#tw melissophobia
wanderingsimsfinds · 1 year
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Introducing the Honeycomb Collection
There are 9 seamless patterns included (Honeycomb 1-9)
Found under THEMED
There are ZIPs for sims3packs, packages, and preview images
There is a MERGED package file with all 9 patterns
DOWNLOAD (SFS) (MediaFire)
Source: The PNG Warehouse
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
The cousin who runs a farm and keeps bees: So, a mouse got into one of the hives, and they covered him with wax and sealed him into the cells. Sure, they stung him to death, and he was in the corner of the hive; I thought he was a clump of honey at first, but no, he was dead and covered in wax.
The rest of the family: 😱 😱😱
Me, having read about bees in Terry Pratchett's Lords and Ladies (Only one queen in a hive! Slash!!! Stab!!!): Yeah, that sounds about right.
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cow-and-chicken · 2 months
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Season 5 Episode 21 - I Bee Weasel
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pearlescent-soda · 1 year
☠️🐲//Elder Dragon Fear Headcanons
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These are headcanons that go over what I believe the Elder Dragons biggest fears are without going into much detail. These are based off my previous headcanons about them, their clans, and their professions, and may seem OOC (Out of Character) to many, but it was fun to write nonetheless.
TW: Mentions of Fear, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Death, Mentions of Violence, etc.
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Alban: Nothing
Alvar: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Argus: Agrizoophobia, Fear of wild animals
Astor: Cardiophobia, Fear of the heart (palpatations, pains, etc.)
Darius: Psellismophobia, Fear of stuttering
Delbin: Dentophobia, Fear of dentists
Devlin: Ataxophobia, Fear of disorder or untidiness
Gavin: Thermophobia, Fear of intolerance to hot temperatures
Gildas: Potophobia, Fear of drinking alcohol
Lindar: Apeirophobia, Fear of infinity, eternity, or the uncountable
Nestor: Asymmetriphobia, Fear of asymmetrical things
Nevin: Rhytiphobia, Fear of getting wrinkles
Nils: Anemophobia, Fear of wind or drafts
Oswin: Chiroptophobia, Fear of bats
Thor: Nothing
Tomas: Phasmophobia, Fear of ghosts
🛡️Peace Keepers:
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Andor: Nothing
Asher: Ankylophobia, Fear of immobility of a joint
Boris: Iophobia, Fear of poison
Conan: Gamophobia, Fear of marriage
Enzo: Coulrophobia, Fear of clowns
Gunnar: Scotomaphobia. Fear of blindness, or spots in one's visual field
Halvor: Nothing
Ivor: Iatrophobia, Fear of doctors
Magnus: Kinemortophobia, Fear of zombies
Marco: Enochlophobia, Fear of crowds
Maximos: Ophidiophobia, Fear of snakes
Ragnar: Necrophobia, Fear of death or dead bodies
Titan: Soteriophobia, Fear of depending or becoming dependent on someone else
Todor: Agoraphobia, Fear of open places rather than enclosed
Trondo: Nostophobia, Fear of returning home
Ulric: Gelotophobia, Fear of being laughed at
✨️Magic Crafters:
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Ajax: Arachnophobia, Fear of spiders
Altair: Nothing
Boldar: Anatidaephobia, Fear of ducks, geese or swans
Cedric: Scotomaphobia, Fear of blindness
Cosmos: Metathesiophobia, Fear of changes
Cyrus: Nothing
Eldrid: Musophobia, Fear of mice and rats
Hexus: Daemonophobia, Fear of demons
Jarvis: Bibliophobia, Fear or Hatred of books
Kelvin: Harpaxophobia, Fear of being robbed
Lucas: Mazeophobia, Fear of being lost
Zander: Maniaphobia, Fear of insanity
Zane: Teraphobia, Fear of monsters 
Zantor: Athazagoraphobia, Fear of being forgotten
🌺Beast Makers:
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Bruno: Ecophobia, Fear of cataclysmic environmental change
Bubba: Isolophobia, Fear of solitude
Claude: Antlophobia, Fear of flooding,
Cleetus: Ablutophobia, Fear of bathing
Cyprin: Ptophobia, Fear of falling
Damon: Nothing
