot in the door, securing himself an entry-level position at Metro Sports division before she was even out of grad school. Jonathan had been doing alright freelancing as a photographer, but when Nancy started at Spectrum, Second City recognized their competitor would wind up with an edge and hired him on as full-time staff. Everyone knows it's better for their relationship not to be working in the same place, especially with Nancy as his boss.
“Give us some clues about this mystery guest,” Robin interjects to lower the temperature between the couple, which is ready to boil over.
"Okay, I'm here." Steve comes from behind you, his voice alerting you to his arrival before you see him. His tie is already missing, the first three buttons of his starched shirt undone beneath his midnight blue suit, and his hair tousled from a day of running his hands through.
"Really, Steve? You couldn't be on time just this once?" Nancy scolds him, rolling her eyes.
"Meeting ran late. You know how it is," he leans down to kiss her cheek,"Or maybe you don't. I heard things are a bit slow over there at Spectrum," he teases, earning a smirk from Johnathan. 
Steve worked his way up from the sports division to chief content officer for Second City Media. The position puts him just shy of the power Nancy holds at Spectrum, fueling the pair's competitive and ambitious nature until their bickering often drives everyone else crazy.
"Steve," Robin draws his attention before Nancy gets the chance to respond, "About tomorrow–"
"Just a minute, Robin. I haven't gotten to kiss my beautiful wife hello." He steps over Argyle's legs and gives the man a quick handshake in greeting before sitting next to you on the sofa.
"I'm not your wife yet, handsome," you tell him as his strong hands cup your cheeks, tipping your head up toward him. 
"But it sounds good, doesn't it?" He asks before soft lips close over yours, his thumb pressing on your chin, asking for access to deepen the kiss beyond the line that's appropriate in front of company. 
"Niiiice," Argyle hums as the others snicker. Steve takes a hand off your cheek, holding it in front of you to block some of their views as his mouth moves hotly over yours. 
"God, you two are sickening," Nancy's remark is probably accompanied by an eye roll, but you're too occupied to notice as you tighten your grip on the front of Steve's shirt, drawing him nearer.
Four of his fingers curl down, giving Nance a one-fingered message as he continues to kiss you until he's had his fill. Breaking away with a gentle peck. "How was your day today, Ace? Did you write me a Pulitzer?" 
"You ask me that every day."
Despite teasing you, he wouldn't be surprised if you had what it takes. That's how much he believes in you. He takes your hand, bringing your knuckles to his lips to place a kiss next to the glittering diamond he put on your hand a little over two years ago. 
"Excuse you." Robin climbs over Argyle's legs that are still stretched out in front of him, taking up all the space between the chairs and the table, and walks over to the couch, squeezing her way onto the sofa between you and Steve, "Best friend privileges." She winks before launching into a conversation about the next exhibit she's putting together.
"You two crazy kids set a date yet?" Argyle asks at a volume higher than you'd prefer. Raising your index finger to your lips, eyebrows drawing together as your eyes flick over to Steve.
"I'm just making sure my invite didn't get lost in the mail," he says, sipping his drink. "I love weddings, man—all those tiny little versions of regular-sized food. Maybe I should open a restaurant like that, where everything is tiny. Tiny little kebabs and tiki drinks with tiny little umbrellas. I don't know what's taking you so long. You need to make an honest man out of him." His voice grows louder at the end of his sentence, earning him another look from you, a distraction that diverts Steve's attention from his conversation.
The waitress chooses that moment to appear, saving you from another conversation about setting a wedding date. It's not that you don't want to marry him–you do. Someday. Decisiveness has never been your strong suit, along with dressing up in big puffy dresses that look like frosting and being on display for everyone you have ever known and their plus ones. 
While Steve squints down at the drink menu, fondness warms you like the opening notes of your favorite song. Reaching across Robin, you tap his chest. He looks over at you as he pulls a pair of glasses from his breast pocket and slides them on his nose.
Your lips move without sound–I love you.
You too, he mouths back. His mossy eyes softening as he smiles just for you. 
You're happy. Why change a thing?
“I’ll have an old-fashioned. Top shelf. Please,” Steve tells the waitress after she had gone around taking orders for small plates to share and more cocktails from the others. “Another Martini?” He raises his eyebrows at you.
“Yes, please. An Astoria,” you tell her as she finishes scribbling everything down on her pad and heads off toward the bar to put in your orders. 
“The ladies?” You tip your head at Robin, who nods, getting up to follow you. Steve squeezes your hand as you walk by as he continues his conversation with Nancy about the effectiveness of paywalls on digital content.
“God, she’s in rare form,” Robin comments as you enter the empty ladies' room, each of you closing yourself into a stall.
“Are she and Jonathan fighting again?” You ask once you’ve finished up and moved to the sink to wash your hands. The echo of your voices bouncing off the black and white hexagon tiles.
“When aren’t they fighting?” She pulls a few paper towels from the machine bolted to the wall and drys her hands. “It’s like foreplay for them at this point.”
You laugh, checking under your eyes for make-up smears. “Any ideas about this mystery guest?”
“No idea.” She tugs the brass handle of the door open, and you follow her back into the bar. “Maybe her brother?” 
“That would be nice,” you say, your boot heels tapping on the dark chevron floors, “He just got married, right?”
“So young, practically still a baby,” she tuts, her head shaking from side to side.
“Robin, he’s not that-”
Robin's hand clamps onto your forearm, a squeal escaping her mouth as excitement radiates through her. She bounces on her toes, leaving you in her wake. Whoever elicited such a reaction is being blocked by Steve and Jonathan. When she gracefully maneuvers past them, you catch a fleeting glimpse of dark curls before the two men shift back into place, obscuring your view once more. The clinking of glasses and chatter from the other patrons swells in your ears. Your feet carry you forward, curiosity resonating like the reverb of a guitar. Steve feels you coming up behind him and shifts to the side. Without warning, rich chocolate eyes are locked onto yours. Eyes you haven’t seen in eleven years when he left you a mixtape instead of a goodbye. The eyes of the man that shattered your heart into so many pieces, all the edges are still sharp. 
“Hey, doll.”
The breath trapped in your lungs forms a suffocating bubble, its dull, aching pressure stifling any movement in or out, causing your body to lock in protest. You're tugged forward, unable to fight it, until your body collides with his. The faint but familiar scent of him embraces you, lingering beneath the spicy notes of expensive cologne. Triggering a flood of a hundred painful memories, like songs you’ve overplayed and can’t bear to hear again. They jar your instincts into overriding the shock, compelling you to push him away. Eddie's solid frame absorbs the force. To your relief, the others haven't noticed as you retreat to your seat. Your trembling hand raises your martini to your lips, taking larger swallows than you normally would, but nothing with this situation is normal. 
"Desperate times," you mutter under your breath, tipping back your glass. By the time everyone has settled back into their seats, your martini glass stands drained, the lingering taste of its contents  bittersweet on your tongue.
Steve directs the waitress to bring another drink for you and a double Mescal for Eddie. The others' voices are a distant buzz in your ears, but their words don't breach the barrier of your thoughts. The chords playing in your mind are more discernible now. Their lyrics printed onto the faded photographs of a boy that you struggle to reconcile as the man before you. He's older, but you are too. His long hair is much shorter, the dark curls a richer brown pushed away from his face. A few lines grace the corners of his eyes and forehead–a reminder of the life he's lived without you. 
Steve's comforting hand wraps around your shoulders while the other finds a home sliding between the soft skin where your legs are crossed, exposed by the high slit of your skirt. Eddie's eyes are on you, his stare focused on Steve's big hand covering half your thigh. Your left hand moves on top of Steve's, adjusting to make sure the sparkling rock on your finger gleams with brilliance in the soft, ambient light.
"Well, this is a blast from the past," Robin notes, her voice full of whimsy as she dangles her cocktail glass between two fingers, swaying it gently like a pendulum.
"Aren't you all glad I forced you to come out?" Nancy quips, much more relaxed now that her plan has come to fruition.
"You did good, love," Johnathan murmurs. His fingers tangling with hers before giving her a quick peck. 
"Absolutely. I wouldn't have wanted to miss this," Steve agrees, "How long has it been, dude? Three, four years?"
"Yeah, I think that was the last time you were in L.A." Eddie scratches at his chin, covered with just enough scruff to almost be a beard. 
Steve keeps in touch with Eddie? Had he told you when you hadn't been paying attention to him, your mind wandering with the words you would write for other people's songs?
"Now, I know that I told you only old friends," Nancy says, angling herself towards the plaid upholstered chair that Eddie occupies. "But Argyle knows all the local talent, and I thought he'd be a good connection to have since you're moving here."
"What?" You ask, as if a sudden vacuum has just sucked the air from the room.
"You're moving here?" Robin's eyes light up with excitement at the prospect of all her friends in the same city. She was the original connection that brought you together all those years ago. 
"When you say here. You mean Hawkins, right? You're moving back to Hawkins," you clarify.
"No. I mean here. I'm moving to Chicago," Eddie says, leaning back into his chair, his long legs spread in his tailored black suit, the black v-neck underneath giving off a laid-back California vibe. "I told those corporate studio fucks I was done. I'm opening my own place to record music that's actually good, not just the kind that will sell. I'm surprised you don't know all this, doll. Isn't it supposed to be your job or something?"
"Why Chicago?" Jonathan asks, cutting you off before you let loose a very appropriate response to his question, "Why not stay in L.A. or New York. Aren't there music scenes bigger than here?"
Eddie tips his head to the side, his fingers tracing the rim of his glass. "You know, L.A.'s lost its charm for me. Too many fake people made out of plastic. And, well, Wayne's not getting any younger. Thought it's about time to be closer, you know?"
“You'd be much closer in Hawkins. Bet you could find a place downtown real cheap. You should go look there.” You cross your arms over your chest, drawing a line in the sand. 
“Hawkins doesn’t really scream rock ‘n’ roll, and I already got a place, but thanks,” he says, unconcerned as ever by your tone.
“Look at you two,” Robin says, clapping her hands, “Just like old times, back to your usual banter." Her mischievous grin widens, "Remember when she had that massive crush on you, Eddie? You’d stroll into Musicland during our shift, and she’d follow you around with those big heart eyes.”
Your ears ring as heat rushes up to your neck to your cheeks,the whole world spinning. Eddie looks down, swirling the remnants of gold liquid in his crystal-cut glass.
“You’re exaggerating, Robin,” you sputter, reaching for your drink, hiding behind the lip of the glass, “We were just friends. And it couldn’t have been too major. I don’t even remember it.”
“Oh, come on,” she protests, “Everybody knew.”
"I didn't," Steve's voice cuts through her teasing, leaving an awkward stillness in its wake. The distant sounds of high-pitched laughter and the faint scrape of utensils against plates fill the void. Your friends exchange uncomfortable glances, even though there was no malice in his tone.
“Hey, it’s no big deal, though,” his smile puts everyone at ease. “Right, Ace?” His head dips, brushing your lips in confirmation. You nod as he continues, “Robin, remember when we both went on dates with the same girl. What was her name? Brenda.” His fingers snap with the recollection.
“That’s right, Brenda! Brenda Mackenzie!” Robin laughs and begins to regale the group with the story.
When you lift your eyes, Eddie’s stare remains fixed on you, amusement replaced with an intensity you can’t read. An unfinished sentence or lyric. Words hanging between you like a question that you can't answer—one that you don’t want to.
“I’m going for another drink,” you say to Steve, picking up your empty glass. 
“Do you want me to come with you?” He asks, brows drawing together.
“No, I’m okay,” you tell him with a plastered-on smile, “You want anything?”
He shakes his head no. “I let my car service go early. I’ll drive us home in your car.”
With gentle fingers, you sweep aside a stray lock of hair that's draped across his forehead, planting a tender kiss on his lips before making your way to the bar. 
There is a soft creak of the leather as you seat yourself on a high stool in front of the polished wood bar. A bartender with an easy smile takes your order and leaves, giving you a much needed moment alone. Your lungs expand and contract without releasing any tension. You study your reflection in the mirror behind the rows of brightly lit bottles. If you could rewind the tape to a few hours ago, you'd have happily stayed in your office. Calling Nancy tomorrow to grovel for forgiveness for messing up her plans. But you can’t and the song plays on. It’s always the music that hurts the worst.
You release an audible sigh, your breath escaping through parted lips, as he settles onto the stool beside you. With a casual tap of his rings against the bar, he signals for the bartender, raising a single finger, his tongue peeks out, grazing his bottom lip as he gestures toward his empty glass.
"What’s the matter, doll? You really that unhappy to see me?" Eddie drawls, a half-smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"It’s been eleven years, Eddie. Sorry I’m not organizing a parade." You settle back into your seat, glancing around as if you're bored.
The bartender lowers his eyes as they deliver your drinks and wisely retreats to the far end of the establishment.
"I didn’t come here to fight," Eddie replies, his tone softening. He shifts his weight slightly on the stool, one arm resting casually on the counter, the glint of a gold chain around his neck catching the dim light.
"Then why are you here?" Your eyes narrow as your fingers trace the condensation on the side of the full glass.
"A fresh start. To build something of my own." He looks at you with determination, his dark eyes reflecting the soft glow of the bar lights.
"Then build it somewhere else," you respond curtly, your words laced with frustration. You pick up your drink and down half of it in one go, the chilled liquid leaving a slight burn as it slides down your throat. Setting the glass back down, you turn to leave.
He stops you with a gentle hand wrapping around your wrist, his touch causing your pulse to quicken beneath his fingertips. "There are some things I want to say to you. Let me take you to lunch unless Harrington has got you on too short of a leash."
You pull your wrist back, the feel of his touch lingering like smoke in the air. "Whatever you have to say has waited this long, try again in another decade. Unless you're dying."
"Would it make a difference if I was?" He meets your gaze with amusement playing on his lips.
"Let me think about it… nope." Your reply is quick and sharp, meant to cut.
"I know you're mad–" 
"No. Mad would imply some kind of emotional attachment. What I feel is indifference. In case you don't know the definition, that means nothing at all." Your voice stays cool and detached as you hop off the stool. "It's a big city, Eddie. There's no reason we have to see each other again." 
"We'll have to see about that," he smirks. 
"Have a nice life," you say a final goodbye to your past and turn away, walking in the direction of Steve when he stops you with one more question.
"Did you listen to it? The tape, did you ever listen?" 
The lie comes without hesitation. 
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Read Song 2. here
AN: I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it. If you have a song that you think Eddie would have recorded on the mixtape send it to me in an ask and it might be included. Anything before 2001. I'd love to hear from you. Comments and Reblogs are always appreciated.
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blippymilk · 9 months
Big Brother Veneer x Little Sister Reader
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❥ Definitely your biggest supporter and hater at the same time (normal brother behavior)
❥ Although you wouldn’t consider having Veneer as a sibling a “normal” experience
❥ At all.
❥ He had very mixed feelings about you for the first few months of your life
❥ He knew he wasn’t the baby of the family anymore according to Velvet (and dude loves attention soooo)
❥ He thinks your cute but thinks he’s cuter
❥ May or may not have tried to plot with Velvet on how to get a stork to come by and take you back to where you came from (he was pure ok)
❥ For the record Velvet did not agree (she wants Veneer to experience what happened to her too)
❥ The second he learned to love you, you were his favorite person ever.
❥ Your parents stopped worrying about you when they couldn’t find you because they knew Veneer always had you
❥ When he first tried singing he would take you to his room, grab his microphone, and sing to you. And when you clapped for him with your little hands he felt so pleased
❥ As you became a bit older Veneer turned into your biggest cheerleader
❥ He always woke up before anyone else in the house to feed you or warm your milk when you were fussy
❥ He was there when you took your first step
❥ He was there cheering you on when you said your first word
❥ He was there when you took a bite of your first solid food
❥ Whatever the occasion you name it
❥ As you got a little older your parents tended to notice you had a lot more personality than they expected
❥ And it was sort of like Veneer’s (and a little of Velvet)
❥ Veneer loved that for you
❥ You were a pretty stand your ground kid, with a little sass
❥ Veneer risked being late on his first day back at school to see your first day in kindergarten
❥ Gave you as many words of advice as he could
“You go in there and show them who’s boss. And let me know if anyone tries to mess with you, I’ll deal with them.”
❥ Veneer got smacked a little by his mom for the last sentence but he still stood by his word
❥ He was so happy for you later on when you came home excited
❥ Getting a little older and mature (around 5th grade) Veneer was basically your partner in crime
❥ Something was always happening under your household and it always landed back on you two
❥ Veneer’s the type of brother to know his parents will say no so he’ll send his younger sibling to ask
❥ One time Veneer encouraged you to watch a scary movie with him while the adults were away. You agreed and Velvet did not want to be apart of it.
❥ So by time your parents got back and it was lights out, you were shaking in your bed
❥ You ended up running to your parents to tell and you thought Veneer would be mad at you just for them to find him shaking in his bed too
❥ You both got grounded for a week
❥ When you made it to middle school Veneer noticed your energy shifting a little bit
❥ He knew there was a lot that could be happening to you in middle school because he hated middle school
❥ It could be teachers, students, homework, guys/girl problems, bullies, etc.
❥ So he convinced you to come to him whenever you needed to spill
❥ And you did
❥ Veneer definitely helped you with your fashion sense
❥ …Veneer when you get into your first relationship…😟
❥ Not exactly smooth sailing
❥ That’s why you tried to hide it at first
❥ Just so you know it did not work out and Veneer felt almost offended 😭
❥ Ends up getting along with them really well (if he likes their persona)
❥ But when it’s time for your first breakup he’s along with you every step of the way
“I never liked them anyways to be honest. You deserve way better.”
❥ Will definitely go with you to a school dance if no one else wants to
❥ And if you’re not into school dances yall are going somewhere fun like a movie, or a trampoline park
❥ Your brother Veneer who supports you reguardless of what you want to do in the future (he won’t ever let you be a lazy bum though)
❥ He cried when you started highschool
❥ If you both are in highschool together he’s your “bodyguard”
❥ Please don’t let him find out anybody is messing with you
❥ Likes to see what outfits you come up with on your own and he adores the way you dress
❥ His love for you never changes
❥ Veneer is overall just the best brother you could ask for
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jungle-angel · 1 year
The Little Bookworm (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob can't get enough of your kids being obsessed with books
It was the gloomiest of fall days with the skies over Montana having gone darker than expected, almost as if night were setting in at lunchtime.
Auggie had been perched on the little bay window seat in the living room, the rain battering the diamond paned windows while the woodstove in the living room made the house warm and cozy. Bob didn't particularly like having the tv on all day, but The Nightmare Before Christmas seemed like the perfect background noise on a day like this and with Halloween fast approaching, it made it even better.
Bob smiled a little seeing his little mini-me completely engrossed in one of the books you had gotten him. Auggie had always loved pulling books from the shelf, no matter how big or how small they were and loved making up his own stories to tell you, Bob and the rest of the family.
"Auggie, come and eat," Bob called from the kitchen.
Auggie giggled and shut his book, running right for the kitchen and seating himself into his chair. Bob had definitely outdone himself this time, grilled cheese with bacon, a side of kettle cooked potato chips and a kosher dill pickle on the side.
"Whatcha reading buddy?" Bob asked him.
"Um.....I dunno," Auggie chirped with a big grin on his face before taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"You don't know?!" Bob questioned, pretending to be shocked.
"It's about these three guys and a bad guy who doesn't like them so they've gotta stop him," Auggie explained.
The more Auggie chattered, the more Bob couldn't control the broad smile on his face. The Three Musketeers had been one of his favorites growing up, one that his father had grown up reading as well. Now that Auggie was reading it, he was proud beyond words that his love of the book had been passed down to his son.
As soon as lunch was done, Bob took a look at Auggie's bookshelf and made a list of other books that he didn't have, noting that they would most likely be his Christmas gift that year. He made his way upstairs while Auggie scooted back to his little corner, hoping you were still up in your shared bedroom and sure enough, you were.
"Still working away Mrs. Floyd?" he asked, scooting in next to you.
"All I can do Bob," you told him.
You had been needle-felting all day as a movie played out on the tv that was mounted on the wall. Bob felt awful that you were on strict bedrest, but after the last ultrasound appointment, you both knew it was what you and your baby girl needed. Luckily Reagan and her husband, Elijah, lived close by in case anything came up, but it still made Bob nervous whenever you got up in the middle of the night to pee.
