#tw implied death threats
psychobulimic · 9 months
No one cares until you’re dead!!!
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phoebepheebsphibs · 1 month
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 45: Thanatology
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Leo has never moved with such panic and speed in his life, he thinks.
He cradles Mikey's body close to him as he runs down the halls, screaming-crying for 'April, Casey, somebody! Help us!!'
As soon as Mikey had crumbled, Raphael had created a ginormous hologram around him, Leo, and Donnie. Secure in his arms, Raph then jumped down the hole that had been created in the building not a five minutes ago.
The trio are now running frantically through the halls as Mikey bleeds out in Leo's arms, searching for the others in a panic. They need help.
"He's getting cold!" Leo shouts back to Donnie. "How are his vitals, will he make it?!"
Donnie -- who is literally hovering over them as they race down the corridors -- flips his goggles over and examines the dying child.
"...Not looking good, chief," Donnie states. "He's lost a lot of blood, the barb pierced his neck pretty deep. We have to hurry or else --"
Mikey suddenly starts coughing violently, spewing blood from his mouth as he lurchs in Leo's arms from the force.
"... He might choke on his own blood," Donnie groans.
"J-just hang on, buddy," Leo begs, readjusting his grip on Mikey. "Hang on..."
Mikey's eyes open and close. His eyes are clouded over, his vision far away and blurry. Leo thinks he hears Mikey mumble something, reaching up softly.
"I'm here, I'm here," he repeats over and over and over again. "I'm right here, just stay with me -- k-keep talking, just keep --"
"....leo......" he murmurs, hand still shakily rising to meet Leo. "...did i do.... d-did i do good, l...leo.....?"
"You did so good, buddy, you did so so good, and --"
Leo chokes on his tears. He bites his lip as he tries (unsuccessfully) to keep from crying, to stay strong.
Mikey's hand reaches up just enough to touch Leo's face. His hand is cold. His bloodsoaked hand leaves a sanguine fingerprint against Leo's chin, before slipping back down, dangling limply by his side. Leo keeps on babbling, talking on and on and on in a panicked ramble of instructions for both himself and his brother.
Mikey's head rolls to look back at Raph and Donnie, and he manages a bloodstained smile at them.
"...hhhhiiiiii, rraphieeeee....... heyyy, d....d....dee-dee...."
Neither of them can hear Mikey's ghost of a whisper voice.
"wh....why so...... scared, i-i'm not.... going any....where...."
His eyes lose focus.
They still don't hear him. Raph manages to meet his gaze and tries to smile back at him, though the smile is wobbly and his eyes are wet.
"Hey, king," Raph shudders, his voice cracking and breaking. "You'll be fine."
Mikey's eyes feel so heavy. He tries to nod or hum to show Raph he trusts him. He's not sure if he ever does either of those things...
He... he wants to say something.
He knows he wants to say something.
If this really is the end... then he has to say SOMETHING, right?
His eyes start to drift closed.
Say something. Anything. Hurry.
There isn't any time left.
"...i-i... i..."
Mikey tries to lift a finger, a hand... his whole body feels cold, staticy nothingness replacing every cell and bone and scale.
Apologize for leaving.
Apologize for dying like this and worrying them.
Apologize for allowing yourself to forget them, allowing yourself to believe that they wouldn't care about you to come back for you.
Mikey's breath is clogged in his throat, his heartbeat a flutter in his chest that is just about to fly away.
Mikey musters up as much strength as his feeble and broken body has left. He wishes he could think of something cleverer... something more meaningful... something that would make up for everything.
In the end, there's only one thing he wants to make clear for eternity. Only one point that he wants to get across. Only one message that he needs them to remember...
"....i.... i l.... i lllllovvvve y...."
That'll have to do it...
Mikey exhales softly before his eyes close.
Leo looks down just in time to see Mikey's eyes droop closed as his chest falls.
"No... No, no! #%@& NO!! You can't just --"
Leo sees a door cracked open and hears voices from the room inside.
He makes a break for it.
Inside, several heads turn around and gape in surprise and utter terror as they see Leonardo scramble inside and drop Mikey's body onto a table.
"H-help me," Leo begs. "Please... please!"
April screams a horrifying and broken cry as she runs to her baby brother, taking his face in her hands and examining his wounds.
Casey is by their sides in an instant, mask pulled down so his Genius Tech™ built-in goggles can find what needs to be taken care of first. Leo's words spill out faster than he can process, desperately explaining the situation.
"...We need to make sure his airways are clear so he can breath," Casey announces. "Donatello, get me a... a-a a ventilator and a tube to clear his airways. N-next, we..." Casey starts hyperventilating, his hands shake as he tries to pinpoint what to do.
"Case?" Leo begs, reaching out for him. "Please, tell us -- "
"I-I don't know," he admits, trembling. "He... S-Sensei only taught me so much, I never got to Stab Wounds 101! I... I-I know that we shouldn't take the barb out, that'll just cause the bloodflow to... l-like a cork in a bottle, i-it's the only thing keeping the blood inside, but -- I, uh, we need to close the wound, s-s-so --"
Bishop runs over and Pulls Casey aside.
"You're okay, kid. Look, wounds this bad need immediate treatment. I know a few things for dealing with stabs, but... that might not cut it. He's lost a lot of blood and we'll probably need to perform a transfusion."
"I can do that," Leo nods, swallowing. "I know how."
"But w-who's gonna donate?" Casey asks.
All three brothers raise their hands at once.
"It should be me," Donnie announces quite seriously.
