#tw depressive spiral
shxwstxpper · 8 months
im happy
im happy
im happy
im happy
im happy
im happy
im not allowed to feel anything else
im not allowed
i just want to be normal
let be normal
please god
please let me be normal
im so tired
im so fucking tired
i want to be happy
why am i not allowed to be happy
please just let me be happy
i want to be happy
please god
why can’t i be happy
im supposed to be happy
kai drew has to be happy
it’s all she is
it’s all she can be
if she’s not happy
who is she?
i have to be happy
it’s all i am
it’s all i can be
if im not happy
who am i?
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guarshroom · 1 year
Y'all ever just be an inch from having a complete mental breakdown at work?
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It really hurts when you realize you aren’t their closest friend anymore.
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sneakyhotdog · 3 months
im feeling empty. hollow. like there is a hole in my chest and i can’t seem to do anything at all.
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hersurvival · 4 months
Something heavy rests upon my chest.
Debilitating dread bordering on paranoia.
Something bad is about to happen.
You're going to ruin everything.
Lose it all, end up all alone.
Violent waves of intense sadness
Crash into me, drag me out.
Drowning before I can understand
How I ended on shore.
Detached, dissociated
In the middle of the night.
Woken by nightmares I can't recall.
Static courses throughout my body,
Numb yet shivering
In puddles of cold sweat.
What's real? What's happening?
Thoughts howl,
Calling for blood on the bathroom floor.
"Situational. Normal."
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graveyarrdshift · 11 months
the sexual tension between me and relapse
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snarlingteeth · 11 months
Would you like me better,
with blood on my teeth?
Under my claws,
In my fur.
Would you want me then?
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thechaotichorselord · 2 months
a RANT. (tw for stalking)
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Hey! I just saw something that reminded me.
If you support stalkers, kindly leave my blog!
I don’t care if they have mental issues, I don’t care if they aren’t okay, stalking is NOT GOOD!
I will not be worrying about somebody’s mental problems when they are doing heinous things!
The stalker who I’m referring to has blocked me as I have blocked them, but if they somehow find this:
You make me feel ill. Not only did I consider you a friend but I thought you’d at least try to improve! Sob stories will NOT make what you did any less bad. I’m aware you held yourself accountable, but you have to know what you did was wrong.
If somebody shares this with the person, I don’t CARE! I’m sick of all this bullshit people do! You’re stalking someone? You’re harassing them? Oh, you feel BAD about it? You’re stating how much you regret it? Then fucking DO something! Stop fucking harassing them! Block them and move on! You have no excuse to invade someone’s privacy the way you did!
Sorry for the rant, I’m just pissed off about the whole incident.
If there’s something I can’t stand its people who use their issues as a shield.
I’m sorry if I said something perceived as wrong, I’m not good at writing this stuff out.
Oh, and the stalker I was talking about was G_G. If you are aware of what she did and support her you are PART OF THE PROBLEM.
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caressthosecheekbones · 3 months
Don't measure your self-worth according to your weaknesses.
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daigina-3 · 2 years
Eddie always wanted out of Hawkins.
Chicago is cold in the winter. It has the unpredictability of Indiana but the severity of the tundra. The Windy City winds whip his hair and cut his cheeks- just walking down the street to the coffee shop he frequents makes his nose go numb, no matter how far he pulls his scarf up or how tight he has his leather jacket zipped up with two flannels buttoned up under it for insulation.
(He didn’t have the money for a winter coat before moving and he sure as hell doesn’t have the money *now*)
The coffee shop is warm, a quiet hum of people who braved the December winds for a good cup of Joe and a comfy worn out leather chair to sink into. He stands in line and thinks that Gareth would like it here- he loves quiet places. That Robin would love the music they play and the quirky mismatched mugs they serve coffee in. That Steve would hate their coffee because he hates coffee but would love their hot cocoa.
They’re all about 200 miles away- some even more than that, now. He looks at the group of girls studying and giggling, the couple by the window, the other couple at the center tables.
He’s only ever been here alone.
Eddie sinks into his own chair in the back, letting his hot coffee cup bring the feeling back into his fingers- only then does he unwind his scarf and unzip his jacket.
He spends the day like he does every Saturday- scribbling in his little notebook of lyrics- trying to come up with words but mostly just doodling little dragons that look more like geckos. For the first half hour or so he can feel the little glow of mild accomplishment in his chest- he did *something.* Got out of bed, got dressed, went down the street. Now he’s really working on what he loves- his music.
He gives it two hours of nothing, nothing, nothing- not even stupid little gecko-dragons, each doodle ending up a scribble- before he throws it in and heads back down the street to his shoe box apartment, scarf and jacket back on.
He doesn’t leave the apartment the rest of the day. He makes cheap ham and cheese sandwiches and thinks about how Saturday used to be band practice day- how he’d drive to Jeff’s parents’ house and they’d play in the garage until the neighbors complained. Then they’d go to the Quarry and drink, playing rock, paper, scissors to see who’d be the designated driver. Gareth lost more often than not- dumbass had a penchant for choosing scissors and didn’t realize it.