Yet he was in awe at the Halloween decorations you had made for Auggie's kindergarten class, little pumpkins that looked like fairy houses, witches in their pointed little hats and little brooms in their hands, fuzzy little bats with googly eyes and silly looking little spiders, black cats with slinky little tails, ghosts with their mouths wide open and even two little figures that turned out to be Jack and Sally and even a little Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
"Did you do all this while I was downstairs?" Bob asked, picking up the soft, fuzzy little figures.
"Yep," you answered proudly. "Kay told me that while the kids were outside playing in the yard, Auggie, Gabe, Nicky and Pete were all collecting sticks and wanted to bring them home. I figured I could use them to make a little Halloween tree."
Bob remembered having been a kid at that type of school and having had Kay's mother for his kindergarten teacher. They were wonderful days, learning how to make fresh bread and soup for lunch, playing with his friends, listening to stories and plenty of playing outside. Yet they had been tough too. Bob remembered some days when his father had gotten a deployment notice. He would hide out in a corner of the classroom and cry until Kay's mother had to gently coax him out. Bob had made damn sure that Auggie, Patrick and any other children you might have, would never have to go through that when they started school. But luckily, Bob and the rest of the Daggers had been fully and honorably discharged by the time Patrick had been born.
"You've gotta teach me how to do this because I'm curious now," Bob chuckled.
"Believe me I will," you told him. "I need a partner so I can keep from getting bored."
Up the stairs came those familiar little feet you heard running through the house day after day on the weekends. "Daddy, Daddy," Auggie chirped again. "Can you read to me?"
"C'mere buddy," Bob said, lifting him up into the bed with his book and putting him between you both.
You rode out the rest of the rainy afternoon, reading The Three Musketeers and the adventures they had lived. Auggie was practically jumping with excitement whenever Bob read the swordfight scenes, the both of you happy and proud that he was your little bookworm.
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jeanvaljeancheri · 9 months
Here are my two favourite jerejean fics as well as other favourites of mine, all in no particular order!
My two all time fav jerejean fics
Chasing the Night to See the Stars
Jean Moreau comes to the Trojans a broken man. The Trojans, for their part, decide that broken does not mean unlovable.
I have so much to say about this fic, I almost added screenshots of the notes I took while reading (seriously I genuinely had to hold myself back 😭)
Like coach Rhemann? The books? And Galaxy's watch? How am I ever supposed to move on from this.
Sixteen hours
started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this (affectionate)
Jean and Jeremy secretly start dating in their final year at USC.
I don't even know how to describe this fic. Their love is just so delicate and gentle and caring and soft and everything.
The ski trip actually owns my heart.
Other favs
A Little Illumination
Jean's a lonely firefighter, and Jeremy teaches kindergarten. Everyone learns something about themselves.
The Care and Keeping of Jean Moreau
Don’t panic. Call Kevin Day.
Jean has always been something of a black box. Whereas Riko Moriyama and Kevin Day spent so much of their childhoods at Evermore in the spotlight, the details of Jean Moreau’s personal life have been kept largely in the dark. In post-game interviews, he’s always blended into the monolith of Ravens standing behind Riko. But until Kevin called a couple weeks ago, you thought you at least had a general impression of Jean Moreau: an absolute nightmare of a backliner, with the ruthless ambition and arrogance expected of any Raven — especially one marked for Riko’s so-called Perfect Court.
The person waiting for you in baggage claim at LAX is like someone else entirely.
Do’s and don’ts for rehabilitating an ex-Raven, by Jeremy Knox.
love looks better in colour
"Colours, like features, follow the changes of the emotions."
Jeremy Knox is twelve years old when his soulmark appears. Nothing after that is easy.
a bicycle made for two (or three)
The other hindrance was due to the fact that Santa had been very generous this year, which left Jean standing on a patch of sidewalk he’d kicked clear himself, holding his four year old daughter’s hand and wondering how he was going to get all of their stuff plus the Pink Unicorn Princess Dream House up four flights of stairs without something breaking.
Golden State
"Yeah … about that …" Jean is glaring down at his phone like it is covered in slugs, lips curled downwards. "Kevin texted. He is bringing Neil Josten with him."
"What?" Jeremy blinks, taken aback. "Why?"
Jean shrugs, shoulders stiff. "He didn’t say. Just ..." he hands his phone over, opened to a thread of messages. The last one is from an hour earlier. Jean had asked about the time Kevin’s flight comes in, the answer is a curt
Saturday, 2.30pm. Neil is coming too.
Or, Two ex-Ravens, a Fox and a Trojan meet up for Vacation. They have a lot of things to work through, but maybe it will turn out better than they expect.
Becoming A Sugar Baby To The Husband Of My All-Time Favorite Exy Player?!??
Jeremy Knox, otherwise known as… Jean Moreau’s accidental sugar baby?
After sustaining an injury on the court, Jeremy opts to take a semester break to studying abroad in France. There, he’s taken under the wing of Jean Moreau, otherwise known as exy star Kevin Day’s best-kept secret: his husband.
Sooo this is actually kerejean but I couldn't resist adding it on :)
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bi-focal12 · 9 days
i feel like my writing has been on a steady decline lately, so pls enjoy this offering from a writing class that i took last spring (when i felt my writing was getting a lot better). it was one of the first, serious original writing pieces i worked on and i definitely leaned on bakugou katsuki's personality to help inform how i wrote Tony lol, but i was pleasantly surprised with the outcome!
i'd love to hear your thoughts (and if anyone's interested in beta-ing my i7 work, pls message me!)
it never got a title but i suppose ill call it...
In Ten Year's Time (1,737 words, original one-shot)
The bus was late.
Tony slumped further in his seat, trying to tune out the chattering next to him while the hard metal rungs of the bench dug further into his back. Tony didn't care if Maria's youngest child had finally started kindergarten or if the acne-ridden line cook sitting in between them was saving up to go to flight school. He did care that their conversation was making the words of his essay prompt swim on the page, 'night shift' and 'empty nest' burrowing an unwanted space between 'where do you see yourself in ten years?'.
Hopefully by then he'd be done waiting at this stupid bus stop.
Maria cackled loudly at something Acne Face had said and Tony took a deep breath through his nose, bouncing his left leg and focusing more intently on the notebook balanced on his right.
In ten years I will be, he wrote, pencil jerking when one of them- Maria, probably- began playing a video clip that started out like an air raid siren. Old people never knew how to fucking lower their volume in public. Tony didn't bother erasing the jagged line that streaked across his page or the one knitting his eyebrows together.
...in anger management, he finished wryly. Or jail.
Maria's shiny clump of necklaces caught the light as she leaned forward and Tony made the mistake of glancing up to investigate, caught in the headlights of her searching gaze while the large man in between them tried to respectfully shrink into nothingness.
"I'm sorry honey," she said apologetically, the remnant of a laugh still caught in her throat. "Are we being too loud?"
Tony grit his teeth against his instinctual, biting response. As much as she was getting on his nerves now, Maria was unbearably nice to him and always dropped off an apple pie during the holidays.
"A bit," he forced out, along with his best half-smile.
Her pleasant expression- endlessly patient while he searched his vocabulary for words that wouldn't sting- turned apologetic and Tony's stomach soured. "It's- it's whatever," he amended, turning away. "I was gonna wrap it up anyways. Bus should be here soon."
"Still," she said softly, followed by an awkward apology from the line cook that might have been the result of an expectant look from Maria. Tony couldn't be sure, eyes locked on an uninteresting pebble.
He rolled it around beneath the sole of his show for the five seconds it took for him to become bored, then kicked it and watched the rock skate clumsily over the curb and into the empty space beyond. Where the bus should be.
"Tory's not picking you up, today?" Maria continued pleasantly.
Tony shook his head, biting down a mean grin while imagining the way his mother's face would scrunch up at the nickname. "Nah."
"Well," Maria replied, the sigh and shifting fabric letting him know that she'd given up on eye contact, "might still be faster if she gets you from here."
"What?" Tony asked, turning his head only to be met with a pale, tattooed bicep. With a barely audible huff, he leaned forward to see around the line cook. "But the bus is supposed to come at four," he insisted.
The line cook chuckled and Tony scowled at him, unencumbered by apple-pie shaped shackles.
The man reigned himself in with an awkward cough. "I don't know where you heard that," he said, "but this bus never shows up earlier than five."
Tony stared at him, then Maria, then the line cook again. The man offered him a shrug.
"Five," Tony repeated blandly.
"Five," they agreed.
Tony clenched his fists, silently burying himself in his backpack to escape their sympathetic grimaces but he could still feel their eyes on the back of his neck like a rash. He rifled carelessly through notebooks and folders and textbooks, crumpling half of them in his wake before coming back up with a fresh sheet of paper and the stub of a pencil.
The stubs were harder to snap.
Tony chewed on the inside of his cheek and tuned out the tentative chatter starting up again on his right.
Where do you see yourself in ten years?
Tony scribbled his name on the top of the page, first and last. Then the date. Then the name of his homeroom teacher just for the hell of it, trying to at least look like he was busy and not avoiding the rest of the page.
"College applications, huh?" the line cook commented.
Tony's nostrils flared. Apparently he didn't look busy enough.
"Oh, Angelica had such an awful time with hers," Maria lamented. Tony had already chosen his prompt but he leaned further over his paper to write down the other two. "Something about who you'd want to have dinner with? Honestly, how a college can pick you based on your dinner guests makes no sense to me," she complained, huffing, "and if Mother Teresa isn't good enough for them then they're not good enough for my daughter."
The line cook whistled appreciatively, a bit of mirth slipping out in the shade of his voice. "You tell 'em."
Tony slowly uncurled from his hunched over position, not quite turning his head to face them.
"Angelica got rejected?"
"Mm," Maria agreed solemnly. "Three times." Then she shrugged, the bitterness alighting from her shoulders like birds on a wire. "But she'd happy where she is."
Tony tapped his pencil stub against his knee, retreating from the conversation once more.
Angelica was two years older than him and he only ever really saw her at church or the odd Christmas party but he knew for a fact she had ranked first in her year. Hell, he'd overheard her reciting her valedictorian speech instead of prayer during communion too many times to count.
Tony pulled out his phone, tapping until he found the right screen.
He held his breath.
S. Antonio, 42
And kept holding it, idly wishing that he could just pass out and not have to deal with college applications anymore. He imagined a puppet doctor in a crisp white lab coat saying, Sorry ma'am, turns out your kid's terminally ill and needs to be exempt from college applications. Bed rest only.
His little wooden limbs would jangle as he shrugged.
Then he imagined his puppet mother pointing in the doctor's face, demanding that they heal him because Tony wasn't allowed to die before becoming a doctor himself and the puppet doctor would droop like his strings had been cut and do as he was told because Tony's mother controlled the universe.
"Uh...hey, kid? Everything alright over there?"
Tony's head snapped up to the line cook, blinking away his daydream and the black spots while he heaved in a lungful of air as subtly as possible. "I'm fine," he spat on the exhale.
Tony's pencil stub lay on the ground between his feet, having slipped from his shaky hands. The sheet of paper, still mostly blank, lay plastered to his thigh.
"Essay that hard?" the line cook asked lightly, lips quirked up in a careful smile.
Tony sneered in the face of it, bristling. "No," he snapped. Heart pounding and lungs still trembling, Tony sat up straighter and gave the man a onceover. "I know damn well where I don't want to be in ten years."
The man's eyes widened but a chuckle was quick to follow. "On your way home to the love of your life after a good day at work?"
Tony's mouth fell open, letting loose a weak, "I-"
"Antonio!" his mother called, her sleek gray car pulling into the space in front of the bench. Right where the bus should be. "Get in, what're you waiting around for?"
Tony scrambled to shove his things back into his bag, staunchly avoiding eye contact and standing before he was finished, nearly tripping for his efforts. The back of his neck burned.
"Nice to see you, Tory," Maria called.
Victoria's mouth pursed, then smoothed out into what she probably thought was polite neutrality, fingers tapping the steering wheel at regular intervals. "You too," she said, voice so falsely sweet it could rot your teeth. Tony wondered if they could tell. "How's Angelica doing? I heard she moved back home?"
Tony paused, hand on the open frame of the passenger side door. His mother's interest might not have been genuine but Tony knew as soon as he was inside the car she'd be off without waiting for the answer. He stepped away to load his bag in the backseat, instead.
"She's happy," Maria replied, the serene smile audible in her voice. "Rediscovering her passions." Tony's mother offered a noncommittal hum, sharp eyes darting to her son's hesitating form. "And your children?" Maria inquired.
"Oh, they're wonderful," Tony's mother replied. "Brock's nearly finished with law school now. Columbia. And of course, Antonio here's getting ready to apply to all the best schools in the country." She smiled, polished teeth flashing. "A little doctor in the making."
Tony kept his eyes low as he slipped into the passenger seat and his mother hardly waited for the door to shut behind him before pulling away. For a few, long moments neither of them said anything, letting the quiet hum of the engine permeate the empty space the way other families listened to the radio. Tony's leg bounced silently.
"Maria's nice," he finally said, the statement hanging in the air like a reprimand.
His mother's grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Mhmm."
Tony rolled the words around behind his teeth, weighing the risks, before adding a careful, "So's her wife."
"Did I say anything unsavory?" his mother snapped. Tony shook his head, shifting in his seat to stare determinedly out the window, cursing his inability to disappear or turn back time or sew his mouth shut.
"Well?" she pressed.
Tony wished he hadn't said anything at all. "No."
"That's what I thought," she said shortly. Then she sighed. "I don't know why you always have to paint me as the villain, Antonio."
"Sorry," Tony muttered quietly.
In his head, he wrote, In ten years, I do not want to be like my mother.
In his head, he wrote, Maybe I'll sit on a bus bench with a friend after a good day of work and won't daydream about dying.
Maybe I won't even mind if the bus is late.
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theuniverseawakens347 · 4 months
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We’re of age.. so it’s not child porn now 🤷🏽‍♀️🖕🏽
1. Nigga we me n you met in 5th grade TCS, YOU FELL HARD, I was like “ooo a nigga at a white school I just came from the hood 🤷🏽‍♀️🖕🏽”
2. Astro camp 5th grade YOU PRESSURED ME TO KISS YOU .. I ain’t even lean in my nigga.. and YOU COOPED A BUTT FEEL W/ O PERMISSION, rape 🤷🏽‍♀️
7. MIDDLE SCHOOL TO ABOUT SOPHOMORE YR HIGH SCHOOL WE AINT REALLY TALK.. liked some photos here n there hit a few “hi how you doing” THATS IT .. i “missed” you simply bc I WENT TO A MOSTLY WHITE ALL GIRL SCHOOL.. IM A FUCKING TOMBOY, I ISED TO FIGHT YOU AND SAM EVERYDAY ON THE SCHOOL YARD .. but and idc for the energy of STUCK UP “I THINK IM BETTER THAN BC IM SHALLOW AS FUCK girls” Lee had me around ..
12. YOU BROUGHT ME MY NIGGA TRISTAN Jan/ Feb 2017 .. I was looking for a dealer and YOU TOLD HIM I WAS LOOKING FOR A HOOKUP / BOO.. no friend wasn’t on that Type of time, yet ( cut to fuck ass Daniel Gonzales FROM CSUN.. talking like March - JUN then dating ..while he hoing ThANKS TO LEE GARLINGTON WEIRDO SEXXX RING AT VIVICCA WHITSET )
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motownfiction · 2 years
lost in a corn maze
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Every year, the high school at St. Catherine’s chooses six students per class to lead the younger students in good decision making. The students nominate each other – sometimes as a joke, mostly genuinely. Big Leaders, they call them. Not very creative, to be certain, but par for the course at a tiny Catholic school. In the fall of 1983, Katie Sheehan is one of the six freshmen selected to be a Big Leader.
She’s not really sure what got her to this point. Most of the other students have known her since before kindergarten, and they know she’s on the quiet side. Kind, of course, but quiet. Not much of a leader, even if there are days when she feels like one. When the teachers tell her she’s been voted in, she accepts because she doesn’t know what else to do. Besides, she thinks, sometimes, she’ll be able to miss math class to do interactive Bible study with some kids at the elementary school next door. Nothing she hates more than math class, except for maybe science class. Lab goggles don’t look good on anybody.
On a weekend in October, the school takes the Big Leaders to a corn maze. Some treat or something. It’s not mandatory, but Katie goes, mostly because she doesn’t have anything better to do. She likes the fresh air, anyway. And as it turns out, she’s pretty good at finding her way through corn mazes. She leads a whole team of high school students out of the easy maze and the medium one. Some of the older students have even taken to calling her “Biggest Leader.” A year ago, she would have hated to admit it, but she likes the sound of it. The sound of approval. When you feel broken inside, like God made a mistake on you, there’s no sweeter sound than acceptance. No sweeter sound than clicking into place.
When it comes time to walk the most challenging corn maze, almost no one but Katie is up for it. The only other person who comes along is Steph Armstrong, a pretty blonde junior who was not chosen to be one of the Big Leaders – at least, not right away. She’s a replacement on account of the girl who was actually chosen being kicked off the team by the teachers. A load of bullshit, Katie thinks, but she likes Steph. She’s an easy person to walk through a corn maze with. She sings the wrong words to the “Safety Dance” (We can dance! We can dance! Everybody take off your pants!), but she’s cool. Nice. Good energy. Pretty.
As it turns out, Steph is an easy person to get lost in a corn maze with, too. Katie’s not sure what happened. She was doing such a good job before, but now, it’s like she can hardly breathe. Maybe it’s the smell of Steph’s perfume. Vanilla, maybe. A little bit of cinnamon. No matter what flavor she’s trying to smell like, it’s distracting. Katie can’t get it out of her mind.
“Maybe we should just turn here,” Steph suggests at a random point.
Katie throws up her arms and sighs.
“I guess,” she says. “Anything’s better than nothing at this point.”
They take the turn at the divet, and Steph sighs. She stuffs her hands in the pockets of her blue coat and kicks at the dirt beneath her shoes.
“Sorry,” she says, though it’s not immediately clear why she’d be apologizing. “I guess this is why nobody actually picked me to be a Big Leader.”
“Yeah, what’s up with that, anyway?” Katie asks. “Are the rumors true?”
“About how our class picked Lucy, but the teachers kicked her out as soon as they found out she’s pregnant? Yeah, it’s totally true. I’m a last-minute replacement for a teen mom. I’m not sure what part of that is the most pathetic.”
“Could just be me, but I’m pretty sure it’s the part where our beloved teachers punished a girl for having sex.”
Steph snorts, which makes Katie feel inexplicably good about herself. There’s that vanilla-cinnamon smell again. Maybe it’s in her hair.
“Yeah, that’s part of it,” she says. “Gotta love Catholic school.”
“What’s funny to me is that Lucy’s still doing everything they expect a Big Leader to do,” Katie says. “Like, even if they wanna call sex a mistake, which it isn’t, she’s still gonna have the baby. She and Will are still getting married soon. I mean, you’d think they’d be happy about it.”
Steph snorts again and nods like Katie is the wisest woman in the world. Once again, it makes her inexplicably happy.
“Tell me about it,” Steph says. “It’s the weirdest thing. I mean … I, for one, think Lucy should still be here instead of me. When I think of myself as a leader … God, it makes me laugh, and I don’t mean in a good way.”
Katie pauses and takes a long look at Steph. She’s never thought much about her before. Before today, she knew that Steph Armstrong was Sam Doyle’s girlfriend, that she’d be more popular if she didn’t hate most of the popular kids, that she was an artist, and that she was very beautiful. But none of that felt personal until they got lost in a corn maze together. None of that felt real until she got up close. Now, she sees that there’s something strong about Steph. Something that makes it easy to follow her, even for Katie, who’s supposed to be the leader on this expedition. She laughs to herself. She’s not really sure what she’s feeling, only that somehow, it seems funny.
“What are you talking about?” Katie finally asks. “I think you could be a good leader.”
Steph smiles a little before she ends up rolling her eyes.
“Maybe at some things,” she says. “It’s just … I don’t know. After this past summer, I don’t think anybody wants me to teach them about the Ten Commandments. Can we say that?”
Katie nods, but she’s not really sure what Steph is talking about. At least, she doesn’t want to be sure. She figured that she wasn’t Ave Armstrong or anything, despite taking over for St. Catherine’s very own pregnant girl, but somehow, it still feels unbelievable. It still feels unbelievable that Katie could stand next to someone only two years her senior and know that there’s a big difference between them … know exactly what that difference is … she shudders.
“Sure,” Katie finally says. “Let’s say that.”