"Don, you can't stand stuff like that!" Raph argues. "I should be the one; Raph's the biggest, and I have more than enough blood --"
"I can do it!" Leo argues.
"You have to perform the actual transfusion process! You can't do that when you're giving --"
"It should be ME," Donnie reiterates very vocally. "Raph, yes you are the biggest and the strongest, which is why we'll need you to carry both Mikey and the blood donor home. Leo has to do the transfusion, so he can't do it. It needs to be me."
Leo and Raph exchange a glance before reluctantly relenting.
"I can try to treat the wound," Bishop says, looking at it carefully. "But... I'm afraid I'm not well-versed in mutant biology..."
"Meaning?" April asks.
"ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ ʜᴇ ᴅᴏᴇꜱɴ'ᴛ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴍɪᴋᴇʏ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅ ɪꜱ ʀᴇᴘᴀɪʀᴇᴅ," Honeycutt chimes in.
"So... s-so even if we save him..." Raph says, pausing for a dramatic and anxious gulp, "Mikey will still die?"
Honeycutt doesn't answer, except to hang his head in shameful defeat.
"NO," Leo snaps, slamming his fists on the table by Mikey's side. "There HAS to be a way! I'm not letting his rescue and weeks of recovery go to waste like that! Mikey is coming home, END OF STORY!"
The group exchange glances between one another.
"Leo... None of us can do anything. None of us know what to... how to treat him, or..." April tries, though the tears stop her midway through the sentence and she breaks down crying in Raphael's arms, who buries his face in her curls to hide his own tears.
Leo looks around the room with a determined fury before his gaze falls on a horror-stricken Cassandra... guarding Dr. Finn.
Leo storms over to her, feet stomping so hard against the floor that he shakes the room.
He towers over her, commanding every ounce of burning anger to make him look as intimidating as possible and not reveal himself as the terrified and desperate child that he really is.
"YOU," he growls, pointing at her face. "FIX HIM. NOW."
"Excuse me?" Dr. Finn scoffs. "Why should I?"
"My brother is about to die. You were one of the head geneticists here, right? I want you to save his life."
Abigail Finn rolls her eyes and smirks at him.
"I repeat, why should I?"
"If you save him, I'll let you go," Leo promises dryly. "Simple as that."
"Leo--" Raph tries.
Leo raises his hand, effectively silencing Raph. This negotiation is happening, and he's gotten Finn's attention.
"Intriguing," she chuckles. "So, I save your little runt of a brother, I get to go? What assurances do I have that you won't follow me or something?"
"I don't have time to make a thousand promises to you," Leo growls, grabbing her shirt collar and lifting her off the ground from where she sits. "I will only say this once. You WILL save his life, because if he dies, then so will you," Leo threatens. "I'm not playing nice anymore. I'm not being the hero today. I'm just here to save my brother. You can either keep him alive, patch him up, and then leave by yourself, or I WILL kill you with my own bare hands."
Abigail stares him in the eyes, her face going pale. She rises to her feet and nods. Leo cuts her free from the phone cord used as a temporary restraint, and drags her by the arm to Mikey.
"Now. Save him."
"By any means?"
"Just," Leo heaves, his breath a growl as he glares the fear of God into her, "Save. Him."
"Fine," she grumbles, "You get the other one ready for the transfusion. You, kid," she points to Casey, "go find one of those frost guns and fast."
"F-frost gun?" Raph contests. "You're not gonna freeze him, are you?"
"If we can get his body to enter a cryogenic state, it will assist with the injuries while also keeping him sedated. The mutations on his metabolism will cause all functions to essentially be paused while his body is in the diapause state, and his heart rate will also be on hold, which should be in our favour as well..."
"Should?" April grills.
"Look, do you have an advanced degree and PhD in biology, genetics, and mutations? No? Didn't think so. Now go make yourself useful and find me a syringe. We need to drain the excess blood from his throat and possibly his lungs..."
The room erupts in missions -- Leo prepares the tourniquet and blood bag for Dee's donation, and Raph helps mentally prepare Donnie. Despite his readiness, Donnie cannot hide his absolute displeasure at having his fluids drained from his body like a juice box.
April finds the medical equipment Finn needs just as Casey comes running back in with a frost gun.
The operation begins...
Dr. Finn blasts Mikey with the gun. He doesn't react.
That's not a good sign...
Mikey's skin ices over, his hands clench in place, his limbs go rigid.
"Will... will he be okay?"
"He'll have one heck of a headache once he wakes up," Abigail sighs as she tosses the frost ray to the side. "And he might have a slight case of hypothermia or frostbite, but he'll be okay. Provided he actually survives the surgery. We might be too late."
"Then get. On. With. It," Leo snarls.
Abigail nods and starts to work, directing Casey Jones Jr. and Agent Bishop on what to do when removing the spike from Mikey's neck and how to patch it up. Abigail gets several vials of goo from a medical freezer and uses them in her treatments as well.
She tells Leo when to start the transfusion.
Donnie looks away from the needle and tube as his blood is harvested. Raph tells him not to think of it as 'harvesting'. Donnie snaps in irritation and waits a beat before apologizing to Raph for the snippy remark. Raph forgives him and holds him close.
April paces back and forth as she watches, trying to offer medical advice she'd learned from her mother. Eventually she gives up and goes to help Dee, who is not handling the transfusion very well and looks quite peaky.