He washes the sandwiches down with one- or two- too many beers.
Sunday is laying around, the TV on but nothing to watch. He could be going out and exploring the city, frequenting all the bars in all the scenes that didn’t exist in Hawkins.
He never changes out of his flannel PJs.
He stares at the junky rotary phone he got from a thrift shop- sitting on the floor of his living room because he didn’t have money for a side table. Couch, bed, little kitchen table and chair. That was about it.
He stares at that little phone from the couch, his face squished against the cushions as he lies stomach-down.
He bought it two months ago, with the rest of his furniture. He hasn’t used it once.
He keeps telling himself- when he’s settled. When he’s done something worth talking about. When, when, when. Thats’s when he’ll use it.
Or maybe never. He struggles to find a point. It’s been long enough to realize no one really needs him. He thinks about every face pulled his way, every awkward silence, every time he was too much and pretended nothing could touch him.
He buries his face back in the cushion. He can feel every single moment wash over him like a blanket- none totally clear but every one adding to the heavy fog weighing him down.
Sighs. Goes back to sleep at 3 PM.
He wakes up heavier, grimier, mouth tasting like dirt.
The clock on the floor next to his unused rotary phone reads 8:53PM in big angry red numbers.
He has work in eleven hours. Has to be awake in ten. Maybe nine if he wants to eat something before leaving.
He forces himself to go back to sleep because, really, he can’t think of anything else worth doing.
The clock reads 11:22 PM when he opens his eyes again.
He only tells himself the truth late at night.
That he made a mistake. That he’s been in his apartment for just over two months, in Chicago for three and he thought leaving Hawkins was the answer to everything but really Eddie still has almost all of his old problems- only this time he has them alone.
He called a few times from pay phones, in his early weeks. When he was sleeping in his van and just barely landed a job busting tables and had dug up enough spare quarters.
Gareth didn’t pick up. Eddie tried his house twice and slammed the phone down when he got nothing the second time.
Wayne was glad to hear from him, make sure he was alive. And Eddie missed him but Wayne wasn’t one for conversation. He was more of a daily comfort- it was hard to feel him from so far away, when Eddie couldn’t sit with him in silence watching Jeopardy or eating mac n cheese. They talked for about three minutes before Wayne went silent, nothing much to say.
Robin’s mom answered and said she finally left for study abroad- Eddie cursed because he totally forgot, had no number to leave her mom to pass on.
Jeff answered and Gareth was at his house with him- which was a weird pit-in-the stomach feeling for Eddie, but he wouldn’t admit it. They started their mom-and-dad style bickering, laughing about something he wasn’t in the room for when the pit got a little too heavy and Eddie made an excuse to hang up early.
Dustin picked up and then immediately had to hang up on him because Susie was calling.
He pocketed the rest of his quarters and didn’t try again.
He reads from 12AM to 1AM but he doesn’t really read- he skims and skips and goes back because he doesn’t understand what just happened about ten times before he admits that he isn’t paying attention.
The phone is bright red, which seemed better than the faded mint green or bright orange in the shop at the time but Eddie hates how he feels like he can always see that stupid bright red old-ass rotary phone on the floor. It’s always in the corner of his eye, in his peripheral vision, like a god damn ghost.
He doesn’t go back to sleep before he goes in to work.
The next weekend he goes out. He takes the van down to a bar that plays his kind of music and has his kind of people- he doesn’t wear the handkerchief he was so bold to wear in Hawkins, not where people could actually expect things from him. He only ever wore it in Hawkins because it was like playing chicken with the bigots, not because he really knew the ins and outs of its meaning. How close could he come before they clocked him? Would it be the handkerchief that got him done in or did he have to fully sequin his fucking battle vest?
He leaves it in the van and nurses a rum and coke while guys in leather and cropped Judas Priest shirts press up against each other.
At the Hideout he was loud- laughed big, noogied Jeff and played his guitar without any concern for the ear drums of the four drunk guys in the corner who only put up with their dumb band because the Hideout had the cheapest whiskey in town. Eddie then had dreamed of places like this.
Eddie now just has a headache.
(And a heart ache.)
No one approaches Eddie and when someone finally does- a young guy with a goatee and hair longer than his- Eddie smiles nervously and says “sorry, I’m on my way out.” The guy just nods as he goes.
In the van he slumps against the wheel. Thinks about how he could have a warm body pressed against his right now- about how that guy wasn’t what he wanted but maybe he’d do for now and then feels desperate and pathetic and kind of like a prick for thinking it.
He thinks about a battle vest stained with blood on someone who had never worn one before.
He thinks about the girl that someone wanted.
He drives home.
The stupid god damn fucking red phone is there, loud as ever from its silent place on the floor.