Steph exhales and laughs like she’s shaking off a million pounds of armor. She speeds her walk up a little, and in a few minutes, they are out of the corn maze. A congregation of people waits there to congratulate them on making it out alive, but the corn mazes are the least of Katie’s concerns now.
Now, all she can think about is Steph. Steph and that vanilla-cinnamon scent in her pretty blonde hair.
Katie tries not to think too hard about what that might mean. She closes her eyes, and by the time she opens them again, Steph is gone. Swept away by adoring fans in other students. And even though Katie looks around the corn for her, she knows she’ll never find her again.
Not for a long, long time.
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personasintro · 3 years
bad word | kth drabble
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⇢ 𝒔𝒚𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒔𝒊𝒔; one of the kids in your class curses and you make it your responsibility to break it to her dad, luckily you know him better than your co-workers
⇢ 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: fluff, smut, dilf!taehyung
⇢ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: protected sex, explicit language, age gap; taehyung is 35 and reader is 28 (although their age is not mentioned in the story, just the age difference of 7 years), mentions of smut, slight biting
⇢ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕: 6.4k+
𝒂/𝒏: commissioned anonymously! this was supposed to be 4k but here we go again, another proof that it's a challenge for me to write something short haha
𝒎.𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 | ☕️ | © 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐 (𝒏𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅)
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“You're doing amazing, Jihoon.” you praise the little boy, patting the top of his head as you glance at his coloring book. The coloring is a little bit off, actually a lot, but you can't really tell him that, can you? He seems to be encouraged by your praise, your heart beaming when he looks up at you and gives you a grin, his two front teeth missing.
You praise other kids at the table, somehow content how silent the room is. Well, apart from the occasional squeals, laughs and toys crashing down the floor every few seconds, but that's just something you got used to very quickly. Now it's just a noise you can listen to without having the need to go somewhere quiet. However, headaches make an occasional appearance once you get back home, the place empty from all the kids noises and their presence. You can't say you hate it though, you actually miss them a lot.
You wouldn't do this job if you didn't like kids. And these particular amazing and cute kids that you get to see five days a week somehow sneaked their way into your heart, so you easily have grown attached to them. You could not see them for one week and feel like they’ve grown too quickly. Not for nothing people say you can see the real time passing by on kids. It's true.
Making your way back to the teachers table, you reach for your bottle of water as you join your co-workers, having a heated conversation while kids have their own play-time without you interfering.
“No, no, no. Mr. Kim has to be the first. Hands down.” Sara says, shaking her head while your other co-worker Katana just chuckles mumbling something along the lines “You've got a point”.
“What are you guys talking about?” you ask them, opening the bottle while taking a few gulps.
“Just ranking the hottest daddies. Kim, Ivy's father is definitely and successfully holding the first place.” Sara waves her hand as if she's talking about weather and not about one of the kids' fathers that is in this very same room.
You choke up, a few droplets of water spilling down your chin as you quickly wipe it with the back of your hand. Katana and Sara burst into laughter, enjoying your sudden and shocked reaction while you glare at them.
“Y/N agrees for sure.” Katana smirks, causing you to frown at her.
“Don't you guys have something else to do?” you mutter, closing the bottle as you feel your heart racing, eyes silently searching for Ivy who's playing with one of the dolls putting them into a kids stroller.
Your heart softens at the sight, her pigtails still successfully holding, the ones you made her once she woke up from her nap time. She always asks you to do them, she can be very persistent when she wants to.
“Loosen up, Y/N. It's not like you don't think Mr. Kim is the perfect dilf out of all daddies here.”
Your head snaps towards Sara, eyes bulge out as you feel your whole face flash while your co-workers laugh at your reaction once again. Your heart beats harshly against your ribcage, feeling their eyes on you as you straighten yourself and clear your throat. Just as you're about to say something, Katana cuts you off before you even have a chance, her eyebrows lifted confidently. Maybe you should be happy they're continuing with the conversation rather than laughing at your reaction and finding you being more frustrated and red with each passing minute.
“He has someone. He clearly isn't with Ivy's mother,”
That's true. Ivy's mother is coming to pick her every second week and it's quite known they're not together. It's not like Ivy's father hides it and besides, Ivy's mother likes to show her frustration towards her ex-husband at every occasion and she definitely doesn't mind if she's doing it in front of her kid's teachers or in the kindergarten her kid is going into. This is definitely not the place to voice out her annoyance towards her kid's father, especially not in front of her even though it seems Ivy has her own little bubble and luckily, doesn't put too much attention to whatever her mother has to say whenever she comes to pick her up, trying to discreetly speak not so fondly about her ex-husband. However, you know better.
Her ex-husband is a very friendly and polite man, loving his daughter like no one else. It warms everyone's heart whenever he comes to pick her up, not because he's handsome or a perfect dilf as your co-workers named him (which to be honest you don't know how to feel about it). Maybe that's why she seems so envious of him because he has a perfect relationship with their daughter. Well, at least that could be one of the other reasons for sure.
However, as soon as those words leave Katana's mouth you feel yourself getting tense all over again as you stare at her with a neutral look. Sara frowns, seeing displeased by the new information and how Katana sounds so sure of herself.
“How do you know that? Has he told you anything?”
Would it be too awkward if you just stepped away from this conversation? Why out of all time, one of the kids can't do something that would require your whole attention and presence? Just like on purpose, there's a complete calm yet cheerful atmosphere in the classroom.
“No,” Katana snickers, “But a man like him has to have someone. I mean, take one look at him. He can't be single.”
You shake your head at her statement, even though partly you'd agree if you didn't know any better. Sara sighs, mumbling a few words of how unfortunate it is that every hot man is either married or dating someone. Not going to lie, you're not blind and it's hard to resist Taehyung's charms. That's what his name is. Kim Taehyung. It sounds nice even in your head. But not even once you were thirsting about him so publicly, especially not in a classroom full of kids even though they can't hear the conversation that's been clearly going on way before you made your way here.
Luckily, someone up there has listened to your silent pleas when two of the kids start to bicker, your clue to turn around and leave from the conversation as you assure Sara and Katana you got it. By the time you kindly explain to the kids bickering isn't nice and give them the pep-talk, Sara and Katana have separated and are playing with other kids.
Later in the day when a few of the kids have already gone home and got picked up by their parents, you're closing the classroom's door while bidding goodbye to one of the kids and their mom. You're opening your mouth, ready to talk to Sara (since Katana already went home because there's no need for the three of you to be here when most of the kids went already home) but before you can, the usual chirpy and soft voice calls out something you'd never expect you'd hear again.
You and Sara stare with wide eyes at each other before you glance at the four year old Ivy, her brows furrowed as one of the toys she was trying to reach fell down on the floor with a loud bang. She seems completely oblivious that whatever she said is bad, her small and neaty hands picking up the toy as she glares at the poor plastic pink car for dolls.
“I got it.” You mouth to Sara, seeing her finger pointing between her and you, her silent way of asking who's going to deal with it.
“Ivy, honey,” you call out to the little girl, her round eyes glancing at you as she sits on the wooden stool taking the car with her as she sets it onto the table where her dolls are sitting.
Should you tell her something? She seems oblivious to the curse word that so freely let out her small mouth. Reminding her and trying to explain to her that she shouldn't be talking like that would just put more attention to it. However, this is not the first time you've heard this word because the same thing happened yesterday. You've no idea where she heard it from, well the most likely option is that she heard it at home. But you also know her father is very serious about language around kids, especially around his own kid to be precise. You mean… stuff like that can happen to anyone. People often curse before they realize they did it, it happened to you a lot – not in front of kids or in your job though.
Did he and his ex-wife maybe get into an argument? Maybe one of them cursed and Ivy obviously heard it.
“What did you say just a moment ago?” you ask her, letting her think about it. Okay, if she doesn't remember you'll let it go and act as if it didn't happen. But if she--
“Fuck,” she shrugs innocently, your eyes widening once more as you look around to see if any of the kids heard her. Luckily, they haven't.
Sara stands nearby, not really hearing your conversation but she definitely heard the word “fuck” coming out of Ivy with no problem. She stares at you, somehow looking both worried and amused at the same time as you take a deep breath.
Oh, fuck. She's not even your kid and you feel your palms getting sweaty. You don't want to cross any lines or interfere with the way she is being raised, you know not many parents appreciate when one of the teachers gets involved. However, it's your job to explain to her certain things when it directly happens in the kindergarten and in front of other kids. The last thing you need is one of the kids to hear her and repeat it after her.
“Ivy, you can't say that word. It's naughty and nice kids don't talk like that,” you start, seeing her tilting her head slightly at you as she thinks about your words for a moment. “I thought you're a nice kid.” you tell her softly, purposely saying it knowing she's always determined to prove that she's nice whenever her dad comes to pick her up and mentions ice-cream. Or even if he asks one of you, the teachers, if she was nice. Ivy is usually the first one to respond which always makes everyone laugh.
She's a good kid. Polite one too. She treats other kids nicely and always shares her toys. So naturally, you're even more surprised to hear her saying such a word that definitely shouldn't belong to the dictionary of a four year old.
“I am!” she insists, frowning as she pouts slightly.
“Well, nice and good kids don't talk like that. It's very naughty.”
“Sorry.” she mumbles apologetically, looking down at her lap.
“I don't want to hear you saying that again, okay? You're a very cute and pretty lady.” you tell her, trying to lighten her sour mood as you tap her cute round nose.
She giggles, nodding as you chuckle at her. “Okay.” she tells you softly once she calms down.
Half an hour later, close to the closing time, Sara informs you Ivy's mother is coming to pick her up as she just parked her car. It doesn't faze you, it's pretty usual for her to come pick up her daughter at this hour. However, even though she's not very nice towards her ex-husband, having bitter remarks which are usually muttered underneath her breath but you – or Sara and Katana – always hear them. She's not trying to mask it that much, even though she thinks she's being sleek with the whole act “I hate my ex-husband”. But she's not a bad mom. She comes this late because she owns a boutique but whenever she sees her daughter, an almost identical copy of her father, she always has a warm smile on her lips. She's nice towards teachers (which obviously includes you as well) and you've never really had any trouble with her.
That can't be said about Ivy's father though.
You know your daily task is to fill up parents about their kids' day and how they behaved, but before Sara can make her way towards the door and open it, you catch her wrist and glance at her nervously.
“Don't say anything about what Ivy said today, please.”
Sara looks a little taken aback by your request, not hiding a mere confusion and probably wonders why are you even asking this of her. It's pretty usual you'd tell whichever of the parents would pick up the kid, the truth. The last time Ivy said clear and soundable “fuck”, you brushed it off after talking to the girls. But now that has happened a second time, you'd usually just have to say it to the parent.
“Are you sure? She should probably know about this.” Sara says, voice quiet and confused.
“Yeah, she should. But she'll just blame Ivy's father for it and the poor kid already listens to that every time she finds something against him. I think her dad will explain this stuff to her better, Ivy listens to him more. We can tell him next week when it's his turn to pick her up.”
Sara is not surprised to hear your reason, she can easily tell the difference of the two parents as well. She's very attentive and knows, even though Ivy loves both her parents, she's way more cheerful when her dad comes to pick her up and he's actually the one that is more strict. Ivy is just a kid and even though she has a good heart and is raised well, she has her own tantrums sometimes. You, Sara and Katana were witnesses to him putting her back in her place whenever she threw a tantrum in the dressing room with his deep and stern voice.
“Okay, I think you're right.” she nods, agreeing with you but before she can say something else, Ivy's mother opens the door and greets you before she calls out to Ivy.
The little girl runs to her and hugs her long legs before she lets go and goes back into the room, cleaning up the toys she played with just a few seconds ago and putting them back to their place. It makes your heart bloom with softness and warmness and when you look at her mother, you see the same look in her eyes as she waits for her daughter, taking her small hand into hers when she finally makes it back to her mother.
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The apartment smells delicious when you enter the spacious entryway, a silent curse leaving your mouth as soon as you take off your shoes and step onto a wooden toy that makes your foot ache. Putting away your thin jacket onto the rack, you make your way through the house, following the little rumble sounds and amazing smell of food that makes your mouth water.
You smile as soon as you see him, standing with his back while stirring something on the pot. You make your way towards him, hugging him from the back as he slightly jumps from the sudden touch but smiles once he looks down and sees it's you.
“Hey, love.”
Heart warming at the pet name, you let out a soft “hi” before he turns around and kisses you on the lips, cupping your cheeks for a moment.
“Ivy?” he asks in assurance, causing you to chuckle as you lean against the kitchen counter, seeing him still wearing one of his work attires, a light blue button-up and black slacks.
He must've come home and straight went to prepare dinner for the two of you.
“Hyerim picked her up.” you answer, seeing him nod even though he already knows the answer to that. He's just in his dad's protective and caring mode, he needs assurement.
“Good, how was your day?”
So you chat, watching him cook as he refuses your help whenever you offer yourself. Once the food is ready, you move to the dining room with a few crayons still sitting on top of the table messily as he apologizes and quickly puts them away.
“Sorry, didn't have enough time to make this place clean.” he apologizes, but it only makes you chuckle because he's acting as if you're not spending your free time here every second week.
Throughout the dinner, you talk and eat in a peaceful silence – something you've grown used to as well. Sometimes you wonder how it'd feel like with Ivy's presence here, considering it feels like she is here but in reality she isn't. Her drawings are attached to the fridge and around the house, clearly making her dad a proud one. And her toys are almost everywhere, even though they're neatly placed in the living room.
It makes you miss her, knowing she is probably having a great time with her mom because apparently, she never complains and always talks fondly whenever she comes back home. It only makes you think of what happened today, wondering if by now the little girl didn't listen to you and already said “fuck” again, this time in front of her mother.
“Taehyung?” you ask softly, putting down your fork as you glance at your boyfriend who's just putting a bite into his mouth as he hums in response, eyes set upon you.
“Did you and Hyerim fight by any chance recently?” you ask him, seeing his brows furrowing, the same way like Ivy did today.
“No,” he answers, looking a little puzzled as he thinks it through for a second before answering more confidently. “No, I told you we haven't fought in months. I think she prefers talking behind my back and in front of Ivy's teachers.” he jokes a little, the corner of his lips curving to a slight smirk.
It makes you chuckle and look down at your plate, obviously knowing you're the reason why he knows all of this in the first place. As much as Sara and Katana daydream about him, they wouldn't go as far as telling him such an uncomfortable and private thing, even if it includes him as well. It's impolite.
Perks of him being your boyfriend, so you can tell him anything you want.
You nod along his words, reaching for the glass of wine as you take a decent sip before he keeps his eyes on you, a silent curiosity and interest crossing his face. “Is there a reason why you're asking? Has she said something about me again?”
“Ah, no. She was actually very polite this time...” you trail off, avoiding his eyes for a moment and you've no idea why.
Maybe it's the way he's staring at you with his dark eyes across the table, or the fact that he looks so hot and stern all of a sudden while he analyzes the way you're acting. Obviously, a few months of dating him, he already knows when there's something you're not telling him.
“Come on, love. Tell me, I'm not gonna bite. At least not now.” he smirks, laughing when you exclaim his name and start laughing too, momentarily hiding your face with your hands as you feel the heat rushing to your face.
“Alright,” you breathe out once you calm down, looking him in the eyes. “Ivy said 'fuck' today.”
Taehyung's brows shoot up in surprise, opening his mouth slightly. “She said what?”
“Fuck,” you tell him, even though you know he heard you the first time. “One of the toys fell when she was trying to grab it. I talked to her but obviously, I thought you should know. I didn't say anything to Hyerim, we both know why…” you tell him and he nods, understanding that Hyerim might've overreacted and just put more blame on him than it's necessarily.
“I don't understand… I don't curse in front of her, neither does Hyerim. We're both very careful about that.”
“You never know, it might've slipped. It doesn't really matter who's to blame for this, but she can't speak like that. Thank god none of the kids heard her. This is actually the second time she said it, the first time she said it was a few days ago.”
“What? Why didn't you tell me?” he asks, surprised, not sounding accusingly at all.
“I wanted to tell you in private and since you had Ivy last week, there was no time. I wasn't about to discuss it in a dressing room where other parents were.” you explain.
Taehyung nods understandably, giving you a slight smile in appreciation before he looks a little disappointed by the news as he sighs. “I'll talk to her when she comes back from Hyerim. Where could she possibly hear it from? I don't understand…”
You shrug, not sure what to answer as he thinks about it for a moment, deciding that he has no answer for that and just lets it go for tonight. Shaking his head, he continues eating while you do the same, a casual talk filling the dining room once again while throwing knowing and flirtatious glances at each other.
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You often think about what you did in your past life to deserve such a man in your life, to have that privilege of snatching not just one of the hottest men in the world but also the kindest and most attentive boyfriend. It was one year ago when you started working at the kindergarten where you're working till this day. You had been working there barely for a week when a new three year old started attending kindergarten for the first time. You can still remember the way Ivy's big eyes were full of curiosity and fear at the same time, her both hands clutching her father's big one. He stayed for a few minutes, lingering close to the wall as he watched his daughter playing with toys and drawing him a picture. Despite his fond eyes that were filled with nothing but love, you could see him looking worried just as equal as Ivy when the door of the classroom full of other kids opened.
The only difference is, that he waited until his daughter wasn't watching him and was too occupied while drawing him a picture of butterflies, house and other random things that the three year old could think of.
And despite you working there barely a week, you already encountered similar situations with other parents as well. You're not going to lie, he did look slightly intimidating from the moment you first saw him. It's not like he was expressionless or coldly looked around himself, he was quite the opposite. One of the kids brought him a toy and he crouched down to the kid, ruffled his black hair and thanked him with a cute boxy smile which later on, you found Ivy has a very similar smile.
So you approached him, listened to him as he explained that he's probably overreacting but ever since she was born, he was with her most of the time and now is the time for her to come here, so he can work and she can finally attend kindergarten like every other kid. Ever since then, you both chatted a lot whenever he came to pick her up. Nothing too serious and you never crossed any boundaries, especially when he informed you Ivy's mother will pick her up every second week. Later on, when he came to pick up Ivy one day, you assumed they're married but busy to come together to pick her up. You assumed they just came to an arrangement to take turns.
You were surprised – okay, maybe even pleased – to hear that they've been divorced and separated for a year already. You kept your reaction low, just nodding in understatement. You remember the way he subtly smirked at you when you shyly looked away.
Somehow over the months, you both became close – friends maybe. He'd always talk to you about his day while waiting for Ivy to tie her shoes because “she's a big girl and she can do it alone”. Ivy's words, not her father's. He went along with it, taking that time to lean against the kids lockers while chatting to you whenever you had the time.
Until one day he finally grew some balls – Taehyung's words again – and finally asked you out. And the rest is a history, bringing you back to present time as you've been dating for five months now.
Taehyung's broad shoulders and the way he's eye-fucking you is definitely worth of not thinking about history, but get ready for present. He cockily smirks at you, standing above you while you're sprawled on his bed completely naked while he takes the last article of his clothes which happens to be boxers.
Oh, you're definitely lucky.
If only Sara and Katana could see you right now, they'd never believe you've been dating this man the whole time they kept talking about him, or more like thirsting over him. He's more than that though.
There are many things you appreciate about Taehyung, being mature is one of them. Him being older than you, seven years difference to be exact, makes him more mature than any of the boys you were dating previously. There weren't that many but even if there were, you know no one could compete with Taehyung.
Even your friendly and blunt co-workers can't keep their eyes off him whenever it's his turn of the custody. Even when it's not, they talk about him on a daily basis. And apparently giving him a nickname that has been sticking to him for a few months now.
Taehyung is in the middle of rolling a condom down his length when you giggle amusingly as your eyes scrunch. He chuckles, even though he glances at you in confusion wondering why the hell you're giggling all of a sudden.
“What?” he asks, breathing out a chuckle as he glances down at his length and gives himself a few testing tugs. As much as he wants three more kids (apparently – it's something he spilled when you had a date night at his house while drinking lots of wine), you still have a long way to go until you go that route.
“You know that Sara and Katana call you dilf?” you giggle, covering your mouth with your palm while Taehyung's eyebrows shoot up in shock.
For the first time since he has slowly led you to his bedroom and pleasured you with his mouth until you were begging for him to stop and let you breathe for a second, he looks quite shocked and taken aback. It's only now that you see the back of his neck flash as he sheepishly rubs it with his hand.
He's no stranger to the names of your co-workers, he hears about them all the time. However, it's the first time you revealed the nickname they gave him, even though he knows they're thirsting over him. Something you spilled that time on your date night.