Casey works as the nurse, assisting Dr. Finn with whatever she needs. Leo is not allowed to help since he's too much of an emotional wreck. He instead opts to go into a different room and trash the whole place while screaming to let off some steam before coming back in, a bit calmer. But not by much.
As Abigail works to cauterize and stitch up the wounds on his throat and abdomen, everyone takes the opportunity to approach Leo about what he meant by letting Abigail go free.
"You didn't actually mean that, right?"
"You were just saying that to get her to cooperate..."
"Do you have some big plan in mind? Is this a Leo scheme? It's a Leo scheme, isn't it??"
Leo's answer is almost always the same.
"I meant what I said."
Raph seems to be the only one to focus in on the second half of the promise he'd made.
"Would you really kill her if she didn't help us?"
Leo stays silent. Raph reaches over and pulls him into a side hug as he continues to hold Donnie, who had fainted from the experience of giving blood. He's currently drooling on Raph's arm. Leo sees this and huffs an empty chuckle at the sight.
Raph smiles and rubs his back. Leo looks back to Dr. Finn as she operates on Mikey. His smile fades quickly.
"...I was mad," he whispers.
"I know," Raph whispers back.
"I... I know it would be wrong. It wouldn't help anyone. It would just make it worse. I'm not that kind of guy."
"I know."
"...But yeah. If she had said 'no'... I think I would have snapped."
Leo starts crying at the realization.
"I'm not a bad person, Raph," he whimpers. "I'm not a killer... I-I'm not a spiteful or vengeful guy, I mean sure I pull the odd prank and yeah I can hold a grudge longer than the average Joe, but... b-but I promise I-I'm not -- I'm not --"
"I know," Raph repeats, bringing Leo closer as he continues to hold a Drowsytello. "I know. And I know that even if she said no, you wouldn't actually kill her. You're not that kind of person, no matter how much it feels like the world wants to break you. You're not that kind of person, Leo."
"I just want Mikey to be okay," Leo weeps. "I don't want it to be for nothing..."
"I know," Raph cries cradling his family, all too aware of how incomplete it feels without the youngest. "I know... I want him to come home, too."
Mikey wonders where he is. It's kinda dark... the world around him feels like it's moving in slow motion. Trapped in a deep and dark abyss of sleepy nothingness.
He tries to move, to speak, to think. It's all so exhausting. His mind is tar, clinging to his arms and legs and tail and keeping him engulfed in the exhaustion.
His eyes open.
A light....
There's a light above him...
Mikey reaches for it.
The light gets brighter, driving away the darkness and the sticky sludge that encompasses his form. The light grows and evolves, the rays giving off beams of blue, purple, red, and orange.
The light blinds him for a moment. When he opens his eyes again, Mikey finds himself in a familiar place.
Though he knows he's never been here before.
It is warm, loving, bright, and spacious. The air shimmers with sunlight, and yet there are stars and galaxies that sparkle in the sky.
Flowers that he's never seen before blossom and bloom in the fresh green grass beneath his feet. The wind is cool, the sun is warm, the ground is soft. It feels like a dream... and yet too real to be a dream.
Mikey feels a hand take his.
He turns to see a middle-aged woman with raven hair and a storm blue robe smiling at him. He feels like he knows her somehow. He smiles back at her, unsure why he's so comfortable around her but accepts it regardless.
"Hello, dear one," she replies with a kind and rosy chuckle. "It's lovely to see you again. Would you me show you around?"
"Yes please," Mikey nods.
She gently pulls him along, directing him down the rolling hills to meet the others that wait for him...
Abigail Finn works under anxious stress as every single pair of eyes in the room watches her with anticipation and furious hate.
Well, she can hate them right back.
Once she finishes patching up Mikey's neck abdomen, she turns to Leo.
"How much did you get?" she asks, in reference to the transfusion.
"A pint," he says dryly.
"Let's get it ready, then," Abigail nods, pulling the blood bag close and having Leo assist with the tubing and needle. "But first we need to thaw the body out."
Leo nearly gags at her calling Mikey 'the body'. It makes it sound like he's a carcass, already dead...
W-which he isn't. Most definitely not. Mikey's going to make it.
"ɪ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ ɪ ᴄᴀɴ ᴀꜱꜱɪꜱᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴀᴛ," Fugitoid says, volunteering for duty to thaw him out. "ɪ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴄᴏɴᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴɪɴɢ ᴜɴɪᴛ ᴏʀ ʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴀᴅᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ, ᴀɴᴅ --"
"That's great, Tin Man, just hurry and warm him up please," Leo interjects.
Abigail and Honeycutt exchange awkward glances at each other before she backs away and allows him to heat up Mikey, melting off the permafrost that adorns his epidermis.
Mikey's body is pale, ashen scales and spotted skin shockingly desaturated. But little by little, as he warms up he regains colour.
His chest rises a microscopic amount as he weakly inhales. But his pulse is slowly falling.
"Once his body reaches a normal temperature," Abigail explains, "then you can administer the transfusion."
"Meaning you won't do it?" Leo spouts off, glaring at her.
"Meaning, I held up my end of the deal. Now I think you can handle it from here, right?" she challenges. "I want my get-out-of-jail-free card."
Leo inhales deeply. His hands clench into fists as he tries to control his rage.
He exhales deeply.
"Fine. Get out of here."
Abigail's eyes widen before she runs to grab her bag and jet. As she hurries out the door, Leo snags her by the elbow.
"But if I ever see your face again, I'll make sure you experience every pain you caused my brother. Got it? ¿Entiende eso, señora?"
