#tw animal negligence
100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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August 7, 1922 Everett True by A.D. Condo
[ID: Everett stands grumpily on the front porch of a neighbor's house, holding up a small white cat. /end] Everett: I see you folks are back from your two weeks' vacation. Here's your cat you left wandering around the neighborhood to half starve.
[ID: Everett sets the cat down, who begins rubbing herself against Everett's legs. The neighbor happily bends down to look. /end] Neighbor: Why, she seems well nourished at that, Mr. True.
[ID: Everett takes the man's head and slams it to the ground. His cat jumps away. /end] Everett: Yes, in the two weeks, she has eaten nine dollars' worth of cream, meat and fish that I ordered for her and had charged to your accounts!!! [INFLATION GUIDE: In 2022 dollars, that's a grocery bill of about $160. /end]
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hispieceofcake · 5 months
Adam and the abandonment issues and the negligence of heaven
Hello hello folks, I've been thinking and searching a little lately about Adam and deep questions about his personality, and also because a person (a person who has caused me a lot of harm) came to fight with me because I like Adam and today I'm going to talk a little more about this, I hope you like it.<3
TW: Mentions of trauma,heavy subjects,negligence,profanity,and mention of sex.
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Firstly, I want to address his creation, Adam the first man, the perfect creation by the hands of God, molded and sculpted in his own image, the one who would be responsible for the earth's settlement betrayed by the two woman he was forced to love because they had been created for him.
And yes, I know that Adam tried to command Lilith and try to subject her to her unwillingness, but then I think, no one had ever told him that it was wrong, from the first moment he was created was told that he was God's perfect creation, so he probably felt so "special" that he thought he could boss Lilith around. And then, the first betrayal...knowing that the person he loved hated him and betrayed him with an angel and then falling to hell with him.
And then came Eve...made from a piece of his flesh, his rib, the one made from his own being that he would love just as Lilith did. And then again another betrayal, Lucifer again, but this time not only taking his wife's fidelity but also betraying his trust by trusting Eve and eating the forbidden fruit.
So I think, guys, how much did all of this must have hurt? What is the pain of being betrayed by the people you swore your love to and having your trust betrayed?
Adam all the time in the series he always seems to reassert himself to himself and to people, he look needs that, I just think how insufficient and useless he felt after everything he's been through, to the point of creating a false narcissistic and arrogant personality to hide the broken man deep within himself. Inside all that facade of "Dick Master" and "The First Man" there is only Adam, only a betrayed and hurt man.
The pain of betrayal, I know what it's like, the fear of being deceived and abandoned again by someone better than you, Adam knows what it's like, he knows what it's like to go through it twice. Hiding your real self for fear of being abandoned again, being ridiculed, being seen as weak, try to feel enough by reaffirming to yourself that he is the best, he is the most badass, that he is the first man like a little boy.
I have in my mind that Adam also wears that mask due to low self-esteem because he never takes it off, not even in heaven, unlike Lute who takes off the mask to walk freely in the heaven, but Adam keeps the mask on all the time even though he doesn't need to. I imagine when he got to heaven he was the only one with human appearance, all other angels and winners (Human souls going to heaven) had different appearances, such as animal appearances, so I think he may have made that mask with horns to feel more integrated into that society and less different, and uses it all the time because he feels insecure about his appearance, because of the trauma of being abandoned in the past, not feeling that his appearance was enough, that he wasn't good enough and then just like his false personality he keeps the mask as part of it.
But the question of all this is: did he realize most of it? Everyone thinks that Adam's actions were born out of conscious hatred and malice, like many villains in the series, but I see that more than his choices came out of ignorance and years of incompetent molding by others, pride manifested in negative ways like vanity and arrogance. , while Charlie was raised with limits, pride manifested in more reasonable things like self-respect. To make a long story short, Adam has always been an idiot since he was created, there are lines where he says without sarcasm or hesitation that he has never made a mistake in his entire life, sounding as if he sincerely thinks he has never made a mistake, the fact that he can say that with sincerity and a clear conscience despite being guilty of almost every sin in the book so far really sets him up for a question that makes you wonder what's going on in his head.
And then this line from him in the trial episode: "Well, yeah, they have me here, right, Sera?"
And there it is, the tone and voice of an insecure and confused boy who doesn't know what he preached seeking approval, that's another reason why you can't be mad at Adam, he never had proper guidance or teaching in his entire existence both in the garden of Eden and both in heaven.
In the final episode Adam then gives his final speech, and the way it was presented sounds less like a villain asserting, showing dominance one last time, it's more like genuine confusion, as if this isn't how he was told that things are supposed to be, this isn't how things are supposed to work, which feels a lot like his first dialogue when he's introduced, his understanding seems like such a soft thing and he believes it with all his might, as if he needed something to believe in.
All of us living beings we are generated in our mothers' wombs and then we are born and protected and taught by our fathers, taught what is right and wrong, protected and safe. But Adam, he was just raised as an adult and with a purpose behind him, so I think "Could it be that Adam was just a confused little boy in an adult's body with a big obligation on his hands?"
Adam was barely created and already had a purpose to fulfill, he was barely born and already came face to face with someone different from his physiognomy (different between male and female) and kind of practically forced to love her since he barely knew her (Lilith).
I'm not trying to rub Adam's head (I'd really like to stroke his hair) and put him in the position of victim, but guys, he is also a victim! He had never been taught that it was wrong, God, the Seraphim and all of heaven never lifted a finger to give him advice or try to teach him, no one consoled him after he was betrayed, no one was there for him, no one.
So I assert, that Adam is just protecting himself with his big ego and arrogant narcissism and obeying what he thought was right for the seraphim is all he knows.
I also want to highlight, about the first episode of the series, where the meeting with Charlie takes place. Man, he was practically having to have a face-to-face meeting with the DAUGHTER of his first wife's betrayal with Lucifer, and having to hear her say that what he was doing was wrong (not that it really wasn't, but it was the only way to balance the population of hell since most sinners refuse to redeem themselves), I'm honestly not impressed or surprised by Adam's rude reaction, practically having the living embodiment of his first wife's betrayal in front of him telling him what he was taught and allowed to do was wrong.
Adam is not an idiot without feelings, in the scene of his death you can see this, in the moment he looks at Lute and gives her one last smile as consolation to her because he knew she was little by little dying but this time forever, and also as said before in the court scene where he seeks approval from Sera, like a confused boy looking for approval.
Now moving on to Adam's abandonment issues, as I said before in a headcanons post, Adam reaffirms himself by saying that he hooked up with and had sex with several girls, an example of this is him bragging to Charlie during the meeting that he says he had sex with a girl who was interested in the drummer of his band, but honestly, I think that's all a lie, It may be true but I doubt he felt any connection with any of them, I doubt he took off the mask and showed his true self to them, and besides the fact of his fear of being abandoned again, fear of falling in love again and then being betrayed again, as someone who has been through this, I know how the fear of it continues to haunt you and how it hinders your relationships.
In short, I think that Adam was a victim of the negligent system of heaven, but he was also evil, killing demons en masse and causing genocides in hell in the days of extermination, but here comes a question...
"What would happen if there was no extermination?"
We have already been shown that hell ends up with an overpopulation due to the amount of sinners that go there, if I could guess I would say that more people go to hell than to heaven, and it is well shown that most people in hell don't listen to Charlie and her idea of ​​redemption, so I ask you, Were the exterminations necessary or not?
Well, a while ago I was watching a very good YouTube channel and I found an incredible video where he talked about Adam and whether he deserved to die or not, that's the video if you want to see it, he gave me some inspiration for this post. ☝🏻🤓
Adam was actually a tragic character, in essence I believe Adam was someone who had a lot of insecurities and doubts about himself and hid all of this behind his facade, he built this idiotic bad boy and Dick Master persona around him, with the intention of keeping people at a distance and asserting oneself, thus avoiding more hurt and heartbreak.
When he was about to die, he saw that despite his idiotic facade and his best efforts to keep people away, someone (Lute) still cared about him. And in the end, I think that's all he ever wanted, someone who truly cared about him despite the rude way he treated her, and so he died with a smile on his face. Someone really liked him...(I would also love him regardless of his personality, I would try to understand why he is like that, the famous "I can fix him")
Returning to the subject of neglecting of the heaven, from the same channel I mentioned before I found a very good video that talks about this, addressing Adam, heaven and the history.