Isaak: Claustrophobia, Fear of confined spaces
Jed: Kynophobia, Fear of rabies
Lyle: Belonephobia, Fear of pins and needles
Rosco: Batrachophobia, Fear of amphibians
(Bonus) Red: Thanatophobia, Fear of death
Sadiki: Dystychiphobia, Fear of accidents
Zeke: Nothing
🌌Dream Weavers:
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Apara: Claustrophobia, Fear of having no escape and being closed in
Azizi: Ligyrophobia, Fear of loud noises
Bakari: Arachibutyrophobia, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
Baruti: Quadraphobia, Fear of the number four
Copano: Bogyphobia, Fear of bogeys or bogeymen
Kasiya: Symmetrophobia, Fear of symmetry
Kosoko: Pediculophobia, Fear of lice
Lateef: Nothing
Lutalo: Scelerophibia, Fear of burglars, robbers, or criminals
Mazi: Nothing
Mudada: Bathophobia, Fear of depth
Obasi: Haphephobia, Fear of touch
Revilo: Pyrophobia, Fear of fire
Unika: Nihilophobia, Fear of nothingness
Useni: Melissophobia, Fear of bees
Zikomo: Astraphobia, Fear of thunder and lightning
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Image Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] Dividers by @baka-tsuki-2
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azisicons · 2 years
since you do stimboards PLEASE do one on either honey and bees OR my fav tv show the imbetweeners!!!!!!! xoxo (tingleberry)
TW FOR Melissophobia, or apiphobia
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jontaro-kun · 4 years
Me to myself: You should really get to writing or at least world-building literally any other non-knight race.
Myself: Yeah yeah that's great anyway BEES ARE THIS BIG AND FLUFFY IN ONIRAN.
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I've already come up with 3 unique species of bee including one that uses magic.
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apophoto · 2 years
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A bee :o
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axeartifex · 6 years
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Another zine preview! This time it’s all about the bees baby 
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ilikehotmurdermen · 3 years
basically what it says on the tin :D! this kinda acts as a baseline to all my works in terms of pronouns and stuff. please don't argue with me abt any of these - a lot of this is me projecting so arguing about these hcs feels icky,,
this took me like 2 weeks to make,,,, motivation is LOW
TW's: vague mention of animal injury (no detail), mention of various phobias, very brief mention of mental illness (no detail)
Billy Lenz - 🎄
Pronouns: It/He
Gender Identity: Trans Demiboy
Sexuality: Aceflux Omniromantic, male pref
Birthday: 9th December 1947
Height: 5'7
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, Paranoid Schizophrenia, ADHD)
Phobias: Ophthalmophobia - fear of being stared at, Agoraphobia - fear of open places/crowds, Astrophobia - fear of thunder & lightning, Cynophobia - fear of dogs
Likes: Christmas, collecting things, fairy lights, cats, gingerbread houses, big clothes
Dislikes: Dogs, clothes that are too tight, itchy things, non scented candles, plain water, storms
Brahms Heelshire -📚
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: No idea, probably doesn't even know that there's labels for sexuality but prefers women
Birthday: 2nd November 1983
Height: 6'3
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, ADHD)
Phobias: Pediophobia - fear of dolls, Autophobia - fear of being alone
Likes: Drawing, playing piano, classical music, trad goth music, collectable plushies, blankets, painting
Dislikes: Loud music, loud noises in general, velvet fabric, coffee, outdoors, rain
Billy Loomis - 🔪
Pronouns: He/They
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: 20th January 1978
Height: 5'10
Neurodiversity: Typical
Phobias: Arachnophobia - fear of spiders, Emetophobia - fear of vomit
Likes: Horror movies, the smell of rain, gore, sappy romance movies (they'll never admit it though)
Dislikes: Most bugs, bright colours, sugary food