Abigail nods slowly, her face dead-set but white as a sheet. She pulls her arm free from his grip and walks away, disappearing down the hall, never to be seen again.
"...Leo?" April whispers, nervous for her friend. "You okay?"
He slowly turns around, expression dark but determined.
"...Let's get the blood exchange started before his heart rate drops any lower... Oh, and someone should call Dad and Draxum."
Mikey is dazzled by the wondrous and simplistic beauty of this place.
It's so calming and pure. The woman shows him around the fields before bringing him to a tiny series of houses and cottages built in a traditional Japanese style. There are elderly people in cloaks and hoods, young men dressed as samurai, women and their families. There's even a few kids here, which makes Mikey sad for some reason.
His eyes fall on a young woman in green, her hair pulled back in a long ponytail. She's laughing with an older bald man, who holds her close and laughs with her. They turn and see Mikey, and wave hello to him. He finds himself waving back.
"Who are they?" he asks.
"Hamato Karai and her father, Oroku Saki," the woman explains.
"Oh." Mikey feels like that should clear things up, but it doesn't. "And... sorry, who are you?"
"My name is Hamato Atsuko," she replies with an airy giggle. "You wouldn't remember me anyways, so don't feel bad. We were never properly introduced. But I would recognize my grandson anywhere!"
"Follow me," Atsuko says gently, patting his hand and gently tugging him along the path.
Mikey wonders why everyone here is so familiar... why this place feels like home... Why he feels like he's dreaming...
"Am... Am I dea--"
"Here we are!" Atsuko proclaims, extending her arms and showing off a very beautiful minka.
There are vines of blossoms hanging from the roof, draping like curtains that follow the wrap-around porch. Multi-coloured lanterns adorn the pagoda. It's not a mansion or a castle, but it's still pretty big for just one person. Mikey notices that there are several doors around the house, each one painted a special colour.
Red. Purple. Blue. Grey. Even Yellow, a darker Burgundy, a deep Teal, and a Magenta.
Mikey approaches a bright Orange door with a symbol like a turtle shell and nunchucks carved into the door.
"This is our stop," Atsuko says, as Mikey places a hand on the smooth wooden aperture. "Go on, go inside!"
Mikey takes in a breath, and pushes the door open.
Another bright light engulfs him.
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byyliss · 6 months
Congrats twitter, you might have driven someone to suicide. Like, what the fuck is genunely wrong with all of you?
I get that all of you who still for some reason believe in Ven and DB don't like that people are pointing out the amount of bs they put in that Google doc and follow up posts that just proved that they aren't victims of shit. But to go out and harrass anyone that points that out? Send death threats? Tell them to k*ll themselves?
Genuenly, what the actual fuck is wrong with all of you?
Stop pretending you want to fight against pedophiles, that you want to help victims. This is bullshit and you all know it.
The reason that you are doing all of this is because you guys want to hurt people, you want to feel morally superior while doing so. So whenever an allegation comes out that dehumanizes a popular person, you get trigger happy and jump on the mob to drive that person to the edge, along with anyone that tries to keep calm and actually stay neutral.
If you guys have no issue sending death threats to someone just because of an internet disagreement, you are all worse then Alex kister and anyone else you persecuted.
At least Kister isn't proven to be a rotten asshole. You all on the other hand
If you think this is ok in any fucking way, you are genunely devoid of humanity. I cant even say that you are broken because that could imply that you had some humanity to begin with.
Fucking rotten.
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serickswrites · 1 year
Save Them
Warnings: captivity, implied torture, threat of death
Villain couldn’t believe that Supervillain had ordered them to stand down. That they would not send out a rescue mission for Hero. After everything Hero had done for them in an attempt to stop Superhero from destroying the world. 
Of course the mission had been a failure, but Hero made sure that Villain, Supervillain, Sidekick, and the whole team got out. They just didn’t get out. And now they were at the hands of Superhero, most certainly being tortured to death. 
“We have to go!” Villain shouted at Supervillain. 
“And do what exactly? Die? Hero gave us this one last chance to stop Superhero. Don’t let their sacrifice be in vein!” Supervillain said dismissing Villain. 
Villain left the briefing room, but they didn’t head to their quarters. They weren’t going to do as Supervillain ordered. It wasn’t right. 
“You’re going after Hero, right?” Sidekick said as they barred Villain from entering the weapon’s bay. 
“Someone has to.” Villain tried to brush past their apprentice, but Sidekick blocked them further. 
“You’re going to try to save them alone. You can’t do that.” Sidekick’s words were laced with concern. 
“Somebody has to! By the time Supervillain is ready with a plan to save Hero, Hero will be dead. I can’t let them die. I can’t live with that on my conscience.”
“You’re going to die, too, Villain.”
“Better me to die trying to save them than let them die alone because of me.” Villain shoved past Sidekick and didn’t stop. They were going to save Hero. Defeat Superhero. And they were going to prove everyone wrong. 
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Yandere TFE Tarantulas- The Possessive/Manipulative Yandere
Normally, this bot had a general distaste for humans. Most of them weren’t to be trusted. When he had first started his work at the cemetery he was sure that no humans would go to such a dreary place. 
One day when he was returning with some materials, you were there. You had a small kit with you- a brush, a spray bottle, a bag, and some cloth. Gloves adorned your hands as you gently scrubbed at the tombstones. 
He soon realized that you were cleaning the tombstones. Quietly, he went back into his lab. He hoped that you would go away, lest he have to take more serious measures. After a while, you left. 