In my view, Adam was and was not a victim, he was the antagonist of the first season, of course, but we also have to see that he was also one of the victims and one of the most affected due to the lack of responsibility and negligence of heaven in not having disciplined him or at least taught him that it was wrong, I know that Adam is not a child but for me deep down he was just a confused boy in the body of an adult who had no reception or teaching and was betrayed and abandoned by those he loved and trusted more.
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Well guys, that's all for now at least, for me Adam is a deep character, full of hidden pain and confusion, honestly I love Adam, I love him very much, he is one of my comfort characters and one that I identify with a little (As for being neglected, I didn't have very good parents and I paid my price for that and nowadays I have some emotional problems because of that).
I wish more people could see the good in Adam and not just fight me and lecture me like how "you wish I talked about my dick all the time and had sex with all the girls he saw in front of me? Do you will like it?" , this was someone's comment during an argument with me and honestly I was hurt by it, yes I'm a slightly sensitive person, but man, it was hard to try to understand the character a little? not even a bit?
Well, thank you very much for your attention, I really enjoyed writing about Adam, it's always very good, kisses in your hearts, bye bye. 💗🎸
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revenant-dumpster-fire · 10 months
Okay, I came up with a reason why Revenant may have "changed his mind", although it's a little bit of a shot in the dark:
(explanation below the cut for those interested)
TW: death mention & suicide mention below
So, for initial context:
When biological bodies (animal or human) take near-lethal damage or perceive they are about to die, there is a very strong chemical neurological kickback to fight like hell for one's life. Adrenaline is part of it, but people fail to realize how strong it can be and how severe that kickback can be.
In the very taboo documentary called The Bridge—which is a film about people who successfully and unsuccessfully committed suicide by throwing themselves from The Golden Gate Bridge—survivors are asked about their experiences during the fall. Consistently, during the fall to their perceived death, they state that everything that made them want to commit suicide in the first place becomes negligible. Suddenly, every seemingly unsolvable problem is solvable. Every bit of despair is vanquished. Every close tie that was severed can be tied back together. Suddenly, they don't just lose the want to die, they are rushed with the will to live. Many of these survivors give some of the most compelling testimonies as to why suicide is not the real solution, despite being paralyzed and permanently traumatized by their jump.
So that context given:
Revenant seems fine with his decision to die during the opening of this cinematic. He rolls his head to Loba and lets her (for some reason instead of shooting it), break the glass slowly with her staff to drive the equivalent of a stake through his eye.
Duardo teases his upgrades, which provides new power to him.
But also, the snap decision also occurs at a prime moment: Loba stabs and penetrates his eye, meaning she's one more blow away from killing him. (A stake into the eye will hit the brain, which with some rare exceptions is a killing blow.)
If Revenant still has any connection to how his biologics react (which it is heavily implies he does), that is the prime moment he would have the neurological kickback to live. Not just live, but fight to live. And Duardo just gave him new power to solve every problem in his head that might have led him to be so suicidal for so long.
He can claim this was always just him wanting to control himself, but I don't think he was playing 4D chess this whole time: I think that realization was the solution to his suicidal feelings mixed with the biological feralness to cling to life.
He is giving himself another chance.
What will that lead to?
Hard to say, but that is how I perceive the sudden change of heart he has.
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azaliyas · 1 year
summary : it's hard for you to think you're beautiful when scars from your past linger on your face. but do these men think the same, that those scars of yours minimise your beauty?
word count : [ to be added later ]
genre : angst with comfort.
cw / tw : mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of war, mentions of fights, reader being uncomfortable with their looks.
characters : childe, baizhu, gorou, kaeya, kaveh.
note : always remember you are beautiful no matter the way you look. you're unique the way you are and that's part of your charm ♡
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ajax | childe | tartaglia
no, not at all. should they?
he was a seasoned warrior. he was the first one whose body was covered in battle remains, and he was so goddamn proud of each one of them. and he thought you should be too.
so when he learnt you didn't like them, and even try to hide them as much as possible, he was taken aback. why would you cover the memories of what you fought and won against to? that was nonsense!... for him, at least.
when you explained to him that you got them because of a childhood accident and that, since then, people have been looking at you with pity, making you take a huge dislike to them, he felt shocked.
anger started bubbling up in his blood. he wished to inflict to the people who caused your accident the same kind of pain they made you experience, but ten times worse. he only stopped his thoughts because you told him so.
somehow the topic moved onto dating and, upon hearing people refrained from going with you because your scars, according to them, "ruin your overall pretty face", he was at it all over again.
how did they dare to say you couldn't be dated because of your scars?! you were the freaking cutest person liyue harbor could have given birth to! for bloody abyss' sake!
and he told you that, he told you how damn cute and beautiful you were, and that in his eyes your scars were bonus points, because warriors have scars, and warriors are prideful! and you should keep up to this!
to further prove his point, he kissed that big scar you could never manage to properly hide. his rough and bitten lips felt surprisingly soft against your sensitive skin, your cheeks warming up at the gentle touch.
«never let those idiots have the better of your thoughts ever again, you got me? you're stunning even like this- no, even more, because you managed to live past it. you're pretty, always remember that, okay?»
of course not, how could they?
however, he could understand why you were so prone to think otherwise. like him with his chronic sickness, you didn't want people to know about such an unsavoury (according to you) feature you had.
but unlike him, you couldn't hide it from other people, not at all at least. it pained you, and he could see that. your eyes turning down whenever they witnessed a pitiful look from someone were enough to understand how you felt.
if he could, he would give you an ointment to put over them, but the cuts that left you those scars have long healed, since you got them at an early age.
he would ask you how you got such scars, and upon hearing it was because of a wild animal attacking you, he felt displeased. how could your guardian let that happen? where were they at that time?
it reminded him of qiqi's accident that had her get her vision but also turn into a zombie — an absent guardian that couldn't do the only thing they were tasked to, their negligence causing pain to the small being that was entrusted into their care.
you would dismiss that, telling him you didn't resent your guardian because it was your fault for running away to explore, not caring about the wild surroundings, but he would disagree.
a small argument would follow, but it would die down as quickly as it started. he was only concerned about you, and you understood that. if all, it made your heart flutter for how caring he was toward you.
«i really can't stand the circumstances of how that happened, but unfortunately i can't go back in time and stop it from happening. but know that, even if you have scars, they don't conceal your beauty. and remember, beauty isn't only about looks, it is especially about one's soul. and yours is indeed magnificent.»
they could never.
but he could understand you. being a general meant having a lot of scars, so he knew the feeling of having eyes on you because of them.
except that, much like childe, he was proud of them. they were a reminder of how fiercely he fought for the freedom from the vision hunt decree, they showed how he was in the front line for his people and the entirety of inazuma.
and you knew that, because you took part in the war right by his side, together with aether and kazuha and your soldier companions.
it was right during a battle on nazuchi beach that you got your scars. you fell under the attack of a shogunate soldier and, hadn't it been for beidou and her claymore, you wouldn't have escaped it alive.
he thought that your scars were a proof of the courage you showed in battle, fiercely fighting because you believed in the principle of freedom and it was nonsense depriving people of theirs because of "eternity".
but now that the war was over and you were back to being a simple civilian, it was hard to not focus on your scarred body and face. before you were too busy in assuring your companions were safe, but now too much free time was sitting in your hands.
people's eyes were constantly on your face, witnessing the horrors of the war, pity in their looks as you passed by. and you hated that, hated it so so much that you ran away and found refuge on an isolated beach of watatsumi, under the moonlight.
he found you there, curled in a ball, one hand playing with the white sand as your face was hidden in your knees. you heard him but, even before you could try, he stopped you from running away again, his eyes poking holes into yours as he spoke, his hands holding yours.