Stu Macher -📞
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Trans Man
Sexuality: Homoflexible
Birthday: 24th January 1978
Height: 6'3
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD)
Phobias: Acrophobia - fear of heights, Gerascophobia - fear of aging
Likes: Sappy romance movies, horror media, true crime, SNES games, flirting with women just to mess with them, all animals with the exception of chihuahuas
Dislikes: Heights, his own birthday, chihuahuas and only chihuahuas, being alone for long periods of time
Michael Myers (OG) -🎃
Pronouns: He/Him but doesn't care
Gender Identity: Presents masc but doesn't care
Sexuality: Really just doesn't care
Birthday: 19th October 1957
Height: 6'1
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism)
Phobias: Somniphobia - fear of sleep, Trypanophobia - fear of needles/injections
Likes: Halloween, horror movies, sweets, sweetened coffee, rats
Dislikes: Hospitals, Christmas, being touched, being restrained in any way, being told no
Michael Myers (RZ) -🎭
Pronouns: He/They + some neos, but really doesn't mind any pronouns
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: 19th October 1980
Height: 6'9
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, dyscalculia)
Phobias: Autophobia - fear of being alone/isolated, Trypanophobia - fear of needles/injections
Likes: Halloween, making masks, classic horror movies, physical affection, sweets, hot chocolate, carving pumpkins, snakes, burning hot showers
Dislikes: Hospitals, being restrained, being forced to talk, people staring at him, dogs
Bo Sinclair -🔧
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: Bisexual, refuses to call himself anything other than straight though
Birthday: 9th April 1973
Height: 6'1
Neurodiversity: Typical
Phobias: Melissophobia - fear of bees
Likes: Rom Coms, cars, heavy metal, jigsaw puzzles, 80s tech
Dislikes: Small kids, snakes, flying insects, mobile phones
Vincent Sinclair -🕯️
Pronouns: He/They/Xe + some neos
Gender Identity: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday: 9th April 1973
Height: 6'1
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism)
Phobias: Agoraphobia - fear of open places/crowds, Gelotophobia - fear of being laughed at
Likes: Drawing, painting, making wax statues, reading, most genres of metal
Dislikes: Loud music, strong chemical smells, strong tastes, food/drinks with chunks, red wine
Lester Sinclair -⛺
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: He's just confused
Birthday: 8th July 1976
Height: 5'7
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism, dyslexia, ADHD)
Phobias: Aerophobia - fear of flying, Megalophobia - fear of large objects
Likes: Dogs, country music, collecting bones & oddities, classic rock, Madonna, walks in the woods
Dislikes: Tight shirts, snow, seeing animals in pain, dress shirts, whatever music Bo has on in his garage, big empty spaces
Jedidiah "Bubba" Sawyer -🐓
Pronouns: She/They/He but depends on the day
Gender Identity: Genderfluid
Sexuality: Pansexual Demiromantic
Birthday: 5th July 1940
Height: 6'4
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism - Non/Semi verbal)
Phobias: Selachophobia - fear of sharks, Aquaphobia - fear of water, Icthyophobia - fear of fish
Likes: Sewing, makeup, sweet tea, synthpop, shiny things, nice smelling candles, patterned clothes, chickens
Dislikes: Spicy food, plain fabrics, vehicles, bright colours, loud music
Thomas Hewitt -🪚
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender Identity: Cis Man
Sexuality: Bisexual, female pref
Birthday: 31st July 1940
Height: 6'5
Neurodiversity: Divergent (Autism - semi verbal, dyslexia)
Phobias: Pharmacophobia - fear of medicine, Atychiphobia - fear of failure
Likes: Colourful shirts and ties, 50s-70s era rock, sweet tea, white noise, soft blankets, long walks alone
Dislikes: Strong liqueur, citrus fruits, whatever 100 Gecs have going on, books, words in general tbh, people invading his personal space
[PART 2]
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