A week later, you returned. This time, you were cleaning the grave in which he made his lab. He was so focused on his work that he failed to see you enter. 
“Ah, hello there. Is this your home? I’m sorry to bother you,” your gentle voice sounded. He quickly turned around. You had a blank look on your face as you looked at the spider bot.
He quickly stuck you to the ground with his webbing and skittered over towards you. “You will pay for entering my lab, human.” 
“Ah. Okay,” you shrugged, leaving him stumped. All he could do was stare at you as you looked around his lab. A light sparkle shone in your eyes. “What are you working on?”
Tarantulas squinted at you. He was going through all of the consequences of telling you in his processor, before you spoke again. “Oh- are you working on some kind of projection? No- this is more advanced than that. Hmmm.” 
His mandibles clicked lightly in shock. So you had some semblance of intelligence, unlike most humans. “It is a holomatter avatar. I haven’t been able to perfect it yet.” 
“Ah. Sorry, I’d help if I could. As much as I like looking at science, I’m not too good at it.”
Tarantulas made a spur of the moment choice and cut you free of your webbed prison. You quickly moved over to the tech that he’d built, looking on with fascination. 
Slowly but surely, you became his assistant. You knew some basics enough about tools and such that you could help him with minor things. He taught you as you helped him, too. You slowly became more knowledgeable to the point where you could make some suggestions to him. 
Eventually, a few months had passed. His lab had grown, and so had his compassion for you. You were an intellectual like him- you could be made into a scientist like him. 
You would stay longer and longer at his lab. Sometimes you’d be there for days on end, working away. Tarantulas had gotten you a bed for you to sleep on so that you wouldn’t have to leave as often. 
Every time you would have to leave for food or work, he got frustrated. He wished you could stay here all the time- which gave him an idea.
“You don’t have to work, you know. You could live here, and I could provide you with anything you might need. I could get you all the money you’ll need, and anything you want.”
You looked up at him with sadness. You knew he was lonely when you weren’t there. “I’m sorry… but I have to work. I like to work. I love helping the animals.” 
He scoffed at you, “Don’t you like to help me? Am I not enough?” 
You frowned at him. “I don’t mean it like that. I just… I like my job. I don’t know where you’d get the money from, either. Stealing is wrong, you know.” 
“It’s from G.H.O.S.T., so it shouldn’t matter. They’re a horrible organization. Stay here, with me! Every time you go out, it’s a bigger risk that I may be caught by them. Staying with me is safer.” 
Even being a little emotionally stunted, you knew something was off with what he was saying. “Tarantulas, maybe I shouldn’t come by as often as I do, then. I have been falling behind on paperwork at my job. I’ll see you later.” 
As you turned to leave, he jumped in front of you. “What do you think you’re doing? Do you really think I’d allow you to leave just like that? After everything I’ve done for you? I’ve taken care of you- I’ve given you a place to sleep, taken care of that rotten boss for you. You’re being selfish.” 
Your eyes furrowed in confusion. Your boss? The one that had gone missing a month ago? “Tarantulas… you didn’t…” 
“Oh. I did. You see, my dear, I’d do anything for you. Only I know what’s good for you. You’re a little lost right now- but such is the nature of a human. Don’t worry, I’ll guide you in the right direction. It’s my job as your teacher.”
You began to back up. There was a back entrance to this grave that you knew about. As soon as you moved to get away, your feet stuck to the ground. You collapsed to the ground with a grunt. Tarantulas had pinned you to the ground with his webbing. You reached for your pocket where your utility knife was held. Before you could reach it, another web pinned your entire upper body to the ground.
You looked up in fear as Tarantulas loomed over you. “Tarantulas! Let me go! You’re being…being… a monster!” 
His mandibles clicked in anger and he webbed your mouth shut. He picked up your webbed form and wrapped you tightly in more web so that only your head peeked out. He placed you on the bed not-so-gently. 
“Someday, you’ll see this is for your own good. Now, I’ll release you when I get back from my food run- since you clearly can’t be trusted to go by yourself.” Tarantulas stood at the exit before turning back to you, “If you somehow manage to escape, just know that I’ll pay those precious little animals a visit for you.” 
Tarantulas then left the room, shutting the heavy rock door behind him.
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 years
A hero who’s become desperate for revenge, no matter the cost. And a villain to blame everything on.
The villain however is elusive, and the hero’s search always comes to a dead end. The pitched battles have been drawn out for years, and the hero’s need for revenge has intensified, worsened by a feeling of uselessness at being unable to catch one measly villain.
And then they find the Villain’s weak link: their sidekick. Nowhere near as experienced, twice as naive as the villain.
The sidekick disappears and when the villain finally finds them, weeks later, alone in an empty warehouse, there’s relief that’s instantly replaced with panic.
It’s a trap. There’s a knife to the sidekick’s throat.
And the hero? The hero is very happy with this development. They’re determined to make the villain suffer as they once suffered.
And if hurting the sidekick makes the villain scream and beg, then so be it.
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whump-queen · 10 months
begging someone to hold a gun to my head so my brain will finally make me do my dishes, laundry, vacuuming, job applications, emails, messages,, just to get anything done at all without constantly wanting to die
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prof-polaris · 5 months
Share a dark thought? (Go on, vent a little)
[Kittsu's blog has been blocked from viewing this post]
im going to kill achlys :)
its not going to be quick. its not going to be gentle
i want him to suffer for what he took from my pack.
i want him to suffer for what he did. for what hes doing.
when all this is over. and we get kittsu back. im pulling the pokemon members of the pack together for a headhunt.
and he will not be able to get away from me. he will not have a chance
distortion hath no wrath like a scorned Chroma.