But Taehyung is not caught off guard for too long, hovering over you for a second as he pulls you closer to the edge of bed, hands on your ass as he lifts it up. His length pokes you right into your clit causing you to stop giggling as you moan.
“Dilf, is it?” he hums, causing you to nod while silent pleas of him filling you up resounds from your mouth. In times like these, you can barely function and control yourself at the same time.
Taehyung listens to you, guiding his thick length into your wet and tight hole as he enters you with a slow yet shallow thrust. You groan, mouth opening and eyes shutting, falling apart from the single feeling of him stretching you out. You missed him. It's been something over a week since you got to have some alone time with him, which includes a lot of sex of course.
“Do they know this dilf gets to fuck you?” he hums against your neck, causing you to realize he's hovering over you once again as he gently bites into the crook of your neck, slowly thrusting in and out.
“Ah, fuck,” you moan out once he pulls back, grabbing you by your thighs as he hoasts your lower body up to his liking. It's just a matter of seconds before he starts fucking you just like he promised a few minutes ago when you entered his bedroom.
His thick length brushes your wet and tight walls, hitting all the right places as you can't keep your moans silent. Taehyung's eyes are focused on your breasts that bounce with each thrust he makes, eyes glancing down at your stomach to see it bulging thanks to his length inside you.
“Shit, love. You're killing me.” he groans, the sight being one of his weaknesses as it ushers him to pound into you even more.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Tae…” you whimper, feeling yourself getting close as his nails dig into the meat of your thighs. But the pain is nothing but pleasing and arousing you even more.
Soon enough, you're falling apart and cumming around his thick length that makes him groan, making it harder for him to move inside you. But somehow he does, pounding into you and following you a minute later while he spills into the condom.
Both breathing heavy, you're not surprised when Taehyung falls down on you as you hug him closer while he peppers your neck and chest with kisses. He slowly slips out of you, groaning at the feeling as he forces himself to stand up and dispose of the condom. He tells you he'll be right back, bringing one of his shirts that he without a doubt found in the bathroom. He cleans you up, tossing it down the floor you scoot further to the bed, finally laying down onto his soft pillows. He cuddles to you, tossing a duvet over your naked and warm buddies as he nuzzles to your neck.
“I want to tell Ivy,” he suddenly mumbles, his hands slowly rubbing your stomach under the duvet. “About us, about you.”
That makes you surprised, your heart skipping a beat and causing you to feel excited.
Ivy doesn't know that you're dating her father. It's something you respected from the moment you felt things between you and Taehyung aren't just about the casual talks between a parent and a teacher. From Taehyung's positions, it definitely makes sense that he didn't want to break it to his daughter that he's dating one of her teachers. You both wanted to make sure you're very serious about each other before he breaks the news to her. It makes sense. You're her teacher and even though it won't affect your work or can get you into trouble, you didn't want to be introduced to her as her dad's girlfriend just yet. No one knows about your relationship, that's one of the reasons.
Ivy is a sweet kid but she's still a kid and she would obviously spill the news. You both can't expect the four year old will keep your relationship a secret before you decide to just announce it to the world. You don't know how Hyerim, Taehyung's ex, will react to the news. Even though you don't care that much about her because she has nothing to do with Taehyung, not anymore – she's still Ivy's mother and probably won't have a pleasant reaction.
There are a lot of things you and Taehyung had to think through before you came to the conclusion that this is nice and you want to be in each other's life like this. Your parents know about Taehyung, and so does his parents know about you. But telling Ivy means that you'll be openly dating and it no longer will be a secret, in other words it’s a bigger step than telling your or Taehyung’s parents. This means Sara and Katana will find out eventually too, however you're not worried about that.
They might feel embarrassed that they've been thirsting about your boyfriend this whole time, but it'll be finally your time to laugh at them and see them frustrated.
Taehyung isn't scared of Ivy's reaction, the reason he didn't tell her about the two of you isn't about that. She loves you. Apparently, she talks about you at home too and according to Taehyung, you're her favorite teacher. Teachers shouldn't have a favorite kid but they always do. Your favorite kid is Ivy. Not because you're dating her dad, she's been your favorite from the moment Taehyung went to work and left her there for the first time alone. She came up to you and clutched to your hand, talking to you sweetly as she drew you a picture. The first one she drew in a class was already took by Taehyung as she made sure she gave it to him before he had to depart.
“Are you sure?” you ask, not hiding the smile in your voice that makes Taehyung smile as he kisses your collarbone.
“I've been sure for quite some time,” he tells you softly, “I don't want to hide anymore. She loves you, I love you and I want to spend my time with both of you. I want you to be here when she's home too, I want my both girls here.”
Your heart softens, heart blooming with love and warmness as your fingers play with Taehyung's dark wavy hair.
“I'd be more than happy about that,” you confess, “I feel like it's the right time too.”
Taehyung agrees, lifting his head off your body as he looks at you and purses his lips, silently asking for a kiss. You chuckle, finding him cute and different than from the man that pounded you into his mattress just a moment ago. You kiss him, letting your mouths mold together for a few minutes until you're forced to pull apart to properly breathe.
“I know where Ivy heard the bad word.”
The bad word. That makes you chuckle as you turn to him with an interest in your eyes. “Really?”
“Yeah,” he nods, smirking a little. “From you.”
You open your mouth. “Excuse me? I don't curse in front of her.”
“Uhm, it might not have been completely in front of her, but you know when you curse the most.”
“No, tell me.” you tell him, narrowing your eyes at him.
“When we have sex.” he smirks, causing your mouth to open.
“You remember the last time when we had sex? I called you over after we both couldn't sleep, Ivy was in her room sleeping back then,” Taehyung starts, causing your heart to stop for a moment as a horrific expression makes a way to your face.
Like Taehyung said, it was one of the nights when you texted and couldn't sleep, the texts becoming slightly explicit and needy which caused Taehyung to call you over. It was the first and only time you sneaked to his house while Ivy was in it too, supposedly soundlessly sleeping in her room while her father fucked you in his own. He assured you she's sleeping and you had to sneak away the next morning before she woke up, like a damn teenager.
You both acted like teenagers that night to be fair. The whole sneaking thing had its own spice though.
“Apparently, the little lovebug was awake or we must've woke her up.” Taehyung says, laughing as he seems amused by the whole situation.
“But--how do you know? Maybe she heard it somewhere else, this doesn't mean anything.” you tell him, not believing your own words too.
Taehyung raises his brow at you, “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he starts mimics you from that night when he took you from behind, your face heating up right away as you slap him in the chest. “You know how I know that?” he asks, voice amused and cocky which makes you roll your eyes.
“Spill it out.” you tell him, ready to hide behind the duvet but he gently takes it away from you and keeps his hold onto it.
“She asked me the next morning who was at our house. Apparently, she heard some noises.”
Okay, now you certainly look mortified. Taehyung laughs, enjoying the way you squeal in embarrassment.
“And you're telling me that just now?” you exclaim, repeating his words from earlier as he laughs with eyes scrunched shut.
“Well, telling you over a text or in a kindergarten with a bunch of parents and kids around wasn't the best option. I forgot to tell you, to be honest.”
“Oh my god,” you groan, rubbing your forehead in embarrassment. “What did you tell her?”
“That she must've had a bad dream.” Taehyung chuckles causing you to laugh.
“And she believed that?”
“Does it matter?”
No, it doesn't.
Taehyung suddenly cuddles you again, leg slouched over your own as his mouth is on your collarbone against, slowly making his way down to your breast as he starts sucking your nipple. You gasp, looking down at him as he keeps his attention to your nipple before he looks up with a smirk.
“Look at you, teaching my kid a bad word and you haven't even been introduced as my girlfriend.”
“It wasn't on purpose.” you gasp, whimpering when he gently bites onto your breast, chuckling lowly.
“I know,” he adds, assuring you that he's not mad or putting a blame on you. It was your both's fault. If you just waited and weren't horny like teenagers, this wouldn't have happened.
He lets go of your nipple with a loud plop, staring you in the eyes while his hands move down your stomach. You already know where this is heading, soon feeling him between your legs. But before he fully touches you where you're aching for him the most, he licks his lips and bites into them before a loving gaze makes its way to his eyes.
“Good thing I love you.”
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luwritesomething · 2 years
Mickey Altieri x Reader: Umbrella Link.
Words: 1706
Warnings: bad date.
Summary: you are alone in the rain because you forgot to brin an umbrella. mickey has one, though.
Author's note: OKAY SO I’M OBSESSED WITH SCREAM, and i’ve been writing in ao3 instead of in here because i wanted to get away from my responsabilities and numerous dodge mason request. sorry, i got overwhelmed, but i’m back, and i’m bringing all of my pieces in ao3 with me. here you go. you can find the link to ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39859458
Criticism is appreciated and request are open! Hit that anon button and tell me your idea!
College was definitely better than high school. You had never believed your friends back in your hometown whenever they talked about how great university was going to be. How it would change everything, how no one disliked college. You had never had, on the other hand, too much faith on this idea, though. Middle school had been hell and high school hadn’t been any better. Instead of thinking positively, theorizing that college couldn’t be worse than what you had already lived, you stayed on the half empty view. So, arriving at Windsor College and discovering that you had been wrong all along was a pleasant surprise that Derek Feldman, your old friend, would never allow you to forget.
Derek and you had been friends since kindergarten. You wouldn’t know what to do without him, and neither did him without you, so it had been a relief to find out both of you had been accepted into the same high school. Your friendship, however, hadn’t stopped either of you when it was time to find some other friends, and slowly but firmly, the new group of friends strengthened with the friendships that lasted after the first weeks of class. Randy, Derek, Mickey, Hallie, Sidney… You’ve all become inseparable and that’s everything you know by now. 
That, and the fact that it is raining like it’s the last day on Earth and you have no umbrella.
Hallie and Derek told you earlier, before you went on your date, that you should take an umbrella with you but you hadn’t listened. There were no clouds in the sky and you were convinced you would come back to your dorm before the sky could get cloudy. As you had expected, the date hadn’t gone well for you, but the guy talked a lot about himself — so much, you had loathed the sound of his voice only half an hour in. Still, you hadn’t found a valuable excuse to leave earlier than supposed to, and he literally gave you no time to tell him that it was already late and you should head back home. He had offered to walk you home, making a brilliant observation about you not having an umbrella when it was raining cats and dogs, but you had nicely told him you would wait in the coffee shop’s doorway until it stopped. You had no intention of spending more time with that person, ever again, and it had been a relief seeing him finally walk away. It wasn’t a relief, though, that it was still bucketing down with no intention to stop. You were cold, and tired and a bit annoyed by the result of your date.
“Nice weather, isn’t it?” The voice near your ear made you jump on your place, not knowing someone had approached you from behind. You gave Mickey Altieri a dirty look when you recognized him behind his umbrella, a grin in his face. “Whoa, relax, Y/N. It’s just me”
Mickey had been Derek’s first friend on campus. He was his roommate and the two of them had quickly hit it off. He also turned out to be a film student, just like you, but you were closer with Randy Meeks. Mickey was everything opposed to Randy, which meant he was everything that got you a little nervous. His nonchalant playfulness, his flirtatious comments, his easy going but intense personality — it was all nice until you two were alone, when those things focused on you more than usual. 
“Yeah.” You scoffed, burying your hands in your hoodie’s pockets. You avoided his eyes for some seconds before looking back at him, finding he moved from behind you to next to you. “For a duck, it might be”
Mickey chuckled softly and his face lightened up when he did. You didn’t need to look at him to see the wrinkles that formed in his eyes, you’ve already memorized them. He happens to laugh a lot. “Where’s your date, uh?”
“Gone, thankfully.” You said, and that made him chuckle again. Your lip corner twitched gently and you crossed your arms. “No, I mean it. He was so… he only talked about himself, I swear. He literally began by saying he loved how his voice sounds”
“Sounds like a jerk.” Mickey agreed, his smile still shining bright.
“Well, he was pretty sure he was awesome”
This time, you joined Mickey’s chuckles. It was sweetly contagious, and if you looked at the situation with a little bit of humor, it was actually really funny. How many chances did someone have of going to a date where the date was only going to talk about themselves? Self-love was definitely something important, but this guy had crossed some serious boundaries. Mickey’s brain came up with a thousand jokes about what you had told him about the date, but he held himself back from saying them. It was already hard for him to make you laugh, he had no intention of screwing up the little good time you two had together. 
“So.” Mickey pointed at the rain with his chin and then looked at you. “You need some help getting home?”
You nodded softly, and grabbed his free arm when he offered it to you, so you would be better covered by the umbrella — and closer to him. Mickey was warm, probably because he hadn’t been standing outside in the cold like you had been doing. It actually made you pull impossibly closer to him, to feel the warmth and stop being cold. If you had looked up at him to check if he was okay with the proximity, you would have found Mickey smiling as softly as ever, comforted by your easygoing attitude.
“Why aren’t you in your dorm already?” You asked, not wanting the walk to be an awkward, silent one. 
Mickey shrugged his shoulders. “I was taking a walk. You know, calming down and stuff”
You hummed, understanding what he was saying. Mickey had been in an odd mood lately, and he had snapped during the morning, bickering with Hallie about something you hadn’t paid so much attention to due to your Film Theory homework. Him storming out of the cafeteria had been the only thing that had made you look away from your paper, both confused and curious. Hallie looked too angry to ask her anything, and Derek’s eyes had promised telling you what had happened later, but he never did. Sidney and him had a date, and you had been too busy with helping Randy to choose some films to think about what had happened. You had only remembered the incident after Mickey’s answer.
“If you need to talk I’m here, okay?” The words left your mouth without you thinking them twice. You didn’t need to, however, because it just made sense. Friends were there for you whenever you needed them, or they were supposed to. “You’re my friend”
Mickey looked away shortly before flashing you with a well practiced smile. “I know, Y/N”
Once again you hummed, and you allowed the silence to settle between the two of you. As much as you didn’t want silence during the walk, you couldn’t force a conversation on him, and it actually turned out not to be as awkward as you had imagined. Mickey’s aura just kept it from being awkward.
By the time you arrived at your residence hall, the rain had calmed down a bit and changed to a slight drizzle that bothered more than soaked. It was ironic thinking that, if Mickey hadn’t been there to walk home with you, you could have just waited a bit more and come home by yourself. You were still grateful he had decided to take the route he had taken.
You held the door open for him to come inside the building, knowing he wouldn’t have plans for tonight and would rather just stay in his dorm. Mickey thanked you with a smile as he closed the umbrella, and stepped inside with you. 
“Um…” You played mindlessly with your hoodie’s sleeves. “Should I worry about you, Altieri? You seem off”
That was by far Mickey’s brightest smile since you had met him. It actually confused you to see him smiling that hard when he had been so weirdly silent, but you smiled back at him. There was just something about him that set you in a good mood whenever he wasn’t making you nervous. 
“You definitely shouldn’t.” He assured, nodding his head as a thank you. 
“Then I’m going to, uh,” you pointed at the hallway to indicate you were going to leave. Mickey smiled “Yeah. Night, Y/N”
You waved at Mickey before turning around. You hadn’t even taken the fifth step when you heard him take a quick step into your direction. “Y/N, wait!”
“Yeah?” You turned around in your heels, tilting your head to the side as you watched Mickey. You saw him hesitate for a second, like he shouldn’t have said anything. “Mickey?”
Mickey scratched his neck and laughed under his breath, nervously. His confidence shattered for those seconds, before he looked back at you with his characteristic, charming smile. 
“I wanna take you out on a date,” Mickey said, surprising you. Your eyes must have widened, because he chuckled shortly. “Is that so weird to you, Y/L/N?”
You scoffed, thinking his joke wasn’t funny at all. That made him raise an eyebrow, which shed doubt into you “Like, for real? A date, date?”
Mickey smiled like you were hilarious. “Yes, a date, date,” he mocked, and you felt the heat rush into your cheeks. “What’d say? Tomorrow morning at the cafeteria?”
Crossing your arms, you licked your bottom lip before letting your teeth nibble at it. You stared at him like he would eventually crackle up, saying it was a joke. But he didn’t, because it wasn’t. “Um… yeah, sure”
“It’s a date, then.” Mickey finger-gunned you as he started to walk towards the other hallway, without turning away. 
“A date,” you repeated, nodding. A smile slid into your lips. “Yeah”
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Unbreakable Bond
(A/N): This is based on this post and this tiktok
Summary: A big age gap between Aaron's children doesn't have to mean that they are unable to form a strong bond
Warnings: Mentions of Haley's death and failed relationships
Wordcount: 1.8k
His life took turns Aaron never expected. It’s not the “Oh, mh, well that was unexpected”-type of turns, I talk about the “God played Cards Against Humanity with angels and decided to make it happen for someone”-type. But looking back he would not want to change a thing.
After Haley and Beth he was convinced that God, the Universe, something out there shared the opinion that romantic love isn’t the right thing for him and Aaron accepted that fact. Even more when he and Jack went into witness protection. I mean, when you are worried about the life of your family being in danger because of a stalker, you don’t think about the beautiful neighbor, who lives next door, right? Right?
Well, without going into too much detail, Hotch did think about her and she about him and vice versa. Everything went good until Aaron received the message that the team found the stalker and that it was safe to come back. He decided to come clean to his girlfriend. They talked about the possibility of moving back to Quantico.
In the end they decided in favor of the move, the final argument was the surprising announcement of her being pregnant. Hotch wants to raise their youngest where his and Jack’s roots are located. But he decides against taking a position at the BAU, instead taking a desk job in order to be more at home. He also has the opportunity to work from home after little (Y/N) was born and continues to do so until she is old enough to go to Kindergarten. Even then he takes two days the week where he stays home. Aaron learned from his decisions and mistakes he made in the past and wants to live up to them and be a better father and husband than before.
And Hotch keeps it to this day, six years later. It’s (Y/N)’s first day of school, while Jack just graduated high school and goes off to college in a few weeks. Even though they have an age gap from twelve and a half years, their parents are sure there are no other siblings with such a strong bond.
Ever since his baby sister’s birth Jack is her biggest supporter, protector and friend. Her first word was his name, though it was more of a “ACK!”, but that’s the best nickname he ever got. As soon as (Y/N) was old enough to comprehend the concept of movies, he introduced her to Star Wars. Since then lightsaber wars out of cardboard pipes are not uncommon. Last Halloween they even dressed up as Chewbakka and Han Solo. You get three guesses on who was who.
“JACK!” (Y/N) runs into her big brother’s room with an excited expression on her face. “Daddy promised to buy me a real lightsaber after I read ten books! With lights and sounds and all! Isn’t that cool?” Jack smiles. Aaron did a similar thing with him. For a certain amount of books he got a reward they discussed beforehand. This way he felt motivated to read and improved writing and reading skills.
“This is awesome. I think that means we have to go book shopping together, what do you think?” (Y/N) is not only the cool kid that has an older brother, she is also the cool kid, whose older brother has a drivers license, a car and a part time job. She nods with big eyes, speechless, because the offer sounds like heaven to her. Getting books and one on one time with Jack after he was really busy with school for weeks? This has to be heaven.
“Ok, then you put your outside clothes on and I’ll tell Dad about our plan.” At that the little girl rushes to her room, not wanting to waste any more time. Jack makes his way down to the kitchen, where Aaron wipes the table from lunch down.
“Dad, I take (Y/N) to this bookstore in DC and we’ll probably go eat ice cream after that. Is that alright?” Hotch looks up at his son. It still feels like yesterday as he told Haley that Gideon is a big no as a baby name. Now he is all grown up and just a few weeks away from the next big chapter in his life.
“Of course, just let me get my wall-” Jack cuts him off. “No need, I want to use this as a kind of goodbye thing. At least until Thanksgiving.” Aaron knows what he means. It’s his last day before he goes off to college and just a couple more until the first classes begin. The family still hasn’t told their youngest exactly what’s going on. Else she would refuse to go to school and go on with her day, insisting on using all the time they have until Jack drives off.
Two hours later the siblings leave the bookstore, both of them having a bag in their hands. Of course Jack's heavier, but both he and the cashier assured (Y/N) that they lift the same amount of weight.
“Uncle Spence will be excited when I tell him that I read Harry Potter, he told me so many good things about it”, the girl gushes. Jack nods, indicating that he is listening. Of course they also picked books that are not that advanced. Still, no sister of his shall grow up without knowing the beauty of the wizarding world. Also, secretly he is hoping for her to turn out as nerdy as he is so they get more things to talk about. His next step is superheroes, especially the Marvel ones.
