#tv problems only milennials remember
tragedyinblue · 1 year
Whumpee, soaked to the skin and terrified of heights, adjusts the tv antenna on the roof of Whumper’s two-story house during a thunderstorm after the signal fuzzed to static. Whumper sits comfortably inside with the window open, randomly calling out whether the picture is getting better or worse. They’re having far too much fun to tell Whumpee the tv’s been off for an hour.
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deadrosencrantz · 6 years
doctor who actually making the 19 year old companions act like 19 year olds has been an extremely good move. as a current 19 year old in the U.K., i feel like i'm at least a decent judge of this?
i mostly wanna talk about ryan because i think he's more the type of person I am, yaz also feels real to me but i guess i'll leave that to someone else
so! things about ryan that make me believe he's a dorky loser of my age despite tosin cole being a Real grown-up
he makes vlogs nobody watches
re-friends yaz, gently bullies her ("you just went way down in my opinion, he was punching above his weight")
(but negative points for making him reference call of duty when any REAL 19 year old boy would have referenced halo, ffs the weapons looked straight out of the covenant armoury)
(i assume he was simplifying himself for the benefit of graham who is only capable of remembering 1 (one) video game)
"did you just accidentally pay me a compliment?" "................whatever"
quiet frustration with a baby boomer for trying to force a connection, obvious differences in the way they communicate driving a wedge between them
uses social media and the internet and cares about his phone and nobody around him is a bitch about it because of course he does (i mention this because there's so much TV out there that can't resist taking a cheap shot at "tech-obsessed" youths whenever possible)
emotionally affected by tragedy, desire to respect the dead ("he knew he could die but he still did it anyway" about rahul in e1). that felt like an appeal to milennial/gen z sensibilities imo, like of course compassion is not exclusive to my generation but i feel like there's a lot of young people like me really craving the kind of like, acknowledgement of the human costs of things? i think this is kind of related to
ryan being like, not Socially Conscious, but having absorbed enough life to be Socially Conscious? like big mood, is there anything more late-teens than having some great social and moral ideas but not being exactly sure how to apply them or of relevant historical contexts
he wants fairness but isn't always conscious of how the world works ("tell me you don't get hassle")
also a special shout out for ryan not remembering who rosa parks was but it's not because he's totally ignorant, he just got confused on the details and did still have a good basis of knowledge on the civil rights movement, i love that we aren't going for absolutes
well thought out deadpan humour in front of others ("good, cause i don't eat them"), dorky talking to himself when alone. ("nice one ryan! THANKS RYAN!")
relationship-guruing total strangers (kerblam!) and the specific way he tells graham to shut up when he mentions ryan's similar issue
he doesn't mind when people are different! that's a big deal for the kind of teen i think ryan is being written as, which is to say, not a douchebag. he's grown up knowing human diversity and i think he's felt isolated enough he doesn't ever want to judge others? he accepts flirting from a gay man without being a lil bitch about it (i hate that i have to specify that as a positive but ykno toxic masculinity) and a man giving birth essentially without issue.
idk i just think it's nice that ryan seems to be written for open-minded nerdy kids and young people, and as a good role model of acceptance?
(semi related: i want ryan to be gay or bi more and more with every passing ep but he's likeable as a Woke Straight too)
doesn't hate his disability but has some level of frustration with it that imo is portrayed with enough nuance even in its brief appearances? and because diagnosis is easier these days i think that's a big thing for my gen, having a name for your problem for most of your life and being mostly at peace with it but like, god whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
"SILLY" PLANS THAT WORK!! being playfully judgemental of ppl for not knowing music, hello arachnids in the u.k.
what was it he said, "you have no idea how uncool you sound right now"? that was A+
his sometimes slightly awkward way of speaking, like, speaks to me, as a 19 year old with a developmental disability, and the balance of growing up/finding your feet with being different to your peers
he's used to graham being kind of mean about his dyspraxia but doesn't even really make a big deal of it bc old people just be like that ig
willing to admit mistakes but not to be teased for them by adults (woman who fell to earth, ghost monument, rosa, kerblam)
i know a lot of this is kind of projecty but like, that's what's so good about it!! ryan is close enough to me and my peers that it's possible to read him as one of us!! which is not true of a lot of media youth rep!
i CAN project onto ryan, more easily than with any other character in media
and i didn't know how much i needed that until chibz like, descended upon this show with divine providence
to be clear i'm not saying those traits are exclusive to my generation, just that i see a lot of our generalised attitude to life in ryan and that makes me happy. i see a lot of my life!! shit boi!! also i'm on the bus to uni and very tired so sorry if like literally none of this made sense, tbh this post barely even has a thesis i just wanted to write things i like about ryan
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