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yellowlikelemons · 6 months
Ok but are you going to show me the spot you'll bury me and then fuck me atop it or
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willisjagerman · 9 months
(Ooc- another story point, this one in a different method. Thanks again to @krowsselfindulgy for beta reading. I will be putting warnings again at the beginning of all the parts. This is a four part story. Tw: violence, guns, gun use, gore, injury, implied past abuse, fighting, forcing someone to pray, verbal abuse, being hunted, weapons, and death. That’s all I can think of but I will try to as more if they come up.)
(With that part 1/4 of Maxwell’s Hunt. Warnings: mention past death, weapons, being hunted)
Willis is tired. He runs all he can yet the creatures and things in this forest seem to keep catching him. He knows some of those things are human. He knows some of those creatures he knows. Yet every time he comes back they’re different.
What he could have sworn was a teenage girl with a lighter became a monster of flame and teeth. So many teeth.
What was a boy in blue became a mass of glitches and the tics of a clock that he could only get glints of.
What he was sure the figure of Gary was not so, instead a new figure took his place, still human but one of unjust laws and crazed mentalities.
He doesn’t want to talk about what all he saw, what those people changed to or what creature’s true forms blurred into. Especially not that Richie boy. Willis knows not all of them where human, though those too shifted.
He’s sure that these are somehow projections of what Maxwell would think they’d look like in this place. All monsters of some kind.
Willis has been killed and or beaten many times, but he cannot die. He just comes back. Wakes up back at Maxwell’s house with the overgrow plants and chipping yellow paint. He never considered going into the house. It never crossed his mind but if it did he would know it would not work. The woods stretched on too long to be possible. Forever changing to keep him there. He knows this is Maxwell’s doing as well.
Willis has actually yet to see Maxwell though. This time when he takes of running, it’s not far before he comes to a meadow. The moonlight cast a soft glow over the place. While a peaceful and nice place like this should calm Willis. He advances into the meadow, collapsing in the middle for a short rest.
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siblingskissing · 1 year
Kill yourself
Antis: we at morally above pro shippers
Also antis: suicide bait
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psychobulimic · 8 months
Its ok!! let my mental health deteriorate!! What’s the worse that could happen!! Death?
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vvaywardhunter · 1 year
❛ the last time we talked, didn’t you say you wanted to kill me? ❜
"Oh, I will kill you, sweetheart. When I'm ready, you'll die slow, and you'll die screaming. You have no idea how long hell's been waiting to get its hands on you." That last part was a bluff, but that was the thing about demons: they lied. Unless she'd traded her soul at the crossroads (Bzzt. Wrong answer. Already tried that.), then there was rarely any way to know which were damned and which were saved. He wasn’t God. He could bet souls on the fact that Katherine thought she was damned though. There was certainly enough blood on her hands, and saving this one measly meatsuit wasn’t going to change that.
There was interest in those black eyes as they settled on her again, and he paced forward a couple steps in the crappy motel room. "I'd almost think you liked him better this way, Katerina. His soul's as black as yours now. Is it nice, not to be the most evil thing in the room for a change?" He could see why Dean favored her, really. She was a lot more fun than his boring brother or that sanctimonious angel he hung around with. It was the main reason she was still alive. She kept his interest, and she didn’t try to curb most of his habits, whether that was closing down the bar or hacking his way through its clientele when drinking got boring. 
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whumppmuhw · 10 months
morally conflicted whumper
contains: moral issues, electric chair/electrocution, torture devices mention, restraints, torture mention, interrogation mention, death wish, implied death threat, lady whump
so basically what if whumper didn't like whump (but had to do it anyways. I'm emotionally whumping the whumper)
yeah I don't have a name for the other character so X it is
"Whumper! Good to see you!" X grinned as they set down the device they were working on. Their cheerful face was in direct contrast to Whumper's disheartened frown and cheerless body language.
"Yeah, good to see you too." He was sincere, and both of them knew it, but it had a grumpy, dismissive tone.
"Why the sad face? Are things not going well for Whumpee?"
"She doesn't like it here, and wishes daily that she could get out. She says that things are unfair, and that this never should have happened to her. Every time she looks in the mirror, she sees a shell of who she used to be. She's depressed, but can't do anything about it."
X had known their friend for a long time, and knew when something was going on. Whumper was never direct about his problems, and would rather avoid talking about them entirely, but his expressions and mannerisms would always give it away. "You're not talking about Whumpee," they accused.
"How's she really doing? More importantly, how are you doing?"
Whumper decided to focus on the first question, and skip the second altogether. "Fine, I guess. Your electric chair is very effective, and I've been able to get a lot of information out of her."
X didn't show their prideful grin, though they loved hearing good things about their torture devices. "What's her day-to-day like?"
"She sleeps on the floor, no blanket, no nothing, in a cell with her ankle chained to the wall. She gets meals twice a day, and water every waking hour. Mostly I use the electric chair on her, she can't stand being electrocuted, but occasionally I'll use other things on her to mix it up."
Whumper sighed, and X didn't reply, allowing Whumper to continue.
"Don't tell anyone this, but I hate seeing her like that. I hate the way they make me treat her. I hate the way they treat me." He was pacing in a circle now, on a roll. "I don't want to be mean to her. I hate the sound of her screams. Every time she's defiant, I want to take her side, but I can't, so I hit her just to make her shut up. I don't like that either, but I don't want to face the problems. And the bad part is, she'll only ever remember me as the bad guy. I wish they never would have given me this job. You would do much better at it than I am. Hell, anyone would."