They converse until they get to an ice cream parlor and order both their usuals. “Do you think you are ready for me to tell you something important?” The older one asks after they sit down at a table. (Y/N) nods, confusion taking over her face.
“Uhm, you know how I graduated from high school? I’m done with school, but I want to get a degree, but for that I have to go to college. It’s pretty far away so I can’t come home for a few months. But I’m back home when Thanksgiving is and also for Christmas.” It doesn’t matter what Jack says, a sad frown has formed on the little one’s face. “Oh. And after Christmas, will you leave again?” He nods and explains when he is off from college and when not.
“We can always skype and write letters. How does that sound? And when you get your first phone, we can even text.” That (Y/N) lights up a bit. For her first year of school she got a stationary set and is eager to use it to this day.
“I’m going to miss you so much”, she says hugging her big brother. Jack pats her back. “I’ll miss you, too.”
The goodbye the next day is a heartfelt matter. Everybody cries, especially (Y/N). She can’t fathom a scenario where her brother isn’t there for her all the time.
The following weeks are also hard for the family. The youngest refuses to sleep alone for the first three days after Jack’s leave. She is more closed off and mainly just does her school work or reads the books he bought for her. By the time Thanksgiving is only away for another two weeks, (Y/N) has read through all of them at least two times.
Her father already ordered the lightsaber he promised her. Unfortunately shipping takes several months, so the little girl still has to wait patiently for her reward to arrive. In the meantime she works on getting the next and she is already pretty close to the comic book collection she wants.
“Sweetheart, can you set the table, please? Your Mom will be here soon from grocery shopping and she will need help getting them from the car into the house”, Hotch calls for his daughter while stirring in a pot.
The little girl nods, putting her stationary set and pens aside to do as her father asked. She is in the middle of answering her brother’s last letter, telling him that she is now the one that usually has to read aloud for the class because of her advanced skill for a first grader.
Just as she sets the last piece of silverware down the doorbell rings. “Sweetie, can you please open it? This should be your mother.” Happily (Y/N) runs up and turns the door knob. Over the last few months she hit a small growing spurt and is finally tall enough to reach it without standing on her tippy toes.
“Mo-” She nearly chokes on her own saliva. The one at the door is definitely not her mother. “JACK!” (Y/N) runs up to him and jumps onto his leg. “Hey Princess. I thought now that you read your books, we need to hold the most amazing lightsaber fight in history.” With a mischievous smile he pulls two from his back, giving one to his baby sister.
It is the most epic fight in history between an elementary schooler and a college boy. They can only be stopped by their parents announcing that it is a tie between both of them and that they have to sit down, else the food gets cold.
The following weeks mostly consist of (Y/N)’s joyous laughs and cuddling with her big brother. She even insists on him sleeping with her in her much smaller bed. On his last night before going back to college, the little girl turns to him in the middle of watching her favorite movie in the living room.
“Do you promise not to forget me when you are away? Because I alway think about you and tell my friends so much about you. I told them you are a hero, my hero, just like Daddy. They wanna meet you because of that.” Jack has to hold back tears at her statement.
“I also think of you so much. All of my friends at college are pretty jealous of me having such a sweet baby sister. Maybe one time you can visit me and I can introduce you to them.” The thought of that makes (Y/N) smile and is a little consolation to the thought of her brother leaving again.
Aaron watches the interaction going down, happy to see the strong bond between his children, despite their age gap. This is nothing like he and Sean were and that is a relief for him and the worries he had in the beginning. It is a sign that he did do some things right as a father.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos @jswessie187
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962 @ellyhotchner
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lawandorderimagines · 3 years
Word of Advice (Elliot Stabler x female reader)
“Denise, what are you doing here?” You weren’t expecting to see your mom and ten year old daughter at the precinct, though you told them that you’d meet them back at your apartment for dinner (if you were lucky enough to wrap up this case). She was carrying a large plastic bag. “Well, I had a feeling that you would be getting off late so I decided to bring dinner to you. Is there a place where we can sit?” You were about to take them to the break-room when Elliot walked in. 
“Hey Y/N, we have a lead out in Staten Island—” He stopped short when he noticed the two unfamiliar people. “Oh, Denise, Lily, this is my new partner, Elliot Stabler. Elliot, this is my mother-in-law Denise and my daughter Lily.” They shook hands and Elliot still looked shocked because you didn’t look old enough to be the mother of a fifth grader. You’d only transferred from Cyber Crimes almost a month ago, and you were still getting your bearings, getting your feet wet, so you didn’t really have enough time to tell him your whole life story. He only knew that you were married with a daughter.
“It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” They exchanged pleasantries with Elliot talking about your progression in the field over the last few weeks, your husband and his profession and how long you’ve been married before you really did have to follow that lead in Staten Island; you hugged Denise and kissed Lily on her cheek. “Don’t even touch that DS until all of your homework is done and lay your clothes out for tomorrow, okay? I love you.” You kissed her again on the top of her head as she replied, “I love you too.” As they were walking out the door, you peeked in the bag and saw a Tupperware container of last night’s leftover lasagna with a fork wrapped in a napkin along with a large chocolate brownie wrapped in aluminum foil; Denise always made the best brownies, which were made with espresso powder.
“I didn’t think you had a fifth grader. When you said you had a daughter, I imagined a toddler or at the very least a kindergartener.” You broke off half a piece of the brownie before giving him the other half wrapped in foil. “I understand. Lily’s dad and I were young when we had her, seventeen, eighteen years old, but we’ve known each other our whole lives.” After you put your food in the breakroom fridge, the two of you headed out to Staten Island where you told him everything, and he told you that he and his wife had their first daughter when they were around that age. “Families trading shifts to watch the baby so you could go to work and school. I worked at Hollister and [husband’s name] worked at the soft pretzel place.”
You weren’t expecting to find common ground with Elliot, especially this early into your partnership, but it was nice to talk to someone who understood what you went through as a teen parent. “We weren’t even dating when I got pregnant, we were just best friends, but there were rumors about us at school. He had just broken up with his girlfriend who didn’t like me at all. Well, we went to see a movie, made out, and making out led to… Lily.” Elliot stopped at a red light as he took in your words. “Sounds a hell of a lot better than mine. I met Kathy at a beach party, we got drunk, got married and nine months later, Maureen happened.” He made a left turn to the exit that would lead to Staten Island. 
“Everything seemed to work out for you in the end. You guys are still married and have more kids so you must’ve done something right in all these years.” He only laughed and turned on his left turn signal. “Our marriage is definitely not perfect, we were almost divorced. She took the kids, moved in with her mother.” “So what made you get back together?” Elliot smiled and slowed down at a stop sign. “Eli happened. We were sleeping together during the separation and Kathy being pregnant pretty much stopped the divorce proceedings. History basically repeated itself.”
You really hoped none of that happens to you; [your husband’s name] is such a big part of your life, you’d grown up together, conquered parenthood together. The both of you spent your teenage years and a good chunk of your twenties pretending that you were simply co-parenting, so it was inconceivable to even think of divorcing. “Any advice?” The both of you were now in Staten Island, not too far from the witness’s home. “The job we do…it really takes a toll on you, and sometimes that carries over into your personal life, makes you a little paranoid. Sometimes it even makes you not want to drop your kid off at school. And then, when you get home at night, you can’t exactly talk to your spouse about how your day went, so you don’t talk about it all because you don’t want to give them nightmares. You close yourself off from your family, and that’s what caused my separation. So what I’m saying is, don’t make this job your entire life. Don’t close yourself off to your family, and know when it’s time to walk away.”
You wondered if this is what happened with his last partner, that she knew when it was time to leave, but you didn’t want to upset him by saying it out loud. Elliot pulled up to a house and stopped on the curb, turned the car off and he looked at you, really looked at you. “I mean it, don’t let the job consume you. When things get too heavy and the Captain tells you to go home, don’t fight him on it.” You nodded and the two of you got out of the car. “Good to know.”
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rachaelswrites · 3 years
Halloween Wars
Ransom Drysdale x Daughter!reader
Your feud with your cousin Jacob takes a turn during the Halloween season
Word Count: 3,244
A/N: Happy Halloween! I haven’t written for Ransom in such a long time so consider this a treat, rather than a trick!
Warnings: Language (let me know if I miss any)
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No one really expected you and Jacob to get along but they thought you two could at least be amicable with each other. Instead, from the moment you both stepped into the same classroom in kindergarten. There wasn’t a single day that passed where you and Jacob didn’t torment each other. Ransom didn’t see a problem with it, mainly because you were the one doing most of the tormenting. Walt and Donna on the other hand, were not a fan of this arrangement. For months they went to Ransom and told him to “Control your kid” but as far as Ransom was concerned, you weren’t doing anything wrong. He didn’t get why Walt and Donna were so upset. It was just harmful bickering between cousins. It came with the territory.
He changed his mind when one day, you came home from school crying. Of course he was instantly worried because you were never one to cry. All he could get out of you was that it was because of Jacob. That was all he needed to hear before he drove all the way to their house and gave them an earful. In the end, all parents agreed that until you two graduate, you won’t be in the same classes. Ever.
This system worked better than any of them could imagine. Because you were in separate classes, your social circles were completely different. Once you two hit middle school and high school, you were on two different sides. Jacob was more introverted and stuck to the loner type kids and was interested in the more political aspects of the schools. You, on the other hand, focused more on your social life and making connections and friends, earning you a ticket to any and all events and parties. Your circles rarely intertwine.  
The one exception was Jacob’s girlfriend, Veronica. They met right at the beginning of Freshman year and now, a little over a year later, they were still going strong. You hated Veronica. Not because she was dating your cousin but because you’ve heard rumors about her that you did not want to be a part of. She was a fake and you’d seen it with your own eyes. You’d never bring it up to Jacob because he 1. Wouldn’t believe you and 2. You didn’t care enough to warn him. He had hurt you enough that he probably deserved this. 
Veronica had connections to some of your friends and she was a gossip. It was the only reason Jacob had information you had sworn your friends to secrecy about. His strategy was to drop it during a family dinner at Harlan’s. More often than not, whatever it was, the mood was ruined and you practically dragged your dad out the door. It was the one thing Jacob did that you couldn’t stand. The name calling and the shoves in the hallway were fine but spilling your business to the family? That was different.
You had a plan for payback after last week’s dinner. You had casually mentioned it to your dad but he stopped you. Even though Ransom was considered a “chill dad” among your friends, he wasn’t going to let you get into trouble for Jacob Thrombey. He made you dial it down to the point where it was just a lame prank. It would certainly annoy your cousin but it wouldn’t get the reaction you wanted. 
You quickly made it downstairs after your last class of the day. You didn’t know how this prank would set Jacob off so you wanted to get out of the school as quickly as you could. Your dad was picking you up today so you didn’t want to keep him waiting too long. The exit was near Jacob’s locker and all you had to do was walk by before Jacob opened his but today was not your lucky day. 
As soon as you passed by the hallway with your lockers, Jacob opened his. A bunch of fake rubber and plastic spiders fell out and from a distance, you could see the white cobwebs you hung up. Jacob angrily ripped the webs from all his belongings and threw them on the floor. He whipped around to try and find you, knowing you were behind this.
You tried to duck between the other students but he already saw you, “Y/n!” he yelled, causing you to stop and move out of the other student’s way. 
“What’s up cous?” you asked, trying to play it off. 
“What the fuck did you do?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t play around Drysdale. Why the hell did you do that?”
“It’s not even that big of a deal Jacob. Chill out,” you said, walking over to him.
“It’s not funny. It’s ridiculous,” he said harshly, “You’re the worst person I’ve ever met.”
“Ditto,” you responded.
Jacob rolled his eyes before he bent down and picked up the pile of fake webs and spiders. He then stood back up and threw them at you, “Fuck off Y/n.”
You quickly pulled the Halloween decorations off your face before responding with “Love you too Jakey.”
Jacob quickly turned around, “Don’t call me that,” he growled, holding up his hand and flipping you off. He turned back around and slammed his locker shut before going down the hallway, probably to meet with Veronica. 
“Son of a bitch,” you murmured under your breath. You tried to clean off all the webs before you left the school and found your dad’s car. 
As you got in and threw your bag into the back seat, Ransom looked over at you, eyeing the remaining cobwebs stuck in your hair, “What happened to you?” he asked, knowing full well this was a part of your prank. It didn’t seem to go too well. 
“He’s pissed,” you said, looking to face him, “And I’m screwed.”
Jacob had found Veronica minutes after his encounter with you. He told her what had happened and it was harder to tell who was more angry. Just how you didn’t like Veronica, she didn’t like you. Most of her information on you came from Jacob so it was biased but you were who she wanted to be. You had friends, connections and a family where you could do whatever you wanted. Your dad didn’t care what you did and he’d always bail you out. You were spoiled and Veronica was jealous. 
She couldn't get to you directly though. You had all these people on your side and at your defense and she didn’t dare make a move but Jacob, he was already considered an outcast so he would do what he wanted. Veronica had a plan that she wasn’t afraid to put in motion. 
Jacob listened intently to what his girlfriend had to say about revenge on his cousin. Veronica was a movie buff and one of the classics, Carrie, was a favorite of hers. Her plan consisted of one of the main plot points. She wanted to get you in front of everyone and ruin your reputation. Jacob was of course ready to do anything to get back at you. Even if today’s prank was small, he was sick and tired of you getting away with everything with just a shrug. 
“You really think he’s that angry with you Y/n? It was a dumb prank,” Ransom said, watching you pace back and forth in the living room. He was in the kitchen, drinking a glass of something. 
“I don’t know. He was pretty pissed at the school. You think he’ll try and do something tonight?” you asked, stopping your movement to look at your dad.
“It’s been a week. If he was going to do something he would have already done it,” he said, setting his glass down and crossing his arms over his chest, “And besides, you’re going to be out. I don’t think you’ll run into each other tonight.”
“Yeah but it’s Halloween dad,” you argued, “It’s a night full of surprises.”
Ransom just shrugged. He didn’t think trying to change your mind and calm you down about this would help. 
“But then again he’s probably staying in tonight and making out with Veronica till their faces fall off,” you added.
“I hate that girl you know,” your dad said, “I remember that time she came to dinner over the summer. She wouldn’t shut up about God knows what.”
“And don’t forget the time when Jacob dragged her to my birthday party and she spilt her drink on me,” you said, “I don’t think it was an accident like she claimed.”
Ransom nodded, fully agreeing with you. He remembered that moment and how fake Veronica’s trip looked. If it didn’t happen so quickly, he would have made sure you were out of the way, “Just try to have fun tonight okay? Don’t worry about your cousin. If he gives you a hard time, you tell me and I’ll handle it.”
“I know,” you said. You checked your phone and saw it was almost time for you to leave, “I should probably go change,” you said, making your way upstairs and to your room.
It didn’t take you too long to get ready. You didn’t bother with an over the top costume. You weren’t interested in Halloween for the costumes and spookiness, you were in it for the parties. Some people nicknamed you Y/n “Party” Ransom because most weekends you could be found at someone’s house, red solo cup in hand or helping pass around a joint. 
You came back downstairs and your dad was now on the couch, watching some documentary. He turned to look at you when he heard your steps on the stairs, “You look nice,” he said. 
“Thanks,” you said, more focused on finding a jacket than your dad’s compliment. 
“Remember what your curfew is?” he asked, making sure you still knew the rules he set. Ransom knew he was a “chill dad” but even with that title, he still made sure you were safe. You had a curfew and made you check in every hour.
“Yeah twelve. I got it,” you said, finally picking a jacket and slipping it on, “Don’t worry dad. I know to be safe.”
“Just making sure,” he explained.
“I know. I’ll only make out with one person while I’m shitfaced,” you joked, although Ransom didn’t seem to find it funny. 
“Hey,” he warned you, standing from the couch, “You’re lucky I let you do this shit Y/n. Other kids have to sneak around. Don’t make me take this away from you.”
“Sorry,” you quickly said. Your dad didn’t joke around about this stuff. Even though most people would say he was a horrible dad for letting you go out and party, he cared enough to make sure you didn’t do anything you’d regret.
“Look one thing leads to another and soon enough, there’ll be a mini you running around. I can’t handle another you here. You’re already too much,” he said, walking over to you, “Just don’t do anything dumb okay?” he asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry I won’t,” you assured, “I didn’t even plan on kissing anyone anyway.”
Jacob had planned tonight from the moment Veronica told him about this party. He got what he needed (making sure to hide it from his parents) and made sure who he needed would be there. He paid them enough to keep them quiet before the party and for the actual plan. 
He and Veronica arrived at the party before you did, making sure everything was in place and ready. The two of them waited on the staircase across from the front door and waited for you. They were both on their phones when they heard your voice, announcing your arrival at the house. 
“Hello party people!” you called, gaining everyone’s attention. They all cheered and hollered, whether it was because you were there or if it was a natural response, it still made Jacob roll his eyes at you. 
Your eyes scanned the room and they fell on Jacob and Veronica. You scoffed, “Didn’t expect to see you two here,” you said as your best friend Olivia walked up to you, handing you a cup.
“What? Think you get to police what everyone does on Halloween?” Veronica sneered, clearly fed up with you already. 
“Jesus,” you mumbled, “Will you calm down? I just didn’t expect to see you. I figured you’d just stay in and keep each other company.”
Neither of them answered you. Instead, they stuck their noses back into their phone and carried on with what they were doing. You didn’t understand how they spent so much time on their phones but still seemed to be so close.
“Y/n just leave them alone. Let’s go have fun,” Olivia said, tugging on your jacket sleeve. 
You pushed her hand off of you but nodded, following her outside where your other friends were.
It was only ten-thirty and Jacob knew it was time. The night was only getting started and he could hear the music and singing from outside getting louder. The best time for his revenge was when you were having fun and weren’t expecting any trouble. 
He sent his goons your way, buckets in hand. You didn’t realize they were heading for you, until the red liquid blinded your vision. You heard the gasps and giggles before you wiped the fake blood from your eyes. You spun around trying to find the person behind this. 
“You,” you growled, once your eyes landed on your cousin, “This is way out of line. All I did was put fake spiders and webs in your locker and you think it’s okay to cover me in blood? You’re crazy.”
“I’m sick and tired of you getting away with all this shit,” he argued back, “Your dad lets you get away with anything and it’s about time someone put you in your place.”
“So you drench me in fake blood? This isn’t a fucking movie Jacob. If you have a problem with me, talk it out like a normal person.”
“Yeah I do that and then your son of a bitch dad is on my ass, yelling at me for hurting your feelings,” Jacob fought back. 
“Watch what you say,” you snapped. You weren’t going to tolerate Jacob badmouthing your dad in front of you.
“You watch what you say,” he countered, “You don’t think I hear the shit you say about me and the rest of the family? And the things Veronica hears? You’re a horrible person Y/n and you deserve horrible things.”
“Grow up,” you spat, “And when you do, leave me and my dad alone.”
You didn’t bother to listen to what he said next. You were already heading back inside the house. Luckily one of your upperclassmen friends had just arrived and was willing to drive you home. She offered to wait while you cleaned up but you just wanted to get home. You could hear people talking about what had happened. You knew by morning, everyone at school, and maybe everyone in the area would know what happened. 
Normally, you and Jacob’s feud remained between the two of you and a few of your friends. You always stayed away from messing with him in front of classmates. No one else needed to be involved but now Jacob had opened up that window. You didn’t know how this would affect your social life at school but that wasn't what you were focused on now. You just wanted to go home. 
You were dropped off at your house by eleven. Ransom heard the slam of a car door and was surprised. Most times you were late for your curfew and he had to text you multiple times before you came home. He heard the front door open and slam shut and he looked over his shoulder at you. He was still on the couch, finishing his documentary from before. 
“What the fuck Y/n?” he asked, jumping from the couch and taking in your “blood” soaked appearance. 
You didn’t answer, choosing to collapse in his arms and start sobbing. Even though you kept a tough front at the party, you were holding in tears the whole time. It wasn’t what Jacob had said that made you hurt. It was the way he said it. You had been told so many times you were a horrible person but he said it was so much malice and heart that you knew he was serious. Most people just said it to say it but Jacob meant it whole-heartedly. 
“Y/n,” Ransom said again. He gently wrapped his arms around you.
“I hate him, dad. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him,” was all you said. You could barely speak because of your crying. You had promised yourself you wouldn’t cry because of Jacob. You did it once when you were five and hadn't done it since.
“What did he do?” your dad asked, immediately knowing who you were talking about.
“Look at me!” you yelled, pulling away, “Look!”