«i know it's hard to stand people's gaze, i can feel it as well. but remember this: you fought in a war, you couldn't possibly get out of it untouched. your presence saved many soldiers and helped us win, because it was a group effort. if people can't go past your scars, ignore them, they didn't live what we did. i'm proud of how well you did, and you should be proud of yourself too.»
tsk. you had some guts to think such nonsense.
as a knight, you were no stranger to fights and battles. it was part of your duty in protecting the land of the anemo archon, and you never regretted the pain, because you felt the loving embrace of lord barbatos' gentle winds reassuring you.
and it was that same embrace that you felt after a battle against some hilichurls during your patrolling route, amber by your side. you easily slashed the monsters off, and you thought it was over, a chilly breeze messing with your hair, helping you relax. and that was your mistake.
a huge mitachurl with an axe came from behind and attacked you. you, unprepared, were caught by surprise and took over by the monster, who managed to tower over you with his flaming axe. hadn't it been for amber, you wouldn't have gotten only scars.
after that episode jean forced you to take a break for a while, to relax and enjoy the peace of mondstadt. but on the first day, as soon as you stepped out and were among people, you wished you could run in the outskirts and never come back.
all the citizens' eyes were on your scarred face, still fresh and tinted in a strong hue of pink because of the blood rushing through. and it was enough to push you back inside your home and make you decide you won't go outside till you could go back to your knightly duties.
it was easy, then, to notice your absence in the hustle and bustle of the city life, kaeya noticed. he would go ask around about you, but with no success. so he would think to go directly to you and see for himself what pushed you to be a reclusive when you were normally always eager to be outside and enjoy the everlasting good weather in mondstadt.
seeing kaeya on your door was the last thing you were expecting, but he was still your captain and you couldn't possibly refuse his request to see you. so you let him inside, head low, hair covering your face. and of course he noticed, as he always did.
he went straight to the point, asking what has been wrong with you as of lately. at first you would try to drive the conversation in another direction to not answer and let him know about your thoughts, but kaeya was too smart for that, and you both knew it.
you gave up after just a few tries, and so you blurted out everything that happened, your thoughts and your insecurities. he listened to you carefully, silence filling the room... till he flicked your forehead — you were so stupid, really.
he took your hands in his, tongue clicking his cheek before he started talking.
«the almighty y/n down the weather because of a few scars? i was expecting much worse- and no, don't give me that look, you know deep down i'm right. have i taught you nothing about being charming even when you have strange quirks? i have an eyepatch, you have your scars, so what? people can't deny that your beauty is still there, it just got a new feature. not a big deal. so stop being dramatic, you're still as fine as a glass of death after noon.»
those little scars aren't enough to hide your beauty from his prying eyes.
he was an art connoisseur, meaning any piece of art he landed his eyes on he could recognise its value. and you were the most precious one he has seen in his whole life.
that being said, he truly couldn't understand why you couldn't see yourself the same way he saw you. have your perception of yourself changed that much because of a few scars?
you were a matra working together with cyno and other higher-ups, being one yourself. so it's useless to say you were always on the front line, fighting side by side with the general mahamatra during certain missions or operations.
it was during an expedition in the desert that you and your group fell in an ambush, a fight soon breaking out. a fatui soldier smacked you down and his bullets reached your face, cutting all over and leaving bleeding wounds that scarred.
back to sumeru city after a period of rest cyno forced you to take, people started looking at you as if you were some sort of alien. and it pained you so much you no longer were able to hold your head up; your heart was full of hatred for your reflection, resentment for the fatui, anger for your incompetence in preventing such accident.
but all those thoughts would disappear as soon as kaveh got to know them, your rambling bursting out after you reached your limit. you weren't one to cry easily, so seeing your eyes red with tears had him realise how much it affected you.
he took you away to let you cry in peace, and waited for you to calm down before his words came out so you could listen to them clearly.
«you're currently in the middle of an emotional storm, and that's fine. i, unfortunately, can't understand the way you're feeling, but one thing that i understand is art. and you, y/n, you're the finest piece i have ever seen. it doesn't matter you have scars on your beauty, even ancient palaces have cracks, yet we still deem them of fine beauty. and that's your case too.»
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© azaliyas 2023 do not copy repost translate or feed to ai
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sunny6677 · 2 months
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Dexter isn't much different, but they do have a little more screen time with his mom. Like in Hollow Sorrows there's flashbacks of him hugging her whenever it got cold, taking her cats to the 'vet' when in reality he was actually murdering them and comforting her after when the cat supposedly didn't 'make it' or 'ran away', etc etc. He also still has Antisocial Personality Disorder here but I forgot to write that jdmdjd. And due to their OCD, he struggles with intrusive thoughts of if they're gonna hurt other people a lot and anytime he experiences those thoughts, he tries to make them go away by taking it out on the nearest animal he can find to kill.
Bob on the other hand gets more backstory. His mom was fairly alright albeit a little negligent to him like Lila is to Skid, but his dad was a total asshole behind the scenes and neglected him. Bob was also bullied like hell when he was little, which developed his hatred for other human beings. And due to a bunch of other incidents he was put through like his childhood therapist being a total asshole and his dad beating him, he kinda went nuts, and started to develop the curiosity of what it'd be like to eat another human being. Unfortunately on day he got into a little scuffle with one of his bullies while he was alone with them and killed them by accident (he was defending himself from them because they had a knife and strangled them). But something in his brain told him to test out his curiosity since they deserved it anyway, so.. he kinda proceeded to eat him. And to him, they tasted good, so he started killing all sorts of other people he hated in secret, with the strained justification that they deserved it. And this continued and continued until he eventually joined the cult, and his justifications gradually grew more strained til he stopped caring.
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 months
Hi, I want to start this message by apologizing for the heavy topic, and to add a TW for animal abuse and death. OK, here we go.
I've been living with a roommate for the last 8 or 9 months, we're friends, we don't really bother each other and have a good enough chemistry to share the rent and just go along with ournlives, she has two cats, I have one dog, we both love animals and take care of each other's pets. However, I noticed some months ago that she tends to "forget" or leave her cats unattended for several days, this can go from not cleaning the litter box for a whole week to forgetting to buy them food or refill their water fountain; I took the habit of doing the last two things to just keep the cats alive and fine, but I don't go near the litter box.
She also tends to let the cats go outside and even stay outside during the night saying they'll just "come back in the morning" and the cats have no collars. So last Friday she came home and I guess let both her cats out then went to sleep, same as always, but on Saturday one of the cats didn't show up. I asked her about the cat, she didn't mind much saying again that she'd come back once she was hungry. Hours passed, nothing happened, I think I was way more worried about the cat than her.
At about 2pm I went out the house and I swear just looked into her car's window by chance, and saw the cat laying inside it. I fucking screamed at her to get the keys and open the door but by that time the cat was already dead, she had left her inside the car since Friday night and under the sun all Saturday morning.
Now, we know it was an accident, the cat probably got inside the car while she had it open and didn't even notice the cat was there, but I can't stop thinking about the total lack of attention and just the negligence for the cats... I'm not her mom or anyone really to tell her what to do but to me it just shows that she saw her pets as maybe toys or something, not even bothering to actually take care of them, and this ended up in the death of one. And I can't bring myself to feel sympathy for her or even be there for emotional support because I keep thinking this was 100% her fault and the consequences for her actions and sadly a lesson she had to learn sooner or later...
Ugh. I'm so fucking sorry, anon.
The thing about cats is that certain people hear that they are low maintenance and assume that means little to no maintenance. I've seen this mindset a million times and held it myself when I was younger and didn't have my cat.
Ultimately, you are just as much a victim as she is. You spent as much, if not more, time with these cats. I can understand your lack of sympathy and hardly feel the need to imply in any way that you aren't completely reasonable.