"A lot of the others seem to enjoy it. They say stepping into the role of interrogator and torturer can be really cathartic."
"Well, I'm not the others, am I?"
"No, and I get where you're coming from. The role isn't for everyone."
"What would you do if they called you to do it?"
"I'd have to take it, you know that, but...I don't know. Maybe it'd be fun."
"Bunch of sickos," Whumper muttered under his breath.
"Nothing. I doesn't matter."
Still, X could see the pent up anger boiling under the surface. "What are you gonna do?"
"I want to leave here."
"They'd kill you."
"Yeah, so what."
"I'd miss you."
Whumper made eye contact with X, and the two thought about what life was like before they came here. Days spent together, laughing and living carefree, before they got wrapped up in this hell. X was having a much better time adjusting than Whumper, and even found their job enjoyable - designing and creating machines meant to break anybody in myriad ways. All Whumper longed for was his old life, something he'd never have again.
"Tell you what," X proposed. "You've almost got everything you need out of Whumpee, right? Once you're done with her, I'll request you come work here with me. I can't say it'll ease your moral qualms entirely, but they'll likely never call you to do it again. And if they do, I'll ask to take your place."
"That'd...be better," and Whumper smiled a small smile, which quickly turned to a frown. "You'd...want to take my place?"
"I'd have a better time with it than you would, yeah."
"You enjoy hurting people?"
"I make all of these devices, don't I?" X sighed, and Whumper almost seemed offended. "Listen, Whumper, things aren't like the way they used to be. I-"
"No," Whumper cut off. "No, you-you used to be good, but you're just like them- I can't, I can't believe you..." He turned to leave, shaking his head, voice wavering.
"Where are you going?" X yelled, but they weren't acknowledged. All they could hope for was that Whumper would do anything that lead him to a fate worse than Whumpee.
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pyrobot1cs · 2 years
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decided to draw @kerink ‘s kevin because I’m obsessed something something ofc he’s covered in blood and has pronouns
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Wait ok so like I was just thinking… idk if you take one shots or anything. But imagine how scary star tugs could be when they HUNGRY. Like imagine being a worker trying to get out of port and you gotta figure out how avoid ALL the tugs 😨
Sure thing! This was a blast writing this! Tw for violence and some blood. One-shot under the cut.
You're making you way out of the port, trying to find your way by weaving through the maze of buildings late at night with nothing but your flashlight. The night air is cold, and harsh. It's wintertime here, and the tugs are showing signs of restlessness. They're getting hungry and desperate. They might not have eaten enough to last through the winter, so they're likely desperate for anything they can snatch. Even the Star Tugs seem to be becoming more aggressive. Not a good sign. That means you'll have to avoid not just the Zed-Stacks, but the Star Tugs as well.
You know you have to get close to the water to find your way out of the port. That's where most of the lights are. Lights had been put in place after the curse was cast to keep the Zed-Stacks at bay, but it seems the lights won't help much considering how desperate they seem to be. With luck, they might be far away from you when you're close to the water. You take your chances, and cautiously make your way towards the ocean waters.
You whip around as you hear something disturbing the water behind you, only to see nothing. You may not be alone here. You whip around again as you hear a deep guttural growl at the other side of you. Maybe your luck has ran out tonight. You immediately take off running as your pursuers give chase. You hear a feral snarl as you hear the wooden docks crunch from the sheer power from something much bigger than you. You then know just who was pursuing you, two tugs.
You weave between the buildings, causing one of the tugs to curse at losing you. You recognized that voice from anywhere. Ten Cents was one of your pursuers. You hide behind a building and wait to see who else is pursuing you. You spot the smallest Star Switcher, Sunshine searching for you. His forked tongue slithers from his lips and flicks, as if he's tasting the air, seeing if he can detect you. You're a bit close to him, within reach of him. You don't want to wander farther from home and possibly put yourself in more danger. You'd rather be close to the Star Docks than to be near the Zero Docks. Now that would have been a death sentence.
You take your chances and dart out from your hiding place. Sunshine whips and hisses. He tries to snatch you, only for him to barely miss you. You can feel the wind from his claws just barely missing you. You shake it off and keep running, not daring to look behind you to see if they're still chasing you. It was a few minutes before the port once again grew quiet. You stop and rest for a few moments. You know you can't run all the way home.
After a few moments, you dare to peek around the corner, only to see nothing. It's quiet.. too quiet. You cautiously make your way out from your hiding spot, looking around as you get ready to run again. You hear the water being disturbed in the distance. You know the sound of you running will draw the tug or tugs closer to you. You have to go slow to prevent getting the tug's attention. You keep glancing out in the distance, the port is almost pitch black. You're on high alert, keeping your breathing as quiet as possible. You know the tugs have a sharp sense of hearing, and can easily track you down just by the sound of your breathing if you're not careful.
You hear the movement closer this time.. much closer this time. It's a much bigger tug by the sound of it. This one might be the reason Ten Cents and Sunshine stopped pursuing you so suddenly, meaning this one was not to be messed with, so it wasn't OJ or Hercules. You haven't seen Big Mac and Warrior at all. You listen closely, seeing if you can figure out exactly where the tug is. Without warning, an anchor-like claw slams down next to you as the tug emerges from the darkness. It was Big Mac no doubt. His eyes have a ravenous and blood-thirsty glint in them as he towers over you. He bares his fangs as venom oozes from them and corrodes the concrete beneath your feet. You immediately take off running when you hear another growl not too far from you, just on the other side of you.