Ransom looked you over to see if there was anything more obvious than the liquid covering you. He was more confused than anything, “I see whatever it is you’re covered in. Did he do that?”
You nodded slowly, tears spilling out again, “He did it in front of everyone dad. He humiliated me.”
Your dad had to take a deep breath to compose himself. He was furious. He knew you two had whatever revenge cat and mouse game but even this was a whole other level, “Y/n,” Ransom said in his soft but stern voice, “Look at me,” he reached up and held your face in his hands, “ I swear to God I will make that boy. I don’t care if I have to drive all the way over to their house.”
You shook your head, “That will just make things worse,” you said, “And besides, you really think Walt and Donna are gonna do anything? All Jacob has to do is bat his eyelashes and say I started it before they chew you out.”
“So what?” your dad asked, “I’m not scared of them Y/n. And neither should you. They can't do anything to you or me. I won’t let it happen,” he said, moving his hands to your shoulders, “He won’t pull any shit like this again. You hear me?”
You nodded slowly, “I don’t know what to do dad,” you said, sniffling to keep in your tears.
“Hey,” he said softly again, “Don’t think about that stuff now. How about you and I just stay in for the rest of the night and watch movies?”
You looked up at your dad, “And eat all the candy for the trick or treaters?”
Ransom rolled his eyes at you, “You’re a high schooler yet when it comes to candy, you act like a toddler. I don’t get it.”
You shrugged, pulling yourself from your dad’s grip and already going to the front door where the candy bowl was, “So?”
“Nothing,” he said, watching you grab the whole bowl and bringing it back into the living room, sitting on the couch. He sat down next to you and you set the bowl between the two of you. For the rest of the night, you two watched movies until you fell asleep.
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @prentisswrites @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavenderhoney @jjmybeloved @vxidsti1es @waxingmoonwrites @benbarnesbussy @hallecarey1 @freds-slut  @ssa-uglywhore27 @czlypso (for some reason I can’t tag you) @sweetpeterparker @spiritualchange @im-in-love-with-pizza-bites
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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I loved you first, but you’re not the last
“....You’re special so it requires extra effort. Happy Valentines and happy first day of being a couple,”
Pairing: Mark Lee x female!reader
Genre: Angst, SMUT, fluff, childhood best friends to lovers
WC: 4,588k
Warnings: Fake dating, break up,swearing, mentions or other idol, reader x Taeyong in the end, Taeyong as Mark’s brother, unprotected sex, virginity loss, a lot of making out, mentions of making out, touching, a small amount of dirty talking, oral sex (female receiving), overstimulation
A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll fix it once I get my internet connection back. Gosh I hope this posts. Part of Request Party
It was in the middle of the night when you received a call that did not just woke you up, but also woke your whole being. Body, mind and soul.
“You’re back?” crankily you sat up from bed, scratching your heavy eyes and about to get out of bed because the person on the other line is right outside your house, waiting for you.
He has been away and gone for too long because of college... and you should be excited as you go downstairs to meet him, but you know why he’s here and it’s no good news. Let’s face it, this night will not end nice.
“Here goes nothing,” you murmured. Wrapping yourself with your thick jacket before you finally step outside.
And the moment you opened the door, snow was falling and you didn’t miss how the snow landed peacefully on Mark’s eyelashes. Eyes looking straight to you, those sad eyes that can’t hide the pain that he’s holding. A pain that you caused.
You wanted to finally reunite first with a hug, but he got ahead of you and took your chance to show him how much you missed him.
“How could you?” he started, eyes still locked on yours. “I thought we were going to wait and do it right- how could you date my brother while I was away?”
Even you find it cruel. What you did to Mark was cruel, selfish, and unforgivable. And truth be told, you don’t have the right words now. You wanted to explain of course, but you’re scared it might break him even more. “I love your brother,” you said softly. Not even brave enough to look him in the eye because you feel bad.
“You loved me first,” he bite back. And you can’t help but be weak in front of him and cry. Usually whenever you cry, he will walk towards you and remind you how much you mean to him. But you guess not tonight, maybe you don’t deserve love tonight.
“You left me, remember?” you dried your tears and tried being brave even just for a short period. Just until you have the guts to walk away.
“Whatever. It’s not yet too late. Choose me. Marry me. Let me make you happy,”
He finally said his true purpose tonight. This was his last chance and the only to win you back. But even though he has never been more honest in his whole life except tonight, he feels like not even telling you his feelings can bring you back to him. Mark was so frustrated that he has tears in his eyes already that you wanted to dry so bad. But if you really want him to respect the relationship you have with his brother, then this is the perfect time.
“I may have loved you first, but your brother is the last man I’ll love. I’m sorry Mark,”
And just as you finish saying those hurtful words, you finally have the bravery to turn your back on him and ignore his shouting that you’re sure your parents and neighbors heard. This is you throwing a decade of good friendship because of unrequited love.
The day before Valentines day, you don’t know what’s up with your mood or with you in general, because you’ve been so envy with the people around you, couples to be exact. As you admire happy couples in school who celebrates Valentines as early as now, you can’t help but to imagine someone.... someone that will give you flowers, chocolates... kisses, or whatever you’ll accept in whole heartedly.
Valentines is like Christmas, it’s a day of giving and receiving. But that only applies if you have someone special whom you can spend the day with and exchange shiny, glittery, and sparkling Valentine cards with.
“I can be your fake boyfriend, come on it will be fun,” he raises his seagull eyebrows and smirked. Come to think of it, it’s not a bad idea. You’ve been best friends even before kindergarten, you watch each other grow and went through puberty together until the next thing you know, you’re printing college applications together in your room because his printer broke down.
“Let’s not go to college without having the experience of high school love... you know, let’s have fun before we graduate with flying colors. Let’s go to parties, participate in Valentine-gram tomorrow, go to prom together. What do you say?” he added.
“But everything’s fake? What’s the point of fake dating if we already look like were dating ever since we started being friends?” You whine and flop on your bed, Mark did the same thing.
“Don’t think about it too much, just say yes,” for a moment you both just stared at the ceiling, wondering what could go wrong if you started fake dating. “Anyway, you don’t have a choice. I need to get home and answer these- Bye, you’re my girlfriend now!”
“W-what? Mark-“
And just before you could reason out with him, he’s gone with his college applications and you’re left with your thoughts and excitement. You don’t know why but Mark’s crazy idea made your heart jump, it’s like a good electricity that made you look for your art materials and spend the whole evening making your fake boyfriend a blue shiny, glittery, and sparkling Valentine card.
Even if the motive was fake, the effort was real and it felt good and right at that very moment.
But little did you know that his idea of fake dating was only his way to not shock you when he finally confess his feelings to you.
That’s right, your best friend is in love with you.
If she wears blue tomorrow I will confess to her. He tells himself as he stares in his ceiling, feeling the same excitement and electricity in his heart. Trying so hard to sleep but he kept on thinking about you and can’t help but feel the excitement for tomorrow again.
“You and Y/n started dating? Since when?” Mark’s mother exclaimed happily while driving. Looking at his son admire the roses he got you from the flower shop downtown.
“We’re just starting mom. Thanks for helping me pick these up by the way,”
“Oh there she is! Wearing blue! Oh I never realized how you two grew such good looking kids until now,”
Mark breathed in and let it out with a smile, thankful that you wore his favorite color, because he can’t continue to hide his feelings for you. Maybe you and him are really bound to happen.
As you wave goodbye to Mrs. Lee with a bright smile, there you see Mark carrying a unique bouquet of roses and your eyes immediately went big and sparkled because. Not to mention your heart beats so hard and fast because he looked so handsome even in his casual clothes.
“Wow- I’m speechless, these are beautiful. Where did you get these?” you accept the bouquet as he hands it to you with a smile. Engraving the look of your face in his mind and heart, swearing to himself that from now on he will make you happy like this everyday.
“It’s a secret. You’re special so it requires extra effort. Happy Valentines and happy first day of being a couple,” he said and planted a kiss on your forehead. Something so natural for you and him, but today is different. Nonetheless, you believe that today will be a beautiful and eventful day.
In the see of people wearing red and white in your school’s hallway, you and Mark are happy wearing blue. Such a sad color but you wearing it makes him the happiest guy today. Everywhere you look has a dash of red and pink, hearts are hanged here and there and almost everyone has red roses on their hand... except you.
Because you’re holding a bouquet of rainbow roses.
This year’s Valentines wasn’t like any other Valentine’s you usually have. Today you have Mark.
You have Mark to hold your hand while you walk on the school’s hallway. You have Mark to look at you so lovingly that your heart melts whenever you catch him looking. You have Mark to take you out on a date after school and take cute photos in a photo booth. You have Mark to share a big drink with two straws.
And most especially, you have Mark to kiss you under the dark sky full of stars in front of your house.
His lips were soft as expected. And the way his tongue swipes on your lip in the most subtle way just makes you want him to kiss more. He smiled in between kissing when you pulled him closer and kiss him more when he was about to pull away. And oh! You did not miss the way he softly moans, such music to your ears but sad to say you can only hear them tonight.
“Did you liked my Valentine card? I left it in your locker,”
You finally pulled away and surprised him. Wiping away the spit from your mouth, you wiped Mark’s as well. He only smiled to you and you wish he would stop doing it because you’re growing a little crush on him already.
“It’s full of glitters, it’s blue and it has watermelons. Of course I love it” he said then did it again, melted your heart with that damn handsome smile.
“Good,” you said softly, fixing his hoodie and finally giving him a bear hug that he deserves. “I don’t want this night to end,” you finally admitted it.
“Then let’s not end it,”
“Wait, you’re not faking anymore aren’t you-“
And just like that Mark cut you off with a deep kiss. Nothing like how he kissed you earlier. This time he was holding you tight that you’re almost out if breath and you feel like he’s about to crush you anytime. But the way he kissed you... it’s his way of confessing his love to you.
On the following days, everything changed between you and Mark. Though it’s clear that what you feel for him is only just a crush now and he knows it, still the guy is hopeful that you will love him like how he loves you.
Mark is the perfect definition of consistent. He showed you how he feels for you each day, and each day he became better than the day before, sweeter and bolder. He was putting everything on the line for you, showering you the love he has always kept in him. That’s why, in a matter of months you finally made it official with him and you can’t wait what the future has in store for the both of you.
“What do you love about me?” you asked out of nowhere while he was in the middle of playing his guitar. It wasn’t a hard question, but it made him stop and think for a second.
“I love how you give me constant reasons to love you even more each day,” the first line was enough, but Mark has more to say. “The way you kiss my cheek in the most friendly way but it always meant something to me, how you accepted me to be your friend and now boyfriend. I love how you love me, because being loved back by you is something so special that only us can understand”
What he said moved you of course. You didn’t know that he loves you deeply even before you started the fake dating thing. And knowing that Mark is just crazy and madly in love with you, you can’t help but wish that you are too. For now all you can do is accept his love, and give back however you can. You love him of course, but you can’t keep up with his love yet.
Days passed by and your relationship grew sweeter. More sweet words were exchanged and more kisses were given. Way more. Until you find yourselves making out whenever you two are alone.
“Aw!” you express your pain when Mark accidentally bit your lip. Something so sexy but it hurt and it made you both stop what you’re doing.
“Oops. Sorry, I got carried away” he says and took a look at your lips. “You’re fine right?”
“Mhmm” You answered, but just before he was about to start kissing you again, you stopped him by pulling away. “And it’s getting late, I think you should go home,”
“But I want to stay for more,” he said with a sly smile. Caressing your shoulders and soothing your back. If course you did not miss what he was talking about for more. You and Mark are young, and being new to this relationship thing just makes you both want to explore and feed each other’s curiosity.
“When I’m ready. I promise it will be worth the wait, for now it’s getting late and you need to go home... And work with some homework,” you gave him a final kiss and thankfully he did not pry.
The relationship you have with Mark was nothing like the friendship you used to have. The friendship was still there, of course, but friends don’t kiss your neck while you’re busy reading a book or slam you to the nearest wall and kiss you wildly. Friends don’t taste your favorite ice cream flavor through your tongue in the middle of a Netflix movie, and friends don’t get affected when they see you in your thin shirt and panties only whenever they give you a surprise visit.
“It’s the weekend, why are you here?” You whine as you try to go back to sleep. Clinging to your pillow and thick blanket but your boyfriend is currently losing his mind. Nonetheless, he remained a gentleman and covered your exposed leg and butt, covering you completely and keeping you warm. “Come to bed with me. Cuddle with me instead”
The young man’s eyes brightened and quickly joined you in bed. Swinging his arm around your waist from behind and nuzzling your neck to tickle you.
“I got into my dream college,” he whispered excitedly beside your ears which made you quickly turn to him and hug him.
“That’s why you’re here! Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realized” you planted kisses on his cheek the ones he loved receiving other than your slow and deep ones. “You used to talk about this ever since we were just kids. Ugh, I’m so proud of you”
“Promise to support me no matter what?” This time it’s him who went closer and planted kisses on your face. Of course you said yes, it has been his dream, but now that you knew you’ll miss him everyday and you know that the image of him walking away from you at the airport will truly hurt you, so you can’t help but fake it.
You rolled on top of him and his eyes immediately went big, wondering why and how are you like this. You have never been this bold and confident even in your wildest times, it’s like he’s seeing a totally different side of you and he loves it.
“Want to claim your early graduation gift?” you completely surprised him and started kissing his neck, while Mark is actually enjoying the moment by caressing your ass cheeks and teasing you by tugging your panties. You wish you have the same level of confidence with Mark, because you well know that between the two of you he is the one experienced with sexual activities, so now you try your best.
“Mmm” a loud pop surrounds your room as Mark sucks your nipples through your thin shirt. Taking turns with your left boob and right boob until your shirt is partly wet because of him and he can finally see your nipples. The sight of it gave him the feeling like no other. Of course this is not his first time seeing boobs, but this is different because it’s you.
The mere sight of your boobs just made him lose his mind and not to mention hard in no time. You watch him roll his head back while you slowly grind of top of him with a ruined shirt, looking so hot than ever so he quickly switched places with you. Putting you underneath him, looking down on you with hungry and lustful eyes.
“Do you wanna touch my boobs?” You asked him so innocently,reaching for his hand that’s placed on your waist. You put your hand and his hand inside your shirt, slowly lifting the wet shirt just above your chest to expose your boobs to him.
“I wish you were my first,” he said and immediately kissing your right boob while his hand kneads the other, pinching you or teasing you, or whatever he just wanted to hear something from you. And when he stopped making your nipples swollen, Mark just kept on kissing you softly and saying ‘i love yous’ over and over again. making you smile through his lips and soft touches, it is as if he’s taking away all your shyness and making you comfortable with the situation. The situation where your boobs are expose to him, your legs spread wide and Mark is in between your legs, grinding his clothed cock on your ruined and wet panties.
You were just kissing passionately but now you felt his hands hooked on your panties and the next thing you know he’s pulling it down without breaking the kiss until it reaches your thigh and eventually remove it but the shyness crept in again, making you close your legs and bite your lips in hesitation.
“Can I? Open your legs?” He asks, kissing your neck and calming you through the way he kisses you and touch you. And when he felt that you’re ready, he tried opening your legs again and this time you let him. Letting him place his body in between your legs, smiling through the kiss as if he’s telling you ‘good job’.
Mark spread kisses around your body, kissing every inch of your being, earning a giggle from you and with that he’s happy you’re not nervous anymore.
And when Mark pull away to discard his clothes, and release his cock, you were speechless when you saw it that you removed your own ruined shirt just to be fair ask him to get back in between your legs this instant.
“Lets do this right,” he said and immediately placed a finger on your wet slit that took your breath away. Up and down, you feel his finger nothing else, and when the moment comes and Mark put a finger in, your hand reached for his hand and tried to stop him because the pleasure was too much. But your handsome boyfriend was just smiling at you, smirking because you looked so ruined right now all you can do is smile back at him. And when he insert two fingers, he kissed you deeply and caught every moan you let out, every cry of his name, every groan, or whine.
And the next thing you know you’re closing your legs as you shiver and curl your body. Trying to get away from Mark because you’re sensitive already but your boyfriend is not stopping.
“First of many,” he says and stopped to pull out his fingers. But he is not yet done. He only gave you a few seconds to catch your breath and went back kneeling in between your legs again.
“Are you going to fuck me now?” you asked with ragged breaths and tired expression.
Mark did not answer you verbally, but he did physically. Licking your pussy juices and spreading your pussy lips while his eyes are completely locked on yours.
You said ‘no’, but you didn’t mean it and the moment his tongue swipes on your cunt you grabbed hold on your headboard and hold on for your dear life. Clenching and unclenching as Mark eats you out, trying so hard to close your legs but you can’t until your second orgasm drowned you quickly and all you can do is breathe in and out heavily.
“I hate you” you said but you’re clinging to Mark and sharing your warmth to him.
“I love you,” he said and intertwined his fingers with his, kissing your knuckles before he place both your hands above your head. You voluntarily spread your legs wider for him, and with his free hand he lines his cock finally.
“I didn’t know you’re big,”
What you said made him smirk and proved your discovery even more by pulling out entirely and slamming his cock back in your wet hole. “Now you know,” he said small grunts and went in deeper. He knew what he’s doing to you is too much pleasure because it’s your first time and also he can tell by the way you hold on to his hand.
“Planning to crush my hand?” he let out a cut giggle like he isn’t fucking you deep right now. How can he do that? Be insanely cute while doing something filthy to you.
“Y/n, I’m close can I go faster?” and you can only nod.
Fucking you faster and harder than earlier, you watch Mark become someone sinful when he started focusing on his own release, kissing your boobs while he fucks you, give your ass a tight squeeze, lick your neck like you’re a fucking ice cream and whisper dirty words or word that make you shy that you didn’t know you would love hearing. Like,
“Let me fuck you again,”
“You like it deep huh?”
“Y/n, you’re worth wait, you’re mine forever”
“This is the last pussy I’ll fuck,”
And in the end he pulled out and jerked in front of you, letting his cum fall on your lower abdomen and watch his cum drip to your sheets. It’s a shame that he can’t cum inside you, it would have felt great.
“Fucking shit- that sex was great,”
He rests his head on top of your boobs, but went back to kissing you again on the lips. Apologizing for his mess, aplogizing for his words and saying ‘i love you’ over and over again.
That morning, you stayed naked with Mark in bed for a few hours just talking and laughing, flirting and kissing. It felt great having a huge progress with your relationship, especially that it’s Mark who took your virginity.
“Hey, you okay?” he was talking about your pussy because even though he didn’t went hard earlier, he did fucked you a little bit harder knowing that it’s your first time. “I meant what I said earlier. Please be my last, I don’t want to give my love to anyone but you. It’s too early to talk about marriage but, I know it’s you. I’ll love you better each day, I promise”
Comfort, warmth and safety. That’s what you felt hearing those beautiful words from him that you became speechless and crashed your lips to him.
His promise was kept every day until you both finished high school together, enjoy the summer before he leaves and make unforgettable memories as many as you can.
But knowing that he’s going away to follow his dreams and fulfil his goals, Mark worried too much about long distance relationship and how it never worked.
“Are we really together now? I’m not dreaming right?”
Your sleep was disturbed when Mark called you in the middle of the night. Today, you taught him how to bake and had a couple of rounds during Netflix and chill, so to be honest you’re really exhausted and tired.
“Mark, we kiss, we date, we have sex almost everyday. Yes baby, we’re together for almost four months already. Now can we please go back to sleep-“
“Go down open your door. I’m outside”
And the moment you opened the door for him, you gave him a ‘shh’ sign, telling him that your parents are already asleep. You came closer to him for a kiss, and told him, “it’s real. I’m real. Can you please promise me to stop overthinking, you’re making me worry,”
He didn’t answer you but lowered his head. You knew he’s sorry and he’s just doing this for you,
“I love you, Mark. I’m yours forever,” you said and kissed him again. Deeply this time, to the point that it put you both in the mood and the next thing you know Mark is fucking you while he’s covering your mouth with his hand.
When Mark left you for college your relationship went downhill and you’re both getting hurt already. Fighting is part of the relationship, yes, but the fight you have with Mark almost everyday was becoming the reason why you want to distance yourself from him. You feel caged with how he love you, you feel like he’s strangling you with all these rules you need to follow to maintain trust in your relationship but nothing is working.
Until he finally realized what he’s doing to you.
So during his vacation, he visited you and you were so excited to the core that you welcomed him with a tight hug and the biggest smile. Only to find out that he wanted to break up.