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sw33t-t00th-4u · 3 months
hi everybody sorry i haven’t been active on this account! between the anime brain rot and other things happening in my personal life, i kinda forgot abt this account LMFAOOOO
that being said, i’ve been thinking about making a post about a certain blog for a minute and due to recent events, i feel more compelled than ever. i don’t think they have a big following or anything, but please take the time to read this before you consider buying a tarot reading from @/livingdeaddivination or supporting them financially in any way. i’ll try to keep it short and sweet lol. (⚠️ tw: loss, pet neglect)
i knew “anan” in real life, and they used to be my friend. i’m feeling especially hurt lately because anan wished death upon my best friend, who spent the last two years of her life battling a rare cancer that only 30 something people on this whole planet have. she wanted to be the first person to beat it. she was so close, but she unfortunately lost that battle last week, and anan got their wish. im heartbroken and angry and i feel so empty without her. anan’s exact words were “i hope the cancer kills her quick”. i’m heartbroken and angry and i feel so empty without her, and this is what anan wanted. if someone claiming to be as spiritual as she does speaking something like that into existence doesn’t deter you from supporting her financially, please keep reading.
very little, if any, of the money they could possibly make from these readings will go toward the wellbeing of her pets, as she’s very negligent towards them. i witnessed it first hand. she not only separated 5 out of 7 young kittens from their mother too early and selfishly kept two of them along with the mother, but she hardly put in any effort when it came to taking care of the four cats she had. she never cleaned her cat’s litter boxes and her cats also had worms and fleas and were in bad shape. my late best friend even offered to give her medicine to treat them for free, and she refused it. two of those four cats ran away, and instead of rehoming her remaining two cats, they live outside. not only that, but she had a hamster that she was “scared” to take care of. their hamster was in a small wire cage instead of a proper enclosure, and they would often take out the wheel because “it was annoying”. she kept her hamster in her closet and didn’t feed her, give her water, clean her cage, or even let her run around in a hamster ball. thst hamsyer lived like that for two months, though there's no telling how much of that time the hamster was actually alive for. she neglected that poor hamster to death after i provided her with all the things she could possibly need as i had two hamsters pass away from old age and i had taken care of her for a few months beforehand. had i know that that would be that hamster’s fate, i would’ve never given that hamster back to them.
there’s absolutely more that i could say, but like i said, i wanna keep it short. i didn’t want to make a post so soon because i didn’t want to say anything irrational out of grief, but nothing i could say could ever be as irrational as anything anan has ever said and done. i’m sure if they see this post, they’ll just deflect and make me look bad, block me, delete their account, and make a new one and pretend like nothing happened, but i needed to get this off my chest. if you read this far, thank you, and please keep this in mind before supporting @/livingdeaddivination financially in any way.
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idiotwithanipad · 5 months
Just a short thing about the concept of Rogh having a Mammoth family after he went mad for the first time, and they help him remember things about his past🥹
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(TW: Depressive state of mind, Memory Loss, Hallucinations, Grief, Loneliness)
The wilderness had once again been hidden away beneath a deep blanket of snow. Moonah had been ruthless, wasting no time in punishing her earthbound children for their apparent negligence. She must not have been given the regular praise she deserved for providing a light in the dark for her children, a way for them to find shelter when Solah retreated. 
Rogh knew he wasn't to blame for this, he had been struck down, but he hadn't yet been collected by Moonah; she must've had a task for him, to be guardian of her precious stones and to encourage any who come across them to worship her light and her gifts? He asked himself that same question nightly as he lie upon the grass and gazed up at her. 
He couldn't remember the last time he saw his tribe. He couldn't even remember what half their faces looked like, which of his beautiful children had his eyes or his nose or his hair or smile. So many things had slipped through through his mind like sand in an hourglass. He'd spent so long all alone that he began to forget his own name. 
He'd forgotten how to speak. He couldn't think anymore. He couldn't breathe anymore. 
He watched as Moonah faded away and Solah took her place in the sky above. His heat barely thawing the snow. Maybe he should move today? He's been lying here for a long time. But he didn't want to move, he wanted to feel it. He wanted to wait for the moment where the snow would melt from the warmth of his body and seep in through the gaps in his furs and make him go cold. 
He missed feeling cold, he missed shivering, he missed the ache of chillblains. He just wanted to feel something. He slept in the snow for a long time, it never once shifted under his weight and got him cold, not anymore. Even though he wanted desperately for it to freeze him and make him feel pain again. 
He couldn't feel anything. 
He sat up. He looked back over his shoulder. Not a mark in the snow where he was resting. Maybe this WAS his fault? Maybe it WAS a punishment? Cutting him off from everyone and everything he loved, making him feel nothing. Making him go mad. 
He got to his feet, the snow didn't gather against his wolf skin boots anymore, it didn't soak the hairs and matt them together in a frozen clump. He wanted to take them off and plant his feet down into the icy chill himself just to see if it would make a difference. But each time he tried, his foot would be wrapped back into the animal skins before they could sink beneath the white surface, yet he couldn't remember putting them back on. 
He disregarded his punishment and stepped forward atop the snow which left no tracks behind him, towards the middle of the wide clearing. Past the tree which had now began to whither away with time, the jagged stump like a natural tombstone against the sky. Rogh reached the centre of the clearing and looked up. The snowflakes fell around him but not one landed against his face or melted on his furs. 
He dropped his mouth open, agape to see if the faint clouds would leave his lips, but he'd forgotten how to breathe out. Another punishment. Something caught his attention off to his left. A sound. In a daze, his craned his neck towards the direction the sound echoed from. 
A herd of Mammoths had entered the clearing. Steam puffing from their mouths and the snowflakes melting against their fur, the way it SHOULD be. It had been so long since Rogh had seen one of the giant creatures, he couldn't remember how long ago, or who he was with, but the he knew he'd seen one up close. 
He took a slow step back to allow them to pass; he would be afraid of them, if he could feel fear anymore. 
He couldn't feel anything. 
They came closer, the sound of the snow crunching beneath their feet and the breeze brushing against their hair. Rogh tried to count them. There were a group of the creatures, as many fingers there are on one hand, and a calf which huddled to its mother. The Matriarch passed Rogh and headed towards a nearby tree, which, despite the harsh snow, still had sustenance for the creatures to feed from. 
He watched as the herd dispersed in the clearing and began to feed on the meager branches and leaves they could. For once in so long, Rogh became overcome with the promise of curiosity; the animals providing something for him focus on other than the lack of anything but the ground and the sky. The calf had strayed away from its mother, the young creature bumbling through the snow... Straight towards him. 
Rogh watched the calf approach, although he never reacted; he believed this to be nothing but a picture in his mind like the last time, when the image of his sister ran towards him through the blizzard with her arms outstretched, ready to tackle him into an embrace. No. Not his sister, the body had been of a Megaloceros, and the arms had been it's antlers. It was never his sister, never his children huddled around his legs, clinging onto him for guidance and shelter from the bitter cold. It had just been his tired mind, warped by loneliness and abandoned by Moonah. 
Still, the little creature strode closer to him, it's trunk outstretched and searching. Rogh felt the muscles in his frozen face thaw and slowly melt back into action, his nostrils flared towards the calf and he crouched. The calf's ears flaped and it's eyelashes, which had bagan to gather snowflakes, blinked. A tiny snort left it's trunk as it rose towards Rogh's middle. 
Rogh stepped back slightly; he'd never seen a baby Mammoth this close before, not since he was just a boy. How did he remember that? Where did that picture just come from behind his eyes? How long had he been here? Where was everyone? 
The calf's eyes rose to look at Rogh, it's trunk searching and wafting higher, it's fuzzy appendage flared and sniffed at him; it seemed that it too was inquisitive about this new stranger. Rogh took at step toward it, reaching out his hand to stroke the calf, only for it to shy away, it's ears pinning back against it's head and it's tail tucking between it's legs. It turned and scrambled back to its mother's side with a weak squeak of fright. 
As quickly as the moment began, it had ended. But the calf had seen him, Rogh didn't know much of anything anymore, but he could tell by the way the calf sniffed and searched for him, then turned and ran quickly away. It saw him. Rogh gave a glance at the palm of his hand for a moment. Had his madness ended? Had Moonah finally let him feel again? 
He pressed his hand down onto the snow again. Nothing. 
He couldn't feel anything. 
With an urge to break down and cry, Rogh looked up to where the calf had ran. It nursed from its mother by the treeline, the mother in question was facing him. A barbaric and dark look it her eyes, daring the strange two legged creature to threaten her baby again. Rogh, without prior experience of a mother Mammoth, approached slowly, desperate to find out whether or not these creatures could see him. 
Step by step. Metre by metre.
The mother gave a deep growl, a distinct warning for him to stay away. He remembered then. Another picture. Another punishment. They made sounds just like the animals, to attract them, lure them out of hiding. The two legged creatures that looked just like him. 
Rogh stopped, his eyes never leaving the mother's. He bent forward, his body forming an arch which flowed from his spine and down to the end of his arm which he left dangling down towards the snow. His other hand slowly rose to his lips, creating a hollow fist, rogh took a deep breath at last and made the Mammoth’s sound. A gentle, drawn out trumpet which made each of the Mammoth's pause from their grazing and turn to face him. 
The mother's ears perked and flapped slightly, the rest of her body froze. As did Rogh's; he knew better than to disrespect a mother's warnings, no matter the species. If he wanted permission, he had to earn it first. 