Big Mac suddenly stops, glaring towards the darkness. You feel the air become tense as you see an anchor-like claw gently land beside you, as if block Big Mac from reaching you. You look up to see Warrior, who is glaring daggers at Big Mac. Big Mac looks at you, seemingly tempted, but not wanting to risk injury fighting against his brother. Big Mac's tow line lashes to and fro in agitation as Warrior snarls, baring his fangs as he flexes his other claw, as if to threaten to attack if Big Mac ever thought about trying to reach for you.
Big Mac glances between you and his brother a few times before he reluctantly backs down, retreating. You look up at Warrior in shock as he looks down at you in relief, relieved he didn't have to fight his brother. He carefully reaches for you and fear takes the wheel and you book it. You can't trust Warrior either. It could be a stunt to gain your trust.
You run as fast and far as you can. You have to slow to a stop or collapse after a while of running. You have to sit and rest after running so far and fast. You're breathing heavily and shaking from both exhaustion and fear. You freeze as you hear you a deep guttural growl from the darkness once more. Except this time, you can't pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from. It sounds like it's all around you. You look around wildly as you try and figure out where the sound is coming from. You immediately spring up as another anchor-like claw reaches for you from the darkness. You take off running, slower this time. You hope the tug will decide you're not worth the energy.
Judging by the sound, which is surprisingly soft, you can tell who it is easily. OJ, or Old Jones as he's known to be. You know he's slower than some of the others, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous than the others. Seems he's figured out how to be silent when stalking prey. You're not a bit surprised honestly. He's always been one to find ways around different problems.
You can see the port start to open up as you get closer to home. You're almost in the clear. You push yourself for the last leg of your run. You can make it. Just a little bit further and you'll be home safe. Your hopes are quickly dashed as you feel the anchor-like claws of a tug wrap around your middle and lift you up high off the ground.
You scream and kick as an attempt to break free of the strong grip of the tug. The tug lifts you up to his eye level, and you squint to see exactly who it is. Top Hat looks you up and down, head raised as he growls softly deep in his chest like a cat. You look into his eyes as he bares his massive fangs. You're looking death right in the face. Top Hat opens his jaws as venom pours from him fangs, ready to give the killing bite.
Suddenly, within the blink of an eye another tug delivers a powerful blow to the side of Top Hat's face, the sharp claws creating deep wounds on his cheek. Top Hat screeches and immediately drops you. You scream as you plummet, landing on his deck with a thud. The impact knocks the wind out of you as you gasp for air. Top Hat whips around to face his attacker, none other than Warrior. Seems he's truly trying to help you get away from his fellow fleetmates.
To Hat snarls as he delivers a blow in return. Warrior roars in pain before snapping his powerful jaws at Top Hat's anchor-like claws, barely missing by mere centimeters. Top Hat winced a bit at the sound but he too lets out a roar, as if to challenge Warrior.
Warrior narrows his eyes and smoke billows from his smoke stack, as if to snort like a dragon. Warrior looks Top Hat up and down as if he's thinking of something. He doesn't want you to get hurt in the crossfire, but knows he Top Hat won't give you up so easily. Warrior back away a bit, seemingly retreating. Top Hat smiles a wolfish and triumphant grin. His fangs glisten in the moonlight. Seems he's won and your heart sinks. You give Warrior a pleading look. Little do you know what Warrior has planned.
Top Hat reaches for you and you brace, expecting the worst. Warrior then charges at full speed, ramming into Top Hat's side, making the railway tug hit the docks, hard, and pining him against the concrete. Top Hat's screech is cut short as the breath is knocked out of him. He gasps for breath and almost tries to reach you one more time, only for Warrior to snatch you instead. Warrior snarls as he snaps his jaws at the railway tug, making Top Hat flinch a little.
Warrior growls softly and carefully looks you over for wounds, chuffing softly. He looks at Top Hat before moves further away from him, deeper into the port. Warrior gently places you on his bow. He purrs softly as you immediately run and cling to him. You tremble as you take some time to regain your strength. You sigh in relief.
Warrior freezes as he hears something, and sniffs the air. He quickly grows pale. Hercules slinks from the darkness, a bit of a ways away, but still too close for comfort. Hercules sniffs the air. Seems he hasn't spotted you yet. Warrior is quick to gently pick you up with his anchor-like claws and place you under his hat to mask you scent. He makes a decision right then and there that he needs to keep you safe for the night.
Warrior slinks deep into the port, away from the other tugs before he stops and lifts his hat and gently grabs you with anchor-like claws. He lowers you to his eye level and gives a kind smile, careful to hide his fangs.
"I hope you don't mind me keeping you safe for the night. I don't think you'll be able to make it back home in one piece." Warrior keeps his voice at a low and gentle volume and tone. You think for a moment and nod. Sure you won't make it home tonight, but you'd rather be safe than to risk being snatched by another tug that doesn't have such friendly intentions.
Warrior holds you close for a moment before he gently places you under his hat. "Don't worry about breakfast either when you get up in the morning. I'll make sure you're fed and everything. Just relax, and get some sleep. I'll protect you, I promise.."
And with that, you slowly fall asleep to Warrior's soft purring, knowing you're perfectly safe and sound.. Perhaps you've even found a new friend too.
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