“It’s just until we finish college. Let’s wait and do it right. I don’t want to fight for you while hurting you at the same time. Please understand. I’m not breaking up because I don’t love you. This time off will heal us both,”
The breakup did you no good. You were sad every day and to be honest you would rather want him to nag you than miss him like this and you can believe that between the two of you, he’s the one doing great in life. It makes you want to believe that he doesn’t love you anymore. Like the man you fell in love to, wasn’t there anymore.
“Still crazy about my stupid brother huh? Come here and help feed my fishes,”
His brother, Lee Taeyong, disturbed you and your ugly thoughts while you finish the drink their mom gave you during one of your visits.
“Well, college was good to you. I see you’re back and finally opening a bakeshop downtown” he hands you the fish food as you wait for him to talk and feed the fishes generously.
“I’m very much excited to open my bakery. Want to make cookies later instead of being broken hearted?”
And as days, weeks, and months pass by, not only Lee Taeyong making you forget about Mark, he also healed your heart and won it fair and square.
It started how he makes your heart flutter whenever he holds your hand while teaching you how to bake, how praises you and tell you that you look beautiful everyday, how he makes his kitchen your own little world during closing time and you’re sitting on the kitchen counter with Taeyong in between your legs and taking your breath away with a heated kiss.
When you and taeyong started dating, you experienced true love. You didn’t want to hurt Mark but what you have with Taeyong is real and you had to hide this from him for years and years and years, until you finally graduated in college.
And Tayong proposed to you. It was the only time you couldn’t hide your relationship from Mark anymore because Taeyong was the one who confessed to him.
*this is the part where you read the first part again JEJEHEH
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floralseokjin · 4 years
⤑ made-up love song vii (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader   au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, smut; includes jacuzzi (oral) sex, outdoor sex, the angst/drama comes knocking!  words; 8,336
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii  • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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A few days after Arin’s birthday party school started back, and just as you’d known you got incredibly busy, incredibly fast. With admin and getting to know your new students you found that you were too distracted to dwell on all the things that had been worrying you. Yes, it was strange not being able to see Seokjin practically whenever you wanted, and yes, you missed him – and the summer, but with work so hectic it cushioned the blow. You didn’t have time to live inside your own head or get sad about stupid, tiny things. 
Letting the school know about your relationship wasn’t mandatory now that you weren’t Arin’s teacher, but you felt better for it, meeting with Hoseok one morning to inform him. Eunbi already knew, being quite a close a friend to you, and slowly, over the next few days you let some of the other teachers you were friendly with know too. You found it quite exciting. You’d been single for such a long time so finding yourself in conversations about your boyfriend filled you with a happiness you weren’t quite used to. You liked talking about Seokjin, bigging him up, some could call it bragging… He’d even very kindly donated money for a new playground to be built in the kindergarten area. He wanted to help Primrose Hill any which way he could. It meant a lot to you and his daughter. 
It only took around three weeks to get yourself into a routine. For both of you to find a rhythm and make it work well. Your lunch break wasn’t long enough for you to zip to Seokjin’s office and join him so he always made an effort to come to you. Sometimes you’d eat in his car, sometimes yours, or sometimes you’d meet in a small café near the school. You cherished that short time together because sometimes that’s all you could have. Depending on how busy you both were you often couldn’t spend time together in the evenings. You tried to at least once in the week, but weekends were reserved for things like spending the night. 
It was Tuesday today and you somehow had a night free from lesson planning which meant you could join Seokjin and Arin for dinner. You were glad really, because Seokjin had been stressed since yesterday and you hadn’t had a chance to see him properly. He had to go away on last minute business this weekend but it coincided with Misook’s family vacation. He’d asked Nana if Arin could stay with her this weekend but she was busy too. He didn’t know what to do, other than try and postpone the trip. Key word: try. 
Misook had left for the day just as you were arriving, Arin in her room, too busy playing on the Nintendo Switch she’d gotten from Nana for her birthday, so it gave you some brief time alone with Seokjin. You were shocked to see him still in his suit, sat in contemplation alone in the family room. Oh, boy. You hated seeing him so stressed. He was never one to mope or even show his mood. You knew him well enough by now to be able to tell when he was drained, but he still didn’t let it affect him too much, always smiling, always joking around. This evening was different. He’d barely said a few sentences, mostly it involved apologising for his bad mood. He felt selfish, not being much company, yet still needing yours. He had nothing to be sorry for, you reassured, resting your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you, holding you close. You reached for his hand, and there you stayed like that for a little while, fingers laced together. 
Arin made her way in soon enough, stomach rumbling, a hopeful lilt to her voice as she walked over to you both, hands behind her back. “Can we have pizza for dinner?”
Seokjin shifted, unlacing your fingers and dropping his arm from your shoulders as you both sat up straighter. “Didn’t we have that yesterday, Arin?”
Arin didn’t miss. She was a professional. “But Y/N wasn’t here yesterday. She missed out.” 
Her comeback even managed to draw a quiet chuckle out of her dad. “We’re not having pizza, sweetie.” 
She sighed softly, crossing her arms around her chest as she looked your way. “Daddy is moody today.” 
You raised an eyebrow, your mouth unable to stop quirking up in amusement. “He is?”
“Why do you say that?” Seokjin asked. His tone was light, but you could tell by his frown lines her casual words had him worrying. 
“I heard you on the phone this morning to mommy. There’s no one to look after me when you go away this weekend and she can’t do it.” 
Seokjin faltered, not expecting such a frank answer. He composed himself quickly. “She’s just really busy, Arin. She wanted to look after you, she just couldn’t this time.” 
“I know,” she replied simply, nodding her head. 
There was a beat of silence and then Seokjin reached for her, kissing her cheek, his voice quiet with apology. “I’m sorry. Was I really moody today?” He looked unsurely your way too. 
“Uh huh. You hardly smiled, and when I tried telling you about the field trip I’m going on next week you weren’t even listening properly.” Arin’s small voice filled with such attitude was comical. 
Seokjin chuckled. “Daddy’s really sorry. I’m smiling now, though, right?” Arin nodded. “And if you’re kind enough, you can tell me about your trip again over dinner. Is that okay?” 
“Hmm.” She thought allowed. “So can we get pizza?”
Seokjin snorted. “Nice try, young lady. It’s still a no.” 
Seokjin ordered from one of his favourite restaurants, helping you set the table as Arin went to check on her rabbits. You ate together, listening as Arin spoke all about her upcoming field trip, finally having her father’s undivided (and interested) attention. However, halfway in, she completely changed the topic, throwing you both. 
“Can’t I stay with Y/N this weekend?” 
“Hm?” Seokjin looked over at her, visibly surprised. 
You swallowed what was left in your mouth just as Arin’s eyes found yours.  “I can just stay with you while daddy has to go away.” Your lips parted, trying to think of something to say, your years of teacher training falling short. 
Seokjin beat you to it. “No, no, sweetie,” he shook his head, sounded a little flustered, taken by surprise. “Y/N will probably be busy on the weekend. That’s her only free time, she can’t look after you.” 
With a small shrug, she put her fork to her mouth. “It was just a thought.” 
Seokjin looked over at you, expression apologetic as he mouthed sorry. 
Hey, listen…” You began, feeling oddly nervous as you looked up at your boyfriend. It was a couple of hours later, Arin was in bed, time was getting on, you had to leave soon, but cuddled up against him, both curled up on the sofa as you watched mindless television, you really didn’t want to go anywhere. Seokjin had relaxed a little by now (the wonders of food), but you could still tell his mind was exhausted as his gaze fell on yours. You took a breath, deeper than intended, psyching yourself up. “I really don’t mind looking after Arin this weekend.” 
You didn’t miss the way his eyes widened a tad, obviously taken by surprise, but then his mouth lifted at the side, his head shaking from side to side lightly as he let out a breathy chuckle. “Y/N, don’t feel like you have to just because she brought it up.” 
You found yourself relaxing. He didn’t want you to feel obligated. You’d thought so, but the teeniest tiniest most worrisome part of your brain had thought he might now have wanted, or trusted you, to look after Arin. That wasn’t the case. You could tell by the look on his face. He didn’t want to put you out, ask too much of you. 
You moved and straightened your back, eye to eye now. “No, I honestly don’t mind at all, Seokjin.” You reassured, talking faster as you noticed him open his mouth. “Seeing as Arin was the one who suggested it, I guess she’s fine with the idea. I…” Hesitating, you added something else. “I wanted to suggest it myself but… If she’s comfortable with it, I’d love to.” 
It was the truth. Ever since Seokjin had called you at lunch time, telling you Nana couldn’t manage this weekend, you’d wanted to tell him you were up for it but something had stopped you. Even as he’d tried to think of options this evening – maybe his mom could stay for the weekend, his aunt – you’d held back and bitten your tongue. What if you were pushing boundaries? Inserting yourself into situations that didn’t concern you? Arin liked you, yes,   but being entirely in your care for 48 hours was different. She might not want to, she might feel uncomfortable. However knowing that it wasn’t the case, suggesting it herself so casually over dinner had given you the confidence to push through. Seokjin needn’t be worried about asking too much of you. 
Regarding you silently, he considered your words. Lovingly, you glided your hand up his arm, reaching out for his cheek. He pressed into your touch automatically. “I want to help you out.” At that, he smiled gently, lips turning up in a way that rounded his cheeks, making him appear at least a decade younger. It was wholly unfair. 
Turning slightly, his lips grazed your palm. “I’ll ask her about it in the morning.” You grinned, visibly pleased, and Seokjin took your hand to tug you gently to his chest. This time he placed a kiss on your mouth, humming happily. “Thank you.” 
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Arin was more than happy about it. Seokjin suggested you stay at his home for the weekend, seeing as that would be easier for the both of you, but she was pretty adamant she wanted to stay at your place. You understood, kid’s curiosity and all. She wanted to know what your home looked like, she wanted to meet your “pretty best friend” she liked to ask about sometimes. Honestly, you felt touched that she wanted to learn more about your life. It was just another reminder of her acceptance when it came to you, and you’d be forever touched by how easily she’d let you into her life. She was more than welcome to come stay at your place, but of course you’d run it by Soojung first. She’d agreed quite easily, even after you informed her you’d be sharing her bed all weekend, Arin of course using yours. 
On Thursday night Seokjin’s guilt was getting the better of him. He had you on the phone, making sure you were 100% okay with looking after Arin. He didn’t want you to feel as if you were trapped just because you felt compelled to help him. He could cancel his trip. You told him how stupid he was being. Cancelling would put so many people out, including himself. Besides, you not only wanted to help him out, you wanted to take care of Arin. You felt as though you were capable, and if you were being even more honest with him, you felt really happy it was happening. Knowing Arin trusted you this much was a great feeling. Knowing he trusted you enough… 
“Why wouldn’t I trust you?” He scoffed in disbelief. “You’re great with her. She loves you.” 
“I wouldn’t go that far,” you laughed. 
“How come?” He was hellbent on proving you wrong, voice softening as he continued. “You’re so easy to love.”  
You felt your heart skip a beat. He’d said it so casually, so easily, you felt dumb searching too much into his words. It was far too early to think of things like that – for confessions like that. Right? Still, he sounded genuine enough. He meant it, even if it wasn’t in that way. Not that you were expecting anything. You were perfectly happy with how things were, your feelings growing stronger each day. You weren’t in a rush, neither was he. That’s what made your relationship so great. But your heart still felt all fuzzy regardless. You found yourself smiling down the line, your thanks obvious in your tone. “I’m going to miss you.” 
“I’ll miss you more.” He ignored your noises of complaint. “I’ll video call you a lot – and Arin of course.” Then he laughed. “Although, I’ll have a feeling she won’t miss me at all this weekend.” 
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The next day you finished up work early, it was a Friday anyway, so you never made a habit of sticking around too long, but this time you were packed and ready to go the same time as the kids. Arin would be waiting in her classroom, ready to go home with you for the weekend. Seokjin had dropped off her things early this morning before his flight, indulging you in a few sleepy kisses before he had to go, a promise of ‘I’ll see you Sunday night,” slipping from his slightly downturned lips, hands reluctant to let you go. 
Arin was visibly excited when she saw you, seconds away from jumping up and down on the spot, your first name rushing out of her mouth without realising. It was no big deal of course, but her reaction was cute, eyes widening as her lips parted into a circle, a noise of realisation leaving her. She looked very much like her father, which made it even funnier. You took her hand, saying your goodbyes to Mr. Moon, her second grade teacher, and left the building for your car. 
“This is a really nice car, Y/N,” she complimented as you made sure she was strapped in properly. You weren’t nervous, but you were slightly on edge, cautious, being a better word, to make sure everything was okay. You needed all bases covered. Arin was in your care for 48 hours after all. You told yourself to calm down, if Seokjin knew you were being this antsy he’d be highly amused. You wouldn’t stop hearing about it for a week. 
“I’ve always wanted to ride in it,” Arin continued. 
You smiled down at her. “Thank you.” She was one of the sweetest kids you knew. Your car was average. Not that she knew anything about makes and prices and whatever else there was. You didn’t either. As long as it drove you from point A to B you didn’t care what it looked like. 
“Will your best friend be home when we arrive?” She asked as you got inside the driver’s seat, sticking the key in the ignition. 
“Soojung? She’ll be still in work. Remember I told she works at a department store?” It was adorable how excited she was to meet Soo. Your best friend’s head would be double the size soon, ego inflated. 
“Mhmm,” Arin hummed responsively.  
“She won’t be done until around 6.” You turned back to look at her, knowing your next sentence would make her day. “I think she wanted to get pizza for dinner. Would you like that?” 
“YES!” Arin exclaimed immediately, eyes lighting up. “Soojung likes pizza too?” 
With a chuckle, you started the vehicle up and started backing out of your spot, replying as you did so. “She does.” But in truth, the pizza tonight was Seokjin’s idea. He’d given you one of his bank cards to spend on the food bill with strict instructions to only feed her the doughy delicacy once this weekend. He knew what she was like – you both did. She’d eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could. If you suggested it tonight, then that was it. She’d be eating your menu come Saturday and Sunday. 
“How far away is your house from the school?” 
You’d lost count of how many questions she’d already asked you since you’d arrived to collect her. It was comical. Seokjin had not warned you about that, but your years of experience had told you to expect it. What was a kid without questions? You’d be worried if she was silent. 
“Not too long.” You replied, glancing in the rear view mirror to see her happily looking out of the window. “When we get in, I’ll text daddy and see if he’s free to videocall.” 
You tried to stop the smile that wanted to break across your face at her nonchalance. “Do you miss him yet?” 
With a brief shake of her head, still staring at the whizzing scenery outside she answered pretty simply. “Not really.” 
This time you burst out laughing, unable to stop. She looked over at the noise, meeting your eyes in the mirror as you took a right turn, giggling along. “Don’t tell him though, Y/N. It might make him sad.” 
“I won’t, Arin.” You reassured with another chuckle. “It can be our little secret.” 
She settled in well that night, immediately warming to Soojung (who despite her lifelong insistence, was great with children). You thought perhaps Arin would begin to get homesick once it was time for bed, but after watching a movie you tucked her in and said goodnight. You thought she’d have trouble sleeping because she was in a strange bed but checking in on her twenty minutes later you found her fast asleep, hugging her rabbit plushie. You on the other hand got ready to share a bed with Soojung – the bed cover hogger… 
The next day Arin had you awake at 6am. You already knew about her liveliness in the mornings, so it was no surprise. You’d been woken up countless times over the summer by a knock at Seokjin’s door, Arin’s voice calling out for him. On days you weren’t there she’d even barge in and jump on the bed. Where she got her energy from so early in the morning was a mystery. This morning however, she caught you on the way out of the bathroom. You’d been tossing and turning all night, wresting the covers from Soo. You’d thought about maybe taking a blanket and having an hours nap on the sofa, but there Arin was creeping out of your room, a smile on her face as she saw it was you. 
There was no tempting her back to bed, so you sat her down at the table and made her some breakfast, snapping a picture to send to her father. (Captioned: Guess who had me up at 6am 😴) You had a few things planned today. Seokjin always made sure Arin was busy on the weekends, it was the only time he got to spend with her fully unless she was with her mom, especially now that she was back in school. Even if it was just something as simple as going to the park, he always made plans. So, to do your part and to keep her entertained, you were going to run by her house to make sure the rabbits were fine (fed and watered), then go to the mall. It was simple, yes, but you needed to get a few things anyway, and you promised after all that walking around you’d stop by the food court. Then she had to accompany you to the grocery store to get ingredients for tonight’s dinner. 
She was pretty damn excited regardless. “I like going to the mall with mommy because daddy finds it boring,” she informed you as she picked out her clothes that you’d helped her unpack yesterday. That definitely sounded like Seokjin, you thought to yourself, laughing along with her. “Mommy told me that next weekend she’s going to take me shopping and buy me anyyy-thing I want.” 
“That sounds like great fun,” you smiled, telling yourself you’d pretend you never heard that… Seokjin was keen not to spoil Arin so you didn’t think he’d be best pleased to find this out. “What do you want to buy?”
“Hmm. Something for Olive and Ariel, I think.” 
You smiled again, admiring her caring nature. Her rabbits were the most well looked after in this entire country. She adored them. “I think they’ll really appreciate that.” 
You continued helping Arin get ready first, and thankfully by the time you were done Soojung had risen. You left them watching cartoons together while you showered, eager to leave by 10am. 
Arin you found out, didn’t just like the mall, she loved it very much. She was practically skipping around the place as she held your hand, helping you pick out the things you needed for your craft session with the students on Monday. While she was recommending paint colours to you, she surprised you with a confession. “I wish you were still my teacher, Y/N.” 
“How come?” You asked gently. 
She gave a tiny shrug. “I’d get to see you every day.” 
Oh. You didn’t know what to say to that, touched at her matter-of-fact revelation. Instead you wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving her a loving squeeze. 
“But actually, maybe I wouldn’t like it.” She added as an afterthought. You waited, curious as to why she’d changed her mind so suddenly. “I’d have to call you Miss Y/L/N. I’d get too confused.” 
You laughed, this child was far too funny for her own good. “Me too, Arin. It’s better this way, right?”
“Right,” she agreed with a nod. 
“Y/N, this is pretty,” Arin cooed, calling your attention as you rounded the stand. You’d gotten everything you needed and were now browsing around some other stores. You’d let Arin pick a couple out, worrying she might be getting bored, and one of her choices had been Claire’s. She was holding up a charm bracelet. 
“Very pretty,” you agreed. 
And then she struck. “Can I have it?” She didn’t give you time to answer, eyes widening as she began to beg, voice soft and hopeful. “Please. Pretty please.” 
You chuckled. You were practically immune to cute kids, so that wouldn’t work on you. However, she had been really well-behaved all morning, in your eyes she deserved a small treat. “You can. But just this one thing, okay?” 
“Thank you, Y/N!” She squealed, rushing up to you. She gave your arm a squeeze. “I like you much better than daddy.” 
“That will hurt his feelings,” you burst out laughing. She didn’t have to butter you up, you’d already said yes. 
As you were paying the cashier, she wondered off to a stand of keychains, her eyes catching something instantly. “Oooh, pretty,” she purred and the cashier, a woman no more than a few years older than you, laughed. 
“Best escape before she wants something else,” you joked, handing over some cash. 
“My daughter is just the same. Kids, who’d have them, right? We’re glutton for punishment.” She joked. 
“Oh, no, I’m –” You stopped yourself dead, unsure what to say. Had this woman just mistaken you for Arin’s mother? It definitely sounded that way. But just how could you correct her? 
“Don’t get me wrong,” the cashier said, shaking her head. “They’re definitely worth it.” 
You forced yourself to smile, feeling a little wooden, but the chuckle you got out sounded better. “Yeah, yeah they are.” You glanced over at Arin, thankfully she was too distracted by the abundance of cute animal keychains. You turned back and took your bag from the woman, trying to shake off how awkward you felt. “Thank you. Bye.” 
Walking over to Arin you took her hand. “Hope to see you again soon,” the cashier called behind you and you gave a wave, telling Arin to do the same.
“Thank you,” she sang sweetly as she did so. 
“So, something weird happened today,” you told Soojung as you prepared food, careful to keep your voice low even though Arin was well and truly distracted inside the living room. Taehyung was a master with children. The guy needed a career change immediately. You’d never heard Arin laugh so hard. She’d been in stitches for the last hour. You were worried she’d be way to hyperactive for bedtime once it came. 
Soojung looked up from where she was chopping onion, interested as her eyebrow raised. 