Seemingly, he'd gotten it. The mother took a step forward, her truck lifted from the snow and glided towards him. Rogh resisted the disgusting urge to wrech as her trunk passed through his stomach and out his back. With a sudden jerk, the sickly feeling left his body, he watched as the mother lifted her trunk from him to the Matriarch. The mother beckoned her with a flex of her trunk and a call, in their Mammoth sound. 
Within moments, the Matriarch towered above the caveman, her foreboding presence lay thick in the air around them as Rogh repeated his mark of respect; a bow and a mimicking call. The Matriarch's trunk lifted and hovered over his shoulder, it's nostrils flared and flexed beside his wild hair, trying to pick up the scent. 
Before Rogh knew it, and before he could gaze up at the Matriarch, who continued to try and detect any scent from the strange little two legged creature beneath her, he found himself surrounded by Mammoths. Each one shuffling to reach out their trunks and welcome him into their herd. 
Maybe his punishment had began to come to a slow end? Maybe he'd be able to feel something again? If the Mammoths could see him, could other two legged creatures? Only time would tell, for now, as the herd dispersed away from him again, Rogh reclined back down into the snow. He still couldn't feel it, but he could feel something he hadn’t felt for so long. Something he forgot.
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Chapter 15: Ghosts of The Past
Word Count: 1038
TWs: Implied murder, brief gore mentions, themes of childhood trauma
/) /) ( • ༝•)
Vanessa awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of her father entering the room.
He walked over to her bedside table and pulled the chain on her rabbit-themed lamp, briefly blinding her.
“Sorry, darling, I didn’t mean to wake you… but I’ve got to rush out to Freddy’s, and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to come with me. See what the place is like when no one else is around.” He smiled playfully and offered his hands. Vanessa glanced at her alarm clock.
“It’s past midnight…”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell if you don’t.” He winked as she yawned. “And you don’t have to change out of your pyjamas if you don’t want to… but think about it, nobody will be hogging Tapper for once.”
Curious, Vanessa took his hand and got out of bed. He turned off her lamp and the two walked through the dark halls, quietly slipping on their shoes and padding out the front door. They got into William’s car. He let his daughter sit up front and encouraged her to pick a good CD for the short trip. Fleetwood Mac accompanied them as they pulled into the parking lot. The only light came from a security light positioned above the doors of the restaurant, which the two made their way toward like moths to a flame. Vanessa rubbed her hands together. It wasn’t a particularly cold night, but it felt strange and vulnerable to be awake when it seemed nobody else was. Without questioning, she went straight for the arcade after her father turned on the power. She played Tapper until he reappeared at her side.
“There’s something I’d like you to see.” There was a strange glint in his eyes as he drew her away from the machine. They entered the main hall.
“The animatronics??” Vanessa asked in a bored tone, “Dad--”
“No, no… children, I’ve brought you a friend,” he addressed the robotic animals. Vanessa stared at him, confused… then a chill ran through her and her eyes were drawn back to the stage. The animatronics were all staring at her. Freddy began to move, slowly walking toward the edge of the stage… his friends in close pursuit, all wanting to get a closer look at Vanessa. The closer they came, the more panic rose in her. What was that red between their joints? That glimpse of fleshiness in the cracks and crevices of the suits? That godawful smell?
“Don’t look so distraught, butterfly,” William’s attempt at soothing her sounded as if he were halfway across the room instead of directly beside her, “it was for their own good. Negligent parents don’t deserve children. I know that, now. But I still have you… and I would never hurt you.”
“What did you do??” Vanessa whispered, unable to look away.
“I saved them. I gave them imperishable bodies.” So long as upkeep is maintained. She tore her gaze away enough to spy a bulletin board, dotted with missing posters. Clutching her chest, she began to back toward the wall.
“They’re hurting…” She could hear an unfamiliar wailing in her mind, the sound of a child in distress.
“Oh please, they can’t hurt…” William’s voice was flat, “they’re dead.”
Vanessa buried her head in her arms as her back pressed up against the wall, sobbing. “Go away… please, make it go away…” She could feel their anguish, their confusion, their longing. He made them keep their distance. Disappointment coursed through William. This was nothing to be afraid of. Still, he took her back home, saying nothing. She was never the same after that.
In the present day, Vanessa finished her story and swallowed, feeling numb as she studied her bedroom ceiling. “Does that really sound like someone you want to call ‘dad?’” She asked.
“He proved the existence of life after death and you resent him for it?!” Vanita’s voice broke as she snapped at her. “I want to see them.”
“See what?? Who?” Vanessa had burnt up what remained of her energy, her expression dull. That’s all you got out of that, huh?
“Those haunted animatronics!”
“Can’t. Whole place was bulldozed. Nothing was salvaged.”
Vanita’s face was flushed in frustration. “But why?! Even if the place wasn’t a crime scene, why would you just toss away all that history?!”
“Haven’t you learned anything from being employed by the Fazbear Entertainment Company? If it can be swept under the rug, set on fire, and otherwise steam-rolled out of existence, they’ll do it for the guise of a spotless reputation.”
Sawyer returned to the bedroom. “I found some things, might be useful.” He pat his bag. “Put ‘em in here. I think we should get out of here soon, Vannie…”
“Maybe you two deserve each other,” Vanessa muttered after clearing her throat. “A cruel daughter to match a sadistic father.”
“Even our hostage agrees it’s fate,” Vanita hummed to Sawyer. He didn’t respond. Passing over her partner’s silence, she unbound Vanessa’s body. “Well, thanks for nothing.”
“Don’t mention it.”
Vanita left the room, brushing past Sawyer, who remained still for a moment. Silently, he crept toward Vanessa, who was now stretching her limbs. “She’s been poisoning you with elderberries and banberries,” he whispered. It took a moment for this to register.
“At first, she was putting a liquid mixture in your coffee at work when you weren’t looking, then she began breaking in and putting it in your water pitcher… probably poured it all over your cups, too, knowing you wouldn’t have the strength to wash any of them. I know this isn’t the time, but you should really be locking your front door, even when you’re home.”
“Fuck… wait, why’re you telling me this?”
“Because I don’t like where I’m at. I can’t do anything about it because she’d probably kill me if I tried to leave, so I’m doing what I can.”
“Sawyer, I thought you were in a hurry to GTFO!” Vanita shouted from the other room.
“I’m sorry.” With that, Sawyer left, closing the bedroom door behind him. Vanessa was now determined to get enough strength to call Ginny. She might be her only chance to make sure Vanita got what she deserved.
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poetrysings · 8 months
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— whoa! VIOLET HÚ just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for ALL HER LIFE, working as an ACTRESS. that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit TACITURN and RECALCITRANT, but i know them to be ALLOCENTRIC and RESILIENT. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to MANHATTAN!
spotify pinterest musings visage connections
full name: violet hú
nickname: vi
age/date of birth: 29 / july 7th, 1994
zodiac sign: cancer ☼ sagittarius ☾ aquarius ↑
gender identity: cis female (she/her)
hometown: staten island, new york
current location: manhattan, new york
time in town: twenty-nine years
sexual orientation: pansexual
occupation: actress, artist
voice claim: eva noblezada (x)(x)(x)(x)(x)
labels: the sweetheart, the alfresco, the mom friend
pos traits: resilient, allocentric, gregarious, adaptable, empathetic
neg traits: deceitful, impetous, taciturn, boisterous, recalcitrant
hobbies: painting, sculpting, sewing, cooking, gardening
languages spoken: english, chinese, french
instruments played: piano, french horn, harp
favorite color: yellow, green, pink
favorite food: new orleans cuisine
allergies: n/a
height: 5'4
distinguished characteristics: appendicitis scar on lower stomach
tattoos: none
piercings: ears
right or left-handed?: ambidextrous (was left-handed but was forced to use right hand from a very young age and became ambidextrous as a result)
parents: grace hú (birth mother, deceased), patrick haas (birth father, deceased) greta & frederick atkins (foster parents, whereabouts unknown), names tbd (adoptive parents)
sibling(s): 2 adoptive siblings
pet(s): rescues strays and injured animals whenever she can
tw: death mention, child endangerment, child negligence, arson
despite popular belief, violet was a product of pure, unadulterated love. fleeting and heartbreaking love, but love nonetheless. violet's parents spent three whole months filled with all the love, dedication and devotion upon meeting before learning they would be parents. although the news were unexpected, they were both happy and decided to start a family together in new york. the only problem? patrick's entire life was in georgia, so he had to travel south for a couple of weeks, get things settled and come back to start his life-long dream. a week passed with no response from patrick, two weeks and later a month, grace growing more and more desperate as each hour passed with no news of the man who had promised to come back and start a family with her. grace when her sixth month of pregnancy arrived, grace was convinced patrick had backed down, that he had realized he didn't want a family and it was only her and violet against the world. unbeknownst to her, a heartbroken haas family was trying to recover from the death of patrick, who had been killed upon his arrival to georgia in a car accident.