Eddie always wanted to leave Hawkins. He always, only ever wanted to leave Hawkins and now Hawkins was following him everywhere, taunting him with the fact that there wouldn’t be anyone on the other end of the phone to pick the fuck up.
Who would want to?
That’s not true, the littlest bit of his brain argues. Wayne is probably worried sick.
Yeah, some fucking nephew (son) he is. Disappearing and calling, like, once. Wayne probably thought he was dead. Wayne probably was worried sick. Wayne probably was the last person to care and every day he didn’t call made it more difficult to try because what a fucking failure. Maybe it would have been better if he’d died in that hospital, or in the upside down, or in his trailer with his eyes being crushed and his limbs snapped instead of Chrissy fucking Cunningham who deserved to be the one alive.
The phone rings.
It rings and Eddie jumps out of his skin because how the fuck is that possible?
He stares it down, watching the plastic vibrate with the force of it.
Ring, riiiing.
He’s never heard the ring before. It’s loud, harsh.
Ring, riiiing. Ring, riiiiing.
It goes on forever, and then stops.
Probably a crank call-
Ring, riiiiing.
Fuck. Eddie sniffles once, ignoring that he was on the verge of more than sniffling, more than red eyes.
(He hates crying. Does it too much.)
Ring , riiiiiiiing.
“Alright, aright, Jesus H. Christ,” he mumbles and for the first time Eddie picks up the phone.
“Eddie? Eddie is that you?”
Eddie’s chest collapses. His heart gives out. Or maybe his lungs stop. All of it at once.
“S-“ he chokes on air. “Steve?”
“I- yeah. Oh my god I can’t believe this worked! I was visiting Wayne and asked about you and he mentioned that restaurant you’re working at so I called them and they gave me your number! Well, I had to call a couple times cause it’s not technically legal to give out employee info- but that one manager really doesn’t seem to care, so.”
Eddie doesn’t say anything for a long time. And when Steve calls his name again, wonders aloud if the connection is okay, he croaks out, “I’m. I’m here.”
“Oh good-“ Steve laughs, a little nervously. It’s short, clipped, but good natured. He talks- asks Eddie about his job and his apartment and when Eddie is too tired to pretend he’s anything other than exhausted, at his ropes’ end, not there enough to be *Eddie*- Steve doesn’t question it. He gives an easy “hey, thats’s cool man” and fills the silence.
He tells Eddie all about Robin- practically forces him to take down her new number. Updates him on an new mug Wayne bought, he saw him opening it when he got the info on Eddie last. How Dustin’s building some thing for a teen genius competition and Will’s running a game for Hellfire that Steve has caught the end of a few times when he goes to pick the kids up (he mixes up technical phrases and Eddie laughs when he calls Dungeon Masters “Story Telling Guys”).
“I was thinking,” Steve says. “And I mean you can say no-“ as if Eddie would ever say no to him. “I was wondering if it’s okay to visit? I’m going to be up your way next month for a thing, so.. I could stop by. See the new pad.”
The new *pad.* Dork.
“You know, I’m really glad I called. We’ve all been going crazy without you here to drive us crazy,” Steve laughs at his own non-joke. Eddie knows Steve can’t see him repressing a goofy smile but he does it all the same. Stupid joke. Not funny.
(But he gives up and smiles anyway.)
“I’m glad, too,” Eddie says.
It’s just past eleven when Eddie picks up the phone and just past three when he puts it back on the receiver.
With a plan for Steve to come visit for New Years- with some of the kids if the parents give their nod and Steve doesn’t kill then on the ride up- and a promise to call the very next day.
Eddie pulls the phone away from the wall and as close to the couch as the chord will stretch. He thinks about tomorrow and the call and New Years. He falls asleep and dreams of kind boys in battle vests and Hawkins coming right back to him.
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pixie-scythe · 2 months
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I'm spiralling down again. I'm just gripping the sides to go slower and delay hitting the bottom.
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solareclipse18 · 4 months
the dread when you feel that your mind is going downwards again
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lastsecondsquirrel · 3 months
You ever finally tell your mother you're having ideations of ceasing to exist and within 30 seconds she has both laughed at you and screamed at you because being right is more important to her than you wanting to be alive???
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No pressure at all for this btw:
I am feeling kinda down, I haven't gotten anything done and I am having a bad time. If anyone has any of the following to share I'd appreciate it:
A joke
A riddle
Cute animal pictures
Platonic affection
A simple hello
A cool website to visit
any amount of interaction with me even if it's just an anon ask saying hi
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hersurvival · 2 months
It's no longer just the voices,
I can feel my blood burning,
Itching to be let out,
To drip and glisten across my skin.
But tip to flesh,
Your voice rang in my head,
How convinced you are that I am so strong.
So I settled for a few surface scratches,
That way when you ask how I slept
I don't have to tell you it was in the red.
Arguing with you
About my strength is one thing.
But to prove just how weak I really am?
To show you new scars and lacerated skin?
That might actually kill me.
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xx-rememberthepast-xx · 10 months
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i need you to hurt me again.
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