“The woman at Claire’s mistook me for Arin’s mother.” 
Soojung scoffed, lifting her shoulders in a casual shrug. “I’m not surprised. It was bound to happen. It’s normal.” She added, reassuring you as she saw the look on your face. “People just naturally assume.” 
“I guess…” 
“What did you tell her?”
Your expression turned sheepish. “I just went along with it,” you confessed, placing spaghetti in a pan of bubbling water. You caught the look she gave you. “I didn’t know what to say!” It was the truth. “I’m her father’s girlfriend seemed too… I don’t know…” Too impersonal? 
“That’s what you are though,” Soo snorted.
You gave up, knowing you were probably making a huge deal out of this. Was it that serious? Probably not. “I just felt awkward.” 
“Because you hate correcting people, or because you didn’t like someone mistaking you for Arin’s mother,” your best friend pried. 
“It’s definitely not that. It’s just…” You sighed. “How would Arin feel about it? What if she’d heard?”
Soojung shrugged. “She loves you. You’re great with her.” 
That wasn’t the point you were trying to make. “It still might have upset her though. She adores her mom.” You weren’t trying to take Nana’s place and you didn’t want her to ever think that. 
It was Soo’s turn to sigh, dropping the chopped onions into a fry pan. “Do you want my opinion?” 
“Please,” you requested meekly. 
“I think you’re looking way too much into it.” Obviously. “It’s not a big deal at all, and Arin didn’t hear anything so nothing to worry about.”
“You’re right,” you agreed, telling yourself to shake it off. 
“Of course I am,” she quipped, rooting around in a cupboard now. She turned back, a can of tomatoes in her hand. “I’m sure Seokjin will be able to ease your mind with his sexy Dilf powers or whatever he calls them.” 
“Shut up,” you groaned. You weren’t even sure if you were going to tell him. Like she kept saying, it wasn’t a big deal, right? It was an easy mistake to make. Probably happened all the time. 
From inside the living room you heard Taehyung roar loudly, mimicking a lion (possibly) and Arin shrieked out his name, laughter exploding from her. “Quick, let’s get dinner ready as soon as possible.” Soojung begged, dramatic as always. “I’m scared Tae might be getting ideas. I’m too young for kids!”
The rest of the weekend went by smoothly. Despite the excitement levels that Saturday night brought, Arin was knocked out by 9pm. You, Soojung and Taehyung stayed up for another hour before he had to leave and then Soo made her way to bed, needing to wake up early tomorrow for work. That left you on the couch, awaiting Seokjin’s video call. He’d already called once today, but Arin was so hyped, talking a mile a minute about her day, you couldn’t get a word in edgeways. (Neither could he.) You were thankful for some alone time. You were missing him. He’d gone away on business trips a couple of times in the summer but it didn’t mean you’d get used to it. You both talked about your day, and you decided there and then not to tell him about the Claire’s “incident.” Soojung was right, it was no big deal. It was a common misunderstanding, one you’d probably made unknowingly before too. After you’d said your goodbyes you went to bed, already strategizing how you were going to steal the covers back from Soojung. As much as you’d enjoyed looking after Arin, you couldn’t wait to have your own bed back. Sharing with your bestie was torture. Taehyung was an admirable man. 
Sunday was a chillout day, although Arin still had you awake at 6am. You made her breakfast, watched some cartoons and shared turns on her Switch before you both got ready for the day. You checked in on Olive and Ariel briefly before driving back to your place. There was a park nearby and you promised you’d take her. The weather was still warm despite September trickling by. It was crazy how fast this year had gone, autumn already nearly here. For the rest of the day you both relaxed in front of the TV, waiting until Soojung was home to watch a movie, and then you made dinner. Seokjin was due back around 7pm, so you made sure all of Arin’s things were packed up ready to go. It was just gone eight when he turned up at your door. Arin had already passed out on the sofa after her hot chocolate so he couldn’t stay long. You thought with how entertaining this weekend had been it had finally all caught up with her. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to spend the night?” He asked, careful to keep his voice down as he strapped Arin inside his car. (Still sleeping.) You’d followed him out as he carried her towards the vehicle, wanting to say your goodbyes. 
He straightened up, closing the car door as he stepped closer to you. You rubbed his arm. “You must be exhausted.” 
“Don’t baby me.” Reaching forward, he wrapped his arms around you, squishing your arms to your side. “I missed you.” 
You hummed, pressing your lips to his, careful to keep your voice a whisper. “Your dick missed me.” 
He scoffed in disbelief but couldn’t argue. “That’s…not a lie. My heart missed you too though.” 
“How sweet,” you joked, but couldn’t keep your charade up for much longer. “I missed you too.” This time the press of your mouth was much firmer. He matched it, letting you slip your arms around his sides, holding him too. 
“Tomorrow, then?” He asked hopefully, tip of his tongue wetting his bottom lip slightly as he pulled away. “I know it’s a school night but I swear I only get a good night’s sleep lying next to you.” 
Laughing, you nodded your head. “Tomorrow.” You agreed wholeheartedly. Sleeping alone was no fun anymore. 
He captured your mouth again, humming happily. “Can’t wait.” 
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The following weekend Arin was with her mom so you and Seokjin had the entire weekend to yourselves. Saturday was busy, you’d both probably been a little too ambitious when you’d decided to cram as many different activities as you could into the day, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. You didn’t get many days to spend together likes this; walking hand in hand as you explored the local market, having brunch together, checking out a new museum exhibit, watching a movie at the theatre… You treasured days like these. And what better way to end one with? Jacuzzi time! 
Seokjin’s jacuzzi was fast becoming one of life’s staples lately. Who were you? A changed woman, that’s who. This was your favourite space in Seokjin’s garden(s). An area of decking, solar lights draped over the sleek fencing. In the middle was the jacuzzi, set into the wood. Now that the nights were drawing in, it was especially cosy out here, summer holding on for just a little bit longer as the weather stayed quite warm. It wouldn’t be like this for long so you had to make the most of it right now. 
You were sat inside the jacuzzi, water gently bubbling around you as you gazed up at the stars that had just started to appear when you heard Seokjin emerging from the house. His footsteps sounded against the wooden steps as he made his way towards you. You didn’t bother looking but when he didn’t join you straight away, you glanced over curiously. To be met with a rather naked boyfriend. 
“What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, eyes bugging out. 
He grinned. It was hardly innocent. “Jacuzzi’s are much more enjoyable naked, didn’t you know?” 
You tsked, watching him climb into the tub and make his way over to you. His mouth was immediately on yours, arms around your waist as he tugged for you to stand up. This wasn’t just any type of kiss. Like you’d said before, you knew Seokjin very well by now, and besides, you’d already noticed his dick was half aroused as he stood above you… He had a plan. 
On cue, he broke away, corners of his plump lips tugging upwards with a suggestion. 
“Join me?” 
“Seokjin…” You warned, voice low, hands grazing the tops of his arms. He couldn’t be serious. 
“No one can see us,” he reassured you with a wider smile. 
You mean, he was correct. This time you let your hands make their way to his shoulders, massaging them lightly. “You’re crazy.” 
“Yeah, crazy for you,” he smirked, leaning in to kiss you once again. His lips were slow, coaxing. Even more so as they made their way down your jaw and to your neck. You keened into his touch, his hands grazing down your sides, fingers toying with the sides of your bikini bottoms. “C’mon…” He sunk his teeth into your skin gently and you whined. “I know you want to.” You did indeed. Very much so. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” you confirmed, voice suddenly hoarse. You cleared your throat just as his fingers began to untie the strings of your bra, mouth still peppering your neck with kisses. Until that was your chest was bare, and then his lips were wrapped around one nipple, water rippling with the sudden movement. You moaned as quietly as you could, wanting to encourage him because it felt good, but also nervous as hell because you were outside. You didn’t care if there was no one around for a good mile, you were still out in the open. 
Cupping your breasts in his palms he gazed down at them, sighing dreamily. “Have I ever told you how much I love your tits?”
You raised an eyebrow. “One. Don’t be so crude.” (Not that you didn’t like it.) “And two. Yes, yes you have.” You broke off with a laugh, reaching for him to mesh your mouths together. He couldn’t help but chuckle too, but elsewhere he had a hand down your bikini to grab your ass. 
“What’s gotten – Seokjin!” You practically roared, cutting yourself off as he suddenly dived down into the water, fully submerged, hands attempting to tear your bottoms off. “What are you doing,” you giggled, clinging to his back as you tried to stay upright. He had one of your ankles in his hand, wrestling with the fabric. 
A few moments later he arose successful, flicking his head back to stop his wet hair from dripping in his eyes. He pushed it back further with his hands, forehead now devastating, skin glistening with water droplets. You heart stilled, he looked gorgeous – and naughty. Behind him your bikini bottoms floated to the surface. A smirk spread across his face as he finally replied. “Getting you naked.” And then he was on you. 
He kissed you hungrily, his erection pressed up against you, hot and eager now, just like his tongue. Your fingers threaded through his wet locks, letting him push his body weight into you until the backs of your legs hit the seat. 
“Up here for me,” he pulled away briefly, command light, tapping his hand against the deck behind you. You let him slip his hands around your hips and lift you up, legs spread to accommodate his body, feet still in the water atop of the seat. 
“You’re not too cold?” He made sure to ask, concerned despite being ravenous. You shook your head, desire for him enough despite the night air cooling the water against your skin. Satisfied he immediately dove in, leaning forward to place a kiss against your wetness. You pulsed against the touch, moving back on your elbows to get comfier just as his tongue came out and flicked against your clit. Suddenly you didn’t care that you were outside. 
From up here you had a great view of the expanse of his broad, wet back, muscles rippling as he ate you out. You moaned softly, running a hand through his hair, gaze falling to his face. His eyes were closed, water droplets caught in his dark eyebrows and as if he could feel your eyes watching him, he looked up, smirking against you before he sucked the sensitive bud into his mouth, actions growing more eager as he heard you go crazy for it. 
He knew your body well, which is why he cruelly held off slipping a finger inside of you. Actually, on second thought, he knew damn well that the second he did so, your orgasm would soon follow. It wasn’t hard to tease your body, to control it how he wanted. As soon as you felt his middle digit push inside, you clenched around it, hips bucking into Seokjin’s face as a stifled cry forced its way out of your mouth. He grunted, inserting another finger, curling and uncurling them as his other hand gripped your hip, trying his best to keep you still. It was no use, you were a woman possessed, pleasure beginning to hurtle through your body at an alarming rate. You stretched out, fingers of one hand sliding along the wood beneath you, desperately trying to cling onto something as you moaned uncontrollably. Seokjin hummed along, encouraging you, coaxing the orgasm through your body. With each wave your breath shuddered harder. 
You only started coming to when you felt his fingers slip out of you, his tongue ceasing, mouth now at your inner thigh, kissing you wetly, passionately. Your hands reached for him, wanting him close, but he was already on it, straightening up to meet your mouth. “I need you,” he breathed. You could taste yourself, it was intoxicating. “Here.” 
“Here?!” You exclaimed weakly, unfocused eyes trying to concentrate on his face. 
He kissed you once more, moaning a little. “Yeah.” His hands wrapped around your hips, lifting you further up the decking before he climbed out of the water and crawled over your body, reaching for something behind you. “Look – let’s use this.” He had a beach towel in his hand, the one you’d left draped over one of the wicker chairs, and he hurriedly laid it out, pressing you into it to kiss you again. His cock was hard and wet, bobbing against your inner thighs. 
“Are you sure you’re not cold?” He asked, wet hair now having fallen in his eyes. 
You cupped his face, nodding your head as you leaned up. You were still thrumming from your high. “Yes.” Your tongue curled against his open mouth, slipping in to meet his own. The kiss was messy, distracted, as he spread your legs, hooking one up under your thigh. 
Breaking away from your mouth, he straightened his back and aligned himself at your entrance, needing no hands he was so erect. You clung to his shoulders, waiting for the first thrust. His skin was still dotted with water droplets. “I’m too impatient, baby,” he told you simply, and then he pushed inside. 
Slowly, savouring the feeling of your walls stretching around him, both of you gasping as he bottomed out. With a slow thrust he groaned. “You feel like heaven.” As he leaned in to kiss you, he noticed you trying to hold back a giggle. “What?” 
You burst. “That was so cheesy.” 
Chuckling, he kissed you again, tips of his ears turning red. “Don’t laugh at me.” You snorted, unable to help it, reaching for him in silent apology, despite laughter still escaping you. “Seriously, stoppp,” he whined, dropping his head. 
You grinned. “Or what?” 
That got his attention. Looking up, his top lip twitched. His hand cupped your face, thumb brushing over your lips. “I’ll have to teach you a lesson,” he murmured, voice an octave lower. You opened up, sucking the digit into your mouth, looking up at him knowingly. He knew what you were thinking. That didn’t sound so bad. 
“My mistake.” He smiled, gaze intense as he pulled away, his thumb leaving you with a silent pop. “You’d love that, wouldn’t you?” 
You were seconds away from agreeing but became distracted, watching him lift both legs up by the back of your thighs now, hiking them above his shoulders. He dick slipped so deep you choked, feeling so full you didn’t know what to do. 
“S-seokjin,” you panicked, your hands clutching his arms. 
He cocked his head to the side, voice soft. “Trust me?”  
You nodded, something already so addicting about feeling him inside you like this. You felt beyond sensitive, beginning to tremble as he slowly thrust in and out of you, bringing the tip of his cock almost all the way out before sinking back into your warmth. You moaned out, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes with a pleasure so overwhelming. He sped up, going harder now that he was certain you were enjoying yourself, wet squelches sounding along with your moans and his grunts. You loved watching him fuck you like this, towering down over you, the wet spikes of hair falling down around his face, fucking you with his entire body weight, your ass sliding back and forth against the towel. 
However, you also loved kissing him. Holding him as he thrust inside, keeping him to you. 
“Seokjin,” you breathed, voice tight, hands reaching for him. He got the message, easing your legs to the ground carefully as he took one of your hands and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it tenderly, your name slipping from his lips, breathless and husky. 
He moved closer, capturing your lips eagerly and you hooked your legs around his waist, clinging to the back of his neck in the process as your hips jutted up to meet each roll of his own. You were both panting by now, grunts of exertion slipping from your mouths as you continued to make out. His movements were messier, wet bodies pressed up close, enough to provide enough friction for a second orgasm. 
“Ah… I’m close,” he panted, mouth grazing down your throat as he attempted to keep the same momentum. 
“M-me too.” 
That spurred him on, hips snapping into yours with a cry, newfound determination, lips pressing into yours once more. You came together, out of breath and quite sweaty, but mouths unrelenting. You’d never get enough of kissing him. It was addictive – especially like this. 
Spent, he slid out of your dampness naturally, having grown flaccid, kissing you slowly now, indulgently, until he was moving south, capturing your left breast in his mouth, tongue encircling your nipple. You shuddered as he pulled back, one of his hands cupping the right breast to give that a parting kiss too. It wouldn’t be long before you started growing cold, but you were so content here you didn’t care. 
Seokjin lifted his head up, gazing straight into your eyes. His were warm and soft, drunk on your beauty (or so he would say). “I want to give you the world,” he breathed, sealing his confession with a press of his mouth. 
Your heart swelled, heat prickling your skin and you clung to him. But despite that, you felt the need to joke around. Call it a defence mechanism, who knew. “Men are so weak,” you chuckled, running your fingers through his hair to pull it back, revealing his face again. The tips had already started to dry. “Let them cum inside you and they’re like putty in your hands.” 
He laughed too, genuinely amused, but his eyes were still soft and he leaned into your touch, content with the way you held his face now. “I mean it though,” he whispered. “Tell me what you want. Anything. I’ll make it happen.” 
You raised an eyebrow. He was being ridiculous, acting drunk. Still, you were pretty simple. You didn’t have many wishes, many dreams. “I want to travel on a plane.” 
It was his turn to lift an eyebrow, intrigued. “Like a private jet or?”
“No,” you giggled, “just a plane in general.” You kissed his nose. “You know I’ve never been out of the country before.” 
“You want me to take you on vacation?” He hummed, turning suggestive pretty quickly. “A sexcation?”
“Seokjinn,” you whined, dropping your hands from his face. 
He nudged his nose against yours playfully. “Well, of course there’ll be sex involved, but,” he grew serious, genuinely interested, “where do you want to go?” 
“Hm, anywhere?”
“Anywhere,” he confirmed, adding, “unless it’s another planet, or the moon.” 
You smiled, amused, yet deeply preoccupied now. Where did you want to go? What was your dream destination? You’d had one place in mind since you were a child. Running a hand down his bare chest you suddenly felt coy. “I want to visit Paris.” 
He grinned. “France, Mademoiselle?” 
You matched it. “Oui.” 
“Done.” He kissed you, sealing the deal. “Let’s go there tonight.” 
You burst out laughing at his idiocy. “I have school. You have work – a daughter!”
He laughed too, but he was distracted, gazing at you tenderly once more. He opened his mouth, about to say something but hesitated. Instead he smiled, nodding his head resolutely. “Okay, soon. Very soon.” He laughed when you squealed in excitement, bringing one of your hands to his lips. “I’m going to take you to the most romantic city on earth, baby.” 
It was Sunday the next day, which meant only one thing. Lazy morning sex. It was his favourite, his time to indulge in all things beautiful and pleasurable he told you. (i.e. You). You’d grown used to his lame lines, he couldn’t help it, and deep down you secretly loved them. A man so shameless with his desire, his devotion. You really had hit the jackpot. 
Sundays were also your excuse to just be lazy in general. You usually skipped breakfast in choice of an early lunch, but today you wanted to picnic outside. You knew in a week or so the weather would begin to change more drastically so this was your last chance. You made a reluctant Seokjin get out of bed and shower with you, ignoring his advances as you did so. He was like a dog in heat. Not that you usually complained, but today you really wanted to hit the grocery store before rush hour. Sundays were always busy. 
A few hours later you had everything ready, outside in the spot that saw the most sun. It bleated down on you as you kneeled, arranging all the dishes across the blanket you’d placed down across the lawn. 
“Oh, shoot. I forgot the salad.” Seokjin realised by the side of you. “I’ll be one sec, honey.” He kissed your cheek as he stood, smacking your ass playfully in the process. “Don’t start without me.”
“What will you do about it?” You called out to him, unable to help it. 
“If you’re feeling brave, I guess you’ll find out.” He called back with a laugh, retreating into the house. 
A good girl, you waited patiently, but then time started to tick on. One minute, then five… At ten you stood up with a sigh. Where was he? You had visions of the salad bowl on the floor smashed to smithereens. You made your way through the doors that led inside the back of the house. You past his study, calling his name. “Seokjin? Did you get lost?”
You were met with silence, which wasn’t surprising, his home was big after all. Down the corridor, closer to the kitchen you began to hear voices. Seokjin’s familiar rumble, although you couldn’t make it out, and then a louder, unfamiliar voice – female. You followed the sound, realising it was coming from the living room nearest the front door. A sick feeling was slowly creeping its way up your throat, but you didn’t understand why. As you got closer your heart began to race, blood rushing through your ears. There was this sudden feeling of dread. It was so strong you could practically taste it, and you were so frazzled you couldn’t concentrate on the words you were hearing as you rounded the corner of the open door, although you did acknowledge them. 
Immediately as you came into view you heard them loud and clear though. Directed at you. 
“Oh, and this is her, right?” 
They were coming from a woman, her dark eyes piercing into yours. She was beautiful, was your first thought. Tall and slim, with long black hair, so silky she could have come straight from a shampoo commercial. It reminded you of someone. Her hair just as dark and shiny. Arin. 
At the thought of the child’s name, you looked down, spotting her beside the stranger, clinging to her hand, eyes wide and shiny with worried tears. Everything clicked into place then. Confusion clearing, yet the sick feeling got stronger. This wasn’t a stranger. It was Arin’s mother. Seokjin’s ex-wife. Nana. And she looked angry. 
You glanced around, spotting Seokjin who was looking your way with apologetic eyes. His face looked torn. He murmured your name, stepping towards you, a protective hand reaching for your own. He held it tight, giving you a comforting squeeze. His palm was clammy. 
“Yes, here she is!” Nana laughed harshly, needing no reply. It made you wince. Beside you Seokjin groaned quietly, rubbing his free hand across his face before he took a deep breath. As if he was gearing himself up. 
You looked at Nana, chest a little tight, something heavy in your stomach. When your eyes locked the corners of her mouth curled upwards. 
“The stepmom!” She sneered. 
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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