it was a rainy night, the night violet gave her first breath of fresh air. an intense procedure involving some health complications on grace's behalf that, after a five hour long battle, made grace breathe her very last breath of air, exactly 3 minutes after violet was born. everything was so sudden, so shocking that the medics and nurses were appalled by the circumstances. cindy, the nurse who had aid grace before and during the birth however, was gracious enough to care for violet like she was her own and gave her the biggest gift the newborn could ever receive: an identity. she had previously discussed names with grace, who had mentioned wanting her daughter to carry the name of violet and thus, she was named after her mother, per her last wish.
violet spent her very first years going from the system to a new foster home and back, never quite finding a place to call her own. she made herself fit, shaped herself to be the perfect image of a child a family could want, something to love. it was innate, the kindness and loving nature in her was a birth right given by both grace and patrick and yet she tried, hard, to be wanted, to be of service to every family who took her in, only for them to turn her back in when she was not needed anymore. at age six, the atkins family appeared, ready to accomodate her in their home. once again, she bent herself over to be the best version of herself she could be, to be cordial and of service, to be entertaining and grateful and for a while, it worked. the atkins seemed like decent people; foster parents who had around six children at a time in their home and seemed to care for each of them and, for the first time in her life, violet felt like she belonged. the matriarch happened to be a plastic artist and nursed the love for the arts in violet who very graciously accepted every bit of it. she started painting, drawing and sculpting with the aid of the matriarch who would proudly take her job and sell it amongst their friends, claiming it was her own.
about two years after first arriving to the atkins household, the cracks began to show. they were volatile and their finances were starting to suffer. back then, violet didn't understand much but it became painfully obvious when a new child arrived to the home, a younger orphan with sad eyes violet immediately grew protective of. the two together began a journey that lasted a few years in the atkins household with less than formidable conditions, yet they endured it, knowing if they somehow made it out of the household there was a chance they would be separated.
four months after violet's thirteenth birthday party, a fire started in the atkins household. everything was so urgent, the family only managed to save some of the stuff they owned. it was a long night between fire flames and the e.r due to the inhalation of carbon dioxide but the minute violet had the strength to stand on her very own to feet and speak, she did. she told a nurse the whole thing had been planned, her foster parents had orchestrated the plan in order to get the insurance money for the house. violet gave her testimony about the arson and every other crime the two had committed during her time living under their roof with one condition: the minute the kids were sent to the system she and the youngest of the kids the atkins had fostered were to remain together. and so they did, for the next year or so, the two remained in the system, waiting for a family that would accept them together, as the family they now were.
and then, a glimpse of light. violet, being so close to turning eighteen both dreamed of and dreaded the day, knowing she'd be able to walk away from the system she had grown from but also knowing there was someone waiting for her, someone she still needed to prepare for the years ahead once she wasn't around to take care of them. families were looking for younger kids, babies and toddlers that could easily settle into their family lives so there was no way they would get picked, she began to grow cynic about the whole process until the day the family that would save her life appeared. they were well-off, gentle in nature and looking for older kids to bring into their family of four. they had 2 children already, but still felt like their family wasn't complete. the moment they met violet, they became infatuated and asked her if she'd accept to get adopted, finally a family to call her own and yet she declined, offering them a better deal: they could take her younger sibling instead and she'd be in debt to them, for as long as she'd lived. when the papers finalised, it was revealed that the family had not only adopted her younger sibling but violet as well, both now had a place to call their own that they would finally be at peace. the family asked violet if she'd wish to carry the family's name or maintain her own and violet opted for the later, wishing to carry her mother and her dynasty with her.
living with her new family, violet began learning stuff about herself, finally giving herself chance to explore facets of her she'd never imagine until she was free to do the imagining. her love for the plastic arts prevailed but another one bloomed; her love for acting. her adoptive parents were supporting and encouraging, nurturing her love for every art she could think of. she began taking ballet classes, voice lessons and even piano lessons, inevitably earning a spot in ithaca college in the theatre department. about half a year upon graduation, violet landed her first role: natalie goodman in a national tour of next to normal and she traveled for a few months around connecticut, massachusetts, new hampshire and maine. upon her return, the actress searched for more roles, something new york bound until she was presented with the opportunity of a lifetime: the revival of cinderella on broadway. after much consideration, she auditioned for the role and got the part, surprising herself. her debut was big, it catapulted her into broadway stardom early on in her career and she loved and cherished every minute of it.
she started renting a little studio in manhattan with her younger sibling after landing her second broadway role: eurydice in hadestown.
WANTED CONNECTIONS ( * will be a wanted connection on main )
younger sibling ( any gender / familial ) *
these two may not be related by blood, but the bond that unites them is stronger than what most experiment in their lifetime. they both come from rough backgrounds, both losing their parents early in life and spending their childhood in the system, so the term family is not something neither of them take lightly. they are bonded for life, would do anything for one another. from the day they met in the atkins residence, the family foster home, violet promised to protect them through it all and that's what she's done for over twenty years of life now. they are her best friend, her confidant.
adoptive family ( any gender / familial / 2 siblings and at least one parent figure ) *
violet always believed in angels. she grew up praying one would come and save her from the circumstances she had been born in, even though she never quite understood what angels looked like. that was, of course, until she met her adoptive family at the age of 16. they took her and her younger sibling in, gave them the love and care they lacked their entire lives and granted them a life violet thought she'd never get to have. they still remain an intrinsic part of everything she does, her adoration for her family is evident to every one who has spent more than five minutes with the actress.
muse ( any gender / plat or rom )
whenever she’s stressed or just… inspiration strikes , she calls this person to either use them as a model or a human canvass . she has every line of their body engraved on her memory and she still finds them as every bit fascinating as that first day she met them and couldn’t stop thinking about them ; could spend hours painting them or on them .
goodbye my lover ( any gender / rom )
sweet violet is a hopeless romantic . believes - in - soulmates - ( platonic or otherwise ) -and - love - at - first - sight kind of romantic . however , developing a relationship with her is harder than she may lead to believe . growing up , she had the responsibility of carrying for herself and her younger sibling ; most of her energy was focused on that and once she was grown up , her aim to become something she and her family could be proud of monopolized her entire existence . however , and against all odds , she fell . she fell hard and deep ( perhaps more than once ) . as life goes , things ended up not working out and violet was left with a heart broken and a tad of issues when it comes to making a compromise ; realizing how much it hurt to truly open up and giving yourself over to someone who could as well walk away one day .
mutual / one-side crushes ( any gender / rom )
ah , crushes . the chasing , the yearning , the blushing and the flirting ; all stages of a crush , something violet hasn’t managed to completely understand even as an adult . even though the artist is not good at handling relationships ( fear of commitment , family issues , you name it and it’s on the list of reasons why relationships never quite work for her ) , crushes are the one thing she allows herself to have . a little flirting , some fooling around with no feelings involved can’t hurt anybody , right ?
'ladies who lunch' gc ( any gender / plat )
a group with two activities in common : drinking and lunching . over the years , violet has learn to let go and enjoy the moment instead of worrying about the future and the past , this group of people have definitely helped with that . whenever she needs a distraction from reality , they are the people she runs to .
friends, friends with benefits, possible romantic interests, enemies, neighbors… just love my baby, she will love you back!
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
Bertholdt has a pet box turtle named Berturtle. 🐢
So what had happened was.... tw for turtle car injury 😣 But they survive!!
It's fall, so many colorful leaves littering the ground. He really needs to find the time to rake the yard. Or at least get them off the driveway. Thing about box turtles is, the patterns on their shell make them amazing at camaflouge. And unfortunately Bertie second guesses himself a moment too late before he realizes that particular bright yellow smattering of color was not just fallen leaves. 😣
Luckily the driver's tire barely made any contact with the lil fella. But in a rush to close up in it's shell to avoid injury, it's back left leg didn't make it inside in time and the pressure from the tire bump caused some lacerations.
Bertholdt is rattled! He's never hit an animals before. He's such a careful driver. Any one of his peers would vouch for that! He dashes out of his car after reversing a few feet and scoops up the poor baby, tucking it against his tummy as he tries to figure out what the hell to do.
He can't just leave it out here after maiming it! Luckily there is a small box in his trunk where he keeps some extra waterbottles, protein bars and a first aid kit neatly tucked away for emergencies. Hastily, he dumps the contents of the box to scatter haphazardly in his trunk before tenderly tucking the turtle in his new makeshift emergency turtle transport container. Within minutes he's backing out of the driveway and zooming his way to the nearest vet. Is the vet where you take wild animals who are injured?? He has no idea but his brain is on autopilot.
Also, by zooming I mean he dares to go five over the speedlimit. The turtle is bleeding afterall and he has no idea if he's caused a more serious internal injury for the poor creature.
The front desk attendant greets a very flustered Bertie who is a mess of worry as he tries to describe the situation. They do their best to reassure him that they can fit in time to have the doc look the turtle over and gesture for him to sit and wait.
His shoulders sag wearily as both his legs bounce with anxious energy. His mind racing with all the whatifs of how this disaster could've been avoided. There was so much he wanted to accomplish in life and how could he do that if he was burdened with the title of turtle murderer? And what about the turtle? What aspirations and dreams had he now cut short because of his own shortsightedness? And here he was selfishly hung up on his own future troubles as if he hadn't just ruined the life of this innocent creature. Did it have a family? Did turtles maintain family units? What would a group of turtles be called? Where they close by? Had they seen their lovedone nearly crushed beneath the tire of his car? Had he inadvertently traumatized a whole gaggle of turtles? The antagonist of their story as knowledge of this tragedy is passed to future generations? Bertholdt Hoover, the turtle slayer. What would be the best way to make amends? Give offering to the turtle colony that potentially will be suffering a significant loss due to his gross negligence?
"Mr. Hoover?"
Bertholdt's body shoots up from the waiting room chair, startling the sweet lady and toy poodle to his right. He breathes a sincere apology for his swiftness before he follows the front desk attendant to a back exam room.
Longer story short, the vet puts Bert in contact with a local wildlife rehaber. The rehaber takes in the turtle and cares for it for a few weeks, monitoring it's wound ability to care for itself. The wound doesn't become infected and while it hinders the turtle's speed and agility, nothing else seems to be inhibiting the animal. Since it was a wild turtle, they can't legally release it into his care, even though it can't be released back into the wild. However, the rehab center does have space in their educational exhibit to let the turtle cohabitate with another unreleasable turtle friend.
While Bertholdt doesn't keep the box turtle at home, he visits and volunteers now at the rehab center often. Gabby is the one who christened the turtle Berturtle, when the rehaber gave him the opportunity to name the lil guy. She is very proud of the name.
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hoam-sweet-hoam · 2 years
Emotion machine broke?
tw: death, animal death, I dunno this is a bit of a ramble
So, our grandfather passed away sometime last year. He was an all around neat guy, and we got along well. But he was still fairly distant and his death didn't hit us hard. More accurately, it didn't hit us at all. Like, to the point that when grandma called on Christmas to wish us happy holidays, We Forgot He Was Dead, and told her to give him our best. Award for Worst Social Mishap of the Year goes to Taliska.
But more recently- last weekend recently- Our first ever dog died. The quintessential childhood family dog. We loved that dog, we begged our parents to get us that dog. She'd been getting old for quite a while now, so we spent the weekend at our parents' place, and the whole family just gave her company the whole time.
This completely eclipsed our sister's birthday that same weekend. Which, must have sucked. But she and the rest of the family genuinely had a good time with the dog. While we just... felt awkward the whole time. I didn't really think much of it until just now, when I was going through my phone's photo album and realized we didn't have a picture of her anywhere. Like, I dunno if it's appropriate to take a picture of someone you know is dying?? But at the very least, it would have been something to remember her by. And we'll never have the chance to again. But I don't feel...sad about it just, "Oh, well that kinda sucks I guess".
I understand that people naturally grieve differently, but I think we skipped all the usual steps, straight past acceptance and into negligence. I can't speak for all of us I guess, but I can't think of any proper mourning going on recently. Are we just sociopaths?
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conkniving · 2 years
lalisa manoban. cis woman. she/her. bisexual greyromantic.  —   hey, isn’t that fallon amarin  ( aka: midas )?   i think that the thirty year old from pattaya city, thailand works as a night clerk for the black dog motel & the debt collector for the bastards, but outside of that people describe them as the foreign thrill of standing in liminal spaces, replacing the company of people with volumes of books, altered states of mind and the sober panic, the selfishness borne of young neglect, wide unblinking bloodshot eyes, welcoming the numb of biting cold and dirty snow, and cracked nail polish sifting crinkled notes of cash. i hear they are overzealous   &   paranoid, but they are also known to be crafty  &   dutiful. consider giving them a visit at their home in the seal harbour apartments and get to know why they’re called the conniving. written by  cat, she/her, est.
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stats. pinboard.
tw:  drugs, negligence, violence & threats of violence
at first thought, it would make more sense if fallon worked alongside a number of the bastards at one of the establishments they frequent   —   rather than haunting the black dog motel at night. but if you happen to catch the gangly figure nursing a cigarette against the railing overlooking the void encroaching the recess of the joint, it begins to paint a picture that she belongs in.
to add to the irony, she had happened upon the offspring of a busted puppy mill as they were brought into the local animal shelter several years ago. already teeming with homeless creatures, few things in life strike her as fate like the moment she decided to walk in empty-handed and leave shortly thereafter with what has now grown into a menacing all black doberman affectionately named cerberus.
not a mathematical whiz by any definition, she became the organic proponent for ensuring the gang is given what they are due and everyone their fair share. be it the experience   ( the beneficial and the traumatizing )   that has moulded the sort of person callous enough to obtain through whatever means necessary, or the sheer loyalty to the only true family she has ever known, fallon has been promoted from meagre black market dealer to managing all bastard revenue.
despite the complaints, the smells, the rats  —  fallon loves the seal harbour apartments. sure, paranoia keeps her from lingering on her coveted fire escape longer than a joint lasts  ( and the colder winter months ).  but the cinema lights filtering through ragged curtains, the drone of the market lulling her into a nap, the ability to catch a flick anytime she wants just downstairs...  it’s home. the first home she’s felt was all hers.
the bathroom sink has been permanently stained a darker shade from the frequent dye jobs. punk rock blaring from a busted boombox, an ashy cigarette dangling from pouty lips, spidery fingers massaging in convenience store sludge. anything to keep away the natural mousy brown under the ebony.
don’t comment on guitar practice. even if it’s a compliment. especially if it’s criticism. the latter garners a reaction not unlike a rockstar at the end of a wild performance. that instrument will be smashed to pieces, and on you if you don’t get away. it's best to just act natural if you come upon her lounging on the futon and plucking away discordant tunes.
speaks several languages:  thai, english, french less fluently, and korean even less. makes it easier to find reading material however, and it’s easy to know which book belongs to fallon by the cracked spines, peeling covers from fidgety nails, and endlessly dog-eared pages. peer through a couple and you might even find annotations, but you shouldn’t.
when faced with a moment that overwhelms, fallon will forget and push back her hair behind her ears...  there it is. that ugly scar. jagging through the hairline on the left, separating the first inch of the ear from the skull, sewn back together again. don’t ask.
in retrospect, a lot of fallon’s juxtaposed behaviour and habits are attributed to being somewhat of a wallflower in the beginning stages of her life. set front and centre stage was her parents, who never quite got the memo to grow up  —  whatever the fuck that means.
born in thailand, fallon watched her parents’ lives unfold much like a passerby might; only ever briefly involved, skimming knowledge from the brief windows. sure, her parents were probably in love. at some point. at the very least pretended. what priority they shared was  money!  yes, cash. not their only daughter. her mother loved it for the things it could get her and her father loved it for the stacks he could accumulate. who’s to say got who in trouble?
the next chapter of substance was when the amarin family abruptly relocated to alaska. it's hard to remember what changed, how they ended up in some cold, dark corner of the world, or why they thought it would be better. at times, it feels like something is missing there, a gap in the gray matter, but fallon could sense the shift. in herself and in the life that she would then lead.
fallon often felt the absence of her father for those extended periods of time that she later came to realize was in due to his hiding from whatever they had escaped back home. but her mother didn’t seem to notice the vacancy. instead, she found new companions. it was jarring to witness the strangers that would leave her parents’ bedroom  —  until her mother thrust a new distraction into her hands in the form of whatever she could snatch swiftly enough. a toy. a cellphone game. some jewelry. a romance novel. cigarette packs. wine.
and when her father was present, it was never without unease. school went as average as it could get for a thirteen year old learning a brand new language, but that took a dip the first time the loan sharks came around the house. initially, they only surveilled outside on the street. what really scared her that first time was how her parents reacted. never had she seen two people sweat so much. mother scurried around the house like there was active gunfire but not to hide herself. only her valuables. father was a damn mess, approaching pissing-his-pants level, until he finally remembered his family and grabbed them both to huddle in the closet under the stairs the entire night. this would reoccur any time the strangers would loiter about the twilight hours.
when fallon’s school reported her slipping academics? all she could focus on was the shine on her father’s brow when he grasped at her bony shoulders desperately and insisted that she do better or they would find them. that she was being too obvious. it only made her resent his presence further.
yet, those loan sharks uncovered their identities despite her best efforts  ( really, was it her fault? ).  the sounds of her father’s screams seemed to follow her no matter how frantically she escaped out her bedroom window, no matter how far she ran barefoot, no matter how lost she became in the dark.
the thing was, those ‘people’ couldn’t kill her father if they wanted whatever it was they needed from him. that first visit, they beat his face until it was hard for her to look him in the eye. not only because of the shiners closing up the lids, but the blood that seeped into the whites instilling such fear that fallon often felt sick. it was long enough for him to recover and to try again to disappear before her mother shoved her aside one evening as she hurried her husband to the hospital  —  they had broken his fingers one by one.
being at home was getting unbearable. the good thing about growing up coming to the conclusion you weren’t even a main character in your own parents’ lives was that you could start doing whatever the hell you want.
subject to change.
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buni-gutz · 22 days
Did you know that in terms of Pretty Blood shipping, Rinny and Nappy are the most likely to have been canon if LDT didn't care about his toxic community? The trope would work, too; a toxic onesided relationship between a negligent and abusive mom, and her 'innocent' little 3 year old child. Nappy here tries to hug Rinny in the first episode, only to get tortured and beat brutally again. If these two ever had sex, Rinny would definitely leave Nappy bruised up and bit all over, scratches on her back and everything, including the following: blood leaking out of her vagina, tears streaming from her eyes, lack of motion from her legs except for trembling, and whimpering and sobbing, which will get her mother more turned on and continue to fuck and rape her little cub daughter. Rinny wouldn't spare Nappy one bit, even when pounding her relentlessly. In the first episode, Rinny blushes at her daughter's suffering. The only time she's gasped while aroused, indicating that this was the first time Rinny got wet over her kid's pain. She hides it well in the Boxing to the Death animation, however, the fact that Nappy was her first in terms of arousal proves evidence. Also rinny would force Nappy to make out with her sloppy style.
i had never heard of this but thank u so much for sharing i am nearly thru the first episode
giving me huge joypony and my little cupcakes or whatever that ms paint mlp gore series was called vibes
also u are absolutely that woman is absolutely vile and i would let her gut me
u can watch it here for anyone wondering btw also needle tw in the first episode
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astramthetaprime · 3 months
Year of the Jackpot 2, Dog Attack Boogaloo
TW Animal injuries
My boy Genji was attacked on our own front porch by another dog on Friday night. He was sitting outside on the porch just chilling, lording it over all he surveys as he does. One of my neighbors has a pit bull, and she came into the yard and attacked Gen on the porch. I was in the back of the house, here at the computer in fact.
I ran to the noise of the most violent thing I've ever heard in real life, my dog screaming and another dog growling. I get there and got Gen separated, all but threw him into the house, chased the pit bull off the porch, went inside and locked the door.
The neighbor was right there "oh sorry let me get her". Dude, if you were that close behind her you either did this deliberately and came to watch your dog kill another dog or you're stoned so bad you can't get in there and pull your dog off when she attacks another dog unprovoked. She had her harness on, why didn't you have a leash?
This wasn't the first time this has happened. She's attacked Gen before. Why haven't they realized she's a dangerous dog and should be on a leash at all times when out of her fence?
Like I said, it's either deliberate because they want to watch her kill another dog or they're stoned idiots who can't count to potato.
I'm not normally one to immediately say "pit bulls are dangerous" because any dog can be dangerous. A Chihuahua can kill you. Don't laugh. Yes it can happen. Dogs are still canine predators and anyone of them can kill you if they're motivated enough. I determine if individual dogs are dangerous, not entire species. This one has proven she's dangerous. No dog becomes dangerous just because "oh it's a pit bull, they're all dangerous". No. If she's dangerous, she was made dangerous, either by trauma or negligent training or both. "Oh she's just playing". Bullshit. Playing doesn't involve taking chunks out of other dogs. Genji has played with dogs of all sizes at the dog park from terriers to German Shepherds and none of them have ever taken a bite out of him.
There's a drainage line under Gen's skin on his shoulder now that has to be emptied twice a day. Four different medications for pain, antibiotics and anxiety that I have to force down his throat twice a day because he won't eat. He has to wear a cone for five days. And he's probably going to be traumatized from this. My dog, who stands a foot tall, who was attacked unprovoked while sitting on his own porch enjoying the night.
I spent all Saturday morning from about 11:15 Friday to almost 6 AM Saturday at a 24hr emergency vet, alternately trying to sleep in my car and talking to the vet there. I got him home afterward I know not how. He goes out now only on a leash and only to go potty.
And I ... am looking at legal options. Because I can't just let this slide. I've already spent $1100, and we're not done. They have to take the drainage line out and that's going to be even more money. Beyond that, I'm going to ask that I get some kind of legally-binding assurance that the pit bull across the street be restrained at all times. If she's escaping, prevent those escapes. Fix the fence, it's a lot less expensive than court fees.
I'm going with a mediator first and hope that's enough. But if not, I'll see them in court.
You stepped in the shit, folks, time to clean up your mess.
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(tw trauma, animal death, illness, depression, bullying)
honestly it makes feel sad how miserable my life has been. Members of my own family have tormented me, I really think I was born with anxiety and fear since my own mother is traumatized. Bullying, adulterization, abuse and body shaming throught all my child years. At age 12 my body developed a chronic illness due to genetics and maybe the stress, I still deal with this pain. And my parents were negligent and refused to take me to the hospital, I screamed and cried due to the pain for days and they did nothing... I'ts been so hard and sad... I just feel like my life is a story of a people killing a little girl and enjoying it. And the worse is seeing how millions of people suffer, sometimes even sharing the same patterns. The animals too... I just cried today because my dogs have died due to negligence by my parents, my own parents exposed me to abuse within the family members, including being adulterized and body shamed, even one day when I was 6 a cousin attacked a little animal, it was a little colored chicken, to death in front of me and there was nothing i could do. I feel heartbroken. I know I have my own responsabilty of my own emotions, but I don't even feel safe anymore, i don't even feel it's okay or fair. I suspect I have CPTSD, I really feel my life is a mistake, even my own mother told me she regrets having a family with my dad (can't blame her tbh). I would have liked to have a normal life. And what bothers me is why this had to happen. I always feel like I have to hide what happen and my emotions about it. I'm sorry if this was too much or disturbing, I cannot speak to anyone about this... thank you giving people a space.
It’s not too much or too disturbing you’re fine! Im glad you found a safe space on my blog and I’m always here to listen.
It is truly traumatizing / child abuse to witness kids abusing animals and your feelings and emotions are 100 percent valid!
None of this is okay or fair, but trauma just happens unfortunately in this world. It’s just the free will of humans gone awry, not deserved, not justified, and it is totally unfair and you have every right to scream and shout about the unfairness of it.
Having emotional empathy in this world can be extremely difficult and traumatic and you’re valid, seeing others go through traumas can be traumatic as well. I feel the same way about world issues and I try to focus on my own life and creating projects or hobbies in my free time to take care of my anxieties about this.
I hope you’re doing okay feel free to make an alias for yourself and ask me for anything I hope I could help.
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